Colorado Project
Investigating Whirling Disease Resistant Tubifex Tubifex
May 2003 - December 2007
Participating Agencies
- Montana State University
Laboratory and Field investigations were undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of using resistant Tubifex tubifex (an obligate host of the whirling disease parasite) to filter the myxospore life-stage of the parasite and to control production of triactinomyxon spores that could otherwise infect susceptible trout.
Theses and Dissertations | Publication Date |
Clapp, Christine. 2009. Investigating competition among Myxobolus cerebralis resistant and susceptible mitochondrial lineages of Tubifex tubifex and the potential for biological control of whirling disease. Master's Thesis. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. | May 2009 |