Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Pennsylvania
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Pennsylvania Staff Member

Dr. W. David Walter

Office photo

Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (814) 865 - 4763
Faculty Email:
Faculty Website



  • Ph D Oklahoma State University 2006
  • MS University of New Hampshire 2000
  • BS SUNY - College of Environmental Science and Forestry 1995


Dr. Walter received graduate degrees from University of New Hampshire and Oklahoma State University and served as a post-doctoral Researcher at the USDA-National Wildlife Research Center and Colorado Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit for nearly 5 years. He conducts research to explore spatial ecology of various species throughout the U.S. using spatial analysis at the landscape-level to further our understanding of wildlife presence/absence, nutrition, and disease. Much of his primary research interests have focused on using various modeling techniques to understand spatial ecology of disease in ungulates in various regions of North America. He also uses genetics and stable isotopes to understand movements, nutritional ecology, and effects of invasive species on native non-game species at the landscape level. He regularly teaches a graduate course in spatial ecology, movement analyses, home range estimation, and disease epidemiology. In addition to exploring genetics of species at the landscape or regional level, Dr. Walter focuses on methodologies in movements, home range, and resource selection of avian and mammalian species. New tracking and telemetry technologies with global positioning system (GPS) technology have become more readily available for a variety of avian and mammalian species of various sizes. This GPS technology allows for remote data capture from a steadily increasing number of taxa, species, and individual animals.

Areas of Expertise

Disease/Parasites, Epidemiology, GIS/Spatial Analysis, Landscape Ecology, Movement Ecology, Statistics and Modelling, Wildlife Management

