Oklahoma Research Activities

A core part of our mission, scientists at the Oklahoma Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit conduct research that aid in the conservation and management of natural resources.
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Zimmerman, T. J., and J. A. Jenks, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2006. Gastrointestinal morphology of female white-tailed and mule deer: effects of fire, reproduction, and feeding type. Journal of Mammalogy 87:598-605. | June 2006 |
Zimmerman, T. J., J. A. Jenks, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and R. D. Neiger. 2008. Hepatic minerals of white-tailed deer in the southern Black Hills, South Dakota. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 44:341-350. | May 2008 |
Zhou, Y., Garey A. Fox, Ronald Miller, Robert Mollenhauer, and Shannon K. Brewer. 2018. Groundwater Flux Estimation in Streams: A Thermal Equilibrium Approach. Journal of Hydrology 561:822-832. | July 2018 |
Young, J.K, A.R. Butler, J.D. Holbrook, H. Shamon, and R. C. Lonsinger. 2023. Mesocarnivores of western landscapes in LB McNew, DK Dahlgren, and JL Beck, editors. Rangeland Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-34037-6_16. | Abstract | September 2023 |
Worthington, TA, SK Brewer, TB Grabowski, and J Mueller. 2014. Backcasting the decline of a vulnerable Great Plains reproductive ecotype: Identifying threats and conservation priorities. Global Change Biology 20:89-102. doi: 10.1111/gcb.12329 | January 2014 |
Worthington, TA, SK Brewer, N Farless, TB Grabowski, and MS Gregory. 2014. Factors affecting the transport time of semibuoyant fish eggs in large, altered river systems. PLoS ONE 9(5): e96599. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0096599 | May 2014 |
Worthington, TA, SK Brewer and N Farless. 2013. Spatial and Temporal Variation in Efficiency of the Moore Egg Collector. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:1113-1118. | October 2013 |
Worthington, TA, AE Echelle, JS Perkin, R Mollenhauer, N Farless, J Dyer, D Logue, and SK Brewer. 2018. The emblematic minnows of the North American Great Plains: A synthesis of threats and conservation opportunities. Fish and Fisheries 19:271-307. | January 2018 |
Worthington, T.A., S.K. Brewer, T.B. Grabowski, and J. Mueller.2013. Evaluating the sampling efficiency of the Moore egg collector. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:79-88. | Abstract | Publisher Website | January 2013 |
Worthington, T. A., S. K. Brewer, B. Viex, and J. Keenen. 2019. The accuracy of ecological flow metrics derived using a physics-based distributed rainfall-runoff model in the Great Plains, USA. Ecohydrology https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.2090. . | July 2019 |
Woodward, A. J. W., S. D. Fuhlendorf, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and J. Shackford. 2001. Influence of landscape composition and change on lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) populations. American Midland Naturalist 145:261-274. | April 2001 |
Wolfenkoehler, W., J.M. Long, R. Gary, R.A. Snow, J.D. Schooley, L. A. Bruckerhoff, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2023. Viability of side-scan sonar to enumerate Paddlefish, a large pelagic freshwater fish, in rivers and reservoirs. Fisheries Research 261:106639. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2023.106639 | January 2023 |
Wolf, S., R. Mollenhauer, and S. K. Brewer. 2019. Coldwater periods in warmwater streams: microhabitat shifts from autumn to winter by Smallmouth Bass. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39:1360-1372. | December 2019 |
Winton, B. R., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2004. Density and habitat associations of great horned owls in north-central Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 84:75-77. | March 2005 |
Winton, B. R., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2004. Denisty and habitat associations of barred owls at the edge of their range in Oklahoma. Southeastern Naturalist 3:475-482. | October 2004 |
Winton, B. R., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2003. Nest sites and conservation of endangered interior least terns Sterna antillarum athalassos on an aklaline flat in the south-central Great Plains (USA). Acta Ornithologica 38:135-141. | January 2004 |
Winton, B. R., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1999. Relative abundance and diversity of Ciconiiforms in north-central Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 79:41-44. | November 1999 |
Winton, B. R., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1997. Breeding ecology of American avocets (Recurvirostra americana) in northcentral Oklahoma. Bulletin of the Oklahoma Ornithological Society 30:25-32. | July 1997 |
Winton, B. R., D. M. Leslie, Jr., and J. R. Rupert. 2000. Breeding ecology and management of snowy plovers in north-central Oklahoma. Journal of Field Ornithology 71:573-584. | December 2000 |
Winter, S. L., S. D. Fuhlendorf, C. L. Goad, C. A. Davis, K. R. Hickman, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2011. Fire tolerance of a resprouting Artemisia (Asteraceae) shrub. Plant Ecology 212:2085-2094. | December 2011 |
Winter, S. L. S. D. Fuhlendorf, C. L. Goad, C. A. Davis, K. R. Hickman, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2012. Restoration of the fire-grazing interaction in Artemisia filifolia shrubland. Journal of Applied Ecology 49:242-250. | January 2012 |
Winkelman, D. L., and M. J. Van Den Avyle. 2002. A comparison of diets of blueback herring (Alosa aestivalis) and threadfin shad (Dorosoma petenense) in a large southeastern U. S. reservoir. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 17(2):209-221. | June 2002 |
Williams, K. SK Brewer, and MR Ellersieck.2014. A comparison of two gears for quantifying abundance of lotic-dwelling crayfish. Journal of Crustacean Biology 35:54-60. | January 2014 |
Whittier, J. B., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2009. Survival and movement of chicks of the least tern (Sterna antillarum) on an aklaline flat. Southwestern Naturalist 54:176-181. | April 2009 |
Whittier, J. B., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2005. Efficacy of using radio transmitters to monitor least tern chicks. Wilson Bulletin 117:85-91. | April 2005 |
Whittier, J. B., D. M. Leslie, Jr., and R. A. Van Den Bussche. Genetic variation among subspecies of least tern (Sterna antillarum): implications for conservation. Waterbirds 29:176-184. | July 2006 |
Whittier, J. B., B. R. Winton, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1999. Common nighthawk nesting on an exposed alkaline flat. Bulletin of the Oklahoma Ornithological Society 32:29-31. | November 1999 |
Whitledge, G.W., R.L. Lance, J.M. Long, B. Neely, and J.D. Schooley. 2019. Applications of emerging fisheries techniques for paddlefish. Pages 127-150 in J.D. Schooley and D. Scharnecchia, editors. Paddlefish: Ecological, Aquacultural, and Regulatory Challenges of Managing a Global Resource. American Fisheries Society Symposium 88, Bethesda, MD. | Abstract | July 2019 |
White, K.M., A.M. Cheeseman, J.D. Stafford, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2025. Fine-scale farming features drive resource selection of a small carnivore of conservation concern. Canadian Journal of Zoology 103:1–12. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjz-2024-0096 | Abstract | February 2025 |
White, K. M., J. D. Stafford, and R. C. Lonsinger. 2023 The first documented interaction between a long-tailed weasel (Mustela frenata) and a plains spotted skunk (Spilogale interrupta) carcass. Ecology and Evolution 13(1):e9758. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.9758 | Abstract | Download | January 2023 |
White, K. M., A. M. Cheeseman, J. D. Stafford, and R. C. Lonsinger. 2024. Pasture and diurnal temperature are key predictors of regional Plains Spotted Skunk (Spilogale interrupta) distribution. Journal of Mammalogy 105(6): 1278–1288. https://doi.org/10.1093/jmammal/gyae063 | Abstract | June 2024 |
Weyandt, S. E., R. A. Van Den Bussche, M. J. Hamilton, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2005. Unraveling the effects of sex and dispersal: Ozark big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii ingens) conservation genetics . Journal of Mammalogy 86:1136-1143. | December 2005 |
Wethington, T. A., D. M. Leslie, Jr., M. S. Gregory, and M. K. Wethington. 1997. Vegetational structure and land-use relative to cave selection by endangered Ozark big-eared bats (Corynorhinus townsendii ingens). Southwestern Naturalist 42:177-181. | January 1997 |
Wethington, T. A., D. M. Leslie, Jr., M. S. Gregory, and M. K. Wethington. 1996. Prehibernation habitat use and foraging activity by endangered Ozark big-eared bats (Plecotus townsendii ingens). American Midland Naturalist 135:218-230. | November 1996 |
Webb, R. E., D. M. Leslie, Jr., R. L. Lochmiller, and R. E. Masters. 2005. Impact of food supplementation and methionine on high densities of cotton rats: support of the amino-acid-quality hypothesis? Journal of Mammalogy 86:46-55. | February 2005 |
Webb, R. E., D. M. Leslie, Jr., R. L. Lochmiller, and R. E. Masters. 2003. Immune function and hematology of male cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus) in response to food supplementation and methionine. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, A. Molecular and Integrative Physiology 136:577-589. | November 2003 |
Webb, R. E., D. M. Leslie, Jr., R. L. Lochmiller, and R. E. . 2005. Impact of food supplementation and methionine on high densities of cotton rats: support of the amino-acid-quality hypothesis? Journal of Mammalogy 86:46-55. | February 2005 |
Webb, R. E., D. M. Leslie, Jr., R. L. Lochmiller, and R. E. . 2003. Immune function and hematology of male cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus) in response to food supplementation and methionine. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, A. Molecular and Integrative Physiology 136:577-589. | November 2003 |
Walter, W.D., and D.M. Leslie, Jr. 2009. Stable isotope ratio analysis to differentiate temporal diets of a free-ranging herbivore. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 23(14): 2190−2194 | October 2009 |
Walter, W. D., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2002. Harvest strategies and numbers of elk (Cervus elaphus) in Oklahoma, 1987-2201. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 82:89-94. | March 2003 |
Walter, W. D., T. J. Zimmerman, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and J. A. Jenks. 2009. Dietary response of sympatric deer to fire using stable isotope analysis of liver tissue. Wildlife Biology in Practice 5:128-135. | December 2009 |
Walter, W. D., R. L. Bryant, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2005. Unusual documentation of elk behaviors using automated cameras. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 85:81-83. | January 2006 |
Walter, W. D., D. M. Leslie, Jr., and J. A. Jenks. 2006. Response of Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus) to wind-power development. American Midland Naturalist 156:363-375. | December 2006 |
Walter, W. D., D. M. Leslie, Jr., J. H. Herner-Thogmartin, K. G. Smith, and M. E. Cartwright. 2005. Efficacy of immobilizing free-ranging elk with Telazol and xylazine hydrochloride using tranmitter-equipped darts. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 41:395-400. | June 2005 |
Walter, W. D., D. M. Leslie, Jr., E. C. Hellgren, and D. M. Engle. 2010. Identification of subpopulations of North American elk (Cervus elaphus) using multiple lines of evidence: habitat use, dietary choice, and fecal stable isotopes. Ecological Research 25:789-800. | March 2010 |
Walter, W. D. and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2009. Stable isotope ratio analysis to differentiate temporal diets of a free-ranging herbivore. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 23:2190–2194. | May 2009 |
Walsh, M. G., D. B. Fenner, D. L. Winkelman. 2002 Comparison of an electric seine and prepositioned area electrofishers for sampling stream fish communities. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 22:77-85. | February 2002 |
Turnley, M. T. , T. A. Hughes, R. T. Larsen, K. R. Hersey, M. S. Broadway, M. C. Chitwood, W. S. Fairbanks, R. C. Lonsinger, and B. R. McMillan. 2024. A fine-scale examination of parturition timing in temperate ungulates. Ecology and Evolution 14(7): e11703. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.11703 | Abstract | July 2024 |
Tringali, M.D., J.M. Long, T.W. Birdsong, and M.S. Allen, editors. 2015. Black bass diversity: multidisciplinary science for conservation. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 82, Bethesda, Maryland. | February 2015 |
Townsend, D. E., II, R. L. Lochmiller, S. J. DeMaso, D. M. Leslie, Jr., A. D. Peoples, S. A. Cox, and E. S. Parry. 1999. Using supplemental food and its influence on survival of northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus). Wildlife Society Bulletin 27:1074-1081. | November 1999 |
Townsend, D. E., II, R. E., R. L. Lochmiller, D. M. Leslie, Jr., S. J. De Maso, and A. D. Peoples. 2001. Characteristics of nest sites of northern bobwhites in western Oklahoma. Journal of Range Management 54:260-264. | March 2001 |
Townsend, D. E., II, R. E. Masters, R. L. Lochmiller, D. M. Leslie, Jr., S. J. De Maso, and A. D. Peoples. 2001. Characteristics of nest sites of northern bobwhites in western Oklahoma. Journal of Range Management 54:260-264. | March 2001 |
Townsend, D. E., II, D. M. Leslie, Jr., R. L. Lochmiller, S. J. DeMaso, S. A. Cox, and A. D. Peoples. 2003. Fitness costs and benefits associated with dispersal of northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus). American Midland Naturalist 150:73-82. | July 2003 |
Torolski, H.M., J.M. Long, R.C. Lonsinger, and L.A. Bruckerhoff. 2025. New distributional record of the federally threatened Rabbitsfoot mussel (Theliderma cylindrica cylindrica) in Oklahoma. Southeastern Naturalist 24: N1-N8. | January 2025 |
Thomas A. Worthington, Zhang, Tianjiao , Daniel R. Logue, Aaron R. Mittelstet, and Shannon K. Brewer. 2016. Landscape and flow metrics affecting the distribution of a federally-threatened fish: Improving management, model fit, and model transferability. Ecological Modelling 342 (2016) 1–18 | Abstract | October 2016 |
Taylor, AT, MR Bangs, and JM. Long. 2021. Sibship reconstruction from single-nucleotide polymorphisms illuminates the scope of a cryptic aquatic species invasion. Biological Invasions 23:569-580. doi:10.1007/s10530-020-02384-5 | November 2020 |
Taylor, A.T., T. Hafen, C.T. Holley, A. Gonzalez, and J.M. Long. 2020. Spatial sampling bias and model complexity in stream-based species distribution models: a case study of Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) in the Arkansas River basin, U.S.A. Ecology and Evolution 10:705-717. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.5913 | January 2020 |
Taylor, A.T., M.D. Tringali, and J.M. Long. 2025. Impoundments facilitate invasion, introgression, and fragmentation: case studies of black basses (Micropterus spp.) in southeastern U.S. streams. PLoS ONE 20(2): e0315620. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0315620. | Download |
February 2025 |
Taylor, A.T., M.D. Tringali, S.M. Sammons, T.R. Ingram, P.M. O'Rouke, D.L. Peterson, and J.M. Long. 2018. Genetic population structure of Shoal Bass within their native range. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38:549-564. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10048 | Abstract |
June 2018 |
Taylor, A.T., M.D. Tringali, P.M. O'Rouke, and J.M. Long. 2018. Shoal Bass hybridization in the Chattahoochee River Basin near Atlanta, Georgia. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 5:1-9. | Abstract | Publisher Website | April 2018 |
Taylor, A.T., M. Papes, and J.M. Long. 2018. Incorporating fragmentation and non-native species into distribution models to inform fluvial fish conservation. Conservation Biology 32:171-182. doi.org/10.1111/cobi.13024 | Publisher Website | January 2018 |
Taylor, A.T., J.M. Long, R.A. Snow, and M.J. Porta. 2020. Hybridization and population genetics of Alligator Gar in Lake Texoma. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:544-554. | June 2020 |
Taylor, A.T., J.M. Long, M.T. Tringali, and B.L Barthel. 2019. Conservation of black bass diversity: an emerging management paradigm. Fisheries 44:20-36. DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10187 | January 2019 |
Taylor, A.T., J.M. Long, M.R. Schwemm, and S.K. Brewer. 2018. Hybridization and Genetic Structure of Neosho Smallmouth Bass in the Ozark Highlands. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38:1226-1240 DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10225 | October 2018 |
Taylor, A.T., H. von Schmeling, and J.M. Long. 2018. Photographs of Wading Bird Depredation Update Invasion Extent of Asian Swamp Eel (Monopterus albus). Southeastern Naturalist 17:N72-N76. | November 2018 |
Taylor, A.T., A.M. Peeper, B. Chapagain, O. Joshi, and J.M. Long. 2022. Modern reporting methods for angler tag-return studies: trends in data quality, choice of method, and future consideration. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42:189-199. DOI: 10.1002/nafj.10738 | January 2022 |
Taylor, A.T. and J.M. Long. 2018. Genetic Integrity, Population Status, and Long-Term Viability of Isolated Populations of Shoal Bass in the Upper Chattahoochee River Basin, Georgia. Natural Resource Report NPS/CRNA/NRR--2018/1620. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24645.55528 | Publisher Website | July 2018 |
Taylor, A., J.M. Long, M.R. Schwemm, M.D. Tringali, and S.K. Brewer. 2016. Identification of Neosho Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu velox) Stocks for Possible Introduction into Grand Lake, Oklahoma. Final Report to Environmental Department, The Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series 121-2016. | Publisher Website | September 2016 |
Taylor, A. T., and J. M. Long. 2022. Assessment of invasion extent of Asian Swamp Eels in ponds and backwater marshes adjacent to the Chattahoochee River, with consideration of management and control strategies. Natural Resource Report NPS/CHAT/NRR—2022/2357. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. | February 2022 |
Sévêque, A., R. C. Lonsinger, L. P. Waits, and D. J. Morin. Accepted. Spatial close-kin mark-recapture models applied to terrestrial species with continuous natal dispersal. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 16: 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.14490 | Abstract | February 2025 |
Sévêque, A., R. C. Lonsinger, L. P. Waits, K. E. Brzeski, L. M. Komoroske, C. N. Ott-Conn, S. L. Mayhew, D. C. Norton, T. R. Petroelje, J. D. Swenson, and D. J. Morin. In Review. Sources of bias in applying close-kin mark–recapture to terrestrial game species with different life histories. Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.4244 | Abstract | January 2024 |
Stewart, DR, JM Long, and DE Shoup. 2016. Simulation Modeling to Explore the Effects of Length-Based Harvest Regulations for Ictalurus Fisheries. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36:1190-1204. DOI: 10.1080/02755947.2016.1204391 | Abstract | Publisher Website | September 2016 |
Stewart, DR, JM Long, and DE Shoup. 2015. Spatial structuring within a reservoir fish population: implications for management. Marine and Freshwater Research 66:202-212. | Abstract | October 2014 |
Stewart, D.R., T. Hafen, D.A. Hendrickson, A.T. Taylor, A. Varela-Romero, D.H. Mason, J.C. Dysthe, T.W. Franklin, M.K. Young, K.S. McKelvey, M.K. Schwartz, and J.M. Long. 2024. Development and application of environmental DNA (eDNA) markers to assess factors affecting occupancy of the endangered Yaqui Catfish and non-native Channel Catfish in the Yaqui River basin, Mexico. Endangered Species Research 53:569-586. https://doi.org/10.3354/esr01320 | April 2024 |
Stewart, D.R. and J.M. Long. 2016. Using an experimental manipulation to determine the effectiveness of a stock enhancement program. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 31:37-52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02705060.2015.1021715 | Abstract | March 2015 |
Stewart, D.R. and J.M. Long. 2012. Precision of channel catfish catch estimates using hoop nets in larger Oklahoma reservoirs. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:1108-1112. | Abstract | October 2012 |
Stewart, D.R. and J.M. Long. 2016. Using hierarchical Bayesian multi-species mixture models to estimate tandem hoop-net based habitat associations and detection probabilities of fishes in reservoirs. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 145:450-461. DOI: 10.1080/00028487.2016.1143395 | Abstract | April 2016 |
Stewart, D.R. and J.M. Long. 2015. Growth and contribution of stocked channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818); the importance of measuring post-stocking performance. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 31:695-703. doi:10.1111/jai.12797. | Abstract | May 2015 |
Stewart, D.R. and J.M. Long. 2011. Mass-marking Channel Catfish Fingerlings by Immersion in Oxytetracycline. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 91, 31-36. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | September 2012 |
Starks, T.A., M.L. Miller, and J.M. Long. 2016. Early Life History of Three Pelagic-Spawning Minnows (Macrhybopsis Spp.) in the Lower Missouri River. Journal of Fish Biology 88:1335-1349. doi:10.1111/jfb.12892 | February 2016 |
Starks, T.A., J.M. Long, and A.R. Dzialowski. 2016. Community structure of age-0 fishes in paired mainstem and created shallow-water habitats in the lower Missouri River. River Research and Applications 32:753-762. doi:10.1002/rra.2891 | January 2015 |
Starks, T.A. and J.M. Long. 2017. Trophic responses of age-0 fishes in created habitats of the lower Missouri River. American Midland Naturalist 178:112-122. | July 2017 |
Stark, R. C., S. F. Fox, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2005. Male Texas horned lizards increase daily movements and area covered in spring: a mate searching strategy? Journal of Herpetology 39:169-173. | February 2005 |
Stancill, W. J., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1990. Evaluation of waterfowl survey techniques on an Oklahoma reservoir. Wildlife Society Bulletin 18:370-377. | August 1990 |
Stancill, W. J., R. F. Raskevitz, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1988. Species composition of a mixed ardeid colony on Grand Lake, Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 68:69-70. | October 1988 |
Stancill, W. J., D. M. Leslie, Jr., and R. F. Raskevitz. 1989. Waterfowl production on Grand Lake and associated wetlands in northeastern Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 69:33-37. | July 1990 |
Soper, R. B., R. L. Lochmiller, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and D. M. Engle. 1993. Nutritional quality of browse in response to brush management on Cross Timbers rangeland. Journal of Range Management 46:399-410. | October 1993 |
Soper, R. B., R. L. Lochmiller, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and D. M. Engle. 1993. Condition and diet quality of white-tailed deer in response to vegetation management in central Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 73:53-61. | November 1993 |
Snow, RA, JM Long, and BD Frenette. 2017. Validation of daily increments periodicity in otoliths ofSpotted Gar. Journal of the Southeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 4:60-65. | Abstract | June 2017 |
Snow, RA and JM Long. 2015. Estimating spawning times of Alligator Gar (Atractosteus spatula) in Lake Texoma, Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 95:46-53. | June 2016 |
Snow, R.A., M.J. Porta, and J.M. Long. 2018. Precision of four otolith techniques for estimating age of white perch from a thermally altered reservoir. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38:725-733. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10069 | June 2018 |
Snow, R.A., J.M. Long, and M.J. Porta. 2020. Marking otoliths of Alligator Gar by immersion in oxytetracycline. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:669-674. | June 2020 |
Snow, R.A., J.M. Long, and C.P. Patterson. 2016. A comparison of lead lengths for mini-fyke nets to sample age-0 gar species in Lake Texoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 96:28-35. | January 2017 |
Snow, R.A., D.R. Stewart, M.J. Porta, and J.M. Long. 2020. Feeding ecology of age-0 gar at Lake Texoma inferred from analysis of stable isotopes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:638-650. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10436 | June 2020 |
Snow, R.A. and J.M. Long. 2017. Otolith marking of juvenile Shortnose Gar by immersion in oxytetracycline. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37:724-728. | June 2017 |
Snow, R.A. and J.M. Long. 2016. Effects of a Growth Check on Daily Age Estimates of Age-0 Alligator Gar. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 3:6-10. | March 2016 |
Snavely, B.M., and R.C. Lonsinger. 2023. The Factors Affecting Female Black Bear Harvest Rates in Pennsylvania. Final Report to the Pennsylvania Game Commission: Cooperative Agreement #4000024645. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS-150-2023, Washington, D. C. https://doi.org/10.3996/css88880882 . | July 2023 |
Smith, S. J., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2006. Pteropus livingstonii. Mammalian Species 792:1-5. | August 2006 |
Smith, S. J., D. M. Leslie, Jr., M. J. Hamilton, J. B. Lack, and R. A. Van Den Bussche. 2008. Subspecific affinities and conservation genetics of western big-eared bats (Corynorhinus townsendii pallescens) at the edge of their distributional range. Journal of Mammalogy 89:799-814 | August 2008 |
Simmonds, R. L., Jr., A. V. Zale, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2000. Modeled effects of double-crested cormorant predation on simulated reservoir sport and forage fish populations in Oklahoma. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:180-191. | January 2000 |
Simmonds, R. L., Jr., A. V. Zale, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1997. Physical and biological factors affecting seasonal duoble-crested cormorant densities on Oklahoma reservoirs. Colonial Waterbirds 20:31-40. | January 1997 |
Simmonds, R. L., Jr., A. V. Zale, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1996. Double-crested cormorant depredation of catfish at aquaculture facilities in Oklahoma. Proceedings of the 12TH Great Plains Wildlife Damage Control Workshop 12:34-37. | October 1996 |
Shipman, P. A., S. F. Fox, R. E. Thill, J. P. Phelps, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2004. Reptile communities under diverse forest management in the Ouachita Mountains, Arkansas. Pages 174-182 in Ouachita and Ozark Mountains symposium: ecosystem management research (J. M. Guldin, tech. comp. ). U. S. Forest Service General Technical Report SRS-74. 321 pp. | April 2004 |
Shaw, J. H., W. McAbee, T. S. Carter, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1993. Assessment of black-tailed prairie dog colonies for reintroduction of black-footed ferrets in western Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 73:47-52. | October 1993 |
Shamon, Hila. Et Al. 2024. Snapshot USA 2021: A third coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States - first trends. Ecology.doi.org/10.1002/ecy.4318 | Abstract | Download | May 2024 |
Shackford, J. S., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2000. Status of breeding mountain plovers (Charadrius mountanus) on cultivated landscapes in western Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 80:47-51. | December 2000 |
Shackford, J. S., D. M. Leslie, Jr., and W. D. Harden. 1999. Range-wide use of cultivated fields by mountain plovers during the breeding season. Journal of Field Ornithology 70:114-120. | March 1999 |
Seguy, L. and J.M. Long. 2021. Perceived ecological threats and economic benefits of non-native black bass in the United States. Fisheries 46:56-65. DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10520 | November 2020 |
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Bruckerhoff, L.A., C. A. Pennock, and K.B. Gido. 2021. Do fine-scale experiments underestimate predator consumption rates?. Journal of Animal Ecology. doi:0.1111/1365-2656.13549 | Abstract | Publisher Website | May 2021 |
Brewer, SK, and TB Grabowski. 2013. Evaluating the reproductive success of Arkansas River shiner by assessing early life-history stage dispersal and survival at the landscape level. Final report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative (FWS agreement number F11AP00112) | June 2013 |
Brewer, SK, TA Worthington, R Mollenhauer, DR Stewart, RA McManamay, L Guertault, and D Williams. 2018. Synthesizing models useful for ecohydrology and ecohydraulic approaches: An emphasis on integrating models to address complex research questions. Ecohydrology | April 2018 |
Brewer, SK and WC Musselman. 2014. Habitat use and movement by fishes using shallow-water habitats in three scenic rivers in Oklahoma. Final report to Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation | July 2014 |
Brewer, SK and JJ Dyer. 2014. The impacts of flow alterations to crayfishes in southeastern Oklahoma, with an emphasis on the mena crayfish. Final Report to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. | June 2014 |
Brewer, SK and DJ Orth. 2015. Species conservation profile of the Smallmouth Bass Micropterus dolomieu. Pages 35-41 in Tringali, M. D., M. S. Allen, T. Birdsong, and J. M. Long, editors. Black Bass Diversity: Multidisciplinary Science for Conservation. Proceedings of the Symposium Black Bass Diversity: Multidisciplinary Science for Conservation. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 82, Bethesda, Maryland. | June 2015 |
Brewer, S.K., McManamay, R.A., Miller, A.D. et al. Advancing environmental flow science: developing frameworks for altered landscapes and integrating efforts across disciplines. Environmental Management (2016) 58: 175-192. doi:10.1007/s00267-016-0703-5 | May 2016 |
Brewer, S.K. and M.R. Ellersieck. 2011. Evaluating two observational sampling techniques for determining the distribution and detection probability of age-0 smallmouth bass in clear, warmwater streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 31: 894-904. | November 2011 |
Brewer, S.K. and M.M. Davis. 2014. Preliminary testing of flow-ecology hypotheses developed for the GCP LCC Region. .S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS-108-2014, Washington, D.C. | May 2014 |
Brewer, S.K. and J.M. Long. 2015. Biology and ecology of genetically distinct Neosho and Ouachita smallmouth bass. Pages 281-296 in Tringali, M.D., J.M. Long, T.W. Birdsong, and M.S. Allen, editors. Black bass diversity: multidisciplinary science for conservation. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 82, Bethesda, Maryland. | Abstract | February 2015 |
Brewer, S.K. and J. Powers. 2015. Developing a multiple spatial scale model to predict the distribution of Oklahoma's freshwater mussel assemblages with an emphasis on the small rivers of southeastern Oklahoma. Final Report to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. | April 2015 |
Brewer, S.K. and C.F. Rabeni. 2011. Interactions between natural-occurring landscape conditions and land use influencing the abundance of riverine smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68:1922-1933. | November 2011 |
