Arkansas Technical Assistance Activities

As part of our mission, each of the Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit scientists routinely provides technical assistance ranging from data analysis support, workshops, or consultations on a variety of natural resource issues.
Arkansas Unit scientists serve on various working groups, committees, and offer courses for wildlife and fisheries professionals. The Arkansas Unit offers assistance to natural resource managers on designing experiments and analyzing subsequent results.
Description and Agency | Provider(s) | Date |
USFWS managers of the Big Oaks National Wildlife Refuge in Marion, Indiana asked me to design a before/after/control/impact study for their planned aerial herbicide treatment of invasive shrubs (privet and bush honeysuckle). We hope to translate this project into an SSP grant. Big Oaks National Wildlife Refuge |
Roberts | May 2023 |
To make inroads with the new AGFC Private Lands Division, I estimated tree cover trends in their Open Pines RCPP counties in southeast AR and northeast LA. The RCPP is a grant received by the USFWS/Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture/AGFC that incentivizes open pine savanna restoration on private lands. American Bird Conservancy |
Roberts | April 2024 |
Species Status Assessment Team for USFWS regarding four petitioned crayfish species. US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Magoulick | January 2017 |
Served on the Arkansas Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force's Early Detection Rapid Response committee and provided technical input in creating an Aquatic Nuisance Species management plan for Arkansas. Arkansas Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force |
Roberts | January 2022 |
Rocky Shiner Species Status Assessment team US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Magoulick | November 2023 |
Reviewer for journals, proposals, external reviewer for promotion and tenure, and external reviewer for international PhD dissertation Various |
Magoulick | October 2009 |
Provided professional advice to Arkansas Game and Fish Commission to develop and prioritize conservation strategies. Arkansas Game and Fish Commission |
Magoulick | July 2010 |
Provided literature review as requested by AGFC. |
Flinders, Magoulick | October 2006 |
Provided information and advice to Hobbs State Park personnel regarding impacts of parking lot construction on stream fish and invertebrates. |
Magoulick | June 2003 |
Provided growth, population estimates and bioenergetics modeling results. |
Flinders, Magoulick | September 2008 |
Provided growth and population estimates to AGFC. |
Flinders, Magoulick | August 2007 |
Provided data and support to AGFC. |
Flinders, Magoulick | May 2007 |
Provided data and support to AGFC. |
Flinders, Magoulick | March 2007 |
Provided data and population estimates to AGFC. |
Flinders, Magoulick | June 2007 |
Provided consultation on experimental design and data analysis to individuals at mulltiple universities, state and federal agencies, and NGO's National Park Service |
Magoulick | October 2009 |
Provided consultation on experimental design and data analysis to individuals at mulltiple universities, state and federal agencies, and NGO's National Park Service |
Magoulick | July 2015 |
Provided consultation on experimental design and data analysis to individuals at mulltiple universities, state and federal agencies, and NGO's National Council for Air and Stream Improvement |
Magoulick | June 2015 |
Provided consultation on experimental design and data analysis to individuals at mulltiple universities, state and federal agencies, and NGO's Missouri Department of Conservation |
Magoulick | May 2015 |
Provided advice and help with statistics to Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. |
Cushing, Magoulick | January 2007 |
Provided advice and help with multivariate statistics to Missouri Department of Conservation and Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection. |
Magoulick | September 2003 |
Provided a literature review and summary for two topics as requested by Arkansas Game and Fish Commission |
Cushing, Flinders, Magoulick | September 2004 |
Provided a literature review and summary for topics as requested by Arkansas Game and Fish Commission |
Magoulick | May 2006 |
Occupancy model of Northern Bobwhite Quail being Constructed Arkansas Game and Fish Commission |
