New Mexico Research Activities

Research at the New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit is geared toward providing practical solutions that are transferable to our Cooperators (New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and New Mexico State University) and other agencies. Unit scientists and affiliated staff meet with resource professionals to discuss management needs. If the Unit cannot provide the expertise to develop and solve management needs, then we engage University faculty, staff and a network of professional colleagues to offer solutions. The Unit scientists address resource issues throughout the arid southwest that span from the southern Rockies to the Chihuahua and Sonoran ecosystems. Research areas of special emphasis include environmental stressors and native fish restoration and management, resource selection and population ecology of game birds and large mammals.
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Zeigler, M.P., S.F. Brinkman, C.A. Caldwell, A.S. Todd, M. S. Recsetar, and S.A. Bonar. 2013. Upper thermal tolerances of Rio Grande cutthroat trout under constant and fluctuating temperatures. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 142:1395-1405. | Abstract | April 2013 |
Zeigler, M.P., S.F. Brinkman, C.A. Caldwell, A.S. Todd, M. S. Recsetar, and S.A. Bonar. 2013. Upper thermal tolerances of Rio Grande cutthroat trout under constant and fluctuating temperatures. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 142:1395-1405. | Abstract | Download | April 2013 |
Zeigler, M.P., A.S. Todd, and C.A. Caldwell. 2013. Water temperature and baseflow discharge of Rio Grande cutthroat trout streams in Colorado and New Mexico- 2010 and 2011. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013-1051, 18 p. +appendices. | Abstract | Publisher Website | April 2013 |
Zeigler, M.P., A.S. Todd, and C.A. Caldwell. 2012. Evidence of recent climate change within the historic range of Rio Grande cutthroat trout: Implications for management and future persistence. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:1045-1059 | Abstract | September 2012 |
Zeigler, M.P. and C.A. Caldwell. 2017. Feasibility study: Establishing native fish fauna to McKittrick Creek, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas. National Park Service Natural Resource Technical Report Series. | February 2017 |
Young, K.E., L.B. Abbottt, C.A. Caldwell, and T.S. Schrader. 2012. Estimating Suitable Environments for Invasive Plant Species Across Large Landscapes: A Remote Sensing Strategy using Landsat 7 ETM+. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation 5:122-134. | April 2013 |
Yiu, S-W., N. Owen-Smith, and J.W. Cain III. 2022. How do lions move at night when they hunt? Journal of Mammalogy 103:855-864 | Download | August 2022 |
Whitney, J. E., and 8 coauthors. 2016. Mechanistic basis of climate change impacts on the physiology of North American inland fishes. Fisheries 41:332-345. | July 2016 |
White, L.M., Gifford, S.J., Kaufman, G., Gese, E., Peyton, M.A., Parmenter, R.R. and Cain, J.W. (2024). SEROPREVALENCE, BLOOD CHEMISTRY, AND PATTERNS OF CANINE PARVOVIRUS, DISTEMPER VIRUS, PLAGUE, AND TULAREMIA IN FREE-RANGING COYOTES ( CANIS LATRANS ) IN NORTHERN NEW MEXICO, USA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 60(1). doi: | Download |
January 2024 |
Wallin, T. and C.A. Caldwell. Comparative assessment of laboratory-derived thermal maxima of Gila Trout (Oncorhynchus gilae) with current stream temperatures. The Southwestern Naturalist 66(4):317-326. | Abstract | February 2022 |
Wakeling, B. F., and L. C. Bender. 2003. Influence of nutrition on mule deer biology and ecology. Pages 93-116 in J. C. deVos, Jr., M. R. Conover, and N. E. Headrick, editors. Mule deer conservation: Issues and management strategies. Jack H. Berryman Institute, Logan, Utah, USA. | June 2003 |
Valentine GP, Lu X, Childress ES, Dolloff CA, Hitt NP, Kulp MA, Letcher BH, Pregler KC, Rash JM, Hooten MB, Kanno Y. 2024. Spatial asynchrony and cross-scale climate interactions in populations of a coldwater stream fish. Global Change Biology. 30:e17029. doi: | January 2024 |
Vaisvil, A., C.A. Caldwell, and E. Frey. Effects of water-level fluctuations and water temperature on young-of-year Largemouth Bass in a southwest Irrigation reservoir. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 12(2):534-543. | Abstract | August 2022 |
Turnbull, T.T., J.W. Cain, III, and G.W. Roemer. 2013. Anthropogenic impacts to the recovery of the Mexican wolf with a focus on trapping-related incidents. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:311-318. | Download | February 2013 |
Turnbull, T.T., J.W. Cain, III, G.W. Roemer. 2011. Evaluating trapping techniques to reduce potential for injury to Mexican wolves. U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 2011-1190. | December 2011 |
Thompson, C.J. and J.W. Cain III. 2024. Biological feasibility of introducing bighorn sheep to the Jicarilla Apache Nation. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS–159–2024, Washington, D.C. | Download | November 2024 |
Tatman, N.M., S.G. Liley, J.W. Cain III, and J.W. Pitman. 2018. Effects of nutrition and calf predation on elk vital rates in New Mexico. Journal of Wildlife Management 82:1417–1428. | Download | August 2018 |
Sykes, C.L., C.A. Caldwell, and W.R. Gould. Physiological effects of potassium chloride, formalin and handling stress on bonytail Gila elegans. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 31:291-298. | Abstract | August 2011 |
Sutton, R. J., C. A. Caldwell, V. S. Blazer. 2000. Observations of health indices used to monitor a tailwater fishery. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:267-275. | January 2000 |
Stantial, M.L., A.M.V. Fournier, A.J. Lawson, B.G. Marcot, M.S. Woodrey, J.E. Lyons. 2024. RE-ARMing Salt Marshes: A Resilience-Experimentalist Approach to Prescribed Fire and Bird Conservation in High Marshes of the Gulf of Mexico. Frontiers in Conservation Science 5: 1426646. doi: 10.3389/fcosc.2024.1426646 | Publisher Website | August 2024 |
Stantial, M.L., A.J. Lawson, A.M.V. Fournier, P.J. Kappes, C.S. Kross, M.C. Runge, M.W. Woodrey, and J.E. Lyons. 2023. Qualitative value of information provides a transparent and repeatable method for identifying critical uncertainty. Ecological Applications:e2824. | Abstract | Publisher Website | February 2023 |
Sorensen, G.E., D.W. Kramer, J.W. Cain III, C.A. Taylor, P.S. Gibson, M.C. Wallace, R.D. Cox, and W.B. Ballard. 2020. Mule deer habitat selection following vegetation thinning treatments in New Mexico. Wildlife Society Bulletin 44:122-129. | Download | March 2020 |
Smith, K.N., T.J. Conkling, M. L. Morrison, J.W. Cain III, and R.N. Wilkins. 2017. Nest height and vertical vegetation associated with black-capped vireo breeding success in southwest Texas. Southeastern Naturalist 16:567-583. | Download | December 2017 |
Smith, K.N., J.W. Cain, III, M.L. Morrison, and R.N. Wilkins. 2012. Nesting ecology of the black-capped vireo in southwest Texas. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 124:277-285. | Download | April 2012 |
Smith, K.N., J.W. Cain, III, M.L. Morrison, and R.N. Wilkins. 2012. A Novel Songbird Nest Predator: The Greater Arid-land Katydid. American Midland Naturalist 167:210-212. | Download | January 2012 |
Smith, J.B., D.P. Walsh, E.J. Goldstein, Z.D. Parsons, R.C. Karsch, J.R. Stiver, J.W. Cain III, K.J. Raedeke, and J.A. Jenks. 2014. Techniques for capturing bighorn sheep lambs. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38:165-174. | Download | March 2014 |
Schweiger, B.R., J.K. Frey, and J.W. Cain III. 2021. A case for multiscale habitat selection studies of small mammals. Journal of Mammalogy 102:1249-1265. | Download | October 2021 |
Schmitt, C. J., C. A. Caldwell, B. Olsen, D. Serdar, and M. Coffey. 2002. Inhibition of erythrocyte delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) activity in fish from waters affected by lead smelters. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 77:99-119. | September 2002 |
Sanchez, B. C., and C. A. Caldwell. 2008. Assessment of exposure risk of polychlorinated biphenyls to interior least terns (Sterna antillarum). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27:617-622. | March 2008 |
Rossettie, T.S., T.W. Perry, and J.W. Cain III. 2022. Noninvasive sampling of mountain lion hair by modified foothold traps. Wildlife Society Bulletin 46:e1257. | Download | April 2022 |
Rosas-Rosas, O. C., R. Valdez, and L. C. Bender. 2007. Conservacion del jaguar y puma en el norestre de Sonora. Pages 11-18 in G. Ceballos, C. Chavez, R. Listy, and H. Zarza, editors. Conservacion manajo del jaguar en Mexico: estudios de caso perspectives. Conabio-Alianza WWF/Telcel-Universidad National Automona de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico. | December 2007 |
Rosas-Rosas, O. C., R. Valdez, L. C. Bender, and D. Daniel. 2003. Food habits of pumas in northwestern Sonora, Mexico. Wildlife Society Bulletin 31:528-535. | June 2003 |
Rosas-Rosas, O. C., L. C. Bender, and R. Valdez. 2008. Jaguar and puma predation on cattle calves in northeastern Sonora, Mexico. Rangeland Ecology and Management 61: 554-560. | September 2008 |
Roerick, T.M., J.W. Cain III, and J.V. Gedir. 2019. Forest restoration, wildfire and habitat selection by female mule deer. Forest Ecology and Management 447:169-179. | Download | September 2019 |
Roberts, C.P., J.W. Cain III, and R.D. Cox. 2017. Identifying ecologically-relevant scales of habitat selection: diel habitat selection in elk. Ecosphere 8: art e02013. | Download | November 2017 |
Roberts, C.P., J.W. Cain III, and R.D. Cox. 2016. Application of Activity Sensors for Estimating Behavioral Patterns. Wildlife Society Bulletin 40:764-771 | Download | December 2016 |
Reddell, C.D., G.W. Roemer, D.K. Delaney, T. Karish, and J.W. Cain III. 2023. Anthropogenic subsidies influence resource use during a mange epizootic in a desert coyote population. Oecologia 201:435–447. | Download |
February 2023 |
Reddell, C.D., F. Abadi, D.K. Delaney, J.W. Cain III, and G.W. Roemer. 2021. Urbanization’s influence on the distribution of mange in a carnivore revealed with multistate occupancy models. Oecologia 195:105-116. | Download | February 2021 |
Recsetar, M. S., M. P. Zeigler, D. L. Ward, S. A. Bonar, and C. A. Caldwell. 2012. Relationship Between Fish Size and Thermal Tolerance. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:1433-1438. | September 2012 |
Prude, C.H. and J.W. Cain III. 2021. Habitat diversity influences puma Puma concolor diet in the Chihuahuan Desert. Wildlife Biology wlb.00875. | Download | October 2021 |
Pregler KC, Lu X, Valentine G, Kim S, Kanno Y. 2023. Temperature variation generates sympatric synchrony but spatial asynchrony in survival for freshwater fish communities. Ecology & Evolution. 13:e10700. doi: | November 2023 |
Pregler KC, Clemento A, Grill M, Adelizi P, Carlson SM, Garza JC. 2024. Reintroduction of spring-run Chinook salmon in the San Joaquin River: evaluating genetic and phenotypic effects of captive breeding. Conservation Science & Practice. 6:e13176. doi: | September 2024 |
Pitman, J.W., J.W. Cain III, W.R. Gould, N.T. Tatman, and S.G. Liley. 2024. Habitat selection and survival of elk neonates. Southwestern Naturalist 67:205–215. | Download | September 2023 |
Pitman, J.W., J.W. Cain III, S.G. Liley, W.R. Gould, N.T. Quintana, and W. B. Ballard. 2014. Post-parturition habitat selection by elk calves and adult female elk in New Mexico. Journal of Wildlife Management 78:1216-1227. | Download | September 2014 |
Peterson, D., R.B. Trantham, T.G. Trantham, and C.A. Caldwell. Tagging effects of passive integrated transponder and visual implant elastomer on the small-bodied White Sands pupfish (Cyprinodon tularosa). Journal of Fisheries Research (online publication completed 24 September 2017); | Abstract | September 2017 |
Pepper, M.B., L.D. Howery, P.R. Krausman, G.B. Ruyle, J.W. Cain III, and D.W. Schafer. 2013. Adaptive grazing management for cattle and elk forage use in central Arizona. Southwestern Naturalist 58:20-27. | Download | March 2013 |
Parikh, G.L., R.C. Karsch, J.W. Cain III, E.M Rominger, and E.J. Goldstein. 2024. Neonate morphometrics and lambing season characteristics of desert bighorn sheep. Mammalia 2024-0074. | Download |
December 2024 |
Padilla, C.J., J.T. Martin, J.W. Cain III, and M.E Gompper. 2024. Abiotic and demographic drivers of flea parasitism on deer mice in a recovering mixed-conifer forest a decade post-fire. Journal of Parasitology 110:375-385. | Download | August 2024 |
Padilla, C.J., C.Q. Ruhl, J.W. Cain III, and M.E Gompper. 2024. Effects of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae, abundance, and environmental conditions on bighorn sheep lamb:ewe ratios and adult survival in New Mexico. Ecosphere 15:e70095. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.70095 | Download |
December 2024 |
O’Shaughnessy, R., J.W. Cain III, N. Owen-Smith. 2014. Comparative diet and habitat selection of puku and lechwe in northern Botswana. Journal of Mammalogy 95:933-942. | Download | October 2014 |
Overstreet, M.W., J.W. Cain III, and C.A. Caldwell. 2014. Adult survival, apparent lamb survival, and body condition of desert bighorn sheep in relation to habitat and precipitation on the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge. USFWS NCTC. 20 pages | August 2014 |
Nams, V., et al. 2023. Spatial patterns of large African cats: a large-scale study on density, home range size, and home range overlap of lions Panthera leo and leopards Panthera pardus. Mammal Review 53:49–64. | Download | March 2023 |
Mitchell, S. E., C. A. Caldwell, G. Gonzales, W. R. Gould, and R. Arimoto. 2005. Effects of depleted uranium on survival, growth, and metamorphosis in the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis). Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A. 68:951-965. | October 2004 |
Martinez del Rio and S.A. Carleton. 2011. How fast and how faithful- the dynamics of isotopic incorporation into animal tissues. Journal of Mammology 93:353-359 | Abstract | Download | July 2012 |
Macandza, V.A., N. Owen-Smith, and J.W. Cain, III. 2012. Habitat and resource partitioning between abundant and relatively rare grazing ungulates. Journal of Zoology 287:175-185. | Download | June 2012 |
Macandza, V.A., N. Owen-Smith, and J.W. Cain, III. 2012. Dynamic spatial partitioning and coexistence among tall grass grazers in an African savanna. Oikos 121:891-898. | Download | June 2012 |
Lutz, D. W., B. F. Wakeling, L. H. Carpenter, D. Stroud, M. Cox, D. McWhirter, S. Rosenstock, L. C. Bender, and A. F. Reeve. 2003. Impacts and changes to mule deer habitat. Pages 13-62 in J. C. deVos, Jr., M. R. Conover, and N. E. Headrick, editors. Mule deer conservation: Issues and management strategies. Jack H. Berryman Institute, Logan, Utah, USA. | June 2003 |
Lomas, L. A., and L. C. Bender. 2007. Survival and cause-specific mortality of mule deer fawns in northcentral New Mexico. Journal of Wildlife Management 71: 884-894. | July 2007 |
Lichwa-Schneringer, E.M., Cain, J.W., Wan, H.Y., Fuller, G., Millberry, C. and Szykman Gunther, M. (2024). Ecological and social drivers of Mexican Wolf home range size across spatiotemporal scales. Journal of Mammalogy. [online] doi: |
September 2024 |
Li, H., K. Galbreath, L. C. Bender, K. West, J. Keller, and T. B. Crawford. 2003. Evidence of three new members of the malignant catarrhal fever virus group in muskox (Ovibos moschatus), Nubian ibex (Capra nubiana), and gemsbok (Oryx gazella). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 39(4): 875-880. | November 2003 |
Lewis, J.D., J.W. Cain III, and R. Denkhaus. 2014. Home range and habitat selection of an inland alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) population at the northwestern edge of the distribution range. Southeastern Naturalist 13:261-279. | Download | April 2014 |
Lehmkuhl, J. F., J. Kie, L. C. Bender, G. Servheen, and H. Nyberg. 2001. Evaluating the effects of ecosystem management alternatives on elk, mule deer and white-tailed deer in the interior Columbia River Basin, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 153:89-104. | July 2002 |
Lawson, A.J., P.G.R. Jodice, T.R. Rainwater, K.D. Dunham, M. Hart, J.W. Butfiloski, P.M. Wilkinson, K.W. McFadden, C.T. Moore. 2022. Hidden in plain sight: integrated population models to resolve partially observable latent population structure. Ecosphere 13(12):e4321 | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | December 2022 |
Lawson, A.J., K. Kalasz, M.C. Runge, A.C. Schwarzer, M.L. Stantial, M. Woodrey, J.E. Lyons. 2022. Application of qualitative value of information to prioritize uncertainties about eastern black rail population recovery. Conservation Science and Practice 4:e12732. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | May 2022 |
Lawson AJ, Folt B, Tucker AM, Erickson FT, McGowan CP. 2021. Decision context is a necessary component of population viability analysis appraisal. Conservation Biology 35, 1683–1685, doi: 10.1111/cobi.13818 | Publisher Website | August 2021 |
Kuhne, W. W., C. A. Caldwell, W. R. Gould, P. R. Fresquez, and S. Finger. 2002. Effects of depleted uranium on the health and survival of Ceriodaphnia dubia and Hyalella azteca. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 21:2198-2203. | October 2002 |
Krueger, B., L. C. Bender, W. R. Gould, and P. Morrow. 2007. A fixed-wing sightability model for oryx in desert habitats. In review: South African Journal of Wildlife Research 37:133-142. | October 2007 |
Kremer, L., and C.A. Caldwell. Wildfire effects on mass and thermal tolerance of Hydropsyche oslari (Trichoptera) in southwestern montane grassland streams. Freshwater Science. 41:62-76. | Abstract | March 2022 |
Krausman, P.R., and J.W. Cain, III, editors. 2022. Wildlife Management: Contemporary Principles and Practices. Second Edition. The Wildlife Society and Johns Hopkins University Press. | September 2022 |
Krausman, P.R., and J.W. Cain, III, editors. 2013. Wildlife Management: Contemporary Principles and Practices. The Wildlife Society and Johns Hopkins University Press. | October 2013 |
Kramer, D.W., G.E. Sorensen, C.A. Taylor R.D. Cox, P.S. Gibson, and J.W. Cain III. 2015. Ungulate exclusion, conifer thinning and mule deer forage in northeastern New Mexico. Journal of Arid Environments 113:29-34. | Download | February 2015 |
Kindschuh, S.R., J.W. Cain III, D. Daniel and M.A. Peyton. 2016. Efficacy of GPS cluster analysis for predicting carnivory sites of a wide-ranging omnivore: the American black bear. Ecosphere 7: art e01513. | Download | October 2016 |
Keller, B. K., and L. C. Bender. 2007. Behavioral responses of bighorn sheep to road-related disturbance. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:2329-2337. | September 2007 |
Kauffman, M., Lowrey, B., Beaupre, C., Bergen, S., Bergh, S., Blecha, K., Bundick, S., Burkett, H., Cain, J.W., III, Carl, P., Casady, D., Class, C., Courtemanch, A., Cowardin, M., Diamond, J., Dugger, K., Duvuvuei, O., Ennis, J.R., Flenner, M., Fort, J., Fralick, G., Freeman, I., Gagnon, J., Garcelon, D., Garrison, K., Gelzer, E., Greenspan, E., Hinojoza-Rood, V., Hnilicka, P., Holland, A., Hudgens, B., Kroger, B., Lawson, A., McKee, C., McKee, J.L., Merkle, J.R., Mong, T.W., Nelson, H., Oates, B., Poulin, M.-P., Reddell, C., Ritson, R., Sawyer, H., Schroeder, C., Shapiro, J., Sprague, S., Steiner, E., Steingisser, A., Stephens, S., Stringham, B., Swazo-Hinds, P.R., Tatman, N., Wallace, C.F., Whittaker, D., Wise, B., Wittmer, H.U., and Wood, E., 2024, Ungulate migrations of the Western United States, volume 4: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2024–5006, 86 p., | April 2024 |
Kauffman, M., B. Lowrey, J. Berg, S. Bergen, D. Brimeyer, P. Burke, T. Cufaude, J.W. Cain III, J. Cole, A. Courtemanch, M. Cowardin, J. Cunningham, M. DeVivo, J. Diamond, O. Duvuvuei, J. Fattebert, J. Ennis, D. Finley, J. Fort, G. Fralick, E. Freeman, J. Gagnon, J. Garcia, E. Gelzer, M. Graham, J. Gray, E. Greenspan, L. Embere Hall, C. Hendricks, A. Holland, B. Holmes, K. Huggler, M.A. Hurley, E. Jeffreys, A. Johnson, L. Knox, K. Krasnow, Z. Lockyer, H. Manninen, M. McDonald, J.L. McKee, J. Meacham, J. Merkle, B. Moore, T.W. Mong, C. Nielsen, B. Oates, K. Olsen, D. Olson, L. Olson, M. Pieron, J. Powell, A. Prince, K. Proffitt, C. Reddell, C. Riginos, R. Ritson, S. Robatcek, S. Roberts, H. Sawyer, C. Schroeder, J. Shapiro, N. Simpson, S. Sprague, A. Steingisser, N. Tatman, B. Turnock, C. Wallace, and L. Wolf. 2022. Ungulate Migrations of the Western United States, Volume 3. Scientific Investigations Report 2022-5088. 114 pp. | December 2022 |
Kauffman, M., B. Lowrey, J. Beck, J. Berg, S. Bergen, J. Berger, J. Cain, S. Dewey, J. Diamond, O. Duvuvuei, J. Fattebert, J. Gagnon, J. Garcia, E. Greenspan, E. Hall, G. Harper, S. Harter, Stan, K. Hersey, P. Hnilicka, M. Hurley, L. Knox, A. Lawson, E. Maichak, J. Meacham, J. Merkle, A. Middleton, D. Olson, L. Olson, C. Reddell, B. Robb, G. Rozman, H. Sawyer, C. Schroeder, B. Scurlock, J. Short, S. Sprague, A. Steingisser, and N. Tatman. 2022. Ungulate migrations of the western United States, Volume 2: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2022–5008, 160 p., | April 2022 |
Karsch, R.C., J.W. Cain III, E.M. Rominger, and E.J. Goldstein. 2016. Desert bighorn lambing habitat: Parturition, lamb nursery, and predation sites. Journal of Wildlife Management 80:1069-1080. | Download | July 2016 |
Karish, T., G.W. Roemer. D.K. Delaney, and J.W. Cain III. 2023. Habitat selection and water dependency of feral burros in the Mojave Desert. Journal of Wildlife Management 87:e22429 | Download | July 2023 |
Kalb, B.W., B.M. Huntsman, C.A. Caldwell, M.A. Bozek. 2018. A mechanistic assessment of seasonal microhabitat selection by drift-feeding rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in a southwestern headwater stream. Environmental Biology of Fishes 101:257-273. | August 2018 |
Kalb, B.W. and C.A. Caldwell. 2014. Restoration of Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout Oncorhynchus clarkii virginalis to the Mescalero Apache Reservation. Report to Mescalero Apache Tribe. Agreement No. GR3386. 59 pp. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | September 2014 |
Justice-Allen, A.E., C.J. Luedtke, M.W. Overstreet, J.W. Cain, III, and T.R. Stephenson. 2011. Prevalence of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae in desert bighorn sheep in Arizona. Desert Bighorn Council Transactions 51:1-10. | Download | April 2011 |
J. Whitney, R. Al-Chokhachy, D. Bunnell, C. Caldwell, S. Cooke, E. Eliason, M.Rogers, A. J. Lynch, C. Paukert. 2016. Physiological basis of climate change impacts on North American inland fish. Fisheries. 41(7): 332-345. DOI: 10.1080/03632415.2016.1186656 | July 2016 |
Huntsman, B.M., A.J. Lynch, C.A. Caldwell, and F. Abadi. 2021. Intrinsic and extrinsic drivers of life-history variability for a southwestern cutthroat trout. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 30:100-114. | Abstract | August 2020 |
Huntsman, B. M., A. J. Lynch, and C.A. Caldwell. 2021. Interacting Effects of Density-dependent and Density-independent Factors on Growth Rates in Southwestern Cutthroat Trout Populations. Transactions of the American Fisheries 150:651-664. | Abstract | September 2021 |
Humagain, K., C. Portillo-Quintero, R.Cox, and J.W. Cain III. 2018. Estimating forest canopy cover dynamics in Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico, using LiDAR and Landsat data. Applied Geography 99:120-132. | Download | August 2018 |
Humagain, K., C. Portillo-Quintero, R. Cox, and J.W. Cain III. 2017. Mapping tree density in forests of the Southwestern USA using Landsat 8 data. Forests 8:287. | Download | August 2017 |
Hennig, J.D., K.A. Schoenecker, J.W. Cain III, G.W. Roemer, and J.L. Laake. 2022. Accounting for residual heterogeneity in double-observer sightability models to decrease bias in feral burro abundance estimates. Journal of Wildlife Management 86:e22239. | Download | June 2022 |
Heffelfinger, J. R., L. H. Carpenter, L. C. Bender, G. Erickson, M. D. Kirchoff, E. R. Loft, and W. M. Glasgow. 2003. Ecoregional differences in population dynamics. Pages 63-90 in J. C. deVos, Jr., M. R. Conover, and N. E. Headrick, editors. Mule deer conservation: Issues and management strategies. Jack H. Berryman Institute, Logan, Utah, USA. | June 2003 |
Harris, G.M., M.J. Butler, D.R. Stewart, and J.W. Cain III. 2022. The abundance and persistence of Caprinae populations. Scientific Reports 12:13807. | Download | August 2022 |
Hall, P. B., L. C. Bender, and M. Garner. 2005. Mycobacteriosis in a black-tailed deer caused by Mycobacterium kansasii. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 36:115-116 | September 2005 |
Gould, M.J., W.R. Gould, J.W. Cain III, and G.W Roemer. 2019. Validating performance of occupancy models for estimating habitat use and predicting the distribution of highly-mobile species: a case study using the American black bear. Biological Conservation 234:28-36. | Download | March 2019 |
Gould, M.J., J.W. Cain III, T.C. Atwood, L.E. Harding, H.E. Johnson, D.P. Onorato, F.S. Winslow, and G.W. Roemer. 2022. Pleistocene-Holocene vicariance not Anthropocene landscape change, explains the genetic structure of American black bear (Ursus americanus) populations in the American Southwest and northern Mexico. Ecology and Evolution 12:e9406 . | October 2022 |
Gould, M.J., J.W. Cain III, G.W. Roemer, and W.R. Gould. 2016. Estimating abundance and density of American black bears (Ursus americanus) in New Mexico using noninvasive genetic sampling coupled with spatially explicit capture-recapture methods. Report provided by the Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Program under agreement with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS-120-2016, National Conservation Training Center. | Download | June 2016 |
Gould, M.J., J.W. Cain III, G.W. Roemer, W.R. Gould, and S. G. Liley. 2018. Density of American black bears in New Mexico. Journal of Wildlife Management 82:775-788. | Download | May 2018 |
Goljani, R., J.K. Frey, J.W. Cain III, S.W. Breck, D.L. Bergman. 2018. Predicting spatial factors associated with cattle depredations by the Mexican wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) with recommendations for depredation risk modeling. Biological Conservation 224:327-335. | Download | June 2018 |
