Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Texas
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Texas Research Activities

K Watson presenting

Current efforts of Texas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit focus on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Specific fields of interest include fisheries and wildlife management, aquatic and wildlife ecology, community ecology, ecophysiology, ecotoxicology, reproductive biology, and fish culture. These research and educational efforts are based on the technical expertise of unit scientists and university cooperators.

Project Completion Date
RWO 90: A range wide assessment of the influence of landscape and environmental change on lesser prairie-chickens December 2017
RWO94 Assessing occupancy and reproductive status of golden eagles at historic aeries in Texas. August 2015
RWO93 Development of a decision tool for eagle take permit issuance based on detection and occupancy moels of migrant and overwintering golden eagles in the Southern Great Plains August 2015
RWO92 Development of a standardized protocol for surveying and monitoring golden eagles in the DRECP April 2015
OA74 NWI SNL/TTU bird & bat environmental study for the experimental windfarm November 2014
OA 75: Influence of wind energy on Swainson's hawk ecology September 2017
Variation and plasticity and their interaction with urbanization in Guadalupe bass populations on and off the Edwards Plateau December 2016
Do river-reservoir interface habitats to serve as surrogate nursery habitats for floodplain-dependent riverine fishes? May 2015
Development of Pecos assiminea (Assiminea pecos) monitoring methods and effects of habitat restoration on Pecos assiminea at Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge September 2015
Home range and habitat use of red-shouldered hawks. August 2010
Avian productivity and survivorship on the Welder Wildlife Refuge. December 2009
Assessing the impact of avian predators as a limiting factor of lesser prairie-chickens December 2009
Winter ecology and habitat use of lesser prairie-chickens in west Texas. August 2011
Lesser Prairie-chcken ecology during pre- and post-construction of wind energy facilities in west Texas. August 2012
Threat specific escape behaviors and habitat use by northern bobwhite. August 2012
Understanding the Ecology, Habitat Use, Phenology and Thermal December 2012
An adaptive management approach to assessing free water as a critical habitat need for lesser prairie-chicken reproduction September 2013
RWO84 Golden eagle survey and monitoring strategy development September 2015
Modeling and Projecting the Influence of Climate Change on Texas Surface Waters and their Aquatic Biotic Communities December 2012
Incidence and characterization of intersex, testicular tumors, and reproductive condition in common carp as indicators of water quality and fish health in Lake Mead National Recreation Area September 2012
Chemical Contaminants and Fish Endocrine and Reproductive Conditions in Lake Mead National Recreation Area - Wastewater Study June 2011
Resource Management in Changing Climate:Understanding the Relationship between Water Quality and Golden Alga Distribution in the Pecos River New Mexico & Texas September 2013
Biomarkers of Health and Reproduction in Amphibians for use by the ARMI Program January 2006
Biomarkers of Exposure to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Largescale Sucker of the Lower Columbia River September 2011
Biomarkers of endocrine and reproductive disruption in fish of Lake Mead and the Colorado River June 2010
Assessment of the reproductive behavior and mating systems of southern flounder to improve captive propagation protocols August 2014
Cod lunacy? Assessing the entrainment and adaptive significance of environmental cycles on the timing of Atlantic cod reproduction January 2014
Evaluation and refinement of Guadalupe bass conservation strategies to support adaptive management August 2014
Effects of temperature, salinity, and suspended solids on the early life history stages of Arkansas River shiner May 2013
Evaluating habitat associations of a fish assemblage at multiple scales in a minimally distrubed stream on the Edwards Plateau August 2013
Guadalupe bass habitat use patterns at a landscape scale August 2013
Environmental factors influencing the spread, growth, and toxicity of golden alga September 2013
TCU 470: Influence of environmental thresholds on trajectories of freshwater assemblages with implications for building climate resilience across prairie landscapes September 2027
TPW 52: Experimental Approaches to Improve Survival and Conservation of Swift Fox December 2028
OA 109: Distribution and Habitat Associations of the Federally Threatened Mexican Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis lucida) in Texas November 2025
TCU 444: Food habits of SGCN fishes to inform habitat assessment and restoration in the Red River basin August 2025
TCU 443: Assessment of Gila pandora in Little Aguja Creek (Davis Mountains), Texas August 2025
OA 104: Intermittent River Research Coordination Network (IRRCN): Integrating Intermittent River Ecology and Hydrology June 2024
OA 104: The Significance of Green Plant Material in the Nesting Ecology of Birds of Prey December 2023
OA 102: Owl community structure and resource parititioning on the Welder Wildlife Refugeies May 2026
OA 103: Book. Birds of Prey: Conservation and Management August 2024
OA 98: Pilot Project – Home Range and Habitat Use of Zone-tailed Hawks December 2024
TPW 47: Assessing Texas Kangaroo Rat Habitat Connectivity, Management, and Monitoring Protocols August 2024
OA 107: Improving institutional diversity in professional society participation through virtual and hybrid conferencing June 2025
OA 99: Avian community response and focal species survival to treatment of pinyon-juniper woodlands. April 2024
Risk assessment for Giant Salvinia in Arkansas waters June 2023
TCU 438: Evaluating resilience and vulnerability of fish assemblage structure to intermittent flow December 2024
RWO 102: TCU 436 Development of an Effective Survey Methodology for Detection and Monitoring of Texas Kangaroo Rats May 2024
TCU 441: Species distribution modeling and Native Fish Conservation Area prioritization to guide landscape level conservation (RWO 104) February 2025
TCU 433: Assessing risk for westward expansion of zebra mussels to guide EDRR strategies (RWO 103) August 2025
Development of Environmentally Friendly Methods to Control Harmful Algal Blooms August 2021
OA 95: Nest Survival and Site Selection of Avian Communities in Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands Undergoing Thinning Prescriptions September 2023
OA 91: NWI SWiFT Bird Environmental Study September 2022
OA 92: Pilot study - Guana Island Avian Response to Hurricanes September 2021
Developing an automated system for screening wildlife trail ... August 2019
OA 93: Ecology, Habitat Use, and Impacts of Wind Energy on Burrowing Owls. September 2021
Salinity adaptation in the ichthyotoxic golden alga June 2019
Effects of Glyphosate-Based Herbicide, Roundup, on Harmful Golden Alga (Prymnesium parvum) Growth June 2018
OA 90: Avian Community Response to Brush Control on the Welder Wildlife Refuge: Phase II December 2020
OA 87: Interactions of Juvenile Swainson's Hawks with Wind Energy Facilities During Dispersal and Migration September 2019
OA 85: An Investigation of Transmitter Impacts on Avian Flig... December 2018
OA 84: Urban Raptors June 2018
OA 74: Bird and Bat Environmental Study for the Experimental... September 2019
TPW 40: Assessing Distribution and Occupancy Patterns of Riparian Avifauna in the Trans Pecos Region of Texas August 2021
RWO 100: Changes in Avian and Plant Community Composition and Structure Following Prescribed Thinning in Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands. September 2021
Towards a better understanding of Blue Suckers: validation of age determination methods & estimating the influence of temperature on aerobic scope & swimming performance August 2019
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals, global warming, and reproductive health in fishes August 2018
Assessing the risk of dreissenid mussel invasion in Texas based on lake physical characteristics and potential for downstream dispersal September 2017
RWO 99: Winter Abundance and Habitat Associations of Golden ... May 2017
RWO 98: Structure and Connectivity of Mid-Continental Snowy ... September 2020
RWO 97: Assessment of Surveys for Golden Eagles and Other Ra... January 2017
RWO 96: Understanding the Role of Muleshoe National Wildlife ... December 2018
TPW 34: Understanding the Ecology of Lesser Prairie-Chickens... August 2018
OA81: Pilot Study - field testing data collection methods an... March 2017
Distribution of Golden Alga in Brazos River and Rio Grande Basins May 2017
Influence of Environmental Variables on Growth of Toxigenic Golden Alga (Prymnesium parvum): A Laboratory Test of Field-Generated Hypotheses May 2020
Recruitment dynamics and reproductive ecology of Blue Sucker in Texas, with a focus on the Big Bend region of the Rio Grande August 2018
Assessing the feasibility of using acoustic monitoring for Burbot conservation, management, and production January 2016
Assessment and monitoring at TPWD public river access leases to guide sustainable management July 2017
Guadalupe Bass flow-ecology relationships; with emphasis on the impact of flow on recruitment May 2018
Assessing the effects of flow regime variation on Blue Sucker spawning movements, habitat use, and recruitment in the lower Colorado River, TX August 2018
Evaluating the effects of drought and anthropogenic influences on the growth of stream fishes on the Edwards Plateau August 2016
Research Publications Publication Date
Zobeck, T. M., N. C. Parker, and G. Kang. 2000. Estimating wind erosion in the southern high plains using a physically-based model and GIS. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 82(1-3):247-259. January 2000
Zavaleta, J.C., D.A. Haukos, B. Grisham, C. Boal, and C. Dixon. 2014. Restoring sand shinnery oak prairies with herbicide and grazing in New Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist 61:225-232. October 2016
Yoshizaki, G., Shusa, M., Takeuchi, T., and Patino, R. 2001. Gonadotropin-dependent oocyte maturational competence requires activation of the protein kinase A pathway and synthesis of RNA and protein in ovarian follicles of Nibe, Nibea mitsukurii (Teleostei, Sciaenidae). Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 25:201-208. March 2003
Yoshizaki, G., Patino, R., Thomas, P., Bolamba, D., and Chang, X. 2001. Effects of maturation-inducing hormone on heterologous gap junctional coupling in ovarian follicles of Atlantic croaker. General and Comparative Endocrinology 124:359-366. November 2001
Yamamoto, Y., Yoshizaki, G., Takeuchi, T., Soyano, K., and Patiño, R. 2008. Role of gap junctions during ovarian follicle maturation and of protein kinase A during the development of oocyte maturational competence in Ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis). General and Comparative Endocrinology 155: 789-795. February 2008
Yamamoto, Y., Yoshizaki, G., Takeuchi, T., Soyano, K., Itoh, F., and Patiño, R. Differential expression and localization of four connexins in the ovary of the ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis). Molecular Reproduction and Development 74, 1113-1123. September 2007
Yamamoto, Y., Hattori, R.S., Patiño, R., Strüssmann, C.A., 2019. Environmental regulation of sex determination in fishes: Insights from atheriniformes. In, Current Topics in Developmental Biology (Capel, B., editor), chapter 9. Academic Press. March 2019
Wu, C. Patino, R., Davis, K. B., and Chang, X. 2001. Cellular localization of estrogen recptor a and B transcripts in the testis of channel catfish. General and Comparative Endocrinology 124:12-20. August 2001
Worthington, TA, SK Brewer, TB Grabowski, and J Mueller. 2014. Backcasting the decline of a vulnerable Great Plains reproductive ecotype: Identifying threats and conservation priorities. Global Change Biology 20:89-102. doi: 10.1111/gcb.12329 January 2014
Worthington, TA, SK Brewer, N Farless, TB Grabowski, and MS Gregory. 2014. Factors affecting the transport time of semibuoyant fish eggs in large, altered river systems. PLoS ONE 9(5): e96599. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0096599 May 2014
Worthington, T.A., S.K. Brewer, T.B. Grabowski, and J. Mueller.2013. Evaluating the sampling efficiency of the Moore egg collector. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:79-88. | Abstract | Publisher Website January 2013
Welch-Acosta, B., B.R. Skipper, and C.W. Boal. 2019. Comparative breeding ecology of Mississippi Kites in urban and exurban areas of west Texas. Journal of Field Ornithology 90:248-257 September 2019
Welch, B.C., and C.W. Boal. 2015. Prey use and provisioning rates of urban nesting Mississippi Kites in west Texas. Journal of Raptor Research 49:141-151. | Abstract June 2015
Welch, B.C., C.W. Boal, and B.R. Skipper. 2017. Environmental influences on nesting phenology and productivity of Mississippi Kites (Ictinia mississippiensis). Condor 119:298-307. May 2017
Watson, K.A., D.U. Greene, and C.W. Boal. 2019. Breeding and diet of white-tailed kites (Elanus leucurus) in the Texas panhandle. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 131:844-849. December 2019
Walters, A.W., N.G. Clancy*, T.P. Archdeacon, S. Yu, J.S. Rogosch, and E.A. Rieger*. Early view. Development of a refuge identification framework that promotes fish persistence during climate-related drought. Fish and Fisheries doi/10.1111/faf.12860

September 2024
Vidal-López, J.M., Álvarez-González, C.A., Contreras-Sánchez, W.M., Patiño, R., Hernández-Franyutti, A.A., Hernández-Vidal, U. 2012. Feminización de juveniles del Robalo Blanco Centropomus undecimalis (Bloch 1792) usando 17β-Estradiol. Revista Ciencias Marinas y Costeras 4: 83-93 November 2012
Veerina, S. S., N. C. Parker, and C. B. Fedler. 2002. Effects of sludge filtrate on the survival and reproduction of Ceriodaphnia dubia. Ecotoxicology 11:113-118. April 2002
VanLandeghem, M.M., Meyer, M.D., Cox, S.B., Sharma, B., Patiño, R. 2012. Spatial and temporal patterns of surface water quality and ichthyotoxicity in urban and rural river basins in Texas. Water Research 46: 6638-6651. November 2012
VanLandeghem, M.M., Farooqi, M., Southard, G., Patiño, R. 2015. Spatiotemporal associations of reservoir nutrient characteristics and the invasive, harmful alga Prymnesium parvum in west Texas. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 51: 487-501. April 2015
VanLandeghem, M.M., Farooqi, M., Southard, G., Patiño, R. 2015. Associations between water physicochemistry and Prymnesium parvum presence, abundance, and toxicity in west Texas reservoirs. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 51: 471-486. | Abstract April 2015
VanLandeghem, M.M., Farooqi, M., Farquhar, B., Patiño, R. 2013. Impacts of golden alga Prymnesium parvum on fish populations in reservoirs of the upper Colorado River and Brazos River basins, Texas. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:581-595. February 2013
VanLandeghem, M.M., Denny, S., Patiño, R. 2015. Predicting the risk of toxic blooms of golden alga from cell abundance and environmental covariates. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 13: 568-586. | Abstract November 2015
Tábora-Sarmiento, S., Patiño, R., Portillo-Quintero, C., Coldren, C. 2022. Air, land, and water variables associated with the first appearance and current spatial distribution of toxic Prymnesium parvum blooms in reservoirs of the Southern Great Plains, USA. Science of the Total Environment 836, 155567. | Publisher Website May 2022
Turner, J.W., F. Hernandez, C.W. Boal, B.M. Ballard, F.C. Bryant, and D.B. Wester. 2014. Raptor abundance and northern bobwhite survival and habitat use. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38:689-696. December 2014
Torres, L., Orazio, C.E., Peterman, P.H., Patiño, R. 2013. Effects of dietary exposure to brominated flame retardant BDE-47 on thyroid condition, gonadal development and growth of zebrafish. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 39: 1115-1128. September 2013
Torres L, Nilsen E, Grove R, Patiño R. 2014. Health status of Largescale Sucker (Catostomus macrocheilus) collected along an organic contaminant gradient in the lower Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, USA. Science of the Total Environment 484, 353-364. April 2014
Tonkin, J.D., J.D. Olden, D.M. Merritt, L.V. Reynolds, J.S. Rogosch, and D.A. Lytle. 2021. Designing flow regimes to support entire river ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, fee.2348. May 2021
Timmer, J.M., M.J. Butler, W.B. Ballard, C.W. Boal, and H.A. Whitlaw. 2014. Spatially-explicit modeling of lesser prairie-chicken lek density in Texas. Journal of Wildlife Management 78:142-152. January 2014
Timmer, J.M, M.J. Butler, W.B. Ballard, and C.W. Boal. 2013. Abundance and density of lesser prairie-chicken leks in Texas. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:741 - 749. July 2013
Thompson, T.R., C.W. Boal, and D. Lucia. 2009. Grassland bird associations with introduced and native Conservation Reserve Program fields in the Southern High Plains. Western North American Naturalist 69:481-490. December 2009
Theodorakis, C., R. Patiño, E. Snyder, and E. Albers. 2006. Perchlorate Effects in Fish. In Perchlorate Ecotoxicology, Chapter 7 (R. J. Kendall and P. N. Smith, eds. ), Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)/SETAC Press, Pensacola, FL., pp. 155-184. September 2007
Taylor, C.M., Miyazono, S., Cheek, C.A., Edwards, R.J., Patiño, R. 2018. The spatial scale of homogenisation and differentiation in Chihuahuan Desert fish assemblages. Freshwater Biology 64, 222–232. December 2018
Taabu-Munyaho, A., R.J. Kayanda, I. Eversons, T.B. Grabowski, and G. Marteinsdóttir. 2013. Distribution and exploitation of Nile perch Lates niloticus in relation to stratification in Lake Victoria, East Africa. Journal of Great Lakes Research 39:466-475. | Abstract | Publisher Website July 2013
Suski, J.G., Salice, C.J., Patiño, R. 2012. Species-specific and transgenerational responses to increasing salinity in sympatric freshwater gastropods. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31:2517-2524. November 2012
Strussmann, C. A., Karube, M., Miranda, L. A., Patino, R., Somoza, G. M., Uchida, D., and Yamashita, M. 2002. Methods of sex control in fishes and an overview of novel hypotheses concerning the mechanisms of sex differentiation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Trivandrum, India. October 2002
Strobl-Mazzulla, P. H., Lethimonier, C., Guiguen, M. M., Karube, M., Fernandino, J. I., Yoshizaki, G., Patiño, R., Strüssmann, C. A., Kah, O., and Somoza, G. M. 2008. Brain aromatase (Cyp19A2) and estrogen receptors, in larvae and adult pejerrey fish Odontesthes bonariensis. Neuroanatomical and functional relations. General and Comparative Endocrinology 158: 191-201. December 2008
Strobel, B.N., and C.W. Boal. 2010. Regional variation in the diets of breeding red-shouldered hawks. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122:68-74. March 2010
Strobel, B.N., and C.W. Boal. 2010. Red-shouldered Hawk nesting habitat preference in south Texas. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 1:33-37. June 2010
Stahlecker, D.W., Z.P. Wallace, D.G. Mikesic, C.W. Boal, R.K. Murphy, W.H. Howe, and M.B. Ruehmann. 2022. Golden Eagle Breeding Distribution in Wind Energy Landscapes of the Southern Great Plains. Journal of Raptor Research 54:1-11. | Abstract September 2022
Smithers, B. L., C. W. Boal, and D. E. Andersen. 2005. Northern goshawk diet in Minnesota: an analysis using video recording systems. Journal of Raptor Research 39:264-273. September 2005
Skipper, B.R., and C.W. Boal. 2019. Nest-defense Behavior of Mississippi Kites in Urban and Exurban Areas. Human-Wildlife Interactions 13:142-149. May 2019
Skipper, B.R., and C.W. Boal. 2011. Female American kestrel survives double amputation. Journal of Raptor Research 45:374-375. January 2012
Skipper, B.R., C.W. Boal, J. Tsai, and M.R. Fuller. 2017. Assessment of frequency and duration of point counts when surveying for golden eagle presence. Wildlife Society Bulletin 41:212 - 223. April 2017
Skipper, B., B. Grisham, M. Kalyvaki, K. McGaughey, K. Mougey, L. Navarrete, R. Rondeau, C.W. Boal, and G. Perry. 2013. Non-overlapping distribution of feral sheep (Ovis aries) and stout iguana (Cyclura pinguis) on Guana Island, British Virgin Islands. IRCF Reptiles and Amphibians 20:188-192. April 2013
Sharma, P., Tang, S., Mayer, G.D., Patiño, R. 2016. Effects of thyroid endocrine manipulation on sex-related gene expression and population sex ratios in Zebrafish. General and Comparative Endocrinology 235: 38-47. June 2016
Sharma, P., Patiño, R. 2013. Regulation of gonadal sex ratios and pubertal development by the thyroid endocrine system in zebrafish (Danio rerio). General and Comparative Endocrinology 184:111-119 March 2013
Sharma, P., Grabowski, T.B., Patiño, R. 2016. Thyroid endocrine disruption and external body morphology of Zebrafish. General and Comparative Endocrinology 226: 42-49. January 2016
Sharma, B., and Patiño, R. 2010. Effects of Cadmium, Estradiol-17β and their interaction on gonadal condition and metamorphosis of male and female African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis. Chemosphere 79: 499-505. March 2010
Sharma, B., and Patiño, R. 2009. Effects of cadmium on growth, metamorphosis and gonadal sex differentiation in tadpoles of the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis. Chemosphere 76:1048-1055. September 2009
Sharma, B., and Patiño, R. 2008. Exposure of Xenopus laevis tadpoles to cadmium reveals concentration-dependent bimodal effects on growth and monotonic effects on development and thyroid gland activity. Toxicological Sciences 105:51-58. August 2008
Sharma, B., Hu, F., Carr, J.A. and Patiño, R. 2011. Water quality and amphibian health in the Big Bend Region of the Rio Grande Basin. Texas Journal of Science 63: 233-266. December 2014
Schroeder, E., C.W. Boal, and S.N. Glasscock. 2013. Nestling diets and provisioning rates of sympatric golden-fronted and ladder-backed woodpeckers. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125:188-192 March 2013
Schilder, L.J., L.J. Heintzman, N.E. McIntyre, S. Harryman, C.A. Hagen, R. Martin, C.W. Boal, and B.A. Grisham. 2022. Structural and Functional Landscape Connectivity for Lesser Prairie-Chickens in the Sand Shinnery Oak Prairie Ecoregion of the Southern High Plains. Journal of Wildlife Management 2022;86:e22146. Https:// February 2022
Sarkar, S., N. C. Parker, J. Garson, A. Aggarwal, and S. Haskell. 2001. Place prioritization for Texas using GAP data: The use of biodiversity and environmental surrogates within socioeconomic constraints. Gap Analysis Bulletin 9:48-50. December 2000
Santolo, G.M., and C.W. Boal. 2024. Variation in Cooper's Hawk (Accipiter cooperii) Eggshell Thickness: DDT, Measurement Methods, and Location. Journal of Raptor Research 58: September 2024
Rugg, M., Hamel, M.J., Pegg, M.A., Patiño, R., and Hammer, J.J. 2015 Reproductive Traits of Shovelnose Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus (Rafinesque, 1820) in the Lower Platte River, Nebraska. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 31: 592-602. August 2015
Ruegg, K.C. Ruegg, M. Brinkmeyer, C.M. Bossu, R. Bay, E.C. Anderson, C.W. Boal, R.D. Dawson, A. Eschenbauch, C.J.W. McClure, K.E. Miller, L. Morrow, J. Morrow, M.D. Oleyar, B. Ralph, S. Schulwitz,T. Swem, J.F. Therrien, T.B. Smith, J.A. Heath. 2021.The American Kestrel Genoscape (Falco sparverius): Implications for Monitoring, Management, and Subspecies Boundaries. Ornithology 138:1-14. DOI: 10.1093/ornithology/ukaa068. | Abstract | Download April 2021
Rosen, M.R., Goodbred, S.L., Wong, W.H., Patiño, R., Turner, K., Palmer, C.J., Roefer, P. 2012. Threats and stressors to the health of the ecosystems of Lakes Mead and Mohave. In, Rosen, M.R., Turner, K., Goodbred, S.L., Miller, J.M. (Eds.), A Synthesis of Aquatic Science for Management of Lakes Mead and Mohave (pp. 105-137). U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1381, 162 p. November 2012
Rosen, M.R., Alvarez, D.A., Goodbred, S.L., Leiker, T.J., and Patiño, R. 2009. Sources and distribution of organic compounds using passive samplers in Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Nevada and Arizona, and their implications for potential effects on aquatic biota. Journal of Environmental Quality 39:1161-1172. January 2010
Rosen, M. R., Goodbred, S. L., Patiño, R., Leiker, T. A., and Orsak, E. 2006. Investigations of the effects of synthetic chemicals on the endocrine system of common carp in Lake Mead, Nevada and Arizona. U. S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2006-3131, 4 p. October 2006
Rolls, R.J., J.S. Rogosch, and L.M. Kuehne. 2022. How Shall We Meet? Embracing the Opportunities of Virtual Conferencing. Fisheries. July 2022
Rogosch, J.S., H.I.A. Boehm, R.W. Tingley, K.D. Wright, E.B. Webb, C.P. Paukert. 2024. Evaluating effectiveness of restoration to address current stressors to riverine fish. Freshwater Biology, 69, 607-622. | Abstract May 2024
Rogosch, J.S. and J.D. Olden. 2021. Comparing opportunistic and strategic removal efforts to manage invasive fish species using a dynamic multi‐state occupancy model. Journal of Applied Ecology. September 2021
Roelke DL, Barkoh A, Brooks BW, Grover JP, Hambright KD, La Claire JD, Moeller PDR, Patino R. 2016. A chronicle of a killer alga in the west: Ecology, assessment and management of Prymnesium parvum blooms. Hydrobiologia 764: 29-50. January 2016
Roberts, C.P., Grant, W.E., Horton, M.L., Lindsey, Peterson, M.R., Rogosch, J.S. and Wang, H. (2024). Balancing ecology and practicality to rank waterbodies for preventative invasive species management. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 5(3). doi:

| Abstract
June 2024
Roberts, A.J., C.W. Boal, and H.A. Whitlaw. 2017. Nesting Ecology of Grassland Birds Following a Wildfire in the Southern Great Plains. Southwestern Naturalist 62:39-45. March 2017
Roberts, A.J., C.W. Boal, D.B. Wester, S. Rideout-Hanzak, and H.A. Whitlaw. 2012. Grassland bird community response to large wildfires. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 124:24-30 March 2012
Richardson, E.T. and Patiño, R. 2021, Growth of the harmful alga, Prymnesium parvum (Prymnesiophyceae), after gradual and abrupt increases in salinity. Journal of Phycology 57, 1335–1344. | Abstract | Publisher Website August 2021
Reiter, M. E., C.W. Boal, and D. E. Andersen. 2008. Anurans in a subarctic tundra landscape near Cape Churchill, Manitoba. Canadian Field-Naturalist 122:129-137. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website December 2008
Rashel, R.H. and Patiño, R. 2019. Growth response of the ichthyotoxic haptophyte, Prymnesium parvum Carter, to changes in sulfate and fluoride concentrations. PloS One 14(9): e0223266. | Publisher Website September 2019
