Oklahoma Technical Assistance Activities

As part of our mission, scientists at the Oklahoma Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit often provide technical assistance ranging from data analysis support, GIS mapping, workshops, and consultations on a variety of natural resource issues.
Some of our recent contributions are listed below.
Description and Agency | Provider(s) | Date |
Worked with state biologist to build a PIT tag array for their project on Canton Reservoir, both building an active array and also to build passive stations. Oklahoma department of Wildlife Conservation |
Brewer | November 2018 |
Served as a technical reviewer on the Species Status Assessment. I also consulted with biologists on several occasions about habitat recovery options. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Brewer | January 2018 |
Served as a subject matter expert to assist in the planning and implementation of a prairie dog trapping and translocation event to move prairie dogs from the City of Lawton onto the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge. Assisted with planning including trapping strategies and methods for acclimation, and release. Assisted with trapping for initial disease testing (September 2023) and for relocation (October 2023). U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge |
Lonsinger | September 2023 |
Reviewed five-year activities of Great Plains CESU including recommendation for renewal. Great Plains CESU |
Long | April 2023 |
Reviewed "Monitoring Avian Conservation: Rationale, Design, and Coordination," written by the Science and Research Committee of the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, November 2004. |
Leslie | November 2004 |
Review proposals for funding (Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative) Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative |
Long | April 2010 |
Review proposal for Saltonstall-Kennedy grant program National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
Long | November 2019 |
Review proposal for Langston University Langston University |
Long | August 2012 |
Review paper for publication in Wetlands Wetlands Journal |
Long | August 2012 |
Review paper for publication in Transactions of the American Fisheries Society American Fisheries Society |
Long | September 2013 |
Review paper for publication in River Research and Management John Wiley and Sons |
Long | February 2012 |
Review paper for publication in Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Ageencies |
Long | June 2012 |
Review paper for publication in Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Ageencies |
Long | January 2011 |
Review paper for publication in North American Journal of Fisheries Management American Fisheries Society |
Long | October 2011 |
Review paper for publication in North American Journal of Fisheries Management American Fisheries Society |
Long | July 2013 |
Review paper for publication in Hydrobiologia Hydrobiologia |
Long | January 2011 |
Review paper for publication in Fish and Fisheries John Wiley and Sons |
Long | May 2012 |
Review paper for publication in Conservation Biology. Conservation Biology |
Long | March 2013 |
Review paper for publication in Aquatic Invasions Aquatic Invasions Journals |
Long | January 2010 |
Review of the Species Status Assessment for the Plains Spotted Skunk. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Lonsinger | June 2022 |
Review of proposal for National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (Shoal bass in middle Chattahoochee River; part of Native Black Bass Initiative) National Fish and Wildlife Foundation |
Long | March 2012 |
Review of proposal for National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (Guadalupe bass restoration initiative; part of Native Black Bass Initiative) National Fish and Wildlife Foundation |
Long | June 2010 |
Review manual on native fish restoration using Fintrol for National Park Service. National Park Service |
Long | September 2012 |
Review draft Species Status Assessment US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Long | September 2021 |
Provided technical review of the "Critical Impact Assessment for the Endangered Alabama Beach Mouse" for Region 4 of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Endangered Species Office. |
Leslie | November 2003 |
Provided technical assistance to two state agencies about how to progress on instream flows within the state- how to evaluate which streams to target and what approaches would make sense given the state's objective. Reviewed several drafts of the states environmental flow reports. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation; Oklahoma Water Resources Board |
Brewer | June 2019 |
Provided internal reviews on two prepared manuscripts to improve scientific writing and presentation of material Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation |
Brewer | April 2020 |
