Idaho Staff Member
Dr. Michael C. Quist
Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (208) 885 - 4064
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- Ph D Kansas State University 2002
- MS Kansas State University 1999
- BS University of Idaho 1996
Mike received his BS in Fishery Resources from the University of Idaho, MS in Biology from Kansas State University, and a PhD in Biology from Kansas State University. Mike joined the Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit in 2010, where he is an Assistant Unit Leader and Professor in the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources at the University of Idaho. Mike's research program focuses on answering questions related to the management and conservation of aquatic systems. The impetus for his research emerges from issues and concerns related to sport fisheries management and native fish conservation. Although Mike has interests in all aspects of applied fisheries ecology, he has several focal research areas. These areas include research on fish assemblage structure and function, ecological thresholds, fish population dynamics, management of recreational and commercial fisheries, native species conservation, and development and evaluation of techniques for managing fishes (e.g., sampling design, age and growth analyses). In the past, Mike has taught courses focused on Fish Biology, Ichthyology, Fisheries Techniques, Fisheries Management, Community Ecology, and Applied Fish Ecology. Currently, Mike teaches a variety of graduate seminars, Advanced Fisheries Techniques, and Advanced Fish and Wildlife Management.
Areas of Expertise
Fisheries Management, Invasive Species, Population Dynamics, Population and Community Ecology, Predator-Prey Dynamics, Species Distribution Modeling
Taxon Groups Studied
Anadromous Fishes, Freshwater Fishes, Gamefish, Nongame Fish/Wildlife, Salmonids, Species of Greatest Conservation Need
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Yates, J. R., C. J. Watkins, and M. C. Quist. 2016. Precision of hard structures used to estimate age of common carp. Northwest Science 90:195-205. | Abstract | June 2016 |
Whitlock, S. L., M. R. Campbell, M. C. Quist, and A. M. Dux. 2018. Using genetic and phenotypic comparisons to evaluate apparent segregation among kokanee spawning groups. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:43-60. | March 2018 |
Whitlock, S. L., M. C. Quist, and A. M. Dux. 2018. Effects of water-level management and hatchery supplementation on kokanee recruitment in Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho. Northwest Science 92:136-148. | July 2018 |
Whitlock, S. L., M. C. Quist, and A. M. Dux. 2015. Incubation success and habitat selection of shore-spawning kokanee Onchorhynchus nerka: effects of water level regulation and habitat characteristics. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 24:412-423. | December 2015 |
Whitlock, S. L., M. C. Quist, and A. M. Dux. 2014. Influence of habitat characteristics on shore-spawning kokanee Oncorhynchus nerka. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143:1404-1418. | Abstract | Download | September 2014 |
Watkins, C. J., Z. B. Klein, M. M. Terrazas, and M. C. Quist. 2015. Influence of sectioning location on age estimates from common carp dorsal spines. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35:690-697. | July 2015 |
Watkins, C. J., T. J. Ross, R. S. Hardy, and M. C. Quist. 2017. Response of fish population dynamics to mitigation activities in a large regulated river. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146:703-715. | July 2017 |
Watkins, C. J., T. J. Ross, R. S. Hardy, and M. C. Quist. 2015. Precision of hard structures used to estimate age of mountain whitefish. Western North American Naturalist 75:1-7. | Abstract | May 2015 |
Watkins, C. J., M. C. Quist, B. B. Shepard, and S. C. Ireland. 2016. Electrofishing effort requirements for estimating species richness in the Kootenai River, Idaho. Northwest Science 90:315-327. | January 2017 |
Watkins, C. J., B. S. Stevens, M. C. Quist, B. B. Shepard, and S. C. Ireland. 2015. Patterns of fish assemblage structure and habitat use among main- and side-channel environments in the lower Kootenai River, Idaho. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144:1340-1355. | November 2015 |
Walrath, J. D., M. C. Quist, and J. A. Firehammer. 2015. Trophic ecology of nonnative northern pike and their effect on conservation of native westslope cutthroat trout. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35:158-177. | Abstract | February 2015 |
Walrath, J. D., M. C. Quist, and J. A. Firehammer. 2015. Population structure and dynamics of northern pike and smallmouth bass in Coeur d’Alene Lake, Idaho. Northwest Science 89:280-296. | Abstract | December 2015 |
Voss, N. S., B. J. Bowersox, and M. C. Quist. 2023. Reach-scale associations between introduced Brook Trout and juvenile and stream-dwelling Bull Trout in Idaho. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 152:835-848. | November 2023 |
Ulaski, M. E., and M. C. Quist. 2021. Filling knowledge gaps for a threatened species: age and growth of Green Sturgeon of the southern Distinct Population Segment. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 12:234-240. | August 2021 |
Ulaski, M. E., S. E. Blackburn, Z. J. Jackson, and M. C. Quist. 2022. Management goals for conserving White Sturgeon in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River basin. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 13:334-343. | January 2023 |
Ulaski, M. E., J. L. McCormick, M. C. Quist, and Z. J. Jackson. 2023. Leveraging angler effort to inform fisheries management: using harvest and harvest rate to estimate abundance of White Sturgeon. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 14:324-336. | December 2023 |
Spiegel, J.R., M. C. Quist, and J.E. Morris. 2010. Precision of scales and pectoral fin rays for estimating age of highfin carpsucker, quillback carpsucker, and river carpsucker. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 25:271-278. | January 2010 |
Spiegel, J. R., M. C. Quist, and J. E. Morris. 2011. Trophic ecology and gill raker morphology of seven catostomid species in Iowa rivers. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 27:11159-1164. | August 2011 |
Smith†, C. D., J. R. Fischer†, and M. C. Quist. 2014. Historical changes in Nebraska's lotic fish assemblages: a spatiotemporal assessment. American Midland Naturalist 172:160-184. | February 2015 |
Smith, C.D., T.E. Neebling, and M.C. Quist. 2010. Population dynamics of sand shiners in Iowa's non-wadeable rivers. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 25:617-626. | January 2010 |
Smith, C. D., M. C., Quist, and R. S. Hardy. 2016. Fish assemblage structure and habitat associations in a large western river system. River Research and Applications 32:622-638. | April 2016 |
Smith, C. D., M. C. Quist, and R. S. Hardy. 2015. Detection probabilities of electrofishing, hoop nets, and benthic trawls for fishes in two western North American rivers. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 6:371-391. | Abstract | December 2015 |
Sindt, A. R., M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2012. Habitat associations of fish species of greatest conservation need at multiple spatial scales in wadeable Iowa streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:1046-1061. | November 2012 |
Sindt, A. R., J. R. Fischer, M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2011. Ictalurids in Iowa’s streams and rivers: status, distribution, and relationships with biologic integrity. Pages 335-347 in P. H. Michaletz and V. H. Travnichek, editors. Conservation, Ecology, and Management of Catfish: the second international symposium. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | July 2011 |
Sindt, A. R., C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2012. Fish species of greatest conservation need in wadeable Iowa streams: current status and effectiveness of aquatic GAP Program distribution models. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:135-146. | February 2012 |
Schultz, R. D., Z. J. Jackson, and M. C. Quist. 2008. Relating impoundment morphometry and water quality to black crappie, bluegill, and largemouth bass populations in Iowa. Pages 479-491 in M. S. Allen, S. Sammons, and M. J. Maceina, editors. Balancing fisheries management and water uses for impounded river systems. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | June 2008 |
Schultz, R. D., J. M. Goeckler, and M. C. Quist. 2013. Size-based mortality caps as thresholds for managing hybrid striped bass in Kansas reservoirs. Pages 461-472 in J. S. Bulak, C. C. Coutant, and J. A. Rice, editors. Biology and management of inland striped bass and hybrid striped bass. American Fisheries Society, Symposium, Bethesda, Maryland. | May 2013 |
Schultz, R. D., A. L. Fowler, J. M. Goeckler, and M. C. Quist. 2013. Comparisons of growth for hybrid striped bass in North America. Pages 219-227 in J. S. Bulak, C. C. Coutant, and J. A. Rice, editors. Biology and management of inland striped bass and hybrid striped bass. American Fisheries Society, Symposium, Bethesda, Maryland. | May 2013 |
Roth, C. J., Z. S. Beard, J. M. Flinders, and M. C. Quist. 2020. Population ecology and evaluation of suppression scenarios for introduced Utah Chub. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:133-144. | February 2020 |
Roth, C. J., D. J. Schill, and M. C. Quist. 2018. Fight and air exposure times of caught and released salmonids from the South Fork Snake River. Fisheries Research 201:38-43. | February 2018 |
Roth, C. J., D. J. Schill, M. C. Quist, and B. High. 2018. Effects of air exposure in summer on the survival of caught-and-released salmonids. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38:886-895.doi: 10.1002/nafm.10184 | August 2018 |
Roth, C. J., D. J. Schill, M. C. Quist, B. High, M. R. Campbell, and N. V. Vu. 2019. Effects of air exposure during simulated catch-and-release angling on survival and fitness of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39:191-204. | February 2019 |
Quist, M.C., M.A., Pegg, and D.R. DeVries. 2012. Age and growth. Pages 677-731 in A. Zale, D. Parrish, and T. Sutton, editors. Fisheries techniques, 3rd edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD. | August 2012 |
Quist, M.C., M. Steuck, and M. Marron. 2009. Commercial harvest of paddlefish in the upper Mississippi River. Pages 345-355 in C.P. Paukert and G. Scholten, editors. Paddlefish management, propagation, and conservation in the 21st century: building from 20 years of research and management. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | October 2009 |
Quist, M.C., K. Benvechio, and M.S. Allen. 2009. Statistical analysis and data management. Pages 171-194 in S.A. Bonar, W.A. Hubert, and D.W. Willis, editors. Standard methods for sampling North American Freshwater fishes. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD. | October 2009 |
Quist, M.C., J.L. Stephen, S.T. Lynott, J.M. Goeckler, and R.D. Schultz. 2010. An evaluation of angler harvest of walleye and saugeye in a Kansas reservoir. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 25:1-7. | January 2010 |
Quist, M.C., J.L. Stephen, S.T. Lynott, C.S. Guy, J.M. Goeckler, and R.D. Schultz. 2010. Exploitation of walleyes in a Great Plains reservoir: harvest patterns and management scenarios. Fisheries Management and Ecology 17:522-531. | January 2010 |
Quist, M. C., and W. A. Hubert. 2004. Bioinvasive species and the preservation of cutthroat trout in the western United States: ecological, social, and economic issues. Environmental Science and Policy 7:303-313. | June 2004 |
Quist, M. C., and W. A. Hubert. 2005. Relative effects of biotic and abiotic processes: a test of the biotic-abiotic constraining hypothesis using cutthroat trout. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134:676-696. | January 2005 |
