Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: New Mexico
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

New Mexico Project

Quantifying habitat selection and predicting habitat use by whooping crane

January 2014 - December 2016


Participating Agencies

  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The overall goal of this project is to characterize whooping crane stopover sites in the southern portion of their migration corridor and on wintering grounds including diurnal use and nocturnal roosting sites. We will also be collecting field data to validate vegetation metrics derived from LiDAR and NAIP-CIR imagery. This validation will allow for development of vegetation metrics derived from remote sensing to model vegetation structure across the winter grounds.

Research Publications Publication Date
Butler, M.J., K.L. Metzger, C.R. Sanspree, J.W. Cain III, and G.M. Harris. 2022. Whooping and sandhill cranes visit upland ponds proportional to migration phenology on the Texas coast. Wildlife Society Bulletin 46:e1290. | Download July 2022