Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Texas
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Texas Technical Assistance Activities

Unit Collaborators and student GPS tagging eagle

As part of our mission, Unit scientists routinely provide technical assistance ranging from data analysis support, GIS mapping, workshops, consultations and peer-review and advisory service to primary cooperators as well as other state and federal agencies.

Our most recent contributions are highlighted below.

Description and Agency Provider(s) Date
Site visits with private landowners to discuss strategies to protect and conserve ferruginous hawk nest trees and scope sites for establishment of man-made nesting platforms.
Boal July 2004
Served as an SDM co-facilitator for break out group at the American Kestrel SDM Workshop
US Geological Survey
Boal January 2023
Served as a reviewer on the GCDAMP triennial work plan to provide guidance on monitoring and research methods, priorities, and the management of natural, cultural, and recreational resources in Glen and Grand Canyon affected by dam operations and related actions.
U.S. Geological Survey
Rogosch May 2024
Review of the Draft Recovery Plan for the Arkansas River Shiner (<i>Notropis girardi</i>)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arlington Ecological Services Field Office Arlington, Texas
Rogosch October 2023
Review of the Draft Recovery Plan and Draft Recovery Implementation Strategy for the Sharpnose (<i>Notropis oxyrhynchus</i>) and Smalleye (<i>N. buccula</i>) Shiner
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arlington Ecological Services Field Office Arlington, Texas
Rogosch December 2021
Review and update the Rio Grande Silvery Minnow Conceptual Ecological Model, part of the Middle Rio Grande Endangered Species Collaborative Program (MRGESCP) Science and Adaptive Management Plan<br>link:
University of New Mexico
Rogosch April 2021
Review Team Member; Buffalo Lake National Wildlife Refuge Wildlife Habitat Management Review.
Boal July 2004
Participant of Southwest Regional Horizon Scan to identify potential new aquatic invasive species to the Southwestern U.S., including the States of Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah. This project is part of a national, multi-agency effort to expand federal leadership and capacity for early detection and rapid response activities. The results may also be used to inform regional aquatic invasive species prevention priorities.
Risk Assessment Program
Rogosch September 2023
National Horizon Scan - Assessing U.S. invasion risk of terrestrial and freshwater vertebrates in trade
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Rogosch February 2021
Member of Review Team for the San Marcos National Fish Hatchery and Technology Center
Patiño January 2005
Invited species expert for workshop to determine uncertainty in climate change projections and the response of raptor populations to help inform decision-making for the management of these populations.
New Mexico State University
Boal August 2024
Invited member, Black-footed Ferret Working Group, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Ongoing committee service.
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Boal June 2010
Invited lead for a SDM approach to developing a strategic plan for the Department of Natural Resources Management at Texas Tech University
Texas Tech University
Boal August 2023
Invited advisory role to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Wildlife Habitat Assessment Program guidance development for raptors.
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Boal October 2021
Invited Peer-Reviewer, Species Status Assessment Report for the Whooping Crane (<i>Grus americana</i>), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Boal October 2020
Invited Peer-Reviewer, Species Status Assessment Report for the Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy Owl, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 5&7
Boal December 2020
Invited Peer-Reviewer, Population Viability Analysis (PVA) Report for the Species Meta-Population of Whooping Cranes (<i>Grus americana</i>)
IUCN/SSC Conservation Planning Specialist Group
Boal October 2020
Invited Panel Member, Impact of research on other animals in the study area. Workshop on Animal Welfare Act compliance for studies of wildlife in the field and captivity. American Society of Mammalogists and the Ornithological Council, Albuquerque, NM (Oct. 2011)
Ornithological Council
Boal October 2011
Invited Panel Expert, lesser prairie chicken ecology and reseach overview, TX Lesser Prairie Chicken Advisory Committee Meeting, Pampa, TX
TX Lesser Prairie Chicken Advisory Committee
Boal April 2010
Invited Panel Expert, Wisconsin and Minnesota National Forest Species Viability Workshop for Forest Plan Revisions
Boal April 2002
Invited Panel Expert, Ecology and Management of Goshawks in Japan, Raptor-Japan, Tokyo.
