Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Idaho
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Idaho Staff Member

Dr. Courtney Joseph Conway

Dr. Courtney Conway, Unit Leader of the Idaho Research Unit

Unit Leader
Phone: (208) 885 - 6176
Faculty Email:
Faculty Website



  • Ph D University of Montana 1998
  • MS University of Wyoming 1990
  • BS Colorado State University 1985


Dr. Conway received a B.S. from Colorado State University, a M.S. from University of Wyoming, a Ph.D. from University of Montana, and was a post-doctoral fellow at SUNY-ESF in Syracuse. He spent a year working as a Research Associate at the Smithsonian’s Conservation Research Center in VA, 3 years at the University of Rhode Island, and 1 year at Washington State University. Dr. Conway joined the Arizona Unit in 2000 as Assistant Unit Leader and joined the Idaho Unit in 2011 as Unit Leader. He conducts research that bridges applied and conceptual questions in ecology primarily on birds and mammals of management or conservation concern in ecosystems throughout North America. His research has made substantive contributions to sampling designs and monitoring protocols for rare or listed species, and to our basic understanding of life history evolution, avian migration, mammal hibernation, and other iconic animal behaviors. The taxonomic breadth of his research program includes gamebirds, waterbirds, raptors, songbirds, and small mammals. He has developed and implemented numerous efforts to integrate management actions with experimental research treatments to rigorously examine the effectiveness of alternative management actions on animal populations. Dr. Conway teaches courses in Experimental Design, the Hypothetico-Deductive Method, Scientific Writing, Scientific Presentations, and a variety of graduate seminars and he mentors a large group of close-knit students and staff.

Areas of Expertise

Anthropogenic Impacts, Behavioral Ecology, Climate Change, Contaminants, Desert Ecology, Disease/Parasites, Evolutionary Ecology, Fire Ecology, Habitat Management, Movement Ecology, Species Distribution Modeling, Species Management, Species Status Assessments, T&E Species Management, Wetland Ecology, Wildlife Management

Taxon Groups Studied

Gamebirds, Nongame Fish/Wildlife, Small Mammals, Songbirds, Species of Greatest Conservation Need

