Oklahoma Project
Determining factors associated with paddlefish restoration success in reservoirs
January 2019 - June 2021
Participating Agencies
- Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
This project will use side-scan sonar to quantify the proportional availability of suitable spawning substrate in major rivers of reservoirs where paddlefish are self-sustaining (Keystone and Oologah), not self-sustaining (Kaw and Texoma), and recently restored (Eufaula) or planned to be restored (Tenkiller). Additionally, this project will characterize the zooplankton communities at these rivers and reservoirs in relation to paddlefish needs at juvenile and adult life stages.
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Gary, R.A., J.M. Long, B.T. Eachus, A.R. Dzialowski, and J.D. Schooley. 2024. Factors associated with Paddlefish restoration success in Oklahoma. Fisheries Management and Ecology 31:e12677. https://doi.org/10.1111/fme.12677 | December 2023 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Wolfenkoehler, W., J.M. Long, R. Gary, R. Snow, J. Schooley, R.C. Lonsinger, and L.A. Bruckerhoff. 2024. Utility of side-scan and down-scan sonar for monitoring a spawning population of Paddlefish in a riverine environment. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watershed-Oklahoma Chapter American Fisheries Society joint annual meeting, Stillwater, Oklahoma. | April 2024 |