Alabama Technical Assistance Activities

Description and Agency | Provider(s) | Date |
Vice Chair, Adaptive Management Working Group for horseshoe crab harvest in the Delaware Bay. Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission |
Butler, Merritt | January 2015 |
Training on ageing invasive carp species Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources |
Brewer, Birdsall | March 2022 |
Taught an online scientific writing course for NCTC. USFWS |
Brewer | April 2021 |
SDM workshop for CALO (NPS and Climate Science Center) National Parks Service |
Irwin, Lloyd | June 2015 |
Review report Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation |
Brewer | November 2020 |
Provided Crayfish Invasiveness Risk Assessment Model (CRAM) Case Input Files and on invasive crayfish including the probabilities based on evidence presented related to life history and ecology. Discussions with other scientists on the merits of the probabilities and evidence. US Geological Survey |
Brewer | July 2020 |
Prototyped a tool for adaptive harvest management of White-tailed Deer in Alabama Alabama DCNR |
Grand, McGowan, Silvano, Price, Keever | September 2012 |
Presented on invasive carps to Lower Mississippi River invasive carp partnership. Invited to present invasive carps research at Lower Mississippi River Partnership on upcoming collaborative invasive carps research among MDWFP, USFWS, and USGS. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Dunn, Brewer | October 2023 |
My team is helping the USFWS model impacts of light and other human disturbances on sea turtle nesting. US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Valente | September 2024 |
Met with researchers in the Guadiana River Basis to 1)Develop avenues for cross-collaboration with scientists and stakeholders in the Guadiana River Basin, Portugal, one of the NeWater CVase Study rivers; 2)Present ideas and data relative to our Tallapoosa River Adaptive management project, including implementation strategies; 3)Discuss methodologies relative to adaptive management in the Tallapoosa River Basin and how they relate to Guadiana River Basin, including faunal monitoring and modeling programs and 4)Investigate the potential for simultaneous adaptive management in the US and Europe to increase our learning rates regarding system function. |
Irwin | March 2006 |
Met with Mr. Jack West to discuss hydropower concerns Alabama Rivers Alliance |
Brewer | August 2020 |
Member of Warm Springs Tech Center Review Team USFWS |
Irwin | January 2014 |
Indigo Snake reintroduction planning and monitoring in Alabama US Fish and Wildlife Service |
McGowan, Erickson, Folt | March 2016 |
Identification of unknown crayfishes from hatchery pond Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation |
Brewer | November 2020 |
I am assisting with the analysis of nest monitoring, bird banding, and point count survey data to compare the efficacy of these approaches for quantifying bird population changes. Georgetown University |
Valente | August 2023 |
I am assisting with data simulation and analysis on a project aimed at understanding effects of coffee agriculture on avian functional diversity. Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center |
Valente | January 2023 |
I am assisting Auburn colleagues with building a web application that will automatically identify and quantify landcover for user-defined areas. Auburn University |
Valente | October 2023 |
Helped draft an article on the importance of headwater streams Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation |
Brewer | November 2020 |
Helped Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks complete their species status evaluation for Shoal Chub. Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks |
Brewer | January 2024 |
Harris Dam Temperature Technical Committee USFWS |
Irwin | October 2013 |
Harris Dam Temperature Technical Committee USFWS |
Irwin | March 2016 |
Coached multiple SDM workshops for Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources |
Irwin | January 2011 |
Coached a Structured Decision Making workshop for multi-agency management of Gulf striped bassfor FWS and several state agencies. Florida Freshwater Fish Commission |
Irwin | August 2011 |
Chair, Adaptive management sub-committee for horseshoe crab harvest in Delaware Bay. Atlantic State Marine Fisheries Commission |
McGowan | January 2014 |
Attend meetings for the Tallapoosa Clean Water Partnership to provide input relative to ecological flows. Tallapoosa Clean Water Partnership |