Gedir, J.V., and J.W. Cain III. 2018. An individual-based model for predicting dynamics of a newly established Mexican wolf population. USGS Open File Report 2018-1126. | Download | August 2018 |
Gedir, J.V., J.W. Cain III, T.L. Swetnam, P.R. Krausman, and J.R. Morgart. 2020. Extreme drought and adaptive resource selection by a desert mammal. Ecosphere 11(7):e03175. | Abstract | Download | July 2020 |
Gedir, J.V., J.W. Cain III, P.R. Krausman, J.D. Allen, G.C. Duff, and J.R. Morgart. 2016. Potential foraging decisions by a desert ungulate to balance water and nutrient intake in a water-stressed environment. PLoS ONE 11(2):e0148795.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0148795 | Download | February 2016 |
Gedir, J.V., J.W. Cain III, G. Harris, and T.T. Turnbull. 2015. Effects of climate change on long-term population growth of pronghorn in an arid environment. Ecosphere 6: art 189. | Download | October 2015 |
Gedir, J.V., J.W. Cain III, B.C. Lubow, T. Karish, D.K. Delaney, and G.W. Roemer. 2021. Estimating abundance and simulating fertility control in a feral burro population. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:1187-1199. | Download | July 2021 |
Garrison, K.R., J.W. Cain III, E.M. Rominger, and E.J. Goldstein. 2016. Sympatric cattle grazing and desert bighorn sheep foraging. Journal of Wildlife Management 80:197-207. | Download | February 2016 |
Galindo, R., W.D. Wilson, and C.A. Caldwell. 2016. Geographic Distribution of Genetic Diversity in Populations of Rio Grande chub Gila pandora. Conservation Genetics 17:1081-1091. DOI: 10.1007/s10592-016-0845-2 | Abstract | May 2016 |
Fritts, MW, AK Fritts, SA Carleton, and R Bringolf. 2012. Shifts in stable isotope signatures of freshwater mussel glochidia during attachment to host fish. In Review Journal of Moluscan Studies. | Abstract | February 2013 |
Foreyt, W. F., P. B. Hall and L. C. Bender. 2004. Evaluation of ivermectin for the treatment of hair-loss syndrome in Columbian black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40: 434-443. | August 2004 |
Farley, Z.J., C.J. Thompson, S.T. Boyle, N.M. Tatman, and J.W. Cain III. 2024. Behavioral trade-offs and multitasking by elk in relation to predation risk from Mexican gray wolves. Ecology and Evolution 14:e11383. | Download | May 2024 |
Ennis, J.R., and J.W. Cain III. 2023. Elk and mule deer spring migration in New Mexico: movement strategies for navigating through a monsoonal landscape- Extended Abstract. Animal Production Science 16:viii-x. | November 2023 |
Eaton, M.J., K.E. Jenni, A.J. Lawson, S. Yurek. 2024. An evaluation framework to inform National Park Service coastal infrastructure investment decisions. U.S. Geological Survey Restricted-File Federal Interagency Report. | September 2024 |
Earl, J.E., S.D. Fuhlendorf, D. Haukos, A.M. Tanner, D. Elmore, and S.A. Carleton. 2016. Characteristics of lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) long-distance movements across their distribution. Ecosphere 7(8):e01441. 10.1002/ecs2.1441 | August 2016 |
Dunham, K.D., P.K. Devers, A.J. Lawson, J.E. Lyons, C.P. McGowan, J.A. Royle. 2023. Strategic monitoring to minimize misclassification errors from conservation status assessments. Biological Conservation 286:110260. | Download | Publisher Website | September 2023 |
DuBey, R., and C. A. Caldwell. 2004. Distribution of Tubifex tubifex lineages and Myxobolus cerebralis infection in the tailwater of the San Juan River, New Mexico. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. 16:179-185. | September 2004 |
DuBey, R., C. A. Caldwell, and W. R. Gould. 2007. Relative Susceptibility and Effects on Performance of Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout and Rainbow Trout Challenged with Myxobolus cerebralis. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 136:1406-1414. | September 2007 |
DuBey, R., C. A. Caldwell, and W. R. Gould. 2005. Effects of temperature, photoperiod and Myxobolus cerebralis infection on growth, reproduction and survival of Tubifex tubifex lineages. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 17:338-344. | September 2005 |
Doyle, J.M. T.E. Katzner, G.W. Roemer, J.W. Cain III, B. Millsap, C. McIntyre, S.A. Sonsthagen, N. Fernandez, M. Wheeler, Z. Bulut, P. Bloom, and J.A. DeWoody. 2016. Genetic structure and viability selection in the Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), a vagile raptor with a holarctic distribution. Conservation Genetics 17:1307–1322. | Download | December 2016 |
Conkling, T.J., T.L. Pope, K.N. Smith, H.A. Mathewson, M.L. Morrison, R.N. Wilkins, and J.W. Cain, III. 2012. Black-capped vireo nest predator assemblage. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:1401-1411. | Download | December 2011 |
Collins, D, B Grisham, C Conring , J Knetter , W Conway , SA Carleton , M Boggie. 2015. Evidence of new summer areas and interpopulation mixing of two Greater Sandhill Crane Populations in the Intermountain West. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management | August 2016 |
Christensen, E.M., A.J. Lawson, E. Rivenbark, P.K. London, D. Castellanos, J.C. Culbertson, S.M. DeMay, C. Eakin, L.S. Pearson, K. Soileau, J.H. Waddle, C.P. McGowan. 2024. Accounting for multiple uncertainties in a decision-support population viability assessment. Biological Conservation 299:110811. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2024.110811 | Publisher Website | November 2024 |
Cho, S.J., C.A. Caldwell, W.R. Gould. 2009. Physiological stress reponses of Rio Grande silvery minnow: Effects of individual and multiple physical stressors of handling, confinement, and transport. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. | October 2009 |
Chase, N., C.A. Caldwell, S.A. Carleton, and W.R. Gould, J.A. Hobbs. 2015. Movement patterns and dispersal potential of Pecos bluntnose shiner (Notropis simus pecosensis) revealed using otolith microchemistry. Canadian Journal if Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72:1575-1583. | Abstract | September 2015 |
Carleton SA, CM del Rio, and TJ Robinson. Feather Isotope Analysis Reveals Differential Patterns of Habitat and Resource Use in Populations of White-Winged Doves | Abstract | Download | June 2015 |
Canavan, C. M., C. A. Caldwell, and N. S. Bloom. 2000. Discharge of methylmercury-enriched hypolimnetic water from a stratified reservoir. The Science of the Total Environment 260:159-170. | October 2000 |
Campbell, M.C., C.A. Caldwell, T.D. Lewis, W.D. Wilson, and C.C. Gard. 2019. Non-lethal detection of Asian fish tapeworm in the federally-endangered humpback chub using a molecular screening tool. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 148:832-842. DOI# 10.1002/tafs.10177 | Abstract | July 2019 |
Caldwell, C.A., H. Falco, W. Knight, M. Ulibarri, and W.R. Gould. 2018. Reproductive potential of captive Rio Grande Silvery Minnow (Hybognathus amarus). North American Journal of Aquaculture. | January 2019 |
Caldwell, C.A., G.Z. Jacobi, M.C. Anderson, R.R. Parmenter, J. McGann, W.R. Gould, R. DuBey, and M.D. Jacobi. In press. Prescription fire effects on an aquatic community of a southwest montane grasslands system. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 33:1049-1062. | Abstract | Download | July 2013 |
Caldwell, C.A., G. Alvarez, K.G. Boykin. 2014. Toxicity effects of piscicide CFT Legumine (5% rotenone) on Lithobates sp. of New Mexico. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish – Share with Wildlife (#13-516-0000-00043). 19 pp. | Abstract | Download | March 2014 |
Caldwell, C.A., F.T. Barrows, M. Ulibarri, and W.R. Gould. 2010. Diet optimization of juvenile Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus Cyprinidae). North American Journal of Aquaculture 72:57-64. | February 2010 |
Caldwell, C.A., 2008. Climate change and fisheries: Winners and losers. Fisheries 33(12) 618. | December 2008 |
Caldwell, C. A., P. Swartzendruber, E. Prestbo. 2006. Concentration and dry deposition of mercury species in arid south central New Mexico (2001-2002). Environmental Science and Technology. In press. | September 2006 |
Caldwell, C. A., F. A. Fuller, W. R. Gould, P. Turner, and D. Halford. 2004. Seasonal changes in 17-B estradiol of the Rio Grande chub (Gila pandora) in south-central New Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist 49:311-315. | September 2004 |
Caldwell, C. A., C. M. Canavan, and N. S. Bloom. 2000. Potential effects of forest fire and storm flow on total mercury and methylmercury in sediments of an arid-lands reservoir. Science of the Total Environment 260:125-133. | January 2000 |
Caldwell, C. A. 2004. Effects of Pollution on Fish: Molecular Effects and Population Responses. Journal of Environmental Quality 33:1584-1585. | August 2004 |
Cain, J.W., III, P.R. Krausman, and S.S. Rosenstock. 2013. Water and Other Welfare Factors, Pages 174-194, in P.R. Krausman and J.W. Cain III, Editors. Wildlife Management: Contemporary Principles and Practices. The Wildlife Society and John Hopkins University Press. | October 2013 |
Cain, J.W., III, P.R. Krausman, S.T. Boyle, and S.S. Rosenstock. 2022. Water and Other Welfare Factors, Pages 239-267 in P.R. Krausman and J.W. Cain III, Editors. Wildlife Management: Contemporary Principles and Practices, 2nd Edition. The Wildlife Society and Johns Hopkins University Press. | September 2022 |
Cain, J.W., III, N. Owen-Smith, and V.A. Macandza. 2012. The costs of drinking: comparative water dependency of sable antelope and zebra. Journal of Zoology 286:58-67. | Download | January 2012 |
Cain, J.W., III, J.V. Gedir, P.R. Krausman, J.P. Marshal, J.D. Allen, G.C. Duff, B.D. Jansen and J.R. Morgart. 2017. Extreme precipitation variability, forage quality and large herbivore diet selection in arid environments. Oikos 126:1459-1471. | Download | October 2017 |
Cain, J.W., III, J.H. Kay, S.G. Liley, and J.V. Gedir. 2024. Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) resource selection: trade-offs between forage and predation risk. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 12:1121439 | Download |
April 2024 |
Cain, J.W., III, B.D. Jansen, R.S. Felger, and P.R. Krausman. 2010. Scallopleaf sage (Salvia vaseyi, Lamiaceae) discovered in Arizona. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 4:755-760. | November 2010 |
Cain, J.W. III, and M.S. Mitchell. 2018. Evaluation of Key Scientific Issues in the Report, “State of the Mountain Lion: a Call to End Trophy Hunting of America’s Lion”. USGS Open File Report 2018-1128. | Download | August 2018 |
Cain, J.W. III, and J.P. Marhsal, editors. 2013. Proceedings of the IVth International Wildlife Management Congress, Durban, South Africa. | July 2013 |
Cain, J.W. III, R.C. Karsch, E.J. Goldstein, E.M. Rominger, and W.R. Gould. 2019. Survival and cause-specific mortality of desert bighorn sheep lambs. Journal of Wildlife Management 83:251-259 | Download | February 2019 |
Cain, J.W. III, J.V. Gedir, C.A. Caldwell, and S. Carleton. 2018. Assessment of drought impacts on selected fish and wildlife species in the southwestern United States. Final Report to the U.S. Geological Survey, National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center. | Download | February 2018 |
Cain, J.W. III, J.B. Ashling, and S.G. Liley. 2018. Survival and cause-specific mortality of translocated female mule deer in southern New Mexico, USA. Wildlife Research 45:325-335. | Download | July 2018 |
Cain, J.W. 2018. Book Review: And Then There Were None: The Demise of Desert Bighorn Sheep in the Pusch Ridge Wilderness by Paul R. Krausman. Journal of Wildlife Management 82:475-476. | January 2018 |
Cain III, J.W., M.M. Avery, C.A. Caldwell, L.B. Abbot, and J.L. Holechek. 2017. Diet composition, quality, and overlap of sympatric American pronghorn and gemsbok. Wildlife Biology wlb00296:1-10. DOI:10.2981/wlb.00296 | Download | March 2017 |
Butler, M.J., K.L. Metzger, C.R. Sanspree, J.W. Cain III, and G.M. Harris. 2022. Whooping and sandhill cranes visit upland ponds proportional to migration phenology on the Texas coast. Wildlife Society Bulletin 46:e1290. | Download | July 2022 |
Burnham, E., L. C. Bender, G. A. Eiceman, K. M. Pierce, and S. Prasad. 2008. Identification of five canid species from volatile chemical chromatography of scats. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:792-797. | April 2008 |
Buchalski, M.R., C.W. Epps, J.W. Cain III, and L.M. Thompson. 2018. Evaluating Adaptive Capacity of Desert Bighorn Sheep to Climate Change: Identifying Genetic Links to Climate Adaptations. Final Report to USGS Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center. | November 2018 |
Bender, L. C., and P. B. Hall. 2004. Winter survival in black-tailed deer populations affected by hair-loss syndrome. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40:444-451. | August 2004 |
Bender, L. C., and M. Weisenberger. 2005. Relations among precipitation, density, and population dynamics of desert bighorn sheep on San Andres National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33: 956-964 | September 2005 |
Bender, L. C., and J. G. Cook. 2005. Nutritional condition of elk in Rocky Mountain National Park. Western North American Naturalist 65:329-334 | September 2005 |
Bender, L. C., W. L. Myers, and W. R. Gould. 2003. A comparison of ground and helicopter counts for determining North American elk Cervus elaphus and mule deer Odocoileus hemionus population composition. Wildlife Biology 9:199-205. | September 2003 |
Bender, L. C., S. M. Schmitt, E. Carlson, J. B. Haufler, and D. E. Beyer, Jr. 2005. Meningeal worm mortality in Rocky Mountain elk in Michigan. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 41:134-140. | July 2004 |
Bender, L. C., P. E. Fowler, J. A. Bernatowicz, J. L. Musser, and L. E. Stream. 2002. Effects of open-entry spike bull, limited-entry branched bull harvesting on elk composition in Washington. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30:1078-1084. | December 2002 |
Bender, L. C., M. Davison, J. G. Cook, P. B. Hall, and R. C. Cook. 2006. Assessing elk population status and potential performance in the Nooksack herd area, Washington. Northwestern Naturalist 87: 98-106. | June 2006 |
Bender, L. C., L. A. Lomas, and T. Kamienski. 2007. Habitat effects on condition of doe mule deer in northcentral New Mexico. Rangeland Ecology and Management 60:277-284. | April 2007 |
Bender, L. C., L. A. Lomas, and J. Browning. 2007. Condition, survival, and cause-specific mortality of mule deer in northcentral New Mexico. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:1118-1124. | June 2007 |
Bender, L. C., J. G. Cook, R. C. Cook, and P. B. Hall. 2008. Relations between nutritional condition and survival of elk in the Pacific Northwest. Wildlife Biology 14:70-80 | April 2008 |
Bender, L. C., H. Li, B. Thompson, and R. Valdez. 2003. Infectious disease survey of gemsbok in New Mexico. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 39(4): 772-778. | November 2003 |
Bender, L. C., G. A. Schirato, R. D. Spencer, K. R. McAllister, and B. L. Murphie. 2004. Survival, cause-specific mortality, and harvesting of male black-tailed deer in Washington. Journal of Wildlife Management 68:870-878. | October 2004 |
Bender, L. C., E. Carlson, S. M. Schmitt, and J. B. Haufler. 2003. Body mass and antler development patterns of Rocky Mountain elk in Michigan. American Midland Naturalist 150:169-180. | June 2003 |
Bender, L. C., E. Carlson, S. M. Schmitt, and J. B. Haufler. 2002. Production and survival of elk (Cervus elaphus) calves in Michigan. American Midland Naturalist 148:163-171. | July 2002 |
Bender, L. C., D. P. Anderson, and J. C. Lewis. 2004. Population ecology of Columbian black-tailed deer in urban Vancouver, Washington. Northwestern Naturalist 85:53-59. | August 2004 |
Bender, L. C., D. P. Anderson, and J. C. Lewis. 2004. Annual and seasonal habitat use of black-tailed deer in urban Vancouver, Washington. Urban Ecosystems 7:41-53. | February 2004 |
Bender, L. C. 2008. Age structure and population dynamics. Pages 65-72 in S. E. Jorgensen and B. D. Fath, editors. Encyclopedia of Ecology, 1st Edition, Volume 1. Elsevier B. V., Oxford, England, United Kingdom. | September 2008 |
Bender, L. C. 2006. Uses of herd composition ratios in ungulate management. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34:1225-1230. | June 2007 |
Bender, L. C. 2002. Effects of bull demographics on age classes of harem bulls. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30:193-199. | July 2002 |
Bard, S.M., and J.W. Cain III. 2020. Investigation of bed and den site selection by American black bears (Ursus americanus) in a landscape impacted by forest restoration treatments and wildfires. Forest Ecology and Management 460 Article 117904. | Download | March 2020 |
Bard, S.M., and J.W. Cain III. 2019. Pathogen prevalence in American black bears (Ursus americanus amblyceps) of the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico, USA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 55:745-754. | Download | October 2019 |
Baldwin, R. A., and L. C. Bender. 2008. Distribution, occupancy, and habitat correlates of American martens in Rocky Mountain National Park. Journal of Mammalogy 89:419-427. | April 2008 |
Ayre, K.K., C.A. Caldwell, J. Stinson, and W.G. Landis. Analysis of regional scale risk to whirling disease in populations of Colorado and Rio Grande cutthroat trout using a Bayesian belief network model. Journal of Risk Analysis 34:1589-1605. DOI:10.1111/risa.12189 | Abstract | March 2014 |
Armstrong, B.A.W., C.A. Caldwell, M.E. Ruhl, and J.H. Bohling. Stream-wide evaluation of survival and reproduction of MYY and wild Brook Trout populations. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. .doi:10.1002/nafm.10844 | Abstract | September 2022 |
Alvarez, G., C.A. Caldwell, and C. Kruse. 2017. Effects of CFT Legumine (5% ROTENONE) On tadpole survival and metamorphosis of Chiricahua leopard frog (Lithobates chiricahuensis), northern leopard frog (L. pipiens), and American bullfrog (L. catebeinanus). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146:3 512-522. DOI: 10.1080/00028487.2017.1285355 | March 2017 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Keeling, M., and J.W. Cain III. 2024. Black bear resource selection and response to wildfires and forest restoration treatments in the Jemez Mountains. Joint Annual Meeting of Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. | February 2024 |
Zimba, H., M. McCaffery, C. Wiese, S. Hillard, A.J. Lawson. 2024. Habitat selection of translocated juvenile Bolson tortoises. NMSU Biosymposium; Las Cruces, New Mexico. April 20th, 2024. | April 2024 |
Zimba, H., M. McCaffery, C. Wiese, S. Hillard, A.J. Lawson. 2024. Habitat selection of translocated Bolson tortoises. NMSU Research and Creativity Week; Las Cruces, New Mexico. February 26 – March 1st, 2024. | February 2024 |
Zimba, H., M. McCaffery, C. Wiese, S. Hillard, A.J. Lawson. 2024. Burrow site selection of translocated juvenile Bolson tortoises. Joint Annual Meeting of Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society; Flagstaff, Arizona. February 1 – 3rd, 2024. | February 2024 |
Zimba, H., M. McCaffery, C. Wiese, S. Hillard, A.J. Lawson. 2023. Daily Activity Patterns and Home Range of Translocated Bolson Tortoises. Chihuahuan Desert Conference; El Paso, Texas. November 15-17. | November 2023 |
Zimba, H., M. McCaffery, A.J. Lawson 2023. Habitat Selection of Translocated Bolson Tortoises. New Mexico State University Biosymposium; Las Cruces, New Mexico. 15 April. Poster presentation | April 2023 |
Zeigler, M.P., C.A. Caldwell, and A.S. Todd. 2013. Utility of stream temperature and hydrology measurements in evaluating climate related vulnerabilities of Rio Grande cutthroat trout populations, with applicability to other native southwestern salmonids. 46th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society and Arizona and New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Albuquerque, New Mexico, 7-9 February. | February 2013 |
Zeigler, M.P., C.A. Caldwell, and A.S. Todd. 2012. Stream temperatures and discharge within currently occupied Rio Grande cutthroat trout streams: identifying streams at risk from climate change. 45th Joint Annual Meeting Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society and Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Phoenix, AZ. 2-4 February 2012. | February 2012 |
Zeigler, M.P., A. Todd, and C.A. Caldwell. 2013. Utility of stream temperature and hydrology: Implications of climate related vulnerabilities and persistence of Rio Grande cutthroat trout. New Mexico Academy of Sciences/New Mexico EPSCoR Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, New Mexico. | December 2013 |
Zeigler, M., C.A. Caldwell, A. Todd. 2011. Evidence of recent climate change within the historical range of Rio Grande cutthroat trout. 44th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society and the Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. 3 February. Pinetop, AZ. | February 2011 |
Zeigler, M. and C.A. Caldwell. 2009. Recent climate change within the Pecos and Costilla Creek basins. Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout Work Group Meeting, Santa Fe, NM. 12 November. | November 2009 |
Zeigler, M. and C.A. Caldwell. 2009. Assessment of the vulnerability of high-value Rio Grande cutthroat trout populations to climate variables. Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout Range-wide Meeting, 8 December. Taos, NM. | December 2009 |
Young, K.E., B. Graves, K.G. Boykin and C. Caldwell. February 2006. Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy for New Mexico. 39th Annual Meeting of the AZ/ NM Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Flagstaff, AZ. | February 2006 |
Yiu, S.W., N. Owen-Smith, J.W. Cain III, and F. Parrini. 2018. How do lions hunt at night? Savanna Science Network Meeting, Skukuza, South Africa. | March 2018 |
Wright, T.F., A.J. Lawson, J.M. Fair, M.J. Desmond. 2024. Prepping for disaster ecology: the Avian Migration Program at New Mexico State University. American Ornithological Society Annual Conference; Estes Park, Colorado. October 1–5, 2024. Poster presentation. | October 2024 |
Wolf, V., S. Sartorius, S. Vassallo, A.J. Lawson. 2025. Bolson Tortoise Safe Harbor Agreement and Exploring Translocation Potential Habitat on Nearby National Wildlife Refuges. Desert Tortoise Council Annual Symposium; Las Vegas, NV, February 25–28, 2025. | February 2025 |
Williams, M, J Glessner, SA Carleton, JA Hobbs. 2016. Use of in situ laser ablation MC-ICP-MS to validate and compare strontium isotope micro-chemical analysis of otoliths, spines, scales and fin rays. Annual Meeting Western Division American Fisheries Society. Reno, Nevada. | March 2016 |
White, L.M., J.W. Cain III, F. Abadi, J.S. Lewis, R.R. Parmenter. 2023. Large mammal distribution, habitat use, and co-occurrence in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico: responses to wildfire and forest management. Joint Annual Meeting of Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Farmington, New Mexico, USA. | February 2023 |
White, L.M., F. Abadi, R.R. Parmenter, J.S. Lewis, and J.W. Cain III. 2022. Influence of wildfire and forest management on large mammal distribution, habitat use, and co-occurrence in the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico. 29th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Spokane, Washington. | November 2022 |
White, L., J.W. Cain III, F. A. Gabreselassie, J.S. Lewis, and R. Parmenter. 2021. Effects of wildfire and forest management on large mammal distribution, habitat use, and co-occurrence in the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico. 54th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Virtual Online. | February 2021 |
Wescott, B., R. DuBey and C.A. Caldwell. February 2006. Dynamics of grazing impacts on native fish assemblages in the Valles Caldera National Preserve. 39th Annual Meeting of the AZ/ NM Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Flagstaff, AZ. | February 2006 |
Watson, W.A., C.C. Borgman, S.C. Cox, E. Duvuvuei, T.F. Wright, A.J. Lawson. 2024. Inferring Breeding Origins of Rosy-finches Overwintering in Northern New Mexico Using Stable Hydrogen Isotopes. American Ornithological Society Annual Conference; Estes Park, Colorado. October 1–5, 2024. | October 2024 |
Watson, W.A., C.C. Borgman, S. Cox, T.F. Wright, A.J. Lawson. 2024. Rosy-finch survival estimation based on long-term wintering data in New Mexico. Joint Annual Meeting of Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society; Flagstaff, Arizona. February 1 – 3rd, 2024. | February 2024 |
Watson, W.A., C.C. Borgman, S. Cox, T.F. Wright, A.J. Lawson. 2024. Inferring demographic trends of Rosy-finches from long-term wintering data in New Mexico. NMSU Research and Creativity Week; Las Cruces, New Mexico. February 26 – March 1st, 2024. | February 2024 |
Watson, W.A., C.C. Borgman, S. Cox, T.F. Wright, A.J. Lawson. 2023. Inferring demographic trends of Rosy-finches from long-term wintering data in New Mexico. Chihuahuan Desert Conference; El Paso, Texas. November 15-17. | November 2023 |
Wallin, T.J., and C.A. Caldwell. 2020. Status of an iconic Gila Trout population five years after the Whitewater Baldy Wildfire. 53rd Joint Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society and the Arizona and New Mexico Wildlife Societies. Flagstaff, Arizona. | February 2020 |
Wallin, T.J. and C.A. Caldwell. 2019. Comparison of Critical Thermal Limits of Three Gila Trout Lineages with Temperature Regimes of Recovery Streams in the Gila River drainage. 52nd Joint Annual Meeting of the New Mexico and Arizona Wildlife Society and the AZ/NM Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Albuquerque, New Mexico, 4 February. | February 2019 |
Wallin, T. and C.A. Caldwell. 2016. Gila National Forest Stream Temperature and Intermittency Monitoring Network to Assess Effects of a Changing Climate for Native Fishes of Special Interest. Desert Fishes Council, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 15-19 November. | November 2016 |
Vennum, C.R., M.J. Eaton, P.E. Howell, B.A. Millsap, I. Rangwala, O.J. Robinson, A.J. Lawson. 2024. Incorporating Climate Uncertainty into Integrated Population Models for Raptors with Contrasting Migration Strategies. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference; Baltimore, Maryland. 19-23 October, 2024. | October 2024 |
