Utah Research Activities

Our expertise includes landscape and spatial ecology, population and system analysis for both aquatic and terrestrial systems, aquatic food webs of large water systems, and wildlife habitat and vegetation modelling. Technical expertise in the fields of statistics, GIS and spatial analysis is strong.
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Zimmermann, N.E., T.C. Edwards, Jr., C.H. Graham, P.B. Pearman and J-C Svenning. 2010. New trends in species distribution modelling. Ecography 33:985-989. | December 2010 |
Zimmermann, N. E., R. A. Washington-Allen, R. D. Ramsey, M. E. Schaepman, L. Mathys, B. K�tz, M. Kneubuehler, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2007. Modern remote sensing for environmental monitoring of landscape states and trajectories. Pages 65-91 in F. Kienast, O. Wildi, and S. Ghosh, editors. A changing world: challenges for landscape research. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. | September 2007 |
Zimmermann, N. E., Moisen, G. G., Edwards, T. C., Jr., Frescino, T. S., and J. A. Blackard. 2007. Testing the partial contributions of remotely-sensed and topo-climatic predictors for tree species modelling in Utah. Journal of Applied Ecology 44:1057-1067. | September 2007 |
Zimmerman, N. E., N. G. Yoccoz, T. C. Edwards, Jr., E. S. Meier, W. Thuiller, A. Guisan, D. R. Schmatz, and P. B. Pearman. 2009. Do climatic extremes explain tree species spatial patterns at a regional scale? Proceedings of tha National Academy of Sciences 106:19723-19728. | November 2009 |
Zhang, Q., J. Jin, P. Budy, S.E. Null, and X. Wang. 2021. Predicting the response of Arctic lake thermal processes to a whole-lake warming manipulation. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL092680. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL092680. USGS FSP IP-127181. | Abstract | December 2021 |
Zarnetske, P. L., T. C. Edwards, Jr., and G. G. Moisen. Modeling forest bird species likelihood of occurrence in utah with FIA and LANDFIRE map prodcuts and ecologically-based pseudo-absence points. Pages 291-306 in Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium, Portland, Maine, USA, R. E. McRoberts, G. A. Reams, and P. C. Van Deusen, Editors. General Technical Report WO-77, USDA Forest Service, Washington, D. C., USA. | October 2007 |
Zarnetske, P. L., T. C. Edwards, Jr., and G. G. Moisen. 2007. Habitat classification modelling with incomplete data: pushing the habitat envelope. Ecological Applications 17:1714-1726. | September 2007 |
Zarnetske, P. L., T. C. Edwards, Jr., and G. G. Moisen. 2007. Modeling forest bird species’ likelihood of occurrence in utah with forest inventory and analysis and landfire map products and ecologically based pseudo-absence points. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report WO-77:291-305. | July 2007 |
Zakrajsek, E. J., and J. A. Bissonette. 2005. Ranking the risk of wildlife species hazadous to military aircraft. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33(1):258-264 | April 2005 |
Zakrajsek, E. J., and J. A. Bissonette. 2001. Nocturnal bird-avoidance modeling with mobil-marine radar. Bird Strike 2001:185-194. | April 2001 |
Wurtsbaugh, W. A., H. P. Gross, P. Budy, and C. Luecke. 2001. Effects of epilimnetic versus metalimnetic fertilization on the phytoplankton and periphyton of a mountain lake with a deep chlorophyll maxima. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58:2156-2166. | January 2001 |
Wood, J. and P. Budy. 2009. An investigation of the early life-history and potential influences on invasion success of exotic of brown trout (Salmo trutta). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138:756-767. | May 2009 |
Wood, J. R. & Budy, P. 2007. The role of environmental factors in determining the spawning density and distribution of brown trout along an elevational gradient, pp. 251-257. In: Carline, and C. LoSapio, eds., 2007. Sustaining wild trout in a changing world; proceedings of Wild Trout IX symposium; 2007 October 9-12; West Yellowstone, Montana. 308 pages. | December 2007 |
Winters, L.K., P. Budy, and G.P. Thiede. 2017. Earning their stripes: the potential of tiger trout and other salmonids as biological controls of forage fishes in a western reservoir. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34:1033–1046 Accepted 8 November, 2016. UJFM-2016-0062. USGS IP-074773. | March 2017 |
Winters, L. and P. Budy. 2015. Exploring crowded trophic niche space in a novel reservoir fish assemblage: how many predators is too many? Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 144:1117-1128. USGS FSP IP-065178. | Abstract | January 2015 |
Wilson,T. L., J. B. Odei, M. B. Hooten, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2010. Hierarchical spatial models for predicting pygmy rabbit distribution and abundance. Journal of Applied Ecology 47:401-409. | April 2010 |
Wilson, T.L., A.P. Rayburn, and T.C. Edwards, Jr. 2012. Spatial ecology of refuge selection by an herbivore under risk of predation. Ecosphere 3:art6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/ES11-00247.1 | January 2012 |
Wilson, T. L., F. P. Howe, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2011. Effects of sagebrush treatments on multi-scale resource selection by pygmy rabbits. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:393-398. | February 2011 |
Wilson, T. L., E. J. Johnson, and J. A. Bissonette. 2009. Relative importance of habitat area and isolation for bird occurrence patterns in a naturally patchy landscape. Landscape Ecology 24:351-360. | Publisher Website | April 2009 |
Webber, P. A., P. Thompson, and P. Budy. 2012. Status and structure of two populations of bluehead in the Weber River, UT. Southwest Naturalist 57:267-276. | June 2012 |
Walsworth, T.E., and P. Budy. 2015. Integrating non-native species in niche models to prioritize native fish restoration activity locations along a desert river corridor. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144:667–681. USGS IP-034122. | March 2015 |
Walsworth, T. and P. Budy. 2021. Hydrologic controls on abundance and distribution of a highly imperiled desert fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Volume 78. doi.org/10.1139/cjfas-2020-0353. USGS FSP IP-121942. | Abstract | May 2021 |
Vinson, M., and P. Budy. 2011. Sources of variability and comparability between salmonids stomach contents and isotopic analyses: study design lessons and recommendations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68:137-151. | June 2011 |
Vinson, M., and P. Budy. 2011. Sources of variability and comparability between salmonids stomach contents and isotopic analyses: study design lessons and recommendations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 68:137-151. | January 2011 |
Vatland, S., and P. Budy. 2007. Predicting the invasion success of an introduced omnivore in a large, heterogeneous reservoir. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64:1329-1345. | September 2007 |
Vatland, S., P. Budy, and G. P. Thiede. 2008. A bioenergetics approach to modeling striped bass and threadfin shad predator-prey dynamics in Lake Powell, Utah-Arizona. Special Section: Bioenergetics Modeling. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:262-277. | February 2008 |
Van Tatenhove, A.M., Neill, J., Norvell, R.E., Stuber, E.F. and Rushing, C.S., 2024. Scale‐dependent population drivers inform avian management in a declining saline lake ecosystem. Ecological Applications, p.e3021. | September 2024 |
Van Doren, B.M., Willard, D.E., Hennen, M., Horton, K.G., Stuber, E.F., Sheldon, D., Sivakumar, A.H., Wang, J., Farnsworth, A. and Winger, B.M., 2021. Drivers of fatal bird collisions in an urban center. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(24). https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2101666118 | April 2021 |
Tracy, E. E., M. J. Brouder, A. C. Iles, C. N. Teal and S. A. Bonar. 2024. Indices for Common North American Fishes. Pages 441 to 786 in S. A. Bonar, N Mercado-Silva, and K. L. Pope, editors. Standard methods to sample North American freshwater fishes. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. |
September 2024 |
Thuiller, W, T. Münkemüller, K. H. Schiffers1, S. Dullinger, V.E. Eckhart, T. C. Edwards, Jr., D Gravel, G. Kunstler, C. Merrow, K.M. O’Leary, N. E. Zimmermann, D. Zurell, and F. Schurr. 2015. Does probability of occurrence relate to population dynamics? Ecography 37:1155-1166. | January 2015 |
Teal, C.N., Schill, D.J., Bauder, J.M., Fogelson, S.B., Fitzsimmons, K., Stewart, W.T., Culver, M. and Bonar, S.A., 2024. The effects of estradiol‐17β on the sex reversal, survival, and growth of Red Shiner and its use in the development of YY individuals. North American Journal of Aquaculture, 86(1), pp.110-129. https://doi.org/10.1002/naaq.10314 | January 2024 |
Switalski, T. A., J. A. Bissonette, T. H. DeLuca, C. H. Luce, and M. A. Madej. 2003. Wildland road removal: research needs. Pages 642-646 In 2003 Proceedings of the International Conference on Ecology and Transportation, edited by C. Leroy Irwin, Paul Garrett, and K. P. McDermott. Raleigh, NC: Center for Transportation and the Environment, North Carolina State University, 2003. | November 2003 |
Switalski, A., J. A. Bissonette, T. H, Deluca, C. H. Luce, and M. A. Madej. 2004. Benefits and impacts from road removal. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2(1):21-28. | March 2004 |
Stuber, EF, BC Carlson, and B Jesmer. 2022. Many avenues for spatial personality research: a response to comments on Stuber et al. 2022. Behavioral Ecology 33(3): 492-3 DOI: 10.1093/beheco/arac018 | Abstract | June 2022 |
Stuber, E.F., O. Robinson, E.R. Bjerre, M.C. Otto, B.A. Millsap, G.S. Zimmerman, M. G. Brasher, K. M. Ringelman, A.M.V. Fournier, A. Yetter, J.E. Isola, V. Ruiz-Gutierrez. The potential of semi-structured citizen science data as a supplement for conservation decision-making: Validating the performance of eBird against targeted avian monitoring efforts. 270, p.109556. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2022.109556 | June 2022 |
Stuber, E., B. Carlson, and B. Jesmer. Spatial Personalities: a meta-analysis of consistent individual differences in spatial behavior. Behavioral Ecology. 33(3): 477-86. DOI: 10.1093/beheco/arab147 | Abstract | June 2022 |
Strohm, D. P. Budy, and T.A. Crowl. 2017. Matching watershed and otolith chemistry to establish natal origin of an endangered desert lake sucker. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. TAFS 146:732-743. USGS IP-069787. | May 2017 |
Stout, J.B., M.M. Conner, P. Budy, P. Mackinnon, and M. McKinstry. 2020. Keeping it classy: Classification of live fish and ghost PIT tags detected with a mobile PIT tag interrogation system using an innovative analytical approach. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77:1564-1573. | Abstract | June 2020 |
Stout, J.B, M.M. Conner, P. Budy, P. Mackinnon, and M. McKinstry. 2019. We ain’t afraid of no ghosts: Tracking habitat interactions and movement dynamics of ghost tags under differing flow conditions in a sand bed river. 21 September, 2019 Accepted. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, Management Brief 39:1337-1347 | September 2019 |
Storch, I., and J. A. Bissonette. 2003. The problem of linking scales in the use of indicator species in conservation biology. Pages 73-92 in J. A. Bissonette and I. Storch 2003. Landscape theory and resource management: Linking theory with practice. Island Press, Covelo, CA | January 2003 |
Stoner, D.C., J.O. Sexton, H.H. Bernales, J.R. Nagol, and T.C. Edwards, Jr. 2016. Productivity of a mountain ungulate tracks phenological variability over a latitudinal gradient. PLoS One 11(2): e0148780. | May 2016 |
Stoner, D. C., J. O. Sexton, D. M. Choatec, J. Nagolb, H. H. Bernalesd, S. A. Simsa, K. E. Ironsidee, K. M. Longshoref, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2018. Climatically driven changes in primary production propagate through trophic levels. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14364 | July 2018 |
Stillman, A.N., P.E. Howell, G.S. Zimmerman, E.R. Bjerre, B.A. Millsap, O.J. Robinson, D. Fink, E.F. Stuber, V. Ruiz-Gutierrez. Leveraging the strengths of citizen science and structured surveys to achieve scalable inference on population size. | November 2023 |
Solokas, M., Z. Feiner, R. Al-Chokhachy, P. Budy, J. Tyrell DeWeber, J. Sarvala, G.G. Sass, S.A. Tolentino, T. Walsworth, and O.P. Jensen. 2023. Shrinking body size and climate warming: Many freshwater salmonids do not follow the rule. Global Change Biology 2023;29:2478–2492. USGS FSP under Al-Chockhachy, IP-146706. | Abstract | January 2023 |
Sofaer, Helen R., C. S. Jarnevich, I. S. Pearse, R. Lyons Smyth, S. Auer, G. L. Cook, T. C. Edwards, Jr., G. F. Guala, T. G. Howard, J. T. Morisette, and H. Hamilton. 2019. The development and delivery of species distribution models to inform decision-making. BioScience 69:544–557. https://doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biz045 | September 2019 |
Simonsen, V.*, E. Stuber, and J.J. Fontaine. (2022) Examining the effects of patch size and nest density on artificial nest survival. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology - 134(2): 182–192. https://doi.org/10.1676/19-00063 | May 2022 |
Schultz, R. J., T. C. Edwards, Jr., G. G. Moisen, and T. S. Frescino. 2005. Development and validation of spatially explicit habitat models for cavity-nesting birds in Fishlake National Forest, Utah. Pages 241-249 in Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium, New Orlean, Louisiana, USA, R. E. McRoberts, G. A. Reams, P. C. Van Deusen, W. H. McWilliams, and C. J. Cieszewski, Editor. General Technical Report NC-252, North Central Research Station, USDAForest Service, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. | December 2005 |
Schultz, R. J., T. C. Edwards, Jr., G. G. Moisen, and T. S. Frescino. 2005. Development and validation of spatially explicit habitat models for cavity-nesting birds in Fishlake National Forest, Utah. Pages 241-249 in Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium, New Orlean, Louisiana, USA, R. E. McRoberts, G. A. Reams, P. C. Van Deusen, W. H. McWilliams, and C. J. Cieszewski, Editor. General Technical Report NC-252, North Central Research Station, USDAForest Service, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. | October 2005 |
Saunders, W.C., P. Budy, and G. Thiede. 2014. Demographic Changes Following Mechanical Removal of Exotic Brown Trout in an Intermountain West (USA), High-Elevation Stream. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. doi: 10.1111/eff.12143. USGS FSP: IP-034361. | Abstract | April 2014 |
Santos, M. J., H. M. Matos, J. A. Bissonette, and M. Santos-Reis. 2006. Poster. Riparian areas in the fragmented landscape of southern Portugal: applications for conservation planning. First European Congress of Conservation Biology, 22-26 August 2006, Eger, Hungary. (August 2006) | August 2006 |
Sandbach, C. J.K. Young, M.M. Conner, E. Hansen, and P. Budy. 2024. Beaver Dam Analogues did not Improve Translocation Outcomes in a Desert River. Restoration Ecology. doi: 10.1111/rec.14107. USGS FSP IP-155481, BOA Date: November 7, 2023. | Abstract | February 2024 |
Salant, N.L., J. C. Schmidt, P. Budy, P. R. Wilcock. 2012. Unintended consequences of restoration: Loss of riffles and gravel substrates following weir installation. Journal of Environmental Management 109:154-163. | June 2012 |
Ruiz‐Gutierrez, V., Bjerre, E.R., Otto, M.C., Zimmerman, G.S., Millsap, B.A., Fink, D., Stuber, E.F., Strimas‐Mackey, M. and Robinson, O.J., 2021. A pathway for citizen science data to inform policy: A case study using eBird data for defining low‐risk collision areas for wind energy development. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58(6), pp.1104-1111. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.13870 | April 2021 |
Roug, A., E. Doden, T. Griffin, J. Young, X. Waldem, N. Norman, P. Budy, and A.J. Van Wettere. 2022. Health screening of American beavers (Castor canadensis) in Utah, USA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Short Communications. DOI: 10.7589/JWD-D-22-00020. USGS FSP IP-139356. | August 2022 |
Rosa, S., and J. A. Bissonette. 2007. Roads and desert small mammal communities: Positive interaction? Pages 562-566 IN Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Ecology and Transportation (ICOET), C. L. Irwin, D. Nelson, and K. P. McDermott. Raleigh NC. : Center for Transportation and the Environment, North Carolina State University, 2007. Little Rock, AR. | October 2007 |
Roberts CP, Ludwig A, Fogarty DT, Stuber E, Uden DR, Walker TJ, Twidwell D. Population increases of the threatened American burying beetle (Nicrophorus americanus) linked to large-scale conservation strategies in a private lands ecoregion. Biological Conservation. 301: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2024.110865 | Abstract | November 2024 |
Ripplinger, J., J. Franklin, and T.C. Edwards, Jr. 2015. Legacies of managed disturbance leave semi-arid plant communities with reduced resilience and altered composition. Journal of Vegetation Science 26:923-933. | July 2016 |
Remiszewski,T.T., P. Budy, and W. W. Macfarlane. In review. Examining the Impacts of Extreme Geomorphic Change on Habitat Diversity in a Historically Degraded Desert River. Submitted to River Research and Applications. DOI: 10.1002/rra.4213. USGS FSP IP: 147695. | Abstract | Download | September 2023 |
Petrosky, C. E., H. A. Schaller, and P. Budy. 2001. Evaluation of survival trends in the freshwater spawning and rearing life stage for Snake River spring/summer chinook. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 58:1196-1207. | September 2001 |
Pershyn, N.A., Gese, E.M., Stuber, E.F. and Kluever, B.M., 2024. Kit foxes demonstrate adaptive compromise characteristics under intraguild predation pressure by coyotes in the Great Basin desert. Scientific Reports, 14(1), p.14446. | June 2024 |
Pennock, C.A., W.C. Saunders, and P. Budy. 2022. High densities of conspecifics buffer native fish from negative interactions with an ecologically similar invasive. Biological Invasions https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-021-02725-y. USGS FSP IP-130496. | Download | January 2022 |
Pennock, C.A., P. Budy, and N. Barrett. 2021. Effects of increased temperature on arctic fish is mediated by food availability: Implications for climate change. Freshwater Biology 66:549-561. DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13659. USGS FSP ID-121940. | Download |
March 2021 |
Pennock, C.A., Budy P, Macfarlane, WW. 2022. Effective conservation and restoration of desert riverscapes requires conservation and restoration of in-stream flows with rehabilitation approaches tailored to water availability. Invited: Frontiers in Environmental Science 10:870488. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.870488. USGS FSP IP- 138466. | Abstract | May 2022 |
Pennock, C.A, L. Bruckerhoff, K.B. Gido, A.L. Barkalow, M.J. Breen, P. Budy, W.W. Macfarlane, and D.L. Propst. 2022. Failure to achieve recommended environmental flows coincides with declining fish populations: Long-term trends in regulated and unregulated rivers. Freshwater Biology https://doi.org/10.1111/fwb.13966. USGS FSP IP- 134441 (LB). | Abstract | July 2022 |
Pennock, C., P. Budy, W.W. Macfarlane, M.J. Breen, J. Jimenez, and J.C. Schmidt. 2021. Native fish need a natural flow regime, not more water development. Fisheries, ‘Perspectives’ Article 47:118-123. DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10703. USGS FSP IP-130996. | November 2021 |
Pennock, C. A., P. Budy, S. A. Bonar, T. E. Dowling, K. B. Gido, E. I. Gilbert, B. R. Kesner, C. P. Paukert, M. C. Quist, J. Stahli, T. F. Turner, and D. L. Ward. 2022. Assessment of potential augmentation and management strategies for Razorback Sucker Xyrauchen texanus in Lake Mead and Grand Canyon: A Science Panel Summary. (No FSP possible). | April 2022 |
Pennock CA, Ahrens ZT, McKinstry MC, Budy P, Gido KB. 2021. Trophic niches of native and nonnative fishes along a river-reservoir continuum. Scientific Reports 11:12140 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-91730-1 | Download | June 2021 |
O. Robinson, J. Socolar, E. F. Stuber, T. Auer, A. Berryman, P. H. Boersch-Supan, D. Brightsmith, A. Burbidge, S. Butchart, C. L. Davis, A. M. Dokter, A. S. Di Giacomo, A. Farnsworth, D. Fink, W. M. Hochachka, P. E. Howell, F. A. La Sorte, A. C. Lees, S. Marsden, R. Martin, R. O. Martin, J. F. Masello, E. T. Miller, Y. Moodley, A. Musgrove, D. Noble, V. Ojeda, P. Quillfeldt, J. A. Royle, V. Ruiz-Gutierrez, J. L. Tella, P. Yorio, C. Youngflesh, A. Johnston. Extreme uncertainty and unquantifiable bias do not inform population sizes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (10) e2113862119 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2113862119 | March 2022 |
Neupane, R.C., J.A. Powell, and T.C. Edwards. 2021. Connecting regional-scale tree distribution models with seed dispersal kernels. Applied Mathematics and Computation. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2021.126591 | August 2021 |
Nagol, J. R., J. O. Sexton1, A. Anand, R. Sahajpal, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2017. Extraction of end-member phenology by spectral unmixing. International Journal of Digital Earth. DOI: 10.1080/17538947.2017.1319975 | May 2017 |
N.A. Pershyn, E.M. Gese, E.F. Stuber, and B.M. Kluever. Coyotes in the Great Basin Desert Do Not Exhibit a Spatial Response Following Removal of Anthropogenic Water Sources. Journal of Arid Environments - Submitted | February 2024 |
Murphy, B., T. Walsworth, P. Belmont, M.M. Conner, and P. Budy. 2020. Dynamic Habitat Disturbance and Ecological Response (DyHDER)-PVA: modeling fish population dynamics in response to landscape disturbance. Ecosphere 11(1):e03023. 10.1002/ecs2. 3023. USGS FSP IP-110023. |
January 2020 |
Moisen, G. G., and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 1999. Use of generalized linear models and digital data in a forest inventory of northern Utah. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmetal Statistics 4:164-182. | November 1999 |
Moisen, G. G., D. R. Cutler, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 1999. Genralized linearmixed models for analysizing error in a satellite-based vegation map of Utah. Pages 37-44 in H. T. Mowrer and R. G. Congalton, Editors. Quantifying spatial unceratinty in natural resorces. Theory and applications for GIS and remote sensing, Ann Arbor Press, Chelsea, Michigan, USA. | November 1999 |
Moisen G. G., T. C. Edwards, Jr., and P. E. Osborne. 2006. Further advances in predicting species distributions. Ecological Modelling 199:129-131 | September 2007 |
Moisen G. G., E. A. Freeman, J. A. Blackard, T. S. Frescino, N. E. Zimmermann, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Moisen G. G., E. A. Freeman, J. A. Blackard, T. S. Frescino, N. E. Zimmermann, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2006. Predicting tree species presence and basal area in Utah: a comparison of stochastic gradient boosting, generalized additive models, and tree-based methods. Ecological Modelling 199:176-187. | September 2007 |
Mirochnitchenko, N., E. Stuber, and J.J. Fontaine. 2021. Biodiversity scale-dependence, and opposing multi-level covariance lead to mismatches among taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional diversity. Journal of Biogeography, 48, 2989– 3003. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.14248 | January 2022 |
Miller. B, M.C. McKinstry, P. Budy, C.A. Pennock. 2024. Wood you believe it? Experimental nonnative wood addition enhances instream habitat for native arid-land fishes. River Research and Applications. DOI: 10.1002/rra.4334. USGS FSP IP- 160668 | Abstract | July 2024 |
Miller, S.W., P. Budy, and J.C. Schmidt. 2010. Quantifying macroinvertebrate responses to in-stream habitat restoration: applications of meta-analysis to river restoration. Restoration Ecology 18:8-19. | January 2010 |
Meyers, P., W. D. Ostrand, M. Conover, and J. A. Bissonette. 2005. Effect of perch sites on mourning dove nest distribution. Western North American Naturalist 65(1):64-69. | October 2004 |
Meyers, P. M., W. D. Ostrand, M. R. Conover, and J. A. Bissonette. 2006. Assessing differences in mourning dove Zenaida macroura marginella nesting activity after 40 years. Wildlife Biology 12(2):171-178. (June 2006) | June 2006 |
Merow, C., M J. Smith, W. Thuiller, N. E. Zimmermann, T. C. Edwards, Jr., A. Guisan, S. Normand, R. Wüest, and J. Elith. 2015. What do we gain from simplicity versus complexity in species distribution models? Ecography 37:1267-1281. | January 2016 |
Meredith, C.S., P. Budy, and M. Hooten, and M. O. Prates. 2016. Assessing abiotic conditions influencing the longitudinal distribution of exotic brown trout in a mountain stream: a spatially-explicit modeling approach. Biological Invasions. DOI 10.1007/s10530-016-1322-z. USGS IP-069503 | Abstract | November 2016 |
Meredith, C., P. Budy, and G.P. Thiede. 2014. Predation on native sculpin by exotic brown trout exceeds that by native cutthroat trout within a mountain watershed (Logan, UT, USA) doi: 10.1111/eff.12134. USGS FSP: IPDS: IP-042175. | Abstract | April 2014 |
Meredith, C. P. Budy, and J Schmidt. 2018. Investigating scour depths in relation to patterns of spawning brown trout and the changing physical template of a mountain river. Submitted to River Research and Applications, 28 December, 2017. USGS FSP: | Abstract | January 2018 |
Meier, E. S., T C. Edwards Jr, F. Kienast, M. Dobbertin, and N. E. Zimmermann. 2011. Co-occurrence patterns of trees along macro-climatic gradients and their potential influence on the present and future distribution of Fagus sylvatica L. Journal of Biogeography 38:371-382. | February 2011 |
McLaren, J. S., R. W. Van Kirk, A. J. Mabaka, S. Brothers, and P. E. Budy. 2023. Drawdown, habitat, and kokanee Oncorhynchus nerka populations in a western U.S. reservoir. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10879. USGS FSP IP- 136834. | Abstract | January 2023 |
McLaren, J. S., R. W. Van Kirk, P. Budy, and S. Brothers, and. In press. The reach-scale biogeomorphic effect of submerged macrophytes on trout habitat suitability. Hydrobiologia. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-024-05671-7. USGS FSP IP 157531 BAO Date: June, 18, 2023. | Abstract | August 2024 |
McIntosh, A., P.A. McHugh, and P. Budy. 2011. Brown Trout, Chapter 24, In: Handbook of Global Freshwater Invasive Species (a summary of the current state of knowledge of 30 of the most notable global invasive freshwater species). Invited BOOK Chapter. (http://www.earthscan.co.uk/). | October 2011 |
McHugh, P., and P. Budy. 2006. Experimental effects of nonnative brown trout on the individual- and population-level performance of native cutthroat trout. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:1441-1455. | November 2006 |
McHugh, P., and P. Budy. 2005. An experimental evaluation of competitive and thermal effects on brown trout (Salmo trutta) and cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki utah) performance along an altitudinal gradient. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:2784-2795. | July 2005 |
McHugh, P., and P. Budy. 2005. A comparison of visual measurement-based techniques for quantifying cobble embeddedness and fine sediment levels in salmonid-bearing streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25:1208-1214. | January 2005 |
McHugh, P., and P. Budy. 2004. Patterns of spawning habitat selection and site suitabilityfor two populations of Snake River spring chinook salmon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 133: 89-97. | January 2004 |
McHugh, P., P. Budy, and H. Schaller. 2004. A model-based assessment of the potential response of Snake River spring/summer chinook salmon to habitat improvements. Accepted to Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 133:622-638. | September 2004 |
McHugh, P., P. Budy, G. P. Thiede, and E. VanDyke. 2008. Trophic relationships of nonnative brown trout, Salmo trutta, and native Bonneville cutthroat trout, Oncorhynchus clarkii utah, in a northern Utah, U. S. A. river. Environmental Biology of Fishes 81(1):63-75. | January 2008 |
McHugh, P., A. McIntosh, S. Howard, and P. Budy. 2012. Niche flexibility and trout-galaxiid co-occurrence in a hydrologically-diverse riverine landscape. Biological Invasions doi:10.1007/s10530-012-0237-6. | June 2012 |
McHugh, P., A. McIntosh, S. Howard, and P. Budy. 2012. Niche flexibility and trout-galaxiid co-occurrence in a hydrologically-diverse riverine landscape. Biological Invasions doi:10.1007/s10530-012-0237-6. | June 2012 |
McClure, M. F., J. A. Bissonette, and M. R. Conover. Migratory strategies, fawn recruitment, and winter habitat use by urban and rural mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus). 2005. European Journal of Wildlife Research. In Press. Published Online First 11 May 2005. | February 2005 |
Loureiro, F., J. A. Bissonette, D. W Macdonald, and M. Santos-Reis. 2009. Temporal variation in availability of Mediterranean food resources: Do badgers track them? Wildlife Biology 15:197-206. . | Publisher Website | April 2009 |
Lobón‐Cerviá, J. , G. González, and P. Budy. 2011. Factors driving spatial and temporal variation in production and production ⁄ biomass ratio of stream-resident brown trout (Salmo trutta) in Cantabrian streams. Freshwater Biology 56:2272-2287. | November 2011 |
Lobón-Cerviá, J. , P. Budy, and E. Mortensen. 2012. Patterns of natural mortality in stream-living Brown Trout (Salmo trutta L.). Freshwater Biology 57:575-588. | June 2012 |
Leidolf and J. A. Bissonette. 2009. The effects of fire on avian communities: spatio-temporal attributes of the literature 1912-2003. International Journal of Wildland Fire 18(1) Article ID: WF08019 | Publisher Website | July 2009 |
Lawler, J. J., and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2006. A variance-decomposition approach to investigating multi-scale habitat associations. Condor 108:47-58. | June 2006 |
Lawler, J. J., and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2002. Landscape patterns as predictors of nesting habitat: a test using four species of cavity-nesting birds. Landscape Ecology 17:233-245. | September 2002 |
Lawler, J. J., and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2002. Composition of cavity-nesting bird communities in montane aspen woodland fragments: the roles of landscape context and forest structure. Condor 104:890-896. | January 2003 |
Laub, B.G., and P. Budy. 2015. Assessing the likely effectiveness of multi-species management for imperiled desert fishes using niche overlap analysis. Conservation Biology. DOI: 10.1111. | Abstract | January 2015 |
Laub, B.G., G.P. Thiede, W.W. MacFarlane, and P. Budy. 2018. Evaluating the conservation potential of tributaries for native fish in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Fisheries, Feature Article 43:194-206. DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10054. USGS IP: 081178. | January 2018 |