Provided information about effects and mitigation of sand mining within the Arbuckle Mountains ecoregion Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation |
Brewer | July 2019 |
Provided genetic material from Asian Swamp Eels to USFWS AIS Early Detection and Monitoring Program. USFWS AIS Early Detection and Monitoring Program |
Long | December 2021 |
Provided expertise to develop Native Black Bass Initiative National Fish and Wildlife Foundation |
Long | September 2009 |
Provide technical expertise at Fundamental River Values workshop at Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area |
Long | February 2012 |
Program review of Native Black Bass Conservation keystone initiative. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation |
Long | July 2014 |
Participated in animal and ecoregion workshops at Oklahoma Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy Conference, Stillwater, OK, 13-14 July 2004 |
Fisher, Leslie | July 2004 |
Participate in a stakeholder workshop for Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation's strategic plan Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation |
Long | September 2018 |
Participant, Workshop on Obstacles to Data Sharing for Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, National Evolutionary Synthesis Center, Durham, NC |
Leslie | May 2007 |
Participant, Workshop on Data Registries in Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, Ecological Society of America, Washington, D.C. |
Leslie | July 2006 |
Met with Pioria Tribe to develop a study plan to choose genetically sound stocks of Neosho Smallmouth Bass for reservoir introductions Pioria Tribe |
Brewer | February 2014 |
Identify fish collection for Sac and Fox Nation Sac and Fox Nation |
Long | May 2013 |
Identify fish collection for Sac and Fox Nation Sac and Fox Nation |
Long | August 2015 |
I served as a science advisor for the Kiamichi River Sustainable Rivers Program, a partnership among the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, state agencies, and community groups. USDOD |
Bruckerhoff | June 2022 |
I assisted a biologist with the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife and Conservation develop and interpret multivariate statistical models. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation |
Bruckerhoff | September 2022 |
Helped state agency biologists design a sampling protocol for evaluating the abundance of dead mussels associated with the lowering of a reservoir. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation |
Brewer | August 2019 |
Helped develop a case study on Long-Term Public Collaboration for Paddlefish Recovery in Oklahoma for the collaborative conservation and adaptation strategy toolbox (CCAST) . US Bureau of Reclamation |
Long | June 2020 |
Helped Tishomingo NFH design experiment to test variables associated with cannibalism in hatchery settings. Tishomingo National Fish Hatchery |
Long | May 2022 |
Help guide development and implementation of a cohesive invasive carp population assessment across all Partnerships for consistent data collection, management, and analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of implemented management actions and inform future management actions at appropriate scales. Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force |
Long | January 2023 |
Held a workshop for agency biologists focused on otolith preparation and estimation of daily bands Oklahoma department of wildlife conservation |
Brewer | January 2020 |
Group Moderator; Workshop on Data Centers for Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Santa Barbara, CA. |
Leslie | December 2006 |
Designed the sampling protocol to support a study to investigate recruitment by riverine smallmouth bass. This study is a collaborative effort between state agency personnel and Dr. Brewer. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conseravtion |
Brewer | August 2012 |
Designed stream sampling protocol for two state agencies to support instream-flow objectives. Oklahoma Water Resources Board |
Brewer, Musselman | May 2011 |
Created maps of southeastern black bass ranges Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership |
Long | July 2010 |
Attended science workshop for Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative |
Long | October 2011 |
Attend wildlife diversity workshop for Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation |
Leslie, Long | January 2011 |
Assisted the state conservation agency, GRDA power authority, and the Pioria Tribe in outlining a research plan to raise endemic bass as mitigation fish in a hydropower reservoir. Pioria Tribe |
Brewer | February 2014 |
Assisted in a workshop to direct the instream flow initiative in the Gulf Coast Prairie Region Southern Aquatic Resources Partnership |
Brewer | July 2012 |
Assisted USFWS with acquiring data related to Prairie Chub in the Red River basin through the Environmental Science Undergraduate Program. US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Long | August 2023 |