Brewer, S.K. 2014. Smallmouth Bass. Kansas Fishes. University Press of Kansas | July 2014 |
Brewer, S.K. 2013. Groundwater influences on the distribution and abundance of riverine smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu, in pasture landscapes of the Midwestern United States. River Research and Applications 29: 269–278 | Publisher Website | September 2013 |
Brewer, S.K. 2013. Channel unit use by smallmouth bass: Do land-use constraints or quantity of habitat matter? North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:351-358. | July 2013 |
Brewer, S.K. 2011. Patterns of young-of-year smallmouth bass microhabitat use in multiple stream segments with contrasting land uses. Fisheries Management and Ecology 18:506-512. | Publisher Website | September 2011 |
Brewer, S. K., D. Shoup, and J. Datillo. 2018. Incorporating an approach to aid river and reservoir fisheries in an altered landscape. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS-129-2018, Washington, D.C. | March 2018 |
Brewer, S. K., B. Brown, T. A. Worthington, R. Mollenhauer, A. Rodger, M. Skoog, and J. Burroughs. 2019. First summer survival and channel unit habitat use by the Neosho subspecies of Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu velox). Pages 21-37 in Managing Centrarchid Fisheries. American Fisheries Society Symposium, Bethesda. | January 2019 |
Brewer, S. K. and R. Mollenhauer. 2017. Standardized methods for sampling Oklahoma streams. Cooperators Science Series | October 2017 |
Brandt, D., J.D. Wormington, J.M. Long, W.W. Hoback, and B.H. Noden. 2019. Differences in mosquito communities in six cities in Oklahoma. Journal of Medical Entomology. doi: 10.1093/jme/tjz039 | April 2019 |
Bowyer, R. T., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1999. Dall's sheep, Ovis dalli. Pages 350-351 in The Smithsonian book of North American mammals (D. E. Wilson and S. Ruff, eds. ). Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D. C. 816 pp. | May 1999 |
Bowyer, R. T., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1993. Ovis dalli. Mammalian Species 393:1-7. | February 1992 |
Bowyer, R. T., D. M. Leslie, Jr., and J. L. Rachlow. 2000. Dall's and Stone's sheep. Pp. 491-516 in Ecology and management of large mammals in North America (S. Demarais and P. R. Krausman, eds. ). Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. 778 pp. | January 2000 |
Boren, J. C., R. L. Lochmiller, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1996. Relation of serum and muscle free amino acids to dietary protein in the northern bobwhite. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 76:55-65. | January 1996 |
Boren, J. C., R. L. Lochmiller, J. F. Boggs, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1993. Gastrointestinal helminths of eastern woodrat populations in central Oklahoma. Southwestern Naturalist 38:146-149. | January 1993 |
Boren, J. C., R. L. Lochmiller, J. F. Boggs, S. T. McMurry, D. M. Leslie, Jr., D. M. Engle, and H. E. Jordan. 1993. Responses of intestinal nematodes in white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) populations to rangeland modification. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 73:39-44. | February 1993 |
Boren, J. C., R. L. Lochmiller, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and D. M. Engle. 1995. Amino acid concentrations in seed of preferred forages of bobwhites. Journal of Range Management 48:141-144. | January 1995 |
Boren, J. C., R. L. Lochmiller, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and D. M. Engle. 1993. Long-term effects of woody vegetation management on seasonal body condition of northern bobwhite. Journal of Range Management 46:520-523. | March 1993 |
Boggs, J. F., S. T. McMurry, D. M. Leslie, Jr., D. M. Engle, and R. L. Lochmiller. 1991. Influence of habitat modification on the community of gastrointestinal helminths of cotton rats. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27:584-593. | February 1991 |
Boggs, J. F., S. T. McMurry, D. M. Leslie, Jr., D. M. Engle, and R. L. Lochmiller. 1990. Parasitism of cottontail rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus) by Obeliscoides cuniculi in response to habitat modification in the Cross Timbers of Oklahoma. Journal of the Helminthological Society of Washington 57:146-152. | February 1990 |
Boggs, J. F., S. T. McMurry, D. M. Leslie, Jr., D. M. Engle, and R. L. Lochmiller. 1990. Influence of habitat modification on the intestinal helminth community ecology of cottontail rabbit populations. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 26:157-169. | January 1990 |
Boggs, J. F., R. L. Lochmiller, S. T. McMurry, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and D. M. Engle. 1991. Cuterebra infections in small-mammal communities as influenced by herbicide and fire. Journal of Mammalogy 71:322-327. | March 1991 |
Bissonette, J. A., C. S. Loftin, D. M. Leslie, Jr., L. A. Nordstrom, and W. J. Fleming. 2000. The cooperative research unit program and wildlife education: historic development, future challenges. Wildlife Society Bulletin 28:534-541. | November 2000 |
Birdsong, T.W. and 19 co-authors. 2015. Native Black Bass Initiative: Implementing Watershed-Scale Approaches to Conservation of Endemic Black Bass and Other Native Fishes in the Southern United States. Pages 363-378 in Tringali, M.D., J.M. Long, T.W. Birdsong, and M.S. Allen, editors. Black bass diversity: multidisciplinary science for conservation. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 82, Bethesda, Maryland. | Abstract | February 2015 |
Barstow, A., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. Leopardus braccatus (Carnivora: Felidae). Mammalian Species 44(891):16-25. | April 2012 |
Barrett, D. A., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2012. Spatio-temporal variations in age structures of a partially re-established poulation of northern river otters (Lontra canadensis). American Midland Naturalist 168:302-314. | October 2012 |
Barrett, D. A., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2010. Contemporary distribution of northern river otters in Oklahoma, with 7 new county records. Occasional Papers, Museum of Texas Tech University 294:1-13. | Publisher Website | July 2010 |
Barko, V. A., J. H. Shaw, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1999. Birds associated with black-tailed prairie dog colonies in southern shortgrass prairie. Southwestern Naturalist 44:484-489. | November 1999 |
Bales-Lyda, S., E. C. Hellgren, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2008. Diurnal habitat selection and home-range size of female black bears in the Ouachita Mountains of Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 87:55-64. | June 2008 |
Bales, S. L., E. C. Hellgren, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and J. Hemphill, Jr. 2005. Dynamics of a recolonizing population of black bears in the Ouachita Mountains of Oklahoma. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33:1342-1351. | April 2006 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Zimmerman, T. J., J. T. Kanta, J. A. Jenks, R. W. Klaver, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and E. L. Childers. 4 December 2006. Yearling bighorn sheep movement from Badlands National Park: occasional sally or dispersal? Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Omaha, NE. | December 2006 |
Zimmerman, T. J., J. A. Jenks, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 9 March 2005. Dietary overlap and carrying capacity indices of mule deer, white-tailed deer, and cattle in the southern Black Hills. Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Brookings, SD. | March 2005 |
Zimmerman, T. J., J. A. Jenks, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 9 March 2004. Deer condition and vegetation response to fire in the southern Black Hills, South Dakota. Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Brookings, SD. | March 2004 |
Zimmerman, T. J., J. A. Jenks, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 21 September 2004. Effect of fire on the nutritional ecology of deer in the southern Black Hills, South Dakota. 11th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. | September 2004 |
Zimmerman, T. J., J. A. Jenks, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 16 June 2004. Variation in gastrointestinal morphology of deer: effects of fire, year, and season. 84TH Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Arcata, CA. | June 2004 |
Zimmerman, T. J., J. A. Jenks, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 13 May 2004. Deer condition and vegetation response to fire in the southern Black Hills, South Dakota. U.S. Geological Survey EROS Data Center Seminar, Sioux Falls, SD. | May 2004 |
Zimmerman, T. J., J. A. Jenks, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 10 March 2005. Variation in gastrointestinal morphology of white-tailed deer and mule deer in the southern Black Hills. Black Hills Fire Ecology and Botany Workshop, Rapid City, SD. | March 2005 |
Zimmerman, T. J., J. A. Jenks, R. W. Klaver, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 25 June 2008. Evaluation of an augmentation of bighorn sheep in Badlands National Park, South Dakota. 88th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Brookings, SD. | June 2008 |
Zimmerman, T. J., J. A. Jenks, R. W. Klaver, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and E. L. Childers. 4 April 2006. Use of digital elevation data to predict bighorn sheep habitat at Badlands National Park. 15th Biennial Symposium of the Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council, Banff, Alberta, Canada. | April 2006 |
Zhang, T., DE Storm, A Mittelstet, SK Brewer, TA Worthington, and L. Gang. 2014.ALtered flow regime influences the distribution of Arkansas River Shiner. OK Governor's Water Conference | October 2014 |
Zhang, T., D.E. Storm, A. Mittlestet, and S.K. Brewer. 2014. Evaluating the Relationship between Historical Flow Regime and Declining Abundance and Distribution of Arkansas River Shiner, 23rd Annual Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds Association, April 1-3, 2014, Stillwater, OK | April 2014 |
Zentner, D., Shannon K. Brewer, and Dan Shoup. 2019. Age and growth of Catistomids in the Ozark Highlands. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa. | February 2019 |
Zentner, D., S. K. Brewer, and D. Shoup. 2020. Practicality of non-lethal aging structures for catostomids. Annual Meeting of the Natural Resources Conference, Norman. | February 2020 |
Zentner, D., Brewer, S. K. and D. Shoup. 2020. Assessment of the nil-recapture model to estimate minimum population size. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Little Rock. | February 2020 |
Worthington, TA, SK Brewer, AS Vowles, and PS Kemp. 2014. The role of discharge and channel complexity on the downstream transport of semibuoyant fish eggs. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec. | August 2014 |
Worthington, T.A., T.B. Grabowski, and S.K. Brewer. 2013. Conservation implications of shrinking distributions: an example using Arkansas River shiner. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds, Stillwater. | April 2013 |
Worthington, T.A., T. Grabowski, and S.K. Brewer. 2014. Combing GIS Data and Species Distribution Models to Highlight the Role of Landscape Scale Factors in the Decline of an Endemic Great Plains Cyprinid. 1) Sixth International Symposium on GIS/Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences, Tampa | August 2014 |
Worthington, T.A., S.K. Brewer and T.G. Grabowski. 2013. Using species distribution models to understand the deline of a Great Plains cyprinid: conseravtion implications for the Arkansas River shiner. Annual Symposium of the U.S. Chapter of the International Association of Landscape Ecologists, Austin. | April 2013 |
Worthington TA, SK Brewer, TB Grabowski. Using species distribution models to predict factors related to the historical and current decline of a federally-threatened fish species. 2012 US Regional Association of the International Association for Landscape Biology Annual Symposium. Newport, RI. 8-12 April 2012. | April 2012 |
Woodward, J. W., S. D. Fuhlendorf, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and J. Shackford. 26 April 2002. Mutlti-scale effects of landscape patterns on lesser prairie-chicken populations in agricultural landscapes. U.S. International Assocaition of Landscape Ecologists, Lincoln, NE. | April 2002 |
Woodward, A. J., S. D. Fuhlendorf, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 28 February 1999. Landscape-level evaluation of the impacts of changes in land use on lesser prairie chicken habitat. Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management, Omaha, NE. | February 1999 |
Woodward, A. J., S. D. Fuhlendorf, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 10 September 1999. Landscape-level evaluation of the lesser prairie chicken. 6TH Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Austin, TX. | September 1999 |
Wolfenkoehler, W., J.M. Long, R. Gary, R. Snow, J. Schooley, R.C. Lonsinger, and L.A. Bruckerhoff. 2024. Utility of side-scan and down-scan sonar for monitoring a spawning population of Paddlefish in a riverine environment. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watershed-Oklahoma Chapter American Fisheries Society joint annual meeting, Stillwater, Oklahoma. | April 2024 |
Wolfenkoehler, W., J.M. Long, R. Gary, R. Snow, J. Schooley, R. Lonsinger, and L. Bruckerhoff. 2024 Utility of side-scan and down-scan sonar for monitoring Paddlefish. North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society annual meeting, Mobile, AL. | October 2024 |
Wolfenkoehler, W. and J.M. Long. 2025. Side scan sonar: past, present, and future uses for data collection in the aquatic environment. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watershed Annual Conference, Stillwater. | April 2025 |
Wolf, S., R. Mollenhauer, and S. K. Brewer. 2019. Movement and survival of Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in an Ozark stream. Annual Meeting of the Southeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. | October 2019 |
Wolf, S., R. Mollenhauer, E. Tanner, and S. Brewer. 2018. Seasonal Habitat Selection by Fishes in Ozark Streams. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City. | August 2018 |
Wolf, S., R. Mollenhauer, E. Tanner, S. Fuhlendorf, and S.K. Brewer. 2019. Seasonal Microhabitat Selection by Native Fishes in Ozark streams. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa. | February 2019 |
Wolf, S., E. Tanner, S. Fuhlendorf, R. Mollenhauer, and S. Brewer. 2019. Practical Tool or Shiny Penny? Using Fiber-optic Distributed Temperature Sensing to Improve Evaluations of Temperature Selection by Stream Fishes. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Galveston. | January 2019 |
Wolf, S., E. Tanner, R. Mollenhauer, S. Fuhlendorf, and S. K. Brewer. 2018. Determining the Temperature Selection Patterns of Native Stream Fishes in an Ozark Stream. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa, OK. | February 2018 |
Winton, B. R., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 26 October 2002. Comparison of habitat improvements for least terns on national wildlife refuges in Oklahoma and California. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Ornithological Society, Claremore, OK. | October 2002 |
Winter, S., S. Fudlendorf, C. A. Davis, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 19 October 2007. Use of prescribed fire on sand sagebrush at the Hal and Fern Cooper Wildlife Management Area. Joint Meeting of the Bollenbach Wildlife Symposium and Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Woodward, OK. | October 2007 |
Winter, S., E. Dozon, S. Fuhlendorf, C. A. Davis, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 29 October 2008. Patch-burn grazing research in sand sagebrush prairie of northwestern Oklahoma. Joint Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapters of The Wildlife Society and Society for Range Management, Lawton, OK. | October 2008 |
Winter, S. L., S. D. Fuhlendorf, and �D. M. Leslie, Jr. 13 February 2007. Structure and density of Oklahoma sand sagebrush in a patch-burn environment. Annual Meeting of the Society of Range Management, Reno, NV. | February 2007 |
Winter, S. L., S. D. Fuhlendorf, C. A. Davis, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 21 February 2008. Heterogeneity in sand sage prairie: the influence of fire and grazing in an already heterogeneous landscape. Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management, Louisville, KY. | February 2008 |
Winter, S. L., K. R. Hickman, S. D. Fuhlendorf, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 20 April 2007. Biomass allocation of a prairie forb in a patch-burn landscape. 54th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Stephenville, TX. | April 2007 |
Winkelman, D.L. and C. Sager. 17 June 2003. Managing Hybrid Bluegill Fisheries: estimating and predicting the effects of young anglers. American Fisheries Society Symposia: Propagated Fish in Resource Management. Boise, Idaho | June 2003 |
Winkelman, D. L., M. G. Walsh, and D. B. Fenner. 20 August 2000. Electrofishing techniques and strategies for sampling small midwestern streams. 130th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, St. Louis, MO. | August 2000 |
Winkelman D.L. 23 February 2002. An historical perspective of age and size structure of flathead catfish in Lake Carl Blackwell, OK. Annual mid-year meeting of the American Fisheries Society Soutern Division. Little Rock, AR. | February 2002 |
Winkelman D.L. 19 August 2002. An historical perspective of age and size structure of flathead catfish in Lake Carl Blackwell, OK. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society Bartimore, MD. | August 2002 |
Willis, M. and D.L. Winkelman. 23 February 2002. Evaluating fishing effort and harvest of flathead catfish in Lake Carl Blackwell, OK. Annual mid-year meeting of the American Fisheries Society Southern Division. Little Rock, AR. | February 2002 |
Willis M. and D.L. Winkelman. 7 February 2002. Evaluating fishing effort and harvest of flathead catfish in Lake Carl Blackwell, OK. Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting. Stillwater, OK. | February 2002 |
Whittier, J. B., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. Long-term monitoring of anthropogenis impacts on reproduction of interior least terns. 8th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Reno, NV. | September 2001 |
Whittier, J. B., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 24 October 1998. Tough times for least terns, Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge. 38TH Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Ornithological Society, Ada, OK. | October 1998 |
Whittier, J. B., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 21 April 2000. Pre-fledging survival of least tern chicks. 47th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Denton, TX. | April 2000 |
Whittier, J. B., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 14 November 1998. Nesting success of snowy plovers and least terns at Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge. 87TH Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Tahlequah, OK. | November 1998 |
Whittier, J. B., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 11 June 1999. The effect of drought on nest success in least terns. 80TH Annual Meeting of the Wilson Ornithological Society, Portland, ME. | June 1999 |
Whittier, J. B., D. M. Leslie, Jr., and R. A. Van Den Bussche. 17 August 2001. Lack of genetic variation among subspecies of least tern: implications for conservation. Annual Meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union, Seattle, WA. | August 2001 |
Whittier, J. A., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1 November 1997. Geographic variation in DNA of the least tern (Sterna antillarum). 37TH Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Ornithological Society, Stillwater, OK. | November 1997 |
Whitter, J. B., B. R. Winton, M. T. Koenen, R. B. Utych, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 4 April 1998. Anthropegenic impacts on nest success of western snowy plovers in north-central Oklahoma. North American Ornithological Conference, St. Louis, MO. | April 1998 |
Whitledge, G., W. Doyle, J. Long, B.C. Neely, and J.D. Schooley. 2017. Applications of emerging fisheries techniques for paddlefish. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City. | February 2017 |
White, K.M., J. Stafford, A. Cheeseman, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2022. Predicted distribution of plains spotted skunk in eastern South Dakota. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA | November 2022 |
White, K.M., A.E. Cheeseman, J.D. Stafford, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2024. Plains spotted skunks occur independently of a predator and competitor. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. | October 2024 |
White, K.M., A. Cheeseman, J. Stafford, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2024. Habitat associations and distribution modeling of the plains spotted skunk (Spilogale interrupta) in South Dakota. Joint meeting of the South Dakota Chapter and Central Mountains and Plains Section of The Wildlife Society, Rapid City, SD. | March 2024 |
White, K.M., A. Cheeseman, J. Stafford, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2023. Plains spotted skunk home range and third-order resource selection in eastern South Dakota. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY | November 2023 |
White, K.M, A.E. Cheeseman, J.D. Stafford, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2024. Plains spotted skunks occur independently of a predator and competitor. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists. Boulder, CO. June 2024. | June 2024 |
White, K., S.M. Laverty, M. Parks, J.M. Long, and A.T. Taylor. 2022. Hybridization of Neosho Bass in the upper Illinois River Basin: a genetic status update and implications for individual growth. Annual meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Lake Murray State Park, Oklahoma. | August 2022 |
White, K., S.M. Laverty, M. Parks, J.M. Long, and A.T. Taylor. 2022. Hybrid swarming of Neosho Bass with non-native Smallmouth Bass in the upper Illinois River Basin, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Academy of Science Annual Technical Meeting, Tulsa, Oklahoma. | November 2022 |
White, K., S. Laverty, M. Parks, J. Long, and A.T. Taylor. 2023. Hybrid swarming of Neosho Bass with non-native Smallmouth Bass in the upper Illinois River basin and implications for individual growth. Southern Division American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Norfolk, Virginia. | February 2023 |
White, K., R. C. Lonsinger, S. M. Crimmins, E. M. Anderson, and T. M. LIvieri. 2021. Fine-scale space use by swift foxes on a black-footed ferret recovery site. Swift Fox Conservation Team Meeting. | May 2021 |
White, K., J.M. Long, and A.T. Taylor. 2021. Linking Smallmouth Bass genetics to individual growth in the upper Illinois River, Oklahoma. Annual meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Sequoyah State Park, Hulbert, OK. | September 2021 |
Weyandt, S., R. A. Van Den Bussche, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and M. R. Hamilton. 1 November 2002. Population genetics of the endangered Ozark big-eared bat, Corynorhinus townsendii ingens. 91st Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Oklahoma City, OK. | November 2002 |
Weyandt, S., R. A. Van Den Bussche, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and M. J. Hamilton. 7 November 2003. Unraveling the mystery of sex and dispersal: conservation genetics of the endangered Ozark big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii ingens). 92nd Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science, Chickasha, OK. | November 2003 |
Weyandt, S., R. A, Van Den Bussche, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and M. J. Hamilton. 27 February 2003. Population genetics of the endangered Ozark big-eared bat, Corynorhinus towsendii ingens. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Stillwater, OK. | February 2003 |
Weyandt, S. E., R. A. Van Den Bussche, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and M. J. Hamilton. 21 February 2004. Unraveling the effects of sex and dispersal: conservation genetics of the endangered Ozark big-eared bat, Corynorhinus townsendii ingens. 22nd Annual Meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX. | February 2004 |
Wedgeworth, M., and S. K. Brewer. 2020. Examining the relationship between Prairie Chub Machrybopsis australis spawning and environmental variables within the upper Red River basin. Annual Meeting of the Natural Resources Conference, Norman. | February 2020 |
Wedgeworth, M., R. Mollenhauer, and S.K. Brewer. 2019. Local colonization and extinction of Prairie Chub Machrybopsis australis across wet-dry cycles in the upper Red River Basin. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa. | February 2019 |
Wedgeworth, M. and S. K. Brewer. 2020. Examining the relationship between Prairie Chub Machrybopsis australis spawning and environmental variables within the upper Red River basin. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Little Rock. | February 2020 |
Webb, E., R. L. Lochmiller, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and R. E. Masters. 3 August 2000. Limitations in essential amino acid nutrition in cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus) in Oklahoma. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Kingfisher, OK. | August 2000 |
Webb, E., R. L. Lochmiller, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and R. E. Masters. 10 November 2000. Limitations in essential amino acid nutrition in wild cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus) in Oklahoma. 89th Annual Technical Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Tulsa, OK. | November 2000 |
Webb, E. , R. L. Lochmiller, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 7 November 1997. The effects of dietary methionine on an enclosed population of widl cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus). 86TH Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Chickasha, OK. | November 1997 |
Walter, W. D., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 7 November 2003. Response of Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus) to wind-power development in southwestern Oklahoma. 92nd Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science, Chickasha, OK. | November 2003 |
Walter, W. D., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 30 March 2004. Successful chemical immobilization of free-ranging elk with Telazol and xylazine hydrochloride in a forested landscape in southwestern Oklahoma. 9th Annual Eastern Elk Management Workshop, Knoxville, TN. | March 2004 |
Walter, W. D., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 30 March 2004. Contrasting grouping patterns of a colonizing population of Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus) in a heterogeneous landscape. 9th Eastern Elk Management Workshop, Knoxville, TN. | March 2004 |
Walter, W. D., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 24 June 2003. Efficacy of immoblizing free-ranging elk with Telazol and xylazine hydrochloride with recovery using radio transmitter-equipped darts. 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Lubbock, TX. | June 2003 |
Walter, W. D., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 10 September 2003. Efficacy of immobilizing fre-rangeing elk with Telazol and xylazine hydrochloride with recovery using trnsmitter-equipped darts. 10th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Burlington, VT. | September 2003 |
Walter, W. D., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1 November 2002. Grouping patterns of Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus) relative to landscape structure on private land in southwestern Oklahoma. 91st Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Oklahoma City, OK. | November 2002 |
Walter, W. D., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 25 June 2008. Can mapping of stable isotopes in tissue supplant radiotelemetry to identify nutritional sinks for large generalist herbivores? 88th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Brookings, SD | June 2008 |
Walter, W. D., D. M. Leslie, Jr., and J. A. Jenks. 7 October 2004. Response of Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus) to wind-power development in southwestern Oklahoma. Joint Meeting of the Oklahoma and Kansas Chapters of The Wildlife Society and the Kansas Chapter of the Society for Range Management, Woodward, OK. | October 2004 |
Walter, W. D., D. M. Leslie, Jr., and J. A. Jenks. 19 September 2004. Response of Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus) to wind-power development in southwestern Oklahoma. 11th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. | September 2004 |
Walter, W. D., D. M. Leslie, Jr., and J. A. Jenks. 15 June 2004. Contrasting grouping patterns of a colonizing population of Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus) in a heterogeneous landscape. 84TH Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Arcata, CA. | June 2004 |
Walter, W. D., D. M. Leslie, Jr., D. M. Engle, and J. A. Jenks. 22 September 2005. Influences of agriculture on nutrition of Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus): inferences from carbon and nitrogen isotopes. Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Madison, WI. | September 2005 |
Walter, W. D., D. M. Leslie, Jr., D. M. Engle, and J. A. Jenks. 16 June 2005. Contribution of cropped forages to diets of Rocky Mountain elk, Cervus elaphus: inferences from carbon and nitrogen isotopes. 84TH Annual Meeting of American Society of Mammalogists, Springfield, MO. | June 2005 |
Walter, W. D., D. M. Leslie, Jr. 5 November 2004. Influence of agriculture on nutrition of Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus): inferences from carbon and nitrogen isotopes. 92RD Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science, Edmund, OK. | November 2004 |
Walter, D. W., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2 November 2001. Monitoring population dynamics of an expanding elk (Cervus elaphus) herd surrounding the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge. 90th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Lawton, OK. | November 2001 |
Walsh,M.G., D.B. Fenner and D.L. Winkelman. 2 November 2001. Movement and survival of stocked rainbow trout in a northeastern Oklahoma stream. 90th annual meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Lawton, OK. | November 2001 |
Walsh, M.G., D.L. Winkelman and D.B. Fenner. 16 October 2001. Short-term retention of Floy anchor tags by stream-dwelling smallmouth bass. 55th annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Louisville, KY. | October 2001 |
Walsh, M.G. and D.L. Winkelman. 24 August 2000. Comparison of an electric seine and prepositioned areal electrofishers for sampling streams. 130th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, St. Louis, MO. | August 2000 |
Walsh, M.G. and D.L. Winkelman. 18 February 2003. Fish Assemblage Structure in an Oklahoma Ozark Stream Before and After Rainbow Trout Introduction. Annual meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Norman, OK. | February 2003 |
