Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: California
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

California Research Activities

The Alsea River. Credit: Sarah Beldin, USGS

Most of the research projects undertaken by the California Unit are field oriented and conducted by graduate students in close cooperation with our Unit, other University and agency biologists.

Project Completion Date
Klamath Basin S3 Model September 2019
Eel River Monitoring July 2015
Shasta River Coho April 2014
Establish & Operated Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research March 2017
Prairie Creek Fisheries and Aquatic Ecosystem Synthesis September 2015
Phase II: Monitoring the endangered Tidewater Goby using environmental DNA in water samples: Field tests June 2019
Redwood Creek Life Cycle Monitoring - DIDSON March 2015
Upper and Lower Redwood Creek Juvenile Salmon (Smolt) Abundance Project March 2017
Prairie Creek Juvenile Salmonid (Smolt) Abundance Project March 2017
Genetic Analysis of Tidewater Goby Tissue Samples May 2014
Salmon in the Redwood Creek Basin March 2016
Monitoring the endangered Tidewater Goby using water samples December 2013
Disease Reduction in Klamath River Salmon December 2012
Assessing the Benefits of USDA Conservation Programs in the Upper Klamath River Basin and Central Valley of California on Ecosystem Services June 2015
Upper Redwood Creek Juvenile Salmonid Abundance Project March 2014
The Role of Barriers in the Conservation of McCloud Redband Trout August 2011
Lower Redwood Creek Juvenile Salmonid Abundance Project March 2014
Prairie Creek Sub-Basin Life Cycle Monitoring Project, 2011 March 2014
Prairie Creek Sub-Basin Life Cycle Monitoring Project March 2012
Polychaete Laboratory Work May 2011
Evaluating Dynamics of Grassland and Wetland Ecosystems in the Northern Great Plains December 2015
Production of myxospores of Ceratomyxa shasta in Chinook salmon carcasses September 2011
Redwood Creek Life Cycle Monitoring - DIDSON March 2014
Myxozoan Fish Disease Research and Monitoring December 2012
Effects of conservation programs on amphibian communities in seasonal wetlands of the Prairie Pothole Region's glaciated plains June 2008
Klamath REMS, Fisheries September 2013
Assessing the effects of USDA conservation practices on wetland ecosystem services in CA's Central Valley August 2011
Research and development of a suitable method for estimating weekly-stratified abundances of migrating juvenile salmonids in the absence of mark-recpature experiments January 2026
Using environmental DNA to monitor abundances of juvenile Central Valley Chinook salmon December 2023
Using genomics to elucidate local adaptation among isolated populations of the endangered tidewater goby December 2022
Development of environmental DNA assays for Central Valley Chinook salmon ecotypes December 2020
Integration of molecular methods into predator diet analysis to advance understanding of juvenile Chinook salmon predation mortality in the Delta December 2022
Standardizing Environmental DNA methodologies for Coho Salmon December 2023
Modeling the density of a parasite impacting salmonids in the Klamath River November 2023
Large wood restoration effectiveness for salmonids in Pudding Creek, California: A before-after-control-impact experiment June 2021
Research and development of a predictive model for Ceratonova shasta waterborne parasites in support of Klamath River water management decisions and the Klamath Basin Stream Salmonid Simulator (S3 Model) September 2023
Juvenile rearing distribution of threatened coho salmon at habitat restoration sites on the Hoopa reservation August 2022
Comparison of standard and eDNA methods for estimating Chinook Salmon smolt abundance in the Klamath River (CA) April 2020
Tracking Coho Salmon using eDNA December 2019
Basal Hollow Roost Selection June 2019
Prairie Creek Coho Salmon Life Cycle Monitoring March 2020
Monitoring threatened Coho Salmon populations in Humboldt Bay tributaries September 2020
Monitoring Chinook Salmon in Redwood Creek to assess the impacts of a modified estuary June 2020
Linking predation mortality to predator density and survival for out-migrating Chinook Salmon and steelhead in the lower San Joaquin and South Delta December 2018
Humboldt Bay Invertebrate August 2019
Characterizing the foraging ecology of marbled murrelets in coastal waters adjacent to old growth redwoods June 2018
Rangewide Giant Kangaroo Rat Surveys & Monitoring Optimization December 2018
Giant Kangaroo Rat Population Monitoring in Panoche Valley June 2016
Tidewater Goby Survey September 2018
Habitat selection in an Arctic Seabird: Implications for Climate Change December 2019
Townsend's Big-Eared Bat Statewide Assessment December 2017
Redwood Creek Life Cycle Monitoring DIDSON 2015-2017 March 2017
Export of Invertebrate Drift From Headwater Streams June 2018
Research Publications Publication Date
Zimmer, K. D., M. A. Hanson, M. G. Butler and W. G. Duffy. 2001. Size distribution of aquatic invertebrates in two prairie wetlands, with and without fish, with implications for community production. Freshwater Biology 46:1-14. February 2001
Zimmer, K. D., M. A. Hanson, M. G. Butler and W. G. Duffy. 2001. Influence of fathead minnows on nutrient cycling, nutrient partitioning and ecosystem structure in prairie wetlands. Achives fur Hydrobiologia 150:411-433. June 2001
Winship A.J., Thorson J., Clarke E., Coleman H., Costa B., Georgian S., Gillett D., Grüss A., Henderson M., Hourigan T.F., Huff D., Kreidler N., Pirtle J., Olson J.V., Poti M., Rooper C.N., Sigler M.F., Viehman S., and Whitmire C.E. in review . Good practices for species distribution modeling of deep-sea corals and sponges: data collection, analysis, validation, and communication. Submitted to Frontiers in Marine Science. | Abstract May 2020
Wilzbach,M., M.J. Ashenfelter, S.J. Ricker. 2012. Movement of Resident Rainbow Trout Transplanted below a Barrier to Anadromy. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 141:2, 294-304. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website March 2012
Wilzbach, P., and K. W. Cummins. 2000. Profitable stream positions differ for brook trout and cutthroat trout. Pg. 265-266 in Wild Trout VII. Management in the New Millenium: are we ready? October 2000
Wilzbach, M. A., K. W. Cummins, T. K. Barnes, and J. C. Trexler. 2002. Channel-floodplain coupling in the Kissimmee River, Florida (USA): invertebrate movement and fish feeding. Vereinigung fur theoretische und angewandte Limnologie, Verhandlungen. 28: 164-172. February 2002