Quist, M. C., and R. D. Schultz. 2014. Effects of management legacies on stream fish and aquatic benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages. Environmental Management 54:449-464. | August 2014 |
Quist, M. C., and J. R. Spiegel. 2012. Population demographics of catostomids in large river ecosystems: effects of discharge and temperature on recruitment dynamics and growth. River Research and Applications 28:1567-1586. | November 2012 |
Quist, M. C., and D. A. Isermann, editors. 2017. Age and growth of fishes: principles and techniques. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | October 2017 |
Quist, M. C., and C. S. Guy. 2004. Anti-predator behavior of larval walleyes and saugeyes. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 107:69-76. | January 2004 |
Quist, M. C., and C. S. Guy. 2001. Growth and mortality of prairie stream fishes: relations with fish community and instream habitat characteristics. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 10:88-96. | January 2001 |
Quist, M. C., and C. S. Guy. 1999. Spatial and temporal variation in population characteristics of shovelnose sturgeon in the Kansas River. Prairie Naturalist 31:65-74. | January 1999 |
Quist, M. C., and C. S. Guy. 1998. Poplation characteristics of channel catfish from the Kansas River, Kansas. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 13:351-359. | January 1998 |
Quist, M. C., Z. J. Jackson, M. R. Bower, and W. A. Hubert. 2007. Precision of hard structures used to estimate age of riverine catostomids and cyprinids in the Upper Colorado River basin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:643-649. | June 2007 |
Quist, M. C., W. A. Hubert, and F. J. Rahel. 2006. Concurrent assessment of fish and habitat in warmwater streams in Wyoming. Fisheries Management and Ecology 13:9-20. | February 2006 |
Quist, M. C., W. A. Hubert, and F. J. Rahel. 2004. Relations among habitat characteristics, exotic species, and turbid-river cyprinids in the Missouri River Drainage of Wyoming. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:727-742. | June 2004 |
Quist, M. C., W. A. Hubert, and F. J. Rahel. 2004. Elevation and stream-size thresholds affect distributions of native and exotic warmwater fishes in Wyoming. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 19:227-236. | January 2004 |
Quist, M. C., W. A. Hubert, and F. J. Rahel. 2003. Exotic piscivorous fishes and reduced intermittence affect suckermouth minnows in a Southeastern Wyoming stream. Intermountain Journal of Sciences 9:62-65. | September 2003 |
Quist, M. C., W. A. Hubert, and F. J. Rahel. 2005. Fish assemblage structure following impoundment of a Great Plains river. Western North American Naturalist 65:53-63. | December 2005 |
Quist, M. C., W. A. Hubert, and D. J. Isaak. 2004. Factors affecting allopatric and sympatric occurrence of two sculpin species across a Rocky Mountain watershed. Copeia 2004(3):618-624. | June 2004 |
Quist, M. C., W. A. Hubert, and D. J. Isaak. 2004. Fish assemblage structure and relations with environmental conditions in a Rocky Mountain watershed. Canadian Journal of Zoology 82:1554-1565. | January 2004 |
Quist, M. C., W. A. Hubert, M. Fowden, S. W. Wolff, and M. R. Bower. 2006. The Wyoming Habitat Assessment Methodology (WHAM): a systematic approach to evaluating watershed conditions and stream habitat. Fisheries 31(2):75-81. | February 2006 |
Quist, M. C., R. J. Bernot, C. S. Guy, and J. L. Stephen. 2001. Seasonal variation in population characteristics of gizzard shad. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 16:641-646. | January 2001 |
Quist, M. C., P. A. Fay, C. S. Guy, A. K. Knapp, and B. N. Rubenstein. 2003. Effects of military training on terrestrial and aquatic communities on a grassland military installation. Ecological Applications 13:432-442. | January 2003 |
Quist, M. C., M. R. Bower, and W. A. Hubert. 2006. Summer food habits and trophic overlap of roundtail chub and creek chub in Muddy Creek, Wyoming. Southwestern Naturalist 51:22-27. | February 2006 |
Quist, M. C., M. R. Bower, and W. A. Hubert. 2007. Infection by a black spot-causing species of Uvulifer and associated opercular alterations in fishes from a high-desert stream in Wyoming. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 78:129-136. | January 2007 |
Quist, M. C., M. R. Bower, W. A. Hubert, T. L. Parchman, and D. B. McDonald. 2009. Morphometric and meristic differences of bluehead sucker, flannelmouth sucker, white sucker, and their hubrids: tools for the management of native species in the Upper Colorado River basin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:460-467. | March 2009 |
Quist, M. C., M. R. Bower, W. A. Hubert and F. J. Rahel. 2006. Spatial patterns of fish assemblage structure in a tributary system of the Upper Colorado River system. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 21:673-680. | August 2006 |
Quist, M. C., M. E. Ulaski, K. M. Manuell, Z. J. Jackson, and T. Gatewood. 2023. Precision of structures used to estimate age and growth of Apache Trout from Arizona. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 14:188-194. | August 2023 |
Quist, M. C., L. Bruce, K. Bogenschutz, and J. E. Morris. 2007. Sample size requirements for estimating species richness of aquatic vegetation in Iowa lakes. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 22:477-491. | January 2007 |
Quist, M. C., K. R. Pember, C. S. Guy, and J. L. Stephen. 2004. Variation in larval fish communities: implications for management and sampling designs in reservoir systems. Fisheries Management and Ecology 11:107-116. | January 2004 |
Quist, M. C., K. G. Gerow, M. R. Bower, and W. A. Hubert. 2006. Random versus fixed-site sampling when monitoring relative abundance of fishes in headwater streams of the Upper Colorado River basin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26:1011-1019. | October 2006 |
Quist, M. C., J. S. Tillma, M. N. Burlingame, and C. S. Guy. 1999. Overwinter habitat use of shovelnose sturgeon in the Kansas River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 128:522-527. | January 1999 |
Quist, M. C., J. L. Stephen, C. S. Guy, and R. D. Schultz. 2004. Age structure and mortality of walleyes in Kansas reservoirs: use of mortality caps for establishing realistic management objectives. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:990-1002. | December 2004 |
Quist, M. C., F. J. Rahel, and W. A. Hubert. 2005. Hierarchical faunal filters: an approach to assessing the effects of habitat and nonnative species on native fishes. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 14:24-39. | January 2005 |
Quist, M. C., D. K. McCarrick, and L. M. Harris. 2022. Comparison of hard structures used to estimate age and growth of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 13:554-551. | January 2023 |
Quist, M. C., C. S. Guy, and P. J. Braaten. 1998. Standard weight (Ws) equation and length categories for shovelnose sturgeon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 18:992-997. | January 1998 |
Quist, M. C., C. S. Guy, and J. L. Stephen. 2003. Recruitment dynamics of walleyes (Stizostedion vitreum) in Kansas reservoirs: generalities with natural systems and effects of a centrarchid predator. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 60:830-839. | January 2003 |
Quist, M. C., C. S. Guy, and J. L. Stephen. 2001. The effect of light shock on short-term survival of walleye fry. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 104:158-163. | January 2001 |
Quist, M. C., C. S. Guy, R. J. Bernot, and J. L. Stephen. 2004. Factors influencing growth and survival of larval walleyes: implications for recruitment in a southern Great Plains reservoir. Fisheries Research 67:215-225. | January 2004 |
Quist, M. C., C. S. Guy, R. J. Bernot, and J. L. Stephen. 2002. Seasonal variation in condition, growth, and food habits of walleyes in a Great Plains reservoir and simulated effects of an altered thermal regime. Journal of Fish Biology 61:1329-1344. | January 2002 |
Quist, M. C., C. S. Guy, R. J. Bernot, and J. L. Stephen. 2002. Efficiency of removing food items from walleyes using acrylic tubes. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 17:179-184. | January 2002 |
Quist, M. C., C. S. Guy, R. J. Bernot, and J. L. Stephen. 2002. Ecology of larval white bass in a large Kansas reservoir. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:637-642. | January 2002 |
Quist, M. C., C. S. Guy, R. D. Schultz, and J. L. Stephen. 2003. Latitudinal comparisons of walleye growth in North America and factors influencing growth of walleyes in Kansas reservoirs. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:677-693. | January 2003 |
Quist, M. C., C. S. Guy, M. A. Pegg, P. J. Braaten, C. L. Pierce, and V. H. Travnichek. 2002. Potential influence of harvest on shovelnose sturgeon populations in the Missouri River system. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:537-549. | January 2002 |
Quist, M. C. 2007. An evaluation of techniques used to index recruitment variation and year-class strength. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:30-42. | January 2007 |
Porter, N. J., T. F. Bonvechio, J. L. McCormick, and M. C. Quist. 2014. Population dynamics of bowfin in a south Georgia reservoir: latitudinal comparisons of population structure, growth, and mortality. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 1:103-109. | July 2014 |
Pennock, C. A., P. Budy, S. A. Bonar, T. E. Dowling, K. B. Gido, E. I. Gilbert, B. R. Kesner, C. P. Paukert, M. C. Quist, J. Stahli, T. F. Turner, and D. L. Ward. 2022. Assessment of potential augmentation and management strategies for Razorback Sucker Xyrauchen texanus in Lake Mead and Grand Canyon: A Science Panel Summary. (No FSP possible). | April 2022 |
Parks, T. P., M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2014. Historical changes in fish assemblage structure in midwestern nonwadeable rivers. American Midland Naturalist 171:27-53. | January 2014 |
Parks, T. P., M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2016. Anthropogenic disturbance and environmental associations with fish assemblage structure in two nonwadeable rivers. River Research and Applications 32:66-84. | January 2016 |
Ng, E. L., J. P. Fredericks, and M. C. Quist. 2015. Effects of gill-net trauma, barotrauma, and deep release on postrelease mortality of lake trout. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 6:265-277. | December 2015 |
Ng, E. L., J. P. Fredericks, and M. C. Quist. 2017. Stable isotope evaluation of population- and individual-level diet variability in a large, oligotrophic lake with nonnative lake trout. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 26:271-279. | March 2017 |
Ng, E. L., J. P. Fredericks, and M. C. Quist. 2016. Population dynamics and evaluation of alternative management strategies for nonnative lake trout in Priest Lake, Idaho. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36:40-54. | May 2016 |
Neebling, T.E., and M.C. Quist. 2010. Relationships between fish assemblages and habitat characteristics in Iowa's non-wadeable rivers. Fisheries Management and Ecology 17:369-385. | January 2010 |
Neebling, T. E., and M. C. Quist. 2011. Comparison of boat electrofishing, trawling, and seining for sampling fish assemblages in Iowa’s nonwadeable rivers. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 31:390-402. | August 2011 |
Neebling, T. E., and M. C. Quist. 2008. Observations on the distribution and status of western sand darter, spotted gar, and skipjack herring in Iowa rivers. Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science 115:24-27. | January 2008 |
Mork, M.D., S.M. Bisping, J.R. Fischer, and M.C. Quist. 2009. Population characteristics of black bullhead in Iowa natural lakes. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 24:635-644. | October 2009 |
McCormick, J. L., M. C. Quist, and D. J. Schill. 2013. Self-reporting bias in Chinook salmon sport fisheries in Idaho: implications for roving creel surveys. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:723-731. | October 2013 |
