Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Staff Member

Dr. Kasey Pregler

Picture of Kasey Pregler

Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (575) 646 - 8126
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Faculty Website


Kasey Pregler is an Assistant Unit Leader of the U.S. Geological Survey, New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and Affiliate Assistant Professor in FWCE. Kasey completed her undergraduate and MS degrees at the University of Connecticut, and received their Ph.D. from Colorado State University. Prior to arriving at New Mexico State University, Kasey was a Chancellor’s postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Berkeley.

Dr. Pregler’s research program uses demographic and genetic data to answer questions in ecology, evolution, and conservation biology of freshwater fishes. To that end her research centers on three main themes: (1) understanding and mitigating threats to small, fragmented populations, (2) ecological and evolutionary impacts following management interventions, & (3) environmental drivers of fish population dynamics.

Areas of Expertise

Aquatic Ecology, Conservation Genetics/Genomics, Evolutionary Ecology, Fisheries Management, Population Dynamics, Population and Community Ecology, Statistics and Modelling, Stream Ecology, T&E Species Management

Taxon Groups Studied

Anadromous Fishes, Freshwater Fishes, Salmonids

Research Publications Publication Date
Valentine GP, Lu X, Childress ES, Dolloff CA, Hitt NP, Kulp MA, Letcher BH, Pregler KC, Rash JM, Hooten MB, Kanno Y. 2024. Spatial asynchrony and cross-scale climate interactions in populations of a coldwater stream fish. Global Change Biology. 30:e17029. doi: January 2024
Pregler KC, Obedzinski M, Gilbert-Horvath EA, White B, Carlson SM, Garza JC. 2023. Assisted geneflow from outcrossing shows the potential for genetic rescue in an endangered salmon population. Conservation Letters. 16:e12934. doi: | Download April 2023
Pregler KC, Lu X, Valentine G, Kim S, Kanno Y. 2023. Temperature variation generates sympatric synchrony but spatial asynchrony in survival for freshwater fish communities. Ecology & Evolution. 13:e10700. doi: November 2023
Pregler KC, Clemento A, Grill M, Adelizi P, Carlson SM, Garza JC. 2024. Reintroduction of spring-run Chinook salmon in the San Joaquin River: evaluating genetic and phenotypic effects of captive breeding. Conservation Science & Practice. 6:e13176. doi: September 2024
Kanno Y, Kim S, Pregler KC. 2023. Sub-seasonal correlation between growth and survival in three sympatric aquatic ectotherms. Oikos. 2023:e09685. doi: March 2023
Fedorowicz, Paul

Rimple, Ryan

Yoon, Hyun Seok
Post Doc

Presentations Presentation Date
Pregler KC, Clemento A, Grill M, Adelizi P, Carlson SM, Garza JC. Reintroduction of spring-run Chinook salmon in the San Joaquin River: evaluating efficacy of decision-making in the captive breeding program. Society of Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, Brisbane, Australia, 2023. June 2023
Pregler KC, Clemento A, Grill M, Adelizi P, Carlson SM, Garza JC. Reintroduction of spring-run Chinook salmon in the San Joaquin River: evaluating efficacy of decision-making in the captive breeding program. Salmonid Restoration Federation, Fortuna, California, 2023. April 2023
Pregler KC, Clemento A, Grill M, Adelizi P, Carlson SM, Garza JC. Reintroduction of spring-run Chinook salmon in the San Joaquin River: evaluating efficacy of decision-making in the captive breeding program. California Department of Fish & Wildlife Interagency Ecological Program Meeting, Sacramento, California, 2023. March 2023
Pregler KC, Clemento A, Carlson SM, Garza JC. 2024. Differential reproductive success of ocean-migrating and captive-maturing spring-run Chinook salmon reintroduced into the San Joaquin River. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Honolulu HI. September 2024
Gilbert-Horvath E, Garza JC, Pregler KC. 2024. Inbreeding, outbreeding and genetic rescue in populations of endangered salmon. Evolution Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada. July 2024
Carlson SM, Pregler KC, Obedzinski M, Gallagher S, Kelson S, Wolfe Hazard C, Queener N, Renger A, Thompson S, Power M. Flow-phenology mismatches drive reduction of salmonid fishes near their southern edge. World Fisheries Congress 2024. Seattle, WA. March 2024
Carlson SM, Pregler KC, Obedzinski M, Gallagher S, Kelson S, Wolfe Hazard C, Queener N, Renger A, Thompson S, Power M. Flow-phenology mismatches drive reduction of salmonid fishes near their southern edge. Lowell Wakefield Symposium, Alaska Sea Grant 2024. Sitka, AK. April 2024