Rashel, R., Patiño, R. 2017. Influence of genetic background, salinity, and inoculum size on growth of the itchthyotoxic golden alga (Prymnesium parvum). Harmful Algae 66: 97-104. June 2017
Pruett, A. L., C. W. Boal, M. C. Wallace, H. A. Whitlaw, and J. D. Ray. 2010. Small mammal associations with black-tailed prairie dog colonies in the Southern High Plains.Southwestern Naturalist 55:50-56 January 2010
Pruett, A. L., C. W. Boal, M. C. Wallace, H. A. Whitlaw, and J. D. Ray. 2009. Association of Black-tailed prairie dogs with playa lakes and a new approach to estimating size of populations. Southwestern Naturalist 54:19-23. March 2009
Price, A.N., M.A. Zimmer, A.J. Bergstrom, A.J. Burgin, E.C. Seybold, C.A. Krabbenhoft, S. Zipper, M.H. Busch, W.K. Dodds, A.W. Walters, J.S. Rogosch, R. Stubbington, R.H. Walker, J.C. Stegen, T. Datry, M.L. Messager, J.D. Olden, S. Godsey, M. Shanafield, D.A. Lytle, R.M. Burrows, K.E. Kaiser, G.H. Allen, M.C. Mims, J.D. Tonkin, M. Bogan, J. Hammond, K.S. Boersma, A.N. Myers-Pigg, A.G. DelVecchia, D.C. Allen, S. Yu, A. Ward, 2024. Biogeochemical and community ecology responses to the wetting of non-perennial streams. Nature Water 2: 815-826. September 2024
Portillo-Quintero, C., B. Grisham, D. Haukos, C. Boal, C. Hagen, Z. Wan, and N. Menkiti. 2022. Trends in lesser prairie-chicken habitat extent and distribution on the Southern High Plains. Remote Sensing (Special Issue Wildlife Ecology for a Dynamic Future). Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 3780. August 2022
Pope, K. L., Blankinship, D. R., Fisher, M., and Patiño, R. Status of common snook in Texas. Texas Journal of Science 58, 325-332. September 2007
Pirius, N.E., C.W. Boal, D.A. Haukos, and M.C. Wallace. 2013. Winter habitat use and survival of lesser prairie-chickens in west Texas. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:759-765. December 2013
Perry, G., C.W. Boal, R. Verble, and M.C. Wallace. 2020. “Good’ and ‘bad’ urban wildlife. Pages 141-170 in Problematic Wildlife Vol. 2: New conservation and management challenges in the human-wildlife interactions (F.M. Angelici and L. Rossi, editors). Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. June 2020
Perkins, R., C.W. Boal, and C.B. Dabbert. 2018. Raptor selection of captive rear and release galliform birds. Wildlife Society Bulletin 43:713-715. December 2018
Perkins, R., C.W. Boal, D. Rollins, and R.M. Perez. 2014. Northern bobwhite predator avoidance behavior in response to varying types of threat. Journal of Wildlife Management 78:1272-1281. September 2014
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Fritts, S. R., B. A. Grisham, R. D. Cox, C. W. Boal, D. A. Haukos, P. McDaniel, C. A. Hagen, and D. U. Greene. 2018. Interactive effects of severe drought and grazing on the life history cycle of a bioindicator species. Ecology and Evolution 8:9550–9562 DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4432 September 2018
Faquhar, C.C., and C.W. Boal. 2022. The Raptors of Texas. Texas A&M Publ., College Station, TX. April 2022
Erickson RA, Thomson HM, Kageyama S, Andriacchi GM, Patiño R, Amberg JJ. 2023. Assessing the suitability of YY males and ZZ females as an invasive species population control method across life histories. Biological Invasions, 25:3737–3751. | Abstract | Publisher Website August 2023
Eric Lonsdorf, Carol A. Sanders-Reed, Clint Boal, and Taber D. Allison. 2018. Modeling Golden Eagle - Vehicle Collisions to Design Mitigation Strategies. Journal of Wildlife Management 82:1633-1644. October 2018
Dwyer, J.F., R.K. Murphy, D.W. Stahlecker, A.M. Dwyer, and C.W. Boal. 2020. Golden Eagle perch site use in the U.S. southern plains: reducing mortality risk uncertainty. Journal of Raptor Research 54:126-135. May 2020
Durboraw, T. D., C. W. Boal, M. S. Fleck, and N. S. Gill. 2022. A century of varying-severity fire and forest structure recovery in Mexican spotted owl nesting habitat. Fire Ecology 18, 31 (2022). | Abstract December 2022
Delaune, K.D., Pease, A.A., Patiño, R., Barnes, M.A. 2024. Gulf Killifish (Fundulus grandis) in the Pecos River: unique ecological traits in a nonnative, inland population. The Southwestern Naturalist, 68:1-12. March 2024
DeStefano, S., and C. Boal. 2018. Perspectives and future directions. Pages 273-286 in C. Boal and C. Dykstra, Eds. Urban raptors: ecology and conservation of birds of prey in an urbanizing world. Island Press, Washington, D.C. June 2018
Dawson, D., VanLandeghem, M.M., Asquith, W.H., and Patiño, R. 2015. Long-term trends in reservoir water quality and quantity in two major river basins of the southern Great Plains, USA. Lake and Reservoir Management 31: 254-279. | Abstract September 2015
Daniel, Wesley M., Helen R Sofaer, Catherine S Jarnevich, Richard A. Erickson, Brett A DeGregorio, Peder S. Engelstad, Jonathan Freedman, Susan Canavan, E.M. Dean, Michael J. Adams, Charmayne L. Anderson, Mindy Barnett, Marybeth K. Brey, Kyle J. Brumm, Matthew S. Bunting, Emily Caffrey, Laura Cardador, Jacoby Carter, Phillip Cassey, Duane C. Chapman, Natalie Claunch, Timothy D. Counihan, Kristin P. Davis, Anant Deshwal, Andrew K. Douglas, Corey G. Dunn, Chase Ehlo, Katie Everett, Jason M. Gleditsch, Andrew Grosse, Zoey Hendrickson, Steve Hess, Jeff Hill, Nick Holmes, Ana V. Longo, Julie L. Lockwood, Doran Mason, Ashley McDonald, Matt Neilson, Kristen Reaver, Robert Reed, Caleb Roberts, Jane S. Rogosh, Christina Romagosa, James C. Russell, Annie Simpson, Scott A. Smith, Jinelle Sperry, Quenton M. Tuckett, Kurt VerCauteren, Hardin Waddle, Christian Wanamaker, John D. Willson, Elise Williams and Deah Lieurance. In Review. Vertebrates in Trade that Pose High Invasion Risk to the United States. Biological Conservation. | Abstract February 2025
Dabney, B, Patiño, R. 2018. Low-dose stimulation of growth of the harmful alga, Prymnesium parvum, by glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides. Harmful Algae 80, 130-139 | Abstract November 2018
Creamer, D.A, Rogosch, J.S., Patino, R.P. and McGaritty, M.M. 2025. Identifying lakes critical to the westward spread and establishment of zebra mussels. Biological Conservation. | Abstract February 2025
Clayton, J.B., Patiño, R., Rashel, R.H., Tábora-Sarmiento, S. 2021. Water quality associations and spatiotemporal distribution of the harmful alga Prymnesium parvum in an impounded urban stream system. Journal of Urban Ecology 7(1) juab011, May 2021
Chávez Montes, R.A., Mary, M.A., Rashel, R.H., Fokar, M., Herrera-Estrella, L., Lopez-Arredondo, D., Patiño, R. 2024. Hormetic and transcriptomic responses of the toxic alga Prymnesium parvum to glyphosate. Science of the Total Environment 954, 176451. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website September 2024
Chizinski, C. J., Sharma, B., Pope, K. L., and Patiño, R. 2008. A Bioenergetics Model for Zebrafish Danio rerio. Journal of Fish Biology 73: 35-43. July 2008
Chipman, E. D., N. E. McIntyre, R. E. Strauss, M. C. Wallace, J. D. Ray, and C. W. Boal. 2008. Effects of human land use on western burrowing owl foraging and activity budgets. Journal of Raptor Research 42:87-98. June 2008
Chipman, E. D., N. E. McIntyre, J. D. Ray, M. C. Wallace, and C. W. Boal. 2007. Behavioral effects of radio transmitter collars on adult male western burrowing owls. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:1662-1668 August 2007
Cheek, C.A., S. Hlavaty, K. Mougey, R.N. Perkins, M.A. Peyton, C.N. Ryan, J.C. Zavaleta, C.W. Boal, and G. Perry. 2013. Vertical structure use by the stoute iguana (Cyclura pinguis) on Guana Island, BVI. IRCF Reptiles and Amphibians 20:112-118. September 2013
Cheek, B.D. & T.B. Grabowski. 2014. Evaluating habitat associations of a fish assemblage at multiple scales in a minimally disturbed stream on the Edwards Plateau, central Texas. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS-104-2014, Washington, D.C. | Abstract | Download February 2014
Cheek BD, TB Grabowski, PT Bean, JR Groeschel, & SJ Magnelia. 2016. Evaluating habitat associations of a fish assemblage at multiple spatial scales in a minimally disturbed stream using low-cost remote sensing. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 26:20-34. doi: 10.1002/aqc2569 | Abstract | Publisher Website January 2016
Chang, X., Patino, R., Yoshizaki, G., Thomas, P., and Lee, V. H. 2000. Hormonal regulation and cellular distribution of connexin 32. 2 and connexin 32. 7 RNAs in the ovary of Atlantic croaker. General and Comparative Endocrinology 120:146-156. December 2000
Carr, J.A., and Patiño, R. 2011. The hypothalamus–pituitary–thyroid axis in teleosts and amphibians: Endocrine disruption and its consequences to natural populations. General and Comparative Endocrinology 170: 299-312. January 2011
Capps, T., Mukhi, S., Rinchard, J., Theodorakis, C. W., Blazer, V. S., Patino, R. 2004. Exposure to perchlorate induces the formation of macrophage aggregates in the trunk kidney of zebrafish and mosquitofish. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 16:145-151. October 2004
Campbell, M.D., Patiño, R., Tolan, J., Strauss, R., Diamond, S.L. 2009. Sub-lethal effects of catch and release fishing: measuring capture stress, fish impairment, and predation risk using a condition index. Ices Journal of Marine Science 63: 513-521. January 2010
Byerly, M. T., Fat-Halla, S. I., Betsill, R. K., and Patino, R. 2005. Evaluation of short-term exposure to high temperature as tool to suppress the reproductive development of channel catfish for aquaculture. North American Journal of Aquaculture 67, 331-339. October 2005
Brewer, SK, and TB Grabowski. 2013. Evaluating the reproductive success of Arkansas River shiner by assessing early life-history stage dispersal and survival at the landscape level. Final report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative (FWS agreement number F11AP00112) June 2013
Bolamba, D., Patino, R., Yoshizaki, G., and Thomas, P. 2003. Changes in homologous and heterologous gap junction contacts during maturation-inducing hormone-dependent meiotic resumption in ovarian follicles of Atlantic croaker. General and Comparative Endocrinology 131:291-295. April 2003
Boal, C.W., and W.B. Ballard. 2013. Predator – prey relationships and management. Chapter 13 in P. Krausman and J. Cain, editors. Wildlife management and conservation: concepts and practices. John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD October 2013
Boal, C.W., and J.D. Dwyer. 2018. Harris's hawks: all in the family. Pages 126-137 in Urban Raptors: ecology and conservation of birds of prey in an urbanizing world (C.W. Boal and C. Dykstra, eds.). Island Press, Washington DC USA June 2018
Boal, C.W., and C.R. Dykstra (editors). 2018. Urban raptors: ecology and conservation of birds of prey in cities. Island Press, Washington DC. June 2018
Boal, C.W., and C. Dykstra. 2018. Preface. Pages xi - xv in Urban Raptors: ecology and conservation of brids of prey in an urbanizing world [C. Boal and C. Dykstra, editors]. Island Press, Washington, DC.Island Press, Washington D.C. June 2018
Boal, C.W., P.K. Borsdorf, and T. Gicklhorn. 2013. Assessment of lesser prairie-chicken use of wildlife water guzzlers. Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society 46:10-18. | Abstract May 2014
Boal, C.W., MA. Thornley, and S.D. Mullican. 2021. Food habits of American kestrels in the Southern High Plains of Texas. Journal of Raptor Research 55:574-583. December 2021
Boal, C.W., M.C. Wallace, and B.N. Strobel. 2010. Perspectives on Animal Welfare Legislation and Study Considerations for Field-Oriented Studies of Raptors in the United States. Journal of Raptor Research 44:268-276. December 2010
Boal, C.W., J.M. Wunderle, Jr., and W.J. Arendt. 2013. Autumn monitoring of resident avifauna on Guana Island, B.V.I. Ornitologia Neotropical 24:335-343. | Abstract January 2014
Boal, C.W., C.L. Haralson-Strobel, and C.C. Farquhar. 2024. Breeding ecology of white-tailed hawks (Geranoaetus albicaudatus) on Texas barrier islands. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 136:237-245. June 2024
Boal, C.W., B.D. Bibles, and T.S. Gicklhorn. 2023. Patterns of water use by raptors in the Southern Great Plains. Journal of Raptor Research 57:444-455. | Abstract August 2023
Boal, C.W., B.D. Bibles, and J.M. Tomacek. 2022. Predator-Prey Relationships and Management. In Wildlife Management and Conservation: contemporary principles and practices (P.R. Krausman and J.W. Cain, III, editors). Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD. September 2022
Boal, C.W., B.D. Bibles, M.M. Pryor, and B.R. Skipper. 2022. Mississippi Kite nest defense: is there an influence of nest phenology or human activity? Journal of Raptor Research 56:356-361. August 2022
Boal, C.W. and D.A. Haukos. 2016. The Lesser Prairie-Chicken: a brief introduction to the grouse of the Southern Great Plains. Pp. 1-12 in D.A. Haukos and C.W. Boal (editors), Ecology and conservation of Lesser Prairie-Chickens. Studies in Avian Biology (no. 48), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. February 2016
Boal, C.W. 2023. Scavenging of roadkill by Mississippi Kites (Ictinial mississippiensis). Journal of Raptor Research 57:121-122. March 2023
Boal, C.W. 2019. Urban nesting by a broad-winged hawk pair in the southern High Plains of Texas. Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society. February 2020
Boal, C.W. 2018. Urban Raptor Communities: why some raptors and not others occupy urban environments. Pages 36-50 in Urban Raptors: ecology and conservation of brids of prey in an urbanizing world [C. Boal and C. Dykstra, editors]. Island Press, Washington, DC. June 2018
Boal, C.W. 2018. Estimates of Abundance and Longevity of Bridled Quail-Doves (Geotrygon mystacea) on Guana Island, British Virgin Islands. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130:981-987. December 2018
Boal, C.W. 2016. Predation and Lesser Prairie-Chickens. Pp. 145-158 in D.A. Haukos and C.W. Boal (editors), Ecology and conservation of Lesser Prairie-Chickens. Studies in Avian Biology (no. 48), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. | Abstract January 2016
Boal, C.W. 2016. Golden Eagle predation of an Adult Turkey Vulture. Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society 48:53-55. February 2016
Boal, C.W. 2014. Age-Ratios and Condition of En Route Migrant Blackpoll Warblers in the British Virgin Islands. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 126:568-574. September 2014
Boal, C.W. 2010. Colonial nesting yellow-crowned night herons at the San Antonio River Walk. Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society 43:45-48. December 2010
Boal, C. W., and T. S. Estabrook. 2007. Occurrence and condition of migrating Swainson's thrushes in the British Virgin Islands. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 119:716-720 December 2007
Boal, C. W., and M. D. Giovanni. 2007. Raptor predaton on Ord's kangaroo rat: evidence for diurnal activity by a nocturnal rodent. Southwestern Naturalist 52:291-295. June 2007
Boal, C. W., and D. E. Andersen. 2005. Microhabitat characteristics of Lapland Longspur (Calcarius lapponicus) nests at Cape Churchill, Manitoba. Canadian Field-Naturalist 119:208-213 April 2005
Boal, C. W., and B. D. Bibles. 2001. Responsiveness of elf owls to conspecific and great horned owl vocalizations. Journal of Field Ornithology 72:66-71. January 2001
Boal, C. W., T. S. Estabrook, and A. E. Duerr. 2003. Productivity and breeding habitat of loggerhead shrikes in an urban environment. Southwestern Naturalist 48:557-562 November 2003
Boal, C. W., T. E. Estabrook, and A. E. Duerr. 2004. Productivity of loggerhead shrikes nesting in an urban interface. Pages 104-109 in W. W. Shaw, L. K. Harris and L. VanDruff (eds. ). Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Urban Wildlife Conservation. May 1-5 1999, Tucson, AZ. September 2004
Boal, C. W., M. D. Giovanni, and B. Beall. 2006. Successful nesting by a bald eagle pair in prairie grasslands of the Texas panhandle. Western North American Naturalist 66:246-250. June 2006
Boal, C. W., H. A. Snyder, B. D. Bibles, and T. S. Estabrook. 2003. Temporal and spatial stability of red-tailed hawks in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico. Journal of Raptor Research 37:276-284 December 2003
Boal, C. W., F. Sibley, T. S. Estabrook, and J. D. Lazell, Jr. 2006. Insular and migrant species, longevity records, and new species records on Guana Island, British Virgin Islands. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 118:218-224. June 2006
Boal, C. W., D. E. Andersen, and P. L. Kennedy. 2005. Productivity and mortality of northern goshawks in Minnesota. Journal of Raptor Research 39:222-228. October 2005
Boal, C. W., D. E. Andersen, and P. L. Kennedy. 2005. Foraging and nesting habitat of breeding male northern goshawks in the Laurentian Mixed Forest Province, Minnesota. Journal of Wildlife Management 69:1516-1527. December 2005
Boal, C. W., D. E. Andersen, and P. L. Kennedy. 2003. Home range and residency status of northern goshawks breeding in Minnesota. Condor 105:811-816. August 2003
Boal, C. W., D. E. Andersen, P. L. Kennedy, and A. M. Roberson. 2006. Northern goshawk ecology in the western Great Lakes region. Studies in Avian Biology 31:126-134. June 2006
Boal, C. W., C. A. Haralson, and W. H. Howe. 2008. Status of Golden Eagles in the Texas Panhandle. Journal of Raptor Research 42:220-224. September 2008
Boal, C. W. and H. M. Madden, 2021. Bridled Quail-Dove (Geotrygon mystacea), version 2.0. In Birds of the World (P. G. Rodewald, Editor). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA. January 2022
Boal, C. W. 2023. Nest usurpation by a female Mississippi Kite (Ictinia mississippiensis). Journal of Raptor Research 57:485-488. August 2023
Boal, C. W. 2008. Predation of a dwarf gecko (Sphaerodactylus macrolepis) by a bridled quail dove (Geotrygon mystacea). Journal of Caribbean Ornithology 21:50-51. July 2008
Boal, C. W. 2008. Observations of an Antillean Crested Hummingbird (Orthorhyncus cristatus) attacking saddled anoles (Anoles stratulus). Caribbean Journal of Ornithology 21:48-49 July 2008
Boal, C. W. 2008. Hacked nestling Mississippi Kite survives 6 years and demonstrates philopatry. Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society 41:66-68 October 2008
Boal, C. W. 2001. Nonrandom mating and productivity of adult and subadult Cooper's hawks. Condor 103:381-385 May 2001
Boal, C. W. 2001. Agonistic behavior of Cooper's hawks. Journal of Raptor Research 35:253-256 September 2001
Boal, C. 2011. Bridled Quail-dove (Geotrygon mystacea). Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Neotropical Birds ( | Publisher Website September 2011
Blake A. Grisham, B.A., C.W. Boal, N.R. Mitchell, T.S. Gicklhorn, P.K. Borsdorf, D.A. Haukos, and C. Dixon. 2015. Evaluation of Capture Techniques on Lesser Prairie-Chicken Trap Injury and Survival. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 6:318-326. | Publisher Website December 2015
Birdsong, T.W. and 19 co-authors. 2015. Native Black Bass Initiative: Implementing Watershed-Scale Approaches to Conservation of Endemic Black Bass and Other Native Fishes in the Southern United States. Pages 363-378 in Tringali, M.D., J.M. Long, T.W. Birdsong, and M.S. Allen, editors. Black bass diversity: multidisciplinary science for conservation. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 82, Bethesda, Maryland. | Abstract February 2015
Birdsong TW, M Bean, TB Hardy, TB Grabowski, T Heard, D Holdstock, K Kollaus, S Magnelia, & K Tolman. 2015. Application and utility of a low-cost unmanned aerial system to manage and conserve aquatic resources in four Texas rivers. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 2:80-85. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website May 2015
Bibles, B.D., and C.W. Boal. 2012. Morphometric-based sexual determination of Bananaquits (Coereba flaveola). Ornitologia Neotropical 23:507-515. December 2012
Behney, A.C., C.W. Boal, H.A. Whitlaw, and D.R. Lucia. 2012. Raptor community composition in the Texas Southern High Plains lesser prairie-chicken range. Wildlife Society Bulletin 36:291-296. June 2012
Behney, A.C., C.W. Boal, H.A. Whitlaw, and D.R. Lucia. 2010. Prey use by Swainson’s Hawks in the Lesser Prairie-chicken range of the Southern High Plains of Texas. Journal of Raptor Research 44:317-322. December 2010
Behney, A.C., C.W. Boal, H.A. Whitlaw, and D. Lucia. 2011. Interactions of raptors and Lesser Prairie-chickens at leks in the Texas Southern High Plains.Wilson Journal of Ornithology 123:332-338. June 2011
Behney, A.C., B.A. Grisham, C.W. Boal, H.A.Whitlaw, and D.A. Haukos. 2012. Sexual selection and mating chronology of lesser prairie-chickens. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 124:96-105 March 2012
Bean PT, & TB Grabowski. 2015. Evaluation and Refinement of Guadalupe Bass Conservation Strategies to Support Adaptive Management. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS-114-2015, Washington, D.C. April 2015
Barnes, M.A., Patiño, R. Assessing the risk of dreissenid mussel invasion in Texas based on lake physical characteristics and potential for downstream dispersal. Final Project Report to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department April 2018
Barnes, M.A. and Patiño, R. 2020. Predicting suitable habitat for dreissenid mussel invasion in Texas based on climatic and lake physical characteristics. Management of Biological Invasions 11: 63-79. | Download February 2020
Anderson, W.M., Sorensen, G.E., Lloyd-Strovas, J.D., Arroyo, R.J., Sosa, J.A., Wulff, S.J., Bibles, B.D., Boal, C.W., Perry, G. 2010. Distribution and Habitat Use by the Critically Endangered Stout Iguana (Cyclura pinguis) on Guana Island, British Virgin Islands. Reptiles and Amphibians 17:5-10. September 2010
Andersen, D.E., C.W. Boal, G. Perry, R.N. Mannan, and M.E. Reiter. 2010. Factors affecting distribution and detection of boreal chorus frogs and wood frogs at Cape Churchill, Manitoba. Pages 309-311 In L. Chow and K. McKay, eds. Hudson Bay regional research. Aboriginal Issues Press, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. July 2010
Actkinson, M. A., W. P. Kuvlesky, C. W. Boal, L. A. Brennan, and F. Hernandez. 2009. Breeding biology of sympatric red-tailed hawk, white-tailed hawk, and crested caracara populations in south Texas. Journal of Raptor Research 43:50-56 March 2009
Acre M & TB Grabowski. 2015. Deployment of paired push nets from jet-propelled kayaks to sample ichthyoplankton. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35:925-929. | Abstract | Publisher Website September 2015
Acktinson, M. A., W. P. Kuvlesky, C. W. Boal, L. A. Brennan, and F. Hernandez. 2007. Nest-site habitat relationships of red-tailed hawks, white-tailed hawks, and crested caracaras in south Texas. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 119:570-578 December 2007
Presentations Presentation Date
Zobeck, T.M., N.C. Parker, S. Haskell, and K. Guoding. August 2000. Scaling up from field to region for wind erosion prediction on cropland using GIS. National GAP 2000. San Antonio, TX. August 2000
Zhang, Q., Puvenna, V., Pati�o, R., and Liu, Z. 2005. Identification of progesterone receptor isoforms in ovarian follicles of the amphibian Xenopus laevis. Fourth Annual Symposium of New Mexico Idea Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence, Las Vegas, New Mexico March 2005
Yamamoto, Y., G. Yoshizaki, T. Takeuchi, K. Soyano, F. Itoh, and R. Pati�o. 2003. Heterologous gap junctions between oocyte and granulosa cells in Ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis): formation and role during GtH-dependent acquisition of oocyte maturational competence. Seventh International Symposium on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish, Mie, Japan May 2003
Xin, D., Stanford, B., Douglas, D.D., Orsak, E., Orphan, L., Snyder, S., and Patiño, R. 2009. Testing of Las Vegas Municipal Effluent (Clark County, Nevada) for Endocrine and Reproductive Effects to Fathead Minnow. Lake Mead Science Symposium, Las Vegas, NV. January 2009
Wu, C., P. Noack, R. Pati�o, and K.B Davis. 2000. Patterns of gene expression in male and sex-inversed female channel catfish during the period of gonadal sex differentiation. Fourth International Symposium on Fish Endocrinology. Seattle, Washington July 2000
Wright, K., J. Rogosch, H. Boehm, K. Ivey, C. Paukert, E. Webb, and R. Tingley III. 2022. Assessing river restoration: are we effectively addressing contemporary challenges facing inland freshwater fish? Joint Aquatic Sciences Annual Meeting, 14–20 May 2022. Grand Rapids, MI. May 2022
Wright, K., H. Boehm, A. Lynch, C. Paukert, J. Rogosch, R. Tingley III, E. Webb. Fishing for complements: A review of restoration effectiveness and opportunities for climate change adaptation for inland fish. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Overland Park, KS. 14 February 2023 February 2023
Worthington, T.A., T.B. Grabowski, and S.K. Brewer. 2013. Conservation implications of shrinking distributions: an example using Arkansas River shiner. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds, Stillwater. April 2013
Worthington, T.A., S.K. Brewer and T.G. Grabowski. 2013. Using species distribution models to understand the deline of a Great Plains cyprinid: conseravtion implications for the Arkansas River shiner. Annual Symposium of the U.S. Chapter of the International Association of Landscape Ecologists, Austin. April 2013
Worthington TA, SK Brewer, TB Grabowski. Using species distribution models to predict factors related to the historical and current decline of a federally-threatened fish species. 2012 US Regional Association of the International Association for Landscape Biology Annual Symposium. Newport, RI. 8-12 April 2012. April 2012
Wilson, W.M., J.S. Rogosch, S.F. Collins, and B.W. Durham. Evaluating seasonal differences in trophic niche metrics and basal resource use among four prairie fishes of conservation need. Desert Fishes Council Annual Meeting. Grand Junction, Colorado. November 20-24, 2024. November 2024
Wilson, W.M., J.S. Rogosch, S.F. Collins, and B.W. Durham. 2024. Spatial and interspecific variation in feeding habits of four native prairie stream fishes. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Nacogdoches, TX. February 23-25, 2024. February 2024
Wilson, W.M., J.S. Rogosch, S.F. Collins, B.W. Durham. 2023. Assessing the feeding habits of an imperiled prairie river fish assemblage. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Corpus Christi, TX. February 23-25, 2023 February 2023
Wilson, W. M., Rogosch, J. S., Collins, S. F., Durham, B. W. 2024. Spatial and interspecific variation in feeding habits of four native prairie stream fishes. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. Jun 2-6, 2024. June 2024
Williams, L.D., Patiño, R. 2017. Multiple toxic blooms of golden alga (Prymnesium parvum) occurred in the Lubbock Canyon Lakes System in fall of 2016—could these instances be predictive of a larger bloom in spring of 2017? Texas Tech University Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, Lubbock, Texas. March 2017
