Idaho Staff Member
Dr. David Ausband
Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (208) 885 - 1172
Faculty Email:
- Ph D University of Montana 2015
- MS University of Montana 2005
- BS University of Montana 2003
Dr. Ausband received his Msc and PhD from the University of Montana and was a Senior Wildlife Research Biologist for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game before joining the Idaho Unit in 2018. He began his research career studying snowshoe hares and carnivore reintroductions such as those for swift foxes and gray wolves in the western U.S. Currently, his research program focuses largely on carnivore ecology, management, and conservation. Additionally, when sought out by collaborators, he conducts research on various topics of pressing management needs. He collaborates widely with state, federal, and tribal wildlife agencies on research that provides both applied and basic inferences. Additionally, he provides research leadership by maintaining a long-term research program on gray wolves whose questions encompass the behavioral ecology of cooperative breeders, harvest management, population monitoring, and population ecology. Dr. Ausband teaches graduate courses in Advanced Fish and Wildlife Management and Science Communication.
Areas of Expertise
Anthropogenic Impacts, Behavioral Ecology, Conservation Genetics/Genomics, Population and Community Ecology, Predator-Prey Dynamics, Species Management, T&E Species Management, Wildlife Management
Taxon Groups Studied
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Waters, S.S., C. Smeeton, K.V. Weagle, and D.E. Ausband. 2007. Re-introducing the swift fox to Blackfeet Tribal Lands, Montana, USA. IUCN Reintroduction News. 26:34-35. | May 2007 |
Strickfaden, K.M., M.L. Behan, A.M. Marshall, L.K. Svancara, D.E. Ausband, and T. Link. 2023. Virtual snow stakes: a new method for snow depth measurement at remote camera stations. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 47: e1481. | Abstract | August 2023 |
Strickfaden, K.M., A. Marshall, L. Svancara, D.E. Ausband, and T. Link. 2023. Identifying snow refugia in complex forested terrain using camera data. Environmental Research Letters. 18:044014. | Abstract | March 2023 |
Stenglein, J.L., M. De Barba, D.E. Ausband, and L.P. Waits. 2010. Impacts of sampling location within a faeces on DNA quality in two carnivore species. Molecular Ecology Resources. 10:109-114. | December 2009 |
Stenglein, J.L., L.P. Waits, D.E. Ausband, P. Zager, and C.M. Mack. 2010. Efficient noninvasive genetic sampling for monitoring reintroduced wolves. Journal of Wildlife Management. 74:1050-1058. | June 2010 |
Stenglein J.L., L.P. Waits, D.E. Ausband, P. Zager, and C. Mack. 2011. Estimating gray wolf pack size and family relationships using noninvasive genetic sampling at rendezvous sites. Journal of Mammalogy. 92:784-795. DOI: 10.1644/10-MAMM-A-200.1 | August 2011 |
Stansbury, C.R., D.E. Ausband, P. Zager, C.M. Mack, and L.P. Waits. 2016. Identifying gray wolf packs and dispersers using noninvasive genetic samples. Journal of Wildlife Management. 80:1408-1419. | August 2016 |
Stansbury, C.R., D.E. Ausband, P. Zager, C.M. Mack, C.R. Miller, M.W. Pennell, and L.P. Waits. 2014. A long-term population monitoring approach for a wide-ranging carnivore: noninvasive genetic sampling of gray wolf rendezvous sites in Idaho, USA. Journal of Wildlife Management. 78:1040–1049. | August 2014 |
Soller, J.M., D.E. Ausband, and M.S. Gunther. 2020. The curse of observer experience: error in noninvasive genetic sampling. PLOS ONE. 15(3): e0229762. | March 2020 |