Ellery, Christie, John, Massey | May 2020 |
Independent reviewer for USFWS Crayfish Species Status Assessment Bayesian Belief Network approach US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Magoulick | February 2024 |
In collaboration with Arkansas Game & Fish Commission, Caleb provided input on habitat suitability and abundance mapping for wild turkey. Arkansas Game & Fish Commission |
Roberts, Degregorio | March 2021 |
In collaboration with Arkansas Game & Fish Commission, Caleb analyzed data, discussed results, and provided feedback on avian monitoring data collected at various Wildlife Management Areas. Arkansas Game & Fish Commission |
Roberts | March 2021 |
I worked with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to develop habitat management guidelines for wintering American Woodcock on Southeastern Bottomland National Wildlife Refuges. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Region IV Migratory Birds |
Krementz | March 2012 |
I worked with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arkansas Game & Fish Commission and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service to establish guidelines for establishing and maintaining secretive marshbird habitat through the Wetlands Reserve Program. U.S.D.A. Natural Resources Conservation Service |
Krementz | March 2012 |
I provided figures and feedback on a science report covering my in-review manuscript (Large-scale fire management restores grassland bird richness on private lands). This report will be sent to private landowner collaborators and state agencies. Loess Canyons Rangeland Alliance |
Roberts | August 2021 |
I assisted the AGFC waterfowl biologist design and analyze some waterfowl data. |
Krementz | July 2003 |
I am on the review panel for the 2011-present Webless Migratory Game Bird Proposals for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Krementz | December 2011 |
I am advising the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission wildlife division Region VII on how to better manage some of their wildlife management areas for American woodcock. Arkansas Game & Fish Commission |
Krementz | September 2013 |
I am a member of the West Gulf Coastal Plain Bottomland Hardwood Bird Working Group where I assist in conservation planning. Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture |
Krementz | February 2014 |
I am a member of the USFWS Webless Migratory Game Bird proposal selection committee. Division of Migratory Bird Management |
Krementz | November 2012 |
I am a member of the Arkansas Waterfowl team. We meet quarterly and discuss waterfowl action items and proposed research projects. |
Krementz | June 2004 |
I am a member of the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission Arkansas Wildlife Action Plan revision team. Arkansas Game & Fish Commission |
Krementz | February 2015 |
Helped Ozark National Forest personnel with design of forestry impact studies on lotic ecosystems. |
Magoulick | July 2003 |
External reviewer for dissertation University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia |
Magoulick | May 2024 |
External Reviewer for Dissertation, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia Griffith University |
Magoulick | June 2019 |
Explained how the ARCFWRU could benefit the USFWS Ozark Ecosystem Team. |
Magoulick | December 2003 |
Conducted power analysis of point count survey data to inform bobwhite quail survey protocol across state. Arkansas Game and Fish Commission |
Degregorio | July 2019 |
Conducted analysis of bobwhite quail call frequency to provide feedback to AGFC regarding duration of surveys. Arkansas Game and Fish Commission |
Degregorio | July 2019 |
As a member of the Woodcock Task Force, I have helped develop guidelines for management and research of American woodcock to be considered by state, federal and NGO organizations. |
Krementz | September 2002 |
As a member of the Science Support Team for the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley Joint Venture, I assist in making science recommendations regarding monitoring and research to the JV. Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture |
Krementz | July 2013 |
Role - Description | Provider | Start Date | End Date |
Vertebrate Biologist Search Committee | Krementz | January 2010 | April 2010 |
Unit Leader search committee | Magoulick | October 2017 | December 2018 |