Wilzbach, M. A., B. C. Harvey, J. L. White, and R. J. Nakamoto. 2005. Effects of riparian canopy opening and salmon carcass addition on the abundance and growth of resident salmonids. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62: 58-67. March 2005
Wilzbach, M. 2001. Review of "Wildstream: a natural history of the free flowing river". Fisheries 28(8):43. March 2001
Wilzbach M. A., and K. W. Cummins. Rivers and Streams: Physical Setting and Adapted Biota. In Sven Erik Jorgensen and Brian D. Fath (Editor-in-Chief), Ecosystems. Vol. [4] of Encyclopedia of Ecology, 5 vols. pp. [3095-3106] Oxford: Elsevier. June 2008
Williams, T. H., B. C. Spence, W.G. Duffy, D. Hillemeier, G. Kautsky, T. Lisle, M. McCain, T. Nickelson, G. Garman, E. Mora, and T. Pearson. 2008. Framework for assessing viability of threatened coho salmon in the Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast Evolutionarily Significant Unit. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC 432. | Publisher Website December 2008
Van Vleet, N. P., Ward, D. M., Som, N. A., Barton, D. C., Anderson, C., & Henderson, M. J. (2024). It's about time: A multistate semicontinuous time mark–recapture model to evaluate seasonal survival and movement rates of juvenile Coho Salmon in a small coastal watershed. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 153, 541–1. | Abstract August 2024
Thorsteinson, L., VanderKooi, S., and Duffy, W., eds., 2011, Proceedings of the Klamath Basin Science Conference, Medford, Oregon, February 1–5, 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011-1196, 312 p. July 2011
Thorsteinson, L., Grimes, C., and Duffy, W., 2011, An overview of the Klamath Basin Science Conference, Pages 1-30 in: Proceedings of the Klamath Basin Science Conference, Medford, Oregon, February 1–5, 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011-1196, 312 p. July 2011
Takekawa, J. Y., A. K. Miles, D. H. Schoelhamer, N. D. Athearn, M. K. Saiki, W. G. Duffy, S. Kleinschmidt, G. G. Shellenbarger and C. A. Jannusch. 2006. Trophic structure of avian communities across a salinity gradient in evaporation ponds of the San Francisco Bay estuary. Hydrobiologia 567:307-327. April 2006
Stanford, J., Duffy, W., Asarian, E., Cluer, B., Detrich, P., Eberle, L., Edmondson, S., Foott, S., Hampton, M., Kann, J., Malone, K., and Moyle, P., 2011, Conceptual Model for Restoration of the Klamath River, Pages 151-184 in: An overview of the Klamath Basin Science Conference, Pages 1-30 in: Proceedings of the Klamath Basin Science Conference, Medford, Oregon, February 1–5, 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011-1196, 312 p. July 2011
Spence, B.C., W.G. Duffy, J.C. Garza, B.C. Harvey, S.M. Sogard, L.A. Weitkamp, T.H. Williams, and D.A. Bouthton. 2011. Historical occurrence of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in streams of the Santa Cruz Mountain region of California: response to an Endangered Species Act petition to delist coho salmon south of San Francisco Bay. Technical Memorandum, National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Santa Cruz, CA. July 2011
Som, N.A. 2024. Applications of a disease-induced mortality model to inform regulatory compliance of the Klamath Project. | Download March 2024
Smit, R. B., Goodman, D. H., Boyce, J., & Som, N. A. 2024. Effects of 2D
hydrodynamic model resolution on habitat estimates for rearing Coho Salmon in contrasting channel forms. River Research and Applications 40(10): 1912-1924.
July 2024
Rub, A.M., Som, N.A., Henderson, M.J., Sandford, B.P., Van Doornik, D.M., Teel, D.J., Tennis, M, Langness, O., van der Leeuw, B., Huff, D.D. 2019. Changes in adult Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) survival with the lower Columbia River amid increasing pinniped abundance. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76: 1862-1873. | Abstract September 2019
Robinson, H.E., Strickler, J.R., Henderson, M.J., Hartline, D.K., Lenz, P.H. 2019. Predation strategies of larval clownfish capturing evasive copepod prey. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 614: 125-146. DOI: 10.3354/meps12888 | Abstract April 2019
Robinson, D.H., Henderson, M.J., H.E., Goodman, Perry, R.W., Som, N.A. From site to system: approaches for producing system-wide estimates of fish habitat in large rivers. To be submitted to River Research and Applications. | Abstract October 2021
Railsback, S. F., R. H. Lamberson, B. C. Harvey and W. G. Duffy. 2001. Reply to discussion on movement reules for individual-based models of stream fish. Ecological Modeling 143:249-251. December 2001
Pope, K. L., J. L. Brown, W. G. Duffy and P. H. Michaletz. 2001. A caloric-based evaluation of diet indices. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 61:329-339. August 2001
Okun, N., McGuire, J., Henderson, M., Gallagher, S., Lang, E. and Mackey, E. Large Wood Restoration Effectiveness Monitoring in a Coastal Northern California Stream: A Paired Watershed Before-After-Control-Impact Study. Final Report to California Department of Fish and Wildlife Fisheries Restoration Grant Program May 2021. August 2021
Notch J.J., McHuron A.S., Michel C.J., Cordoleani F., Johnson M., Henderson M.J., and Ammann A.J. (in press) Outmigration survival of wild Chinook salmon smolts through the Sacramento River during historic drought and high water conditions. environmental biology of fishes. | Abstract May 2020
Mull, K. E., and M. A. Wilzbach. Selection of spawning sites by coho salmon in a northern California stream. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:1343-1354. November 2007
Moore, J. W., S. A. Hayes, W. G. Duffy, S. Gallagher, S. Ricker, and D. Wright. Nutrient fluxes and the recent collapse of coastal California salmon populations | Abstract July 2011
Michel, CJ, Henderson, MJ, Loomis, CM, Smith, JM, Demetras, NJ, Iglesias, IS, Lehman, BM, Huff, DD. Fish Predation on a Landscape Scale. Submitted to Ecological Applications. | Abstract June 2020
Malakauskas, D. M., and M. Wilzbach. 2012. Invertebrate assemblages in the lower Klamath River, with reference to Manayunkia speciosa. California Fish and Game 98(4):214-235; 2012. | Abstract | Download December 2012
Malakauskas, D. M., Willson, S. J., M. A. Wilzbach, and N. A. Som. 2013. Flow variation and substrate type affect dislodgement of the freshwater polychaete, Manayunkia speciosa. Freshwater Science 2013, 32(3):862-873 | Download June 2013
Madej, M. A., M. A. Wilzbach, K. W. Cummins, C. Ellis, and S. Hadden. 2002. The contribution of suspended organic sediments to turbidity and sediment flux. Proceedings, 8th Federal Interagency Sedimentation Conference. April 2002, Reno, Nevada. October 2002
K W Cummins and M A Wilzbach. Rivers and Streams: Ecosystem Dynamics and Integrating Paradigms. In Sven Erik Jorgensen and Brian D. Fath (Editor-in-Chief), Ecosystems. Vol. [4] of Encyclopedia of Ecology, 5 vols. pp. [3084-3095] Oxford: Elsevier. June 2008