Laub, B. G., J. Jimenez, and P. Budy. 2015. Adopting science-based restoration in practice: application to a desert river system. Environmental Management ONLINE FIRST: DOI 10.1007/s00267-015-0481-5. USGS IP-053441. | Abstract | April 2015 |
Larsen, R. T., J. A. Bissonette, J. T. Flinders, and A. C. Robinson. 2011. Does small-perimeter fencing inhibit antelope and mule deer use of free water? Journal of Wildlife Management 75(6):1417-1425. | April 2011 |
Larsen, R. T., J. A. Bissonette, J. T. Flinders, M. B. Hooten. (2010). Summer spatial patterning of chukars in relation to free water in western Utah. Landscape Ecology 25:135-145. DOI 10.1007/s10980-009-9407-z | Publisher Website | March 2010 |
LaPlanche, C. A. Elger, F, Santoul, G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2018. Forecasting the eradication success of an exotic fish from an alpine stream. Biological Conservation 223:34-46. doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2018.04.024. USGS FSP: IP-XX. | Abstract | January 2018 |
Klobucar, S.L., and P. Budy. 2020. Trophic structure of apex fish communities in closed versus leaky lakes of arctic Alaska. Oecologia Early Online. doi.org/10.1007/s00442-020-04776-9. USGS FSP IP-109849. | Abstract | October 2020 |
Klobucar, S.L., W.C. Saunders, and P. Budy. 2016. A Lota lota consumption: trophic dynamics and niche space influence of invasive Burbot in a valuable sport fishery. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. Submitted 3 March, 2016, Accepted with minor revision 25 May, 2016. DOI: 10.1080/00028487.2016.1227372. USGS FSP: IP-074691. | January 2016 |
Klobucar, S.L., T.W. Rodgers, and P. Budy. 2017. At the forefront: evidence of the applicability of using environmental DNA to quantify the abundance of fish populations in natural lentic waters with additional sampling considerations. | August 2017 |
Klobucar, S.L., J.W. Gaeta, and P. Budy. 2018. A changing menu in a changing climate: using experimental and long-term data to predict invertebrate prey biomass and availability in arctic lakes. Freshwater Biology 2018:1-13. DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13162. USGS FSP: IP-087907. | January 2018 |
Klobucar, S.L., J.A. Rick, E.G. Mandeville, C.E. Wagner, and P. Budy. 2021. Investigating the morphological and genetic diversity of arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) populations in distinct groups of foothill lakes in arctic Alaska. Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7211. | December 2020 |
Klobucar, S. and P. Budy. 2016. Consequences of seasonal variation in reservoir water level for predatory fishes: linking visual foraging and prey densities. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73: 53-6464. USGS FSP: IP-058204. | January 2016 |
Kienast Felix, Gosteli Selina, Edwards, Thomas C., Jr., Martius Gregor. Lessons learned from the first worldwide accessible e-learning in Landscape Ecology. Published, Landscape Online 83 https://doi.org/10.3097/LO.202083 | October 2020 |
Johnson, J. A., B. A. Andres, and J. A. Bissonette. 2008. Birds of the Major Mainland Rivers of Southeastern Alaska. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-739. Portland, OR: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 87 p. | February 2008 |
Ironside, K.E, D. Mattson, D. Choate, D. Stoner, T. Arundel, J. Hansen, T. Theimer, B. Holton, B. Jansen, J.O. Sexton, K. Longshore, and T.C. Edwards, Jr. 2017. Variable Terrestrial GPS Telemetry Detection Rates: Addressing the Probability of Successful Acquisitions. Wildlife Society Bulletin 41:329-341. DOI: 10.1002/wsb.758 | May 2017 |
Ironside, K. E., D. J. Mattson, T. Theimer, B. Jansen, B. Holton, T. Arundel, M. Peters, J. O. Sexton, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2017. Quantifying animal movement for caching foragers: The path identification index (PII) and cougars, Puma concolor. Movement Ecology 5:24. DOI 10.1186/s40462-017-0115-z | November 2017 |
Ironside, K. E,. D. J. Mattson, T. Arundel1, Tad Theimer, B. Holton, M. Peters, T. C. Edwards, Jr., and J. Hansen. 2018. Geomorphometry in Landscape Ecology: Issues of Scale, Physiography, and Application. Environment and Ecology Research 6(5): 397-412. DOI: 10.13189/eer.2018.060501 | May 2018 |
Hunter, L. M., M. de J. Gonzalez, R. E. Toth, T. C. Edwards, Jr., and R. J, Lilieholm. 2003. Population and development in the California Mojave Desert: natural habitat implications of alternative futures. Population Research and Policy Review 22:373-397. | December 2003 |
Hough-Snee, N. Roper, B.R., Wheaton, J.M., and P. Budy. 2013. Riparian vegetation communities change rapidly following passive restoration at a northern Utah stream. Ecological Engineering 58:371-377. | Abstract | July 2013 |
Homel, K., and P. Budy. 2008. Temporal and spatial variability in the migration patterns of juvenile and subadult bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in Northeast Oregon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:869-880. | May 2008 |
Homel, K., P. Budy, M. E. Pfrender, T. A. Whitesel, and K. Mock. 2008. Evaluating genetic structure among resident and migratory forms of bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in Northeast Oregon. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, OnlineEarly Articles: doi:1-. 1111/j. 160-0633. 2008. 00299. x. | January 2008 |
Heredia, N. and P. Budy. 2018. Trophic ecology of Lahontan Cutthroat Trout Oncorhynchus Clarkii Henshawi: historical predator-prey interaction supports native apex predator in unique desert lake. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 147:842–854, DOI: 10.1002/tafs.1006. USGS FSP: IP-066465. | Abstract | January 2018 |
Hellgren, E. C., and J. A. Bissonette. 2003. Collared peccary. Chapter 41, Pages 867-876 in G. A. Feldhamer and B. Thompson, eds., Wild mammals of North America: biology, management, and economics. Second edition. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, USA. | April 2003 |
Healy, B.D., R. C. Schelly, C. B. Yackulic, E. C. Omana Smith, P. Budy. 2020. Remarkable response of native fishes to invasive trout suppression varies with trout density, temperature, and annual hydrology. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77(9):1446-1462. USGS FSP IP-117490. | Abstract | Download | June 2020 |
Healy, B. D., P. Budy, C. B. Yackulic, B. P. Murphy, M. C. McKinstry, R. C. Schelly. 2022. Exploring management options for a metapopulation of a global invader in a river network under climate change. Conservation Biology 2022;e13993. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.13993. USGS FSP IP-138467. | Abstract | Publisher Website | September 2022 |
Healy, B. D., P. Budy, M. M. Conner, E. Omana Smith. 2022. Life and death in a dynamic environment: invasive trout, floods, and intra-specific drivers of translocated populations. Ecological Applications 2022;e2635. DOI: 10.1002/eap.2635. USGS FSP IP-133488. | Abstract | April 2022 |
Hansen, M., P. Budy , C. Guy, and T. McMahon. 2019. Trout as Native and Invasive Species: a Management Paradox. Invited Chapter 819 in: Diversity and Status of Trouts and Chars of the World. Editors: J.L. Kershner, J. E. Williams, R. E. Gresswell. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. Symposium Book. USGS FSP: IP-095921. | May 2019 |
Hansen, E., and P. Budy. 2011. The potential of passive stream restoration to improve ecosystem health and minimize the impact of fish disease: a short-term assessment. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30:573-588. | June 2011 |
Hafen, K. and P. Budy. 2015 Agonistic behavior among three stocked trout species. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, Management Brief: 35:3, 551-556. USGS FSP: IP-058150. | Abstract | January 2015 |
Haddix, T., and P. Budy. 2005. Factors that limit growth and abundance of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) across ecologically distinct areas of Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Utah-Wyoming. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25:1082-1094. | January 2005 |
Gunson, K. E., A. P. Clevenger, A. T. Ford, J. A. Bissonette, and A. Hardy. 2009. A comparison of data sets varying in spatial accuracy used to predict the occurrence of wildlife-vehicle collisions. Environmental Management 44(2):268-277. | July 2009 |
Guisan, A., T. C. Edwards, Jr., and T. Hastie. 2002. Generalized regression modeling in ecological research: setting the scene. Ecological Modelling 157:89-100. | January 2003 |
Guisan, A., T. C. Edwards, Jr., and T. Hastie, Guest Editors. 2002. Advances in GLM/GAM modelling: from species' distribution to environmental management. Ecological Modelling (Special Issue) 157:89-341. | January 2003 |
Grilo, C., M. Cruz, J. A. Bissonette, and M. Santos-Reis. Poster. 2006. The role of patch size and isolation to carnivore relative abundance. First European Congress of Conservation Biology, 22-26 August, 2006, Eger, Hungary. (August 2006) | August 2006 |
Grilo, C., J.A. Bissonette, and P. A. Cramer. 2010. Mitigation measures to reduce impacts on biodiversity. Pages 73-114 In S. R. Jones (ed.) Highways: Construction, Management, and Maintenance, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, NY 11788. ISBN:978-1-61728-862-3 https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=15946 | Abstract | Publisher Website | December 2010 |
Grilo, C., J. A. Bissonette, and M. Santos-Reis. 2008. Response of carnivores to existing highway culverts and underpasses: Implications for road planning and mitigation. Biological Conservation 17(7):1685-1699 (On-Line: DOI 10. 1007/s10531-008-9374-8. | Publisher Website | January 2008 |
Grilo, C., F. Ascensão, M. Santos-Reis, and J. A. Bissonette. 2011. Do well connected landscapes promote road-related mortality. European Journal of Wildlife Research.57:707-716. (Online first DOI: 10.1007/s10344-010-0478-6) | March 2011 |
Grilo, C., C. Silva, C. Baltazar, L. Gomes, J. A. Bissonette & M. Santos-Reis. 2007. Patterns of carnivore road casualties in southern Portugal. . Page 556-561 IN Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Ecology and Transportation (ICOET), C. L. Irwin, D. Nelson, and K. P. McDermott. Raleigh NC. : Center for Transportation and the Environment, North Carolina State University, 2007. Little Rock, AR. | October 2007 |
Goeking, S. A, Izlar, D. K., and T. C. Edwards, Jr. A landscape-level assessment of whitebark pine regeneration in the Rocky Mountains, USA. In revision, Forest Science. | August 2018 |
Frescino, T. S., T. C. Edwards, Jr., and G. G. Moisen. 2001. Modelling spatially explicit forest structural variables using generalized additive models. Journal of Vegetation Science 12:15-26. | June 2001 |
Forman, R. T. T., D. Sperling, J. A. Bissonette, A. P. Clevenger, C. D. Cutshall, V. H. Dale, L. Fahrig, R. France, C. R. Goldman, K. Heanue, J. A. Jones, F. J. Swanson, T. Turrentine, & T. C. Winter. 2003. Road Ecology; Science and Solutions. Island Press, Covelo, CA. | January 2003 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr., G. G. Moisen, T. S. Frescino, and R. J. Schultz. 2005. The application of FIA-based data to wildlife habitat modelling: a comparative study. Pages 7-11 in Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, R. E. McRoberts, G. A. Reams, P. C. Van Deusen, W. H. McWilliams, and C. J. Cieszewski, Editor. General Technical Report NC-252, North Central Research Station, USDAForest Service, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. | December 2005 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr., G. G. Moisen, T. S. Frescino, and R. J. Schultz. 2005. The application of FIA-based data to wildlife habitat modelling: a comparative study. Pages 7-11 in Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, R. E. McRoberts, G. A. Reams, P. C. Van Deusen, W. H. McWilliams, and C. J. Cieszewski, Editor. General Technical Report NC-252, North Central Research Station, USDAForest Service, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. | October 2005 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr., G. G. Moisen, T. S. Frescino, and R. J. Schultz. 2004. The application of FIA-based data to wildlife habitat modelling: a comparative study. Proceedings of the 2002 FIA Science Symposium, New Orlean, Louisiana, USA. | August 2003 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr., G. G. Moisen, T. S. Frescino, and J. J. Lawler. 2004. Use of Forest Inventory and Analysis information in wildlife habitat modelling: a process for linking multiple scales. Pages 188-194 in McRoberts, R. E., G. A. Reams, P. C. Van Duesen, and J. W. Moser, Editors. Proceedings of the Third Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium, General Technical Report NC-230, North Central Research Station, USDA Forest Service, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. | December 2004 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr., G. G. Moisen, T. S. Frescino, and J. J. Lawler. 2002. Use of Forest Inventory and Analysis information in wildlife habitat modelling: a process for linking multiple scales. Proceedings of the 2001 FIA Science Symposium, Traverse City, Michigan, USA. | September 2002 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr., G. G. Moisen, T. S. Frescino, and J. J. Lawler. 2002. Linking multiple ecological scales for wildlife conservation modelling: the key to a successful transition from landscape theory to practice. In press, Pages 153-172 in J. A. Bissonette and I. Storch, editors. Landscape ecology and resource management: making the linkages. Island Press, Covelo, Californai, USA. | September 2002 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr., D. R. Cutler, N. E. Zimmermann, L. Geiser, and G. G. Moisen. 2006. Effects of underlying sample survey designs on the utility of classification tree models in ecology. Ecological Modelling 199:132-141. | September 2007 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr., Cutler, R., N. E. Zimmermann, L. Geiser, and J. Alegria. 2005. Model-based stratifications for enhancing the detection of rare ecological events. Ecology 86:1081-1090 (Invited paper in special topics issue: The Statistics of Rare Species) | September 2004 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr., Cutler, R., L. Geiser, J. Alegria, and D. McKenzie. 2004. Assessing rarity and seral stage association of species with low detectability: lichens in western Oregon and Washington forests. Ecological Applications 14:414-424. | April 2004 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr. 2004. A monumental leap forward in species-occurrence modelling. Book review of: Scott, J. M., P. J. Heglund, M. L. Morrison, J. B. Haufler, M. G. Raphael, W. A. Wall, and F. B. Samson, editors. 2002. Predicting species occurrence: issues of accuracy and scale. Island Press, Covello, California, USA. Conservation Biology 18:855-857. | July 2004 |
Dornelas, M and P. Budy (#25) and 182 others. 2018. BioTIME: a database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene. Global Ecology and Biogeography. Global 2018; 00:1–26. https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.12729. USGS FSP: under USGS co-author Rybicki. | January 2018 |
Doden, E. P. Budy, T. Avgar, and J.K. Young. 2022. Movement Patterns of Resident and Translocated Beavers at Multiple Spatiotemporal Scales in Desert Rivers. Frontiers in Conservation Science: Animal Behavior in Novel Environments 3:777797. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88976-152-4. * USDA manuscript approval process - Young. | Abstract |
May 2022 |
Dibble, K.L., C.B. Yackulic, T.A. Kennedy, P. Budy. 2015. Flow management and fish density regulate salmonid recruitment and adult size in tailwaters across western North America. Ecological Applications. Accepted 9 March, 2015. Early Online. MS#14-2211R1. | April 2015 |
De la Hoz Franco, E. A., and P. Budy. Accepted. Effects of biotic and abiotic factors on the distribution of trout and salmon along a longitudinal stream gradient. Environmental Biology of Fishes 72:379-391. | July 2004 |
De la Hoz Franco, E. A., and P. Budy. 2004. Linking Environmental Heterogeneity to the Distribution and Prevalence of Myxobolus cerebralis: A Comparison Across Sites in a Northern, Utah Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:1165-1178. | April 2004 |
Cutler, R., T. C. Edwards, Jr., J. Alegria, and D. McKenzie. 2002. A sample design framework for Survey and Manage species under the Northwest Forest Plan. Proceedings of the Section on Statistics and Environment, 2001 Joint Statistical Meeting, American Statistical Association, Alexandria, Virginia, USA. | January 2003 |
Cutler, D. R., Edwards, T. C., Jr., Beard, K. H., Cutler, A., Hess, K. T., Gibson, J., and J. J. Lawler. Random Forests for classification in ecology. Ecology 88:2783-2792. | October 2007 |
Cramer, P. C., and J. A. Bissonette. 2007. Integrating Wildlife Crossings into Transportation Plans in Projects in North America. Pages 328-334 IN Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Ecology and Transportation (ICOET), C. L. Irwin, D. Nelson, and K. P. McDermott. Raleigh NC. : Center for Transportation and the Environment, North Carolina State University, 2007. | October 2007 |
Cramer, P. C., and J. A. Bissonette. 2006. Wildlife crossings in North America: The state of the science and practice. Pp. 442-447; in Proceedings of the International Conference on Ecology and Transportation, San Diego, California. Center for Transportation and the Environment, North Carolina State University, NC. http://www. icoet.net/ICOET_2005/proceedings/06IPCh9-442-460. pdf | October 2006 |
Corral, L., E. Stuber, T. Frink, A. Bishop, and J.J. Fontaine. Scale-dependent land cover relationships, not intraguild occupancy explains canid community habitat relationships. Landscape Ecology 37, 249–266 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-021-01350-3 | October 2021 |
Conner, M.M., P. Budy, R. Wilkion, M. Mill, D. Speas, P. MacKinnon, and M. McKinstry. 2020. Estimating population abundance with a mixture of physical capture and passive PIT tag antenna detection data. Submitted to Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77:1163-1171. | Abstract | March 2020 |
Clancy, N.G., J. Dunnigan, and P. Budy. 2022. Relationship of trout growth to frequent electrofishing and diet collection in a headwater stream. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, Management Brief 42:109–114. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10728. USGS FSP IP-133486. | Abstract | January 2022 |
Clancy, N.G., J. Brahney, J. Dunnigan, and P. Budy. 2021. Effects of a diatom ecosystem engineer (Didymosphenia geminata) on stream food webs: implications for native fishes. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 78: 154–164 (2021) dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjfas-2020-0121. USGS FSP: IP-118864. | Abstract | January 2021 |
Chambers, S., M. L. Villarreal, O. Duane, S. M. Munson, E.F. Stuber, G. Tyreef, E. K. Waller, and M.C. Duniway. Conflict of Energies: Mapping Mule Deer’s Caloric Expenditure in Response to Oil and Gas Development. Landscape Ecology – In Press. | September 2022 |
C. Grilo, J. A. Bissonette & M. Santos-Reis 2009. Spatial-temporal patterns in Mediterranean carnivore road casualties: consequences for mitigation. Biological Conservation 142:301-313 (first online (2008)doi:10. 1016/j. biocon. 2008. 10. 026). | Publisher Website | April 2009 |
Busch, G., R. J. Lilieholm, R. E. Toth, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2005. Alternative future growth scenarios for Utah's Wasatch Front: assessing the impacts of development on the loss of prime agricultural lands. Transactions on Ecology & the Environment 80:247-256. | September 2005 |
Budy, P., and H. Schaller. 2007. Evaluating tributary restoration potential for Pacific Salmon recovery. Ecological Applications 17:1068-4086. | June 2007 |
Budy, P., T. Walsworth, G.P. Thiede, P.D. Thompson, M.D. McKell, P.B. Holden, P.D., Chase, W.c. Saunders. 2021. Remarkably rapid recovery of native trout following removal of a dominant non-native trout sub-population: evidence of resilience and conservation potential. Conservation Biology: Conservation Practice and Policy 2021;3:e325. doi.org/10.1111/csp2.325. | Abstract | January 2021 |
Budy, P., T. Haddix, and R. Schneidervin. 2005. Zooplankton size selection relative to gill raker spacing in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134:1228-1235. | October 2004 |
Budy, P., T. Bowerman, R. Al-Chokhachy, M.M. Conner, and H. Schaller. 2017. Quantifying long-term population trends of threatened bull trout: challenges, lessons learned, and opportunities. Accepted with minor revisions 17 November, 2016. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. USGS IP-066765. | January 2017 |
Budy, P., S. Wood[Seidel], and B. Roper. 2012. A study of the spawning ecology and early life history of Bonneville cutthroat trout. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:436-449. | April 2012 |
Budy, P., P.D. Thompson, M.D. McKell, G.P. Thiede, T. Walsworth, and M.M. Conner. 2020. A multi-faceted reconstruction of the metapopulation structure and life history expressions of a remnant metapopulation of Bonneville Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii utah): implications for maintaining intermittent connectivity. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 49: 443-461. | Abstract | April 2020 |
Budy, P., M.E. Baker, and S.K. Dahle. 2011. Predicting Fish Growth Potential and Identifying Potential Water Quality Issues: A Spatially Explicit Bioenergetics Approach. Environmental Management 48(4) 691-709. ISSN 0364-152X; DOI 10.1007/s00267-011-9717-1. | October 2011 |
Budy, P., M. M. Conner, N.L. Salant, and W. Macfarlane. 2015. An Occupancy-based Assessment of Regional Vulnerability. Conservation Biology. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12513 USGS FSP: IP-049189. | January 2015 |
Budy, P., K.B. Rogers, Y. Kanno, B. Penaluna, N.H. Hitt. J. Dunham, C. Mellison, and W.L. Somer. 2019 Distribution and Status of Trouts and Chars in North America. Invited Chapter 8 in: Diversity and Status of Trouts and Chars of the World. Editors: J.L. Kershner, J. E. Williams, R. E. Gresswell. American Fisheries Society. Symposium Book. USGS FSP: IP-088494. | Abstract | May 2019 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede, and P. McHugh. 2007. Quantification of the vital rates, abundance, and status of a critical, endemic population of Bonneville cutthroat trout. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:593-604. | April 2007 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede, N. Bouwes, C.E. Petrosky, and H. Schaller. 2002. Evidence linking delayed mortality of Snake River salmon to their earlier hydrosystem experience. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:35-51. | January 2002 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede, J. Lobon-Cervia, G. Gonzales, P. A McHugh, A. McIntosh, L.A. Vollestad, E. Becares and P. Jellyman. 2013. Limitation and facilitation of one of the world's most invasive fish: an intercontinental comparison. Ecology 94:356-367. | Abstract | February 2013 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede, C. Luecke, and R.W. Schneidervin. 2009. Warmwater and coldwater fish in two-story standing waters. Pages 159 – 169 in S. Bonar, W.A Hubert, and D.W. Willis, editors. Standard methods for sampling North American freshwater fishes. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | January 2009 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede, A. Dean. D. Olsen, and G. Rowley. 2012. A comparative and experimental evaluation of the performance of diploid and triploid brooks trout. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 21:1211-1224. | Abstract | August 2012 |
Budy, P., G. P. Thiede, P. McHugh, E. S. Hansen, and J. Wood. 2008. Exploring the relative influence of biotic interactions and environmental conditions on the abundance and distribution of exotic brown trout (Salmo trutta) in a high mountain stream. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 17:554-556. | June 2008 |
Budy, P. and J. Gaeta. 2018. Brown trout as an invader: A Synthesis of Problems and Perspectives in Western North America. Invited Chapter 12.1 in: The Brown Trout Salmo trutta L.: A primer on a paradigmatic species. Editors: Javier Lobón-Cerviá & Nuria Sanz Ball.llosera. Wiley. USGS FSP: IP-058204 | Abstract | February 2018 |
Budy, P. and C. Luecke. 2014. Understanding how lake populations of Arctic char are structured and function with special consideration of the potential effects of climate change: a multi-faceted approach. Oecologia DOI 10.1007/s00442-014-2993-8. USGS FSP: SPDS: IP-053259. | Abstract | June 2014 |
Brungard, C.W., J.L. Boettinger, M.C. Duniway, S.A. Wills, and T.C. Edwards, Jr. 2015. Machine learning for predicting soil classes in three semi-arid landscapes. Geoderma 239:68-83. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2014.09.019 | April 2016 |
Bowerman, T., Neilson, B. and P. Budy. 2014. Effects of fine sediment, hyporheic flow, and spawning site selection on survival and development of bull trout embryos. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71: 1–13. doi.org/10.1139. USGS FSP: IP-049185. | Abstract | March 2014 |
Bowerman, T. and P. Budy. 2012. Incorporating movement patterns to improve survival estimates for juvenile bull trout North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32(6):1123-1136. | Abstract | November 2012 |
Bottcher, J.L., T.E. Walsworth, G.P. Thiede, P. Budy, and D. Speas. 2013. Frequent Usage of Tributaries by the Endangered Fishes of the Upper Colorado River Basin: Observations from the San Rafael River, Utah. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, Management Brief. Online DOI: 10.1080/02755947.2013.785993. | Abstract | May 2013 |
Bolliger, J., T. C. Edwards, Jr., S. Eggenberg, S. Ismail, I. Seidl, and F. Kienast. 2011. Dry grassland meadows of high conservation priority: balancing forest regeneration probabilities and maintenance costs. Conservation Biology 25:567-576. | October 2011 |
Bjurlin, C., and J. A. Bissonette. 2004. Survival during early life stages of the Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) in the South-Central Mojave Desert. Journal of Herpetology 38(4):527-535. | May 2004 |
Bissonette, J., and I. Storch. 2003. Understanding Fragmentation: Getting Closer to 42. Conservation Ecology 7(2): r5. [online] URL: http://www. consecol. org/vol7/iss2/resp5 | September 2003 |
Bissonette, J., C. Kassar, and L. J. Cook. 2008. Assessment of costs associated with deer-vehicle collisions: Human death and injury, vehicle damage, and deer loss. Human Wildlife Conflicts 2(1):17-27. | January 2008 |
Bissonette, J. A., and W. A. Adair. 2008 Restoring habitat permeability to roaded landscapes with isometrically-scaled wildlife crossings. Biological Conservation141(2):482-488. digital object identifier: http://dx. doi. org/10. 1016/j. biocon. 2007. 10. 019 | Publisher Website | February 2008 |
Bissonette, J. A., and S. Rosa, 2009. Road zone effects in small mammal communities. Ecology and Society 14(1):27 | Publisher Website | April 2009 |
Bissonette, J. A., and P. C. Cramer. 2007. Abstract: North American Decision Guidelines for mitigating roads for wildlife. Page 422 IN Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Ecology and Transportation (ICOET), C. L. Irwin, D. Nelson, and K. P. McDermott. Raleigh NC. : Center for Transportation and the Environment, North Carolina State University, 2007. Little Rock, AR. 21 May 2007. | October 2007 |
Bissonette, J. A., and I. Storch. 2002. Fragmentation: is the message clear?Conservation Ecology 6(2): 14. [online] URL: http://www. consecol. org/vol6/iss2/art14 | November 2002 |
Bissonette, J. A., and I. Storch, eds. 2007 Temporal dimensions of landscape ecology: Wildlife responses to variable resources. Springer-Verlag, New York and Heidelberg. ( | January 2007 |
Bissonette, J. A., and I. Storch (eds). 2003. Landscape theory and resource management: Linking theory with practice. Island Press, Covelo, CA 463pp. | January 2003 |
Bissonette, J. A., and C. Kassar. 2008 Location of deer-vehicle collisions are unrelated to traffic volume or posted speed limits. Human Wildlife Conflicts 2(1):122-130. | January 2008 |
Bissonette, J. A., C. S. Loftin, D. M. Leslie, Jr., L. A. Nordstrom, and W. J. Fleming. 2000. The cooperative research unit program and wildlife education: historic development, future challenges. Wildlife Society Bulletin 28:534-541. | November 2000 |
Bissonette, J. A. 2008. Book Review of Habitat Fragmentation and Landscape Change: An Ecological and Conservation Synthesis by D. B. Lindenmayer and J. Fischer, 2006. Ecological Restoration 26(2):162-164 | June 2008 |
Bissonette, J. A. 2007. Resource acquisition and animal response in dynamic landscapes: Keeping the books. Pages 12-29 in: J. A. Bissonette, and I. Storch, eds. 2007. Temporal dimensions of landscape ecology: Wildlife responses to variable resources. Springer-Verlag, New York and Heidelberg. (In Press, chapter in edited book submitted to publisher July 2006) | January 2007 |
Bissonette, J. A. 2005. Thinking differently at larger ecological scales: developing the strategy. Proc. 12th Ann. Meeting Australasian Wildl. Manage. Soc., Darwin, Australia. | September 2005 |
Bissonette, J. A. 2003. Linking landscape patterns to biological reality. Pages 15-34 in J. A. Bissonette and I. Storch (eds) ) Landscape Theory and resource management: Linking theory with practice. Island Press, Covelo, California. | September 2003 |
Bissonette, J. A. 2002. Scaling roads and wildlife: the Cinderella principle. Zeitschrift fuer Jagdwissenschaft 48(2002):208-214 (supplement). | March 2003 |
Bissonette, J. A. 2002. Linking theory, data, and practice in conservation: implications for fragmentation studies. Revista De Biologia 20(1-4): 7-16. | September 2002 |
Bissonette, J. A. 2001. American marten habitat choice: scaled multiple hypotheses provide some answers. Proc. Third Biennial Conf. on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, 24-27 Sept. 1995: 53-56. | January 2001 |
Bissonette, J. A. 1997. Wildlife and Landscape Ecology: Effects of Pattern and Scale. Springer-Verlag, New York. 410pp. | August 1997 |
Bennet, S., B. Roper, R. Al-Chokhachy, and P. Budy. 2014. Annual Variation of Spawning Cutthroat Trout in a Small Western USA Stream: A Case Study with Implications for the Conservation of Potamodromous Trout Life History Diversity. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34:1033-1046. USGS FSP:IP-050825. | Abstract | January 2014 |
Bassett, S. D., and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2003. Effect of different sampling schemes on the spatial placement of conservation reserves in Utah, USA. Biological Conservation 113:141-151. | August 2003 |
Albert, C. H., N. G. Yoccoz, T. C. Edwards, Jr., C. H. Graham, N. E. Zimmermann, and W. Thuiller. 2010. Sampling in ecology and evolution – bridging the gap between theory and practice. Ecography 33:1028-1037. | December 2010 |