Taxon Groups Studied

Furbearers, Ungulates

Research Publications Publication Date
Williamson, L. T., W. David Walter, S. R. Klinger, and D. R. Diefenbach. 2018. Incorporating detection probability to estimate pheasant density. Journal of Wildlife Management. 82(8):1680–1688; DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21545 | Download September 2018
Ward, A.I., K.C. VerCauteren, W.D. Walter, E. Gilot-Fromont, S. Rossi, G. Edwards-Jones, M. Lambert, M.R. Hutchings, and R.J. Delahay. 2009. Options for the control of disease 3: targeting the environment. Pages 147−168 in R.J. Delahay, M.R. Hutchings, and G.C. Smith (eds) Management of disease in wild mammals. Springer. | Publisher Website October 2009
Walter,W.D. ,Fischer,J.W. Anderson,C.W., Marks,D.R., Deliberto,T., Robbe-Austerman,S., VerCauteren,K.C. 2013. Surveillance and movements of Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) in the bovine tuberculosis region of Michigan. Epidemiology and Infection, Special Issue on TB, 141(7): 1498-1508. | Abstract | Publisher Website June 2013
Walter, W.D., and D.M. Leslie, Jr. 2009. Stable isotope ratio analysis to differentiate temporal diets of a free-ranging herbivore. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 23(14): 2190−2194 October 2009
Walter, W.D., T.S. Evans, D. Stainbrook, B.D. Wallingford, C.S. Rosenberry, and D.R. Diefenbach. 2018. Heterogeneity of a landscape influences size of home range in a North American cervid. Scientific Reports 8:14667. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-32937-7. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website September 2018
Walter, W.D., R. Smith, M. Vanderklok, and K.C. VerCauteren. 2014. Linking bovine tuberculosis on cattle farms to white-tailed deer and environmental variables using Bayesian hierarchical analysis. Plos ONE 9(3):e90925. | Abstract March 2014
Walter, W.D., P.J. Pekins, A.T. Rutberg, and H.J. Kilpatrick. Evaluation of immunocontraceptive adjuvants, titers, and fecal pregnancy indicators in free-ranging white-tailed deer. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30:908-914. October 2002
Walter, W.D., M.J. Lavelle, J.W. Fischer, T..J. Johnson, S.E. Hygnstrom, and K.C. VerCauteren. 2010. Management of damage by elk (Cervus elaphus) in North America: a review. Wildlife Research 37(8):630–646. | Publisher Website December 2010
Walter, W.D., K.C. VerCauteren, H. Campa, III, W.R. Clark, J.W. Fischer, S.E. Hygnstrom, N.E. Mathews, C.K. Nielsen, E.M. Schauber, T.R. Van Deelen, and S.R. Winterstein. 2009. Regional assessment on influence of landscape configuration and connectivity on range size of white-tailed deer. Landscape Ecology. 24(10): 1405−1420 October 2009
Walter, W.D., J.W. Fischer, T.J. Zimmerman, S.E. Hygnstrom, J.A. Jenks, K.C. VerCauteren. 2013. Topographic home range of large mammals: is planimetric home range still a viable method? Prairie Naturalist 45(1): 21-27. | Abstract June 2013
Walter, W.D., J.W. Fischer, S. Baruch-Mordo, and K.C. VerCauteren. 2011. What is the proper method to delineate home range of an animal using today’s advanced GPS telemetry systems: the initial step. In: Modern telemetry, Intech, Open Access Publisher. | Download | Publisher Website October 2011
Walter, W.D., J.W. Fischer, M.A. Avery J.S. Humphrey, T.S. Daughtery, M.P. Milleson, and E.A. Tillman. 2012. Using three-dimensional flight patterns at airfields to identify hotspots for avian-aircraft collisions. Applied Geography 35:53-59. | Download | Publisher Website June 2012
Walter, W.D., J. Beringer, L.P. Hansen, J.W. Fischer, J.J. Millspaugh, and K.C. VerCauteren. 2011. Factors affecting space use overlap by white-tailed deer in an urban landscape. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 25(3):379–392. | Publisher Website March 2011
Walter, W.D., D.P. Walsh, M.L. Farnsworth, D.L. Winkelman, and M. W. Miller. 2011. Soil clay content underlies prion infection odds. Nature Communications 2:200. February 2011
Walter, W.D., D.P. Onorato, and J.W. Fischer. 2015. Is there a single best estimator? Selection of home range estimators using area- under- the-curve. Movement Ecology | Abstract | Download May 2015
Walter, W.D., D.M. Baasch, S.E. Hygnstrom, B.D. Trindle, A.J. Tyre, J.J. Millspaugh, C.J. Frost, J.R. Boner, and K.C. VerCauteren. 2011. Space use of sympatric deer in a riparian ecosystem in an area chronic wasting disease is endemic. Wildlife Biology 17(2):191–209. | Publisher Website February 2011
Walter, W.D., C.W. Anderson, and K.C. VerCauteren. 2012. Evaluation of remote delivery of passive infrared transponder (PIT) technology to mark large mammals. Plos ONE 7(9): e44838 | Download | Publisher Website September 2012
Walter, W.D., C. W. Anderson, R. Smith, M. Vanderklok, J. Averill, and K.C. VerCauteren. 2012. On-farm mitigation of transmission of tuberculosis from white-tailed deer to cattle: literature review and recommendations. Veterinary Medicine International Article ID 616318. | Download | Publisher Website September 2012
Walter, W.D., A. Herbst, C. Lue, J.C. Bartz, and M.C. Hopkins. 2025. Overview of North American isolates of chronic wasting disease used for strain research. Pathogens, Special Issue: Advances in Chronic Wasting Disease 14:250; | Abstract March 2025
Walter, W.D., A. Fameli, K. Russo-Petrick, J.E. Edson, C.S. Rosenberry, K.L. Schuler, M.J. Tonkovich. Large-scale assessment of genetic structure to assess risk of populations of a large herbivore to chronic wasting disease. Ecology and Evolution 14, e11347. | Abstract May 2024
Walter, W.D. and J.W. Fischer. Manual of Applied Spatial Ecology. Online: | Abstract | Publisher Website October 2014
Walter, W.D. 2014. Use of stable isotopes to identify dietary differences and subpopulations of a free-ranging generalist herbivore. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 50(3):399-413. August 2014
Walter, W. D., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2002. Harvest strategies and numbers of elk (Cervus elaphus) in Oklahoma, 1987-2201. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 82:89-94. March 2003
Walter, W. D., T. J. Zimmerman, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and J. A. Jenks. 2009. Dietary response of sympatric deer to fire using stable isotope analysis of liver tissue. Wildlife Biology in Practice 5:128-135. December 2009
Walter, W. D., R. L. Bryant, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2005. Unusual documentation of elk behaviors using automated cameras. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 85:81-83. January 2006
Walter, W. D., P. J. Pekins, A. T. Rutberg, and H. J. Kilpatrick. 2002. Evaluation of immunocontraception in a free-ranging suburban white-tailed deer herd. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30:186-192. March 2002
Walter, W. D., H. J. Kilpatrick, and M. A. Gregonis. 2003. Does immunocontraception improve condition of free-ranging white-tailed deer? Journal of Wildlife Management 67:762-766. November 2003
Walter, W. D., D. M. Leslie, Jr., J. H. Herner-Thogmartin, K. G. Smith, and M. E. Cartwright. 2005. Efficacy of immobilizing free-ranging elk with Telazol and xylazine hydrochloride using tranmitter-equipped darts. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 41:395-400. June 2005
Walter, W. D., D. M. Leslie, Jr., E. C. Hellgren, and D. M. Engle. 2010. Identification of subpopulations of North American elk (Cervus elaphus) using multiple lines of evidence: habitat use, dietary choice, and fecal stable isotopes. Ecological Research 25:789-800. March 2010
Walter, W. D., B. Hanley, C. E. Them, C. I. Mitchell, J. Kelly, D. Grove, N. Hollingshead, R. C. Abbott, and K. L. Schuler. 2024. Predicting the odds of chronic wasting disease with Habitat Risk software. Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 49:100650. | Abstract April 2024