Williams, L.D., Patiño, R. 2017. Multiple toxic blooms of golden alga (Prymnesium parvum) occurred in the Lubbock Canyon Lakes System in fall of 2016—could these instances be predictive of a larger bloom in spring of 2017? Texas Tech Seventh Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Lubbock, Lubbock, Texas. April 2017
Welch, B.C., and C.W. Boal. 2015. The Predicted Influence of Climate Change on Mississippi Kite Reproductive Parameters in West Texas. International Urban Wildlife Conference, Chicago, IL. May 2015
Welch, B., and C.W. Boal. 2012. Provisioning rates of urban nesting Mississippi kites. 48th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Fort Worth, TX February 2012
Welch, B., and C. Boal. Provisioning rates of urban Mississippi kites. Urban Wildlife Management and Planning Conference, Austin, TX. May 2011. May 2011
Webb, M.A.H., G.W. Feist, J.P. Van Eenennaam, R. Pati�o, M.S. Fitzpatrick, C.B. Schreck, and S.I. Doroshov. 2001. Ovarian steroidogenesis and the effects of steroid hormones on oocyte maturation in vitro in white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus). Fourth International Sturgeon Symposium, Oshkosh, Wisconsin January 2001
Watson, K.A., C.W. Boal, and J.D. Ray. Swainson’s hawk migration flight characteristics across a variable landscape. 2019 Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Reno NV. October 2019
Watson, K.A., C.W. Boal, and J.D. Ray. Swainson's hawks use the staging strategy to complete long-distance migration. Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, San Marcos, TX. April 2018. April 2018
Watson, K.A., C.W. Boal, and J.D. Ray. Migration, wintering movements, and the first return to the breeding range of fledgling Swainson's hawks. 2018 meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Dallas, TX. February 2018
Watson, K.A., C.W. Boal, and J.D. Ray. Flight Characteristics of Migrating Swainson’s Hawks Across a Variable Landscape. 2019 Meeting of The Raptor Research Foundation, Fort Collins, CO. November 2019
Watson, K.A., C.W. Boal, and J.D. Ray. 2022. Risk of Swainson's Hawks Encountering Wind Turbines Across Their Global Range. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Marble Falls, TX, 24-26 Feb. 2022 February 2022
Watson, K.A., C.W. Boal, and J.D. Ray. 2021. Survival and Behaviors of Juvenile and Adult Swainson's Hawks. Annual Meeting of The Raptor Research Foundation, Boise, ID. October 2021. October 2021
Watson, K.A., C.W. Boal, and J.D. Ray. 2021. Risk of Swainson's Hawks Encountering Wind Turbines Across Their Global Range. Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Boise, ID. October 2021. October 2021
Watson, K.A., C.W. Boal, and J.D. Ray. 2019. Swainson’s hawks select for open country while migrating through the rainforests of Central and South America. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Montgomery, TX, 20-23 February 2019 February 2019
Watson, K.A., C.W. Boal, L. Groen, and J.D. Ray. Flight elevation of migrating Swainson's hawks and risk of encountering wind turbines. Annual meeting of The Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, NM. September 2017
Watson, K., and C.W. Boal. Summarizing publicly available raptor fatality reports from wind farms across the contiguous United States and Canada. 2023 Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Albuquerque, NM October 2023
Watson, K., C.W. Boal, L. Groen, and J.D. Ray. 2017. Assessing Risk of Wind Turbines to Migrating Swainson's Hawks. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. February 2017
Washington, J., D.R. Malone, R. Martin, and C.W. Boal. Development of an improved survey method for the Texas kangaroo rat (Dipodomys elator). Annual meeting of The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, TX, Feb. 2023. February 2023
Washington, J., D. Malone, R. Martin, and C.W. Boal. Development of an improved survey method for the Texas kangaroo rat. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, TX 21-23 Feb 2024. February 2024
WalkerG, J., S. TeesneerG, J. Ray, C.W. Boal, and R. Matlack. 2012. Habitat selection, home range size, and nesting success of Swainson’s hawks before and after winde energy development on the Southern high Plains of Texas: preliminary results 48th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Fort Worth, TX. Feb. 2012 February 2012
Walker, J.R., R.S. Matlack, C.W. Boal, and J. Ray.2013. Home range determinations of nesting Swainson’s hawks: Ptts vs VHF. 49th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, TX. Feb. 2013. February 2013
WATSON, K. A., C. W. BOAL, L. M. GROEN, and J. D. RAY. Risk of Encountering Wind Turbines for Migrating Swainson’s Hawks Using Flight Altitude Data. 51st Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Salt Lake City, UT November 2017
Vikram, P., N., Pati�o, R., and Liu, Z. 2004. Gonadotropin regulation of aconitase synthesis in ovarian follicles of Xenopus laevis. Third Annual Symposium of the New Mexico Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network, Las Cruces, New Mexico May 2004
VanLandeghem, M.M., Patiño, R. 2013. Predicting the risk of toxic golden alga blooms from cell density and environmental variables. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Lake Conroe, Texas. January 2013
VanLandeghem, M.M., Patiño, R. 2013. Predicting the risk of toxic golden alga blooms from cell density and environmental variables. Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. February 2013
VanLandeghem, M.M., Patiño, R. 2013. Predicting the risk of toxic golden alga blooms from cell density and environmental variables. 12th Annual Graduate Student Poster Competition, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. April 2013
VanLandeghem, M.M., Farooqi, M., Southard, G., Patiño, R. 2012. Landscape-level associations between water quality and golden alga presence, abundance, and toxicity in reservoirs of west Texas. Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Lubbock, Texas. March 2012
VanLandeghem, M.M., Farooqi, M., Southard, G., Patiño, R. 2012. Landscape-level associations between water quality and golden alga presence, abundance, and toxicity in reservoirs of west Texas. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Galveston, Texas. February 2012
VanLandeghem, M.M, Farooqi, M., Farquhar, B., Patiño, R. 2012. Long-term impacts of the toxigenic golden alga (Prymnesium parvum) on fish populations in reservoirs of the upper Colorado River and Brazos River basins, Texas. Graduate Student Research Poster Competition, Texas Tech University Graduate School, Lubbock, Texas. March 2012
VanLandeghem, M., Patiño, R. 2015. Using a niche model to hindcast and forecast golden alga blooms: when did golden alga first arrive in the Brazos River and which lake will be affected next? Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Tyler, Texas. January 2015
VanLandeghem, M., M. Farooqi, B. Farquhar, G. Southard and R. Patiño. Relationships between water quality and toxic golden alga blooms in reservoirs of West Texas. Chihuahuan Desert Conference, El Paso, Texas. November 2010
VanLandeghem, M., Farooqi, M., Farquhar, B., and Patiño, R. 2011. Impacts of golden alga on fish populations in reservoirs of the Upper Colorado River and Brazos River Basins. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter American Fisheries Society, San Marcos, Texas January 2011
VanLandeghem, M., Farooqi, M., Farquhar, B., Southard, G. and Patiño, R. 2011. Relationships between water quality and toxic golden alga blooms in reservoirs of west Texas. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter American Fisheries Society, San Marcos, Texas January 2011
VanLandeghem, M., Farooqi, M., Farquhar, B., Southard, G. and Patiño, R. 2011. Impacts of golden alga on fish populations in reservoirs of the upper Colorado River and Brazos River basins, Texas. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Seattle, Washington September 2011
Tábora-Sarmiento, S., Patiño, R., Portillo-Quintero, C., Coldren, C. 2022. Air, land, and water variables and their association with the onset and distribution of toxic blooms of Prymnesium parvum in reservoirs of the Southern Great Plains, USA. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Hunt, Texas. February 2022
Tábora, S., Patiño, R., and Mayer, G. 2023. Nutrient limitations and differential gene expression of Prymnesium parvum throughout growth curve. SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting, Dublin, Ireland May 2023
Torres, L., and Patiño, R. 2010. Biomarker assessment in largescale sucker (Catostomus macrocheilus) exposed to endocrine disrupting compounds in the Columbia River Basin, Oregon. Graduate Student Research Poster Competition, Texas Tech University Graduate School, Lubbock, Texas April 2010
Torres, L., and Patiño, R. 2008. Oral exposure to brominated flame retardant (BDE-47) causes growth impairment in juvenile zebrafish (Danio rerio). Texas Tech Association of Biologists Annual Graduate Forum, Lubbock, Texas. March 2008
Torres, L., and Patiño, R. 2008. Oral exposure to brominated flame retardant (BDE-47) causes growth impairment in juvenile zebrafish (Danio rerio). Graduate Student Research Poster Competition, Texas Tech University Graduate School, Lubbock, Texas. April 2008
Torres, L., R. Patino and J. Jenkins. 2010. Biomarker assessment in largescale sucker exposed to endocrine disrupting compounds in the Columbia River Basin. 31st Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Portland, Oregon. November 2010
Torres, L., Patiño, R., and Orazio, C. 2008. Oral exposure to brominated flame retardant (BDE-47) causes growth impairment in juvenile zebrafish (Danio rerio). 29th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Tampa, Florida. November 2008
Torres, L., Patiño, R. 2011. Biomarker assessment in largescale sucker (Catostomus macrocheilus) exposed to endocrine-disrupting compounds in the Columbia River Basin, Oregon. Graduate Student Research Poster Competition, Texas Tech University Graduate School, Lubbock, Texas March 2011
Toe, S.J., Rashel, R., and Patiño, R. 2016. The distribution of Golden Alga in the Brazos River and Rio Grande Basins. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Kerrville, Texas. January 2016
Thornley, M., S.D. Mullican, and C.W. Boal. American kestrel breeding season prey use and delivery rates in the Llano Estacado of Texas. 2018 meeting of The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Dallas, TX. Feb. 2018. February 2018
Thornley, M., S.D. Mullican, and C.W. Boal. 2019. Breeding season food habits of American kestrels in the southern Great Plains. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Montgomery, TX, 20-23 February 2019 February 2019
Thompson, T.R., C.W. Boal, and D.R. Lucia. 2003. Effectiveness of native seeding of CRP in providing summer habitat for grassland passerines. Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society 38th Annual Meeting, Waco, TX February 2003
Thompson, T.R., C.W. Boal, and D.R. Lucia. 2003. Breeding abundance, nesting density, and nesting success of two ground nesting sparrows in CRP and native rangeland on the Southern High Plains of Texas. 73rd Annual Meeting of the Cooper Ornithological Society, Flagstaff, AZ May 2003
Thompson, T.R., C.W. Boal, and D.R. Lucia. 2002. Effectiveness of native seeding of CRP in providing summer habitat for grassland passerines. The Wildlife Society 9th Annual Conference, Bismarck, ND September 2002
Teaschner, A.P., M.C. Wallace, C.W. Boal, N.E. McIntyre, and J.D. Ray. 2005. Burrowing owl nesting on prairie dog colonies in the souther high plains. 40th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Amarillo, TX February 2005
Teaschner, A.P., M.C. Wallace, C.W. Boal, J.D. Ray, and M.G. Schoenhals. 2004. Burrowing owl nest site use and productivity on black-tailed prairie dog colonies in the Southern High Plains of Texas. Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society 39th Annual Meeting, Kerrville, TX February 2004
Taylor, C.M., Miyazono, S., Cheek, C., Patiño. 2016. The spatial scale of similarity and patterns of homogenization and differentiation in Chihuahuan Desert riverine fish assemblages. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Kerrville, Texas. January 2016
Taylor, C.M., Miyazono, S., Cheek, C., Edwards, R.J., Patiño, R., 2016. The spatial scale of similarity and patterns of homogenization, differentiation and assemblage change in Chihuahuan Desert riverine fish assemblages. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, New Orleans, LA, USA. July 2016
Sáenz, G.P., W.M. Wilson, and J.S. Rogosch. 2024. Gut content composition analysis of four native fishes of the Red River. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI. Sep 15-19, 2024 September 2024
Sylvia de la Piedra, Carlos Portillo-Quintero, Blake A. Grisham, Clint W. Boal, David A. Haukos, Willard R. Heck. 2016. Time series analysis of remote sensing data as a management tool for the conservation of the lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus). 2016 Student Conference on Conservation Science - New York. October 2016
Suski, J., Salice, C., Plautz, S., Patiño, R. 2012. Combined impacts of predator stress and predicted climate change induced changes in temperature and salinity on freshwater gastropods. Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Lubbock, Texas. March 2012
Suski, J., Salice, C., Patiño, R. 2011. Starting off on the right foot: exploring life-history strategies and salt tolerance in sympatric freshwater snails. Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Lubbock, Texas April 2011
Suski, J., Salice, C., Patiño, R. 2011. Starting off on the right foot: exploring life-history strategies and salt tolerance in sympatric freshwater snails. Graduate Student Research Poster Competition, Texas Tech University Graduate School, Lubbock, Texas March 2011
Suski, J., Plautz, S., Salice, C., Patiño, R. 2012. Combined impacts of predator stress and predicted climate change induced changes in temperature and salinity on freshwater gastropods. Graduate Student Research Poster Competition, Texas Tech University Graduate School, Lubbock, Texas. March 2012
Suski, J., C. Salice and R. Patiño. 2010. Interspecies differences in salt tolerance among co-occurring freshwater snails: Implications for community level effects of anthropogenic salinization. 31st Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Portland, Oregon. November 2010
Strobel, B.N., and C.W. Boal. 2008. Implications of regional spatial variation in prey use by breeding red-shouldered hawks (Buteo lineatus). 2008 Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Missoula, MT. September 2008
Strobel, B.N., and C.W. Boal. 2006. Prey dellivered to red-shouldered hawk nestlings in South Texas. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, South Padre Island, TX. February 2006
Strobel, B.N., and C.W. Boal. 2007. Nesting habitat of red-shouldered hawks. The Wildlife Society 14th Annual Conference, Tucson, AZ. September 2007
Strobel, B.N. and C.W. Boal. 2008. The presence and implications of regional variation in diets of breeding red-shouldered hawks. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. February 2008
Strobel, B.N. and C.W. Boal. 2007. Nest site characteristics of Texas red-shouldered hawks in south Texas. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Beaumont, TX. February 2007
Sponberg A., M. Fork, L. Kuehne, B. Laursen, and J. Rogosch. 2024. Evaluating Conferences for Diverse Engagement: Virtual conferences boost diversity, but do we like them? Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Long Beach, CA. Aug 4-9, 2024. August 2024
Sotelo, S.D, Jr., Rashel, R.H., Patiño, R. 2019. Water quality within Lubbock’s Canyon Lake System and its association with growth of the harmful golden alga. Texas Tech 10th Annual Biological Sciences Symposium. Texas Tech University. Lubbock, Texas. April 2019
Solensky, M.J., M.L. Crozier, M. Hamady, D.E. Andersen, and C.W. Boal. 2005. Determining goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) occupancy, nesting activity, and reproduction within known territories in northern Minnesota, 2003-2005. Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Green Bay, WI, October 2005. October 2006
Smithers, B.L., C.W. Boal, and D.E. Andersen. 2003. Assessment of northern goshawk food habits using time-lapse video monitoring systems. Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society 38th Annual Meeting, Waco, TX February 2003
Smithers, B.L., C.W. Boal and D.E. Andersen. 2002. Analysis of northern goshawk food habits using time-lapse video monitoring systems in Minnesota. Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, St. Cloud, MN February 2002
Skipper, B.R., and C.W. Boal. 2011. Is aggressive nest defense by urban Mississippi kites (Ictinia mississippiensis) triggered by landscape features? Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Duluth, MN. Oct. 2011. October 2011
Skipper, B.R., and C.W. Boal. 2011. Comparison of reproductive performance of exurban and urban Mississippi kites (Ictinia mississippiensis) triggered by landscape features? Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Duluth, MN. Oct. 2011. October 2011
Skipper, B.R., C.W. Boal, J. Tsai, and M.R. Fuller. 2014. Evaluation of survey protocol recommendations for golden eagles. Symposium on Conserving eagles: a prelude into the science underway to inform wind energy decisions, including incidental take permits. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, October 2014. October 2014
Skipper, B.R., C.W. Boal, J. Tsai, and M.R. Fuller. 2014. Evaluation of survey protocol recommendations for golden eagles. 2014 Annual Meeting of The Raptor Research Foundation, Corpus Christi, TX, September 2014 September 2014
Skipper, B.R. and C.W. Boal. 2013. Nest-site selection by Mississippi kites in urban and exurban areas of west Texas. 49th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, TX. Feb. 2013 February 2013
Skipper, B., and C.W. Boal. Productivity, nesting success, and site occupancy of urban Mississippi kites. 46th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Galveston, TX. Feb. 2010. February 2010
Skipper, B., and C.W. Boal. Productivity and nest site selection of urban Mississippi kites (Ictinia mississippiensis). Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Fort Collins, CO. Sept. 2010. September 2010
Skipper, B., and C.W. Boal. Breeding performance and site occupancy of urban nesting Mississippi Kites. 57th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Junction, TX. Apr. 2010. April 2010
Skipper, B., and C. Boal. Assessing aggressive and passive behaviors of urban nesting Mississippi kites. Urban Wildlife Management and Planning Conference, Austin, TX. May 2011. May 2011
Skipper, B. and C.W. Boal. 2012. Comparative breeding performance of urban and exurban Mississippi kites (Ictinia mississippiensis). 48th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Fort Worth, TX. Feb. 2012. February 2012
Skidmore, C., C.W. Boal, B.R. Skipper, and R. Martin. Interspecies Nest- Placement Tolerance and Niche Partitioning of Nesting Riparian Raptors in the Trans-Pecos Region of Texas. 2019 Meeting of The Raptor Research Foundation, Fort Collins, CO. November 2019
Skidmore, C., C.W. Boal, B.R. Skipper, and R. Martin. 2020. Drivers and Indicators of Riparian Corridor Avifaunal Diversity in the Trans-Pecos Region of Texas. Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX, 14 February 2020. February 2020
Skidmore, C., C.W. Boal, B.R. Skipper, and R. Martin. 2020. Comparative Nesting Habitat of Riparian Raptors in the Trans-Pecos Region of Texas. Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX, 14 February 2020. February 2020
Skidmore, C., C.W. Boal, B.R. Skipper, and R. Martin. 2019. Distribution and comparative nesting habitat of riparian raptors in the Trans Pecos Region of Texas. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Montgomery, TX, 20-23 February 2019 February 2019
Silva, M., D.U. Greene, S.R. Fritts, B.A. Grisham, C.W. Boal, D.A. Haukos, J. Lautenback, C.A. Hagen, and W.R. Heck. Assessing Fine-scale Microclimate Conditions in an Intensively Managed Landscape. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio TX, February 2017. February 2017
Shroeder, E., C.W. Boal, S. Glasscock, and G. Perry. Nestling diets of two sympatric woodpeckers in the Texas coastal bend. The Wildlife Society 16th Annual Conference, Monterrey, CA. Sep. 2009. September 2009
Sharma, P., and Patiño, R. 2010. Role and mechanism of action of thyroid hormone during gonadal sex differentiation in zebrafish (Danio rerio). 2010. Texas Tech Association of Biologists Annual Graduate Forum, Lubbock February 2010
Sharma, P., Patiño, R. 2012. Effects of thyroid endocrine disruption on the developmental morphometry of zebrafish (Danio Rerio). Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Lubbock, Texas. March 2012
Sharma, P., Patiño, R. 2012. Effects of thyroid endocrine disruption on the developmental morphometry of zebrafish (Danio Rerio). Graduate Student Research Poster Competition, Texas Tech University Graduate School, Lubbock, Texas. March 2012
Sharma, P., Patiño, R. 2011. Role of thyroid hormones in gonadal sex differentiation of zebrafish. Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Lubbock, Texas April 2011
Sharma, P., Patiño, R. 2011. Role of thyroid hormones in gonadal sex differentiation of zebrafish. Graduate Student Research Poster Competition, Texas Tech University Graduate School, Lubbock, Texas March 2011
Sharma, P, and Patiño, R. 2011. Role of thyroid hormones in gonadal sex differentiation of zebrafish. Inaugural Meeting of the North American Society for Comparative Endocrinology, Ann Arbor, Michigan July 2011
Sharma, B., and Patiño, R. 2008. Effects of cadmium on growth, metamorphosis and sex ratios in African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis. 29th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Tampa, Florida. November 2008
Sharma, B., and Patiño, R. 2008. Effects of cadmium on growth, metamorphosis and sex determination in amphibians. Texas Tech Association of Biologists Annual Graduate Forum, Lubbock, Texas April 2008
Sharma, B., and Patiño, R. 2008. Effects of cadmium on growth, metamorphosis and sex determination in amphibians. Graduate Student Research Poster Competition, Texas Tech University Graduate School, Lubbock, Texas. April 2008
Sharma, B., and Patiño, R. 2008. Effects of cadmium on growth and metamorphosis of African clawed frog. Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology. Seattle, Washington. April 2008
Sharma, B., and Patiño, R. 2007 Effects of cadmium at low concentrations on growth, metamorphosis, and thyroid condition of amphibians. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Desert-Southwest Chapter, Socorro, New Mexico. February 2007
Sharma, B., Patiño, R. 2007. Bimodal effects of cadmium on growth, development and thyroid condition of tadpoles. 28th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. November 2007
Sharma, B., Patino, R., Orsak, E., Snyder, S., Drury, D., 2013. Testing of wastewater effluent from City of Las Vegas, Nevada, for endocrine and reproductive effects to fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). SETAC North America 34th Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN. November 2013
Sharma, B., Hu, F., Carr, J.A., and Pati�o, R. 2006. Water quality and biomarkers of amphibian health in the Big Bend region of the Rio Grande Basin. International Conference on Water in Arid and Semiarid Lands, Texas Tech University International Center for Arid and Semiarid Land Studies, Lubbock, Texas. October 2006
Sharma, B., Hu, F., Carr, J.A., and Pati�o, R. 2006. Environmental contaminants and amphibian biomarker responses in the Big Bend region of the Rio Grande Basin. 27th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Montreal, Canada. November 2006
Sharma, B., Hu, F., Carr, J.A., and Patiño, R. 2007. Occurrence of intersex amphibians in Big Bend National Park: are environmental factors to blame? Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Denver, Colorado. (presenter) October 2007
Sharma, B., Hu, F., Carr, J.A., Pati�o, R. 2006. Biomonitoring of amphibian health in Big Bend National Park and surrounding areas. Graduate Student Research Poster Competition, Texas Tech University Graduate School, Lubbock, Texas. April 2006
Sharma, B., Hu, F., Carr, J.A., Pati�o, R. 2006. Biomarkers of amphibian health in Big Bend National Park and surrounding areas. Texas Tech Association of Biologists Annual Graduate Forum, Texas Tech University Department of Biological Sciences, Lubbock, Texas. May 2006
Sharma, B., Hu, F., Carr, J.A., Pati�o, R. 2005. Water chemistry and amphibian health in Big Bend National Park and surrounding areas. Annual Graduate Research Day, India Students Association, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. March 2006
Sharma, B., Blunt, S., Orsak, E., Snyder, S., Drury, D., Deng, X. Patiño, R. 2011. Effects of enhanced and conventionally treated municipal effluent on growth and reproductive development of fathead minnow. PRIMO 16 Conference, Long Beach, California May 2011
Sharma, B. and Patiño, R. 2007. Low-dose effects of cadmium on growth, metamorphosis and thyroid condition of Xenopus laevis tadpoles. Texas Tech Association of Biologists Annual Graduate Forum, Texas Tech University Department of Biological Sciences, Lubbock, Texas. April 2007
Sharma, B. and Patiño, R. 2007. Low-dose effects of cadmium on growth, metamorphosis and thyroid condition of Xenopus laevis tadpoles. Graduate Student Research Poster Competition, Texas Tech University Graduate School, Lubbock, Texas. May 2007
Shammaa, A.D., P.N. Smith, and C.W. Boal. Owl community structure, resource partitioning, and exposure to second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, TX 21-23 Feb 2024. February 2024
Shammaa, A.D., C.W. Boal, D.J. James, C. Coldren, and P.N. Smith. Habitat associations and community structure among owls on the Texas Coastal Bend Region. Annual meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Charlotte, NC, October 2024. October 2024
Shammaa, A.D., C.W. Boal, B.D. Bibles, D.J. James, C. Coldren, and P.N. Smith. 2025. Occupancy and Habitat Associations Among Owls on the Texas Coastal Bend Region. Annual meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Denton, TX. February 2025
Schroeder, E., C.W. Boal, and S. Glasscock. 2009. Avian abundance, species richness and diversity in two vegetation communities in the Texas coastal bend. 44nd Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Lubbock, TX. February 2009
Schrader, T.S. and N.C. Parker. August 2000. Comparison of vegetation classification using various clustering levels. National GAP 2000. San Antonio, TX. August 2000
Schmidly, D.J., R.J. Baker, and N.C. Parker. 2000. Texas Parks and Wildlife for the 21st Century Project. Texas Parks and Wildlife Administrators Meeting. Athens, TX November 2000