McCormick, J. L., M. C. Quist, and D. J. Schill. 2013. Creel survey designs for short-duration Chinook salmon fisheries. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:977-993. | October 2013 |
McCormick, J. L., M. C. Quist, and D. J. Schill. 2012. Effect of survey design and catch rate estimation on total catch estimates in Chinook salmon fisheries. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:1090-1101. | November 2012 |
McCormick, J. L., J. Vincent, B. High, D. K. McCarrick, and M. C. Quist. 2022. Informing management of Henrys Lake, Idaho, using an integrated catch-at-age-model. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42:857-873. | August 2022 |
McCormick, J. L., D. Whitney, D. J. Schill, and M. C. Quist. 2015. Evaluation of angler reporting accuracy in an off-site survey to estimate statewide steelhead harvest. Fisheries Management and Ecology 22:134-142. | March 2015 |
McClure, C., M. C. Quist, J. R. Kozfkay, M. P. Peterson, and D. J. Schill. 2020. Movement dynamics of Smallmouth Bass in a large western river system. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:154-162. | February 2020 |
McCarrick, D. K., J. C. Dillon, B. High, and M. C. Quist. 2022. Spatial and temporal distribution and habitat selection of native Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout and nonnative Utah Chub. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42:939-951. | August 2022 |
McCarrick, D. K., J. C. Dillon, B. High, and M. C. Quist. 2022. Population dynamics of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout in Henrys Lake, Idaho. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 13:169-181. | August 2022 |
McCarrick, D. K., C. J. Roth, D. J. Schill, B. High, and M. C. Quist. 2019. Effects of air exposure on survival of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout angled from a stream with warm water temperatures. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 10:509-516. | October 2019 |
McBaine, K. E., Z. B. Klein, M. C. Quist, and D. T. Rhea. 2018. Diet of Burbot and implications for sampling. Intermountain Journal of Sciences 24:1-13. | August 2018 |
Lubenau, W. J., M. C. Quist, B. J. Bowersox, T. Copeland, J. L. McCormick, and T. R. Johnson. 2024. Encounter rates and catch-and-release mortality of steelhead in the Snake River basin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 44:3-20. | January 2024 |
Krogman, R. M., J. R. Fischer, M. C. Quist, M. J. Steuck, and M. M. Marron. 2011. Historical trends in commercial harvest of ictalurids in the upper Mississippi River. Pages 127-140 in P. H. Michaletz and V. H. Travnichek, editors. Conservation, Ecology, and Management of Catfish: the second international symposium. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | August 2011 |
Koch, J.D., and M.C. Quist. 2010. Current status and trends in the shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus): management and conservation. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26:491-498. | January 2010 |
Koch, J.D., M.C. Quist, and K.A. Hansen. 2009. Precision of hard structures used to estimate age of bowfin in the upper Mississippi River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:506-511. | October 2009 |
Koch, J.D., M.C. Quist, K.A. Hansen, and G.A. Jones. 2009. Population dynamics and potential management of bowfin (Amia calva) in the upper Mississippi River. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 25:545-550. | October 2009 |
Koch, J.D., M.C. Quist, C.L. Pierce, K.A. Hansen, and M.J. Steuck. 2009. Effects of commercial harvest on shovelnose sturgeon populations in the upper Mississippi River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:84-100. | October 2009 |
Koch, J. D., and M. C. Quist. 2007. A technique for preparing fin rays and spines for age and growth analysis. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:781-784. | January 2007 |
Koch, J. D., W. Schreck, and M. C. Quist. 2008. Standardized removal and sectioning locations for shovelnose sturgeon fin rays. Fisheries Management and Ecology 15:139-145. | January 2008 |
Klein, Z. B., T. F. Bonvechio, B. R. Bowen, and M. C. Quist. 2017. Precision and accuracy of age estimates obtained from anal fin spines, dorsal fin spines, and sagittal otoliths for known-age largemouth bass. Southeastern Naturalist 16:225-234. | May 2017 |
Klein, Z. B., R. S. Hardy, and M. C. Quist. 2016. Diet of juvenile burbot and insight into gape limitation. Intermountain Journal of Sciences 22:55-69. | December 2016 |
Klein, Z. B., M. M. Terrazas, and M. C. Quist. 2014. Age estimation of burbot using pectoral fin rays, branchiostegal rays, and otoliths. Intermountain Journal of Sciences 20:57-67. | December 2014 |
Klein, Z. B., M. J. Breen, and M. C. Quist. 2017. Population characteristics and the influence of discharge on Bluehead Sucker, Flannelmouth Sucker, and Roundtail Chub. Copeia 105:375-388. | July 2017 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, and C. S. Guy. 2023. Suppression of invasive fish in the West: synthesis and suggestions for improvement. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43:369-383. | March 2023 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, D. T. Rhea, and A. C. Senecal. 2016. Population characteristics and the suppression of non-native burbot in the Green River, Wyoming. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36:1006-1017. | September 2016 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, D. T. Rhea, and A. C. Senecal. 2015. Sampling techniques for burbot in a western non-wadeable river. Fisheries Management and Ecology 22:213-223. | May 2015 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, D. T. Rhea, and A. C. Senecal. 2015. Habitat use of non-native burbot in a western river. Hydrobiologia 757:61-71. | July 2015 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, D. J. Schill, A. M. Dux, and M. P. Corsi. 2020. Influence of population density and length structure on angler catch rate in kokanee fisheries. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:182-189. | February 2020 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, A. M. Dux, and M. P. Corsi. 2020. Ontogenetic-mediated resource competition in a kokanee-Mysis diluviana system. Hydrobiologia 847:3951-3966. | October 2020 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, A. M. Dux, and M. P. Corsi. 2019. Size selectivity of sampling gears used to sample kokanee. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39:343-352. | April 2019 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, A. M. Dux, and M. P. Corsi. 2019. Growth disparity in sympatric kokanee breeding groups. North American Journal of Aquaculture 81:169-177. | April 2019 |
Jansen, A. C., M. C. Quist, and J. A. Kopaska. 2008. Assessment of smallmouth bass populations in Iowa rivers. Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science 115:17-23. | January 2008 |
Jackson, Z.J., M.C. Quist, J.A. Downing, and J.G. Larscheid. 2010. Common carp (Cyprinus carpio), sport fishes, and water quality: ecological thresholds in agriculturally eutrophic lakes. Lake and Reservoir Management 26:14-22. | January 2010 |
Jackson, Z. J., M. C. Quist, and J. G. Larscheid. 2008. Growth standards for nine North American fish species. Fisheries Management and Ecology 15:107-118. | January 2008 |
Jackson, Z. J., M. C. Quist, J. G. Larscheid, E. C. Thelen, and M. J. Hawkins. 2007. Precision of scale and dorsal spines in age estimation of common carp. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 22:231-239. | January 2007 |
Hubert, W. A., and M. C. Quist, editors. 2010. Inland fisheries management in North America, third edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | October 2010 |
Heller, M. R., J. C. Dillon, and M. C. Quist. 2022. Occurrence, abundance, movement, and habitat associations of Bonneville Cutthroat Trout in tributaries to Bear Lake, Idaho-Utah. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42:684-700. | June 2022 |
Heller, M. R., J. C. Dillon, S. A. Tolentino, C. J. Watkins, and M. C. Quist. 2022. Population dynamics and harvest management of the Bonneville Cutthroat Trout fishery in Bear Lake, Idaho-Utah. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42:701-712. | June 2022 |
Heckel, J. W., M. C. Quist, C. J. Watkins, and A. M. Dux. 2020. Life history structure of Westslope Cutthroat Trout: inferences from otolith microchemistry. Fisheries Research 222. | February 2020 |
Heckel, J. W., M. C. Quist, C. J. Watkins, and A. M. Dux. 2020. Distribution and abundance of Westslope Cutthroat Trout in relation to habitat characteristics at multiple spatial scales. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:893-909. | September 2020 |
Hardy, R. S., T. J. Ross, K. N. McDonnell, M. C. Quist, C. Holderman, and B. S. Stevens. 2022. Nutrient restoration of a large, impounded, ultra-oligotrophic western river to recover declining native fishes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42:977-993. | August 2022 |
Griffin, K. M., Z. S. Beard, J. M. Flinders, and M. C. Quist. 2017. Estimating ages of Utah Chubs using pectoral fin rays, otoliths, and scales. Western North American Naturalist 77:189-194. | June 2017 |
Goeckler, J. M., M. C. Quist, J. A. Reinke, and C. S. Guy. 2003. Population characteristics and evidence of natural reproduction of blue catfish in Milford Reservoir, Kansas. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 160:149-154. | January 2003 |
Ghere, C. L., R. S. Hardy, S. M. Wilson, and M. C. Quist. 2024. Validation of techniques for estimating the age and growth of known-age White Sturgeon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 44:880-889. | August 2024 |
Fischer, J.R., N.P. Johnson, R.D. Schultz, and M.C. Quist. 2010. A comparison of modified fyke nets for evaluating fish assemblages and population structure. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 25:555-563. | January 2010 |
Fischer, J.R., M.C. Quist, S.L. Wigen, A.J. Schaefer, T.W. Stewart, and T.M. Isenhart. 2010. Assemblage and population level responses of stream fish to riparian buffers at multiple spatial scales. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:185-200. | January 2010 |
Fischer, J. R., and M. C. Quist. 2019. Understanding fish assemblage structure in lentic ecosystems: relative effects of abiotic factors and management legacies. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39:607-624. | Abstract | October 2019 |
Fischer, J. R., and M. C. Quist. 2014. Gear and seasonal bias associated with abundance and size structure estimates for lentic freshwater fishes. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 5:394-412. | February 2015 |
Fischer, J. R., and M. C. Quist. 2014. Characterizing lentic freshwater fish assemblages using multiple sampling methods. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 186:4461-4474. | June 2014 |
Fischer, J. R., T. E. Neebling, and M. C. Quist. 2012. Development and evaluation of a boat-mounted RFID antenna for monitoring freshwater mussels. Freshwater Science (formerly Journal of the North American Benthological Society) 31:148-153. | February 2012 |
Fischer, J. R., R. M. Krogman, and M. C. Quist. 2013. Influences of native and non-native benthivorous fishes on aquatic ecosystems degradation. Hydrobiologia 711:187-199 . | October 2013 |
Fischer, J. R., B. D. Bakevich, C. P. Shea, C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2018. Floods, drying, habitat connectivity and fish occupancy dynamics in restored and unrestored oxbows of west-central Iowa, USA. Aquatic Conservation: Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems 28:630-640. | June 2018 |
Feeken, S. F., B. J. Bowersox, M. E. Dobos, M. P. Corsi, M. C. Quist, and T. Copeland. 2019. Distribution and movement of steelhead and anglers in the Clearwater River, Idaho. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39:1056-1072. | November 2019 |
