Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Pennsylvania
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Pennsylvania Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Research conducted by the Pennsylvania Unit helps to inform management of white-tailed deer.

The Pennsylvania Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit is a cooperative venture of university, federal and state agencies, and non-governmental organizations. The U.S. Geological Survey provides administrative and salary support for three full-time research biologists. The Game Commission and the Fish and Boat Commission provide annual base funding, which is used primarily to conduct research projects designed in conjunction with state agencies. The Department of Ecosystem Science and Management at The Pennsylvania State University provides clerical staff and administrative support, as well as office, laboratory, and storage space for the Unit. Also, the Wildlife Management Institute and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are cooperators.

Pennsylvania Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Federal Staff

Duane R. Diefenbach
Diefenbach, Duane
Unit Leader

Wagner, Tyler
Assistant Unit Leader

Office photo
Walter, W. David
Assistant Unit Leader

Contact Us

Pennsylvania Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

419 Forest Resources Building
Pennsylvania State University

Phone: (814) 865-4511

Staff Listing
Map Link: Google Map