Vennum, C.R., M.J. Eaton, P.E. Howell, B.A. Millsap, I. Rangwala, O.J. Robinson, A.J. Lawson. 2024. Incorporating Climate Uncertainty into Integrated Population Models for Raptors with Contrasting Migration Strategies. Raptor Research Foundation; Charlotte, North Carolina. October 22-27, 2024. | October 2024 |
Vennum, C.R., M.J. Eaton, P.E. Howell, B.A. Millsap, I. Rangwala, O.J. Robinson, A.J. Lawson. 2024. Decision support for sustainable raptor take limits in a changing climate. American Ornithological Society Annual Conference; Estes Park, Colorado. October 1–5, 2024. | October 2024 |
Vennum, C.R., M.J. Eaton, P.E. Howell, B.A. Millsap, I. Rangwala, O.J. Robinson, A.J. Lawson. 2023. Incorporating Dynamic Climate Effects into Decision Support Models to Inform Raptor Take Limits for Swainson’s Hawks in the Central Flyway. Chihuahuan Desert Conference; El Paso, Texas. 15-17 November. | November 2023 |
Valdez, R., B. Roeder, and l. C. Bender. 2004. Reproductive studies of gemsbok in southcentral New Mexico USA. La Faune Sauvage: Une Ressource Naturelle. 6eme Symposium International sur I'Utilisation Durable de la Faune Savage (6th International Wildlife Ranching Symposium), 6-9 July 2004, Paris, France. | July 2004 |
Vaisvil, A.V. and C.A. Caldwell. 2019. Strontium Isotope Analysis of Dorsal Spines to Assess Natal Origin of Largemouth Bass in Elephant Butte Reservoir. 52nd Joint Annual Meeting of The New Mexico and Arizona Wildlife Societies and the AZ/NM Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. 4 February, Albuquerque, New Mexico. | February 2019 |
V.A. Macandza, N. Owen-Smith, and J.W. Cain III. 2011. Habitat and resource partitioning among tall-grass grazers: sable antelope, zebra and buffalo in Kruger National Park, South Africa. 18th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA. (Poster) | November 2011 |
Trujillo, J.T., C.A. Caldwell, and R. Hansen. 2022. Is Differential Survival of a Rainbow Trout Fishery Driven by Top-down Effects of Northern Pike or Bottom-up Effects of Limited Food? 55th Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ/NM Chapter of the Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society. | February 2022 |
Threadgill, C.L., W.C. Conway, R.D. Cox, R.D. Bailey, and J.W. Cain III. 2017. Pronghorn fawn survival and recruitment in a localized pronghorn population in southeast New Mexico. 50th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Farmington, New Mexico, USA. | February 2017 |
Threadgill, C.L., W.C. Conway, R.D. Cox, R.D. Bailey, and J.W. Cain III. 2017. Pronghorn fawn survival and recruitment in a localized pronghorn population in southeast New Mexico. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, Texas, USA. | February 2017 |
Thompson, C.J., J.W. Cain III, N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, J.C deVos, and J. Avey. 2022. Influence of Mexican wolves on elk habitat selection. 101st. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Tucson, Arizona, USA. | June 2022 |
Thompson, C.J., J.W. Cain III, N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, J.C deVos, and J. Avey. 2022. Evaluating predation risk from Mexican gray wolves on elk habitat selection. 29th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Spokane, Washington. | November 2022 |
Thompson, C.J., J.W. Cain III, N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, J.C deVos, and J. Avey. 2021. Influence of Mexican wolves on elk resource selection 14th Biennial Deer and Elk Workshop. Online Virtual. | August 2021 |
Thompson, C.J., J.W. Cain III, N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, J.C deVos, and J. Avey. 2020. Influence of Mexican wolves on elk resource selection. 8th Natural History of the Gila Symposium, Silver City, New Mexico, USA. | February 2020 |
Thompson, C.J., J.W. Cain III, N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, J.C deVos, and J. Avey. 2020. Influence of Mexican wolves on elk resource selection. 53rd Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Prescott, Arizona, USA. | February 2020 |
Tatman-Quintana, N., S. Liley, J.W. Cain III, and J.W. Pitman. 2017. Evaluating effects of nutrition and predation on an elk population in New Mexico. 12th Western States and Provinces Deer and Elk Workshop, Sun Valley, Idaho, USA. | May 2017 |
Tatman, N.T., S.G. Liley, J.W. Cain III, and J.W. Pitman. 2018. Effects of calf predation and nutrition on elk vital rates. 13th Western Black Bear Workshop, Grand Junction, Colorado. | May 2018 |
Tatman N.T., S.G. Liley, J.W. Cain III, and J.W. Pitman. 2018. Effects of calf predation and nutrition on elk vital rates in New Mexico. International Deer Biology Congress, Estes Park, Colorado, USA. | August 2018 |
Sykes, C.L.,C.A. Caldwell, and J.L. Landye. 2003. Effect of diet on survival and growth of larvae Rio Grande silvery minnow. 36th Joint Annual Meeting of the New Mexico and Arizona Chapters of the Wildlife Society and Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Gallup, New Mexico. | February 2003 |
Sykes, C.L., and C.A. Caldwell. February 2002. Necropsy-based fish health assessment: evaluation of use on a wild population. 35th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Safford, Arizona. | February 2002 |
Strong, C.R. and S.A. Carleton. 2014. Investigating Lesser Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) seasonal habitat use, reproduction, and survival to understand patterns of declining lek attendance. AZ/NM TWS Annual Meeting. | February 2014 |
Strong, C, S.A. Carleton, W. Gould, C. Nichols, R. Howard, and G. Beauprez, 2015. Investigating lesser prairie-chicken seasonal habitat use, reproduction, and survival to understand patterns of declining lek attendance. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Winnepeg, Canada. | April 2015 |
Strong, C, S.A. Carleton, W. Gould, C. Nichols, R. Howard, and G. Beauprez, 2015. Investigating lesser prairie-chicken seasonal habitat use, reproduction, and survival to understand patterns of declining lek attendance | February 2015 |
Stantial, M.L., A.M.V. Fournier, A.J. Godar, A.J. Lawson, P.K. Kappes, C.S. Kross, M.S. Woodrey, J.E. Lyons. 2022. Informing the use of prescribed fire in an adaptive management framework for Gulf of Mexico high marshes using an expert-based Bayesian decision network. Gulf of Mexico Conference; Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 25-28 April. | April 2022 |
Stantial, M.L., A.M.V. Fournier, A. Godar, A.J. Lawson, J.E. Lyons. 2022. Using An Expert-Based Bayesian Network to Inform the Use of Prescribed Fire in High Marshes of the Gulf of Mexico. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference; Spokane, Washington. 6-10 November. | November 2022 |
Stantial, M.L., A.J. Lawson, A.M.V. Fournier, P. Kappes, C. Kross, M.C. Runge, M. Woodrey, J.E. Lyons. 2022. Qualitative Value of Information Provides a Transparent and Repeatable Method for Identifying Critical Uncertainty Regarding the Use of Prescribed Fire to Benefit Black Rails and Other Marshbirds. Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences Annual Meeting; Indianapolis, Indiana. 16-29 October. | October 2022 |
Stantial, M.L., A.J. Lawson, A.M.V. Fournier, P. Kappes, C. Kross, M.C. Runge, M. Woodrey, J.E. Lyons. 2021. Qualitative Value of Information Provides a Transparent and Repeatable Method for Identifying Critical Uncertainty Regarding the Use of Prescribed Fire to Benefit Black Rails and Other Marshbirds. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference; Virtual. 1-5 November. | November 2021 |
Stantial, M.L., A.J. Lawson, A.M.V. Fournier, P. Kappes, C. Kross, M.C. Runge, M. Woodrey, J.E. Lyons. 2021. Qualitative Value of Information Provides a Transparent and Repeatable Method for Identifying Critical Uncertainty Regarding the Use of Prescribed Fire to Benefit Black Rails and Other Marshbirds. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting; Virtual. 13-17 December. | December 2021 |
Stantial, M.L., A.J. Lawson, A.M.V. Fournier, P. Kappes, C. Kross, M. Woodrey, J.E. Lyons. 2021. Informing the use of prescribed fire in an adaptive management framework for Gulf of Mexico high marshes using an expert-based Bayesian Network model. Gulf of Mexico Conference; Virtual. 14th April. | April 2021 |
Stantial, M.L., A.J. Lawson, A.M.V. Fournier, A.J. Godar, C. Kross, M. Woodrey, J. Lyons. 2025. Co-Production of an Adaptive Management Framework for Prescribed Fire to Benefit Wildlife in Marsh Ecosystems of the Gulf of Mexico. Waterbirds Society Annual Conference; San Jose, Costa Rica, January 6–9, 2025. | January 2025 |
Sorensen, G.E., W.B. Ballard, P. Gibson, R. Cox, J. Cain, S. Liley, and W. Armacost. 2012. Adult-female mule deer habitat selection and survival following habitat enhancements in north-central New Mexico. 48th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society. | February 2012 |
Smythe, S.E., J.W. Cain III, and W.C. Conway. 2019. Ungulate Forage Biomass and Quality During 6 Years of Landscape Restoration. 13th Biennial Western States and Provinces Deer and Elk Workshop. Marfa, Texas, USA. | May 2019 |
Smythe, S.E., J.W. Cain III, W.C. Conway, and M.A. Peyton. 2019. Changes in forage biomass for elk and mule deer following 6 years of landscape scale forest restoration and monitoring in the Jemez Mountains, NM. Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. | February 2019 |
Smythe, S.E., J.W. Cain III, W.C. Conway, and M.A. Peyton. 2019. Changes in forage biomass for elk and mule deer following 6 years of landscape scale forest restoration and monitoring in the Jemez Mountains, NM. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Montgomery, Texas, USA. | February 2019 |
Smythe, S.E., J.W. Cain III, W.C. Conway, M.A. Peyton, and R.R. Parmenter. 2017. Movement, resource use, and reproductive success of elk in response to competition, predation risk, and landscape restoration. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, Texas, USA. | February 2017 |
Smythe, S.E., J.W. Cain III, W.C. Conway, M.A. Peyton, and R.R. Parmenter. 2017. Movement, resource use, and reproductive success of elk in response to competition, predation risk, and landscape restoration. 50th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Farmington, New Mexico, USA. | February 2017 |
Smythe, S.E., J.W. Cain III, W.C. Conway, M.A. Peyton, and R.R. Parmenter. 2017. Influence of movement and resource use on reproductive success of elk in a restored landscape. 24th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. (POSTER) | September 2017 |
Smythe, S.E., J.W. Cain III, W.C. Conway, M.A. Peyton, and L. Bernal. 2018. Factors influencing calf bed site selection in a landscape changed by wildfire and restoration. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Dallas, Texas, USA. | February 2018 |
Smythe, S.E., J.W. Cain III, W.C. Conway, M.A. Peyton, and L. Bernal. 2018. Factors influencing calf bed site selection in a landscape changed by wildfire and restoration. 51st Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. | February 2018 |
Smith, K.N., J.W. Cain, III, M.L. Morrison, and R.N. Wilkins. 2010. Habitat and nest outcome of black-capped vireos in the Devil’s River area of Texas. Black-capped Vireo Symposium, Austin, Texas, USA. | October 2010 |
Smallidge, S., L. C. Bender, and B. C. Thompson. May 2003. Effects of temporospatial dynamics on vulnerability to harvest of an interstate elk population. Fifth Western States and Provinces Deer and Elk Workshop, Jackson, WY. | May 2003 |
Smallidge, S. T., L. C. Bender, and B. C. Thompson. February 2004. Effect of temporospatial dynamics on vulnerability to harvest of an interstate elk herd. 37th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Safford, Arizona, USA. | February 2004 |
Schrader, S.T., K.E. Young, G. Roemer, K.G. Boykin and C. Caldwell. February 2006. Modeling invasive plant species in Big Bend National Park. 39th Annual Meeting of the AZ/ NM Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Flagstaff, AZ. | February 2006 |
S.E. Mitchell, C.A. Caldwell, G.J. Gonzales, and W.R. Gould. 2003. Toxicity effects of depleted uranium on amphibian growth and development. 36th Joint Annual Meeting of the New Mexico and Arizona Chapters of The Wildlife Society and Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Gallup, New Mexico. | February 2003 |
Ruhl, C.Q., J.W. Cain III, E.M. Rominger, and N.M. Tatman. 2019. Improving desert bighorn population estimates using a hybrid model from aerial survey data. 7th World Mountain Ungulate Conference. Bozeman, Montana, USA | September 2019 |
Ruhl, C., J.W. Cain III, E.M. Rominger, F.A. Gebreselassie, and J.D. Hennig. 2023. Improving population estimates for desert bighorn sheep in New Mexico through double observer sightability modeling and the estimation of residual heterogeneity. 57th Meeting of the Desert Bighorn Council, Alpine, Texas, USA. | April 2023 |
Rossettie, T., T. Perry, J.W. Cain III, and R. Alonso. 2017. Spatial density estimations of Puma concolor by remote cameras and a novel hair sampling method. 12th Mountain Lion Workshop, Estes Park, Colorado, USA. | May 2017 |
Ross,T.J., S.A. Carleton, M.C. Quist, J. Dunnigan, and R.Hardy. 2015. Stock Assignment of Fluvial Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in the Kootenai River, Idaho Using Otolith Microchemistry: Lessons Learned and Future Directions. Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Boise, ID | March 2015 |
Rosas-Rosas, O., A. Martinez-Mendoza, R. Valdez, and L. C. Bender. February 2002. Spatial analysis of jaguar habitat in northeastern Sonora, Mexico. 35th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society, Safford, AZ. | February 2002 |
Roerick, T.M., and J.W. Cain III. 2020. Habitat selection by female mule deer in relation to prescribed fire, forest thinning and wildfires. 53rd Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Prescott, Arizona, USA. | February 2020 |
Roerick, T.M., and J.W. Cain III. 2018. Forest restoration, wildfire and habitat selection by female mule deer. International Deer Biology Congress, Estes Park, Colorado, USA. | August 2018 |
Roeder, B.T., B.C. Thompson, R. Valdez, L.C. Bender, and R. Steiner. February 2002. Reproductive studies of oryx, a South African ungulate in a North American Desert. 35th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society. Safford, Arizona. | February 2002 |
Robinson, S.G., R.T. Plumb, J.M. Lautenbach, D.A. Haukos, S. Carleton, A. Meyers, and J. Reitz. 2015. Space use by nonbreeding lesser prairie-chickens. Joint meeting of American Ornithologists’ Union and Cooper Ornithological Society, Norman, OK. | July 2015 |
Robinson, S., R. Plumb, D. Haukos, S. Carleton, A. Meyers, and J. Reitz. 2015. There is no space like home:space use of nonbreeding lesser prairie-chickens. Annual meeting of the Central Mountains and Plains Section of The Wildlife Society, Manhattan, Kansas. | August 2015 |
Roberts, C., R. Cox, and J.W. Cain III. 2016. Fine-scale temporal modeling of elk (Cervus canadensis) habitat selection. 68th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management, Sacramento, California. | February 2016 |
Reddell, C.D., G.W. Roemer, and J.W. Cain III. 2017. The Adaptability and Disease Patterns of an Urban Coyote Population in the Mojave Desert. 24th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. (POSTER) | September 2017 |
Recsetar, M., Zeigler, M., Bonar, S.A., Ward, D., Caldwell, C. 2009. Testing the thermal tolerance of various life stages of fish using the critical thermal method. 41st Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council November 19‐22, 2009 | November 2009 |
Recsetar, M., M. Zeigler, D. Ward, S. Bonar, and C. Caldwell. Testing the Thermal Tolerance of Various Life Stages of Fish Using the Critical Thermal Method. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. Albuquerque, New Mexico. May 3-7, 2009. | May 2009 |
Recsetar, M., M. Zeigler, D. Ward, S. A. Bonar,and C. Caldwell. 2010. Testing the Thermal Tolerance of Various Life Stages of Fish Using the Critical Thermal Method Arizona-New Mexico Chapter American Fisheries Society, 43RD Joint Annual Meeting, Flagstaff, Arizona, February 4-6, 2010. | February 2010 |
Recsetar, M. S., S. A. Bonar, O. G. Feuerbacher, and C. A. Caldwell | September 2011 |
Ramsey, C.L., W.C. Conway, R.D. Cox, R.D. Bradley, J.W Cain III. 2018. Available forage and vegetative structure in the northern Sacramento Mountains, and the potential impact on neonatal pronghorn survival. Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Dallas, Texas, USA. | February 2018 |
Ramsey, C.L., W.C. Conway, R.D. Cox, R.D. Bradley, J.W Cain III. 2018. Available forage and vegetative structure in the northern Sacramento Mountains, and the potential impact on neonatal pronghorn survival. 51st Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. | February 2018 |
Quintana, N.T., W.B. Ballard, S. Liley, P. Gibson, S. Breck, J. Cain, J. Oakleaf, D.L. Bergman, and J.W. Pitman. 2012. Elk calf mortality patterns in the Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area: New Mexico. 48th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society. | February 2012 |
Prude, C.H., J.W. Cain III, and G. Harris. 2022. Habitat heterogeneity in the Chihuahuan Desert and puma diet diversity. 29th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Spokane, Washington. | November 2022 |
Prude, C.H., J.W. Cain III, and G. Harris. 2022. Habitat heterogeneity in the Chihuahuan Desert and puma diet diversity. 13th Mountain Lion Workshop, Virtual Online | April 2022 |
Prude, C.H., J.W. Cain III, and G. Harris. 2020. Habitat heterogeneity in the Chihuahuan Desert and puma diet diversity. 53rd Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Prescott, Arizona, USA. | February 2020 |
Prude, C.H., J.W. Cain III, and G. Harris. 2017. The influence of anthropogenic water on puma habitat use and prey selection in arid ecosystems. 24th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. (POSTER) | September 2017 |
Prude, C.H., J.W. Cain III, and G. Harris. 2017. The influence of anthropogenic water on puma habitat use and prey selection in arid ecosystems. 12th Mountain Lion Workshop, Estes Park, Colorado, USA. | May 2017 |
Prude, C.H., J.W. Cain III, G. Harris, and B. Jansen. 2022. Do water developments influence the distribution of puma kills? 29th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Spokane, Washington. | November 2022 |
Prude, C.H., J.W. Cain III, G. Harris, and B. Jansen. 2022. Do water developments influence the distribution of puma kills? 13th Mountain Lion Workshop, Virtual Online. | April 2022 |
Prude, C.H., J.W. Cain III, G. Harris, and B. Jansen. 2021. The influence of man-made water sources on puma kill site locations and prey composition. 54th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Virtual Online. | February 2021 |
Prude, C.H., J.W. Cain III, G. Harris, and B. Jansen. 2021. Do water developments influence the distribution of puma kills? 56th Meeting of the Desert Bighorn Council, Virtual Online. | April 2021 |
Presser, K., W.A. Watson, C.C. Borgman, S. Cox, E. Duvuvuei, A.J. Lawson. 2024. Intra-feather variation in stable hydrogen isotopes of rosy-finch feathers. American Ornithological Society Annual Conference; Estes Park, Colorado. October 1–5, 2024. Poster presentation. | October 2024 |
Pregler KC, Clemento A, Carlson SM, Garza JC. 2024. Differential reproductive success of ocean-migrating and captive-maturing spring-run Chinook salmon reintroduced into the San Joaquin River. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Honolulu HI. | September 2024 |
Podolsky, J.S., G. Gonzales, and C.A.Caldwell. February 2000. Risk to the American peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) from organochlorine and metal contaminants at Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico. 32th Annual Joint Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico chapters of The Wildlife Society and the American Fisheries Society, Sierra Vista, AZ. | February 2000 |
Pitman, J.W., J.W. Cain, III, S. Liley, W.R. Gould, W. Ballard, and N.T. Quintana. 2012. Cause-specific mortality and microhabitat selection of elk calves in the Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area. 45th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. | February 2012 |
Pitman, J.W., J.W. Cain III, S.G. Liley, W.R. Gould, and N.M. Quintana. 2013. Microhabitat selection and mortality site characteristics of elk calves in areas of differing predator composition in New Mexico. 46th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. | February 2013 |
Pitman, J.W., J.W. Cain III, S.G. Liley, W.R. Gould, and N.M. Quintana. 2012. Micro-habitat selection and mortality site characteristics of elk calves in the Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area of west-central New Mexico. 19th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Portland, Oregon, USA. | October 2012 |
Peyton, M.A., S. Milligan, B. Van Der Werff, and J.W. Cain III. 2025. Den site to dispersal: insights into puma reproduction, survival, and movement. Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico. | February 2025 |
Peterson, D.M., T. Trantham, and R. Simpson. 2016. Effects of Tagging with Passive Integrated Transponders versus Visual Elastomer Implants on the Small-bodied White Sands Pupfish (Cyprinodon tularosa). 49th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Flagstaff, Arizona. | February 2016 |
Peterson, D., T. Trantham, R. Simpson, and C.A. Caldwell. 2015. Effects of passive integrated transponder and visual elastomeric tagging on survival and growth of a small-bodied southwestern pupfish (Cyprinodon tularosa). 47th Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council. Death Valley National Park, California. 18-22 November. | November 2015 |
Peterson, D. and C.A. Caldwell. 2017. Why Catch-Per-Unit-Effort is Insufficient as an Index of Abundance for the White Sands Pupfish (Cyprinodon tularosa). 50th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society and the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society, Farmington, New Mexico. February 2-4. 2017. | February 2017 |
Peterson, D. and C.A. Caldwell. 2016. Why Catch-Per-Unit-Effort is Insufficient as an Index of Abundance for the White Sands Pupfish (Cyprinodon tularosa). Desert Fishes Council. Albuquerque, New Mexico, 15-19 November. | November 2016 |
Parmenter, RR., R.W. Oertel, T.S.Compton, S. Kindschuh, M. Peyton, W. Meyer, C. Caldwell, J. Jacobi, O. Myers, and M. Zeigler. 2012. Fire and floods in the Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico: The 2011 Las Conchas Fire impacts on montane species diversity and food webs. 2012 Ecological Society of America, Portland, OR. August 2012. | August 2012 |
Parikh, G.L., J.W. Cain III, J.L. Etchart, R. O’Shaughnessy, and L.A. Harveson. 2022. Seasonal foraging trends in two sympatric ungulates. 101st. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Tucson, Arizona, USA. | June 2022 |
Parikh, G.L., J.L. Etchart, R. O’Shaughnessy, L.A. Harveson, and J.W. Cain III. 2023. Feeding habits of sympatric aoudad (Ammotragus lervia) and desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis mexicana) in west Texas. Joint Annual Meeting of Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Farmington, New Mexico, USA. | February 2023 |
Parikh, G.L., J.L. Etchart, R. O’Shaughnessy, L.A. Harveson, C.E. Gonzalez, F. Hernandez, and J.W. Cain III. 2023. Multiscale habitat selection of desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis mexicana) and sympatric non-native aoudad (Ammotragus lervia) in a west Texas mountain range. 57th Meeting of the Desert Bighorn Council, Alpine, Texas, USA. | April 2023 |
Parikh, G.L., J.L. Etchart, R. O’Shaughnessy, L.A. Harveson, C.E. Gonzalez, F. Hernandez, and J.W. Cain III. 2023. Multi-scale habitat selection of desert bighorn sheep and sympatric non-native Barbary sheep in west Texas. 13th International Mammalogical Congress, Anchorage, Alaska, USA | July 2023 |
Parikh, G.L., J.L. Etchart, R. O’Shaughnessy, L.A. Harveson, C.E. Gonzalez, F. Hernandez, and J.W. Cain III. 2023. Multi-scale habitat selection of desert bighorn sheep and sympatric non-native Barbary sheep in a west Texas mountain range. Chihuahuan Desert Conference, El Paso, Texas, USA. | November 2023 |
Padilla, C.J., J.T. Martin, J.W. Cain III, and M.E. Gompper. 2023. Drivers of flea parasitism on deer mice in a fire-prone mixed-conifer forest. Joint Annual Meeting of Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Farmington, New Mexico, USA. | February 2023 |
Padilla, C.J., C.Q. Ruhl, J.W. Cain III, and M.E. Gompper. 2023. Impacts of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae on bighorn sheep lamb-ewe ratios and individual survival in New Mexico. Chihuahuan Desert Conference, El Paso, Texas, USA. | November 2023 |
Padilla, C., C. Ruhl, J.W. Cain III, and M. Gompper. 2025. Effects of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae, abundance, and climate conditions on bighorn sheep lamb:ewe ratios in New Mexico. Annual Meeting of the Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Billings, Montana, USA. | March 2025 |
Padilla, C., C. Ruhl, J.W. Cain III, and M. Gompper. 2025. Effects of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae, abundance, and climate conditions on bighorn sheep lamb:ewe ratios in New Mexico. 58th Meeting of the Desert Bighorn Council, Gold Canyon, Arizona. | April 2025 |
O’Shaugnessy, R., J. French, N. Owen-Smith, L.A. Harveson, J.W. Cain III, and S.S Gray. 2014. Towards a universal method for estimating ruminant diet from feces. 26th Biennial Pronghorn Workshop, Alpine, Texas, USA. | May 2014 |
Overstreet, M.W., T.R. Stephenson, and J.W. Cain, III. 2011. Survival and Recruitment of Desert Bighorn Sheep in Relation to Maternal Body Condition Conditions on the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona. Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Pinetop, Arizona, USA. | February 2011 |
Osterhaus, D.M., K.C. Boland, A.J. Lawson, K.G. Horton, D.M. Van Doren, T.F. Wright, M.J. Desmond. 2024. Small lights, big problems? Behavioral alteration in migrating birds around artificial light at night. American Ornithological Society Annual Conference; Estes Park, Colorado. October 1–5, 2024. | October 2024 |