Sells, S.N., M.S. Mitchell, K.M. Podruzny, D.E. Ausband, D.J. Emlen, J.A. Gude, T.D. Smucker, D.K. Boyd, and K.E. Loonam. 2022. Competition, prey, and mortalities influence gray wolf group size. Journal of Wildlife Management. 86: e22193. | February 2022 |
Sells, S.N., M.S. Mitchell, D.E. Ausband, A.D. Luis, D.J. Emlen, K.M Podruzny, and J.A. Gude. 2022. Economical defense of resources structures territorial space use in a cooperative carnivore. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. 289: 20212512. | Abstract | January 2022 |
Ruprecht, J.S., D.E. Ausband, M.S. Mitchell, E.O. Garton, and P. Zager. 2012. Homesite attendance based on sex, reproductive status and number of helpers in gray wolf packs. Journal of Mammalogy. 93:1001-1005. DOI: 10.1644/11-MAMM-A-330.1 | September 2012 |
Rich, L.N., R.E. Russell, E.M. Glenn, M.S. Mitchell, J.A. Gude, K.M. Podruzny, C.A. Sime, K. Laudon, D.E. Ausband, and J.D. Nichols. 2013. Estimating occupancy and predicting numbers of gray wolf packs in Montana using hunter surveys. Journal of Wildlife Management. 77:1280-1289.DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.562 | July 2013 |
Rebholz, P.F., L.P. Waits, and D.E. Ausband. 2024. Gray wolf breeders are more vulnerable to harvest during the breeding season. Wildlife Society Bulletin. | Abstract | November 2024 |
Mitchell, M.S., J.A. Gude, D.E. Ausband, C.A. Sime, E.E. Bangs, M.D. Jimenez, C.M. Mack, T.J. Meier, S. Nadeau, and D.W. Smith. 2010. Temporal validation of an estimator for successful breeding pairs of wolves Canis lupus in the U.S. northern Rocky Mountains. Wildlife Biology. 16:101-106. | April 2010 |
Mitchell, M. S., D. E. Ausband, C. A. Sime, E. E. Bangs, M. Jimenez, C. M. Mack, T. J. Meier, M. S. Nadeau, and D. W. Smith. 2008. Estimation of successful breeding pairs for wolves in the U. S. northern Rocky Mountains. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:881-891. | May 2008 |
Loonam, K. L., P. M. Lukacs, D. E. Ausband, M. S. Mitchell, and H. R. Robinson. 2021. Assessing the robustness of a new method for estimating wildlife abundance using remote cameras. Ecological Applications. e02388. 10.1002/eap.2388 | August 2021 |
Loonam, K. E., D. E. Ausband, P. M. Lukacs, M. S. Mitchell, and H. R. Robinson. 2021. Estimating abundance of an unmarked, low-density species using camera traps. Journal of Wildlife Management. 85: 87-96. | March 2021 |
Krohner, J., and D.E. Ausband. 2019. Associations between sympatric apex predators across a diverse landscape. Mammal Research. 64:203-212. | April 2019 |
Jimenez, M.D., E.E. Bangs, D.K. Boyd, D.W. Smith, S.A. Becker, D.E. Ausband, S.P. Woodruff, E.H. Bradley, J. Holyan, and K. Laudon. 2017. Wolf dispersal in the northern Rocky Mountains, Western United States: 1993-2008. Journal of Wildlife Management. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21238. | March 2017 |
Jacobs, C., and D.E. Ausband. 2018. Pup-rearing habitat use in a harvested carnivore. Journal of Wildlife Management. 82:802-809. | February 2018 |
Jacobs, C., and D.E. Ausband. 2018. An evaluation of camera trap performance: What are we missing and does deployment height matter? Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. 4: 352-360. doi: 10.1002/rse2.81 | May 2018 |
Jacobs, C. and D.E. Ausband. 2019. Wolves in space: locations of individuals and their effect on pup survival in groups of a cooperatively breeding canid. Animal Behaviour. 155:189-197. | September 2019 |
Horne, J., D.E. Ausband, M. Hurley, J. Struthers, J.E. Berg, and K. Groth. 2019. Integrated population model to improve knowledge and management of Idaho wolves. Journal of Wildlife Management. 83:32-42. |
January 2019 |