Walsh, M. G., and D. L. Winkelman. June 16, 2003. Fish assemblage structure in an Oklahoma Ozark stream before and after rainbow trout introduction. Propagated fish in resource management. American Fisheries Society Symposium. Boise, ID | June 2003 |
Walsh, M. G., D. L. Winkelman, and R. J. Bahr. 20 August 2002. Short-term mortality and electrofishing injury in hatchery-reared rainbow trout stocked into an Ozark stream. 132nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Baltimore, MD. | August 2002 |
Walsh, M. G., D. L. Winkelman and R. Bahr. 7 February 2002. Short-term sampling mortality and electrofishing injury in hatchery-reared rainbow trout stocked into a Northeastern Oklahoma stream. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Stillwater, OK. | February 2002 |
Walsh, M. G., D. B. Fenner, and D. L. Winkelman. 8 February 2001. Distribution of native smallmouth bass and stocked rainbow trout in an Ozark stream. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Stillwater, OK. | February 2001 |
Walsh, M. G., D. B. Fenner, and D. L. Winkelman. 6 February 2000. Comparison of an electric seine and prepositioned area electrofishers for sampling stream fish communities. Mid-year Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Savannah, GA. | February 2000 |
Walsh, M. G., D. B. Fenner, and D. L. Winkelman. 23 February 2002. Rainbow trout stocking in an Ozark stream: Trout survival and responses of native smallmouth bass. Annual midyear meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, AR. | February 2002 |
Walsh, M. G., D. B. Fenner, and D. L. Winkelman. 21 April 2000. Sampling stream fish communities using two electrofishing gears. 47th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Denton, TX. | April 2000 |
Walsh, M. G., D. B. Fenner, and D. L. Winkelman. 20 August 2002. Effects of rainbow trout introduction on the fish assemblage in an Ozark stream. 132nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Baltimore, MD. | August 2002 |
Walsh, M. G., D. B. Fenner, and D. L. Winkelman. 2 March 2000. Comparison of an electric seine and prepositioned area electrofishers for sampling stream fish communities. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Oklahoma City, OK. | March 2000 |
Walsh, M. G., D. B. Fenner, and D. L. Winkelman. 10 November 2000. Fish community structure in a northeastern Oklahoma stream. 89th Annual Technical Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Tulsa, OK. | November 2000 |
Walsh, M. G., D. B. Fenner, and D. L. Winkelman. February 5, 2002. Movement and survival of stocked rainbow trout in a northeastern Oklahoma stream. Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting. Stillwater, OK. | February 2002 |
Walsh, M. G., D. B. Fenner, and D. A. Winkelman. 13 November 1999. Evaluation of rainbow trout stocking in northeastern Oklahoma streams: a conceptual framework. 88th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Oklahoma City, OK. | October 1999 |
Walsh, M. G., D. B. Fenner and D. L. Winkelman. 7 February 2002. Rainbow Trout Survival and Effects on Smallmouth Bass Populations in an Ozark Stream. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Stillwater, OK | February 2002 |
Valentine, G. and S. K. Brewer. 2018. Groundwater Influence on Water Temperature in an Ozark Stream. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of American, New Orleans. | August 2018 |
Vaisvil, A. V., S. K. Brewer, and D. Shoup. 2020. Striped bass exploitation, movement, and population dynamics in the lower Arkansas River basin. Annual Meeting of the Natural Resources Conference, Norman. | February 2020 |
Turnley, M.T., W.S. Fairbanks, R.C. Lonsinger, M.J. Cherry, M.M. Dart, R.W. DeYoung, D.P. Hahn, L.J. Heffelfinger, C.M.J. Rickels, E.P. Tanner, H.G. Wang, M.C. Chitwood. 2025. Harmless tags or hazardous ads? Investigating the potential for ear tags to increase predation on neonatal ungulates. Oklahoma Natural Resource Conference, Oklahoma City, OK. | April 2025 |
Turnley, M.T., W.S. Fairbanks, M.J. Cherry, M.M. Dart, R.W. DeYoung, D.P. Hahn, L.J. Heffelfinger, R.C. Lonsinger, E.P. Tanner, H.G. Wang, and M.C. Chitwood. 2023. Fate from feces? Investigating pre-parturition diet indices as predictors of offspring survival in pronghorn. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY | November 2023 |
Turnley, M.T., T.A. Hughes, R.T. Larsen, K.R. Hersey, M.S. Broadway, M.C. Chitwood, W.S. Fairbanks, R.C. Lonsinger, and B.R. McMillan. 2024. A fine-scale examination of parturition timing in temperate ungulates. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. | October 2024 |
Turnley, M.T., T.A. Hughes, R.T. Larsen, K.R. Hersey, M.S. Broadway, M.C. Chitwood, W.S. Fairbanks, R.C. Lonsinger, and B.R. McMillan. 2023. A fine-scale examination of parturition timing in two temperate ungulates. The Central Plains Society of Mammalogists Annual Meeting, Omaha, NE. | October 2023 |
Turnley, M.T., M.C. Chitwood, M.J. Cherry, M.M. Dart, R.W. DeYoung, D.P. Hahn, L.J. Heffelfinger, R.C. Lonsinger, C.M.J. Rickels, E.P. Tanner, H.G. Wang, and W.S. Fairbanks. 2024. Harmless tags or hazardous ads? Investigating the potential for ear tags to increase predation on neonatal ungulates. Annual Meeting of the Central Plains Society of Mammalogists, Hays, KS. | October 2024 |
Tringali, M.D., S.M. Sammons, J.M. Long, N. Van Bibber, K. Panzner, and A.T. Taylor. 2017. A range-wide threat assessment for Shoal Bass from introgressive hybridization. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, Florida. | August 2017 |
Townsend, D. E., II, R. L. Lochmiller, S. J. DeMaso, D. M. Leslie, Jr., A. D. Peoples, S. A. Cox, and E. S. Parry. 9 September 1999. Use of supplemental food and its influence on survival of northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus). 6TH Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Austin, TX. | September 1999 |
Torolski, H.M., J.M. Long, R.C. Lonsinger, and L.A. Bruckerhoff. 2024. A comparison of freshwater mussel density and richness across different mesohabitats. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watershed-Oklahoma Chapter American Fisheries Society joint annual meeting, Stillwater, Oklahoma. | April 2024 |
Torolski, H.M., J.M. Long, R. Lonsinger, and L. Bruckerhoff. 2024. Patterns in mussel density and diversity among mesohabitat types in a Great Plains river. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii. | September 2024 |
Torolski, H., J.M. Long, R.C. Lonsinger, and L.A. Bruckerhoff. 2024. A Comparison of Freshwater Mussel Species Detection and Abundance Across Different Survey Methods. Southern Division American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Chattanooga, Tennessee. | February 2024 |
Torolski, H., J.M. Long, R.C. Lonsinger, and L.A. Bruckerhoff. 2023. Freshwater mussel abundance and composition in the Verdigris River. Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting. Grand Lake, Oklahoma. | August 2023 |
Torolski, H., J.M. Long, R.C. Lonsinger, and L.A. Bruckerhoff. 2023. A Comparison of Freshwater Mussel Species Detection and Abundance Across Different Survey Methods. Canadian Freshwater Mollusc Research Meeting, Burlington, Canada. | November 2023 |
Tian J. Zhang1,4, Thomas A. Worthington2, Shannon K. Brewer3, Daniel E. Storm4, Aaron R. Mittelstet4, Daniel Logue2, 2015.INFLUENCE OF ALTERED FLOW METRICS ON THE DECLINING DISTRIBUTION OF ARKANSAS RIVER SHINER. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds, Stillwater | April 2015 |
Tian J. Zhang, D. Storm, A.R. Mittelstet, S.K. Brewer, T.A. Worthington, and D.R. Logue. 2015. Pelagic broadcast-spawning cyprinids reproductive guild: metrics affecting their declining distribution in the Arkansas River basin. Student Water Conference, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | March 2015 |
Teschner, C., S. Fairbanks, S. Bales Lyda, C. Endicott, C. Allen, C. Farquhar, N. Kester, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2013. Morphometric comparison in two populations of Oklahoma black bears with and without access to deer feeders. Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Association of Fis and Wildilfe Agencies, Oklahoma City, OK. | October 2013 |
Taylor, AT, MD Tringali, and JM Long. 2017. Shoal Bass Hybridization in the Chattahoochee River below Morgan Falls Dam, Georgia. 71st annual meeting of the Southeastern Fish and Wildlife Agencies held in Louisville, Ky. | October 2017 |
Taylor, A.T., and J.M. Long. 2018. Genetic Integrity and Population Status of Shoal Bass in the Upper Chattahoochee River Basin, Georgia. The Biennial CESU Network National Meeting, Shepherdstown, WV. | June 2018 |
Taylor, A.T., and J.M. Long. 2016. Using species distribution models to infer potential and restricted ranges of a fluvial-specialist black bass species. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, MO. | August 2016 |
Taylor, A.T., and J.M. Long. 2015. Factors Influencing the Decline of Fluvial Fishes: Insights from Historic and Current Species Distribution Models. Student Water Conference, Stillwater, OK. | March 2015 |
Taylor, A.T., P. O'Rouke, and J.M. Long. 2014. Black bass (genus Micropterus) community composition upstream of impoundment in two southeastern rivers. Annual Meeting of the Georgia State Chapter of the American Fisheries Society held in Athens, GA. | February 2014 |
Taylor, A.T., P. O'Rouke, and J.M. Long. 2014. Black bass (genus Micropterus) community composition in the river-reservoir interface of two southeastern rivers. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC. | January 2014 |
Taylor, A.T., P. O'Rouke, M.D. Tringali, and J.M. Long. 2014. Development of assessment protocols for Shoal Bass (Micropterus cataractae) populations in headwater rivers of the upper Chattahoochee River Basin. Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Destin, FL. | October 2014 |
Taylor, A.T., M.R. Bangs, B.J. Freeman, and J.M. Long. 2019. A Cryptic Invader: SNPs Inform Asian Swamp Eel Management. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Galveston Island, TX. | January 2019 |
Taylor, A.T., M.D. Tringali, and J.M. Long. 2025. Making sense of black bass introgression within impounded riverscapes of the southeast. Georgia Chapter American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Augusta. | January 2025 |
Taylor, A.T., M.D. Tringali, and J.M. Long. 2017. A Collaborative, Range-wide Genetic Structure Survey to Inform Management and Conservation of the Shoal Bass. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, Florida. | August 2017 |
Taylor, A.T., M.D. Tringali, S.M. Sammons, D.L. Peterson, T. Ingram, P. O'Rouke, and J.M. Long. 2015. Genetic Substructure within the Native Range of the Shoal Bass. Annual meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society held in Savannah, GA. | January 2015 |
Taylor, A.T., M. Papes, and J.M. Long. 2017. Informing Conservation of Fluvial Black Bass Species with Range-wide Species Distribution Models. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, Florida. | August 2017 |
Taylor, A.T., K.J. White, D. Kim, T.J. Near, J.C. Gunn, and J.M. Long. 2022. Molecular status assessment of the Smallmouth Bass complex in the Central Interior Highlands. Southeastern Fishes Council annual meeting, Athens, Georgia. | November 2022 |
Taylor, A.T., J.M. Long, S.K. Brewer, J.C. Gunn, V.P. Buonaccorsi, and J. Stannard. 2020. Exploring the genetic diversity of smallmouth bass within the Interior Highlands. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Norman, Oklahoma. | February 2020 |
Taylor, A.T., J.M. Long, S.K. Brewer, J.C. Gunn, V.P. Buonaccorsi, and J. Stannard. 2020. Conservation Genetics Of The Smallmouth Bass Lineages In The Interior Highlands . Southern Division American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas. | February 2020 |
Taylor, A.T., J.M. Long, B. Chapagain, and O. Joshi. 2019. Angler catch and attitudes toward black bass in Ozark streams. Oklahoma Academy of Science, Edmond. | November 2019 |
Taylor, A.T. and J.M. Long. 2021. Population genetic investigations of Neosho Smallmouth Bass Line. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Virtual Meeting. | April 2021 |
Taylor, A. T., and J. M. Long. 2016. The Decline of a Fluvial Fish: Species Distribution Models in a Fragmented Riverscape. Annual meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Wheeling, WV. | February 2016 |
Taylor, A. T., J. M. Long, M. R. Schwemm, and S. K. Brewer. 2018. A genetic status assessment of the Neosho Smallmouth Bass: hybridization, diversity, and population structure. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa, OK. | February 2018 |
Tanner, Evan, J. Polo, S. Wolf, S. Fuhlendorf, and S. K. Brewer. 2019. Quantifying spatio-temporal variability in thermal landscapes through a fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing system: implications for thermal ecology research. Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ-NM Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Albuquerque. | February 2019 |
TA Worthington, SK Brewer, and JG Kennan. 2016.The relationships between flow alteration and fish-trait combinations in a large great plains river. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science. May 2016, Sacramento | May 2016 |
Sévêque, A., R.C. Lonsinger, L.P. Waits, K.E. Brzeski, C.Ott-Conn, S.L. Mayhew, C.D. Norton, T.R. Petroelje, A.K. Tallon, and D.J. Morin. 2023. Spatially-explicit application of close-kin mark–recapture models to estimate American black bear population size in Michigan. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY | November 2023 |
Sévêque, A., R.C. Lonsinger, L.P. Waits, K.E. Brzeski, C.Ott-Conn, S.L. Mayhew, C.D. Norton, T.R. Petroelje, A.K. Tallon, and D.J. Morin. 2023. Application of close-kin mark–recapture models to estimate American black bear population size. International Statistical Ecology Conference, Swansea, Wales, UK. | July 2024 |
Sévêque, A., R.C. Lonsinger, L.P. Waits, K.E. Brzeski, C. Ott-Conn, S.L. Mayhew, C.D. Norton, T.R. Petroelje, and D.J. Morin. 2023. Evaluating the use of close-kin mark–recapture with lethal samples to estimate the black bear population size in Michigan. 25th Eastern Black Bear Workshop, Trego, WI. | April 2023 |
Sévêque, A., R. C. Lonsinger, L. P. Waits, K. E. Brzeski, C. Ott-Conn, S. L. Mayhew, C. D. Norton, T. R. Petroelje, and D. J. Morin. 2022. Effects of mating system and sex-biased sampling on close-kin mark-recapture estimates. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA. | November 2022 |
Swedberg, D., R. Mollenhauer, and S.K. Brewer. 2019. Estimating detection probability using multiple gears to sample Least Darter. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa. | February 2019 |
Swedberg, D., R. Mollenhauer, and S. K. Brewer. 2020. Estimating occupancy of Least Darter and sympatric spring-associated species. Annual Meeting of the Natural Resources Conference, Norman. | February 2020 |
Swedberg, D., R. Mollenhauer, and S. K. Brewer. 2018. Patterns of Least Darter detection across the stream landscape. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa, OK. | February 2018 |
Swedberg, D., R. Mollenhauer, and S. Brewer. 2019. Estimating detection probability using multiple gears for Least Darter and sympatric spring-associated species. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Galveston. | January 2019 |
Stewart, R.D. and J.M. Long. 2012. Contribution of 178-mm channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus in two medium size Oklahoma reservoirs. Spring meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Biloxi, MS. | January 2012 |
Stewart, R.D. and J.M. Long. 2012. Contribution of 178-mm channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus in two medium size Oklahoma reservoirs. Annual meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Stillwater, OK. | February 2012 |
Stewart, DR, JM Long, and DE Shoup. 2014. Spatial structuring within a reservoir fish population by an unintended protected area: implications for management. Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Laramie, WY. | March 2014 |
Stewart, D.R., J.M. Long, and D.E. Shoup. 2016. Effect of length-based harvest regulations for trophy and recreational Ictalurus fisheries. Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society and the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society. Flagstaff, AZ. | February 2016 |
Stewart, D.R. and J.M. Long. 2016. Growth and contribution of stocked channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque, 1818): the importance of measuring post-stocking performance. Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society and the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society. Flagstaff, AZ. | February 2016 |
Stewart, D.R. and J.M. Long. 2013. The use of Side-Scan sonar as a tool to map habitat in Oklahoma reservoirs. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds Association Annual Conference, Stillwater, OK. | April 2013 |
Stewart, D.R. and J.M. Long. 2013. Influence of stocking and competing species on the trophic ecology of channel catfish in Oklahoma reservoirs. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Nashville. | February 2013 |
Stewart, D.R. and J.M. Long. 2013. Density dependence affects growth of stocked channel catfish as revealed by stable isotope analysis. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, AR. | September 2013 |
Stewart, D.R. and J.M. Long. 2012. Influence of stocking and competing species on the trophic ecology of channel catfish in Oklahoma reservoirs. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter American Fisheries Society, Stillwater, OK. | October 2012 |
Stewart, D.R. and J.M. Long. 2010. Verification of otolith origin used for aging channel catfish by fisheries managers. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 12-17 September 2010. | September 2010 |
Stewart, D.R. and J.M. Long. 2010. Verification of otolith origin used for aging channel catfish by fisheries managers. American Fisheries Society 2nd International Catfish Symposium, St. Louis, MO June 20-22, 2010 | June 2010 |
Stewart, D.R. and J. M. Long. 2010. Speaker, presentation titled: “Population dynamics of channel catfish from six Oklahoma reservoirs”. In: Program and abstracts of the Oklahoma Chapter Meeting of the American Fisheries Society Waggoner, Ok. Oral presentation. | February 2011 |
Stewart, D.R. and J. M. Long. 2010. Speaker, presentation titled: “A survey of catfish anglers from six Oklahoma reservoirs”. In: Program and abstracts of the Oklahoma Chapter Meeting of the American Fisheries Society Waggoner, Ok. Oral presentation. | February 2011 |
Starks, TA and JM Long. 2015. Early life history of three pelagic-spawning minnows (Macrhybopsis spp.) in the Lower Missouri River. Oklahoma Natural Resources Convention,Tulsa, Oklahoma. | February 2015 |
Starks, TA and JM Long. 2015. Community responses of larval and juvenile fishes to created shallow-water habitats in the Missouri River. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Savannah, Georgia. | February 2015 |
Starks, TA and JM Long. 2014. Community responses of larval and juvenile fishes to created shallow-water habitats in the Missouri River. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. | August 2014 |
Starks, T.A., and J.M. Long. 2014. Community responses of larval fishes to created shallow-water habitats in the Missouri River. 3rd annual student water conference Stillwater, OK. | April 2014 |
Stark, R. C., S. Fox, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 20 April 2001. Daily movements of Texas horned lizards in north-central Oklahoma. 48th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Hays, KS. | April 2001 |
Sporrong, J. M., C. A. Davis, S. Fuhlendorf, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1 November 2002. Response of nongame birds and terrestrial invertebrates to restoration and management of upland grasslands in the Rainwater Basin region, Nebraska. 91st Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Oklahoma City, OK. | November 2002 |
Speiser, J., R.C. Lonsinger, C. Cheek, A. Cheeseman. 2024. Evaluating habit use of North American river otters in South Dakota. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. | October 2024 |
Speiser, J., A. Cheeseman, C. Cheek, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2023. Trail cameras as a non-invasive method to assess North American river otter habitat use and distribution. Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Overland Park, KS. | February 2023 |
Snavely, B.M., M.C. Chitwood, W.S. Fairbanks, M.J. Lovallo, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2023. Assessment of factors affecting female black bear (Ursus americanus) harvest rates in northcentral Pennsylvania. 25th Eastern Black Bear Workshop, Trego, WI. | April 2023 |
Snavely, B.M., M.C. Chitwood, M.J. Lovallo, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2022. Variability of home ranges of adult female American black bears (Ursus americanus) in northcentral Pennsylvania. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA | November 2022 |
Snavely, B. M. M. C. Chitwood, M. J. Lovallo, and R. C. Lonsinger. 2022. Variability of home ranges of adult female American black bears (Ursus americanus) in northcentral Pennsylvania. The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Tucson, AZ. | June 2022 |
Smith, S. J., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 8 October 2004. Gypsum caves, short-grass prairies, and the rare western big-eared bat. Joint Meeting of the Oklahoma and Kansas Chapters of The Wildlife Society and the Kansas Chapter of the Society for Range Management, Woodward, OK. | October 2004 |
Smith, S. J., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 7 November 2003. The status of cave dwelling bats, particularly western big-eared bats (Corynorhinus towsendii pallescens), in western Oklahoma. 92nd Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science, Chickasha, OK. | November 2003 |
Smith, S. J., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 5 November 2004. Foraging habitat of the rare western big-eared bat (Corynorrhinus townsendii pallescens) in mixed-grass prairie. 92RD Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science, Edmund, OK. | November 2004 |
Smith, S. J., R. A. Van Den Bussche, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and M. J. Hamilton. 19 June 2005. Contrasting gender-based markers for genetic differentiation among populations of a rare bat, Corynorhinus townsendii pallesecens. 84TH Annual Meeting of American Society of Mammalogists, Springfield, MO. | June 2005 |
Smith, S. J., R. A. Van Den Bussche, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and M. J. Hamilton. 19 February 2005. Structure and relatedness of a rare bat, Corynorhinus townsendii pallescens, in western Oklahoma. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX. | February 2005 |
Smith, S. J., D. M. Leslie, Jr., R. A. Van Den Bussche, and M. J. Hamilton. 10 September 2005. Exploring population variability, structure, and current and historical demographics of a rare bat (Corynorhinus townsendii pallescens) in Oklahoma using mitochondrial and nuclear markers. Joint Meeting of the Oklahoma Ornithological Society and the Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Stillwater, OK. | September 2005 |
Smith, S. F., V. A. Van Den Bussche, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and M. J. Hamilton. 15 April 2005. Genetic structure among cave-dwelling populations of a rare bat, Corynorhinus townsendii pallescens, in western Oklahoma. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Huntsville, TX. | April 2005 |
Smith, L., K. White, S.M. Laverty, M. Parks, J.M. Long, and A.T. Taylor. 2022. Investigating abiotic and biotic drivers of Neosho Bass annual growth variation in a hybrid zone. Annual meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Lake Murray State Park, Oklahoma. | August 2022 |
Shiflet, J., D. Balsman, D.R. Stewart, D.E. Shoup, and J.M. Long. 2015. Influence of bait type on catch and bycatch in tandem hoop nets set in Kentucky small impoundments. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Savannah, Georgia. | February 2015 |
Shaw, P., Bob Mollenhauer, and S. K. Brewer. 2020. Changes in Smallmouth Bass behavior related to varying densities of a non-native piscivore Annual Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Little Rock. | February 2020 |
Shaw, P. and S. K. Brewer. 2020. Behavior responses by native warmwater fishes in response to introduced Rainbow Trout. Annual Meeting of the Natural Resources Conference, Norman. | February 2020 |
Shannon Brewer, Jim Burroughs , Thomas Worthington, Brandon Brown, Robert Mollenhauer, Anthony Rodger, and Matt Skoog. 2017. First year survival, dispersal, and habitat use by Neosho Smallmouth Bass. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City. | February 2017 |
Sequy, L. and J.M. Long. 2019. Evaluating the Divergent Qualities of Non-Native Black Bass: Economic Advantages versus Ecological Repercussions. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Galveston Island, Texas. | January 2019 |
Sellers, L., R.C. Lonsinger, M.C. Chitwood, M.T. Turnley, D.P. Hahn, M.M. Dart, L.J. Heffelfinger, E.P. Tanner, M.J. Cherry, R.W. DeYoung, G. Wang, and W.S. Fairbanks. 2024. Evidence of serological differences between male and female pronghorn in a population of conservation concern. Undergraduate Research Symposium, Stillwater, OK. | April 2024 |
Sellers, L., R.C. Lonsinger, M.C. Chitwood, M.T. Turnley, D.P. Hahn, M.M. Dart, L.J. Heffelfinger, E.P. Tanner, M.J. Cherry, R.W. DeYoung, G. Wang, and W.S. Fairbanks. 2024. Evidence of serological differences between male and female pronghorn in a population of conservation concern. Freshmen Research Scholars Symposium, Stillwater, OK. | April 2024 |
Sellers, L., R.C. Lonsinger, M.C. Chitwood, M.T. Turnley, D.P. Hahn, M.M. Dart, C.M.J. Rickels, L.J. Heffelfinger, E.P. Tanner, M.J. Cherry, R.W. DeYoung, G. Wang, W.S. Fairbanks. 2025. Serological evaluation of free-ranging male and female pronghorn in the southern Great Plains. Oklahoma State University Undergraduate Research Symposium, Stillwater, OK. | April 2025 |
Schwemm MR, JM Long, AA Echelle, and JD Schooley. 2015. Fine-scale Genetic Structuring of American Paddlefish Populations in Oklahoma. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa. | February 2015 |
Schooley, J.D., A. Nealis, J.M. Long, and C.P. Paukert. 2020. World Record Paddlefish in Keystone Lake, Oklahoma – Hypothetical Causes, New Technologies, and Management Response. North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society. | October 2020 |
Schaffler,J.J. and D.L. Winkelman. 2 November 2001. Larval striped bass growth and survival in Lake Texoma, Oklahoma-Texas: a study design. 90th annual meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Lawton, OK. | November 2001 |
Schaffler,J.J. and D.L. Winkelman. 1 November 2002. Larval Striped bass abundance in Lake Texoma, Oklahoma-Texas. 91st annual meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Oklahoma City, OK. | November 2002 |
Schaffler, J.J. 5 March 2003. Larval striped bass distribution and abundance in the Red and Washita river arms of Lake Texoma. 14th Graduate Research Symposium, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. | March 2003 |
Schaffler J. and D.L. Winkelman. 7 February 2002 Survival, growth, and recruitment of larval striped bass in Lake Texoma: proposed research. Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting. Stillwater, OK. | February 2002 |
Sager, C. and D.L. Winkelman. 23 February 2002. Effects of young anglers on hybrid bluegill. Annual mid-year meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. Little Rock, AR. | February 2002 |
Sager, C. R., and D. L. Winkelman. 8 February 2001. The effects of increased feeding frequency on growth of hybrid bluegill in ponds. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Stillwater, OK. | February 2001 |
Sager, C. R., and D. L. Winkelman. 6 February 2000. Assessing the effects of alternative feeding strategies on growth of hybrid bluegill. Mid-year Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Savannah, GA. | February 2000 |
Sager, C. R., and D. L. Winkelman. 3 March 2001. The effects of feeding frequency on growth of hybrid bluegill in ponds. Aquaculture Proram Field Day, Langston University, Langston, OK. | March 2001 |
Sager, C. R., and D. L. Winkelman. 22 August 2001. Effects of feeding frequency on growth of hybrid bluegill in ponds. 131st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Phoenix, AZ. | August 2001 |
Sager, C. R., and D. L. Winkelman. 2 March 2000. Assessing the effects of alternative feeding strategies on growth of hybrid bluegill. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Oklahoma City, OK. | March 2000 |
Sager, C. R., and D. L. Winkelman. 13 November 1999. Assessing the effects of alternative feeding strategies on growth of hybrid bluegill. 88th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Oklahoma City, OK. | November 1999 |
Sager, C. R., and D. L. Winkelman. 10 November 2000. Evaluation of feeding strategies for hybrid bluegill production. 89th Annual Technical Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Tulsa, OK. | November 2000 |
Sager, C. R., and D. L. Winkelman. 2 November 2001. Impacts of angling on hybrid bluegill. 90th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Lawton, OK. | November 2001 |
Sager, C. R., and D. L. Winkelman. 17 October 2001. Comparison of feeding regime and diet on growth of hybrid bluegill. 55th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Louisville, KY. | October 2001 |
Sager C.R. and D.L. Winkelman. 7 February 2002 Potential Impact of Young Anglers on Hybrid Bluegill. Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting. Stillwater, OK. | February 2002 |
SK Brewer, TA Worthington, and JG Kennan. 2016.The relationships between flow alteration and fish-trait combinations in a large great plains river. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. August 2016, Kansas City | August 2016 |
S.K. Brewer, M.M. Davis, and R. Mollenhauer. 2014. Examining the usefulness of existing ecological and hydrological data to test flow-ecology hypotheses in the Gulf Coast Prairie Region. 2014 Annual Research and Watershed Conference, Arkansas Water Resources Center, Fayetteville | July 2014 |
S.K. Brewer and D.J. Orth. 2013. Smallmouth Bass. Black Bass Diversity: Multidisciplinary Science for Conservation, Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Nashville | February 2013 |
Roehrs, Z. P., R. A. Van Den Bussche, M. J. Hamilton, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and D. J. Schmidly. 3 November 2006. Two years of a small mammal survey of western Oklahoma Wildlife Management Areas. 95th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Claremore, OK. | November 2006 |
Roehrs, Z. P., D. M. Leslie, Jr., M. J. Hamilton, and R. A. Van Den Bussche. 4 April 2008. Effects of fire on small mammal communities in a sand sage prairie of western Oklahoma. Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Memphis, TN | April 2008 |
Roehrs, Z. P., D. L. Martinez, B. S. Coyner, D. M. Leslie, Jr., M. J. Hamilton, and R. A. Van Den Bussche. 10 September 2005. Small mammals of western Oklahoma's State Wildlife Management Areas: a report of first survey season. Joint Meeting of the Oklahoma Ornithological Society and the Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Stillwater, OK. | September 2005 |