Olson, J., N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, J.C. deVos, and J.W Cain III. 2023. Spatial and temporal risk from a reintroduced predator influences elk foraging behavior. Chihuahuan Desert Conference, El Paso, Texas, USA. | November 2023 |
Olson, J., N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, J.C. deVos, and J.W Cain III. 2023. Spatial and temporal risk from a reintroduced predator influences elk foraging behavior. 30th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Louisville, Kentucky, USA. | November 2023 |
Olson, J., J.W Cain III, N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, and J.C. deVos. 2023. Quantifying elk foraging strategies on a multi-predator landscape. Joint Annual Meeting of Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Farmington, New Mexico, USA. | February 2023 |
Olson, J., J.W Cain III, N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, and J.C. deVos. 2023. Quantifying elk foraging strategies on a multi-predator landscape. 15th Biennial Deer and Elk Workshop, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. | May 2023 |
Oakleaf, J.K., J.W. Cain III, C.M. Gardner, S. Barrett, C.B. Piper. 2017. Survival and dispersal rates of Mexican wolves. 24th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. | September 2017 |
Myers, D., S.Cho, and C.A. Caldwell. February 2008. Influence of capture, handling, and transport activities on the stress response and post-salvage survival of Rio Grande silvery minnow. 42nd Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ/NM Chapter of the American Fisheries Society and the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society. 8-9 February, Prescott, AZ. | February 2008 |
Myers, D., S.Cho, and C.A. Caldwell. April 2008. Influence of capture, handling, and transport activities on the stress response and post-salvage survival of Rio Grande silvery minnow. 2008 Graduate Research and Arts Symposium, New Mexico State University. 3 April, Las Cruces, NM. | April 2008 |
Murphy, S.M., J.W. Cain III, D. Wilckens, G. Roemer, R. Lonsinger, and M. Peyton. 2017. Developing novel spatial capture-recapture survey designs for estimating management-scale cougar density in New Mexico, USA. 12th Mountain Lion Workshop, Estes Park, Colorado, USA. | May 2017 |
Munro, K.M., J.W. Cain III, and G.W. Roemer. 2013. Movements and habitat/space use of Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) from southern New Mexico. 46th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA | February 2013 |
Mitchell, S.E., C. A. Caldwell, G.J. Gonzales, and W.R. Gould. September 2001. Toxicity effects of depleted uranium on amphibian growth and development. Poster, 8th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society. Reno/Tahoe, Nevada. | September 2001 |
Miller, M.W., Z.B. Klein, C.A. Caldwell, and M.E. Ruhl. 2023. Efficacy of MYY Brook Trout as an Eradication Tool of Wild Brook Trout in Northern New Mexico Streams. 56th Joint Annual Meeting of AZ/NM Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Farmington, NM. | February 2023 |
Miller, M.W., B.A.W. Armstrong, C.A. Caldwell, Z.B. Klein, and M.E. Ruhl. 2022. Population dynamics of MYY Brook Trout in northern New Mexico. Colorado/Wyoming American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Feb 28-Mar 3, 2022. | March 2022 |
Miller, M.W., B.A.W. Armstrong, C.A. Caldwell, Z.B. Klein, and M.E. Ruhl. 2022. Population Dynamics of MYY Brook Trout in Northern New Mexico. 55th Joint Annual meeting of Az/NM Wildlife Society and the American Fisheries Society. Virtual | February 2022 |
Miller, M.W., B.A. W. Armstrong, C.A. Caldwell, Z. B. Klein, and M.E. Ruhl. 2022. Population dynamics and movement patterns of MYY Brook Trout in New Mexico. 2022 YY BK Technical Team Winter Update. | February 2022 |
Meyers, AM, SA Carleton, WR Gould, C Nichols, D Haukos, and C Hagen. 2016. Use of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) habitat by lesser prairie-chicken in eastern New Mexico. Arizona/New Mexico Joint Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Flagstaff, AZ. | February 2016 |
Meyers, AM, SA Carleton, WR Gould, C Nichols, D Haukos, and C Hagen. 2016. Use of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) habitat by lesser prairie-chicken in eastern New Mexico. Arizona/New Mexico Joint Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Flagstaff, AZ. | February 2016 |
Menefee, A.R., S.E. Smythe, J.W. Cain III, W.C. Conway. 2017. Stem densities of Populus tremuloides in aspen managed wildfire plots and not treated plots in northern New Mexico. Annual Meeting of the Texas Section of the Society for Range Management. San Angelo, Texas, USA. | September 2017 |
McGowan CP, Lawson AJ, Katz RA, Crawford BA, 2022, Expert judgement in wildlife science and decision making, The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, November 2022, Spokane, WA, USA | November 2022 |
Matos-Sepulveda, C., T.F. Wright, D.P. Collins, and A.J. Lawson. 2023. Stock tank use by Mallard and Mexican Ducks in arid southeastern Arizona. Chihuahuan Desert Conference; El Paso, Texas. November 15-17. | November 2023 |
Matos-Sepulveda, C., T.F. Wright, D.P. Collins, P. Lavretsky, A.J. Lawson. 2024. Movement and home range of Mexican Ducks and Mallards in southeastern Arizona. American Ornithological Society Annual Conference; Estes Park, Colorado. October 1–5, 2024. Poster presentation. | October 2024 |
Marwin, M.M., R.C. Lonsinger, R. Hula, L.J. Bernal, C. Kruse, M.C. Chitwood, J.W. Cain III. 2025. Predator interactions at cougar kill sites: a co-occurrence model of black bears and coyotes. Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Mountain Lion Workshop, Albuquerque, NM. | March 2025 |
Marwin, M., R.C. Lonsinger, J.W. Cain III, L.J. Bernal, C. Kruse, M.C. Chitwood. 2024. Evaluation of black bear kleptoparasitism on cougar rate of predation. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. | October 2024 |
Marwin, M., R. Hula, R.C. Lonsinger, L.J. Bernal, C. Kruse, M.C. Chitwood, J.W. Cain III. 2025. Black bear presence increases coyote occurrence at cougar kill sites. Oklahoma Natural Resource Conference, Oklahoma City, OK. | April 2025 |
Martinez, S.I., N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, J.C. deVos, and J.W. Cain III. 2025. Kill Rates and Prey Composition of Mexican Gray Wolves and Cougars in the Southwest. 16th Biennial Deer and Elk Workshop, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. | June 2025 |
Martinez, S.I., N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, J.C. deVos and J.W Cain III. 2024. Kill rates and prey composition of Mexican gray wolves and cougars in New Mexico and Arizona. Joint Annual Meeting of Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. | February 2024 |
Martinez, S.I., N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, J.C. deVos and J.W Cain III. 2023. Kill rates and prey composition of Mexican gray wolves and cougars in New Mexico and Arizona. Chihuahuan Desert Conference, El Paso, Texas, USA. | November 2023 |
Martinez, S.I., N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, J.C. deVos and J.W Cain III. 2023. Estimating kill rates and prey composition of Mexican gray wolves and cougars in New Mexico and Arizona. 30th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Louisville, Kentucky, USA. | November 2023 |
Martinez, S.I., J.W Cain III, N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, and J.C. deVos. 2023. Kill rates and prey composition of Mexican gray wolves and cougars in New Mexico and Arizona. Joint Annual Meeting of Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Farmington, New Mexico, USA. | February 2022 |
Martinez, S.I., J.W Cain III, N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, and J.C. deVos. 2023. Estimating kill rates and prey composition of Mexican gray wolves and cougars in New Mexico and Arizona. 15th Biennial Deer and Elk Workshop, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. | May 2023 |
M.P. Zeigler, C.A. Caldwell, and R.R. Parmenter. 2013. Effects of the 2011 Las Conchas Fire on fish populations and habitat in meadow streams of the Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico. 46th Joint Annual Meeting of the New Mexico and Arizona Chapters of The Wildlife Society and Arizona and New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Albuquerque, New Mexico. 7-9 February. | February 2013 |
Lyons, J.E., M.L. Stantial, A.J. Lawson, A. Fournier, M.C. Runge, M. Woodrey. 2024. Constructed Value of Information in the Context of Adaptive Management: Reducing Uncertainty About Prescribed Fire and Birds in Salt Marshes of the Gulf of Mexico. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference; Baltimore, Maryland. October 19-23, 2024. | October 2024 |
Lyons, J.E., A.J. Lawson, M.L. Stantial, A. Weldon. 2021. Ecology and conservation of Eastern black rail: Road to recovery through management. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Virtual, 1-5 November. | November 2021 |
Lujan, D., and C.A. Caldwell. 2015. Carbon Availability within a Montaine Grassland Stream Subjected to Prescribed Burn and a Severe Wildfire. 48th Joint Annual Meeting of the New Mexico and Arizona Wildlife Societies and the Arizona/New Mexico American Fisheries Society. Las Cruces, New Mexico. 5-7 February. | February 2015 |
Lujan, D., M.P. Zeigler, C.A. Caldwell, and R. Parmenter. 2015. Effects of Prescribed-fire and the Las Conchas Wildfire on the Resistance and Resilience of a Montane Grassland Stream on the Valles Caldera National Preserve. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland, Oregon. | August 2015 |
Luedtke,C.J., M. Overstreet, J.W. Cain III, T. Stephenson, A.E. Justice-Allen. 2011. Prevalence of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae in 6 geographically distinct populations of desert bighorn sheep in Arizona. 51st Desert Bighorn Council, Laughlin, Nevada, USA. | April 2011 |
Lowrey, B., A. Beers, J. Begay, S. Bergen, K. Blecha, S. Bundick, J.W. Cain III, M. Cowardin, O. Duvuvuei, A. Ehrhart, M. Flenner, J. Fort, J. Gagnon, E. Gelzer, E. Greenspan, E. Hagler, M. Hanson, V.D. Hinojoza-Rood, C. McKee, J.L, McKee, J.A. Merkle, B.A. Oates, C. Reddell, R. Ritson, B.M. Russon, H. Sawyer, C. Schroeder, S. Sprague, N. Tatman, D. Whittaker, S. Wiechman, and M.L. Kauffman. Mapping Big Game Migrations Across the Western States: Science Support for Management and Conservation. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Baltimore, MD. | October 2024 |
Lichwa, E., C. Piper, G. Fuller, J.W. Cain III, and M.S. Gunther. 2022. Ecological and social drivers of Mexican gray wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) home range patterns and size across spatiotemporal scales. 2022 Annual Meeting of the Western Section of The Wildlife Society, Reno, NV. USA. | February 2022 |
Lewis, J.D., J.W. Cain, III, and R. Denkhaus. 2011. Habitat selection of an American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) population at the edge of their distribution range. Urban Wildlife Management and Planning Conference, Austin, Texas, USA. | May 2011 |
Lewis, J.D., J.W. Cain, III, and R. Denkhaus. 2011. Habitat selection of an American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) population at the edge of their distribution range. 47th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society, San Antonio, Texas, USA | February 2011 |
Lewis, J.D., J. Cain, III, and R. Denkhaus. 2012. Habitat selestion of an American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) population at the edge of the their distribution range. 48th Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society | February 2012 |
Lee, J.B., D.J. Vargo, J.B. Bulger, C.J. Cardinal, M.A. Boggie, E.J. Goldstein, A.J. Lawson. 2022. Natural history and reintroduction of the white-tailed ptarmigan in New Mexico. Wilson Ornithological Society Meeting; Santa Fe, New Mexico. 17-20 July. | July 2022 |
Lee, J.B., D.J. Vargo, J.B. Bulger, C.J. Cardinal, M.A. Boggie, E.J. Goldstein, A.J. Lawson. 2022. Natural history and reintroduction of the white-tailed ptarmigan in New Mexico. New Mexico Ornithological Society Meeting, Virtual; 26th March. | March 2022 |
Lawson, A.J., and M.C. Runge. 2024. Constructed value of information to prioritize critical uncertainties. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference; Baltimore, Maryland. 19-23 October, 2024. | October 2024 |
Lawson, A.J., M.L. Stantial, M.D. Correll, M. Hartley, K. Kalasz, M.C. Runge, A. Schwarzer, C. Watson, A. Weldon, and J.E. Lyons. 2021. Reducing uncertainties in eastern black rail conservation: qualitative value of information to identify field experiments in a resilience-experimentalist adaptive management framework. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference; Virtual. 1-5 November. | November 2021 |
Lawson, A.J., M.L. Stantial, A.D. Smith, and J.E. Lyons. 2021. Best-case scenario planning: evaluating tradeoffs among abundance and occupancy monitoring frameworks to detect eastern black rail population trends in optimal habitat. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference; Virtual. 1-5 November. | November 2021 |
Lawson, A.J., M. Correll, K.D. Dunham, A.D. Smith, M.L. Stantial, and J.E. Lyons. 2023. Accounting for model convergence failure when evaluating tradeoffs in meta-population monitoring program designs for cryptic species. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference; Louisville, Kentucky. November 5–9. | November 2023 |
Lawson, A.J., J.H. Gardner, M.L. Stantial, and C.S. Rushing. 2022. Value added conservation: prioritizing critical uncertainties for rosy-finch conservation in a warming world. Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences; Indianapolis, Indiana. 16-19 October. | October 2022 |
Lawson, A.J., J.H. Gardner, M.L. Stantial, T. Regan, C.S. Rushing. 2024. Value added conservation: prioritizing critical uncertainties for collaborative conservation of Rosy-Finches in a warming world. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference; Baltimore, Maryland. 19-23 October, 2024. | October 2024 |
Lawson, A.J., J.H. Gardner, J.E. Lyons, C.S. Rushing, M.L. Stantial, M.C. Runge. 2022. Value-added conservation: Prioritizing critical uncertainties in avian conservation using value of information. Wilson Ornithological Society, Santa Fe, New Mexico. 17-20 July. | July 2022 |
Lawson, A.J., E. Rivenbark, C.P. McGowan. 2022. Reconciling and propagating uncertainty from expert elicited data into decision support population viability analyses. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference; Spokane, Washington. 6–10 November. | November 2022 |
Lawrence, A.J. and S.A. Carleton. 2014. Impacts of Energy Development on Lesser Prairie-chicken Ecology in Eastern New Mexico. AZ/NM TWS Annual Meeting. | February 2014 |
Landis, W., K. Kolb Ayre, P.T. Bryant, L.A. Kaminski, J. Stinson, and C. A. Caldwell. 2009. An ecological risk assessment of the impact of whirling disease on populations of Rio Grande and Colorado River cutthroat trout in the southwestern United States. Western Division Annual Meeting, May 3-7, 2009, Albuquerque, NM. | May 2009 |
Kuhne, W.W., C.A. Caldwell, W.R. Gould, and P.R. Fresquez. November 1999. Effects of depleted uranium on the survival and reproduction of Ceriodaphnia dubia and Hyallela azteca. 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Philadelphia, PA. | November 1999 |
Kuhne, W.W., C.A. Caldwell, W.R. Gould, and P.R. Fresquez. February 2000. Effects pf depleted uranium on the survival and health of Ceriodaphnia dubia and Hyallela azteca. 32th Annual Joint Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico chapters of The Wildlife Society and the American Fisheries Society, Sierra Vista, AZ. | February 2000 |
Kuhne, W.W., C.A. Caldwell, W.R. Gould, and P.R. Fresquez. April 2000. Effects of depleted uranium on the survival and reproduction of Ceriodaphnia dubia and Hyallela azteca. New Mexico State University, Department of Fishery and Wildlife Sciences, Seminar Series, Las Cruces, NM. | April 2000 |
Krysten M. Zummo and Scott A. Carleton. 2015. Effects of habitat restoration and climate change on scaled quail in south central New Mexico. New Mexico Ornithological Society Annual Meeting. Roswell, NM. | April 2015 |
Krysten M. Zummo and Scott A. Carleton. 2015. Effects of habitat restoration and climate change on scaled quail in south central New Mexico. Arizona/New Mexico TWS Joint Annual Meeting. Las Cruces, NM. | February 2015 |
Krueger, B., L. C. Bender, W. R. Gould, and R. Valdez. February 2004. Sightability modeling of gemsbok on White Sands Missile Range. 37th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Safford, Arizona, USA. | February 2004 |
Kramer, D. C. Taylor, G. Sorenson, R. Cox, P. Gipson, and J. Cain. 2013. The effects of thinning and ungulate exlcusion on conifer understory vegetation and key mule deer forage species in northeastern New Mexico, USA. 98th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Minneapolis, Minnesota. | August 2013 |
Kirby, A., C. Britt, J.W. Cain III, G.W. Roemer, and M.E. Gompper. 2022. Effects of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus 2 (RHDV2) emergence on population estimates of New Mexican lagomorphs. 101st. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Tucson, Arizona, USA. | June 2022 |
Kirby, A., C. Britt, G. Roemer, J.W. Cain III, G.W. Roemer, R. Schooley, B. Bestelmeyer, and M.E. Gompper. 2023. RHDV2 emergence in New Mexican lagomorphs. 13th International Mammalogical Congress, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. | July 2023 |
Kirby, A., C. Britt, G. Roemer, J.W. Cain III, and M.E. Gompper. 2023. Effects of rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus 2 (RHDV2) emergence on population estimates and exposure outcomes of New Mexican lagomorphs. Joint Annual Meeting of Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Farmington, New Mexico, USA. | February 2023 |
Kindschuh, S.R., and J.W. Cain III. 2015. Modeling black bear predation and scavenging using GPS cluster analysis. 48th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Las Cruces, New Mexico Mexico, USA. | February 2015 |
Kindschuh, S.R., and J.W. Cain III. 2015. Black bear carnivory of ungulates: global positioning system cluster analysis as a tool for estimation. 12th Western Black Bear Workshop, Canmore, Alberta, Canada. | May 2015 |
Kindschuh, S.R., J.W. Cain III, and M.A. Peyton. 2013. Evaluating the use of GPS cluster analysis to locate black bear predation and scavenging sites. 47th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Pinetop, Arizona, USA. | February 2014 |
Kindschuh, S.R., J.W. Cain III, and M.A. Peyton. 2013. Evaluating the use of GPS cluster analysis to locate black bear predation and scavenging sites. 46th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA | February 2013 |
Keller, B. J., and L. C. Bender. February 2004. Influence of road-related disturbance on bighorn sheep use of the Sheep Lakes mineral site, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. 37th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Safford, Arizona, USA. | February 2004 |
Keller, B. J., and L. C. Bender. April 2004. Influence of road-related disturbance on bighorn sheep use of the Sheep Lakes mineral site, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. Rocky Mountain National Park Research Conference, Estes Park, Colorado, USA. | April 2004 |
Keeling, M., and J.W. Cain III. 2024. Black bear resource selection and responses to wildfires and forest restoration treatments in the Jemez Mountains. 4th Southwest Fire Ecology Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. | November 2024 |
Keeling, M., G.L. Parikh and J.W. Cain III. 2023. Black bear resource selection and response to wildfires and forest restoration treatments in the Jemez Mountains. 30th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Louisville, Kentucky, USA. | November 2023 |
Kay, J.H., and J.W. Cain III. 2017. New insight into utilizing bone marrow to assess ungulate health. 50th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Farmington, New Mexico, USA. | February 2017 |
Kay, J.H., and J.W. Cain III. 2017. New insight into utilizing bone marrow to assess ungulate health. 12th Western States and Provinces Deer and Elk Workshop, Sun Valley, Idaho, USA. | May 2017 |
Kay, J.H., and J.W. Cain III. 2017. New insight into utilizing bone marrow to assess the health of mountain lion prey . 12th Mountain Lion Workshop, Estes Park, Colorado, USA. | May 2017 |
Kay, J.H., and J.W. Cain III. 2017. Effects of sampling time on bone marrow fat estimates. 24th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. | September 2017 |
Kay, J.H., J.W. Cain III, and S.G. Liley. 2018. Tradeoffs between forage and predation risk in central New Mexico. International Deer Biology Congress, Estes Park, Colorado, USA. | August 2018 |
Kay, J. H., and J. W. Cain III. 2016. Top-Down and bottom-up forces on central New Mexico mule deer. 49th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. | February 2016 |
Kauffman, M., B. Lowrey, J. Berg, S. Bergen, D.E. Bird, J.W. Cain, M. Cowardin, M. Devivo, M. Flenner, J. Fort, E. Gelzer, E. Greenspan, M. Laforge, J. McKee, J. Merkle, B. Oates, L. Olson, C. Reddell, R. Ritson, H. Sawyer, C. Schroeder, and J. Shapiro. 2022. A collaborative effort to map ungulate migrations and advance their conservation across the western United States. 29th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Spokane, Washington. | November 2022 |
Karsch, R.C., J.W. Cain III, E.M. Rominger, E.J. Goldstein. 2015. Parturient desert bighorn sheep survival strategies: environmental characteristics at female parturition sites and lamb nursery and predation sites. 48th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA. | February 2015 |
Karsch, R.C., J.W. Cain III, E.M. Rominger, E.J. Goldstein. 2015. Desert bighorn lambing habitat revisited: environmental characteristics at female parturition sites, and lamb nursery and predation sites. 2015 Biennial Meeting of the Desert Bighorn Council, Borrego Springs, California, USA. | April 2015 |
Karsch, R., J.W. Cain III, E.M. Rominger, and E.J. Goldstein. 2013. Desert bighorn sheep lamb survival and cause-specific mortality in the Peloncillo Moutains, New Mexico. Desert Bighorn Council Meeting, April 17-20,2013 Las Cruces, NM | April 2013 |
Karsch, R., J.W. Cain III, E. Goldstein, and R. Rominger. 2014. Desert bighorn sheep lamb survival and cause-specific mortality in the Peloncillo Mountains, New Mexico. 47th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Pinetop, Arizona, New Mexico, USA. | February 2014 |
Karish, T., G.W. Roemer, and J.W. Cain III. 2017. Resource selection and movements of feral burros on the Fort Irwin National Training Center. 24th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. (POSTER) | September 2017 |
Karish, T., G.W. Roemer, D.K. Delaney, and J.W. Cain III. 2023. Multi-scale habitat selection and water dependency of feral burros in the Mojave Desert. 57th Meeting of the Desert Bighorn Council, Alpine, Texas, USA | April 2023 |
Karish, T., G.W. Roemer, D.K. Delaney, and J.W. Cain III. 2022. Habitat selection and water dependency of feral burros in the Mojave Desert. 101st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Tucson, Arizona, USA | June 2022 |
Kalb, B. and C.A. Caldwell. 2014. Evidence of seasonal behavioral thermoregulation of resident rainbow trout in a small headwater stream. 47th Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ/NM American Fisheries Society and the AZ and NM Wildlife Societies. Pinetop, AZ. 6-8 February. | February 2014 |
K Zummo and SA Carleton. 2016. Effects of Climate on Scaled Quail Reproduction and Survival. Annual Meeting, Society for Range Ecology and Management. Corpus Christi, Texas | February 2016 |
Huntsman, B.M., Caldwell, C.A., Lynch, A.J., and Abadi, F. 2018. Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout population dynamics and persistence along a temperature and precipitation gradient. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey, August 20-24, 2018. | August 2018 |
Humagain, K. C. Portillo, R. Cox, and J.W. Cain III. 2016. Mapping structural diversity of trees in the southwest Jemez Mountains of New Mexico using Landsat-8 data. 68th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management, Sacramento, California. | February 2016 |
Hula, R., M. Marwin, R.C. Lonsinger, L.J. Bernal, C. Kruse, M.C. Chitwood, J.W. Cain III. 2025. Black bear presence increases coyote occurrence at cougar kill sites. Oklahoma State University Undergraduate Research Symposium, Stillwater, OK. | April 2025 |
Howell, P.E., Davis, K.P., G. Zimmerman, H. White, A.J. Lawson, M.J. Eaton, M.A. Boggie, O.J. Robinson, K. Madden, B. Millsap. 2023. Estimating American Kestrel population vital rates at a broad geographic scale. Raptor Research Foundation; Albuquerque, New Mexico. October 17–22, 2023. | October 2023 |
Hennig, J. D., K. A. Schoenecker, J. W. Cain III, and G. W. Roemer. 2021. A double-observer sightability model for estimating feral burro abundance. 28th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Virtual Online. | November 2021 |
Haukos, D., C. Boal, S. Carleton, and B. Grisham. 2015. Roles of Cooperative Research Units in contemporary conservation of natural resources. North American Wildlife & Natural Resources Conference, Omaha, NE. | March 2015 |
Guy, R., C.Caldwell, J. Wick, M. Mata, K.Boykin, A. Ernst, and T. Rogers. 2012. Status and trends of White Sands pupfish (Cyprinodon tularosa) throughout its range on two DoD installations. 45th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society and the Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of AFS. Phoenix, Arizona. February 2-4, 2012. | February 2012 |
Guerrero, A.L., A. V. Vaisvil, and C.A. Caldwell. 2019. Environmental Conditions that Affect Timing of Hatch of Largemouth Bass in a Southwest Irrigation Reservoir. 52nd Joint Annual Meeting of the New Mexico and Arizona Chapters of The Wildlife Society and the AZ/NM Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Albuquerque, New Mexico. 4 February. | February 2019 |
Griffin, D., S.A. Carleton, and D. Collins. 2014. Estimating Survival and Movements of Band-tailed Pigeons in New Mexico. New Mexico Ornithological Society. | April 2014 |