Gude, J. A., M. S. Mitchell, D. E. Ausband, C. A. Sime, and E. E. Bands. 2009. Internal validation of predicitive logistic regression models for decision making in wildlife management. Wildlife Biology. | October 2009 |
Clendenin, H.R., J. Adams, D.E. Ausband, J.A. Hayden, P. Hohenloe, and L. Waits. 2020. Combining harvest and genetics to estimate reproduction in wolves. Journal of Wildlife Management. 84: 492-504. DOI: | January 2020 |
Brennan, A., P.C. Cross, D.E. Ausband, A. Barbknecht, and S. Creel. 2013. Testing automated howling devices in a wintertime wolf survey. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 37:389-393. DOI: 10.1002/wsb.269 | July 2013 |
Boyd, D.K., D.E. Ausband, H.D. Cluff, J.R. Heffelfinger, J.W. Hinton, B.R. Patterson, and A.P. Wydeven. 2023. North American wolves. Pages 32.1–32.68 in T.L. Hiller, R.D. Applegate, R.D. Bluett, S.N. Frey, E.M. Gese, and J.F. Organ, editors. Wild furbearer management and conservation in North America. Wildlife Ecology Institute, Helena, Montana, USA. | August 2023 |
Bassing, S.B., D.E. Ausband, M.S. Mitchell, P. Lukacs, A. Keever, G. Hale, and L. Waits. 2019. Stable pack abundance and distribution in a harvested wolf population. Journal of Wildlife Management. 83:577-590. | April 2019 |
Bassing, S.B., D.E. Ausband, M.S. Mitchell, M. Schwartz, J.J. Nowak, G.C. Hale, and L. Waits. 2020. Immigration does not offset harvest mortality in a cooperatively breeding carnivore. Animal Conservation. 23: 750-761. doi:10.1111/acv.12593 | May 2020 |
Ausband, D.E., and S.B. Bassing. 2024. Helpers show plasticity in their responses to breeder turnover. Behavioral Ecology. 35: arae048, | Abstract | June 2024 |
Ausband, D.E., and M.S. Mitchell. 2021. The effect of group size on reproduction in cooperatively breeding gray wolves depends on density. Animal Conservation. 24: 994-1000. | May 2021 |
Ausband, D.E., and L.Waits. 2020. Does harvest affect genetic diversity in gray wolves? Molecular Ecology. 29: 3187-3195. | March 2020 |
Ausband, D.E., and L.D. Mech. 2023. The challenges of success: Future wolf conservation and management in the United States. BioScience. 73: 587-591. | Abstract | August 2023 |
Ausband, D.E., and J. M. Krohner. 2022. Carnivores in color: Pelt color patterns among carnivores in Idaho. Journal of Mammalogy. 103: 598-607. doi: 10.1093/jmammal/gyab166. | March 2022 |
Ausband, D.E., and G.R. Baty. 2005. Effects of precommercial thinning on snowshoe hare habitat use during winter in low-elevation montane forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 35(1): 206-210. | October 2008 |
Ausband, D.E., S.J. Thompson, B.A. Oates, S.B. Roberts, M.A. Hurley, and M.A. Mumma. 2023. Examining dynamic occupancy of gray wolves in Idaho after a decade of managed harvest. Journal of Wildlife Management. 87:e22453. | Abstract | June 2023 |
Ausband, D.E., S.B. Bassing, and M.S. Mitchell. 2020. Environmental and social influences on wolf howling behavior. Ethology. 126:890-899. | June 2020 |
Ausband, D.E., S.B. Bassing, M.S. Mitchell, M. Nordhagen, D.W. Smith, and D.R. Stahler. 2016. Dog days of summer: influences on decision of wolves to move pups. Journal of Mammalogy. 97:1282-1287. | July 2016 |
Ausband, D.E., P.F. Rebholz, and L. Petrillo. 2024. The effects of human-caused mortality on mammalian cooperative breeders: a synthesis. Biological Reviews. 100:149-157. | September 2024 |
Ausband, D.E., P.F. Rebholz, S. Riley, and J. Moriarty. 2024. Treat yourself: Pilot testing a new method to treat mange in wild carnivores. Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 60:507-512. | April 2024 |
Ausband, D.E., P. Lukacs, M. Hurley, S. Roberts, K. Strickfaden, and A. Moeller. 2022. Estimating wolf abundance from cameras. Ecosphere. 13:e3933. | Abstract | February 2022 |