Schmidly, D.J., R.J. Baker, N.C. Parker. March 2001. Geography of biodiversity and land conversion in Texas. Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society. March 2001
Schilder, L.J., N.E. McIntyre, S. Harryman, C.A. Hagen, R. Martin, B.A. Grisham, and C.W. Boal. Landscape connectivity for lesser prairie-chickens on the southern high plains of Texas and New Mexico. International Grouse Symposium, Logan, Utah. 24 September 2018. September 2018
Schilder, L.J., N.E. McIntyre, S. Harryman, C.A. Hagen, R. Martin, B.A. Grisham, and C.W. Boal. Landscape connectivity for lesser prairie-chickens on the southern high plains of Texas and New Mexico. 2018 Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Dallas, TX. February 2018
Schilder, L.J., L.J. Heintzman, N.E. McIntyre, S. Harryman, C.A. Hagen, R. Martin, C.W. Boal, and B.A. Grisham. 2020. Landscape Connectivity for Lesser Prairie-Chickens on the Southern High Plains of Texas and New Mexico. Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX, 14 February 2020. February 2020
Schilder, L.J., L.J. Heintzman, N.E. McIntyre, S. Harryman, C.A. Hagen, R. Martin, B.A. Grisham, and C.W. Boal. 2019. Landscape connectivity for lesser prairie-chickens on the southern high plains of Texas and New Mexico. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Montgomery, TX, 20-23 February 2019 February 2019
Schilder, L., C. Borgman, R. Cox, and C.W. Boal. 2020. Changes in Avian Community Composition Following Prescribed Thinning of Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands. Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX, 14 February 2020. February 2020
Saenz, G.P., W.M. Wilson, and J.S. Rogosch. 2024. A Gut Content Composition Analysis of Four Native Fishes of the Red River. Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society Meeting, Houston TX Feb 19-22, 2024. February 2024
S.W.H. HARRYMAN*, B. A. GRISHAM, S. S. KAHL, C.W. BOAL, and C.A. HAGEN. Spatial Ecology of Lesser Prairie-Chickens in Conservation Reserve Program-Dominated Landscapes in the Southern High Plains of Texas. 31st Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Nevada, Missouri. Sept. 2015 September 2015
Rosen, M., Patiño, R., Jenkins, J.A., Orsak, E., Goodbred, S. 2009. Challenges for Lake Mead Ecosystem Health and Resource Management in the 21st Century. 30th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, New Orleans, Louisiana. November 2009
Rollefson, K.G. and J.S. Rogosch. 2025. Evaluation of invasive risk models using eDNA. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. College Station, TX. January 16-18, 2025. January 2025
Rogosch, J.S., T.P. Archdeacon, and S. Davenport. 2022. Fish population dynamics and conservation strategies in a communally important aridland river. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. May 14-22, 2022 May 2022
Rogosch, J.S., T. Birdsong, J. Broska, D. Buckmeier, D.P. Bunting, A. Cohen, G. Garrett, D. Hendrickson, K. Mayes, N. Smith. 2022. Species distribution modeling and Native Fish Conservation Area prioritization to guide landscape-level conservation. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. May 17-19, 2022. May 2022
Rogosch, J.S., H.I.A Boehm, R.W. Tingley III, K.D. Wright, E.B. Webb, and C.P. Paukert. 2024. Are river restoration projects designed and evaluated to address current stressors to inland fishes? World Fisheries Congress, Seattle WA. Mar 3 - 7, 2024 March 2024
Rogosch, J.S., H.I.A Boehm, K. Ivey, R.W. Tingley III, E.B. Webb, K.D. Wright, and C.P. Paukert. 2021. Assessing restoration effectiveness: a review of river restoration. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Virtual Meeting. February 2-4, 2021. February 2021
Rogosch, J.S., Archdeacon, T.P., and S. Davenport. 2021. Population trends and trade-offs in long-term dynamics of a prairie stream fish community. American Fisheries Society, Annual Meeting. November 6-10, 2021 November 2021
Rogosch, J.S. Fish, flows, and the future: How to assess fish assemblages in dryland streams. South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center's Annual Fall Science Meeting. Lubbock, TX. November 1-3, 2023. November 2023
Rogosch, J. H. Boehm, R. Tingley, K. Wright, E. Webb, and C. Paukert. 2024. Are river restoration projects designed and evaluated to address current stressors to inland fishes? American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI. September 2024
Roesler, EL, TB Grabowski, & D Rogowski. Assessing habitat-use patterns and survey methodologies of the endangered snail, Pecos Assiminea, at Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge. 48th Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ/NM Chapter of the American Fisheries Society and the AZ and NM Chapters of The Wildlife Society. Las Cruces, New Mexico. 5-7 February 2015. February 2015
Roesler, EL, TB Grabowski, & D Rogowski. Assessing habitat-use patterns and survey methodologies of the endangered snail, Pecos Assiminea, at Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. 17-21 August 2014. August 2014
Roesler ER, MA Barnes, TB Grabowski, F Martinez-Andrade, & R Bittner. Influence of climate change, freshwater inflows, and changing land use on the distribution of Dwarf Seahorse on the Texas coast. 2016 Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Kerrville, Texas. 21-23 January 2016. January 2016
Roesler EL, D Rogowski, & TB Grabowski. Assessing habitat use patterns of the endangered snail, Pecos assiminea Assiminea pecos, at Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge. Joint Meeting of the Texas and Oklahoma Chapters of the American Fisheries Society. Pottsborro, Texas. 13-15 February 2014. February 2014
Roesler E.L., T.B. Grabowski, & D. Rogowski, Assessing habitat-use patterns and survey methodologies of the endangered snail, Pecos Assiminea, at Bitter Creek National Wildlife Refuge. Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium. Lubbock, Texas. 29 March 2014. March 2014
Roberts, A.J., C.W. Boal, and S. Rideout-Hanzak. 2008. East Amarillo Complex wildfires and effects on the avian community. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. February 2006
Roberts, A.J., C.W. Boal, S. Rideout-Hanzak, D. Wester, and C. Britton. 2008. East Amarillo Complex wildfires and effects on the avian community. Fire in the Southwest Conference, Tucson, AZ. January 2008
Rivera, A., L. Schilder, and C. Boal. Changes in avian community structure in response to prescribed thinning of pinyon-juniper woodlands. Annual Meeting of the Wilson Ornithological Society, Santa Fe, NM 18-20 July, 2022. July 2022
Rivera, A., L. Schilder, and C. Boal. Avian community response to thinning prescriptions in pinyon-juniper woodlands. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Marble Falls, TX, 24-26 Feb. 2022. February 2022
Rivera, A., L. Schilder, J. Rogosch, C. Cauldron, and C.W. Boal. Alterations to avian community structure in response to habitat restoration of pinyon-juniper woodlands in eastern New Mexico. Annual meeting of The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, TX, Feb. 2023. February 2023
Richardson, E., Patiño, R. 2018. Salinity adaptation in golden alga. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, College Station, Texas. January 2018
Richardson, E, Patiño, R. 2018. Salinity adaptation in the ichthyotoxic golden alga. International Aridlands Conference, Lubbock, Texas August 13-14, 2018. August 2018
Rashel, RH, Patiño, R. 2018. Associations between the ratio of organic to inorganic nitrogen and growth of the ichthyotoxic golden alga. International Aridlands Conference, Lubbock, Texas, August 13-14, 2018. August 2018
Rashel, R.H., Williams, L.D., Patiño, R., 2017. The ratio of organic to inorganic nitrogen affects the growth of ichthyotoxic golden alga. Texas Tech Seventh Annual Biological Sciences Symposium, Lubbock, Texas. April 2017
Rashel, R.H., Williams, L.D., Patiño, R., 2017. Modifying the ratio of organic to inorganic nitrogen affects the growth of invasive and ichthyotoxic golden alga. 16th Annual Graduate School Poster Competition, Texas Tech University. Lubbock, Texas March 2017
Rashel, R.H., Patiño, R. 2018. Associations between the ratio of organic to inorganic nitrogen and growth of the ichthyotoxic golden alga. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, College Station, Texas. January 2018
Rashel, R.H., Patiño, R. 2015. Influence of Salinity, Sulfate, and Fluoride on Growth of Golden Alga. 145th Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, Oregon. August 2015
Rashel, R.H, and Patiño, R. 2020. Growth of the harmful alga, Prymnesium parvum, under past, present and projected future atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Waco, Texas, January 23-25, 2020. January 2020
Rashel, R., Williams, L.D., Patiño, R. 2017. The ratio of organic to inorganic nitrogen affects the growth of itchthyotoxic golden alga. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Corpus Christi, Texas. January 2017
Rashel, R., Williams, L.D., Patiño, R. 2017. Association between the ratio of organic to inorganic nitrogen and growth of the invasive and itchthyotoxic golden alga. 20th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. October 2017
Rashel, R., Patiño, R. 2016. Influence of salinity and other water quality variables on growth of the ichthyotoxic golden alga. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Kerrville, Texas January 2016
Rashel, R. Patiño, R. 2015. Influence of salinity, sulfate, and fluoride on growth of Golden Alga. Graduate Student Research Poster Competition, Texas Tech University Graduate School, Lubbock, Texas. April 2015
Rashel, R. Patiño, R. 2015. Influence of salinity, sulfate, and fluoride on growth of Golden Alga. Annual Conference, Texas Tech University Association of Biologists, Lubbock, Texas. March 2015
R. Perkins, and C.W. Boal. 2014. Transmitter Influences on Raptor Agility and Avian Prey Selection. 2014 Annual Meeting of The Raptor Research Foundation, Corpus Christi, TX, September 2014 September 2014
Puvenna, V., Pati�o, R., and Liu, Z. 2005. Hormonal regulation of aconitase synthesis in ovarian follicles of Xenopus laevis. Fourth Annual Symposium of New Mexico Idea Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence, Las Vegas, New Mexico March 2005
Pryor, M., C.W. Boal, and B.R. Skipper. Are Mississippi Kite Attacks on Urban Pedestrians Associated with Nesting Phenology? 2019 Meeting of The Raptor Research Foundation, Fort Collins, CO. November 2019
Pryor, M., C.W. Boal, and B.R. Skipper. 2020. Are Mississippi Kite Attacks on Urban Pedestrians Associated With Nesting Phenology. Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX, 14 February 2020. February 2020
Pruett, A.L., C.W. Boal, M. Wallace, and H. Whitlaw. 2004. A black-tailed prairie dog population estimation model. Annual meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Arcata, CA June 2004
Pruett, A., C.W. Boal, M.Wallace, P. Robertson and J. Ray. 2003. Black-tailed prairie dogs and small mammal diversity in the southern high plains of Texas. Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society 38th Annual Meeting, Waco, TX February 2003
Pruett, A., C.W. Boal, M. Wallace, and P. Robertson. 2004. Seasonal variation in black-tailed prairie dog activity patterns and a new approach to assessing population sizes. Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society 39th Annual Meeting, Kerrville, TX February 2004
Portillo-Quintero, C., B. Grisham, D. Haukos, C. Boal, C. Hagen, and Z. Wan. 2018. Trends of the landscape structure of plant communities of sand shinnery oak prairie in the Southern High Plains. Society of Range Management, Sparks, Nevada. February 2018
Pirius, N.E., C. Boal, and R. Perez. The winter ecology of lesser prairie-chickens in the southwest panhandle of Texas. 47th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. Feb. 2011. February 2011
Perkins, R., and C.W. Boal. Does this Radio Transmitter Make Me Look Delicious? A Field-informed Agent-based Modeling Approach to Understanding Transmitter Impacts on Raptor Selection of Prey. 2019 Meeting of The Raptor Research Foundation, Fort Collins, CO. November 2019
Perkins, R., and C.W. Boal. 2020. Does this Radio Transmitter Make Me Look Delicious? A Field-informed Agent-based Modeling Approach to Understanding Transmitter Impacts on Raptor Selection of Prey. Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX, 14 February 2020. February 2020
Perkins, R., and C. Boal. Transmitter influences on raptor agility and raptor prey selection. Annual meeting of The Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, NM. September 2017
Perkins, R., and C. Boal. Transmitter Influences on Raptor Agility and Prey Capture. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX, February 2015. February 2015
Perkins, R., C.W. Boal, and D. Rollins. 2011. Use of a trained goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) to study predator-prey interactions. 2011 Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Duluth, MN. Oct. 2011. October 2011
Perkins, R., C.W. Boal, D. Rollins, and R. Perez. 2012. Threat avoidance: behavior and land use of northern bobwhite in the Rolling Plains of Texas. 48th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Fort Worth, TX. Feb. 2012. February 2012
Perkins, R., C. Boal, and D. Rollins. Threat avoidance strategies by northern bobwhite in the Texas Rolling Plains. 47th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. Feb. 2011. February 2011
Perkins, R. and C.W. Boal. Captive rear and release: conservation tool or high trophic level bird feeder? 2018 Joint Meeting of the Association of Field Ornithologists and the Wilson Ornithological Society. Chattanooga, TN. 7-9 June 2018. June 2018
Perkins, R. and C.W. Boal. 2016. Transmitter Influences on Raptor Agility and Prey Capture. Annual Meeting of The Raptor Research Foundation, Cape May, NJ. October 2016
Pease JE, TB Grabowski, A Pease, & PT Bean. Potential morphometric response of Guadalupe Bass populations to hydrologic alteration and urbanization within the Colorado River Basin, central Texas. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Spring Meeting 2015. Savannah, GA. 29 January-01 February 2015. January 2015
Pease JE, TB Grabowski, A Pease, & PT Bean. Potential morphometric response of Guadalupe Bass populations to hydrologic alteration and urbanization within the Colorado River Basin, central Texas. 2015 Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. 15-17 January 2015. January 2015
Pease JE, TB Grabowski, A Pease, & PT Bean. Movement patterns and habitat associations of Guadalupe Bass populations in the lower Colorado River. 2016 Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Kerrville, Texas. 21-23 January 2016. January 2016
Pease J, TB Grabowski, A Pease, & PT Bean. Potential hydrologic impacts of urbanization on Guadalupe Bass populations within the Colorado River Basin. Joint Meeting of the Texas and Oklahoma Chapters of the American Fisheries Society. Pottsborro, Texas. 13-15 February 2014. February 2014
Pease J, TB Grabowski, A Pease, & PT Bean. Population responses of Guadalupe Bass Micropterus treculii to potential hydrologic impacts of urbanization within the Colorado River Basin, central Texas. Sixth Annual Symposium on GIS/Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences. Tampa, FL. 25-29 August 2014. August 2014
Pati�o, R., Z. Xia, W.L. Gale, A.G. Maule, and X. Chang. 2000. Novel transcripts of the estrogen receptor alpha gene in channel catfish. Fourth International Symposium on Fish Endocrinology. Seattle, Washington July 2000
Pati�o, R., Wainscott, M.R., Cruz-Li, E.I., Balakrishnan, S., McMurry, C., Anderson, T. 2001. Effects of ammonium perchlorate on the reproductive performance of zebrafish. Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Baltimore, Maryland. November 2001
Pati�o, R., Thomas, P., and Yoshizaki, G. 2003. Regulation and mechanisms of oocyte maturational and ovarian follicle ovulatory competencies. Seventh International Symposium on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish, Mie, Japan (Invited Presentation) May 2003
Pati�o, R., G. Yoshizaki, P. Thomas, and H. Kagawa. 2000. Gonadotropic control of ovarian maturation: the two-stage concept and its mechanisms. Fourth International Symposium on Fish Endocrinology, Seattle, Washington (Invited Overview Presentation) July 2000
Pati�o, R. 2005. Biomarkers of health and reproduction in amphibians. 2005 Meeting of the USGS Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative Program. Tucson, Arizona. October 2005
Pati�o, R. 2004. Integration of concepts and mechanisms of ovarian follicle maturation and ovulation in teleost fishes, National Congress of Ichthyology, Villahermosa, Mexico (Keynote Presentation) September 2004
Pati�o, R. 2004. Induction of maturation and spawning in fishes. Workshop on the Biology and Culture of Snooks, University of Tabasco, Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico (Invited Presentation) April 2004
Pati�o, R. 2004. Fish production in arid zones. International Symposium on Current Trends in Meat Production in Arid Zones, Chihuahua, Mexico (Invited Presentation) March 2004
Pati�o, R. 2002. Lake Mead Fish Endocrine Disruption. USGS National Contaminants Program Review, Stevenson, Washington (Case Study Invited Presentation). February 2002
Pati�o, R. 2001. Novel concepts and mechanisms of ovarian follicle maturation in teleost fishes. Topics in Fisheries and Fish Biology (Symposium). Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico (Invited Presentation) September 2001
Pati�o, R. 2000. Population-based experimental designs for laboratory studies of fish endocrine disruption. Interactions Among the Environment, the Endocrine and Immune Systems and Resistance to Disease in Marine Organisms (Workshop). Honolulu, Hawaii July 2000
Patiño, R., Rashel, R., Rubio, A., Longing, S. 2017. Giant reed extract suppresses golden alga growth – a potential strategy involving the processing of one harmful invasive to control the growth of another. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Corpus Christi, Texas. January 2017
Patiño, R., Jenkins, J.A., Goodbred, S.L., Rosen, M.R., and Orsak, E. 2007. Indices of endocrine disruption and reproductive dysfunction in common carp from Lake Mead, Nevada. 137th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, California. September 2007
Patiño, R., Hattori, R.S. 2017. Climate change, endocrine disruption, and fish reproductive health. 2017 FAPESP Week, Lubbock, Texas. September 2017
Patiño, R., Goodbred, S.L., Orsak, E., Jenkins, J.A., and Rosen, M.R. 2009. Endocrine and Gonadal Condition of Male Common Carp in the Lake Mead National Recreation Area (2007-2008). Lake Mead Science Symposium, Las Vegas, NV January 2009
Patiño, R., Goodbred, S.L., Orsak, E., Jenkins, J.A., and Rosen, M.R. 2009. Assessment of endocrine and gonadal condition of male largemouth bass from Lake Mead National Recreation Area. Lake Mead Science Symposium, Las Vegas, NV. January 2009
Patiño, R., Goodbred, S.L., Orsak, E., Jenkins, J.A., Rosen, M.R., Torres, L., Sharma, P., Wieser, C., and Ruessler, S. 2011. Indices of endocrine disruption and reproductive dysfunction in fish populations from Lake Mead and the lower Colorado River. Inaugural Meeting of the North American Society for Comparative Endocrinology, Ann Arbor, Michigan (symposium presentation). July 2011
Patiño, R., Goodbred, S.L., Orsak, E., Jenkins, J.A., Rosen, M.R., Torres, L., Sharma, P., Wieser, C., Ruessler, R. Patterns of whole-body contaminant composition and biological condition and their association in male common carp across an environmental contaminant gradient in Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Nevada and Arizona, USA. 2012 Lake mead Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada. March 2012
Patiño, R., Goodbred, S., Orsak, E., Jenkins, J.A., Rosen, M., Torres, L., Sharma, P. 2009. Endocrine and gonadal condition of male common carp from various locations in the Lake Mead National Recreation Area. 30th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, New Orleans, Louisiana November 2009
Patiño, R. and Lehker, S. 2024. Spatiotemporal patterns in pCO2 in an impounded urban stream system with a history of harmful algal blooms. Annual Meeting of the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, Madison (WI), 2-7 June 2024. June 2024
Patiño, R. Golden Alga (Prymnesium parvum) – An Emerging Threat. 2014. USACE Technical Session on Harmful Algal Blooms, Portland, Oregon (webinar). May 2014
Patiño, R. Ecophysiological perspectives in fish ecotoxicology. 2011 SACNAS National Conference, San Jose, California (Symposium presentation). October 2011
Patiño, R. 2024. Harmful algal blooms, water quality, and climate change. Training Workshop for San Antonio River Authority, U.S. Geological Survey South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center, San Antonio, TX, 18 July 2024. July 2024
Patiño, R. 2023. Invasive harmful algae, harmful algal blooms, and climate change. U.S. Geological Survey South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center, Annual Fall Science Meeting, Lubbock, TX, 1-3 Nov 2023. November 2023
Patiño, R. 2023. Ecology of Prymnesium parvum in inland waters of the USA. Harmful blooms of Prymnesium parvum in freshwaters - consequences and mitigation measures. Institute of Environmental Protection, Warsaw, Poland. March 2023
Patiño, R. 2021. Distribution, environmental associations, and bloom control methods for the harmful algal species Prymnesium parvum (golden alga). U.S. Geological Survey, Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center, Texas (webinar). September 2021
Patiño, R. 2019. Towards a Better Understanding of Blue Suckers: Validation of Age Determination Methods and Establishing the Influence of Temperature on Aerobic Scope and Swimming Performance. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Contract Number 490947. October 2019
Patiño, R. 2019. Environmental drivers of golden alga distribution in Texas. Meeting of the Texas Harmful Algal Bloom Work Group Subcommittee, Port Aransas, Texas. July 2019
Patiño, R. 2018. Sex determination, gonadal sex differentiation, and sex control in channel catfish. Biotechnological innovations in fish culture: contributions and challenges to sustainable development (symposium, Fisheries Institute), Campos do Jordão, São Paulo, Brazil. August 2018
Patiño, R. 2018. Gametogenesis in fishes. Biotechnological innovations in fish culture (graduate student workshop, State University of São Paulo ). Campos do Jordão, Brazil. August 2018
Patiño, R. 2017. Wildlife Endocrine Disruption: History, Present Status, and Future Outlook. 12th Scientific Meeting of the Fisheries Institute, Sao Paulo, Brazil. April 2017
Patiño, R. 2015. Contaminant exposures and endocrine disruption in fishes of Lake Mead (webinar). Lake Mead Ecosystem Monitoring Workgroup Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada. February 2015
Patiño, R. 2015. Associations between Pre-spawn Concentrations of Plasma Sex Steroids and Reproductive Potential of Wild Common Carp at the Level of Individuals and Populations. 145th Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, Oregon, USA. August 2015
Patiño, R. 2014. A case study for interdisciplinary water research: the Rio Grande Basin. Texas Tech University Water Workshop, Lubbock, Texas. November 2014
Patiño, R. 2013. Relationships among Climate, Water Quality and Toxic Blooms of Golden Alga in Texas. U.S. Geological Survey, NCCWSC Climate Change Science and Management Webinar Series. July 2013
Patiño, R. 2012. Water Programs in the U.S. Geological Survey. Texas Tech University Water Summit, Lubbock, Texas. July 2012
Patiño, R. 2010. NSF CAREER Program. Texas Tech University Office of the Vice President for Research, Lubbock, Texas (Panel member) April 2010
Patiño, R. 2008. Las Vegas Wash/Lake Mead studies: differences and similarities. Upper Brazos Watershed Research Symposium, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. April 2008
Patiño R., VanLandeghem, M.M., Goodbred, S.L., Orsak, E., Jenkins, J.A., Echols, K., Rosen, M.R., Torres, L. Concentration and spatial distribution of whole-body contaminants in Common Carp of Lake Mead National Recreation Area, and biological implications. Lower Colorado River Science Symposium, February 8-9, 2016, Las Vegas, Nevada February 2016
Patiño , R., Mary, M.A. 2021. On the potential use of giant reed-derived products to control harmful algae. Texas Aquatic Plant Management Society, Bryan, Texas. November 2021
Parker, N.C., G. Wang, and S. Haskell. August 2000. Urban sprawl in Texas: Past, present and future. National GAP 2000. San Antonio, TX. August 2000
Parker, N.C., G. Wang, and S. Crooker Planning for sustainable development based on socioeconomic data and Texas Gap. 11th Annual National GAP Analysis Program Meeting, Brookings, SD. June 14-21-01 June 2001
Parker, N.C., C.B. Fedler, and T.J. Cox. 2001. Survival and growth of fish in water reclaimed from cattle feedlots. Aquaculture 2001. Orlando, FL. January 2001
Parker, N.C. February 2000. Integration with other agriculture. 30th Texas Aquaculture Association Annual Conference. El Campo, TX. February 2000
Parker, N.C. August 2000. TX-GAP and biological informatics products. National GAP 2000. San Antonio, TX. August 2000
Parker, N.C. 2001. The changing face of Texas. Stakeholder's Conference, Texas parks and Wildlife 21st Century Project, Austin, TX. September 2000
Parker, N.C. 2000. Overview of Texas GAP Analysis. Ecological Site Description Symposium. Austin, TX. September 2000
Pandey, R.N., R. Pati�o, and Z. Liu. 2004. Physiological effects of a progesterone receptor antagonist RU486 on follicular maturation and ovulation in Xenopus laevis. The Sixth International Congress of Zoology, Beijing, China. August 2004
Pandey, R.N., Pati�o, R. and Liu, Z. 2003. Differential Effects of a Progesterone Receptor Antagonist, RU486, on Follicular Maturation and Ovulation in Xenopus laevis. 85th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, Philadelphia July 2003
Pandey, N., Pati�o, R., and Liu, Z. 2004. Physiological effects of a progesterone receptor antagonist RU486 on follicular maturation and ovulation in Xenopus laevis. Third Annual Symposium of the New Mexico Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network, Las Cruces, New Mexico May 2004
Pandey, N., Pati�o, R., and Liu, Z. 2003. Differential effects of the progesterone receptor antagonist, RU486, on progesterone-induced maturation and ovulation of Xenopus oocytes. Second Annual Symposium of the New Mexico Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network, Taos, New Mexico March 2003
Orsak, E., Patiño, R., Goodbred, S., Jenkins, J.A., Rosen, M., Torres, L. 2009. Endocrine and gonadal condition of male largemouth bass from Lake Mead, Nevada. 30th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, New Orleans, Louisiana November 2009
Ogola B & TB Grabowski. 2012. Role of sound production in the mating system of spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus). Texas Tech Undergraduate Research Conference, Lubbock, Texas. 16-20 April 2012. April 2012
