Idaho Technical Assistance Activities

Description and Agency | Provider(s) | Date |
Workshop on Climate Change and the National Park Wildlife Refuge System. Invited presentation and leading a session on Climate Change in Shepherdstown WV U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Friends for the Future Academy |
Scott | February 2009 |
Workshop on Climate Change and the National Park Wildlife Refuge System during the Climate Change regional team meeting. Atlanta Georgia U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
November 2008 | |
Worked on Advisory board |
Scott | August 2001 |
Webinar, Management of BKD and Erythromycin Drug Therapy, Anchorage AK Alaska Hatchery Managers |
Moffitt | January 2010 |
Webinar Participants across USA “Ecology and Management of New Zealand Mud Snails:” USFWS, USGS & USFWS |
Moffitt | June 2009 |
Walleye Technical Group; Provided expertise on the management of invasive Walleye populations in western North America Idaho Department of Fish and Game |
Quist | April 2018 |
Summary of research on control of New Zealand Mudsnails at fish hatcheries for Idaho Invasive Species Task Force Idaho Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Moffitt | July 2008 |
State of the Birds 2010 Science Advisory Board Meeting, Arlington, VA US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Scott | September 2010 |
Shared Results of America's Top 40 Policy and Management Research Questions with Natural Resource Staff, Bureau of Land Management, Washington, DC Natural Resource Staff |
Scott | December 2010 |
Shared Results of America's Top 40 Policy and Management Research Questions with National Science Foundation Program Division, and Deputy Division Directors of Environmental Biology, Washington, DC Program Division, Division of Environmental Biology |
Scott | December 2010 |
Shared Results of America's Top 40 Policy and Management Relevant Research Questions with Science Advisors to Directors Mineral and Management; US Fish & Wildlife Service, Bureau of Land Management, Department of Interior, Washington, DC Department of Interior |
Scott | December 2010 |
Shared Results of America's Top 40 Policy and Management Relevant Research Questions US Forest Service, Chief of Research |
Scott | December 2010 |
Served as a technical expert on efforts to monitor and manage Razorback Sucker in the Colorado River basin U.S. BOR |
Quist | July 2021 |
Science Advisor; 38 Minus: the Idaho fish project; Served as the academic contact and fisheries expert on an art and educational exhibit focused on native fishes Pritchard Art Gallery |
Quist | January 2011 |
SERDP Workshop to Military Staff and Tribal Representatives Yakima WA |
Scott | March 2009 |
Reviewer, Great Lakes Fisheries Commission Science Board. Peer reviewer for 2 research proposals Great Lakes Fisheries Commission Science Board |
Moffitt | March 2015 |
Reviewer, Grant Proposals New York Sea |
Moffitt | January 2010 |
Reviewer for proposals for North Pacific Research Board of Alaska. Review and discussion of proposals North Pacific Research Board (NPRB) |
Moffitt | December 2014 |
Reviewer Alaska Marine Ecosystem Grant Program |
Moffitt | December 2009 |
Recovery Management Agreements Workshop on Development of formal management agreements that would provide assurances of continued management of endangered species following de-listing USDOI Fish and Wildlife Service |
Scott | March 2004 |
Provided technical assistance to Tribal biologists about implementing a moose population monitoring program using trail cameras and an occupancy model. Coeur d Alene Tribe |
Ausband | December 2018 |
Presented results of SERDP project to military managers and research collaborators N.A. Wildlife and National Resources Conference |
Scott | March 2009 |
Pend Oreille Basin Aquatic Invasive Species Committee and Lakes Commission. Lakes Commission |
Moffitt | August 2014 |
Peer review panel member for USFWS proposed changes to Mexican wolf recovery program. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Ausband | December 2021 |
Peer review panel member for USFWS Species Status Assessment of gray wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountains. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Ausband | April 2022 |
Peer review panel member for USFWS Species Status Assessment of Alexander Archipelago wolves. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Ausband | July 2022 |
Peer review of wolf research grant proposal to the Swedish EPA. Swedish EPA |
Ausband | November 2021 |
Participated on RGE review panel USGS |