Boal January 2006
Invited Panel Expert, American Wind/Wildlife Institute eagle meeting, Lakewood, CO (Nov. 2011)
American Wind/Wildlife Institute
Boal November 2011
Invited Member, Wildlife Diversity Advisory Committee for Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission. Role of membership is to provide professional opinion and advice to the Commission relating to contemporary and emerging issues related to wildlife conservation in the state of Texas.
Wildlife Diversity Advisory Committee
Boal January 2019
Invited Member, Wildlife Diversity Advisory Committee for Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission. Role of membership is to provide professional opinion and advice to the Commission relating to contemporary and emerging issues related to wildlife conservation in the state of Texas.
Wildlife Diversity Advisory Committee
Boal January 2015
Invited Member, Wildlife Diversity Advisory Committee for Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission. Role of membership is to provide professional opinion and advice to the Commission relating to contemporary and emerging issues related to wildlife conservation in the state of Texas.
Wildlife Diversity Advisory Committee
Boal January 2011
Invited Member, Wildlife Diversity Advisory Committee for Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission. Role of membership is to provide professional opinion and advice to the Commission relating to contemporary and emerging issues related to wildlife conservation in the state of Texas.
Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission
Boal July 2022
Invited Member, Strategic Planning Working Group, Raptor Research Foundation.
Raptor Research Foundation
Boal November 2019
Invited Member, Eagle Technical Assessment Team for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Role of memberships is to work cooperatively with members to identify approaches to assessing risk to eagles in context of energy development, and approaches to develop a permitting process with mitigation avenues for incidental take.
Eagle Technical Assessment Team
Boal November 2010
Invited Forest Bird Panel Expert for review of the Minnesota Wildlife Resource Assessment Project and the Minnesota Gap Analysis Project.
Boal July 2004
Invited Facilitator, North American Golden Eagle Science Meeting
Golden Eagle Science Group
Boal September 2010
Facilitators assistant, Structured Decision Making Training and Workshop for Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Texas Parks and Wildlife
Boal August 2010
Decision Analysis coach assisting a subcommittee in developing a strategic plan for their graduate student professional organization.
Association of Natural Resources Scientists
Boal September 2019
Consultant, Structured Decision Making program for strategic hatchery planning by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. San Marcos, TX (Aug. 2015 – Feb. 2016)
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Boal August 2015
Co-facilitator, Structured Decision Making Workshop for the Golden-cheeked Warbler
Golden-cheeked Warbler Recovery Team
Boal May 2010
Co-facilitator, Structured Decision Making Workshop at NCTC
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks
Boal, Mitchell September 2011
Co-Facilitator, SDM Workshop on "Managing wintering Whooping Cranes on the Aransas NWR during periods of resource scarcity" at National Conservation Training Center
Aransas National Wildlife Refuge
Boal May 2012
As part of the Sustainable Rivers Program, work with USACE, TNC, and other stakeholders including irrigation districts to form e-flow prescriptions for the Pecos River in NM
The Nature Conservancy
Rogosch July 2022
Apprentice Coach, Structured Decision Making Workshop for Red Knot Conservation in Delaware. National Conservation Training Center
Deleware Dept. Conservation
Boal September 2010
Appointed as Freshwater Fisheries Advisory Committee member to advise both TPWD staff and the Commission on a wide range of issues for which a Commission action is under consideration or being contemplated.
Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission
Rogosch October 2022
Role - Description Provider         Start Date        End Date       
Search Committee Member, Fisheries Biology faculty position, Department of Natural Resources Management, Texas Tech University Grabowski May 2013 May 2014
Search Committee Member, Fisheries Biology faculty position, Department of Natural Resources Management, Texas Tech University Grabowski January 2011 December 2012
Member; Scholarship Committee, Department of Natural Resources Management, Texas Tech University - Review student applications for scholarships and work with the committee to allocate scholarship dollars appropriately to students. Boal August 2020 Present
Member, Undergraduate Scholarship Committee, Department of Natural Resources Management, Texas Tech University - Support incoming and continuing undergraduate students in the department with scholarships. Rogosch January 2025 Present
Member, Tenure and Promotion Committee, Biological Sciences Patiño September 2010 December 2012
Member, TTU Water Summit Planning Committee Patiño May 2014 September 2015
Member, Seminars Committee, Biological Sciences Patiño September 2010 November 2011
Member, Search Committee, GIS Faculty position, Department of Natural Resources Management, Texas Tech University Boal July 2013 May 2014
Member, Search Committee, Bricker Endowed Chair, Department Natural Resources Management, Texas Tech University. Boal July 2013 May 2014
Member, San Antonio Livestock and Expo (SALE) Endowed Graduate Fellowship Committee, Department of Natural Resources Management, Texas Tech University - Select and support M.S. or Ph.D. graduate students with the fellowship Rogosch January 2025 Present
Member, New faculty search committee Boal March 2007 August 2007
Member, New Faculty Search Committee Boal July 2001 April 2002
Member, Natural Resources Management Chair Search Committee Patiño June 2007 December 2007
Member, NRM Annual Research Day 2023, Department of Natural Resources Management, Texas Tech University - Plan and organize events for NRM Research day including calls for abstracts, judging rubrics, keynote speaker, etc. Rogosch November 2022 April 2023
Member, Lokey Committee, Natural Resources Management, Texas Tech University - Help select speakers for the Lokey Distinguished Lecture Series. Make arrangements for their visit. Grabowski January 2012 June 2016
Member, Internship Committee, Department of Natural Resources Management, Texas Tech University - Create standard language, learning outcomes, and assessments for Undergraduate Internship and Research Courses and credit requirements. Rogosch September 2022 September 2023
Member, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, Texas Tech University - Review research protocols for acceptability in context of the Animal Welfare Act and other animal use policies. Boal September 2019 August 2024
Member, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Boal November 2001 September 2013
Member, Graduate Application Review Committee, Department Natural Resources Management, Texas Tech University - Review and vote of acceptance or rejection of applicants for graduate study in the Department of Natural Resources Management. Boal August 2013 Present
Member, Fisheries Faculty Search Commitee, Natural Resources Management Patiño May 2006 September 2006
Member, Fisheries Faculty Search Commitee, Natural Resources Management Patiño August 2007 December 2007
Member, Faculty Awards Committee, Natural Resources Management Patiño October 2002 September 2019
Member, Faculty Awards Committee, Department of Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University - Recommend and process faculty award nominations Patiño September 2018 Present
Member, Faculty Awards Committee, Biological Sciences Patiño September 2015 August 2016
Member, Director Search Committee/The Institute of Environmental and Human Health, Texas Tech University Patiño March 2016 December 2017
Member, Departmental committee for development of a non-thesis masters degree Boal August 2008 May 2010
Member, Departmental 2010 Planning Committee Boal April 2004 December 2004
Member, College Strategic Planning Committee, College of Agriculture Science and Natural Resources, Texas Tech University. Boal August 2019 July 2021
Member, Climate Change Impacts Faculty Search Committee, Department of Natural Resources Management, Texas Tech University Patiño August 2012 May 2013
Member, Chair's Advisory Board, Natural Resources Management Patiño July 2008 December 2011
Member, Attending Veterinarian Search Committee, Office of the Vice President for Research, Texas Tech University - Search as search committee member for position of new Attending Veterinarian for the University. Boal March 2013 August 2013