Nishida, C., S. DeStefano, and C.W. Boal. 2001. Breeding success and distribution of Swainson's hawks (Buteo swainsoni) in southeastern Arizona. Annual meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada October 2001
Nishida, C., S. DeStefano, C.W. Boal, and R. Hobbs. 2002. Productivity and nest site selection of Swainson's hawks in southeastern Arizona. 3rd North American Ornithological Conference, New Orleans, LA September 2002
Murphy, R.K., D.W. Stahlecker, C.W. Boal, and B.A. Millsap. Survival and causes of mortality among pre-breeding age Golden Eagles in the Southern Great Plains. 2019 Meeting of The Raptor Research Foundation, Fort Collins, CO. November 2019
Murphy, R.K., D.W. Stahlecker, C.W. Boal, and B.A. Millsap. 2019. Survival and causes of mortality among pre-breeding age golden eagles in the Southern High Plains. Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ/NM Chapters of the Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, NM. February 2019
Murphy, R., B. Woodbridge, D. Laplante, C. Boal, and D Stahlecker. Buffering Wind Turbines from Mesa Rims to Reduce Risk of Golden Eagle Blade-Strike Mortality. 12th NWCC Wind Wildlife Research Meeting, St. Paul, MN, Nov. 27 - 30, 2018. November 2018
Munyaho TA, R Kayanda, TB Grabowski, G Marteinsdóttir. Stratification impacts on exploitation of Nile perch in Lake Victoria, East Africa. 5th International Symposium on GIS/Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences. Wellington, New Zealand. 22-26 August 2011. August 2011
Munyaho TA, Kayanda R, Eversons I, Grabowski TB, Marteinsdóttir G. 2012. Impact of stratification on exploitation patterns of Nile perch Lates niloticus Linnaeus, 1758 in Lake Victoria, East Africa. 6th World Fisheries Congress, 7-11 May 2012, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. May 2012
Mullican, S.D., C.W. Boal, W.C. Conway, and R.D. Stevens. American kestrel (Falco sparverius) nest survival and productivity in the Llano Estacado of Texas. 2018 Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Dallas, TX. Feb. 2018. February 2018
Mukhi, S., and R. Pati�o. 2004. New biomarkers of exposure to thyroid-disrupting compounds in aquatic systems. Texas Tech University Annual Graduate Student Research Day, Lubbock, Texas April 2004
Mukhi, S., and Pati�o, R. 2005. Characterization of novel biomarkers of perchlorate exposure in zebrafish. 44th Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology, New Orleans, Louisiana. March 2005
Mukhi, S., and Pati�o, R. 2005. Characterization of novel biomarkers of perchlorate exposure in zebrafish. 44th Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology Special Poster Session for Visiting Minority Undergraduate Students, New Orleans, Louisiana (invited presentation). March 2005
Mukhi, S., and Pati�o, R. 2004. Novel biomarkers of perchlorate exposure in fishes. Desert Southwest Chapter, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, El Paso, Texas June 2004
Mukhi, S., and Pati�o R. 2004. Development and validation of new and sensitive biomarkers of perchlorate exposure in fishes. Twenty Eight Student Research Conference, Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, New Mexico April 2004
Mukhi, S. and Pati�o, R. 2006. Subchronic toxic effects and accumulation of hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology. San Diego, California. March 2006
Mukhi, S. and Pati�o, R. 2005. Fish biomarkers of exposure to thyroid disrupting contaminants in aquatic environments. American Fisheries Society Texas Chapter, Grapevine, Texas. January 2005
Mukhi, S. and Pati�o, R. 2004. Novel biomarkers of perchlorate exposure in zebrafish. South Central Regional Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Waco, Texas May 2004
Mukhi, S. and Pati�o, R. 2004. Novel biomarkers of perchlorate exposure in zebrafish. Fourth World Congress and 25th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Portland, Oregon. November 2004
Mukhi, S. and Pati�o, R. 2004. Development and validation of new and sensitive biomarkers of perchlorate exposure in fishes. 2004 Toxicology Research Expose, The Institute of Environmental and Human Health, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas April 2004
Mukhi, S. and Pati�o, R. 2003. Thyroidal angiogenesis: sensitive and persistent biomarker of perchlorate exposure in zebrafish. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Austin, Texas November 2003
Mukhi, S. and Pati�o, R. 2003. Thyroidal angiogenesis: sensitive and long-lasting biomarker of perchlorate exposure in fishes. Texas Tech University Environmental Toxicology Research Symposium, Lubbock, Texas April 2003
Mueller, J.S., T.B. Grabowski, S.K. Brewer, and T.A. Worthington. 2013. Effects of Temperature, Salinity, and Suspended Solids on the Development and Buoyancy of Arkansas River Shiner Eggs. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, Nashville. February 2013
Mueller JS, TB Grabowski, SK Brewer, and T.A. Worthington. Effects of temperature, salinity, and suspended solids on the development and buoyancy of Arkansas River shiner eggs. 2013 Spring Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. Nashville, TN. 7-10 February 2013. February 2013
Mueller JS, TB Grabowski, & SK Brewer. Effects of temperature, salinity, and suspended solids on the development and buoyancy of Arkansas River shiner eggs. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Lake Conroe, Texas. 17-19 January 2013. January 2013
Morris, S.A., C.W. Boal, and R. Patiño. 2021. Distribution and Abundance of Cormorants in Texas. Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Online. 25 February 2021. February 2021
Morris, S.A., C.W. Boal, D.A. Haukos, and B.A. Grisham. 2022. Variance in clutch size and egg morphology of lesser prairie-chickens across a climate gradient. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Marble Falls, TX 24-26 Feb. 2022. February 2022
Morris, S.A., C.W. Boal, D.A. Haukos, and B.A. Grisham. 2020. Variability in Lesser Prairie-Chicken Egg Morphometrics and Appearance Across a Climate Gradient. Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX, 14 February 2020. February 2020
Moreno, M.V., Sosa, M., Patiño, R., Miranda, S.V., Rubio, A.D., Leal, L. 2009. Development of an accurate methodology for the determination of arsenic and heavy metals in freshwater fish tissues. European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Graz, Austria. February 2009
Moreno, M.V., Sosa, M., Patiño, R., Benavides, A., Miranda, S.V., Rubio, A.D., Leal, L. 2009. Concentrations of arsenic and mercury in bluegill, channel catfish and common carp from three water reservoirs in the State of Chihuahua. Tenth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Metals, Chihuahua, Mexico. July 2009
Moon, G.A., M.T. Barham, D.K. Walkup, and C.W. Boal. Parental budgets and feeding behavior of nesting white-tailed hawks. Annual meeting of The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, TX, Feb. 2023. February 2023
Miyazono, S., Patiño, R., and Taylor, C.M. 2014. Long-term changes in fish functional diversity and flow regime in the Rio Grande and its tributaries in the Trans-Pecos region in Texas. 61st Annual Meeting of Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Stillwater, Oklahoma, April 17-20, 2014. April 2014
Miyazono, S., Patiño, R., Taylor, C.M. 2016. Influence of dispersal on ecological niche assessments for a reintroduced endangered teleost in a desert river. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Kerrville, Texas. January 2016
Miyazono, S., Patiño, R. Taylor, C.M. 2015. Discharge from the Rio Conchos (Mexico) drives streamflow, salinity, and fish diversity in the Big Bend area of the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo del Norte (USA/Mexico): a retrospective analysis. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter American Fisheries Society, Tyler, Texas. January 2015
Mitchell, N., P. Borsdorf, C. Dixon, B. Grisham, D. Haukos, and C. Boal. 2014. Evaluation of capture techniques on lesser prairie-chicken trap injury. 50th Annual Meeting of The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Austin, Texas, Feb 2014 February 2014
Mitchell, N., C. Boal, B. Skipper, R. Murphy, and D. Stahlecker. Survival and dispersal of juvenile golden eagles in the southern Great Plains and Trans Pecos regions. Annual meeting of The Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, NM. September 2017
Mitchell, N., B.R. Skipper, and C.W. Boal. Dispersal Patterns of Juvenile Golden Eagles During Their First Two Years. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio TX, February 2017. February 2017
Mitchell, N., B. Skipper, and C.W. Boal. Land Cover Associations of Migrant and Wintering Golden Eagles in the Southern Great Plains. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. February 2016
Mitchell, N., B. Skipper, and C. Boal. Abundance and Land Cover Associations of Migrant and Wintering Birds of Prey in the Southern Great Plains. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX, February 2015. February 2015
Mitchell, N., B. Skipper, and C. Boal. Abundance and Land Cover Associations of Migrant and Wintering Birds of Prey in the Southern Great Plains. 48th Joint Meeting of the New Mexico and Arizona Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Las Cruces, NM, February 2015. February 2015
Miller, A., C.W. Boal, E. Fish, T. Kingston, and L. Nagy. 2008. Avian mortality at a utility-scale wind farm in the Texas panhandle. Joint Meeting of the American Ornithologists Union, Cooper Ornithological Society, and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists, Portland, OR. August 2008
Miller, A. and C.W. Boal. 2008. Bird and bat mortality at a small-scale windfarm in the Texas panhandle. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. February 2008
Milgalter, R.A., W.P. Kuvlesky, Jr., L. Brennan, D.G. Hewitt, E.J. Redeker, D. Kane, M.A. Actkinson, and C.W. Boal. The nesting ecology of white-tailed hawks (Buteo albicaudatus), red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), and crested caracaras (Caracara cheriway) in south Texas. (Order of authors by institutional affiliation). Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Fort Collins, CO. Sept. 2010. September 2010
Milgalter, R.A., W.P. Kuvlesky, Jr., L. Brennan, D.G. Hewitt, E.J. Redeker, D. Kane, M.A. Actkinson, and C.W. Boal. Precipitation, phenology, and raptor productivity: a nest-level analysis for white-tailed hawks (Buteo albicaudatus) breeding in south Texas. (Order of authors by institutional affiliation). Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Fort Collins, CO. Sept. 2010. September 2010
Milgalter, R.A., W.P. Kuvlesky, Jr., C.W. Boal, L. Brennan, D.G. Hewitt, and E.J. Redecker. The nesting ecology of three sympatric raptors in south Texas. The Wildlife Society 16th Annual Conference, Monterrey, CA. Sep. 2009. September 2009
Meyer, M.D., and Patiño, R. 2008. Toxicity of Jim Bertram Lake System water to fish embryos. Upper Brazos Watershed Research Symposium, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. April 2008
Meyer, M.D., and Patiño, R. 2008. Toxicity of Jim Bertram Lake System water to fish embryos. 2008 Toxicology Research Exposé, The Institute of Environmental and Human Health, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas April 2008
Meyer, M.D., and Patiño, R. 2008. Total water hardness dictates the toxicological effects of cadmium on early development of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Graduate Student Research Poster Competition, Texas Tech University Graduate School, Lubbock, Texas. April 2008
Meyer, M., and Patiño, R. 2009. Use of the zebrafish embryo in studies of harmful algal blooms. Graduate Student Research Poster Competition, Texas Tech University Graduate School, Lubbock, Texas. April 2009
Meyer, M., and Patiño, R. 2009. Use of the zebrafish embryo in studies of harmful algal blooms. Golden Alga International Symposium and Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Fort Worth, Texas. January 2009
Meyer, M., and Patiño, R. 2008. Use of the zebrafish embryo in studies of harmful algal blooms and surface water toxicity. 29th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Tampa, Florida. November 2008
Merriman, J., P. Zwank, C.W. Boal, T.A. Bashore. 2003. Spatial distribution of raptors in relation to prairie dog colonies. Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society 38th Annual Meeting, Waco, TX February 2003
Merriman, J., C.W. Boal, T.A. Bashore, and P. Zwank. 2003. Assessment of species-specific raptor-aircraft strike risks associated with prairie dog colonies. Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Anchorage, AK September 2003
Meier, M.E., K.A. Watson, C.W. Boal, and J.D. Ray. 2019. Wind turbine concentrations and the threats they pose to Swainson’s hawks. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Montgomery, TX, 20-23 February 2019 February 2019
McGinnis, M.A., S.F. Collins, and C.W. ​Boal. 2025. Assessing ​Presence of Microplastics in Mississippi Kites. ​Annual meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Denton, TX. February 2025
Mayes, K., J. Hatt, A. Rodger, T. Starks, and J. Rogosch. 2021. Perspectives of southern Great Plains state agencies on prairie stream conservation. American Fisheries Society, Annual Meeting. November 6-10, 2021 November 2021
Mathis L. Messager, Julian D. Olden, Jonathan Tonkin, Rachel Stubbington, Jane S. Rogosch, Michelle H. Busch, Chelsea J. Little, Annika W. Walters, Carla L. Atkinson, Margaret Shanafield, Songyan Yu, Kate Boersma, Dave Lytle, Richard H. Walker, Ryan M. Burrows, Thibault Datry. 2023. A metasystem approach to designing environmental flows. Symposium for European Freshwater Science. June 2023
Massure WA, TB Grabowski, &T Arsuffi. Evaluating the effects of drought and anthropogenic alterations on the growth of stream fishes on the Edwards Plateau. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Spring Meeting 2015. Savannah, GA. 29 January-01 February 2015. January 2015
Massure WA, TB Grabowski, &T Arsuffi. Evaluating the effects of drought and anthropogenic alterations on the growth of stream fishes on the Edwards Plateau. 2015 Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. 15-17 January 2015. January 2015
Massure WA, TB Grabowski, &T Arsuffi. Evaluating the effects of drought and anthropogenic alterations on the growth of stream fishes on the Edwards Plateau. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland, Oregon. 16-20 August 2015. August 2015
Massure WA, TB Grabowski, & T Arsuffi. Influence of drought and anthropogenic flow alterations on the growth of stream fishes on the Edwards Plateau, central Texas. 2016 Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Kerrville, Texas. 21-23 January 2016. January 2016
Mary, M.A., Rashel, R.H., Patiño. R. 2019. Development of environmentally friendly methods to control harmful blooms of golden alga. Chihuahuan Desert Conference, El Paso, Texas. November 2019
Mary, M.A., Rashel, R.H., Patiño, R. 2020. Development of environmentally friendly methods to control harmful blooms of golden alga. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Waco, Texas, January 23-25, 2020. January 2020
Mary, M.A., Patiño, R. 2019. Development of cost-effective methods to control harmful algal blooms using allelochemicals. Texas Tech 10th Annual Biological Sciences Symposium. Texas Tech University. Lubbock, Texas. April 2019
Mannan, R.W., W.A. Estes, C.W. Boal, and W.J. Matter. 2001. Natal dispersal in Cooper's hawks in an urban environment. The Wildlife Society 8th Annual Meeting, Reno, NV September 2001
Mannan, R.W., C.W. Boal, and R.J. Steidl. 2005. Identifying habitat sinks: a case study of Cooper's hawks in an urban environment. Symposia on causes and consequences of habitat selection. 75th Annual Meeting of the Cooper Ornithological Society, Arcata, CA. October 2005
Mannan, R.W. and C.W. Boal. 2003. Recruitment in a population of urban-nesting Cooper's hawks. 36th Joint Annual Conference of the New Mexico/Arizona Chapters of The Wildlife Society and the American fisheries Society, Arizona and New Mexico Chapters, Gallup, NM February 2003
Mannan, R.N., G. Perry, D.E. Andersen, and C.W. Boal. 2007. Habitat selection of boreal chorus frogs and wood frogs at Cape Churchill, Manitoba. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Beaumont, TX. February 2007
Malone, D.R., O. Kost, C.W. Boal, and T.L. Blankenship. Avian community response to coastal prairie restoration using herbicide and prescribed fire. Annual meeting of The Wildlife Society, Louisville, KY, November 2023. November 2023
Malone, D.R., O. Kost, C.W. Boal, and T.L. Blankenship. 2023. Avian Community Response to Coastal Prairie Restoration Using Herbicide and Prescribed Fire on the Welder Wildlife Refuge Over a Seven Year Time Frame. 2023 Annual Meeting of the Wilson Ornithological Society, Allentown, PA, USA. June 2023
Malone, D.R., C.W. Boal, and T.L. Blankenship. Greater Roadrunner Habitat Selection in a Coastal Prairie-Brushland Mosaic: Implications for Coastal Prairie Restoration. North American Ornithological Conference VII, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 10-15 August 2020 August 2020
Malone, D.R., C.W. Boal, and T.L. Blankenship. 2020. Home Range and Habitat Selection of the Greater Roadrunner on the Welder Wildlife Refuge. Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX, 14 February 2020. February 2020
Malone, D.R., C.W. Boal, and T.L. Blankenship. 2019. Home range and habitat selection of the greater roadrunner on the Welder Wildlife Refuge. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Montgomery, TX, 20-23 February 2019 February 2019
Malone, D.R., C.W. Boal, and T. L. Blankenship. 2021. Avian Community Response to Coastal Prairie Restoration Using Herbicide and Prescribed Fire on the Welder Wildlife Refuge. Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Online. 25 February 2021. February 2021
Malone, D.R., C.W. Boal, and D. Karelus. 2025. Novel Survey Methodology For One Of North America’s Most Elusive Mammals. Annual meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Denton, TX. February 2025
Malone, D.R., C.W. Boal, T.L. Blankenship, and R.D. Cox. 2021. Avian and vegetation response to coastal prairie restoration. Triennial Welder Foundation Fellows Symposium. Welder Wildlife Foundation, Sinton, TX October 2021
Malone, D.R., C.W. Boal, R. Martin, R. Stevens, and C. Villalobos. Tracking Ord's Kangaroo Rats Using a Passive Integrated Transponder Antenna Array System. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Baltimore, MD. October 2024
Malone, D.R., C.W. Boal, R. Martin, R. Stevens, and C. Villa Lobos. Assessing Texas kangaroo rat habitat management and population connectivity. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Marble Falls, TX, 24-26 Feb. 2022. February 2022
Malone, D.R., C.W. Boal, R. Martin, R. Stevens, and C. Villa Lobos. A novel approach to assessing Texas kangaroo rat habitat use. Annual meeting of The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, TX, Feb. 2023. February 2023
Malone, C.R., C.W. Boal, R. Martin, R. Stevens, and C. Villalobos. Pilot study for a passive integrated transponder antenna array for tracking small mammals. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston TX, Feb 2024 February 2024
Mahurin, M.R., C.W. Boal, C.J. Conway, W.C. Conway, and J.D. Ray. 2021. Burrowing Owl Movements in Relation to Wind Energy Development. Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Online. 25 February 2021. February 2021
Magnelia S, T Birdsong, M Bean, T Hardy, TB Grabowski, T Heard, D Holdstock, KA Kollaus, & K Tolman. Application and utility of a low-cost unmanned aerial system to manage and conserve aquatic resources in four Texas rivers. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Spring Meeting 2015. Savannah, GA. 29 January-01 February 2015. January 2015
MULLICAN, S. D., and C. W. BOAL. American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) Survival and Productivity in the Llano Estacado of Texas. 51st Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Salt Lake City, UT. November 2017
MITCHELL, N., C. BOAL, D. STAHLECKER, R. MURPHY, and B. SKIPPER. Dispersal and Survival of Fledgling Golden Eagles in the Southern Great Plains and Trans Pecos Regions of North America. 51st Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Salt Lake City, UT. November 2017
Lucas J. Schilder, L.J., C. Borgman, R. Cox, and C.W. Boal. Changes in Avian Community Composition Following Prescribed Thinning of Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands. North American Ornithological Conference VII, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 10-15 August 2020 August 2020
Lucas J. Schilder, L.J., C. Borgman, C. Portillo-Quintero, R. Cox, and C.W. Boal. 2021. Changes in Avian Community Composition Following Prescribed Thinning of Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands. Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Online. 25 February 2021. February 2021
Linner, K., and C.W. Boal. 2014. Season-Specific Selection of Land-Use Types by Birds of Prey in the Southern High Plains: Implications for Wind Energy Development. 2014 Annual Meeting of The Raptor Research Foundation, Corpus Christi, TX, September 2014 September 2014
Linner, K., and C. Boal. 2014. Season-specific land-use by birds of prey in the Llano Estacado. 50th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Austin, TX, Feb. 2014. February 2014
Leyva, R.I., N.C. Parker and M. Peterson. March 2000. Scaled quail and climate variability in Texas. 35th Annual Meeting Texas Chapter The Wildlife Society. San Angelo, TX. March 2000
Leyva, R.I. and N.C. Parker. August 2000. Historical weather and natural resources in Texas. National GAP 2000. San Antonio, TX. August 2000
Lehker, S., Patiño, R. 2023. Associations of the carbonate system and nutrient levels on growth of Prymnesium parvum. Texas Academy of Science Annual Meeting, San Angelo, Texas. March 2023
Le Bouille, D., Rogosch, J., Bean, M., Birdsong, Broska, J., Buckmeier, D., Bunting, D., T. Cohen, A. Hendrickson, D., Smith, N.. 2023. Species distribution modeling of Texas SGCN fishes to guide landscape-level conservation. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Corpus Christi, TX. February 23-25, 2023. February 2023
Le Bouille, D., J. Rogosch, M. Bean, T. Birdsong, J. Broska, D. Bunting, A. Cohen, D. Hendrickson, and N. Smith. 2024. Decision making and prioritization for the conservation of Texas fish SGCN. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Nacogdoches, TX. February 23-25, 2024. February 2024
Le Bouille, D., J. Rogosch, M. Bean, T. Birdsong, J. Broska, D. Bunting, A. Cohen, D. Hendrickson, N. Smith. 2023. Species distribution modeling of Texas SGCN fishes to guide landscape-level conservation. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Portland, OR. August 6-11, 2023. August 2023
Le Bouille, D. and J.S. Rogosch. Predicting patterns of biodiversity and vulnerability for fish species of greatest conservation need across Texas' watersheds. South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center's Annual Fall Science Meeting. Lubbock, TX. November 1-3, 2023. November 2023
Landesman, L.L., N.C. Parker and C.B. Fedler. October 2000. Effectiveness of duckweed to recycle nutrients from wastewater. Water Environment Federation 72nd Annual Exhibition and Technical Conference. New Orleans, LA. October 2000
Landesman, L.L., N.C. Parker and C.B. Fedler. January 2000. Effectiveness of duckweed to recycle nutrients from wastewater. Aquaculture America. New Orleans, LA. January 2000
Kumari, N., Zak, J.C., Patiño, R. 2017. The community structure of freshwater golden alga microbiome and importance of abiotic conditions. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Portland, Oregon. August 2017
Kumakura, N., Sena, J.A., Wright, S.T., Patiño, R., and Liu, Z. 2007. Expression of cyclooxygenases and production of prostaglandins during ovulation in Xenopus ovarian follicles. Keystone Symposium ? Reproduction: Advances and Challenges, Santa Fe, New Mexico. January 2007
Kumakura, N., Pati�o, R., and Thomas, P. 2004. Role of cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 during ovulation in ovarian follicles of Atlantic croaker. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada August 2004
Krabbenhoft, C.A., J.S. Rogosch, F.E. Rowland, and M. Lauck. 2023. Increasing intercontinental hydrologic and climatic variability are altering freshwater fish assemblages. Society for Freshwater Science annual meeting. Brisbane, Australia. Jun 3-7, 2023. June 2023
Kost, O.A., C.W. Boal, and T. Blankenship. Avian community response to brush management efforts on the Welder Wildlife Refuge. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio TX, February 2017. February 2017
Kost, O.A., C.W. Boal, and T. Blankenship. Avian Response to Brush Management on the Welder Wildlife Refuge. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX. February 2015
Kost, O.A., C.W. Boal and T. Blankenship. Avian response to brush management on the Welder Wildlife Refuge. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. February 2016
Kost, O.A.*, Boal, C.W., Blankenship, T.L., and Cox, R.D. 2016. Avian Community Response to Brush Management Efforts on the Welder Wildlife Refuge. Annual Meeting of the Texas Society for Ecological Restoration, Livingston, TX. November 2016
Karube, M., Strussmann, C.A., Yoshizaki, G., and Pati�o. R. 2004. Cloning and expression of ovarian P-450 aromatase during the critical period of thermolabile sex determination in pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis. 5th International Symposium on Fish Endocrinology, Castellon, Spain. September 2004
Kane, D.F., M. Actkinson, W.P. Kuvlesky, C.W. Boal, L.A. Brennan, and F. Hernandez. 2006. Resource partitioning and productivity of a South Texas raptor assemblage. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, South Padre Island, TX. February 2006
Kane, D., W.P. Kuvlesky, Jr., C.W. Boal, L.A. Brennan, and J.Eagan. 2005. Community assembly and ecology of a raptor guild in the Tamaulipan Biotic Province of south Texas. 40th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Amarillo, TX February 2005
Jenkins, J.A., T.S. Gross, R. Pati�o, R.D. Dale and S. Goodbred. 2000. The utility of male gamete quality tests as adjunct biomarker assays for endocrine disruption. Fish Health Section, American Fisheries Society. Gulf Breeze, Florida August 2000
Jenkins, J.A., Draugelis-Dale, R., Eilts, B.E., Orsak, E., Patiño, R., Goodbred, S. 2009. Assessment of reproductive condition of two fish species in Lake Mead National Recreation Area. 30th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, New Orleans, Louisiana November 2009
Ivey, K., K. Wright, J.S. Rogosch, H.I.A. Boehm, R.W. Tingley III, and C.P. Paukert. 2021. Exploring the relationship between assessment metrics and perceived success of river and stream restoration projects. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Virtual Meeting. February 2-4, 2021 February 2021