Dzul, M. C., S. J. Dinsmore, M. C. Quist, D. B. Gaines, K. P. Wilson, M. R. Bower, and P. M. Dixon. 2013. A simulation model of the Devils Hole pupfish population using monthly length frequency distributions. Population Ecology 55:325-341. | April 2013 |
Dzul, M. C., P. M. Dixon, M. C. Quist, S. J. Dinsmore, M. R. Bower, K. P. Wilson, and D. B. Gaines. 2013. Using variance components to estimate power in a hierarchically nested sampling design: improving monitoring of larval Devils Hole pupfish. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185:405-414. | January 2013 |
Dzul, M. C., M. C. Quist, S. J. Dinsmore, P. M. Dixon, and M. R. Bower. 2012. Identifying sources of error in surveys of Devils Hole pupfish. Southwestern Naturalist 57:44-50. | November 2012 |
Dzul, M. C., M. C. Quist, S. J. Dinsmore, D. B. Gaines, and M. R. Bower. 2013. Coarse-scale movement patterns of a small-bodied fish inhabiting a desert stream. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 28:27-38. | August 2013 |
Dzul, M. C., D. B. Gaines, J. R. Fischer, M. C. Quist, and S. J. Dinsmore. 2012. Evaluation of Salt Creek pupfish (Cyprinodon salinus salinus) otoliths for use in age and growth analyses. Southwestern Naturalist 57:412-416. | November 2012 |
Dobos, M. E., M. P. Corsi, D. J. Schill, J. M. DuPont, and M. C. Quist. 2016. Influences of summer water temperatures on the movement, distribution, and resource use of fluvial Westslope Cutthroat Trout in the South Fork Clearwater River basin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36:549-567. | May 2016 |
Delp, J. G., J. S. Tillma, M. C. Quist, and C. S. Guy. 2000. Age and growth of four centrarchid species in southeastern Kansas streams. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 15:475-478. | December 2000 |
Cox, B. S., A. M. Dux, M. C. Quist, and C. S. Guy. 2012. Use of a seismic air gun to reduce survival of nonnative lake trout embryos: a tool for conservation? North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:292-298. | June 2012 |
Corsi, M. P., M. J. Hansen, M. C. Quist, D. J. Schill, and A. M. Dux. 2019. Influences of Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) and Mysis diluviana on kokanee (Oncorhynchus nerka) in Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho. Hydrobiologia 840: 351-362. | November 2019 |
Cooke, S. J., V. M. Nguyen, J. M. Dettmers, R. Arlinghaus, M. C. Quist, D. Tweddle, O. L. F. Weyl, R. Raghavan, M. Portocarrero-Aya, E. A. Cordoba, and I. G. Cowx. 2016. Sustainable inland fisheries—perspectives from the recreational, commercial, and subsistence sectors from around the globe. Pages 467-505 in G. P. Cross, M. Krkosek, and J. D. Olden, editors. Conservation of freshwater fishes. Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom. | April 2016 |
Compton, R. I., W. A. Hubert, F. J. Rahel, M. C. Quist, and M. R. Bower. 2008. Influences of fragmentation on three species of native warmwater fishes in a Colorado River basin headwater stream system, Wyoming. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:1733-1743. | January 2008 |
Carter-Lynn, K. P., M. C. Quist, and M. Liter. 2015. Population dynamics of channel catfish near the northern edge of their distribution: implications for management. Fisheries Management and Ecology 22:530-538. | December 2015 |
Brauer, T. A., M. C. Quist, D. T. Rhea, T. W. Laughlin, and J. D. Walrath. 2019. Population characteristics and management of lentic populations of nonnative Burbot in the Green River system, Wyoming. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39:45-57. | February 2019 |
Brauer, T. A., M. C. Quist, D. T. Rhea, T. W. Laughlin, and E. Waring. 2020. Movement dynamics of nonnative Burbot in the upper Green River system and implications for management. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:1161-1173. | October 2019 |
Brauer, T. A., D. T. Rhea, J. D. Walrath, and M. C. Quist. 2018. Efficacy of using data from angler-caught Burbot to estimate population rate functions. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38:346-354. | May 2018 |
Branigan, P. R., M. C. Quist, B. B. Shepard, and S. C. Ireland. 2022. Resource selection and species interactions between native and nonnative fishes in a simulated stream system. Fisheries Management and Ecology 29:627-637 | Abstract | September 2022 |
Branigan, P. R., M. C. Quist, B. B. Shepard, and S. C. Ireland. 2018. Microhabitat use of native fishes in the Kootenai River: a fine-scale evaluation of large-scale habitat rehabilitation efforts. River Research and Applications 34:1267-1277. | December 2018 |
Branigan, P. R., M. C. Quist, B. B. Shepard, and S. C. Ireland. 2018. Comparison of a prepositioned areal electrofishing device and fixed underwater videography for sampling riverine fishes. Western North American Naturalist 78:65-75. | May 2018 |
Bower, M. R., D. B. Gaines, K. P. Wilson, J. G. Wullschleger, M. C. Dzul, M. C. Quist, and S. J. Dinsmore. 2011. Accuracy and precision of visual estimates and photogrammetric measurements of the length of a small-bodied fish. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 31:138-143. | March 2011 |
Blackburn, S. E., M. L Gingras, J. DuBois, Z. J. Jackson, and M. C. Quist. 2019. Population dynamics and evaluation of management scenarios for White Sturgeon in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River basin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39:896-912. | December 2019 |
Black, A. R., Z. S. Beard, J. M. Flinders, and M. C. Quist. 2021. Standard weight (Ws) equation and length categories for Utah Chub. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 41:1299-1308. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10636 | September 2021 |
Black, A. R., J. D. Walrath, M. Willmes, and M. C. Quist. 2023. Natal contributions of kokanee salmon to Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Wyoming-Utah: an evaluation using otolith microchemistry. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 14:90-107. | August 2023 |
Bister, T. J., D. W. Willis, M. L. Brown, S. M. Jordan, R. M. Neumann, M. C. Quist, and C. S. Guy. 2000. Proposed standard weight (Ws) equations and standard length categories for 18 warmwater nongame and riverine fish species. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:570-574. | May 2000 |
Bisping, S. M., M. C. Quist, J. R. Fischer, and A. J. Schaefer. 2010. Population characteristics of central stonerollers in Iowa streams. Prairie Naturalist 42:109-115. | November 2010 |
Bernot, R. J., W. K. Dodds, M. C. Quist, and C. S. Guy. 2006. Temperature and kairomone induced life history plasticity in coexisting Daphnia. Aquatic Ecology 40:361-372. | January 2006 |
Bernot, R. J., W. K. Dodds, M. C. Quist, and C. S. Guy. 2004. Spatial and temporal variability of zooplankton in a Great Plains reservoir. Hydrobiologia 525:101-112. | August 2004 |
Bernot, R. J., W. K. Dodds, M. C. Quist, and C. S. Guy. 2004. Larval fish-induced phenotypic plasticity of coexisting Daphnia: an enclosure experiment. Freshwater Biology 49:87-97. | January 2004 |
Bernot, R. J., W. K. Dodds, M. C. Quist, and C. S. Guy. 2004. Larval fish-induced phenotypic plasticity of coexisting Daphnia: an enclosure experiment. Freshwater Biology 49:87-97. | January 2004 |
Beard, Z. S., M. C. Quist, R. S. Hardy, and T. J. Ross. 2018. Patterns in fish assemblage structure in a small western stream. Copeia 106:589-599. | October 2018 |
Beard, Z. S., M. C. Quist, R. S. Hardy, and T. J. Ross. 2017. Survival, movement, and distribution of juvenile Burbot in a tributary of the Kootenai River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37:1274-1288. | September 2017 |
Beard, Z. S., M. C. Quist, R. S. Hardy, and T. J. Ross. 2017. Habitat associations of juvenile Burbot in a tributary of the Kootenai River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146:1008-1015. | August 2017 |
Bakevich†, B. D., C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2015. Status of the Topeka shiner in west-central Iowa. American Midland Naturalist 174:350-358. | August 2015 |
Bakevich, B. D., C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2013. Status, distribution, and habitat associations of Topeka shiners in west-central Iowa. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:1258-1268. | November 2013 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Yates, J. R., C. J. Watkins, and M. C. Quist. Evaluation of hard structures for estimating age of common carp. 143rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas. | September 2013 |
Yates, J. R., C. J. Watkins, and M. C. Quist. Evaluation of four calcified structures for estimating age of common carp. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. | April 2013 |
Wilson, C. M., B. Marciniak, J. Messner, M. Thomas, M. P. Corsi, and M. C. Quist. 2024. Comparison of pectoral fin rays and lapilli otoliths for estimating age for Northern Pikeminnow. Joint meeting of the Idaho and Washington-British Columbia chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Spokane, Washington, May 1, 2024. | May 2024 |
Wilson, C. M., B. Marciniak, J. Messner, M. Thomas, M. P. Corsi, and M. C. Quist. 2023. Comparison of pectoral fin rays and lapilli for estimating age of Northern Pikeminnow in a montane reservoir. Joint Meeting of the Western Division and Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, May 11. | May 2023 |
Whitlock, S., M. C. Quist, and A. M. Dux. Optimizing mysis shrimp Mysis diluvianna sampling efforts in Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho. 143rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas. | September 2013 |
Whitlock, S., M. C. Quist, and A. M. Dux. Kokanee recruitment response to water level management in Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho. 143rd Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas. | September 2013 |
Whitlock, S., M. C. Quist, and A. Dux. 2013. Habitat variables influencing kokanee incubation success in Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho. 32nd International Kokanee workshop, Fort Collins, Colorado. | February 2013 |
Whitlock, S. L., M. C. Quist, and A. M. Dux. Measuring the effects of water level management in Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho using a bootstrap stock-recruitment model. Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Eugene, Oregon. | February 2014 |
Whitlock, S. L., M. C. Quist, and A. M. Dux. An in situ egg box experiment to assess kokanee shore-spawning incubation success in lake Pend Oreille, Idaho. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. | April 2013 |
Whitlock, S. L., M. C. Quist, and A. M. Dux. 2014. Understanding the habitat requirements of shore-spawning kokanee. Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Eugene, Oregon, February 23. | February 2014 |
Whitlock, S. L., M. C. Quist, and A. M. Dux. 2014. Effects of water level regulation and habitat characteristics on shore-spawning kokanee incubation success and habitat selection. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, February 12. Platform. | February 2014 |
Whitlock, S. L., M. C. Quist, and A. M. Dux. 2013. Evaluation of water level management as a tool for enhancing shore-spawning kokanee recruitment in Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho. 33rd International Annual Meeting, North American Lake Management Society, October 31. Platform. | October 2013 |
Watklins, C. J., M. C. Quist, and R. S. Hardy. Population dynamics of largescale suckers in the Kootenai River, Idaho: effects of nutrient enhancement and discharge on growth and recruitment.144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec. | August 2014 |
Watkins, C. J., and M. C. Quist. Fish assemblage structure in side channels of the Kootenai River, Idaho. 143rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas. | September 2013 |
Watkins, C. J., and M. C. Quist. Fish assemblage structure in side channels of the Kootenai River, Idaho. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. | April 2013 |
