Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: New Mexico
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Radio-collared pronghorn antelope on the White Sands Missile Range

Native Americans were well established when Europeans of Spanish descent first settled the area nearly 500 years ago. Northern Europeans were last on the scene, arriving in the 1800s. Centuries of cohabitation have resulted in a unique mix of Hispanic, Native American, and Anglo culture, tradition, and resource values in the region. New Mexico, in addition to its cultural heritages, is unique in its ecological diversity. More than 300 vegetation community associations, more than 700 vertebrate taxa, and innumerable invertebrate and plant taxa have been described for this State in which elevations range from 855 m to 4,010 m. These factors produce an ecologically challenging and exciting area of natural resources research in New Mexico, the Unit's primary area of responsibility. The New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit is hosted at New Mexico State University, a Hispanic Serving Institution, within the Chihuahuan Desert ecoregion. Since its inception in 1989, the New Mexico Cooperative Research Unit has initiated more than 214 research projects totaling $32 million dollars in financial support from state, federal, university, and private cooperators. The Unit has supported M.S. and Ph.D. degree programs for more than 152 young professionals.

New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Federal Staff

James Cain
Cain, James
Unit Leader

Lawson helps capture Mexican ducks in Arizona
Lawson, Abby
Assistant Unit Leader

Picture of Kasey Pregler
Pregler, Kasey
Assistant Unit Leader