Griffin, D., S.A. Carleton, and D. Collins. 2014. Estimating Survival and Movements of Band-tailed Pigeons in New Mexico. History of the Gila Symposium. | February 2014 |
Gould, M.J., J.W. Cain, III, G.W. Roemer, W.R. Gould, and S.G. Liley. Estimating density of American black bears in New Mexico using noninvasive genetic sampling-based spatial capture-recapture methods. 2016. Wildlife Student Research Competition at the 49th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society and the Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of The American Fisheries Society, Flagstaff, Arizona. | February 2016 |
Gould, M.J., J.W. Cain, III, G.W. Roemer, W.R. Gould, and S.G. Liley. 2012. Estimating American black bear (Ursus americanus) abundance and density in New Mexico using noninvasive genetic analysis. 19th Annual National Conference of The Wildlife Society, Portland, Oregon. | October 2012 |
Gould, M.J., J.W. Cain III, G.W. Roemer, and W.R. Gould. 2015. Estimating abundance and density of American black bears (Ursus americanus) in New Mexico using noninvasive genetic sampling-based capture-recapture methods. 48th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA. | February 2015 |
Gould, M.J., J.W. Cain III, G.W. Roemer, and W.R. Gould. 2015. Estimating abundance and density of American black bears (Ursus americanus) in New Mexico using noninvasive genetic sampling-based capture-recapture methods. 48th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA. | February 2014 |
Gould, M.J., J.W. Cain III, G.W. Roemer, W.R. Gould, and S.G. Liley. 2015. Estimating density of American black bears in New Mexico, United States of America. 5th International Wildlife Management Congress, Sapporo, Japan. | July 2015 |
Gould, M.J., J.W. Cain III, G.W. Roemer, W.R. Gould, and S.G. Liley. 2014. Estimating the abundance and density of black bears in New Mexico using non-invasive genetic analysis. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Pittsburg, PA. | October 2014 |
Gould, M.J., J.W. Cain III, G.W. Roemer, W.R. Gould, and S.G. Liley. 2014. Estimating the abundance and density of American black bears (Ursus americanus) in New Mexico using non-invasive genetic analysis. 47th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Pinetop, Arizona, New Mexico, USA. | February 2014 |
Gould, M. J., W. R. Gould, J. W. Cain, III, and G. W. Roemer. 2018. Predicting population level resource use with occupancy modeling and validating with independent data. Wildlife Student Research Competition at the 51st Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society and the Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of The American Fisheries Society, Flagstaff, Arizona. | February 2018 |
Gould, M. J., J.W. Cain III, G.W. Roemer, W.R. Gould, and S.G. Liley. 2013. Estimating the abundance and density of American black bears (Ursus Americanus) in New Mexico using non-invasive genetic analysis. 46th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. | February 2013 |
Goljani, R., J.K. Frey, D.L. Bergman, S.W. Breck, J.W. Cain III, J. Oakleaf, J.B. Smith. 2017. Predicting spatial factors associated with livestock depredations by the Mexican wolf in Arizona and New Mexico. 24th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. | September 2017 |
Glessner, JG, JA Hobbs, JB Wimipenny, and SA Carleton. 2014. Monitoring the life histories of animafalia using LA-MC_ICP-MS measurements of 87Sr/86Sr in otoliths, bones, fin rays, and teeth. Goldschmidt Conference UC-Davis, Davis, CA | June 2014 |
Gilbert-Horvath E, Garza JC, Pregler KC. 2024. Inbreeding, outbreeding and genetic rescue in populations of endangered salmon. Evolution Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada. | July 2024 |
Gilbert, E., R.K. Dudley, T. Pilger, T. Turner, Y Paroz, C Kruse, J. Hatt, B Bakevich, M. Cooper, C. Caldwell, B. Huntsman, and T. Frey. 2017. Native fish conservation and management in the Rio Grande, Canadian and Pecos rivers and Tularosa and Guzman basins, New Mexico during 2017. 49th Annual Meeting of the Desert Fishes Council. | November 2017 |
Gedir, J.V., J.W. Cain III, T.L. Swetnam, P.R. Krausman, and J.R. Morgart 2019. Extreme drought and adaptive resource selection by a desert ungulate. 99th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists. Washington DC, USA | June 2019 |
Gedir, J.V., J.W. Cain III, T.L. Swetnam, P.R. Krausman, and J.R. Morgart 2019. Extreme drought and adaptive habitat selection by desert bighorn sheep. 7th World Mountain Ungulate Conference. Bozeman, Montana, USA | September 2019 |
Gedir, J.V., J.W. Cain III, T.L. Swetnam, P.R. Krausman, and J.R. Morgart 2019. Extreme drought and adaptive habitat selection by desert bighorn sheep. 55th Meeting of the Desert Bighorn Council. Mesquite, Nevada, USA | April 2019 |
Gedir, J.V., J.W. Cain III, P.R. Krausman, J.D. Allen, G.C. Duff, and J.R. Morgart. 2016. Potential foraging decisions by desert bighorn sheep to balance water and nutrient intake in a water-stressed environment. 23rd Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA | October 2016 |
Gedir, J.V., J.W. Cain III, G. Harris, and T.T. Turnbull. 2016. Predicting long-term pronghorn population dynamics in the Southwest in response to climate change. Pronghorn Workshop, Anaconda, Montana, USA. | August 2016 |
Gedir, J.V., J.W. Cain III, G. Harris, and T.T Turnbull. 2015. Predicting long-term pronghorn population dynamics in the southwest U.S.A. in response to climate change. 48th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA. | February 2015 |
Gedir, J.V., J.W. Cain III, G. Harris, and T.T Turnbull. 2015. Predicting long-term population dynamics of an ungulate in an arid environment in response to climate change. 5th International Wildlife Management Congress, Sapporo, Japan. | July 2015 |
Gedir, J.V., *J.W. Cain III, P.R. Krausman, J.D. Allen, G.C. Duff, and J.R. Morgart. 2017. Potential foraging decisions by desert bighorn sheep to balance water and nutrient intake. 2017 Biennial Meeting of the Desert Bighorn Council, St. George, Utah, USA. | April 2017 |
Garrison, K.R., J.W. Cain, III, E.M. Rominger, and E.J. Goldstein. 2013. Influence of livestock grazing on forage biomass, activity budgets and foraging efficiency of desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis mexicana) in southern New Mexico. Desert Bighorn Council Meeting, April 17-20,2013 Las Cruces, NM | April 2013 |
Garrison, K.R., J.W. Cain III, E.R. Rominger, and E. Goldstein. 2013. Influence of livestock grazing on forage biomass, activity budgets and foraging efficiency of desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis mexicana) in southern New Mexico. 46th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA | February 2013 |
Garrison, K., J.W. Cain III, E. Goldstein, and R. Rominger. 2014. Influence of sympatric livestock grazing on desert bighorn sheep forage resources and foraging behavior. 47th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Pinetop, Arizona, New Mexico, USA. | February 2014 |
Galindo, R., S.Cho, and C.A. Caldwell. February 2008. Physiological responses of Rio Grande silvery minnow: Effects of altered salt concentrations to transport stress. 42ndJoint Annual Meeting of the AZ/NM Chapter of the American Fisheries Society and the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society. 8-9 February, Prescott, AZ. | February 2008 |
Galindo, R., S.Cho, and C.A. Caldwell. April 2008. Physiological responses of Rio Grande silvery minnow: Effects of altered salt concentrations to transport stress. 2008 Graduate Research and Arts Symposium, New Mexico State University. 3 April, Las Cruces, NM. | April 2008 |
Fuller, A., C.A. Caldwell, P. Turner, and D. Halford. February 2000. Reproductive biology of Rio Grande chub (Gila pandora) in a southcentral New Mexico stream. 32th Annual Joint Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico chapters of The Wildlife Society and the American Fisheries Society, Sierra Vista, AZ. | February 2000 |
Fritts, M., A. Fritts, S. Carleton, and R. Bringolf. 2013. Shifts in stable isotope signatures confirm parasitic relationship of freshwater mussel glochidia attached to host fish. Invited paper presented at the 2013 meeting of the Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee. 19-21 March 2013. Collinsville, IL. | March 2013 |
Fritts, M., A. Fritts, S. Carleton, and R. Bringolf. Shifts in stable isotopes confirm freshwater mussel parasitism. Presented at the Illinois Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Rend Lake, IL. March 5-7, 2013. | March 2013 |
Fritts, A.K., M. Fritts, S. Carleton, R. Bringolf. Shifts in stable isotope signatures confirm parasitic relationship of freshwater mussel glochidia attached to host fish. Presented at the 2013 annual meeting of the Georgia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Jekyll Island, GA. Jan. 21-23, 2013. Awarded 1st place for Best Student Presentation. | January 2013 |
Fritts, A., M. Fritts, S. Carleton, and R. Bringolf. Shifts in stable isotopes confirm freshwater mussel parasitism. Presented at the Warnell School Graduate Student Symposium. Athens, GA. Feb. 13-15, 2013. Platform Presentation. Awarded 1st place for Best Student Presentation. | February 2013 |
Fritts, A., M. Fritts, S. Carleton, and R. Bringolf. Shifts in stable isotopes confirm freshwater mussel parasitism. Presented at the 2013 Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium. Guntersville, AL. March 10-14, 2013. | March 2013 |
Foreman, N. and J.W. Cain III. 2019. Overcoming Challenges of Furbearer Research in the Southwestern United States. 2019 Joint Annual Conference of the American Fisheries Society and the Wildlife Society, Reno, Nevada, USA. | September 2019 |
Flynn, L.M., B.M. Huntsman, C.A. Caldwell, and A.J. Lynch. 2019. Impacts of Temperature and Non-Native Brown Trout on Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout Production. 2019 Joint Annual Meeting of AFS and TWS, Reno, Nevada. 29 September-3 October. | October 2019 |
Flynn, L.M., B.M. Huntsman, C.A. Caldwell, and A.J. Lynch. 2018. Effects of biotic and abiotic factors on the specific growth rates of Rio Grande cutthroat trout, Oncorhynchus clarkii virginalis. Western Division of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Anchorage, Alaska. | May 2018 |
Flynn, L.M., B. M. Huntsman, C.A. Caldwell, and A.J. Lynch. 2019. Impacts of Temperature and Non-Native Brown Trout on Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout Production. 52nd Annual Meeting of The New Mexico and Arizona Chapters of the Wildlife Society and the AZ/NM Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. 4 February, Albuquerque, New Mexico. | February 2019 |
Flynn, L., C.A. Caldwell, B. Huntsman, A. Lynch. 2019. Investigating mechanisms of Rio Grande cutthroat trout persistence and decline. Rio Grande Research Team and C3CRio Combined Webinar. South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center. November 2019. | November 2019 |
Flynn, L. and C.A. Caldwell. 2020. Is coexistence futile? Brown trout suppress cutthroat trout production regardless of temperature. RGCT Conservation Team Range Wide Meeting. January 27, 2020. | January 2020 |
Field, K.R., and C.A. Caldwell. 2022. Habitat Suitability and Predictive Analytics for Informing a Repatriation of an Endangered Desert Fish. 55th Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ/NM Chapters of The Wildlife Society and the American Fisheries Society. | February 2022 |
Field, K. and C.A. Caldwell. 2021. Habitat suitability for the endangered Gila chub (Gila intermedia) in the San Francisco drainage, New Mexico. Annual Rio Grande Chub and Sucker Conservation Team Meeting. Virtual. | January 2021 |
Farley, Z., J.W. Cain III, N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, J.C deVos, and J. Avey. 2022. Influence of predation risk from the recovering Mexican wolf population on elk behavior. 101st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Tucson, Arizona, USA . | June 2022 |
Farley, Z., J.W. Cain III, N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, J.C deVos, and J. Avey. 2021.Assessing the impacts of the recovering Mexican wolf population on elk behavior. 54th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Virtual Online. | February 2021 |
Farley, Z., J.W. Cain III, N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, J.C deVos, and J. Avey. 2021. Assessing the impacts of the recovering Mexican wolf population on elk behavior. 14th Biennial Deer and Elk Workshop. Online Virtual. | August 2021 |
Farley, Z., J.W. Cain III, N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, J.C deVos, and J. Avey. 2020. Assessing the impacts of a recovering predator population on prey behavior. 53rd Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Prescott, Arizona, USA. | February 2020 |
Farley, Z., J.W. Cain III, N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, J.C deVos, and J. Avey. 2020. Assessing the impacts of a recovering predator on prey vigilance. 8th Natural History of the Gila Symposium, Silver City, New Mexico, USA. | February 2020 |
Falco, H., D. Lujan, C.A. Caldwell, W. Knight, and M. Ulibarri. 2015. Reproductive Potential of Wild Rio Grande Silvery Minnow (Hybognathus amarus). 48th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Societies and the Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Las Cruces, New Mexico. 5-7 February. | January 2015 |
Falco, H., C.A. Caldwell, W. Knight, and M. Ulibarri. 2017. Reproductive potential of Rio Grande silvery minnow (HYbognathus amarus). 50th Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ/NM Chapter of the American Fisheries Society and the NM and AZ Chapters of the Wildlife Society. Farmington, NM. | February 2017 |
Falco, H., C.A. Caldwell, W. Knight, and M. Ulibarri. 2016. Reproductive Potential of Rio Grande Silvery Minnow (Hybognathus amarus). Desert Fishes Council, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 15-19 November. | November 2016 |
Falco, H., C.A. Caldwell, D. Lujan, L. McCord, W. Knight, and M. Ulibarri. 2016. Reproductive Potential of Wild Rio Grande Silvery Minnow (Hybognathus amarus). 49th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Flagstaff, Arizona. | February 2016 |
Falco, H., C.A. Caldwell, D. Lujan, L. McCord, W. Knight, and M. Ulibarri. 2015. Reproductive Potential of Wild Rio Grande Silvery Minnow (Hybognathus amarus). 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, Oregon. | August 2015 |
Fair, J.M., A.J. Lawson, T.F. Wright, M.J. Desmond. 2024. Ecological Security and Ecological Disasters: Defining the Fields and Applications for the Future Environmental and Climate Resilience. Symposium on Climate Security; Santa Fe, New Mexico. June 26-27, 2024. | June 2024 |
Everett, E., and C. Caldwell. January 2002. Habitat characterization and environmental influences of the Jemez Mountains salamander (Plethodon neomexicanus). Jemez Mountains Biological Symposium. Santa Fe, New Mexico. | February 2002 |
Everett, E., and C. Caldwell. January 2002. Habitat characterization and environmental influences of the Jemez Mountains salamander (Plethodon neomexicanus). 35th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Safford, Arizona. | February 2002 |
Evans, A.D., J.W. Cain III, B. Banulis, N. Perry, and C. Anderson. 2021. Effects of wildland recreational disturbance on desert bighorn sheep in western Colorado. 56th Meeting of the Desert Bighorn Council, Virtual Online. | April 2021 |
Evans, A.D., J.W. Cain III, B. Banulis, N. Perry, and C. Anderson. 2021. Effects of human recreation on desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni) in western Colorado. 54th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Virtual Online. | February 2021 |
Evans, A.D., B. Banulis, N. Perry, C.R. Anderson, and J.W. Cain III. 2022. The effects of wildland recreational disturbance on desert bighorn sheep in western Colorado. Joint Annual Meeting of Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Farmington, New Mexico, USA. | February 2023 |
Evans, A.D., B. Banulis, N. Perry, C.R. Anderson, and J.W. Cain III. 2022. The effects of wildland recreational disturbance on desert bighorn sheep in western Colorado. 29th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Spokane, Washington. | November 2022 |
Evans, A.D., B. Banulis, N. Perry, C.R. Anderson, Jr., and J.W. Cain III. 2024. Influence of wildland recreation on desert bighorn sheep behavior in western Colorado. Joint Annual Meeting of Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA | February 2024 |
Evans, A.D., B. Banulis, N. Perry, C.R. Anderson, Jr., and J.W. Cain III. 2023. The effects of wildland recreation on desert bighorn sheep in western Colorado. 57th Meeting of the Desert Bighorn Council, Alpine, Texas, USA | April 2023 |
Evans, A.D., B. Banulis, N. Perry, C.R. Anderson, Jr., M. Buenemann, and J.W. Cain III. 2025. The influence of recreational disturbance on desert bighorn sheep behavior and stress in western Colorado. 58th Meeting of the Desert Bighorn Council, Gold Canyon, Arizona, USA. | April 2025 |
Etchart, J. L., C. E. Gonzalez, L. A. Harveson, and J.W. Cain III. Evaluating water use of desert bighorn sheep and aoudad in the Sierra Vieja Mountains, Texas. 56th Meeting of the Desert Bighorn Council, Virtual Online. | April 2021 |
Ennis, J.R., and J.W. Cain III. 2022. Pronghorn Resource Selection and Migration through High-elevation Forests in Northern New Mexico. 29th Pronghorn Workshop. Deadwood, South Dakota, USA. | August 2022 |
Ennis, J.R., and J.W. Cain III. 2022. Elk and mule deer spring migration in New Mexico: movement strategies for navigating through a monsoonal landscape.10th International Deer Biology Congress. Osijek, Croatia. | September 2022 |
Ennis, J.R., J.W. Cain III, and N.M. Tatman. 2025. Migratory deer and elk decide how long to remain at stopovers, depending on landscape conditions. 16th Biennial Deer and Elk Workshop, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. | June 2025 |
Ennis, J.R., J.W. Cain III, and A. Opatz. 2023. Multi-scale habitat selection by pronghorn during spring migration in northern New Mexico. Joint Annual Meeting of Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Farmington, New Mexico, USA. | February 2023 |
Ennis, J.R, J.W. Cain III, N. Tatman, O. Duvuvuei, and A. Opatz. 2021. Elk, mule deer, and pronghorn migration in a high-elevation monsoonal landscape. 54th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Virtual Online. | February 2021 |
Effects of Climate on Scaled Quail Reproduction and Survival Krysten Zummo, New Mexico State University, New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Las Cruces, NM 88003 Scott A. Carleton, U. S. Geological Survey, New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Las Cruces, NM 88003 The Wildlife Society 2014 | October 2014 |
DuBey, R., and C. A Caldwell, 2003. Ecological differentiation of Tubifex tubifex Infested with Myxobolus cerebralis in the San Juan River Tailwater Blue Ribbon Trout Fishery presentation to the 9th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium, Seattle Washington, February 2003. | February 2003 |
DuBey, R., S. Schrader, C.A. Caldwell, D.L. Winkleman, P. Budy, and S. Bonar. February 2008. Southwest regional risk assessment for whirling disease in native salmonids: data assembly and conceptual model development. 14th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium. 4-5 February, Denver, CO. | February 2008 |
DuBey, R., C.A. Caldwell, and W.R. Gould. 2005. Susceptibility of Rio Grande cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki virginalis) to experimentally inducted infection with Myxobolous cerebralis. 46th Western Fish Disease Workshop American Fisheries Society Fish Health Section. June 27-29, Boise, ID. | June 2005 |
DuBey, R., C.A. Caldwell, and W.R. Gould. February 2007. Relative susceptibility and effects on performance of Rio Grande cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki virginalis) and rainbow trout (O. mykiss) challenged with Myxobolus cerebralis). 40th Annual Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ and NM Chapters of the Wildlife Society and the AZ/NM Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. 7 February,Albuquerque, NM. | February 2007 |
DuBey, R., C.A. Caldwell, and W.R. Gould. February 2006. Susceptibility of Rio Grande cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki virginalis) and rainbow trout (O. mykiss) to experimentally induced infection with Myxobolus Cerebralis. 39th Annual Meeting of the AZ/ NM Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Flagstaff, AZ. | February 2006 |
DuBey, R., C.A. Caldwell, and W.R. Gould. February 2006. Relative susceptibility of Rio Grande cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki virginalis) to experimentally induced infection with Myxobolus Cerebralis. Whirling Disease Symposium 12th Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. | February 2006 |
DuBey, R., C.A. Caldwell, W.R. Gould. 2005. Susceptibility of Rio Grande cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki virginalis) to experimentally induced infection with Myxobolus cerebralis. 38th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society and the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society. 3-5 February, Gallup, NM. | February 2005 |
DuBey, R. and C.A. Caldwell. 2004. Effects of temperature, photoperiod, and Myxobolus cerebrals infection on the fitness of Tubifex tubifex lineages. 37th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society and the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society. 5-7 February, Safford, AZ. | February 2004 |
DuBey, R. and C.A. Caldwell. 2004. Ecological differentiation of Tubifex tubifex infested with Myxobolus cerebralis in the San Juan River, New Mexico tailwater blue-ribbon trout fishery. 37th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society and the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society. 5-7 February, Safford, AZ. | February 2004 |
DuBey, R. and C.A. Caldwell. September 2006. Dynamics of whirling disease within a hypoliminion release tailwater of an arid lands reservoir. American Fisheries Society 136th Annual Meeting. Lake Placid, NY. | September 2006 |
Dean, Q., B. M. Huntsman, C. A. Caldwell, A. J. Lynch, and B. J. E. Myers. Effects of nonnative brown trout, Salmo trutta, on the foraging ecology of Rio Grande cutthroat trout, Onchorhynchus clarkii virginalis. May 2017. Western Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Missoula, Montana. | May 2017 |
Davis, K.P., E.R. Bjerre, C.W. Boal, M.A. Boggie, M.J. Eaton, J.H. Herner-Thogmartin, P.E. Howell, K. Madden, B. Millsap, O.J. Robinson, H. White, G. Zimmerman, A.J. Lawson. 2023. Collaborative Research Prioritization to Evaluate Potential Drivers of Population Declines for the American Kestrel in North America. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference; Louisville, Kentucky. November 5–9, 2023. | November 2023 |
Davis, K.P., E.R. Bjerre, C.W. Boal, M.A. Boggie, M.J. Eaton, J.H. Herner-Thogmartin, P.E. Howell, K. Madden, B. Millsap, O.J. Robinson, H. White, G. Zimmerman, A.J. Lawson. 2023. Collaborative Research Prioritization to Evaluate Potential Drivers of Population Declines for the American Kestrel in North America. Raptor Research Foundation; Albuquerque, New Mexico. October 17–22, 2023. | October 2023 |
Davis J.L., S. A. Carleton and S.R. Chipps. 2016. Sources of unauthorized introductions within the Black Hills of South Dakota. Oral Presentation, 2016 Annual Meeting, Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Spearfish, South Dakota. | February 2016 |
Crowl, L.S., K.P. Davis, A.J. Lawson. 2024. Is nest defense behavior in American Kestrels associated with higher nest success? NMSU Biosymposium; Las Cruces, New Mexico. April 20, 2024. Poster presentation. | April 2024 |
Crowl, L.S. K.P. Davis, A.J. Lawson. 2024. Is nest defense behavior in American Kestrels is positively associated with higher nest success? American Ornithological Society Annual Conference; Estes Park, Colorado. October 1–5, 2024. Poster presentation. | October 2024 |
Coxen, CL, SA Carleton, and D Collins. 2016. Evaluating the use of PIT tags and Satellite PTTs to model the survival and movements of Band-tailed Pigeons in New Mexico. Arizona/New Mexico Joint Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Flagstaff, AZ | February 2016 |
Coxen, CL, SA Carleton, and D Collins. 2015. Evaluating the use of PIT tags and Satellite PTTs to model the survival and movements of Band-tailed Pigeons in New Mexico. Arizona/New Mexico Joint Annual Meeting of The Wildlife | February 2015 |
Coxen, CL, SA Carleton, and D Collins. 2015. Evaluating the use of PIT tags and Satellite PTTs to model the survival and movements of Band-tailed Pigeons in New Mexico. Annual meeting of the New Mexico Ornithological Society. Roswell, New Mexico | April 2015 |
Correll, M.D., A.J. Lawson, M. Hartley, M.L. Stantial, C. Watson, A. Weldon, and J.E. Lyons. 2021. Reducing uncertainties in eastern black rail conservation: identifying species and management needs for a rare and highly cryptic marsh bird. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference; Virtual. 1-5 November. | November 2021 |
Conard, J. M., P. S. Gipson, and L. C. Bender. December 2004. Elk in tallgrass prairie: home range size, habitat selection, and movement patterns. 65th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, 12-15 December 2004, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. | December 2004 |
Collins, DP, JM Knetter, CM Conring, BA Grisham, WC Conway, SA Carleton, MA Boggie. 2016. EVIDENCE OF MIXING OF TWO GREATER SANDHILL CRANE POPULATIONS . New Mexico Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico. | April 2016 |
Coleman, S.M., C.A. Caldwell and J.E. Brooks. August 2006. Wildfire effects on a Gila trout (Oncorhynchus gilae) stream. 21st Annual Conference of the Southwest Region of the Native American Fish and Wildlife Society. Mescalero, NM. | August 2006 |
Coleman, S.M, C.A. Caldwell and J.E. Brooks. November 2006. Wildfire effects on a Gila trout (Oncorhynchus gilae) Stream. Oral presentation. 2nd International Fire Ecology Conference. San Diego, California. | November 2006 |