Israel, N., VanLandeghem, M.M., Rogowski, D., Patiño, R. 2013. Relationships between surface water quality and golden alga blooms in the Pecos River basin, Texas and New Mexico, USA. Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, 2013 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. February 2013
Israel, N., VanLandeghem, M.M., Rogowski, D., Patiño, R. 2013. Relationships between surface water quality and golden Alga blooms in the Pecos River basin, Texas and New Mexico, USA. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Lake Conroe, Texas. January 2013
Israel, N., VanLandeghem, M.M., Rogowski, D., Patiño, R. 2013. Relationships between surface water quality and golden Alga blooms in the Pecos River basin, Texas and New Mexico, USA. 12th Annual Graduate Student Poster Competition, Texas Tech University , Lubbock, Texas. April 2013
Hull, J.M., B.N. Stobel, C.W. Boal, H.B. Ernest, A.M. Irish, A.C. Hull, A.M. Fish, and C.R. Dykstra. 2008. Conservation, taxonomic status, and genetic differentiation among red-shouldered hawk subspecies. 2008 Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Missoula, MT. August 2008
Huber, C.G., Pope, K.L., Pati�o, R., Blankinship, D.R. 2006. Habitat preferences of juvenile common snook in the lower Rio Grande, Texas. International Conference on Water in Arid and Semiarid Lands, Texas Tech University International Center for Arid and Semiarid Land Studies, Lubbock, Texas. October 2006
Huber, C.G., Pope, K.A., and Patiño, R. 2009. Habitat preferences of juvenile common snook in the lower Rio Grande/Bravo del Norte. Second International Symposium on the Biology and Culture of Snooks, Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico. July 2009
Hu, D, S. Gaughan, P.M. Kocovsky, M.E. Mather, K. Mayes, J. Perkin, J.S. Rogosch, D. Winkelman, M. Wuellner. 2022. AFS 151 Symposia Summaries. "Creating and implementing an ecosystem-wide integrated research agenda and conservation plan for prairie streams: A shared vision, next generation synthesis, and future action plan." Fisheries 47: 30. November 2021
Holt, E.A., K.E. Allen, and N.C. Parker. August 2000. Ecotourism and conservation biology in Texas: An application of GAP analysis. National GAP 2000. San Antonio, TX. August 2000
Holt, E.A., K.E. Allen, N.C. Parker, and R.J. Baker. March 2000. Richness of terrestrial vertebrates across Texas: ecotourism and conservation.35th Annual Meeting Texas Chapter The Wildlife Society. San Angelo, TX. March 2000
Holt, E.A., K.E. Allen and N.C. Parker. April 2000. Ecotourism and conservation biology in Texas: an application of GAP Analysis. Philosophical Issues in Biodiversity Conservation: an Interdisciplinary Workshop. Austin, TX. April 2000
Heath, K.M., J.S. Beauchamp, C.W. Boal, D.P. Collins, W.C. Conway, G. Hensley, W.P. Johnson, and S.T. Saalfeld. 2020. Population Trends of Snowy Plovers on the Southern Great Plains. Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX, 14 February 2020. February 2020
Heath, K.M., J.S. Beauchamp, C.W. Boal, D.P. Collins, W.C. Conway, G. Hensley, W.P. Johnson, and S.T. Saalfeld. 2019. 20-year population trends of breeding snowy plovers on the southern Great Plains of Texas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Montgomery, TX, 20-23 February 2019 February 2019
Heath, K.M., J.S. Beauchamp, C.W. Boal, D.P. Collins, W.C. Conway, B.A. Grisham, G. Hensley, W.P. Johnson, S.T. Saalfeld. Population Trends and Connectivity of Snowy Plovers on the Southern Great Plains. Annual Meeting of the American Ornithological Society, Anchorage, AK 24 – 28 June 2019. June 2019
Heath, K. M., J. S. Beauchamp, C. W. Boal, D. P. Collins,W. C. Conway, G. Hensley, W. P. Johnson, S. T. Saalfeld. 2019. Using Automated Telemetry to Investigate Population Connectivity of Snowy Plovers on the Southern Great Plains. Annual Meeting of the Texas Colonial Waterbird Society, Austin, TX. 19-20 November, 2019. November 2019
Haukos, D., C. Boal, S. Carleton, and B. Grisham. 2015. Roles of Cooperative Research Units in contemporary conservation of natural resources. North American Wildlife & Natural Resources Conference, Omaha, NE. March 2015
Harryman, S.W.H., B.A. Grisham, C.W. Boal, S.S. Kahl, and C.A. Hagen. Movements and Habitat Selection of Lesser Prairie-Chickens in Conservation Reserve Program-Dominated Landscapes in the Southern High Plains of Texas. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. February 2016. February 2016
Harryman, S.W.H., B.A. Grisham, C.W. Boal, S.S. Kahl, and C.A. Hagen. Evaluation of the conservation reserve program as a conservation practice for lesser prairie-chickens in the southern High Plains of Texas. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. February 2017
Harryman, S., B. Grisham, S. Kahl, C. Boal, R. Martin, and C. Hagen. 2017. Multiscale habitat selection of lesser prairie-chickens in an agriculture/conservation reserve program land matrix. 32nd Prairie Grouse Technical Council Meeting, Dickinson, ND. October 2017
Harris, J.R., and C.W. Boal. 2021. Comparative Productivity of American Kestrels in a Nest Box Program and Natural Nests in Lubbock County, Texas. Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Online. 25 February 2021. February 2021
Harris, J.R., and C.W. Boal. 2020. Comparative Productivity of American Kestrels in a Nest Box Program and Natural Nests in Lubbock County, Texas. Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX, 14 February 2020. February 2020
Harris, J.R., and C.W. Boal. 2019. Seasonal and annual variation in raptor species presence and abundance in the southern Great Plains of Texas. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Montgomery, TX, 20-23 February 2019 November 2019
Harris, J.R., and C.W. Boal. 2019. Seasonal and annual variation in raptor species presence and abundance in the southern Great Plains of Texas. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Montgomery, TX, 20-23 February 2019 February 2019
Harried, B., W. Fitzsimmons, K. Fogelman, J. Rogosch, J. Stoeckel, and J. Westhoff. 2024. Linking stream fish thermal ecology and adaptive capacity to inform watershed-based management. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO February 2024
Harried, B., W. Fitzsimmons, K. Fogelman, J. Rogosch, J. Stoeckel, and J. Westhoff. 2024. Linking stream fish thermal ecology and adaptive capacity to inform watershed-based management. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Sioux Falls, South Dakota January 2024
Harried, B., W. Fitzsimmons, K. Fogelman, J. Rogosch, J. Stoeckel, and J. Westhoff. 2023. Assessing the thermal ecology of several Notropis species using multiple metrics. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI. April 2023
Harried, B., W. Fitzsimmons, Fogelman, K., Paukert, C., Rogosch, J., Stoeckel, J., and Westhoff, J. 2023. Addressing the need for lab experiments to fill the temperature gap in trait-based approaches in fishes. Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Norfolk, VA. February 7-9,2023. February 2023
Harried, B., W. Fitzsimmons, Fogelman, K., Paukert, C., Rogosch, J., Stoeckel, J., and Westhoff, J. 2023. Addressing the need for lab experiments to fill the temperature gap in trait-based approaches in fishes. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Lake Ozark, MO. February 7-9,2023. February 2023
Harried, B., C. Paukert, J. Rogosch, and J. Westhoff. 2022. Lack of standardized methods inhibits inference from fish thermal preferences and climate adaptation. Joint Aquatic Sciences meeting, Grand Rapids MI. May 2022
Harried, B. L., W. Fitzsimmons, K. J. Fogelman, C. P. Paukert, J. S. Rogosch, J. A. Stoeckel and J. T. Westhoff. Linking stream fish thermal ecology and adaptive capacity to prioritize watershed areas with greatest value for conservation. 85th Annual Meeting, Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Saint Louis, MO, 19-22 January 2025. January 2025
Haralson, C.L., C.W. Boal, and C. Farquhar. 2008. Breeding ecology of white-tailed hawks on the Texas barrier islands. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. February 2008
Haralson, C.L., C.W. Boal, and C. Farquhar. 2008. Breeding ecology of white-tailed hawks on the Texas barrier islands. 2008 Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Missoula, MT. September 2008
Haralson, C.L. and C.W. Boal. 2007. Breeding ecology of the white-tailed hawk on Texas barrier islands. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Beaumont, TX. February 2007
Hanson, C.R., J.S. Rogosch, N. Smith, and C. Robertson. 2024. Evaluating the effects of intermittent flow on the resilience and vulnerability of fish assemblage structure. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Honolulu, HI. Sep 15-19, 2024. September 2024
Hanson, C.R., J.S. Rogosch, N. Smith, and C. Roberston. 2024. Investigating the effectiveness of Stream Temperature, Intermittency, and Conductivity loggers to quantify river connectivity. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Nacogdoches, TX. February 22-24, 2024. February 2024
Hanson, C.R., J.S. Rogosch, N. Smith, and C. Roberston. 2023. Evaluating the effects of intermittent flow on the resilience and vulnerability of fish assemblage structure. Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. Boise, ID. May 8-11, 2023. May 2023
Hanson, C.R., J.S. Rogosch, N. Smith, and C. Roberston. 2023. Evaluating the effects of intermittent flow on the resilience and vulnerability of fish assemblage structure. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Corpus Christi, TX. February 23-25, 2023. February 2023
Hall, M.T., B. Barnes, and C.W. Boal. Trends in Raptor admissions to wildlife rehabilitation centers across 13 years in the southern Hight plains of Texas. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, TX 21-23 Feb 2024. February 2024
Hailu, T., Jeter, R., Zak, R., Patiño, R. 2015. Interactions Among Environmental Variables and Microbial Communities in Reservoirs of the Upper Colorado and Brazos Rivers, Texas, as a potential proximate cause of Golden Alga Blooms. 2015 Meeting, Texas Branch of the American Society for Microbiology, New Braunfels, Texas. March 2015
Hailu, T., Jeter, R., Zak, J., Patiño, R. 2017. Seasonal association of golden algal abundance with microbial community composition and structure in lakes of semi-arid west Texas. Ecological Society of America 2017 Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon. August 2017
Hailu, T, Jeter, R., Zak, J., Patiño, R. 2015. Interactions among environmental variables and microbial communities in reservoirs of the Upper Colorado and Brazos Rivers, Texas, as a potential proximate cause of Golden Alga blooms. Graduate Student Research Poster Competition, Texas Tech University Graduate School, Lubbock, Texas. April 2015
Hailu, T, Jeter, R., Zak, J., Patiño, R. 2015. Interactions among environmental variables and microbial communities in reservoirs of the Upper Colorado and Brazos Rivers, Texas, as a potential proximate cause of Golden Alga blooms. Annual Conference, Texas Tech University Association of Biologists, Lubbock, Texas. April 2015
Gulick, C.K., and C.W. Boal. Nest Box Use and Productivity of American Kestrels on the High Plains of Texas. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. February 2016
Gulick, C., B. Skipper, and C. Boal. 2014. Occupancy estimates of ferruginous hawks in the Snake River Bird of Prey Area. 50th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Austin, TX, Feb. 2014. February 2014
Groeschel JR, TB Grabowski, & GP Garrett. Evaluations of the growth and habitat use of Guadalupe Bass at a landscape scale in the South Llano River, Texas. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Lake Conroe, Texas. 17-19 January 2013. January 2013
Groeschel JR, TB Grabowski, & GP Garrett. Evaluations of the growth and habitat use of Guadalupe Bass at a landscape scale in the South Llano River, Texas. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Lake Conroe, Texas. 17-19 January 2013. February 2013
Groen, L., C.W. Boal, J.D. Ray, and J. Walker. Modeling wind turbine collision risk for migrating Swainson’s hawks at an international scale. Annual meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX. February 2015
Groen, L., C.W. Boal, J. Ray, and J. Walker. 2014. Movement Rates of Swainson’s Hawks from the Plains of Texas to the Pampas of Argentina. 2014 Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Corpus Christi, TX, September 2014. September 2014
Groen, L., C. Boal, J. Ray, and J. Walker. 2014. Movement rates of Swainson's hawks migrating from Texas to Argentina. 50th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Austin, TX, Feb. 2014. February 2014
GrishamG, B., C.W. Boal, and D. Haukos. 2012. The predicted influence of climate change on Lesser Prairie-Chicken reproductive ecology. 48th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Fort Worth, TX. Feb. 2012. February 2012
Grisham, B.A., J. Zavaleta, C.W. Boal, and D.A. Haukos. 2013. Management of lesser prairie-chicken populations in shinnery oak-grasslands: priorities and future directions. 49th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, TX. Feb. 2013. February 2013
Grisham, B.A., C.W. Boal, C. Coldren, P.S. Gipson, J.D. Ray, R. Stubblefield, and W.C. Conway. 2021. A Paradigm Shifting Without a Clutch: A Six Year Evaluation of Student Engagement and Degree Pride in the Department of Natural Resources Management. Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Online. 25 February 2021. February 2021
Grisham, B., and C.W. Boal. 2011. Limiting factors affecting population persistence of lesser prairie-chicken populations in shinnery-oak communities on the Southern High Plains. 29th Meeting of the Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Hays, KS. Oct. 2011. October 2011
Grisham, B., N. Pirius, C.W. Boal, H. Whitlaw, and D. Lucia. Reproductive ecology and survival of lesser prairie-chickens in the Southern High Plains of Texas. Prairie Grouse Working Group Meeting, Portales, NM. Oct. 2009. October 2009
Grisham, B., J. Lautenbach, R. Plumb, J. Kraft, J. Reitz, D. Sullins, C. Conring, A. Godar, C. Griffin, C. Boal, and D. Haukos. 2014. Does microclimate explain spatial variation in lesser prairie-chicken nest survival? 50th Annual Meeting of The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Austin, Texas, Feb 2014 February 2014
Grisham, B., E.W. Boal, D. Lucia, H.A. Whitlaw, and K. Boydston.2009. Reproductive ecology and survival of lesser prairie-chickens on the Southern High Plains. Meeting of the Lesser Prairie-chicken Interstate Working Group, Lubbock TX. January 2009
Grisham, B., D. Greene, R. Cox, S. Fritts, C. Boal, D. Haukos, and W. Heck. 2017. Lesser prairie-chicken brood ecology in the sand shinnery oak prairie ecoregion. 32nd Prairie Grouse Technical Council Meeting, Dickinson ND. October 2017
Grisham, B., C.W. Boal, and D. Haukos. 2011. Thermal ecology of nesting lesser prairie-chickens and the potential implications of climate change. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Waikoloa, HI. Nov. 2011. November 2011
Grisham, B., C.W. Boal, and D. Haukos. 2011. Thermal ecology of nesting lesser prairie-chickens and the potential implications of climate change. 29th Meeting of the Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Hays, KS. Oct. 2011. October 2011
Grisham, B., C.W. Boal, and D. Haukos. 2011. A ten year assessment of herbicide treatment and grazing on nest site selection and daily nest survival of lesser prairie-chickens in New Mexico. 29th Meeting of the Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Hays, KS. Oct. 2011 October 2011
Grisham, B., C.W. Boal, W. Ballard, B. Dabbert, D. Haukos, K. Boydston, and H.A. Whitlaw. 2008. Reproductive ecology of lesser prairie-chickens in relation to wind energy development in the Southern High Plains of Texas. Wildlife Diversity Conference, Houston, TX. January 2008
Grisham, B., C. Boal, and D. Haukos. Understanding the thermal tolerance of nesting lesser prairie-chickens to predict population level influences of climate change. 47th Annual meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX Feb 2011 February 2011
Grisham, B., C. Boal, and D. Haukos. Thermal tolerances of nesting lesser prairie-chickens and the potential population level influence of climate change. 2011 Joint Meeting of the Association of Field Ornithologists, Cooper Ornithological Society, and the Wilson Ornithological Society, Kearney, NE. Mar. 2011. March 2011
Griffin, C.P., A.J. Godar, S.R. Fritts, D.U. Greene, B.A. Grisham, C.W. Boal, D.A. Haukos, J.C. Pitman, G.M. Beauprez, M.A. Patten, and C.A. Hagen. 2016. A range-wide assessment on the influence of anthropogenic structure dispersion and land cover patch size on lesser prairie-chicken lek attendance. NAOC, Washington, D.C. October 2016
Griffin, C.P., A.J. Godar, S.R. Fritts, B.A. Grisham, C.W. Boal, D.A. Haukos, J.C. Pitman, G.M. Beauprez, M.A. Patten, and C.A. Hagen. 2016. A range-wide assessment of the influence of anthropogenic features and landcover patterns on lesser prairie-chicken lek attendance. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. February 2016
Griffin, C.P., A.J. Godar, B.A. Grisham, C.W. Boal, D.A. Haukos, J.C. Pitman, C.A. Hagen. A Range-Wide Assessment of the Influence of Weather on Lesser Prairie-Chicken Demographic Parameters. Annual meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX, February 2015 February 2015
Griffin, C., A. Godar, D. Greene, B. Grisham, C. Boal, D. Haukos, G. Beauprez, J. Pitman, and C. Hagen. 2018. A range–wide assessment on the influence of anthropogenic structure dispersion and land cover patch size on lesser prairie-chicken lek attendance. International Grouse Symposium, Logan, Utah. September 2018
Grier, H.J., Uribe, M.C., and Patiño, R. 2009. Saltwater Perciformes: from oogonia to pelagic eggs. Fourth International Workshop on Gonadal Histology of Fishes, Cadiz, Spain. June 2009
Grier, H.J., Quagio-Grassiotto, I., Uribe, M.C., and Patiño, R. 2009. Switching "postovulatory follicle complex" for postovulatory follicle". Fourth International Workshop on Gonadal Histology of Fishes, Cadiz, Spain. June 2009
Greene, D.U., B.A. Grisham, C.W. Boal, D.A. Haukos, and R.D. Cox. Brood Survival of Lesser Prairie Chickens in the Sand Shinnery Oak Ecoregion of Texas and New Mexico. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio TX, February 2017. January 2017
Greene, D.U., B.A. Grisham, C.W. Boal, D.A. Haukos, and R.D. Cox. 2017. Brood survival of lesser prairie-chickens in the sand shinnery oak ecoregion of Texas and New Mexico. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, NM. September 2017
Gray, O., C. Skidmore, C. Boal, B. Skipper, and R. Martin. 2020. Nest Success and Productivity of State Threatened Raptor Species in the Trans Pecos Region of Texas. Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX, 14 February 2020. February 2020
Grabowski, K., Dawson, D., Betsill, B., Patiño, R. 2012. Land use practices in the Upper Colorado River and Concho River Basins: associations with golden algal blooms. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Galveston, Texas. February 2012
Grabowski TB, T Birdsong, PT Bean, BD Cheek, & J Groeschel. Endemic black basses as drivers of watershed conservation and restoration: combining emerging technologies and traditional fisheries techniques to evaluate the use of Guadalupe Bass as a keystone species in Texas streams. 2013 Spring Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. Nashville, Tennessee. 7-10 February 2013. February 2013
Grabowski TB, Q Chen, B Ogola, & R Vega. Characterization of the function of different call types in the acoustic repertoire of spawning Spotted Seatrout. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Spring Meeting 2015. Savannah, GA. 29 January-01 February 2015. January 2015
Grabowski TB, Q Chen, B Ogola, & R Vega. Characterization of the function of different call types in the acoustic repertoire of spawning Spotted Seatrout. 2015 Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. 15-17 January 2015. January 2015
Grabowski TB, PT Bean, B Grisham, and JR Groeschel. Linking low-cost side scan sonar habitat data with occupancy-based population models. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland, Oregon. 16-20 August 2015. August 2015
Grabowski TB, JE Pease, & JR Groeschel. Intraspecific differences in morphology corresponds to differential spawning habitat use in two riverine catostomid species. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. 17-21 August 2014. August 2014
Grabowski TB, BJ McAdam, V Thorsteinsson & G Marteinsdóttir. Evidence of segregated spawning in a single marine fish stock: sympatric divergence of ecotypes in Icelandic cod? 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Seattle, WA. 4-8 September 2011. September 2011
Grabowski TB, BD Cheek, JR Groeschel, PT Bean, & S Magneila. Evaluating the habitat associations of a stream fish assemblage at multiple spatial scales using low-cost side scan sonar. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Spring Meeting 2015. Savannah, GA. 29 January-01 February 2015. January 2015
Goodbred, S.L., Patiño, R., Rosen, M.R., Jenkins, J.A., Orsak, E., Torres, L., Sharma, P., Wieser, C., Ruessler, S. Has Fish Health in Lake Mead Improved Since 1995? 2012 Lake Mead Symposium, Las Vegas, Nevada. March 2012
Goodbred, S.L., Jenkins, J.A., Patiño, R., Alvarez, D., and Echols, K., 2022, Associations between synthetic organic compounds and male Common Carp health in Lake Mead, Arizona and Nevada [presentation], Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, May 14–20, 2022, Grand Rapids, MI, May 2022
Godar, A.J., C.P. Griffin, B.A. Grisham, D.A. Haukos, S.R. Fritts, B.E. Ross, C.W. Boal, C.A. Hagen, M.A. Patten, and J.C. Pitman. 2017. Combining weather data and climate projections: a case study with Lesser Prairie-Chickens. Annual meeting of the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Lincoln, NE. February 2017
Godar, A.J., B.A. Grisham, C.W. Boal, and D.A. Haukos. 2015. Does Microclimate Explain Regional Variation in Lesser Prairie-Chicken Nest Survival? Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Wichita. January 2015
Godar, A.J., B.A. Grisham, C.W. Boal, D.A. Haukos. Does Microclimate Explain Regional Variation in Lesser Prairie-Chicken Nest Survival? Annual meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX, February 2015. February 2015
Godar, A.J., B.A. Grisham, C.P. Griffin, S.R. Fritts, C.W. Boal, D.A. Haukos, J.C. Pitman, M.A. Patten, and C.A. Hagen. 2016. The influence of weather parameters on lesser prairie-chicken rangewide nest survival. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. February 2016
Godar, A.J., B.A. Grisham, B.E. Ross, C.W. Boal, S.R. Fritts, C.P. Griffin, C.A. Hagen, D.A. Haukos, M.A. Patten, and J.C. Pitman. 2016. Rangewide assessment of the influence of climate change on lesser prairie-chicken population persistence. North American Ornithological Congress, Washington, D.C. August 2016
Godar, A.J., B.A. Grisham, B.E. Ross, C.W. Boal, S.R. Fritts, C.P. Griffin, C.A. Hagen, D.A. Haukos, M.A. Patten, and J.C. Pitman. 2016. Incorporating contemporary statistical methods into long-term ecological data: A case study using Lesser Prairie-Chickens. Kansas Natural Resources Conference, Wichita, KS February 2016
Giovanni, M.D., C.W. Boal, and H.A. Whitlaw. 2008. Ferruginous hawk nest survival in the Texas panhandle: addressing observer-based disturbance and other sources of uncertainty. 2008 Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Missoula, MT. September 2008
Giovanni, M.D., C.W. Boal, and H.A. Whitlaw. 2005. Prey use and partitioning by sympatric ferruginous hawks and Swainson's hawks on the Southern Great Plains. 40th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Amarillo, TX February 2005
Giovanni, M., C.W. Boal, and H. Whitlaw. 2004. Prey use of ferruginous and Swainson's hawks in a short-grass prairie and agricultural community: a preliminary report. Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society 39th Annual Meeting, Kerrville, TX February 2004
Gicklhorn, T.S., P.K. Borsdorf, C.W. Boal, and M. VanLandeghem. Assessing Predator-Prey Use and Interactions at Man-Made Water Sources on the Southern High Plains of Texas. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. February 2016
Gicklhorn, T., P.K. Borsdorf, N. Pirius, and C.W. Boal. 2013. Seasonal use of artificial water-sources by lesser prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus). 49th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, TX. Feb. 2013. February 2013
Gicklhorn, T., N. Pirius, and C. Boal. Analysis of motion-captured pictures located on man-made water sources in the Southern High Plains of West Texas. Annual meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX. February 2015
Gicklhorn, T., C. Boal, and P. Borsdorf. 2014. Assessment of lesser prairie-chicken use of wildlife water guzzlers. 50th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Austin, TX, Feb. 2014. February 2014
Gicklehorn, T., P.K. Borsdorf, N. Pirius and C.W. Boal. 2012. Seasonal use of artificial water-sources by lesser prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus). 48th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Fort Worth, TX. Feb. 2012. February 2012
Gale, W.L., Z. Xia, R. Pati�o and A.G. Maule. 2000. Characterization of recombinant and native estrogen receptors in channel catfish. Western Regional Conference on Comparative Endocrinology. Corvallis, Oregon March 2000
Gale, W.L., Z. Xia, R. Pati�o and A.G. Maule. 2000. Binding of xenoestrogens to channel catfish estrogen receptor alpha and beta. Fourth International Symposium on Fish Endocrinology. Seattle, Washington July 2000
Fritts, S.R., B.A. Grisham, R.D. Cox, C.W. Boal, D.A. Haukos, and P. McDaniel. 2016. Influence of vegetation structure and composition on lesser prairie-chicken abundance, survival, and recruitment following an intense drought. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. February 2016
Fritts, S.R., B.A. Grisham, R.D. Cox, C.W. Boal, D.A. Haukos, and P. McDaniel. 2016. Assessing potential synergies between drought and grazing on lesser prairie-chicken demography. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Raleigh, North Carolina. October 2016
Fritts, S.F., B.A. Grisham, C.W. Boal, D.A. Haukos, M.A. Patten, D.H. Wolfe, C.E. Dixon, W.R. Heck. Lesser prairie-chicken nest site selection and nest survival at two spatial scales in a cattle-dominated landscape. 2015 Annual meeting of The Wildlife Society, Winnipeg, Manitoba. October 2015
Fork, M., J. Rogosch, B. Laursen, L. Kuehne and A. Sponberg. 2024. Evaluating conferences for diverse engagement: Effects of virtual conferences on participation by diverse organizations. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Honolulu, HI. Sep 15-19, 2024. September 2024