Al-Chokhachy, R., and P. Budy. 2007. Summer microhabitat use of fluvial bull trout in Eastern Oregon streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 27:1068-1081. | August 2007 |
Al-Chokhachy, R., P. Budy, and M. Conner. 2009. Detecting declines in the abundance of a bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) population: understanding the accuracy, precision, and costs of our efforts. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66: 649–658. | April 2009 |
Al-Chokhachy, R., Budy, P., and H. Schaller. 2005. A comparison of redd counts and mark/resight methods for estimating abundance and monitoring bull trout population trends. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25:1505-1512. | April 2005 |
Al-Chokhachy, R., B.B. Roper, T. Bowerman, and P. Budy. 2010. A review of bull trout habitat associations and exploratory analyses of patterns across the Interior Columbia River Basin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:464-480. | March 2010 |
Al-Chokhachy, R. and P. Budy. 2008. Demographic characteristics, population structure, and vital rates of a fluvial population of bull trout in Oregon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:262-277. | December 2008 |
PennockC.A., G.P. Thiede, P. Budy. 2023 Density-dependent processes and population dynamics and feeding ecology of native sculpin in a mountain river. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. DOI: 10.1111/eff.12710. USGS FSP IP-147035. | Abstract |
February 2023 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede and N. Heredia and E. Horgen. 2021. Exploring the contemporary relationship between predator and prey in a culturally-important Lahontan Cutthroat Trout population in Pyramid Lake, Nevada. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 150:291–306. DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10291. USGS FSP IP-119395. | Abstract | January 2021 |
Budy, P. , C. Pennock, A. Giblin, C. Luecke, D. White, and G. Kling. 2021. Understanding the effects of climate change via disturbance on pristine arctic lakes; multi-trophic level response and recovery to a twelve-year, low-level fertilization experiment. To be submitted to Limnology and Oceanography, Special Issue on “Nonlinear dynamics, resilience, and regime shifts in aquatic communities and ecosystems.” 2021: 1-18. doi: 10.1002/lno.11893. USGS FSP IP-129828. | Abstract | August 2021 |
Budy, P. G.P. Thiede, K. Chapman, and F. Howe. 2022. Potential conflicts among protected native birds and valuable sport fishes: pelican predation effects in a novel environment. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 79: 1–16. dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjfas-2021-0228. USGS FSP IP-125267. | Abstract | February 2022 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede, R. Shields, and T. Neebling. In review. Chapter 10: Warmwater and coldwater fish in two-story standing waters. Invited. Pages XX-XX in S. Bonar, W.A Hubert, and D.W. Willis, editors. Standard methods for sampling North American freshwater fishes II. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | Abstract | October 2023 |
**McLaren, J. S., P. E. Budy, S. Brothers, R. W. Van Kirk. 2023. The scale-dependent role of submerged macrophytes on trout habitat. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 80:1533–1546. doi.org/10.1139/cjfas-2022-0182. USGS FSP IP-139190. | Abstract | July 2023 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
de la Hoz, E.A., and P. Budy. 2002. Distribution of Myxobolus cerebralis in the Logan River, UT: effects on salmonid populations. American Fisheries Society, Baltimore, Wash,DC. (August 2002). | August 2002 |
de la Hoz, E.A., and P. Budy. 2002. Assessing the effects of disease and other environmental factors on the dyanamics, abundance, and distribution of endemic trout populations in the Logan River, Utah. | July 2002 |
de la Hoz, E. A., and P. Budy. 2002. Distribution of Myxobolus cerebralis in the Logan River: effects on salmonid populations. 8th annual Whirling Disease Symposium. Denver, Colorado. | February 2002 |
de la Hoz, E. A., and P. Budy. 2002. Distribution of Myxobolus cerebralis in the Logan River, UT: effects on salmonid populations. 8th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium. Denver, CO, February 2002. Poster. | February 2002 |
de la Hoz, E. A., G. P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2003. Linking environmental factors to the distribution and prevalence of Myxobolus cerebralis among trout in the Logan River, UT. Bonneville Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Grand Junction, CO. | March 2003 |
de la Hoz Franco, E. A. and P. Budy. 2004. Effects of biotic and abiotic factors on the distribution of native cutthroat trout along the Logan River, Utah. Western Chapter of American Fisheries Society, Salt Lake City, UT. March 3, 2004. | March 2004 |
Zarnetske, P.S., T.C. Edwards, Jr., and G.G. Moisen. Pushing the envelope: habitat classification modeling with incomplete data. Poster presented at the 91st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Memphis, Tennessee. | August 2006 |
Zarnetske, P. S., T. C. Edwards, Jr., and G. G. Moisen. Wildlife Habitat Suitability Modeling with Incomplete Data: Incorporating Ecological Pseudo-Absence Points. Poster presented at the Utah Wildlife Society 2006 Annual Meeting, Moab, Utah. | March 2006 |
Zarnetske, P. S., T. C. Edwards, Jr., and G. G. Moisen. Modeling forest bird species' likelihood of occurrences with FIA and LANDFIRE vegetation models and generated pseudo-absence points. Paper presented at the Seventh Annual Forest Inventory And Analysis Symposium, Portland, Maine. | October 2005 |
Zarnetske, P. S., T. C. Edwards, Jr., and G. G. Moisen. Bioregional species distribution modeling with pseudo-absence points. Poster presented at the 21st Annual Symposium of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, U.S. Regional Association, San Diego, California. | March 2006 |
Zarnetske, P. S., T. C. Edwards, Jr., and G. G. Moisen Modelling forest bird species habitat with known presence points and generated psuedo-absence points in Utah. Paper presented at the 90th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Montreal, Canada. (Winner of the E. Lucy Braun Award for Best Student Poster) | August 2005 |
Zakrajsek E. J. and J. A. Bissonette. Nocturnal Bird-Avoidance Modeling with Mobile-Marine Radar. Bird Strike Committee Conference, Calgary, Alberta 27-30 August 2001 | August 2001 |
Wright, E., G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2016. Determining long-term trends in trout populations using standard stream electrofishing methods: Is the extra pass worth it? Poster presentation, Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Altamont, Utah, 16 – 17 March 2016. | March 2016 |
Wood, J.R., and P. Budy. 2008. Spawning ecology and early life-stage survival influence the distribution of brown trout in a native cutthroat trout stream. American Fisheries Society, Utah Chapter Annual Meeting, Moab, Utah, February, 2008. Best Student Oral Presentation Award ($250). | February 2008 |
Wood, J.R., and P. Budy. 2008. Spawning ecology and early life-stage survival influence the distribution of brown trout in a native cutthroat trout stream. American Fisheries Society, Idaho Chapter Annual Meeting, Post Falls, Idaho, February 6, 2008. | February 2008 |
Wood, J. R., P. Budy, G. P. Thiede. 2007. The spawning ecology and early life stage survival of brown trout in a native cutthroat trout stream. American Fisheries Society, Bonneville Chapter Annual Meeting. Logan, Utah, March 20, 2007. | March 2007 |
Wood, J. R. and P. Budy. 2007. The role of environmental factors in determining the spawning density and distribution of brown trout along an elevational gradient. American Fisheries Society, 137th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, September 5, 2007. | September 2007 |
Winters, L.K., P.Budy, and G.P. Thiede. 2013. Exploring the potential for biological control of an explosive prey base by a suite of three predatory fishes in a high elevation, western reservoir. Western Division Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho, 15-18 April 2013. | April 2013 |
Winters, L.K., P. Budy, and G.P. Thiede. 2013. Scofield Reservoir: exploring the potential for biological control of an explosive prey base by three top predatory fishes. Annual Meeting, Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Wahweap, Utah, 26-29 March 2013. | March 2013 |
Winters, L., P. Budy, and G.P. Thiede. 2012. Quantifying the potential for biological control of an explosive prey base by predatory fishes in a novel food web of a high elevation, western reservoir. American Fisheries Society, National Meeting, August 19-23, 2012, Minneapolis, MN. | August 2012 |
Winters, L., P. Budy and G.P. Thiede. 2013. Exploring the potential for biological control of an explosive prey base by a suite of three predatory fishes in a western reservoir. 143rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, AR, 8-12 September 2013. | September 2013 |
Winters, L., P. Budy and G.P. Thiede. 2013. Exploring the potential for biological control of an explosive prey base by a suite of three predatory fishes in a high elevation, western reservoir. Spring Runoff Conference, Logan, UT, 9-10 April 2013. | April 2013 |
Winters, L. P. Budy, and G.P. Thiede. 2012. Investigating food web interactions and exploring the potential for biological control of three top predatory fishes in a high elevation, western reservoir. Poster Presentation. Utah Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Annual Meeting, March 26-29, 2012, Bullfrog, UT | March 2012 |
Wilson, T.L., and T.C. Edwards, Jr. Navigating the methodological landscape: modeling detection in space. Offered paper, 2011 Meeting of the U.S. Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Portland, Oregon, 4/5/2011. | April 2011 |
Wilson, T., and J. A. Bissonette. 2006. Moving beyond area-density relationships- a challenge for conservation planning. US-IALE, San Diego, CA, 31 March. | March 2006 |
Wilson, T., J. Odei, M. Hooten, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Hierarchical spatial models for pygmy rabbit distribution and abundance. Offered paper, 2009 Meeting of the U.S. Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Snowbird, Utah, 4/13/2009. | April 2009 |
Wilson, T. L., and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Evaluating habitat use and connectivity using occupancy and density indices. Poster presented at the 2007 US International Association of Landscape Ecology, Tucson, Arizona, USA. | April 2007 |
Wilson, T. L., M. B. Hooten, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Improving habitat models for rare and inconspicuous species: A multi-part conditional approach. Poster presented at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 8/6/08. | August 2006 |
Wilson, T. L., E. J. Johnson, and J. A. Bissonette. 2005. Supplementation and sagebrush habitat specialists in patchy mountainous landscapes. US-IALE, Syracuse N.Y. 2005 14 March. | March 2005 |
Wilson, T. L, and T. C. Edwards, Jr.. Effects of seismic exploration on pygmy rabbits. Offered paper, 16th Annual Wildland Shrub Symposium, Logan, Utah, 5/18/10. | May 2010 |
Wilson, T. L, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Spatial patterns of burrow use by pygmy rabbits. Offered paper, 2010 Meeting of the U.S. Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Athens, Georgia, 4/7/10. | April 2010 |
Wilson, T. L, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Multiscale investigations of pygmy rabbit spatial ecology. Invited paper, Patuxent National Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, Maryland, 4/22/10. | April 2010 |
White, H., Howe, F., Bissonette, J., "Riparian bird-habitat association models: A framework for developing management and restoration guidelines in Utah", The Wildlife Society, Snowbird, UT. 2010 - ORAL | October 2010 |
White, H., Bissonette, J.A, Howe, F.P., "Developing Riparian Bird Habitat Association Models and Management Guidelines", Fourth International Partner's In Flight Conference, McAllen, TX, February 2008. - POSTER | February 2008 |
White, H., Bissonette, J., Howe, F. Developing Riparian Bird Habitat Association Models and Management Guidelines in Utah" US International Association for Landscape Ecology, 2009 Annual Meeting, Snowbird, UT, April 14, 2009. ORAL | April 2009 |
White, H., Bissonette, J., Howe, F. "Riparian bird habitat association models and management guidelines in Utah". Ecological Society of America, 2009 Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM. August 2009. POSTER. | August 2009 |
West, R., G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2020. Diet overlap between two top predators in Pyramid Lake, Nevada. Poster presentation. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, St. George, Utah, 26 – 27 February 2020. | February 2020 |
West, R., G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2018. Spatial variation of sculpin (Cottus spp.) diets along the longitudinal gradient in the Logan River, Utah. Poster presentation at the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Ogden, Utah. 13-15 March 2018. | March 2018 |
West, R. N. Barrett, G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2019. Feeding selectivity and diet overlap of coexisting Lake Trout and Arctic Grayling in two oligotrophic arctic lakes Poster presentation: Joint Meeting of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Reno, Nevada, September 2019. | October 2019 |
West, R. N. Barrett, G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2019. Feeding ecology and diet overlap of coexisting lake trout and arctic grayling in two open and connected arctic lakes. Poster presentation: Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Provo, Utah, 12 – 14 March 2019. | March 2019 |
Weedop. D.H., Z. Ahrens, G.P. Thiede, R.N. Barrett, and P. Budy. 2019. A Spatial Comparison of Diets of Predatory Fishes Above and Below the Paiute Farms Waterfall in the San Juan River, Utah. Poster Presentation: Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Provo, Utah, 12 – 14 March 2019 | March 2019 |
Walsworth, T.E., Budy, P., Wheaton, J., Macfarlane, W.W., Shahverdian, S., Thiede, G.P., Keller, D., Goodell, J., and Jimenez, J. Harnessing process-based restoration to improve in-stream and riparian habitat in the Price River, Utah. Oral presentation: Utah Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Provo, Utah, March 12-14, 2019. | March 2019 |
Walsworth, T.A., P. Budy, and P.P. Thiede. 2025. Long-term dynamics of a stronghold population of native cutthroat trout in the presence of multiple threats. Invited, Special Symposium on the Bear River Watershed. Utah Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Logan, Utah, February 10-12, 2025. | February 2025 |
Walsworth, T., P. Budy, and G. Thiede. 2011. Crowded niche space: the impact of novel competitors and predators on the growth rates of endemic desert fishes. Oral Presentation, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, September 5-8, 2011. Seattle, WA. | September 2011 |
Walsworth, T. P. Budy, and G.P. Thiede. 2010. A Patch Approach to Understanding the Effect of Stream Degradation on Food Web and Population Structure of Imperiled Fishes. Invited Budy Presentation, ‘Trash fish or native treasures, …Three Species’ Special Symposium, American Fisheries Society, Western Division, Salt Lake City, April 20-23, 2010. | April 2010 |
Walsworth TE and Budy P. 2020. Rio Grande silvery minnow hydrobiological analysis: draft results. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. January 27. Albuquerque, NM. USBR, Albuquerque Office. | January 2020 |
Walsworth TE and Budy P. 2020. Hydrologic drivers of distribution and abundance of the extremely imperiled Rio Grande silvery minnow. Oral presentation: Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society - Western Division. Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 12-15, 2020. | April 2020 |
Walsworth TE and Budy P. 2020. Hydrologic drivers of distribution and abundance of the extremely imperiled Rio Grande silvery minnow. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter American Fisheries Society. St. George, UT. February 25-27, 2020. | February 2020 |
Walsworth TE and Budy P. 2019. Final Review of Rio Grande silvery minnow Hydrobiological Objectives (HBO) Analyses. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. February 28. Albuquerque, NM. USBR, Albuquerque Office | February 2019 |
Walsworth T., P, Budy, and G.P. Thiede. 2011. Degraded habitat and crowded niche space: understanding impacts of habitat loss and non-native fishes on endemic, riverine desert fishes. Presentation, Spring Runoff Conference, Logan, UT, March 29, 2011. | March 2011 |
W.C. Saunders, and P. Budy. 2012. Biotic resistance by native Bonneville cutthroat trout to the establishment of exotic brown trout is influenced by population density. Utah Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Annual Meeting, March 26-29, 2012, Bull Frog, UT. | March 2012 |
W. Carl Saunders, Stephen Klobucar, and Phaedra Budy. 2013. Seasonal Movement Dynamics by Burbot in Flaming Gorge Reservoir, UT-WY: An Invasive Fish Going the Distance. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, ID, April 15-18, 2013. | April 2013 |
Vatland, S., and P. Budy. 2005. Lake Powell (Utah-Arizona) food web dynamics: the effects of newly introduced gizzard shad. American Fisheries Society, National Meeting, Anchorage, AK. | September 2005 |
Vatland, S., and P. Budy. 2004. Using present and past data to model predator-prey dynamics in Lake Powell, Utah-Arizona: A bioenergetics approach. Utah State University - Water Initiative: Spring Runoff Conference, Logan, UT. March 26, 2004, Best Student Paper Award ($250). | March 2004 |
Vatland, S., and P. Budy. 2004. Using present and past data to model predator-prey dynamics in Lake Powell, Utah-Arizona: A bioenergetics approach. Invited Seminar for Reservoir Management Symposium. Western Chapter of American Fisheries Society, Salt Lake City, UT. March 3, 2004, Best Student Paper Award ($100). | March 2004 |
Vatland, S., P. Budy, and G. Thiede. 2005. Potential effects of gizzard shad on the pelagic food web of Lake Powell, Utah-Arizona: a bioenergetics approach. Bonneville Chapter of American Fisheries Society, Garden City, UT. | March 2005 |
Vatland, S., P. Budy, and G. Thiede. 2004. A bioenergetics approach to modeling predator-prey dynamics in Lake Powell, Utah-Arizona. Ecological Society of America, National, Portland, OR. August 4, 2004. | August 2004 |
VanDyke, E. and P. Budy. 2005. An assessment of the feeding relations between native and introduced trout in the Logan River: an ontogenetic perspective. Bonneville Chapter of American Fisheries Society, Garden City, UT. Undergraduate Research Project Sponsored by U.R.C.O (Undergraduate Research & Creative Opportunities- USU [$500]) and CNR ($400). | March 2005 |
Van Tatenhove, Aimee M., Stuber, Erica F., Rushing, Clark S. 2023. Modeling survival and connectivity of a migratory waterbird in a continuous-time framework. The Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA. | October 2023 |
Van Tatenhove, A.M., J. Neill, R.E. Norvell, E.F. Stuber, C.S. Rushing. Scale-dependent population drivers inform waterbird management in an imperiled saline lake ecosystem. 2023 UT Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. March 8-10 Grand Junction, CO | March 2023 |
Van Tatenhove, A.M., C.S. Rushing, and E.F. Stuber. Realized environmental niche varies by biological level in a broadly distributed migratory waterbird. American Ornithological Society Annual Meeting. March 2025. St. Louis MO. | August 2025 |
Van Tatenhove, A., E Stuber, and C Rushing. 2024. Modeling survival and connectivity of a migratory waterbird using a continuous-time, multi-state approach. American Ornithological Society Annual Meeting. Estes Park, CO. 1-5 Oct., 2024 | October 2024 |
Van Tatenhove, A. M., Horton, K. G., Stuber, E.F., and Rushing, C. S. 2022. Weather radar as a tool to quantify local airspace-use of a large migratory waterbird. The Waterbird Society Annual Conference. Corpus Christi, TX. 31 Oct. - 4 Nov. 2022 | November 2022 |
Thompson, P., P.A. Weber, P. Budy, and S. Mckay. 2010. A comparative investigation of population size, structure, movement patterns and vital rates between two populations of bluehead sucker (Catostomus discobolus) in the Weber River, Utah: Identifying limiting factors to guide conservation. Invited Presentation, ‘Trash fish or native treasures, …Three Species’ Special Symposium, American Fisheries Society, Western Division, Salt Lake City, April 20-23, 2010. | April 2010 |
Thiede, G.P., S. Vatland, and P. Budy. 2004. Predator-prey dynamics in Lake Powell: a bioenergetics approach. American Fisheries Society, National, Madison, Wisconsin. August 25, 2004. | August 2004 |
Thiede, G.P., P. Budy, and P. McHugh. 2005. Factors affecting the status of endemic cutthroat trout in the Logan River, Utah. Bonneville Chapter of American Fisheries Society, Garden City, UT. | March 2005 |
Thiede, G.P., P. Budy, and B. Laub. 2017. The effect of lake level on forage and Lahonton Cutthroat Trout in Pyramid Lake, Nevada. Invited Symposium: Resiliency and Vulnerability of Lentic Ecosystems and Communities to Climate Change and Multi-year Drought: What is known and what remains Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, 23 May, 2017, Missoula, MT. | May 2017 |
Thiede, G.P., P. Budy, P. McHugh, and E. A. de la Hoz. 2003. Evaluating the effects of fish movement on the spread and prevalence of disease in the Logan River, Utah, USA. American Fisheries Society, Quebec, CAN. | August 2003 |
Thiede, G.P., P. Budy, C. Meredith, and W.C. Saunders. 2012. Exotic brown trout impacts: the case of a novel predator. Utah Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Annual Meeting, March 26–29, 2012, Bullfrog, UT. | March 2012 |
Thiede, G.P., N. Heredia, and P. Budy. 2018. The importance of the tui chub forage base and declining lake levels on the growth and carrying capacity of Lahontan cutthroat trout in Pyramid Lake, Nevada. Oral presentation at the Western Division meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Anchorage Alaska, 21 - 24 May 2018. | May 2018 |
Thiede, G.P., H. Mohn, P. Budy, and B. Roper. 2015. International Symposium. Evaluating movement and spatial population structure for stream-dwelling cutthroat trout: implications for management and conservation practices. Advances in the Population Ecology of Stream Salmonids IV. 25-29 May, Girona, Spain. | May 2015 |
Thiede, G.P., B. Laub, N. Heredia, and P. Budy. 2017. The effect of lake level on forage and Lahonton Cutthroat Trout in Pyramid Lake, Nevada. Oral presentation at the Western Division AFS annual meeting in Missoula, Montana. 22 - 26 May 2017. | May 2017 |
Thiede, G.P., B. Laub, N. Heredia, and P. Budy. 2017. The effect of lake level on forage and Lahonton Cutthroat Trout in Pyramid Lake, Nevada. Oral presentation at Western Division American Fisheries Society meeting in Missoula, MT. 22 - 26 May 2017. | May 2017 |
Thiede, G.P. , P. Budy, P. MacKinnon, D. Speas, M. Breen, and K. McAbee. 2014. Frequent tributary usage by endangered and large-river fishes of the Upper Colorado River basin. American Fisheries Society, Western Division, 7-11 April, 2014, Mazatlán, Mexico. | April 2014 |
The potential for nongame fish species to explode with detrimental effects on sport fisheries in Utah has prompted managers to shift some stocking programs from exclusively rainbow trout, to include tiger trout and/or Bear Lake cutthroat trout as potential biological controls. However, inter-specific interactions among this unusual complex of predatory species are not well understood, and there is concern that the overall effect may be a decrease of overall trout condition. In Scofield Reservoir rainbow trout niche space overlaps substantially with Utah chub (nongame), indicating a similar trophic position. Large tiger trout and cutthroat trout occupy top trophic positions indicating considerable niche overlap and possibly direct competition for food and space. To evaluate the potential for negative interactions among these three species, we designed laboratory experiments to assess agonistic behavior. Differences in agonistic behavior between rainbow, cutthroat, and tiger trout were determined with replicated, pair-wise treatments of one fish of each species together in a tank. We then observed the number of chases and contacts occurring between species. In all treatments rainbow trout initiated significantly (p <<0.000) more aggressive interactions (primarily chases) than tiger or cutthroat trout. Feeding (pre-post) did not have a significant effect on agonistic behavior for any species; however relative differences in fish size did appear to influence the outcome of the interaction for tiger trout. Understanding agonistic behavior provides important information for determining niche overlap between, and resource availability for, these sympatrically stocked species. Hafen, Lisa Winters, and Phaedra Budy. 2013. Agonistic behavior between three species of commonly stocked salmonids in Utah reservoirs. 2013 Western Division Annual Meeting, April 15 - 18, 2013. | April 2013 |
Teal, C.N.,and D.J. Schill. YY Fish Overview. Gila River Basin Native Fishes Conservation Program- Annual Reporting Meeting. December 11, 2023. | December 2023 |
Teal, C.N., Landguth, E., Day, C., Bauder, J., Bonar, S.A., Schill, D.J., Jenney, C.J., Blasius, H., and P. Reinthal. Simulations of YY red shiner Cyprinella lutrensis introductions for nuisance population mitigation in a Southwestern stream. Gila River Basin Native Fishes Conservation Program- Annual Reporting Meeting. December 11, 2023. | December 2023 |
Teal, C.N., Landguth, E., Day, C., Bauder, J., Bonar, S.A., Schill, D.J., Jenney, C.J., Blasius, H., and P. Reinthal. Simulations of YY red shiner Cyprinella lutrensis introductions for nuisance population mitigation in a Southwestern stream. USU-UDWR Brown Bag Series, February 20, 2024. | February 2024 |
Teal, C.N., Landguth, E., Day, C., Bauder, J., Bonar, S.A., Schill, D.J., Jenney, C.J., Blasius, H., and P. Reinthal. Simulations of YY red shiner Cyprinella lutrensis introductions for nuisance population mitigation in a Southwestern stream. 44th Researchers Meeting- Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program & San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program. January 30, 2024. | January 2024 |
Teal, C.N. 2023. The development of Trojan Sex Chromosome Carrying (YY) Green Sunfish Lepomis cyanellus and Red Shiner Cyprinella lutrensis. YY Fish Consortium All-Hands Meeting. Phoenix, AZ, November 14, 2023. | November 2023 |
Teal, C.N. 2023. Fisheries Management and Conservation Through Novel Applications of Captive Population Research. Utah Division of Wildlife Resources’ 3 Species Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT, November 8, 2023. | November 2023 |
Switalski, A., J. A. Bissonette, T. H, Deluca, C. H. Luce, and M. A. Madej. 2003. Wildland road removal: Research needs. International Conference on Ecology and Transportation, Lake Placid, New York. 24-29 August 2003. | August 2003 |
Switalski, A., J. A. Bissonette, T. H, Deluca, C. H. Luce, and M. A. Madej. 2003. Watershed benefits from road removal. 17th Annual Meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology, Duluth Minnesota, 28 June- 2 July 2003. | June 2003 |
Stuber, E.F., and J.J. Fontaine. 2022. Precision conservation and management: scale-explicit analyses for organism-environment relationships. The Wildlife Society - Utah Chapter Virtual Conference | March 2022 |
Stuber, E.F., R. Norvell, and L.F. Gruber. Data integration to inform species’ status and trend estimates using structured surveys and eBird observations. 2023 UT Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. March 8-10 Grand Junction, CO | March 2023 |
Stuber, E.F., O. Robinson, E. Bjerre, M. Otto, B. Millsap, G. Zimmerman, V. Ruiz-Gutierrez. 2021. Validating the performance of citizen science establishes novel evidence base for conservation decision-making. American Ornithological Society and Society of Canadian Ornithologists Joint Virtual Meeting 9-13 August | August 2021 |
Stuber, E., R. Norvell, and L. Gruber. Jan. 2024. Integrating IMBCR's time-removal surveys, and eBird's continuous-time analog to improve population estimates: a case study in Utah. The Bird Conservancy of the Rockies Integrated Monitoring of Bird Conservation Regions Annual Winter Meeting. Fort Collins, CO. | January 2024 |
Stuber, E., R Norvell, and L Gruber. 2024. Integrating IMBCR and semi-structured eBird data to improve distribution modeling for under-sampled species, and species of conservation concern. American Ornithological Society Annual Meeting. Estes Park, CO. 1-5 Oct., 2024 | October 2024 |
Strohm, D., and P. Budy. 2015. Matching Watershed and Otolith Chemistry to Establish Natal Origin of an Endangered Lake Sucker. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, OR, August 16-20, 2015 | August 2015 |
Strohm, D., and P. Budy. 2015. Fish Forensics: Using Otolith Microchemistry to Decode the Mystery of Natal Origin of an Endangered Lake Sucker. Annual Meeting Utah Chapter American Fisheries Society Moab, Utah, 24 – 26 March 2015. | March 2015 |
Stout, J.B., P. Budy, M. Conner, P. MacKinnon, and M. McKinstry. 2018. Determining fish status from mobile PIT antenna detections: Preliminary study results. 39th Annual Researcher’s Meeting of the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program and the San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program. Vernal, UT. January 23, 2018. | January 2018 |
Stout, J.B., P. Budy, M. Conner, P. MacKinnon, and M. McKinstry. 2017. Wanted: Dead or Alive. Determining fish status from mobile PIT antenna detection data. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. Missoula, MT. May 22, 2017. | May 2017 |
Stout, J.B., P. Budy, M. Conner, P. MacKinnon, and M. McKinstry. 2017. PIT tag movement in the absence of fish: Preliminary results from a mobile PIT tag antenna study. 38th Annual Researcher’s Meeting of the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program and the San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program. Grand Junction, CO. January 11, 2017. | January 2017 |
Stout, J.B., P. Budy, M. Conner, P. MacKinnon, and M. McKinstry. 2017. Improving our ability to estimate vital rates of endangered fishes on the San Juan River using novel applications of PIT tag technology. Joint Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming and Utah Chapters of the American Fisheries Society. Grand Junction, CO. February 22, 2017. | February 2017 |
Stout, J.B., M. Connor, P. Budy, M. McKinstry, and P. MacKinnon. 2016. Improving our ability to estimate vital rates of endangered fishes on the San Juan River using novel applications of PIT tag technology. 2016 Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Altamont, UT. March 15-17,2016. | March 2016 |