Ausband, D.E., M.S. Mitchell, and L. Waits. 2017. Effects of breeder turnover and harvest on group composition and recruitment in a social carnivore. Journal of Animal Ecology. 86:1094-1011. doi/abs/10.1111/1365-2656.12707 | July 2017 |
Ausband, D.E., M.S. Mitchell, S.B. Bassing, and C. White. 2013. No trespassing: using a biofence to manipulate wolf movements. Wildlife Research. 40:207-216. | May 2013 |
Ausband, D.E., M.S. Mitchell, S.B. Bassing, A. Morehouse, D.W. Smith, D.R. Stahler, and J.S. Struthers. 2016. Individual, group, and environmental influences on helping behavior in a social carnivore. Ethology. 122:963-972. doi/abs/10.1111/eth.12566 | October 2016 |
Ausband, D.E., M.S. Mitchell, K., Doherty, P. Zager, C.M. Mack, and J. Holyan. 2010. Surveying predicted rendezvous sites to monitor gray wolf populations. Journal of Wildlife Management. 74:1043-1049. | June 2010 |
Ausband, D.E., M.S. Mitchell, C. Stansbury, J.L. Stenglein, and L. Waits. 2017. Harvest and group effects on pup survival in a cooperative breeder. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 284. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2017.0580 | May 2017 |
Ausband, D.E., L.N. Rich, E.M. Glenn, M.S. Mitchell, P. Zager, and C.M. Mack. 2014. Monitoring gray wolf populations using multiple survey methods. Journal of Wildlife Management. 78:335-346. | February 2014 |
Ausband, D.E., J.Skrivseth, and M.S. Mitchell. 2011. An automated device for provoking and capturing wildlife calls. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 35:498-503. DOI: 10.1002/wsb.80 | December 2011 |
Ausband, D.E., J. Young, B. Fannin, M.S. Mitchell, J.L. Stenglein, L.P. Waits, and J.A. Shivik. 2011. Hair of the dog: obtaining samples from coyotes and wolves noninvasively. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 35:105-111. | July 2011 |
Ausband, D.E., J. Holyan, and C. Mack. 2009. Longevity and adaptability of a reintroduced gray wolf. Northwestern Naturalist. 90:44-47. | April 2009 |
Ausband, D.E., C. Stansbury, J.L. Stenglein, J.L. Struthers, and L.P. Waits. 2015. Recruitment in a social carnivore before and after harvest. Animal Conservation 18:415-423. | January 2015 |
Ausband, D.E. and K.F. Foresman. 2007. Swift fox reintroductions on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, Montana. USA. Biological Conservation. 136:423-430. | March 2007 |
Ausband, D.E. and K.F. Foresman. 2007. Dispersal, survival, and reproduction of wild-born, yearling swift foxes in a reintroduced population. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 85:185-189. | February 2007 |
Ausband, D.E. and E.A. Ausband. 2006. Observations of interactions between swift fox and badgers. The Prairie Naturalist. 38(1):63-64. | January 2007 |
Ausband, D.E. 2024. Lifetime reproductive characteristics of gray wolves. Journal of Mammalogy. 105: 1322-1327. | Abstract | May 2024 |
Ausband, D.E. 2022. Offspring sex ratios are male-biased reflecting sex-biased dispersal in Idaho, USA, wolves. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 76: | Abstract | September 2022 |
Ausband, D.E. 2022. Inherit the kingdom or storm the castle? Breeding strategies in gray wolves. Ethology. 128:152-158. | Abstract | January 2022 |
Ausband, D.E. 2022. Genetic diversity and mate selection in a reintroduced population of gray wolves. Scientific Reports. 12:535. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-04449-4 | Abstract | January 2022 |
Ausband, D.E. 2021. Wolf use of humanmade objects during pup-rearing. Animal Behavior and Cognition. 8: 405-414. DOI: | Abstract | August 2021 |
Ausband, D.E. 2019. Pair bonds, reproductive success, and rise of alternate mating strategies in a social carnivore. Behavioral Ecology. 30:1618-1623. | August 2019 |