Watkins, C. J., Z. B. Klein, M. M. Terrazas, and M. C. Quist. 2014. Evaluation of removal and sectioning locations of dorsal spines for estimating age of common carp . Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, February 12. Poster. | February 2014 |
Watkins, C. J., M. C. Quist, and B. B. Shepard. 2014. Modeling fish assemblage structure and habitat use to guide rehabilitation activities in the Kootenai River, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, February 12. Platform. | February 2014 |
Watkins, C. J., M. C. Quist, T. J. Ross, and R. S. Hardy. 2017. Response of fish population dynamics to mitigation activities in a large regulated river. 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, Florida, August 24. | August 2017 |
Watkins, C. J., M. C. Quist, B. B. Shepard, and S. C. Ireland. Sample size and effort requirements to estimate species richness and changes in relative abundance when monitoring habitat rehabilitation activities in the Kootenai River, Idaho. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec. | August 2014 |
Watkins, C. J., M. C. Quist, B. B. Shepard, and R. S. Hardy. 2014. Population dynamics of largescale suckers in the Kootenai River, Idaho: effects of nutrient enhancement and discharge on growth and recruitment. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, February 12. Platform. | February 2014 |
Walrath, J. D., and M. C. Quist. Seasonal food habits of northern pike and smallmouth bass in Lake Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. 143rd Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas. | September 2013 |
Walrath, J. D., and M. C. Quist. Population dynamics of northern pike and smallmouth bass in Lake Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. | April 2013 |
Walrath, J. D., M. C. Quist, and J. A. Firehammer. 2014. Trophic ecology of northern pike and their effect on conservation of westslope cutthroat trout. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, February 12. Platform. | February 2014 |
Voss, N. S., and M. C. Quist. 2021. Investigating threshold relationships between native Bull Trout and invasive Brook Trout in Idaho using a large geospatial dataset. Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society, Baltimore, Maryland. | November 2021 |
Voss, N. S., M. C. Quist, and B. J. Bowersox. 2022. Investigating threshold relationships between native Bull Trout and invasive Brook Trout in Idaho . Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Ft. Hall, Idaho. | March 2022 |
Voss, N. S., M. C. Quist, and B. J. Bowersox. 2022. Interactions between Bull Trout and Brook Trout in Idaho. 152nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Spokane, Washington. | August 2022 |
Voss, N. S., M. C. Quist, B. J. Bowersox, and D. Nolfi. 2024. Twenty-year shifts in the distribution of non-native Brook Trout within Bull Trout habitat in central Idaho. Science of the Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Virtual conference. | March 2024 |
Voss, N. S., M. C. Quist, B. J. Bowersox, and D. Nolfi. 2024. Twenty-year shifts in the distribution of Brook Trout in central Idaho Bull Trout streams. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Science of the Service, May 8. | May 2024 |
Voss, N. S., M. C. Quist, B. J. Bowersox, and D. Nolfi. 2024. Habitat drivers of Brook Trout abundance in central Idaho Bull Trout streams. Joint meeting of the Idaho and Washington-British Columbia chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Spokane, Washington, May 1, 2024. | May 2024 |
Voss, N. S., M. C. Quist, B. J. Bowersox, and D. Nolfi. 2022. Bull Trout and Brook Trout in Idaho: patterns across space and time. U.S. Forest Service, Northern Regional Soil, Water, and Fish Meeting, Missoula, Montana, November 29. | November 2022 |
Voss, N. S., M. C. Quist, B. J. Bowersox, and D. Nolfi. 2023. Bull Trout and Brook Trout in Idaho: patterns across space and time. Joint Meeting of the Western Division and Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, May 11. | May 2023 |
Unsworth, J. S., M. C. Quist, A. Dux, and C. Camacho. 2024. Population demographics and dynamics of juvenile Bull Trout in a montane ecosystem. Joint meeting of the Idaho and Washington-British Columbia chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Spokane, Washington, May 1, 2024. | May 2024 |
Unsworth, J. S., M. C. Quist, A. Dux, and C. Camacho. 2022. Population demographics and dynamics of juvenile Bull Trout in a montane ecosystem. U.S. Forest Service, Northern Regional Soil, Water, and Fish Meeting, Missoula, Montana, November 30. | November 2022 |
Unsworth, J. S., M. C. Quist, A. Dux, and C. Camacho. 2023. Population demographics and dynamics of juvenile Bull Trout in a montane ecosystem. Joint Meeting of the Western Division and Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, May 11. | May 2023 |
Unsworth, J. S., M. C. Quist, A. Dux, C. Camacho, and M. Thomas. 2024. Population demographics and dynamics of juvenile Bull Trout in a montane ecosystem. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Science of the Service, May 8. | May 2024 |
Ulaski, M. E., and M. C. Quist. 2022. Management goals for conserving White Sturgeon in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River basin. 152nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Spokane, Washington. | August 2022 |
Ulaski, M. E., and M. C. Quist. 2020. Filling knowledge gaps of a threatened species: Green Sturgeon in the Sacramento River. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Coeur d’Alene, March 13. Platform | March 2020 |
Terrazas, M. M., Z. B. Klein, and M. C. Quist. Precision of hard structure for estimating the age of burbot. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec. | September 2014 |
Terrazas, M. M., Z. B. Klein, and M. C. Quist. 2015. Precision of hard structures for estimating the age of burbot. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 4. Poster | March 2015 |
Terrazas, M. M., Z. B. Klein, and M. C. Quist. 2015. Precision of hard structures for estimating the age of burbot. Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Fort Collins, Colorado, February 25. Poster | February 2015 |
Smith, C. D., and M. C. Quist. Comparison of techniques for sampling juvenile burbot in lotic systems. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. | April 2013 |
Smith, C. D., and M. C. Quist. Comparing sampling techniques for juvenile burbot in riverine systems: an occupancy modeling approach. 143rd Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas. | September 2013 |
Smith, C. D., M. C. Quist, and R. S. Hardy. Fish assemblage and population relationships with habitat in the Kootenai River, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, February 12. Platform. | February 2014 |
Smith, C. D., M. C. Quist, and R. S. Hardy. 2014. Comparison of sampling techniques for fish assemblages in western rivers. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, February 12. Platform. | February 2014 |
Shea, C. P., B. D. Bakevich, P. W. Bettoli, J. R. Fischer, C. L. Pierce, and M. C. Quist. 2017. Combining dynamic occupancy models and trait-based approaches to assess the response of stream fish assemblages to hydrological and hydrothermal variability. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Sciences, Raleigh, North Carolina, June 6. | June 2017 |
Schill, D. J., C. J. Roth, M. C. Quist, B. High, M. R. Campbell, and N. Vu. 2017. Effects of air exposure on survival and fitness of Yellowstone cutthroat trout. 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, Florida, August 24. | August 2017 |
Roth, C. J., Z. S. Beard, J. M. Flinders, and M. C. Quist. 2018. Population characteristics and suppression of Utah Chubs in Henrys Lake, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Idaho Falls, Idaho. | February 2018 |
Roth, C. J., D. J. Schill, and M. C. Quist. 2019. Should managers be concerned about air exposure in recreational fisheries? East Coast Trout Management and Culture Workshop VI, Frostburg, Maryland, June 11. Platform | June 2019 |
Roth, C. J., D. J. Schill, and M. C. Quist. 2017. Let’s get real: air exposure times of wild trout in a catch and release fishery. World Recreational Fishing Conference, Victoria, Canada, July 17. | July 2017 |
Roth, C. J., D. J. Schill, M. C. Quist, and B. High. 2018. Effects of air exposure on the survival of salmonids captured via mid-summer angling events. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Idaho Falls, Idaho. | March 2018 |
Roth, C. J., D. J. Schill, M. C. Quist, and B. High. 2017. Survival of Yellowstone cutthroat trout exposed to air during mid-summer angling events. Wild Trout XII, West Yellowstone, Montana, September 28. | September 2017 |
Roth, C. J., D. J. Schill, M. C. Quist, and B. High. 2017. Survival of Yellowstone cutthroat trout exposed to air during mid-summer angling events. Annual Meeting of the Washington-British Columbia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, April 12. | April 2017 |
Roth, C. J., D. J. Schill, M. C. Quist, and B. High. 2017. Survival of Yellowstone cutthroat trout exposed to air during mid-summer angling events. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 3. | March 2017 |
Roth, C. J., D. J. Schill, M. C. Quist, and B. High. 2017. Let’s get real: air exposure times of wild trout in a catch and release fishery. Wild Trout XII, West Yellowstone, Montana, September 28. | September 2017 |
Roth, C. J., D. J. Schill, M. C. Quist, and B. High. 2017. Evaluating the effects of air exposure from mid-summer angling events on the survival of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout. World Recreational Fishing Conference, Victoria, Canada, July 18. | July 2017 |
Roth, C. J., D. J. Schill, M. C. Quist, and B. High. 2017. Air exposure times of caught and released trout on the South Fork Snake River. Annual Meeting of the Washington-British Columbia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, April 12. | April 2017 |
Roth, C. J., D. J. Schill, M. C. Quist, and B. High. 2017. Air exposure times of caught and released trout on the South Fork Snake River. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 3. | March 2017 |
Roth, C. J., D. J. Schill, M. C. Quist, B. High, M. R. Campbell, and N. Vu. 2018. Effects of air exposure on survival and fitness of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Idaho Falls, Idaho. | March 2018 |
Roth, C. J., D. J. Schill, M. C. Quist, B. High, M. R. Campbell, and N. Vu. 2018. Effects of air exposure on survival and fitness of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City, New Jersey, August 21. Platform | August 2018 |
Roth, C. J., D. J. Schill, M. C. Quist, B. High, M. R. Campbell, and N. Vu. 2017. Effects of air exposure on survival and fitness of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout. World Recreational Fishing Conference, Victoria, Canada, July 18. | July 2017 |
Roth, C. J., D. J. Schill, M. C. Quist, B. High, M. R. Campbell, and N. Vu. 2017. Effects of air exposure on survival and fitness of Yellowstone cutthroat trout. Wild Trout XII, West Yellowstone, Montana, September 28. | September 2017 |
Roth, C. J., D. J. Schill, M. C. Quist, B. High, M. R. Campbell, and N. Vu. 2017. Effects of air exposure on survival and fitness of Yellowstone cutthroat trout. Annual Meeting of the Washington-British Columbia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, April 12. | April 2017 |
Roth, C. J., D. J. Schill, M. C. Quist, B. High, M. R. Campbell, and N. Vu. 2017. Effects of air exposure on survival and fitness of Yellowstone cutthroat trout. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 3. | March 2017 |
Ross,T.J., S.A. Carleton, M.C. Quist, J. Dunnigan, and R.Hardy. 2015. Stock Assignment of Fluvial Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in the Kootenai River, Idaho Using Otolith Microchemistry: Lessons Learned and Future Directions. Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Boise, ID | March 2015 |
