Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: California
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

California Project

Monitoring Chinook Salmon in Redwood Creek to assess the impacts of a modified estuary

June 2017 - June 2020


Participating Agencies

  • California Department of Fish and Wildlife

The project will provide funds to continue monitoring adult and juvenile salmonids in Redwood Creek, California to provide sufficient data to build a life cycle model for the Chinook Salmon population. The objectives of this project are to: 1. Enumerate total numbers of Chinook returning to spawn in the Redwood Creek basin using DIDSON sonar; 2. conduct spawning ground surveys in Redwood Creek above Prairie Creek to estimate total numbers of redds which are constructed; and 3. install and operate a rotary screw trap in Redwood Creek to monitor the abundance and condition of juvenile salmonids outmigrating from Redwood Creek. Monitoring data will be used to parameterize a life-cycle model to assess the impact of restoration efforts and climate change on the abundance of the Chinook Salmon population in Redwood Creek.