Irwin, Lloyd | February 2015 |
Attend RL Harris Action Team meetings at the request of ALDCNR for FERC licensing ALDCNR |
Irwin, Ouellette | January 2019 |
Assisted MN Department of Natural Resources with initial phases of structured decision making through coaching team members. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources |
Irwin | February 2011 |
Assistance with analyses using existing data Trevor Starks |
Brewer | September 2022 |
Assist with techniques for ageing juvenile and adult Bighead and Silver Carp ADCNR |
Brewer, Birdsall , Ramsey | September 2021 |
Appointed by the USFWS as a member of the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint Adaptive Management Technical Team (AMTT). I provide assistance to the service with regard to adaptive management implementation and monitoring for 6 T&E species in the basin. US Fish and Wildlife Service/Panama City Field Office |
Irwin | September 2017 |
ACF Striped Bass Committee USFWS |
Adair | October 2013 |
Role - Description | Provider | Start Date | End Date |
School of Forestry and Wildlife Vehicle Committee | McGowan | October 2014 | May 2016 |
Partner Participant, Wildlife Program Review, Department of Forestry and Wildlife, Auburn University (2020) - Participate in a review of the Wildlife Program at Auburn | Brewer | October 2020 | October 2020 |
Panel participant - Served on a panel to explain Unit activities and collaborations to the SFWS Advisory Council. | Brewer | October 2021 | October 2021 |
Member, School of Fisheries Graduate Committee | Irwin | January 2014 | January 2018 |
Member, Auburn Water Resources Council | Irwin | January 2014 | Present |
Member - Search and Screen Committee, Disease Ecologist, College of Forestry, Wildlife, and Environment | Brewer | March 2022 | November 2022 |
Member - Search and Screen Committee, Director of the Center for Natural Resources Management on Military Lands, College of Forestry, Wildlife, and Environment | Brewer | October 2022 | January 2023 |
Member - Committee Member, Director of School of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Aquatic Sciences, Auburn University (Nov 2022-curent) | Brewer | November 2023 | Present |
Disease Ecology Search Committee | McGowan | March 2014 | April 2015 |
Committee member, Ecosystem Modeler faculty search committee, College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment, Auburn University - I reviewed applications, interviewed candidates, hosted on-site visits, and helped advise the Dean regarding to whom we should offer the job. | Valente | January 2023 | May 2023 |
Committee Member, Graduate Policies and Procedures Committee, College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment, Auburn University - I review and vote on admission for all potential graduate students applying to our college, establish and review policies for graduate students, and help choose graduate student award recipients. | Valente | September 2023 | Present |
Co-Chair, Stream Mesocosm Ad-Hoc Committee | Irwin | January 2014 | January 2018 |
Chair - Chair the search and screen committee to hire the Wildlife Assistant Unit Leader. | Brewer | September 2020 | May 2022 |
Chair - Chair of search committee for the Unit's administrative assistant | Brewer | November 2022 | January 2023 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
reviewer, Water Resources Research | Brewer | July 2020 | July 2020 |
Wildlife Program Review, Auburn University | Brewer | October 2020 | November 2020 |
USGS Ecological Flows Working Group | Irwin | September 2015 | January 2018 |
USFWS-USACOE ACF AM Management Team | Irwin | May 2017 | Present |
Student poster judge, Auburn University Research Symposium | Valente | March 2025 | March 2025 |
Reviewer, FY24 RC C3 Peer Review: Threatened, Endangered, and At Risk Aquatic, Amphibian, and Reptile Species, Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) | Brewer | March 2023 | April 2023 |
Reviewer, Endangered Species Research | Brewer | September 2020 | October 2020 |
Large River Management Forum | Irwin | June 2013 | Present |
Gulf Coast Coastal Resiliency Workgroup | Irwin | August 2016 | Present |
Graduate student poster judge, College of Forestry, Wildlife, and Environment, Auburn University | Valente | March 2025 | March 2025 |
Graduate student poster judge, College of Forestry, Wildlife, and Environment, Auburn University | Valente | April 2024 | April 2024 |