VerCauteren, K.C., C.W. Anderson, T.R. Van Deelen, D. Drake, W.D. Walter, S.M. Vantassel, and S.E. Hygnstrom. 2011. Regulated commercial harvest to manage overabundant white-tailed deer: an idea to consider? Wildlife Society Bulletin 35(3):185–194. | Publisher Website September 2011
Spraker, T. R., K. C. VerCauteren, T. L. Gidlewski, R. D. Munger, W. D. Walter, A. Balachandran, and K. I. O’Rourke. 2009. Impact of age and sex of Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) on follicle counts from rectal mucosal biopsies for preclinical detection of chronic wasting disease. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 21(6): 868−870. October 2009
Schwabenlander, M.D., J.C. Bartz, M. Carstensen, A. Fameli, L. Glaser, R.J. Larsen, M. Li, R. Shoemaker, G. Rowden, S. Stone, W.D. Walter, T.M. Wolf, P.A. Larsen. 2024. Prion forensics: a multidisciplinary approach to investigate CWD at an illegal deer carcass disposal site. Prion, 18(1):72-86; DOI: 10.1080/19336896.2024.2343298. | Abstract April 2024
Schwabenlander, M.D., G. Rowden, S. Stone, R. Shoemaker, L.L. Lindsey, J.D. Oliver, L. Glaser, M. Carstensen, J.C. Bartz, W.D. Walter, R.J. Larsen, T.M. Wolf, P.A. Larsen. 2022. Implementing a veterinary forensics approach to investigate chronic wasting disease at a deer carcass disposal site. Wildlife Disease Association Meeting, Madison, WI, 23-29 July 2022. | Abstract July 2022
Schneider, A.L., A.T. Gilbert, W.D. Walter, G.S. Vandeberg, J.R. Boulanger. 2019. Spatial Ecology of Urban Striped Skunks (Mephitis mephitis) in the Northern Great Plains: A Framework for Future Oral Rabies Vaccination Programs. Urban Ecosystems 22:539-552. | Abstract May 2019
Pearce, D.L., J.E. Edson, C.S. Jennelle, and W.D. Walter. 2024. Evaluation of DNA yield from various tissue and sampling sources for use in single nucleotide polymorphism panels. Scientific Reports 14, 11340. | Abstract May 2024
Niedringhaus, K.D., Ganoe, L.S., Lovallo, M., Walter, W.D., Yabsley, M.J. and Brown, J.D. (2021). Fatal infection with Versteria sp. in a muskrat, with implications for human health. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 34(2), pp.314–318. doi:
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December 2021
Miller, W.M., C.M. Miller-Butterworth, D.R. Diefenbach, and W.D. Walter. 2020. Assessment of spatial genetic structure to identify populations at risk for infection of an emerging epizootic disease. Ecology and Evolution 10(9):3977–3990; | Download
May 2020
Miller, W.L., J. Edson, P. Pietrandrea, C. Miller-Butterworth, and W. David Walter. 2019. Identification and evaluation of a core microsatellite panel for use in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). BMC Genetics 20:49. June 2019
Miller, W.L. and W.D. Walter. 2020. Can genetic assignment tests provide insight on the influence of captive egression on the epizootiology of chronic wasting disease? Evolutionary Applications. 13:715–726; | Publisher Website March 2020
Miller, W.L. and W.D. Walter. 2017. CWDPRNP: a tool for cervid prion sequence analysis in program R. Bioinformatics. 33(19):3096–3097. | Abstract September 2017
Miller, W.L. and W. D. Walter. 2019. Spatial heterogeneity of prion gene polymorphisms in an area recently infected by chronic wasting disease. Prion 13: 65-76. | Abstract February 2019
King, D.T., J.W. Fischer, B. Strickland, W.D. Walter, F.L. Cunningham, and G. Wang. 2016. Winter and summer home ranges of American white pelicans (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos) captured at loafing sites in the southeastern United States. Waterbirds 39(3):287–294. October 2016
Kilpatrick, H.J., and W.D. Walter. A controlled archery deer hunt in a residential community: cost, effectiveness, and deer recovery rates. Wildlife Society Bulletin 27:115–123. June 1999
Kilpatrick, H.J., and W.D. Walter. 1997. Urban deer management: a community vote. Wildlife Society Bulletin 25:388–390. July 1997
Khouri, R.M., Wagner, D.C. and Walter, W.D. (2022). Efficacy of secondary electric fences at preventing direct contact among white‐tailed deer. Wildlife Society Bulletin. doi:
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September 2022
Johnson, H.E., J.W. Fischer, M Hammond, P. Dorsey, W. D. Walter, C.W. Anderson, and K.C. VerCauteren. 2014. Evaluation of techniques to reduce deer and elk damage to agricultural crops. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38(2):358–365. | Abstract June 2014
Jennelle, C.S., Walter, W.D., Crawford, J., Rosenberry, C.S. and Wallingford, B.D. (2022). Movement of white‐tailed deer in contrasting landscapes influences management of chronic wasting disease. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 86(8). doi:
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July 2022
Henningsen, J.C., A.L. Williams, C.M. Tate, S.A. Kilpatrick, and W.D. Walter. 2012. Distribution and prevalence of Elaeophora schneideri in moose in Wyoming. Alces 48:35-44 June 2012
Haley, N.J., C. Siepker, W.D. Walter, B.V. Thomsen, J.J. Greenlee, A.D. Lehmkuhl, and J.A. Richt. 2016. Antemortem detection of chronic wasting disease prions in nasal brush collections and rectal biopsies from white-tailed deer by real time quaking-induced conversion. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 54(4): 1108-1116. March 2016
Haley, N.J., C. Siepker, L.L. Hoon-Hanks, G. Mitchell, W.D. Walter, M. Manca, R.J. Monello, J.G. Powers, M.A. Wild, E.A. Hoover, B. Caughey, and J. Richt. 2016. Seeded amplification of chronic wasting disease prions in nasal brushings and recto-anal mucosal associated lymphoid tissues from elk by real time quaking-induced conversion. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 54(4): 1117-1126. March 2016
Gundermann, K.P., D. R. Diefenbach, W. D. Walter, A. M. Corondi, J. E. Banfield, B. D. Wallingford, D. P. Stainbrook, C. S. Rosenberry, and F. E. Buderman. 2023. Change-point models for identifying behavioral transitions in wild animals. Movement Ecology 11:65. | Download October 2023
Ganoe, L.S., M.J. Lovallo, J.D. Brown, and W.D. Walter. 2020. Ecology of an isolated muskrat population during regional population declines. Northeastern Naturalist. 28(1);49-64. DOI: 10.1656/045.028.0104 | Abstract February 2021
Ganoe, L.S., J.D. Brown, M.J. Yabsley, M.J. Lovallo, and W.D. Walter. 2020. A review of pathogens, diseases, and contaminants of muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus) in North America. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 7:233. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2020.00233. | Abstract May 2020
Ganoe, L.S., Brown, J.D., Lovallo, M.J., Yabsley, M.J., Garrett, K.B., Thompson, A.T., Poppenga, R.H., Ruder, M.G. and Walter, W.D. (2021). Surveillance for diseases, pathogens, and toxicants of muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) in Pennsylvania and surrounding regions. PLOS ONE, 16(12), p.e0260987. doi: | Abstract December 2021
Fischer, J.W., W.D. Walter, M.A. Avery. 2013. Brownian bridge movement models to characterize home ranges of avian species. The Condor 115(2): 298-305. | Abstract June 2013
Fischer, J.W., D. McMurtry, C.R. Blass, W.D. Walter , J. Beringer, and K.C. VerCauteren. 2016. Effects of simulated removal activities on movements and space use of feral swine. European Journal of Wildlife Research 62(3):285–292. | Abstract May 2016
Fischer, J.W., C.R. Blass, W.D. Walter , C.W. Anderson, M.J. Lavelle, W.H. Hall, and K.C. VerCauteren. 2016. Evaluating a strategy to deliver vaccine to white-tailed deer at a landscape level. Wildlife Society Bulletin 40(2):394–399. | Abstract June 2016