Ausband, D.E. 2018. Multiple breeding individuals within groups in a social carnivore. Journal of Mammalogy. 99:836-834. | May 2018 |
Ausband, D.E. 2016. Gray wolf harvest in Idaho. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 40:500-505. | August 2016 |
Ausband, D., and A. Moehrenschlager. 2009. Long-range juvenile dispersal and its implication for conservation of reintroduced swift fox Vulpes velox populations in the USA and Canada. Oryx. 43(1):73-77. | January 2009 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Winkel, B.M., D.E. Ausband, M.R. Falcy, R. Serrouya, and B. Morlin. 2023. Migratory patterns and plasticity of southern mountain caribou in a changing environment. International Caribou Workshop. Anchorage, AK. | May 2023 |
Strickfaden, K.M, A.M. Marshall, L.K. Svancara, D.E. Ausband, and T.E. Link. Assessing the accuracy of temperature measurements from Reconyx cameras. Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Butte, MT. 8 February 2024. | February 2024 |
Strickfaden, K., A.M. Marshall, D.E. Ausband, and T.E. Link. 2021. The virtual measuring stake: an R package allowing for snow depth measurements at remote camera stations. Poster. Science of the Service 2021 for US Fish and Wildlife Service Columbia Pacific Northwest and Pacific Islands Region Conference, Virtual Meeting. | May 2021 |
Strickfaden, K., A.M. Marshall, D.E. Ausband, and T.E. Link. 2021. The virtual measuring stake: an R package allowing for snow depth measurements at remote camera stations. Idaho Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Virtual Meeting. | December 2020 |
Strickfaden, K., A.M. Marshall, D.E. Ausband, T.E. Link. 2022. Identifying snow refugia in complex forested terrain using remote camera data. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service State of the Science Conference. Virtual Meeting. | April 2022 |
Strickfaden, K., A.M. Marshall, D.E. Ausband, T.E. Link. 2022. Identifying snow refugia in complex forested terrain using remote camera data. The Idaho Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Boise, ID. | February 2022 |
Strickfaden, K. M., D. Ausband, T. Link. 2020. Novel methods for deriving snow data from remote cameras and applications to ungulate ecology and wildlife habitat management. University of Idaho Project Stakeholder Meeting. 15 June 2020. | June 2020 |
Stenglein,J., C. Mack, D. Ausband, M. Mitchell, P. Zager, S. Nadeau and L. Waits. 2009. Evaluating the potential of noninvasive genetic sampling for long-term monitoring of gray wolves (Canis lupus) in Idaho. Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society. | January 2009 |
Stenglein, J., C. Mack, D. Ausband, M. Mitchell, P. Zager, S. Nadeau, and L. Waits. 2009. Monitoring an Idaho gray wolf population: A noninvasive genetic approach. Annual Meeting, Idaho Chapter, The Wildlife Society. | January 2017 |
Sells, S., M.S. Mitchell, and D.E. Ausband. 2020. Mechanisms influencing pack size in gray wolves. Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Conference. | March 2020 |
Rice, N., S. Picardi, W. Kaseworm, and D.E. Ausband. 2025. Predicting grizzly bear denning habitat in the Cabinet – Yaak and Selkirk Ecosystems. Annual Meeting of The Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Moscow, Idaho, USA. | March 2025 |
Rice, N., D.E. Ausband, S. Picardi, and W. Kasworm. Habitat selection, connectivity, and translocations of inland continental grizzly bear populations. Poster. 2024 Annual meeting of The Wildlife Society, Coeur d' Alene, ID. 26 March 2024. | March 2024 |
