Texas Project
OA 84: Urban Raptors
March 2016 - June 2018
Participating Agencies
- Island Press
Raptors are an unusual success story of wildness thriving in the heart of our cities—they have developed substantial populations around the world in recent decades. There has not been a synthesis of contemporary research providing insight into the role of raptors as vital members of the urban ecosystem and future opportunities for protection, management, and environmental education. Raptors are an unusual success story of wildness thriving in the heart of our cities—they have developed substantial populations around the world in recent decades. Furthermore, they are incredibly popular among urban bird-watchers, and wildlife and nature enthusiasts. Co-editorship with Dr. Cheryl Dykstra, independent researcher. This volume is a go-to single source of information on urban birds of prey that will be useful to researchers, urban green space planners, wildlife management agencies, birders, and informed citizens alike.
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Boal, C.W., and C. Dykstra. 2018. Preface. Pages xi - xv in Urban Raptors: ecology and conservation of brids of prey in an urbanizing world [C. Boal and C. Dykstra, editors]. Island Press, Washington, DC.Island Press, Washington D.C. | June 2018 |