Fameli, A.F., Edson, J., Banfield, J.E., Rosenberry, C.S. and Walter, W.D. (2022). Variability in prion protein genotypes by spatial unit to inform susceptibility to chronic wasting disease. Prion, 16(1), pp.254–264. doi:
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October 2022
Fameli, A., Jennelle, C., Edson, J., Hildebrand, E., Carstensen, M. and Walter, W.D. (2025). Relatedness of White-Tailed Deer from Culling Efforts Within Chronic Wasting Disease Management Zones in Minnesota. Pathogens, 14, 67;
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January 2025
Evans, T.S., M. Kirchgessner, B. Eyler, C.W. Ryan, and W.D. Walter. 2016. Habitat influences distribution of of chronic wasting disease in white-tailed deer. Journal of Wildlife Management | Abstract January 2016
Evans, T.S., K.L. Schuler, W.D. Walter. 2014 Surveillance and monitoring of white-tailed deer for chronic wasting disease in the northeastern United States. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 5(2):387-393. December 2014
Ensminger, D.C., C. Pritchard, T. Langkilde, T. Gingery, J.E. Banfield, W.D. Walter. 2020. The influence of hunting pressure and ecological factors on fecal glucocorticoid metabolites in wild elk. Wildlife Biology 2020(2); | Abstract June 2020
Edson, J., J. Brown, W.L. Miller, and W. D. Walter. 2021. Comparison of sample types from white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) for DNA extraction and analyses. Scientific Reports 11, 10003. | Abstract May 2021
Diefenbach, D. R., J. Trowbridge, A. Van Buskirk, T. McConnell, K. Lamp, T. A. Marques, W. D. Walter, B. D. Wallingford, and C. S. Rosenberry. 2025. Accounting for non-random samples with distance sampling to estimate population density. Journal of Applied Ecology.DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.70006 February 2025
Davis, C. A., D. M. Leslie, Jr., W. D. Walter, and A. E. Graber. 2010. Mountain biking trail use affects reproductive success of nesting gold-cheeked warblers. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122:465-474. September 2010
Corondi, A.M., Brown, J.D., Banfield, J.E. and Walter, W.D. (2024). Comparison of Butorphanol-Azaperone-Medetomidine and Nalbuphine-Medetomidine-Azaperone in Free-Ranging Elk (Cervus canadensis) in Pennsylvania, USA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 60(4): 950-955. doi: | Abstract June 2024
Carrollo, E.M., H.E. Johnson, J.W. Fischer, M. Hammond, P.D. Dorsey, C.W. Anderson, K.C. VerCauteren, and W. David Walter. Influence of precipitation and crop germination on resource selection by mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in southwest Colorado. Scientific Reports | Abstract November 2017
Bondo, K.J., Rosenberry, C.S., Stainbrook, D. and Walter, W.D. (2024). Comparing risk of chronic wasting disease occurrence using Bayesian hierarchical spatial models and different surveillance types. Ecological Modelling, [online] 493, p.110756. doi: | Abstract May 2024
Bondo, K.J., Montecino‐Latorre, D., Williams, L., Helwig, M., Duren, K., Hutchinson, M.L. and W. David Walter (2023). Spatial modeling of two mosquito vectors of West Nile virus using integrated nested Laplace approximations. Ecosphere, 14(1). doi: | Abstract | Download September 2023
Berentsen, A.R., M.R. Dunbar, C.E. Fitzpatrick, W.D. Walter. 2013. Spatial ecology of urban raccoons in Northeastern Ohio: implications for oral rabies vaccination. Prairie Naturalist 45(1): 39-45. | Abstract June 2013
Bauder, J.M., C.S. Anderson, H.L. Gibbs, M.J. Tonkovich, and W.D. Walter. 2021. Landscape features fail to explain spatial genetic structure in white-tailed deer across Ohio, USA. Journal of Wildlife Management 85(8):1669-1684. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.22120 | Abstract | Publisher Website October 2021
Avery, M.L., J.S. Humphrey, T.S. Daughtery, J.W. Fischer, M.P. Milleson, E.A. Tillman, W.E. Bruce, and W. D. Walter. 2011. Vulture flight behavior and implications to aircraft safety. Journal of Wildlife Management 75(7): 1581–1587. | Publisher Website July 2011
Atmeh K, Bonenfant C, Gaillard JM, Garel M, Hewison AJM, Marchand P, Morellet N, Anderwald P, Buuveibaatar B, Beck JL, Becker MS, van Beest FM, Berg J, Bergvall UA, Boone RB, Boyce MS, Chamaillé-Jammes S, Chaval Y, Buyanaa C, Christianson D, Ciuti S, Côté SD, Diefenbach DR, Droge E, du Toit JT, Dwinnell S, Fennessy J, Filli F, Fortin D, Hart EE, Hayes M, Hebblewhite M, Heim M, Herfindal I, Heurich M, von Hoermann C, Huggler K, Jackson C, Jakes AF, Jones PF, Kaczensky P, Kauffman M, Kjellander P, LaSharr T, Loe LE, May R, McLoughlin P, Meisingset EL, Merrill E, Monteith KL, Mueller T, Mysterud A, Nandintsetseg D, Olson K, Payne J, Pearson S, Pedersen ÅØ, Ranglack D, Reinking AK, Rempfler T, Rice CG, Røskaft E, Sæther BE, Saïd S, Santacreu H, Schmidt NM, Smit D, Stabach JA, St-Laurent MH, Taillon J, Walter WD, White K, Péron G, Loison A. 2025. Neonatal antipredator tactics shape female movement patterns in large herbivores. Nature Ecology & Evolution 9, pages 142–152. doi:
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December 2024
Amor, J.M., R. Newman, W.F. Jensen, B.C. Rundquist, W.D. Walter, and J.R. Boulanger. 2019. Seasonal home ranges and habitat selection of three elk (Cervus elaphus) herds in North Dakota. PlosONE 14(2): e0211650.
February 2019
Ahrestani, F.S, M.A. Ternent, M.J. Lovallo, and W. David Walter. 2020. Resource use by American black bears in suburbia: a landholder step-selection approach. Human-Wildlife Interactions 14(2): 216-227. | Abstract November 2020
Walter, WD,, Kurle, CM, Hopkins III, JB. 2014. Applications of stable isotope analysis in mammalian ecology. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 50(3):287-290. | Abstract August 2014
Project Completion Date
Landscape genetics of white-tailed deer to assess population structure for surveillance of chronic wasting disease June 2017
Characterization of habitat for pheasant in wild pheasant recovery areas of Pennsylvania November 2014
Deer abundance and its relationship to factors that affect forest vegetation conditions June 2026
Spatial analysis of large mammals to assess harvest vulnerability in relation to anthropogenic factors December 2014
Surveillance and monitoring of river otter in Pennsylvania December 2014
Developing an adaptive management approach for potential surveillance and spread of chronic wasting disease in white-tailed deer in Pennsylvania December 2014
Targeted surveillance for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in wildlife October 2025
Assessment of movement of prions across the captive-wild interface August 2023
Modeling the risk of West Nile virus to ruffed grouse populations June 2022
Muskrat ecology and disease August 2023
Parturition timing and calf survival in Pennsylvania elk June 2023
Landscape Genetics of white-tailed deer in Minnesota September 2022
Establishing a national tissue and reagents repository for chronic wasting disease September 2023
Linking Genetics to Movements of White-tailed deer to Assist Surveillance for CWD Epidemiology August 2024
Surveillance Optimization Project for Chronic Wasting Disease: Streamlining a Web Application for Disease Visualization and Data-Driven Decisions August 2022
North American interdisciplinary chronic wasting disease research consortium: NC1209 September 2024
Regional assessment of cause-specific mortality in white-tailed deer populations, and influence of landscape attributes and deer density on CWD spread through juvenile deer dispersal and seasonal movements August 2021
A standardized, high-throughput genetic resource to inform white-tailed deer population and disease management August 2021
Modeling potential habitat for pheasant population restoration December 2017
Fameli, Alberto
Post Doc