Robertson, S. G., K. R. Hickman, T. J. O?Connell, C. Bensch, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 15 February 2007. Rate and timing of herbicides for the control of invasive Old World bluestem. 60th Annual Meeting of the Society of Range Management, Reno, NV. | February 2007 |
Riedle, J. D., S. F. Fox, P. A. Shipman, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 22 October 2000. Ecology of the alligator snapping turtle at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma. 27th Annual Meeting of the Kansas Herpetological Society, Kansas City, MO. | October 2000 |
Riedle, J. D., S. F. Fox, P. A. Shipman, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 10 November 2000. Ecology of the alligator snapping turtle at Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge. 89th Annual Technical Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Tulsa, OK. | November 2000 |
Riedle, J. D., S. F. Fox, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and P. A. Shipman. 20 April 2001. The status of the alligator snapping turtle in Oklahoma. 48th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Hays, KS. | April 2001 |
Riedle, J. D., P. A. Shipman, S. F. Fox, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 7 November 1999. Alligator snapping turtle management in Oklahoma: current research and future objectives. Annual Meeting of the Kansas Herpetological Society, Pratt, KS. | November 1999 |
Riedle, J. D., P. A. Shipman, S. F. Fox, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 21 April 2000. Movements and microhabitat use by alligator snapping turtles, Macrochelys temmenckii, in Oklahoma. 47th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Denton, TX. | April 2000 |
Rickels, C.M.J., M.J. Cherry, M.C. Chitwood, R.W. DeYoung, M.M. Dart, W.S. Fairbanks, D.P. Hahn, R.C. Lonsinger, E.P. Tanner, M.T. Turnley, H.G. Wang, and L.J. Heffelfinger. 2024. Living on the edge: adult pronghorn survival near the species' extent in Oklahoma. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. | October 2024 |
Rickels, C.M.J., M.J. Cherry, M.C. Chitwood, M.M. Dart, R.W. DeYoung, W.S. Fairbanks, D.P. Hahn, R.C. Lonsinger, E.P. Tanner, M.T. Turnley, H.G. Wang, and L.J. Heffelfinger. 2025. Drivers of adult pronghorn survival near the species’ geographic extent. Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Denton, TX. | February 2025 |
Rickels, C.M.J., L.J. Heffelfinger, M.J. Cherry, M.C. Chitwood, R.W. DeYoung, M.M. Dart, W.S. Fairbanks, D.P. Hahn, R.C. Lonsinger, E.P. Tanner, M.T. Turnley, and G. Wang. 2024. Survival of adult pronghorn near the species’ range limit in Oklahoma. 30th Biennial Pronghorn Workshop, Redmond, OR. | June 2024 |
Rickels, C.M.J., L.J. Heffelfinger, M.J. Cherry, M.C. Chitwood, M.M. Dart, R.W. DeYoung, W.S. Fairbanks, D.P. Hahn, R.C. Lonsinger, E.P. Tanner, M.T. Turnley, and H.G. Wang. 2024. Oklahoma pronghorn project overview and update. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Mule Deer and Pronghorn Technical Committee, Abilene, TX. | August 2024 |
Rettig, A.V. and S.K. Brewer. 2011. Seasonal habitat shifts by benthic fishes in headwater streams. Southeast Association of Fisheries and Wildlife Agencies | October 2011 |
Reed, M.L., W.W. Hoback, and J.M. Long. 2018. Seasonal and longitudinal variability of benthic macroinvertebrates in a southeastern Oklahoma cold water tailrace. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa. | February 2018 |
Reed, M.L., W.W. Hoback, and J.M. Long. 2018. Aquatic macroinvertebrates differ in time and space downstream of a Southeast Oklahoma reservoir. ntomological Society of America, Southwestern Branch Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM. | March 2018 |
Reed, M.L., W.W. Hoback, J.M. Long, and T. Farling. 2016. Diet of Etheostoma radiosum Among Tributaries of the Lower Mountain Fork. Oklahoma Governor's Water Conference and Research Symposium. Norman, OK. | October 2016 |
Reed, M., W. Woback, J. Long, and A. Dzialowski. 2017.A Darter’s Diet: Macroinvertebrate Diet of the Orangebelly darter. SW Branch of the Entomological Society of America, Austin, TX. | April 2017 |
Rector, M.M., C.M.J. Rickels, M.J. Cherry, M.C. Chitwood, M.M. Dart, R.W. DeYoung, W.S. Fairbanks, R.C. Lonsinger, E.P. Tanner, M.T. Turnley, H.G. Wang, L.J. Heffelfinger. 2025. Assessing the use of drones to monitor pronghorn herd dynamics. Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Denton, TX. | February 2025 |
Rabeni, C.F. and S.K. Brewer. 2014. Linking successful careers to successful fisheries. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec | August 2014 |
R. Mollenhauer, TA Worthington, and SK Brewer. 2014. A trait-based approach to stream-fish conservation. Illinois River Watershed Research and Extension Symposium. | September 2014 |
Powers, J., S. K. Brewer, J.A. Long, and T. Campbell. 2014. Developing a more efficient process to locate freshwater mussel beds using sidescan sonar. Oklahoma State University, 25th Research Symposium, Stillwater. | February 2014 |
Powers, J. and S.K. Brewer. 2013. Use of sidescan sonar to detect mussel beds in turbid prairie rivers. Second annual student water conference. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | April 2013 |
Powers, J. and S.K. Brewer. 2013. Finding a needle in a haystack: Using side-scan sonar to locate freshwater mussel beds.. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds, Stillwater. | April 2013 |
Powers, J. and S.K. Brewer. 2012. Distribution of freshwater mussels in the Muddy and Clear Boggy rivers. Student Water Research Conference, Oklahoma State University | April 2012 |
Porta, M.J., J.M. Long, and C.R. Martin. 2010. Length, Age, and Growth of Juvenile Shoal Bass Reintroduced into a Trout Tailwater. Species introductions and reintroductions symposium. American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Starkville, Mississippi, 8-9 April 2010. | April 2010 |
Porta, M.J., J.M. Long, and C.R. Martin. 2010. Length, Age, and Growth of Juvenile Shoal Bass Reintroduced into a Trout Tailwater. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 12-17 September 2010. | September 2010 |
Porta, M.J. and J.M. Long. Stocking Contribution of Shoal Bass in the Morgan Falls Dam Tailwater of the Chattahoochee River, Georgia. Oral Presentation, Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Meeting, Tampa Bay, FL. 13-16 January 2011. | January 2011 |
Porta, M.J. and J.M. Long. Effects of a Cold Tailwater on Age and Growth of Two Warm Water Black Bass Species. Oral Presentation, Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting, Wagoner, OK. 15-17 February 2011. | February 2011 |
Porta, M.J. and J.M. Long. 2013. Evaluation of a Five-Year Shoal Bass Micropterus cataractae Conservation-Stocking Program in the Upper Chattahoochee River, Georgia. Black Bass Diversity Symposium, Southern Division Society American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Nashville. | February 2013 |
Porak, W., J.M. Long, H. Schramm, and T. Birdsong. 2017. Black bass diversity: a paradigm shift for fisheries managers. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL. | August 2017 |
Peterson, J.T., C.P Paukert, A.E. Rosenberger, S.K. Brewer. 2015. Standardized sampling: a call for gear calibration. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, August 16-20, Portland OR. | August 2015 |
Perry, R. W., R. E. Thill, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 20 October 2006. Effects of landscape structure and composition on roost selection by forest bats. 36th North American Symposium on Bat Research, Willmington, NC. | October 2006 |
Periard, T. S., S. F. Fox, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and R. C. Stark. 14 April 2006. First year's results of a herpetological survey of the Black Mesa Ecoregion. 53rd Annual Meeting of Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Colima, Colima, Mexico. | April 2006 |
Periard, T. S., S. F. Fox, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and R. C. Stark. 3 November 2006. Space use, movements, and survival of Texas Horned lizards in the Black Mesa Ecoregion. 95th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Claremore, OK. | November 2006 |
Periard, T. A., S. F. Fox, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and R. C. Stark. 20 April 2007. Space use, movements, and survival of Texas horned lizards in the Black Mesa Ecoregion, Oklahoma, USA. 54th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Stephenville, TX. | April 2007 |
Parsons, J. L., E. C. Hellgren, R. L. Lochmiller, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and E. E. Jorgensen. 6 January 2001. Protein nutrition of southern plains small mammals: comparative nitrogen requirements for reproduction. Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrated and Comparative Biology, Chicago, IL. | January 2001 |
Parsons, J. L., E. C. Hellgren, R. L. Lochmiller, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and E. E. Jorgensen. 3 August 2000. Protein nutrition in small mammals of the tallgrass prairie: comparative nitrogen requirements for reproduction. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Kingfisher, OK. | August 2000 |
Parsons, J. L., E. C. Hellgren, R. L. Lochmiller, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and E. E. Jorgensen. 19 June 2000. Comparative nitrogen requirements of Sigmodon hispidus and Reithrodontomys fulvescens: does dietary niche matter? 80th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammologists, Durham, NH. | June 2000 |
Parsons, J. L., E. C. Hellgren, R. L. Lochmiller, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and E. E. Jorgensen. 13 November 1999. Protein nutrition in small mammals of the Tallgrass Prairie. 88th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Oklahoma City, OK. | November 1999 |
Parsons, J. L., E. C. Hellgren, D. M. Leslie, Jr., E. E. Jorgensen, and R. L. Lochmiller. 20 April 2001. Comparative nitrogen requirements of small mammals for reproduction: consequences of dietary niche or life-history strategy? 48th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Hays, KS. | April 2001 |
Parson, J. L., E. C. Hellgren, R. L. Lochmiller, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and E. E. Jorgensen. 17 June 2001. Comparative nitrogen requirements of Sigmodon hispidus and Reithrodontomys fulvescens: does dietary niche matter? 80th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Missoula, MT. | June 2001 |
Parson, J. L., E. C. Hellgren, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and E. E. Jorgensen. 10 November 2000. Protein nutrition of southern plains small mammals. 89th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Tulsa, OK. | November 2000 |
Park, C., J.M. Long, A.R. Dzialowski, and A. Nealis. 2013. Consumption of an invasive zooplankton species, Daphnia lumholtzi, by reservoir populations of paddlefish. Great Plains Fisheries Student Colloquium, Lake Texoma, OK. | February 2013 |
O'Meilia, C. M., D. M. Engle, S. D. Fuhlendorf, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 19 October 2001. What are the effects of herbicidal control of Sericea lespedeza on plant and invertebrate communities. The Changing Ecology of Oklahoma, Joint Meeting of the Oklahoma Section of the Society for Range Management, Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Oklahoma Ornithological Society, and Oklahoma Native Plant Society, Stillwater, OK. | October 2001 |
O'Connell, T., S. McConnell, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 19 October 2007. Breeding habitat and estimated population size of mountain plovers in Oklahoma. Joint Meeting of the Bollenbach Wildlife Symposium and Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Woodward, OK. | October 2007 |
Nicole Farless and Shannon Brewer. 2015. Influences of flow regime alteration on the abiotic and biotic components of streams. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society | August 2015 |
Nicholson, L. L., J. H. Shaw, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and R. E. Masters. 7 November 1997. Preliminary results of road and habitat use by predators on an area that has experienced a decline in eastern wild turkey numbers. 86TH Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Chickasha, OK. | November 1997 |
Nicholson, D. S., M. D. Stewart, R. L. Lochmiller, R. E. masters, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 7 November 1997. Hen survival and reproductive success of the eastern wild turkey in southeastern Oklahoma. 86TH Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Chickasha, OK. | November 1997 |
Nealis, A. and J.M. Long. 2012. Differences in self-sustaining reservoir populations of paddlefish in Oklahoma. Spring meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Biloxi, MS. | January 2012 |
Nealis, A. and J.M. Long. 2012. Differences in self-sustaining reservoir populations of paddlefish in Oklahoma. Annual meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Stillwater, OK. | February 2012 |
Natalie,V, Jamey Jacob, Shannon Brewer, Desiree Moore, Racine Swick. Remote Connectivity and Hydromorphology Analysis of the South Canadian River. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C. | December 2018 |
Nambiar, R., D. L. Winkelman, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and T. Boyer. 7 November 2003. Zooplankton community structure in ephemeral wetlands on the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, Pawhuska, Oklahoma. 92nd Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science, Chickasha, OK. | November 2003 |
Nambiar, R., D. L. Winkelman, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and T. Boyer. 7 November 2003. Zooplankton community structure in ephemeral wetlands on the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, Pawhuska, Oklahoma. 92nd annual meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science, Chickasha, OK. | November 2003 |
Nambiar, R., D. L. Winkelman, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and M. Ewing. 5 November 2004. Zooplankton community structure in ephemeral wetlands on the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve. 92RD Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science, Edmund, OK. | November 2004 |
Musselman, W.C. and S.K. Brewer. 2013. Less water is a recipe for cooked fish: the influence of flow reductions on summer-water temperatures with implications to stream fish. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds, Stillwater. | April 2013 |
Musselman, W.C. and S.K. Brewer. 2011. The importance of shallow-water habitats to the movement and survival of fishes in OK streams. Oklahoma Scenic Rivers Commission Business Meeting, Tahlequah, OK | April 2011 |
Musselman, C., N. Farless, and S.K. Brewer. 2012. Go with the flow: how stream discharge affects productive, shallow-water habitat availability and fish movements. Student Water Research Conference, Oklahoma State University | April 2012 |
Musselman, C. and S.K. Brewer. 2015.Defining functional connectivity between habitats to support instream-flow recommendations in an Ozark streamAnnual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Tulsa. | February 2015 |
Murley, B.P., and R.C. Lonsinger. 2024. The influence of a potential alternative, invasive prey on the activity of a native generalist carnivore. Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Edmond, OK. | February 2024 |
Murley, B.P., and R.C. Lonsinger. 2023. Influences of land features and landcover on feral swine space use patterns. Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Edmond, OK. | February 2023 |
Murley, B.P., and R.C. Lonsinger. 2023. Feral swine detection and distribution in the nation’s first big-game wildlife refuge. 13th International Mammalogical Congress, Anchorage, AK. | July 2023 |
Murley, B.M., and R.C. Lonsinger. 2023. Where’s the pork? Feral swine space use in the nation’s first big-game wildlife refuge. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY | November 2023 |
Mueller, J.S., T.B. Grabowski, S.K. Brewer, and T.A. Worthington. 2013. Effects of Temperature, Salinity, and Suspended Solids on the Development and Buoyancy of Arkansas River Shiner Eggs. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, Nashville. | February 2013 |
Mueller JS, TB Grabowski, SK Brewer, and T.A. Worthington. Effects of temperature, salinity, and suspended solids on the development and buoyancy of Arkansas River shiner eggs. 2013 Spring Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. Nashville, TN. 7-10 February 2013. | February 2013 |
Mueller JS, TB Grabowski, & SK Brewer. Effects of temperature, salinity, and suspended solids on the development and buoyancy of Arkansas River shiner eggs. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Lake Conroe, Texas. 17-19 January 2013. | January 2013 |
Mouser, J., J. Glover, and S. K. Brewer. 2018. A new technique for determining crayfish population demographics. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa, OK. | February 2018 |
Mouser, J., J. Glover, and S. K. Brewer. 2018. A new technique for determining crayfish population demographics. International symposium on freshwater crayfish, Pittsburg. | July 2018 |
Mouser, J, R. Van Den Bussche, M. Niemiller, C. Wood, D. Ashley, and S.K. Brewer. 2017. New techniques for determining occurrence and demographics of cave crayfish. International Cave and Karst Symposium, AR | October 2017 |
Mouser, J, R Mollenhauer, A Miller, and SK Brewer. 2016. The invasive Ringed Crayfish: Understanding occurrence patterns in the Ozark Highlands . Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Oklahoma City. | February 2016 |
Mouser J., N. Farless, J. Long, and S.K. Brewer. 2015. The influence of temperature regimes on otolith daily ring deposition in smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu). Student Research Conference, Oklahoma State University | February 2015 |
Moore, D., and S.K. Brewer. 2019. Autumn and winter movement of diminutive prairie fishes. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa. | February 2019 |
Moore, D., and S. K. Brewer. 2019. Presence of diminutive Great Plains fishes related to seasonal flow patterns. Joint Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society and the Wildlife Society, Reno. | October 2019 |
Moore, D., R. Mollenhauer, and S. K. Brewer. 2020. Occurrence of diminutive Great Plains fishes related to seasonal flow patterns. Annual Meeting of the Natural Resources Conference, Norman. | February 2020 |
Monteith, K. B., K. L. Monteith, J. A. Jenks, T. R. Bowyer, and D. M. Leslie, Jr.. 26 June 2009. Fecal nitrogen as an index to diet quality: sex-specific effects. 89th Annual Meeting of American Society of Mammalogists, Fairbanks, AK. | June 2009 |
Mollenhauer, R., S. K. Brewer, D. Ryter, D. Moore, and R. Hart. 2018. Local colonization and extinction of Red River stream fishes in relation to flow contributions. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Atlanta | August 2018 |
Mollenhauer, R., D. Ryter, D. Moore, and S. K. Brewer. 2018. Local colonization and extinction of Red River stream fishes in relation to groundwater contribution. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society | March 2018 |
Mollenhauer, R., D. Logue, and S. K. Brewer. 2018. Seining detection probability of small-bodied fishes in Great Plains sand-bed rivers. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa, OK. | February 2018 |
Mollenhauer, R. and SK Brewer. 2014. Linking fish species through common traits to optimize stream-monitoring protocols. 23rd Annual Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds Association, Stillwater. | April 2014 |
Mollenhauer, R. and S.K. Brewer. 2015.Using capture-efficiency models to standardize stream-fish monitoring across an ecoregion. Student Water Conference, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | March 2015 |
Mollenhauer, R. and S.K. Brewer. 2014. Incorporating a trait-based approach into effective stream-fish management and monitoring. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. January 23. | January 2014 |
Mollenhauer, R. and S.K Brewer. 2015. Comparisons of adjusted and unadjusted catch data: implications for successful long-term stream-fish monitoring. Annual Meeting of the OK Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Tulsa. | February 2015 |
Mollenhauer, R. and S. K. Brewer. 2014. Using fish traits to effectively detect and predict changes in stream-fish assemblages. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma and Texas Chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Lake Texoma. | February 2014 |
Mollenhauer, R. and S. K. Brewer. 2014. Linking fish species through common traits to optimize stream-monitoring protocols. Oklahoma State University, 25th Research Symposium, Stillwater. | February 2014 |
Mollenhauer, R. and S.K. Brewer. 2013. Biological implications of using inefficient sampling gears. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds, Stillwater. | April 2013 |
Mollenhauer, R, and SK Brewer. 2017.Sampling the stream landscape: an ecoregion-level capture probability model for stream fishes. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa. | August 2017 |
Mollenhauer, R, A Miller, and SK Brewer. 2016. One fish, two fish, what a lot of fish there are: comparison of Smallmouth Bass abundance estimates in wadeable streams using multiple sampling methods. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Oklahoma City. | February 2016 |
Mollenhauer, R and SK Brewer. 2016. Using occupancy modeling to improve the accuracy of electrofishing abundance estimates for riverine Smallmouth Bass. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City. | August 2016 |
Mollenhauer, R and SK Brewer. 2014. Establishing relationships between fish traits and capture efficiency: Implications for watershed-scale monitoring. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec. | August 2014 |
Mollenhauer, B. and S. K. Brewer. 2014. Linking fish species through common traits to optimize stream-monitoring protocols. 3rd Annual Student Water Conference, April 10-11, 2014, Stillwater, OK | April 2014 |
Miller, O. D., R. L. Lochmiller, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 3 August 2000. Restoration of a drained wetland basin (Hackberry Flat WMA) that had been intensively farmed since the early nineteen hundreds. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Kingfisher, OK. | August 2000 |
Miller, A., and S. K. Brewer. 2018. Relationship between densities of age-0 Neosho Smallmouth Bass and multi-scale habitat features of Ozark Highland streams. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City. | August 2018 |
Miller, A. and S. K. Brewer.. 2018. Multi-scale influences of habitat on age-0 Smallmouth Bass abundance in the Ozark Highlands. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa, OK. | February 2018 |
Miller, A and SK Brewer. 2017. Diel movement and habitat use of juvenile Smallmouth Bass in an Ozark stream. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa. | August 2017 |
Miller, A and SK Brewer. 2016. Interactive effects of hydrology and channel characteristics on densities of age-0 smallmouth bass in the Ozark Highlands. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Oklahoma City. | February 2016 |
Miller A and SK Brewer, 2016. Effects of habitat and spatial factors on age-0 Smallmouth Bass in the Ozark Highlands. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City. | August 2016 |
Melstrom, RT and JM Long. 2016. Measuring the Relationship between Sportfishing Trip Expenditures and Anglers’ Species Preferences. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI. | January 2016 |
McKenna, J., P.M. Kocovsky, J. Long, J. Farver, and J. Miner. 2020. Identifying spawning locations of Silver Chub in Lake Erie. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Columbus, Ohio. | September 2020 |
McConnell, S., T. J. O'Connell, J. S. Shackford, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 23 October 2004. Birds of Cimarron County. 54TH Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Ornithological Society, Tulsa, OK. | October 2004 |
McConnell, S., T. J. O'Connell, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and J. S. Shackford. 8 October 2004. Cimarron County raptors. Joint Meeting of the Oklahoma and Kansas Chapters of The Wildlife Society and the Kansas Chapter of the Society for Range Management, Woodward, OK. | October 2004 |
McConnell, S., J. Shackford, T. J. O'Connell, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 5 November 2004. Raptors of the Oklahoma Panhandle. 92RD Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science, Edmund, OK. | November 2004 |
Mauck,M. and D.L. Winkelman. 1 November 2002. Factors influencing first-year recruitment of striped bass in Lake Texoma. 91st annual meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Oklahoma City, OK. | November 2002 |
Mauck, M. 5 March 2003. Growth, survival, and recruitment of juvenile striped bass in Lake Texoma. 14th Graduate Research Symposium, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. | March 2003 |
Marwin, M.M., R.C. Lonsinger, R. Hula, L.J. Bernal, C. Kruse, M.C. Chitwood, J.W. Cain III. 2025. Predator interactions at cougar kill sites: a co-occurrence model of black bears and coyotes. Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Mountain Lion Workshop, Albuquerque, NM. | March 2025 |
Marwin, M., R.C. Lonsinger, J.W. Cain III, L.J. Bernal, C. Kruse, M.C. Chitwood. 2024. Evaluation of black bear kleptoparasitism on cougar rate of predation. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. | October 2024 |
Marwin, M., R. Hula, R.C. Lonsinger, L.J. Bernal, C. Kruse, M.C. Chitwood, J.W. Cain III. 2025. Black bear presence increases coyote occurrence at cougar kill sites. Oklahoma Natural Resource Conference, Oklahoma City, OK. | April 2025 |
Martin, K. W., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 13 November 1999. Cave gating as a management effort for protecting fauna in northeastern Oklahoma caves. 88th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Oklahoma City, OK. | November 1999 |
Martin, K. W., D. M. Leslie, Jr., M. E. Payton, W. L. Puckette, and S. L. Hensley. 19 April 2003. Effects of cave-passage manipulation on emergence and status of colonies of endangered gray bats (Mytois grisescens). 50th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Norman, OK. | April 2003 |
M. Lanzoni, D. Chapman, G. Castaldelli, J. Long, and M. Milardi. 2016. First reproduction of Asian carps revealed in an artificial canal network of Western Europe. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO. | August 2016 |
Lonsinger, R.C., M.M. Dart, R.T. Larsen, and R.N. Knight. 2023. Efficacy of machine learning image classification for automated occupancy-based monitoring of terrestrial mammals. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY | November 2023 |
Lonsinger, R.C., M.M. Dart, R.T. Larsen, and R.N. Knight. 2023. Efficacy of machine learning image classification for automated occupancy-based monitoring of terrestrial mammals. 13th International Mammalogical Congress, Anchorage, AK. | July 2023 |
Lonsinger, R. C., R. N. Knight, and L. P. Waits. 2021. Improving Cost Efficiency of Occupancy Monitoring for a Sensitive Carnivore. American Society of Mammalogists Annual Meeting, Virtual. | June 2021 |
Lonsinger, R. C., R. N. Knight, and L. P. Waits. 2021. Consideration of detection criteria and novel post-field sample processing improve cost efficiency of occupancy-based monitoring for a sensitive carnivore. National Military Fish & Wildlife Association Workshop, Virtual. | March 2021 |
Lonsinger, R. C. 2022. Co-occurrence models fail to infer underlying patterns of avoidance and aggregation when closure is violated. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA | November 2022 |
Lonsinger, R. C. 2021. Kit fox monitoring in the Great Basin: Considerations and Implications. Swift Fox Conservation Team Meeting. | May 2021 |
Lonsinger, R. C. 2021. Genetic Monitoring of Populations in Do the Genetics Workshop. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Virtual. | November 2021 |
Long, James M., J.D. Schooley, A.R. Dzialowski, R. Gary, and B. Eachus. 2021. An adaptive management approach to restoring paddlefish in Oklahoma reservoirs. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. | November 2021 |
Long, J.M., W. Wolfenkoehler, P. Joyce, R. Gary, J. Schooley, R. Snow, R. Lonsinger, and L. Bruckerhoff. 2024. Utility of side-scan and down-scan sonar for monitoring Paddlefish. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Chattanooga, Tennessee. | February 2024 |
Long, J.M., W. Wolfenkoehler, P. Joyce, R. Gary, J. Schooley, R. Snow, R. Lonsinger, and L. Bruckerhoff. 2023. Utility of side-scan and down-scan sonar for monitoring Paddlefish. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan. | August 2023 |
Long, J.M., N.P. Nibbelink, K.T. McAbee, and J. Stahli. 2011. Assessment of freshwater assemblages and their habitats in the National Park Service system of the southeastern United States. Southeastern Fishes Council Annual Meeting, Chattanooga, TN. | November 2011 |
Long, J.M., M.J. Porta, and C.Martin. 2011. Evaluation of shoal bass restoration-stocking in a Chattahoochee River tailwater. Southeastern Fishes Council Annual Meeting, Chattanooga, TN. | November 2011 |
Long, J.M., M.Allen, W. Porak, and C. Suski. 2013. History of black bass management in the United States. Black Bass Diversity Symposium, Southern Division Society American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Nashville. | February 2013 |
Long, J.M., J. Slaughter, and W. Porak. 2009. Status, threats, and conservation need of endemic black bass species in the southeastern United States. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN. | August 2009 |
Long, J.M., D.E. Shoup, Y. Lian, A.R. Dzialowski, and J.R. Bidwell. 2013. Geospatial assessment of invasive bighead carp establishment in Oklahoma reservoirs. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds Association Annual Conference, Stillwater, OK. | April 2013 |
Long, J.M., A.T. Taylor, B. Chapagain, and O. Joshi. 2020. Stream size affects angler catch and attitudes toward black bass in Ozark streams. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas. | February 2020 |
Long, J.M., A.T. Taylor, B. Chapagain and O. Joshi. 2020. Angler catch and attitudes toward black bass in Oklahoma Ozark streams. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Norman, Oklahoma. | February 2020 |
Long, J.M. and J.J. Schaffler. 2012. Potential for determining origin of paddlefish using otolith geochemistry. Annual meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Stillwater, OK. | February 2012 |
Long, J.M. and C. Tanner. 2013. Effects of water quantity on fish communities in the upper Cimarron River. Oklahoma Water Research Symposium, Midwest City, Oklahoma. | October 2013 |
Long, J.M. and A.T. Taylor. 2022. Managing for black bass diversity in the southeast: a linchpin connecting people to natural resources. Southeastern Fishes Council annual meeting, Athens, Georgia. | November 2022 |
Long, J.M. and A.T. Taylor. 2020. Black bass diversity: conserving native species in their native habitats with a focus on endemic species in the southeast. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Columbus, Ohio. | September 2020 |
Long, J.M. 2025. Neosho Bass: a new species on the block and an Ozark status symbol. Ozark Studies Association annual meeting, Cane Hill, Arkansas. | April 2025 |
Long, J.M. 2017. The role of taxonomy in black bass diversity and implications for management and conservation. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL. | August 2017 |