Hodge, B.W., M.A. Wilzbach, W.G. Duffy, R.M. Quiñones, and J.A. Hobbs. Life history diversity in Klamath River steelhead. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 145:227-238, 2016. | Download February 2016
Hodge, B., M.A. Wilzbach, and W.D. Duffy. 2013. Potential fitness benefits of the half-pounder life history in Klamath River steelhead. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 2014. 143:864-875, 2014. | Abstract | Download June 2014
Henderson, M.J., Iglesias, I.S., Michel, C.J., Ammann, A.J., Huff, D.D. 2019. Estimating spatial-temporal differences in Chinook salmon outmigration survival with habitat and predation related covariates. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 76: 1549-1561. September 2019
Henderson, M.J., Huff, D.D., and Yoklavich, M.M. 2018. Deep-Sea Coral and Sponge Taxa Increase Demeral Fish Diversity and the Probability of Fish Presence. Frontiers in Marine Science 7:593844. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.593844 | Abstract | Download November 2020
Henderson, M.J., Fiechter, J., Huff, D.D., and Wells, B. 2019. Spatial Variability in ocean-mediated growth potential is linked to Chinook salmon survival. Fisheries Oceanography, 3: 334-344. DOI: 10.1111/fog.12415 May 2019
Gleason, R. A., N. H. Euliss, Jr., D. E. Hubbard and W. G. Duffy. 2004. Invertebrate egg banks of restored, natural, and drained wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region of the United States. Wetlands 24:562-572. September 2004
Gleason, R. A., N. H. Euliss, Jr., D. E. Hubbard and W. G. Duffy. 2003. Effects of sediment load on emergence of aquatic invertebrates and plants from wetland soil egg and seed banks. Wetlands 23:26-34. April 2003
Frazey, S. L., and M. A. Wilzbach. The relationship between productivities of salmonids and forest stands in northern California watersheds. Western Journal of Applied Forestry. 22 (2) 2007:73-80. April 2007
Euliss, N. H., Jr., L. M. Smith, S. Liu, W. G. Duffy, S. P. Faulkner, R. A. Gleason and S. D. Eckles. 2008. Integrating estimates of ecosystem services from conservation programs and practices into models for decision makers: The vision for CEAP Wetlands. Ecological Applications (In Press). | Abstract | Publisher Website March 2011
Duffy, W.G., Kahara, S.N. and Records, R.M., eds., 2011, Conservation Effects Assessment Project-Wetlands assessment in California's Central Valley and Upper Klamath River Basin: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011-1290, 128 p. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website October 2011
Duffy, W. and Thorsteinson, L., 2011, Synthesis of information needs and science priorities, Pages 185-198 in: Proceedings of the Klamath Basin Science Conference, Medford, Oregon, February 1–5, 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011-1196, 312 p. July 2011
Duffy, W. G., and S. N. Kahara. 2008. Wetland ecosystems in California's Central Valley and impications for wetland reserve program conservation practices. Ecological Applications (Preprint on line 8/5/2010). | Abstract | Publisher Website March 2011
Duffy, W. G., and E. P. Bjorkstedt. Demographics of Coastal Cutthroat Trout, Oncorhynchus clarki clarki, in Prairie Creek, California. In Press. Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Sea Run Cutthroat Trout, Port Townsend, WA, 29 Sept - 1 Oct, 2005. | Abstract August 2008
Deibner-Hanson, J.D. and Henderson, M. Life Cycle Monitoring of Coho Salmon in Prairie Creek 2017-2020. Final Report to Fisheries Restoration Grant Program Project Number P1610520. April 2021. | Abstract October 2021
Cummins, K. W., and M. A. Wilzbach. 2005. The inadequacy of the fish-bearing criterion for stream management. Aquat. Sci. 67:486-491 September 2005
Chen, E.K. and Henderson, M.J. 2021. Reduced recruitment of Chinook salmon in a leveed bar-built estuary. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 78: 894-904. | Abstract | Download July 2021
Bell, E., and W. G. Duffy. 2007. Previously undocumented two-year freshwater residency of juvenile coho salmon in California. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136:966-970. | Abstract January 2008
Bell, E., W. G. Duffy and T. D. Roelofs. 2001. Fidelity and survival of juvenile coho salmon in response to a flood. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 130:450-458. October 2001
Ambrose, H. E., M. A. Wilzbach, and K. W. Cummins. 2004. Periphyton response to increased light and salmon carcass introduction in northern California streams. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 23: 701-712 November 2004
Presentations Presentation Date
Wright, K.A. and W.G. Duffy. 2007. Monitoring Chinook and coho salmon escapement in Prairie Creek, California. 28th Annual Meeting, Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference, University of Washington Pack Experimental Forest, WA. March 2007. March 2007
Wright, K. A. and W. G. Duffy. 2007. Escapement estimation of adult coho and Chinook salmon in Prairie Creek, California. 137th Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, CA, September 2007. September 2007
Winship, Thorson, Henderson et. al (2019) Best practices for spatial predictive modeling to support effective management of deep-sea corals and sponges. 7th International Symposium on Deep-Sea Corals. July 29-August 2, 2019, Cartagena, Colombia. July 2019
Wilzbach, P. and K. Cummins. 2008. Reproduction and development of Manayunkia speciosa. 4th Annual Klamath River Fish Health Workshop, sponsored by the USFWS, Fortuna, CA, January 2008. January 2008
Wilzbach, P. 2008. Movement of resident trout transplanted below a barrier to anadromy. 11th Annual Pacific Coast Steelhead Management Meeting, sponsored by Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, Boise, ID, March 2008. March 2008
Wilzbach, M.A., K.W. Cummins, T.K. Barnes, and J.C. Trexler. Feb 2001. Channel-floodplain coupling in the Kissimmee River, Florida (USA): invertebrate movement and fish feeding. International Limnological Society Meeting, Melbourne, Australia February 2001
Wilzbach, M.A., K.W. Cummins, S. Willson, M. Yost, and D. Malakauskas. 2007. Field and lab studies on the distribution and ecology of Manayunkia speciosa. Klamath River Fish Health Conference, Fortuna, CA. January 2007. January 2007
Wilzbach, M.A., B.C. Harvey, J. L. White, and R.J. Nakamoto. 2003. Relative effects of carcass addition and light enhancement on salmonid biomass and growth. Western Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. April 2003