Ross, T. J., S. A. Carleton, M. C. Quist, J. Dunnigan, and R. S. Hardy. 2015. Application of otolith microchemistry to evaluate natal origins, maternal origins, and stock composition of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in the Kootenai River, Idaho. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, Oregon, August 17. | August 2015 |
Quist, M. C., and M. P. Corsi. 2022. Walleyes in the west. 152nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Spokane, Washington. | August 2022 |
Quist, M. C., M. Mather, D. Parrish, S. Chipps, and T. Kwak. The voices of reality: why effective fisheries education is challenging; practical ways to move forward. 143rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas. | September 2013 |
Quist, M. C., M. E. Mather, D. L. Parrish, S. R. Chipps, T. J. Kwak, and C. P. Paukert. 2013. The voices of reality: why effective fisheries education is challenging and practical ways to move forward. 143 rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas, September 11. Platform | September 2013 |
Quist, M. C., K. P. Cater-Lynn, and M. Liter 2015. Population dynamics of channel catfish in northern Idaho lakes: implications for management. Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Fort Collins, Colorado, February 25. Platform | February 2015 |
Porter, N. J., T. F. Bonvechio, J. L. McCormick, and M. C. Quist. Population dynamics of bowfin in a south Georgia reservoir: latitudinal comparisons of growth and mortality. Annual meeting of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. | October 2013 |
Parks, T., M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2013. Historic changes in fish assemblage structure in midwestern nonwadeable rivers. Annual meeting of the Rivers and Streams Technical Committee, North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society, Milan, Illinois, March 27. | March 2013 |
Parks, T., M. C. Quist, and C. L. Pierce. 2013. Anthropogenic disturbance and environmental associations with fish assemblage structure in two nonwadeable rivers in Iowa. Iowa Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, February 27, Rathbun, Iowa, February 27. | February 2013 |
Ng. E. L., M. C. Quist, and E. L. Ng. 2015. Trophic structure of the fish assemblage in Priest Lake, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 4. Platform | March 2015 |
Ng, E. L., M. C. Quist, and J. Frederics. Estimation of gill-net selectivity for lake trout and application of demographic parameter estimates. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec. | August 2014 |
Ng, E. L., M. C. Quist, and J. Fredericks. Population dynamics of lake trout in Priest Lake, Idaho. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec. | August 2014 |
Ng, E. L., M. C. Quist, and J. Fredericks. 2015. Harvest and reproductive output regulate nonnative lake trout population growth: implications for management. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, Oregon, August 17. | August 2015 |
Ng, E. L., M. C. Quist, and J. Fredericks. 2015. Effects of harvest regulations on population dynamics of lake trout in Priest Lake, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 4. Platform | March 2015 |
Ng, E. L., M. C. Quist, and J. Fredericks. 2015. Effects of gill-net trauma, barotrauma, and deep release on post-release mortality of lake trout. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 4. Poster | March 2015 |
Ng, E. L., M. C. Quist, and J. Fredericks. 2015. Effects of gill-net trauma, barotrauma, and deep release on post-release mortality of lake trout. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, Oregon, August 17. | August 2015 |
Ng, E. L., M. C. Quist, and J. Fredericks. 2014. Estimation of gear selectivity for lake trout in Priest Lake, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, February 12. Platform. | February 2014 |
McCormick, J. L., M. C. Quist, and D. J. Schill. Stratification and allocation of sampling effort using parentage-based genetic tagging to estimate steellhead harvest. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. | April 2013 |
McCormick, J. L., M. C. Quist, and D. J. Schill. Self-reporting bias in Chinook salmon sport fisheries in Idaho: implications for roving creel surveys. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. | April 2013 |
McClure, B. C., M. C. Quist, J. R. Kozfkay, and M. P. Peterson. 2018. Population dynamics and demographics of Smallmouth Bass in the Snake River, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Idaho Falls, Idaho. | March 2018 |
McClure, B. C., M. C. Quist, J. R. Kozfkay, and M. P. Peterson. 2017. Population dynamics and movement of smallmouth bass in the Snake River. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 3. | March 2017 |
McCarrick, D. K., M. C. Quist, J. C. Dillon, and B. High. 2020. Movement and habitat use of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout and Utah Chubs in Henrys Lake, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Coeur d’Alene, March 13. | March 2020 |
McCarrick, D. K., J. C. Dillon, B. High, and M. C. Quist. 2021. Movement and habitat use of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout and Utah Chubs in Henrys Lake, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, March 5. | March 2021 |
McCarrick, D. K., J. C. Dillon, B. High, and M. C. Quist. 2021. Factors influencing growth of Yellowstone Cutthroat in Henrys Lake, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, March 5. | March 2021 |
McCarrick, D. K., C. J. Roth, D. J. Schill, B. High, and M. C. Quist. 2019. Effects of air exposure on survival of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout from a warm water stream. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 7. Platform | March 2019 |
McCarrick, D. K., C. J. Roth, D. J. Schill, B. High, and M. C. Quist. 2019. Effects of air exposure on Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout from a warm water stream. 149th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Reno, Nevada, October 3. Platform | October 2019 |
McBaine, K. E., Z. B. Klein, M. C. Quist, D. T. Rhea, and A. C. Senecal. 2016. Trophic ecology of burbot and implications for sampling. Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Laramie, Wyoming, March 1. | March 2016 |
McBaine, K. E., Z. B. Klein, D. T. Rhea, and M. C. Quist. 2016. Trophic ecology of burbot and implications for sampling. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. | March 2016 |
Maude, D. K., B. Bowersox, M. Peterson, P. Kennedy, B. High, M. Corsi, and M. C. Quist. 2024. Population dynamics of White Sturgeon in the upper Snake River, Idaho: evaluation of management options for a harvest fishery. Joint meeting of the Idaho and Washington-British Columbia chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Spokane, Washington, May 1, 2024. | May 2024 |
Maude, D. K., B. Bowersox, M. Peterson, P. Kennedy, B. High, M. Corsi, and M. C. Quist. 2023. Population demographics and dynamics of a hatchery-establish population of White Sturgeon in the Snake River, Idaho. Joint Meeting of the Western Division and Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, May 11. | May 2023 |
Maude, D. K., B. Bowersox, M. Peterson, P. Kennedy, B. High, M. Corsi, and M. C. Quist. 2022. Evaluation of a harvest fishery for White Sturgeon in the upper Snake River, Idaho. Idaho Department of Fish and Game Annual Sturgeon Summit, Hells Canyon, Idaho, November 2. | November 2022 |
Marciniak, B., J. Messner, M. Thomas, M. P. Corsi, and M. C. Quist. 2024. Interactions among Yellow Perch, Northern Pikeminnow, and Smallmouth Bass in Lake Cascade, Idaho. Joint meeting of the Idaho and Washington-British Columbia chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Spokane, Washington, May 1, 2024. | May 2024 |
Marciniak, B., J. Messner, M. Thomas, M. P. Corsi, and M. C. Quist. 2023. Interactions among Yellow Perch, Northern Pikeminnow, and Smallmouth Bass in Lake Cascade, Idaho. Joint Meeting of the Western Division and Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, May 11. | May 2023 |
Lubenau, W. J., M. C. Quist, B. J. Bowersox, and T. S. Copeland. 2021. Encounter rates of wild steelhead in Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, March 5. | March 2021 |
Lubenau, W. J., M. C. Quist, B. J. Bowersox, and T. S. Copeland. 2020. Encounter rates of wild steelhead in Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Coeur d’Alene, March 13. | March 2020 |
Lubenau, W. J., M. C. Quist, B. J. Bowersox, T. S. Copeland, J. L. McCormick, and M. E. Dobos. 2022. Encounter rates and catch-and-release mortality of steelhead in the Snake River basin. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Ft. Hall, Idaho. | March 2022 |
Lubenau, W. J., M. C. Quist, B. J. Bowersox, T. S. Copeland, J. L. McCormick, and M. E. Dobos. 2022. 152nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Spokane, Washington. | August 2022 |
Lubenau, W. J., M. C. Quist, B. J. Bowersox, T. S. Copeland, J. L. McCormick, and M. E. Dobos. 2021. Encounter rates and catch-and-release mortality of steelhead in the Snake River basin. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Baltimore, Maryland. | November 2021 |
Lubenau, W. J., M. C. Quist, B. J. Bowersox, T. S. Copeland, J. L. McCormick, and M. E. Dobos. 2021. Encounter rates and catch-and-release mortality of wild steelhead in Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Salt Lake City, Utah. | May 2021 |
Klein, Z.B., M.C. Quist, and C.S. Guy. 2022. Suppression of invasive fish in the West: synthesis and suggestions for improvement. Annual Meeting of the New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. | February 2022 |
Klein, Z.B., M.C. Quist, and C.S. Guy. 2021. Suppression of invasive fish in the West: synthesis and suggestions for improvement. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Baltimore, Maryland. | November 2021 |
Klein, Z. B., M. J. Breen, and M. C. Quist. 2017. Population characteristics and the influence of discharge on bluehead sucker and flannelmouth sucker. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 3. | March 2017 |
Klein, Z. B., M. J. Breen, and M. C. Quist. 2017. Population characteristics and the influence of discharge on bluehead sucker and flannelmouth sucker. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Missoula, Montana, May 22. | May 2017 |