Research Publications Publication Date
Stevens, B., and C.J. Conway. 2020. Predictive multi-scale occupancy models at range-wide extents: effects of habitat and human disturbance on distributions of wetland birds. Diversity and Distributions 26:34-48. doi: 10.1111/ddi.12995 December 2019
Stevens, B., and C.J. Conway. 2019. Predicting species distributions: unifying model selection and scale optimization for multi-scale occupancy models. Ecosphere 10(5):e02748. doi: 10.1002/ecs2.2748 July 2019
Stevens, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2021. Mapping habitat quality and threats for eastern black rails. Waterbirds 44:245-256. October 2021
Stevens, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2020. Mapping habitat suitability at range-wide scales: spatially-explicit distribution models to inform conservation and research for marsh birds. Conservation Science and Practice 2:e178. doi: 10.1111/csp2.178 February 2020
Stevens, B. S., and C. J. Conway. 2019. Identifying important military installations for continental-scale conservation of marsh bird breeding habitat. Journal of Environmental Management 252:e109664. November 2019
Stevens, B. S., S. B. Roberts, C. J. Conway, and D. K. Englestead. 2023. Effects of large-scale disturbance on animal space use: Functional responses by sage-grouse after megafire. Ecology and Evolution 13:ece3.9933. April 2023
Stevens, B. S., C. J. Conway, K. Sawyer, and L. Kershek. 2024. Developing a range-wide sampling framework for endangered species: a case study with light-footed Ridgway’s rail. Biodiversity and Conservation 33:3703-3726. 10.1007/s10531-024-02919-5 August 2024
Stevens, B. S., C. J. Conway, K. Luke, A. Weldon, C. Hand, A. Schwarzer, F. Smith, C. Watson, and B. D. Watts. 2022. Large-scale distribution models for optimal prediction of Eastern black rail habitat within tidal ecosystems. Global Ecology and Conservation 38:e02222. July 2022
Stevens, B. S., C. J. Conway, J. M. Knetter, S. B. Roberts, and P. Donnelly. 2023. Multi-scale effects of land cover, weather, and fire on Columbian sharp-tailed grouse. Journal of Wildlife Management 87:e22349. January 2023
Stevens, B. S., C. J. Conway, C. Tisdale, K. Denny, A. Meyers, and P. Makela. 2023. Backpack satellite transmitters reduce survival but not nesting propensity or success of greater sage-grouse. Ecology and Evolution 13:e10820. December 2023
Steidl, R. J., C. J. Conway, and A. Litt. 2013. Power to detect trends in abundance of secretive marsh birds: effects of species traits and sampling effort. Journal of Wildlife Management 77:445-453. doi: 10.1002/jwmg.505 April 2013
Steckler, S., and C. J. Conway. 2012. Frequent vocalizing is negatively associated with brood parasitism in a host of the Brown-headed Cowbird. Condor 114: 219-226. May 2012
Smith, M. D., and C. J. Conway. 2007. Use of mammal manure by nesting burrowing owls: A test of four functional hypotheses. Animal Behaviour 73:65-73. January 2007
Smith, M. D., and C. J. Conway. 2005. Use of artificial burrows on golf courses for burrowing owl conservation. Turf and Environmental Research Online 4:1-6. September 2005
Smith, M. D., and C. J. Conway. 2011. Collection of mammal manure and other debris by nesting burrowing owls. Journal of Raptor Research 45:220-228. August 2011
Smith, M. D., C. J. Conway, and L. E. Ellis. 2005. Burrowing owl nesting productivity: a comparison between artificial and natural burrows on and off golf courses. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33:454-462. October 2005
Rush, S.A., K. F. Gaines, W. R. Eddleman, & C. J. Conway. 2012. Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris), version 2.0. In: The Birds of North America Online (ed. A.F. Poole, ed.). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. doi:10.2173/bna.340 December 2012
Rush, S. A., K. F. Gaines, W. R. Eddleman, and C. J. Conway. 2020. Clapper Rail (Rallus crepitans), version 1.0. In Birds of the World (P. G. Rodewald, Editor). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA. March 2020
Robinson, G., C. J. Conway, C. Kirkpatrick, and D. L. LaRoche. 2010. Response to nestling throat ligatures by three songbirds. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122:806-809. October 2010
Riley, I. P., and C. J. Conway. 2020. Methods for estimating vital rates of greater sage-grouse broods: A review. Wildlife Biology 2020:wlb.00700. September 2020
Riley, I. P., C. J. Conway, B. S. Stevens, and S. Roberts. 2021. Survival of greater sage-grouse broods: survey method affects disturbance, detection probability, and ability to detect age-specific mortality. Journal of Field Ornithology 92:88-102. doi: 10.1111/jofo.12356 April 2021
Riley, I. P., C. J. Conway, B. S. Stevens, and S. Roberts. 2021. Aural and visual detection of greater sage-grouse leks: implications for population trend estimates. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:508-519. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21991 January 2021
Reitsma, L., M. Goodnow, M.T. Hallworth, and C. J. Conway. 2010. Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis), The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology; Retrieved from the Birds of North America Online: doi:10.2173/bna.421 December 2010
Reitsma, L. R., M. T. Hallworth, M. McMahon, and C. J. Conway. 2020. Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis), version 2.0. In Birds of the World (P. G. Rodewald and B. K. Keeney, Editors). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA. May 2020
Paprocki, N., and C. J. Conway. 2025. The underlying causes of differential migration: assumptions, hypotheses, and predictions. Biological Reviews 100:in press. November 2024
Paprocki, N., S. Blair, C. J. Conway, J. Adams, S. Nerkowski, J. Kidd, and L. P. Waits. 2024. Comparison of seven DNA metabarcoding sampling methods to assess diet in a large avian predator. Environmental DNA 6:e70000. August 2024
Ogonowski, M. S., and C. J. Conway. 2009. Migratory decisions in birds: extent of genetic versus environmental control. Oecologia 161:199-207. August 2009
Nadeau, C. P., and C. J. Conway. 2015. Optimizing water depth in wetland restorations could increase restoration success, water efficiency, and water security. Restoration Ecology 23:292-300. doi: 10.1111/rec.12180 May 2015
Nadeau, C. P., and C. J. Conway. 2012. A field evaluation of distance estimation error during wetland-dependent bird surveys. Wildlife Research 39:311-320. doi: 10.1071/WR11161 June 2012
Nadeau, C. P., C. J. Conway, and N. Rathbun. 2015. Depth of burrowing owl nest boxes affects thermal suitability and occupancy. Journal of Field Ornithology 86:288-297. doi: 10.1111/jofo.12119 December 2015
Nadeau, C. P., C. J. Conway, L. Piest, and B. Burger. 2013. Multi-species call-broadcast improved detection of endangered Yuma clapper rail compared to single-species call-broadcast. Wetlands 33:699-706. doi: 10.1007/s13157-013-0425-x April 2013
Nadeau, C. P., C. J. Conway, B. S. Smith, and T. E. Lewis. 2008. Observer detection probability and daily variation in vocalization probability of wetland-dependent birds in northwestern Florida. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120:513-518. September 2008
Miller, B., R. Reading, C. J. Conway, J. A. Jackson, M. Hutchins, N. Snyder, S. Forrest, J. Frazier, and S. Derrickson. 1994. A Model for Improving Endangered Species Recovery Programs. Environmental Management 18:637-645. January 1994
Miller, B., D. Biggins, L. Hanebury, C. Conway, and C. Wemmer. 1992. Rehabilitation of a species: The Black-footed Ferret (Mustela nigripes). Pages 183-192 In Wildlife Rehabilitation, Vol. 9 (D. R. Ludwig, ed. ). Burgess Printing, Edina, MN. January 1992
McCullough, J., and C. J. Conway. 2017. Breeding behavior of northern saw-whet owls in Oregon. Northwest Science 91:222-227. doi: 10.3955/046.091.0211 April 2017
Maron, M. W., N. Paprocki, J. P. Owen, and C. J. Conway. 2024. Differential effects of chewing lice on body condition across host age and sex in Rough-legged Hawks (Buteo lagopus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 60:991–995. | Abstract June 2024
Macías-Duarte, A., and C. J. Conway. 2021. Geographic variation in dispersal of western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) populations. Behavioral Ecology 32:1339-1351. October 2021
Macías-Duarte, A., and C. J. Conway. 2015. Distributional changes in the Western Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) in North America from 1967 to 2008. Journal of Raptor Research 49:75-83. doi: 10.3356/JRR-14-00004.1 January 2015
Macías-Duarte, A., and C. J. Conway. 2015. Spatial patterns in hydrogen isotope ratios in feathers of burrowing owls from western North America. Auk 132:25-36. DOI: 10.1642/AUK-13-061.1 January 2015
Macías-Duarte, A., C. J. Conway, and M. Culver. 2020. Agriculture creates subtle genetic structure among migratory and non-migratory populations of Burrowing Owls throughout North America. Ecology and Evolution 10:10697–10708. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6725 September 2020
Macías-Duarte, A., C. J. Conway, G.L. Holroyd, H. E. Valdez-Gómez, and M. Culver. 2019. Genetic variation among island and continental populations of Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) subspecies in North America. Journal of Raptor Research 53: 127-133. doi:10.3356/JRR-18-00002 May 2019
Macias-Duarte, A., C. J. Conway, A. Munguia-Vega, and M. Culver. 2010. Novel microsatellite loci for the Burrowing Owl, Athene cunicularia. Conservation Genetics Resources 2:67-69. October 2010
Mac?as-Duarte, A., A. B. Montoya, W. G. Hunt, Alberto Lafon-Terrazas, and R. Tafanelli. 2004. Reproduction, prey, and habitat of the Aplomado Falcon (Falco femoralis) in desert grasslands of Chihuahua, Mexico. The Auk 121:1081-1093. January 2004
Lundblad, C.G., and C. J. Conway. 2021. Nest microclimate and limits to egg viability explain avian life-history variation across latitudinal gradients. Ecology 102:e03338. doi: 10.1002/ecy.3338. June 2021
Lundblad, C.G., and C. J. Conway. 2021. Intraspecific variation in incubation behaviours along a latitudinal gradient is driven by nest microclimate and selection on neonate quality. Functional Ecology 35:1028-1040. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.13772 July 2021
Lundblad, C.G., and C. J. Conway. 2021. Ashmole’s hypothesis and the latitudinal gradient in clutch size. Biological Reviews 96:1349-1366. doi: 10.1111/brv.12705 July 2021
Lundblad, C.G., and C. J. Conway. 2020. Variation in selective regimes drives intraspecific variation in life history traits and migratory behavior along an elevation gradient. Journal of Animal Ecology 89:397-411. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.13134 February 2020
Lundblad, C.G., and C. J. Conway. 2020. Testing four hypotheses to explain partial migration: balancing reproductive benefits with limits to fasting endurance. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74(2):26. doi: 10.1007/s00265-019-2796-3 January 2020
Lundblad, C.G., C. J. Conway, K. Cruz-McDonnell, D. Doublet, M. J. Desmond, C J. Navis, and K. Ongman. 2021. Long-term population fluctuations of a Burrowing Owl Population on Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. Journal of Raptor Research 55:241-254. doi: 10.3356/JRR-20-08 June 2021
Lundblad, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2023. Investing in a nest egg: Intraspecific variation in the timing of egg-laying across a latitudinal gradient. Oecologia 202:83-96. May 2023
Lundblad, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2023. Delayed incubation leads to hatching failure of a Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) nest. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 135:400-405. doi: 10.1676/22-00089 January 2024
Lantz, S. J., and C. J. Conway. 2009. Factors affecting daily nest survival of burrowing owls within black-tailed prairie dog colonies. Journal of Wildlife Management 73:232-241. February 2009
Lantz, S. J., C. J. Conway, and S. H. Anderson. 2007. Multi-scale habitat selection by burrowing owls in black-tailed prairie dog colonies. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:2664-2672. November 2007
Lachman, D. A., C. J. Conway, K. T. Vierling, and T. Matthews. 2020. Drones provide a better method to find nests and estimate nest survival for colonial waterbirds: a demonstration with western grebes. Wetlands Ecology and Management 28:837–845. doi: 10.1007/s11273-020-09743-y September 2020
Lachman, D. A., C. J. Conway, K. T. Vierling, T. Matthews, and D. Evans Mack. 2022. Drones and bathymetry show the importance of optimal water depth for nest placement within breeding colonies of Western and Clark's Grebes. Wetlands 42:110. November 2022
LaRoche, D. D., C. J. Conway, and C. Kirkpatrick. 2022. Small-scale variation in trap placement affects arthropod capture rates on sticky traps in riparian woodlands. Southwestern Naturalist 66:275-279. November 2022
Kirkpatrick, C., and C. J. Conway. 2006. Woodrat (Neotoma) depredation of a yellow-eyed junco (Junco phaeonotus) nest in southeastern Arizona. Southwestern Naturalist 51:412-414. September 2006
Kirkpatrick, C., and C. J. Conway. 2010. Nest predators of ground-nesting birds in montane forests of the Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122:614-617. September 2010
Kirkpatrick, C., and C. J. Conway. 2010. Importance of montane riparian forest and influence of wildfire on nest-site selection of ground-nesting birds. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:729-738. April 2010
Kirkpatrick, C., and C. J. Conway. 2005. An evaluation of survey methods for monitoring interior populations of band-tailed pigeons. Pages 21-23 in Webless Migratory Game Bird Research Program Project Abstracts – 2004. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Migratory Bird Management. Denver, CO. September 2005
Kirkpatrick, C., C. J. Conway, and P. B. Jones. 2006. Distribution and relative abundance of forest birds in relation to burn severity in southeastern Arizona. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:1005-1012. September 2006
Kirkpatrick, C., C. J. Conway, and M. H. Ali. 2009. Sanitation of entire broods of dead nestlings may bias cause-specific nest failure rates. Ibis 151:207-211. January 2009
Kirkpatrick, C., C. J. Conway, and D. LaRoche. 2007. Range expansion of the Buff-breasted Flycatcher (Empidonax fulvifrons) into the Rincon Mountains, Arizona. Southwestern Naturalist 52:149-152. March 2007
Kirkpatrick, C., C. J. Conway, K. M. Hughes, and J. deVos. 2007. Probability of detecting band-tailed pigeons during call-broadcast versus auditory surveys. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:231-237. March 2007
Hutto, R. L., C. J. Conway, V. A. Saab, and J. R. Walters. 2008. What constitutes a natural fire regime? Insight from the ecology and distribution of coniferous forest birds in North America. Fire Ecology 4:115-132. January 2009
Holroyd, G., C. J. Conway, and H. Trefry. 2011. Breeding dispersal of a Burrowing Owl from Arizona to Saskatchewan. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 123:378-381. April 2011
Hohbein, R., and C. J. Conway. 2018. Pitfall traps: a review of methods used for estimating arthropod abundance. Wildlife Society Bulletin 42:597-606. doi: 10.1002/wsb.928 November 2018
Helmstetter, N. A., C. J. Conway, S. Roberts, J. R. Adams, P. D. Makela, and L.P. Waits. 2024. Predator-specific mortality of sage-grouse nests based on predator DNA on eggshells. Ecology and Evolution 14:e70213. September 2024
Helmstetter, N. A., C. J. Conway, B. S. Stevens, and A. R. Goldberg. 2021. Balancing transferability and complexity of species distribution models for rare species conservation. Diversity and Distributions 27:95-108. doi: 10.1111/ddi.13174 December 2020
Harrity, E.J., B.S. Stevens, and C.J. Conway. 2020. Keeping up with the times: mapping range-wide habitat suitability for endangered species in a changing environment. Biological Conservation 250:108734. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2020.108734 September 2020
Harrity, E. J., and C. J. Conway. 2020. Satellite transmitters reveal previously unknown migratory behavior and wintering locations of Yuma Ridgway’s Rails. Journal of Field Ornithology 91:300-312. doi: 10.1111/jofo.12344 September 2020
Harrity, E. J., and C. J. Conway. 2020. Noose carpets: a novel method to capture rails. Wildlife Society Bulletin 44:15-22. doi: 10.1002/wsb.1068 January 2020
Harrity, E. J., and C. J. Conway. 2019. Novel parasite infestation on an endangered marsh bird. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 131:139-146. doi: 10.1676/18-55.1 May 2019
Harrity, E. J., L. E. Michael, and C. J. Conway. 2021. Sexual dimorphism in morphology and plumage of endangered Yuma Ridgway’s Rails: a model for documenting sex. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 12:464-474. October 2021
Gyug, L.W., R. C. Dobbs, T. E. Martin, and C. J. Conway. 2012. Williamson's Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus thyroideus), The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology; Retrieved from the Birds of North America Online: doi:10.2173/bna.285 December 2012
Gyug, L. W., R. C. Dobbs, T. E. Martin, and C. J. Conway. 2020. Williamson's Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus thyroideus), version 1.0. In Birds of the World (A. F. Poole, Editor). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA. March 2020
Goldberg, A.R., C. J. Conway, D. E. Biggins, G. Burak, and D. Evans Mack. 2018. Yersinia pestis, fleas, sylvatic plague, and persistence of a federally threatened ground squirrel. The Vector 12(1): 2-7 March 2018
Goldberg, A., D. E. Biggins, S. Ramakrishnan, J. W. Bowser, C. J. Conway, D. A. Eads, and J. Wimsatt. 2022. Deltamethrin reduces survival of non-target small mammals. Wildlife Research 49:698-708. May 2022
Goldberg, A. R., and C. J. Conway. 2021. Hibernation behavior of a federally-threatened ground squirrel: climate change and habitat selection implications. Journal of Mammalogy 102:574-587. doi: 10.1093/jmammal/gyab021 July 2021
Goldberg, A. R., C. J. Conway, and D. E. Biggins. 2021. Effects of experimental flea removal and plague vaccine treatments on survival of northern Idaho ground squirrels and two coexisting sciurids. Global Ecology and Conservation 26:e01489. doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01489. February 2021
Goldberg, A. R., C. J. Conway, and D. E. Biggins. 2020. Flea sharing among sympatric rodent hosts: implications for potential plague effects on a threatened sciurid. Ecosphere 11(2):e03033. doi: 10.1002/ecs2.3033 February 2020