Ausband | June 2019 |
Participated in one hour long zoom meetings to provide technical assistance in study design. Coyote Carnivore Conservation |
Ausband | January 2021 |
Participated in Science Advisory Board Meeting, Laval Lake Conservation and Advisory Board, Ketchum, Idaho Lava Lake Conservation and Advisory Board |
Scott | September 2010 |
Participate on peer review panel on Sweden's EPA wolf population monitoring program. Swedish Environmental Protection Agency |
Ausband | March 2019 |
Participate on panel to review Washington state's wolf location data sharing program. Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Ausband | March 2019 |
Participate in quarterly meetings with agency partners on science needs related to grizzly bear recovery. US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Ausband | February 2021 |
Participate in monthly/bimonthly meetings to help design and test new population monitoring techniques for Mexican wolves. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Ausband | January 2023 |
Panel Member, Idaho Sage-Grouse Science Panel, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, February 2005. Boise iD Idaho Sage-Grouse Science Panel |
Scott | February 2005 |
Pacific States Fisheries Legislative Task Force updates and highlights of emerging issues Legislative Reps from states of CA, OR, WA, ID, Alaska |
Moffitt | October 2015 |
Outside reviewer for tenure and promotion, University of Michigan. University of Michigan |
Moffitt | July 2015 |
Only U.S. biologist on a working group organized by Canadian Wildlife Service to conduct a threats assessment for COSEWIC 2017 status assessment on the Burrowing Owl (a federally endangered species in Canada). Canadian Wildlife Service |
Conway | October 2016 |
New Zealand mudsnails and invasive mollusks. Workshop for Idaho Department of Fish and Game and others. Nampa Research. January 2011. Idaho Department of Fish and Game |
Stockton | January 2011 |
Modeling invasive fish eradication and decision-making Idaho Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Falcy | January 2022 |
Model construction and technical consultation for state wildlife managers interested in managing dynamics of mammal communities. Idaho Department of Fish and Game |
Falcy | January 2022 |
Member, Independent Scientific Peer Review of Kalamath Basin Long-term Plan for Protecting Late Summer Adult Salmon in the Lower Klamath River. Provide reviews and assessment of EIS and other documents Klamath Basin Office |
Moffitt | August 2016 |
Member, Future Directions Committee of National Parks, Second Century Commission George Wright Society |
Scott | August 2008 |
Member, Delta Stewardship Council's Scientific Review Team for Feasibility study of shore-based ballast water reception and treatment facilities in California. virtual and in person meetings and reviews. Delta Stewardship Council |
Moffitt | July 2015 |
Member, Advisory Committee to the National Park Services Advisory Board on New Directions for the National Park System, Washington DC National Park Services |
Scott | June 2010 |
Member of the Leader Committee for the Idaho Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy. Attended meeting in Boise, ID, May 2007 Idaho Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation |
Scott | June 2005 |
Member of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker Recovery Team US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Scott | February 2006 |
Member of the Hawai'i Forest Bird Recovery Team Hawai'i Forest Bird Recovery Team |
Scott | February 2001 |
Member of Western Regional Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species U S Fish and Wildlife Service |
Moffitt | September 2014 |
Member of Research Review Panel, Agriculture Research Service Office of Scientific Quality, Fish Health, 2014 project plans Department of Agriculture |
Moffitt | August 2014 |
Member of Columbia River Basin Team of the 100th Meridian Initiative Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission |
Moffitt | January 2010 |
Member of Aquatic Species Task Force and participant on the Invasive Species Panel. Department of Agriculture and Idaho Fish and Game |
Moffitt | April 2008 |
Member David H. Smith Memorial Grants Advisory Board |
Scott | May 2000 |
Kootenai River Technical Advisory Committee; The purpose of the committee is to provide insight on research and management activities on the Kootenai River system (BC, MT, ID). Kootenai River Technical Advisory Committee |
Quist | August 2012 |