Long, J.M. 2011. Conditions of fish habitat in Oklahoma tailwaters: a survey of fisheries managers. Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Nashville, TN. | October 2011 |
Logue, D.R., R. Mollenhauer, and S.K. Brewer. 2015. Occupancy of Heavyweight Rivers by a Bantamweight Broadcast Spawning Cyprinid. Annual Meeting of the OK Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Tulsa. | February 2015 |
Logue, D.R., R. Mollenhauer, S.K. Brewer. 2015. COMPETITIVE INTERACTIONS OF TWO PELAGIC BROADCAST SPAWNING CYPRINIDS OF THE GREAT PLAINS. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Savannah. | January 2014 |
Logue, D., R. Mollenhauer, and S.K. Brewer. 2015. Investigating the effect of a non-native broadcast spawning minnow in a Great Plains stream, an occupancy approach Student Water Conference, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | March 2015 |
Logue, D, R Mollenhauer, SK Brewer. 2016. Habitat Associations of Two Pelagic Broadcast Spawning Cyprinids in the Arkansas River Drainage. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Oklahoma City, OK. | February 2016 |
Logue, D, R Mollenhauer, SK Brewer. 2016. Detection estimates and habitat occupancy of two pelagic broadcast spawning cyprinids. Oklahoma EPSCoR Annual State Conference, Norman OK | December 2015 |
Logan, D., S. W. Hallgren, D. S. Wilson, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2012. Prescibed burning effects on soil carbon in upland oak forest. 5th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress, Portland, OR. | December 2012 |
Lindsey A. Bruckerhoff, Kevin Wheeler, Kimberly L. Dibble, Bryce A. Mihalevich, Bethany T. Neilson, Jian Wang, Charles B. Yackulic, and John. C. Schmidt. Response of Colorado River Ecosystems to Water Storage Decisions and Consumptive Use Constrain Ecosystem Management under Severe Sustained Drought. Desert Fishes Council Annual Meeting, November 2021. Virtual. | November 2021 |
Levesque, L. R., E. C. Hellgren, D. M. Engle, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 27 September 2001. Habitat use by raccoons and opossums at multiple scales in the Cross Timbers ecoregion of Oklahoma. 8th Annual Conference of The Wildlidfe Society, Reno, NV. | September 2001 |
Levesque, L. P., E. C. Hellgren, D. M. Engle, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 3 August 2000. Effects of habitat manipulations on mesocarnivores in the Cross Timbers Ecoregion. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Kingfisher, OK. | August 2000 |
Levesque, L. P., E. C. Hellgren, D. M. Engle, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 19 October 2001. Raccoon and opossum habitat use at multiple scales in the Oklahoma Cross Timbers. The Changing Ecology of Oklahoma, Joint Meeting of the Oklahoma Section of the Society for Range Management, Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Oklahoma Ornithological Society, and Oklahoma Native Plant Society, Stillwater, OK. | October 2001 |
Levesque, L. P., E. C. Hellgren, D. M. Engle, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 19 June 2000. Demographic of mesocarnivores in the Cross Timbers Ecoregion. 80th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammologists, Durham, NH. | June 2000 |
Levesque, L. P., E. C. Hellgren, D. M. Engle, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 17 June 2001. Raccoon and opossum habitat use at multiple scales in the Oklahoma Cross timbers. 81st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Missoula, MT. | June 2001 |
Levesque, L. P., E. C. Hellgren, D. M. Engle, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 15 September 2000. Effects of habitat manipulations on mesocarnivores in the Cross Timbers Ecoregion. 7th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Nashville, TN. | September 2000 |
Levesque, L. P., E. C. Hellgren, D. M. Engle, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 14 November 1998. Mesocarnivores, cross timbers, and landscape manipulations. 87TH Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science, Tahlequah, OK. | November 1998 |
Levesque, L. P., E. C. Hellgren, D. M. Engle, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 14 February 2000. Implications of habitat change on the mesocarnivore community in the cross timbers. 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management, Boise, ID. | February 2000 |
Leslie, D. M., Jr., and R. L. Lochmiller. 13 September 1997. Wildlife responses to brush management in the cross timbers. Joint Meeting of the Oklahoma Section of the Society for Range Management and the Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Stillwater, OK. | September 1997 |
Leslie, D. M., Jr., and M. J. Hamilton. 22 June 2008. Mammalian Species: monographs with impact. 88th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Brookings, SD. | June 2008 |
Leslie, D. M., Jr., and G. K. Wood. 1 November 1997. Interior least terns nesting on the Arkansas River: scouring flows and colony placement. 37TH Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Ornithological Society, Stillwater, OK. | November 1997 |
Leslie, D. M., Jr., G. K. Wood, and T. S. Carter. 6 October 1997. Attributes of least tern colonies along the Arkansas River, Oklahoma. 51ST Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Oklahoma City, OK. | October 1997 |
Leslie, D. M., Jr. 1 November 1997. Teaming with Wildlife: the need, the hope, and the ins-and-outs. 37TH Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Ornithological Society, Stillwater, OK. | November 1997 |
Leslie, D. M., Jr. 5 October 2007. A publishing partnership for the digital age. Adapting to Change: Best Practice and New Technologies, Allen Press Editorial Seminar, Lawrence, KS. | October 2007 |
Leis, S.A., D.M. Engle, D.M. Leslie, Jr. and J.S. Fehmi. 4 August 2004. Mixed-grass prairie response to a gradient of anthropogenic soil disturbance. 89th Annual Meeting of the EcologicalSociety of America, Portland, OR. | August 2004 |
Leis, S. A., D. M. Leslie, Jr., D. M. Engle, and J. S. Fehmi. 16 February 2006. Small mammal response to long- and short-term disturbance in a mixed prairie: a different footprint. 59TH Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. | February 2006 |
Leis, S. A., D. M. Engle, D. M. Leslie, Jr., J. S. Fehmi, J. Kretzer, and R. E. Webb. 20 August 2003. Effects of military training on grasslands at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. 12th Annual Workshop of the Integrated Training Area Management Program, El Paso, TX | August 2003 |
Leis, S. A., D. M. Engle, D. M. Leslie, Jr., J. S. Fehmi, J. Kretzer, and E. Webb. 7 November 2003. Effects of military training on grasslands at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. 92nd Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science, Chickasha, OK. | November 2003 |
Lee, J. and J.M. Long. 2025. Evaluation of otolith development in Paddlefish. Undergraduate Research Symposium, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | April 2025 |
Laughlin, L. D.P. Hahn, M.T. Turnley, M.M. Dart, C. Rickels, L.J. Heffelfinger, E.P. Tanner, M.J. Cherry, R.W. DeYoung, H.G. Wang, W.S. Fairbanks, M.C. Chitwood, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2024. Prevalence of Oklahoma pronghorn in the diets of coyotes. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. | October 2024 |
L. Bruckerhoff, C. Yackulic, D. Eppehimer, K. Bestgen, and J. Schmidt. 2022. Identifying demographic uncertainties and vulnerabilities in an invasive Smallmouth Bass population: Implications for reservoir management and mechanical removal efforts. Desert Fishes Council, St. George Utah. | November 2022 |
Koeck, M., C. Ellis, M. Cherry, W.S. Fairbanks, L. Heffelfinger, R.C. Lonsinger, A. Moeller, M.C. Chitwood. 2025. Evaluating the interactions between mule deer and white-tailed deer in western Oklahoma. Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Deer and Elk Workshop, Nanaimo, BC, Canada. | June 2025 |
Koeck, M., C. Ellis, M. Cherry, W.S. Fairbanks, L. Heffelfinger, R.C. Lonsinger, A. Moeller, M.C. Chitwood. 2024. Evaluating the interactions between mule deer and white-tailed deer in western Oklahoma. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. | October 2024 |
Koeck, M., C. Ellis, L. Heffelfinger, A. Moeller, R.C. Lonsinger, W.S. Fairbanks, M. Cherry, M.C. Chitwood. 2025. An overview of year one of the Oklahoma mule deer project. Oklahoma Natural Resource Conference, Oklahoma City, OK. | April 2025 |
Kleeberg, B.A., W.S. Fairbanks, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2023. Landscape influences on American black bear space use and detection in a dynamic Ecosystem. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY | November 2023 |
Kleeberg, B.A., W.S. Fairbanks, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2023. Evaluating the influence of scent lures on American black bear (Ursus americanus) detection in western Oklahoma . 25th Eastern Black Bear Workshop, Trego, WI. | April 2023 |
Kleeberg, B.A., W.S. Fairbanks, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2023. Evaluating the influence of scent lures on American black bear (Ursus americanus) detection in Oklahoma. 13th International Mammalogical Congress, Anchorage, AK. | July 2023 |
Kleeberg, B.A., W.S. Fairbanks, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2023. Assessing the population of American black bears (Ursus americanus) in western Oklahoma. Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Edmond, OK. | February 2023 |
Kleeberg, B.A., W.S. Fairbanks, J.R. Adams, L.P. Waits, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2024. Estimating population genetic structure and genetic diversity of black bears in western Oklahoma. Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Edmond, OK. | February 2024 |
Kleeberg, B. A., W. S. Fairbanks, R. C. Lonsinger. 2022. Assessing the population of American black bears (Ursus americanus) in western Oklahoma. Central Plains Society of Mammalogists meeting, Forsyth, MO. | October 2022 |
Kelly, B. and L. A. Bruckerhoff. Community Shifts and Environmental Drivers of Fish Communities in Intermittent Streams of Southeast Oklahoma. Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. | August 2022 |
Joyce, P., J.M. Long, R.C. Lonsinger, and L.A. Bruckerhoff. 2023. Utility of Down-Scan Sonar for Identifying and Counting Paddlefish in a Large Reservoir. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watershed annual meeting. Stillwater, Oklahoma. | April 2023 |
Josh Johnston, Thomas Worthington, and Shannon K. Brewer. 2017. Population responses of Shovelnose Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus in the Arkansas and Red River basins to landscape characteristics . Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City. | February 2017 |
Jones, G.E., W.W. Hoback, and J.M. Long. 2024. Farm ponds without fish have higher macroinvertebrate diversity at the Osage Nation Ranch, Oklahoma. Southwestern Branch Entomological Society annual meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico. | April 2024 |
Jones, G.E., W.W. Hoback, and J.M. Long. 2023. Macroinvertebrate Diversity and the Effect of Fish in Farm Ponds on the Osage Nation Ranch. American Indian Science and Engineering Society Conference, Spokane, WA. | October 2023 |
Jones, G.E., W.W. Hoback, and J.M. Long. 2023. Fish alter macroinvertebrate communities in recently flooded ponds. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watershed annual meeting. Stillwater, Oklahoma. | April 2023 |
Jones, G.E., W.W. Hoback, and J.M. Long. 2023. Fish alter macroinvertebrate communities in recently flooded ponds. Joint Northcentral and Southwestern Branch Meeting, Entomological Society of America. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. | April 2023 |
Jones, G.E., W.W. Hoback, and J.M. Long. 2022. Fish impact macroinvertebrate communities in recently flooded ponds. Oklahoma Governor's Water Conference, Midwest City. | December 2022 |
Jolley, J., B. Gray, A. Herndon, J. Oliver, D. Chapman, M.J. Weber, and J.M. Long. 2022. Silver Carp age estimation: the pursuit of a gold standard. American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Spokane, Washington. | August 2022 |
Johnston, J. and SK Brewer. 2015. Seeking Rare Fish in a Fragmented, Hydropower Driven, Metro-Area, Braided Prairie Stream: Exceptions to the Rules.Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Tulsa. | February 2015 |
Johnston, J, S.K. Brewer, B. Brown, and J. Burroughs. 2013. Identifying the Current Distribution of Shovelnose Sturgeon in Eastern Oklahoma: The First Assessment at the Southwestern Extent of the Species Range. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, Nashville. | February 2013 |
Johnston, J and SK Brewer. 2016. A synthesis of methods for sampling Shovelnose Sturgeon and the realities for sampling a highly altered system of the Great Plains. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Wheeling, WV. | February 2016 |
Johnston, J and SK Brewer. 2016. A synthesis of methods for sampling Shovelnose Sturgeon and the realities for sampling a highly altered system of the Great Plains. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Oklahoma City, OK. | February 2016 |
Johnston J. and S.K. Brewer. 2015.Seeking Rare Fish in a Fragmented, Hydropower Driven, Metro-Area: Exceptions to the Rules. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Savannah. | January 2015 |
John C. Dattilo, Shannon K. Brewer, and Daniel E. Shoup. 2017.Influence of hydrology on the age-specific abundance and growth of freshwater drum and gizzard shad from lotic and lentic habitats. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa. | August 2017 |
John C. Dattilo, Shannon K. Brewer, and Daniel E. Shoup. 2017.Influence of hydrology on the age-specific abundance and growth of freshwater drum and gizzard shad from lotic and lentic habitats in Oklahoma. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City. | February 2017 |
Johansen, E., S. F. Fox, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and T. Patton. 2010. Aquatic turtles in eastern Oklahoma: Cause for concern? 8th Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles, Orlando, FL. | August 2010 |
Jin, X., T. Worthington, and S.K. Brewer. 2013. Ecohydrological model synthesis for landscpae conservation under climate change. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds, Stillwater. | April 2013 |
Jenks, J. A., D. M. Leslie, Jr., and R. L. Lcohmiller. 27 September 1997. Influence of digestive morphology on sexual segregation of white-tailed deer. 4TH Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Snowmass Village, CO. | September 1997 |
J.R. Johnson and J.M. Long. 2016. OCCUPANCY MODELING AS A TOOL TO DELINEATE INVASIVE SPECIES DISTRIBUTION IN RESERVOIR RIPARIAN AREAS. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds Association Annual Meeting, Stillwater, OK. | March 2016 |
J.R. Johnson and J.M. Long 2017. Hydrologic factors associated with detection and occupancy of riparian areas by Asian Swamp Eel in the Chattahoochee River system, Georgia. The Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Spring Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK. | February 2017 |
J.R. Johnson and J.M. Long 2016. Hydrologic factors associated with detection and occupancy of riparian areas by Asian Swamp Eel in the Chattahoochee River system, Georgia. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Mo. | August 2016 |
J.J. Powers, S.K. Brewer, J.M. Long, and T. Campbell. 2013. Locating freshwater mussel beds in turbid prairie rivers using sidescan sonar. 7th Annual Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Conference. October 13. | October 2013 |
J Kennan, S Brewer, T Worthington, B Vieux, and W Andrews. 2015. Spatial variation in the fish assemblage of a large Great Plains river. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society | August 2015 |
Ibarra, A.K., C.C. Ellis, M.J. Cherry, M.C. Chitwood, W.S. Fairbanks, M.M. Koeck, R.C. Lonsinger, A.K. Moeller, L.J. Heffelfinger. 2025. Weather variables predicting mule deer parturition timing and birth site characteristics. Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Denton, TX. | February 2025 |
Hula, R., M. Marwin, R.C. Lonsinger, L.J. Bernal, C. Kruse, M.C. Chitwood, J.W. Cain III. 2025. Black bear presence increases coyote occurrence at cougar kill sites. Oklahoma State University Undergraduate Research Symposium, Stillwater, OK. | April 2025 |
Hubler, S., B.A. Kleeberg, J.M. Humm, C.N. Dotterweich, R.C. Lonsinger, and W.S. Fairbanks. 2024. Comparison of black bear (Ursus americanus) diets in eastern and western Oklahoma. American Society of Mammalogists Annual Meeting, Boulder, CO. | June 2024 |
Horncastle, V. J., E. C. Hellgren, P. M. Mayer, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 26 September 2002. Associations of eastern redcedar and community structure of small mammals. 9th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Bismarck, ND. | September 2002 |
Horncastle, V. J., E. C. Hellgren, P. M. Mayer, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 19 April 2003. Effects of eastern red cedar on small mammal community structure in the Oklahoma cross timbers. 50th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Norman, OK. | April 2003 |
Horncastle, V. J., E. C. Hellgren, P. M. Mayer, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 16 June 2002. Associations of eastern redcedar on community structure of small mammals. 82nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Lake Charles, LA. | June 2002 |
Horncastle, V. J., E. C. Hellgren, P. M. Mayer, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 10 September 2003. Effects of eastern redcedar on small mammal community structure in the Oklahoma crosstimbers. 10th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Burlington, VT. | September 2003 |
Horncastle, V. J., E. C. Hellgren, P. M. Mayer, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1 November 2002. Associations of eastern redcedar and community structure of small mammals. 91ST Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Oklahoma City, OK. | November 2002 |
Hood, E., J. Schooley, A. Dzialowski, C. Pennock, D.E. Shoup, and J.M. Long. 2024. Evaluating the effect of turbidity on foraging by post-larval Paddlefish. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Chattanooga, Tennessee. | February 2024 |
Hood, E., J. Schooley, A. Dzialowski, C. Pennock, D.E. Shoup, and J.M. Long. 2023. Evaluating the effect of turbidity on foraging by post-larval Paddlefish. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan. | August 2023 |
Honrcastle, V., E. C. Hellgren, P. Mayer, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 27 February 2003. Associations of eastern redcedar and community sturture of small mammals. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Stillwater, OK. | February 2003 |
Holley, C.T., and J.M. Long. 2018. Evaluating the success of translocation efforts for a rare darter species in Oklahoma. Annual Meeting for the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Puerto Rico, US. | March 2018 |
Holley, C.T., Feng, X., Papes, M., Taylor, A.T., and J.M. Long. 2017. Range-wide ecological niche model for the state-endangered Longnose Darter. Poster presented at: Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa, OK. | February 2017 |
Holley, C.T., A.T. Taylor, and J.M. Long. 2017. Resample, recapture, and re-analyze: Using the 3 R’s to resurrect the scale method of estimating fish age. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Oklahoma City, OK. | February 2017 |
Holley, C.T., A.T. Taylor, and J.M. Long. 2016. Resample, recapture, and re-analyze: Using the 3 R’s to resurrect the scale method of estimating fish age. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, MO. | August 2016 |
Holley, C. T., J. M. Long, and M. Papes. 2018. A multi-scale evaluation of darter community habitat associations to aid conservation of species of conservation concern. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa, OK. | February 2018 |
Holley, C. T., J. M. Long, and M. Papes. 2017. Evaluation of the translocation success of a rare darter species in Oklahoma. Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Fishes Council, Chattanooga, TN. | November 2017 |
Hixson, K. M., S. J. Slater, R. N. Knight, and R. C. Lonsinger. 2021. Seasonal variation in resource selection by subadult golden eagles in a military operational area in the Great Basin Desert. National Military Fish & Wildlife Association Workshop, Virtual. | March 2021 |
Hill, J, R Mollenhauer, and SK Brewer. Synthesizing our current understanding about the effectiveness of gear types for sampling fish populations. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Oklahoma City. | February 2016 |
Hallgren, S. W., J. A. Polo, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2012. Consumption of oak forest litter by low intensity formant season rescribed fire. 5th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress, Portland, OR. | December 2012 |
Hahn, D.P., R.C. Lonsinger, M.C. Chitwood, M.T. Turnley, M.M. Dart, L.J. Heffelfinger, E.P. Tanner, M.J. Cherry, R.W. DeYoung, G. Wang, and W.S. Fairbanks. 2024. Factors influencing pronghorn fawn survival in a declining population. 30th Biennial Pronghorn Workshop, Redmond, OR. | June 2024 |
Hahn, D.P., R.C. Lonsinger, M.C. Chitwood, M.T. Turnley, M.M. Dart, L.J. Heffelfinger, E.P. Tanner, M.J. Cherry, R.W. DeYoung, G. Wang, and W.S. Fairbanks. 2024. Cropland influences on pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) behavior in the Oklahoma Panhandle. Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Edmond, OK. | February 2024 |
Hahn, D.P., R.C. Lonsinger, M.C. Chitwood, M.T. Turnley, M.M. Dart, L.J. Heffelfinger, E.P. Tanner, M.J. Cherry, R.W. DeYoung, G. Wang, and W.S. Fairbanks. 2023. Factors influencing pronghorn fawn survival in the Oklahoma Panhandle. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY | November 2023 |
Hahn, D.P., R.C. Lonsinger, M.C. Chitwood, M.T. Turnley, M.M. Dart, L.J. Heffelfinger, E.P. Tanner, M.J. Cherry, R.W. DeYoung, G. Wang, W.S. Fairbanks. 2023. Population Demography of Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) in western Oklahoma. Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Edmond, OK. | February 2023 |
Hahn, D. P., R. C. Lonsinger, M. C. Chitwood, M. T. Turnley, M. M. Dart, L. J. Heffelfinger, E. P. Tanner, M. J. Cherry, R. W. DeYoung, G. Wang, W. S. Fairbanks. 2022. Population Demography and Survival of Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) in western Oklahoma. Central Plains Society of Mammalogists meeting, Forsyth, MO. | October 2022 |
Hafen, T., A.T. Taylor, D. Hendrickson, D.R. Stewart, J.M. Long. 2019. Landscape modeling of threatened Yaqui Catfish in a data limited environment. Desert Fishes Council, Alpine, Texas. | November 2019 |
Hafen, T., A.T. Taylor, D. Hendrickson, D.R. Stewart, J.M. Long. 2019. Landscape modeling of threatened Yaqui Catfish in a data limited environment. Catfish 2020, Little Rock, Arkansas | February 2020 |
Hafen, T. A. Taylor, D. A. Hendrickson, D. R. Stewart and J. M. Long. 2020. Environmental DNA (eDNA) to assess the distribution of Yaqui Catfish (Ictalurus pricei) in the Yaqui River basin of Mexico. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Columbus, Ohio. | September 2020 |
Hackler, J. C., R. A. Van Den Bussche, S. Donelson, S. F. Fox, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 5 November 2004. Preliminary phylogeographic analysis of Oklahoma alligator snapping turtles. 92RD Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science, Edmund, OK. | November 2004 |
Hackler, J. C., R. A. Van Den Bussche, J. Roman, S. F. Fox, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 10 July 2005. Microsatellite variation and population structure of alligator snapping turtles. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Tampa, FL. | July 2005 |
Gunn, J.C., L.K. Berkman, S. Brewer, J.M. Long, A.T. Taylor, and L.S. Eggert. 2020. Harnessing genomics for conservation of the endemic Neosho Smallmouth Bass in the central Interior Highlands. Ecological Society of American annual meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah. | August 2020 |
Gunn, J.C., L.K. Berkman, S. Brewer, J.M. Long, A.T. Taylor, and L.S. Eggert. 2020. Genomic Divergence, Admixture, and Signatures of Local Adaptation in the Subspecies of Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu velox). Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, Missouri. | February 2020 |
Gunn, J.C., L.K. Berkman, A.T. Taylor, J.B. Koppelman, S.K. Brewer, J.M. Long, T.N. Volkers, E. Sterling, M. Moore, and L.S. Eggert. 2022. Divergence, admixture, and fitness in the Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu). American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Spokane, Washington. | August 2022 |
Gunn, J.C., L.K. Berkman, A.T. Taylor, J.B. Koppelman, S. Brewer, J.M. Long, T.N. Volkers, E. Sterling, M. Moore. and L.S. Eggert. 2022. Divergence, admixture, and fitness in the Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu). Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Lake of the Ozarks. | February 2022 |
Guertault, L., G.A. Fox, S.K. Brewer. 2018. Geomorphic identification of physical habitat structures in a large, altered river system. River Flow conference. | September 2018 |
Grubb, B., and S. K. Brewer. 2020. Crayfish – how they invade and what it means for Oklahoma. Annual Meeting of the Natural Resources Conference, Norman. | February 2020 |
Graber, A. E., C. A., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 7 November 2003. Can mountain bikers and golden-cheeked warblers coexist? 92nd Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science, Chickasha, OK. | November 2003 |
Graber, A. E., C. A. Davis, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 8 September 2003. Can mountain bikers and golden-checked warblers coexist? 10th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Burlington, VT. | September 2003 |
Gonzalez, A. and J.M. Long. 2020. Longitudinal trends in prey use and condition of age-0 shovelnose sturgeon in the lower Missouri River. North American Sturgeon & Paddlefish Society Annual Meeting, Folsom, CA | October 2020 |
Gonzalez, A. and J.M. Long. 2020. Longitudinal trends in prey use and condition of age-0 shovelnose sturgeon in the lower Missouri River. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, Nebraska. | June 2020 |
Gonzalez, A. and J.M. Long. 2020. Longitudinal trends in prey use and condition of age-0 shovelnose sturgeon in the lower Missouri River. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Columbus, Ohio. | September 2020 |
Gonzalez, A. and J.M. Long. 2019. Longitudinal trends in prey use and condition of age-0 sturgeon in the Lower Missouri River. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Galveston Island, Texas. | January 2019 |
Gonzalez, A. and J.M. Long. 2018. Longitudinal trends in prey use and condition of juvenile shovelnose sturgeon in the lower Missouri River. MRRP 2018 Fall Science Meeting - Pallid Webinar | November 2018 |
Gonzalez, A. and J.M. Long. 2018. Longitudinal trends in prey use and condition of age-0 shovelnose sturgeon in the Lower Missouri River. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE. | March 2018 |
Gonzalez, A. and J.M. Long. 2018. Longitudinal trends in prey use and condition of age-0 shovelnose sturgeon in an altered river system. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa. | February 2018 |
Goad, E. and J.M. Long. 2025. Comparing the use of side scan and live sonar for mapping and counting American Paddlefish. Undergraduate Research Symposium, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | April 2025 |
George, A., T. O'Connelll, K. Hickman, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 11 October 2008. Influence of Old World bluestem monocultures on breeding songbirds in mixed-grass prairie. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Ornithological Society, Tulsa, OK. | October 2008 |
George, A. D., T. J. O'Connell, K. Hickman, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 18 April 2008. Avian response to Old World bluestem (Bothriochloa ischaemum) monocultures in mixed-grass prairie. Joint Meeting of the Wilson Ornithological Society and the American Field Ornithologists, Mobile, AL. | April 2008 |
Gatlin, M.R., D.E.Shoup, and J.M. Long. 2011. Gut passage through a native fish species: A possible dispersal mechanism for invasive bivalves . Southeastern Fishes Council Annual Meeting, Chattanooga, TN. | November 2011 |
Gatlin, M.R., D.E. Shoup, and J.M. Long. 2010. Blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) gut passage as a vector for the dispersal of invasive zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha). Species introductions and reintroductions symposium. American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Starkville, Mississippi, 8-9 April, 2010. | April 2010 |
Gatlin, M.R., D.E. Shoup, and J.M. Long. 2010. Blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) gut passage as a vector for the dispersal of invasive bivalves. South/Central River Basins Team, 100th Meridian Initiative Annual Meeting, Denison, TX. | April 2010 |
Gatlin, M.R. and J.M. Long. 2012. Analysis of Lee Creek’s substrate using side scan sonar technology. 32nd Annual meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Stillwater, OK. | February 2012 |
Gatlin, M.G., D.E. Shoup, and J.M. Long. 2010. Blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) gut passage as a vector for the dispersal of invasive bivalves. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 12-17 September 2010. | September 2010 |
Gatlin, M.G., D.E. Shoup, and J.M. Long. 2010. Blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) gut passage as a vector for the dispersal of invasive bivalves. American Fisheries Society 2nd International Catfish Symposium, St. Louis, MO June 20-22, 2010 | June 2010 |
Gary, R.A., J.M. Long, and G. Whitledge. 2021. Factors leading to differences in recruitment potential of American Paddlefish among two reservoir tributaries of Keystone Lake, Oklahoma. North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society Annual Meeting, Virtual. | October 2021 |
Gary, R.A., J.M. Long, J.D. Schooley, and W. Wolfenkoehler. 2021. Anatomy of a successful Paddlefish restoration effort: a case study of Oolagah Lake and the Verdigris River. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. | November 2021 |
Gary, R. and J. Long. 2020. Spawning Habitat Availability at Variable Flows for Paddlefish in the Verdigris River. Southern Division of American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas. | February 2020 |
Gary, R. and J. Long. 2020. Identifying potential spawning habitat for Paddlefish in the Verdigris River. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Norman, Oklahoma. | February 2020 |
Gardner-Santana, L.C., R.A. Van Den Bussche, E.C. Hellgren, and D.M. Leslie, Jr. 14 November 2006. Genetic status and abundance of a recolonizing black bear (Ursus americanus) population in Oklahoma. Defenders of Wildlife Carnivores Conference, St. Petersburg, FL. | November 2006 |
Gardner-Santana, L., V. A. Van Den Bussche, E. C. Hellgren, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 21 June 2006. Genetic status and abundance of a recolonizing black bear (Ursus americanus) population in Oklahoma. 86TH Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Amherst, MA. | June 2006 |