Stout, J.B., Conner, M.M., Yackulic, C., Budy, P., Mackinnon, P., and M. Mckinstry. 2019. Gone, but not forgotten: Bias and error, the legacy of ghost tags in aquatic systems. Oral presentation: Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Provo, Utah, 12-14 March 2018. | March 2019 |
Stoner, D.C., J.O. Sexton, A. Sims, H. Bernales, J. Nagol, D.J. Mattson, K.E. Ironside, K. Longshore, D.M. Choate, and T.C. Edwards, Jr. Weather, plants, and large mammals: satellite observations of vegetation phenology inform wildlife management in the Intermountain West. Offered paper, 2015 Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Moab, Utah, 3/19/15. | March 2015 |
Stoner, D., and T.C. Edwards. Predation-forage trade-offs in anthropogenic landscapes: behavioral response of an obligate carnivore to human activities. Invited paper, 4th North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Toronto, ON, Canada, 7/25/2018. | July 2018 |
Stoner, D., and T.C. Edwards, Jr. Using remotely sensed indices of primary productivity to evaluate large mammal abundance and movement in the arid Southwestern United States. Invited paper, Forty-sixth Annual Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, 12/10/13. | December 2013 |
Stoner, D. T. C. Edwards, Jr., J. O. Sexton, J. Nagol, and H. Bernales. Ungulate reproduction and plant phenology on the Colorado Plateau. Offered paper, 2014 Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society, St. George, UT, 3/20/14. | March 2014 |
Stoner, D. C., J. O. Sexton, J. Nagol, K. E. Ironside, D. M. Choate, K. M. Longshore, D. J. Mattson, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Ecosystem Responses to Plant Phenology across Scales and Trophic Levels. Invited paper, 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, 12/15/15. | December 2015 |
Stoner, D. C., J. O. Sexton, J. Nagol, K. E. Ironside, D. M. Choate, K. M. Longshore, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Coupling mammalian demography to climate through satellite time series of plant phenology. Invited paper, AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, CA, 12/12/2016. | December 2016 |
Stoner, D. C., J. O. Sexton, J. Nagol, H. H. Bernales, S. A. Sims, K. E. Ironside, K. Longshore, D. M. Choate, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Ecosystem responses to plant phenology across scales and trophic levels. Offered poster, 2016 Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, St. George, Utah, 3/23/2016. | March 2016 |
Stoner, D. C., J. O. Sexton, D. M. Choate, J. Nagol, S. A. Sims, H. H. Bernales, K. Hersey, J. Shannon, D. J. Mattson, K. E. Ironside, K. Longshore, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Mule deer abundance, cougar home range size, and predator-prey density across a productivity gradient. Offered paper, 2016 Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, St. George, Utah, 3/23/2016. | March 2016 |
Stoner, D. C., J. O. Sexton, D. M. Choate, J. Nagol, S. A. Sims, H. H. Bernales, K. Hersey, J. Shannon, D. J. Mattson, K. E. Ironside, K. Longshore, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Mule deer abundance, cougar home range size, and predator-prey density across a productivity gradient. Offered paper, 2016 Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, St. George, Utah, 3/23/2016. | March 2016 |
Stoner, D, J. O. Sexton, H. H. Bernales, J. Nagol, D. M. Choate, K. E. Ironside, K. M. Longshore, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. A statewide evaluation of mule deer abundance, cougar home range size, and predator-prey density. Presented paper, 2017 Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Bryce Canyon, Utah, 4/22/2017. | April 2017 |
Speas, D, P.MacKinnon.2020. Entrainment of endangered fish in the Green River Canal, Utah, 2013-2019. 40th annual Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program Researcher's Meeting, Durango CO, 14-15 January 2020. | January 2020 |
Solokas, M. R. Al-Chokhachy, P. Budy, Z. Feiner, Timothy Walsworth, and Olaf P Jensen. 2022. Harvesting and synthesizing long-term data sets to determine body size changes in salmonid populations across the northern hemisphere. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan, May 14-20. Oral Presentation. | May 2022 |
Solberg, J., K. Hersey, D. Summers, and E.F. Stuber. 2022. Accounting for Ecological Neighborhoods to Understand Mule Deer Abundance on Restored Habitat in Utah. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Spokane, WA. 6-10 Nov. 2022 | November 2022 |
Solberg, J., K. Hersey, D. Summers, and E. F. Stuber. 2023. Accounting for Ecological Neighborhoods to Understand Mule Deer Abundance on Restored Habitat in Utah. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Louisville, KY, USA. | November 2023 |
Sims, S.A., D. Stoner, T.C. Edwards, Jr., J. Nagol, J.O. Sexton, K.E. Ironside, D.J. Mattson, D.M. Choate, and K. Longshore. Mountain lion (Puma concolor) home-range size and the normalized difference vegetation index: using a landscape productivity index as a surrogate for prey density. Offered paper, 2014 Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society, St. George, Utah, 3/20/14. | March 2014 |
Sims, S.A., D. Stoner, H. Bernales, K. Hersey, J. Nagol, J.O. Sexton, and T.C. Edwards, Jr. Modeling the relationship between mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) population dynamics and primary productivity. Offered paper, 2015 Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Moab, Utah, 3/19/15. | March 2015 |
Sims, S.A, D. Stoner, D. Koons, H. Bernales, and T.C. Edwards, Jr. Short-term forecasting of mule deer survival: an adaptive modelling process. Presented paper, 2017 Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Bryce Canyon, Utah, 4/22/2017. | April 2017 |
Sims, S.A, D. Stoner, D. Koons, H. Bernales, and T.C. Edwards, Jr. Adaptive modelling: a process for short-term forecasting of mule deer survival. Presented paper, Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 12th Western States and Provinces Deer and Elk Workshop, Sun Valley, Idaho, 5/2/2017. | May 2017 |
Sims, S. A., D. Koons, D. Stoner, H. Bernales, K. Hersey, J. Nagol, J. O. Sexton, T. C. Edwards, Jr. Estimating mule deer demographic dynamics within Utah using an integrated modeling framework. Offered paper, 2016 Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, St. George, Utah, 3/23/16. | March 2016 |
Sims, S. A., D. Koons, D. Stoner, H. Bernales, K. Hersey, J. Nagol, J. O. Sexton, T. C. Edwards, Jr. Estimating mule deer demographic dynamics within Utah using an integrated modeling framework. Offered paper, 2016 Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, St. George, Utah, 3/23/16. | March 2016 |
Simmons, L, S.L. Klobucar, and P. Budy. 2016. Big fish in a small pond or small fish in a small pond? Investigating arctic char dimorphism with consideration of predator prey interactions. Oral presentation. Annual meeting of the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Altamont, UT, 15 - 17 March, 2016. | March 2016 |
Shamo, T., P. Budy, G.P. Thiede, and C. Penne. 2018. Understanding the contemporary trout sport fishery of the Logan River, Utah: what factors best explain angler catch rates and satisfaction. Oral presentation at the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Ogden, Utah. 13-15 March 2018. | March 2018 |
Seidel, S.S., P.E. Budy, S. Bennett, and B. Roper. 2008. The spawning ecology and early life history of Bonneville cutthroat trout in northern Utah. Utah American Fisheries Society, Moab, UT, Feburary 25, 2008. | February 2008 |
Schultz, R. J., and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Development and validation of predictive models of cavity nesting bird habitat in the Fishlake National Forest. Paper presented at the Joint Meeting of the 4th Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium and The Southern Mensurationists, New Orleans, Louisiana, 11/19/02. | November 2002 |
Schultz, R. J., Jr., T. C. Edwards, Jr., G. G. Moisen, and T. S. Frescino. Scale dependency in habitat selection by cavity nesting birds in Fishlake National Forest, Utah. Poster presented at the 2002 Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Tucson, Arizona, 8/5/02. | August 2002 |
Saunders, W.C., P. Budy, and G. Thiede. 2011. Using Large-Scale Population Manipulation to Understand Source-Sink Dynamics of Invasive Brown Trout. Oral presentation, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, September 5-8, 2011. Seattle, WA. | September 2011 |
Saunders, W.C., P. Budy, P. Burnett, and P. Holden. 2011. Can a University, the UDWR, the US Forest Service, and a Trout Unlimited Chapter Really Accomplish Anything? Biological Restoration of the Right Hand Fork of the Logan River, an Experiment. Invited Oral Presentation, American Fisheries Society, Utah Chapter, March 22-23, 2011. Salt Lake City, UT. | March 2011 |
Santos, M. J., J. M. Matos, J. A. Bissonette, and M. Santos-Reis. 2006. Riparian areas in the fragmented landscape of southern Portugal: Applications for conservation Planning. Presented at the 1st European Congress of Conservation Biology, 22-26 August, Eger, Hungary. | August 2006 |
Sandoval Lambert, M., J. Varner, J.T. du Toit, and E.F. Stuber. Mountain goats and American pikas in the La Sal mountains – evidence of potential ecological interactions. the Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. March 2025, Price, UT | March 2025 |
Sandbach, C., Budy, P., Young, J. K. 2023. Evaluating the Influence of Beaver Dam Analogs on Beaver Translocation for Low-Tech, Process-Based Desert River Restoration. In: The Colorado and Utah Chapters of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting.; 2023 Mar 8-10.; Grand Junction, CO. | March 2023 |
Rosa, S., and J. A. Bissonette. 2007. Roads and desert small mammal communities: Positive interactions? ICOET meeting, Little Rock, AR, 20-25 May 2007. | May 2007 |
Rosa, S., and J. A. Bissonette. 2006. Preliminary Results of a Wildlife Mortality Mitigation Strategy on Interstate 15 in Utah. Presented at the Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Moab Utah, 1-3 March 2006 | March 2006 |
Rosa, S. and J. Bissonette. 2005. How to teach a mule deer to safely cross an interstate highway: Preliminary results of a wildlife mortality mitigation strategy on Interstate 15 in Utah, USA. Poster presented at the International Conference on Ecology and Transportation (ICOET), San Diego, 29 August-2 September 2005. | September 2005 |
Roholt, B, G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2013. A morphometric determination of gape limit for seven fish predators in three western USA waters. Oral presentation at the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society meeting, Wahweap, Utah-Arizona, 26 - 28 March 2013. | March 2013 |
Ripplinger, J., and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Quantifying legacy effects of past land-use on shrubsteppe environments. Offered paper, 2009 Meeting of the U.S. Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Snowbird, Utah, 4/14/2009. | April 2009 |
Ripplinger, J., and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Land-use legacies: Quantifying vegetation dynamics for sustainable shrubsteppe management. Poster presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 8/7/09. | August 2009 |
Reynolds, J, P. Budy, G.P Thiede, and K. Chapman. 2015. Interactions between native and non-native species in the Strawberry Reservoir ecosystem: is there enough fish to go around? Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Moab, Utah. 24 - 26 March, 2015. Poster presentation. | March 2015 |
Remiszewski, T., P. Budy, and W. Macfarlane. 2022. Examining the Impacts of Extreme Geomorphic Change on Habitat Persistence in a Historically Degraded Desert River. Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, 7–9 March 2022. Ogden, UT. | March 2022 |
Remiszewski, T., P. Budy and W. Macfarlane. 2022. Extreme, Positive Geomorphic Change in a Historically Degraded Desert River: Implications for Imperiled Fishes. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, 14–20 May 2022. Grand Rapids, MI. | May 2022 |
Remiszewski, T., P. Budy and W. Macfarlane. 2021. The Response of Fish Habitat and Imperiled Fishes to Extreme Geomorphic Change in a Historically Degraded Desert River. National Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 9 November 2021. Baltimore, MD. | November 2021 |
Remiszewski, T. and P. Budy. 2021. THE RESPONSE OF FISH HABITAT AND IMPERILED FISHES TO EXTREME GEOMORPHIC CHANGE IN A HISTORICALLY DEGRADED DESERT RIVER. Utah State University Graduate Student Symposium, 10 April 2021, Logan, UT. | April 2021 |
Remiszewski, T and P. Budy. 2021. THE RESPONSE OF IMPERILED FISHES TO EXTREME GEOMORPHIC CHANGE IN A HISTORICALLY DEGRADED DESERT RIVER. Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, 10-15 March 2021, Virtual via Zoom. | March 2021 |
Rasmussen, J., and E.F. Stuber. Restoration Effects on Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemonius) Space-use in Utah. 2023 UT Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. March 8-10 Grand Junction, CO | March 2023 |
Rasmussen, J., K. Hersey, D. Summers, D. Stoner, and E.F. Stuber. Understanding Habitat Density and Selection to Improve Restoration Efforts. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. March 2025, Price, UT. | March 2025 |
Rasmussen, J., E.F. Stuber, D. Summers, and K. Hersey. Mule deer (Odocoileus hemonius) space-use on Utah restored lands. July 2023. American Society of Mammalogists Annual Meeting. Anchorage AK, USA. | July 2023 |
Rasmussen, J.*, and E. Stuber. August 2023. "Effects of restoration on Mule deer space in Utah" Nevada Mule Deer Summit. Winnemucka, NV, USA. | August 2023 |
Radeloff, V., W. Schroeder, and J. A. Bissonette. March 2000. GIS and remote sensing analysis for the Large Herbivore Initiative. Presented in Poland. | March 2000 |
R. Chaston, P. Budy, and G.P. Thiede. 2010. Distribution and habitat choice of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in Right Hand Fork, a tributary to the Logan River, Utah: monopolizing on a large-scale removal effort to better understand habitat limitations on brown trout invasion success. Poster. American Fisheries Society, Western Division, Salt Lake City, April 20-23, 2010. | April 2010 |
Puttfarcken, A.H., R. Norvell, and E. F. Stuber. Avian Resilience: Estimating Occupancy Patterns Across Gradients of Habitat Quality. 2023 UT Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. March 8-10 Grand Junction, CO | March 2023 |
Puttfarcken, A.H., R. Norvell, and E. F. Stuber. 2022. Avian Resilience: Estimating Occupancy Patterns Across Gradients of Habitat Quality. Spokane, WA. 6-10 Nov. 2022 | November 2022 |
Petrosky, C.E., H. A. Schaller, and P. Budy. 2001. Productivity and survival rate trends in the freshwater spawning and rearing stage of Snake River chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). American Fisheries Society National Meeting, August 2001, Phoenix, Arizona. | August 2001 |
Pennock, CA, Bruckerhoff, LA, Gido, KB, Barkalow, AL, Breen, MJ, Budy, P, Macfarlane, WW, Propst, DL. 2022. Declines of common native fishes in two arid-land rivers despite managed environmental and natural flow regimes. | May 2022 |
Pennock, C., Z. Ahrens, M. McKinstry, P.MacKinnon, P. Budy, and K. Gido. 2020. Emergence of barriers at river-reservoir inflows create a conservation conundrum for native fish management in the Colorado River Basin. National American Fisheries Society Conference, Columbus, Ohio. 30 August - 3 September 2020. | August 2020 |
Pennock C, Macfarlane W, Budy P, Jimenez J, Goodell J. 2022. Effective conservation and restoration of desert riverscapes must include conservation of in-stream flows: What can we learn from a case study from the White River, Utah? | February 2022 |
Pehrson, H., C. Pennock, G. P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2021. Effects of thermokarst failure on fish feeding ecology and diet composition in a pair of arctic lakes. Annual Meeting, Western Division, American Fisheries Society, Virtual, 10-14 May. | May 2021 |
P.D. MacKinnon, M. McKinstry, D. Speas, and P. Budy. 2013. Innovative Uses of Pit-tag Technology: Examples from the Colorado River Basin. Oral presentation at the Western Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Boise, Idaho, 15 – 18 April 2013. | April 2013 |
P. Budy, T. Walsworth, G.P. Thiede. P. Thompson, M. McKell, P. Holden, P. Chase, C. W. Saunders. 2021. Resilient and rapid recovery of native trout after removal of a non-native trout. Western Division of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. May 10-14, 2021. Virtual Conference. | May 2021 |
Oman, T., G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2024. Investigating invasiveness: diet and abundance of a native and nonnative predator in Pyramid Lake, Nevada. Joint Meeting: Spring Runoff and Northern Utah Water Users. Navigating Utah's Water Challenges Through Interdisciplinary Partnerships. Utah State University, Logan, Utah, March 27, 2024. | March 2024 |
Olson, D. D., J. A. Bissonette, and M. R. Schwender. 2011. A smartphone application for tracking wildlife-vehicle collisions. Annual Meeting of the Wildlife Society, Hawaii. 1-5 November 2011. | November 2011 |
Nichols, K., W.C. Saunders, G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2018. Evaluating diet overlap between cutthroat trout and brown trout in instream, experimental enclosures under differing densities: can native trout resist the impacts of nonnative trout when they occur at higher densities? Poster presentation at the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Ogden, Utah. 13-15 March 2018. | March 2018 |
Newlon, C., P. Budy and H. Schaller. 2013. Understanding the Dynamics and Implications of Bull Trout Movement in the Walla Walla Basin. | April 2013 |
Newlon, C. and P. Budy. 2013. Understanding the Dynamics and Implications of Bull Trout Movement in the Walla Walla Basin. | September 2013 |
N. Clancy, D. Isaak, B. Maitland, P. Budy, and A. Walters. 2023. Thermal refuges for climate vulnerable fishes in Wyoming. Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting 2023. | March 2023 |
Murphy, B., P. Belmont, P. Budy, J. A. Czuba and T. E. Walsworth. 2019. Post-wildfire sediment dynamics and fish population response to habitat disturbance. Invited oral presentation: Joint Annual Conference of the American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society, Reno, Nevada, 29 September – 03 October 2019. | September 2019 |
Murphy BP, Walsworth TE, Budy P, and Belmont P. 2019. Exploring the impacts of spatially variable disturbance and fragmentation on Bonneville cutthroat trout using a novel metapopulation model. Oral presentation: Advances in the Population Ecology of Stream Salmonids Symposium. Granada, Spain. May 20-24, 2019. | May 2019 |
Morán, L.S., B. Poulter, P. Balvanera, F. Kienast, and T.C. Edwards, Jr. Modelling the vulnerability of ecosystem service hotspots in Mexico to climate change. Offered paper, 2012 Meeting of the U.S. Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Newport, Rhode Island, 4/9/2012 | April 2012 |
Moisen, G.G., E.A. Freeman, J.A. Blackard, T.S. Frescino, N.E. Zimmerman, T.C. Edwards, Jr. Predicting tree species presence and basal area in Utah: a comparison of stochastic gradient boosting, generalized additive models, and tree-based methods. Paper presented at the Seventh Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium, Portland, Maine. | October 2005 |
Mohn, H., P. Budy, B. Roper. 2014. An evaluation of movement characteristics and spatial population structure: Informing sustainable management. Wild Trout Symposium. West Yellowstone, Montana. September 22-25, 2014. | September 2015 |
Mohn, H., B. Roper, P. Budy. 2014. Investigating Bonneville Cutthroat Trout spawning movement within the Logan River watershed with consideration to potential metapopulation structure and management. American Fisheries Society, Western Division, 7-11 April, 2014, Mazatlán, Mexico. | April 2014 |
Mohn, H., B. Roper, P. Budy. 2014. Quantifying Bonneville Cutthroat Trout spawning movement within the Logan River watershed with consideration to potential metapopulation structure and management. American Fisheries Society, Utah Chapter, 11-14 March, 2014, Price, Utah, USA. | March 2014 |
Miller, S.W., P.E. Budy, and J. C. Schmidt. 2008. Testing the field of dreams hypothesis: Applications of meta-analysis to river restoration. North American Benthological Society, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 25, 2008. | May 2008 |
Miller, B. J., C. A. Pennock, and P. Budy. 2023. Wood you Believe it? Non-Native Wood Addition Enhances In-Stream Habitat for Native Desert Fishes. 2023 Annual Meeting, Western Division American Fisheries Society, Boise ID, 08 May - 11 May 2023. | May 2023 |
Miller, B. J., C. A. Pennock, and P. Budy. 2023. Wood You Believe it? Non-Native Wood Addition Enhances In-Stream Habitat for Native Desert Fishes. 2023 Annual Meeting, Colorado River Aquatic Biologists, Laughlin NV, 4-5 Jan 2023. | January 2023 |
Miller, B. J., C. A. Pennock, and P. Budy. 2022. Wood You Believe it? Experimental Nonnative Wood Addition Enhances In-Stream Habitat for Native Desert Fishes. 2022 Annual Meeting, Desert Fishes Council, Saint George UT, 16-20 Nov 2022. | November 2022 |
Miller, B. J., C. A. Pennock, and P. Budy. 2022. Testing the Efficacy of Non-Native Wood Addition to Enhance In-Stream Habitat for Native Desert Fishes. 2022 Annual Meeting, Utah American Fisheries Society, Ogden UT, 7-9 March 2022. | March 2022 |
Meredith, C.S., P. Budy, and J. Schmidt. 2010. The influence of geomorphic-hydrologic factors on invasion potential of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in a mountain stream. ‘Brown Trout in the West’ Special Symposium, Budy, Co-Chair, American Fisheries Society, Western Division, Salt Lake City, April 20, 2010. | April 2010 |
Meredith, C., P. Budy, and M. Hooten. 2012. Effects of a changing physical template on the distribution of brown trout in a mountain stream. Utah Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Annual Meeting, March 26-29, 2012, Bullfrog, UT. | March 2012 |
McLaren, J.S.; Van Kirk, R.; Brothers, S; Budy, P., Muradian, M. 2021. Just add water: how water supply to one reservoir controls water quality and fish habitat throughout the Henry’s Fork basin in Idaho. North American Lakes Management Society Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK, 15-18 November 2021 | November 2021 |
McLaren, J.S.; S. Brothers; and P. Budy. 2019. Reservoirs as magnifiers of climate change: effect of climate-driven water management on Kokanee salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) habitat and migrations in Idaho’s Island Park Reservoir. Spring Runoff Conference, Logan, Utah, March 26. Poster presentation. | March 2019 |
McLaren, J.S., R. Van Kirk, S. Brothers, P. Budy. 2022. Reservoir Drawdown vs. Kokanee in the Henrys Fork. Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Fort Hall, Idaho, March 1-4. Oral Presentation. | March 2022 |
McLaren, J.S., R. Van Kirk, S. Brothers, P. Budy. 2022. A Living Substrate: the scale-dependent role of submerged macrophytes on trout habitat. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan, May 14-20. Oral Presentation. | May 2022 |
McLaren, J., P. Budy, S. Brothers, and R. Van Kirk. 2021. Fish like plants (but maybe not) and other stories from the Henry's Fork. Western Division AFS Annual Meeting, May 2021. Utah, virtual. May 12, 2021 | May 2021 |
McLaren, J. S., P. E. Budy, S. Brothers, R. W. Van Kirk. 2022. The role of fish habitat in modulating the disconnect between fisheries and fishing. Wild Trout Symposium XIII, West Yellowstone, Montana, September 27-30. Oral Presentation. | September 2022 |
McLaren, J. S., P. E. Budy, S. Brothers, R. W. Van Kirk. 2022. An Osprey’s view: aerial imagery reveals how submerged macrophytes create trout habitat. American Fisheries Society, Spokane, Washington, August 21-25. Oral Presentation. | August 2022 |
McLaren, J. P. Budy, S. Brothers, and R. Van Kirk. Physical structure or nutrient enrichment? Novel insights on food web controls from a macrophyte-dominated river system. Spring Runoff Conference, March 2020, Logan, UT. | March 2020 |
McLaren, J. P. Budy, S. Brothers, and R. Van Kirk. Physical structure or nutrient enrichment? Novel insights on food web controls from a macrophyte-dominated river system. Ecological Society of America, August 2020, Salt Lake City, UT. | August 2020 |
McLaren, J. P. Budy, S. Brothers, and R. Van Kirk. Macrophytes and nutrients in a stream system: Utilizing and evaluating the Qual2K model in the Henry’s Fork of the Snake River. Society for Freshwater Science, Salt Lake City, Utah, May. Oral Presentation. | May 2019 |
McLaren J.S., Mabaka A.J., Van Kirk R., Brothers S., Budy P. 2021. Beyond the 100th Meridian: a case study of the complex mechanisms by which drought-induced drawdown affect salmonid habitat and populations in a western U.S. irrigation storage reservoir. American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Baltimore, MD. Symposium: Back to the Future of Reservoir Science and Management: What have we learned in 50 years? November 6-10, 2021. | November 2021 |
McKay, S., P. Budy, and G.P. Thiede. 2012. Weber River metapopulation and source-sink dynamics of native and endemic fishes. Utah Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Annual Meeting, March 26-29, 2012, Bullfrog, UT. | March 2012 |
McHugh, P., and P. Budy. A model-based assessment of the potential response of selected Snake River chinook salmon populations to habitat improvements. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. | June 2002 |
McHugh, P., and P. Budy. A model-based approach to assessing the potential response of selected Snake River spring/summer chinook salmon populations to spawning and rearing habitat improvements. Phoenix, Arizona. | August 2001 |
McHugh, P., and P. Budy. 2002. A model-based assessment of the potential response of selected salmon populations to habitat improvements. | May 2002 |
McHugh, P., P. Budy, and H. A. Schaller. 2002. An assessment of Snake River spring/summer chinook salmon spawning habitat suitability using logistic regression techniques. Bonneville Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Pocatello, Idaho. | February 2002 |
McHugh, P., Budy, P., Thiede, G., and de la Hoz, E. 2003. Evaluating the demographic effects of disease on Bonneville cutthroat trout in the Logan River, Utah: a PVA approach. American Fisheries Society, Quebec, CAN. | August 2003 |
McHugh, P. and P. Budy. 2005. An experimental assessment of the multi-scale effects of exotic brown trout on native Bonneville cutthroat trout. Bonneville Chapter of American Fisheries Society, Garden City, UT. | March 2005 |
McHugh, P. and P. Budy. 2005. An experimental assessment of the multi-scale effects of exotic brown trout on native Bonneville cutthroat trout. American Fisheries Society, National Meeting, Anchorage, AK. | September 2005 |
McHugh, P. and P. Budy. 2004. An experimental evaluation of altitudinal species-zonation patterns in montane streams: do abiotic or biotic factors determine the distribution of native and nonnative trout in Utah, USA, rivers? VI International Congress on the Biology of Fish. Manaus, Brazil. 2 August 2004. Award: Best Oral Presentation in the Fish Communities and Fisheries Symposium at the VI International Congress on the Biology of Fish. | July 2004 |
McHugh, P. and P. Budy. 2002. An assessment of chinook salmon spawning habitat suitability using logistic regression techniques. | May 2002 |
McHugh, P and P. Budy. 2004. An experimental evaluation of altitudinal species-zonation patterns in montane streams: do abiotic or biotic factors determine the distribution of native and nonnative trout in Utah, USA, rivers? Utah State University Spring 2004 Runoff Conference, Logan, UT. Poster. 26 March 2004. | March 2004 |
Maloney, B., P. Budy, and J. Gaeta. 2017. Evaluating optimal rearing habitat for the Bluehead Sucker (Catostomus discobolus). Oral Presentation, Joint Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming and Utah Chapters of the American Fisheries Society 2017, Grand Junction, Colorado, USA. | February 2017 |
Maloney, B., P. Budy, and J. Gaeta. 2017. Do spawning and rearing habitat contribute to the recruitment bottleneck of imperiled Bluehead Sucker (Catostomus discobolus)? Oral Presentation, Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society 2017, Missoula, Montana, USA. | May 2017 |
Maloney, B., P. Budy, and J. Gaeta. 2016. Evaluating habitat-based niche requirements for the bluehead sucker (Catostomus discobolus): can we identify the cause of recruitment bottleneck? Oral Presentation, Utah Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Altamont, Utah, USA. | March 2016 |
Malmborg, N. G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2015. Comparing two methods for sampling and estimating abundance of mottled sculpin in the Logan River, Utah. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Moab, Utah, 24 - 26 March 2015. Poster presentation. | March 2015 |
Machado, N.J., T.C Edwards, Jr., J. Gibson, and M.S. Biudes. Assessing the efficiency of a protected area system in a Neotropical region using species distribution modeling. Invited paper, 9th International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress, Portland, OR, 7/7/15. | July 2015 |
Macfarlane, W. W., P. Budy, G. P. Thiede, and B. G. Laub. Looking beyond the mainstem for the conservation and restoration of endangered Colorado River fishes. Western Division American Fisheries Society, Mazatlan, Mexico, 7-11 April 2014. | April 2014 |
Lyles, C.E., P. Budy, C.B. Yackulic and C.A. Pennock. 2024. Characterizing river metabolism and resource availability across a gradient of flow alteration in desert rivers to inform native fish management. 56th Annual Meeting, Desert Fishes Council, Grand Junction CO, 20-24 November 2024. | November 2024 |
Lyles, C.E., P. Budy, C.B. Yackulic and C.A. Pennock. 2024. Characterizing river metabolism and resource availability across a gradient of alteration in desert rivers to inform native fish management. 72nd Annual Meeting, Society for Freshwater Science, Philadelphia PA, 2 - 6 June 2024. | June 2024 |
Lucas, H., B. Maloney, G. Thiede, P. Tuttle, and P. Budy. 2016. Ageing and growth of bluehead sucker in the Weber River, Utah. Oral Presentation. Utah Chapter American Fisheries Society, Altamont, Utah, USA. | March 2016 |
Laub,B.G., D. Blythe, P. Budy, and J.C. Schmidt. 2019. Controls on native fish diversity in the Big Bend and Forgotten Reach of the Rio Grande and implications for management. Desert Fishes Council Meeting, Alpine, Texas, 20-24 November 2019. | November 2019 |
Laub, B.G., W. W. Macfarlane, G. P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2015. Looking beyond the mainstem for conservation and restoration of endangered and sensitive Colorado River fishes. 145th Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Portland, Oregon, 16-20 August 2015. | August 2015 |