Invited to participate in a panel with USFWS research collaboration panel to discuss future natural resource needs and develop a research plan for implementing conservation activities adjacent refuges on federal lands. United States Fish and Wildlife Service |
Scott | April 2010 |
Invited participant to establish Dreissenid mussel research priorities. Portland State University. Organized by Pacific States, USGS, and USFWS. 3-5 November. Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission |
Moffitt | November 2015 |
Invited member of the Technical Advisory Team for management and recovery of the Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel Idaho Department of Fish & Game, USFWS |
Conway | October 2017 |
Invited external reviewer for promotion package for Full Professor, Oregon State University. Oregon State University |
Conway | July 2018 |
Invited by USFWS to serve on SSA (species status assessment) Team for management and recovery of the federally threatened Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel USFWS |
Conway | October 2020 |
Invited by USFWS to serve on SSA (species status assessment) Team for management and recovery of the federally endangered Yuma Ridgway's Rail USFWS |
Conway | October 2022 |
Invited by Region 1 Director as technical expert for "Assessing problems with conservation of Spotted Owl" at USFWS meeting in Portland OR |
Scott | June 2008 |
Invited Member of American Ornithological Society's Meeting Coordination Committee, which helps organize all aspects of the annual professional conference each year. American Ornithological Society |
Conway | May 2017 |
Invited Expert, the National Parks Second Century Commission Meeting Nature Conservancy |
Scott | September 2008 |
Invited Advisor, Nature Conservancy and the Channel Islands National Park Biologists on recovery plans for the Santa Cruz Island Scrub Jay and other endemic species Nature Conservancy |
Scott | September 2008 |
Hosted Workshop on Endangered Hawai'ian Forest birds' status, threats and management options Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge |
Scott | October 2008 |
Great Lakes Fisheries Commission Science Board. Reviewer for research proposals. May-July Great Lakes Fisheries Commission |
Moffitt | July 2016 |
Fish Population Dynamics Workshop; Presented a symposium on fish population dynamics. Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks |
Quist | February 2015 |
Fish Population Dynamics Workshop; Presented a symposium on fish population dynamics. Idaho Department of Fish and Game |
Quist | March 2016 |
Evaluated proposals for TR Genius Prize (USFWS) related to reducing conflicts between humans and carnivores, US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Ausband | July 2023 |
Ecological Conflict and context of National Park System. Workshop for strategic decision making USGS worksho, Salt Lake City, UT |
June 2009 | |
Differentiating tributaries of the Pend O’Reille river watershed to determine important areas of recruitment for Westslope Cutthroat Trout Idaho Game and Fish Department |
Carleton, Quist | March 2013 |
Differentiating tributaries of the Kootenai River watershed and linking adult red band rainbow trout to their natal origins to support conservation and management. Montana Game Fish and Parks |
Carleton, Quist | March 2013 |
Coordinator - Investigational New Animal Drug Erythromycin Regional Federal Fish Hatcheries and Health Centers |
Moffitt | January 2003 |
Construct models to support hatchery-decision making. Work with staff on model implementation and communication. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Falcy | January 2022 |
Co-organizer, 6th National New Zealand mudsnail conference. Moscow, Idaho. March 15-16. Utah Department of Wildlife |
Stockton | March 2011 |
Co-organizer and presenter for Western Regional New Zealand mudsnail workshop. Seattle WA 16-17 June. As part of this, I presented summaries of our risk assessment, as well as control measures. No abstracts were provided, but I led discussion on control measures, as well as case histories. I will provide input to a revised regional document that the FWS will be the lead on. Washington Invasive Species Council |
Moffitt | January 2015 |
Chaired session on "Conservation Assessments of Large Areas". A symposium on land use futures |
Scott | July 1999 |
Chaired a session for the All Conservancy Science Meeting for the Nature Conservancy. |
Scott | May 2002 |
Chair Aquatic USGS RGE review team. Coordinated review of 19 scientists for USGS RGE Office |
Moffitt | January 2015 |