Goldberg, A. R., C. J. Conway, D. Tank, K. Andrews, D. S. Gour, and L. Waits. 2020. Diet of a rare herbivore based on DNA metabarcoding of feces: selection, seasonality, and survival. Ecology and Evolution 10:7627-7643. doi: 10.1002/ece3.6488 June 2020
Goldberg, A. R., C. J. Conway, D. Evans Mack, and G. Burak. 2020. Winter versus summer habitat selection in a threatened ground squirrel. Journal of Wildlife Management 84:1548–1559. doi: 10.1002/jwmg.21936 August 2020
Glisson, W. J., C. J. Conway, C. P. Nadeau, and K. L. Borgmann. 2017. Habitat models to predict wetland bird occupancy influenced by scale, anthropogenic disturbance, and imperfect detection. Ecosphere 8(6):1-18. doi: 10.1002/ecs2.1837 June 2017
Glisson, W. J., C. J. Conway, C. P. Nadeau, K. L. Borgmann, and T. A. Laxson. 2015. Wetland associations of the King Rail: a multi-scale approach. Wetlands 35:577-587. doi: 10.1007/s13157-015-0648-0 June 2015
Garton, E. O., J. L. Aycrigg, C. J. Conway, and J.S. Horne. 2020. Research and Experimental Design. Pages 1-39 in The Wildlife Techniques Manual, Volume 1:Research, 8th Edition (N. J. Silvy, ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD. July 2020
Garrett, M., S. Nerkowski, S. Blair, N. Campbell, S. Barbosa, C. J. Conway, P. Hohenlohe, and L. P. Waits. 2024. Development and validation of a GT-seq panel for genetic monitoring in a threatened species using minimally invasive sampling. Ecology & Evolution 14:e11321. May 2024
Garcia, V., and C. J. Conway. 2009. What constitutes a nesting attempt? Variation in criteria causes bias and hinders comparisons across studies. The Auk 126:31-40. January 2009
Garcia, V., and C. J. Conway. 2009. Use of video probe does not affect burrowing owl reproductive parameters or return rates. Journal of Wildlife Management 73:154-157. January 2009
Garcia, V., C. J. Conway, and C. Nadeau. 2024. Experimental changes in food and ectoparasites affect dispersal timing in juvenile burrowing owls. PLoS ONE 19(7): e0306660. December 2024
Erwin, R. M., C. J. Conway, and S. W. Hadden. 2002. Species occurrence of marsh birds at Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts. Northeastern Naturalist 9:1-12. January 2002
Eddleman, W. R., and C. J. Conway. 1998. Clapper Rail (Rallus longirostris). The Birds of North America, Vol. 340. (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds. ). The Academy of Natural Sciences, Washington, DC. January 1998
Eddleman, W. R., and C. J. Conway. 1994. Clapper Rail. Pages 167-179 In Management of Migratory Shore and Upland Game Birds in North America (T. C. Tacha and C. E. Braun, eds. ). International Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies, Washington, DC. January 1994
Eddleman, W. R. and C. J. Conway. 2020. Ridgway's Rail (Rallus obsoletus), version 1.0. In Birds of The World (P. G. Rodewald, Editor). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA. March 2020
Eddleman, W. R. and C. J. Conway. 2018. Ridgway's Rail (Rallus obsoletus), version 2.1. In The Birds of North America (P. G. Rodewald, Editor). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA. March 2018
Dornak, L.L., J. L. Aycrigg, J. Sauer, and C. J. Conway. 2020. Assessing the efficacy of protected and multiple-use lands for bird conservation in the U.S. PLOS ONE 5(9):e0239184. September 2020
Dobbs, R. C., T. E. Martin, and C. J. Conway. 1997. Williamson's Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus thyroideus). The Birds of North America, Vol. 285. (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds. ). The Academy of Natural Sciences, Washington, DC. January 1997
Dillon, K.G., and C.J. Conway. 2018. Nest predation risk explains variation in avian clutch size. Behavioral Ecology 29:301-311. doi:10.1093/beheco/arx130 | Download April 2018
Dillon, K. G., and C. J. Conway. 2021. Elevational pattern in avian species richness replicated throughout North America is driven by habitat heterogeneity, temperature, and productivity. Ecology and Evolution 11:5985-5997. doi: 10.1002/ece3.7341 May 2021
Dillon, K. G., and C. J. Conway. 2015. Elevational gradient in clutch size of red-faced warblers. Journal of Field Ornithology 86:163–172. doi: 10.1111/jofo.12099 June 2015
Decker, K., C. J. Conway, J. J. Fontaine. 2012. Nest predation, food, and female age explain seasonal declines in clutch size. Evolutionary Ecology 26:683-699. | Download April 2012
Decker, K. L., and C. J. Conway. 2009. Effects of an unseasonable snowstorm on Red-faced Warbler nesting success. The Condor 111:392-395. May 2009
Conway, M., C. J. Conway, and C. P. Nadeau. 2012. Intraspecific variation in reproductive traits of burrowing owls. Journal of Ethology 30:395-402. doi: 10.1007/s10164-012-0337-x August 2012
Conway, C.J. 2018. Burrowing Owls: Happy urbanite or disgruntled tenant? Chapter 12 in Urban Raptors: Ecology and Conservation of Birds of Prey in Cities (C. Boal and C. Dykstra, eds.). Island Press. January 2018
Conway, C. J., and W. R. Eddleman. 2000. Yuma Clapper Rail. Pages 277-284 in Endangered Animals: A reference guide to conflicting issues (R. P. Reading and B. J. Miller, eds. ). Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. September 2000
Conway, C. J., and W. R. Eddleman. 1994. Virginia Rail. Pages 193-206 In Management of Migratory Shore and Upland Game Birds in North America (T. C. Tacha and C. E. Braun, eds. ). International Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies, Washington, DC. January 1994
Conway, C. J., and V. Garcia. 2005. Effects of radiotransmitters on natal recruitment of burrowing owls. Journal of Wildlife Management 69:404-408. March 2005
Conway, C. J., and T. E. Martin. 2000. The value of monitoring demographic parameters and associated habitat: The BBIRD Program. Pages 200-205 in Strategies for bird conservation: The Partners-in-Flight Planning Process (R. Bonney, D. N. Pashley, R. J. Cooper, and L. Niles, eds. ). U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, RMRS-P-16. November 2000
Conway, C. J., and T. E. Martin. 2000. Evolution of avian incubation behavior: influence of food, temperature, and nest predation. Evolution 54:670-685. September 2000
Conway, C. J., and T. E. Martin. 2000. Effects of ambient temperature on avian incubation behavior. Behavioral Ecology 11:178-188. October 2000
Conway, C. J., and T. E. Martin. 1993. Habitat Suitability for Williamson's Sapsuckers in Mixed-Conifer Forests. Journal of Wildlife Management 57:322-328. January 1993
Conway, C. J., and S. T. A. Timmermans. 2005. Progress toward developing field protocols for a North American marsh bird monitoring program. Pages 997-1005 in C. J. Ralph and T. D. Rich, editors. Bird Conservation Implementation and Integration in the Americas: Proceedings of the Third International Partners in Flight Conference, 20-24 March 2002, Asilomar, California. Volume 2. U. S. Department of Agriculture General Technical Report PSW-GTR-191. Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, Albany, California. January 2006
Conway, C. J., and S. Droege. 2006. A Unified Strategy for Monitoring Changes in Abundance of Birds Associated with North American Tidal Marshes. Studies in Avian Biology 32:382-397. December 2006
Conway, C. J., and K. L. Pardieck. 2006. Population trajectory of burrowing owls in eastern Washington. Northwest Science 80:292-297. December 2006
Conway, C. J., and J. Simon. 2003. Comparison of detection probability associated with Burrowing Owl survey methods. Journal of Wildlife Management 67:501-511. April 2003
Conway, C. J., and J. P. Gibbs. 2005. Effectiveness of call-broadcast surveys for monitoring marsh birds. The Auk 122:26-35. September 2005
Conway, C. J., and J. P. Gibbs. 2011. Summary of intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting detection probability of marsh birds. Wetlands 31:403-411. April 2011
Conway, C. J., and C. Sulzman. 2007. Status and habitat use of the California black rail in the southwestern U. S. Wetlands 27:987-998. September 2007
Conway, C. J., and C. P. Nadeau. 2010. Effects of broadcasting conspecific and heterospecific calls on detection of marsh birds in North America. Wetlands 30:358-368. April 2010
Conway, C. J., and C. Kirkpatrick. 2007. Forest fire suppression as a cause of population decline in Buff-breasted Flycatchers. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:445-457. April 2007
Conway, C. J., W. R. Eddleman, and S. H. Anderson. 1994. Nesting Success and Survival of Virginia Rails and Soras. Wilson Bulletin 106:466-473. January 1994
Conway, C. J., W. R. Eddleman, and K. L. Simpson. 1994. Seasonal changes in fatty acid composition of Wood Thrush. Condor 96:791-794. January 1994
Conway, C. J., W. R. Eddleman, and K. L. Simpson. 1994. Evaluation of lipid indices of the Wood Thrush. Condor 96:783-790. January 1994
Conway, C. J., W. R. Eddleman, S. H. Anderson, L. R. Hanebury. 1993. Seasonal Changes in Yuma Clapper Rail Vocalization Rate and Habitat Use. Journal of Wildlife Management 57:282-290. January 1993
Conway, C. J., V. Garcia, M. D. Smith, and K. Hughes. 2008. Factors affecting detection of burrowing owl nests during standardized surveys. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:688-696. April 2008
Conway, C. J., V. Garcia, M. D. Smith, L. A. Ellis, and J. Whitney. 2006. Comparative demography of burrowing owls within agricultural and urban landscapes in southeastern Washington. Journal of Field Ornithology 77:280-290. September 2006
Conway, C. J., T. I. Wellicome, D. H. Johnson, C. Lundblad, and J. L. Conley. 2017. Identifying migratory routes and wintering grounds of Burrowing Owls that breed on DoD installations in the western U.S. Final Report to U.S. Department of Defense Legacy Program. December 2017
Conway, C. J., S. H. Anderson, D. E. Runde, and D. Abbate. 1995. Effects of experimental harvest of fledglings on Prairie Falcons. Journal of Wildlife Management 59:311-316. January 1995
Conway, C. J., G. V. N. Powell, and J. D. Nichols. 1995. Overwinter survival of Neotropical migratory birds in early-successional and mature tropical forests. Conservation Biology 9:855-864. June 1995
Conway, C. J., C. Sulzman, and B. E. Raulston. 2004. Factors affecting detection probability of California Black Rails. Journal of Wildlife Management 68:360-370. April 2004
Conway, C. J., C. P. Nadeau, and M. A. Conway. 2020. Broadcasting regional call dialects has little influence on the effectiveness of call-broadcast surveys for marsh birds. Wetlands 40:2055-2059. doi: 10.1007/s13157-020-01367-5 December 2020
Conway, C. J., C. P. Nadeau, and L. Piest. 2010. Fire helps restore natural disturbance regime to benefit rare and endangered marsh birds endemic to Colorado River. Ecological Applications 20:2024-2035. October 2010
Conway, C. J. 2020. Virginia Rail (Rallus limicola), version 1.0. In Birds of the World (A. F. Poole and F. B. Gill, Editors). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA. March 2020
Conway, C. J. 2018. Spatial and temporal patterns in population trends and burrow usage of Burrowing Owls in North America. Journal of Raptor Research 52:129-142. April 2018
Conway, C. J. 2011. Standardized North American marsh bird monitoring protocol. Waterbirds 34:319-346. August 2011
Conway, C. J. 1999. Canada Warbler (Wilsonia canadensis). The Birds of North America, Vol. 421. (A. Poole, F. Gill, eds). The Academy of Natural Sciences, Washington, DC January 1999
Conway, C. J. 1995. Virginia Rail (Rallus limicola). The Birds of North America, Vol. 173. (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds. ). The Academy of Natural Sciences, Washington, DC. January 1995
Connelly, J. W., and C. J. Conway. 2021. Managing wildlife at landscape scales. Pages 143-157 in Wildlife Management and Landscapes: Principles and Applications (W.F. Porter, C.J. Parent, R.A. Stewart, and D.M. Williams, eds.). Johns Hopkins University Press in affiliation with The Wildlife Society, Baltimore, MD, USA. May 2021
Burak, G.S., A.R. Goldberg, J.M. Galloway, D. Evans Mack, and C.J. Conway. 2018. Partner-based research collaboration guiding on-the-ground conservation efforts for a threatened Idaho endemic - the northern Idaho ground squirrel. The Wildlife Professional 12(5):39-42. November 2018
Boyle, W. A., and C. J. Conway. 2007. Why migrate? A test of the evolutionary precursor hypothesis. American Naturalist 169:344-359. January 2007
Boyle, W. A., C. J. Conway, and J. L. Bronstein. 2011. Why do some, but not all, tropical birds migrate altitudinally? Evolutionary Ecology 25:219-236. January 2011
Borgmann, K. L., and C. J. Conway. 2015. The nest-concealment hypothesis: new insights from a comparative analysis. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 127:646-660. doi: 10.1676/14-162.1 December 2015
Borgmann, K. L., and C. J. Conway. 2015. Wildlife Habitat Restoration. Pages 157-167 in Wildlife Habitat Conservation: Concepts, Challenges, and Solutions. (M. L. Morrison and H. A. Mathewson, eds.). John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland. March 2015
Borgmann, K. L., and A. D. Rodewald. 2004. Nest predation in an urbanizing landscape: the role of exotic shrubs. Ecological Applications 14:1757-1765. October 2004
Borgmann, K. L., C. J. Conway, and M. L. Morrison. 2013. Breeding phenology of birds: mechanisms underlying seasonal declines in the risk of nest predation. PLoS ONE8(6): e65909. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065909. | Abstract June 2013
Bartok, N., and C. J. Conway. 2010. Factors affecting the presence of nesting burrowing owls in an agricultural landscape. Journal of Raptor Research 44:286-293. December 2010
Barbosa, S., K. Andrews, A. Goldberg, D. Singh-Gour, P. A. Hohenlohe, C. J. Conway, and L. Waits. 2021. The role of neutral and adaptive genomic variation in population diversification and speciation in two ground squirrel species of conservation concern. Molecular Ecology 30:4673–4694. 10.1111/mec.16096 September 2021
Ballard, A. S., P. S. Balfour, and C. J. Conway. 2008. Rana catasbeiana (American bullfrog) predation. Herpetological Review 39:462. November 2008
Allison, A.Z.T., A. Morris, and C.J. Conway 2023. Why hibernate? Tests of four hypotheses to explain intraspecific variation in hibernation phenology. Functional Ecology 37:1580-1593. March 2023
Allison, A. Z. T., and C. J. Conway. 2022. Daily foraging activity of an imperiled ground squirrel: effects of hibernation, thermal environment, body condition, and conspecific density. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76:28. May 2022
Allison, A. Z. T., C. J. Conway, and A. R. Goldberg. 2024. Weather influences survival probability in two coexisting mammals directly and indirectly via competitive asymmetry. Ecology 104:e4229. December 2023
Allison, A. Z. T., C. J. Conway, A. Morris, A. R. Goldberg, K. N. Lohr, R. Richards, and J. A. Almack. 2024. Hit snooze: an imperiled hibernator assesses spring snow conditions to decide whether to terminate hibernation or re-enter torpor. Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology 97:53-63. doi: 10.1086/729775 April 2024
Project Completion Date
Identifying Migratory Routes and Wintering Grounds of Burrowing Owls throughout North America September 2024
Effectiveness of Forest Restoration Treatments on Demography of a Federally Listed Ground Squirrel April 2028
Research to advance conservation science through application of USGS GAP data December 2015
Assessing the Importance of Wetlands on DoD Installations for the Persistence of Wetland-dependent Birds December 2019
Developing a Spatially-Explicit Monitoring Framework for Range-wide Population Assessment of Light-Footed Ridgway’s Rails May 2024
Post-breeding Movements, Migration Resource Selection, and Survival of Burrowing Owls December 2026
Latitudinal variation in natal dispersal, breeding recruitment, and survival of juvenile Burrowing Owls throughout North America May 2025
Quantifying impacts of groundwater withdrawal on avian abundance, species richness, and reproductive success in Sonoran Desert parks December 2010
Optimal Timing for Conducting Marsh Bird Surveys in South Florida September 2011
Estimating Population Trends, Relative Abundance, and Effects of Management Actions on 7 Species of Webless Migratory Game Birds January 2011
Effects of the tide stage on detection probability of secretive marsh birds in coastal wetlands: Providing guidance for implementing the National Marsh Bird Monitoring Program on coastal NWRs December 2009
Developing Optimal Survey Techniques for Monitoring Population Status of Rails, Snipe, Coots, and Gallinules September 2010
An evaluation of secretive marsh bird use of managed impoundments and natural marshes of St. Mark's NWR December 2009
Latitudinal gradients in clutch size of reptiles June 2026
Population Dynamics of Burrowing Owls on Naval Air Station Lemoore September 2025
Effects of aircraft noise on greater sage-grouse December 2025
Eastern Black Rail Species Distribution Model September 2021
Effects of agricultural pesticides on migrating shorebirds July 2025
Population Dynamics of Burrowing Owls on Kirtland Air Force Base September 2021
Selenium Risk to Yuma Ridgway’s Rails at the Salton Sea May 2025
Movement Ecology and Survival of Light-footed Ridgway's Rail December 2024
Population Dynamics of Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse in Idaho April 2021
Causes of Differential Migration in Birds December 2024
A Comprehensive Framework for Monitoring and Adaptively Managing Deer Harvest in North Dakota June 2022
Development and testing of low-cost GPS collar systems for livestock using commercial off-the-shelf parts September 2021
Integrating satellite and field measures for improved grazingland management at ranch scales September 2021
Cause of low nesting success and recruitment of Clark's and Western Grebes in Idaho May 2025
Dispersal behavior of Yuma Ridgway's Rail September 2020
Range-wide habitat models for predicting habitat suitability of marsh birds throughout the U.S. April 2018
Causes of elevational patterns in avian species richness December 2019
Population Dynamics of Alaskan Seabirds July 2017
Assessment of the effectiveness of management plans for greater sage-grouse December 2021
Effects of sylvatic plague on Northern Idaho Ground Squirrels April 2019
Enhancing diversity in conservation and natural resource professions May 2025
Effectiveness of Management Actions on Craig Mountain Wildlife Management Area January 2016
Long-term Monitoring Protocol for Greater Sage-Grouse within National Parks September 2016
Effects of cattle grazing on demographic traits of greater sage-grouse December 2024
Anderson, Tyler