Laub, B.G., P. Budy, J.Jimenez. 2013. Restoration of the San Rafael River and riparian corridor in southern Utah. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, June 2-6, 2013, Duluth, Minnesota. | June 2013 |
Laub, B.G., J. Jimenez, and P. Budy. 2015. An experimental habitat enhancement effort for desert rivers: San Rafael River restoration project. Upper Colorado River Basin Water Forum, Grand Junction, Colorado, 28-29 October 2015. | October 2015 |
Laub, B.G. and P. Budy. 2014. All as one or one for all? Assessing the likely effectiveness of multi-species management. 2014 Western Division Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Mazatlan, Mexico, 7-11 April 2014. | April 2014 |
Laub, B.G. and P. Budy. 2014. All as one or one for all? Assessing the likely effectiveness of managing three native species (bluehead sucker, flannelmouth sucker, and roundtail chub) as an ecological complex. Annual Meeting, Utah Chapter American Fisheries Society, Price UT, 11-13 March 2014. | March 2014 |
Laub, B., P. Budy, and J. Jiminez. 2013. Synthesizing population dynamics of native fish species and geomorphic analyses of channel change to guide restoration planning on the San Rafael River, Utah. Oral presentation at Utah Chapter of American Fisheries Society meeting, Wahweap Marina, UT-AZ, 26 - 28 March 2013. | March 2013 |
Laub, B., J. Jimenez, and P. Budy. 2014. Lower San Rafael River restoration. Utah Statewide Three Species Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT 12 November 2014. | November 2014 |
Laub, B. G., J. Jimenez, and P. Budy. 2016. An experimental habitat enhancement effort for desert rivers: San Rafael River restoration project. Tamarisk Coalition Annual Meeting, Grand Junction, Colorado, 9-11 February 2016. | February 2016 |
Laub, B. G., J. Jimenez, and P. Budy. 2016. An experimental habitat enhancement effort for Utah's desert rivers: San Rafael River restoration project. Utah Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Annual Meeting. 15-17 March 2016. | March 2016 |
Laub, B. G., J. Jimenez, and P. Budy. 2015. An experimental habitat enhancement effort for Utah's desert rivers: San Rfael River restoration project update. Utah AFS Meeting, Moab UT, 24-26 March 2015. | March 2015 |
Laub, B. G., J. Jimenez, and P. Budy. 2014. Restoration and monitoring plan for native fish and riparian vegetation on the San Rafael River, Utah. Tamarisk Coalition Research and Management Conference, 18-20 February, 2014, Grand Junction, Colorado, USA. | February 2014 |
Laub, B. G., J. Jimenez, and P. Budy. 2014. Restoration and monitoring plan for native fish and riparian vegetation on the San Rafael River, Utah. 2014 Spring Runoff Conference, 1-2 April, 2014, Logan, Utah, USA. | April 2014 |
Laub, B. G., J. Jimenez, P. Budy, and S. Lyster. 2016. An experimental habitat enhancement effort for a sandy river: San Rafael River restoration. 15th Annual River Restoration Symposium, Stevenson, Washington, 2-14 February 2016. | February 2016 |
Laub, B. G., D. Blythe, and P. Budy. 2017. Understanding Multiple Impacts of Hydrologic Alteration on Native Fish Communities in the Rio Grande, Texas and Mexico. American Fisheries Society, Western Division, Annual Meeting, Missoula, Montana, 22-25 May 2017. | May 2017 |
Laub, B. G. and P. Budy. 2016. Every last drop: Putting limited data to use in understanding multiple impacts of hydrologic alteration on native fish communities in the Big Bend reach of the Rio Grande. Desert Fishes Council Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 15-19, 2016. | November 2016 |
Laplanche, C., G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2017. Forecasting with a mechanistic model the invasion and the management of Brown Trout in the Logan River, Utah. Oral presentation at the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society meeting in Missoula, Montana, 22 - 26 May 2017. | May 2017 |
Laplanche, C., G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2017. Modelling the invasion and management of brown trout in the Logan River, Utah. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, 24 May, 2017, Missoula, MT. | May 2017 |
Lane, A., T.E. Walsworth, A. Garner, E. Wallace, P. Budy. 2025. Drivers of Recruitment on a Population of Bear River Cutthroat Trout in Northern Utah. Poster Presentation. Utah Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Logan, Utah, February 10-12, 2025. | February 2025 |
Landom, K., T.A.Crowl, and P. Budy. 2010. Introduced sport fish and fish conservation in a novel food web: evidence of predatory impact. Invited Presentation ‘Sucker Summit’ Special Symposium, American Fisheries Society, Western Division, Salt Lake City, April 20-23, 2010. | April 2010 |
Konrad Hafen, W. Carl Saunders, Gary P. Thiede, and Phaedra Budy. 2013. Effects of impoundments on brown trout source-sink dynamics in the Logan River, Utah: Conservation implications for endemic Bonneville cutthroat trout. Western Division American Fisheries Society Meeting - Boise, Idaho, 15 - 18 April 2013. | April 2013 |
Klobucar, S.L., and P. Budy. 2018. The Chronicles of Charnia: evaluating the abiotic and biotic factors that structure arctic lake food webs with consideration of Arctic Char (Salvelinus alpinius) populations. Oral presentation. Western Division of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. May 21-25, 2018. | May 2018 |
Klobucar, S.L., and P. Budy. 2016. Consequences of seasonal variation in reservoir water level for predatory fishes: linking visual foraging and prey densities. Oral Presentation. Annual Summer Meeting of the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, Santa Fe, NM, June 5-10, 2016. | June 2016 |
Klobucar, S.L., W.C. Saunders, C. Luecke, and P. Budy. 2013. A Lota lota consumption: trophic effects and potential impacts of a novel and voracious predator in Flaming Gorge Reservoir, WY-UT. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, ID, April 15-18, 2013. | April 2013 |
Klobucar, S.L., W.C. Saunders, C. Luecke, and P. Budy. 2013. A Lota lota consumption: trophic effects and potential impacts of a novel and voracious predator in Flaming Gorge Reservoir, WY-UT. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Page, AZ, March 26-29, 2013. | March 2013 |
Klobucar, S.L., T.W. Rodgers, and P. Budy. 2017. At the forefront: evidence of the applicability of using environmental DNA to quantify the abundance of fish populations in natural lentic waters with additional sampling considerations. Poster presentation. Utah and Colorado-Wyoming Chapters Joint Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Grand Junction, CO, February 21 - 23, 2017. | February 2017 |
Klobucar, S.L., P. Budy, and G.P. Thiede. 2011. Out of place predators: using bioenergetic efficiency to explain predator performance across an array of small impoundments in northeast Utah. Oral presentation, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, September 5-8, 2011. Seattle, WA. | September 2011 |
Klobucar, S.L., L. Simmons, G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2015. Simplified complexity or complex simplification: what structures lentic fish communities on the North Slope, Alaska? Invited presentation. Annual meeting of the Alaska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Homer, AK, 4-6 November 2015. | November 2015 |
Klobucar, S.L., J.W. Gaeta and P. Budy. 2016. A changing menu in a changing climate? Predicting the availability of fish food in warmer arctic lakes. Oral presentation. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Reno, NV, 19-24 March, 2016 | March 2016 |
Klobucar, S.L., J.W. Gaeta and P. Budy. 2015. A changing menu in a changing climate? Predicting the availability of fish food in warmer arctic lakes. Oral presentation. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, OR, August 16-20, 2015. | August 2015 |
Klobucar, S.L. and P. Budy. 2015. Consequences of seasonal variation in reservoir water level for predatory fishes: linking visual foraging and prey densities. Annual Meeting, Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Moab, UT, March 24-25, 2015. | March 2015 |
Klobucar, S.L. and P. Budy. 2013. In hot(ter) water? predictions of arctic char growth and consumption under climate change scenarios on the Alaska North Slope. Annual meeting, Western Division American Fisheries Society, Mazatlan, MX, April 7-11, 2014. | April 2014 |
Klobucar, S., P. Budy, and G.P. Thiede. 2012. Examining the potential of forage enhancement in trophically limited reservoirs: results from a large-scale experiment. American Fisheries Society, National Meetings, August 19-23, 2012, Minneapolis, MN. | August 2012 |
Klobucar, S., P. Budy, and G.P. Thiede. 2012. Can we improve predator performance in trophically limited reservoirs: Results from a large-scale experiment. Utah Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Annual Meeting, March 26-29, 2012, Bullfrog, UT. | March 2012 |
Kleinhesselink, A., A. Compagnoni, J.B. Koch, L. Long, T.C. Edwards, Jr., and P.B. Adler. Who will manage sagebrush habitats in a future of rapid climate change? Invited paper, 68th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management, Sacramento, CA 31/01/2015. | January 2015 |
Kilmer J., N. Barrett, G.P. Thiede, T. Arnold, and P. Budy. 2019. Estimating the abundance of slimy sculpin in an arctic lake using catch data and mark-recapture methods. Poster presentation: Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Provo, Utah, 12 – 14 March 2019. | March 2019 |
Kienast, F., and T. C. Edwards. An e-learning (MOOC) that will survive Covid-19. Offered paper, International Association for Landscape Ecology, North American Chapter, Virtual Online Annual Meeting, 4/13/2021. | April 2021 |
Kienast, F., T.C. Edwards, Jr., M. Potschin, and R. Haines-Young. Generating large-scale maps featuring the capacity of landscapes to deliver ecosystem goods and services. Invited paper, 2011 Meeting of the U.S. Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Portland, Oregon, 4/4/2011. | April 2011 |
Kienast, F., T.C. Edwards, Jr., K.B. Jones, and L.S. Morán. Mapping landscape functions at large scales: Europe, United States, and Mexico. Invited paper, The 8th International Association for Landscape Ecology, Beijing, China, 8/19/2011. | August 2011 |
Kassar, C., and J. A. Bissonette. 2005. Identifying and describing road mortality hotspots: When is it necessary to be spatially explicit? US-IALE, Syracuse N.Y. 2005 meeting, 14 March. | March 2005 |
Jesmer, B., E.F. Stuber, B. Carlson, R. Larsen, and B. McMillan. Incidence and implications of consistent individual differences in spatial behavior. July 2023. American Society of Mammalogists Annual Meeting. Anchorage AK, USA. | July 2023 |
Jackson-Smith, D., A. Armstrong, N. Mesner, Lorien Belton, N. Salant, P. Budy, and D. Stevens . 2012. A comparison of alternative approaches to measuring BMP implementation, maintenance, and effectiveness. National Water Conference, May 20-24, 2012, Portland, OR. | May 2012 |
J. Solberg, K. Hersey, D. Summers, E.F. Stuber. Landscape composition surrounding restoration projects modulates use by wildlife: a case study of mule deer in Utah. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. March 2025, Price, UT. | March 2025 |
Ironside, K.E., D. Mattson, D. Choate, D. Stoner, T. Arundel, J. Hansen, T. Theimer, B. Holton, B. Jansen, J. Sexton, K. Longshore, T. Edwards, Jr, and M. Peters. Offered poster, GPS telemetry: probability of fix acquisition. 2015 ESRI User Conference (UC), San Diego, California, 7/22/2015. | July 2015 |
Hunter, L., T. C. Edwards, Jr., R. Toth, and R. J. Lilieholm. Potential human impacts on biodiversity: the Californoia Mojave as a case study. Poster presented at the 2000 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Los Angeles, California, 3/24/00. | March 2000 |
Hunter, L., T. C. Edwards, Jr., R. Toth, and R. J. Lilieholm. Population, Land Use Change, and Species Endangerment in the California Mojave: Alternative Futures. Presented paper, 2001 Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Washington, D.C., 3/20/01. | March 2001 |
Homel, K., and P. Budy. 2006. The movement continuum: evaluating the migration patterns of juvenile bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in Northeast Oregon. Poster Presentation. American Fisheries Society, Bonneville Chapter Meeting, Park City, UT. Best Poster Presentation Award ($500). | March 2006 |
Homel, K., and P. Budy. 2006. The influence of abiotic and biotic factors on the migration timing of subadult bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in Northeast Oregon. Invited. Bull Trout Symposium at the American Fisheries Society, Western Division Meeting, Bozeman MT. | May 2006 |
Homel, K., and P. Budy. 2006. Evaluating the genetic population structure and movement patterns of bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in Northeast Oregon. American Fisheries Society, National Meeting, Lake Placid, NY. Best Student Paper Award ($500). | September 2006 |
Homel, K. and P. Budy. 2005. The influence of abiotic and biotic factors on the movement patterns of bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in Northeast Oregon. Bonneville Chapter of American Fisheries Society, Garden City, UT. | March 2005 |
Homel, K. and P. Budy. 2005. Evaluating genetic variation between life-history forms of bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in Northeast Oregon. American Fisheries Society, National Meeting, Anchorage, AK. | September 2005 |
Hersey, K, R. T. Larsen, B. R. McMillan, C.D. Jones, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Cause-specific mortality in mule deer: Influence of nutritional condition and age. Offered presentation, 2020 ESA Annual Meeting (Virtual). | August 2020 |
Heredia, N.A., P. Budy, and G.P. Thiede. The influence of food web dynamics on the growth and production of Lahontan cutthroat trout, in Pyramid Lake, NV. 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Little Rock, AR, 8-12 September 2013. | September 2013 |
Heredia, N.A., P. Budy, and G.P. Thiede. 2013. The influence of food web dynamics on the growth and production of Lahontan cutthroat trout, in Pyramid Lake, NV. 2013 Western Division, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Boise, ID, 15-18 April 2013. | April 2013 |
Heredia, N., P. Budy, and G.P. Thiede. 2012. Food web interactions in Pyramid Lake, Nevada: identifying factors limiting the performance of Lahontan cutthroat trout. Western Division, American Fisheries Society, Annual Meeting, March 26-29, 2012, Jackson, WY. | March 2012 |
Heredia, N. A., P. Budy, and G. P. Thiede. 2012. Food Web Interactions in Pyramid Lake, Nevada: Factors Influencing Lahontan Cutthroat Trout Growth and Production. American Fisheries Society, National Meeting, August 19-23, Minneapolis, MN. | August 2012 |
Healy, Brian D., Phaedra Budy, Charles. B. Yackulic, Brendan P. Murphy, Robert C. Schelly, Mark C. McKinstry. 2022. Exploring metapopulation-scale suppression alternatives for a global invader in a river network. Oral presentation, 152nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Spokane, Washington, August 21-25 | August 2022 |
Healy, Brian D. 1, 2, Robert C. Schelly2, Charles B. Yackulic3, Emily C. Omana Smith2,4, and Phaedra Budy5. Rapid native fish recovery following salmonid suppression varies along environmental gradients in a Colorado River tributary in Grand Canyon, Arizona. Oral Presentation: Advances in the Population Ecology of Stream Salmonids V, Granada, Spain, May 20-24, 2019. | May 2019 |
Healy, B.D., R. C. Schelly, C. B. Yackulic, E.C. Omana Smith, M.M. McKinstry, M.M. Conner, and P. Budy. Native Fish Population Responses to Mechanical Suppression of Invasive Brown Trout in a Grand Canyon Tributary. Oral Presentation: American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society Joint Conference, Reno, Nevada, September 30-October 3, 2019. | October 2019 |
Healy, B. D., P. Budy, M. M. Conner, E. C. Omana Smith. 2020. Drivers of demographic rates in translocated populations of an endangered fish in Colorado river tributaries of demographic rates in translocated populations of an endangered fish in Colorado river tributaries. Oral presentation,150th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Virtual meeting, August 30 - September 3, 2020. | August 2020 |
Healy, B. D., P. Budy, C. B. Yackulic, and B. P. Murphy. 2021. Towards a better understanding of the population dynamics of a global invader: a stage-based population viability model for predicting eradication success. 2021 Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Long Beach, CA. August 1-6, 2021. | August 2021 |
Healy, B. D., M. M. Conner, P. Budy, C. B. Yackulic, E. C. Omana Smith, D. R. Van Haverbeke, R. C. Schelly, and M. M. McKinstry. 2020. Oral presentation. Life and death in a dynamic environment: understanding resistance and resilience in demographic rates of imperiled desert fishes. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, April 12-16, 2020. | April 2020 |
Hansen, E.S., P. Budy, and G.P. Thiede. 2006. Evaluating the effectiveness of passive stream restoration for improving native fish health and reducing the impacts of whirling disease. American Fisheries Society, Bonneville Chapter Annual Meeting ?Fish in the Balance?. Park City, UT. | March 2006 |
Hansen, E. S., P. Budy, and G.P. Thiede. 2006. Evaluating the effectiveness of passive stream restoration for improving native fish health and reducing the impacts of whirling disease. 12th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium, 'War of the Whirlds'. Denver, CO. | February 2006 |
Hansen, E. S., P. Budy, G. P. Thiede. 2007. Using passive restoration to reduce the impact of whirling disease. American Fisheries Society, Oregon Chapter 43rd Annual Meeting ?Big Fish Over Big Dams: Complexities, Controversies, Opportunities?. Eugene, Oregon, February 28, 2007. | February 2007 |
Hansen, E. S., P. Budy, G. P. Thiede. 2007. Examining the potential of riparian restoration as a means to minimize the impact of whirling disease. American Fisheries Society, Bonneville Chapter Annual Meeting ?Fish Management, A United Approach?. Logan, Utah, March 20, 2007. | March 2007 |
Hansen, E. S., P. Budy, G. P. Thiede. 2006. Evaluating the effects of passive stream restoration on riparian and benthic habitat, and ultimately fish health. North American Benthological Society, 54th Annual Meeting. Anchorage, AK. | May 2006 |
Hafen, T., P. Budy, B. Maloney, and G. Thiede. 2017. Growth of bluehead sucker under different temperature and flow regimes. Poster Presentation, Joint Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming and Utah Chapters of the American Fisheries Society 2017, Grand Junction, Colorado, USA. | February 2017 |
Hafen, T., N. Barrett, G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2018. Ecological effects of lake characteristics and arctic char presence on cohabiting native fish assemblages, demographics, and trophic niche. Oral presentation at the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Ogden, Utah. 13-15 March 2018. | March 2018 |
Hafen, T., G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2016. Temporal and spatial variation in diets of mottled sculpin in the Logan River, Utah. Poster presentation. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Altamont, Utah, 16-17 March 2016. | March 2016 |
Hafen, K., W.C. Saunders, and P. Budy. 2012. Effects of impoundments on brown trout source-sink dynamics in the Logan River, Utah: Conservation implications for endemic Bonneville cutthroat trout. Poster Presentation. Utah Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Annual Meeting, March 26-29, 2012, Bullfrog, UT. | March 2012 |
Hadley, M. J. and P. Budy. 2003. Comparison of growth of stocked rainbow trout in Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Utah-Wyoming to potential maximum growth. Poster. Bonneville Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Grand Junction, CO. | March 2003 |
Guttery, M.R., and T.C. Edwards, Jr. Landscape conservation planning: identification of watersheds with high conservation potential across Utah and the Colorado Plateau Ecoregion. Offered paper, 2015 Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Moab, Utah, 3/19/15. | March 2015 |
Grob N., J. Kilmer, G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2019. Are sculpin too slimy to count? An estimation of the abundance of Cottus cognatus in two arctic lakes. Poster presentation. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, St. George, Utah, 26-27 February 2019. | February 2020 |
Grilo, C., M. Cruz, J. A. Bissonette, and M. Santos-reis. 2006. The role of patch size and isolation to carnivore relative abundance in an oak woodland landscape. Presented at the 1st European Congress of Conservation Biology, 22-26 August, Eger, Hungary. | August 2006 |
Grilo, C., M. Cruz, J. A. Bissonette, and M. Santos-Reis. 2008. Sensitivity of carnivores to habitat fragmentation from a multi-scale perspective. Poster presented at the 23rd Annual Landscape Ecology Symposium, Madison Wisconsin, 6-10 April 2008. | April 2008 |
Grilo, C., J. A. Bissonette, and M. Santos-Reis. 2007. Effects of road mortality on mustelids in southern Portugal: Sensitivities and management implications. Presented at the 25th Mustelid Colloquium, Prague Czech Republic, 4-7 October. | October 2007 |
Grilo, C., C. Silva, C. Baltazar, L. Gomes, J. Bissonette, & M. Santos-Reis. 2007. Patterns of carnivore road casualties in southern Portugal. ICOET meeting, Little Rock, AR, 20-25 May 2007. | May 2007 |
Gresswell, R.E., P. Budy, C.S. Guy, M.J. Hansen, M. Jones, P.J. Martinez, C. Suski, and J.E. Williams. 2012. Role of External Peer Review in Supporting Invasive Species Suppression Efforts. Invited Presentation. American Fisheries Society, National Meeting, August 19-23, 2012, Minneapolis, MN. | August 2012 |
Goethlich, J. S.L. Klobucar, D.H. Ogle, and P. Budy. 2015. The effects of experimental lake fertilization on condition and diet of slimy sculpin (cottus cognatus) in oligotrophitc arctic lakes, North Slope, AK. Annual Meeting, WIsconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Eau Claire, WI, Februaru 24-26, 2015. | February 2015 |
Gibson, J.R., G.G. Moisen, T.S. Frescino, and T.C. Edwards, Jr. Assessing the effect of using fuzz/swapped vs. real coordinates on species distribution models in Piñon-Juniper forests. 2010 Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium, Knoxville, Tennessee, 6 October 2010. | October 2010 |
Gibson, J., T. C Edwards, Jr., and G. G. Moisen. Forecasting climate induced distribution shifts for the conifers of North America’s arid interior west. Offered paper, 2009 Meeting of the U.S. Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Snowbird, Utah, 4/13/2009. | April 2009 |
Gibson, J. R., T. C. Edwards, Jr., G. G. Moisen, and N. Zimmermann. Forecasting climate induced distribution shifts for the pinions and junipers of the Western U.S. Poster presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 8/7/09. | August 2009 |
Gibson, J. R., T. C. Edwards, Jr., G. G. Moisen, and N. Zimmermann. Forecasting climate induced distribution shifts for conifers in Western North America. Offered paper, 10th Biennial Conference for Research on the Colorado Plateau, Flagstaff, Arizona, 10/7/09. | October 2009 |
Gibson, J. R., T. C. Edwards, Jr., G. G. Moisen, T. Frescino, A. Psomos, and N. E. Zimmermann. Contraction and expansion zones in western North America piñon-juniper woodlands under projected 21st century climate change. Offered paper, 8th Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society, Tucson, AZ, 1/10/2017. | January 2017 |
Gibson, J. R., G. G. Moisen, T.S. Frescino, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Distribution shifts of coniferous forests in the Colorado plateau under projected 21st century climate change. Offered paper, 2014 Meeting of the U.S. Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Anchorage, Alaska, 5/19/2014. | May 2014 |
Gibson, J. R., G. G. Moisen, T.S. Frescino, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Contraction and expansion tension zones in Western North America piñon-juniper woodlands under projected climate change. Offered paper, The 11th Biennial Conference of Research on the Colorado Plateau, Flagstaff, Arizona, 10/26/2011. | October 2011 |
Gary P. Thiede, Phaedra Budy, Peter MacKinnon, Dave Speas, Matt Breen, and Kevin McAbee. 2014. Frequent tributary usage by the endangered and large-river fishes of the Upper Colorado River basin. Western Division AFS meeting, Mazatlan, Mexico, April 2014. | April 2014 |
Gary P. Thiede, Janice Brahney, Sabrina Buhler, Lexi Aragon, Eleni Robinson, Phaedra Budy. 2023. Tires in trout: microplastic uptake by aquatic stream organisms. Advances in the Population Ecology of Stream-dwelling Salmonids VI. Mallorca, Spain. 8 - 12 May 2023. | May 2023 |
Gary P. Thiede, Casey A. Pennock, and Phaedra Budy. 2023. Density-dependent processes and population dynamics of native sculpin in a mountain river. Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society conference in St. George Utah, 27 Feb - 1 March 2023. | March 2023 |
Gaeta, J. and P. Budy. 2017. Reservoir and Lake Fish Dynamics under a climate of change and multi-year drought. Invited Symposium, Western Division, American Fisheries Society Annual Conference, Missoula, MT, May 22-25. | May 2017 |
Friesen, B., P. Budy and C. Pennock. 2024. Identifying the drivers of entrainment risk of nonnative fishes through Glen Canyon Dam as a function of fluctuating reservoir elevation. 2024 Colorado River Researchers Meeting, Grand Junction, CO. 30-31 January 2024. | January 2024 |
Friesen, B., P. Budy and C. Pennock. 2023. Characterizing the fish assemblage in the Lake Powell forebay and identifying the potential for nonnative fish escapement into the Lower Colorado River. 2023 Western Division of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Boise, ID. 8-11 May, 2023. | May 2023 |
Friesen, B., P. Budy and C. Pennock. 2023. Characterizing the fish assemblage in a reservoir forebay and identifying the potential for nonnative fish escapement into a desert river. 2023 Colorado River Researchers Meeting, Grand Junction, CO. 31 January - 1 February 2023. | January 2023 |
Friesen, B., P. Budy and C. Pennock. 2023. Characterizing the fish assemblage in a reservoir forebay and identifying the potential for nonnative fish escapement into a desert river. 2023 Colorado River Aquatic Biologists Meeting, Laughlin, NV. 4-5 January 2023. | January 2023 |
Friesen, B., P. Budy and C. Pennock. 2022. Characterizing the fish assemblage in a reservoir forebay and identifying the potential for nonnative fish escapement into a desert river. 2022 Desert Fishes Council Annual Meeting, St. George, UT, 16-20 November 2022. | November 2022 |
Finch, C., Budy, P., and Belmont, P. 2016. A future of fire, floods, and fish. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting 2016. Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 7-12 August 2016. | August 2016 |
Finch, C., Budy, P., and Belmont, P. 2016. A future of fire, floods, and fish. American Fisheries Society Utah Chapter Annual Meeting. Altamont, Utah, March 15-17 2016. | March 2016 |
Finch, C. and P. Budy. 2015. Bringing back the trout: metapopulation viability of Bonneville cutthroat trout in a fire-impacted watershed. Utah chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Moab, Utah 24-26 March 2015. | March 2015 |
Finch, C. and P. Budy. 2015. Bringing back the trout: metapopulation viability of Bonneville cutthroat trout in a fire-impacted watershed. Restoring the West conference, Logan, Utah. October 28-29, 2016. | October 2015 |
Finch, C. and P. Budy. 2014. Habitat mediated dispersal and recolonization in stream fish following a severe fire. Poster. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting; Portland, OR; May 18-23, 2014. | May 2014 |
F. Loureiro, F., J. A. Bissonette, D. W. Macdonald and M. Santos-Reis. 2006. Pulsed resources in a Mediterranean Landscape and their importance to Eurasian badgers conservation . Poster presented at the 1st European Congress of Conservation Biology, 22-26 August, Eger, Hungary. | August 2006 |
Edwards, T.C., Jr., and R.D. Fitts. Rare plant community composition and distribution modelling: assessing landscape-scale risk from non-renewable energy development. Presented paper, US-IALE 2018 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 4/11/2018. | April 2018 |
Edwards, T.C., Jr., N.E. Zimmerman, G.G. Moisen, T.S. Frescino, J.A. Blackard. Testing the partial contributions of remotely sensed and topo-climatic predictors for tree species habitat modeling in Utah. Paper presented at the Seventh Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium, Portland, Maine. | October 2005 |
Edwards, T.C., Jr., J. R. Gibson, G. G. Moisen, and T.S. Frescino. Forecasting climate-induced distribution shifts for the pinyon- juniper complex of the Western U.S. Offered paper, 2011 Meeting of the U.S. Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Portland, Oregon, 4/6/2011. | April 2011 |
Edwards, T.C., Jr., F. Kienast, and J. Bolliger. The effectiveness of agro-environmental conservation programs in maintaining high alp meadow biodiversity. Invited paper, 2011 Meeting of the U.S. Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Portland, Oregon, 4/4/2011. | April 2011 |
Edwards, T.C., Jr., D.C. Stoner, J.O. Sexton, H.H. Bernales, and J.R. Nagol. Productivity of mule deer tracks phenological variability over a latitudinal gradient. Offered paper, 2015 Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Moab, Utah, 3/19/15. | March 2015 |
Edwards, T.C., Jr., D.C. Stoner, J.O. Sexton, H.H. Bernales, and J.R. Nagol. Productivity of mule deer tracks phenological variability over a latitudinal gradient. Offered paper, 2015 Annual Meeting of the The Wildlife Society, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 10/19/15. | October 2015 |
Edwards, T.C., Jr. Education and training in the proper development and application of species and habitat distribution models in management and conservation: overview of prpsoed courses. 84th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources,, AFWA Science and Policy Working Group, Denver, CO, 3/6/2019 (INVITED) | March 2019 |
Edwards, T.C., Jr. Education and training in the proper development and application of species and habitat distribution models in management and conservation: accomplishments CY2019. Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 2019 Annual Metting, Threatened and Endangered Species, St. Paul, MN, 9/24/2019 (INVITED) | September 2019 |
Edwards, T.C., Jr. Constructing realistic species distribution and habitat modelling map products: an education and training program for biologists. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 2, San Antonio, TX 10/8/2019 (INVITED) | October 2019 |