Horpiecharoen, Wantida
Post Doc

Walters, Tyler

Weber, Abby

Wehr, Nathaniel
Post Doc

Presentations Presentation Date
Williamson, L. T., S. R. Klinger, D. R. Diefenbach, W. D. Walter. 2017. Density Estimation and Habitat Modeling for Pheasant Population Restoration in Pennsylvania. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM. September 2017
Williamson, L. T., D. R. Diefenbach, W. D. Walter. 2016. Modeling potential habitat for pheasant population restoration in Pennsylvania. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC. October 2016
Williamson, L. T., D. R. Diefenbach, W. D. Walter. 2016. Modeling potential habitat for pheasant population restoration in Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Raystown Lake, PA. April 2017
Williamson, L. T., D. R. Diefenbach, W. D. Walter. 2016. Modeling potential habitat for pheasant population restoration in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, State College, PA. April 2016
Ward, A.I, G.C. Smith, M.D.F. Shirley, A.C. Mill, W.D. Walter, and P.A. Robertson. 2017. Consequences of chronic wasting disease beyond the individual. Prion Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland. May 2017
Walters, T.S., K.C. VerCauteren, and W.D. Walter. 2024. American crow movement and resource selection in an area endemic for chronic wasting disease. Joint Meeting of The Pennsylvania Chapter of Wildlife Society and the Pennsylvania Biological Survey, State College, PA, 22-23 March 2024. March 2024
Walters, T.S., K.C. VerCauteren, and W.D. Walter. 2023. American crow movement and resource selection in an area endemic for chronic wasting disease. The 30th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Louisville, KY, 5-9 November 2023. November 2023
Walters, T.S., K.C. VerCauteren, and W.D. Walter. 2022. Infectious prion movement potential of American crows. 6- 10 November 2022, The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA. November 2022
Walters, T.S., K.C. VerCauteren, M. Gibison, J. Hoy-Petersen, Roderick B. Gagne, and W.D. Walter. 2024. Movement and resource selection of American crows in an area where chronic wasting disease in endemic. The 31st Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Baltimore, Maryland, 19 – 23 October 2024. October 2024
Walter, W.D., and T.S. Evans. 2015. Influence of habitat and demographic components on exposure to chronic wasting disease in white-tailed deer in the eastern United States. Prion Conference May 2015
Walter, W.D., J.W. Fischer, and A. Church. Online storage infrastructures and applied interface with program R for analysis of GPS datasets. The 20th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, 7 October, 2013. October 2013
Walter, W.D., G. Bastille-Rousseau, M. Craft, P. Cross, M. Diuk-Wasser, R.B. Gagne, J. Hewitt, K. Manlove, L.D. Plimpton, M. Van Acker, K. C. VercCauteren, M. Wilber, G. Wilson-Henjum, G. Wittemyer, and K.M. Pepin. 2023. A national-scale distributed surveillance design for SARS-CoV-2 in a potential wildlife reservoir host. 71st Annual International Conference of the Wildlife Disease Association, Athens, GA, 4 August 2023. August 2023
Walter, W.D., F.S. Ahrestani, and W.L. Miller. 2019. Synergy of genetics and diffusion dynamics in white-tailed deer to understand epidemiology of chronic wasting disease. 68th Annual International Conference of the Wildlife Disease Association, Tahoe City, CA. August 2019
Walter, W.D., D.P. Onorato, and J.W. Fischer. 2016. Estimators of home range using GPS datasets: a new vision. The 23rd Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Raleigh, NC. October 2016
Walter, W.D., C.S. Rosenberry, A. Fameli, and J. Edson. 2022. Associations of white-tailed deer with and without chronic wasting disease. Wildlife Disease Association Meeting, Madison, WI, 23-29 July 2022 July 2022
Walter, W.D., C.S. Rosenberry, A. Fameli, and J. Edson. 2022. Associations of white-tailed deer with and without chronic wasting disease. 6- 10 November 2022, The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA. November 2022
Walter, W.D., C. Lue, and J. Bartz. 2022. Strain types for chronic wasting disease and efforts towards a virtual tissue repository. Prion 2022, Gottingen, Germany, 13 September 2022. September 2022
Siepker C., N. Haley, W. Walter, L. Hoon-Hanks, R. Monello, J. Powers, B. Thomsen, J. Greenlee, A. Lehmkuhl, G. Mitchell, T. Nichols, E. Hoover, J. Richt. 2015. Clinical Stage of Infection is Critical in the Antemortem Diagnosis of Chronic Wasting Disease in Deer and Elk. Prion Conference, Fort Collins, CO May 2015
Schwabenlander, M.D., J.C. Bartz, M. Carstensen, A. Fameli, L. Glaser, R.J. Larsen, M. Li, L.L. Lindsey, J.D. Oliver, R. Shoemaker, G. Rowden, S. Stone, W.D. Walter, T.M. Wolf, P.A. Larsen. 2023. Prion Forensics: a multidisciplinary approach to investigate chronic wasting disease at a deer carcass disposal site. 4th International Chronic Wasting Disease Symposium 31 May-2 June 2023. May 2023
Schwabenlander, M.D., J.C. Bartz, M. Carstensen, A. Fameli, L. Glaser, R.J. Larsen, M. Li, L.L. Lindsey, J.D. Oliver, R. Shoemaker, G. Rowden, S. Stone, W.D. Walter, T.M. Wolf, P.A. Larsen. 2022. Implementing a veterinary forensics approach to investigate chronic wasting disease at a deer carcass disposal site. Southeast Deer Study Group, Baton Rouge, LA, 26-28 February 2023. December 2022
Schwabenlander, M.D., G. Rowden, S. Stone, R. Shoemaker, L.L. Lindsey, J.D. Oliver, L. Glaser, M. Carstensen, J.C. Bartz, W.D. Walter, R.J. Larsen, T.M. Wolf, P.A. Larsen. 2022. Implementing a veterinary forensics approach to investigate chronic wasting disease at a deer carcass disposal site. Wildlife Disease Association Meeting, Madison, WI, 23-29 July 2022. July 2022
Schuler, K., B. Hanley, N. Hollingshead, R. Abbott, C. Them, S. Ahmed, W.D. Walter, D. Walsh, S. Christensen, and P. Adams. 2023. What Can the Surveillance Optimization Project for Chronic Wasting Disease (SOP4CWD) Do For You? 4th International Chronic Wasting Disease Symposium, Denver, CO, 31 May-2 June, 2023 May 2023
Schneider, A.L., A.T. Gilbert, W.D. Walter, G.S. Vandeberg, and J.R. Boulanger. 2019. Spatial Ecology of Urban Striped Skunks (Mephitis mephitis) in the Northern Great Plains. International Urban Wildlife Conference, Portland, OR. June 2019
Russo-Petrick, K, A. Fameli, C.S. Rosenberry, K.L. Schuler, M.J. Tonkovich, J.E. Edson, and W.D. Walter. 2023. Large-scale assessment of spatial genetic structure to assess risk of white-tailed deer populations to chronic wasting disease. 4th International Chronic Wasting Disease Symposium, Denver, CO, 31 May-2 June, 2023. May 2023