Seminar Committee, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Arkansas - Nominate seminar speakers, arrange speaking engagements, and facilitate departmental seminars. | Roberts | December 2021 | Present |
Member, University Computer Committee | Magoulick | November 2000 | August 2004 |
Member, Graduate Studies Committee | Magoulick | August 2005 | May 2008 |
Member, Global Change Ecologist Search Committee | Magoulick | October 2003 | December 2003 |
Member, Ecologist serach committee, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Arkansas. | Magoulick | October 2011 | May 2012 |
Member, Ecologist Search Committee | Magoulick | May 2004 | May 2005 |
Member, Ecologist Search Committee | Magoulick | August 2006 | May 2007 |
Member of Graduate Studies Committee - I am a member of the Graduate Studies Committee which is responsible for reviewing and admitting graduate students to our Department. | Krementz | August 2012 | September 2016 |
Member Facilities Committee, Dept Biological Sciences, Univ Arkansas - Assist in making decisions about how space is allocated in the Department facilities | Krementz | September 2008 | August 2015 |
Landscape Ecologist Search Committee - Our 5-member committee was charged with advertising for and coordinating the job candidate interviews for a landscape ecologist. | Krementz | November 2013 | May 2014 |
Invertebrate Ecologist search committee | Magoulick | September 2015 | May 2016 |
Honors and Awards Committee, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Arkansas - Nominate and consider faculty for awards. | Roberts | February 2021 | December 2021 |
Greenhouse Committee | Magoulick | August 2016 | Present |
Graduate Student Committee - We focus on ranking incoming students and deciding on policies for current and future graduate students in the Biology department. | Degregorio | October 2019 | September 2020 |
Facilities Working Group - We ensure that facilities in Biology department are up to speed and decide on how the resources will be allocated amonst faculty and students. | Degregorio | October 2019 | September 2020 |
Dept of Biological Sciences Planning Committee - Consider and vote on policy for departmental direction | Degregorio | January 2022 | May 2023 |
Chair, Graduate Studies Committee | Magoulick | May 2008 | August 2009 |
Biological Sciences Curriculum Committee - This committee reviews the Biology curriculum, especially focusing on new class developments. | Krementz | September 2016 | Present |
Aquatic Ecologist search committee | Magoulick | September 2014 | May 2015 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
member, West Gulf Coastal Plain JV landbird technical group | Krementz | August 2009 | Present |
Yellowcheek Darter Recovery Plan team | Magoulick | January 2013 | Present |
Research Grade Evaluation Panel | Krementz | September 2012 | October 2012 |
Research Grade Evaluation Panel | Krementz | August 2010 | September 2010 |
RGE panel | Magoulick | January 2018 | May 2018 |
RGE Panel | Roberts | October 2021 | December 2021 |
RGE Panel | Roberts | May 2024 | May 2024 |
Prairie Stream Collaborative Workshop committee | Magoulick | March 2022 | Present |
Organizer of special session on “Environmental flows: What, why and how?” at 2014 Arkansas Water Resources Conference. | Magoulick | March 2014 | July 2014 |
Nature Conservancy Science Advisory Board | Magoulick | February 2010 | Present |
Nature Conservancy In-stream Flows team | Magoulick | July 2009 | Present |
National Resources Conservation Service Marshbird Wooking Group | Krementz | May 2011 | Present |
Member, Woodcock Wingbee | Krementz | March 2002 | March 2002 |
Member, Waterfowl Working Group, UGCP JV migratory bird science team | Krementz | June 2001 | January 2000 |
Member, Upper White River Basin Foundation Technical Advisory Group | Magoulick | January 2008 | June 2008 |
Member, U.S. Forest Service Advisory Group related to USFS planning | Magoulick | February 2003 | June 2004 |
Member, The Nature Conservancy Science Advisory Board | Magoulick | February 2007 | December 2008 |
Member, Southeastern Imperilled Fishes Recovery Committee | Magoulick | January 2001 | August 2002 |
Member, Southeastern Imperiled Fishes Task Force of the Southeastern Fishes Council | Magoulick | February 2001 | May 2004 |
Member, Shorebird working group, LMAV JV migratory bird science team | Krementz | January 2001 | January 2000 |
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Magoulick | September 2005 | September 2005 |