Coleman, S.M, C.A. Caldwell and J.E. Brooks. February 2006. Wildfire effects on Gila trout (Oncorhynchus gilae) streams. 39th Annual Meeting of the AZ/ NM Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Flagstaff, AZ. | February 2006 |
Co, S. and C.A. Caldwell. Feb 2007. Physiological stress responses of Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus) to handling, confinement, and transport associated with restoration effects of captive propogation, augmentation and rescue. 40th Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ and NM Chapters of the Wildlife Society and the AZ/NM Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 8 February. Albuquerque, NM. | February 2007 |
Christensen, E., C.P. McGowan, D. Castellanos, J. Culbertson, C. Eakin, B. Firmin, P.K. London, L. Pearson, E. Rivenbark, A.J. Lawson. 2023. Evaluating Sensitivity of Expert Elicited Parameters Within Decision Support Population Viability Analyses. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference; Louisville, Kentucky. 5-9 November. | November 2023 |
Cho, S., C.A. Caldwell and W.R. Gould. February 2008. Physiological responses of Rio Grande silvery minnow: Cumulative effects of stress to handling, confinement, and transport. 42nd Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ/NM Chapter of the American Fisheries Society and the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society. 8-9 February, Prescott, AZ. | February 2008 |
Cho, S. and C.A. Caldwell. Feb 2007. Physiological stress responses of Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hyognathus amarus) to handling, confinement, and transport associated with restoration effects of captive propagation, augmentation and rescue. World Aquaculture Conference, 28 February. San Antonoio, TX. | February 2007 |
Chase, N., C.A. Caldwell, S. Carleton, W.R. Gould. 2014. Using otolith microchemistry to track movements of prairie stream fishes in the Pecos River, New Mexico. 47th Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ/NM American Fisheries Society and the AZ and NM Wildlife Societies. Pinetop, AZ. 6-8 February. | February 2014 |
Carlson SM, Pregler KC, Obedzinski M, Gallagher S, Kelson S, Wolfe Hazard C, Queener N, Renger A, Thompson S, Power M. Flow-phenology mismatches drive reduction of salmonid fishes near their southern edge. World Fisheries Congress 2024. Seattle, WA. | March 2024 |
Carlson SM, Pregler KC, Obedzinski M, Gallagher S, Kelson S, Wolfe Hazard C, Queener N, Renger A, Thompson S, Power M. Flow-phenology mismatches drive reduction of salmonid fishes near their southern edge. Lowell Wakefield Symposium, Alaska Sea Grant 2024. Sitka, AK. | April 2024 |
Carleton, SA. 2015. Stable Isotopes in Fish and Wildlife Ecology, Management, and Conservation. Arizona/New Mexico Wildlife Society Regional Meeting. Las Cruces, NM. | February 2015 |
Carleton, SA. 2015. Lesser Prairie-chickens: Past, Present, Future. Society for Range Management, State Chapter Meeting. Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge. | January 2015 |
Carleton, SA. 2015. Lesser Prairie-Chickens Past, Present, Future. Society for Range Management, Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge. State Chapter Meeting | January 2015 |
Carleton, SA, J. Hobbs, J. Glessner, J. Burckhardt, C. Johnson, and B. Johnson. 2014. Determining the source, timing, and reproductive status of walleye illegally introduced into a Western reservoir | February 2014 |
Carleton, SA and P Gerrity. 2012. Use of strontium stable isotopes to differentiate populations of burbot in the Wind River Drainage, Wyoming | March 2012 |
Carleton, S. and C. Stricker. 2014. Spatial and temporal patterns of resource use partitioning in white-winged and mourning doves in the Sonoran Desert. AZ/NM TWS. | February 2014 |
Campbell, M.C., T.D. Lewis, and C.A. Caldwell. 2015. Detection of Asian Tapeworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathi Utilizing a Non-lethal Molecular Screening Tool. 49th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Flagstaff, Arizona. | February 2016 |
Campbell, M.C., T.D. Lewis, and C.A. Caldwell. 2015. Detection of Asian Tapeworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathi Utilizing a Non-lethal Molecular Screening Tool. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland, Oregon. | August 2015 |
Campbell, M.C., C.A. Caldwell, W. Wilson, and T.D. Lewis. 2016. Asian Tapeworm in an Endangered Southwestern Fish: Assessing Infections Using a Non-lethal Molecular Screening Tool. Desert Fishes Council, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 15-19 November. | November 2016 |
Campbell, M., T.D. Lewis, and C.A. Caldwell. 2015.Detection of Fish Asian Tapeworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathi Utilizing a Non-lethal Molecular Screening Tool. 48th Joint Annual Meeting of the New Mexico and Arizona Wildlife Societies and the Arizona/New Mexico American Fisheries Society. Las Cruces, New Mexico. 5-7 February. | February 2015 |
Caldwell, C.A., S.J. Cho, and W.R. Gould. 2009. Physiological effects of confinement and transport-induced stress in Rio Grande silvery minnow: Insight into practical management tools. Western Division Annual Meeting, May 3-7, 2009, Albuquerque, NM. | May 2009 |
Caldwell, C.A., S.E. Mitchell, G. Gonzales, W.R. Gould, and R. Arimoto. 2004. Toxicity effects of depleted uranium on the survival, growth, and development of the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis). 1st Annual Meeting of the Desert Southwest Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 25-26 June, El Paso, TX. | June 2004 |
Caldwell, C.A., S.E. Mitchell, G. Gonzales, W.R. Gould, and R. Arimoto. 2004. Effects of depleted uranium on the health and survival of aquatic invertebrates (Ceriodaphnia dubia and Hyalella azteca) and an amphibian (Xenopus laevis). Conference of Toxicology and Risk Assessment, 26-30 April, Cincinnati, OH. | April 2004 |
Caldwell, C.A., R. Parmenter, M. Peyton, D. Pittenger, and L. Kremer. 2022. Population Dynamics of MYY Brook Trout in Northern New Mexico. Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virtual | March 2022 |
Caldwell, C.A., P. Swartzendrubber, and E. Prestbo. February 2007. Deposition of mercury in arid south-central New Mexico. 2nd Annual Meeting of the Southwest Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 9 February, Soccoro, NM. | February 2007 |
Caldwell, C.A., M. Zeigler, and A. Todd. 2011. Potential influences of climate change on persistence of Rio Grande cutthroat trout. Forest Service Climate Change Adaptation Conference and Workshop, 24 January 2011, Abiquiu, NM. | January 2011 |
Caldwell, C.A., M. Peyton, and R. Parmenter. 2016. Monitoring: Fish and stream habitats on the Valles Caldera National Preserve. All Hands Meeting, Southwest Jemez Mountains Resilient Landscapes and Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project. Santa Fe Community College. | April 2016 |
Caldwell, C.A., L. Kremer, B. HUntsman, M. Peyton, and R. Parmenter. Longterm monitoring of the Fisheries Community within the CFLR Project Area (2003-2018). Annual Cooperators Meeting of the Jemez CFLRP. | April 2019 |
Caldwell, C.A., F.T. Barrows, M. Ulibarri, and W.R. Gould. 2011. Rio Grande silvery minnow propagation initiative: Diet development. Symposium Hatchery Nutrition: Feeding Fish for Tomorrow’s Changing World. 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA. 6 September . | September 2011 |
Caldwell, C.A., E.M. Prestbo, P. Swartzendruber, R. Arimoto, and C. Sykes. October 2001. Atmospheric deposition of mercury in southcentral New Mexico, USA. 6th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant. Minimata, Japan. | October 2001 |
Caldwell, C.A., E.M. Prestbo, P. Swartzendruber, R. Arimoto, and C. Sykes. August 2002. Atmospheric deposition of mercury in southcentral New Mexico, USA. Poster New Mexico Water Research Symposium. Socorro, New Mexico. | August 2002 |
Caldwell, C.A., B. Huntsman, A.J. Lynch, L. Flynn, and F. Abadi. 2023. The Effects of Drought on Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout: The Role of Stream Flow and Temperature. U.S.G.S., ScienceBase-Catalog; |
January 2023 |
Caldwell, C.A. and W. Landis. February 2009. Southwest regional risk assessment for whirling disease in native salmonids. 15th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium. 4-5 February, Denver, CO. | February 2009 |
Caldwell, C.A. and R. Parmenter. 2017. Monitoring: Fish populations and stream habitats. All-hands Meeting, Southwest Jemez Mountains Resilient Landscapes and Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project. Santa Fe Community College. | April 2017 |
Caldwell, C.A. and J. Remshardt. April 2007. Influence of capture, handling, and transport activities on the recovery and survial of Rio Grande silvery minnow. 2nd Annual Meeting of the Middle Rio Grande Endangered Species Collaborative Program. 13 April, Albuquerque, New Mexico. | April 2007 |
Caldwell, C.A. and C. Sykes. 2003. Hybridization potential and spawning behavior of Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus) and plains minnow (Hybognathus placitus). 36th Joint Annual Meeting of the New Mexico and Arizona Chapters of the Wildlife Society and Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Gallup New Mexico. | February 2003 |
Caldwell, C.A. November 1999. Atmospheric deposition of mercury in southcentral New Mexico. 20th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Philadelphia, PA. Poster Presentation. | November 1999 |
Caldwell, C.A. May 2000. San Juan River winter flow test: October 1996-March 1997. San Juan River Fly Fishermans Association. Farmington, NM. | May 2000 |
Caldwell, C.A. M.P. Zeigler, and A. Todd. 2011. Potential influences of climate change on persistence of Rio Grande cutthroat trout. Forest Service Climate Change Adapatation Conference and Workshop, Abiquiu, NM. 24 January. | January 2011 |
Caldwell, C.A. August 2008. American Fisheries Society status of policy regarding Climate Change in North American fisheries. Presented at the to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 2 and 8, Workshop titled ?Effects of Climate Change on Fish, Wildlife and Habitats in the Arid and Semiarid Southwestern United States?. 19 August, Tucson, AZ. | August 2008 |
Caldwell, C.A. 2017. Potential restoration of Rio Grande cutthroat trout to Mescalero Tribal Lands. 31st Annual Native American Fish and Wildlife Society. Southwest Regional Conference. Inn of the Mountain gods Resort and Casino. Mescalero Apache Reservation. | August 2017 |
Caldwell, C.A. 2009. Grazing and the aquatic communities on the Valles Caldera National Preserve. Valles Caldera National Trust Board Meeting. 28 September, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico. | September 2009 |
Caldwell, C.A. 2005. Captive propagation of the endangered Rio Grande silvery minnow: Is recovery of the species achievable? New Mexico Branch of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Sciences. 5 August, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM. | August 2005 |
Caldwell, C.A. 2011. Climate change and fisheries habitat conservation: Observations and recommendations from the American Fisheries Society. Symposium National Fish Habitat Action Plan, 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA. 5 September . | September 2011 |
Caldwell, C. 2011. Effects of climate change in aquatic systems throughout arid-lands systems. 1st Annual Conference of the New Mexico Chapter of the Wildlife Society. Albuquerque, NM. 18 October 2011. Participated as a panel speaker within the plenary session of the conference. | October 2011 |
Calamusso B., C.A. Caldwell, J.N. Rinne, R.N. Schmal, and D. M. Finch. June2001. Native fish conservation in the Upper Rio Grande Basin. Montana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society: Practical approaches for conserving native fishes of the west. Missoula, Montana. | June 2001 |
Calamusso B., C.A. Caldwell, J.N. Rinne, R.N. Schmal, and D. M. Finch. February 2001. Native fish conservation in the Upper Rio Grande Basin. 34th Joint Annual meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society and the Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Gallup, New Mexico. | February 2001 |
Cajero, A.B., R.C. Lonsinger, J.W. Cain III, L.J. Bernal, C. Kruse, M.C. Chitwood. 2023. Evaluation of cougar predation and black bear kleptoparasitism on Vermejo Park Ranch, New Mexico. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY | November 2023 |
Cain, J.W., III. 2018. Working towards more informed landscape-scale forest restoration in the Southwest: responses of mule deer, elk and black bears to treatments and wildfires. Keynote address: Annual Meeting of the Rio Grande Water Fund, Albuquerque, New Mexico. | April 2018 |
Cain, J.W., III. 2017. Coping with water and heat stress: Behavioral and physiological adaptations of desert ungulates. 42nd Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Desert Tortoise Council, Las Vegas Nevada. | February 2017 |
Cain, J.W., III. 2016. Habitat Selection by Desert Bighorn Sheep: Past, Present and Future Directions. 41st Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Desert Tortoise Council, Las Vegas Nevada. | February 2016 |
Cain, J.W., III, R. Parmenter, S.R. Kindschuh, and M.A. Peyton. 2013. Wildfire, Forest Restoration, and Mammal Monitoring in the Southwest Jemez Mountains, New Mexico. 46th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA | February 2013 |
Cain, J.W., III, P.R. Krausman, J.D. Allen, and G.C. Duff. 2013. Climatic variability and nutritional content of desert bighorn sheep forage in southwestern Arizona. Desert Bighorn Council Meeting, April 17-20,2013 Las Cruces, NM | April 2013 |
Cain, J.W., III, J. V. Gedir, P.R. Krausman, J.D. Allen, and G.C. Duff. 2014. Extreme precipitation variability, forage quality and large herbivore diet selection in arid environments. 5th International Wildlife Management Congress, Sapporo, Japan. | July 2015 |
Cain, J.W., III and J.V. Gedir. 2018. Foraging decisions and populations dynamics: ungulates under a warmer climate. Webinar - National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center and National Conservation Training Center. | February 2018 |
Cain, J.W. III, J.V Gedir, P.R. Krausman, J.D. Allen, and G.C. Duff. 2014. Forage nutritional content and diet selection by desert bighorn sheep across widely varying climatic conditions. 21st Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Pittsburg, PA. | October 2014 |
Cain, J.W. III, C.J. Thompson, and Z. Farley. 2022. Predation risk from recovering Mexican gray wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) populations influences resource selection and behavior of elk (Cervus canadensis) in the southwestern United States. 10th International Deer Biology Congress. Osijek, Croatia. | September 2022 |
Cain, J.W. III, C.J. Thompson, N.M. Tatman, and Z. Farley. 2023. Predation risk from recovering Mexican gray wolf populations influences resource selection and behavior of elk in the southwestern United States. 15th Biennial Deer and Elk Workshop, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. | May 2023 |
Buchalski, M., C. Epps, W. Boyce, M. Matocq, R. Crowhurst, B. Holton, L. Thompson, E. Rubin, and J.W. Cain III. 2017. Environmental adaptation in desert bighorn sheep throughout their North American range. 2017 Biennial Meeting of the Desert Bighorn Council, St. George, Utah, USA. | April 2017 |
Boyle, S.T., J.W. Cain III, N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, J.C deVos, and J. Avey. 2021.Elk mortality risk in the Mexican Wolf Recovery Area. 54th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Virtual Online. | February 2021 |
Boyle, S.T., J.W. Cain III, N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, J.C deVos, and J. Avey. 2020. Cause-specific Mortality and Survival of Elk in the Mexican Wolf Recovery Area in New Mexico and Arizona. 8th Natural History of the Gila Symposium, Silver City, New Mexico, USA. | February 2020 |
Boyle, S.T., J.W. Cain III, N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, J.C deVos, and J. Avey. 2020. Cause-specific Mortality and Survival of Elk in the Mexican Wolf Recovery Area in New Mexico and Arizona. 53rd Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Prescott, Arizona, USA. | February 2020 |
Boyle, S.T., J.W. Cain III, F. Abadi, N. Tatman, S. Liley, J. deVos, and J. Avey. 2023. Elk demographics within a multi-predator system including the recovery of the Mexican gray wolf. 13th International Mammalogical Congress, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. | July 2023 |
Boyle, S.T., F. Abadi, N. Tatman, S. Liley, J. deVos, J. Avey, and J.W. Cain III. 2023. Demographic rates of elk following reintroduction of the Mexican gray wolf. 30th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Louisville, Kentucky, USA. | November 2023 |
Boyle, S.T., F. Abadi, J. Gedir, N. Tatman, J. deVos, Jr., and J.W. Cain III. 2025. Demographic response of elk following the reintroduction of the Mexican wolf. 16th Biennial Deer and Elk Workshop, Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. | June 2025 |
Boyle, S., J.W Cain III, F.A. Gebreselassie, N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, and J.C. deVos. 2023. Mortality Risk of elk in the Southwestern United States. Joint Annual Meeting of Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Farmington, New Mexico, USA. | February 2023 |
Boyle, S., J.W Cain III, F.A. Gebreselassie, N.M. Tatman, S.G. Liley, and J.C. deVos. 2023. Mortality Risk of elk in the Southwestern United States. 15th Biennial Deer and Elk Workshop, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. | May 2023 |
Boyle, A.T., C. Britt, G. Roemer, J.W. Cain III, G.W. Roemer, and M.E. Gompper. 2023. Assessing the impact of RHDV2 emergence on Chihuahuan Desert lagomorph populations in southern New Mexico. Chihuahuan Desert Conference, El Paso, Texas, USA. | November 2023 |
Boyle, A., C. Britt, J.W. Cain III, G.W. Roemer, R. Schooley, K. Hanley, and M. Gompper. 2023. Lagomorphs in the southwestern US arid landscapes: Thoughts on population variability and RHDV2 impacts. 30th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Louisville, Kentucky, USA. | November 2023 |
Boland, K.C., P.L. Cutler, G.A. Davidson, A.J. Lawson, D.M. Osterhaus, M.J. Desmond. 2024. Comparing detection methods to quantify mass avian mortality on the White Sands Missile Range. American Ornithological Society Annual Conference; Estes Park, Colorado. October 1–5, 2024. | October 2024 |
Boland, K.C., A.J. Lawson, M.J. Desmond. 2023. Comparing detection methods to quantify mass avian mortality on the White Sands Missile Range. New Mexico Ornithological Society; Carlsbad, New Mexico. 29-30 April. | April 2023 |
Bender, L.C., J. Lewis, and D. Anderson. August 2001. Ecology of urban/suburban deer in greater Vancouver, Washington. 2001 Western States and Provinces Deer & Elk Workshop, Wilsonville, Oregon. | August 2001 |
Bender, L.C., J. Boren and S. Cox. September 2006. Corona mule deer, pronghorn, and livestock co-management project. Annual Meeting, Joe Skeen Institute for Rangeland Restoration, Cloudcroft, NM. | September 2006 |
Bender, L.C., G. Schirato, R. Spencer, K. McAllister, and B. Murphie. August 2001. Survival and cause-specific mortality of buck black-tailed deer in western Washington. 2001 Western States and Provinces Deer & Elk Workshop, Wilsonville, Oregon. | August 2001 |
Bender, L. C., and B. J. Keller. February 2005. Behavioral implications of bighorn sheep use of Sheep Lakes, Rocky Mountain National Park. Professional/Interpretive Staff Seminar, Rocky Mountain National Park, Estes Park, Colorado, USA. | February 2005 |
Bender, L. C. May 2003. Distribution of black-tailed deer with respect to ecological land-use cover types in urban Vancouver, Washington. Fifth Western States and Provinces Deer and Elk Workshop, Jackson, WY (presented). | May 2003 |
Bender, L. C. May 2001. Integrating species life history information into management: Elk. Annual Meeting, Washington Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Moses Lake, Washington. | May 2001 |
Bender, L. C. February 2003. Integrating natural history into species management: An example using elk. Wildlife Seminar Series, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM. | February 2003 |
Bender, L. C. February 2003. Aerial sightability models for estimating population size of elk: does 1 size fit all? 36th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society, Gallup, NM. | February 2003 |
Bender, L. C. November 2003. Condition, productivity, and health of large herbivores: causes, implications, & changing landscapes. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services Regional Seminar Series, Albuquerque, NM. | November 2003 |
Bender, L. C. May 2007. Condition and productivity relationships of mule deer. Dona Ana County Sportsmans Association, 14 May 2007, Las Cruces, NM. | May 2007 |
Bender, L. C. May 2005. Use of ratio and composition data in elk management. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Elk Workshop, 9 May 2005, Socorro, NM. | May 2005 |
Bender, L. C. May 2005. Aerial sight-bias models for estimating elk population size. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish Elk Workshop, 9 May 2005, Socorro, NM. | May 2005 |
Bender, L. C. March 2004. Foraging constraints, diet quality, and condition/productivity of wild large herbivores: quality limited foragers in a quantity driven management paradigm. New Mexico State University Department of Animal and Range Sciences Seminar Series, 3 March 2004. | March 2004 |
Bender, L. C. February 2004. Limiting factors of desert bighorn sheep and mule deer populations. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Upper/Middle Rio Grande Ecosystem Team Meeting, 19 February 2004, Las Cruces, NM. | February 2004 |
Bender, L. C. February 2003. Integrating natural history into species management: An example using elk. Wildlife Seminar Series, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM. | February 2003 |
Bender, L. C. April 2004. Mule deer habitat trends in the Southwest. Annual Meeting, New Mexico Wildlife Federation, Los Lunas, NM. | April 2004 |
Begeman, L.J., and J.W. Cain III. 2024. Influence of anthropogenic structures on pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) movements and habitat selection in the Chihuahuan Desert. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. | October 2024 |
Bard. S.M. and J.W. Cain III. 2017. Influence of Natural and Anthropogenic Disturbances on Multi-Scale Black Bear Habitat Selection. 24th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. (POSTER) | September 2017 |
Bard, S.M., and J.W. Cain III. 2016. Influence of natural and anthropogenic disturbance on multi-scale black bear habitat selection. 49th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA. | February 2016 |
Baldwin, R.A. and L.C. Bender. June 2006. The bear essentials: Insight into the charismatic black bear. Science Behind the Scenery Public Education Series, Rocky Mountain National Park, 29 June. Estes Park, CO. | June 2006 |
Baldwin, R.A. and L.C. Bender. August 2006. The bear essentials: insight into the charismatic black bear. Science Behind the Scenery Public Education Series, Rocky Mountain National Park, 3 August. Estes Park, CO. | August 2006 |
Baldwin, R.A. and L.C. Bender. April 2006. An assessment of Rocky Mountain National Park's bear population. Bi-annual Research Conference, Rocky Mountain National Park, 4 April. Estes Park, CO. | April 2006 |
Baldwin, R. A., and L. C. Bender. April 2004. Habitat utilization and body condition of black bears at Rocky Mountain National Park. Rocky Mountain National Park Research Conference, Estes Park, Colorado, USA. | April 2004 |
Baca, A., D. Peterson, and C.A. Caldwell. 2017. Reproductive Strategies of White Sands Pupfish (Cyprinodon tularosa) Inhabiting Stable and Stochastic Habitats. Western Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Missoula, Montana. | May 2017 |
Baca, A., D. Peterson, and C.A. Caldwell. 2017. Reproductive Strategies of White Sands Pupfish (Cyprinodon tularosa) Inhabiting Stable and Stochastic Habitats. 50th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society and the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society, Farmington, New Mexico. February 2-4. 2017. | February 2017 |
Baca, A., D. Peterson, and C.A. Caldwell. 2016. Reproductive Strategies of White Sands Pupfish (Cyprinodon tularosa) Inhabiting Stable and Stochastic Habitats. Desert Fishes Council, Albuquerque, New Mexico. November 15-19. | November 2016 |
B.M. Huntsman, C. A. Caldwell, A. J. Lynch, B. J. E. Myers, and Q. Dean. Foraging ecology and production of Rio Grande cutthroat trout in the face of mounting ecological pressures. May 2017. Western Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Missoula, Montana. | May 2017 |
Avery, M.M., C.A. Caldwell, and L. Abbott. 2011. Nutritional factors influencing pronghorn in the Chihuahuan Desert of White Sands Missile Range, South-central New Mexico. 44th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society and the Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. 3 February. Pinetop, AZ. | February 2011 |
Avery, M.M. and C.A. Caldwell. 2010. Factors influencing pronghorn in the Chihuahuan Desert of White Sands Missile Range, South-central New Mexico. 2010 Western States and Provinces 24th Biennial Pronghorn Workshop, Laramie, WY. 18-21 May. | May 2010 |
Avery, M. and C.A. Caldwell. 2013. Seasonal impacts of forage quantity, quality and dietary composition of pronghorn in a semi-arid environment. 46th Joint Annual Meeting of the New Mexico and Arizona Chapters of The Wildlife Society and Arizona and New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Albuquerque, New Mexico. 7-9 February. | February 2013 |
Avery, M. and C.A. Caldwell. 2013. Seasonal impacts of forage quantity, quality and dietary composition of pronghorn in a semi-arid environment. 46th Joint Annual Meeting of the New Mexico and Arizona Chapters of The Wildlife Society and Arizona and New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Albuquerque, New Mexico. 7-9 Februaru. | February 2013 |
Avery, M. and C.A. Caldwell. 2012. Seasonal effects of forage quality and dietary composition on pronghorn in a desert environment. 2012 Western States and Provinces 25th Biennial Pronghorn Workshop. Santa Ana Pueblo, NM. 10-13 December. | December 2012 |