Fork, M., A. Sponberg, J. Rogosch, B. Laursen, and L. Kuehne. 2025. Barriers to conference participation for environmental scientists from diverse types of organizations. The Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting. May 18-22, 2025 May 2025
Fork, M., A. Sponberg, J. Rogosch, B. Laursen, and L. Kuehne. 2024. The impact of virtual conferences on participation by diverse organizations and individuals. The Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. Jun 2-6, 2024. June 2024
Fonville, S.A., S.D. Mullican, and C.W. Boal. American kestrel nest survival and productivity across a decade in the southern High Plains of Texas. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, TX 21-23 Feb 2024. February 2024
Fonville, S.A., S.D. Mullican, and C.W. Boal. American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) Nest Survival and Productivity Across a Decade in the Southern High Plains of Texas. 2023 Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Albuquerque, NM. October 2023
Fonville, S., and C.W. Boal. Applying dDNA analysis to identify winter food habits of American kestrels in the South Plains of Texas. Annual meeting of The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, TX, Feb. 2023. February 2023
Fitzsimmons, W., Fogelman, K., B. Harried, Paukert, C., Rogosch, J., Stoeckel, J., and Westhoff, J. 2023. Addressing the thermal ecology of Topeka Shiners (Notropis topeka) using multiple thermal metrics. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Lake Ozark, MO. February 7-9,2023. February 2023
Fedler, C.B., T.L. White, P. Sahu, and N.C. Parker. July 2000. Protein production from cattle waste in wetlands. Paper No. 004139. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, International Summer Meeting. Milwaukee, WI. July 2000
Ernst, A.E. and N.C. Parker. March 2000. Changes in black-tailed prairie dog towns in the Texas Panhandle determined by GIS. 35th Annual Meeting Texas Chapter The Wildlife Society. San Angelo, TX. March 2000
Ernst, A.E. and N.C. Parker. August 2000. Changes in black-tailed prairie dog towns on the Texas Panhandle determined by GIS. National GAP 2000. San Antonio, TX. August 2000
East J, TB Grabowski, T Birdsong. Assessment and monitoring of newly established public river access and conservation areas. 2016 Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Kerrville, Texas. 21-23 January 2016. January 2016
Dylan, D.R., Rashel, R., Patiño, R. 2018. Spatiotemporal distribution of harmful golden alga in Lubbock’s Canyon Lake System. Texas Tech University Undergraduate Research Conference, Lubbock, Texas March 2018
Demere, K., B. Bibles, B. Skipper, and C. Boal. Ecology of Zone-tailed Hawks in Texas. Christmas Mountains Research Symposium, Terlingua Ranch Headquarters, Brewster County, TX. May 2023
De Selle, H., Waterson, R., Richardson, E.T., Patiño, R. 2019. The effects of Roundup on golden alga growth. Texas Tech University Undergraduate Research Conference, Lubbock, Texas. April 2019
Dawson, D., VanLandeghem, M.M., Patiño, R. 2012. Use of trend and classification tree analyses of historical water quality data to identify drivers of toxic golden algal blooms in reservoirs of the Brazos and Colorado River basins. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Galveston, Texas. February 2012
Dawson, D., Reza, A., Patiño, R., Asquith, W., Hayhoe, K., Taylor, C., Bailey, M., Burley, T., Gelca, R., and Grabowski, K. 2011. Integrated analysis of climate change and land cover change factors impacting water quality characteristics associated with golden algal blooms in selected Texas reservoirs. 47th Annual Water Resources Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico. November 2011
Davis, K.P., E.R. Bjerre, C.W. Boal, M.A. Boggie, M.J. Eaton, J.H. Herner-Thogmartin, P.E. Howell, K. Madden, B. Millsap, O.J. Robinson, H. White, G. Zimmerman, A.J. Lawson. 2023. Collaborative Research Prioritization to Evaluate Potential Drivers of Population Declines for the American Kestrel in North America. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference; Louisville, Kentucky. November 5–9, 2023. November 2023
Davis, K.P., E.R. Bjerre, C.W. Boal, M.A. Boggie, M.J. Eaton, J.H. Herner-Thogmartin, P.E. Howell, K. Madden, B. Millsap, O.J. Robinson, H. White, G. Zimmerman, A.J. Lawson. 2023. Collaborative Research Prioritization to Evaluate Potential Drivers of Population Declines for the American Kestrel in North America. Raptor Research Foundation; Albuquerque, New Mexico. October 17–22, 2023. October 2023
Davidson, T., C. Boal, and C. Borgman. Nest site selection and nest survival of an avian communities in pinyon-juniper woodlands undergoing thinning prescriptions. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Marble Falls, TX, 24-26 Feb. 2022. February 2022
Davidson, T., C. Boal, and C. Borgman. Comparative nesting habitat and nest survival of avian communities in thinned and unthinned pinyon-juniper woodlands. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Louisville, KY, Oct. 2023 November 2023
Davidson, T., C. Boal, and C. Borgman. Comparative nesting habitat and nest survival of avian communities in thinned an unthinned pinyon-juniper woodlands. Annual Meeting of the Wilson Ornithological Society, Santa Fe, NM 18-20 July 2022. July 2022
Davidson, T., C. Boal, and C. Borgman. Comparative nesting habitat and nest survival of avian communities in thinned an unthinned pinyon-juniper woodlands. Annual Meeting of the New Mexico Ornithological Society, Virtual, 26 March 2022. March 2022
Dabney, B., Patiño, R. 2019. Low-dose stimulation of growth of the harmful alga, Prymnesium parvum, by glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides. ASLO 2019 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Puerto Rico, February 23-March 2, 2019. February 2019
Dabney, B., Patiño, R. 2019. Low-dose stimulation of growth of the harmful alga, Prymnesium parvum, by glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides. 2019 Southern Division – American Fisheries Society, Galveston, Texas, January 2019. January 2019
Dabney, B., Patiño, R. 2018. Glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides stimulate growth of Prymnesium parvum, a toxic bloom-forming microalga. International Aridlands Conference, Lubbock, Texas, August 13-14, 2018. August 2018
Cupito, A., A. Rivera, L. Schilder, and C.W. Boal. Changes in avian community structure following prescribed thinning of pinyon-juniper woodlands in New Mexico. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, TX 21-23 Feb 2024. February 2024
Cupito, A., A. Rivera, L. Schilder, and C. Boal. Ecological Responses: Avian Community Diversity Post-Thinning in New Mexico's Pinyon-Juniper Savannas. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Baltimore MD. October 2024
Cruz-Li, E.I., Wainscott, M.R., Collie, N., Cobb, G.P., and Pati�o, R. 2001. Effects of ammonium perchlorate, 4-(tert octyl) phenol, and their mixture on the survival and development of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos and juveniles. Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Baltimore, Maryland. November 2001
Cruz-Li, E.I., M. Wainscott, C. McMurry, N. Collie, G.P. Cobb and R. Pati�o. 2000. Effects of ammonium perchlorate, 4-(tert octyl) phenol, and their mixture on the survival and development of zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos and juveniles Aquaria Fish Models of Human Disease (Conference and Workshop). San Marcos, Texas September 2000
Cruz-Li, E., La Point, T.W., Pati�o, R., and Cobb, G.P. 2003. Effects of ammonium perchlorate, 4-(tert octyl) phenol, and their mixture on zebrafish (Danio rerio). Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Austin, Texas November 2003
Creamer, D., J.S. Rogosch, and R. Patiño. 2023. Zebra mussel invasion risk: Estimating the likelihood of spread and establishment of an aquatic invasive species. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Corpus Christi, TX. Feb 23-25, 2023 February 2023
Creamer, D., J.S. Rogosch, and R. Patiño. 2023. Zebra mussel invasion risk: Estimating the likelihood of spread and establishment of an aquatic invasive species. Texas Academy of Sciences Annual meeting. San Angelo, TX. Mar 3-5, 2023 March 2023
Creamer, D., J.S. Rogosch, R. Patiño. 2023. Zebra mussel invasion risk: Estimating the likelihood of spread and establishment of an aquatic invasive species. 2023 Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon. August 2023
Creamer, D., J.S. Rogosch, R. Patiño. 2023. Zebra mussel invasion risk: Estimating the likelihood of spread and establishment of an aquatic invasive species. 153rd American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan. August 2023
Crawford, A., and C.W. Boal. 2023. An Experimental Investigation of the Influence of Green Plant Material in Raptor Nest Microclimate. Meeting of The Raptor Research Foundation, Albuquerque, NM, 17-21 Oct 2023. October 2023
Crawford, A., C. Green, H. Huynh, B.D. Bibles, and C.W. Boal. How Do Environmental Factors Influence the Activity Patterns of Mississippi Kites? Annual Meeting of The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Houston, TX, Feb 22-24, 2023. February 2023
Cox, T.J. and N.C. Parker. October 2000. Integrated wastewater for reuse and aquaculture production. Water Environment Federation 72nd Annual Exhibition and Technical Conference. New Orleans, LA. October 2000
Cooke, A.N., A.J. Roberts, and C.W. Boal. 2008. Invertebrate response to wildfires in the Texas panhandle. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. February 2008
Community response to use of prescribed grazing and herbicide for restoration of sand shinnery oak grasslands. 2012. 48th Annual Meeting, Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Fort Worth, Texas. J.C. Zavaleta presenting. February 2012
Collins, S.F., W.M. Wilson, J.S. Rogosch, B.W. Durham. 2025. Seasonal and longitudinal variation on aquatic food web structure and food resources supporting four imperiled prairie fishes. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting. San Juan, Puerto Rico. May 18-22, 2025. May 2025
Cody P. Griffin, Alixandra J. Godar, Blake A. Grisham, Clint W. Boal, David A. Haukos, Jim C. Pittman, and Christian A. Hagen. Does Weather Influence Lesser Prairie-Chicken Demographic Parameters Disproportionately in the Sand Shinnery Oak Prairie Compared to the Sand Sagebrush Prairie? 48th Joint Annual Meeting of the New Mexico and Arizona Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Las Cruces, NM. February 2015
Clary, M.E. and N.C. Parker. March 2000. Multi-agency evaluation of small mammal distribution on Fort Bliss military base. 65th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference. Chicago, IL. March 2000
Chizinski, C., Sharma, B., Mukhi, S., Pope, K., and Pati�o, R. 2006. Development of bioenergetics model for zebrafish and application in toxicology research. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas. February 2006
Chen Q, TB Grabowski, & R Vega. Relationship between acoustic behavior and egg production in Spotted Seatrout Cynoscion nebulosus. Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium. Lubbock, Texas. 29 March 2014. March 2014
Chen Q, B Ogola, & TB Grabowski. Mating system and reproductive behavior of southern flounder on the Texas Gulf Coas. 2013 Spring Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. Nashville, Tennessee. 7-10 February 2013. February 2013
Cheek BD & TB Grabowski. Evaluating habitat associations of a fish assemblage at multiple scales in a minimally disturbed stream on the Edwards Plateau. 2013 Spring Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. Nashville, Tennessee. 7-10 February 2013. February 2013
Capps, T.V., Pati�o, R., and Blazer, V.S. 2003. Kidney lesions induced by perchlorate in adult zebrafish. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Austin, Texas November 2003
Cameron F, SS Árnason, B McAdam, B Gunnarsson, TB Grabowski, G Marteinsdottir. Cod lunacy: hormonal identification of spawning rhythms in Atlantic Cod Gadus morhua. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. 17-21 August 2014. August 2014
C.W. BOAL* and T. GICKLHORN. Environmental Factors Associated with Lesser Prairie-Chicken Use of Surface Water. 31st Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Nevada, Missouri. Sept. 2015. September 2015
C. P. GRIFFIN*, A.J. GODAR, S.R.FRITTS, B. A. GRISHAM, C.W. BOAL, D.A. HAUKOS, and J. C. PITMAN. A Range-wide Assessment of the Influence of Anthropogenic Features on Lesser Prairie-Chicken Lek Attendance. 31st Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Nevada, Missouri. Sept. 2015. September 2015
Byerly, M.T., Pati�o, R., and Betsill, R. 2003. Temperature effects on gonadal and somatic growth in channel catfish. American Fisheries Society, Texas Chapter, Juntion, Texas. January 2003
Byerly, M.T., Fat-Halla, S., Betsill, R., Pati�o, R. 2004. Short-term exposures to high temperature as means to control the reproductive development and somatic growth of juvenile channel catfish. 134th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Madison, Wisconsin (invited symposium presentation). August 2004
Brewer, SK, TA Worthington, TB Grabowski, and J Mueller. 2012. Evaluating the efficiency of the Moore egg-sampler. Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, October 22, Stillwater, OK October 2012
Brewer, SK, TA Worthington, TB Grabowski, and J Mueller. 2012. Evaluating the efficiency of a quantitative egg-sampling gear. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Minneapolis August 2012
Brewer, S.K., T.A. Worthington, T.B. Grabowski, and J. Mueller. 2013. Evaluating the reproductive success of Arkansas River shiner by assessing early life-history stage dispersal and survival at the landscape level. Great Plains Conservation Cooperative Steering Committee Meeting, Edmond, Oklahoma, January 17. January 2013
Bosman B, TB Grabowski, & A Pease. Predicting the vulnerability of Texas reservoirs to Zebra Mussel invasion. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. 17-21 August 2014. August 2014
Borsdorf, P.K., B.A. Grisham, and C.W. Boal. 2013. Habitat selection and home range size of lesser prairie-chickens on the Southern High Plains of Texas. 49th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, TX. Feb. 2013. February 2013
Bondo, K., M. Whitson, C. Boal, M. Peterson, B. Simpson, C. Hagen, and B. Grisham. 2020. Detecting Helminth Eggs in a Gallinaceous Bird: Fecal vs. Cecal Droppings. Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX, 14 February 2020. February 2020
Bondo, K., M. Whitson, C. Boal, M. Peterson, B. Simpson, C. Hagen, and B. Grisham. 2019. Parasitological survey of lesser prairie-chickens in Texas and New Mexico. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Montgomery, TX, 20-23 February 2019 February 2019
Boehm, H., and J. Rogosch. 2022. Best Practices for Improving DEIJA in the Fisheries Employment Hiring Process. Oral Presentation. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA. August 21 - 25, 2022 August 2022
Boal, C.W., and R.W. Mannan. 2002. Birds of Prey in urban landscapes. Defenders of Wildlife's Carnivores 2002: a conference on carnivore biology and conservation. Monterey, CA November 2002
Boal, C.W., and R. Perkins. The use of trained raptors in field research. 2019 Meeting of The Raptor Research Foundation, Fort Collins, CO. November 2019
Boal, C.W., and B.D. Bibles. Weather Influenced Survival and Recruitment of Bananaquits: a glimpse at the potential influence of climate change on Caribbean avifauna. 2019 Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Reno, NV. October 2019
Boal, C.W., and B.D. Bibles. Long-term Banding Provides Insights to Weather Influenced Survival and Recruitment of Bananaquits. North American Ornithological Conference VII, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 10-15 August 2020 August 2020
Boal, C.W., T. Kingston, and K. Boydston. 2008. Wind energy development, wildlife conservation, research, and stakeholder cooperation: a call to facilitate wildlife conservation with wind energy development. Wildlife Diversity Conference, Houston, TX. January 2008
Boal, C.W., S.A. Morris, D.A. Haukos, and B.A. Grisham. 2021. Variance in clutch size and egg morphology of lesser prairie-chickens across a climate gradient. 28th Annual Converence of The Wildlife Society (virtual), 1-5 Nov. 2021. November 2021
Boal, C.W., M.D. Giovanni, and H.A. Whitlaw. 2005. Comparative breeding ecology of ferruginous hawks and Swainson's hawks in the Southern Great Plains. 40th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Amarillo, TX February 2005
Boal, C.W., M.D. Giovanni, and H. Whitlaw. 2005. Nesting habitat selection and partitioning by ferruginous hawks and Swainson's hawks in the Southern Great Plains. 75th Annual Meeting of the Cooper Ornithological Society, Arcata, CA. June 2005
Boal, C.W., M.A. Thornley, and S.D. Mullican. American Kestrel food habits: surprises and unintended consequences of conservation actions. 2019 Meeting of The Raptor Research Foundation, Fort Collins, CO. November 2019
Boal, C.W., M. Thornley, and S. Mullican. American kestrel (Falco sparverius) food habits and delivery rates during the brood rearing period in the southern plains. Joint Meeting of the Association of Field Ornithologists and the Wilson Ornithological Society. Chattanooga, TN. 7-9 June 2018. June 2018
Boal, C.W., L. Groen, and J.D. Ray. Migration Rates of Swainson’s Hawks Through Regions of Different Wind Energy Potentials Between Texas and Argentina. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. February 2016. February 2016
Boal, C.W., D.E. Andersen, and P.L. Kennedy. 2006. Habitat use and home range patterns of northern goshawks in the Western Great Lakes region of North America. International Symposium on the Goshawk. 2006 Meeting of Raptor-Japan, Tokyo, Japan (Invited Presentation) January 2006
Boal, C.W., D.E. Andersen, and P.L. Kennedy. 2002. Northern goshawk: status, conservation and Minnesota overview. Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the Society of American Foresters, Cass Lake, MN September 2002
Boal, C.W., D.E. Andersen, and P.L. Kennedy. 2001. Breeding season foraging habitat of male northern goshawks in Minnesota. 8th Annual Meeting of the Wildlife Society, Reno, NV September 2001
Boal, C.W., D.E. Andersen, and P.L. Kennedy. 2000. Habitat use of northern goshawks in Minnesota. Annual meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Jonesboro, AR November 2000
Boal, C.W., D.E. Andersen and P.L. Kennedy. 2003. Productivity and nesting habitat of northern goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) in Minnesota. International Symposium on the Ecology and Management of Northern Goshawks, Anchorage, AK September 2003
Boal, C.W., C.L. Haralson, and William H. Howe. 2007. Occupancy changes of golden eagles in the Texas panhandle. The Wildlife Society 14th Annual Conference, Tucson, AZ. September 2007
Boal, C.W., C.L. Haralson, and W.H. Howe. 2007. Status of golden eagles in the Texas panhandle. Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Allentown, PA. September 2007
Boal, C.W., B.D. Bibles, K.D. Demere, and B.R. Skipper. Habitat associations and migration of Zone-tailed Hawks breeding in the Trans-Pecos of Texas. Annual meeting of The Raptor Research Foundation. Charlotte, NC, October 2024. October 2024
Boal, C.W., B.D. Bibles, K. Demere, and B.R. Skipper. Home Range, Habitat Associations, and Migration of Zone-tailed Hawks from the Trans Pecos of Texas. 2023 Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Albuquerque, NM. October 2023
Boal, C.W., B. A. Grisham, D. Haukos, and W. Heck. 2013. Population demography of lesser prairie-chicken populations in shinnery-oak grassland communities of New Mexico and Texas. Society for Range Management 66th Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK. Feb. 2013. February 2013
Boal, C.W., A. Rivera, and L. Schilder. Avian community response to prescribed thinning of pinyon-juniper woodlands in New Mexico. Annual meeting of The Wildlife Society, Louisville, KY, November 2023. November 2023
Boal, C.W., A. Miller, B. Grisham, M. Butler and W. Ballard. 2009. Influences of wind power development on wildlife in Texas: looking before you leap. Blowin' in the Wind: The Future of Wind Turbine Farms, 2 day conference at Texas Tech Univeristy, Lubbock Texas, June 2009 June 2009
Boal, C.W. Unexpected Allies: Woodrats and Rabbits Provide Escape Cover for Quail. Annual Meeting of The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Houston, TX, Feb 22-24, 2023. February 2023
Boal, C.W. Nesting ecology and density of Mississippi kites in urban green spaces. Annual meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Charlotte, NC, Oct. 2024 October 2024
Boal, C.W. Escape cover use by multiple quail species in response to raptor predation. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, TX 21-23 Feb 2024. February 2024
Boal, C.W. Conservation opportunities and management conflicts with urban raptors. Symposium on Contemporary Issues in Raptor Conservation and Management in North America. 2022 Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Spokane, WA. Nov. 2022. November 2022
Boal, C.W. Assessing escape cover use by quail in response to raptor predation: results from a novel research approach. The Annual meeting of The Wildlife Society, Baltimore MD. October 2024
Boal, C.W. 2023. Real and Perceived Conflicts Associated With Raptor Population Increases. 2023 Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Albuquerque, NM October 2023
Boal, C.W. 2021. Raptors of the Trans Pecos Rios. Keynote Presentation for the 2021 Birding the Border Festival, Del Rio TX. April 2021
Boal, C.W. 2021. Raptors of the Southern Great Plains: an exploration of how birds of prey have responded to a 150 years of landscape change. Keynote Presentation, Annual Meeting of the New Mexico Ornithological Society. Virtual Meeting, 2021. March 2021
Boal, C.W. 2021. Patterns of water use by raptors in the Southern Great Plains. Annual Meeting of The Raptor Research Foundation, Boise, ID. 8-14 October 2021. October 2021
Boal, C.W. 2016. The Influence of Size, Habitat, and Diet on Urban Raptor Communities. Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Cape May, NJ. October 2016
Boal, C.W. 2016. Punctuated Equilibrium of Methods, Gradualism of Means, and Quantum Evolution of Restrictions and Responses: the Evolution of Raptor Research Methods and the Advent of Animal Welfare Concerns. Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Cape May, NJ, October 2016 October 2016
Boal, C.W. 2011. Field researcher influences on non-target animals. IACUC/Wildlife 101, Albuquerque, NM. Oct. 2011 Workshop on Animal Welfare Act compliance for studies of wildlife in the field and captivity. American Society of Mammalogists and the Ornithological Council, Albuquerque, NM. Oct. 2011. (INVITED). October 2011
Boal, C.W. 2011. A review of the awards and grants given by the Raptor Research Foundation and the people for which they are named. 2011 Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Duluth, MN. Oct. 2011. October 2011
Boal, C.W. 2009. Capture rates and condition of autumn migrant blackpoll warblers in the British Virgin Islands. Annual meeting of the Cooper Ornithological Society, Tucson, AZ. April 2009. April 2009
Boal, C.W. 2008. Research needs to better understand the influences of wind power development on wildlife in Texas. Partners in Flight 2008 Meeting, McAllen, TX. February 2008
Boal, C.W. 2002. Distribution and procutivity of ferruginous hawks and Swainson's hawks in Dallam County, Texas. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Corpus Christi, TX March 2002
Boal, C.W. 2001. Strategies for monitoring common black-hawk (Buteogallus anthracinus) populations in North America. Annual meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. (presentation made by Jeff Smith in C. Boals absence) October 2001
Boal, C.W. 2001. Occurrence and distribution of ferruginous hawks and Swainson's hawks in Dallam County, Texas. Llano Estacado Audubon Society, Lubbock, TX November 2001
Boal, C.W. 2001. Ecology of northern goshawks in Minnesota. Llano estacado Audubon Society, Lubbock, TX April 2001
Boal, C., N. Mitchell, D. Stahlecker, R. Murphy, and B. Skipper. Comparative Dispersal and Survival of Fledgling Golden Eagles in Two Arid Regions of North America. International Aridlands Conference, Lubbock TX, USA. August 2018. August 2018
Bibles, B.D., and C.W. Boal. Use of passive audio monitors to evaluate distribution of owls in the Trans-Pecos region of Texas. Annual meeting of The Raptor Research Foundation. Charlotte, NC, October 2024. October 2024
Bibles, B.D., and C.W. Boal. Conclusions and directions. Symposium on Contemporary Issues in Raptor Conservation and Management in North America. 2022 Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Spokane, WA. Nov. 2022. November 2022
Bentley, J.P.D., and C.W. Boal. 2019. Assessing weather condition influences on annual variance in breeding populations of a grassland passerine community. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Montgomery, TX, 20-23 February 2019 February 2019
Behney, A.C., C.W. Boal, C.W., H.A. Whitlaw, and D.R. Lucia. Predator-prey relationship of raptors and lesser prairie-chickens in west Texas. Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Fort Collins, CO. Sept. 2010. September 2010
Behney, A., C.W. Boal, H.A. Whitlaw, and D. Lucia. 2008. Predation on lesser prairie-chickens at leks in West Texas. Wildlife Diversity Conference, Houston, TX, January 2008
Behney, A., C.W. Boal, H.A. Whitlaw, and D. Lucia. 2008. Predation on lesser prairie-chickens at leks in West Texas. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, TX. February 2008
Behney, A., C.W. Boal, H.A. Whitlaw and D. Lucia. Predation on lesser prairie-chickens at leks in west Texas. Meeting of the lesser prairie-chicken interstate working group, Lubbock, TX. Jan. 2009. January 2009
Bean PT, TB Grabowski, and D. Lutz-Carrillo. 2015. Contribution and integration of hatchery-reared Guadalupe Bass to a native population in the South Llano River, Texas. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland, Oregon. 16-20 August 2015. August 2015
Bean PT and TB Grabwski. 2013. Age and growth of gray redhorse in the South Llano River, Texas. 143rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Little Rock, Arkansas. 8-12 September 2013. September 2013
Bean PT & TB Grabowski. Age and growth of Gray Redhorse in the South Llano River, Texas. Joint Meeting of the Texas and Oklahoma Chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Pottsborro, Texas. 13-15 February 2014. February 2014
Beall, B.N., and C.W. Boal. 2005. Diet of a bald eagle pair nesting in short grass prairie of the Texas panhandle. 40th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Amarillo, TX February 2005
Barry, C.E., Wainscott, M.R., and Pati�o, R. 2001. Gonadal macrophage aggregates: novel biomarker of exposure to environmental contaminants in male carp. Texas Tech University Honors College Science Day, Lubbock, Texas July 2001