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Krementz | September 2003 | September 2003 |
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Krementz | June 2001 | June 2001 |
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Magoulick | August 2002 | August 2002 |
Member, Rail and Snipe Research Advisory Group | Krementz | November 2008 | November 2008 |
Member, Ozark and Ouachita National Forest Species Viability Evaluation Team | Magoulick | May 2003 | December 2004 |
Member, Ozark and Ouachita National Forest Planning Committee | Magoulick | February 2003 | November 2004 |
Member, Northwest Arkansas Conservation Authority | Magoulick | August 2006 | June 2010 |
Member, Monitoring and Inventory Working Group, LMAV JV migratory bird science team | Krementz | December 2001 | January 2000 |
Member, Mississippi River Basin Panel: Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force | Magoulick | October 2007 | Present |
Member, LMAV JV migratory bird science team | Krementz | June 2001 | January 2000 |
Member, Ivory-billed Woodpecker Recovery Team, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Krementz | July 2005 | April 2010 |
Member, IAFWA American woodcock task force | Krementz | December 2001 | January 2000 |
Member, Arkansas State Wildlife Action Group | Krementz | September 2008 | Present |
Member, Arkansas Invasive Species Task Force | Magoulick | January 2008 | Present |
Member, Arkansas Invasive Species Task Force | Magoulick | August 2007 | Present |
Member, Amercian Woodcock Harvest Strategy Working Group | Krementz | February 2008 | February 2011 |
Member American Woodcock Research Advisory group | Krementz | August 2009 | December 2009 |
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Australia Freshwater Fish Conservation Work Group | Magoulick | November 2009 | June 2012 |
Inter-agency Climate Change Working Group | Magoulick | July 2010 | July 2015 |
Fish Taxa Team member - Arkansas Wildlife Action Plan | Magoulick | March 2010 | Present |
Eastern Spotted Skunk Working Group | Degregorio | August 2021 | Present |
Don Rusch Memorial Award Committee, The Wildlife Society | Krementz | July 2013 | September 2014 |
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion workgroup | Magoulick | September 2022 | December 2024 |
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion workgroup | Magoulick | February 2022 | June 2022 |
Crayfish Taxa Team member - Arkansas Wildlife Action Plan | Magoulick | March 2010 | Present |
Crayfish Species Status Assessment team | Magoulick | March 2017 | Present |
Co-organizer (with Drs. Amanda Rosenberg and Nick Bond) of special session on “Finding Simplicity in Complexity: Matching Models to Data” at 2013 American Fisheries Society conference. | Magoulick | October 2012 | August 2013 |
Chairman, Webless Committee, Mississippi Flyway Technical Section | Krementz | February 2006 | August 2016 |
Arkansas Game & Fish Commission waterfowl working group | Krementz | May 2016 | Present |
Arkansas Game & Fish Commission Quail Committee | Krementz | February 2016 | Present |
Arkansas Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force, Rapid Response Committee | Roberts | February 2022 | Present |
Aquatic Habitat team member, Arkansas Wildlife Action Plan | Magoulick | September 2010 | Present |
Adapation Science Management Team for Gulf Coastal Plain Ozarks Landscape Conservation Cooperative | Magoulick | June 2012 | June 2017 |
11th American Woodcock Symposium | Krementz | April 2016 | June 2018 |
Outreach Activity | Provider(s) | Date |
Wildlife Society did an online article about our recent publication. Features my graduate student, Sasha Tetzlaff. | Degregorio | October 2019 |
This was an interview and article written by the Center for Biological Diversity about 2 papers that my lab group wrote. | Degregorio | July 2022 |
This WIRED article discusses how woody plant encroachment/tree invasion of western US rangelands has cost the US $5 billion between 1990 and 2019. The article covers two peer-reviewed manuscripts on which I am an author (Roberts et al. 2022 in Journal of Environmental Management; Morford et al. 2022 in Journal of Applied Ecology). | Roberts | November 2022 |
Short article in local news outlet about one of my projects on Fort Stewart, GA. Features my technician Nick Schiltz and co-PI J.D. Willson | Degregorio | November 2019 |