Ashling, J.B., J.W. Cain III, S.G. Liley. 2015. Survival, cause-specific mortality, and habitat selection of mule deer in southern New Mexico. 48th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA. | February 2015 |
Armstrong, B.W., and C.A. Caldwell. 2019. Trojan (YY Male) Brook Trout as an Eradication Tool of Wild Brook Trout Populations in New Mexico. 52nd Joint Annual Meeting of The New Mexico and Arizona Wildlife Society and the AZ/NM Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. 4 February, Albuquerque, New Mexico. | February 2019 |
Armstrong, B.W., C. A. Caldwell, and M. Ruhl. 2021. Use of MYY Brook Trout as a Conservation Tool for Restoring Native Fishes in New Mexico. 55th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Virtual Meeting. | February 2021 |
Armstrong, B., C.A. Caldwell, and M. Ruhl. 2021. Use of YY Brook Trout as a Conservation Tool for Restoring Native Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout in New Mexico. Annual Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout Conservation Team Meeting. Virtual | January 2021 |
Armstrong, B., C.A. Caldwell, and M. Ruhl. 2020. Use of YY Brook Trout as a Conservation Tool for Restoring Native Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout in New Mexico. Annual YY Tech Team Meeting. Virtual. | December 2021 |
Armstrong, B. and C.A. Caldwell. 2020. Trojan YY-Male Brook Trout as an eradication tool of wild Brook Trout populations in New Mexico. RGCT Conservation Team Range Wide Meeting. January 27, 2020. | January 2020 |
Andrew R. Meyers and Scott A. Carleton. 2015. Use of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Habitat by Lesser Prairie-Chickens in Eastern New Mexico. New Mexico Ornithological Society Meeting. Las Cruces, NM. | April 2015 |
Andrew R. Meyers and Scott A. Carleton. 2015. Use of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Habitat by Lesser Prairie-Chickens in Eastern New Mexico. Arizona/New Mexico Joint Annual TWS Meeting. Las Cruces, NM. | February 2015 |
Anderson, M., R. DuBey, and C.A. Caldwell. Feb 2007. Impacts of grazing on aquatic and riparian systems within the Valles Caldera National Preserve. 40th Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ and NM Chapters of the Wildlife Society and the AZ/NM Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. 7 February, Albuquerque, NM. | February 2007 |
Anderson, M., C.A. Caldwell, and R. DuBey. October 2007. Growth rates and movements of brown trout on the Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico. Wild Trout IX Symposium. 9-12 October, West Yellowstone, MT. | October 2007 |
Anderson, M., C.A. Caldwell, and R. DuBey. March 2008. Growth rates and movements of brown trout on the Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico. 2008 Jemez Mountains Science Symposium. 28 March, Santa Fe, NM. | March 2008 |
Anderson, M., C.A. Caldwell, and R. DuBey. February 2008. Effects of riparian grazing on growth rate and movement of brown trout in the Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico. 42nd Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ/NM Chapter of the American Fisheries Society and the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Soceity. 8-9 February, Prescott, AZ. | February 2008 |
Anderson, M., C.A. Caldwell, R. DuBey, and R. Parmenter. March 2008. Fish assemblage and water quality response to prescribed fire on the Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico. 2008 Jemez Mountains Science Symposium. 28 March, Santa Fe, NM. | March 2008 |
Anaya, A.J., J.W. Cain III, J.R. Biggs, and M. Peyton. 2017. Mountain Lion (Puma concolor) Resource Selection, Kill Rates and Competition with Black Bears (Ursus americanus) in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico . 50th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Farmington, New Mexico, USA | February 2017 |
Anaya, A.J., J.W. Cain III, J.R. Biggs, and M. Peyton. 2017. Mountain Lion (Puma concolor) Kill Rates and Competition with Black Bears (Ursus americanus) in New Mexico. 24th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. (Poster) | September 2017 |
Alvarez, G. and C.A. Caldwell. 2016. CFT Legumine™ (5% rotenone) Effects on Tadpole Survival and Metamorphosis of Chiricahua Leopard Frog (Lithobates chiricahuensis), Northern Leopard Frog (L. pipiens), and American Bullfrog (L. catesbeianus). 49th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Flagstaff, Arizona. Received Best Fisheries Student Paper Award. | February 2016 |
Alvarez, G. and C.A. Caldwell. 2015. Acute and Sublethal Toxicity Effects of Piscicide CFT Legumine™ (5% Rotenone) on Tadpoles of the Chiricahua leopard frog (Lithobates chiricahuensis). 48th Joint Annual Meeting, Arizona and New Mexico The Wildlife Societies and Arizona/New Mexico American Fisheries Society. Las Cruces, 5-7 February. | February 2015 |
Alvarez, G. and C.A. Caldwell. 2014. Toxicity effects of piscicide rotenone (CFT Legumine 5% rotenone) on larval northern leopard frog (Lithobates pipiens) and Chiricahua leopard frog (Lithobates chiricahuensis). 47th Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ/NM American Fisheries Society and the AZ and NM Wildlife Societies. Pinetop, AZ. 6-8 February. | February 2014 |
*Peyton, M.A., S. Milligan, B. Van Der Werff, and J.W. Cain III. 2025. Den site to dispersal: insights into puma reproduction, survival, and movement. 14th Mountain Lion Workshop, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. | March 2025 |
Theses and Dissertations | Publication Date |
Zummo, K.M. 2018. Effects of habitat and climate on scaled quail survival and reproduction. Master of Science, New Mexico State University. | January 2018 |
Zeigler, M.P. 2011. The effects of climate change on the future persistence of Rio Grande cutthroat trout: An assessment of recent climate change, thermal limits, and current and future stream temperature trends. Master of Science. New Mexico State University. Las Cruces, New Mexico. | April 2011 |
Wallin, T. Parameters affecting success of Gila trout recovery streams: An in depth analysis of habitat and and community factors on the productivity of Gila trout populations. Master of Science, New Mexico State University. | November 2019 |
Vaisvil, A. Natal source and influence of environmental stressors on the timing and persistence of Largemouth Bass in Elephant Butte Reservoir, New Mexico. Master of Science, New Mexico State University. | June 2019 |
Trujillo, J.F.T. 2022. Effects of predatory Northern Pike and lake variables on a Rainbow Trout fishery in a high elevation reservoir. Master of Science. New Mexico State University. | September 2022 |
Thompson, C.J. 2022. Elk habitat selection in response to predation risk from Mexican gray wolves. M.S. Thesis. Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Ecology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. 112 pp. | July 2022 |
Smith, K.N. 2011. Nesting ecology and multi-scale habitat use of the black-capped vireo. M.S. Thesis. Department of Biological and Environmental Science, Texas A&M University-Commerce. 80 pp. | March 2011 |
Sanchez, B. December 2005. Transport and fate of PCBs in a wetland food web: Implications of biomagnification and associated risk. M.S. Thesis, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA. | January 2005 |
Ruhl, C.Q., 2022. Improving population estimates for desert bighorn sheep in New Mexico through double-observer sightability modeling and the estimation of residual heterogeneity. MS Thesis. Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology, New Mexico State University. 213 pp. | December 2022 |
Rossettie, T.S. 2019. Monitoring mountain lions in the desert southwest: Spatial density estimation and results of a novel hair sampling technique. M.S. Thesis, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. 75pp | November 2019 |
Roerick, T.M., 2017. Effects of Forest restoration on habitat selection of female mule deer in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico. M.S. Thesis. Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. 143 pp. | August 2017 |
Roberts, C. 2015. Seasonal and diel elk habitat selection in the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico. M.S. Thesis. Department of Natural Resources Management, Texas Tech University, Lubbock. 133 pp. | July 2015 |
Reddell, C.D. 2018. Anthropogenic resource use and disease dynamics in a desert coyote population. Thesis. Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. | November 2018 |
Prude, C.H. 2020. Influence of habitat heterogeneity and water sources on kill site locations and puma prey composition. M.S. Thesis, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. 96 pp. | July 2020 |
Pitman, J.W. 2013. Microhabitat selection and mortality site characteristics of elk (Cervus canadensis) calves and adult elk calf-rearing habitat selection in areas of differing predation influences in southern and northern New Mexico. M.S. Thesis. Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology, New Mexico State University . 160 pp | April 2013 |
Overstreet, M.W. 2014. Body condition and survival of desert bighorn sheep in relation to habitat and precipitation on the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona. M.S. Thesis. Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology, New Mexico State University. 69 pp. | February 2014 |
Olson, J.E. 2024. Spatial and temporal risk from a reintroduced predator influences elk foraging behavior. MS Thesis. Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Ecology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. 139 pp. | July 2024 |
O'Shaughnessy, R. 2010. Comparative diet and habitat selection of puku (Kobus vardonii) and lechwe (Kobus leche) on the Chobe River Floodplain, Botswana. M.Sc. Thesis. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa | October 2010 |
Mitchell, S.E. 2003. The effects of depleted uranium on the health and development of Xenopus laevis. | July 2003 |
Martinez, S.I. 2024. Kill rates and prey composition of Mexican gray wolves (Canis lupus baileyi) and cougars (Puma concolor) in the Southwest. Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Ecology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. 115 pp. | November 2024 |
Lusk, D. 2017. Winter Ecology of Lesser Prairie-Chickens in eastern New Mexico. Masters Thesis. New Mexico State University | December 2016 |
Lewis, J.D. 2012. Population status and habitat selection of a inland alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) population at the Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge. M.S. Thesis. Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Texas A&M University-Commerce. | April 2012 |
Kunkel, A. 2020. Breeding season survival of lesser prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) and fire ecology in the shinnery oak prairie of eastern New Mexico. M.S. Thesis, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. 95pp pages |
July 2020 |
Kremer, L. 2019. Thermal limits and resilience of Hydropsyche oslari (Trichoptera) in fire affected upper montane grassland streams. Master of Science, New Mexico State University. | June 2019 |
Kindschuh, S.R. 2015. Efficacy of GPS cluster analysis for predicting black bear carnivory sites. M.S. Thesis. Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology, New Mexico State University. Las Cruces. 73 pp. | August 2015 |
Kay, J.H. 2018. Top-down and bottom up influences on mule deer in central New Mexico. M.S. Thesis. Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. 186 pp. | November 2018 |
Karsch, R.C. 2014. Desert bighorn sheep adult female and lamb survival, cause-specific mortality, and parturient female habitat selection in the Peloncillo Mountains, New Mexico, USA. M.S. Thesis. Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. 121 pp. | August 2014 |
Karish, T. 2020. Habitat selection by feral burros in the Mojave Desert. M.S. Thesis, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. 86 pp | July 2020 |
Kalb, B. 2013. A bioenergetic assessment of seasonal habitat selection and behavioral thermoregulation of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in a southwestern headwater stream. Masters of Science, New Mexico State University. Las Cruces, New Mexico. | September 2013 |
Humagain, K. 2016. Ecological variation among vegetation cover types and forest stand dynamics in the south-west Jemez Mountains, New Mexico. Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas Tech University, Lubbock. | August 2016 |
Halbritter, H. 2008. Demographics, habitat use, and foraging of sympatric elk and cattle on Lincoln National Forest. Thesis, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico. | April 2008 |
Gould, M.J.2019. Using genetic based methods to monitor American black bear populations in the American southwest. Ph.D. Dissertation. Department of Biology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. | May 2019 |
Garrison, K.R. 2014. Influence of livestock grazing on desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis mexicana) forage resources and foraging behavior. M.S. Thesis. Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology, New Mexico State University. Las Cruces. 83 pp. | August 2014 |
Galindo, R. 2012. Patterns of genetic diversity in populations of Rio Grande chub Gila pandora in New Mexico. Master of Science. New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico. | September 2012 |
Flynn, L. Susceptibility of Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout to Displacement by Non-native Brown Trout. Master of Science Thesis, New Mexico State University. | April 2020 |
Farley, Z. 2022. Influence of Mexican gray wolves on elk behavior in relation to maternal constraints, multitasking, and predation risk. M.S. Thesis. Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Ecology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. 117 pp. | May 2022 |
Everett, E.M. 2003. Habitat characterization and environmental influences of the Jemez Mountains Salamander (Plethodon neomexicanus). | May 2003 |
Evans, A.D. 2024. The influence of recreational disturbance on desert bighorn sheep behavior and stress in western Colorado. Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Ecology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. 103 pp. | July 2024 |
Etchart, J.L. 2021. Evaluating water use and seasonal ranges of desert bighorn sheep and aoudad in the Sierra Vieja Mountains, Texas. M.S. Thesis. Department of Natural Resource Management, Sul Ross State University, Alpine, Texas. (Co-supervised with Dr. Ryan O’Shaughnessy and Carlos Gonzalez). 134 pp. | May 2021 |
Ennis, J.R. 2025. Identification and characterization of habitat conditions of elk, mule deer, and pronghorn migration routes and stopover sites in northcentral New Mexico. M.S. Thesis. Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Ecology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. | January 2025 |
DuBey, R. May 2006. Ecology of whirling disease in arid lands with an emphasis on Tubifex tubifex. Dissertation. Department of Biology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA. | January 2006 |
Coleman, S. 2008. Post-wildfire effects in a Gila trout (Oncorhynchus gilae) trout stream. Master of Science, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico. | May 2007 |
Cho, S. J. 2008. Physiological stress responses of Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus): Effects of individual and multiple physical stressors of handling, confinement, and transport. Thesis, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico. | June 2008 |
Chase, N. 2014. Causative factors limiting Pecos bluntnose shiner (Notropis simus pecosensis) in the Pecos River, New Mexico. Masters of Science, New Mexico State University. Las Cruces, New Mexico. | March 2014 |
Campbell, M.C. 2016. Non-lethal detection of Asian fish tapeworm Schyzocotyle acheilognathi infection in humpback chub Gila cypha using a novel molecular screening method. Master of Science, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. | December 2016 |
Bard, S.M. 2018. Microhabitat selection and pathogen prevalence of black bears (Ursus americanus) in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico. M.S. Thesis Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, USA. | July 2018 |
Baldwin, R. A. 2008. Population demographics, habitat utilization, critical habitats, and condition of black bears in Rocky Mountain National Park. Dissertation, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico. | February 2008 |
Avery, M. M. 2012. Seasonal effects of forage quantity, quality and dietary composition of pronghorn in semi-arid environment. Master of Science. New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico. | December 2012 |
Ashling, J.B. 2015. Survival, cause-specific mortality, and habitat selection of translocated mule deer in southern New Mexico. Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces. 134 pp. | December 2015 |
Armstrong, B. Use of Trojan Male Brook Trout as a Conservation Tool for Restoring Native Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout in New Mexico. Master of Science, New Mexico State University | October 2021 |
Anderson, M.C. 2009. Livestock and elk grazing effects on stream morphology, brown trout population dynamics, movement, and growth rate, Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico. Master of Science, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico. | December 2009 |
Anaya, A.J. 2019. Mountain lion (Puma concolor) kill rates and prey composition in north-central New Mexico. Department of Natural Resources Management, New Mexico Highlands University. | May 2019 |
Alvarez, G. 2015. CFT Legumin™ (5% Rotenone) Effects on Tadpole Survival and Metamorphosis of Chiricahua Leopard Frog (Lithobates chiricahuensis), Northern Leopard Frog (Lithobates pipiens), and American Bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus). Masters of Science Degree. New Mexico State University. | November 2015 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
Zeigler, M.P., A.S. Todd, and C.A. Caldwell. 2013. Water temperature and baseflow discharge of Rio Grande cutthroat trout streams in Colorado and New Mexico- 2010 and 2011. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013-1051, 18 pp. +appendices. | April 2013 |
Zeigler, M.P. and C.A. Caldwell. 2016. Feasibility study: Establishing native fish fauna to McKittrick Creek, Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas. National Park Service Natural Resource Technical Report Series | May 2016 |
Zeigler, M.P. and C.A. Caldwell. 2010. Evidence of climate change within the current range of Rio Grande cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki virginalis): Comanche and upper Pecos River watersheds of New Mexico. Final Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 38 pp. | July 2010 |
Zeigler, M.P. and C.A. Caldwell. 2010. Evidence of climate change within the current range of Rio Grande cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki virginalis): Comanche and upper Pecos River watersheds of New Mexico. Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Office, Albuquerque, NM. 38 p. | October 2010 |
Young, K.E., T.S. Schrader, K.G. Boykin, C. Caldwell, and G.W. Roemer. 2007. Early Detection of Invasive Species in Big Bend National Park: Remote Sensing and GIS Strategies. New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Las Cruces, New Mexico. 103 pp + appendices. | August 2007 |
Young, K.E., C.Caldwell, and L.B. Abbott. 2009. Early detection of invasive plant species on Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico. Final Report. New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Technical Assistance, Las Cruces, New Mexico. 89 pp. | August 2009 |
Vaisvil, A. and C.A. Caldwell. 2017. Effects of reservoir management and environmental variables on reproduction and habitat of largemouth bass in Elephant Butte Reservoir, New Mexico | January 2018 |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2007. Rio Grande silvery minnow: Genetics management and propagation plan. Rio Grande silvery minnow Genetics and Propagation Workgroup, Albuquerque, NM. 20pp. | September 2007 |
Turnbull, T.T., J.W. Cain, III, G.W. Roemer. 2011. Evaluating trapping techniques to reduce potential for injury to Mexican wolves. U.S. Geological Survey Open-file Report 2011-1190. | August 2011 |
Trujillo, J., and C.A. Caldwell. 2020. Differential survival of two size classes of Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and the predatory impact of Northern Pike Esox lucius in a high elevation New Mexico reservoir. Interim Agency Report to New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. 8 pp. | June 2020 |
Trujillo, J. and C.A. Caldwell. 2021. Differential Survival of Two Size Classes of Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and the Predatory Impact of Northern Pike Esox lucius in a High Elevation New Mexico Reservoir. Interim Agency Report to New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. 5 pp. |
September 2021 |
Todd, A. S., B. N. McGee, M. P. Zeigler, and C. A. Caldwell. 2016, Water and air temperature throughout the range of Rio Grande cutthroat trout in Colorado and New Mexico; 2010-2015: U.S. Geological Survey data release: ScienceBase: | March 2016 |
Sykes, C. and C.A. Caldwell. 2001. San Juan River trout fishery monitoring plan: Fish health assessment. Final Report to the U.S. Bureau ofReclamation, Upper Colorado Region, Western Colorado Area Office. Cooperative Agreement No 4-FC-40-15970. | November 2001 |
Smith, K.N., M.L. Morrison, T. McFarland, and J.W. Cain, III. 2010. Black-capped vireo monitoring at Dolan Falls Preserve: Methods and Results. Annual Report to The Nature Conservancy. | October 2010 |
Smith, K.N., M.L. Morrison, T. McFarland, and J.W. Cain, III. 2010. Black-capped vireo monitoring at Devils River State Natural Area: Methods and Results. Annual Report to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. | October 2010 |
Roemer, G.W., and J.W. Cain III. 2018. An assessment of the landscape genetic structure of the western continental golden eagle population. Project Status Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. | December 2018 |
Roemer, G.W., and J.W. Cain III. 2018. An assessment of the landscape genetic structure of an urban Cooper’s hawk population. Project Status Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. | July 2018 |
Roemer, G.W., and J.W. Cain III. 2017. An assessment of the landscape genetic structure of the western continental golden eagle population. Project Status Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. | December 2017 |
Roemer, G.W., and J.W. Cain III. 2017. An assessment of the landscape genetic structure of an urban Cooper’s hawk population. Project Status Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. | July 2017 |
Roemer, G.W., and J.W. Cain III. 2016. An assessment of the landscape genetic structure of the western continental golden eagle population. Annual Project Status Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. | December 2016 |
Roemer, G.W., and J.W. Cain III. 2016. An assessment of the genetic structure of an urban Cooper’s hawk population. Project Status Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. | July 2016 |
Roemer, G.W., and J.W. Cain III. 2015. An assessment of the landscape genetic structure of the western continental golden eagle population. Annual Project Status Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. | December 2015 |
Roemer, G.W., J.W. Cain III, C.D. Reddell, T. Karish, J. Gedir. 2018. Investigations into the control of invasive feral burro and coyote populations on the National Training Center, Fort Irwin, California. Report to the U.S. Army Construction and Engineering Research Laboratory. | January 2018 |
Reddell, C.R., and J.W. Cain III. 2025. Ungulate migrations of New Mexico. Report for New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. | January 2025 |
Reddell, C.D., and J.W. Cain III. 2024. Barrier behavior analysis: Pronghorn of north central New Mexico. Report for New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. | August 2024 |
Reddell, C.D., T.K. Karish, G.W. Roemer, and J.W. Cain III. 2016. Investigations into the control of coyote and feral burro populations on the National Training Center Fort Irwin, California. Annual Progress Report to U.S. Army Construction and Engineering Research Laboratory and Fort Irwin National Training Center. | July 2016 |
Overstreet, M.W., and J.W. Cain III. 2012. Survival, recruitment, and body condition of desert bighorn sheep in relation to forage conditions and precipitation on the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona. Preliminary Project Report to USFWS-Kofa National Wildlife Refuge. | May 2012 |
Overstreet, M.W., J.W. Cain III, and C.A. Caldwell. 2014. Adult survival, apparent lamb survival, and body condition of desert bighorn sheep in relation to habitat and precipitation on the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona. Final Project Report to USFWS-Kofa National Wildlife Refuge. | August 2014 |
Munro, K.J., J.W. Cain III, and G.W. Roemer, and. 2013. Distribution and Habitat Selection/Space Use of Migratory and Resident Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in Areas with High Potential for Wind Energy Development in New Mexico. Project Status Report to Bureau of Land Management. | October 2013 |
Keller, B. J., and L. C. Bender. 2005. Behavioral implications of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis)use of the Sheep Lakes mineral site, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. Final Report, U.S. Geological Survey, New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA | March 2005 |
Guy, R.K., K.G. Boykin, C. Caldwell, K.E. Young, and A.E. Ernst, 2012. Natural resource geographic changes HAFB Review: Influences of invasive plants and shifting dunes on White Sands pupfish and burrowing owl on Holloman Air Force Base, South central New Mexico. Technical Assistance Report. New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Las Cruces, New Mexico, 89 pp. | May 2012 |