Assisted USFWS with acquiring Rocky Shiner species status assessment. US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Long | August 2023 |
Assist with raising buffalo in ponds to conduct age validation study by providing pond space and frequent inspection of captive stock. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation |
Long | July 2017 |
Annual monitoring of translocated Humpback Chub in Havasu Creek. National Park Service |
Bruckerhoff | May 2021 |
Role - Description | Provider | Start Date | End Date |
Search and Screen Committee - Review applicants and help lead interview process for tenure track faculty position | Brewer | September 2015 | November 2015 |
Scholarship and Awards Committee, Natural Resource Ecology and Management - Review of applications for undergraduate and graduate departmental awards, followed by recommendations to the Head | Leslie | August 2007 | December 2010 |
Retirement Reception Committee - Plan retirement reception for OSU faculty in the Department of Natural Resources Ecology and Management. | Brewer | September 2014 | December 2014 |
OSU Animal Physiology Committee - Review applications and participate in monthly meetings with the contractors to design a new laboratory facility for animals at OSU | Brewer | May 2017 | April 2020 |
Mentor, Wentz Undergraduate Research Scholar Program - Assist undergraduate student conduct independent research. | Long | August 2020 | Present |
Mentor, Freshman Research Scholar Progam - Mentored a freshman undergraduate student on a research project (using micro-CT x-ray scanning to understand otolith development in age-0 Alligator Gar). | Long | October 2017 | May 2018 |
Mentor, Freshman Research Scholar Progam - Mentored a freshman undergraduate student on a research project (element analysis of lower Mountain Fork tributaries). | Long | November 2014 | April 2015 |
Member/Graduate Admissions Committee/ Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology/ Colorado State University - Responsible for admitting MS and PhD students into the department graduate program | Winkelman | August 2003 | August 2012 |
Member, Steering Committee, Environmental Science Graduate Program | Long | November 2013 | Present |
Member, Seminar Committee, Department of Natural Resources Ecology and Management, Oklahoma State University | Long | February 2011 | January 2012 |
Member, NREM Department Natural Resource Biometrics Faculty Search Committee - This position is critical for maintaining SAF-accreditation in our forestry option and part of the teaching assignment will include two forest measurements courses. Other teaching responsibilities are flexible, but the initial charge to the committee is to recruit someone who could teach a graduate level course in ecological statistics. Research direction will involve some aspect of biometrics but could include a variety of ecosystems. | Long | September 2018 | April 2020 |
Member, NREM Department Head Advisory Committee - The main purposes will be to (1) serve as a sounding board for a variety of issues that may come up, (2) provide the Department Head (DH) with insights as to needs of the faculty and staff and/or (3) offer suggestions related to DH duties. | Long | August 2016 | December 2017 |
Member, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, Oklahoma State University - Review animal care and use protocols, provide feedback and guidance on non-domestic protocols, assist with facility inspections. | Lonsinger | June 2023 | Present |
Member, Faculty and Staff Awards Committee, Department of Natural Resources Ecology and Management, Oklahoma State University | Long | February 2011 | February 2012 |
Member, Environmental Science Program Steering Committee | Long | October 2024 | Present |
Graduate Committee, Natural Resource Ecology and Management - Responsuble for all aspects of departmental graduate education | Leslie | May 2011 | Present |
External Reviewer - Provide an external review for the promotion of a faculty member from Assistant to Associate Professor at Texas Tech University. | Brewer | September 2015 | October 2015 |
Department Head Search Committee - Help draft position description, advertisement criteria, and screening for department head for Natural Resource Ecology and Management department. | Long | July 2015 | December 2015 |
Chair/Graduate Research Committee/ Zoology/Oklahoma State University. - Responsible of admissions of MS and PhD students into graduate program | Winkelman | September 2001 | May 2003 |
Adjunct Graduate Faculty, Texas Tech University | Brewer | January 2012 | Present |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
U.S. Geological Survey, RGE Panel | Brewer | January 2020 | January 2020 |
Steering Committee member, Science for the Conservation of Endemic Black Bass Species Symposium (Southern Division American Fisheries Society) | Long | September 2011 | September 2016 |