Researchers Study Impact of Climate Change on Buffalo River Fish, Research Frontiers, University of Arkansas. Picked up by numerous other outlets. | Magoulick | December 2018 |
Researchers Study Impact of Climate Change on Buffalo River Fish, KFSM interview. | Magoulick | December 2018 |
Protecting a Threatened Crayfish, article in Research Frontiers, University of Arkansas. Picked up by several other outlets. | Magoulick | August 2015 |
National Public Radio covered our research on grassland restoration in Nebraska. | Roberts | January 2022 |
Magoulick, D.D. and J.M. Flinders. 2010. Bioenergetic evaluation of food supply and consumption demand by brown and rainbow trout in catch-and-release areas of Arkansas tailwaters. Trout Unlimited, Fayetteville, Arkansas. | Magoulick | April 2010 |
Made a guest appearance at Pack Rat's "Wild and Scenic Film Festival" speaking about local conservation actions people can take to improve wildlife habitat locally | Degregorio | December 2020 |
Invited talk titled "Trout and their prey base" to Trout Unlimited. | Magoulick | December 2003 |
Invited talk titled "Trout and their prey base" to Tightlines Flyfishers. | Magoulick | January 2004 |
Invited talk titled "Trout and their prey base" to Ft. Smith Fly Fishers | Magoulick | November 2006 |
Interviewed by EcoCast Podcast about how Mark-Recapture is used to study wildlife | Degregorio | January 2020 |
Interview with journalist from National Geographic about armadillo range expansion and ecology | Degregorio | May 2022 |
Interview featured on University of Arkansas website. Features the turtle harvest project currently being conducted with Arkansas Game and Fish Commission | Degregorio, Massey | July 2019 |
IFL science article about a recent paper we published in Global Ecology and Conservation. | Degregorio | April 2023 |
I was interviewed about marsh bird harvest opportunities in Arkansas by the staff of Arkansas Wildlife. An article on this topic appeared in October 2011. | Krementz | October 2011 |
I provided written responses for the Lesser Prairie-Chicken Initiative/Working Lands for Wildlife 'Ask an Expert' newsletter concerning the findings of two of my recent publications. This newsletter is emailed out to >4,500 people. | Roberts | December 2021 |
Fisheries Biologist Awarded Grant to Study Crayfish, Arkansas Catalyst. Picked up by several other outlets. | Magoulick | November 2014 |
Examining assumptions of stable isotope analysis and assimilation efficiency in rainbow trout: Are you what you eat? Trout Unlimited, Fayetteville, Arkansas. | Magoulick | May 2011 |
Effect of catch and release areas on rainbow and brown trout movement, survival and bioenergetics in Arkansas tailwater rivers. Trout Unlimited, Mountain Home, Arkansas. | Magoulick | October 2011 |
Discover Magazine article (Back from the brink: restoring prairies with fire) covered my upcoming publication in Ecological Solutions and Evidence. | Roberts | December 2021 |
Collaborative research on relationship between land use and geomorphology, hydrology and fish assemblage structure in U.S.D.O.I. People, Land & Water. 2001 | Magoulick | October 2001 |
Article featuring turtle harvest study published in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette | Degregorio | July 2019 |
Article about turtle harvest study featured in US News and World Report | Degregorio | July 2019 |
Arkansas Farm Bureau invited me to be a guest on their weekly podcast to discuss the impacts of invasive Egyptian Geese on ecosystems and agriculture and where the public can report sightings. | Roberts | October 2021 |
An interview aired on NPR affiliates regarding nest predation of birds and how snakes find nests and why birds incorporate snake skins in nests. On a show called <br>"away to garden" | Degregorio | April 2020 |
An article on the Wildlife Society homepage featuring one of our publications. | Degregorio, Roberts | February 2022 |
A website was developed to track satellite-marked American Woodcock. The website was placed on the Ruffed Grouse/American Woodcock website. | Krementz, Moore, Andersen, Cooper | August 2013 |
A short article on the Wildlife Society's website featuring our recent research about nocturnal turtle basking. | Degregorio | April 2023 |
"Rails of Missouri" Missouri Audubon Society | Krementz | April 2010 |
"King Rail Breeding Ecology" Invited presentation at Red Slough Birding Convention | Krementz | May 2012 |