Attended Meeting of Science and Strategic Growth Advisory Boards of National Parks Association Second Century Commission, Washington, DC Second Century Commission |
Scott | December 2010 |
Assistance for regional hatcheries with invasive species control and risk assessment Washington Department of Fish and Widllife |
Moffitt | January 2014 |
Assist staff at Ringold Hatchery, Washington Dept Fish and Wildlife to discuss New Zealand control measures. Washington Department of Fish and Widllife |
Moffitt | June 2015 |
Asked to be reviewer for promotion and tenure package, University of Wyoming University of Wyoming |
Conway | July 2014 |
Asked to be reviewer for promotion and tenure package, University of Vermont. University of Vermont |
Conway | July 2017 |
Asked to be reviewer for promotion and tenure package, University of Maine University of Maine |
Conway | July 2017 |
Asked to be reviewer for promotion and tenure package, Franklin and Marshall College Franklin and Marshall College |
Conway | July 2012 |
Asked to be reviewer for promotion and tenure package, Boise State University Boise State University |
Conway | July 2016 |
Asked to be reviewer for promotion and tenure package of Dr. W. Gregory Shriver, Department of Entomology and Applied Ecology at University of Delaware. University of Delaware |
Conway | September 2011 |
Age and Growth Workshop; Presented a workshop focused on the age and growth of fishes and how to use the information to guide management. Utah Department of Wildlife Resources |
Quist | December 2017 |
Age and Growth Workshop; Presented a workshop focused on the age and growth of fishes and how to use the information to guide management. US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Quist, Klein | March 2018 |
Age and Growth Workshop; Presented a workshop focused on the age and growth of fishes and how to use the information to guide management. Idaho Department of Fish and Game |
Klein, Quist | March 2014 |
Advisory Committee Member, State of the Birds 2011 US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Scott | February 2010 |
2007. Member of Review Team for Aquatic Invasive Species Plan for Idaho Department of Agriculture and Idaho Department of Fish and Game. Idaho Department of Fish and Game |
Moffitt | January 2007 |
Role - Description | Provider | Start Date | End Date |
co-PI, Doris Duke Scholars Program - develop and implement program to educate and mentor under-represented students in natural resources | Conway | July 2016 | Present |
University of Idaho Fish and Wildlife Film Festival Committee - serve as member on committee to organize annual fish and wildlife film festival | Ausband | September 2020 | Present |
University Staff Search Committee - Participate on hiring panel for Administrative Assistant at Coop Unit | Ausband | April 2020 | April 2020 |
University Faculty Search committee | Ausband | February 2023 | June 2023 |
University Faculty Search Committee - Serve as member of search committee for new Assistant Unit Leader faculty position. | Ausband | September 2020 | November 2020 |
University Faculty Search Committee - Search for new Fish and Wildlife Department Head | Ausband | February 2022 | April 2022 |
Tenure and promotion committee, CNR - Review candidates for promotion in the college of natural resources. | Moffitt | September 2013 | December 2013 |
Search Committee for Environmental Science Director - One of 5 members to select new term director for the University of Idaho Environmental Science Program | Moffitt | June 2011 | September 2011 |
Search Committee Laboratory Manager - participate in choosing a suitable manager for general laboratory space in the college | Moffitt | September 2014 | November 2015 |
Safety committee, College of Natural Resources. - One of 6 members of the | Moffitt | June 2011 | November 2015 |
Representative, College of Natural Resources, Fisheries Wetlab renovations. - Worked with University facilities and Idaho Department of Public Works to provide information, oversight and coordination for project to renovate chiller systems in CNR fisheries wetlab. Project completed summer 2008. | Moffitt | April 2006 | May 2008 |
Promotion and Tenure Committee (Chair for 2016) in College of Natural Resources - Serve as chair for committee, lead preparation of documents and reviews to provide to College Dean | Moffitt | September 2015 | Present |
Promotion Committee - evaluate promotion package for faculty members | Moffitt | September 2012 | October 2012 |