Barry, C.E., Wainscott, M.R., Foott, J.S., and Pati�o, R. 2001. Gonadal macrophage aggregates: novel biomarker of exposure to environmental contaminants in male carp. Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Baltimore, Maryland. November 2001
Barham, M.T., D.K. Walkup, and C.W. Boal. Productivity and Nest Survival of White-tailed Hawks in South Texas During the 2021-2023 Breeding Seasons. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, TX 21-23 Feb 2024. February 2024
Barham, M.T., D.K. Walkup, and C.W. Boal. Productivity and Nest Survival of White-tailed Hawks in South Texas During the 2021-2023 Breeding Seasons. 2023 Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Albuquerque, NM. October 2023
Barham, M.T., D.K. Walkup, and C.W. Boal. Microclimate characteristics of white-tailed hawk nests in south Texas. Annual meeting of The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Houston, TX, Feb. 2023. February 2023
Baker, R.J., C. Phillips, R.D. Bradley, J.M. Burns, D. Cooke, G.F. Edson, D.R. Haragan, C. Jones, R.R. Monk, J.T. Montford, D.J. Schmidly, K.E. Allen, and N.C. Parker. August 2000. A voucher specimen based biological informatics program. National GAP 2000. San Antonio, TX. August 2000
B.A. GRISHAM, A.J. GODAR, C.W. BOAL, and D.A. HAUKOS. An Assessment of Lesser Prairie-Chicken Nest Microclimate and Nest Survival Among Three Ecoregions. 31st Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Nevada, Missouri. Sept. 2015. August 2015
Atkinson, M.A., W.P. Kuvlesky, Jr., C.W. Boal, D. Kane, and A. Ortega-Santos, Jr. 2004. Productivity and nesting habitat preferences of white-tailed hawks, red-tailed hawks, and crested caracaras in the Wild Horse Desert. Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society 39th Annual Meeting, Kerrville, TX February 2004
Annika W. Walters, Niall G. Clancy, Thomas P. Archdeacon, Songyan Yu, Jane S. Rogosch, and Elizabeth A. Rieger. 2024. Refuge identification as a climate adaptation strategy to promote fish persistence during drought. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society / Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative 2024 conference, Cody, Wyoming, USA. April 2024
Andersen, D.E., J.E. Bruggeman, J.E. Woodford, and C.W. Boal. 2011. Northern goshawk population size in the western Great Lakes region. Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation. Duluth, Minnesota. September 2011
Allen, K.E., N.C. Parker, R.R. Monk, D.J. Schmidly, R.D. Bradley, and R.J. Baker. August 2000. Managing museum collections using geographic information systems. National GAP 2000. San Antonio, TX. August 2000
Allen, K.E. and N.C. Parker. October 1999. Mapping the mammals of Texas. Southwest Society of American Geographers. San Marcos, TX. October 1999
Allen, K.E. and N.C. Parker. March 2000. Mapping the mammals of Texas using a geographic information system. 35th Annual Meeting Texas Chapter The Wildlife Society. San Angelo, TX. March 2000
Alejandrez C, TB Grabowski, & SP Young. Can passive acoustic monitoring provide estimates of Burbot spawning activity? 2016 Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Kerrville, Texas. 21-23 January 2016. January 2016
Albers, E., Oldham, J., Carr, J., Pati�o, R., Dixon, K. 2001. A PBTK model for predicting the effects of perchlorate on an aquatic food chain. Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Baltimore, Maryland. November 2001
Acre MR, TB Grabowski, & NG Smith. Can river-reservoir interfaces serve as surrogate Nurseries for riverine fishes? Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Spring Meeting 2015. Savannah, GA. 29 January-01 February 2015. January 2015
Acre MR, TB Grabowski, & NG Smith. Can river-reservoir interfaces serve as surrogate Nurseries for riverine fishes? 2015 Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. 15-17 January 2015. January 2015
Acre MR, TB Grabowski, & N Smith. Do river-reservoir interface habitats serve as surrogate nursery habitats for floodplain-dependent riverine fishes? Texas Tech Annual Biological Sciences Symposium. Lubbock, Texas. 29 March 2014. March 2014
Acre MR, TB Grabowski, & N Smith. Do river-reservoir interface habitats serve as surrogate nursery habitats for floodplain-dependent riverine fishes? Joint Meeting of the Texas and Oklahoma Chapters of the American Fisheries Society. Pottsborro, Texas. 13-15 February 2014. February 2014
Acre MR, TB Grabowski, & N Smith. Do river-reservoir interface habitats serve as surrogate nursery habitats for floodplain-dependent riverine fishes? Ecological Integration Symposium. College Station, Texas. 21-22 March 2014. March 2014
Acre MR, TB Grabowski, & D Geeslin. Spawning movements and habitat use of the Blue Sucker Cycleptus elongatus in the lower Colorado River, TX. 2016 Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Kerrville, Texas. 21-23 January 2016. January 2016
Acre MR, L Smith, & TB Grabowski. Do river-reservoir interface habitats serve as surrogate nursery habitats for floodplain-dependent riverine fishes? 38th Annual Larval Fish Conference. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. 17-21 August 2014. August 2014
Acktinson, M.A., W.P. Kuvlesky, Jr., C.W. Boal, D. Kane, L.A. Brennan, and A. Ortega-Santos, Jr. Productivity and nesting habitat preferences of white-tailed hawks, red-tailed hawks, and crested caracaras in the Wild Horse Desert. 40th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Amarillo, TX February 2005
A.J. Godar, B.A. Grisham, B.E. Ross, C.W. Boal, D. Greene, C.P. Griffin, C.A. Hagen, D.A. Haukos, M.A. Patten, and J.C. Pitman. 2018. Rangewide lesser prairie-chicken population persistence with climate change. International Grouse Symposium, Logan, Utah. September 2018
A.J. GODAR*, C.P. GRIFFIN, S.R. FRITTS, B. A. GRISHAM, C.W. BOAL, D.A. HAUKOS, J.C. PITMAN, and C.A. HAGEN. The Influence of Weather Parameters on Lesser Prairie-Chicken Nest Survival. 31st Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Nevada, Missouri. Sept. 2015. September 2015
S.R. FRITTS*, B.A. GRISHAM, R.D. COX, C.W. BOAL, D.A. HAUKOS, and P. MCDANIEL. Hierarchical Modeling of Lesser Prairie-Chicken Lek Attendance, Survival, and Recruitment in Responseto Grazaing and Weather. 31st Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Nevada, Missouri. Sept. 2015. September 2015
Theses and Dissertations Publication Date
Zavaleta, J. Effects of grazing and herbicide treatments to restore degraded sand shinnery oak grasslands. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. May 2012
Welch, Brandi C. 2016. The breeding ecology and predicted influence of climate change on urban-nesting Mississippi Kites. MS Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX May 2016
Welch, Brandi C. 2011. Provisioning rates of urban nesting Mississippi kites in the Texas Panhandle. M.S. Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. December 2011
Watson, K. 2021. A bird of two hemispheres: an examination of Swainson’s hawk (Buteo swainsoni) ecology across a landscape of increasing wind energy development. PhD dissertation, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. August 2021
VanLandeghem, M.M., 2013. Environmental factors regulating toxic blooms of golden alga (Prymnesium parvum) and their effects on fisheries resources. A dissertation in Fisheries Science, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA. December 2013
Tábora-Sarmiento, S.D. 2021. Long-term trends in water quality, land cover, and pesticide use in watersheds of the Southern Great Plains and their association with Prymnesium parvum. Masters Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. August 2021
Toé, Seydou J. 2017. Distribution of Golden Alga in the Brazos River and Rio Grande Basins. MS Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. August 2017
Torres, L. 2011. Laboratory and field assessments of brominated flame retardants and other contaminants: effects in fishes. A Dissertation in Biology, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. December 2011
Timmer, Jennifer M. 2012. Relationship of lesser prairie-chicken density to landscape characteristics in Texas. M.S. Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. May 2012
Thompson, T.R. 2003. The effectiveness of the Conservation Reserve Program's native seeding requirement in providing breeding and wintering habitat for grassland birds in the Southern High Plains of Texas. MS Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. December 2003
Suski, J. 2012. Gastropods in a changing and stressful environment: Impacts on life history and interspecies interactions. A Dissertation in Biology, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. December 2012
Strobel, B.N. 2011. Reproductive success and annual habitat preference by red-shouldered hawks in southern Texas. Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. May 2011
Strobel, B.N. 2007. Nest site selection and nestling diet of the Texas red-shouldered hawk Buteo lineatus texanus in South Texas. MS Thesis, Texas Tech University. August 2007
Smithers, B.L. 2003. Northern goshawk food habits in Minnesota: an analysis using time-lapse recording systems. MS Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. December 2003
Smithers, B.L. 2003. Northern goshawk food habits in Minnesota: an analysis using time-lapse recording systems. M.S. thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. December 2003
Skipper, B. 2013. Urban ecology of Mississippi kites. PhD dissertation, Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX August 2013
Skidmore, C.K. 2020. Community ecology of riparian avifauna and nesting riparian raptors in the Trans Pecos region of Texas. M.S. Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX. June 2020
Sharma, P. 2012. Role of thyroid hormones in the development of gonadal sex, external morphology and intestinal system of zebrafish (Danio rerio). A Dissertation in Biology, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. December 2012
Sharma, B. 2008. Effects of cadmium at low concentrations on anuran growth and development. A PhD Dissertation in Fisheries, Texas Tech University, Lubbock Texas. December 2008
Schwalm DL. 2012. Processes influencing genetic structure and diversity in spatially disjunct swift fox populations. Ph.D. dissertation. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. August 2012
Schroeder, Evonne. 2010. Annual productivity and survival of birds in different vegetation communities of the Welder Wildlife Refuge. M.S., Texas Tech University. May 2010
Roesler EL. 2016. Development of habitat use data, detection, and survey methods for the endangered gastropod, Pecos assiminea (Assiminea pecos) at Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge. MS thesis. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas May 2016
Roberts, A.J. 2009. Avian community response to large-scale wildfires in the Texas panhandle. MS Thesis, Texas Tech University August 2009
Richardson, E.T. 2019. Salinity adaptation in the harmful alga, Prymnesium parvum. MS Thesis, Texas Tech University. May 2019
Rashel, R.H. 2020. Influence of Water Quality and Climate Variables on Growth of the Harmful Alga, Prymnesium parvum. A Dissertation in Biology, Texas Tech University.

May 2020
Pruett, A.L. 2004. Black-tailed prairie dog association with playa lakes in the Southern High Plains and a new approach to estimating colony population sizes. MS Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. August 2004
Perkins, Rebecca N. 2012. Anti-predatory behavior of northern bobwhite in the Rolling Plains of Texas. M.S. Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. May 2012
Perkins, R. 2019. Impact of transmitter weight and attachment on raptor agility and survival. Dissertation, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. August 2019
Munyaho, A.T. 2014. Anthropogenic and environmental impacts on the abundance and distribution of commercial fish stocks in Lake Victoria, East Africa. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland. 159 pp. March 2014
Mullican, S.D. 2018. Breeding ecology of American kestrels on the Llano Estacado of Texas. Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. December 2018
Mukhi, S. 2006. Reproductive and developmental toxicity of highly energetic compounds in zebrafish (Danio rerio). A PhD Dissertation in Environmental Toxicology, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. August 2006
Mueller, J.S. 2013. Effects of temperature, salinity, and suspended solids on the early life history stages of Arkansas River shiner. M.S. thesis. Texas Tech University. Lubbock, Texas. May 2013
Miyazono, S. 2014. Fish metacommunity dynamics and threatened species ecology in a desert river system. A dissertation in Fisheries Science, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA June 2014
Mitchell, Natasia R. 2017. Assessment of Golden Eagles in the Southern Great Plains and Trans Pecos Regions. MS Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX May 2017
Miller, A. 2008. Patterns of avian and bat mortality at a utility scaled wind farm on the Southern High Plains. MS Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. August 2008
Meyer, M.D. 2009. Development and validation of a fish embryo bioassay for studies of surface water quality in the Brazos River. A Master's Thesis in Biology, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. December 2009
Merriman, J.W. 2003. Raptors associated with black-tailed prairie dog colonies and directional manipulation of prairie dog colony expansion using visual barriers in shortgrass prairie. MS Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. December 2003
Mannan, R.N. 2008. An assessment of survey mehtodology, calling activity, and habitat associations of wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) and boreal chorus frogs (Pseudacris maculata) in a tundra biome. MS Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. May 2008
Malone, D. 2021. Avian and vegetation community response to coastal prairie restoration. MS thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. May 2021
Linner, K. 2014. Assessing the influence of wind turbines and land-use on mortality risk of avian species on the Llano Estacado with emphasis on birds of prey. Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX. December 2014
Kost, Olivia A. 2017. Avian Response to Herbicide-induced Brush Management on the Welder Wildlife Refuge. MS Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX. May 2017
Jiang, Shengjian. 2017. Evidence of exposure to hypoxia and acidification in otoliths of Atlantic Croaker from the Gulf of Mexico. MS Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. August 2017
Jansen, E. W. 2013. Grassland bird distribution and raptor flight patterns in the competitive renewable energy zones of the Texas panhandle. MS Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX August 2013
Israël, N.M.D., 2013. Surface water quality in the Pecos River basin: associations with golden alga presence and unplugged oil/gas well densities. A Thesis in Wildlife, Aquatic, and Wildlands Science and Management, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA. December 2013
Huber, C.G. 2007. Habitat preferences of juvenile common snook in the lower Rio Grande, Texas. An MS Thesis in Fisheries Science, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. December 2007
Harryman, Samuel W.H. 2017. Understanding the ecology of lesser prairie-chickens in conservation reserve program-dominated landscapes, with implications towards lesser prairie-chicken management in Texas. Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX. December 2017
Haralson, C.L. 2008. Breeding ecology, nest site selection, and human influence on white-tailed hawks on the Texas barrier islands. MS Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. May 2008
Gudmundsdóttir LO. 2013. Intra-stock diversity in egg specific gravity of Atlantic Cod in Icelandic waters. MS thesis. University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland. May 2013
Groeschel, J. 2013. Evaluations of growth and habitat use by Guadalupe bass at a riverscape scale in the South Llano River, Texas. M.S. thesis. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. 75 p. December 2013
Groen, L.M. 2015. Risk of wind turbine encounters and migration patterns of Swainson's hawks (Buteo swainsoni) migrating from the plains of Texas to the pampas of Argentina. M.S. Thesis. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. December 2015
Grisham, Blake N. 2012. The ecology of lesser prairie-chickens in shinnery oak-grassland communities in New Mexico and Texas with implications toward habitat management and future climate change. Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. August 2012
Giovanni, M.D. 2005. Prey partitioning between sympatric grassland raptors. MS Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX May 2005
Gicklhorn, T.S. 2015. Analysis of motion-captured pictures located on man-made water sources in the Southern High Plains of west Texas. M.S. Thesis. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. December 2015
Funkhouser, C. 2014. Captive propagation techniques for an endangered species of freshwater snail from a West Texas spring. A Thesis in Wildlife, Aquatic, and Wildlands Science and Management, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA. May 2014
Dabney, B. 2018. Hormetic effects of glyphosate and glyphosate-based herbicides on growth of Prymnesium parvum, a harmful alga. MS Thesis, Texas Tech University. August 2018
Chen Q. 2014. Reproductive behavior and mating system of Spotted Seatrout Cynoscion nebulosus. MS thesis. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. December 2014
Borsdorf, P. 2013. Lesser prairie-chicken habitat use across varying land-use practices in west Texas and eastern New Mexico. MS thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX. August 2013
Behney, A.C. 2009. Predation and reproductive behavior of lesser prairie-chickens at leks in the Texas Southern High Plains. MS Thesis, Texas Tech University August 2009
Acre, M.R. 2015. Can a river-reservoir interface serve as nursery habitat for riverine fishes? M.S. thesis. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. 51 pp. August 2015
Technical Publications Publication Date
Schmidly, D.J., R.J. Baker, and N.C. Parker. 2001. Texas Parks and Wildlife for the 21st Century: Rethinking the future. Project Completion Report, Texas Parks and Wildlife, Austin, TX. September 2001
Schmidly, D.J., R.J. Baker, and N.C. Parker. 2001. Texas Parks and Wildlife for the 21st Century: Geography of biodiversity and land conversion in Texas. Project completion report, Texas Parks and Wildlife, Austin, Texas. August 2001
Schmidly, D.J., R.J. Baker, and N.C. Parker. 2001. Texas Parks and Wildlife for the 21st Century: Compiled References. Project completion report, Texas Parks and Wildlife, Austin, Texas. August 2001
Schmidly, D.J., N.C. Parker, and R.J. Baker. 2001. Texas Parks and Wildlife for the 21st Century. Editor, C.F. Chapman, Designer, T. Peterson. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 48 pp. November 2001
Schmidly, D.J. , R.J. Baker, and N.C. Parker. 2001. Texas Parks and Wildlife for the 21st Century: Geospatial Analysis Products. Project completion report, Texas Parks and Wildlife, Austin, Texas. August 2001
Patino, R. and P. Thomas. 2003. Down regulation of gap junctions in the ovarian follicle: Is it required for maturation or ovulation? Final report submitted to USDA. December 2002
Patino, R. and D. Bolamba. 2002. Management of the physiological stress response of juvenile largemouth bass as a means to improve the efficiency of stocking programs in Texas reservoirs. Supplement to Final Report submitted to USGS/BRD and Texas Parks and Wildlife. December 2002
Patino, R. June 2000. Ecological Risk Assessment - Progress Report. The Institute of Environmental and Human Health, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. January 2000
Patino, R. 2003. Endocrine disruption of common carp on National Wildlife Refuges along the Colorado River. Final report submitted to US Fish and Wildlife Service - R2. June 2002
Patino, R. 2002. Endocrine disruption of common carp in National Wildlife Refuges along the Colorado River. Final Report submitted to the US Fish and Wildlife Service (R2). December 2002
Patino, R. 2000. Ecological Risk Assessment - Progress Report. The Institute of Environmental and Human Health, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. January 2000
Patino, R. 1999. Ecological Risk Assessment - Progress Report. The Institute of Environmental and Human Health, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. January 2000
Parker, N.C., T.E. Boal, L. Van Heuklon, J. Wobbenhorst. 2001. Full study plan for vertebrate and vascular plant inventory of the Chihuahuan Desert Network. September 2001
Nishida, C., S. DeStefano, and C. Boal. 2001. Status of Swainson's hawks in southeastern Arizona. Final Report Arizona Game and Fish Department Heritage Grant Project I98013. May 2001
Miller, A. and C.W. Boal. 2009. Red Canyon Wind Energy Center 2006-2007 Post-Construction Monitoring Final Report. TXCFWRU and Texas Tech University. January 2009
Mannan, R.N. 2008. An assessment of survey methodology, calling activity, and habitat associations of wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) and boreal chorus frogs (Pseudacris maculata) in a tundra biome. M.S. thesis, Texas Tech Univeristy, Lubbock, Texas. Final Report to Wapusk National Park of Canada, Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. December 2008
Leyva, R., N. C. Parker, and M. J. Peterson. 1999. Assessment of the scaled quail population dynamics in Texas. Wildlife Research Highlights, Vol. 4. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Austin, Texas. January 2000
Bradley, R. D., R. J. Baker, C. Jones, N. C. Parker, and D. J. Schmidly. 1999. Faunal surveys of state-owned properties. Wildlife Research Highlights, Vol. 4. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Austin, Texas. January 2000
Boal, C.W., and Pirius, N.E., 2012, Winter ecology and habitat use of lesser prairie-chickens in west Texas, 2008–11: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012–1073, 9 p. May 2012
Boal, C.W., and B.C. Welch. 2016. An Annotated Bibliography of Survey Methods for Golden Eagles, Ver. 1.0 (30 March 2016). (http:// pending) March 2016
Boal, C.W., D.E. Andersen, and P.L. Kennedy. 2001. Home range and habitat use of northern goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) in Minnesota. Final Report. Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. May 2001
Boal, C.W., D.E. Andersen, and P.L. Kennedy. 2000. Home range and habitat use of breeding northern goshawks in north-central Minnesota. 1999 Progress Report. Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. St. Paul, MN. 1 January 2000. January 2001
Boal, C.W., B.L. Smithers, and D.E. Andersen. 2003. Northern goshawk food habits in Minnesota: an analysis using time-lapse video recording systems. USGS-BRD TX Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Final Report to USFS Chippewa National Forest (TXCFWRU RO No. 46) and Minnesota Forest Industries (TXCFWRU OA No. 45). 9 July 2003. July 2003
Boal, C.W., B.A. Grisham, D.A.Haukos, J.C.Zavaleta, and C. Dixon. 2013. Lesser Prairie-Chicken Nest Site Selection, Microclimate, and Nest Survival in Association with Vegetation Responses to a Grassland Restoration Program. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013-1235, 48p. January 2014
Boal, C.W. and C. Haralson. 2005. Assessment of the temporal and spatial stability of the golden eagles in the panhandle of Texas. USGS Texas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Final Report RWO 56. September 2005
Boal, C.W. 2008. Standard Operating Procedure: Raptor Research Methods. Texas Tech University Animal Care and Use Committee SOP 074. January 2008
Boal, C.W. 2001. Strategies for monitoring common black-hawk (Buteogallus anthracinus) populations in North America. USGS-North American Raptor Monitoring Strategy. March 2001
Baker, R. J., N. C. Parker, and R. George. 1999. The Natural Science Database and the World Wide Web. Wildlife Research Highlights, Vol. 4. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Austin, Texas. January 2000
Andersen, D.E., C.W. Boal, G. Perry, R.N. Mannan, and M.E. Reiter. 2010. Factors affecting distribution and detection of boreal chorus frogs and wood frogs at Cape Churchill, Manitoba. Pages 309-311 In L. Chow and K. McKay, eds. Hudson Bay regional research. Aboriginal Issues Press, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. January 2011
Andersen, D.E. and C.W. Boal. 2001. Inventory of northern goshawks on the Superior National Forest. Final Project Report to Superior National Forest. September 2001
Type Citation Publication Date
Data Release ​Winikoff, S.G., Paukert, C., and Rogosch, J., 2024, Missouri Stream Conservation and Connectivity Prioritization Tool: Improving and Expanding Existing Conservation Networks: U.S. Geological Survey data release, July 2024
Data Release Rashel, R. H., Patiño, R., and Mousumi, M.A. 2024. Glyphosate hormesis in the toxic alga Prymnesium parvum. U.S. Geological Survey data release. July 2024
Data Release Rashel, R. H., Patiño, R., and Mousumi, M.A. 2024. Glyphosate hormesis in the toxic alga Prymnesium parvum. U.S. Geological Survey data release.
Data Release Millsap, B.A., Golden Eagle Survival in the Great Plains, Nestlings, with Territory and Time Random Effects – Supplemental Material, 2023, Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. July 2024
Data Release Creamer, D.A., and Rogosch, J.S., 2024, Habitat suitability scores, network scores, and infestation status for 225 lakes in Texas and New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey data release, July 2023
Data Release Creamer, D.A., and Rogosch, J.S., 2024, Habitat suitability scores, network scores, and infestation status for 225 lakes in Texas and New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
Data Release Creamer, D.A., Patiño, R., and Rogosch, J.S., 2024. Water quality, habitat suitability scores, network scores, and infestation status for lakes in Texas and New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey data release, June 2024
Data Release Creamer, D.A., Patiño, R., and Rogosch, J.S., 2024. Water quality, habitat suitability scores, network scores, and infestation status for lakes in Texas and New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey data release, July 2024
Data Release Creamer, D.A., Patiño, R., and Rogosch, J.S., 2024. Verison 2.0.0. Water quality, habitat suitability scores, network scores, and infestation status for lakes in Texas and New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey data release, June 2024
Data Release Creamer, D.A., Patiño, R., and Rogosch, J.S., 2024. Verison 2.0.0. Water quality, habitat suitability scores, network scores, and infestation status for lakes in Texas and New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey data release, July 2024