Edwards, T.C., Jr. Bridging the gap between researchers, planners and decision-makers for improving species conservation decision-making. US-International Association for Landscape Ecology 2019 Annual Meeting, Ft. Collin, CO, 4/8/2019 (SYMPOSIUM ORGANIZER: 15 speakers) | April 2019 |
Edwards, T.C., Jr. Bridging the gap between researchers, planners and decision-makers for improving species conservation decision-making across landscapes: lessons from a region biologically rich and heavy in resource extraction. International Association for Landscape Ecology 2019 World Congress, Milan, Italy, 7/2/2019 (INVITED) | July 2019 |
Edwards, T.C., Jr. Assessing decision-risk in range maps and distribution models for use in conservation and management. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 6, Denver, CO, 3/5/2019 (INVITED) | March 2019 |
Edwards, T.C., Jr. Assessing decision-risk in range maps and distribution models for use in conservation and management. 84th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources, AFWA Threatened and Endangered Species, Denver, CO, 3/8/2019 (INVITED) | March 2019 |
Edwards, T.C., Jr. All for Data Access, Data Access for All!: a discourse on how restricted access to data negatively affects fisheries and wildlife management, 2019 Joint AFS/TWS Meeting, Reno, NV, 9/24/2019 (SYMPOSIUM ORGANIZER: 16 speakers) | October 2019 |
Edwards, T.C., Jr. Constructing Realistic Species Distribution and Habitat Modelling (SDHM) Map Products: Challenges and Opportunities. Invited USGS (seminar), EMA Friday USGS Findings Webinar Series, June 5, 2020. | June 2020 |
Edwards, T.C., Jr. 2010. Evaluating species distribution models: what, why and how? Invited paper, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 20 May, 2010 | May 2010 |
Edwards, T.C., Jr. 2010. Ensemble modelling approaches in forecast environments: reasons the “best” Switzerland, 22 September 2010. | September 2010 |
Edwards, T.C., Jr. Using plant community composition as a means of assessing biodiversity risk to climate change. Presented paper, International Biogeographical Society Meeting, Climate Change Biogeography, Evora, Portugal, 3/22/2018. | March 2018 |
Edwards, T.C., Jr, J. Gibson, G.G. Moisen, T.S. Frescino, and N.E. Zimmermann. Expansion and contraction tension zones in western US piñon-juniper woodlands under projected climate change. Offered paper, 6th Biennial Meeting of the International Biogeography Society, Miami, Florida, 1/10/2013. | January 2013 |
Edwards, T.C., Jr, J. Gibson, G.G. Moisen, T.S. Frescino, and N.E. Zimmermann. Expansion and contraction tension zones in western US piñon-juniper woodlands under projected climate change. | April 2013 |
Edwards, T.C., Jr, J. Gibson, G.G. Moisen, T.S. Frescino, and N.E. Zimmermann. Differential life stage niche modelling: can we construct species fitness landscapes from species distribution models? Offered paper, 2014 Meeting of the U.S. Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Anchorage, Alaska, 5/19/2014. | May 2014 |
Edwards, T.C. Jr., R.W. Hergert, R. D. Fitts, and F. Kienast. An optimization approach to assessing landscape-scale energy development effects on rare plant species in the Colorado Plateau of western North America. Invited paper, 9th International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress, Portland, OR, 7/7/15. | July 2015 |
Edwards, T.C. Jr., J. R. Gibson, and E. Hammill. Selecting optimal watersheds for restoration efforts in the Colorado Plateau of western North America given economies of energy development. Offered paper, 2016 Annual Meeting U.S. Chapter of the Association of Landscape Ecology, Asheville, NC, 4/5/16. | April 2016 |
Edwards, T.C. Jr., J. R. Gibson, and E. Hammill. Selecting optimal watersheds for restoration efforts in the Colorado Plateau of western North America given economies of energy development. Offered paper, 2016 Annual Meeting U.S. Chapter of the Association of Landscape Ecology, Asheville, NC, 3/5/16. | April 2016 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr., R. Cutler, and J. Alegria. Using FIA data to develop model-assisted designs for samping rare ecological events. Presented paper, Joint Meeting of the 5th Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium and The Southern Mensurationists, New Orleans, Louisiana, 11/18/03. | November 2003 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr., J. Gibson, G. Moisen, and N. Zimmermann. Forecasting climate-induced distribution shifts in Western North American conifers. Invited paper, IUFRO Division 4 Conference on Extending Forest Inventory and Monitoring, Quebec City, Canada, 5/21/2009. | May 2009 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr., J. Bolliger, and F. Kienast. Assessing the effectiveness of agro-environmental conservation programs in maintaining high Alp meadow biodiversity. Invited paper, 2009 Meeting of the European Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Salzburg, Austria, 7/15/2009. | July 2009 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr., G. Moisen, A. Guisan, N. Zimmermann, and W. Thullier. Modelling species under global change scenarios: more questions than answers. Invited paper, 2009 Meeting of the U.S. Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Snowbird, Utah, 4/14/2009. | April 2009 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr., F. Kienast, and J. Bolliger. Assessing the effectiveness of agro-environmental conservation programs in maintaining high alp meadow. Offered paper, 2010 Meeting of the U.S. Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Athens, Georgia, 4/6/10. | April 2010 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr., D. R. Cutler, and K. Beard. Predictive modelling of invasive plants on National Park lands: a preliminary analysis. Paper presented at the National Park Service Annual Inventory and Monitoring Meeting, Seattle, Washington, 8/9/05. | August 2005 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr., D. R. Cutler, and K. Beard. A process for determining the likelihood of invasive establishment in national parks. Paper presented at the National Park Service Annual Inventory and Monitoring Meeting, San Diego, California. | February 2006 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr. Shrubsteppe monitoring and avian species management. Presented paper, 2005 Meeting of the Utah Partners in Flight , Sherwood Hills, Utah, 4/15/05. | April 2005 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr. Valdiating forecast models under global change scenarios: the key to utility and application. Invited paper, Annual Meeting on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Changes in Europe (ECOCHANGE), Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 5/12/08. | May 2008 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr. Time and species distribution modelling: a conceptual process for movig beyond static prediction maps. Invited paper, Third Workshop on Species Distribution Modelling, Riederalp, Swizterland, 8/11/08. | August 2008 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr. Random Forests: applications to conservation issues (subtitled: Is the forest really better than the tree? And what if you’re in the grasslands?). Invited paper, workshop on Random Forests, 2009 Meeting of the U.S. Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Snowbird, Utah, 4/15/2009. | March 2009 |
Edwards, T. C., D. R. Cutler, N. E. Zimmermann, L Geiser and G. G. Moisen. Landscape-level classification models in ecology: effects of sample survey design on prediction accuracy. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Symposium of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, U.S. Regional Association, San Diego, California, USA. | March 2006 |
Edwards, T. C. Jr., R. D. Fitts, C. Keleher, C. Bailey, J. R. Gibson, and E. Hammill. Rare plants conservation and non-renewable energy development in the Colorado Plateau of western North America: can landscape–scale models actually help? Presented paper, 2017 Annual Meeting U.S. Chapter of the Association of Landscape Ecology, Baltimore, MD, 4/10/2017. | April 2017 |
Edwards, T. C. Jr., R. D. Fitts, C. Keleher, C. Bailey, J. R. Gibson, and E. Hammill. Can landscape-scale models be applied to resolving rare plants conservation and energy conflicts in the Colorado Plateau region of western North America? Invited paper, 2017 Meeting of the Association of Landscape Ecology - Europe, Gent, Belgium, 9/15/2017. | September 2017 |
Edwards, T. C. Jr., R. D. Fitts, C. Keleher, C. Bailey, J. R. Gibson, and E. Hammill. An optimization approach to assessing landscape-scale energy development effects on rare plant species in the Colorado Plateau of western North America. Invited paper, 82nd North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, Spokane, WA, 3/6/2017. | March 2017 |
Edwards, Jr., T. C., Jr., J. R. Gibson, G. G. Moisen, T. Frescino, A. Psomos, and N. E. Zimmermann. Contraction and expansion zones in western North America piñon-juniper woodlands under projected 21st century climate change. Offered paper, 8th Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society, Tucson, AZ, 1/10/2017. | January 2017 |
E. Zakrajsek, J. A. Bissonette and T. Cutler. 2000. Development of a bird avoidance model for Naval Air Facility, El Centro, CA. Second Joint Annual Meeting of the Bird Strike Committee USA/ Bird Strike Committee Canada, Minneapolis, MN | August 2000 |
E. F. Stuber, O. Robinson, E. R. Bjerre, M. C. Otto, B. A. Millsap, G. S. Zimmerman, and Viviana Ruiz-Gutierrez. 2022. The potential of semi-structured citizen science data as a supplement for conservation decision-making: Validating the performance of eBird against targeted avian monitoring efforts. Joint Meeting of the American Ornithological Society & BirdsCaribbean. Puerto Rico, USA. 27 June–2 July 2022 | July 2022 |
Dorathy, J., G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2016. Two is better than one; using multiple methods to improve mottled sculpin density estimates in the Logan River, Utah. Poster presentation. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Altamont, Utah. 16 - 17 March 2016. | March 2016 |
Doden, E.S., J.K. Young, and P.Budy. 2019. One of the locals or new in town: Comparing resident and translocated beaver ecology at stream restoration sites. Poster Presentation: American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society Joint Conference, Reno, Nevada, September 30-October 3, 2019. | October 2019 |
Doden, E., Young, J.K., Budy, P. 2020. One of the locals or new in town: Comparing resident and translocated beaver ecology at stream restoration sites. Research-in-progress poster. USGS Utah CRU Annual Meeting. Logan, UT. | February 2020 |
Doden, E., Young, J.K., Budy, P. 2019. One of the locals or new in town: Comparing resident and translocated beaver ecology at stream restoration sites. Student research-in-progress poster. Joint TWS and AFS National Conference. Reno, NV. | September 2019 |
Doden, E., Young, J.K., Budy, P. 2019. Comparison of resident and translocated beavers in desert stream restoration sites. Research proposal poster. USGS Utah CRU Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT. | April 2019 |
Doden, E., Budy, P., and Young, J.K. 2021. Who leaves and who stays to build a dam? A comparison of resident and translocated beaver ecology in desert river restoration sites. Contributed oral presentation. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. March 16-17, 2021. Virtual. | March 2021 |
Doden, E., Budy, P., and Young, J.K. 2020. A tale of two beavers: Are translocated beavers as effective as resident beavers in desert river restoration? Contributed oral presentation. The Wildlife Society National Conference 27 September – 1 October, 2020. Louisville, KY. | October 2020 |
Dibble, K.L., C. B. Yackulic, T. Kennedy, and P. Budy. 2014. Factors influencing the size of salmonids in regulated river systems: a synthesis of data from the Western United States. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting; Portland, OR; May 18-23, 2014. | May 2015 |
Dibble, K.L., C. B. Yackulic, T. Kennedy, and P. Budy. 2014. An examination of the processes that regulate fish size downriver of dams in the Western United States. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society; Quebec City, Canada; August 17-21, 2014. | August 2014 |
Dean, A., P. Budy, and G.P. Thiede. 2010. A comparison of triploid vs. diploid brook trout relative performance in high Uinta lakes: who is the biggest loser? American Fisheries Society, Western Division, Salt Lake City, April 20-23, 2010. | April 2010 |
Dahle, K.S., and P. Budy. 2006. Predicting the growth potential of a shallow, warm-water sport fishery: a spatially explicit bioenergetics approach. American Fisheries Society, National conference, Lake Placid, NY. | September 2006 |
Dahle, K.S, and P. Budy. 2006. Predicting the growth potential of a shallow, warm-water sport fishery: a spatially explicit bioenergetics approach. American Fisheries Society, Bonneville Chapter Meeting, Park City, UT. | March 2006 |
Dahle, K.D., P. Budy, and G.P., Thiede. 2007. Predicting the growth potential of a warm water sport fishery: a spatially explicit bioenergetics approach. American Fisheries Society, Bonneville Chapter Annual Meeting. Logan, Utah, March 20, 2007. | March 2007 |
D.H. Weedop, G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2020. Beyond the lakes: fishes of streams in an open lake system. Poster presentation. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, St. George, Utah, 26-27 February 2020. | February 2020 |
D. Stoner, D., D. Dahlgren, J. Sexton, M. Kohl, R. Larson, N. Frey, T. Edwards, and T. Messmer. Using satellite-derived estimates of plant phenology to map sage grouse nesting dates across a climatological gradient. Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Vernal, UT, 3/22/2018. | March 2018 |
Curtis Bjurlin, and J. A. Bissonette. 2001. Predation and Survival During Early Life History Stages of the Desert Tortoise in the South-Central Mojave Desert. Desert Tortoise Council Annual Symposium, Tucson AZ. March 15-18, 2001 | March 2001 |
Cramer, P. and J. A. Bissonette. 2006. Wildlife passages: How does Utah compare to the rest of North America. Presented at the Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Moab Utah, 1-3 March 2006 | March 2006 |
Cramer, P. C., and J. A. Bissonette. Wildlife crossings in North America: The state of the science and practice. JPaper presented at the International Conference on Ecology and Transportation (ICOET), San Diego, 29 August-2 September 2005. Also presented at the TRB meeting, Washington, D.C. January 2006 | September 2005 |
Cramer, P. C., and J. A. Bissonette. Wildlife and Roads: the State of the Science and Practice. 2005. Rockies Wildlife Crossing Field Course, Payson Arizona, 11 April 2005 | April 2005 |
Cramer, P. C., and J. A. Bissonette. NCHRP 25-27 Update: Evaluation of the use and effectiveness of Wildlife Crossings in North America. Presented at the AASHTO Standing Committee on Highways Technical Meeting, Phoenix AZ, 4 May 2007 | May 2007 |
Cramer, P. C., and J. A. Bissonette. 2007. Priorities for safely accommodating wildlife movement within transportation systems. Invited presentation to the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. January, 2007. | January 2007 |
Cramer, P. C., and J. A. Bissonette. 2007. Overview of NCHRP Project 25-27: Evaluation of the use and effectiveness of wildlife crossings. Invited presentation to the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. January, 2007. | January 2007 |
Cramer, P. C., and J. A. Bissonette. 2007. How do we make the roaded landscape more permeable for wildlife? Presented at the Annual Meeting of TWS, Tucson AZ, 23 Sept. | September 2007 |
Cramer, P. C., and J. A. Bissonette. 2006. Carnivore crossings and roads in North America: How are we doing? Carnivores 2006, St. Petersburg, Florida, 12-15 November 2006. | November 2006 |
Cramer, P. C., and J. A. Bissonette. 2005. Restoring permeability to the roaded landscape: Priorities for research. Paper presented at the US-IALE, Syracuse N.Y. 2005 14 March. | March 2005 |
Cramer, P. C., J. A. Bissonette, N. Newhouse, T. Kinley, S. Jacobson, K. Knapp, B. Persaud, C, Lyon and A. Clevenger. 2007. A wildlife crossing decision tool to mitigate transportation corridors for wildlife. Presentation to the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. January, 2007. | January 2007 |
Cramer, P. C. and J. A. Bissonette. Integrating Wildlife Crossings into Transportation Plans in Projects in North America. ICOET meeting, Little Rock, AR, 20-25 May 2007. | May 2007 |
Cramer, P. C. and J. A. Bissonette. 2006. Wildlife crossings in North America. Invited Presentation to Transportation Research Board Wildlife and Highways Workshop. Washington, D.C. January, 2006. url: http://refugedata.fws.gov/trb/2006Workshop/index.html. | January 2006 |
Cramer, P. C. and J. A. Bissonette. 2006. Wildlife and roads: The state of the science and practice. Invited presentation to the 2006 MNDOT Environmental Stewardship and Streamlining Workshop. Minneapolis, MN, March 2006. | March 2006 |
Cramer, P. C. and J. A. Bissonette. 2006. Priorities for research related to wildlife and roads. Transportation Research Board Wildlife and Highways Workshop. Washington, D.C. January, 2006. | January 2006 |
Cramer, P. C. and J. A. Bissonette. 2006. NCHRP 25-27 Update: Evaluation of the Use and Effectiveness of Wildlife Crossings in North America. Transportation Research Board Wildlife and Highways Workshop. Washington, D.C. January, 2006. | January 2006 |
Conner, M.M, P. Budy, D. Speas, P. MacKinnon, and M. M. McKinstry. 2019. Antennas antennas here and there, antennas antennas everywhere: Can they help us estimate population abundance of fish? Oral Presentation: American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society Joint Conference, Reno, Nevada, September 30-October 3, 2019. | October 2019 |
Coleman, T., T. Walsworth, P. Budy, and J. DeRito. 2025. Pre-Restoration Monitoring of Physical Habitat and Fish Assemblages in North Eden Creek: Implications for Cutthroat Trout Recovery. Oral presentation. Utah Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Logan, Utah, February 10-12, 2025. | February 2025 |
Coleman, T., P. Budy, J. DeRito T. Walsworth. 2024. Establishing a baseline to assess the impact of restoration actions reconnecting a Bear Lake tributary. Poster presentation. Joint Meeting: Utah State University Spring Runoff and Northern Utah Water Users. Navigating Utah's Water Challenges Through Interdisciplinary Partnerships. Logan. UT. | March 2024 |
Coleman, T., J. DeRito, C. Penne, G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2020. Fishing success goes with the flow: correlation between stream flow and temperature and angler catch rates. Oral presentation. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, St. George, Utah, 26-27 February 2020. | February 2020 |
Clancy, NG, Issak, DJ, Budy, P, and Walters AW. 2022. Vulnerability of warm-, cool-, & cold-water fishes to stream warming Colorado/Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Laramie, Wyoming, February 23 - March 3, 2022. | March 2022 |
Clancy, N.G, D.J. Isaak, P. Budy, A.W. Walters. 2022. Vulnerability of warm-, cool-, & cold-water fishes to stream warming. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan, May 14-20. Oral Presentation. | May 2022 |
Clancy, N.G, D.J. Isaak, B. Maitland, P. Budy, A.W. Walters. 2022. Thermal refuges for climate vulnerable fishes in Montana. Montana AFS meeting. | February 2023 |
Chavez, M. J., P. Budy, and C. A. Pennock. 2022. Exploring movement patterns of an endangered minnow in a fragmented desert river. 54th Annual Meeting, Desert Fishes Council, St. George, UT, 16-20 November 2022. Oral Presentation. | November 2022 |
Chavez, M. J., P. Budy, and C. A. Pennock. 2022. Characterizing movement patterns of the endangered Rio Grande Silvery Minnow in a fragmented river. 153rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Spokane, WA, 21-25 August 2022. Oral Presentation. | August 2022 |
Chavez, M. J., P. Budy, and C. A. Pennock. 2022. Characterizing Rio Grande Silvery Minnow movement patterns. Utah American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Ogden, UT, 7-9 March 2022. Oral Presentation. | March 2022 |
Chapman, K.C., P. Budy, F. Howe. 2014. Evaluating the potential impacts of American white pelican predation on Bonneville cutthroat trout in Strawberry Reservoir, Utah. Annual Meeting, Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Price, Utah, 11-13 March 2014 | March 2014 |
Chapman, K.C., P. Budy, F. Howe. 2014. Evaluating the potential impacts of American white pelican predation on Bonneville cutthroat trout in Strawberry Reservoir, Utah. Annual Meeting, Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Moab, Utah, 26-28 March 2015 | March 2015 |
Chapman, K.C., P. Budy and F. Howe. 2015. Evaluating the Potential Impacts of American White Pelican Predation on the Fishery in Strawberry Reservoir, Utah., Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, National; Portland, Oregon, August 17-21, 2015 | August 2015 |
Budy. P. G.P. Thiede, K. Landom, and T.A. Crowl. 2010. Quantifying consumption by a nonnative piscivore assemblage: implications for recovery of the endangered June sucker. Invited Presentation ‘Sucker Summit’ Special Symposium, American Fisheries Society, Western Division, Salt Lake City, April 20-23, 2010. | April 2010 |
Budy. P. 2002. An overview of current research being conducted at the Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. | May 2002 |
Budy, P., S. Klobucar, L. Winters, D. Strohm, and G.P. Thiede. 2017. Crowded reservoir trophic niche space: likely influences of a warmer, drier climate? Invited Symposium: Resiliency and Vulnerability of Lentic Ecosystems and Communities to Climate Change and Multi-year Drought: What is known and what remains. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, 23 May, 2017, Missoula, MT. | May 2017 |
Budy, P., S. Klobucar, L. Winters, D. Strohm, and G.P. Thiede. 2016. Crowded reservoir trophic niche space under a warmer, drier climate. Annual Summer Meeting of the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, Santa Fe, NM, June 5-10, 2016. | June 2016 |
Budy, P., R. Al-Chokhachy, and G. Thiede. 2003. Using PIT tag data to parameterize simple and elaborate mark/recapture models: tools for conservation and recovery planning. Invited presentation, Symposium. American Fisheries Society, Quebec, CAN. | August 2003 |
Budy, P., M.M. Conner, N.L. Slant, and W.W., Macfarlane. 2014. The Clock is Ticking for Desert Fishes of the SW USA: An Occupancy-based Assessment of Regional Vulnerability. American Fisheries Society, Western Division, April 7–11, 2014, Mazatlán, Mexico. | April 2014 |
Budy, P., M. Conner, N. Salant, and W. MacFarlane. 2012. Update on the occupancy based assessment of regional population status and vulnerability for three species of fish (bluehead sucker, flannelmouth sucker, and roundtail chub) in Utah: A template for assessing extinction risk and prioritizing conservation actions. Utah Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Annual Meeting, March 26-29, Bullfrog, UT. | March 2012 |
Budy, P., K.B. Rogers, Y. Kanno, B. Penaluna, N.P. Hitt. G.P. Thiede, J. Dunham, C. Mellison, W.L. Somer, and J. DeRito. 2019. Distribution and status of trout and char in North America. Salmonid Symposium 5, Granada, Spain, 20 - 24 May 2019. | May 2019 |
Budy, P., J.S. McLaren, and S. Brothers, R. W. Van Kirk. 2023. The scale-dependent role of submerged macrophytes on trout habitat. Invited. Advances in the Population Ecology of Stream-dwelling Salmonids VI. Mallorca, Spain. 8 - 12 May 2023. | May 2023 |
Budy, P., J. Lobon-Cervia, G. Ganzalez, L. A. Vollestad, G. P. Thiede, and E. Becares. 2008. A cross-continental, bioenergetic comparison of factors limiting the endemic and exotic distribution of brown trout under current and future environmental conditions. American Fisheries Society, Utah Chapter Annual Meeting, Moab, Utah, February 18-19, 2008. | August 2008 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede and N. Heredia and E. Horgen. 2022. Exploring the contemporary relationship between predator and prey in a culturally-important Lahontan Cutthroat Trout population in Pyramid Lake, Nevada. Invited. North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Lahontan Cutthroat Trout Conservation Special Symposium. Reno, NV, July 18-22, 2022. | July 2022 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede, and P. McHugh. Modeling the synergistic effects of physical factors, disease, and species interactions on the survival and status of endemic cutthroat trout. Ecological Society of America, National, Portland, OR. August 4, 2004. | August 2004 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede, and P. McHugh. 2005. Modeling the synergistic effects of physical factors, disease, and species interactions on the survival and status of endemic cutthroat trout. 11th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium, Denver, CO. | February 2005 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede, and P. McHugh. 2007. Evaluating the combined effects of environmental variation and biotic interactions on the abundance and distribution of exotic brown trout (Salmo trutta). American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, CA. September 1, 2007. | September 2007 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede, and P. McHugh. 2006. Quantification of survival, site-fidelity, abundance, and trend for a critical population of endemic cutthroat trout. AFS, Lake Placid, NY. September 1, 2006. | September 2006 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede, R. Shields, and T. Neebling. 2024. Warmwater and coldwater fish in two-story standing waters. Symposium: American Fisheries Society Book: Standard methods for sampling North American freshwater fishes II - Book Release. 9th World Fisheries Congress, Seattle, Washington, 3-9, March, 2024. | March 2024 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede, N. Bouwes, C. Petrosky, and H. Schaller. 2002. Linking earlier hydrosystem experience of endangered chinook salmon to mortality in the esturary and ocean. | May 2002 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede, D.A. Beauchamp, and Chris Luecke. 2012. Conflicts Between Native Fish Conservation and Non-Native Lake Trout Sport Fisheries: Historical Perspectives of Two Large, Natural Oligotrophic Lakes, Lake Tahoe and Bear Lake. Invited Presentation. American Fisheries Society, National Meeting, August 19-23, 2012, Minneapolis, MN. | August 2012 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede, D. Beauchamp, and C. Luecke. 2012. Conflicts between native fish conservation and non-native lake trout sport fisheries: historical perspectives of two large, natural oligotrophic lakes, Lake Tahoe and Bear Lake. Invited Symposium Presentation. American Fisheries Society, National Meeting, August 19-23, 2012, Minneapolis, MN. | August 2012 |
Budy, P., C. Pennock, and E. Adler. 2022. Indirect effects of climate change through thermokarst disturbance on Arctic lake biota. Oral Presentation, Joint Aquatic Science Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI, May 14-20. | May 2022 |
Budy, P., C. Luecke, and G.P. Thiede. 2011. Resources allocation among arctic char in closed arctic lakes: implications for population structure and regulation. Poster Presentation. American Fisheries Society, National Meeting, August 19-23, 2012, Minneapolis, MN. | August 2012 |
Budy, P., C. A. Pennock, W. W. Macfarlane, M. J. Breen, J. Jimenez, and J.C. Schmidt. 2022. Native Fish Need a Natural Flow Regime, Not More Water Development. 54th Annual Meeting, Desert Fishes Council, St. George, UT, 16-20 November 2022. | November 2022 |
Budy, P. and eight others. 2010. A mechanistic evaluation of brown trout performance across their native and exotic habitat: lessons for managing invasive trout. ‘Brown Trout in the West’ Special Symposium, Budy, Co-Chair, American Fisheries Society, Western Division, Salt Lake City, April 20, 2010. | April 2010 |
Budy, P. and eight others. 2010. A cross-continental, comparison of factors limiting the endemic and exotic distribution of brown trout: How can estimating bioenergetic efficiency inform management and conservation? Budy Program Chair and Convenor, International Symposium, Advances in the Population Ecology of Stream Salmonids, Luarca (Asturias, Spain), May, 17-21, 2010. | May 2010 |
Budy, P. and W.C. Saunders. 2015. Can high densities of native trout limit expansion of exotic trout through biotic resistance? International Symposium. Advances in the Population Ecology of Stream Salmonids IV. 25-29 May, Girona, Spain. | May 2015 |
Budy, P. and N. Salant. 2011. Native fish population status and trends and opportunities for improvement on the Lower Dolores River: Phase I. Oral Presentation, San Juan Citizens Alliance, Lower Dolores River Working Group, Cortez, CO, April 6-7, 2011. | April 2011 |
Budy, P. and H. Schaller. 2005. Predicting the effects of freshwater restoration on the overall survival of salmon: how much is enough? American Fisheries Society, National Meeting, Anchorage, AK. | September 2005 |
Budy, P. and G.P. Thiede. A multi-faceted approach to understanding the relationship between Lahontan cutthroat trout and their prey in Pyramid Lake to guide a new adaptive management program. National American Fisheries Society, Reno, NV, 29 September – 03 October 2019. | October 2020 |
Budy, P. and G.P. Thiede. 2015. Why are we doing this and what are we learning: application and context for widespread PIT-tagging efforts in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Upper Colorado River Researchers Meeting. Moab, Utah. January 13-15, 2015. | January 2015 |
Budy, P. T. Walsworth, G.P. Thiede, P. Thompson, P. Holden, P. Chase, and W.C. Saunders. 2019. Remarkably rapid recovery of native cutthroat trout following removal of a dominant non-native brown trout sub-population: evidence of resilience and conservation potential. Advances in the Population Ecology of Stream Salmonids V, Symposium: Population dynamics of salmonids post ecological disturbance, May 20-24, Granda, Spain. | May 2019 |
Budy, P. G.P. Thiede, A. Giblin, A. Messenger, G. Kling, B. Crump, and N.R Christman. 2020. Evaluating the impact of a warmer climate on the aquatic ecology and fish of arctic lakes via thermokarst disturbance. Western Division, American Fisheries Society Conference, Vancouver, B.C. , Canada. April 13-16, 2020. The climate is changing faster in arctic Alaska than anywhere else on earth, and warming temperatures are having both direct and indirect effects on lakes and their biota. |
April 2020 |
Budy, P. G.P. Thiede, A. Giblin, A. Messenger, G. Kling, B. Crump, and N.R Christman. 2020. Evaluating the impact of a warmer climate on the aquatic ecology and fish of arctic lakes via thermokarst disturbance. Western Division, American Fisheries Society Conference, Vancouver, B.C. , Canada. April 13-16, 2020. Cancelled for Corona 19 Virus. | April 2020 |