Wilzbach, M.A. and M.A. Madej, July 2001, Composition of Suspended Sediments and Stream Health, California Department of Forestry Monitoring Study Group July 2001
Wilzbach, M.A. and K.W. Cummins. 2006. Relative contribution of autotrophic and heterotrophic food pathways to salmonid growth. 54th annual Meeting, North American Benthological Society, Anchorage, AK. June 2006 June 2006
Wilzbach, M.A. and B.W. Hodge. 2015. Life history variation in Klamath River steelhead. August 2015
Wilzbach, M.A. 2016. Fisheries and Aquatic Resources of Prairie Creek. Prairie Creek Technical Advisory Committee for Redwood National Park. Orick, California. April 5, 2016. April 2016
Wilzbach, M.A. 2015. Role and source of macroinvertebrates in fish growth. Riparian Summit Conference. Korbel, California. 29-30 August 2015. April 2015
Wilzbach, M. A., Nov 2001. Importance of Light and Nutrients to Salmonid Growth November 2001
Wilzbach, M. A., May 2002. Suspended organic sediments, Caspar Creek Annual Meeting, Jackson Demonstration State Forest, Fort Bragg, CA. May 2002
Wilzbach, M. A., May 2002. Stream ecosystem response to light enhancement and salmon carcass introduction, 50th Ann. Meeting, North American Benthological Society, Pittsburg, PA. June 2002
Wilzbach, M. A. and S. L. Frazey. 2005. Linking forests and fish:the relationship between productivities of salmonids and forest stands in northern California. Poster presentation, NABS Ann. Mtng., New Orleans, LA. May 2005
Wilzbach, M. A. and K. W. Cummins. Alternative riparian management. Univ. Idaho Extension Workshop for Family Foresters, Jan. 20, 2006, Spokane, WA. January 2006
Wilzbach, M. A. Riparian canopy openings and salmon carcass additions to increase salmonid growth. Western Forestry Conference on the Science and Policy of Wildlife and Salmon, Dec. 6, 2006, Portland, OR. December 2005
Wilzbach, M. A. 2007. Should deep, dark, and dense riparian canopy coverage be the target for salmonid fishes? Symposium on Forestry and Anadromy in California, sponsored by the California Licensed Foresters Association. Redding, CA, October 2007. October 2007
Wilzbach, M. A. 2005. Riparian management and fish productivity. National Council for Stream and Air Improvement, September 29, 2005. September 2005
Wilzbach, M. A. 2005. Research against the grain. CRU National Meeting, 03/03/2005. March 2005
Wilzbach, M. A. 2003. Riparian canopy opening overrides salmon carcass addition in affecting salmonid growth. Smith River Colloquium, Crescent City, CA. November 2003
Williams, T.H., E.P. Bjorksted, W. Duffy, D. Hillemeier, G. Kautsky, T. Lisle, M. McCain, T. Nickelson, E. Mora, and T. Pearson. 2006. Historical population structure of coho salmon in the southern Oregon/northern California evolutionary significant unit. 42nd Annual Meeting, Oregon Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Sunriver, OR. February 2006. February 2006
Walden, M.A. and N.A. Som. 2024. Evaluating alternative methods for modeling trap efficiencies of outmigrating juvenile salmonids. Ecological Society of American Annual Meeting. Long Beach, CA. August 2024
Van Vleet, Nicholas and Henderson, Mark. A novel approach to estimate winter movement and survival of juvenile Coho Salmon. 37th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference. April 23-26, 2019. Santa Rosa, CA. April 2019
Van Vleet N., Henderson M.J., Ward, D. 2018. Winter movement and survival of juvenile Coho Salmon in Freshwater Creek, California. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society 54nd Annual Meeting, Eugene, OR. March 13-16, 2018. March 2018
Van Vleet N., Henderson M.J., Ward, D. 2018. Winter movement and survival of juvenile Coho Salmon in Freshwater Creek, California. 52nd Annual California-Nevada American Fisheries Society meeting, San Luis Obispo, CA. Feb 28 - March 2, 2018. March 2018
Som, N.A. 2024. Monitoring to science to management: science-informed decision making to combat an aquatic parasite. Trinity River Restoration Program Science Symposium. May 2024
Som, N.A. 2024. Modeling Habitat of an Invertebrate Host of Salmonid Parasites to Inform Management Decision Making. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Honolulu, HI. September. September 2024
Solinger L., Bjorkstedt E., Buchheister A., Henderson M., and Field J. 2018. Developing spatially-explicit stock assessment models to explore spatial variability in recruitment of Chilipepper Rockfish (Sebastes goodei). 13th National Stock Assessment Workshop. Irvine, CA. May 22-24, 2018. May 2018
Sascha L. Hallett Jerri L. Bartholomew, Julie D. Alexander, Justin Alvarez, Stephen D. Atkinson, Michael Belchik, Sarah J. Bjork, J. Scott Foott, Alex Gonyaw, Mark E. Hereford, Richard A. Holt, Barry McCovey Jr., Nicholas A. Som, Toz Soto, Anne Voss, Thomas H.Williams, Ted G. Wise. 2024. Disease risk for salmonids after reconnection of the Klamath Basins. American Fisheries Society Western Fish ​Disease Workshop. Boise, ID. July 30 - August 1, 2024. August 2024
Sascha L. Hallett Jerri L. Bartholomew, Julie D. Alexander, Justin Alvarez, Stephen D. Atkinson, Michael Belchik, Sarah J. Bjork, J. Scott Foott, Alex Gonyaw, Mark E. Hereford, Richard A. Holt, Barry McCovey Jr., Nicholas A. Som, Toz Soto, Anne Voss, Thomas H.Williams, Ted G. Wise. 2024. Dam Removal and Ecological Transformation on the Klamath River. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Honolulu, HI. September 2024. September 2024
Rizza, S., A.P. Kinziger, J.C. Garza, and M.A. Wilzbach. 2015. Asymmetric introgression between Coastal Cutthroat Trout and steelhead in the Smith River Basin, California. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland, Oregon. August 16-20, 2015. August 2015
Pope, K. L., M. P. Carey, D. R. DeVries, J. E. Garvey, M. Henderson, S. Hitchman, M. E. Mather, J. M. Smith, and R. W. Tingley. 2022. Researchers and managers: co-development of science-based management. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan (Virtual). May 2022
Okun, N. and Henderson, M. Large wood restoration effectiveness for salmonids in Pudding Creek, CA: a before-after-control-impact experiment. 37th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference. April 23-26, 2019. Santa Rosa, CA. April 2019
Okun, N. and Henderson, M. Large Wood Restoration Effectiveness for Salmonids in Pudding Creek, CA: A before-after-Control-Impact Experiment. 149th annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Reno, NV. September 29 - October 3, 2019. September 2019
Nissa Kreidler, Dave Huff, Jerome Fiechter, Andre Buchheister, Mark Henderson. Species Distributions Modeling of Deep-Sea Coral and Sponge Taxa in the Southern California Bight. Ocean Sciences Meeting. Honolulu HI February 27 - March 4 2022.