Miller, W.L., and W.D. Walter. 2015. Landscape genetics of white-tailed deer to assess population structure for surveillance of chronic wasting disease. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba, CN. October 2015
Miller, W.L., W. D. Walter. 2017. Evaluating the risk of chronic wasting disease infection in Mid-Atlantic cervid populations. The Pennsylvania Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Raystown Lake, PA. April 2017
Miller, W.L., J. Brown, W. D. Walter. 2017. Genetic susceptibility of free-ranging cervids to chronic wasting disease in a recently infected region of the United States. Prion Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland. May 2017
Miller, W.L., D.R. Diefenbach, C. Miller-Butterworth, J. Brown, W. D. Walter. 2016. Landscape barriers influence genetic connectivity among white-tailed deer in an area affected by chronic wasting disease. Wildlife Disease Association Meeting, Ithaca NY August 2016
Miller, W.L., D.R. Diefenbach, C. Miller-Butterworth, J. Brown, W. D. Walter. 2016. Landscape barriers influence genetic connectivity among white-tailed deer in an area affected by chronic wasting disease. 23rd Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Raleigh NC October 2016
Miller, W.L. and W. D. Walter. 2018. Genetic assignment tests provide insight into the epidemiology of chronic wasting disease in Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Chapter of The Wildlife Society, State College, PA March 2018
Miller, W.L. and W. D. Walter. 2017. Genetic susceptibility of eastern cervid populations to chronic wasting disease. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM. September 2017
Manlove, K., G. Bastille-Rousseau, M. Craft, P. Cross, M. Diuk-Wasser, J. Hewitt, M. Van Acker, W.D. Walter, K. C. VercCauteren, M. Wilber, G. Wilson-Henjum, G. Wittemyer, and K.M. Pepin. 2023. A national-scale distributed surveillance design for SARS-CoV-2 in a potential wildlife reservoir host. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, 6-11 August 2023. August 2023
Lue, C., J. Bartz, M. Hopkins, and W.D. Walter. 2023. SAGOTR, a strain and genetics online repository for chronic wasting disease. 4th International Chronic Wasting Disease Symposium, Denver, CO, 31 May-2 June, 2023. May 2023
Lue, C. and W.D. Walter. 2022. Strain types for chronic wasting disease and the need for a National Tissue Repository. Wildlife Disease Association Meeting, Madison, WI, 23-29 July 2022 July 2022
Lue, C. and W.D. Walter. 2022. Strain types for chronic wasting disease and the need for a National Tissue Repository. 6- 10 November 2022, The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA. November 2022
Høy-Petersen, J, JD Brown, RB Gagne, WD Walter, K Niedringhaus. Are white-tailed deer in PA dying with or of chronic wasting disease? The 73rd Annual International Conference of the Wildlife Disease Association Meeting, Victoria, BC, 27 July - 1 August 2025. July 2025
Horpiencharoen, W, R Giglio, KM Pepin, NH Wehr, G Wilson-Henjum, A Corondi, TS Walters, and WD Walter. 2025. Contact network of white-tailed deer exposed to SARS-CoV-2 in a residential community in central Pennsylvania. Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Bretton Woods, NH, 21-24 April. April 2025
Hoarau, A.O.G, J. Høy-Petersen, J. Alder, S. Hattaway, G. Wittemyer, G. Bastille-Rousseau, T. Kishimoto, T. Anderson, T. Gallo, J.M. Mullinax, A.A. Roess, M.E. Craft, J.D. Forester, T.J. Gardwood, T.M. Wolf, J.L. Malmberg, T. Nordeen, G.C. Titcomb, M.A. Diuk-Wasser, L.D. Plimpton, M.C. VanAcker, A.Baker, A.M. Corondi, W.D. Walter, T.S. Walters, D.M. Grove, J.R. Kosiewska, D.L. Metts, C. Mitchell, L.I. Muller, M.Q. Wilber, J.D. Wyrick, K.R. Manlove, M. Morrison, L. Smith, G. Wilson-Henjum, K.M. Pepin, and R.B. Gagne. Portrait of viral communities in deer upper respiratory tracts across the United States. The 73rd Annual International Conference of the Wildlife Disease Association Meeting, Victoria, BC, 27 July - 1 August 2025. July 2025
Gunderman, K. P., D. R. Diefenbach, W. D. Walter, and F. E. Buderman. 2021. Efficacy of positional and behavioral change-point models to determine ungulate parturition events. 31 May - 11 June 2021, EURING Technical Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. June 2021
Gunderman, K. P., D. R. Diefenbach, W. D. Walter, A.M. Corondi, J. Banfield, C. Rosenberry, and F. E. Buderman. 2021. Efficacy of positional and behavioral change-point models to determine ungulate parturition events. 1 - 5 November 2021, The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. October 2021
Ganoe,L.S. and W.D. 2018. Walter.Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) movements, survival and disease. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH. October 2018
Ganoe, L.K., C. Bocetti, J. Larkin, W.D. Walter. 2017. Feasibility of remote mark-recapture methods on fisher (Pekania pennanti) in Clarion County. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM. September 2017
Ganoe, L, M. Lovallo, J. Brown, and W.D. Walter. 2019. Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) ecology and health. The Pennsylvania Chapter of the Wildlife Society, State College, PA. February 2019
Ganoe, L, J. Brown, M. Lovallo, Michael Yabsley, Mark Ruder, and W.D. Walter. 2019. Defining Pathogens and Disease of Muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus) in Pennsylvania. 68th Annual International Conference of the Wildlife Disease Association, Tahoe City, CA. August 2019
Gagne, R.B., G. Bastille-Rousseau, M. Craft, P. Cross, M. Diuk-Wasser, J. Heale, J. Hewitt, M. Van Acker, K. C. VercCauteren, W.D. Walter, M. Wilber, G. Wilson-Henjum, G. Wittemyer, and K.M. Pepin. 2023. A national-scale distributed surveillance design for SARS-CoV-2 in a potential wildlife reservoir host. The 30th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Louisville, KY, 5-9 November 2023. November 2023
Forman, N.S., T. Hardisky, M. Lovallo, W.D. Walter. 2014. Monitoring river otter populations in northeastern Pennsylvania using non-invasive genetic sampling and spatial capture-recapture models. The 21st Annual Wildlife Society Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. October 2014
Forman, N.F., and W.D. Walter. 2013. Population estimates of river otters in northeastern Pennsylvania using non-invasive genetic sampling. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI October 2013