Brock, Madyson

Dunning, Matthew

Garcia, Harold

Hakanson, Emma

Locatelli, Anthony

Martin, Emily

McCahon, Shelby

Morris, Alice

Paprocki, Neil
Post Doc

Yost, Cydney

Presentations Presentation Date
Zuniga, Z., E. Cook, J. T. Styhl, K. Vierling, and C. J. Conway. 2020. Is habitat selection impacted by ant density? Ecology and Conservation Biology Senior Thesis Forum. Moscow, ID. 10 Dec 2020. December 2020
Zuniga, Z., E. Cook, J. T. Styhl, K. T. Vierling, and C. J. Conway. 2019. Ant mound density estimation in greater sage-grouse habitat. Moscow Outdoor Science School, McCall, ID. 26 Jul 2019. July 2019
Yost, C.M., C.J. Conway, E.J. Harrity, R. Shafique-Sabir, J. Shore, and T.W. Anderson. 2022. Effects of selenium accumulation on Yuma Ridgway’s Rails at the Salton Sea, California. Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Spokane, WA. 9 Nov 2022. November 2022
Yost, C., C.J. Conway, T. Anderson, J. Shore, and R. Shafique-Sabir. 2024. Selenium’s Silent Impact: Investigating Bioaccumulation in an Endangered Marsh Bird. American Ornithological Society Annual Conference. Estes Park, CO. 3 Oct 2024. October 2024
Yost, C., C.J. Conway, T. Anderson, J. Shore, and R. Sabir-Shafique. 2023. Agricultural Drain Water Causes Selenium Bioaccumulation in Yuma Ridgway’s Rails. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Louisville, KY. 8 Nov 2023. November 2023
Yost, C., C.J. Conway, T. Anderson, J. Shore, R. and Shafique-Sabir, 2024. Selenium Concentrations in an endangered marsh bird: ramifications of run-off from adjacent agricultural fields. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Coeur d’Alene, ID. 28 Mar 2024. March 2024
Yen, A., D.A. Lachman, C. J. Conway, K. Vierling, and T. Matthews. 2019. Causes of grebe declines in Idaho. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Boise, ID. Oct 2019. October 2019
Yen, A., C.J. Conway, and K. Vierling, 2022. Nesting success and recruitment of Western Grebes in Idaho. Pilchuck Audubon Society chapter meeting. 14 Jan 2022. January 2022
Yen, A., C.J. Conway, K.T. Vierling, and T. Matthews. 2023. Putting their eggs in one basket – an inventory of Western and Clark’s grebe breeding lakes across North America. Science of the Service Conference. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Pacific Region, Portland, OR. 24 May 2023 May 2023
Yen, A., C.J. Conway, K.T. Vierling, D.A. Lachman, and T. Matthews. 2023. An inventory of Western and Clark’s grebe breeding lakes across North America. Graduate Student Fellows Showcase. Center for Digital Inquiry and Learning, University of Idaho. Moscow, ID. 27 Oct 2023. October 2023
Yen, A., C.J. Conway, K.T. Vierling, D. Lachman, and T. Matthews. 2023. Putting their eggs in one basket – an inventory of Western and Clark’s grebe breeding lakes across North America. Southwestern Idaho Birders Association. 9 Feb 2023. February 2023
Yen, A., C.J. Conway, K. Vierling, and T. Matthews. 2022. An inventory of Western and Clark’s grebe breeding lakes across North America. Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Spokane, WA. 10 Nov 2022. November 2022
Yen, A., C.J. Conway, K. Vierling, D. Lachman, and T. Matthews. 2022. Silent spring: threats to nest success for Western and Clark’s grebe in Idaho. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service- 2022 Science of the Service Conference. Portland, OR . 20 Apr 2022. April 2022
Yen, A., C.J. Conway, K. Vierling, D. Lachman, and T. Matthews. 2022. Nesting success and recruitment of Western and Clark’s Grebes in Idaho. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Boise, ID. 24 Feb 2022. February 2022
Yen, A., C. J. Conway, K. Vierling, and T. Matthews. 2021. Cause of western and Clark’s grebe declines in Idaho. USFWS 2021 Science Of The Service Conference. Online Webinar. Portland, OR. 20 Apr 2021. April 2021
Yen, A., C. J. Conway, K. Vierling, and T. Matthews. 2021. Nesting success and recruitment of Western and Clark’s Grebes in Idaho. Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society. Sequim, WA. 19 May 2021 May 2021
Yen, A., C. Conway, and K. Vierling. 2021. Nesting success and recruitment of Western Grebes in Idaho. Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program - McCall summer retreat. McCall Outdoor Science School. McCall, ID. 22 Jul 2021. July 2021
Wray, R., and C. J. Conway. 2023. Greater sage-grouse exposed to low-level military flight. Owyhee County Sage-Grouse Local Working Group Meeting. 24 May 2023. May 2023
Woodrey, M.S., and C.J. Conway. 2015. The Application of the Standardized North American Marsh Bird Monitoring Protocol. 2015 Southeast Partners in Flight Annual Meeting, 3 Nov 2015, Lafayette, LA. INVITED. November 2015
Whipple, A.L., G.T. Wann, E.K. Orning, C.L. Aldridge, M.M. McLachlan, J.L. Beck, T. Bowden, P.S. Coates, C.J. Conway, D.K. Dahlgren, J.B. Dinkins, A.N. Johnston, C.A. Hagen, P.D. Makela, D.E. Naugle, B.R. Noon, M.A. Schroeder, J.S. Sedinger, L. Waldner, B.L. Walker, and P.J. Williams. 2024. A review of sage-grouse seasonal resource use: going back 20 years to look forward. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Conference & Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative Meeting. Cody, WY. 10 Apr 2024. April 2024
Whipple, A.L., G.T. Wann, E.K. Orning, C.L Aldridge, M.M. McLachlan, J.L. Beck, T. Bowden, P.S Coates, C.J. Conway, D.K. Dahlgren, J.B. Dinkens, A. N. Johnston, C.A. Hagen, P.D. Makela, D.E. Naugle, B.R. Noon, M.A. Schroeder, J.S. Sedinger, L. Waldner, B.L. Walker, and P.J. Williams. 2023. A Review of Sage-Grouse Seasonal Resource Use - Looking Back 20 Years and Looking Ahead. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Louisville, KY. 7 Nov 2023. November 2023
Wellicome, T.I., C.J. Conway, A.J. Locatelli, A. Marsh, C. Scobie, and E. Bayne. 2023. Space use and home ranges in migratory Burrowing Owls: A look at their full annual cycle. Western Section of The Wildlife Society. Riverside, CA. 6 Feb 2023. February 2023
Wellicome, T. I., C. J. Conway, D. H. Johnson, J. L. Conley, D. R. Bruinsma, C. G. Lundblad, and R. J. Fisher. 2019. Long-distance Migration of Burrowing Owls Across Western North America. Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. 20 Feb 2019. February 2019
Wellicome, T. I., C. J. Conway, D. H. Johnson, J. L. Conley, D. R. Bruinsma, C. G. Lundblad, and R. J. Fisher. 2018. Long-distance migration of Burrowing Owls across western North America. International Ornithological Congress, Vancouver, British Columbia. 22 Aug 2018. August 2018
Wann, G.T., M.M. McLachlan, J.L. Beck, T. Bowden, P.S. Coates, C.J. Conway, D.K. Dahlgren, J.B. Dinkins, A.N. Johnston, C.A. Hagen, P.D. Makela, D.E. Naugle, M.A. Schroeder, J.S. Sedinger, L. Waldner, B.L. Walker, P.J. Williams, A.L. Whipple, and C.L. Aldridge. 2024. Predicting range-wide seasonal habitats from a large tracking dataset of Greater Sage-Grouse locations. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Cody, Wyoming, 10 Apr 2024. April 2024
Wann, G.T., C.L. Aldridge, M.M. McLachlan, J.L. Beck, T.S. Bowden, P.S. Coates, C.J. Conway, D.K. Dahlgren, J.B. Dinkins, A.N. Johnston, C.A. Hagen, P.D. Makela, D.E. Naugle, B.R. Noon, M.A. Schroeder, J.S. Sedinger, L.R. Waldner, B.L. Walker, and P.J. Williams. 2022. Collaborative conservation: creating range-wide seasonal habitat models for greater sage-grouse. WAFWA 32rd Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop. Logan, UT. 18 Aug 2022. August 2022
Wann, G.T., C.L Aldridge, M.M. McLachlan, J.L. Beck, T. Bowden, P.S Coates, C.J. Conway, D.K. Dahlgren, J.B. Dinkens, A. N. Johnston, C.A. Hagen, P.D. Makela, D.E. Naugle, M.A. Schroeder, J.S. Sedinger, L. Waldner, B.L. Walker, P.J. Williams, and A.L. Whipple. 2024. Modeling range-wide annual changes in greater sage-grouse seasonal habitats over time (1995 to 2020). American Ornithological Society Annual Conference. Estes Park, CO. 3 Oct 2024 October 2024
Wann, G.T., C.L Aldridge, M.M. McLachlan, J.L. Beck, T. Bowden, P.S Coates, C.J. Conway, D.K. Dahlgren, J.B. Dinkens, A. N. Johnston, C.A. Hagen, P.D. Makela, D.E. Naugle, B.R. Noon, M.A. Schroeder, J.S. Sedinger, L. Waldner, B.L. Walker, P.J. Williams, and A.L. Whipple.. 2023. Predicting range-wide seasonal habitats for Greater Sage-Grouse: Leveraging local studies for broad-scale inference. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Louisville, KY. 7 Nov 2023. November 2023
Waits, L., M. Garrett, S. Barbosa, P. Hohenlohe, and C. Conway. 2025. Conservation genomics of the endangered northern Idaho ground squirrel. International Congress for Conservation Biology. Brisbane, Australia. 18 Jun 2025. June 2025
Vierling, K., C. J. Conway, C. Moffitt, and E. Braker. 2015. Internship programs in the Fish and Wildlife Sciences Department at the University of Idaho: opportunities for expanding wildlife education. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, 10 March 2015. Pocatello, ID March 2015
Vaage, A., K. Townsend, D. Oleyar, C.J. Conway, and K.T. Vierling. 2023. Is cavity presence influenced by certain habitat variables? The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Louisville, KY. 7 Nov 2023. November 2023
Townsend, K.C., C.J. Conway, K.T. Vierling, A. Allison, and D. Lachman. 2019. Presence of Northern Idaho Ground Squirrels (Urocitellus brunneus) influenced by other small mammal species and environmental factors. Northwest Scientific Association, Lewiston, ID. 27 Mar 2019. March 2019
Townsend, K., C.J. Conway, and K.T. Vierling. 2020. Nest-site characteristics of the Hawaiian Coot (‘Alae ke’ Oke’o; Fulica alai) at Kealia Pond National Wildlife Refuge, Maui, Hawaii. Ecology and Conservation Biology Senior Thesis Forum. Moscow, ID. 10 Dec 2020. December 2020
Townsend, K., A. Allison, K. T. Vierling, and C. J. Conway. 2019. Northern Idaho ground squirrel (Urocitellus brunneus) presence influenced by coexisting species and environmental factors. Ecological Society of America, Louisville, KY. 15 Aug 2019. August 2019
Tisdale, C. A., W. Field, A. Means, D. Brewster, J. Hamaker, C. J. Conway, P. Makela, S. Roberts, and K.L. Launchbaugh. 2023. Relationship between livestock grazing and sage-grouse populations. Idaho Cattle Association meeting. Rogerson, ID. 26 Jun 2023. June 2023
Thurston, M., D. Lachman, C. J. Conway, and K. T. Vierling. 2019. Water depth and vegetation structure in Western Grebe colonies. Ecological Society of America, Louisville, KY. 15 Aug 2019. August 2019
Thurston, M., C. J. Conway, K. Vierling, and D. Lachman. 2019. Quantifying habitat structure in western grebe colonies. Northwest Scientific Association, Lewiston, ID. 27 Mar 2019. March 2019
Swearingen, Z., C. J. Conway, and P. Zager. 2014. Are Target Species Benefiting from Management Actions on Craig Mountain Wildlife Management Area? Annual Meeting for the Coordination of the Craig Mountain Area, Lewiston, ID. 25 March 2014. March 2014
Swearingen, Z., C. J. Conway, and P. Zager. 2014. Are Target Species Benefiting from Management Actions on Craig Mountain Wildlife Management Area? Annual ISTS meeting, Boise State University, Boise, ID. 21 May 2014. May 2014
Swearingen, Z., C. J. Conway, and P. Zager. 2013. Are Target Species Benefiting from Management Actions on Craig Mountain Wildlife Management Area? Fish and Wildlife Seminar, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID. 13 November 2013. November 2013
Swearingen, Z., C. J. Conway, and F. Cassirer. 2016. Effects of Three Timber Harvest Prescriptions on Breeding Density of Pileated Woodpeckers. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Coeur d' Alene, ID. 23 Feb 2016. February 2016
Swearingen, Z., C. J. Conway, F. Cassirer, and P. Zager. 2015. Evaluating twenty one years of management on Craig Mountain Wildlife Management Area: Are we meeting our objectives? Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Pocatello, ID. 10 Mar 2015. March 2015
Swearingen, Z., C. J. Conway, F. Cassirer, and P. Zager. 2014. Declines in counts of Pileated Woodpeckers on Craig Mountain WMA: declines in abundance or detection probability? Joint Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society and the Northwest Section of The Wildlife Society, Boise, ID. 4 March 2014. March 2014
Stevens, B.S., and C.J. Conway. 2020. Predictive distribution models for eastern black rails: analyses and results. Atlantic Coast Join Venture - Eastern Black Rail Working Group. Webinar. 22 July 2020. July 2020
Stevens, B.S., and C.J. Conway. 2017. Developing range-wide occupancy models for king rails: optimizing predictive capabilities across spatial scales. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. Albuquerque, NM. 24 Sep 2017. September 2017
Stevens, B.S., and C. J. Conway. 2021. Large-scale distribution models for optimal prediction of Eastern black rail habitat suitability within estuarine ecosystems. TWS conference. 3 November 2021. November 2021
Stevens, B.S., and C. J. Conway. 2018. Developing predictive distribution models for secretive marsh birds: occupancy and spatial modeling to facilitate habitat conservation. The Wildlife Society, Cleveland, OH. 9 Oct 2018. October 2018
Stevens, B.S., and C. J. Conway. 2019. Predicting black rail breeding habitat: spatial models to identify anthropogenic threats and facilitate conservation. The Waterbird Society, Salisbury, Maryland. 8 Nov 2019. November 2019
Stevens, B.S., and C. J. Conway. 2019. Species distribution model for eastern Black Rails. USFWS Webinar. 29 May 2019. May 2019
Stevens, B.S., and C. J. Conway. 2019. Spatial models to facilitate broad-scale conservation of breeding habitat for secretive marsh birds. American Ornithological Society. Anchorage, AK. 26 Jun 2019. June 2019
Stevens, B.S., and C. J. Conway. 2019. Predicting breeding habitat for marsh birds: Models to facilitate spatial conservation planning. USFWS Webinar. 11 Jun 2019. June 2019
Stevens, B.S., and C. J. Conway. 2019. Predicting black rail breeding habitat: range-wide models to identify anthropogenic threats and facilitate conservation. Joint Meeting of The Wildlife Society and the American Fisheries Society, Reno, NV. 2 Oct 2019. October 2019
Stevens, B.S., and C. J. Conway. 2019. Mapping marsh bird breeding habitat: rangewide models to guide strategic conservation. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Boise, ID. 20 Mar 2019. March 2019
Stevens, B.S., and C. J. Conway. 2019. Assessing the importance of wetlands on DoD installations for the persistence of wetland-dependent birds in North America. U.S. Department of Defense Natural Resources Program National Webinar Series. 7 Feb 2019. February 2019
Stevens, B.S., and C. J. Conway. 2018. Estimating animal abundance with removal models. North Dakota Game and Fish Department. Bismark, ND. 25 Jan 2018. INVITED. January 2018
Stevens, B.S., S. Roberts, D. Englestead, and C.J. Conway. 2021. Functional responses in greater sage-grouse habitat selection in response to large-scale disturbance. 32nd Western Agencies Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop, Virtual (webinar). 23 Jun 2021. June 2021
Stevens, B.S., C.J. Conway, J. Knetter, P. Donnelly, and S. Roberts. 2021. Productivity and abundance of Columbian sharp-tailed grouse in Idaho: multi-scale effects of weather, habitat, and disturbance. 32nd Western Agencies Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop, Virtual (webinar). 23 Jun 2021. June 2021
Stevens, B., and C. J. Conway. 2018. Developing predictive distribution models for secretive marsh birds: Occupancy and spatial modeling to facilitate habitat conservation. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Idaho Falls, ID. 7 Mar 2018. March 2018
Stevens, B., S. Roberts, C.J. Conway, and D. Englestead. 2023. Predicting space use after rapid environmental change: megafire and greater sage-grouse in eastern Idaho. Annual Conference of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Boise, ID. 17 Feb 2023. February 2023
Stevens, B., C.J. Conway, S. Roberts, and D. Englestead. 2023. Fitness consequences of megafire are mitigated by behavioral responses of greater sage-grouse in eastern Idaho. Annual Conference of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Boise, ID. 16 Feb 2023. February 2023
Stevens, B. S., C. J. Conway, K. Sawyer, L. Kershek, G. Block, S. Hamilton, and R. Kolstrom. 2024. Developing a Range-wide Sampling Framework for Endangered Species: an example with light-footed Ridgway’s rail. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Coeur d’Alene, ID. 28 Mar 2024. March 2024
Smith, J., G. Vaziri, S. Cunningham, A.R. Goldberg, and C.J. Conway. 2015. Effects of cattle grazing on seed availability in northern Idaho ground squirrel colonies. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Pocatello, ID. 10 Mar 2015. March 2015
Sawyer, K.S., C. Yost, C. Conway, and E. Harrity. 2022. Ridgway’s Rails: Selenium, movement, survival, and monitoring in southern California. Sonoran Joint Venture Science Working Group Meeting. Virtual. 22 Jun 2022. June 2022
Sawyer, K.A., and C.J. Conway. 2024. Survival of captive-released and wild-caught light-footed Ridgway’s rails. Light-footed Ridgway’s Rail Interagency Recovery Team Meeting. Virtual. 29 Feb 2024. February 2024
Sawyer, K., C.J. Conway, and T. Katzner. 2024. Navigating the tides: Reintroduced rails respond differently to high tides than their wild counterparts in light-footed Ridgway's rails. American Ornithological Society Annual Conference. Estes Park, CO. 3 Oct 2024. October 2024
Sawyer, K., C. J. Conway, T. Katzner, and E. J. Harrity. 2021. Abundance, connectivity, and seasonal movements of Light-footed Ridgway’s Rails (Rallus obsoletus levipes)<i> </i>Light-footed Ridgway’s Rail Recovery Team meeting. Webinar. 12 Mar 2021. March 2021
Sawyer, K., C. J. Conway, T. Katzner, E. Harrity, and B. Collins. 2022. Factors influencing survival of captive-released light-footed Ridgway’s rails in southern California wetlands. Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Spokane, WA. 7 Nov 2022. November 2022
Rojas, A., A.J. Locatelli, C.J. Conway, A. Yen, and K. Vierling. 2022. Burrowing Owl Nest Defense Behavior. Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Spokane, WA. 8 Nov 2022. November 2022
Riley, I., and C. J. Conway. 2019. Estimating detection and survival probabilities of sage-grouse broods: a comparison of field methods. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Boise, ID. 21 Mar 2019. March 2019
Pimienta Tovar, E.J., C.J. Conway, A.E. Morris, and K.T. Vierling. 2024. Forest restoration actions to benefit the northern Idaho ground squirrel: effects on invasive plant encroachment. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD. 23 Oct 2024. October 2024
Paprocki, N., and C. J. Conway. 2022. Avian Differential Migration in the 21st Century. Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Spokane, WA. 10 Nov 2022. November 2022
Paprocki, N., and C. J. Conway. 2020. Differential Migration in Birds, Departmental Seminar. University of Idaho, Moscow, ID. 7 Oct 2020. October 2020
Paprocki, N., S. Blair, J. Adams, S. Nerkowski, L.P. Waits, J, Kidd, and C. J. Conway. 2023. Contrasting DNA Metabarcoding Sampling Methods to Describe Rough-legged Hawk Winter Diet. Raptor Research Foundation. Albuquerque, NM. 20 Oct 2023. October 2023
Paprocki, N., J. Kidd, and C. J. Conway. 2022. Migratory behavior of rough-legged hawks in central and eastern North America. Raptor Research Foundation. Fort Lauderdale, FL. 6 Oct 2022. October 2022
Paprocki, N., J. Kidd, T. Booms, J. Watson, A. Franke, S. Thomas, B. Bedrosian, J. Smith, C. Dillingham, and C. J. Conway. 2019. Differential migration in Rough-legged Hawks (Buteo lagopus). Raptor Research Foundation, Ft. Collins, CO. 7 Nov 2019. November 2019
Paprocki, N., C. J. Conway, and J. Kidd. 2020. Idaho’s importance to migrating and wintering rough-legged hawks based on GPS tracking data. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Moscow, ID. 11 March 2020. March 2020
Paprocki, N., C. J. Conway, and J. Kidd. 2020. Rough-legged Hawk identification, movement, and population trends. Boise, ID. Snake River RaptorFest. 2 June 2020. June 2020
Paprocki, N., C. J. Conway, and J. Kidd. 2020. Rough-legged Hawk identification, differential migration, and Idaho’s importance to this understudied species. Audubon Society, Boise chapter. Boise, ID. Webinar. 14 April 2020. April 2020
Orabona, A.C., and C.J. Conway. 2022. Transcontinental travel: migration of Wyoming’s burrowing owls across North America. Kansas Natural Resources Conference. Manhattan, KS. 3 Feb 2022. February 2022
Orabona, A.C., and C.J. Conway. 2022. Migration of Wyoming’s burrowing owls across North America. Fremont County Public Library. Lander, WY. 11 Jan 2022. January 2022
Orabona, A.C., and C.J. Conway. 2021. Transcontinental travel: migration of Wyoming’s burrowing owls across North America. Orchard Hill Senior Living Center. Sudbury, MA. 2 Dec 2021. December 2021
Orabona, A.C., and C.J. Conway. 2021. Transcontinental travel: migration of Wyoming’s burrowing owls across North America. Kiwanis Club of Lander. Lander, WY. 16 Dec 2021. December 2021
Orabona, A.C., C.J. Conway, T.I. Wellicome, and C.G. Lundblad. 2022. Migration of western burrowing owls in Wyoming and throughout North America. Murie Audubon Society, Casper, WY. 13 Jan 2022. January 2022
Orabona, A.C., C.J. Conway, T.I. Wellicome, and C.G. Lundblad. 2021. Migration of western burrowing owls in Wyoming and throughout North America. Murie Audubon Society, Casper, WY. 20 May 2021. May 2021