Member, Aquatic Sciences Faculty Search Committee - Help select candidate for open aquatic sciences faculty position Patiño August 2018 May 2019
External Dissertation Examiner, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. - Serve as external examiner for dissertation by : Bronwyn L. Isaac. 2013. Spatial ecology of an apex predator over an urban gradient. Ph.D. dissertation, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. Boal May 2013 June 2013
External Dissertation Examiner, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia - Serve as exteranl dissertation examiner for: Rohan J. Bilney. 2009. Sooty owl ecology and recent small mammal declines. Ph.D. dissertation, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. Boal May 2009 June 2009
Committee Member, Department Chair Search Committee, Texas Tech University - Serve as member of search committee for a new Chair of the Department of Natural Resources Management, Davis College of Agriculture Science and Natural Resources, Texas Tech University. Boal February 2024 July 2024
Chair, Tenure and Promotion 3-Year Review Committee/Natural Resources Management Patiño September 2016 December 2016
Chair, Tenure and Promotion 3-Year Review Committee/Natural Resources Management Patiño March 2015 August 2015
Chair, Subcommittee of IACUC to investigate adverse event. - Chair a subcommittee to investigate violation of animal welfare regulations by a university researcher. Boal January 2024 February 2024
Chair, Internship Committee, Department of Natural Resources Management, Texas Tech University. - Lead a committee to review and revise criteria and expectations for undergraduate internships within multiple tracks in the Department of Natural Resources Management. Boal August 2022 Present
Chair, Graduate Curricula Review Committee, Dept. Natural Resources Management - Reviewing current graduate curricula to identify current needs and short-comings. Boal August 2013 August 2017
Chair, Fisheries Faculty Search Committee, Natural Resources Management Patiño August 2005 December 2005
Chair, Aquatic Sciences Faculty Search Committee, Natural Resources Management Department, Texas Tech University Patiño January 2012 July 2012
Chair, Aquatic Sciences Faculty Search Committee, Natural Resources Management Department, Texas Tech University Patiño August 2013 June 2014
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
USGS BRD RGE Panel Patiño July 2010 September 2010
Reviewer, United States Expert Reviewer, Detailed Review Paper on Thyroid Hormone Disrupting Assays, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Patiño August 2005 August 2005
Research Grade Evaluation Panel Member, U.S. Geological Survey Patiño October 2014 December 2014
Panel member, Research Leadership Discussion, Texas Tech University Patiño September 2018 September 2018
Panel Member, USGS Scientific Merit Panel Patiño August 2021 September 2021
Panel Member, USGS Research Grade Evaluation Panel Patiño July 2020 August 2020
Panel Member, Scientific Advisory Panel, Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 200 Patiño September 2007 December 2007
Panel Member, Scientific Advisory Panel, Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Tier II assays) Patiño March 2013 June 2013
Panel Member, Scientific Advisory Panel, Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Tier I assays) Patiño March 2013 May 2013
Panel Member, Scientific Advisory Panel, Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Patiño May 2011 May 2011
Panel Member, Executive Rating Panel for USGS Cooperative Research position (SL) Patiño October 2019 November 2019
Member, USEPA Freshwater Harmful Algal Blooms research panel Patiño February 2017 April 2017
Member, Texas black-tailed prairie dog plague working group Boal June 2004 June 2006
Member, Texas Partners in Flight, Panhandle and Rolling Hills Working Group Boal April 2001 December 2002
Member, Steering Committee, National Contaminants Program Review, U.S. Geological Survey Patiño June 2001 February 2002
Member, Steering Committee, 2002 National Meeting of Cooperative Research Units Patiño June 2001 February 2002
Member, Site Review Team, San Marcos National Fish Hatchery and Technology Center, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Patiño March 2005 March 2005
Member, Scientific Advisory Panel, Ecological Risk Assessment, USEPA Patiño June 1998 June 1998
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, USGS Boal December 2020 January 2021
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey Boal March 2004 March 2004
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey Boal December 2007 December 2007