Budy, P. G. P. Thiede, N. Bouwes, C. Petrosky, and H. Schaller. 2001. Linking earlier hydrosystem experience of endangered chinook salmon to mortality in the estuary and ocean. American Fisheries Society National Meeting, August 2001, Phoenix, Arizona. | August 2001 |
Budy, P. 2020. Understanding the direct and indirect effects of climate change and disturbance on arctic lake ecosystems. Invited Department Seminar, Department of Fish and Wildlife Sciences, University of Idaho. March 27, Moscow, ID. Cancelled for Corona 19 Virus. | March 2020 |
Budy, P. 2000. Resolving differences between two alternative modeling approaches: The NMFS Leslie Matrix Model and the PATH Biological Decision Analysis. Congressional Briefing, Washington D.C. (March 2000). | March 2002 |
Budy, P. , A. Giblin, G. Kling, D. White, and C. Luecke. 2018. Understanding the indirect effects of climate change on pristine arctic lakes and char; delayed, multi-trophic level response to a long-term, low-level fertilization experiment. Oral Presentation. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, May 22-25, 2018, Anchorage, AK, USA. | May 2018 |
Budy, P. 2015. The Clock is Ticking; An Occupancy-based Assessment of Regional Vulnerability for Desert Fishes of the SW USA. Upper Colorado River Basin Water Forum, Grand Junction CO, 28-29 October 2015. | October 2015 |
Budy, P. 2015. Effects of water withdrawal on populations of imperiled desert fishes; challenges to maintaining population persistence in intermittent streams. Invited Symposium Presentation, XI Conference of the Brazilian Association of Ichthyology, Recife, Brazil, February 2-8. | February 2015 |
Budy, P. 2014. Challenges to desert fish conservation and river restoration in the arid West: How can we avert the perfect storm? University of Missouri, Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences. Invited Lecture: 5 March, 2014 Michael Dunmire Lecture Series. | March 2014 |
Budy, P. 2014. Arctic Lakes: Spring 2014 update and new direction. Arctic Long Term Ecological Research, 25-28. February, 2014, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. | February 2014 |
Budy, P. 2011. Towards a better understanding of the factors that limit and facilitate one of the world’s most invasive fishes: what can we learn from an intercontinental comparison? USU, Department of Watershed Sciences and Water Initiative Joint Seminar Series. February 24, 2011. Logan, UT. | February 2011 |
Budy, P. 2011. Evidence Linking Delayed Mortality of Snake River Salmon to Their Earlier Hydrosystem Experience. Comparative Survival Study Workshop, Invited Oral Presentation, July 26, 2011. Silverton, OR. | July 2011 |
Budy, P. 2008. Efecto de peces introducidos sobre las redes tr�ficas en embalses de Norteam�rica. (Food web interactions and the role of a new invader in a large reservoir in USA). Department Seminar, University of Leon, Dept. of Ecology, Spain. March 31, 2008. | March 2008 |
Budy, P. 2006. Evaluating the combined effects of environmental variation, biotic interactions, and disease on the abundance and distribution of exotic brown trout (Salmo trutta). Invited International Seminar, Ecology of stream fishes: State of the art and future prospects ? II. Leon, Spain. | June 2006 |
Bryce Roholt, Gary P. Thiede, Phaedra Budy. 2013. A morphometric determination of gape limit for six fish predators in three western USA waters. Western Division American Fisheries Society annual meeting April 15-18, 2013 | April 2013 |
Brewerton, A.B., and T.C. Edwards, Jr. Response of shrubsteppe obligate passerines to post-wildland fire restoration treatments. Offered paper, 2012 Annual Meeting of the Wildlife Society Utah Chapter, Springdale, Utah, 3/22/2012. | March 2012 |
Brewerton, A.B., and T.C. Edwards, Jr. Avian response to post wildland fire reseeding treatments in Great Basin shrubsteppe. Offered paper, 18th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Kona, Hawaii, 11/6/2011. | November 2011 |
Breen, M.J., G. P. Thiede, P. Budy, M. D. Fiorelli, S. Klobucar, and P. MacKinnon. 2014. Population demographics and habitat criteria for three sensitive fishes: why is the White River unique? American Fisheries Society, Utah Chapter, 11-14 March, 2014, Price, Utah, USA. | March 2014 |
Bowerman, T.B., P.E. Budy, H.A. Schaller. 2008. Use of predictive models to assess the importance of riverscape connectivity on the distribution of an imperiled fish species. American Fisheries Society Western Division Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon, May 5, 2008. | May 2008 |
Bowerman, T.B., P.E. Budy, H.A. Schaller. 2008. Use of predictive models to assess the importance of riverscape connectivity on the distribution of an imperiled fish species. American Fisheries Society Utah Chapter Annual Meeting, Moab, Utah, February 27, 2008. | February 2008 |
Bowerman, T., P. Budy., and B.T. Neilson. 2011. Effects of substrate size, hyporheic flow, and spawning site selection on bull trout egg and alevin survival. Oral presentation, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, September 5-8, 2011. Seattle, WA. | September 2011 |
Bowerman, T., P. Budy. R. Al-Chokhachy, and H. Schaller. 2010. Patterns of bull trout movement and life history expression: what can we learn from multiple years and multiple sites using passive PIT-tag antennae? ‘Small river advances in PIT-tags…’ Special Symposium, Budy, Co-Chair, American Fisheries Society, Western Division, Salt Lake City, April 20-23, 2010. | April 2010 |
Bowerman, T., P. Budy, R. Al-Chokhachy, and H. Schaller. 2010. Patterns of bull trout movement and life history expression: What can we learn from multiple years and multiple sites using passive PIT-tag antennas? Presentation, American Fisheries Society, Western Division Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah. | April 2010 |
Bowerman, T., P. Budy, H. Schaller, D. Isaak. 2013. Potential demographic responses to climate change in bull trout populations of different spatial configurations and life-history strategies. Presentation, American Fisheries Society, Western Division, Boise, Idaho. | April 2013 |
Bowerman, T., P. Budy, and B.T. Neilson. 2011. Effects of substrate size, hyporheic flow, and spawning site selection on bull trout egg and alevin survival. Presentation, American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Seattle, Washington | September 2011 |
Bowerman, T. and P. Budy. 2011. How Do Habitat Connectivity and Dispersal Rates Affect Population Dynamics of an Imperiled Freshwater Fish? Poster presentation, Spring Runoff Conference, Logan, Utah, March 29-30, 2011. | March 2011 |
Bowerman, T. and P. Budy. 2010. How do habitat connectivity and dispersal rates affect population dynamics of an imperiled freshwater fish? Society for Conservation Biology, International Annual Meeting, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. | July 2010 |
Bowerman, T. and P. Budy. 2009. River engineers: Do spawning fish alter small-scale stream hydraulics? Presentation, Ecological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico | August 2009 |
Bouwes, N., P. Budy, C. Petrosky, and H. Schaller. 2001. An analysis of differential delayed mortality experience by chinook salmon of the Snake River. American Fisheries Society National Meeting, August 2001, Phoenix, Arizona. | August 2001 |
Botcher, J. and P. Budy. 2008. Habitat requirements, vital rates, and movement patterns of three endemic fishes in the San Rafael River, Utah. Utah American Fisheries Society, Moab, UT, Feburary 25, 2008. Best Student Poster Presentation Award ($250). | February 2008 |
Bolliger, J., T. Dalang, F.Kienast, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Dry grassland meadows of high conservation priority: trade-offs between environmental risks and maintenance costs. Invited paper, 2009 Meeting of the European Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Salzburg, Austria, 7/15/2009. | July 2009 |
Boettinger, J. L., G. A. Busch, B. B. Fonnesbeck, J. R Lawley, A. A. Croft, T. C. Edwards, Jr., and J. A. MacMahon. Elucidating soil-geomorphic relationships and soil properties associated with Arctomecon californica and Eriogonum corymbosum var. nilesii. Poster presented at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 8/5/09. | August 2009 |
Blythe, D.E. and P. Budy. How much water does the Rio Grande River need? The ecological consequences of an altered flow regime on an arid river. poster presented at: 48th Annual Meeting of Desert Fishes Council, Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 15th - 19th, 2016. | November 2016 |
Blythe, D.E. and P. Budy. 2018. How habitat complexity affects the native fish diversity and food web structure of the Rio Grande in Big Bend National Park, Texas, United States. Presentation. Utah Chapter Annual AFS Meeting, Ogden, Utah. March 13th -15th, 2018. | March 2018 |
Blythe, D.E. and P. Budy. 2017. Make the Rio 'Grande' again: the ecological consequences of an altered flow regime on an arid river. Poster. Annual Spring Runoff Conference, March 28 -29, 2017. Logan, Utah. | March 2017 |
Blythe, D.E. and P. Budy. 2017. Has an altered hydrologic regime changed ecosystem function and impacted the native fish biodiversity of the Rio Grande? Presentation. ESA Annual Meeting, August 7-11. Portland, OR. | August 2017 |
Bjurlin, C. D., and J. A. Bissonette. 2002. Desert tortoise nest site selection and embryogenisis in a changing environment . Wildlife Society Annual Western Section Meeting ,Visalia, CA. 7-9 March 2002. | March 2002 |
Bjurlin, C. D., and J. A. Bissonette. 2000. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Snowbird, UT. Desert tortoise reproduction & survivorship: The influence of female size and abiotic factors on fecundity. 2000 ESA Annual Meeting, Snowbird, Utah. | August 2000 |
Bjurlin, C. D., J. A. Bissonette, and T. L. Cutler. 2000. Desert tortoise survivorship: Absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence. (Poster - NMFWA Session) 65th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, Rosemont, Illinois, 29 March 2000 | March 2000 |
Bissonette, John A., M. E. Lehnert And J. W. Haefner. 2000. Dead on the road: mitigative models to address deer highway mortality. Symposium: Wildlife and Highways: Seeking solutions to an ecological and socio-economic dilemma. TWS 2000 Annual Conference (7th Annual) Nashville, TN. 12-16 Sept. 2000. | September 2000 |
Bissonette, J. A., and P. C. Cramer. A decision tool for mitigating roads for Wildlife: The NCHRP 25-27 Project. Poster presented at the International Conference on Ecology and Transportation (ICOET), San Diego, 29 August-2 September 2005. | August 2005 |
Bissonette, J. A., and P. C. Cramer. 2007. North American Decision Guidelines for mitigating roads for wildlife. ICOET meeting, Little Rock, AR, 20-25 May 2007. | May 2007 |
Bissonette, J. A., M E. Lehnert, and M. Harrison. 2000. Lanes of destruction: effectiveness of highway right-of-way escape structures for mule deer. Symposium: Wildlife and Highways: Seeking solutions to an ecological and socio-economic dilemma. TWS 2000 Annual Conference (7th Annual) Nashville, TN. 12-16 Sept. 2000. | September 2000 |
Bissonette, J. A. Scaling roads and wildlife: the Cinderella Principle. 25th International Union of Game Biologists Congress, Lemesos, Cyprus. 1-5 September 2001. | September 2001 |
Bissonette, J. A. March 2000. Dead on the road: mule deer in a hostile environment. National Convention Mule Deer Foundation, Salt Lake City, UT. | March 2000 |
Bissonette, J. A. Concluding remarks. III International Martes Symposium: Martes in Managed Landscapes. Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada. 16 August 2000 | August 2000 |
Bissonette, J. A. 2011. Understanding wildlife response to resources from a landscape perspective. Invited presentation at the Albert-Ludwigs University , Freiburg Germany 22 November 2011. | November 2011 |
Bissonette, J. A. 2011. Habitat pattern and animal response: Getting closer to reality. Presented at the 30th International Union of Game Biologists Congress 7 September, 2011. | September 2011 |
Bissonette, J. A. 2003. Understanding fragmentation: getting to 42. Third International Wildlife Management Congress, Christchurch New Zealand, 3 December 2003. | December 2003 |
Bissonette, J. A. 2003. Importance of distinguishing between spatial arrangement and habitat loss in fragmentation studies of wildlife species. Tenth Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Burlington, Vermont, 8 September 2003. | September 2003 |
Bissonette, J. A. 2003. Fragmentation: spatial arrangement or habitat amount: how can we decide relative importance for wildlife species. XXVI th International Union of Game Biologists Congress, Braga, Portugal, 1 September 2003. | September 2003 |
Bissonette, J. A. 2002. Invited paper. Wildlife Populations: Effects of the roaded landscape. Presented at the Transportation Research Board, 14 January 2002, Washington, D. C. | January 2002 |
Bissonette, J. A. 2001. The fragmentation of nature and the nature of fragmentation. Keynote address presented at the 6th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Ecological Society, Lisbon, 1 November, 2001. | November 2001 |
Bissonette, J. A. 2001. Mule deer movement dynamics and roads: a crippled hierarchy. UT Chapter TWS/ AFS Ann. Meeting, 21-23 February, St. George, UT. | February 2001 |
Bissonette, J. A. 2000. Ecosystem health and surface transportation: reducing the virtual footprint. Invited presentation as part of the Ecosystem Health Panel Research Priorities Workshop, sponsored by the National Academy of Science' National Research Council, Washington D. C. 26 September 2000. | September 2000 |
Bingham, R. J., R. T. Larsen, J. A. Bissonette, and J. T. Flinders. 2009. Causes and consequences of ingested lead pellets in Chukars. Extended abstract in R. T. Watson, M. Fuller, M. Pokras, and W. G. Hunt, (Eds.). Ingestion of Lead from Spent Ammunition: Implications for Wildlife and Humans. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho, USA. DOI 10.4080/ilsa.2009.0204 | May 2009 |
Barrett, N., S. Brothers, and P. Budy. 2018. Warming up the waters: Implications from individuals to ecosystems. Poster presentation at the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Ogden, Utah. 13-15 March 2018. | March 2018 |
Barrett, N., S. Brothers, and P. Budy. 2018. Warming up the waters in Arctic lakes: Implications from individuals to ecosystems. Oral presentation at the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Anchorage, AK. 21-25 May 2018. | May 2018 |
Barrett, N., P. Budy. 2019. Supply and demand: Evaluating the independent and interactive effects of temperature & food availability on the performance of a mid-level consumer within arctic lakes. Oral Presentation: Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Sciences, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 19-23 2019. | May 2019 |
Barrett, N., P. Budy. 2019. A Slimy Situation: Effects of temperature & food availability on the performance of Slimy Sculpin (Cottus cognatus), an important mid-level consumer in arctic lakes. Oral Presentation: Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Provo, Utah, 12 – 14 March 2019. | March 2019 |
Barnes, S., P. Budy, and R. Al-Chokhachy. 2023. Potential Impacts of Large Terminal Lake Desiccation on a Critical Forage Fish. National Division of the American Fisheries Society, Grand Rapids, MI, August 20-24, 2023. | August 2023 |
Barnes, S., P. Budy, and R. Al-Chokhachy. 2023. Potential Consequences of Lake Elevation Decline on a Critical Forage Species in a Large Terminal Desert Lake. Western Division & Idaho Chapter American Fisheries Society, Boise, ID, May 8-11, 2023. | May 2023 |
Barnes, S., P. Budy, and R. Al-Chokhachy. 2022. Exploring Impacts of Lake Level Decline on a Critical Forage Species in a Large Terminal Desert Lake. 54th Annual Meeting, Desert Fishes Council, St. George, UT, 16-20 November 2022. | November 2022 |
Ascensao, F., C. Grilo, J. A. Bissonette, and M. Santos-Reis. 2008. The role of landscape permeability for stone marten conservation: Patch occupancy and road mortality risk. Presented at the 23rd Annual Landscape Ecology Symposium, Madison Wisconsin, 6-10 April 2008. | April 2008 |
Arnold, T., S.L. Klobucar, G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2017. Investigating morphometric differences across and among Arctic Char populations in lakes on the North Slope, Alaska. Poster presentation. Utah and Colorado-Wyoming Chapters Joint Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Grand Junction, CO, February 21 - 23, 2017. | February 2017 |
Arnold, T., C. Penne, G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2018. Determining age and size of fecund Walleye in Willard Bay, Utah using non-lethal dorsal spine analysis. Oral presentation at the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Ogden, Utah. 13-15 March 2018. | March 2018 |
Al-Chokhachy, R., and P. Budy. 2003. Assessing bull trout population abundance and trends in the South Fork of the Walla Walla River, Oregon. American Fisheries Society, Quebec, CAN. | August 2003 |
Al-Chokhachy, R., and P. Budy. 2002. Bull trout assessment on the South Fork Walla Walla River, Oregon. | October 2002 |
Al-Chokhachy, R., P. Budy, and G.P. Thiede. Monitoring population trends and assessing limiting factors of aquatic species in decline: a bull trout case study. Ecological Society of America, National, Portland, OR. August 4, 2004. | August 2004 |
Al-Chokhachy, R., P. Budy, and G.P Thiede. 2007. The importance of Pacific salmon to resident salmonids in a changing environment. Oregon AFS, Eugene, OR. February 2007. Poster presentation. | February 2007 |
Al-Chokhachy, R., N. Bouwes, and M. Conner and P. Budy. 2008. Bias in salmonid survival rate?: capture-recapture models where multiple life-history forms coexist within a single population. American Fisheries Society, Western Chapter, Portland, Oregon Utah, May 4, 2008. | May 2008 |
Al-Chokhachy, R. and P. Budy. 2006. The importance of pacific salmon to resident fish populations in a changing environment. American Fisheries Society, National conference, Lake Placid, NY. | September 2006 |
Al-Chokhachy, R. and P. Budy. 2004. A hierarchical examination of bull trout habitat relationships in streams of northeast Oregon. Western Chapter of American Fisheries Society, Salt Lake City, UT. March 2, 2004 | March 2004 |
Al-Chokhachy, R. and P. Budy. 2004. A hierarchical examination of bull trout habitat relationships in streams of northeast Oregon. Utah State University - Water Initiative: Spring Runoff Conference, Logan, UT. | March 2004 |
Al-Chokhachy, R. and P. Budy. 2007. Monitoring bull trout population trends using PIT-tags, passive instream antennae, and Pradel mark-recapture models. American Fisheries Society, Oregon Chapter Annual Meeting, Eugene, OR. February 28, 2007. | February 2007 |
Al-Chokhachy, R. and P. Budy. 2006. Using mark-recapture techniques to assess bull trout demographics and guide recovery efforts. Invited. Bull Trout Symposium at the American Fisheries Society, Western Division Meeting, Bozeman MT. | May 2006 |
Al-Chokhachy, R. , P. Budy, and M. Conner. 2005. Salmonid Conservation and Monitoring: Understanding the Accuracy and Costs of our Efforts. American Fisheries Society, National Meeting, Anchorage, AK. | September 2005 |
Aimee M. Van Tatenhove, Kyle G. Horton, Erica F. Stuber, Clark S. Rushing. Weather radar as a tool to quantify local airspace-use of a large migratory waterbird. Joint Meeting of the American Ornithological Society and BirdsCarribean. Puerto Rico, USA. 27 June 2022 - 2 July 2022. | June 2022 |
Ahrens, Z., P. Budy, G. Thiede and D. Weedop. 2019. Unintended fragmentation: fish community impacts and conservation implications of the Piute Farms Waterfall, San Juan River, UT. Oral presentation: Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Provo, Utah, 12 – 14 March 2018. | March 2019 |
Ahrens, Z., P. Budy, G. Thiede and D. Weedop. 2019. Unintended fragmentation: fish community impacts and conservation implications of the Piute Farms Waterfall, San Juan River, UT. Oral presentation: Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Provo, Utah, 12 – 14 March 2018. | March 2019 |
Adair, William A., and J. A. Bissonette. 2001. Spatially explicit models and landscape planning: a case study with the endangered Newfoundland marten (martes americana atrata). Third N. A. Forest Ecology Workshop, June 2001, Duluth, MN. | June 2001 |
Adair, William A., and J. A. Bissonette. 2001. Spatially explicit models and landscape planning: A case study with the endangered Newfoundland marten (Martes americana atrata). IALE, April 2001. Phoenix, AZ. | April 2001 |
Adair, William A., And John A. Bissonette. 2001. Spatially explicit models and landscape planning: A case study with the endangered Newfoundland marten (Martes americana atrata). TWS, 25-29 September 2001,Reno, NV. | September 2001 |
Adair, W.A., and J. A. Bissonette. 2009. Modeling spatial constraints limiting resource acquisition: A case study with the Newfoundland marten. Presented at the 5th International Martes Symposium, Seattle, WA. September 2009. | September 2009 |
Adair, W. A., and J. A. Bissonette. August 2000. Forecasting American marten habitat dynamics in western Newfoundland: A matter of finding the right crystal ball. III International Martes Symposium: Martes in Managed Landscapes. Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada. | August 2000 |
Adair, W. A., and J. A. Bissonette. 2006. Modeling spatial constraints limiting resource acquisition: A case study with the Newfoundland marten (Martes Americana atrata). 21st Annual Symposium US-IALE, San Diego, CA, 31 March. | March 2006 |
Adair, W. A., and J. A. Bissonette. 2001 Quantifying the effects of spatial configuration on habitat quality: A case study with the endangered Newfoundland marten (Martes americana atrata). ESA, 9 August 2001, Madison WI. | August 2001 |
Adair, W. A., J. A. Bissonette, and B. Hearn. August 2000. American marten den and resting-site characteristics in western Newfoundland. III International Martes Symposium: Martes in Managed Landscapes. Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada. | August 2000 |
A.L. Hayes-Puttfarcken, and E. Stuber. 2023. How does habitat quality affect avian occupancy and determine species resilience? Association of Field Ornithologists Annual Meeting. 1-4 August. Gramado, Brazil. | August 2023 |
A. L. Hayes-Puttfarcken, R. Norvell, E. F. Stuber. 2022. Avian resilience to land-use change. Joint Meeting of the American Ornithological Society and BirdsCarribean. Puerto Rico, USA. 27 June 2022 - 2 July 2022. | July 2022 |
Doden, E. Young, J.K., and Budy, P. 2020. Movements, fates, and activity patterns of resident and translocated beavers at desert restoration sites. Oral presentation. UT TWS annual meeting (cancelled due to COVID-19). Red Cliffs Lodge, Moab, UT. | March 2020 |
Miller, B. J., C. A. Pennock, and P. Budy. 2023. Wood you Believe it? Non-Native Wood Addition Enhances In-Stream Habitat for Native Desert Fishes. 2023 Annual Meeting, Colorado River Basis Researchers Meeting, Grand Junction CO, 31 Jan - 1 Feb 2023. |
January 2023 |
Budy, P., C.A. Pennock, W.W. Macfarlane, M.J. Breen, J. Jimenez, and J.C. Schmidt. 2022. Native Fish Need a Natural Flow Regime. Invited. Oral Presentation, RiversEdge West, 20th Annual Conference, "Learn from the last 20 years and plan for the next". Hybrid: Grand Junction, CO. |
February 2022 |
Theses and Dissertations | Publication Date |
Zarnetske, Phoebe L. 2006. Multiple species modelling: the management indicator species issue revisited. Master's Thesis, Utah State University, Logan, Utah. | May 2006 |
Wood, Jeremiah. 2008. An investigation of the early life-history of exotic brown trout (Salmo trutta) and potential influences on invasion success. MS Thesis. Utah State University, 48 pages. | July 2008 |
Winters, Lisa. 2014. An evaluation of the food web dynamics and predator prey interactions in Scofield Reservoir. MS Thesis. Ecology. Utah State University. | February 2014 |
Wilson, T. L. 2010. Effects of anthropogenic disturbance on habitat use of pygmy rabbits: the role of legacy effects. Ph.D. Dissertation, Utah State University | May 2010 |
White, H. 2011. Developing Riparian Bird Habitat Association Models and Management Guidelines. M. S. Thesis, Utah State University, Logan. | March 2011 |
West, R., G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2020. Undergraduate Research. Diet overlap between two top predators in Pyramid Lake, Nevada. Poster presentation. To be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, St. George, Utah, 26 – 27 February 2020. | February 2020 |
West, R. 2019. Undergraduate Research. Feeding ecology and diet overlap of coexisting lake trout and arctic grayling in two open and connected arctic lakes. Poster presentation: Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society meeting, March 12-14, Provo, UT. | March 2019 |
Weedop, D. 2019. Undergraduate Thesis Research. A spatial comparison of diets of predatory fishes above and below the Piute Farms Waterfall in the San Juan River, Utah. Poster presentation: Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society meeting, March 12-14, Provo, UT. | March 2019 |
Walsworth, Timothy. 2011. A patch approach to understanding the effect of stream degradation on food web and population structure of imperiled desert fishes. MS Thesis. Ecology, Utah State University. | September 2011 |
Tammy Wilson, M.S. 2005. Landscape dynamics of bird and small mammal communities in sagebrush-dominated mountain meadows in the Wasatch-Cache National Forest: Part of a hierarchical, multi-level study, | June 2005 |
Strohm, Deanna. 2015. Matching watershed and otolith microchemistry to establish natal origins of an endangered desert lake sucker. MS Thesis. Ecology. Utah State University. | May 2015 |
Stout, Benjamin. 2020. Improving our ability to estimate vital rates of endangered fishes on the San Juan River using novel applications of PIT tag technology. MS Thesis. Ecology. Utah State University. | April 2020 |
Sims, S. A. 2017. Modelling survival of a widely distributed ungulate as a factor of changing environments. MS, Utah State University. | May 2017 |
Silvia Rosa, M.S. 2006.Highway effects on small mammal communities and effectiveness of a deer-vehicle collision mitigation strategy. | December 2006 |
Seidel, Sara. 2009. Spawning ecology and early-life history of imperiled, endemic cutthroat trout. MS Thesis. Utah State University, 59 pages. | June 2009 |
Sandbach, Christine. 2023. Evaluating Beaver Translocation Methods for Desert River Restoration. MS Thesis. Summer 2023. Co-Advised with Dr. J. Young. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/etd/8870 | July 2023 |
S. Landry. PhD Dissertation. 2023. Dusky Grouse Population Ecology and Thermal Landscape Ecology in the Great Basin Ecosystem. | December 2023 |
Ripplinger, Julie. 2009. Legacy effects in sagebrush steppe: the key to understanding the future. M.S. Thesis, Utah State University, Logan, UT. | May 2010 |
Remiszewksi, T. 2022. Extreme, Positive Geomorphic Change in a Historically Degraded Desert River: Implications for Imperiled Fishes. M.S. Thesis, Utah State University, Logan, UT. | November 2022 |
Randy Larsen, Ph.D. 2008.A conceptual framework for understanding effects of wildlife water developments in the American southwest. (November 21, 2008) | November 2008 |
Norvell, R.E. 2008. Disturbance as restoration in the Intermountain sagebrush-steppe: effects on non-target bird species. Doctoral Dissertation, Utah State University, Logan, Utah. | May 2008 |
Newlon, Courtney. 2018. Identifying cues for movement and temporally-dynamic limiting factors in the bull trout movement corridor. MS Thesis. Ecology. Utah State University. | October 2018 |
Nadolski, Benjamin. 2008. Movement patterns and multi-scale factors that influence exotic brook trout distribution and abundance. MS Thesis. Utah State University, 79 pages. | June 2008 |
Moore, E. 2021. Characterizing land cover around Piñon jay nests at multiple spatial scales using remote sensing. MS, Utah State University. | July 2021 |
Mohn, Harrison. 2016. Improving management and conservation practices of Bonneville cutthroat trout (Onchorhynchus clarkii Utah) through an evaluation of movement and spatial population structure. Co-advised with Brett Roper. MS Thesis. Ecology. Utah State University. | May 2016 |
Meredith, Christy. 2012. Effects of a changing physical template on the longitudinal distribution of brown trout in a mountain stream: implications for brown trout invasion success. PhD. Ecology, Utah State University. | May 2012 |
McLaren, Jack. 2023. Managing development: evaluating the effect of nutrient enrichment on the Henry’s Fork River, Idaho. PhD Dissertation. Ecology. Utah State University. Co-Advised with Dr. S Brothers. Spring 2023. | January 2023 |
Maloney, Bryan C., "Evaluating Habitat-based Niche Requirements and Potential Recruitment Bottlenecks for Imperiled Bluehead Sucker (Catostomus discobolus)" (2017). All Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 6325. http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/etd/6325 | April 2017 |
Lisa Nordstrom, Ph.D.2006. Tapirs and rhinoceroses in captivity: An examination of the North American captive populations and their husbandry. | December 2006 |
Klobucar, Stephen. 2018. The abiotic and biotic controls of arctic lake food webs: A multifaceted approach to quantifying Trophic structure and function. PhD Dissertation. Ecology. Utah State University. | August 2018 |
Klobucar, Stephen. 2013. An experimental and modeling approach to understanding predator-prey dynamics: identifying limitations of predator performance in high desert impoundments. MS Thesis. Ecology. Utah State University. | April 2013 |
Kilmer, J. 2019. Undergraduate Research. Estimating the abundance and distribution of slimy sculpin in an arctic lake using catch data and mark-recapture methods. Poster presentation: Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society meeting, March 12-14, Provo, UT. Applied and obtained USU - URCO funding and scholarship for this research project. | March 2019 |
J. Solberg. MS Thesis. 2023. The Influence of Watershed Restoration Initiative Habitat Treatments on Mule Deer Relative Use and Fawn Production in Utah. | December 2023 |
Heredia, Nicholas. 2014. Food web ecology and energetics of Lahontan cutthroat trout in Pyramid Lake, Nevada: Return of the King? MS Thesis. Ecology. Utah State University. | September 2014 |
Healy, Brian D. 2022. Efficacy of conservation actions for imperiled Colorado River fishes in the Grand Canyon, Arizona. PhD dissertation. Department of Watershed Sciences and the Ecology Center, Utah State University. Logan, Utah. 284 pages. | May 2022 |
Gross, D. H. 2008. Mountain pine beetle fecundity and offspring size differ among lodgepole pine and whitebark pine hosts. Master's Thesis, Utah State University, Logan, Utah. | May 2008 |
Grob Nicole. 2020. Undergraduate Research. Are sculpin too slimy to count? An estimation of the abundance of Cottus cognatus in two arctic lakes. Poster presentation. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, St. George, Utah, 26-27 February 2020. |