Gardner-Santana, L., R. A. Van Den Bussche, E. C. Hellgren, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 23 February 2005. Using non-invasive genetic sampling to elucidate genetic structure of a naturally colonizing population of black bears (Ursus americanus) in eastern Oklahoma, USA. 16th Annual Research Symposium, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. | February 2005 |
Gardner-Santana, L. C., R. A. Van Den Bussche, E. C. Hellgren, and D.M. Leslie, Jr. 10 September 2005. Non-invasive sampling to elucidate genetic structure and abundance of black bears (Ursus americanus) in Oklahoma. Joint Meeting of the Oklahoma Ornithological Society and the Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Stillwater, OK. | September 2005 |
Gardner-Santana, L. C., R. A. Van Den Bussche, E. C. Hellgren, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 5 November 2004. Using non-invasive genetic sampling of black bears (Ursus americanus) in eastern Oklahoma. 92RD Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science, Edmund, OK. | November 2004 |
Gardner-Santana, L. C., R. A. Van Den Bussche, E. C. Hellgren, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 19 June 2005. Noninvasive sampling to elucidate genetic structure and abundance of black bears (Ursus americanus) in Oklahoma. 84TH Annual Meeting of American Society of Mammalogists, Springfield, MO. | June 2005 |
Gardner-Santana, L. C., R. A. Van Den Bussche, E. C. Hellgren, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 19 February 2005. Non-invasive hair sampling to elucidate genetic structure and abundance of recolonizing black bears (Ursus americanus) in Oklahoma. 23rd Annual Meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX. | February 2005 |
Gardner-Santana, L. C., C. L. Wegert, R. A. Van Den Bussche, E. C. Hellgren, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 7 April 2005. Genetics characteristics of reintroduced and recolonizing populations of black bears (Ursus americanus) in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma USA. 18TH Eastern Black Bear Workshop, Tallahassee, FL. | April 2005 |
Gabriel A, RVan Den Bussche, SK Brewer, R Stark, D Fenolio, M Niemiller. 2016. Using eDNA to detect presence of cavefish and cave crayfish.Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Oklahoma City. | February 2016 |
Gabriel A, RVan Den Bussche, SK Brewer, R Stark, D Fenolio, M Niemiller. 2016. Using eDNA to detect presence of cavefish and cave crayfish. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Wheeling. | February 2016 |
Fuhlendorf, S. D., D. M. Leslie, Jr., F. S. Guthery, C. Davis, and A. R. Rybak. 30 April 2002. Landscape-level assessment of the status of northern bobwhite in eastern Oklahoma. Annual Meeting of the Bollenbach Wildlife Chair Advisory Committee, Stillwater, OK. | April 2002 |
Fox, S. F., A. Richter, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. Using remote quert PIT-tagged Trachemys scripta to determine trapping dynamics via conventional hoop traps. Annual Meeting of the American Soiety of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Albuquerque, NM | July 2013 |
Fino, S. R., J. D. Stafford, A. T. Pearse, J. A. Jenks, AND R. C. Lonsinger. 2021. Relating predator community dynamics and duck nest survival in eastern South Dakota. Ducks Unlimited, Canada IWWR Research Roundup Webinar Series. 8 April 2021. | April 2021 |
Fino, S. R., J. D. Stafford, A. T. Pearse, J. A. Jenks, AND R. C. Lonsinger. 2021. Relating predator community dynamics and duck nest survival in eastern South Dakota. Brookings Wildlife Federation. 4 June 2021. | June 2021 |
Fetherston, S. C., L. P. Waits, J. R. Adams, C. Lehman, and R. C. Lonsinger. 2021. Population genetic structure of bobcats in South Dakota: using harvested samples to inform management. South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Virtual. | February 2021 |
Fetherston, S. C., L. P. Waits, J. A. Adams, C. P. Lehman, and R. C. Lonsinger. 2022. Population genetic structure of bobcats in South Dakota: using harvested samples to inform management. The Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Tucson, AZ. | June 2022 |
Fenner, D.B., M.G. Walsh, and D.L. Winkelman. 23 February 2002. Interaction for food resources between native fishes and introduced rainbow trout in an Ozark stream. Annual mid-year meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. Little Rock, AR. | February 2002 |
Fenner, D.B., M.G. Walsh and D.L. Winkelman. 17 June 2003. Diet overlap of introduced rainbow trout and three native fishes in an Ozark stream. American Fisheries Society Symposia: Propagated Fish in Resource Management. Boise, Idaho | June 2003 |
Fenner, D. B., M. G. Walsh, and D. M. Winkelman. 20 August 2001. Diet overlap between smallmouth bass and introduced rainbow trout in an Ozark stream. 131st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Phoenix, AZ. | August 2001 |
Fenner, D. B., M. G. Walsh, and D. L. Winkelman. 8 February 2001. Interaction for food resources between native fishes and introduced rainbow trout in an Ozark stream. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Stillwater, OK. | February 2001 |
Fenner, D. B., M. G. Walsh, and D. L. Winkelman. 6 February 2000. Evaluation of rainbow trout introduction in northeastern Oklahoma streams: a conceptual framework. Mid-year Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Savannah, GA. | February 2000 |
Fenner, D. B., M. G. Walsh, and D. L. Winkelman. 20 April 2001. Diet overlap between smallmouth bass and introduced rainbow trout in an Ozark stream. 48th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Hays, KS. | April 2001 |
Fenner, D. B., M. G. Walsh, and D. L. Winkelman. 2 March 2000. Evaluation of rainbow trout introduction in northeastern Oklahoma streams: a conceptual framework. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Oklahoma City, OK. | March 2000 |
Fenner, D. B., M. G. Walsh, and D. L. Winkelman. 13 November 1999. Evaluation of rainbow trout stocking in northeastern Oklahoma streams: study site assessment. 88th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Oklahoma City, OK. | November 1999 |
Fenner, D. B., M. G. Walsh, and D. L. Winkelman. 10 November 2000. Food resource utilization of fishes in an Ozark stream. 89th Annual Technical Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Tulsa, OK. | November 2000 |
Fenner, D. B., M. G. Walsh, and D. L. Winkelman. 2 November 2001. Diet overlap between native fishes and introduced rainbow trout in an Ozark stream. 90th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Lawton, OK. | November 2001 |
Fenner D.B., M.G. Walsh, and D.L. Winkelman. Interaction between native fishes and introduced rainbow trout for food resources in an Ozark stream. Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting. Stillwater, OK. | February 2002 |
Feirer, S. T., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 30 October 1999. Geographical information system to study the avian community on Ralstin Island, Oklahoma. 39th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Ornithological Society, Tulsa, OK. | October 1999 |
Feirer, S. T., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 3 August 2000. Competition among cattle egrets and other North American ardeids for food resources. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Kingfisher, OK. | August 2000 |
Feirer, S. T., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 29 April 2000. Geographical information system in the study of the avian community on Ralstin Island, Oklahoma. Combined Meeting of the Wilson Ornithological Society and the Association of Field Ornithologists, Galveston, TX. | April 2000 |
Feirer, S. T., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 24 October 1998. Restoration of Ralston Island to conserve nesting Ciconiiformes. 38TH Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Ornithological Society, Ada, OK. | September 1998 |
Feirer, S. T., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 14 November 1998. Restoration and the Ciconiiform species of Ralston Island, Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge. 87TH Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science, Tahlequah, OK. | November 1998 |
Feirer, S. T., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 13 November 1999. Historical erosion and vegetative change of Ralstin Island and its impact on the extant rookery. 88th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Oklahoma City, OK. | November 1999 |
Feirer, S. T., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 12 August 1999. Restoration of Ralstin Island to conserve nesting Ciconiformes. 117TH Stated Meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union, Ithaca, NY. | August 1999 |
Feirer, S. T., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 10 November 2000. Competition for food resources among cattle egrets and other North American ardeids. 89th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Tulsa, OK. | November 2000 |
Farling, T., W.W. Hoback, and J.M. Long. 2017. Wild juvenile trout nursery habitat in an intermittent tributary and second order stream of a southeastern US tailwater . Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds Association Conference, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 2017 | April 2017 |
Farling, T., W.W. Hoback, and J.M. Long. 2017. Wild juvenile trout nursery habitat in an intermittent tributary and second order stream of a southeastern US tailwater . American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL. | August 2017 |
Farless, N. and SK Brewer. 2014. Critical Thermal Maximum Of Fishes Occupying Spring-Fed Systems. 23rd Annual Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds Association, Stillwater. | April 2014 |
Farless, N. and S.K. Brewer. 2015. Potential impacts of increased stream temperature on fish assemblages. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds, Stillwater | April 2015 |
Farless, N. and S.K. Brewer. 2015. Comparing Long-Term Temperature Tolerance Study with Critical Thermal Maximum for Fishes. Student Water Conference, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | March 2015 |
Farless, N. and S.K. Brewer. 2014. Influences of flow regime alteration on the abiotic and biotic components of streams. 68th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Destin. | October 2014 |
Farless, N. and S.K. Brewer. 2013. Does habitat heterogeneity or substrate composition influence benthic community metabolism? Second annual student water conference. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | April 2013 |
Farless, N. and S.K. Brewer. 2013. Changes in benthic community metabolism as related to characteristics of hydraulic channel units in an Ozark stream. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds, Stillwater. | April 2013 |
Farless, N. and S. K. Brewer. 2015. Comparison of Maximum Thermal Tolerance of Fishes Using Two Methods Annual Meeting of the OK Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Tulsa. | February 2015 |
Farless, N. and S. K. Brewer. 2014. Temperature Tolerances of Fishes from Spring-Fed and Non Spring-Fed Streams. Oklahoma State University, 25th Research Symposium, Stillwater. | February 2014 |
Farless, N. and S. K. Brewer. 2014. Temperature Tolerances of Fishes from Spring-Fed and Non Spring-Fed Streams. 3rd Annual Student Water Conference, April 10-11, 2014, Stillwater, OK | April 2014 |
Farless, N, TA Worthington, and SK Brewer. 2016.Influence of flow regime alterations on fish assemblages and the abiotic structure of streams .Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Oklahoma City. | February 2016 |
Fareless, N. and S.K. Brewer. 2012. Influence of hydraulic channel units and substrate composition on benthic community metabolism. Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. October 22-24, Stillwater, OK. | October 2012 |
Ellis, C.C., M.J. Cherry, M.M. Koeck, M.C. Chitwood, A.K. Moeller, R.C. Lonsinger, W.S. Fairbanks, and L.J. Heffelfinger. 2025. The Oklahoma mule deer research project: evaluating population performance and abundance estimation methods. Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Deer and Elk Workshop, Nanaimo, BC, Canada. | June 2025 |
Ellis, C.C., M.J. Cherry, M.M. Koeck, M.C. Chitwood, A.K. Moeller, R.C. Lonsinger, W.S. Fairbanks, and L.J. Heffelfinger. 2024. The Oklahoma mule deer research project: evaluating population performance and abundance estimation methods. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. | October 2024 |
Ellis, C.C., M.J. Cherry, M.M. Koeck, M.C. Chitwood, A.K. Moeller, R.C. Lonsinger, W.S. Fairbanks, and L.J. Heffelfinger. 2024. Oklahoma mule deer project overview and update. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Mule Deer and Pronghorn Technical Committee, Abilene, TX. | August 2024 |
Ellis, C.C., M.J. Cherry, M.M. Koeck, M.C. Chitwood, A.K. Moeller, R.C. Lonsinger, W.S. Fairbanks, L.J. Heffelfinger. 2025. Behavioral interactions between native and non-native ungulate species in the Southern Great Plains. Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Denton, TX. | February 2025 |
Eastep, J. and L. A. Bruckerhoff. Diet Variability in Green Sunfish Across a Gradient of Body Size and Stream Size in the Kansas River Basin. Oklahoma State University Undergraduate Research Symposium. | April 2022 |
Dyer, JJ, TA Worthington, and SK Brewer. 2014. The effects of climate change and land alteration on the Mena crayfish (Orconectes menae). OK-LSAMP annual research symposium, Oklahoma State University | September 2014 |
Dyer, J.J. and S.K. Brewer. 2013. Interactions among burrowing ability, sedimentation and water withdrawals on crayfishes. Second annual student water conference. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | April 2013 |
Dyer, J., and S. K. Brewer. 2018. Population Dynamics of Blue Suckers in Red River, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa, OK. | February 2018 |
Dyer, J. and S.K. Brewer. 2013. Seasonal responses of crayfish to stream drying. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock. | September 2013 |
Dyer, J. and S.K. Brewer. 2013. Mudbug digging performance: effects of increased deposited sediment and water withdrawals. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds, Stillwater. | April 2013 |
Dyer, J. and S.K. Brewer. 2013. Determining the Distribution of Endemic Crayfish Species at Multiple Spatial Scales. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Nashville. | February 2013 |
Dyer, J. and S.K. Brewer. 2012. Using Maxent to Predict the Distribution of an Endemic Crayfish (Orconectes menae). Student Water Research Conference, Oklahoma State University | April 2012 |
Dyer, J. and S.K. Brewer. 2012. Predicting the impacts of climate change on the distribution of endemic crayfish. Society for Freshwater Science. | May 2012 |
Dyer, J. and S.K. Brewer. 2012. Predicting the distribution of endemic crayfish at multiple spatial scales. OK Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. | February 2012 |
Dyer, J. and S.K. Brewer. 2012. Potential impacts of global climate change on endemic crayfish species. Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. October 22-24, Stillwater, OK. | October 2012 |
Dyer, J. and S. K. Brewer. 2018. Effects of hydrology on the population trajectory of Blue Suckers Cycleptus elongatus. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society | March 2018 |
Dyer, J. and S. K. Brewer. 2014. Effects of water-level reduction and sedimentation on crayfish in the Ouachita Mountain Ecoregion. Oklahoma State University, 25th Research Symposium, Stillwater. | February 2014 |
Dyer, J. and S. K. Brewer. 2014. Effects of water-level reduction and sedimentation on crayfish in the Ouachita Mountain Ecoregion. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma and Texas Chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Lake Texoma. | February 2014 |
Dyer, J and SK Brewer. 2016.Annual space use and migration patterns of Blue Suckers Cycleptus elongatus in the lower Red River, Oklahoma .Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Oklahoma City. | February 2016 |
Dukes, C. G., M. L. Allen, L. E. Dodd, A. J. Edelman, S. N. Harris, S. H. LaRose, D. S. Jachowski, R. C. Lonsinger, D. B. Sasse. 2021. A review of camera trapping methodology for eastern spotted skunks (Spilogale putorius). Eastern Spotted Skunk Cooperative Study Group Annual Meeting. Virtual. | September 2021 |
Duck, J.L., R.A. Snow, and J.M. Long. 2020. Evaluating the effectiveness of a statewide trophy length limit (762 mm) for Blue Catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) in Oklahoma. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas. | February 2020 |
Duck, J.L., D.R. Stewart, D.E. Shoup, and J.M. Long. 2012. White crappie population characteristics at Lake McMurtry: “a tale of two sides”. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter American Fisheries Society. Stillwater, OK. | October 2012 |
Dolman, R. W., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 17 February 2012. Habitat fragmentation and corridors in the Lower Rio Grande Valley refuges: a landscape perspective. 30th Annual Meeting of the Texas Society of Mammalogists, Junction, TX. | February 2012 |
Dolman, R. W., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2014. Small mammal response to habitat loss and fragmentation in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. 94th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Oklahoma City, OK. | June 2014 |
Dolman, R. W., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 15 February 2014. Functional connectivity in the highly fragmented Lower Rio Grande Valley of southern Texas using the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus). Texas Society of Mammalogy, Junction City, TX | February 2014 |
Disney, M., E. C. Hellgren, C. A. Davis, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 7 November 2003. Mesocarnivore abundance in oak forest patches: a comparison of scent station and live-trapping techniques. 92nd Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science, Chickasha, OK. | November 2003 |
Disney, M. R., E. C. Hellgren, C. A. Davis, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 8 October 2004. Mescocarnivore abundance in oak patches: a comparison of scent station and live-trapping techniques. Joint Meeting of the Oklahoma and Kansas Chapters of The Wildlife Society and the Kansas Chapter of the Society for Range Management, Woodward, OK. | October 2004 |
Disney, M. R., E. C. Hellgren, C. A. Davis, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 16 June 2005. Habitat and landscape features affecting abundance of mesopredators in patches of Oklahoma Crosstimbers forest. 84TH Annual Meeting of American Society of Mammalogists, Springfield, MO. | June 2005 |
Disney, M. R., E. C. Hellgren, C. A. Davis, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 13 June 2004. Mesocarnivore abundance in oak forest patches: a comparison of scent station and live-trapping techniques. 84TH Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Arcata, CA. | June 2004 |
DiStefano, R., D. C. Ashley, S. K. Brewer, and J. Mouser. 2018. Hunting Missouri’s Rarest Crayfish Using eDNA and Visual Surveys: A First Look at the Natural History of the Caney Mountain Cave Crayfish. International symposium on freshwater crayfish, Pittsburg. | July 2018 |
De Filippo, N., R.C. Lonsinger, R.D. Elmore, and M.C. Chitwood. 2024. Effect of supplemental feeding on mammalian nest predators and potential implications to wild turkey. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. | October 2024 |
Davis, C.A.*, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and W.D. Walter. Effects of mountain biking activity on foraging and nesting behavior of golden-cheeked warblers. The 15th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Miami, Florida, USA. | November 2008 |
Davis, C. A., D. M. Leslie, Jr., and W. D. Walter. 19 November 2008. Effects of mountain biking activity on foraging and nesting behavior of golden-cheeked warblers. 15th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Miami, FL. | November 2008 |
Dattilo, J., S. K. Brewer, and D. Shoup. 2018. Relationships between hydrology and year class strength and growth of Freshwater Drum from lotic and lentic ecosystems. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa, OK. | February 2018 |
Dattilo, J, SK Brewer, and D Shoup. 2016. Relationship between Hydrology and Fish Production: A Connected River-Reservoir Landscape Approach. Kiamichi River Research Symposium, McAlaster, OK | June 2016 |
Dattilo JC, SK. Brewer, and D E. Shoup. 2016. Influence of hydrology on the age distribution of fishes in the Red River Basin. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Oklahoma City. | February 2016 |
Dart, M.M., E.P. Tanner, M.T. Turnley, C.M.J. Rickels, R.C. Lonsinger, W.S. Fairbanks, M.C. Chitwood, L.J. Heffelfinger, R.W. DeYoung, H.G. Wang, M.J. Cherry. 2025. Identifying drivers of radio-linked neonate collar performance. Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Denton, TX. | February 2025 |
Dart, M.M. E.P. Tanner, M.T. Turnley, D.P. Hahn, W.S. Fairbanks, M.C. Chitwood, R.C. Lonsinger, L.J. Heffelfinger, R.W. DeYoung, H.G. Wang, and M.J. Cherry. 2024. Population dynamics and spatial ecology of a declining population of pronghorn in the Southern Great Plains. The Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, TX. | February 2024 |
Dart, M. M., L. B. Perkins, J. A. Jenks, C. P. Lehman, and R. C. Lonsinger. 2021. Influences of landscape patterns and intraguild interactions on the spatial and temporal ecology of bobcats and coyotes. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Virtual. | November 2021 |
Dart, M. M., E. P. Tanner, L. J. Heffelfinger, M. C. Chitwood, R. W. DeYoung, W. S. Fairbanks, D. P. Hahn, R. C. Lonsinger, M. T. Turnley, G. Wang, M. J. Cherry. 2022. Movements and demography of pronghorn in western Oklahoma. Texas Parks and Wildlife mule deer and pronghorn committee meeting, Alpine, TX. | August 2022 |
Dakin, B., B. Porter, B. Freeman, and J.M. Long. 2013. Hybridization threatens shoal bass populations in the upper Chattahoochee River basin. Black Bass Diversity Symposium, Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Nashville. | February 2013 |
Crosby, A., D. Elmore, R. Will, and R. Will. Game species as umbrella species: can habitat restoration for northern bobwhites help slow the decline of grassland birds? The Wildilfe Society Conference, Milwaukee, WI | October 2013 |
Criffield, M., K. Freel, E. C. Hellgren, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 7 November 2003. Abundance and density of swift fox (Vulpes velox) in Oklahoma. 92nd Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science, Chickasha, OK. | November 2003 |
Criffield, M., K. Freel, E. C. Hellgren, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 15 April 2005. Abundance and distribution of swift fox, Vulpes velox, in Oklahoma. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Huntsville, TX. | April 2005 |
Criffield, M. K. Freel, E. C. Hellgren, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 19 June 2005. Swift fox (Vulpes velox) densities in western Oklahoma: an adaptive design. 84TH Annual Meeting of American Society of Mammalogists, Springfield, MO. | June 2005 |
Criffield, M. A., M. V. Reichard, K. Freel, E. C. Hellgren, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 13 June 2004. Intestinal parasites of swift fox (Vulpes vulpes) in western Oklahoma. 84TH Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Arcata, CA. | June 2004 |
Criffield, M. A., K. Freel, E. C. Hellgren, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 8 October 2004. Abundance and distribution of swift fax (Vulpes velox) in western Oklahoma. Joint Meeting of the Oklahoma and Kansas Chapters of The Wildlife Society and the Kansas Chapter of the Society for Range Management, Woodward, OK. | October 2004 |
Corley, B. , W. L. Fisher, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 6 October 1997. Validation of the great blue heron HSI Model reproductive index for the southcentral Great Plains. 51ST Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Oklahoma City, OK. | October 1997 |
Cole, M. L., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 13 December 1997. Avian community structure of Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge. Second Biennial Symposium of Multivariate Applications in Community Ecology, Stillwater, OK. | December 1997 |
Cole, M. L., D. M. Leslie, Jr., and W. L. Fisher. 7 November 1997. Habitat use of shorebirds at Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge. 86TH Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Chickasha, OK. | November 1997 |
Cole, M. L., D. M. Leslie, Jr., and W. L. Fisher. 27 September 1998. A Gis-study on the avian community of Tishomngo National Wildlife Refuge. 5TH Annaul Conference of The Wildlife Society, Buffalo, NY. | September 1998 |
Cole, M. L., D. M. Leslie, Jr., and W. L. Fisher. 1 November 1997. Avifaunal inventory of Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge. 37TH Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Ornithological Society, Stillwater, OK. | November 1997 |
Clark, J. E., J. L. Parsons, E. C. Hellgren, E. E. Jorgensen, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 16 June 2002. Nitrogen concentration of stomach contents as an index of dietary nitrogen for hispid cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus). 82nd Annual Meeting of American Society of Mammalogists, Lake Charles, LA. | June 2002 |
Clark, J. E., J. L. Parsons, E. C. Hellgren, E. E. Jorgensen, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 10 September 2003. Nitrogen concentration of stomach contents as an index of dietary nitrogen for hispid cotton rats. 10th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Burlington, VT. | September 2003 |
Clark, J. E., E. C. Hellgren, J. L. Parsons, E. E. Jorgensen, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 10 September 2003. Nitrogen outputs of small mammals from fecal and urine desposition: implications for nitrogen cycling? 10th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Burlington, VT. | September 2003 |
Clark, J. E., E. C. Hellgren, E. Jorgensen, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 27 February 2003. Population dynamics of small mammals across a nitrogen-amended landscape. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Stillwater, OK. | February 2003 |
Civiello, A.P., J.M. Long, N.J. Gosch, T.R. Gemeinhardt, K. Chojnacki, and A.J. DeLonay. 2017. The influence of shallow-water habitat on age-0 shovelnose sturgeon diet and condition. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE. | March 2017 |
Civiello, A.P. and J.M. Long. 2016. Effects of shallow-water habitat quantity on young-of-year Shovelnose Sturgeon prey use along a longitudinal gradient. Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee Annual Forum Webinar. | April 2016 |
Civiello, A.P. and J.M. Long. 2016. Effects of shallow-water habitat quantity on young-of-year Shovelnose Sturgeon prey use along a longitudinal gradient. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Great Falls, Montana. | March 2016 |
Civiello, A.P. and J.M. Long. 2016. Effect of shallow-water habitat quantity on young-of-year Sturgeon prey use and condition along a longitudinal gradient. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri. | August 2016 |
Civiello, A.P. and J.M. Long. 2015. Influence of habitat on young-of-year shovelnose sturgeon prey use. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon. | August 2015 |
Cherry, M. J., M. C. Chitwood, R. W. DeYoung, W. S. Fairbanks, L. J. Heffelfinger, R. C. Lonsinger, E. P. Tanner, and H. G. Wang. 2021. Movement and population demography of pronghorn in Oklahoma. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Mule Deer and Pronghorn Technical Committee Meeting. Lubbock, Texas. | August 2021 |
Chappell, W. S., M. L. Cole, W. L. Fisher, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 6 October 1997. A GIS-based inventory of biological and habitat resources of the Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge. 51ST Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Oklahoma City, OK. | August 1997 |
Chapman, R. N., D. M. Engle, R. E. Masters, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 7 September 1999. Avian community response to type of breeding habitat in the southern Great Plains. 6TH Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Austin, TX. | September 1999 |
Chapman, R. N., D. M. Engle, R. E. Masters, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 6 December 1999. Influence of grassland habitat composition and structure on breeding bird communities. 61st Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Chicago, IL. | December 1999 |
Chapagain, B., O. Joshi, J.Long, and A. Taylor. 2020. An application of revealed preference and contingent valuation approach to estimate demand and economic value of recreational fishing in Oklahoma rivers and streams. International Society of Forest Resource Economics, Gulfport, Mississippi. | May 2020 |
Chapagain, B., O. Joshi, J.Long, and A. Taylor. 2019. Influence of Place Attachment and Motivation on Bass Fishing Demand in Oklahoma Streams. Society of American Foresters Annual Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky. | November 2019 |
Chapagain, B., O. Joshi, J. Long, and A. Taylor. 2021. Estimating the effects of fish quality and size on the economic value of fishing in Oklahoma streams and rivers: a revealed preference and contingent behavior approach. International Society of Forest Resource Economics Annual Meeting, Mississippi State University, Starkville. | May 2021 |
Chapagain, B., O. Joshi, J. Long, and A. Taylor. 2020. The effects of social-psychological factors on black bass fishing demand in Oklahoma Ozark streams. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Norman, Oklahoma. | February 2020 |
Chapagain, B., O. Joshi, J. Long, and A. Taylor. 2020. Examining Social-Psychological Factors within a Black Bass Fishing Demand Model: A Travel Cost Approach. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas. | February 2020 |
Cavett, A., J.M. Long, and W.W. Hoback. 2024. Quantifying the effect of farm ponds on biodiversity. Oklahoma Governor's Water Conference and Research Symposium, Norman. | November 2024 |
Cavalieri, V., T. O?Connell, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 3 November 2006. Status and habitat affinity for Cerulean Warbler (Dendroica cerulea) and other forest birds in Oklahoma. 95th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Claremore, OK. | November 2006 |
Cavalieri, V., T. O?Connell, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 23 March 2007. A bird on the edge: Cerulean Warblers still breed in Oklahoma. Joint Annual Meeting of the Wilson Ornithological Society and Massachusetts Audubon Society, Wakefield, MA. | March 2007 |
Cavalieri, V., T. O?Connell, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 19 October 2007. Status and habitat affinity of cerulean warbler and other forest birds in Oklahoma. Joint Meeting of the Bollenbach Wildlife Symposium and Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Woodward, OK. | January 2007 |
Cavalieri, V., T. O'Connelll, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 11 October 2008. Status and habitat affinity for Cerulean Warbler (Dendroica cerulea) in Oklahoma. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Ornithological Society, Tulsa, OK. | October 2008 |