Klein, Z. B., M. J. Breen, and M. C. Quist. 2017. Population characteristics and the influence of discharge on bluehead sucker and flannelmouth sucker. 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, Florida, August 24. | August 2017 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, R. S. Hardy, and S. Young. 2016. Prey selection of juvenile burbot. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. | March 2016 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, L. E. Miranda, M. Marron, M. Steuck, and K. Hansen. 2018. Commercial fisheries of the upper Mississippi River. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Idaho Falls, Idaho. | February 2018 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, L. E. Miranda, M. M. Marron, M. J. Steuck, and K. A. Hansen. 2020. Commercial fisheries of the upper Mississippi River: a century of sustained harvest. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois, January 29. Platform | January 2020 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, L. E. Miranda, M. M. Marron, M. J. Steuck, and K. A. Hansen. 2019. Commercial fisheries of the upper Mississippi River: a century of sustained harvest. Annual Meeting of the Upper Mississippi River Conservation Commission, La Crosse, Wisconsin, March 20. Platform (Invited) | March 2019 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, L. E. Miranda, M. M. Marron, M. J. Steuck, and K. A. Hansen. 2018. Commercial fisheries of the upper Mississippi River: a model of sustainability. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City, New Jersey, August 21. Platform | August 2018 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, D. T. Rhea, and A. C. Senecal. Population dynamics of burbot in the Green River, Wyoming. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec. | August 2014 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, D. T. Rhea, and A. C. Senecal. 2015. Population dynamics of burbot in the Green River, Wyoming. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 4. Platform | March 2015 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, D. T. Rhea, and A. C. Senecal. 2015. Population dynamics of burbot in the Green River, Wyoming. Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Fort Collins, Colorado, February 25. Platform | February 2015 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, D. T. Rhea, and A. C. Senecal. 2015. Habitat use of non-native burbot in a western non-wadeable river. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 4. Platform | March 2015 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, D. T. Rhea, and A. C. Senecal. 2015. Habitat use of non-native burbot in a western non-wadeable river. Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Fort Collins, Colorado, February 25. Platform | February 2015 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, D. T. Rhea, adn A. C. Senecal. Sampling techniques for burbot in the Green River, Wyoming. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec. | August 2014 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, D. Rhea, and A. Senecal. 2014. Using occupancy modeling to compare sampling methods for Burbot Lota lota. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, February 12. Platform. | February 2014 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, D. Rhea, and A. Senecal. 2014. Using occupancy modeling to compare sampling methods for Burbot Lota lota. Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, February 12. Platform. | March 2014 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, A. M. Dux, and M. P. Corsi. 2019. Ontogenetic-mediated competition between kokanee and mysis. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 7. Platform | March 2019 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, A. M. Dux, and M. P. Corsi. 2018. Evaluating the size selectivity of mid-water trawls for sampling kokanee. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Idaho Falls, Idaho. | March 2018 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, A. M. Dux, and M. P. Corsi. 2018. Evaluating the size selectivity of mid-water trawls for sampling kokanee. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City, New Jersey, August 20. Poster | August 2018 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, A. M. Dux, and M. P. Corsi. 2017. Evaluating the size selectivity of mid-water trawls for sampling kokanee. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Missoula, Montana, May 24. | May 2017 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, A. M. Dux, and M. P. Corsi. 2017. Evaluating the size selectivity of mid-water trawls for sampling kokanee. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 3. | March 2017 |
Klein, Z. B., M. C. Quist, A. M. Dux, and M. P. Corsi. 2017. Evaluating the size selectivity of mid-water trawls for sampling kokanee. 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, Florida, August 24. | August 2017 |
Heller, M. R., M. C. Quist, J. C. Dillon, C. J. Watkins, A. F. Brimmer, and S. T. Tolentino. 2021. Population dynamics and harvest management of Bonneville Cutthroat Trout in Bear Lake. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, March 5. | March 2021 |
Heller, M. R., M. C. Quist, J. C. Dillon, C. J. Watkins, A. F. Brimmer, and S. T. Tolentino. 2021. Occurrence, abundance, and habitat use of Bonneville Cutthroat Trout in three tributaries to Bear Lake. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, March 5. | March 2021 |
Heller, M. R., M. C. Quist, J. C. Dillon, C. J. Watkins, A. F. Brimmer, and S. T. Tolentino. 2020. Distribution, occurrence, and abundance of Bonneville Cutthroat Trout in the tributaries to Bear Lake. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Coeur d’Alene, March 13. Platform | March 2020 |
Heckel, J. W., M. C. Quist, C. J. Watkins, and A. M. Dux. 2019. Distribution and abundance of Westslope Cutthroat Trout related to habitat characteristics in the St. Maries River basin. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 7. Poster | March 2019 |
Heckel, J. W., IV, M. C. Quist, S. A. Carleton, C. J. Watkins, and A. M. Dux. 2018. Describing spatial variability and life history strategies of Westslope Cutthroat Trout in the Coeur d’Alene Lake basin. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City, New Jersey, August 22. Platform | August 2018 |
Heckel, J. W., IV, M. C. Quist, S. A. Carleton, C. J. Watkins, and A. M. Dux. 2017. Using otolith microchemistry to describe the isotopic landscape of the Coeur d’Alene Lake basin. Wild Trout XII, West Yellowstone, Montana, September 28. | September 2017 |
Heckel, J. W., IV, M. C. Quist, S. A. Carleton, C. J. Watkins, and A. M. Dux. 2017. Using otolith microchemistry to describe the isotopic landscape of the Coeur d’Alene Lake basin. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 3. | March 2017 |
Heckel, J. W., IV, M. C. Quist, C. J. Watkins, and A. M. Dux. 2018. Relationships between Westslope Cutthroat Trout, fish assemblages, and habitat characteristics in the St. Maries River basin, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Idaho Falls, Idaho. | February 2018 |
Heckel, J. W., IV, M. C. Quist, C. J. Watkins, and A. M. Dux. 2018. Associations between Westslope Cutthroat Trout, fish assemblages, and habitat characteristics in a northern Idaho watershed. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City, New Jersey, August 20. Poster | August 2018 |
Heckel, J. W., IV, M. C. Quist, C. J. Watkins, A. M. Dux, and S. A. Carleton. 2018. Describing spatial variability and life history strategies of Westslope Cutthroat Trout in the Coeur d’Alene Lake basin. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Idaho Falls, Idaho. | March 2018 |
Heckel, J. W., C. J. Watkins, A. M. Dux, M. C. Quist, and S. A. Carleton. 2019. Life history structure of Westslope Cutthroat Trout in the St. Maries River basin inferred from otolith microchemistry. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 7. Platform | March 2019 |
Harris, L. M., D. K. McCarrick, and M. C. Quist. 2021. Evaluation of hard structures used to estimate age of Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout from Henrys Lake, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise. | March 2021 |
Hardy, R. S., C. Holderman, T. J. Ross, B. Shafii, and M. C. Quist. 2015. Ten years of nutrient additions in the Kootenai River, Idaho: what’s the verdict for fisheries recovery efforts? 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, Oregon, August 17. | August 2015 |
Griffin, K. M., Z. S. Beard, M. C. Quist, and J. M. Flinders. 2015. Age estimation of Utah Chub in Henry's Lake, Idaho using otoliths, scales, and pectoral fin rays. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, Oregon. | August 2015 |
Griffin, K. M., Z. B. Beard, M. C. Quist, and J. M. Flinders. 2016. Age estimation of Utah chubs in Henrys Lake, Idaho, using otoliths, scales, and pectoral fins. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. | March 2016 |
Ghere, C. L., S. M. Wilson, T. W. Smith, R. S. Hardy, M. Willmes, and M. C. Quist. 2023. Using microchemistry to inform growth dynamics of Kootenai River White Sturgeon. Joint Meeting of the Western Division and Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, May 11. | May 2023 |
Ghere, C. L., S. M. Wilson, T. W. Smith, R. S. Hardy, M. Willmes, and M. C. Quist. 2022. Using microchemistry to describe the population structure of White Sturgeon and Redband Trout in the Kootenai River. Idaho Department of Fish and Game Annual Sturgeon Summit, Hells Canyon, Idaho, November 2. | November 2022 |
Ghere, C. L., R. S. Hardy, S. M. Wilson, and M. C. Quist. 2024. Validation of techniques for estimating the age and growth of known-age White Sturgeon. Joint meeting of the Idaho and Washington-British Columbia chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Spokane, Washington, May 1, 2024. | May 2024 |
Frawley, S. E., M. C. Quist, and M. P. Corsi. 2022. Food habits and trophic structure of Walleyes in the Pen Oreille basin, Idaho. 152nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Spokane, Washington. | August 2022 |
Frawley, S. E., M. C. Quist, M. P. Corsi, and P. Rust. 2022. Growth and seasonal food habits of Walleyes in the Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Ft. Hall, Idaho. | March 2022 |
Frawley, S. E., M. C. Quist, M. P. Corsi, and P. Rust. 2021. Growth and seasonal food habits of Walleyes in the Clark Fork-Pend Oreille basin, Idaho. Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society, Baltimore, Maryland. | November 2021 |
Frawley, S. E., M. C. Quist, M. P. Corsi, and P. Rust. 2021. Seasonal distribution and food habits of Walleyes in Lake Pend Oreille. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise. | March 2021 |
Flinders, J. M., Z. S. Beard, and M. C. Quist. 2018. Standard weight (Ws) equation and length categories for Utah Chub. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Idaho Fall, Idaho. | February 2018 |
Feeken, S. F., Z. B. Klein, M. C. Quist, and N. Horner. 2018. Population structure of Common Carp in Lake Spokane, Washington. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Idaho Falls, Idaho. | February 2018 |
Feeken, S. F., Z. B. Klein, M. C. Quist, and N. Horner. 2018. Population structure of Common Carp in Lake Spokane, Washington. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City, New Jersey, August 20. POSTER | August 2018 |
Feeken, S. F., M. C. Quist, B. J. Bowersox, and M. E. Dobos. 2019. Seasonal distribution of steelhead and anglers in the Clearwater River, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 7. Platform | March 2019 |
Feeken, S. F., M. C. Quist, B. J. Bowersox, and M. E. Dobos. 2018. Seasonal distribution of wild steelhead, hatchery steelhead, and anglers in the Clearwater River, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Idaho Falls, Idaho. | March 2018 |
Feeken, S. F., M. C. Quist, B. J. Bowersox, and M. E. Dobos. 2018. Seasonal distribution of steelhead and anglers in the Clearwater River, Idaho. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City, New Jersey, August 21. PLATFORM | August 2018 |
Feeken, S. F., M. C. Quist, B. J. Bowersox, and M. E. Dobos. 2017. Distribution and movement of wild steelhead, hatchery steelhead, and anglers in the Clearwater River, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 3. | March 2017 |
Dobos, M. E., M. C. Quist, and M. P. Corsi. 2014. Movement patterns and habitat use of westslope cutthroat trout in the South Fork Clearwater River basin. International Wild Trout Symposium, September 24. Platform. | September 2014 |
Dobos, M. E., M. C. Quist, and M. P. Corsi. 2014. Movement patterns and habitat use of westslope cutthroat trout in the South Fork Clearwater River basin. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, February 12. Platform. | February 2014 |
Dobos, M. E., M. C. Quist, M. P. Corsi, and J. M. DuPont. 2015. Movement, distribution, and habitat use of westslope cutthroat trout in the South Fork Clearwater River basin. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 4. Platform | March 2015 |
Dobos, M. E., M. C. Quist, M. P. Corsi, and J. M. DuPont. 2015. Influence of summer water temperatures on the movement, distribution, and habitat use of fluvial westslope cutthroat trout in the South Fork Clearwater River basin. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, Oregon, August 17. | August 2015 |