Non-thesis Masters degree committee - Explore avenues for addition on non-thesis based Masters in Wildlife Sciences at Univ. of Idaho | Ausband | August 2019 | June 2021 |
Member, Taylor Ranch steering Committee, College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho | Scott | August 1999 | Present |
Member, Search Committee for Unit Leader | Moffitt | May 2011 | June 2011 |
Member, Search Committee for Population Ecologist - review applicants for faculty position and rank applicants | Conway | August 2012 | May 2013 |
Member, Search Committee for Department Chair - review applicants for department chair and rank applicants | Conway | May 2014 | June 2014 |
Member, Search Committee for Chair of Environmental Science Dept. | Scott | January 2007 | Present |
Member, Search Committee for Assistant Unit Leader, Fisheries | Moffitt | October 2009 | January 2010 |
Member, Riparian Ecology Search Committee | Moffitt | August 2007 | December 2007 |
Member, Review Committee, Chair of Forest Products Department | Scott | October 2005 | February 2006 |
Member, College of Natural Resources Leadership Team, Univ of Idaho | Conway | January 2020 | January 2023 |
Member, Climate and Culture Committee, Dept of Fish & Wildlife Sciences - develop and implement mechanisms to improve the experience of graduate students in the department | Conway | July 2014 | August 2023 |
Member at large, Athena Board | Moffitt | January 2004 | December 2006 |
Member University of Idaho tribal natural resources outreach team - Member of University of Idaho tribal natural resources team for outreach activities with tribes, outreach with visiting tribes, travel to meet with tribal educators | Moffitt | May 2015 | Present |
Member Natural Resources Tribal Educational Summit - Key organizing and planning team for Natural Resources Tribal Engagement Educational Summit September-October 2015. Panel moderator, assisted with invitations and hosting. | Moffitt | May 2015 | October 2016 |
Member Forest Rangeland Fire Sciences Department Head Search Committee - Participate as outside departmental representative on the FRFS Department Head Selection Committee | Moffitt | September 2016 | Present |
Member Environmental Science Core Faculty - Serve to assist in Environmental Science Program curriculum and program evaluation | Moffitt | February 2015 | Present |
Member Doris Duke Scholars Program - Arranged for summer interns in aquatic resources for Keala Bush (marine) and Viviana Baeza Nunez (freshwater). Followed their activities during summer. | Moffitt | May 2016 | August 2016 |
Internship committee member - I help coordinate student internships at Idaho Department of Fish and Game. | Falcy | January 2022 | Present |
Graduate Student Office Space Committee, Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Sciences, University of Idaho - Graduate Student Office Space Committee; member; planning and administering renovation of graduate student office space. | Quist | July 2014 | December 2016 |
Fish and Wildlife Sciences Department Head Search Committee - Serve as a committee member tasked with organizing and administering the search for a Department Head. | Quist | October 2013 | February 2014 |
Fish Physiology Search Committee - Serve on faculty search for a fish physiologist to join the faculty of the Department of Fish and Wildlife Sciences | Moffitt | March 2014 | January 2015 |
Fish Physiologist Search Committee, University of Idaho - Fish Physiologist Search Committee; member | Quist | June 2014 | December 2015 |
Fish Ecology Search Committee, College of Natural Resources | Moffitt | January 2003 | December 2004 |
Faculty promotion panel - Reviewed faculty member packet for promotion to full professor | Ausband | October 2024 | October 2024 |
Faculty promotion panel - Review faculty member promotion package and make recommendation. | Ausband | September 2019 | October 2019 |
Design and planning for Aquaculuture Research Building Addition - I will participate in the selection of suitable firms and then interactions with them to complete the design criteria for the aquaculture reserach center addition on campus. | Moffitt | February 2014 | May 2014 |
Culture and Climate Committee, Dept. of Fish and Wildlife Sciences, University of Idaho | Quist | July 2014 | Present |
Coordinator CNR Fisheries Wet Lab operations - help with coordination of use and safety | Moffitt | January 2003 | Present |
College Representative, Graduate Council, University of Idaho - discuss and vote on policy related to graduate student education at the Unviersity of Idaho | Conway | April 2012 | September 2015 |