Orabona, A.C., C.J. Conway, T.I. Wellicome, and C.G. Lundblad. 2021. Migration of western burrowing owls in Wyoming and throughout North America. Murie Audubon Society, Casper, WY. 14 Oct 2021. October 2021
Orabona, A.C., C.J. Conway, T.I. Wellicome, and C.G. Lundblad. 2020. Migration of western burrowing owls in Wyoming and throughout North America. Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Laramie Regional Office, Laramie, WY. 5 Jun 2020. June 2020
Orabona, A.C., C.J. Conway, T.I. Wellicome, and C.G. Lundblad. 2020. Migration of western burrowing owls in Wyoming and throughout North America. Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Jackson Regional Office, Jackson, WY. 2 Nov 2020. November 2020
Orabona, A.C., C.J. Conway, T.I. Wellicome, and C.G. Lundblad. 2020. Migration of western burrowing owls in Wyoming and throughout North America. Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Casper Regional Office, Casper, WY. 20 Jun 2020. June 2020
Orabona, A.C., C.J. Conway, T.I. Wellicome, and C.G. Lundblad. 2020. Migration of western burrowing owls in Wyoming and throughout North America. Red Desert Audubon Society. Lander, WY. 11 Feb 2020. February 2020
Orabona, A.C., C.J. Conway, T.I. Wellicome, and C.G. Lundblad. 2020. Migration of western burrowing owls in Wyoming and throughout North America. Laramie Audubon Society, Laramie, WY. 25 Feb 2020. February 2020
Orabona, A.C., C.J. Conway, T.I. Wellicome, and C.G. Lundblad. 2020. Migration of western burrowing owls in Wyoming and throughout North America. Cheyenne High Plains Audubon Society, Cheyenne, WY. 18 Feb 2020. February 2020
Orabona, A.C., C.J. Conway, T.I. Wellicome, and C.G. Lundblad. 2019. Transcontinental travel: Migration of western burrowing owls throughout North America. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Sheridan, WY. 20 Nov 2019. November 2019
Orabona, A.C., C.J. Conway, T.I. Wellicome, and C.G. Lundblad. 2019. Migration of western burrowing owls in Wyoming and throughout North America. Rawlins BLM Field Office. Rawlins, WY. 19 Dec 2019. December 2019
Orabona, A.C., C.J. Conway, T.I. Wellicome, and A. J. Locatelli. 2022. Migration behavior of burrowing owls in Wyoming. Wyoming Naturalist Program, Casper, WY, 24 Sep 2022. September 2022
Oleson, B. I., and C. J. Conway. 2013. Of Owls and Alfalfa: Why do Burrowing Owls Associate with Irrigated Agriculture in the Southwestern U.S.? Colorado River Terrestrial and Riparian (CRTR) Conference, Laughlin, NV, 30 Jan 2013. January 2013
Oleson, B. I., and C. J. Conway. 2013. Of Owls and Alfalfa: Why do Burrowing Owls Associate with Irrigated Agriculture in the Southwestern U.S.? 46th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society. 8 Feb 2013. February 2013
Musil, D., Conway, C. J. A. Meyers, P. Makela, S. Roberts, and K. Launchbaugh. 2019. Response of sage-grouse to spring grazing - Update: Year 6 of 10-year research project. Owyhee County Sage Grouse Local Working Group. 17 Sep 2019. September 2019
Musil, D., C. J. Conway, K. Launchbaugh, A.R. Meyers, P. Makela, and S. Roberts. 2017. Response of sage-grouse to spring grazing – project update. Shoshone Basin Sage-Grouse Local Working Group, Twin Falls, ID 19 Sep 2017. September 2017
Murphy, T., D. Lachman, C. J. Conway, and K. T. Vierling. 2019. Are western grebe colonies indicators of healthy ecosystems? Ecological Society of America, Louisville, KY. 15 Aug 2019. August 2019
Meyers, A.R., C.J. Conway, D.D. Musil, K. Launchbaugh, and S. Roberts. 2017. Effects of Spring Cattle Grazing on Nest Survival of Greater Sage-grouse in Southern Idaho. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. Albuquerque, NM. 27 Sep 2017. September 2017
Meyers, A., and C. J. Conway. 2018. Summary of short-eared owl surveys in Idaho to assess effects of livestock grazing. 2018 Project WAfLS Results Webinar. 5 Dec 2018. December 2018
McCahon, S., C.J. Conway, and K. Christie. 2024. Staging site quality for migratory shorebirds using agricultural wetlands in the Midcontinent Flyway. 10<sup>th</sup> annual Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group meeting. Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada. 14 Aug 2024. August 2024
McCahon, S., C.J. Conway, K. Christie, and C. Morrissey. 2025.. Shorely exposed: Insecticide accumulation and impacts on migratory shorebirds in an agricultural landscape. Waterbird Society Annual Conference. San Jose, Costa Rica. 7 Jan 2025. January 2025
McCahon, S., C.J. Conway, K. Christie, and C. Morrissey. 2024.. Insecticide exposure and associated physiological effects on migratory shorebirds in the Prairie Pothole Region. American Ornithological Society Annual Conference. Estes Park, CO. 3 Oct 2024. October 2024
McCahon, S., C.J. Conway, K. Christie, and C. Morrissey. 2024. Lesser Yellowlegs & Insecticides in the Prairie Pothole Region. 30<sup>th</sup> Annual Alaska Shorebird Group Meeting. Anchorage, AK. 2 Dec 2024. December 2024
McCahon, S., C.J. Conway, K. Christie, and C. Morrissey. 2024. Insecticide exposure in migratory shorebirds using agricultural wetlands in the Midcontinent Flyway. 10th annual Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group meeting. Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada. 14 Aug 2024. August 2024
McCahon, S., C.J. Conway, K. Christie, and C. Morrissey. 2023. Lesser Yellowlegs exposure to neonicotinoids - Insecticide exposure in migratory shorebirds using agricultural wetlands in the Midcontinent Flyway. 20th Alaska Bird Conference, Anchorage, AK. 11 Dec 2023. December 2023
McCahon, S., C.J. Conway, K. Christie, and C. Morrissey. 2023. Exposure and accumulation of neonicotinoid insecticides on migratory shorebirds in the Prairie Pothole Region. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Louisville, KY. 7 Nov 2023. November 2023
McCahon, S., C.J. Conway, K. Christie, and C. Morrissey. 2023. Disentangling threats to Lesser Yellowlegs: Neonicotinoids or habitat degradation? USFWS Division of Scientific Resources Biologist Meeting. 11 Jan 2023. January 2023
McCahon, S., C.J. Conway, K. Christie, and C. Morrissey. 2023. Agricultural impacts on shorebird abundance, body condition, and invertebrate biomass. International Lesser Yellowlegs Working Group meeting. International Lesser Yellowlegs Working Group meeting. Virtual. 15 Dec 2023. December 2023
McCahon, S., C.J. Conway, K. Christie, and C. Morrissey. 2022. Evaluating the effects of neonicotinoids and habitat loss on Lesser Yellowlegs in the Prairie Pothole Region. Conservation Actions for Lesser Yellowlegs in the Americas Western Hemisphere Shorebird Working Group Meeting. Virtual. 5 Sep 2022. September 2022
Martin, E., C. Conway, E. Taylor, and L. Harmon. 2024. Geographic clutch size variation in snakes: a comparative approach. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Coeur d’Alene, ID. 28 Mar 2024. March 2024
Macías-Duarte, A., C. J. Conway, and M. Culver. 2010. Change in migratory behavior as a possible explanation for burrowing owl distributional changes in North America. Joint meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union and Cooper Ornithological Society. San Diego, CA, 9 Feb 2010. February 2010
Mackey, A., T. Prather, J. Wallace, G. Shewmaker, and C. J. Conway. 2014. Developing an integrated pest management strategy for controlling Ventenata (Ventenata dubia) in Conservation Reserve Program lands in the Palouse. Joint Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society and the Northwest Section of The Wildlife Society, Boise, ID. 5 March 2014. March 2014
Mackey, A., T. Prather, C. J. Conway, J. Wallace, G. Shewmaker, and J. Johnson. 2014. Effects of Ventenata (Ventenata dubia) infestation on nesting success of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) within CRP fields of the Palouse. Joint Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society and the Northwest Section of The Wildlife Society, Boise, ID. 4 March 2014. March 2014
Macias-Duarte, A., C. J. Conway, and M. Culver. 2009. Population connectivity in Burrowing Owls throughout North America; have owls altered their migratory behavior in response to land-use changes in Mexico? American Ornithologists’ Union, Pittsburgh, PA, 15 Aug 2009. August 2009
Lundblad, C.G., and C.J. Conway. 2017. Effects of nest microclimate on reproductive success of burrowing owls along a latitudinal gradient. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. Albuquerque, NM. 25 Sep 2017. September 2017
Lundblad, C.G., and C. J. Conway. 2017. Thermal ecology, reproductive success, and climate adaptability of Burrowing Owls. Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Bryce Canyon, UT. 23 March 2017. March 2017
Lundblad, C.G, and C.J. Conway. 2018. Research goes underground: secrets of the Burrowing Owl. Environmental and Resource Science Colloquium. Nevada State College. Henderson, NV. 5 Apr 2018. INVITED. April 2018
Lundblad, C., and C. J. Conway. 2018. Latitudinal variation in nest microclimate explains variation in hatching success, nestling growth, and nestling survival in burrowing owls. Special Symposium: Avian Reproduction and the Thermal Environment. American Ornithological Society. Tucson, AZ. 13 Apr 2018. INVITED. April 2018
Lundblad, C., and C. J. Conway. 2016. Is hatching asynchrony adaptive? Latitudinal gradients in breeding behavior of Burrowing Owls. North American Ornithological Conference VI. Washington, DC. 18 Aug 2016. August 2016
Lundblad, C. G., and C.J. Conway. 2014. Why do Life Histories Vary Geographically? Novel Approaches to Unresolved Questions. Fish and Wildlife Sciences Departmental seminar, University of Idaho. 12 Nov 2014. November 2014
Lundblad, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2019. Intraspecific variation and adaptive significance of a little-known life-history trait, laying interval length, along a latitudinal gradient. American Ornithological Society. Anchorage, AK. 26 Jun 2019. June 2019
Lundblad, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2017. Thermal constraints affect reproductive success of burrowing owls breeding along a latitudinal gradient. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Boise, ID. 2 Mar 2017. March 2017
Lundblad, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2014. Why do some but not all birds migrate? Tests of mechanistic hypotheses in yellow-eyed juncos. AOU/COS/SCO-SOC Joint Annual Meeting, Estes Park, CO. 24 September 2014. September 2014
Lundblad, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2013. Access to food and not intolerance of cold drives altitudinal migration of Yellow-eyed Juncos. Joint Meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union and Cooper Ornithological Society, Chicago, IL. 16 Aug 2013. August 2013
Lundblad, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2012. What Makes a Migrant: Migratory Patterns and Their Causes within a Sky Island. Western Field Ornithologists. Petaluma, CA. 29 Sep 2012. September 2012
Lundblad, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2012. Migration dynamics and wintering strategies of Yellow-eyed Juncos in southeastern Arizona. Arizona Field Ornithologists. Lake Havasu City, AZ. 27 Oct 2012. October 2012
Lundblad, C. G., and C. J. Conway. 2012. Differential migration of yellow-eyed juncos along an elevational gradient. North American Ornithological Conference. Vancouver, BC, Canada. 17 Aug 2012. August 2012
Lundblad, C. G., C. J. Conway, T.I. Wellicome, A. Orabona. 2022. Identifying Wintering Sites, Migratory Routes, and Stopover Hotspots of North American Burrowing Owls. Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society. 23 Feb 2022. February 2022
Locatelli, A., C. J. Conway, D. Musil, K. Launchbaugh, S. Roberts, and D. Gotsch. 2016. Factors Influencing Nest Survival of Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in Southern Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Coeur d' Alene, ID. 23 Feb 2016. February 2016
Livingston, A., E. Strand, and C.J. Conway. 2023. No Fire on the Mountain: Has fire suppression caused population declines of an imperiled ground squirrel? Sigma Xi International Forum on Research Excellence. Long Beach, CA. 11 Nov 2023. November 2023
Livingston, A., C.J. Conway, and E. Strand. 2024. No Fire on the Mountain: Has fire suppression caused population declines of an imperiled ground squirrel? Undergraduate Research Symposium, Office of Undergraduate Research, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID. 22 Apr 2024. April 2024
Livingston, A., C.J. Conway, and E. Strand. 2024. No Fire on the Mountain: Has fire suppression caused population declines of an imperiled ground squirrel? Ecology and Conservation Biology Senior Thesis Defense. University of Idaho, Moscow, ID. 2 May 2024. May 2024
Livingston, A., C.J. Conway, and E. Strand. 2023. No Fire on the Mountain: Has fire suppression caused population declines of an imperiled ground squirrel? Idaho Conference on Undergraduate Research. Virtual. 19 Jul 2023. July 2023
Linder. K., M.R. Heller, C.J. Conway, K.T. Vierling, and A.Yen. 2021. Assessing Fish Assemblage Structure in St. Charles Creek, Idaho. Ecological Society of America Annual Conference. Virtual. 4 Aug 2021. August 2021
Laurence-Traynor, A., J. W. Karl, C. J. Conway, K. L. Launchbaugh, and A. R. Meyers. 2019. Determining appropriate utilization measurements for multi-scale spatial analysis of wildlife-livestock interactions in southern Idaho. Society for Range Management, Minneapolis, MN. 11 Feb 2019. February 2019
Launchbaugh, K.L., and C.J. Conway. 2015. Sage-Grouse and Livestock Grazing. Public Lands Endowment Board of Directors Annual Meeting. Cody, WY. 9 Sept 2015. September 2015
Launchbaugh, K.L., and C.J. Conway. 2014. Sage-Grouse and Livestock Grazing. Public Lands Endowment Board of Directors Annual Meeting. Ignacio, CO. 4 Sep 2014. September 2014
Launchbaugh, K.L., and C.J. Conway. 2017. Grouse & Grazing: How does spring livestock grazing influence sage-grouse populations? Public Lands Endowment Board of Directors Annual Meeting. Flagstaff, AZ. 21 Sep 2017. September 2017
Launchbaugh, K.L., and C. J. Conway. 2018. Grouse & Grazing Study: Effects of Spring Grazing on Sage-grouse Populations. Idaho Range Livestock Symposium. Twin Falls, ID. 10 Jan 2018. January 2018
Launchbaugh, K.L., and C. J. Conway. 2018. Grouse & Grazing Study: Effects of Spring Grazing on Sage-grouse Populations. Idaho Range Livestock Symposium. Rexburg, ID. 12 Jan 2018. January 2018
Launchbaugh, K.L., and C. J. Conway. 2018. Grouse & Grazing Study: Effects of Spring Grazing on Sage-grouse Populations. Idaho Range Livestock Symposium. Pocatello, ID. 11 Jan 2018. January 2018
Launchbaugh, K.L., and C. J. Conway. 2018. Grouse & Grazing Study: Effects of Spring Grazing on Sage-grouse Populations. Idaho Range Livestock Symposium. Marsing, ID. 9 Jan 2018. January 2018
Launchbaugh, K.L., D. Musil, C. J. Conway, A. Meyers, P. Makela, and S. Roberts. 2019. Effects of cattle grazing on sage-grouse: an update on the Grouse & Grazing project. Jim Sage Grazing Association. Malta, ID. 20 Dec 2019. December 2019
Launchbaugh, K.L, and C. J. Conway. 2018. Grouse & Grazing: Effects of livestock grazing influence on sage-grouse populations. Public Lands Council Annual Meeting. Park City, UT. 27 Sep 2018. September 2018
Launchbaugh, K., and C. J. Conway. 2021. Relationships between Livestock Grazing & Greater Sage-grouse: the Grouse & Grazing Project. Public Lands Council Executive Committee Annual Meeting. Virtual. 27 Sep 2021. September 2021
Launchbaugh, K., and C. J. Conway. 2020. Public Lands Council Executive Committee Annual Meeting. Virtual. 22 Sep 2020. September 2020
Launchbaugh, K., and C. J. Conway. 2019. Public Lands Endowment Board of Directors Annual Meeting. Great Falls, MT. 27 Sep 2019. September 2019
Launchbaugh, K., C.J. Conway, C. Tisdale, N. Helmstetter, G. Overlie, P. Makela, and S. Roberts. 2024. Effects of cattle grazing on greater sage-grouse: Idaho Grouse & Grazing Project. Idaho Section of the Society for Range Management. Virtual. 3 Jan 2024. January 2024
Lachman, D.A., T. Matthews, C. J. Conway, and K. Vierling. 2019. Investigating Causes of Grebe Declines with Unmanned Aircraft. Science Excellence on National Wildlife Refuges. Portland, OR. 29 Aug 2019. August 2019
Lachman, D., K. Vierling, C.J. Conway, and T. Matthews. 2019. Drone-mounted digital cameras provide unbiased estimates of nest survival for colonial nesting waterbirds. Northwest Scientific Association, Lewiston, ID. 27 Mar 2019. March 2019
Lachman, D., C.J. Conway, and K. Vierling. 2019. Drone-mounted cameras provide estimates of nest survival for colonial nesting waterbirds. Graduate Student Showcase, Moscow, ID. 28 Mar 2019. March 2019
Lachman, D., C.J. Conway, and K. Vierling. 2019. Drone-mounted cameras provide estimates of nest survival for colonial nesting waterbirds. College of Graduate Studies Student Innovation Showcase. Moscow, ID. 18 Apr 2019. April 2019
Lachman, D., C. J. Conway, and K. Vierling. 2018. Grebe colony mapping and monitoring in Idaho. WebEx presentation to the U.S. Dept of Interior UAS working group. October 2018
Lachman, D., C. J. Conway, and K. Vierling. 2018. Drones for inventory and monitoring of colonial waterbirds. University of Idaho Drone Summit. Moscow, ID. 1 Nov 2018. INVITED. November 2018
Lachman, D., C. J. Conway, K. Vierling, and T. Matthews. 2019. Factors affecting nest survival of western grebes. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Boise, ID. 20 Mar 2019. March 2019
LaRoche, D.D.,, and C. J. Conway. 2012. Developing a habitat suitability index model for a critically endangered bird: understanding habitat suitability and uncertainty based on expert opinion. Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Statistics Research Showcase, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. 12 Dec 2012. December 2012
Kirk, R.E., A.Z.T. Allison, C.J. Conway, K.T. Vierling, and A. Yen. 2021. Gaining weight to hibernate: Pre-hibernation body mass effects on survival in adult male northern Idaho ground squirrels. Ecological Society of America Annual Conference. Virtual. 4 Aug 2021. August 2021
Keo, A.G., M.R. Heller, C.J. Conway, K.T. Vierling, and A. Yen. 2021. The influence of depth and location on abundance of fishes in gill net surveys in Bear Lake, Idaho-Utah. Ecological Society of America Annual Conference. Virtual. 4 Aug 2021. August 2021
Karl, J. W., C. J. Conway, and K. L. Launchbaugh. 2019. Effects of cattle grazing on sage-grouse: an update on the Grouse & Grazing project. Annual meeting of the Idaho Rangeland Resource Commission. Sun Valley, ID. 13 Nov 2019. November 2019
Karl, J. W., C. J. Conway, and K. L. Launchbaugh. 2019. Effects of cattle grazing on sage-grouse: an update on the Grouse & Grazing project. Annual meeting of the Idaho Rangeland Committee annual meeting. Sun Valley, ID. 11 Nov 2019. November 2019
Julson, J., K. Launchbaugh, and C. J. Conway. 2017. How to Estimate Utilization of Grasses: Ocular Estimation or Height-Weight Method? Society for Range Management Annual Conference. St. George, UT. 29 Jan 2017. January 2017
Julson, J., K. Launchbaugh, E. Strand, C. J. Conway, and A. Locatelli. 2017. Relationships among spring livestock grazing, sage-grouse nest fate, and climate in sagebrush-steppe communities. Society for Range Management Annual Conference. St. George, UT. 29 Jan 2017. January 2017
Jones, C., and C. J. Conway. 2017. Full life-cycle monitoring of burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) in southeastern Colorado. Annual Meeting of the Colorado Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Ft. Collins, CO. 16 Feb 2017. February 2017
Johnson, D.H., T.I. Wellicome, C. J. Conway, J. Rebholz, M. Livingston, H. Newsome, and J. Fox. 2014. Use of Geolocators in Assessing Migration Patterns of Western Burrowing Owls in Oregon, Washington, and Saskatchewan. 4th International Burrowing Owl Symposium, Pasco, WA. 4 Feb 2014. February 2014
Johnson, D. H., C. J. Conway, T. I. Wellicome, M. Gregg, and J. L. Conley. 2014. Use of Solar-powered Satellite Transmitters in Assessing Migration Patterns of Burrowing Owls in Western North America. International User Conference on ARGOS Wildlife Applications. Baltimore, MD. 19 Nov 2014. November 2014
Jackson, C., A. Morris, K.T. Vierling, and C. J. Conway. 2023. What bait do Northern Idaho Ground Squirrels prefer? The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Louisville, KY. 7 Nov 2023. November 2023
Hoffman, J.W., A.J. Locatelli, C.J. Conway, K. Vierling, and A. Yen. 2022. Assessing Ectoparasite Loads on Western Burrowing Owls. Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Spokane, WA. 7 Nov 2022. November 2022
Herrington, A., A. Allison, C. J. Conway, and K. T. Vierling. 2019. Burrowing habits of Urocitellus brunneus. Ecological Society of America, Louisville, KY. 15 Aug 2019. August 2019
Helmstetter, N.A., C.J. Conway, S. Roberts, P.D. Makela, J.R. Adams, S.A. Nerkowski, and L.P. Waits 2022. Who Dunnit? A non-invasive method for identifying sage-grouse nest predators. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Boise, ID. 24 Feb 2022. February 2022
Helmstetter, N.A., C.J. Conway, S. Roberts, P.D. Makela, J.A. Adams, S.A. Nerkowski, and L.P. Waits. 2022. eDNA Applications for improving sage-grouse management: Detecting nest predators from eggshells after depredation events. Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Spokane, WA. 9 Nov 2022. November 2022
Helmstetter, N., C.J. Conway, and A.R. Goldberg. 2018. A new habitat model for northern Idaho ground squirrels. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Idaho Falls, ID. 7 Mar 2018 March 2018
