Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Idaho
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Owyhee Canyonlands Streamgage Installation. Credit: John Wirt, USGS

The tradition of wise management of natural resources in the United States is a source of pride for Americans who are concerned about the future of our fish and wildlife. The U.S. Geological Survey's Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit program supports this tradition by providing the Nation with applied research and a continuing source of well trained professional managers. Through a creative partnership of Federal and State governments, universities, and the private sector, a unique avenue exists for conducting research that addresses complex environmental issues across virtually every North American ecological community. The Cooperative Research Unit works toward three goals:

Conducting research on fish and wildlife problems of state, regional, and national interest
Training graduate students for careers in the fish and wildlife professions
Providing technical assistance to state and federal managers and researchers

Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Federal Staff

David Ausband
Ausband, David
Assistant Unit Leader

Dr. Courtney Conway, Unit Leader of the Idaho Research Unit
Conway, Courtney
Unit Leader

Matt Falcy
Falcy, Matthew
Assistant Unit Leader

Michael C. Quist
Quist, Michael
Assistant Unit Leader

Contact Us

Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

USGS, Idaho Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, Dept of Fish & Wildlife Sciences, 875 Perimeter Dr., MS 1141
University of Idaho
Moscow, ID 83844-1141

Phone: (208) 885-6336

Staff Listing
University Website:
Map Link: Google Map
