Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

The Alabama Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit was established on the Auburn University campus in 1936. Among the first ten Units, it was established to conduct wildlife research and promote the education of wildlife professionals for the southeastern region, Alabama, Georgia, northern Florida and eastern Mississippi. The Alabama Cooperative Fisheries Unit was established at Auburn in 1966 with a similar role. The Units were combined in 1984 to form the Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit.
The Alabama Unit has identified four areas in which to concentrate its research efforts: 1) determining the effects of forest management practices on wildlife populations, 2) investigating the ecology and management of riverine systems, 3) investigating the status, life history, habitat requirements, and population dynamics of species of conservation concern, and 4) investigating the ecology and management of fish and wildlife on landscape scales.
Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Federal Staff
Contact Us
Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
3301 School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences
602 Duncan Dr.
Auburn University, AL, 36849-5418
Phone: (334) 844-4796
Staff Listing
University Website:
Map Link: Google Map
- Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station
- Alabama Cooperative Extension System
- Alabama Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources
- Alabama Rivers Alliance
- Alabama Wildlife Federation
- Auburn University Center for Environmental Studies at the Urban-Rural Interface
- Auburn University School of Fisheries, Aquaculture & Aquatic Sciences
- Auburn University School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences
- Auburn University Wildlife Ecology & Management
- Forest Policy Center
- Kreher Preserve & Nature Center
- Solon Dixon Forestry Education Center
- The Longleaf Alliance
- The Nature Conservancy
- USGS Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Program