Rebholz, P.F., and D.E. Ausband. 2025. Linking age and social status of wolves to vulnerability throughout the harvest season. Wolves Across Borders Conference, Lunteren, Netherlands. 3 June 2025. | June 2025 |
Rebholz, P., and D.E. Ausband. Mesocarnivore survey in southern Idaho - a search for Idaho's newest mammal. 2024 Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Coeur d' Alene, Idaho. 27 March 2024. | March 2024 |
Rebholz, P., D.E. Ausband. 2022. Combining tissue samples and genetics to estimate the number of breeder wolves harvested in Idaho. The Idaho Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Boise, ID. | February 2022 |
Petersen, K.M., and D.E. Ausband. 2025. Wolves on the move: Investigating dispersal and human-caused mortality in a social carnivore. Wolves Across Borders Conference, Lunteren, Netherlands. 3 June 2025. | June 2025 |
Petersen, K., D.E. Ausband, and M. Mumma. 2025. Genetics and journeys: Investigating gray wolf dispersal in Idaho. Annual Meeting of The Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Moscow, Idaho, USA. | March 2025 |
Nelson, J.M., D.E. Ausband. 2022. Estimating black bear population size in Idaho. The Idaho Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Boise, ID. | February 2022 |
Nelson, J.M., & D.E. Ausband. 2020. Black bear monitoring in Idaho. St Joe Sportsman's Breakfast, Coeur d' Alene, Idaho. | February 2020 |
Nelson, J.M., & D.E. Ausband. 2019. Black bear monitoring in Idaho. Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Moscow, Idaho. | December 2019 |
Martin, K., S.B. Bassing, P.F. Rebholz, and D.E. Ausband. 2025. Assessing wolf and human howls to understand wolf communication and improve monitoring. Annual Meeting of The Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Moscow, Idaho, USA. | March 2025 |
Lukacs, P., A. Moeller, D. Ausband, K. Loonam, H. Robinson, M. Hurley, and C. Chitwood. 2021. Abundance from camera data, pipe dream to mainstream. College of Forestry Seminar Series, Missoula, MT. | October 2021 |
Lubenau, B.M., D.E. Ausband, M.R. Falcy, R. Serrouya, and B. Morlin. 2024. New boot scootin’: the migratory plasticity of southern mountain caribou. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, USA. 27 March 2024. | March 2024 |
Lubenau, B.M., D.E. Ausband, M.R. Falcy, R. Serrouya, and B. Morlin. 2024. New Boot Scootin’: the Migratory Plasticity of Southern Mountain Caribou. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Science of the Service, Idaho, USA. 11 February 2024. | March 2024 |
Lubenau, B.M., B. Morlin, R. Serrouya, D.E. Ausband, and M.R. Falcy. 2024. The grass isn't always greener: the behavioral plasticity of endangered caribou. U.S. Fish and Wildlife National Science of the Service, Idaho, USA. 11 November 2024. | November 2024 |
Loonam, K., H. Robinson, D.E. Ausband. 2019. Time to event density estimation of low density species with remote cameras. Idaho TWS conference. | March 2019 |
Loonam, K., D. Ausband, P. Lukacs, M. Mitchell, and H. Robinson. 2019 Wildlife Society Conference. Counting Cougars: Density Estimates of Unmarked, Low Density Populations with Camera Traps. Reno, NV. | September 2019 |
Loonam, K. H. Robinson, D.E. Ausband. 2019. Time to event density estimation of low density species with remote cameras. Montana TWS conference. | February 2019 |
Link, T., K. Strickfaden, D.E. Ausband, and A. Marshall. Locating snow refugia in complex terrain: Leveraging automated image data to adapt wildlife and habitat management practices. North American Congress for Conservation Biology. | June 2020 |
Clendenin, H.C., J. Adams, D. Ausband, P. Hohenlohe, and L. Waits. 2019. Comparing SNPs and Microsatellites for Gray Wolf Sibship Reconstruction. Idaho TWS conference | March 2019 |
