New Mexico Project
Population trajectories and extinction probabilities for populations of large ungulates
September 2015 - December 2018
- James Cain, Principal Investigator
- Jay Gedir, Staff
- Grant Harris, Co-Principal Investigator
Participating Agencies
- US Fish and Wildlife Service
Understanding the importance of life history parameters is vital to managing wildlife populations. We will evaluate the minimum population size at which a populations are unlikely to go extinct and the population persistence times of various ungulate species across the Southwest in relation to variation in observed demographic rates. The intent is to generate population models using a suite of observed demographic parameters (and their variability), thereby assisting in management of multiple ungulate species across the southwestern United States.
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Gedir, J.V., J.W. Cain III, G. Harris, and T.T. Turnbull. 2015. Effects of climate change on long-term population growth of pronghorn in an arid environment. Ecosphere 6: art 189. | Download | October 2015 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
Gedir, J.V., and J.W. Cain III. 2017. Population trajectories and extinction probabilities for populations of large ungulates. Annual Report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. | December 2017 |