March 2022
Naman, S. W. and M. A. Wilzbach. 2007. Predation by hatchery-reared steelhead on natural salmonid fry in the upper Trinity River, California. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, CA, September 2007. September 2007
Mull, K. E. and M. A. Wilzbach. 2007. Selection of spawning sites by coho salmon in Freshwater Creek, California. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, CA, September 2007. September 2007
Michel C., Smith, J., Demetras N., Iglesias I., Lehman B., Loomis C., Henderson M., Huff D. 2018. Spatial patterns and environmental associations of piscivorous predation throughout the south Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta in 2017. 10th biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference, Sacramento, CA. September 10-12, 2018. September 2018
Michel C., Loomis C., Henderson M., Smith J., Demetras N., Iglesias I., Lehman B., Huff D., and Hayes S. Fish predation on a landscape scale. OneNOAA Science Seminar Series. August 2020
McLaughlin, K. D. and W. G. Duffy. 2007. Condition of juvenile steelhead in northern California streams. 137th annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, CA, September 2007. September 2007
Malakauskas, D., S. Willson, M.A., M.A. Wilzbach, N. Som. Effect of flow manipulation on polychaete dislodgement in a laboratory flume. Klamath River Fish Disease Workgroup. March 27, 2012, Klamath Falls, OR. March 2012
Madej, M. A., M. A. Wilzbach, K. W. Cummins, C. C. Ellis and S. J. Hadden. 2004. The significance of suspended organic sediments to turbidity, sediment flux, and fish-feeding behavior. Redwood Region Forest Sciences Symposium. Rohnert Park, CA. March 2004
Loomis, C. and Henderson, M. Estimating predator fish density and abundance in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta using DIDSON Acoustic cameras. 37th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference. April 23-26, 2019. Santa Rosa, CA. April 2019
Loomis, C and Henderson, M. Density and Distribution of Piscivorous Fishes in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. 149th annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Reno, NV. September 29 - October 3, 2019. October 2019
Loomis C. and Henderson M., 2018. Estimating Delta predatory fish abundance with DIDSON acoustic cameras. 10th biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference, Sacramento, CA. September 10-12, 2018. September 2018
Kreidler, Buchheister, and Mark Henderson (2019) Habitat Suitability Mapping for Fish Indicative Deep Sea Corals and Sponges in the Southern California Bight. International deep sea coral symposium. July 2019
Kreidler N., Buchheister A., and Henderson M. 2018. Habitat Suitability Mapping for Southern California Bight Deep Sea Corals and Sponges. 15th Deep-Sea Biology symposium. Monterey, CA. Sept 9-14, 2018 September 2018
King, B., O'Dowd, A., Laskodi, C., Ward, D., Som, N.A. 2024. Effects of scour and marginal habitat inundation of Trinity River Invertebrate communities. Salmon Restoration Federation Annual Meeting. Santa Rosa, CA. March 2024
Kanawi, E., Kinziger, A., and Henderson, M. Using environmental DNA water samples to determine the timing and abundance of outmigrating Coho Salmon. 55th Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. March 4-8, 2019. Bend, OR. March 2019
Kanawi, E., Kinziger, A., and Henderson, M. Using environmental DNA water samples to determine the timing and abundance of outmigrating Coho Salmon. 37th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference. April 23-26, 2019. Santa Rosa, CA. April 2019
Kahara, S. K. and W. G. Duffy. Ecosystem services influence of USDA farm conservation practices on wetlands in California's Central Valley. annual Meeting, Society of Wetland Scientists, Washington, D.C., May 2008. May 2008
Justice, C. and W. G. Duffy. 2007. Response of juvenile salmonids to placement of large wood debris in California coastal streams. 43rd Annual Meeting, Oregon Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Eugene, OR, February 2007. February 2007
Hollis, J. and M.A. Wilzbach. 2016. Export of invertebrate drift from fishless headwater streams of the lower Klamath River Basin, California, and its use by trout. Annual Meeting, Society for Freshwater Science. Sacramento, California. May 21-26, 2016. May 2016
Hollis, J. and M. A. Wilzbach. 2016. Export of invertebrate drift from fishless headwater streams in the lower Klamath River Basin, California, and its use by trout. Coast Redwood Forest Symposium, Eureka, California. September 2016
Hodge, B., P. Wilzbach, W.Duffy. The steelhead half-pounder life history: paradox or hedge bet? Western Division American Fisheries Society, March 29, 2012, Jackson WY. March 2012
Hernandez, O., M.A. Wilzbach, K.W. Cummins, and R.W. Merritt. 2006. Red alder (Alnus rubra) breakdown rates in light and nutrient augmented second order streams of northern California. 54th Annual Meeting, North American Benthological Society, Anchorage, AK. June 2006. June 2006
Henderson, M.J., Kreidler, N, Yoklavich, M., Buchheister, A., Fiechter J., Huff, D. 2021. The importance of accounting for spatial autocorrelation in habitat analyses. 151st meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Baltimore, MD, USA, November 6-10, 2021. November 2021
Henderson, M.J., I. Iglesias, C. Michel, D. Huff, E. Danner, and S. Hayes. 2018. Processes influencing outmigrating Chinook Salmon survival in the Sacramento River. 148th Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City, NJ, 19-23 August 2018. August 2018
Henderson, M.J., Huff, D.D., and Yoklavich, M. 2018. Associations between deep-sea coral and sponge assemblages and demersal fishes in the Southern California Bight. 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland OR, 11-16 September 2018. February 2018
Henderson, M., Iglesias, I., Michel, C., Huff, D., Pike, A., Danner, E., and Hayes, S. 2017. Mortality of Central Valley Chinook Salmon smolts relative to physical habitat features. 51st Annual meeting, Cal-Neva Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Eureka, California, April 5-7, 2017. April 2017
Harvey, B. C. and M. A. Wilzbach. 2007. Carcass addition fails to affect abundance and growth of resident salmonids in northern California streams. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, CA, September 2007. September 2007
Hadden, S. J. and M. A. Wilzbach. 2004. Effect of organic and inorganic suspended load concentration on the foraging efficiency of juvenile salmonids in the field and artificial stream channels. Annual Meeting of the Cal-Neva Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Redding, CA, April 22-24, 2004. April 2004
H. Eve Robinson, J. Rudi Strickler, Mark J. Henderson, Daniel K. Hartline, Petra H. Lenz June 2018