Session Chair, Aquatic Ecology, Governor's Water Conference and Oklahoma Water Resources Research Institute Annual Meeting | Long | August 2013 | October 2013 |
Science Team Advisor, Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative | Brewer | September 2014 | Present |
Reviewer, University of Alaska-Fairbanks, Academic Review Committee, Graduate Programs in Biology, Botany, Wildlife Biology, Zoology, and Biological Sciences | Leslie | December 2003 | May 2004 |
Reviewer, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society | Brewer | November 2012 | December 2012 |
Reviewer, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society | Brewer | April 2011 | May 2011 |
Reviewer, River Research and Applications | Brewer | October 2012 | October 2012 |
Reviewer, North American Journal of Fisheries Management | Brewer | June 2012 | June 2012 |
Reviewer, North American Journal of Fisheries Management | Brewer | January 2013 | February 2013 |
Reviewer, North American Journal of Fisheries Management | Brewer | August 2011 | August 2011 |
Reviewer, Missouri Academy of Science | Brewer | August 2011 | August 2011 |
Reviewer, Journal of Great Lakes Science | Brewer | January 2012 | January 2012 |
Reviewer, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management | Brewer | October 2012 | October 2012 |
RGE Review Panel | Long | November 2018 | November 2018 |
RGE Review Panel | Long | April 2016 | April 2016 |
Proposal Reviewer, PA Sea Grant | Brewer | September 2014 | Present |
Proposal Reviewer, Oklahoma Water Resources Research Institute | Brewer | November 2010 | November 2010 |
Member, Technical Committee, Grand River Dam Authority Technical Committee | Leslie | December 2001 | September 2007 |
Member, River Classification Committee, Southern Aquatic Resources Partnership | Brewer | October 2011 | September 2012 |
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Leslie | October 2003 | October 2003 |
Member, Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan, Instream Flow Advisory Group | Brewer | November 2012 | Present |
Member, Oklahoma Aquatic Connectivity Team, Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership | Long | May 2024 | Present |
Member, Gulf Coastal Prairie Landscape Conseravtion Cooperative instream flow steering committee | Brewer | February 2012 | February 2014 |
Member, Environmental Flow Working Group, Water Resources Research Institute | Brewer | September 2011 | April 2018 |
Member, Advisory Committee, Oklahoma Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy | Leslie | December 2003 | December 2005 |
Leader and Coordinator, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Leslie | January 2012 | April 2012 |
Full Professor Review, Texas State Univeristy | Leslie | September 2012 | September 2012 |
Full Professor Review, Humbodlt State University | Leslie | September 2012 | September 2012 |
Dissertation Examining Committee, Australian National University | Leslie | July 2012 | September 2012 |
Chair, Committee to develop flow-ecology hypotheses, Southern Aquatic Resources Partnership | Brewer | August 2012 | Present |
Affiliate Member, South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center | Lonsinger | April 2021 | Present |
Outreach Activity | Provider(s) | Date |
Q&A in Fisheries magazine for recently published book: Black Bass Diversity: Multidisciplinary Science for Conservation. DOI: 10.1080/03632415.2014.955093 | Long | March 2015 |
Provided information to a contributor to <a href="//themeateater.com">themeateater.com</a> on the history of black bass and its feared extinction in the early 20th century. | Long | April 2020 |
Provided information to High Country News reporter investigating Yaqui Catfish research. | Long, Hafen | September 2019 |
Provided information on Paddlefish restoration research activities in Oklahoma for Oklahoma Outdoors TV. | Long, Gary | March 2019 |
Presented to Noon Kiwanis on Paddlefish ecology and restoration research | Long | March 2019 |
Presented on black bass fisheries in Ozark streams in Oklahoma to Fish and Wildlife Club at Northeastern Oklahoma State University | Long | September 2019 |
Participated in interview with Outdoor Oklahoma on Paddlefish restoration. | Long | March 2019 |
Local fisheries research expertise for guided discussion around Patagonia's newest environmental film "Artifishal" | Long | June 2019 |
Dr. Brewer participated in a segment of Outdoor Oklahoma. The film segment was focused on stream fishing and stream fishes. | Brewer | November 2012 |
Dr. Brewer and three of her students attended the Wildlife Expo, hosted by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, to explain stream structure and function to the general public. | Brewer | September 2011 |
Article in Outdoor News Bulletin titled "Using Environmental Niche Models to Determine the Distribution of the Oklahoma-state Endangered Longnose Darter" | Long | April 2018 |
Article in Outdoor News Bulletin titled "Conserving Black Bass Diversity" | Long | October 2014 |