Member, RCN: Intermittent River Research Coordination Network (IRRCN): Integrating Intermittent River Ecology and Hydrology Rogosch November 2021 May 2024
Member, Project Advisory Board, Idaho National Science Foundation-EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Grant Patiño May 2007 May 2008
Member, Prairie Fishes and Streams Collaborative, U.S. Geological Survey Rogosch February 2021 Present
Member, Peer-Review Panel, 21-day Fish Endocrine Screening Assay, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Patiño April 2007 January 2008
Member, Organizing Committee, Workshop on the Biology and Culture of Snooks, Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico Patiño January 2004 May 2004
Member, Organizing Committee, International Conference on Water in Arid and Semiarid Lands, Lubbock, Texas Patiño April 2006 November 2006
Member, National Horizon Scan - Fish Team, U.S. Geological Survey Rogosch February 2021 September 2023
Member, International Advisory Committee, Seventh International Symposium on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish, Mie, Japan Patiño August 2001 June 2003
Member, International Advisory Committee, Eight International Symposium on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish, Saint Malo, France Patiño May 2006 August 2007
Member, International Advisory Board, Seventh International Symposium on the Reproductive Physiology of Fish, Mie, Japan Patiño January 2001 May 2003
Member, Integrative Animal Biology Panel, National Science Foundation Patiño January 2000 January 2001
Member, Guiding Team, Non-Native Aquatics Community of Practice, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Rogosch August 2021 September 2023
Member, Freshwater Fisheries Advisory Committee, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Rogosch October 2022 Present
Member, Fish and Aquatic Species Advisory Team, U.S. Geological Survey Rogosch February 2022 June 2024
Member, Animal Growth and Development Panel, USDA/NRICGP Patiño September 2000 August 2001
Member, Advisory Committee Patiño January 1995 January 2001
Member and Committee Chair, CRU DEI committee, U.S. Geological Survey Rogosch September 2023 January 2025
External Thesis Review Member, University of Cape Town, South Africa. Boal January 2023 February 2023
Director, National Science Foundation, Integrative Animal Biology Program Patiño October 2002 September 2003
Co-chair, Upper Brazos Watershed Research Symposium, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, 2008 Patiño February 2008 April 2008
Chair, Research Grade Evaluation Panel/U.S. Geological Survey Patiño March 2016 June 2016
Bureau Approving Official Search Committee Member, Office of Science Quality and Integrity, U.S. Geological Survey, Patiño February 2015 March 2015
Ad hoc grant proposal reviewer, International Foundation for Science Patiño May 2021 June 2021
Ad hoc grant proposal reviewer, International Foundation for Science Patiño April 2022 June 2022
Outreach Activity Provider(s)        Date       
“Unique Characteristics of Guadalupe Bass.” Texas Wildlife Radio Show. Original air date: 14 May 2013. Grabowski May 2013
“South Llano River Restoration Project.” Texas Wildlife Radio Show. Original air date: 10 May 2013. Grabowski May 2013
data sets served to the public through the world wide web include data on natural resources, socioeconomics, geospatial landuse and land cover. these can be accessed at Parker January 1999
Urban Raptors: ecology and conservation of birds of prey in cities. 2018. One-hour interview with listener call in for the Public Affair hour on WORT-FM Community Radio Station, Madison, WI. Broadcast live on 11 June 2018. Boal June 2018
Texas Tech NPR interview concerning toxic algal bloom in Lubbock's Canyon Lakes. Patiño September 2020
Swainson’s hawk. 2013. Public radio broadcast focused on Swainson’s hawks ecology in the Great Plains, with featured audio interview with the scientist. Broadcast on June 23, 2013 as the weekly feature on the Playa Country radio series. Boal June 2013
Provided a 1 hour invited seminar titled "Ecology and Management of Urban Birds of Prey" at the Texas Recreation Areas and Parks Annual Workshop. Purpose of the seminar was to provide state, county, and city park employees with an understanding of bird of prey behavior, how and why human-wildlife conflicts may arise in parks, and steps to take in order to reduce such conflicts. Boal October 2001
Programs and funding opportunities in biological sciences at the National Science Foundation. Open lecture to Graduate Students of Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. Patiño November 2003