Cerreta, A., and D.E. Ausband. 2025. Is harvest creating a new wolf? Wolf behavior, sociality, and genomics. Wolves Across Borders Conference, Lunteren, Netherlands. 3 June 2025. | June 2025 |
Cerreta, A., D.E. Ausband, J. Adams, B., Borg, and M. Sorum, and L.P. Waits. 2023. Genetic consequences of differing management regimes in a cooperatively breeding carnivore: a case study of wolves from two regions in Alaska. Wolves Across Borders Conference. Stockholm, Sweden. | May 2023 |
Bassing, S.B., D.E. Ausband, M. Mumma, M.A. Hurley, S. Thompson, and M.R. Falcy. 2024. Predator co-occurrence affected by prey and habitat more than competitor presence at multiple time scales. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, USA. 27 March 2024. | March 2024 |
Bassing, S., D. Ausband, M. Mumma, and M. Falcy. 2023. Spatial patterns of predator interactions in northern Idaho: Preliminary findings. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Boise, ID. | February 2023 |
Bassing S.B., D.E. Ausband, M.A. Mumma, J. Baumgardt, S. Thompson, M. Hurley, and M. Falcy. 2025. Disentangling the web of species interactions in northern Idaho's large mammal community. Annual Meeting of The Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Moscow, Idaho, USA. | March 2025 |
Ausband, D.E. Monogamy; It’s Complicated. Breeding Strategies in Gray Wolves. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Reno NV. 2019. | September 2019 |
Ausband, D.E. 2025. Breeder turnover and its cascading effects on wolf pack structure. Wolves Across Borders Conference, Lunteren, Netherlands. 3 June 2025. | June 2025 |
Ausband, D.E. 2024. Breeding opportunities are key to explaining wolf pack dynamics. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, USA. 27 March 2024. | March 2024 |
Ausband, D.E. 2023. Wolf recovery and management in Idaho. Grizzly Bear and Wolf Conference, Nimiipuu Nez Perce Tribe, Idaho. | April 2023 |
Ausband, D.E. 2023. Fifteen years of wolf hunting and trapping in Idaho, USA. What do we know? Wolves Across Borders Conference. Stockholm, Sweden. | May 2023 |
Ausband, D.E. 2022. The effect of group size on reproduction in gray wolves depends on density. The Idaho Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Boise, ID. | February 2022 |
Ausband, D.E. 2022. Fifteen years of wolf hunting and trapping in Idaho. What do we know? International Wolf Conference, Minneapolis, MN. | October 2022 |
Ausband, D.E. 2020. Monogamy; It's Complicated. Breeding strategies in gray wolves. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the Wildlife Society , Moscow, Idaho. | March 2020 |
Ausband, D.E. 2018. Ten years after wolf harvest: What do we know? Idaho Chapter of the Wildlife Society | March 2018 |
Ausband, D.E. 2017. What we thought we knew about wolf harvest was wrong. IDFG In-Service Training School | May 2017 |
Ausband, D.E. 2017. Harvest and group effects on pup survival in gray wolves. Wildlife Society Annual Conference. | September 2017 |
Ausband, D.E. 2017 Idaho Chapter of the Wildlife Society. "Gray wolf harvest in Idaho" | March 2017 |
Ausband, D.E. 2016. Idaho Chapter of the Wildlife Society. "Effects of harvest on recruitment and wolf pack structure" | March 2016 |
Ausband, D.E. 2016 Ecology Series Seminar, Humboldt State University. "Carnivore conservation in a complex world: from the Tribes to Feds to States". Invited speaker | September 2016 |
Ausband, D.E. 2015. Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society. “Survival and recruitment of gray wolf pups before and after harvest” | February 2015 |
Ausband, D.E. 2015. Idaho Chapter of the Wildlife Society. “Survival and recruitment of gray wolf pups before and after harvest” | March 2015 |