Gould, M.J., J.W. Cain III, G.W. Roemer, and W.R. Gould. 2016. Estimating abundance and density of American black bears (Ursus americanus) in New Mexico using noninvasive genetic sampling coupled with spatially explicit capture-recapture methods. Report provided by the Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Program. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS-120-2016, National Conservation Training Center. | June 2016 |
Gould, M.J., J.W. Cain III, G.W. Roemer, and W.R. Gould. 2015. Estimating abundance and density of American black bears (Ursus americanus) in New Mexico using noninvasive genetic sampling-based capture-recapture methods: Report on 2013 data collection and analysis for the southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains and an updated analysis for the northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Annual project report to New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. | October 2015 |
Gould, M.J., J.W. Cain III, G.W. Roemer, and W.R. Gould. 2014. Estimating abundance and density of American black bears (Ursus americanus) in New Mexico using noninvasive genetic sampling-based capture-recapture methods: Report on 2012 data collection in the northern Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Annual project report to New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. | August 2014 |
Gedir, J.V., and J.W. Cain III. 2017. Population trajectories and extinction probabilities for populations of large ungulates. Annual Report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. | December 2017 |
Dubey, R., R. Calamuso, and C. A. Caldwell, 2003. Distribution and status of Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout and Native Species in the Carson and Santa Fe National Forests. USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station - Technical Completion Report, Project 00-JV-11221606-163. New Mexico Cooperative Research Unit, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM. | May 2003 |
DuBey, R., C.A. Caldwell, and R. Calamusso. 2003. Distribution and status of Rio Grande cutthroat trout and native species in the Carson and Santa Fe National Forests. Final Report to U.S. Forest Service, Region III, Cost Share Agreement No. 00-CS-11031600-023. | September 2003 |
DuBey, R. and C.A. Caldwell. 2006. Relative susceptibility of Rio Grande cutthroat trout (Onchorhynchus clarki virginalis) to experimentally induced infection with Myxobolus cerebralis. Final Report to Whirling Disease Initiative, Montana Water Center, Montana State University. 21p. | January 2006 |
DuBey, R. and C. A. Caldwell, 2002. Ecological Differentiation and Survivability of Tubifex tubifex Infested with Myxobolus cerebralis in the San Juan River, New Mexico Tailwater Blue-ribbon Trout Fishery - Whirling Disease Initiative Final Technical Report - 2001-2002. New Mexico Cooperative Research Unit, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM. | December 2002 |
Coleman, S. and C.A. Caldwell. 2008. Post-wildfire effects on Gila trout in New Mexico. Final Report to National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. 25 pages. | August 2008 |
Carleton, SA and C Martinez del Rio. 2008-2011. United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Webless Migratory Game Bird Program. A Genetic and Isotopic Characterization of Eastern and Western White-winged Dove Breeding Populations to Determine Wintering Ground Distribution and Population Genetic Structure. | December 2011 |
Caldwell, C.A., T. Bigford, D. Fluharty, R.E. Gresswell, K. Hyatt, D. Inkley, D. MacDonald, Mullan, A. Todd, C. Deacon Williams, A. Rosenberger, and R. Valley. 2010. Background paper and American Fisheries Society Policy Statement on Climate Change and Fisheries. 43 p. | October 2010 |
Caldwell, C.A., T. Bigford, D. Fluharty, R.E. Gresswell, K. Hyatt, D. Inkley, D. MacDonald, M. Mullan, A. Todd, C. Deacon Williams, A. Rosenberger, and R. Valley. 2010. Background paper and American Fisheries Society Policy Statement on Climate Change and Fisheries. 43 pp. | August 2010 |
Caldwell, C.A., SJ. Cho, and W.J. Remshardt. 2010. Effects of propagation, augmentation, and rescue activities on recovery and survival of Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus). 97 pp. | July 2010 |
Caldwell, C.A., S.J. Cho, and J. Remshardt. 2009. Effects of propagation, augmentation, and salvage activities on recovery and survival of Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus). New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. 78 pp. | August 2009 |
Caldwell, C.A., R.A. Arimoto, P. Swartzendruber, and E.M. Prestbo. 2003. Air deposition of mercury and other airborne pollutants in the arid southwest. Southwest Center for Environmental Research and Policy. Final Report. Project Number A-00-1. | May 2003 |
Caldwell, C.A., R. DuBey, W. Landis, K.K. Ayre, P.T. Bryant, L.A. Kaminski, and J.M. Stinson. 2009. An ecological risk assessment for the infection of whirling disease in populations of cutthroat trout in the Southwestern United States. New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Las Cruces, New Mexico. 63 pp. | September 2009 |
Caldwell, C.A., M. Ulibarri, R.T. Barrows, G.A. Kindschi. June 2005. Effects of diet on growth, survival, and performance of Rio Grande silvery minnow: Larvae through juvenile and subadult stages. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Leaflet. Bozeman National Fish Technology Center, 55p. | June 2005 |
Caldwell, C.A., B. Huntsman, and L. Kremer. 2018. Effects of Large Scale Wildfire on the Spatial and Temporal Response of Fish and Benthic Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Communities in the Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico. National Park Service, Valles Caldera National Preserve. Agreement Number P14AC00921. | June 2018 |
Caldwell, C.A., B. Huntsman, A. Lynch, and B. Myers. 2017. Influences of Changes in Discharge and Stream Temperature on the Persistence across a Sub-set of Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout Populations. Interim Report to U.S. Geological Survey National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center. Contract G15AC00263. | November 2017 |
Caldwell, C.A., B. Huntsman, A. Lynch, and B. Myers. 2016. Impacts of Drought on Southwestern Cutthroat Trout: Influences of Changes in Discharge and Stream Temperature on the Persistence across a Sub-set of Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout Populations. Interim Report to U.S. Geological Survey National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center G15AC00263. | November 2016 |
Caldwell, C.A. and W.G. Landis. 2009. Southwest regional risk assessment for whirling disease in native salmonids. National Partnership on the Management of Wild and Native Coldwater Fishes. Montan State University, Bozeman, MT. 66 p. | July 2009 |
Caldwell, C.A. and D. Peterson. 2017. White Sands pupfish populations throughout their range on two military installations in South Central New Mexico. Interim Progress Report. Environmental Stewardship Branch, Department of Army. White Sands Missile Range. 54 pages. | May 2017 |
Caldwell, C.A. 2008. Otter prey study: Contaminant assessment of their potential prey base in the upper Middle Rio Grande Basin, New Mexico. Submitted to the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. 6 pages. | May 2008 |
Caldwell, C.A. 2005. Atmospheric deposition of mercury in southcentral New Mexico. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, El Paso Field Division. Cooperative Agreement Number 1425-98-FC-40-21830. 63 pages. | August 2005 |
Caldwell, C.A. 2004. Effects of diet on growth, survival, and performance of Rio Grande Silvery Minnow: Larvae through juvenile and subadult stages. Research Completion Report from U. S. Geological Survey, New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Las Cruces, New Mexico to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Field Office, Fishery Resources Office, and the Dexter National Fish Hatchery and Technology Center. 55 pp. | December 2004 |
Caldwell, C.A. 2003. Hybridization potential and spawning behavior of Rio Grande silvery minnow (Hybognathus amarus) and plains minnow (Hybognathus placitus). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services Office, Albuquerque, New Mexico. | May 2003 |
Caldwell, C. A. 2000. Atmospheric deposition of mercury in southcentral New Mexico, USA. Technical Report. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, El Paso, TX. | January 2000 |
Cain, J.W., III, G.W. Roemer, and K.J. Munro. 2012. Distribution and Habitat Selection/Space Use of Migratory and Resident Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in Areas with High Potential for Wind Energy Development in New Mexico. Project Status Report to Bureau of Land Management. | September 2012 |
Cain, J.W., III, G.W. Roemer, and J.G. Barnes. 2011. Distribution and Habitat Selection/Space Use of Migratory and Resident Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in Areas with High Potential for Wind Energy Development in New Mexico. Project Status Report to Bureau of Land Management. | August 2011 |
Cain, J.W., III, G.W. Roemer, and C. Britt. 2015. Distribution and Habitat Selection/Space Use of Migratory and Resident Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in Areas with High Potential for Wind Energy Development in New Mexico. Project Status Report to Bureau of Land Management. | November 2015 |
Cain, J.W., III, G.W. Roemer, and C. Britt. 2014. Distribution and Habitat Selection/Space Use of Migratory and Resident Golden Eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) in Areas with High Potential for Wind Energy Development in New Mexico. Project Status Report to Bureau of Land Management. | September 2014 |
Cain, J.W. III, T. Roerick, and C. Roberts. 2015. Southwest Jemez Mountains Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project: Summary of work 2012-2015 for the Large Mammal Monitoring Program. Progress report to the U.S. Forest Service and National Park Service. | September 2015 |
Cain, J.W. III, S. Smythe, W. Conway and G. Roemer. 2017. Southwest Jemez Mountains Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project: Large Mammal Responses to Wildfire and Landscape-Scale Forest Restoration in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico, Annual Progress Report to the U.S. Forest Service and National Park Service. | December 2017 |
Cain, J.W. III, S. Smythe, M. Peyton, W. Conway, J. Biggs, and G. Roemer. 2018. Southwest Jemez Mountains Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project: Large Mammal Responses to Wildfire and Landscape-Scale Forest Restoration in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico, Annual Progress Report to the U.S. Forest Service and National Park Service. | December 2018 |
Cain III, J.W., C.W. Epps, M.R. Buchalski, and L.M. Thompson. 2015. Evaluating Adaptive Capacity of Desert Bighorn Sheep to Climate Change: Identifying Genetic Links to Climate Adaptations in Native and Reintroduced Populations. Annual progress report to USGS Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center. | November 2015 |
Cain III, J.W., C.A. Caldwell, and S.A. Carleton. 2015. Assessment of drought impacts on selected fish and wildlife species in the southwestern U.S. 2014 Annual Progress Report to USGS Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center | November 2015 |
Cain III, J.W., C.A. Caldwell, and S.A. Carleton. 2014. Assessment of Drought Impacts on Selected Fish and Wildlife Species in the Southwestern U.S. 2014 Annual Progress Report to USGS Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center. | November 2014 |
Cain III, J.W., C.A. Caldwell, and S. Carleton. 2013. Assessment of Drought Impacts on Selected Fish and Wildlife Species in the Southwestern U.S. 2013 Annual Progress Report to USGS Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center. | November 2013 |
C Strong, WG Gould, R Howard, C Nichols, and G Beauprez. 2015. Investigating lesser prairie-chicken breeding season habitat use, reproduction, and survival to understand patterns of declining lek attendance. Annual Progress Report to National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. | July 2015 |
Buchalski, M.R., J.W. Cain III, C.W. Epps, and L.M. Thompson. 2016. Evaluating Adaptive Capacity of Desert Bighorn Sheep to Climate Change: Identifying Genetic Links to Climate Adaptations in Native and Reintroduced Populations. Annual progress report to USGS Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center. | November 2016 |
Buchalski, M.R., C.W. Epps, J.W. Cain III, and L.M. Thompson. 2017. Evaluating Adaptive Capacity of Desert Bighorn Sheep to Climate Change: Identifying Genetic Links to Climate Adaptations in Native and Reintroduced Populations. Annual progress report to USGS Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center. | November 2017 |
Bernknopf, R., C. Broadbent, I.S. Burns, J.W. Cain III, C.F. Casey, D. Goodrich, O. Olofinsao, B. Peterson, T. Smith, and V. Tidwell. 2023. Informing wildfire policy with forest pre-fire conservation investment to reduce expected fire loss: a retrospective analysis of the Rim fire in the Sierra Nevada, California. Final project report for USGS Grant G13AC00076. | June 2023 |
Bender, L. C., editor. 2005. Population demographics, dynamics, and movements of South African oryx (Oryx gazella gazella) in southcentral New Mexico. Final Report, U.S. Geological Survey, New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA | September 2005 |
Bender, L. C., and R. A. Baldwin. 2005. Population demographics, habitat utilization, critical habitats, and condition of black bears in Rocky Mountain National Park. Annual Report, U.S. Geological Survey, New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA | June 2005 |
Bender, L. C., and J. R. Piasecke. 2004. Growth, health, and impacts of a pioneering elk herd on and adjacent to Chaco Culture National Historic Park, New Mexico. Annual Report, U.S. Geological Survey, New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA | December 2004 |
Bender, L. C. 2005. Identification of factors limiting mule deer populations in the greater San Andres Mountains with emphasis on effects of chronic wasting disease and risks associated with chronic wasting disease. Annual Report, U.S. Geological Survey, New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA | June 2005 |
Bender, L. C. 2005. Demographics, habitat use, and foraging of sympatric elk and cattle on Lincoln National Forest. Annual Report, U.S. Geological Survey, New Mexico Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA | June 2005 |
Armstrong, Benjamin, and C. A. Caldwell. 2020. Trojan YY-Male Brook Trout as an Eradication Tool of Wild Brook Trout Populations in New Mexico. Interim Report to New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. 8 pp. | June 2020 |
Armstrong, B., and C.A. Caldwell. 2021. Trojan YY-Male Brook Trout as an Eradication Tool of Wild Brook Trout Populations in New Mexico. Interim Agency Report to the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. 39 pp. | June 2021 |
Armstrong, B., and C.A. Caldwell. 2019. Trojan YY-Male Brook Trout as an Eradication Tool of Wild Brook Trout Populations in New Mexico. Interim Annual Report to New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. 7 pp. | June 2019 |
Anderson, M.C., C. A. Caldwell, and R. DuBey. 2010. Grazing effects by cattle and elk on stream morphology, aquatic macroinvertebrate communities, water quality, and fish populations Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico. Final Report to the Valles Caldera National Trust. 154 pp. | August 2010 |
9. Carleton, SA, C Strong, WG Gould, R Howard, C Nichols, and G Beauprez. 2013. Investigating Lesser Prairie-chicken breeding season habitat use, reproduction, and survival to understand patterns of declining lek attendance. Annual Progress Report to Candidate Conservation Agreement – Center for Excellence in Hazardous Materials Management. | August 2013 |
8. Carleton, SA and D Griffin. 2013. Development of a mark-resight survival model using passive integrated transponder tags on populations of band-tailed pigeons. Annual Progress Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. | September 2013 |
7. Carleton, SA. 2013. Identifying the timing, origins, and reproductive status of illegally introduced walleye in a Wyoming Reservoir. Annual Progress Report to Wyoming Department of Game and Fish. | June 2013 |
5. Carleton, SA. 2012. Using biomarkers to determine natal origins of shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus), channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), Yellowstone cutthroat (Oncorhynchus clarkii bouvieri), and kokanee salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Final Report to Wyoming Department of Game and Fish. | June 2012 |
4. Carleton, SA and M Kauffman. 2012. Linking landscape geomorphology and strontium stable isotopes to delineate seasonal range use of Wyoming ungulates. Annual Progress Report to Wyoming Department of Game and Fish. | June 2012 |
28. Carleton, SA, A Meyers, C Hagen, D Haukos, and C Nichols. 2015. Use of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) habitat by lesser prairie-chickens in eastern New Mexico. Annual Progress Report to U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. | September 2015 |
27. Carleton, SA, MC Quist, J Dunnigan, TJ Ross, and R Hardy. 2015. Stock assignment of fluvial rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Kootenai River, Idaho Using Otolith Microchemistry. Final Report to U.S. Geological Survey Cooperative Research Units. | August 2015 |
26. Carleton, SA, MC Quist, J Dunnigan, TJ Ross, and R Hardy. 2015. Stock assignment of fluvial rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Kootenai River, Idaho Using Otolith Microchemistry. Final Report to Idaho Game and Fish Department and Montana Fish Parks and Wildlife. | June 2015 |
25. Carleton, SA, C Strong, WG Gould, R Howard, C Nichols, and G Beauprez. 2015. Response of Lesser Prairie-Chickens to Mesquite Removal and Prescribed Fire. Annual Progress Report to Play Lakes Joint Venture. | June 2015 |
24. Carleton, SA, R Howard, C Nichols, and G Beauprez. 2015. Monitoring response of lesser prairie-chickens to landscape management programs on Prairie Chicken Areas to inform and guide habitat management conservation practices. Annual Progress Report to New Mexico Game and Fish Department. | June 2015 |
22. Carleton, SA. 2015. Identifying the source of illegal pike introductions in Wyoming and South Dakota using otolith microchemistry. Annual Progress Report to Wyoming Department of Game and Fish. | July 2015 |
21. Carleton, SA, AJ Lawrence, and C Nichols. 2015. Impacts of energy development on lesser prairie-chicken ecology in eastern New Mexico. Annual Progress Report to U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. | June 2015 |
20. Carleton, SA. 2015. History and success of the peregrine falcon recovery program in New Mexico. Annual Progress Report to U.S. Forest Service. | June 2015 |
19. Carleton, SA, R Howard, C Nichols. 2015. Effects of fire and mesquite removal on spatial movement patterns of lesser prairie-chickens. Annual Progress Report to Playa Lakes Joint Venture. | June 2015 |
18. Carleton, SA, MC Quist, J Dunnigan, TJ Ross, and R Hardy. 2014. Stock assignment of fluvial rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Kootenai River, Idaho Using Otolith Microchemistry. Annual Progress Report to Idaho Game and Fish Department and Montana Fish Parks and Wildlife. | June 2014 |
17. Carleton, SA, AJ Lawrence, and C Nichols. 2014. Impacts of energy development on lesser prairie-chicken ecology in Eastern New Mexico. AZ/NM TWS Annual Meeting. Pinetop, AZ. Annual Progress Report to U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. | September 2014 |
16. Carleton, SA, C Strong, WG Gould, R Howard, C Nichols, and G Beauprez. 2014. Investigating lesser prairie-chicken breeding season habitat use, reproduction, and survival to understand patterns of declining lek attendance. Annual Progress Report to National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. | September 2014 |
15. Carleton, SA, A Meyers, C Hagen, D Haukos, and C Nichols. 2014. Use of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) habitat by lesser prairie-chickens in eastern New Mexico. Annual Progress Report to U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. | September 2014 |
14. Carleton, SA, C Strong, WG Gould, R Howard, C Nichols, and G Beauprez. 2014. Investigating Lesser Prairie-chicken breeding season habitat use, reproduction, and survival to understand patterns of declining lek attendance. Annual Progress Report to Candidate Conservation Agreement – Center for Excellence in Hazardous Materials Management. | August 2014 |
13. Carleton, SA and C Coxen. 2014. Development of a mark-resight survival model using passive integrated transponder tags on populations of band-tailed pigeons. Annual Progress Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. | September 2014 |
12. Carleton, SA and K Zummo. 2014. Measuring scaled quail demography and seasonal habitat use in response to a shrub reduction treatment in southwestern New Mexico and effect of climate on nest and brood success. Annual Progress Report to Bureau of Land Management. | September 2014 |
11. Carleton, SA and M Boggie. 2014. Demography, space use, bioenergetics, and carrying capacity of wintering sandhill cranes in southern New Mexico and Arizona. Annual Progress Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. | September 2014 |
Type | Citation | Publication Date |
Data Release | Lawson, A.J., and Lyons, J.E., 2022, Elicited qualitative value of information scores for eastern black rail uncertainties on the Atlantic Coast from a 2020 adaptive management workshop: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | October 2019 |
Data Release | Lawson, A.J., K.D. Dunham, and C.T. Moore. American alligator growth simulation and integrated population model for Georgetown County, South Carolina, USA. Version 1.0.0; U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, VA. | September 2022 |
Data Release | Lawson, A.J., Jodice, P.G., Rainwater, T.R., Hart, M., Butfiloski, J.W., Wilkinson, P.M., and Moore, C.T., 2022, American alligator demographic and harvest data from Georgetown County, South Carolina, 1979–2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release,<br> | April 2022 |
Software Release | Howell, P.E., Zimmerman, G. S., Millsap, B.A., and A.J. Lawson. 2024. A continental-scale integrated population model for the American kestrel. U.S. Geological Survey software release, | October 2024 |
Software Release | Howell, P.E., Brown, J.L. Heath, J.A., Smallwood, J.A., Steenhof, K., Swem, T., Miller, K.E., McClure, C.J.W., Zimmerman, G. S., Millsap, B.A., and A.J. Lawson. Demographic data and population indices for American kestrels in the United States, 1986-2019. U.S. Geological Survey data release, doi: XXXX | 2024 |
Data Release | Gould, M.J., Cain, J.W., III, Atwood, T.C., Harding, L.E., Johnson, H.E., Onorato, D.P., Winslow, F.C., and Roemer, G.W., 2022, Genetic structure of American black bear populations in the American Southwest and northern Mexico, 1994-2014: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | October 2021 |
Data Release | Gould, M.J., Cain, J.W., III, Atwood, T.C., Harding, L.E., Johnson, H.E., Onorato, D.P., Winslow, F.C., and Roemer, G.W., 2022, Genetic structure of American black bear populations in the American Southwest and northern Mexico, 1994-2014: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | 2024 |
Data Release | Gedir, J.V., and Cain III, J.W., 2018, Impact of Drought on Southwestern Pronghorn Population Trends and Predicted Trajectories in the Southwest in the Face of Climate Change: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | September 2022 |
Data Release | Gedir, J.V., and Cain III, J.W., 2018, Impact of Drought on Southwestern Pronghorn Population Trends and Predicted Trajectories in the Southwest in the Face of Climate Change: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | September 2017 |
Software Release | Christensen, E.M., A.J. Lawson, C.P. McGowan. 2024. Alligator snapping turtle population simulation model developed in support of the Species Status Assessment. Version 1.0.0; U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, VA. | October 2022 |
Data Release | Christensen, E.M., A.J. Lawson, C.P. McGowan. 2024. Alligator snapping turtle population simulation model developed in support of the Species Status Assessment. Version 1.0.0; U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, VA. | August 2020 |
Software Release | Caldwell, C.A., and L. Flynn, 2020. Effects of Non-native Brown Trout and Temperature on the Production of Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout Populations. U.S. Geological Survey Data Release, | October 2024 |
Data Release | Caldwell, C.A., and L. Flynn, 2020. Effects of Non-native Brown Trout and Temperature on the Production of Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout Populations. U.S. Geological Survey Data Release, | February 2018 |
Data Release | Caldwell, C.A., B. Huntsman, and A.J. Lynch. 2020. The Effects of Drought on Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout: The Role of Stream Flow and Temperature. U.S. Geological Survey Data Release, | August 2020 |
Data Release | Cain, James; Prude, Charles (2021), Habitat diversity influences puma (Puma concolor) diet in the Chihuahuan Desert, Dryad, Dataset, | April 2019 |
Data Release | Cain, J.W., 2017, Extreme precipitation variability, forage quality and large herbivore diet selection in arid environments: US Geological Survey data release, | October 2020 |
Data Release | Cain, J. 2024. Behavioral trade-offs and multitasking by elk in relation to predation risk from Mexican gray wolves. U.S. Geological Survey data release, | September 2022 |
Data Release | Buchalski, M., Epps, C., Cain, J., and Thompson, L., 2019, Evaluating Adaptive Capacity of Desert Bighorn Sheep to Climate Change: Identifying Genetic Links to Climate Adaptations: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | February 2018 |
Data Release | Buchalski, M., Epps, C., Cain, J., and Thompson, L., 2019, Evaluating Adaptive Capacity of Desert Bighorn Sheep to Climate Change: Identifying Genetic Links to Climate Adaptations: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | April 2024 |