Cavalieri, V. T., T. J. O'Connell, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 18 April 2008. Habitat effects on occurrences and relative abundance of forest songbirds in eastern Oklahoma. Joint Meeting of the Wilson Ornithological Society and the American Field Ornithologists, Mobile, AL. | April 2008 |
Cavalieri, V. S., T. J. O'Connell, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 5 October 2006. Topography, forest stand composition, and breeding birds in the Ouachita National Forest, Oklahoma. Fourth North American Ornithological Conference, Veracruz, Mexico. | October 2006 |
Cartabiano, E.C. and J.M. Long. 2014. Fish community responses to drought in an aging Great Plains reservoir. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma-Texas Chapter American Fisheries Society, Tanglewood Resort, Pottsboro, Texas. | February 2014 |
Cartabiano, E.C. and J.M. Long. 2013. Fish community response to drought at a shallow Great Plains reservoir. Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Oklahoma City, OK. | October 2013 |
Cartabiano, E., D.R. Stewart, and J.M. Long. 2014. Comparison of methods and bait-type to minimize by-catch when sampling for channel catfish in reservoirs. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC. | January 2014 |
Cajero, A.B., R.C. Lonsinger, J.W. Cain III, L.J. Bernal, C. Kruse, M.C. Chitwood. 2023. Evaluation of cougar predation and black bear kleptoparasitism on Vermejo Park Ranch, New Mexico. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY | November 2023 |
Cain, S.A., B.D. Murray, R.C. Lonsinger, P.M. Lukacs, and M.C. Chitwood. 2024. Careful or careless: Elk response to seasonal human recreation. Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Edmond, OK. | February 2024 |
Cain, S.A., B.D. Murray, R.C. Lonsinger, P.M. Lukacs, and M.C. Chitwood. 2023. Spatio-temporal interactions of Rocky Mountain elk, mule deer, and moose in southwest Montana. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY | November 2023 |
Cain, S.A, B.D. Murray, R.C. Lonsinger, P.M. Lukacs, and M.C. Chitwood. 2024. Elk resource selection in a mountain range with low human recreational use. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. | October 2024 |
Burroughs, J., and S.K. Brewer. 2014. Tag Retention of Hallprint Dart Tags by Riverine Smallmouth Bass. 68th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Destin. | October 2014 |
Burroughs, J., X. Jin, and S.K. Brewer. 2013.New life for a tailwater trout fishery: Case study of water-quality conditions below Tenkiller Ferry Reservoir. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, Nashville. | February 2013 |
Burroughs, J., X. Jin, S.K. Brewer, J. Johnston, and B. Brown. 2014. . Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Charleston. | January 2014 |
Burroughs, J., X. Jin, S. K. Brewer, J. Johnston, and B. Brown. 2013. Interactions between water quantity and quality and the impacts to an economically-important fishery. The 34th Annual Oklahoma Governor's Water Conference and Research Symposium, Midwest City. | October 2013 |
Burroughs, J., X. Jin, J. Johnston, B. Brown, and S.K. Brewer. 2013. The interrelated conditions of water quality and quantity: An example from the lower Illinois River. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds, Stillwater. | April 2013 |
Burroughs, J., D. Swedberg, J. Tucker, M. Skoog, A. Rodger, S. K. Brewer. 2018.Efforts to conserve spring-fed obligates: Least Darter as an SGCN species. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City. | August 2018 |
Burroughs, J., B. Brown, and S.K. Brewer. 2014. Evaluating the Efficiency of a Collection Device for Quantifying Densities of Early Life Stages of Smallmouth Bass in Streams. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Charleston. | January 2014 |
Burroughs, J., B. Brown, and S. K. Brewer. 2014. Evaluating the Efficiency of a Collection Device for Quantifying Densities of Early Life Stages of Smallmouth Bass in Streams. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma and Texas Chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Lake Texoma. | February 2014 |
Burroughs, J. and SK Brewer. 2015. Preliminary Results of Engineered Alternatives for Improving Water Quality in a Tailwater Fishery. SEAFWA Annual Meeting | November 2015 |
Burroughs, J. X. Jin, S.K. Brewer, J. Johnston, and B. Brown. 2014. Benefits of two engineered water quality improvement options in a hydropower tailwater: An evaluation of oxygen enhancements in a coldwater fishery. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec. | August 2014 |
Burroughs J. and S.K. Brewer. 2015. Tag Retention of Dart Tags by riverine Smallmouth Bass. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Savannah. | January 2015 |
Burkholder, E.N., M.C. Chitwood, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2024. Assessment of prairie gray fox population distribution, dynamics, and genetics in Oklahoma. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. | October 2024 |
Buie, M.D., B.A. Kleeberg, W.S. Fairbanks, M.C. Chitwood, R.C. Lonsinger. 2024. Estimating species richness in an ephemeral system. Undergraduate Research Symposium, Stillwater, OK. | April 2024 |
Bruckerhoff, L., C. Yackulic, D. Eppehimer, K. Bestgen, B. Neilson, B. Mihalevich, J. Schmidt, J. Wang, and K. Wheeler. Two-species population models predict native fish responses to interactive effects of climate change and non-native species in the Colorado River basin. 2022. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids Michigan. | May 2022 |
Bruckerhoff, L. A., C.A. Pennock, and K.B., Gido. 2021. Do fine scale experiments underestimate consumption rates? Oklahoma American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. | September 2021 |
Brown, M.D. and D.L. Winkelman. 2 March 2000. Occurrence of daily growth rings in otoliths of young-of-the-year flathead catfish. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Oklahoma City, OK. | March 2000 |
Brown, M.D. and D.L. Winkelman, 10 November 2000, Evaluation of the flathead catfish population and fishery in Lake Carl Blackwell, Oklahoma. 89th Annual meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of science. | November 2000 |
Brown, M. D., and D. L. Winkelman. 8 February 2001. Evaluation of the flathead catfish population and fishery in Lake Carl Blackwell, Oklahoma. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Stillwater, OK. | February 2001 |
Brown, M. D., and D. L. Winkelman. 6 February 2000. Occurrence and validation of daily growth rings of the otoliths. Mid-year Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Savannah, GA. | February 2000 |
Brown, M. D., and D. L. Winkelman. 13 November 1999. Occurrence and validation of daily growth rings of the otoliths. 88th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Oklahoma City, OK | November 1999 |
Brown, K., R. Mollenhauer, and S.K. Brewer. 2019. Effects of non-native Rainbow Trout on behavior and cover use by Smallmouth Bass. Oklahoma NaturalResources Conference, Tulsa. | February 2019 |
Brown, K., R. Mollenhauer, and S. K. Brewer. 2019. Effects of non-native Rainbow Trout on aggression and cover use by native Smallmouth Bass. Joint Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society and the Wildlife Society, Reno. | October 2019 |
Brown, B., S.K. Brewer, and J. Burroughs. 2014. First year survival and dispersal of Neosho smallmouth bass.23rd Annual Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds Association, Stillwater. | April 2014 |
Brown, B., S.K. Brewer, and J. Burroughs. 2014. First year survival and dispersal of Neosho smallmouth bass. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma and Texas Chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Lake Texoma. | February 2014 |
Brown, B., S.K. Brewer, J. Burroughs, and J. Johnston. 2013. Investigating the relationship between smallmouth bass recruitment and flow characteristics in Ozark streams. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Nashville. | February 2013 |
Brown, A. G., L. Gardner-Santana, E. C. Hellgren, V. A. Van Den Bussche, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 18 June 2006. Density and spatial distribution of black bears in southeastern Oklahoma using hair-snare samples. 86TH Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Amherst, MA. | June 2006 |
Brown, A. G., L. Gardner-Santana, E. C. Hellgren, V. A. Van Den Bussche, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 14 October 2006. Spatial distribution of black bears in southeastern Oklahoma using hair-snare samples. Annual Meeting of the Central Plains Society of Mammalogists, Edmond, OK. | October 2006 |
Brown, A. G., E. C. Hellgren, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 3 November 2006. Age structure and morphometrics of black bears in southeastern Oklahoma. 95th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Claremore, OK. | November 2006 |
Brown, A. G., E. C. Hellgren, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 10 June 2007. Age structure and morphometrics of recolonizing black bears. 87TH Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Albuquerque, NM. | June 2007 |
Brown, A. G., D. M. Leslie, Jr., and E. C. Hellgren. 2 November 2007. Landscape characteristics influencing a recolonizing black bear population in southern Oklahoma. 96th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Sciences, Lawton, OK. | November 2007 |
Brown, A. G., D. M. Leslie, Jr., and E. C. Hellgren. 19 October 2007. Age structure and morphometrics of recolonizing black bears. Joint Meeting of the Bollenbach Wildlife Symposium and Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Woodward, OK. | October 2007 |
Brown, A. G., D. M. Leslie, Jr., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 9 November 2007. Landscape characteristics influencing a recolonizing black bear population. International Association for Bear Research and Management, Annual Meeting, Monterrey, Mexico. | November 2007 |
Brosend, D., and R.C. Lonsinger. 2024. Variation in mesocarnivore detection is influenced by olfactory attractants and environmental conditions. Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Edmond, OK. | February 2024 |
Brosend, D., and R.C. Lonsinger. 2024. Olfactory attractant and environmental influences on mesocarnivore detection. American Society of Mammalogists Annual Meeting, Boulder, CO. | June 2024 |
Brosend, D., R.C. Lonsinger. 2025. Co-occurrence modeling indicates coexistence between mesocarnivore species in southeast Oklahoma. Oklahoma Natural Resource Conference, Oklahoma City, OK. | April 2025 |
Brosend, D. and R.C. Lonsinger. 2024. What stinks? Mesocarnivore detection is influenced by different olfactory attractants. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD. | October 2024 |
Brosend, D. and R.C. Lonsinger. 2023. Plains spotted skunk detection in the Oauchita National Forest, Oklahoma. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY | November 2023 |
Broadway, M., R.C. Lonsinger, T. O'Connell, and S. Loss. 2024. Co-occurrence and behavior mediate interactions between sympatric nightjars exhibiting differential responses to landscape characteristics. American Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, Estes Park, CO. | October 2024 |
Broadway, M., R.C. Lonsinger, T. O'Connell, and S. Loss. 2023. Night moves: lunar, seasonal, and interspecific effects on detection of two sympatric nightjars. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY | November 2023 |
Broadway, M., H. Todaro, M. Koeck, C. Dotterweich, S. Cain, L. Buehler, M.C. Chitwood, R.C. Lonsinger. 2025. Interspecific effects of invasive wild pigs on native nine-banded armadillos. Oklahoma Natural Resource Conference, Oklahoma City, OK. | April 2025 |
Brewer, Shannon, S. Wolf, E. Tanner, J. Polo, and S. Fuhlendorf. 2019. Quantifying spatio-temporal variability in thermal patterns using a fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing system. Joint Meeting of The American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Reno. | October 2019 |
Brewer, SK, TA. Worthington, JG. Kennan, BE Vieux, and W Andrews. 2016. Spatial variation in responses of a large river fish assemblage to flow alteration. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Oklahoma City. | February 2016 |
Brewer, SK, TA Worthington, TB Grabowski, and J Mueller. 2012. Evaluating the efficiency of the Moore egg-sampler. Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, October 22, Stillwater, OK | October 2012 |
Brewer, SK, TA Worthington, TB Grabowski, and J Mueller. 2012. Evaluating the efficiency of a quantitative egg-sampling gear. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Minneapolis | August 2012 |
Brewer, SK, TA Worthington, R Mollenhauer, DR Stewart, and P Kemp. 2014.Synthesizing Ecohydrology Models As A Management Tool For Landscape Conservation Under Climate Change, 23rd Annual Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds Association, April 1-3, 2014, Stillwater, OK | April 2014 |
Brewer, SK, Thomas Worthington, Tianjiao Zhang, Aaron R. Mittelstet, and Daniel Logue. 2016. Landscape and flow metrics affecting the distribution of a federally-threatened fish: Improving management, model fit, and model transferability. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Wheeling. | February 2016 |
Brewer, SK and S Sammons. 2020. Advances in Black Bass Ecology and Conservation. Symposium for the Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock. | February 2020 |
Brewer, SK and R Mollenhauer. 2017.Developing effective sampling strategies for stream centrarchids. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa. | August 2017 |
Brewer, S.K., T.A. Worthington, T.B. Grabowski, and J. Mueller. 2013. Evaluating the reproductive success of Arkansas River shiner by assessing early life-history stage dispersal and survival at the landscape level. Great Plains Conservation Cooperative Steering Committee Meeting, Edmond, Oklahoma, January 17. | January 2013 |
Brewer, S.K., T.A. Worthington, J.J. Dyer, N. Farless, D. Logue, R. Mollenhauer, and J. Perkins. 2015.Pelagic-Broadcast Spawning Cyprinids: Landscape Conservation Opportunities. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Tulsa. | February 2015 |
Brewer, S.K., T. A. Worthington, T. Zhang, D. R. Logue, and A. R. Mittelstet. 2018.Landscape factors affecting the distribution of a federally-threatened Great Plains minnow. Annual meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Puerto Rico. | March 2018 |
Brewer, S.K., E. Irwin, M. Freeman, and J. Burroughs. 2018. Advancing environmental flows: novel findings, challenges to conventional thinking, and embracing uncertainty. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, San Juan | March 2018 |
Brewer, S.K. et al. 2015.Pelagic-Broadcast Spawning Cyprinids: Ecology and Conservation Opportunities. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Savannah. | January 2015 |
Brewer, S.K. and J.M. Long. 2013. Biology and ecology of genetically distinct Neosho and Ouachita smallmouth bass. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society. Nashville. | February 2013 |
Brewer, S.K. 2014. Aquatic challenges, issues and options for bridging the conservation and management of stream and reservoir fisheries. Gulf Coast Prairie Steering Committee Meeting, Arcadia | June 2014 |
Brewer, S.K. 2013. Linking ecological research and management: How can we do it better? Annual meeting of the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation technicians, Tahlequah, OK | September 2013 |
Brewer, S.K. 2011. A watershed-based approach to smallmouth bass management. | October 2011 |
Brewer, S.K. 2010. Sustaining Oklahoma Fishes Under Increasing Water Demands, Oklahoma’s Governor’s water conference: A Shared Resource, A Shared Responsibility, Norman, October 26-27, 2010, Environment Panel participant | October 2010 |
Brewer, S., J. Burroughs, B Brown, R Mollenhauer, A. Rodger, and M. Skoog. 2017. First year survival and dispersal of Neosho smallmouth bass. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Oklahoma City. | February 2016 |
Brewer, S. K., T. A. Worthington, R. Mollenhauer, and W. Andrews. 2014. Assessing changes in fish traits and water quality in a large Great Plains river. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec. | August 2014 |
Brewer, S. K., R. Mollenhauer, M. Wedgeworth, J. Perkins, and R. Hart. 2019. Flow-ecology relationships in the Great Plains: Changing relationships across wet-dry cycles and in different ecoregions of the Red River Basin. Annual Meeting of the Society of Freshwater Science, Salt Lake City. | May 2019 |
Brewer, S. K., R. Mollenhauer, M. Wedgeworth, D. Swedberg, and J. Perkin. 2020. Flow-ecology relationships vary across wet-dry cycles of the southern Great Plains. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Little Rock. | February 2020 |
Brewer, S. K., R. Mollenhauer, M. Wedgeworth, D. Swedberg, J. Perkin, and R. Hart. 2019. Flow-ecology relationships in the Great Plains: Changing relationships across wet-dry cycles and in different ecoregions of the Red River Basin. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, Salt Lake City. | May 2018 |
Brewer, S. K., J. Dattilo, and D. Shoup. 2018. Water levels and flow patterns that benefit growth and recruitment of lotic and lentic fishes. Annual meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Puerto Rico. | March 2018 |
Brewer, S. K., E Irwin, J Burroughs, M. D. Porter, and K. L. Dibble. Advancing environmental flows: novel findings, challenges to conventional thinking, and embracing uncertainty. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City | August 2018 |
Brewer, S. K. and A. Miller. 2020. Factors affecting different nesting behaviors by Neosho Smallmouth Bass: Does clustering relate to higher abundance of young-of-year fish? Annual Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Little Rock. | February 2020 |
Brewer, S. K. 2020. Forging a future for stream fishes under environmental stressors. Annual Meeting of the Natural Resources Conference, Norman. | February 2020 |
Brewer, S. K. 2013. Gone with the Flow: How a Little Fish Is Emblematic of Big Problems in Great Plains Rivers. Natural Resources Ecology and Management Newsletters, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | December 2013 |
Brewer, S. K. 2013. Assessing stream ecosystem threats: What are the factors and scales where management activities are most effective? Spring Creek Coalition. Tulsa, August 14. | August 2013 |
Brewer SK, TA Worthington, N Farless, D Logue, J Dyer, J Perkin and T Echelle. 2016. Threats to pelagic-broadcast spawning cyprinids. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Oklahoma City. | February 2016 |
Brewer SK, TA Worthington, N Farless, D Logue, J Dyer, J Perkin and T Echelle. 2016. Threats to pelagic-broadcast spawning cyprinids. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City. | August 2016 |
Bowe, Madison, A. Miller, S. K. Brewer. 2018.Effect of suspended bentonite sediment on four stream fish. Annual Meeting of the Society of Freshwater Science, Detroit. | May 2018 |
Birdsong, T., D. Krause, J. Leitner, J.M. Long, S. Sammons, and J. Slaughter. 2013. Native Black Bass Initiative: Implementing Watershed-Scale Conservation of Native Fish Populations in Southern US Rivers and Streams. Black Bass Diversity Symposium, Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Nashville. | February 2013 |
Baxter Vieux, Shannon K Brewer, Thomas Worthington, Jonathan Kennen, and Bill Andrews. 2015.Projecting hydrologic impacts on the Canadian River ecosystem under future climate change scenarios. Oklahoma's Governor's Water Conference, Norman | December 2015 |
Barrett, D., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 19 October 2007. Spatiotemporal age structures of expanding river otter populations. Joint Meeting of the Bollenbach Wildlife Symposium and Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Woodward, OK. | October 2007 |
Barrett, D. A., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 8 June 2007. Spatiotemporal age structure of expanding river otter populations. 87TH Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Albuquerque, NM. | June 2007 |
Barrett, D. A., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 3 November 2006. Surveys for river otter (Lontra canadensis) distribution and Ssatus in Oklahoma. 95th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Claremore, OK. | November 2006 |
Barrett, D. A., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 14 October 2006. River otter (Lontra canadensis) distribution in Oklahoma. Annual Meeting of the Central Plains Society of Mammalogists, Edmond, OK. | October 2006 |
Barko, V. A., J. H. Shaw, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 19 April 1997. Influence of black-tailed prairie dog colonies on avifaunal richness and abundance. Biological Sciences Symposium, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS. | April 1997 |
Bales, S., E. C. Hellgren, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1 November 2002. Testing a multivariate GIS model of black bear habitat use at the landscape scale using bait station indices in the Oklahoma District of the Ouachita National Forest. 91ST Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Oklahoma City, OK. | November 2002 |
Bales, S., E. C. Hellgren, D. M. Leslie, Jr., W. L. Fisher, and J. Hemphill, Jr. 27 February 2003. Population dynamics of black bears (Urus americanus) in the Ouachita Mountains of Oklahoma. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Stillwater, OK. | February 2003 |
Bales, S. L., E. C. Hellgren, M. Gregory, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 25 June 2003. Testing habitat suitability models: landscape use by black bears in the Ouachita Mountains of Oklahoma. 83rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Lubbock, TX. | June 2003 |
Bales, S. L., E. C. Hellgren, J. B. James, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and W. L. Fisher. 9 September 2003. Testing habitat suitability models: lanscape use by black bears in the Ouachita Mountains of Oklahoma. 10th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Burlington, VT. | September 2003 |
Bales, S. L., E. C. Hellgren, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and W. L. Fisher. 19 April 2003. Population dynamics of black bears in the Ouachita Mountains of Oklahoma. 50th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Norman, OK. | April 2003 |
Bales Lyda, S. C. Endicott, C. Allen, C. Farquharm C. Teschner, S. Fairbanks, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2013. Status and distribution of black bears in east-cental and northeastern Oklahoma. Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Assoication of Fish and Wildlife Agnecies, Oklahoma CIty, OK | October 2013 |
Athearn, N, S Brewer, and A Pease. 2017. Watershed-based Conservation Planning for Improved Flow Regimes (Red/Arkansas River Systems). Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Oklahoma City. | February 2017 |
Alexander, J, Y. Zhou, S.K. Brewer, and G.A. Fox. 2016. Assessing reservoir operations and the associated changes in downstream water quality on the persistence of stream fishes. Kiamichi River Basin Research Symposium, McAlaster, OK | June 2016 |
Alexander, J, Y Zhou, G Fox, and SK Brewer. 2017. Environmental flows for improving downriver thermal conditions for fishes. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa. | August 2017 |
Alexander, J, Y Zhou, G Fox, and SK Brewer. 2015. Assessing reservoir operations and the associated changes in water quality on the persistence of stream fishes. Oklahoma EPSCoR Annual State Conference, Norman. | December 2015 |
Alexander JR, N Farless, and SK Brewer. 2016. Variation in critical thermal maximum between stream fishes of two Oklahoma watersheds. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Oklahoma City. | February 2016 |
A.T. Taylor, J.M. Long, M.D. Tringali, M.R. Schwemm, and S.K. Brewer. 2016. Introgression and Population Structure of Neosho Smallmouth Bass. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Oklahoma City. | February 2016 |
SK Brewer and W.C. Musselman. 2014. Consideration of Functional Connectivity in establishing instream flows for aquatic biota Illinois River Watershed Research and Extension Symposium. | September 2014 |
Mollenhauer, R. and S.K. Brewer. 2014.All-star stream fish: Uncovering the qualities of successful competitors. Natural Resources Ecology and Management Newsletters, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | June 2014 |
J. Burroughs, B Brown, R Mollenhauer, and S.K. Brewer. 2016. First year survival and dispersal of Neosho smallmouth bass. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City. | August 2016 |
Brewer SK, D Ryder, W Andrews, R Hart, T Birdong, G Fox, and Y Allen. 2016. Ecological Studies in the Red River Basin. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Oklahoma City | February 2016 |
Theses and Dissertations | Publication Date |
Zhou, Yan. 2018. Quantifying groundwater interactions and implications on thermal regimes of streams. Ph.D. Dissertation, Oklahoma State University. | December 2017 |
Wood, G. Keith. Evaluation of the population and habitat status of the endangered interior least tern on the Arkansas River, Oklahoma. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State Univer¬sity, Stillwater. 140 pp. Initial Employment: Biologist, The Nature Conservancy (Oklahoma Chapter), Tulsa, OK. | December 1994 |
Wolf, S. L. 2019. Movement, survival, and resource use by stocked Rainbow Trout. Master’s thesis. Oklahoma State University. Stillwater, OK. | December 2019 |
Winton, Bryan R. Breeding ecology of great horned owls and barred owls in relation to nesting interior least terns at Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma: 1995 and 1996. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 102 pp. Initial Employment: Wildlife Biologist, Lower Rio Grande Refuge Complex, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Alamo, TX. | May 1997 |
Whittier, J. B. 2001. Management implications of population genetics and demographics of least terns (Sterna antillarum). Ph.D. Dissertation, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 100 pp. Initial Employment: Wildlife Biologist, Ecological Services, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Pierre, SD. | December 2001 |
Whittaker, T. D. 2004. The herpetofauna of Hispaniola with special emphasis on the Dominican Republic: description, anthropogenic effects, and management. M.S. Report Option, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 47 pp. Initial Employment: Wildlife Biologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services, Tulsa, OK. | December 2004 |
White, K. M. 2024. The spatial ecology of plains spotted skunks in South Dakota: insights from species distribution, resource selection, and co-occurrence models. Ph.D. Dissertation. South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD. | May 2024 |
Wethington, Traci A. Foraging activity, habitat use, and cave selection by the en¬dangered Ozark big eared bat (Plecotus townsendii ingens). M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 53 pp. Initial Employment: Nongame Biologist, Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, Frankfurt, KY. | May 1994 |
Webb, Eric. Limitations in essential amino acid nutrition in cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus) in Oklahoma. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 102 pp. [Co-advised with the late R. L. Lochmiller] Initial Employment: State Agent, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal Damage Control, Richmond, VA. | December 2000 |
Walter, W. David. Ecology of a colonizing population of Rocky Mountain elk (Cervus elaphus). Ph.D. Dissertation, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 87 pp. Initial Employment: Post-doctoral Fellow, U.S.D.A. Wildlife Research Center, Fort Collins, CO. | May 2006 |
Utych, Russell B. Compatibility of selenite crystal digging with breeding ecology of least terns and snowy plovers at Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 45 pp. Initial Employment: Associate Research Biologist, Kalamazoo Nature Center, Kalamazoo, MI. | December 1993 |
Townsend, Darrell E., III. Improving management for northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus): re-evaluation of movements, nesting habitat and feeding ecology. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 96 pp. [Co-advised with the late R. L. Lochmiller] Initial Employment: Ph.D. Assistantship, Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | May 2000 |
Taylor, A.T. 2017. Influences of fragmentation on fluvial-specialist black bass species. PhD Dissertation, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 201 pages. | May 2017 |
Tanner, C.D. 2014. The effects of water quantity on fish assemblage composition in the upper Cimarron River. Master's thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | December 2014 |
Stone, Kelli L. Shorebird habitat use and response to burned marshes during spring migration in south central Kansas. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 92 pp. Initial Employment: Wildlife Biologist, Ouray National Wildlife Refuge, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ouray, UT. | May 1994 |
Stewart, D.R. 2013. Factors related to stocking success of 178-mm channel catfish in medium size Oklahoma reservoirs. Doctoral dissertation, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | December 2013 |
Starks, T.A. 2015. Larval fish ecology in restored habitats in the lower Missouri River. Master's Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | May 2015 |
Stancill, Wayne J. An evaluation of survey methodology and habitat use of waterfowl on Grand Lake, Oklahoma. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 54 pp. Initial Employment: Refuge Biologist, Horicon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge, Mayville, WI. | July 1989 |
Spinks, R. L. 2013. Potential effects of climate changes on Ozark big-eared bats and gray bats in Oklahoma. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 51 pp. | May 2013 |
Snow, R.A. 2014. Life history of juvenile Alligator gar (Atractosteus spatula) in Oklahoma. Masters thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 47 pgs. | May 2014 |
Snavely, B. M. 2023. Home ranges, resource selection, and survival of adult female black bears in a mixed-oak habitat type in northcentral Pennsylvania. M.S. Thesis. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. |
May 2023 |
Smith, Stephanie J. Using genetics analyses to gain insight on a rare bat, Corynorhinus townsendii pallescens. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 49 pp. Initial Employment: Wildlife Biologist, Bureau of Land Management, Pinedale, WY. | May 2006 |
Simmonds, Robert L., Jr. Effects of piscivorous birds, particularly cormorants, on reservoir and aquacultural fishes in Oklahoma. M. S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 91 pp. [Co advised with A. V. Zale] Initial Employment: Fisheries Biologist, Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, Suffolk, VA. | December 1995 |
Sequy, L. 2019. Non-native black bass: potential conflicts in fisheries management. Master's thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | May 2019 |
Schweitzer, Sara H. Abundance and conservation of endangered interior least terns nesting on salt flat habitat. Ph.D. Dissertation, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 128 pp. Initial Employment: Assistant Professor of Wildlife Ecology, Warnell School of Forest Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. | December 1994 |