Ausband, D.E. 2014. North American Congress for Conservation Biology. "Carnivore conservation and Native American Tribes: tools for now". | July 2014 |
Ausband, D.E. 2014. American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, Northern Rocky Mountain Branch Science Group. “What we know – and don’t know – about the wolves in your backyard” Invited speaker | June 2014 |
Ausband, D.E. 2013. Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society. “Home alone: influence of individual, pack, and environmental variation on pup attendance behavior in gray wolves” | February 2013 |
Ausband, D.E. 2013. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society . “Home alone: influence of individual, pack, and environmental variation on pup attendance behavior in gray wolves” | March 2013 |
Ausband, D.E. 2012. University of Montana Research Spotlight. “Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf when you can howl back?” Invited speaker and panelist | January 2012 |
Ausband, D.E. 2011. Oregon Chapter of the Wildlife Society “How to trick a wolf: manipulating pack movements with biofencing” | April 2011 |
Ausband, D.E. 2011. Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society. “How to trick a wolf: manipulating pack movements with biofencing” | February 2011 |
Ausband, D.E. 2011. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society. “Developing gray wolf population monitoring techniques” | March 2011 |
Ausband, D.E. 2011. Animal Grantmakers Conference. How to trick a wolf: using a biofence to manipulate wolf movements” Invited speaker and panelist | March 2011 |
Ausband, D.E. 2010. Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society “Reintroducing swift foxes to the Blackfeet Reservation” | February 2010 |
Ausband, D.E. 2009. Wildlife Society Annual Conference. “Developing gray wolf population monitoring techniques” | September 2009 |
Ausband, D.E. 2009. North American Carnivores Conference. “Developing gray wolf population monitoring techniques” | October 2009 |
Ausband, D.E. 2008. North American Wolf Conference. “Developing wolf population monitoring methods: a research update” | April 2008 |
Ausband, D.E. 2008. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society. “Developing wolf population monitoring methods: a research update” | March 2008 |
Ausband, D.E. 2007. Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society. ”Developing a framework for monitoring wolves in Idaho” | February 2007 |
Ausband, D.E. 2007. Idaho Chapter of The Wildlife Society. ”Developing a framework for monitoring wolves in Idaho” | March 2007 |
Ausband, D.E. 2006. Swift Fox Conservation Team Meeting. “Assessing the success of swift fox reintroductions on the Blackfeet Reservation” | April 2006 |
Ausband, D.E. 2005. Swift Fox Conservation Team Meeting. “Assessing the success of swift fox reintroductions on the Blackfeet Reservation” | April 2005 |
Ausband, D.E. 2005. Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society . “Assessing the success of swift fox reintroductions on the Blackfeet Reservation” | February 2005 |
Ausband, D.E. 2004. Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society. “Snowshoe hare habitat use after forest thinning in northwest Montana” | February 2004 |
Ausband, D.E. 2003. University of Montana Undergraduate Research Conference. “Snowshoe hare habitat use after forest thinning in northwest Montana” | May 2003 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
The Wildlife Society - Member. | Ausband | August 1998 | Present |
The Wildlife Society - Idaho member | Ausband | September 2015 | Present |
Other - Member of Bitterroot Recovery Area Science Subcommittee | Ausband | May 2021 | Present |