Co-chair, Taylor Ranch Wilderness Research Workshop Coordinating Committee | Scott | May 2008 | May 2008 |
Chair, Search Committee for Wildlife Habitat Ecologist - appoint and lead search committee, prepare position description and paperwork, submit advertisements, review applicants for faculty position and rank applicants | Conway | July 2015 | December 2015 |
Chair, Search Committee for Population Ecologist - review applicants for faculty position and rank applicants | Conway | August 2013 | May 2014 |
Chair, Search Committee for Business Specialist - appoint and lead search committee, prepare position description and paperwork, submit advertisements, review applicants and rank applicants | Conway | March 2023 | September 2023 |
Chair, Search Committee for Assistant Unit Leader - predator-prey - appoint and lead search committee, prepare position description and paperwork, submit advertisements, review applicants and rank applicants | Conway | September 2018 | November 2018 |
Chair, Search Committee for Assistant Unit Leader - biometrics - appoint and lead search committee, prepare position description and paperwork, submit advertisements, review applicants and rank applicants | Conway | August 2020 | December 2020 |
Chair, Diversity workshop with Carolyn Finney - Co-organizer for two day workshop and presentations on multi-cultural inclusion with Dr. Carolyn Finney author of Black faces and White Spaces. 27-30 September. Panel moderator. | Moffitt | May 2015 | September 2015 |
Chair, College of Natural Resources, Department Fish and Wild Limnology Search Committee | Moffitt | July 2006 | May 2007 |
CNR Entrepreneurial gifts workshop | Ausband | October 2024 | October 2024 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
Wood River Land Trust aquatic studies at Rock Creek restoration site | Moffitt | June 2016 | June 2016 |
USGS All Hands Meeting | Scott | March 2010 | March 2010 |
Tenure and Promotion External Reviewer, UC Davis | Moffitt | April 2014 | July 2014 |
Reviewer. Montana Water Resources Seed Grants | Moffitt | November 2010 | December 2010 |
Reviewer for Lake Tahoe Science Consortium Proposals. | Moffitt | January 2010 | February 2012 |
Reviewer for Lake Tahoe Consortium Proposals | Moffitt | December 2012 | February 2013 |
Reviewer for Department of Agriculture CREES, Small Business Investment in Research (SPIR) Phase II grants- Aquaculture | Moffitt | February 2012 | May 2012 |
Reviewer for CREES SBIR Aquaculture Proposals | Moffitt | November 2012 | January 2013 |
Reviewer Israel Bi-national Agricultural Research and Development Fund proposals | Moffitt | September 2011 | March 2012 |
Reviewer Alaska Marine Ecosystem Grant Program | Moffitt | January 2011 | March 2011 |
Reviewer Alaska Marine Ecosystem Grant Program | Moffitt | February 2012 | July 2012 |
Panel Manager, Aquaculture Program, Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR), Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES), U.S. Department of Agriculture | Moffitt | May 2005 | June 2006 |
Outside reviewer for tenure decision. Hatfield Marine Science Center and Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation OSU | Moffitt | August 2011 | September 2011 |
Outside Reviewer for tenure decision, University of California @ Davis | Moffitt | August 2011 | September 2011 |
Ohio Agriculture Research and Development Center (OARDC) | Moffitt | June 2011 | June 2012 |
Member, Technical Committee for Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel | Conway | August 2017 | Present |
Member, Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership, OMB FWS Review Team | Moffitt | June 2004 | December 2007 |
Member, Species Assessment Committee for the Yuma Ridgway's Rail | Conway | August 2022 | Present |
Member, Species Assessment Committee for Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel | Conway | August 2020 | Present |
Member, Senior Science Council, The Nature Conservancy | Scott | July 2005 | Present |
Member, Search Committee for Idaho Dept of Fish & Game research biologist | Conway | August 2012 | September 2012 |
Member, Search Committee for Assistant Professor, Univ of Idaho | Conway | January 2016 | October 2016 |
Member, Research Review Panel, Department of Agriculture | Moffitt | January 2004 | May 2004 |
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Moffitt | September 2007 | October 2007 |
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Moffitt | September 2003 | November 2003 |
Member, Ivory billed woodpecker Recovery Team | Scott | July 2005 | Present |