Helmstetter, N., C.J. Conway, and A. Goldberg. 2017. Using Morphometrics to Estimate Age of Northern Idaho Ground Squirrels (Urocitellus brunneus). Idaho Conference on Undergraduate Research. Boise, ID. 26 Jul 2017. July 2017
Helmstetter, N., C.J. Conway, A.R. Goldberg, and B.S. Stevens. 2019. Predicting habitat suitability for a threatened ground squirrel: balancing model complexity and spatial transferability. Joint Meeting of The Wildlife Society and the American Fisheries Society, Reno, NV. 30 Sep 2019. September 2019
Harrity, E., and C.J. Conway. 2020. Marsh birding: In search of the Yuma Ridgway's rail. Audubon Society, Phoenix Chapter. Phoenix, AZ. Webinar. 16 April 2020. April 2020
Harrity, E., and C.J. Conway. 2019. Remotely-sensed metrics identify range-wide habitat suitability of an endangered marsh bird. Joint Meeting of The Wildlife Society and the American Fisheries Society, Reno, NV. 1 Oct 2019. October 2019
Harrity, E., and C. J. Conway. 2019. Annual migration patterns and range-wide habitat suitability models Yuma Ridgway’s rails. Southern Nevada Office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Las Vegas, Nevada. 15 May 2019. May 2019
Harrity, E. J., and C. J. Conway. 2018. Migration and dispersal movements of Yuma Ridgway’s rails: implications for solar facilities. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Palm Springs, CA. 29 Oct. 2018. October 2018
Harrity, E. J., and C. J. Conway. 2018. Do solar facilities in the southwestern U.S. pose a threat to Yuma Ridgway’s rails? Arizona Field Ornithologists. Ajo, AZ. 27 Oct. 2018. INVITED. October 2018
Harrity, E. J. and C. J. Conway. 2021. Annual migration behaviors of Yuma Ridgway’s Rails. Nevada Department of Wildlife. Virtual Meeting. Las Vegas, NV. 20 Jan 2021. INVITED. January 2021
Harrity, E. J, and C. J. Conway. 2020. Annual migration patterns and range-wide habitat suitability models for Ridgway’s rails. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service seminar series. Palm Springs, CA. webinar. 9 Nov 2020. November 2020
Harrity, E. 2018. The majestic great blue heron. Nez Perce National Historical Park. Year of the Bird Celebration. Nez Perce County, ID. 3 Mar 2018. March 2018
Gotsch, D., C.J. Conway, D.D. Musil, and S. Roberts. 2017. Prey for sage-grouse: Impacts of livestock grazing. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. Albuquerque, NM. 27 Sep 2017. September 2017
Gotsch, D., C. J. Conway, and D. Musil. 2017. Prey availability for sage-grouse chicks: effects of cattle grazing and vegetative structure. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Boise, ID. 2 Mar 2017. March 2017
Goldberg, A.R., C.J. Conway, D. Evans-Mack, and G. Burak. 2017. Effects of microclimate change on Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel hibernation. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Boise, ID. 2 Mar 2017. March 2017
Goldberg, A.R., C.J. Conway, D. Evans Mack, and G. Burak. 2021. Habitat selection and behavior of a threatened ground squirrel. Colorado State University Postdoctoral Association Spring Symposium, Fort Collins, CO, 30 March 2021. March 2021
Goldberg, A.R., C.J. Conway, D. Evans Mack, G. Burak, and D.E. Biggins. 2018. Effects of sylvatic plague on northern Idaho ground squirrels. Third Annual USFWS Science of the Service Symposium. Portland, OR. 17 Apr 2018. April 2018
Goldberg, A.R., C. J. Conway, D. Evans Mack, G. Burak, and D.E. Biggins. 2017. Effects of sylvatic plague on northern Idaho ground squirrels. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists. Moscow, ID. 22 Jun 2017. June 2017
Goldberg, A.R., C. J. Conway, D. Evans Mack, G. Burak, and D.E. Biggins. 2017. Effects of sylvatic plague on northern Idaho ground squirrels. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. Albuquerque, NM. 26 Sep 2017. September 2017
Goldberg, A. R., C. J. Conway, and D. Evans Mack. 2014. Why are Northern Idaho Ground Squirrels so Rare? Joint Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society and the Northwest Section of The Wildlife Society, Boise, ID. 4 March 2014. March 2014
Goldberg, A. R., C. J. Conway, D. Evans Mack, and E. Yensen. 2015. Why have populations of Northern Idaho Ground Squirrels declined? Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Pocatello, ID. 10 Mar 2015. March 2015
Goldberg, A. R., C. J. Conway, D. Evans Mack, G. Burak, and D. E. Biggins. 2016. Effects of sylvatic plague on Northern Idaho Ground Squirrels. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Coeur d' Alene, ID. 23 Feb 2016. February 2016
Glisson, W., and C. J. Conway. 2015. Validation of GAP’s deductive distribution models for marsh birds in the U.S. FY15 GAP Partnership Projects. USGS GAP program Webinar. 7 Apr 2015. April 2015
Glisson, W., and C. J. Conway. 2015. Influence of wetland features and anthropogenic threats on the breeding distribution of American Bitterns in the United States. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Pocatello, ID. 10 Mar 2015. March 2015
Garton, E. O., J. W. Connelly, and C. J. Conway. 2016. Estimating Sage-Grouse Population Abundance Across Sagebrush Landscapes Based On A Stratified-Random Sampling Design. North American Ornithological Conference VI. Washington, DC. 20 Aug 2016. August 2016
Garrett, M.J., S. Barbosa, S. Nerkowski, D. Evans Mack, C.J. Conway, P.A. Hohenlohe, and L.P. Waits. 2023. GT-seq for genetic monitoring: recovery planning for threatened ground squirrel. Ecological Society of America Annual Conference. Portland, OR. 9 Aug 2023. August 2023
Garrett, M.J., S. Barbosa, S. Nerkowski, D. Evans Mack, C.J. Conway, P.A. Hohenlohe, and L.P. Waits. 2023. GT-seq for genetic monitoring of threatened ground squirrel for recovery planning. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Louisville, KY. 7 Nov 2023. November 2023
Garrett, M.J., S. Barbosa, S. Nerkowski, D. Evans Mack, C.J. Conway, P.A. Hohenlohe, and L.P. Waits. 2022. Genetic monitoring of the threatened northern Idaho ground squirrel. 6th North American Congress for Conservation Biology. Reno, NV. 18 Jul 2022. July 2022
Garrett, M.J., S. Barbosa, S. Nerkowski, D. Evans Mack, C.J. Conway, P.A. Hohenlohe, and L.P. Waits. 2022. Genetic monitoring of the northern Idaho ground squirrel for species recovery plan. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Boise, ID. 24 Feb 2022. February 2022
Garrett, M.J., S. Barbosa, K.R. Andrews, A.R. Goldberg, D.S. Gour, P.A. Hohenlohe, C.J. Conway, and L.P. Waits. 2020. Evaluating genetic diversity and distinctiveness of northern and southern Idaho ground squirrel populations using adaptive and neutral loci. The Wildlife Society, virtual conference. 28 Sep 2020. September 2020
Garrett, M.J., S. Barbosa, D. Evans Mack, C.J. Conway, P.A. Hohenlohe, and L.P. Waits. 2021. Genetic monitoring of the Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel: Implications for species recovery. President’s Symposium entitled Conservation Genomics: Current Applications and Future Directions at the annual conference of the American Genetic Association, virtual conference. Snowbird, UT, 11 Oct 2021. October 2021
Garrett, M.J., S. Barbosa, D. Evans Mack, C.J. Conway, P.A. Hohenlohe, and L.P. Waits. 2021. Genetic monitoring of the Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel for species recovery plan. The Wildlife Society, virtual conference. 3 Nov 2021. November 2021
Garrett, M., S. Barbosa, K. R. Andrews, A. Goldberg, P. A. Hohenlohe, C. J. Conway, and L. Waits. 2020. Evaluating genetic diversity and distinctiveness of Northern and Southern Idaho ground squirrel populations using adaptive and neutral loci. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Moscow, ID. 11 March 2020. March 2020
Garcia, M.G., and C. J. Conway. 2014. Why have Burrowing Owls Disappeared from Portions of their Former Breeding Range? 4th International Burrowing Owl Symposium, Pasco, WA. 4 Feb 2014. February 2014
Garcia, M. G., and C. J. Conway. 2013. Influence of temperature, precipitation and vegetation on burrowing owl occupancy and abundance. 46th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society. 8 Feb 2013. February 2013
Garcia, H., K. Townsend, D. Oleyar, K. Vierling, and C.J. Conway. 2024. Forest restoration actions to benefit the northern Idaho ground squirrel: effects on invasive plant encroachment. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD. 23 Oct 2024. October 2024
Fletcher, T., J. Karl, C.J. Conway, V. Jansen, E. Strand, S. Roberts, and P. Makela. 2020. Use of global positioning system collars to assess the impact of livestock grazing on the Greater Sage-Grouse. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Moscow, ID. 11 March 2020. March 2020
Fletcher, T., J. Karl, C. Conway, V. Jansen and E. Strand. 2021. Assessing the impacts of scale on estimates of grazing intensity derived from livestock global positioning system collars. Society of Range Management, Annual Conference. 17 Feb 2021. February 2021
Fletcher, T., J. Karl, C. Conway, V. Jansen E. Strand, S. Roberts, and P. Makela. 2020. Using global positioning system collars to assess the impact of livestock grazing on the greater sage-grouse. The Wildlife Society, virtual conference. 28 Sep 2020. September 2020
Ellison, K. S., C. J. Conway, D. H. Johnson, S. J. Dinsmore, P. Skrade, R. J. Fisher, T. I. Wellicome, G. W. Page, T. L. Tibbitts, N. Warnock, J. Watson, E. Bayne, S. Olimb, and D. Jorgensen. 2015. Migratory grassland birds of the great plains: A comparison of migrations of five species and the implications for conservation. America's Grasslands Conference. Ft. Collins, CO. 29 Sep 2015. September 2015
Dornak, L.L., C. J. Conway, and J. Aycrigg. 2014. Are protected areas in the U.S. enough to conserve biodiversity? Special Symposium titled Conservation in the big picture: data and analysis to inform the future. Annual Conference of the International Association of Landscape Ecology. Anchorage, AK. 20 May 2014. May 2014
Dornak, L. L., C. J. Conway, and J. L. Aycrigg. 2013. Does the protected areas network in the US adequately protect birds of conservation concern? Joint Meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union and Cooper Ornithological Society, Chicago, IL. 16 Aug 2013. August 2013
Dillon, K.G., and C. J. Conway. 2015. Using GAP data to explain elevational patterns of avian species richness in the US. GAP Partnership Projects - Status Update Meeting. Webinar. 27 Oct 2015. October 2015
Dillon, K., and C. J. Conway. 2014. Birds breeding across elevation gradients; how birds adjust their reproductive effort in response to variation in spring temperatures and timing of breeding. Special Symposium entitled Alpine Ornithology: ecological adaptations and challenges for birds breeding in mountain ecosystems. AOU/COS/SCO-SOC Joint Annual Meeting, Estes Park, CO. 24 September 2014. September 2014
Dillon, K. G., and C. J. Conway. 2013. Does nest predation or food limitation explain the elevational gradient in clutch size in Red-faced Warblers? Joint Meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union and Cooper Ornithological Society, Chicago, IL. 15 Aug 2013. August 2013
Dillon, K. G., and C. J. Conway. 2012. Breeding Biology of Red-faced Warblers in the Santa Catalina Mountains. Arizona Field Ornithologists. Lake Havasu City, AZ. 27 Oct 2012. October 2012
Dillon, K. G., and C. J. Conway. 2011. Ecological causes of elevational gradients in clutch size. Arizona Field Ornithologists. Phoenix, AZ. 22 Oct 2011. October 2011
Cook, E., Z. Zuniga, J. T. Styhl, K. T. Vierling, and C. J. Conway. 2019. Watching the grass grow: measuring the growth rates of common sagebrush-steppe grass species. Moscow Outdoor Science School, McCall, ID. 26 Jul 2019. July 2019
Conway, M., and C. J. Conway. 2012. Effects of a changing climate on breeding phenology, clutch size and reproductive success in burrowing owls. North American Ornithological Conference. Vancouver, BC, Canada, 15 Aug 2012. August 2012
Conway, M., and C. J. Conway. 2012. Climate effects on breeding phenology, clutch size, and reproductive success in burrowing owls. Natural Resources Graduate Student Forum, University of Arizona. Tucson, AZ. 9 Aug 2012. August 2012
Conway, C.J., and K.L. Launchbaugh. 2016. Grouse & Grazing: How does spring livestock grazing influence sage-grouse populations? Public Lands Endowment Board of Directors Annual Meeting. Boise, ID. 7 Sep 2016. September 2016
Conway, C.J., and E. Harrity. 2018. Are solar facilities in the southwestern U.S. a threat to Yuma Ridgway's rails? Special Symposium: Avian-solar interactions: Understanding and responding to impacts on birds of an emerging clean-energy industry. American Ornithological Society. Tucson, AZ. 12 Apr 2018. April 2018
Conway, C.J., and E. Harrity. 2017. Fire as a tool for improving habitat quality of wetland-dependent birds in the southwestern U.S. Annual Meeting of the Association of Fire Ecology. Orlando, FL. 30 Nov 2017. November 2017
Conway, C.J., and A.R. Goldberg. 2017. Effects of forest restoration treatments on the northern Idaho ground squirrel. Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel Technical Team Meeting. Boise, ID. 13 Nov 2017. November 2017
Conway, C.J., and A.C. Orabona. 2022. Transcontinental travel: migration of Wyoming’s burrowing owls across North America. Wyoming Game and Fish Commission. Cody, WY. 24 Mar 2022. March 2022
Conway, C.J., and A.C. Orabona. 2022. Transcontinental travel: migration of Wyoming’s burrowing owls across North America. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society annual conference. Jackson, WY. 13 Apr 2022. April 2022
Conway, C.J., and A.C. Orabona. 2022. Transcontinental travel: migration of Wyoming’s burrowing owls across North America. Nebraska Chapter of The Wildlife Society annual conference. Online conference. 23 Feb 2022. February 2022
Conway, C.J., and A. Macias-Duarte. 2014. Continental Patterns in Migration and Dispersal of Burrowing Owls based on Genetics and Stable Isotopes. 4th International Burrowing Owl Symposium, Pasco, WA. 4 Feb 2014. February 2014
Conway, C.J., and A. Goldberg. 2019. Effects of experimental forest restoration treatments, diet, and plague of the threatened Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel. Payette National Forest Supervisors Office. McCall, ID. 26 Apr 2019. April 2019
Conway, C.J., and A. Goldberg. 2018. Effects of forest restoration on abundance and diet of Northern Idaho Ground Squirrels. Annual NIDGS Technical Team Meeting. McCall, ID. 6 Dec 2018. December 2018
Conway, C.J., T.I. Wellicome, and C.G. Lundblad. 2020. Migration behavior of western burrowing owls throughout North America. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Moscow, ID. 11 March 2020. March 2020
Conway, C.J., T.I. Wellicome, and A.J. Locatelli. 2023. Continental patterns in migratory movements of Western Burrowing Owls in North America. Western Section of The Wildlife Society. Riverside, CA. 6 Feb 2023. February 2023
Conway, C.J., K.L. Launchbaugh, P. Makela, S. Roberts, C. Tisdale, and N. Helmstetter. 2024.Effects of cattle grazing on greater sage-grouse: Idaho Grouse & Grazing Project. USGS Land Management Research Program Sagebrush & Fire Science Webinar Series. Virtual. 22 Feb 2024. February 2024
Conway, C.J., K. Launchbaugh, D. Musil, P. Makela, and S. Roberts. 2017. Effects of Livestock Grazing Intensity on Greater Sage-grouse. BLM Idaho Leadership Team meeting, Boise, ID. 11 Apr 2017. April 2017
Conway, C.J., K. Launchbaugh, C. Tisdale, P. Makela, and S. Roberts. 2022. Effects of cattle grazing on demographic and behavioral traits of greater sage-grouse: a 10-year experimental study. 5th Gunnison Sage-grouse Summit. Gunnison, CO. 5 Apr 2022. April 2022
Conway, C.J., K. Launchbaugh, A. Meyers, D. Musil, P. Makela, and S. Roberts. 2019. Summary of project goals and accomplishments. Briefing session for Idaho Agency Directors. Boise, ID. 31 Oct 2019. October 2019
Conway, C.J., J. Falke, and P. Mazik. 2023. Similarities and differences in cooperator support among CRU Coop Units. USGS CRU All-Hands Meeting. Tampa, FL. 1 Mar 2023. March 2023
Conway, C.J., D.H. Johnson, C.G. Lundblad, and J.L. Conley. 2017. Migratory behavior and dispersal of burrowing owls throughout North America. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. Albuquerque, NM. 25 Sep 2017. September 2017
Conway, C.J., D.H. Johnson, C.G. Lundblad, and J.L. Conley. 2017. Migratory Behavior and Breeding Dispersal of Burrowing Owls in the western United States. World Owl Conference. Evora, Portugal. 30 Sep 2017. September 2017
Conway, C.J., C.G. Lundblad, and A.J. Locatelli. 2023. Latitudinal Patterns in Survival, Fecundity, Migration, Dispersal, and Fidelity of Burrowing Owls in North America. Raptor Research Foundation. Albuquerque, NM. 20 Oct 2023. October 2023
Conway, C.J., C. Tisdale, K.L. Launchbaugh, S.B. Roberts, P. Makela and B. Stevens. 2024.Relationship between cattle grazing and demographic traits of greater sage-grouse: The Grouse & Grazing Project. WAFWA 34th Biennial Sage & Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop. Wenatchee, WA. 6 Aug 2024. August 2024
Conway, C.J., C. Tisdale, K. Launchbaugh, P. Makela, and S. Roberts. 2023. Effects of cattle grazing on greater sage-grouse. USGS-BLM Sage and Fire Research Workshop. 2 Feb 2023. INVITED. February 2023
Conway, C.J., C. Tisdale, K. Launchbaugh, P. Makela, and S. Roberts. 2021. Effects of spring cattle grazing on greater sage-grouse. USGS Sage and Fire Research Workshop. 9 Nov 2021. November 2021
Conway, C.J., C. Tisdale, K. Launchbaugh, P. Makela, and S. Roberts. 2021. Effects of cattle grazing on greater sage-grouse. Annual Planning Team Meeting. Virtual. 12 Nov 2021. November 2021
Conway, C.J., A. Goldberg, D. Evans Mack, G. Burak, D. Biggins, A. Egnew, J. Almack, and R. Richards. 2016. Northern Idaho ground squirrel research projects: preliminary results and current status. Payette Forest Coalition meeting. McCall, ID. 19 May 2016. PRESENTED. INVITED. May 2016
Conway, C.J. A. Meyers, D. Musil, P. Makela, S. Roberts, and K. Launchbaugh. 2019. Relationship between Grass Height and Nesting Success of Greater Sage-Grouse. Joint Meeting of The Wildlife Society and the American Fisheries Society, Reno, NV. 2 Oct 2019. October 2019
Conway, C.J. 2024. Tips for how to become a successful Coop Unit Scientist. USGS-CRU New Employee Orientation. Austin, TX. 25 Jan 2024. January 2024
Conway, C.J. 2024. Annual Migration of Burrowing Owls. Paradise Chapter of The Audubon Society. Moscow, ID. 2 Oct 2024 October 2024
Conway, C.J. 2022. The Odd Life of an Underground Owl: Tracking Imperiled Western Burrowing Owls. Cowiche Canyon Conservancy’s Public Seminar Series. Virtual. Yakima Valley College, Yakima, WA. 18 Jan 2022. January 2022
Conway, C.J. 2022. Burrowing owls and desert tortoises: mutualism, commensalism, or parasitism? Annual Meeting of the Desert Tortoise Preserve Committee. Virtual. 29 Jan 2022. January 2022
Conway, C.J. 2021. A review of ecology and management of North American rails: lessons learned for management and recovery of Eastern Black Rails. TWS conference. Virtual. 3 Nov 2021. November 2021
Conway, C.J. 2019. Summary of project goals and accomplishments. Grouse & Grazing Interagency Annual Planning Team Meeting. Boise, ID. 30 Oct 2019. October 2019
Conway, C.J. 2017. Summary of project goals and accomplishments. Grouse & Grazing Interagency Annual Planning Team Meeting. Twin Falls, ID. 26 Oct 2017. October 2017
Conway, C.J. 2016. Summary of project goals and accomplishments. Grouse & Grazing Interagency Annual Planning Team Meeting. Arco, ID. 20 Sep 2016. September 2016
Conway, C.J. 2018. Status and Migratory Behavior of the Western Burrowing Owl: Parallels between Burrowing Owls and Desert Tortoises. 43rd Annual Symposium of the Desert Tortoise Council. Las Vegas, NV. 27 Feb 2018. February 2018
Conway, C.J. 2017. Relationships between livestock grazing and wildlife. Rangeland Center Fall Forum. Boise, ID. 6 Oct 2017. PRESENTED. INVITED. October 2017
Conway, C.J. 2014. Latitudinal Gradients in Population Trends and Demographic Traits of Burrowing Owls: Causes and Consequences. 4th International Burrowing Owl Symposium. Pasco, WA. 4 Feb 2014. February 2014
Conway, C.J. 2014. Invited Panelist for special symposium titled Working Together: Understanding and Leveraging Gender Differences in the Wildlife Profession. Joint Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society and the Northwest Section of The Wildlife Society, Boise, ID. 6 March 2014. March 2014
Conway, C. J., and W. Glisson. 2015. Validation of GAP's deductive distribution models for marsh birds in the U.S. GAP Partnership Projects - Status Update Meeting. Webinar. 27 Oct 2015. October 2015
Conway, C. J., and L. Waits. 2014. Approaches for engaging state agencies and academia in training the next generation of fish and wildlife biologists. Idaho Department of Fish & Game Panhandle Region Staff Meeting, Coeur d’ Alene, ID. 8 September 2014. September 2014
Conway, C. J., and L. Waits. 2014. Approaches for engaging state agencies and academia in training the next generation of fish and wildlife biologists. Idaho Department of Fish & Game Clearwater Region Staff Meeting, Lewiston, ID. 29 September 2014. September 2014
Conway, C. J., and K. Launchbaugh. 2014. How does spring livestock grazing influence sage-grouse populations? Idaho Sage-grouse Advisory Committee Meeting, Boise, ID. 28 May 2014. May 2014