Feyrer, F., Perry, R., Clause, J., Young, M., Huntsman, B., Larwood, V. Enos, E. Henderson, M., Dick, C., Larson, W., Shi, Y., Michel, C., and Nelson, T.R.. Quantifying the Role of Predation by Piscivorous Fishes as a Source of Juvenile Chinook Salmon Mortality in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Interagency Ecological Program annual workshop, March 22-24, 2022 March 2022
Euliss, N. H., L. M. Smith, W. G. Duffy and S. Faulkner. 2007. Beyond CEAP: Integrating delivery of concurrent goods and services attributable to conservation programs into models for decision makers to evaluate ecological change. Annual Meeting, Society of Soil and Water Conservation, Tampa, FL, June 2007. June 2007
Duffy, Walter G. , Bjorkstedt, Eric P. and Ellings, Christopher S.(2011) 'Predation on Juvenile Pacific Salmon Oncorhynchus spp. in Downstream Migrant Traps in Prairie Creek, California, American Fisheries Society Meeting, Seattle, WA September 2011
Duffy, W.G. 2011. Regional update on the status of coho salmon. Joint Committee on Fisheries and Aquaculture, California Legislature. August 2011
Duffy, W.G. 2010. Potential effects of suction dredging for gold on fish. California Department of Fish and Game, Advisory Committee on Gold Dredging, Sacramento, Ca February 2010
Duffy, W.G. 2010. Ecosystem services provided by Wetland Reserve Program wetlands of California's Central Valley. March 2011
Duffy, W.G. 2007. Fish in wetlands: the good, the bad and the ugly. Workshop on Wetland Assessment in California, USDA-NRCS, Davis, CA. March 2007. March 2007
Duffy, W. G., D. Schultz and M. Brown. 2004. Using relative weight of coho salmon to evaluate fish response to watershed restoration. Annual Meeting Salmonid Restoration Federation, Davis, CA. March 2004
Duffy, W. G. and S. A. Gough. 2006. Influence of turbidity on bioenergetics of coastal cutthroat trout. California-Nevada Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Annual Meeting, March 31, 2006, San Luis Obispo, CA. March 2006
Duffy, W. G. and S. A. Gough. 2006. Comparison of methods for estimating adult salmon escapement. Salmonid Restoration Federation Conference, Santa Barbara, CA. February 2006
Duffy, W. G. and E. P. Bjorksted. 2005. Demographics of coastal cutthroat trout in northern California. Second Coastal Cutthroat Trout Symposium, Port Townsend, WA September 2005
Duffy, W. G. 2008. Influence of freshwater habitat quality on coho salmon populations: evidence from nine years of investigations in Redwood National Park. Aquatic Resources in Redwood Creek. Redwood National Park, Orick, CA April, 2008. April 2008
Duffy, W. G. 2007. Life history of anadromous fishes in California. California Licensed Foresters Association, Redding, California, 25 October 2007. October 2007
Duffy, W. G. 2007. Influence of Wetlands Reserve Program on California. Annual Meeting, Society of Soil and Water Conservation, Tampa, FL, June 2007. June 2007
Duffy, W. G. 2005. Status of salmon and steelhead in coastal rivers of California. Presented to California State Legislature, Staff. Sacramento, California. June 2005
Duffy, W. G. 2004. The Historical and Current Fish Community of the Klamath River, California. Lower Klamath Basin Science Conference, Arcata, CA. June 2004
Duffy, W. G. 2008. Response of wetlands in California's Central Valley to global change. annual Meeting, Society of Wetland Scientists, Washington, D.C., May 2008. May 2008
Duffy, W. G. 2008. Mortality of juvenile salmon associated with downstream migrant traps: a concern for monitoring. Annual meeting, California/Nevada Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Lake Tahoe, CA April 2008. April 2008
Dockham, A., M.A. Wilzbach, and G. Horton. 2015. Comparison of benthic invertebrate community structure and diet composition of steelhead trout in Dry Creek, California. 33rd Annual Meeting Salmonid Restoration Federation. Santa Rosa, California. Mar 11-14, 2015. March 2015
Dockham, A. and M.A. Wilzbach. 2014. Comparison of benthic invertebrate community structure and diet composition of steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Dry Creek, California. 1st Ann. Meeting California Chapter Society of Freshwater Science. November 2014
Dick, C., Larson, W., and Henderson, M. How many salmon smolts are consumed in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: quantifying predation with molecular methods. 151st annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Baltimore, MD, USA. November 6-10, 2021 November 2021
DeYoung, C.J. and M.A. Wilzbach. 2007. Effects of turbidity on foraging efficiency and growth of salmonids in natural settings. Annual Meeting, Oregon Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Eugene, Or. February 2007. February 2007
Damon Goodman, Nicholas A. Som, Cyril Michel, Keith Denton. 2023. Evaluating the effectiveness of dam removal on the Klamath River through sonar and radio telemetry. Klamath Basin Monitoring Program Annual Meeting. Klamath Falls, OR. November 2023
Cummins, K.W., M.A. Wilzbach, and G.L. Hendrickson. 2006. Studies of the freshwater polychaete Manayunkia speciosa, andd intermediate host for myxozoan parasites that infect Pacific salmon in the Klamath River, CA. 54th Annual Meeting, North American Benthological Society, anchorage, AK. June 2006. June 2006
Cummins, K.W., M.A. Wilzbach, and D. Hankin. Development of a research plan for quantifying the abundance of the invertebrate host of salmonid parasites in the lower Klamath River. Klamath River Fish Health Workshop, sponsored by the USFWS and Humboldt State University. Arcata, CA. February 2006. Invited. February 2006
Cummins, K. and P. Wilzbach. 2008. Recommendations for polychaete monitoring. 4th Annual Klamath River Fish Health Workshop, sponsored by the USFWS, Fortuna, CA, January 2008. January 2008
Cummins, K. W., S. J. Hadden, and M. A. Wilzbach. 2005. The effect of turbidity on the efficiency of prey capture by juvenile salmonids. The Water Quality Conference II; Turbidity & Suspended Sediment Concentration, sponsored by California Dept. of Forestry and Fire Protection and University of California Cooperative Extension and The Center for Forestry. Redding, California. April 2005
Colombano, P.A. and W.G. Duffy. 2007. Response of coastal steelhead streams to fire disturbance. 28th Annual Meeting, Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference, University of Washington Pack Experimental Forest, WA. March 2007. March 2007
Colombano, P. A. and W. G. Duffy. 2007. Response of coastal steelhead streams to fire disturbance. 137th Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, CA, September 2007. September 2007
Chen, Emily and Henderson, Mark. Contribution of estuarine rearing in a bar-built estuary to recruitment of Chinook salmon using a hierarchical life cycle model. 55th Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. March 4-8, 2019. Bend, OR. March 2019