Member, Idaho Dept of Fish & Game Committee on State Wildlife Action Plans | Scott | April 2005 | Present |
Member, Hawaii Forest Bird Recovery Team | Scott | January 2000 | Present |
Member, David H. Smith postdoctoral advisory committee, The Nature Conservancy | Scott | January 1999 | June 2004 |
Member, Climate Change Impact on National Wildife Refuges, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Scott | November 2006 | Present |
Member, Climate Change Committee, U.S. Department of Interior | Scott | January 2007 | Present |
Member, Advisory Board, Anhauser Bush Wildlife Scholarship | Scott | January 2000 | Present |
Interactive workshop with Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile. | Moffitt | July 2014 | July 2014 |
Fisheries Strategic Plan Steering Committee for USFWS, Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership | Moffitt | May 2012 | December 2014 |
Co-chair, Whooping Crane Review Team, U.S. Department of the Interior | Scott | June 1999 | December 1999 |
Chair, Search Committee for Assistant Coop Unit Leader | Conway | January 2018 | October 2018 |
Chair, Pacific Area Avifauna Recovery Team | Scott | January 1992 | December 1998 |
Reviewer Lake Tahoe Tahoe Science Consortium Research Program | Moffitt | October 2010 | January 2011 |
Outreach Activity | Provider(s) | Date |
provided updates and brief results of Lake Pend Oreille study for Lakes Commission and Invasive species work group. | Moffitt | September 2016 |
provided information on PKD disease episodes in Montana and Idaho for public radio | Moffitt | August 2016 |
Shared Expertise on White Pelican Populations in Eastern Idaho. Pocatello, ID | Scott | August 2009 |
Scientific interpretation of Lonnie Hutson exhibit at Prichard Gallery | Moffitt | February 2014 |
Provided input to Lewiston Tribune writer, Eric Barker regarding thermal stress on salmonds in low flow, high temperature rivers | Moffitt | July 2015 |
Presentation to Regional Naturalists on the infestation of Asian clams in Lake Pend Oreille, ID | Moffitt, Braker | July 2014 |
Organized and participated in public meeting in Sandpoint ID to discuss aquatic invasive species, specifically an infestation of Asian clams | Moffitt | June 2014 |
Invited Speaker: Research Careers with the USGS, The Nature Conservancy post doctoral fellows program. Providence, RI. April 2005. | Scott | April 2005 |
Invited Speaker: "The Endangered Species Act at 30: Renewing the Conservation Promise," Congressional Course. Harvard University. March 2005. | Scott | March 2005 |
Invited Speaker: "Endangered Species Act at 30: Renewing the Conservation Commitment." Presentation made to director and staff of the Idaho Office of Species Conservation. Boise, ID. October 2004. | Scott | October 2004 |
Invited Speaker: "Conservation Landscape 2076: Where, What, Who?" Kootenai County, Cd'A Chamber Series. Coeur d' Alene, Idaho. February 2005. | Scott | February 2005 |
Invited Speaker/Panel Chair, "Advocacy in Science", All Hands Meeting. Sarasota, FL February 2005. | Scott | February 2005 |
Invited Speaker, "The Endangered Species Act at 30: Renewing the Conservation Promise", Environmental Law Institute and the American Bar Association Washington D.C., April 7, 2005. | Scott | April 2005 |
Invited Speaker, "Ecological Content and Context of America's National Wildlife Refuge Systems", National Wildlife Refuge Association, October 2004, New Hampshire | Scott | October 2004 |
Invited Presentation: "Endangered Species Act at 30: Renewing the Conservation Promise." Practical Paths Workshop,Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry, October 2004, Boise, Idaho | Scott | October 2004 |
Invited Co-Presenter, H&H Natural Resources Law Retrea, "Demographics, Goods and Services: Oikos Opportunities in Our World of Change" | Scott | June 2008 |
Interview with Jeff Young, National Public Radio. Topic: Endangered Species Act and the ESA at 30 Project. June 2005. | Scott | June 2005 |
Contributed fish and expertise to an art and educational exhibit focused on native fishes in Idaho | Quist | April 2014 |
Conference, Faculty, Students of Universidado de Nuevo Leon and Environmental Authorities of Tamaulipas, Mexico | Scott | December 2001 |
Briefed Assistant Secretary for Science and Water results of the Endangered Species Project @ 30. | Scott | November 2004 |
Briefed Assistant Secretary for Parks and Wildlife on results of Endangered Species Project @ 30. | Scott | October 2004 |
30-minute interview with a reporter for Science Magazine | Scott | October 2005 |