Conway, C. J., and K. Launchbaugh. 2014. Cattle grazing effects on sage-grouse populations. Grouse & Grazing Planning Team Meeting. Twin Falls, ID. 18 September 2014. September 2014
Conway, C. J., and B. S. Stevens. 2019. Marsh bird monitoring and data management for North America. Atlantic Flyway Council meeting. Kitty Hawk, NC. 26 Feb 2019. February 2019
Conway, C. J., W. Glisson, K. Borgmann, J. Aycrigg, and T. Laxson. 2014. Using GAP data to predict range-wide habitat suitability and assess threats to the long-term persistence of marsh birds. USGS GAP Partnership Projects webinar. 18 Dec 2014. December 2014
Conway, C. J., K. Launchbaugh, D. Musil, P. Makela, and S. Roberts. 2017. The Idaho Grouse & Grazing Project: a collaborative, landscape-scale experiment to assess the effects of cattle grazing. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Bird Conservation Partnership, Boise, ID. 27 Feb 2017. February 2017
Conway, C. J., K. Launchbaugh, D. Musil, P. Makela, and S. Roberts. 2017. Effects of Livestock Grazing Intensity on Nesting Success and Brood Movements in Greater Sage-grouse. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Boise, ID. 2 Mar 2017. March 2017
Conway, C. J., K. Launchbaugh, D. Musil, P. Makela, S. Roberts, A. Meyers, C. Tisdale. 2020. Effects of cattle grazing on sage-grouse: The Grouse & Grazing Project. USGS Sagebrush and Fire Research - Info Transfer Workshop. Online Webinar. 10 Dec 2020. December 2020
Conway, C. J., K. Launchbaugh, A. Meyers, D. Musil, P. Makela, and S. Roberts. 2017. The Grouse & Grazing Project. Public Forum. Burley, ID. 27 Oct 2017. October 2017
Conway, C. J., K. Launchbaugh, A. Meyers, D. Musil, P. Makela, and S. Roberts. 2017. Effects of grazing on sage-grouse and other shrub-steppe birds: a collaborative project to inform management of sage-steppe rangelands. Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative Webinar Series. 13 Sep 2017. September 2017
Conway, C. J., K. Launchbaugh, A. Meyers, D. Musil, P. Makela, and S. Roberts. 2017. Effects of Cattle Grazing on Greater Sage-grouse and Other Sagebrush-steppe Birds. Special Symposium at the Annual Meeting of the American Ornithological Society. East Lansing, MI. 5 Aug 2017. August 2017
Conway, C. J., K. Launchbaugh, A. Locatelli, W. Pratt, P. Makela, D. Kemner, D. Musil, S. Roberts. 2015. Experimental study to assess effects of spring cattle grazing on Sage-Grouse. Annual Meeting of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Tucson, AZ. 15 Sep 2015. September 2015
Conway, C. J., K. Launchbaugh, A. Locatelli, D. Musil, P. Makela, and S. Roberts. 2016. Effects of spring-season cattle grazing on greater sage-grouse. Western Agencies Sage and Columbian Sharp-Tailed Grouse Workshop. Lander, WY. 14 Jun 2016. PRESENTED. June 2016
Conway, C. J., K. Launchbaugh, A. Locatelli, D. Musil, P. Makela, and S. Roberts. 2016. Effects of spring-season cattle grazing on greater sage-grouse. USGS/BLM Grazing Research Webinar. 13 Jul 2016. PRESENTED. INVITED. July 2016
Conway, C. J., K. Launchbaugh, A. Locatelli, D. Musil, P. Makela, and S. Roberts. 2015. Cattle grazing effects on sage-grouse populations. Grouse & Grazing Planning Team Meeting. Gooding, ID. 17 Sep 2015. September 2015
Conway, C. J., K. Launchbaugh, A. Locatelli, D. Musil, P. Makela, and S. Roberts. 2016. Large-scale field experiments to assess the effects of cattle grazing on Greater Sage-Grouse. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Coeur d' Alene, ID. 23 Feb 2016. February 2016
Conway, C. J., K. Launchbaugh, A. Locatelli, D. Musil, P. Makela, and S. Roberts. 2015. Large-scale field experiments to assess the effects of cattle grazing on Greater Sage-Grouse. Tri-state coordination meeting for sage-grouse grazing research. 4 Nov 2015. November 2015
Conway, C. J., J. W. Connelly, K. Launchbaugh, D. Gotsch, W. Pratt, P. Makela, D. Kemner, D. Musil, E. Strand, J. Robison, and J. Whiting. 2015. Effects of spring cattle grazing on sage-Grouse: a project update. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Pocatello, ID. 10 Mar 2015. March 2015
Conway, C. J., J. Aycrigg, J. Lonnecker, and T. Laxson. 2013. Using GAP data to predict range-wide habitat suitability and assess threats to the long-term persistence of marsh birds. USGS GAP Partnership Projects webinar. 27 Nov 2013. November 2013
Conway, C. J., A. Meyers, and K. Launchbaugh. 2018. Summary of progress and results on grouse-grazing project. Annual Grouse&Grazing Planning Team meeting. Challis, ID. 3 Oct 2018. October 2018
Conway, C. J., A. Locatelli, D. Musil, S. Roberts, K. Launchbaugh, and P. Makela. 2016. Effects of spring cattle grazing on Greater Sage-Grouse: a 10-year experimental study to manipulate grazing regimes in Idaho. Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation Conference: All Lands, All Hands. Salt Lake City, UT. 25 Feb 2016. PRESENTED. INVITED. February 2016
Conway, C. J. 2015. Annual summary of productivity and terrestrial research conducted by the Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Annual Cooperators Meeting, Moscow, ID. 7 Apr 2015. April 2015
Conway, C. J. 2007. Can prescribed fire be used as a tool to recover the endangered Yuma clapper rail? SNR Advisory Council Spring Meeting. 10 May 2007. May 2007
Conway, C. J. 2018. Relationship between sage-grouse and livestock grazing. Meeting with BLM, USFS, ranchers. Challis, ID. 26 Nov 2018. November 2018
Conway, C. J. 2014. Continental Patterns in Demography and Migration of Burrowing Owls in North America. University of Idaho’s Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Moscow, ID. 26 Feb 2014. February 2014
Conway, C. J. 2013. Stakeholder reflections on collective challenges. Idaho Department of Fish and Wildlife Bureau of Wildlife Summer Meeting, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. 11 Sep 2013. September 2013
Conway, C. J. 2013. Critical thinking and the ethics of co-authorship. Behind the Scenes of Scientific Publication and Critical Review Workshop. The Wildlife Society, Milwaukee, WI. 5 October 2013. October 2013
Conway, C. J. 2012. Challenges for young male and female professionals returning to Central and Caribbean Countries. University of Idaho. Moscow, ID. 22 May 2012. May 2012
Conway, C. J. 2012. Behind the Scenes of Scientific Publication and Critical Review. Workshop sponsored by the Student Professional Development and Early Career Professional Working Groups of The Wildlife Society. Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Portland, OR. 13 Oct 2012. October 2012
Conway, C. J. 2011. Effects of land-use and management actions on game and nongame birds. Seminar, Idaho Fish and Game Department, Boise, ID. 8 June 2011. June 2011
Contreras, C., C.J. Conway, K. Vierling, A. Morris, A. Alison, and A. Snyder. 2022. Effects of Soil Properties on Selection of Winter Hibernacula by Northern Idaho Ground Squirrels. Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Spokane, WA. 9 Nov 2022. November 2022
Connnelly, J.W., C. J. Conway, D. Kemner, K. Launchbaugh, W. Pratt, K. P. Reese, E. T. Rinkes, J. Robison, E. Strand, and J. Whiting. 2013. Grouse and Grazing in Idaho: a collaborative approach to answering difficult questions. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. 13 March 2013. March 2013
Cardenas-Ritzert, E., A. Morris, K.T. Vierling, and C. J. Conway. 2023. Raptor presence at Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel colonies. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Louisville, KY. 7 Nov 2023. November 2023
Cano Perez, A., O. Cardenas-Ritzert, K. T. Vierling, C. J. Conway, and A. Allison. 2019. What hibernacula characteristics does the northern Idaho ground squirrel select for? Moscow Outdoor Science School, McCall, ID. 26 Jul 2019. July 2019
Campos Garcia, S., A. Allison, A. Morris, C.J. Conway, K. Vierling, and A. Yen. 2022. Does Plant Taxa Affect the Selection of Habitat by the Northern Idaho Ground Squirrel? Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Spokane, WA. 9 Nov 2022. November 2022
Cain, J., C. Roberts, S. Bonar, C.J. Conway, W.M. Ford, E. Hunter, and J. Falke. 2023. Fish and Wildlife Responses to Wildfire and Restoration of Forests and Grasslands. USGS CRU All-Hands Meeting. Tampa, FL. 2 Mar 2023. March 2023
Brock, M., A. E. Morris, C. J. Conway, and K. T. Vierling. 2024. Spatial and temporal overlap in foraging activity of Northern Idaho Ground Squirrels and Columbian Ground Squirrels. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD. 23 Oct 2024. October 2024
Braker, E., C. M. Moffitt, K. Vierling, C. Conway, and M. Quist. 2015. Investment in Mentoring to Promote Diversity in Conservation Professions. Poster presentation Idaho Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Boise, ID. 4 March 2015. March 2015
Barbosa, S., K. Andrews, A. Goldberg, D. Singh-Gour, B. Bosworth, P. Hohenlohe, C.J. Conway, and L. Waits. 2019. Landscape genomics of adaptive differentiation in two sister species of Idaho ground squirrels. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Boise, ID. 21 Mar 2019. March 2019
Barbosa, S., K. Andrews, A. Goldberg, D. Singh-Gour, B. Bosworth, P. Hohenlohe, C. J. Conway, and L. Waits. 2019. Landscape genomics of adaptive differentiation in two sister species of Idaho Ground Squirrels. Joint Meeting of The Wildlife Society and the American Fisheries Society, Reno, NV. 1 Oct 2019. October 2019
Aycrigg, J. L., J. Sauer, D. Fink, D. Mehlman, K. V. Rosenberg, L. L Dornak, and C. J. Conway. 2013. National survey and observational databases inform bird conservation efforts. The Wildlife Society, Milwaukee, WI. 8 October 2013. October 2013
Allison, A. Z. T., and C. J. Conway. 2022. Daily foraging activity of an imperiled ground squirrel: effects of hibernation, thermal environment, body condition, and population density. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Boise, ID. 24 Feb 2022. February 2022
Aguilar McFarlane, P.L., A.Z.T. Allison, C.J. Conway, K.T. Vierling, and A. Yen. 2021. Meadow or forest species: What do northern Idaho ground squirrels prefer? Ecological Society of America Annual Conference. Virtual. 4 Aug 2021. August 2021
Technical Publications Publication Date
Swann, D. E., C. J. Conway, and A. Hubbard. 2011. Linking Resource Managers to Research Scientists: A Pilot Project in Mentoring for Improved Science Communication in National Parks. Final Report submitted to Western National Parks Association. May 2011
Swann, D. E., C. J. Conway, and A. Hubbard. 2011. Linking Resource Managers to Research Scientists: A Pilot Project in Mentoring for Improved Science Communication in National Parks. Final Report submitted to DSCESU. May 2011
Swann, D. E., C. J. Conway, and A. Hubbard. 2010. Linking Resource Managers to Research Scientists: A Pilot Project in Mentoring for Improved Science Communication in National Parks. Wildlife Research Report #2010-05, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. December 2010
Seamans, M., J. Wheeler, K. Koch, T. Cooper, C. Conway, C. Dwyer, and G. Shriver 2013. Monitoring marshbirds to inform sound conservation and management decisions at multiple scales: Briefings and Recommendations One Year after the 2011 Marshbird Summit. September 2013
Santisteban, L., C. P. Nadeau, and C. J. Conway. 2011. Evaluating Population Trends and Breeding Density for 14 Species of Secretive Marsh Birds in North America. Wildlife Research Report # 2011-01. USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, Arizona. February 2011
Santisteban, L., C. J. Conway, C. P. Nadeau, M. A. Conway, and J. Reinman. 2010. Habitat Use and Effects of Regional Call Dialects on the Effectiveness of Call-broadcast Surveys for Secretive Marsh Birds at St. Marks and St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuges. Wildlife Report # 2010-02. USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, Arizona. June 2010
Rosenberg, D. K., J. Gervais, C. J. Conway, and V. Garcia. 2007. Assessment of foot and leg abnormalities in the Burrowing Owl at Naval Air Station Lemoore. Final Report submitted to Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Southwest, San Diego, CA. July 2007
Ogonowski, M.S., C. P. Nadeau, and C. J. Conway. 2009. Restoration of managed marsh units to benefit California black rails and other marsh birds: an adaptive management approach, August 2009 Progress Report. Wildlife Research Report #2009-03, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. September 2009
Ogonowski, M. S. and C. J. Conway. 2006. Migratory status and factors influencing winter residency of burrowing owls in southern Arizona. Final Report submitted to the Arizona Bird Conservation Initiative, Arizona Game and Fish Department, June 2006. November 2006
Nadeau, C. P., and C. J. Conway. 2010. Restoration of managed marsh units to benefit California black rails and other marsh birds: an adaptive management approach, February 2010 Progress Report. Wildlife Research Report #2010-05, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. July 2010
Nadeau, C. P., and C. J. Conway. 2009. Restoration of managed marsh units to benefit California black rails and other marsh birds: an adaptive management approach, March 2009 Progress Report. Wildlife Research Report #2009-08, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. December 2009
Nadeau, C. P., C. J. Conway, and N. A. Rathbun. 2010. Density of Yuma clapper rails and California black rails within a proposed geothermal power plant site in Imperial Valley, California. Wildlife Research Report #2010-07, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. December 2010
Nadeau, C. P., C. J. Conway, M. Conway, and M. Ogonowski. 2011. Habitat requirements of California black rails, Yuma clapper rails, and western least Bitterns: an adaptive management approach, Final Report to Wildlife Conservation Fund, Arizona Game and Fish Department. Wildlife Research Report #2011-06, USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. August 2011
Nadeau, C. P., C. J. Conway, M. A. Conway, and J. Reinman. 2010. Variation in Clapper Rail and Least Bittern Detection Probability Among Tidal Stages on the Northern Coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Wildlife Research Report #2010-01, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. May 2010
Nadeau, C. P., B. S. Smith, C. J. Conway, and T. Lewis. 2006. Effects of survey method on observer bias and detection probability of marsh birds on St. Vincent NWR. Wildlife Research Report No. 2006-04. USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, Arizona. November 2006
Littlefield, J. 2006. Making a Home in the Desert: Burrowing Owl Ecology and Conservation Studies. Arizona Land and People 51(1):2-3. (staff writer for Arizona Land and People wrote the story after interviewing the scientist about his research program on burrowing owls). July 2006
Kirkpatrick, C., and C. J. Conway. 2005. Reproductive success and habitat associations of riparian birds within the Sky Island mountains of southeastern Arizona. Final Report submitted to Arizona Bird Conservation Initiative, Arizona Game and Fish Department. Wildlife Research Report #2005-07. U. S. Geological Survey Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, Arizona. August 2005
Kirkpatrick, C., and C. J. Conway. 2005. An evaluation of survey methods for monitoring interior populations of band-tailed pigeons. Pages 21-23 in D.D. Dolton, ed., Webless Migratory Game Bird Research Program, 2004 Annual Report. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver, CO. February 2005
Kirkpatrick, C., and C. J. Conway. 2009. Effects of Researcher disturbance on nesting success of Red-faced Warblers: a species of conservation concern. Wildlife Research Report #2009-01. U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. April 2009
Kirkpatrick, C., and C. J. Conway. 2008. Montane Forest Birds in the Santa Catalina Mountains: Monitoring Population Trends and Reproductive Success and Examining Potential Limiting Factors for Breeding Populations. Wildlife Research Report #2008-03. U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. December 2008
Kirkpatrick, C., and C. J. Conway. 2006. Effects of groundwater withdrawal on riparian birds in Arizona. Final Report submitted to Arizona Bird Conservation Initiative, Arizona Game and Fish Department. Wildlife Research Report #2006-02. USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, Arizona. July 2006
Kirkpatrick, C., and C. J. Conway. 2005. Reproductive success and habitat associations of riparian birds within the Sky Island mountains of southeastern Arizona. Final Report submitted to Arizona Bird Conservation Initiative, Arizona Game and Fish Department. Wildlife Research Report #2005-07. USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, Arizona. October 2005
Kirkpatrick, C., and C. J. Conway. 2005. An evaluation of survey methods for monitoring interior populations of band-tailed pigeons. Pages 21-23 in D.D. Dolton, ed., Webless Migratory Game Bird Research Program, 2004 Annual Report. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver, CO. October 2005
Kirkpatrick, C., C. J. Conway, and M. Ali. 2004. Population Size, Reproductive Success, and Habitat Associations of Montane Forest Birds in Southeastern Arizona. Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Wildlife Research Report #04-2004. April 2004
Kirkpatrick, C., C. J. Conway, and K. Hughes. 2004. Band-tailed Pigeon Survey Method Evaluation and Natural History in Arizona. Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Wildlife Research Report #02-2004. June 2004
Kirkpatrick, C., C. J. Conway, and D. LaRoche.� 2006.� Effects of wildland fires on buff-breasted flycatchers and other forest birds in southeastern Arizona. Final Report to Joint Fire Science Program.� Wildlife Research Report #2006-05, USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. September 2006
Kirkpatrick, C., C. J. Conway, and D. LaRoche.� 2006.� Effects of wildfires on buff-breasted flycatchers and other forest birds in southeastern Arizona. Final Report to Arizona Game and Fish Department.� Wildlife Research Report #2006-01, USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. July 2006
Kirkpatrick, C., C. J. Conway, and D. LaRoche. 2009. Quantifying impacts of ground water withdrawal on avian abundance, species richness, and reproductive success in Sonoran Desert parks - NRPP. Wildlife Research Report #2009-06, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. December 2009
Kirkpatrick, C., C. J. Conway, and D. LaRoche. 2009. Effects of ground water withdrawal on avian abundance and species richness in riparian areas of National Parks in the Desert Southwest - POBS. Wildlife Research Report #2009-07, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. December 2009
Kirkpatrick, C., C. J. Conway, and D. LaRoche. 2009. The Effect of Surface Water Depletion and Vegetation Health on Arizona’s Riparian Birds. Wildlife Research Report #2009-05, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. November 2009
Kirkpatrick, C., C. J. Conway, and D. LaRoche. 2009. Quantifying impacts of surface and ground water depletion on riparian bird communities in Arizona. Wildlife Research Report #2009-02, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. May 2009
Kirkpatrick, C., C. J. Conway, and D. LaRoche. 2007. Quantifying impacts of groundwater withdrawal on avian communities in desert riparian woodlands of the southwestern U.S. Final Report submitted to Department of Defense Legacy Resource Management Program, Arlington, VA. Wildlife Research Report #2007-01. USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, Arizona. February 2007
Kirkpatrick, C., C. J. Conway, and D. LaRoche. 2006. Effects of wildland fires on buff-breasted flycatchers and other forest birds in southeastern Arizona. Final Report to North American Migratory Bird Conservation Act Program. Wildlife Research Report #2006-06, USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. October 2006
Kirkpatrick, C., C. J. Conway, K. Hughes, and J. deVos. 2005. An evaluation of survey methods for monitoring interior populations of band-tailed pigeons. Final Report. Wildlife Research Report #2005-03, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. March 2005
Kirkpatrick, C., C. J. Conway, K. Hughes, and J. deVos. 2005. An evaluation of survey methods for monitoring interior populations of band-tailed pigeons. Final Report. Wildlife Research Report #2005-03, USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. October 2005
Kirkpatrick, C., C. J. Conway, D. D. LaRoche, and G. Robinson. 2010. The influence of water quality on the health of riparian bird communities in Arizona. Wildlife Research report 2009-03, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperitve Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. June 2010
Hughes, K., and C. J. Conway. 2005. Band-tailed pigeon habitat use in southeastern Arizona. Final Project Report to T&E, Inc. U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. April 2005
Hughes, K., and C. J. Conway. 2005. Band-tailed pigeon habitat use in southeastern Arizona. Final Project Report to T&E, Inc. USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. October 2005
Harrity, E. J., and C. J. Conway. 2018. Dispersal and migration behavior of Yuma Ridgway’s rails. 2018 Annual Report. Wildlife Research Report #2018-1. Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Moscow, ID.  November 2018
Garcia, V., and C. J. Conway. 2008. Annual report for 2007 on a plan to conserve and manage burrowing owls on Naval Base Coronado. USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ September 2008