Fischer, J.W., W. D. Walter, and K. C.VerCauteren. What to do when security protocols deny your ability to use online storage infrastructures. The 20th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Milwaukee, WI, 7 October 2013. October 2013
Fameli, AF, CS Rosenberry, KL Schuler, MJ Tonkovich, JE Edson, WD Walter. 2025. Genetic analyses of white-tailed deer explain observed chronic wasting disease spread patterns and provide a tool for inferring geographic origin of individuals. Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Bretton Woods, NH, 21-24 April. April 2025
Fameli, A., K. Russo-Petrick, C.S. Rosenberry, K.L. Schuler, M.J. Tonkovich, J.E. Edson, and W.D. Walter. 2023. Large-scale assessment of genetic structure of white-tailed deer: applications to genetic assignment tests. The 30th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Louisville, KY, 5-9 November 2023. November 2023
Fameli, A., J. Edson, C. Jennelle, and W.D. Walter. 2022. Relatedness of white-tailed deer from culling efforts within a disease management zone in Minnesota. Wildlife Disease Association Meeting, Madison, WI, 23-29 July 2022. July 2022
Fameli, A., J. Edson, C. Jennelle, and W.D. Walter. 2022. Relatedness of white-tailed deer from culling efforts within a disease management zone in Minnesota. 6- 10 November 2022, The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA. November 2022
Fameli, A., C.S. Rosenberry, K.L. Schuler, M.J. Tonkovich, J.E. Edson, and W.D. Walter. 2024. Large-scale assessment of genetic structure of white-tailed deer: applications to genetic assignment tests. Joint Meeting of The Pennsylvania Chapter of Wildlife Society and the Pennsylvania Biological Survey, State College, PA, 22-23 March 2024. March 2024
Fameli, A., A. Corondi, J. Banfield, J. Edson, and W.D. Walter. Evaluating heterozygosity-fitness correlation in a highly inbred elk population. The 31st Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Baltimore, Maryland, 19 – 23 October 2024. October 2024
Evans, T.S., M. Kirchgessner, B. Eyler, C. Ryan, and W.D. Walter. 2014. Bayesian hierarchical modeling of chronic wasting disease in the central Appalachian region. The 21st Annual Wildlife Society Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. October 2014
Evans, T.S. and W.D. Walter. Development of a chronic wasting disease surveillance plan and modeling of the potential spread in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Chapter of the Wildlife Society, State College, PA, 22-23 March 2013. March 2013
Evans, T.S. and W.D. Walter. 2014. Bayesian hierarchical modeling of chronic wasting disease in free-ranging white-tailed deer in the eastern U.S. Prion Conference, Trieste, Italy. May 2014
Evans, T.S. and W.D. Walter. 2013. Development of a chronic wasting disease surveillance plan and modeling of the potential spread in Pennsylvania. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI. October 2013
Dec Peevey, D. W., L.M. Williams, and W. D. Walter. 2019. Characterizing landscape factors of two West Nile virus vectors in Pennsylvania, USA. 68th Annual International Conference of the Wildlife Disease Association, Tahoe City, CA. August 2019
Crawford, CS and WD Walter. 2013. Spatial analysis of black bear (Ursus americanus) to assess harvest vulnerability in relation to anthropogenic activity in Pennsylvania. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI October 2013
Crawford, C.S., M.A. Ternent, M.J. Lovallo, and W.D.Walter. 2014. Resource selection and harvest vulnerability of black bear near suburban areas of Pennsylvania. The 21st Annual Wildlife Society Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. October 2014
Crawford, C.S. and W.D.Walter. Spatial analysis of black bear (Ursus americanus) to assess harvest vulnerability in relation to anthropogenic activity in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Chapter of the Wildlife Society, State College, PA, 22-23 March 2013. March 2013
Craft, M.E., G. Wilson-Henjum, G. Bastille-Rousseau, P. Cross, M. Diuk-Wasser, R.B. Gagne, J. Heale, J. Hewitt, K. Manlove, L.D. Plimpton, M. Van Acker, K. C. Vercauteren, W.D. Walter, M. Wilber, G. Wittemyer, and K.M. Pepin. 2023. A national-scale distributed surveillance design for SARS-CoV-2 in a potential wildlife reservoir host. 20th annual Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease Conference, State College, PA, May 22-25 2023. May 2023
Corondi, A.M., J.E. Banfield, J.D. Brown, and W.D. Walter. 2023. Reproductive success and calf survival of elk in Pennsylvania. 30 April-2 May, 2023, 78th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Hershey, PA, USA. May 2022
Corondi, A.M., J.E. Banfield, J.D. Brown, and W.D. Walter. 2022. Unexpected findings through the use of vaginal implant transmitters in elk in Pennsylvania. 16-19 May, 2022, 24th Eastern Elk Management Workshop. Bemidji, MN, USA. May 2022
Corondi, A.M., J.E. Banfield, J.D. Brown, and W.D. Walter. 2021. G.U.T.-check – GPS, Ultrasound, and Transmitters to properly evaluate reproduction in elk. 1-5 November, 2021, The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. October 2021
Church, A. J.W. Fischer, and W.D. Walter. 2013. Applied use of online storage infrastructures for tracking wildlife species in near real-time. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, 7 October 2013. October 2013
Carrollo, E., H.E. Johnson, J.W. Fischer, M. Hammond, P.D. Dorsey, C. Anderson, K.C. VerCauteren, W.D. Walter. 2014. Mule deer resource selection of agricultural crops in southwestern Colorado. The 21st Annual Wildlife Society Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. October 2014
Bondo, K.J., D. Stainbrook, C.S. Rosenberry, and W.D. Walter. 2023. Comparing the spatial risk of chronic wasting disease in roadkill and hunter harvest white-tailed deer using Bayesian hierarchical models. The 30th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Louisville, KY, 5-9 November 2023. November 2023
Bondo, K.J., D. Stainbrook, C.S. Rosenberry, and W.D. Walter. 2023. Comparing the spatial risk of chronic wasting disease in roadkill and hunter harvest white-tailed deer using Bayesian hierarchical models. 71st Annual International Conference of the Wildlife Disease Association, Athens, GA, 29 July-4 August 2023. August 2023
Bondo, K.J. and W.D Walter. Acquiring large scale spatial data for use in Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA) models. 6- 10 November 2022, The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA. November 2022
