Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: California
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

California Technical Assistance Activities

The Alsea River. Credit: Sarah Beldin, USGS

Description and Agency Provider(s) Date
technical review of proposed restoration alternatives in Prairie Creek, California
Redwood National Park
Wilzbach January 2016
technical review of existing habitat conditions and restoration actions to recover salmon populations in Elk River, California
California Coastal Conservancy
Wilzbach October 2015
reviewed Oregon Department of Environmental Quality protocols for aquatic macroinvertebrate=based assessment of water quality imapirment.
Plum Creek Timber Company
Wilzbach October 2013
Served on steering committee and participated in two workshops to develop a state fish monitoring program in California.
California Dept of Fish and Game, NMFS
Duffy May 2004
Served as member of two NOAA technical recovery teams for ESA listed species, 1) coho salmon in the southern Oregon/northern California ESU and 2) coho salmon in the Oregon Coast ESU.
National Marine Fisheries Service
Duffy July 2004
Served as member of the California state coho salmon recovery team.
California Dept of Fish and Game
Duffy September 2003
Served as Structured Decision Making facilitator for a project to restore the Sutter Bypass in California's Central Valley for anadromous fish passage
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Henderson April 2021
Provide study design for implementing and monitoring salmonids reared in remote site incubators on the Shasta River.
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Som May 2024
Participated in a multi-day workshop to improve salmonid monitoring methods as part of the California Coastal Monitoring Program
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Henderson May 2021
Organized an hosted workshop to develop ideas to combine salmonid monitoring data from multiple sites to improve demographic parameter estimates.
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Henderson July 2021
Member, California Advisory Committee on Salmon and Steelhead
California Dept of Fish and Game
Duffy May 2006
I provided statistical consultation and analysis advice to scientists from the US Fish and Wildlife Service regarding their modeling of juvenile Chinook Salmon habitat evolution over time in the restoration reach of the Trinity River.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Som January 2024
I provided a technical review of the draft CDFW plan to monitor Chinook Salmon from the Sacramento River system using parentage based tagging.
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Som October 2024
I have been attending regular calls regarding Klamath Dam removal operations, water management, and hatchery release timing to inform impacts to salmon regarding various operational and management decision options.
Resource Environmental Solutions
Som July 2024
I applied one of my published models to estimate the amount of Coho Salmon mortality due to Ceratonova shasta infections in the Klamath River in 2023 for calculation of ESA Take Statement related to NOAA's consultation on BOR's Klamath Project.
Bureau of Reclamation
Som January 2024
I applied a newly published Coho Salmon habitat model that I generated to estimate the impacts of various flow scenarios on habitat availability for BOR's water management planning.
Bureau of Reclamation
Som March 2024
Conducted statistical analysis of habitat data collected as part of a Before-After-Control-Impact study to assess impact of large woody debris additions on salmonid population dynamics
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Henderson March 2021
Chair of citizens advisory committee for California coastal watershed and fishery restoration grants.
California Dept of Fish and Game
Duffy November 1999
CDFW (Yreka) needed help analyzing their data associated with rotary screw trap catch efficiencies. I provided technical assistance by performing the statistical modeling and then coding up a computer program to make predictions so they can estimate abundances for their reports.
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Som January 2025
At the request of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department's Native Fish Conservation Coordinator, I reviewed and provided feedback on their electrofishing minimum qualifications and standards document.
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Som March 2024
At the request of CDFW, I provided a review of their draft White sturgeon monitoring plan.
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Som February 2025
At the request of CDFW, I have made site visits and attended meetings associated with the planning and implementation of a RSI - which is a stream-side incubator of hatchery fertilized eggs.
Karuk Tribe
Som June 2024
Applied data logging tags to salmon in northern California ocean waters, and evaluated location of recovered tagged fish in estuaries and rivers with respect to environmental parameters
Wilzbach February 2001
Role - Description Provider         Start Date        End Date       
Member, Search Committee for University staff - Search committee for Fish Hatchery Manager Wilzbach March 2017 August 2017
Member, Search Committee for University staff - Search committee for Administrative Support Coordinator for College Dean Wilzbach July 2017 Present
Member, Institutional Care and Use Committee - To monitor and oversee vertebrate animal use in teaching and research and to help ensure that vertebrates are treated humanely in accordance with state and federal law and policy. We are charged with reviewing and approving all protocols for the use of live animals in teaching or research at Humboldt State University. Wilzbach August 2013 Present
Member, Graduate Advisory Council Wilzbach September 2004 Present
Member, Fisheries Department Curriculum Committee - Reviewed and revised department curriculum. Duffy September 2007 April 2008
Member, College of Natural Resources and Sciences, Graduate Education Committee - Participate in revision of college graduate education requirements Duffy September 2004 May 2005
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
USGS CRU DEIJ committee Henderson August 2021 Present
Member, Watershed Ecology Team Wilzbach January 2000 Present
Member, Watershed Ecology Team Duffy January 2000 Present
Member, Steering Committee, Klamath River Fish Health Wilzbach July 2006 Present
Member, Redwood Creek Pulse Group Wilzbach June 2003 Present
Member, Redwood Creek Pulse Group Duffy June 2003 October 2003
Member, NOAA Technical Recovery Team for Coho Salmon, Southern Oregon-Northern California Duffy July 2004 July 2008
Member, Klamath Science Committee, U.S. Geological Survey Duffy July 2005 Present
Member, California Citizens Advisory Committee on Salmon and Steelhead Duffy May 2004 Present
Member, CA Dept. of Fish & Game, Recovery Team for Coho Salmon Duffy September 2002 Present
Chair, California Dept. of Fish and Game, Watershed Restoration Grants Peer Review Committee Duffy November 1999 Present
California Advisory Committee on Salmon and Steelhead Trout Wilzbach January 2013 Present
Advisor, Watershed Stewards Program Duffy August 2004 June 2007
Outreach Activity Provider(s)        Date       
authored an article describing research of the California Coop Unit on use of eDNA to monitor the endangered Tidewater Goby. The article has appeared in the Feb. edition of the Wildlife Management Institute's Outdoor News Bulletin, on the online forum of The Wildlife Society, and on the homepage as a top story. Wilzbach February 2016
Review of CDFG/HSU salmonid curriculum project for elementary schoolchildren. Duffy May 2005
Presentation on the importance of light and nutrients to salmonid growth, Smith River Advisory Council Wilzbach August 2002
Presentation on salmon biology, Jacoby Creek Elementary School Wilzbach September 2002
Presentation on salmon biology, Jacoby Creek Elementary School Wilzbach October 2006
One hour interview to discuss Klamath River and dam removal on public radio. Duffy June 2008
Jacoby Creek Elementary School salmon presentation Wilzbach October 2006
Half hour interview on public radio regarding status of salmon and their biology Duffy October 2001
Guided Arcata High School students in sampling fish on Jolly Giant Creek for an AP Biology class project. Duffy April 2006
Described Cooperative Unit research activity and threats to salmon. Duffy January 2001
County Science Fair judge Wilzbach March 2003
Contributed to newspaper article covering role of Cooperative Unit in graduate education and student research. Duffy October 2000
Authored editorial on dam removal Duffy May 2008