Arkansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

The Cooperative Research Units were created to enhance graduate education in fisheries and wildlife sciences and to facilitate research among natural resource agencies and universities on topics of mutual concern. The Arkansas Unit, one of 40 units nationwide, is a partnership among the U.S. Geological Survey, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, the University of Arkansas, and the Wildlife Management Institute.
Research at the Arkansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit focuses on management related issues and provide our Cooperators with practical information needed to better manage natural resources in Arkansas and the region. Areas of emphasis include tail-water fishery management, invasive species early detection and control, grassland restoration and management, crayfish life history and management, landscape resilience, stable isotope research, resource selection, and wetland ecology.
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Arkansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Federal Staff
Contact Us
Arkansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Department of Biological Sciences
AR Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research unit
850 W Dickson St, SCEN522
Phone: (479) 575-6709
Staff Listing
Map Link: Google Map