Schulz, Cynthia A. Response of nongame bird populations to herbicides in the Cross Timbers of Oklahoma. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 65 pp. Initial Employment: Biologist, Environmental Section, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. | December 1989 |
Schuette, James R. Seasonal dietary overlap between hartebeest and roan antelope in Burkina Faso, West Africa. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 158 pp. Initial Employment: Supervisory Biologist III, Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, West Palm Beach, FL. | December 1991 |
Santillo, David J. Response of small mammals and breeding birds to herbicide induced habitat changes on clearcuts in Maine. M.S. Thesis, University of Maine, Orono. 74 pp. [Served as advisor for 1st half of M.S. program] Initial Employment: Staff Biologist, Ecology and Environment, Ltd., Lancaster, NY. | May 1987 |
Powers, J. 2016. Factors related to the distribution of freshwater mussels on Muddy and Clear Boggy rivers. MS Thesis. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | May 2016 |
Porta, M.J. 2011. Effects of environmental variation on stocking success of an endemic black bass species in the Chattahoochee River, Georgia. Masters thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | December 2011 |
Perry, Roger W. Stand- and landscape-level roost selection by forest bats in the Ouachita Mountains. Ph.D. Dissertation, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 87 pp. Initial Employment: Wildlife Biologist, Southern Research Station, U.S. Forest Service, Hot Springs, AR. | July 2006 |
Nealis, A. 2013. Characteristics of two self-sustaining populations of paddlefish in northeast Oklahoma. Master's thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | December 2013 |
Musselman, W. C. 2014. The importance of maintaining shallow-water habitats for the movement and survival of stream fishes. M.S. thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | December 2014 |
Murley, B. P. 2024. Feral swine space use and effects on ecological communities in the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge. M.S. Thesis. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. | May 2024 |
Moore, Desiree. 2020. Movement and flow relationships of Great Plains pelagophil fishes. MS Thesis, Oklahoma State University. | May 2020 |
Mollenhauer, R. 2016. Sampling the stream landscape: Factors influencing detection and distribution of stream fishes. PhD Dissertation. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | December 2016 |
Miller, O. Dewayne. Efficacy of moist-soil management techniques on Hackberry Flat Wildlife Management Area: response of vegetation, existing soil seed bank, and waterfowl. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 90 pp. Initial Employment: Ranch Manager, Briar Lakes Ranch, L.P., Palestine, TX. | August 2002 |
Martin, Keith W. Effects of internal gating structures on cave microclimates and management implications for cave-dwelling bats. Ph.D. Dissertation, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 96 pp. Initial Employment: Assistant Professor, Rogers State University, Claremore, OK. | December 2001 |
Logue, D. 2023. A survey of fish passage improvement methods in the united states: what are our options? Master's thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | April 2023 |
Leis, Sherry A. Effects of military training on soil, vegetation, and the small-mammal community in a mixed prairie. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 86 pp. [Co-advised with D. M. Engle] Initial Employment: Botanist, Missouri Department of Wildlife Conservation, Columbia, MO. | December 2004 |
Koenen, Marcus T. Breeding ecology and management of least terns, snowy plovers, and American avocets. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 108 pp. Initial Employment: Peace Corps, Ecuador, South America. | May 1995 |
Kleeberg, B. A. 2022. Landscape associations and population genetics of American black bear in the Oklahoma Panhandle. M.S. Thesis. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. | May 2024 |
Kelly, Jeffrey F. The influence of habitat quality on the population decline of the red cockaded woodpecker in the McCurtain County Wilderness Area, Oklahoma. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 50 pp. Initial Employment: Ph.D. As¬sistantship, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. | May 1991 |
Kasson, Shane A. Effects of prescribed burning on cattail (Typha latifolia) dominated marshes. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 53 pp. Initial Employment: Wildlife Biologist, Sequoyah National Wildlife Refuge, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Vian, OK. | August 2002 |
Josh Mouser, M.S. Determining the presence and demographics of cave fish and cave crayfish populations using novel techniques. Oklahoma State University (co-advised with Dr. Ron van den Buscche). | May 2019 |
Joseph Dyer, Ph.D. Migration strategies and habitat use by Blue Sucker in the Red River Basin. Oklahoma State University. | December 2018 |
Jones, G. 2024. Response of macroinvertebrates to the presence of fish in Oklahoma ponds. Master's thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | May 2024 |
Johnston, J. 2017. Improving sampling and monitoring of shovelnose sturgeon in the Great Plains. MS Thesis. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | May 2017 |
Johnson, J.R. 2017. Detection, occupancy and distribution of Asian Swamp Eel (Monopterus albus) in Georgia. Master’s Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 68 pages. | May 2017 |
Jenks, Jonathan A. Synergistic relationships among important winter forages of white tailed deer. M.S. Thesis, University of Maine, Orono. 55 pp. Initial Employment: Ph.D. Assistantship, Department of Zoology, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. | April 1986 |
Jenks, Jonathan A. Effect of cattle stocking rate on the nutritional ecology of white tailed deer in managed forests of southeastern Oklahoma and southwestern Arkansas. Ph.D. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 131 pp. Initial Employment: As¬sistant Professor, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD. | May 1991 |
Jahrsdoerfer, Sonja E. Tamaulipan brushlands of south Texas: description, human impacts, and management options. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 145 pp. Initial Employment: Nongame Biologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, NM. | December 1987 |
Holley, C.T. 2018. Habitat suitability and detection probability of Longnose Darter (Percina nasuta) in Oklahoma. Master's Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | December 2018 |
Hensley, G. M. 2010. Fire effects on habitat quality for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) within the Cross Timbers Ecoregion. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 74 pp. | December 2010 |
Harsh, S. 2021. Pheasant ecology in an agricultural landscape of South Dakota. Ph.D. Dissertation. South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD. | June 2021 |
Hahn, D. 2024. Factors influencing fawn survival and adult female vigilance in a declining population of pronghorn. M.S. Thesis. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. | August 2024 |
Hafen, T. 2020. Landscape-scale factors affecting detection and occurrence of threatened Yaqui Catfish in the Yaqui River basin, Mexico. Master's Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | December 2020 |
Gatlin, M.R. 2013. The effects of hydrologic alteration on stream fish community structure in Lee Creek, Oklahoma. Master's thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 96 pages. | July 2013 |
Gary, R. 2021. Factors associated with Paddlefish restoration in Oklahoma: availability of potentially suitable spawning substrates in reservoir tributaries. Master's thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | July 2021 |
Fetherston, S. C. 2021. Population genetic structure of bobcats (Lynx rufus) in South Dakota: using harvested samples to inform management. M.S. Thesis. South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD. | December 2021 |
Feirer, Shane T. Nesting ecology of ardeids, including cattle egrets, and restoration on Ralstin Island in northcentral Oklahoma. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 91 pp. Initial Employment: Conservation Associate, The Nature Conservancy, Oklahoma Chapter, Tulsa, OK. | December 2000 |
Faucette, Raymond F., Jr. Evaluation of a recirculating aquaculture-hydroponics system. Ed.D. Dissertation, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 68 pp. [Co-advised with A. V. Zale] Initial Employment: Langston University, Langston, OK. | December 1997 |
Farless, N. 2015.The influence of flow alteration on instream habitat and fish assemblages. MS Thesis. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | December 2015 |
Dyer, J. J. 2014. The impact of flow alterations to crayfishes in southeastern Oklahoma, with an emphasis on the mena crayfish (Orconectes mena). MS Thesis, Oklahoma State University, May. | May 2014 |
Duck, J.L. 2020. An evaluation of the effectiveness of a trophy Blue Catfish regulation in Oklahoma. Master's thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | May 2020 |
Dolman, Richard W. 2015. Small mammal communities and functional connectivity in the Lower Rio Grande Valley: a landscape perspective. Ph.D. Dissertation, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 67 pp. | July 2015 |
Dattilo, John. 2017. Relationships between hydrology and the production of fishes occupying both river and reservoir environments. MS Thesis, Oklahoma State University | December 2017 |
Dart, M. M. 2021. Spatial and temporal patterns of sympatric bobcats (Lynx rufus) and coyotes (Canis latrans) in an agricultural landscape. M.S. Thesis. South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD. | May 2021 |
Cole, Matthew L. Wildlife-habitat relationship model, avian community structure, and shorebird habitat use in south-central Oklahoma. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 161 pp. Initial Employment: Research Associate, Murray State University, Murray, KY. | July 1998 |
Clark, Brenda S. Activity patterns, habitat use, and prey selection by the Ozark big eared bat (Plecotus townsendii ingens). Ph.D. Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 80 pp. Initial Employment: Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Durant, OK. | May 1991 |
Civiello, A.P. 2016. Effect of shallow-water habitat quantity on young-of-year shovelnose sturgeon prey use and condition along a longitudinal gradient. Master's Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 80 pages. | December 2016 |
Cartabiano, E.C. 2014. Excessive sedimentation in reservoirs: effects on fish communities and feeding efficiency. Master's thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. | December 2014 |
Brown, Angela G. Demographic characteristics and habitat associations of an expanding black bear (Ursus americanus) population in Oklahoma. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma University, Stillwater. 55 pp. Initial Employment: Wildlife Biologist, Ecological Services, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Tulsa, OK. | May 2008 |
Barstow, A. L. 2010. Ecology and conservation of the Pantanal Cat, Leopardus braccatus (Cope, 1889): a species account. M.S. Report Option, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 38 pp. | May 2010 |
Barrett, D. A. 2008. Status and population characteristics of the northern river otter (Lontra canadensis) in central and eastern Oklahoma. M.S. Thesis, Oklahoma University, Stillwater. 114 pp. Initial Employment: Wildlife Biologist, Cibola National Wildlife Refuge, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Yuma, AZ. | May 2008 |
Andy Miller, Ph.D. Assessing the spawning movement and habitat needs of riverine Neosho Smallmouth Bass. Oklahoma State University. | August 2019 |
Alexander, Justin. 2017. Determining the effects of thermal increases on stream fishes of the Ouachita Mountain ecoregion. MS Thesis, Oklahoma State University. | December 2017 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
Zale, A. V., D. M. Leslie, Jr., W. L. Fisher, and S. G. Merrifield. 1989. The physicochemistry, flora, and fauna of intermittent prairie streams: a review of the literature. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 89(5). 44pp. | November 1989 |
Zale, A. V., D. M. Leslie, Jr., W. L. Fisher, and S. G. Merrifield. 1989. Literature review of the physicochemical conditions, plants, and animals of intermittent prairie streams. Final Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Information Transfer, Fort Collins, CO. 129pp. | September 1989 |
Wood, G. K., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1993. Breeding biology of interior least terns on the Arkansas River below Keystone Dam, summer 1993. Final Report to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa, OK. 52pp. | April 1993 |
Wood, G. K., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1992. Breeding biology of interior least terns on the Arkansas River below Keystone Dam, summer 1992. Final Report to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa, OK. 36pp. | June 1992 |
Winkelman, D.L. and C. Sager. 2002. Evaluation of hybrid bluegill for use in urban recreational fisheries. Aid in Sportfish Restoration Final Report. F-41-R. 53pp. | August 2002 |
Walter, W.D., and D.M. Leslie, Jr. Population characteristics and movements of elk (Cervus elaphus) outside the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge. Final Report, Federal Aid Project W-148-R Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City. 203 pp. | June 2006 |
Walter, W. D., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2006. Population characteristics and movements of elk (Cervus elaphus) outside the Wichita Mountains National Refuge. Final Report, Federal Aid Project W-148-R, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City. 34 pp. + 155 pp. Appendices. | September 2006 |
Utych, R. B., R. Krey, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1994. Electrified fencing reduced predation on least tern and snowy plover eggs and chicks. U.S. National Biological Survey Research Information Bulletin 94-10. 3pp. | December 1994 |
Townsend, D., R. L. Lochmiller, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1999. Improving management for bobwhite quail: re-evaluation of movements, group dynamics, and feeding ecology. Final Report, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City, OK. 56 pp. | August 1999 |
Stewart, M. D., D. S. Nicholson, R. E. Masters, R. L. Lochmiller, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and T. G. Bidwell. 1998. Factors influencing eastern wild turkey nesting success: Part II. Final report to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City, OK. 61 pp. | November 1998 |
Stark, W. J., A. V. Zale, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1991. Unique electrofishing boat for remote streams. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Research Information Bulletin 91-10. 2pp. | October 1991 |
Stancill, W. J., S. B. Haggard, R. F. Raskevitz, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1988. Waterfowl use and hunting opportunities on Grand Lake and ancillary wetlands. Final Report to Benham-Holway Power Group, Tulsa, OK. 97pp. | September 1988 |
Simmonds, R. L., Jr., A. V. Zale, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1995. Effects of piscivorous birds, particularly cormorants, on reservoir and aquacultural fishes in Oklahoma. Final Report to Fishery Resources, Region 2, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, NM. Exec. Sum. 5 pp. + Text 91 pp. | October 1995 |
Shaw, J. H., T. S. Carter, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1991. Preliminary assessment of black-tailed prairie dog colonies for reintroduction of black-footed ferrets in western Oklahoma. Final Report to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City, OK. 17pp. | August 1991 |
Shackford, J. S., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2000. Status of the mountain plover on cultivated landscapes in western Oklahoma. Final Report, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City, OK. 17 pp. + 20 App. | January 2000 |
Shackford, J. S., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1996. Success with species at risk: mountain plover (Caradrius montanus). Final Report to the U.S. National Biological Service, Washington, D.C. 23 pp. | May 1996 |
Shackford, J. S., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1995. Mountain plover breeding activity on cultivated fields. Final Report to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City, OK. 23 pp. | July 1995 |
Schulz, C. A., D. M. Leslie, Jr., and R. L. Lochmiller. 1989. Response of avifauna to herbicide treatment in the Cross Timbers ecosystem of Oklahoma. Final Report to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City, OK. 28pp. | April 1989 |
Schreiner, D. F., H. Lee, S. Choi, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and J. Harper. 1995. Economic feasibility of a year-round trout fishery below Broken Bow Dam, Oklahoma. Final Report to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City, OK. 55 pp. | August 1995 |
San Joaquin Restoration Program. Draft released 2011. Program Environmental Impact Statement/Report. San Joaquin River Restoration Program. http://www.restoresjr.net/program_library/02-Program_Docs/index.html | April 2011 |
Rybak, A. R., D. M. Leslie, Jr., S. D. Fuhlendorf, F. S. Guthery, and C. A. Davis. 2005. Landscape-level assessment of the status of northern bobwhites in eastern Oklahoma. Final Report, Federal Aid Project W-151-R, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City. 213 pp. | June 2005 |
Riedle, D. R., P. A. Shipman, S. F. Fox, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1999. Status, distribution, and habitat use of the alligator snapping turtle in Oklahoma. Final Report, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City, OK. 34 pp. | January 1999 |
Rao, M., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2004. Vegetation mapping around Lake Hudson, Oklahoma. Final Report, The Benham Companies, Inc., Tulsa, OK. 17 pp. + CD-ROM. | December 2004 |
Puckette, W., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1993. Management of the endangered Ozark big-eared bat: continued cave searches and colony monitoring. Final report to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City, OK 9pp. | February 1993 |
Pike, J. R., J. H. Shaw, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1997. A geographic analysis of the status of mountain lions in Oklahoma. Final Report to Wildlife Forever, Minnetonka, MN and the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City, OK. 66 pp. | August 1997 |
Parsons, J. L., E. C. Hellgren, D. M. Engle, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2002. The effects of nitrogen enrichment on nitrogen cycling and structure in plant and small-mammal communities: Part 2. Nitrogen requirements and nitrogen flux in small mammals under known nitrogen intakes. Final Report, Interagency Agreement DW 14938554-01-0, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Ada, OK. 69 pp + 18 tables and 39 figures. | April 2002 |
Onorato, D. P., E. C. Hellgren, R. A. Van Den Bussche, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2002. Genetic structure of black bears (Ursus americanus) in the Big Bend/Sierra del Carmen borderlands of Mexico and the United States. Final Report, U.S. National Park Service, Big Bend, TX. 7 pp. | January 2002 |
Onorato, D. P., E. C. Hellgren, R. A. Van Den Bussche, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2001. Conservation ecology of an isolated population of black bears in the Big Bend ecosystem. Final Report, Natural Resources Preservation Program, Project 97-08, U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, Denver, CO and Big Bend National Park, U.S. National Park Service, TX. 63 pp. | February 2002 |
O'Connell, T. J., S. McConnell, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2007. Population status of the Mountain Plover and Long-billed Curlew in the Oklahoma Panhandle. Final Report, State Wildlife Grant T-4-P-1, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City. 12 pp. + 159 pp. Appendix. | January 2007 |
Nicholson, L. L., J. H. Shaw, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and R. E. Masters. 1998. Abundance, food habits, and habitat use by mammalian predators on Pushmataha Wildlife Managment Area. Final Report to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City, OK. 43 pp. | September 1998 |
Nicholson, D. S., M. D. Stewart, R. L. Lochmiller, D. M. Leslie, Jr., R. E. Masters, and T. G. Bidwell. 1998. Factors influencing eastern wild turkey nesting success: Part I. Final Report to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City, OK. 56 pp. | November 1998 |
National Park Service, Southeast Region. 2010. Coastal and ocean park strategy: research and monitoring priorities. Atlanta, Georgia. | May 2010 |
Miller, O. D., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2002. Efficacy of moist-soil management techniques on Hackberry Flat Wildlife Management Area: responses of vegetation, existing soil seed bank, and waterfowl. Final Report, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City, OK. 88 pp. | June 2002 |
Lusk, J. J., F. S. Guthery, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2004. Analysis of bobwhite demographics, ranges, and mobility on the Packsaddle Wildlife Management Area. Final Performance Report, Grant Number W-149-R-3, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City. 53 pp. | August 2004 |
Long, J. 2015. Atractosteus spatula (on-line). Digital Morphology. Available http://digimorph.org/specimens/Atractosteus_spatula/ | July 2015 |
Leslie, D. M., Jr., and W. J. Stancill. 1990. Differences in waterfowl census methods on a large, multiple-use reservoir. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Research Information Bulletin 90-63. 2pp. | June 1990 |
Leslie, D. M., Jr., and S. T. Ferier. 2001. Impact of restoration of Ralstin Island on an extant ciconiiform rookery. Final Report, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, NM. Exec. Sum. 4 pp. + Text 91 pp. | December 2001 |
Leslie, D. M., Jr., J. S. Shackford, A. Woodward, S. D. Fuhlendorf, and C. B. Greene. 1999. Landscape-level evaluation of the decline of the lesser prairie chicken in Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico. Final Report, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City, OK. 63 pp. | April 1999 |
Leslie, D. M., Jr. 2008. Black bear research in Oklahoma. Natural Resource News 2(3):5 | August 2008 |
Leslie, D. M., Jr. 2008. A naturalist and other beasts: tales from a life in the field (Book Review). Journal of Mammalogy 89:255. | February 2008 |
Leslie, D. M., Jr. 2007. The Oklahoma Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Natural Resource News 1(2): 1, 6. | May 2007 |
Koenen, M. T., R. B. Utych, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1995. Compatibility of selenite crystal digging and nesting success of interior least terns and other charadriforms at Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge. Final Report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, NM. 53pp. | March 1995 |
Kelly, J. F., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1991. Status and habitat relationship of the red-cockaded woodpeckers in Oklahoma. Final Report to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City, OK. 33pp. | January 1991 |
Jorgensen, E. E., S. M. Holub, P. M. Mayer, M. E. Gonsoulin, R. G. Silva, A. E. West, S. J. Tunnell, J. E. Clark, J. L. Parsons, D. M. Engle, E. C. Hellgren, J. D. H. Spears, C. E. Bulter, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2005. Ecosystem stress from chronic exposure to low levels of nitrate. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Risk Management Research Laboratory EPA/600/R-05/087. 35 pp. | May 2006 |
Jenks, J. A., D. M. Leslie, Jr., and R. L. Lochmiller. 1990. Food habits and nutritional condition of white-tailed deer and cattle under varying stocking rates on managed forests. Final Report to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City, OK. 91pp. | January 1990 |
Jahrsdoerfer, S. E., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1988. Tamaulipan brushlands of south Texas: description, human impacts, and management options. Final Report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Information Transfer, Fort Collins, CO. 159pp. | February 1988 |
Jahrsdoerfer, S. E., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1988. Tamaulipan brushland of the Lower Rio Grande Valley of south Texas: description, human impacts, and management options. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 88(36). 63pp. | February 1988 |
Hellgren, E. C., S. L. Bales, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2003. Landscape use and population dynamics of black bears in the Ouachita Mountains of Oklahoma. Final report, Federal Aid Project W-147-R, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, OK. 46 pp. | August 2003 |
Hellgren, E. C., M. Criffield, K. Freel, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2005. Abundance and habitat associations of the swift fox (Vulpes vulpes) in Oklahoma. Final Report, Project R-3, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City. 26 pp. | February 2005 |
Hellgren, E. C., K. Freel, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2005. Surveys of the swift fox (Vulpes velox) in western Oklahoma. Final Report T-4-P-1, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City. 29 pp. | November 2005 |
Hellgren, E. C., J. B. James, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1998. Testing a multivariate, GIS model of black bear habitat use in the Oklahoma District of the Ouachita National Forest. Final Report to the National Forest Foundation, Washington, D.C. and the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City, OK. 27 pp. + CD-ROM. | May 1998 |
Hackler, J. C., R. A. Van Den Bussche, S. F. Fox, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2006. Genetic variation within and among natural and captive populations of alligator snapping turtles (Macrochelys temmincki) in Oklahoma. Final Report, State Wildlife Grant T-5-P-1, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City. 9 pp. + 39 pp. Appendix. | March 2006 |
Gido, K.B., L.A. Bruckerhoff, J.S. Perkin, G. Suleiman, and J. Luginbill. 2021. Barrier prioritization to enhance habitat for Topeka shiner in Flint Hills Streams, Kansas. Final report to USFWS, Manhattan, KS. | September 2021 |
Fisher, W. L., D. M. Leslie, Jr., M. L. Cole, and W. S. Chappell. 1998. GIS-based biological resources inventory of the Tishomingo National Wildlife Refuge. Final Report to Trust for Public Land, Santa Fe, NM and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Albuquerque, NM. 186 pp + CD-ROM. | June 1998 |
Erickson, N. E., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1988. Soil-vegetation correlations in coastal Mississippi wetlands. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 89(3). 48pp. | January 1988 |
Erickson, N. E., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1988. Soil-vegetation correlations in coastal Mississippi wetlands. Final Report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Ecology Research Center, Fort Collins, CO. 47pp. | January 1988 |
Erickson, N. E., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1988. Shoreline vegetation and general wildlife values around Grand Lake, Oklahoma. Final Report to Benham-Holway Power Group, Tulsa, OK. 69pp. | January 1988 |
Erickson, N. E., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1988. Impacts of the rule curve change on shoreline vegetation and wildlife around Grand Lake, Oklahoma. Final Report to Benham-Holway Power Group, Tulsa, OK. 20pp. | January 1988 |
Erickson, N. E., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1987. Vegetation-soil correlations in Rainwater Basin and Sandhill wetlands of Nebraska. Final Report, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Ecology Center, Fort Collins, CO. 159pp. | February 1987 |
Erickson, N. E., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1987. Soil-vegetation correlations in the Sandhills and Rainwater Basin wetlands of Nebraska. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 87(11). 78pp. | March 1987 |
Engle, D. M., S. Tunnell, E. C. Hellgren, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2002. The effects of nitrogen enrichment on nitrogen cycling and structure in plant and small-mammal communities: Part 1. Nitrogen and carbon pools in plants and soils and vegetation dynamics. Final Report, Interagency Agreement DW 14938554-01-0, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Ada, OK. 74 pp. | April 2002 |
Davis, C. A., and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2008. Effects of mountain biking activity on foraging and nesting behavior of golden-cheeked warblers. Final Report, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Research and Development Center, Champaign, IL. 57 pp. | February 2008 |
Crosswhite, D. L., S. F. Fox, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1995. Status survey of the Ouachita dusky salamander. Final Report to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City, OK. 40pp + 6 maps. | March 1995 |
Corley/Martinez, B. A., W. L. Fisher, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 1995. GIS-based validation of the Habitat Suitability Model for the great blue heron. Final Report to the U.S. National Biological Service, Division of Cooperative Research, Washington, D.C. 69pp. | May 1995 |
Clark, J., E. C. Hellgren, J. L. Parsons, S. Tunnell, D. M. Engle, and D. M. Leslie, Jr. 2002. The effects of nitrogen enrichment on nitrogen cycling and structure in plant and small-mammal communities: Part 3. Population dynamics and nitrogen flux of small mammals across a nitrogen-amended landscape. Final Report, Interagency Agreement DW 14938554-01-0, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Ada, OK. 79 pp. | April 2002 |
Clark, B. K., D. M. Leslie, Jr., and B. S. Clark. 1992. Micro- and macrohabitat characteristics of caves within the range of the Ozark big-eared bat (Plecotus townsendii ingens) in eastern Oklahoma. Final Report to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City, OK. 26pp. | February 1992 |
Choi, S., D. F. Schreiner, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and J. Harper. 1993. Economic analysis of the Mountain Fork River trout fishery in southeastern Oklahoma. Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station Research Report P-932. 26 pp. | January 1993 |
Type | Citation | Publication Date |
Data Release | Lonsinger, R. Co-occurance Simulation Modeling. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. https://doi.org/10.5066/P9H788YI | |
Data Release | Long, J.M., and Kocovsky, P.M., 2022, Daily ages of young-of-year Silver Chub from western Lake Erie, 2017-2018: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P90A4UGJ. | |
Data Release | Gonzalez, A., and Long, J. M., 2023, Stomach contents and consumption percentage from age-0 Scaphirhynchus sturgeon in the Missouri River, 2016: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9KWJ8W7. | November 2022 |