Graduate student poster judge, College of Forestry, Wildlife, and Environment, Auburn University | Valente | April 2023 | April 2023 |
External reviewer for faculty promotion, Costal Carolina University | Brewer | September 2024 | October 2024 |
External Examiner, School of Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary Sciences, Charles Sturt University | Brewer | November 2022 | November 2022 |
DOI RESTORE Land Conservation Workgroup | Irwin | March 2016 | Present |
Alabama Governor's Instream Flow Panel | Irwin | June 2015 | December 2018 |
Outreach Activity | Provider(s) | Date |
The Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences (MANRRS) group hosted a leadership institute to expose middle and high school students to careers in STEM. We hosted a "Biodiversity Bingo" event to teach students how to use field guides and learn about the biodiversity in their backyards. | Valente, Hall, Parvin, Abubakar, Blake | January 2025 |
The Alabama Department of Conservation of Natural Resources (ADCNR) has awarded Auburn University’s College of Forestry, Wildlife and Environment a five-year project to examine the effects of habitat management on wildlife communities using Alabama’s Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs). | Valente | November 2023 |
Research on the Tallapoosa River below Thurlow Dam. Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries. August 2002. Tallassee, Alabama. | Irwin | August 2002 |
Presented results of the decision support model for determining optimal flows below Harris Dam. Harris Dam Stakeholder's Meeting. Sponsored by Harris Dam Stakeholders Group. August 2003. Alexander City, Alabama. | Irwin | August 2003 |
Participant in the Tallapoosa River Watershed Action Plan Annual Conference, Alexander City, AL. 2005. | Irwin | May 2005 |
Most land in Alabama is privately owned, with only 4% of its lands protected. As ecologists are staring down an ongoing global biodiversity crisis, the state continues taking action to ensure conservation efforts are as effective and efficient as possible.<br>Toward this goal, Valente received an award for a five-year project from the Alabama Department of Conservation of Natural Resources (ADCNR) to examine the effects of habitat management on wildlife communities using Alabama’s Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs). | Valente | January 2024 |
Jonathon Valente didn’t set out to be a mediator for scientists or science, but to help his field of landscape ecology out of a rut, that’s just what he became. | Valente | December 2023 |
Interviewed for an article regarding catfishes in Alabama. Alabama Game and Fish magazine: March 2003. | Irwin | March 2003 |
Interview Article-Jackson, K. 2006. First adaptive management implemented in Southeast on Tallapoosa River. Ag Illustrated:3(2) ( | Irwin | January 2006 |
Identify flow prescriptions for adaptive management of the Tallapoosa River below R.L. Harris dam. Alabama Department of Conservation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Alabama Rivers Alliance. March 2003. | Irwin | March 2003 |
I worked with a group of students, staff, and faculty to build picnic tables and Adirondack chairs for the back patio of Auburn's College of Forestry, Wildlife, and Environment. | Valente | October 2024 |
Conservationists agree that to maintain species biodiversity, we must preserve and maintain healthy ecosystems. It’s estimated that we must set aside 30-50% of the Earth to preserve the remaining species. However, scientists disagree on the best approach for prioritizing areas for conservation, and the best approach may not be a one-size-fits-all paradigm that is universally accepted. | Valente | November 2023 |
Conservation of the Upper Coosa basin aquatic fauna. Annual Meeting. February 2003. | Irwin | February 2003 |
Becoming an Outdoors Woman. Taught ABC's of Fly Fishing and Wooly Boogers and Friends Workshops. March 2006 | Irwin | March 2006 |
Attended Harris Dam Stakeholder's Meeting. Sponsored by Harris Dam Stakeholders Group. May 2003. Wedowee, Alabama | Irwin | May 2003 |
Attended Harris Dam Stakeholder's Meeting. Sponsored by Harris Dam Stakeholders Group. June 2003. Alexander City, Alabama. | Irwin | June 2003 |
Assisted with facilitating the Minorities in Agricultural, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences (MANRRS) Halloween Carnival. This event was aimed at promoting Halloween-themed science activities for high school and college students who are from groups typically underrepresented in STEM fields. | Valente | October 2024 |