Corsi, M. P., M. J. Hansen, M. C. Quist, and D. J. Schill. 2018. Top-down and bottom-up influences on kokanee population dynamics in Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Idaho Fall, Idaho. | February 2018 |
Corsi, M. P., J. R. Kozfkay, M. C. Quist, and C. J. Roth. 2023. Catch-and-release fish handling in the context of population-scale management. 153rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Grand Rapids, Michigan, August 22. | August 2023 |
Brauer, T. B., M. C. Quist, and D. T. Rhea. 2017. Population characteristics of invasive burbot in Fontenelle Reservoir, Wyoming. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 3. | March 2017 |
Brauer, T. B., M. C. Quist, D. T. Rhea, J. D. Walrath, and T. W. Laughlin. 2018. Population characteristics of Burbot in Fontenelle and Flaming Gorge reservoirs, Wyoming. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Idaho Falls, Idaho. | March 2018 |
Brauer, T. B., M. C. Quist, D. T. Rhea, J. D. Walrath, and T. W. Laughlin. 2018. Population characteristics of Burbot in Fontenelle and Flaming Gorge reservoirs, Wyoming. Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Laramie, Wyoming. | March 2018 |
Brauer, T. B., D. T. Rhea, J. D. Walrath, and M. C. Quist. 2018. Efficacy of using angler-caught Burbot to estimate population rate functions. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Idaho Falls, Idaho. | March 2018 |
Brauer, T. B., D. T. Rhea, J. D. Walrath, and M. C. Quist. 2018. Efficacy of using angler-caught Burbot to estimate population rate functions. Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Laramie, Wyoming. | March 2018 |
Branigan, P. R., M. C. Quist, B. Shepard, and S. Ireland. 2015. Microhabitat use by native and nonnative fishes in the Kootenai River, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 4. Platform | March 2015 |
Branigan, P. R., M. C. Quist, B. Shepard, and S. Ireland. 2015. Comparison of fixed underwater video and prepositioned areal electrofishing devices to evaluate species composition and abundance of fishes. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 4. Poster | March 2015 |
Branigan, P. R., M. C. Quist, B. B. Shepard, and S. C. Ireland. 2016. Microhabitat associations of native fishes in rehabilitated reaches of the Kootenai River, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. | March 2016 |
Branigan, P. R., M. C. Quist, B. B. Shepard, and S. C. Ireland. 2016. Evaluation of prepositioned areal electrofishing devices and fixed underwater video for sampling riverine fishes. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. | March 2016 |
Branigan, P. B., M. C. Quist, B. B. Shepard, and S. C. Ireland. 2017. Resource selection and species interactions of select native and nonnative fishes of the Kootenai River, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 3. | March 2017 |
Branigan, P. B., M. C. Quist, B. B. Shepard, and S. C. Ireland. 2017. Microhabitat associations of native fishes in rehabilitated reaches of the Kootenai River, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 3. | March 2017 |
Branigan, P. B., M. C. Quist, B. B. Shepard, and S. C. Ireland. 2016. Evaluation of a prepositioned areal electrofishing device and fixed underwater videography for sampling riverine fishes. 146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, Missouri, August 22. POSTER | August 2016 |
Branigan, P. B., M. C. Quist, B. B. Shepard, and S. C. Ireland. 2016. Effects of habitat rehabilitation activities on fish assemblages and populations in the Kootenai River, Idaho. 146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, Missouri, August 22. POSTER | August 2016 |
Branigan, P. B., M. C. Quist, B. B. Shepard, and S. C. Ireland. 2015. Microhabitat use and species associations of native fishes in rehabilitated reaches of the Kootenai River, Idaho. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, Oregon, August 17. | August 2015 |
Braker, E., C. M. Moffitt, K. Vierling, C. Conway, and M. Quist. 2015. Investment in Mentoring to Promote Diversity in Conservation Professions. Poster presentation Idaho Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Boise, ID. 4 March 2015. | March 2015 |
Bonvechio, T. F., Z. B. Klein, B. R. Bowen, and M. C. Quist. 2017. Precision and accuracy of age estimates obtained from anal fin spines, dorsal fin spines, and sagittal otoliths for known-age Largemouth Bass. 25th Annual Meeting of the Georgia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Statesboro, Georgia, January 25. PLATFORM | January 2017 |
Blackburn, S. E., M. L. Gingras, J. DuBois, Z. J. Jackson, and M. C. Quist. 2019. Establishing baseline demographics and evaluating harvest regulations for White Sturgeon in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River system, California. 149th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Reno, Nevada, October 3. Platform | October 2019 |
Blackburn, S. E., M. L. Gingras, J. DuBois, Z. J. Jackson, and M. C. Quist. 2018. Population demographics and evaluation of management scenarios for White Sturgeon in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River system, California. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Idaho Falls, Idaho. | March 2018 |
Blackburn, S. E., M. L. Gingras, J. DuBois, Z. J. Jackson, and M. C. Quist. 2017. Population dynamics and management of white sturgeon in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River system, California. 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, Florida, August 24. | August 2017 |
Black, A. R., M. C. Quist, M. A. Smith, and J. D. Walrath. 2022. Evaluation of natural and hatchery-produced kokanee in Flaming Gorge Reservoir. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Ft. Hall, Idaho. | March 2022 |
Black, A. R., M. C. Quist, M. A. Smith, and J. D. Walrath. 2021. Evaluation of natural and hatchery-produced kokanee in Flaming Gorge Reservoir. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. | March 2021 |
Black, A. R., M. C. Quist, M. A. Smith, and J. D. Walrath. 2021. Evaluation of natural and hatchery-produced kokanee in Flaming Gorge Reservoir. <sup></sup> Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society, Baltimore, Maryland. | November 2021 |
Black, A. R., M. C. Quist, M. A. Smith, and J. D. Walrath. 2021. Evaluation of natural and hatchery-produced kokanee in Flaming Gorge Reservoir. Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Virtual conference, February 24. | February 2021 |
Beard, Z. S., M. C. Quist, and J. M. Flinders. 2016. Population dynamics of Utah chub in Henrys Lake, Idaho. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. | March 2016 |
Beard, Z. S., M. C. Quist, R. S. Hardy, and T. J. Ross. 2017. Survival, movement, and distribution of juvenile burbot in a tributary of the Kootenai River. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 3. | March 2017 |
Beard, Z. S., M. C. Quist, R. S. Hardy, and T. J. Ross. 2017. Habitat and species associations of juvenile burbot and other fishes in a tributary of the Kootenai River. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 3. | March 2017 |
Beard, Z. S., M. C. Quist, R. S. Hardy, and T. J. Ross. 2016. Survival, movement, and distribution of juvenile burbot in a tributary of the Kootenai River. 146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, Missouri, August 23. Platform | August 2016 |
Beard, Z. S., M. C. Quist, R. S. Hardy, and T. J. Ross. 2016. Movement and distribution of juvenile burbot stocked in a tributary of the Kootenai River. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. | March 2016 |
Beard, Z. S., M. C. Quist, R. S. Hardy, and T. J. Ross. 2016. Habitat use of juvenile burbot and patterns in fish assemblage structure in a tributary of the Kootenai River. 146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, Missouri, August 22. POSTER | August 2016 |
Beard, Z. S., M. C. Quist, R. S. Hardy, and T. J. Ross. 2016. Habitat use of juvenile burbot and other fishes in a tributary of the Kootenai River. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. | March 2016 |
Beard, Z. S., M. C. Quist, R. S. Hardy, and T. J. Ross. 2015. Movement of juvenile burbot stocked in a tributary of the Kootenai River. Annual Meeting of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, March 4. Platform | March 2015 |
Beard, Z. S., M. C. Quist, R. S. Hardy, and T. J. Ross. 2015. Distribution and habitat use of juvenile burbot and other fishes in a tributary of the Kootenai River. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, Oregon, August 17. | August 2015 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
Schultz, R., M. Quist, and D. Bonneau. 2007. Maximizing benefits: integrating fisheries and water quality to manage lakes and reservoirs. LakeLine 27(1):29-33. | January 2007 |
Quist, M. C., and W. A. Hubert. 2004. Wyoming habitat assessment methodology (WHAM) Level I assessment manual. Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Fish Division, Cheyenne | January 2004 |
Quist, M. C., and W. A. Hubert. 2004. Ecological, social, and economic issues related to bioinvasive species and the preservation of cutthroat trout in the western United States. Pages 113-116 in S. E. Moore, R. F. Carline, and J. Dillon, editors. Working together to ensure the future of wild trout. Proceedings of the Wild Trout VIII Symposium, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. | January 2004 |
Quist, M. C., and C. S. Guy. 1999. Structure and function of fish communities on Fort Riley Military Reservation. Completion Report, Directorate of the Environment and Safety, Fort Riley Military Reservation, Fort Riley, Kansas. | January 1999 |
Quist, M. C., and C. S. Guy. 1998. Stream resources on Fort Riley Military Reservation. Educational brochure, Directorate of the Environment and Safety, Fort Riley Military Reservation, Fort Riley, Kansas. | January 1998 |
Quist, M. C., W. A. Hubert, and F. J. Rahel. 2004. Warmwater stream assessment manual. Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Fish Division, Cheyenne. | January 2004 |
Quist, M. C., E. Ryce, and T. Strakosh. 2002. An old and new face for the student subsection. Fisheries 27(2) 30-31. | January 2002 |
Quist, M. C., A. M. Boelter, J. M. Lovato, N. M. Korfanta, H. L. Bergman, D. C. Latka, C. Korschgen, D. L. Galat, S. Krentz, M. Oetker, M. Olson, C. M. Scott, and J. Berkley. 2004. Research and assessment needs for pallid sturgeon recovery in the Missouri River. Final report to the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. William D. Ruckelshaus Institute of Environment and Natural Resources, University of Wyoming, Laramie. | January 2004 |
Quist, M. C. 1997. Diversity and the fisheries student. Fisheries 22(1):34. | January 1997 |
Kockovsy, P. J., S. Cooke, E. Ryce, M. C. Quist, and L. Bergstedt. 2001. The student subsection strategic plan: 1999-2004. Fisheries 26(2):28-29. | January 2001 |
Guy, C. S., W. K. Dodds, M. C. Quist, and R. J. Bernot. 2003. Stocking success and factors influencing survival and growth of stocked walleyes. Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, Project F-45-R-2, Emporia. | January 2003 |
Bister, T. J., D. W. Willis, M. L. Brown, S. M. Jordan, R. M. Neumann, M. C. Quist, and C. S. Guy. 1999. Development of standard weight (Ws) equations and standard length categories for 18 warmwater game and nongame fishes. South Dakota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Technical Bulletin 12, Brookings. | January 1999 |
26. Carleton, SA, MC Quist, J Dunnigan, TJ Ross, and R Hardy. 2015. Stock assignment of fluvial rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Kootenai River, Idaho Using Otolith Microchemistry. Final Report to Idaho Game and Fish Department and Montana Fish Parks and Wildlife. | June 2015 |
18. Carleton, SA, MC Quist, J Dunnigan, TJ Ross, and R Hardy. 2014. Stock assignment of fluvial rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Kootenai River, Idaho Using Otolith Microchemistry. Annual Progress Report to Idaho Game and Fish Department and Montana Fish Parks and Wildlife. | June 2014 |