Chen, Emily and Henderson, Mark. Barred from the Ocean: Consequences of a Unique Estuary Phenomenon on Juvenile Growth and Population Recruitment of Chinook Salmon in Redwood Creek. 37th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference. April 23-26, 2019. Santa Rosa, CA. April 2019
Chen, E. and Henderson, M. Barred from the Ocean: Consequences of a Unique Estuary Phenomenon on Recruitment of Chinook Salmon. 149th annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Reno, NV. September 29 - October 3, 2019. October 2019
Chen E. K., Henderson M.J. 2018 Contribution of juvenile estuarine residency to Chinook Salmon recruitment in Redwood Creek, California. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society 54nd Annual Meeting, Eugene, OR. March 13-16, 2018. March 2018
Chen E. K., Henderson M.J. 2018 Contribution of juvenile estuarine residency to Chinook Salmon recruitment in Redwood Creek, California. Cal-Neva Chapter of the American Fisheries Society 52nd Annual Meeting, San Luis Obispo, CA. Feb 28-March 2, 2018. March 2018
Caught in the middle: Top-down impact of seabirds on Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) is dependent on bottom-up mechanisms November 2016
Bjorkstedt, E.P., B.C. Spence, T.H. Williams, W.G. Duffy, D. Fuller, J.C. Garza, D. Hankin, D. Hillemeir, W. Jones, G. Kautsky, T. Lisle, R. Macedo, M. McCain, M. Rode, J. Smith, R.G. Szerlong, R. Schick, T. Pearson, E. Mora, M. Goslin and A. Agrawal. 2007. Historical population structure of ESA-listed Pacific salmonids in the Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast and North-Central California Coast recovery domains. 137th Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, CA, September 2007. September 2007
Associations between deep-sea coral/sponge assemblages and demersal fishes in the Southern California Bight September 2016
Ashenfelter, M. J. and M. A. Wilzbach. 2007. Movement of resident trout transplanted below a barrier to anadromy. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, CA, September 2007. September 2007
Alexander, J., Daley, T., Som, N.A. Using Models To Evaluate The Efficacy Of Management Actions For Reducing the Risk of Salmon Disease. International Conference of the Wildlife Disease Association. July 2025, Victoria, BC, Canada. July 2025
Theses and Dissertations Publication Date
Wright, K. A. 2011. Escapement, migration timing, and spatial distribution of adult chinook and coho salmon in Prairie Creek, California. M.S. Thesis, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California. 127 pp. May 2011
Willey, W.S. 2004. Energetic response of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) to varying water temperature regimes in northern California streams. 82 pp. May 2004
Wheeler, M. 2009. Seasonal Patterns of Anabolism and Catabolism in Juvenile Steelhead; Energy Partitioning in Growth. M.S. Thesis, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California. 60 pp. December 2009
Van Vleet, Nicholas. 2019. A time- and state-based approach to estimate winter movement and survival of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in Freshwater Creek, California. Humboldt State University Masters thesis. Arcata, California. July 2019
Sparkman, M.D. 2003. Negative influences of predacious egg-eating worms, Haplotaxis ichthyophagus, and fine sediments on coho salmon, Onchorhynchus kisutch, in natural and artificial redds. 64 pp. December 2003
Rizza, S. F. 2015. Asymmetric Introgression Between Coastal Cutthroat Trout and Steelhead: Variable Introgression by Linkage Group. 72 pp. July 2015
Ransom, B.O. 2007. Extended freshwater rearing of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in northern California streams. 81 pp. December 2007
Poxon, B. 2012. An investigation into the efficiency of observers to visually detect adult salmon spawning in the Prairie Creek Watershed, Humboldt County, California. 52 pp. June 2012
Pittman, R.G. 2011. Minimum stream length requirements for McCloud River redband trout Oncorhynchus mykiss spp in Trout and Tate creeks, Siskiyou County, California. 62 pp. June 2011
Okun, Natalie B. Effects of Large Wood Restoration on Coho Salmon in a Northern California Watershed: A Before-After-Control-Impact Experment. Humboldt State University. December 2021
Naman, S.W. 2008. Predation by hatchery steelhead on natural salmon fry in the upper-Trinity River, California. 66 pp. December 2008
Metheny, M. 2012. Use of Dual Frequency Identification Sonar to estimate salmonid escapement to Redwood Creek, Humboldt County, California. 97 pp. December 2012
McLaughlin, K.D. 2009. Development of a standard weight equation for juvenile steelhead trout and effects of temperature, turbidity, and steelhead trout biomass on relative weight. 63 pp. May 2009
McCoy, B.L. 2008. Effect of rearing location on escapement of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) at Freshwater Creek, California. 41 pp. November 2008
Malakauskas, D. M. 2013. Ecology of Manayunkia Speciosa. 127 pp. May 2013
Loomis, Christopher M. 2019. Density and distribution of piscivorous fishes in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Humboldt State University masters thesis. Arcata, California. July 2019
Kreidler, Nissa. 2020. Species Distribution Models for Three Deep-Sea Coral and Sponge Taxa in the Southern California Bight. Humboldt State University M.S. Thesis., Arcata, CA. December 2020
Kanawi, E.K. 2020. Comparing Environmental DNA and Traditional Monitoring Approaches to Assess the Abundance of Outmigrating Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in California Coastal Streams. M.S. Thesis. Humboldt State University. Arcata, CA. USA. July 2020
Justice, C. 2007. Response of juvenile salmonids to placement of large woody debris in California coastal streams. 121 pp. August 2007
Hodge, B. 2010. Life history variation in Oncorhynchus mykiss from the lower Klamath River basin. 113 pp. July 2010
Gough, S. A. 2010. A comparison of escapement estimate methods plus escapement-recruitment relationships for chinook salmon and coho salmon in a coastal stream. M.S. Thesis, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California. 105 pp. August 2010
Gonzales, E.J. 2006. Diet and prey consumption of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in three northern California streams. 66 pp. December 2006
Frazey, S. L. 2005. The relationship between productivities of salmonids and forest stands in northern California streams. 45 pp. December 2005
Feola, J.E. 2007. Environmental variables influencing downstream migration of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in three northern California streams. 82 pp. August 2007
Engle, R.O. 2005. Distribution and summer survival of juvenile steelhead trout (Oncorphynchus mykiss) in two streams within the King Range National Conservation Area, California. 97 pp. December 2005