Garcia, V., and C. J. Conway. 2007. Roundup� Applications to Control Buffelgrass in Pima County: Effects on Burrowing Owls. Wildlife Research Report #2007-07. USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, Arizona. December 2007
Garcia, V., and C. J. Conway. 2007. Plan to conserve and manage burrowing owls on Naval Base Coronado. Wildlife Research Report #2007-05, USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. June 2007
Garcia, V., C. J. Conway, and T. Burr. 2008. Annual report for 2008 on a plan to conserve and manage burrowing owls on Naval Base Coronado. USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ December 2008
Garcia, V., C. J. Conway, and L. A. Ellis. 2007. Protocols for estimating burrowing owl reproductive parameters based on data recorded during repeated visits to occupied burrows. Wildlife Research Report #2007-06, USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ November 2007
Garcia, V. and C.J. Conway. 2010. A Plan to Conserve and Manage Burrowing Owls on Naval Base Coronado, San Diego, CA. Wildlife Research Report #2010-06, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. December 2010
Erwin, R. M., C. J. Conway, S. W. Hadden, J. S. Hatfield, and S. M. Melvin. 2003. Waterbird Monitoring Protocol for Cape Cod National Seashore and other Coastal Parks, Refuges, and Protected Areas: A Protocol for the Long-term Coastal Ecosystem Monitoring Program at Cape Cod National Seashore. Long-term Coastal Ecosystem Monitoring Program, National Park Service, Wellfleet, MA. June 2003
Erwin, R. M., C. J. Conway, S. W. Hadden, J. S. Hatfield, S. M. Melvin. 2001. Waterbird Monitoring Protocol for Cape Cod National Seashore and other Coastal Parks, Refuges, and Protected Areas. NPS-BRD/USGS Long-Term Coastal Ecosystem Monitoring Program, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, Maryland. December 2001
Ellis, L.A., and C.J. Conway. 2003. Burrowing owl demography in southeastern Arizona. 2002 Annual Report, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, U.S.G.S., Arizona Game and Fish Department, Tucson, AZ. February 2003
Ellis, L. A., C. J. Conway, and M. S. Ogonowski. 2004. Demography of urban-nesting Burrowing Owls (Athene cunicularia) in southern Arizona. Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Wildlife Research Report #04-04. June 2004
Dolan, C., D. Swann, and C. J. Conway. 2010. How might climate change affect Saguaro National Park? Wildlife Research Report #2010-08, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. December 2010
Dillon, K. G., and C. J. Conway. 2017. Patterns and causes of elevational variation in avian species richness. Final Report for USGS GAP Analysis Program. December 2017
Conway, M., and C. J. Conway. 2012. Relative abundance of Yuma clapper rails within proposed improvement sites along the Union Pacific Railroad in Imperial Valley, California. Wildlife Research Report #2012-01, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. February 2012
Conway, M., and C. J. Conway. 2011. Relative abundance of Yuma clapper rails within proposed improvement sites along the Union Pacific Railroad in Imperial Valley, California. Wildlife Research Report #2011-03, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. July 2011
Conway, M., and C. J. Conway. 2011. Relative abundance of Yuma clapper rails and California Black Rails within a restored marsh in Imperial Valley, California. Wildlife Research Report #2011-04, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. June 2011
Conway, M. A., C. P. Nadeau, and C. J. Conway. 2010. Optimal seasonal timing of marsh bird surveys and the effect of water quality on marsh bird relative abundance in south Florida. Wildlife Research Report #2010-04, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. July 2010
Conway, M. A., C. P. Nadeau, C. J. Conway, B.S. Smith, and J. Reinman. 2011. Evaluating the efficacy of night surveys for eastern black rails. Wildlife Research Report # 2011-02. USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, Arizona. May 2011
Conway, C.J., and M.D. Smith. 2000. Owls and golf courses may be mutually beneficial. Golf Course News 12(5):22 April 2000
Conway, C.J., and M.D. Smith. 2000. Burrowing owl conservation on golf courses in North America. Annual Report, U.S. Golf Association, Stillwater, OK 14pp November 2000
Conway, C.J., and M. D. Smith. 2001. Burrowing Owl Conservation on golf courses in North America. Annual Report, U.S. Golf Association, Stillwater, OK. 13 pp. 6 December 2001. December 2001
Conway, C.J., and J.P. Gibbs. 2001. Factors influencing detection probablity and the benefits of call-broadcast surveys for monitoring marsh birds. Final Report submitted to U.S. Fish and Widlife Service, Patuxent Research Center, Laurel, MD, 58pp January 2001
Conway, C.J., and J.P. Gibbs. 2001. Factors influencing detection probabilities and the benefits of call broadcast surveys for monitoring marsh birds. Unpubl. Report to USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD. 58 pp. May 2001
Conway, C.J., V. Garcia, M.D. Smith, and L. Ellis. 2003. Population Ecology and Habitat Use of Burrowing Owls in Eastern Washington. 2002 Annual Report, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Pasco, WA. February 2003
Conway, C.J., T.I. Wellicome, D.H. Johnson, C. Lundblad, and J.L. Conley. 2017. Identifying Migratory Routes and Wintering Grounds of Burrowing Owls that Breed on DoD Installations in the Western U.S. Final Report for DoD Legacy Project #13-604. Idaho Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, Moscow, ID. December 2017
Conway, C.J., S. Lantz, and S.H. Anderson. 2003. Demographic consequences of habitat use for burrowing owls in northeastern Wyoming. 2002 Annual Report, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Cheyenne, WY. February 2003
Conway, C.J., M.D. Smith, and L.A. Ellis. 2003. How to install artificial nesting burrows for burrowing owls: A guide for golf course superintendents and grounds crews. Pamphlet, U.S. Golf Association, Wildlife Links Program, Stillwater, OK. February 2003
Conway, C.J., M.D. Smith, and L.A. Ellis. 2003. Burrowing owl conservation on golf courses in North America. Final Report, U.S. Golf Association, Wildlife Links Program, Stillwater, OK. February 2003
Conway, C.J., M. D. Smith, and V. Garcia. 2002. Population Ecology and Habitat Use of Burrowing Owls in Eastern Washington. Annual Report, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, WA. August 2002
Conway, C.J., M. D. Smith, and V. Garcia. 2002. Population Ecology and Habitat Use of Burrowing Owls in Eastern Washington. Annual Report, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Hanford Reach National Monument, Richland, WA. August 2002
Conway, C.J., M. D. Smith, and V. Garcia. 2002. Population Ecology and Habitat Use of Burrowing Owls in Eastern Washington. Annual Report, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Spokane, WA. September 2002
Conway, C.J., C. Sulzman, and B.E. Raulston. 2001. Population trends, distribution, and monitoring protocols for California Black Rails. Unpubl. Report to Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix. 46 pp. 1 July 2001. July 2001
Conway, C.J., C. Sulzman, and B.E. Raulston. 2001. Population trends, distribution, and monitoring protocols for California Black Rails. Final Report, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Boulder City, NV. May 2001
Conway, C.J., C. Sulzman, and B.E. Raulston. 2001. Population trends, distribution, and monitoring protocols for California Black Rails. Final Report, California Department of Fish and Game. May 2001
Conway, C.J., C. Sulzman, and B.E. Raulston. 2001. Population trends, distribution, and monitoring protocols for California Black Rails. Final Report, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix. 46 pp. July 2001
Conway, C.J. 2002. Development and Field Testing of Survey methods for a continental marsh bird monitoring program in North America. Webless Migratory Game Bird Research Program. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Migratory Bird Management, Denver, CO. April 2002
Conway, C. J., and M. S. Ogonowski. 2005. Determining migratory status of burrowing owls in the Tucson Basin. Final Report to Arizona Bird Conservation Initiative. Wildlife Research Report #2005-06, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. August 2005
Conway, C. J., and M. S. Ogonowski. 2005. Determining migratory status of burrowing owls in the Tucson Basin. Final Report to Arizona Bird Conservation Initiative. Wildlife Research Report #2005-06, USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. October 2005
Conway, C. J., and M. E. Seamans. 2016. National Wildlife Refuge System Protocol Framework for the Inventory and Monitoring of Secretive Marsh Birds Ver 1.1. Inventory and Monitoring, National Wildlife Refuge System, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. January 2016
Conway, C. J., and L. A. Ellis. 2004. Distribution, Abundance, Reproductive Success, and Survival of Burrowing Owls at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument and Surrounding Agricultural Areas: 2003 Annual Report. Submitted to Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, National Park Service, Coolidge, AZ. Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Wildlife Research Report #05-2004. February 2004
Conway, C. J., and L. A. Ellis. 2004. Demography of Burrowing Owls Nesting in Urban and Agricultural Lands in Southern Arizona. Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Wildlife Research Report #03-2004. February 2004
Conway, C. J., and J. C. Simon. 2001. Development and evaluation of standardized survey protocols for monitoring Burrowing Owl populations in North America. Final Report, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver, CO. 38 pp. 31 May 2001. May 2001
Conway, C. J., and J. C. Simon. 2001. Development and evaluation of standardized survey protocols for monitoring Burrowing Owl populations in North America. Final Report, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Cheyenne, WY. 38 pp. 31 May 2001. May 2001
Conway, C. J., and J. C. Simon. 2001. Development and evaluation of standardized survey protocols for monitoring Burrowing Owl populations in North America. Final Report, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, Cheyenne, WY. 38 pp. May 2001
Conway, C. J., and J. C. Simon. 2001. Development and evaluation of standardized survey protocols for monitoring Burrowing Owl populations in North America. Final Report, The Nature Conservancy, Lander, WY. 38 pp. 31 May 2001. May 2001
Conway, C. J., and C. P. Nadeau. 2011. Managing Rails with Fire in Arizona. Wildlife Research Report #2011-05, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. July 2011
Conway, C. J., and C. P. Nadeau. 2006. Relative abundance of Yuma clapper rails, California black rails, and burrowing owls within a proposed geothermal power plant site in Imperial Valley California. Wildlife Research Report No. 2006-03. USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, Arizona. September 2006
Conway, C. J., and C. P. Nadeau. 2006. Fire effects on Yuma Clapper Rails and California Black Rails on the Lower Colorado River. Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Wildlife Research Report Number 2006-07, Tucson, Arizona. December 2006
Conway, C. J., and C. Nadeau. 2005. Evaluating the usefulness of prescribed fire to restore habitat for the Yuma clapper rail and California black rail along the lower Colorado River. Pages 31-33 in D.D. Dolton, ed., Webless Migratory Game Bird Research Program, 2004 Annual Report. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver, CO. February 2005
Conway, C. J., and C. Nadeau. 2005. Effects of fire on Yuma Clapper Rails and California Black Rails. 2004 Annual Report. Wildlife Research Report #2005-01, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. April 2005
Conway, C. J., and C. Nadeau. 2005. Development of a National Marsh Bird Monitoring Program, Quarterly Update, May 2005. USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Report, Tucson, AZ. May 2005
Conway, C. J., and C. Nadeau. 2005. Development and field-testing of survey methods for a continental marsh bird monitoring program in North America. Pages 34-36 in D.D. Dolton, ed., Webless Migratory Game Bird Research Program, 2004 Annual Report. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver, CO. February 2005
Conway, C. J., and C. Nadeau. 2005. Development and field-testing of survey methods for a continental marsh bird monitoring program in North America. Pages 34-36 in D.D. Dolton, ed., Webless Migratory Game Bird Research Program, 2004 Annual Report. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver, CO. October 2005
Conway, C. J., and C. Nadeau. 2005. Evaluating the usefulness of prescribed fire to restore habitat for the Yuma clapper rail and California black rail along the lower Colorado River. Pages 31-33 in D.D. Dolton, ed., Webless Migratory Game Bird Research Program, 2004 Annual Report. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Denver, CO. October 2005
Conway, C. J., and C. Nadeau. 2005. Effects of fire on Yuma Clapper Rails and California Black Rails. 2004 Annual Report. Wildlife Research Report #2005-01, USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. October 2005
Conway, C. J., and C. Nadeau. 2005. Development of a National Marsh Bird Monitoring Program, Quarterly Update, May 2005. USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Report, Tucson, AZ. June 2005
Conway, C. J., and C. Kirkpatrick. 2001. Population status, detection probability, and effects of fire on Buff-breasted Flycatchers. Final Report, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, AZ. 73 pp. 31 August 2001. August 2001
Conway, C. J., and C. Kirkpatrick. 2001. Population status, detection probability, and effects of fire on Buff-breasted Flycatchers. Final Report, Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, AZ. 73 pp. August 2001
Conway, C. J., V. Garcia, and L. A. Ellis. 2004. Population Ecology and Habitat Use of Burrowing Owls in Eastern Washington: Annual Report for 2003. Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Wildlife Research Report #04-06. May 2004
Conway, C. J., S. J. Lantz, and S. H. Anderson. 2005. Demographic Consequences of Habitat Use by Burrowing Owls in Northeastern Wyoming. Wildlife Research Report #2005-05. USGS, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, Arizona. September 2005
Conway, C. J., M. Ogonowski, and A. Macias Duarte. 2007. Influence of land-use on migratory status of burrowing owls nesting in Casa Grande Ruins National Monument and wintering in northern Mexico. Wildlife Research Report #2007-03. USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, Arizona. November 2007
Conway, C. J., L. A. Ellis, and M. Rogne. 2005. Ecology and Migratory Status of Burrowing Owls at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument and Surrounding Agricultural Areas: 2004 Report. Wildlife Research Report #2005-08. Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, Arizona. May 2005
Conway, C. J., L. A. Ellis, and M. Rogne. 2005. Ecology and Migratory Status of Burrowing Owls at Casa Grande Ruins National Monument and Surrounding Agricultural Areas: 2004 Report. Wildlife Research Report #2005-08. USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, Arizona. February 2006
Conway, C. J., L. A. Ellis, V. Garcia, M. D. Smith. 2005. Population ecology and habitat use of burrowing owls in eastern Washington. Final Report. Wildlife Research Report #2005-02, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. July 2005
Conway, C. J., L. A. Ellis, V. Garcia, M. D. Smith. 2005. Population ecology and habitat use of burrowing owls in eastern Washington. Final Report. Wildlife Research Report #2005-02, USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. October 2005
Conway, C. J., K. Launchbaugh, D. Musil, S. Roberts, P. Makela, A. Locatelli, and A.R. Meyers. 2016. Grouse & Grazing: 2016 Annual Report. Idaho Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, Moscow, ID. November 2016
Conway, C. J., C. P. Nadeau, and M. S. Ogonowski. 2009. Relative abundance of Yuma clapper rails and California black rails within a proposed geothermal power plant site in Imperial Valley, California. Wildlife Research Report #2009-04, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. November 2009
Conway, C. J., C. P. Nadeau, R. J. Steidl, and A. Litt. 2008. Relative Abundance, Detection Probability, and Power to Detect Population Trends of Marsh Birds in North America. Wildlife Research Report #2008-02. U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. July 2008
Conway, C. J., C. A. Finley, and V. Garcia. 2008. Migratory linkages of burrowing owls on DoD installations and adjacent lands: 2007-2008 Annual Report. Department of Defense Legacy Program #07-243. October 2008
Conway, C. J., A. Meyers, K. Launchbaugh, D. Musil, P. Makela, and S. Roberts. 2017. The Grouse & Grazing Project: Effects of cattle grazing on sage-grouse demographic traits – 2017 Annual Report. College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho. December 2017
Conway, C. J. 2015. National protocol framework for the inventory and monitoring of secretive marsh birds. Inventory and Monitoring, National Wildlife Refuge System, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. January 2015
Conway, C. J. 2008. Standardized North American Marsh Bird Monitoring Protocols. Wildlife Research Report #2008-01. U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. January 2008
Conway, C. J. 2007. Standardized North American Marsh Bird Monitoring Protocols. Wildlife Research Report #2007-04. U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. April 2007
Conway, C. J. 2005. Standardized North American Marsh Bird Monitoring Protocols. Wildlife Research Report #2005-04, U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, Arizona. July 2005
Conway, C. J. 2004. Standardized North American Marsh Bird Monitoring Protocols. Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, Arizona. July 2004
Conway, C. J. 2004. Effects of Fire on Yuma Clapper Rails and California Black Rails: 2003 Annual Report. Submitted to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Arizona Game and Fish Department, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, and the USDA/USDI Joint Fire Science Program. Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Wildlife Research Report #01-04. February 2004
Conway, C. J. 2009. Standardized North American Marsh Bird Monitoring Protocols, version 2009-2. Wildlife Research Report #2009-02. U.S. Geological Survey, Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, AZ. May 2009
Conway, C. J. 2005. Standardized North American Marsh Bird Monitoring Protocols. Wildlife Research Report #2005-04, USGS Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Tucson, Arizona. October 2005
Boyle, A., and C. J. Conway. 2003. Avian diversity at the Madrona Pools. Pages 61-72 in Madrona Pools Pulse Study: A rapid environmental assessment at the Madrona Pools, Saguaro National Park. U.S. Dept. of Interior, National Park Service, Tucson, Arizona. September 2003
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
Wilson Ornithological Society - Member Conway January 1986 Present
The Wildlife Society - President, Southwest Section Conway January 2010 December 2010
The Wildlife Society - President Elect, Southwest Section Conway June 2008 December 2009
The Wildlife Society - Past President, Southwest Section Conway January 2011 December 2011
The Wildlife Society - Member, Local Arrangements Committee, 2007 Annual Meeting Conway June 2006 September 2007
The Wildlife Society - Member, Executive Board, Arizona Chapter Conway February 2008 February 2009
The Wildlife Society - Member Conway September 1985 Present
The Wildlife Society - Judge, Student Presentation Awards Conway September 2007 September 2007
The Wildlife Society - Judge, Student Presentation Awards Conway October 2011 October 2011
The Wildlife Society - Faculty Advisor, University of Arizona Student Chapter Conway November 2007 August 2011
The Wildlife Society - Chair, Merchandise Committee, 2007 Annual Conference Conway April 2006 October 2007
Society of Wetland Scientists - Member Conway January 2008 Present
Society for the Study of Behavioral Ecology - Member Conway January 2002 Present
Sigma Xi - Member Conway June 2005 Present
Raptor Research Foundation - Member Conway January 2004 Present
Other - Chair, Silliman Memorial Research Award Committee Conway January 2002 August 2011
Northwest Scientific Association - Member Conway January 2007 Present
North American Ornithological Conference - Scientific Program Committee Conway December 2010 September 2012
North American Ornithological Conference - Chair, Scientific Program Committee Conway September 2014 September 2016
Cooper Ornithological Society - Member of Miller Award Committee Conway January 2008 January 2010
Cooper Ornithological Society - Member Conway January 1987 Present
Association of Field Ornithologists - Member Conway January 1994 Present
American Ornithologists' Union - Member, Conference Coordination Committee Conway September 2016 August 2017
American Ornithological Society - Member Conway January 1988 Present
American Ornithological Society - Executive Council Conway August 2020 October 2023
American Ornithological Society - Chair, Scientific Program Committee Conway September 2016 October 2020