Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: California
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

California Project

Effects of conservation programs on amphibian communities in seasonal wetlands of the Prairie Pothole Region's glaciated plains

August 2005 - June 2008


Participating Agencies

  • Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Human perturbations have altered the health and sustainability of modern ecosystems. In the Prairie Pothole Region of North America, an area of considerable value to wildlife and agriculture, the primary human perturbation has been land development to facilitate agriculture production. In response to concern regarding the fate of fish and wildlife habitat and various ecosystem functions (e.g. water quality, sediment and chemical infiltration, erosion, nutrient transport, floodwater retention, ground-water recharge and biological diversity), private and governmental entities have implemented numerous conservation programs to restore basic ecosystem services within the modern agricultural landscape.

Theses and Dissertations Publication Date
Balas, C.J. 2008. Effects of conservation programs on amphibian communities in seasonal wetlands of the Prairie Pothole Region's glacial plains. June 2008