Drobny, P. Y. 2016. Influence of body size, intra-and inter-specific salmonid densities, and habitat on overwinter survival of juvenile Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in Prairie Creek, California. 80 pp. May 2016
Dockham, A. S. 2016. Comparison of benthic invertebrate community structure and diet composition of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Dry Creek, California. 80 pp. May 2016
Dick, C. Comparing Molecular Methods to Estimate Fish Stomach Contents and Gastric Evacuation Rates: Implications for Measuring the Impacts of Predation on Central Valley Chinook Salmon. M.Sc thesis. California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt July 2022
Deibner-Hanson, J.D. 2019. Overwinter Survival and Movement of Juvenile Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in Relation to Large Woody Debris and Low-Velocity Habitat in Northern California Streams. MS Thesis. Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA, USA. December 2019
DeYoung, C. 2007. Effects of turbidity on foraging efficiency and growth of salmonids in natural settings. 58 pp. August 2007
Colombano, P. 2012. Response of coastal stream habitat and juvenile steelhead to the Honeydew Fire in Humboldt County, California. 121 pp. December 2012
Coe, Hannah C. 2019. Effects of longline oyster aquaculture on benthic invertebrate communities in Humboldt Bay, California. Humboldt State University masters thesis. Arcata, California. July 2019
Chen, Emily Katherine. 2019. Contribution of juvenile estuarine residency in a bar-built estuary to recruitment of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Humboldt State University masters thesis. Arcata, California. July 2019
Benson, S. 2014. Ceratomyxa Shasta: Timing of Myxospore release from juvenile Chinook Salmon. 68 pp. July 2014
Balas, C.J. 2008. Effects of conservation programs on amphibian communities in seasonal wetlands of the Prairie Pothole Region's glacial plains. June 2008
Ashenfelter, M.J. 2012. Movement of resident rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss transplanted below barriers to anadromy in Freshwater Creek, California. 55 pp. April 2012
Adams, C. A. 2013. Survival and movement of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in the Shasta River, California. 79 pp. December 2013
Technical Publications Publication Date
Wilzbach. M.A. 2016. State of the fisheries and aquatic resources of Prairie Creek. Final Report to Redwood National and State Park, Cooperative Agreement P13AC00848. January 2016
Wilzbach, P., D.M. Malakauskas, S.J. Willson. 2013. Myxozoan Fish Disease Research and Monitoring, Final Project Report. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. January 2013
Wilzbach, P. 2008. Movement of resident trout transplanted below a barrier to anadromy. IN Summary of the Eleventh annual Pacific coast Steelhead Management Meeting. January 2008
Wilzbach, M.A., M.D. Sparkman, P.Y. Drobny, M.E. Gordon, and C.M.G. Boone. 2016. Prairie Creek Monitoring Project, 2015 Season: a report to the Fisheries Restoration Grants Program Project P1210321. 98 pg. February 2016
Wilzbach, M. A. 2005. Using riparian canopy opening and salmon carcass addition to increase salmonid growth. Western Forester, Society of American Foresters 50(2):6-7. March 2005
Williams, T.H., B. Spence, W. Duffy, D. Hillemeier, G. Kautsky, T. Lisle, M. McCain, T. Nickelson, E. Mora, and T. Pearson. 2007. Framework for assessing viability of threatened coho salmon in the southern Oregon/northern California coasts evolutionarily significant units. National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Santa Cruz, CA. February 2007
Williams, T. H., E. P. Bjorkstedt, W. G. Duffy, D. Hillemeir, G. Kautsky, T. Lisle, M. McCain, M. Rhode, R. G. Szerlong, R. Schick, M. Goslin and A. Agrawal. 2006. Historical population structure of coho salmon in the Southern Oregon/Northern California coasts evolutionarily significant unit. U. S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SWFSC-390. October 2006
Williams, T. H., B. C. Spence, W. G. Duffy, D. Hillemeier, G. Kautsky, T. Lisle, M. McCain, T. Nickelson, G. Garman, E. Mora, and T. Pearson. 2008. Framework for assessing viability of threatened coho salmon in the Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast Evolutionarily Significant Unit. U. S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SWFSC (In Press). January 2008
Sparkman, M.D., R. Park, L. Osborn, and M.A.Wilzbach. 2016. Lower Redwood Creek juvenile salmonid (smolt) abundance project, study year 2015: a report to the Fisheries Restoration Grants Program, Project No. P1210322. 85 pp. January 2016
Sparkman, M.D. 2012. Lower Redwood Creek Juvenile salmonid (smolt) abundance project 2004 - 2011 seasons. January 2012
Sparkman, M.D. 2011. Lower Redwood Creek Juvenile salmonid (smolt) abundance project 2004-2010 Seasons October 2011
Moore, T.L. and M.A. Wilzbach. 2016. Distribution and relative abundance of juvenile Coho Salmon in the Redwood Creek Basin, Humboldt County, California. Final report to the California Department of Fish and wildlife Fisheries Restoration Grant Program, Project P1210320. March 2016
Limberg, K., Gibson, J., Haskill, C., Henderson, M., Huynh, Q. 2020. American Shad Benchmark Stock Assessment Peer Review Report. Stock Assessment Report of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. August 2020
Kahara, S.N., Duffy, W., DiGaudio, R. and Records, R. 2012. Climate, Management, and Habitat Associations of Avian Fauna in Restored Wetlands of California's Central Valley, USA. Appraisal of Approaches for the Management of Biodiversity and Life Support Systems. Diversity, ISSN 1424-2818, 23 pp. November 2012
Iglesias I.S., Henderson M.J., Michel C.J., Ammann A.J., and Huff D.D. 2017. Chinook salmon smolt mortality zones and the influence of environmental factors on out-migration success in the Sacramento River Basin. Final report to USFWS - Agreement Number F15PG00146. 30 pgs. April 2017
Hendrickson, G.L., N.E. Campise 2013. Production of Myxospores of Ceratomyxa shasta in Chinook Salmon Carcasses, Final Project Report, Oregon State University. February 2013
Duffy, W.G., M.A. Wilzbach, M. Wheeler and S. Frazey. 2003. Watershed restoration validation monitoring protocols for California. California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento. February 2003
Duffy, W.G. and M.A. Wilzbach. 2004. A standard weight equation for juvenile coho salmon. California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento. July 2004
Duffy, W. G., M. A. Wilzbach, M. Wheeler and S. Frazey. 2003. Watershed restoration validation monitoring protocols for California. California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento. February 2003
Duffy, W. G. and M. A. Wilzbach. 2004. A standard weight equation for juvenile coho salmon. California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento. July 2004