Bondo, K., W.D. Walter, D.L. Karwan, M. Schwabenlander, P. Larsen, and T. Wolf. Spatial risk of chronic wasting disease in white-tailed deer: the role of habitat, minerals, and soil properties in the Midwest, U.S. The 73rd Annual International Conference of the Wildlife Disease Association Meeting, Victoria, BC, 27 July - 1 August 2025. August 2025
Bondo, K. L. Williams, and W.D. Walter. 2022. Using mosquito surveillance to inform risk of West Nile virus exposure to ruffed grouse populations in Pennsylvania. Wildlife Disease Association Meeting, Madison, WI, 23-29 July 2022. July 2022
Bastille-Rousseau, G., Chandler, J., Craft, M., Cross, P., Diuk-Wasser M., Gagne, R., Heale, J., Hewitt, J., Manlove, K., Pleszewski, R., Plimpton, L., Quintanal, C., VanAcker, M., VerCauteren, K., Walter, D., Wilber, M., Wilson-Henjum, G., Wittemyer, G. and Pepin, K. A nationally distributed surveillance design for SARS-CoV-2 in a potential wildlife reservoir host.<i> </i>Scialog – Mitigating Zoonotic Threats, Tucson, AZ. <br> September 2023
Technical Publications Publication Date
Walter, W.D., and D.M. Leslie, Jr. Population characteristics and movements of elk (Cervus elaphus) outside the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge. Final Report, Federal Aid Project W-148-R Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City. 203 pp. June 2006
Walter, W.D., C. W. Anderson, and K.C. VerCauteren. Recommendations for on-farm wildlife mitigation practices to prevent transmission of bovine tuberculosis between livestock and white-tailed deer. Final Report, Michigan Department of Agriculture-Animal Industry Division. October 2011
Walter, W.D., C. W. Anderson, M.J. Lavelle, J. W. Fischer, S.E. Hygnstrom, and K.C. VerCauteren. Assessment of methods for redistributing elk to benefit vegetation in Rocky Mountain National Park. Final report, Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes Park, CO. December 2010
Walter, W.D. Urban Wildlife Management. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:680. (Book review). April 2007
Walter, W.D. Soay sheep: dynamics and selection in an island population. Journal of Mammalogy 87:181–182. (Book review) April 2006
Walter, W.D. A tale of two rabbits: New England or Eastern? Connecticut Wildlife 21:8-9. September 2001
Hopkins, M.C., Carlson, C.M., Cross, P.C., Johnson, C.J., Richards, B.J., Russell, R.E., Samuel, M.D., Sargeant, G.A., Walsh, D.P., and Walter, W.D., 2019, Chronic wasting disease—Research by the U.S. Geological Survey and partners: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2019‒1109, 29 p., September 2019
Carlson, C.M., Hopkins, M.C., Nguyen, N.T., Richards, B.J., Walsh, D.P., and Walter, W.D. 2018, Chronic wasting disease—Status, science, and management support by the U.S. Geological Survey: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2017-1138, 8 p., March 2017
Avery, M.L., J.S. Humphrey, E.A. Tillman, M.P. Milleson, J.W. Fischer, T.S. Daughtery, W.E. Bruce, and W. David Walter. Vulture Movements and Activity at Marine Corps Air Station, Beaufort, SC. Final Report, Southern Division, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Beaufort, SC. August 2010
Type Citation Publication Date
Data Release Wehr, N., and Walter, D. 2025, Contact rates for identifying interactions of white-tailed deer in a chronic wasting disease management area. U.S. Geological Survey software release; October 2024
Software Release Walter, W.D., Hollingshead, N., Kelly, J., Grove, D., Abbot, R., and Schuler, K. 2023. Input for Habitat Risk Software: U.S. Geological Survey data release, August 2023
Software Release Walter, W.D., Fameli, A.F., Russo-Petrick, K. and Edson, J.E. 2023. Microsatellite genotypes and metadata for white-tailed deer samples from the Mid-Atlantic region of USA: U.S. Geological Survey data release, October 2023
Software Release Walter, W.D. and Pearce, D. 2023. Evaluation of DNA yield from various sources for use in single nucleotide polymorphism panels: U.S. Geological Survey data release, July 2023
Software Release Pearce, D.L. and W.D. Walter. Evaluation of DNA yield from various tissue and sampling sources for use in single nucleotide polymorphism panels. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. February 2023
Software Release Hanley, B.J., Mitchell, C.I., Walter, W.D., Kelly J., Grove, D., Abbott, R.C., Hollingshead, N., and Schuler, K.L. Habitat Risk Software. U.S. Geological Survey software release, August 2023
Data Release Gundermann K.P. and Buderman F.E. Change-point models for identifying behavioral changes in wild animals. Version 1.0.0: Software release. Reston, Va. July 2023
Software Release Fameli, A.F., Edson, J., and Walter, W.D. 2024, White-tailed deer from culling efforts in Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey data release, November 2023
Data Release Fameli, A. K. Russo-Petrick, J.E. Edson, and W.D. Walter. Population genetic structure of white-tailed deer using microsatellites across the Mid-Atlantic. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. August 2023
Data Release Diefenbach, D., Trowbridge, J., Van Buskirk, A., McConnell, T., Lamp, K., Marques, T., Walter, W., Wallingford, B., and Rosenberry, C., 2024, Data for Distance sampling accounting for density gradient and animal distribution: U.S. Geological Survey data release, April 2024
Software Release Bondo, K.J., D. Montecino-Latorre, W.D. Walter. Workflow to acquire and process large spatial data and build complex models. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. October 2022
Software Release Bondo, K.J., D. Montecino-Latorre, W.D. Walter. Spatial modeling of two mosquito vectors of West Nile virus using integrated nested Laplace approximations. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. April 2022
Data Release Bondo, K.J. and W.D. Walter. 2023. Comparing datasets by surveillance method using spatial models. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, VA. October 2023
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
Wildlife Disease Association - Member Walter September 2002 Present
The Wildlife Society - Wildlife Diseases Working Group, Board Member-At-Large Walter October 2020 September 2022
The Wildlife Society - The Wildlife Society - Newsletter Editor, Pennsylvania Chapter Walter March 2013 March 2015
The Wildlife Society - Member Walter September 1995 Present
The Wildlife Society - Contributed Paper Chair Walter March 2013 October 2014
Ecological Society of America - Member Walter September 2004 Present