Presented seminar at Texas Parks and Wildlife Project WILD Aquatic program at Lubbock Lakes Landmark. Seminar described the issues facing freshwater fishes in Texas and the research being done to aid conservation and management actions and was targeted to an audience of K-12 teachers. Seminar title was, "Understanding the links between flows, habitat, and fishes: tales from three Texas rivers." Grabowski July 2013
Presented a 3 hour public outreach event on urban raptor ecology, why they are in urban areas, how to enjoy them and how to avoid conflict. Partner with Texas Tech University and Lubbock Parks. Boal June 2022
Presented a 1 hour invited seminar titled "Grassland Raptors" to the USDA Rita Blanca - Kiowa National Grasslands Leasees Association. Purpose of seminar was to introduce local landowners to ecology and benefits of ferruginous and Swainson's hawks on the public and private rangelands, the compatability of grazing with conservation of grassland raptors, and how to provide suitable nest sites to attract these two species. Boal January 2003
Presentation to Texas Master Naturalist Program naturalists in training. Present about Ichthyology in relation to the ecosystem for the South Plains and a general overview of my research, potential issues facing fish, unique information, etc. Rogosch January 2024
Newspaper interview with scientist and unit staff about the current status of the harmful algal species, Golden Alga. Patiño January 2014
Newspaper interview with scientist and unit postdoctoral researcher about a fish-kill in Lubbock's Canyon Lake System caused by a golden alga bloom in spring 2014. Patiño April 2014
National Public Radio and print interview with scientist about impacts of Golden Alga on aquatic natural resources in Texas, and the potential influence of climate change. Patiño January 2014
Invited expert for 1/2 hour interview to discuss raptor ecology and migration. Hosted by Birding with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service: Cup Chat pod cast/web cast outreach program. Boal September 2021
Invited Panel Member; Panel session on the ecology, management and research needs for goshawks in Japan. International Symposium on Goshawks, Raptor-Japan, Tokyo, Japan Boal January 2006
Guest speaker for the Texas Hawking Association. Provided a presentation on the use of trained birds of prey in field research, and how collaborations between falconers and researchers can advance our understanding of predator - prey ecology. Boal January 2022
Guest speaker for the South Plains Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Open House. Provided a talk on the history of settlement in the Southern High Plains and the influences on change wildlife communities. Boal October 2021
From Wasteland to Promiseland. Summer 2001. Vistas: Texas Tech Research Volume 9 No. 2. Parker June 2001
Farms of the Future: Aquaculture turns waste liabilities into economic assets. Spring 1997. Cover story for Vistas - Texas Tech Research,Vol. 6 No. 2. Parker March 1997
Clint Boal, an expert in raptor ecology and conservation and predator-prey relationships, will lead viewing and discussions on the ecology and behavior of the Mississippi Kite in the Tech Terrace neighborhood, why they are present, and how to deal with occasional aggressive behaviors by them. Those attending the event will be able to use spotting scopes and binoculars to view the birds when perched in trees or to view nests with adults and nestlings. The event is free and open to the public. Boal July 2021
Burrowing owls and wind energy development. 2019. Interview with Marfa Public Radio KRTS-93.5 FM, Marfa, TX. Broadcast on 13 August 2019 Boal August 2019
Brief (6minute) video focused on my golden eagle research to be used as promotional material by the Department of Natural Resources Management and College of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources at Texas Tech University. Boal September 2017
Bridging the Texas GAP. pp. 8-9 in The Agriculturist, Texas Tech University. Fall 2001. Parker September 2001
An Introduction to the Texas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Presentation to The Lubbock Optimist Club, Lubbock, Texas. Patiño February 2005
1/2 hr Facebook/podcast interview previewing the Texas A&M AgriLifes 'Raptor Week' and discussing current raptor research in Texas and conservation issues. Boal August 2024
1/2 hour video Facebook interview with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service focused on identification of owls. Boal February 2023
1 hour podcast discussion of the types of raptors, their ecology, their predator-prey interactions with quail, and overviews of research conducted examining those relationships. Boal April 2023