February 2020 |
Gibson, Jacob. 2011. Individualistic responses of piñon and juniper distributions to projected climate change. M.S. Thesis, Utah State University | May 2011 |
Edwards, C.W. 2021. An Ensemble Modeling Approach to the Development of the Current Predicted Distribution of Southern Leatherside Chub Using Presence/Only Observations (Lepodomeda aliciae). MS, Utah State University. | May 2021 |
Dr. Miguel Rosalino, Ph.D. 2008.The role of mammals in the structure, function, and sustainability of ‘Montado” woodlands, a Mediterranean habitat. Post-Doctoral student (with Dr. Margarida Santos Reis, University of Lisbon). | October 2008 |
Doden, Emma. 2021. A comparison of the ecology of resident and translocated beavers used for passive restoration in degraded desert rivers. MS Thesis. Ecology. Utah State University. Co-Advised with Dr. J. Young. | November 2021 |
Do Didymosphenia geminata blooms affect fishes in the Kootenai River basin? | January 2020 |
Dean, Andy. 2014. An evaluation of the relative performance of diploid versus triploid brook trout with consideration of the influence of lake characteristics. MS Thesis. Ecology. Utah State University. | May 2014 |
Dahle, Kirk S. 2009. Understanding the abiotic and biotic factors that determine fish abundance and diversity along the gradient of a highly altered stream ecosystem. MS Thesis. Utah State University, 41 pages. | April 2009 |
D.H. Weedop, G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2020. Undergraduate Research. Beyond the lakes: fishes of streams in an open lake system. Poster presentation. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, St. George, Utah, 26-27 February 2020. | March 2020 |
Coleman, T., J. DeRito, G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2020. Undergraduate Research. Fishing success goes with the flow: correlation between stream flow and temperature and angler catch rates. Oral presentation. To be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, St. George, Utah, 26-27 February 2020. | February 2020 |
Clara Bentes Grilo, Ph.D. 2009. Habitat connectivity for carnivores in Mediterranean landscapes: Implications for conservation planning. (Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, Departamento de Biologia Animal, Co-advisor with Margarida Santos Reis) | July 2009 |
Carrie O’Brien. 2008 Terrestrial small mammals from the Gamba complex in Gabon: Sampling techniques, distribution patterns, and landscape factors. M.S. (December 12, 2008) | December 2008 |
Brewerton, Adam. 2012. Avian response to post wildland fire reseeding treatments in Great Basin shrubsteppe. M.S. Thesis, Utah State University. | May 2012 |
Bowerman, Tracy. 2013. A multi-scale investigation of factors limiting bull trout viability. PhD. Ecology. Utah State University. | May 2013 |
Botcher, Jared. 2009. Habitat needs, movement patterns, and vital rates of endemic fishes in the tributaries to the Green River, UT. MS Thesis. Utah State University, 61 pages. | October 2009 |
Blythe, Demi. 2018. Assessing the ecological implications of the altered flow and sediment regimes of the Rio Grande along the West Texas-Mexico border. MS Thesis. Ecology. Utah State University. | May 2018 |
Bingham, R. J. 2010. Causes and Consequences of Lead-pellet Ingestion by Chukars (Alectoris chukar) in Western Utah: Examining Soil, Search Images, and Toxicology, M.S. thesis, Utah State University, Logan UT. | October 2010 |
Ahrens, Zachery. 2023. Ecological effects and fishery conservation implications of a quasi-natural fish barrier on the Lower San Juan River, Utah. MS Thesis. Ecology. Utah State University. Spring 2023. | May 2023 |
A. Van Tatenhove. PhD Dissertation. 2024. Advancing Quantitative Approaches for Estimating Avian Population Responses to Environmental Change Using a Data-Rich Species: The American White Pelican | August 2024 |
A. Hayes-Puttfarcken. MS Thesis. 2024. Resilience of birds to habitat change: Identification of interspecific variation in avian resilience and its possible mechanisms. | March 2024 |
E. Johnson, M.S. 2005. Bird and small mammal communities of sagebrush-dominated mountain meadows: An examination of meadow characteristics as part of a hierarchical, multi-level study of the Wasatch-Cache National Forest. | June 2005 |
C. A. Kassar, M.S. 2005. Wildlife vehicle collisions in Utah: An analysis of wildlife road mortality hotspots, economic impacts, and implications for mitigation and management. | April 2005 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
Zakrajsek, E. J., and J. A. Bissonette. 2001. Nocturnal bird-avoidance modeling with mobil-marine radar. Bird Strike 2001 185-194. | March 2001 |
Zakrajsek, E. J., and J. A. Bissonette. 2001. Development of a bird-avoidance model for Naval Air Facility El Centro, California. Project Report No. 5. USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan Utah. 2001(5):1-81. | October 2001 |
Wright, E., G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2016. Determining long-term trends in trout populations using standard stream electrofishing methods: Is the extra pass worth it? Poster presentation. Utah Chapter, American Fisheries Society Meeting, March 2016, Altamont, UT. | March 2016 |
Walsworth, T.E., Budy, P., Keller, D., and Jimenez, J. 2019. UCRB Innovative and Science-based Desert Tributaries Restoration: Price River Initiative. Project Report to the Desert Fish Habitat Partnership. | July 2019 |
Walsworth, T.E. and Budy, P. 2020. DRAFT: Hydrologic control on abundance and dsitribution of the endangered Rio Grande silvery minnow in the Middle Rio Grande. USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Report. 2020: 1-35. | January 2020 |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2020. Final Report: Bald Eagle Population Size: 2020 Update. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Migratory Bird Management, Washington, D.C. U.S.A. | March 2021 |
Toth, R.E., T. C. Edwards, Jr., A. L. Perschon, and D. C. White. 2010. Bear River Watershed: its role in maintaining the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. Final Project Report No. 2010-1, U.S. Geological Survey, Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, Utah 84322-5290. | January 2010 |
Toth, R. E., T. C. Edwards, Jr., R. J. Lilieholm, and L. M. Hunter. 2002. The development of alternative future growth scenarios for the California Mojave Desert. Final Project Report No. 2002-1, USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, UT 843232-5290 USA. | June 2002 |
Toth, R. E., T. C. Edwards, Jr., R. J. Lilieholm, D. A. Bell, and E. R. Buteau. 2002. Alternative Futures for Utah's Wasatch Front: bioregional planning for the maintenance and conservation of open space. Final Project Report No. 2002-2, USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, UT 843232-5290 USA. | August 2002 |
Toth, R. E., Edwards, T. C., Jr., B. Crabb, J. Gibson, L. Hurst, N. Kenczka, L. Vander Wal, A. Kjar, and E. L. McGinty. 2008. Upper Colorado River Ecosystem: Alternative Futures Study Phase I. Project Report No. 2008-1, USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-5290 USA. | June 2008 |
Teal, C., and Diaz, L. (2024). Understanding Fish Habitat Selection Using Snorkel Surveys. River Field Studies Network, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/6Q7X-6Q90 | January 2024 |
Stout, J.B., M. Conner, P. Budy, P. MacKinnon, and M. McKinstry. 2016. Improving our ability to estimate vital rates of endangered fishes on the San Juan River using novel applications of PIT tag technology. American Fisheries Society, Utah Chapter, March 17, 2016, Altamont, UT. | March 2016 |
Stout, J.B., M. Conner, P. Budy, M. McKinstry, and P. MacKinnon. 2016. How do we use portable PIT tag antenna data? 37th Annual Researcher’s Meeting of the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program and the San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program. January 12, 2016, Durango, CO. | January 2016 |
Simmons, L., S. Klobucar, and P. Budy. 2016. Big fish in a small pond or small fish in a small pond? Investigating arctic char dimorphism with consideration of predator-prey interactions. Utah Chapter, American Fisheries Society Meeting, March 2016, Altamont, UT. | March 2016 |
Saunders, W.C., and P. Budy. 2012. Population Dynamics of Exotic Brown Trout Salmo trutta and Biotic Resistance by Bonneville Cutthroat Trout Oncorhynchus clarkii utah in an Intermountain West (USA), High-Elevation Stream. 2010 Annual Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Utah Blue Ribbon Fisheries Advisory Council: Project #1820 & #2003. UTCFWRU 2012(2):1-59 | June 2012 |
Saunders, W.C., P. Budy, and G.P. Thiede. 2011. Evaluation of demographic change following two years of mechanical removal of exotic brown trout Salmo trutta in the Logan River, Utah. 2010 Annual Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Endangered Species Mitigation Fund, Project # 1111. UTCFWRU 2011(4):1-28. | March 2011 |
Saunders, C., S. Klobucar, and P. Budy. 2014. Food web effects, seasonal movements, and spawning ecology of Burbot, a large invasive piscivore, in Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Utah and Wyoming. Project Completion Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Sportfish Research: Project ID 121041. UTCFWRU 2014(3):1-57. USGS FSP: IP-058204. | June 2014 |
Saunders, C., G. Thiede, S. Klobucar, and P. Budy. 2013. Hydroacoustic assessment of fish density and abundance in Strawberry Reservoir, Utah. 2013 Annual Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Watershed Restoration Initiative: Project ID 2328. UTCFWRU 2013(5):1-17. | May 2013 |
Sales-Louis, T., J. A. Bissonette, and M. Santos-Reis. 2008 Importance of pre-classifying river stretches for otter abundance sampling. Tenth International Otter Colloquium Proceedings. http://www.otterspecialistgroup.org/Bulletin/IUCNOSGBull.html | August 2008 |
Salant, N.L., Schmidt, J.C., Wilcock, P.R., and Budy, P.E. 2010. Geomorphic History and Current Channel Condition of the Donner und Blitzen River, Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, Oregon. Report submitted to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Cooperative Agreement No. 10190-9-J001), Portland, Oregon. April, 2010. ICRRR 2010(2):1-82. | May 2010 |
Rosa, S., and J. A. Bissonette. 2007. Evaluation of underpass effectiveness on the Wildcat Highway and Salina Canyon improvement projects: Interstate highways I-15 and I-70, southern Utah. Prepared for the Bureau of Land Management, Utah Department of Transportation, and the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. 33 pages. | May 2007 |
Rastetter. E., Bowden, W., Budy, P., Giblin, A. and Kling, G. 2019. Annual Report to National Science Foundation: Arctic LTER: The Role of Biogeochemical and Community Openness in Governing Arctic Ecosystem Response to Climate Change and Disturbance. | February 2019 |
Pennock, C. A., W. W. Macfarlane, P. Budy, J. Jimenez, and J. Goodell. 2021. Conservation, restoration and monitoring plan for the lower White River, Utah. UTCFWRU 2022(1):1-78. | January 2022 |
Miller, S.W., N.L. Salant, P. Budy, J.C. Schmidt. 2010. Assessing responses of Bonneville cutthroat trout to restoration strategies implemented under the 1997 Conservation Agreement. 2009 Annual Report. Endangered Species Mitigation Fund Project Number: 0809. ICRRR 2009(1). | March 2010 |
McLaren, J., Budy, P., Van Kirk, R., Mabaka, A.J. 2021. Drought and drawdown create a house of horrors: shrinking habitat potentially impacts fish populations in a river-reservoir system in Idaho. NALMS LakeLine Magazine 41(3). https://www.nalms.org/lakeline-magazine/ | October 2021 |
McHugh, P., and P. Budy. 2002. Snake River spring/summer chinook habitat improvement feasibility and validation study. Annual Progress Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service. 104 pages. | May 2003 |
McHugh, P., and P. Budy. 2002. A model-based approach to assessing the potential response of chinook salmon to habitat improvements. Project Report No. 6. Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan Utah. UCFWRU 2001(6):1-137. | December 2001 |
McClure, M. F. , J. A. Bissonette, and M. R. Conover. 2001. Urban deer investigations: ecological research for management solutions. Project Report No. 3. USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan Utah. 2001(3):1-23. | October 2001 |
Marmorek, D. R., M. Porter, I. J. Parnell and C. Peters, eds. 2004. Comparative Survival Study Workshop, February 11-13, 2004; Bonneville Hot Springs Resort. P. Budy and 17 others. Report compiled and edited by ESSA Technologies Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. for Fish Passage Center, Portland, OR and the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Vancouver, WA. 137 pp. | March 2004 |
Maloney, B., J. Gaeta, and P. Budy. 2016. Evaluating habitat-based niche requirements for the bluehead sucker (Catostomus discobolus): can we identify the cause of a recruitment bottleneck? American Fisheries Society, Utah Chapter, March 17, 2016, Altamont, UT. | March 2016 |
MacMahon, J. A., R. E. Toth, J. L. Boettinger, G. Busch, T. C. Edwards, Jr., R. S. Krannich, A. Croft, B. Jennings, and E. Leydsman. Upper Las Vegas Wash Conservation Transfer Area: A system to develop alternatve scenarios. Final Project Report No. 2009-2, USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-5290 USA. | June 2009 |
Lucas, H., B. Maloney, G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2016. Ageing and growth of bluehead sucker in the Weber River, Utah. Poster presentation. Utah Chapter, American Fisheries Society Meeting, March 2016, Altamont, UT. | March 2016 |
Laub, B. G., J. Jimenez, and P. Budy. 2016. An experimental habitat enhancement effort for desert rivers: San Rafael River restoration project. Tamarisk Coalition Meeting, February 9, 2016, Grand Junction, CO. | February 2016 |
Laub, B. G., J. Jimenez, and P. Budy. 2016. An experimental habitat enhancement effort for Utah's desert rivers: San Rafael River restoration project. American Fisheries Society, Utah Chapter, March 17, 2016, Altamont, UT. | March 2016 |
Klobucar, S.L., and P. Budy. 2016. Consequences of seasonal variation in reservoir water level for predatory fishes: linking visual foraging and prey densities. Invited Presentation, Sympoisum “water Regulation and Reservoir Management in a context of global climate change”. Annual Summer Meeting of the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, June 6, 2016, Santa Fe, NM. | June 2016 |
Klobucar, S.L., J.W. Gaeta and P. Budy. 2016. A changing menu in a changing climate? Predicting the availability of fish food in warmer arctic lakes. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, March 22, 2016, Reno, NV. | March 2016 |
Kassar, C., and J. A. Bissonette. 2005. Deer-vehicle crash hotspots in Utah: Data for effective mitigation. UTCFWRU Project Report No. 2005(1):1-128. Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan Utah. (found on the following website: http://www.cnr.usu.edu/faculty/jbissonette/index.htm) | April 2005 |
Johnson, J. A., B. A. Andres, and J. A. Bissonette. In Press. Distribution, abundance, and habitat associations of birds during the breeding season at major mainland rivers of southeastern Alaska. USFWS Report Series publication. (Accepted September 2006) | September 2006 |
Hurst, L. A., R. E. Toth, T. C. Edwards, Jr.. 2009. Alternative Futures 2030: Ogden Vallye, Utah. Final Project Report No. 2009-1, USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-5290 USA. | June 2009 |
Hafen, T., G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2016. Temporal and spatial variation in diets of mottled sculpin in the Logan River, Utah. Poster presentation. Utah Chapter, American Fisheries Society Meeting, March 2016, Altamont, UT. | March 2016 |
Gresswell, Robert E. and 13 others. 2009. Scientific Review Panel Evaluation of the National Park Service Lake Trout Suppression Program in Yellowstone Lake, August 25th–29th. Final Report. USGS Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center, Bozeman, Montana. YCR–2009–05. | December 2009 |
Gresswell, R.E., P. Budy, C. S. Guy, M. J. Hansen, M. L. Jones, P. J. Martinez, C. Suski, J. E. Williams. 2012. Confronting a lake trout invasion of Yellowstone Lake: An interim scientific assessment, June 14–16, 2011. A Report to the Superintendent of Yellowstone National Park. U.S. Geological Survey, Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center, Bozeman, Montana. YCR-2012-04. | June 2011 |
Frescino, T. S., G. G. Moisen, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2000. Development and use of Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) map products. In Remote Sensing and Geospatial Technologies for the New Millennium: Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Remote Sensing Applications Conference, CD-ROM, Mira CD-ROM Publishing, cdsupport@miracd.com. | August 2000 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr., and P. L. Zarnetske. 2006. Habitat modelling of management indicator species on forest lands in the Intermountain West: a role for the Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis data. Final Project Report No. 2006-5, USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-5290 USA. | October 2006 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr., and D. R. Cutler. 2003. Abundance and association analyses of survey and manage bryophyte data from the pilot random grid surveys. Final Project Report No. 2003-2, USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, UT 843232-5290 USA. | August 2003 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr., R. E. Toth, R. J. Lilieholm, D. A. Bell, and E. R. Buteau. 2004. Alternative future growth scenarios for conserving open space along Utah's Wasatch Front: a case study for the Mountainland Association of Governments. Final Project Report No. 2004-1, USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, UT 843232-5290 USA. | October 2004 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr., F. P. Howe, R. E. Norvell, T. L. Wilson, J. Ripplinger, and J. Gibson. Disturbance as a management tool: effects on selected wildlife species in Rich County, Utah. Final Project Report No. 2009-3, USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-5290 USA. | June 2009 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr., D. R. Cutler, K. H. Beard, and J. Gibson. 2007. Predicting invasive plant species occurrences in national parks: a process for prioritizing prevention. Final Project Report No. 2007-1, USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-5290 USA. | October 2007 |
Edwards, T. C., Jr., Cutler, D. R., J. Alegria, L. Geiser, and D. McKenzie. 2001. Analysis techniques for survey and manage data: an illustrative example using the lichen air quality surveys. Technical Report No. 4, Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, Utah. | September 2001 |
Dorathy, J., G.P. Thiede, and P. Budy. 2016. Two is better than one: using multiple methods to improve mottled sculpin density estimates in the Logan River, Utah. Poster presentation. Utah Chapter, American Fisheries Society Meeting, March 2016, Altamont, UT. | March 2016 |
Doden, E. Budy, P., Young, J.K. 2019. Beaver re-introduction - Passive desert river restoration. Performance Report for the period January 1, 2019 to December 1, 2019 to the Bureau of Land Management. Agreement number L18AC00121. | December 2019 |
Cutler, D. R., T. C. Edwards, Jr., J. Alegria, D. McKenzie, and A. Cangelosi. 2003. Abundance and association analyses for the GOBIG2K mollusk and amphibian survey. Final Project Report No. 2003-1, USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, UT 843232-5290 USA. | August 2003 |
Cramer, P., S. Rosa, and J. A. Bissonette. 2006. Condition of Highway 91 Wildlife Underpasses, Escape Ramps, and Fencing in Sardine Canyon, Wellsville Mountains, Utah, Winter 2006. Project Report No. 1. USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan Utah. 2006(1):1-20. | May 2006 |
Cramer, P. and J. A. Bissonette 2009. Transportation ecology and wildlife passages: The state of the practice and science of making roads better for wildlife. In Press Transportation News 262:12-19 (May-June 2009) | August 2009 |
Bunnell, K. D., J. J. Shirley, J. T. Flinders, M. L. Wolfe, and J. A. Bissonette. 2004. Forest carnivores occurrence, distribution and limiting factors: Canada Lynx and wolverine surveys in Utah. Final Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, U. S. Forest Service, and U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 113 pp. | August 2004 |
Budy. P. 2016. Towards a better understanding of factors that limit and facilitate one of the world's most invasive fishes. Invited Department Seminar, University of Wyoming, February 19, 2016, Laramie, WY. | February 2016 |
Budy, P., and G. P. Thiede. 2020. Pyramid Lake Lahontan cutthroat trout and tui chub monitoring and evaluation. Annual Monitoring Report to USFWS Lahontan National Fish Hatchery Complex, Reno, Nevada. December 2020. UTCFWRU 2020 (3):1-40. | December 2020 |
Budy, P., T. Walsworth, and G.P. Thiede. 2010. Habitat needs, movement patterns, and vital rates of endemic Utah fishes in a tributary to the Green River, Utah. 2009 Annual Report to the Bureau of Reclamation, Upper Colorado Region. UTCFWRU 2010(1):1-45. | May 2010 |
Budy, P., T. Haddix, and G.P. Thiede. 2002. Rainbow trout growth and survival in Flaming Gorge Reservoir. Project XIV, Annual Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. 61 pages. | March 2003 |
Budy, P., T. Bowerman, and G.P. Thiede. 2010. Bull trout population assessment in northeastern Oregon: a template for recovery planning. 2009 Annual Progress Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service. UTCFWRU 2010(3):1-48. | September 2010 |
Budy, P., S. Vatland, and G.P. Thiede. 2004. Lake Powell food web dynamics. Annual Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Project XIV. Grant Number F-47-R. Salt Lake City, Utah. 88 pages. | March 2005 |
Budy, P., S. Vatland, and G.P. Thiede. 2003. Lake Powell food web dynamics. Annual Reports to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Project XIV. Grant Number F-47-R. Salt Lake City, Utah. | March 2004 |
Budy, P., S. McKay, and G.P. Thiede. 2012. Weber River metapopulation and source-sink dynamics of native and endemic fishes. 2011 Progress Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Sport Fisheries Research, Grant Number: F-135-R, Section 1. UTCFWRU 2012(4):1-20. | May 2012 |
Budy, P., S. Klobucar, L. Winters, D. Strohm, and G.P. Thiede. 2016. Crowded reservoir trophic niche space under a warmer, drier climate. Invited Presentation, Sympoisum “water Regulation and Reservoir Management in a context of global climate change”. Annual Summer Meeting of the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography, Santa Fe, NM, June 5-10, 2016. | June 2016 |
Budy, P., R. Al-Chokhachy, and G.P. Thiede. 2007. Bull trout population assessment in northeastern Oregon: a template for recovery planning. 2006 Annual Progress Report to the US Fish and Wildlife Service. UTCFWRU 2007(1):1-83. | April 2007 |
Budy, P., R. Al-Chokhachy, and G.P. Thiede. 2004. Bull trout population assessment and life-history characteristics in association with habitat quality and land use in the Walla Walla River Basin: a template for recovery planning. 2003 Annual Progress Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service. 70 pages. | May 2005 |
Budy, P., R. Al-Chokhachy, and G.P. Thiede. 2003. Bull trout population assessment and life-history characteristics in association with habitat quality and land use in the Walla Wall River Basin: a template for recovery planning. 2002 Annual Progress Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service. 41 pages. | May 2003 |
Budy, P., R. Al-Chokhachy, K. Homel, and G.P. Thiede. 2006. Bull trout population assessment and life-history characteristics in association with habitat quality and land use in the Walla Walla River Basin: a template for recovery planning. 2005 Annual Progress Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service. | May 2006 |
Budy, P., P.D. MacKinnon, T. Bowerman, and G.P. Thiede. 2009. Bull trout population assessment in northeastern Oregon: a template for recovery planning. 2008 Annual Progress Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service. UTCFWRU 2009(1):1-57. | May 2009 |
Budy, P., P. McHugh, E. Hansen, and G.P. Thiede. 2006. Logan River study: factors affecting trout population dynamics, abundance, and distribution in the Logan River, Utah. Project XIII, 2005 Annual Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. | April 2006 |
Budy, P., P. McHugh, E. Hansen, J. Wood, and G.P. Thiede. 2007. Logan River whirling disease study: factors affecting trout population dynamics, abundance, and distribution in the Logan River, Utah. Grant Number XIII. Project F-47-R. 2006 Annual Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. UCFWRU 2007(2):1-46 pages. | June 2007 |
Budy, P., P. McHugh , and G.P. Thiede. 2004. Logan River study: factors affecting trout population dynamics, abundance, and distribution in the Logan River, Utah. Project XIII, Annual Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. 63 pages. | March 2005 |
Budy, P., P. MacKinnon, T. Bowerman, and G.P. Thiede. 2008. Bull trout population assessment in northeastern Oregon: a template for recovery planning. 2007 Annual Progress Report to the US Fish and Wildlife Service. UTCFWRU 2007(4):1-73. | June 2008 |
Budy, P., N. Heredia, G.P. Thiede, and B. Laub. 2014. Pyramid Lake fishery evaluation: evaluating cutthroat trout performance and identifying limiting factors for the native fish community. Progress Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Lahontan National Fish Hatchery Complex, Great Basin Cooperative Agreement. UTCFWRU 2014(6):1-89. USGS FSP IP-066465. | October 2014 |
Budy, P., N. Heredia, G.P. Thiede, and B. Laub. 2014. Pyramid Lake fishery evaluation: evaluating cutthroat trout performance and identifying limiting factors for the native fish community. Progress Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Lahontan National Fish Hatchery Complex, Great Basin Cooperative Agreement. UTCFWRU 2014(6):1-89. | July 2014 |
Budy, P., M.J. Chavez, C. Pennock, G.P. Thiede, and Peter MacKinnon. 2021. Rio Grande Silvery Minnow movement dynamics in the Middle Rio Grande. Annual Report to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Albuquerque Area Office. UCFWRU 2021(1):1-30. | June 2021 |
Budy, P., M. M. Conner, N.L. Salant, and W. Macfarlane. 2013. Occupancy-Based Assessment of Regional Vulnerability of Endemic Desert Fishes: A Template for Conservation Actions. Conservation Biology. UCFWRU 2013:1-37. | June 2013 |
Budy, P., L.B. Tennant, T. Bowerman, and G.P. Thiede. 2011. Bull trout population assessment in northeastern Oregon: a template for recovery planning. 2010. Annual Progress Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service. UCFWRU 2011:1-88. | August 2011 |
Budy, P., L. Winters, and G.P. Thiede. 2012. An investigation of the potential roles of interspecific interactions and forage availability on the performance of three predatory fishes. Draft 2011 Progress Report to the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. UTCFWRU 2012(3):1-42. | March 2012 |
Budy, P., L. Winters, G.P. Thiede, K. Hafen, and B. Roholt. 2014. Scofield Reservoir predator-prey interactions: investigating the roles of interspecific interactions and forage availability on the performance of three predatory fishes. 2013 Project Completion Report to the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. UTCFWRU 2014(2):1-123. USGS FSP IP-065178 & USGS IP-074773. | May 2014 |
Budy, P., K. Dahle, and G.P. Thiede. 2007. An evaluation of the fish community of Cutler Reservoir and the Bear River above the reservoir with consideration of the potential for future fisheries enhancement. 2006 Annual Report to the Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Quality. 75 pages. | February 2007 |
Budy, P., J. Bottcher, and G.P. Thiede. 2009. Habitat needs, movement patterns, and vital rates of endemic Utah fishes in a tributary to the Green River, Utah. 2008 Annual Report to the Bureau of Reclamation, Upper Colorado Region. UTCFWRU 2009(4):1-52. | September 2009 |
Budy, P., J. Bottcher, and G.P. Thiede. 2008. Habitat needs, movement patterns, and vital rates of endemic Utah fishes in a tributary to the Green River, Utah. 2007 Annual Progress Report to the Beurea of Reclamation. UTCFWRU 2008(3):1-32. | June 2008 |
Budy, P., Giblin, A. and Crump, B. 2023. Final “Outcomes Report”, to National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: An exploration of the direct and indirect effects of climatic warming on arctic lake ecosystems. | September 2023 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede, and T. Haddix. 2003. Rainbow trout growth and survival in Flaming Gorge Reservoir. Project XIV, Annual Reports to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. 88 pages. | March 2004 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede, W.C. Saunders, and C. Meredith. 2011. Logan River whirling disease study: factors affecting trout population dynamics, abundance, and distribution in the Logan River, Utah. 2010 Annual Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Sport Fish Restoration, Grant number XIII. Project F-47-R. UCFWRU 2011(2):1-36. | April 2011 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede, W.C. Saunders, C. Meredith, H. Mohn, J. Augspurger, and B. Roholt. 2014. Logan River trout viability: long-term monitoring and evaluation. 2013 Progress Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Utah Watershed Restoration Initiative, and US Forest Service. UTCFWRU 2014(1):1-133. | March 2014 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede, M.D. McKell, and P. Thompson. 2014. Weber River metapopulation and source-sink dynamics of native and nongame fishes. 2013 Performance Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Sport Fish Restoration, Grant number: F-135-R, Segment 2. UTCFWRU 2014(4):1–54. | June 2014 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede, J. Wood, S. Seidel, and S. Bennett. 2008. Logan River whirling disease study: factors affecting trout population dynamics, abundance, and distribution in the Logan River, Utah. Grant Number XIII. Project F-47-R. 2007 Annual Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. UCFWRU 2008(2):1-66 pages. | June 2008 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede, C. Meredith, and S. Seidel. 2009. Logan River whirling disease study: factors affecting trout population dynamics, abundance, and distribution in the Logan River, Utah. 2008 Annual Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Sport Fish Restoration, Grant number XIII. Project F-47-R. UTCFWRU 2009(2):1-43. | September 2009 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede, C. Meredith, and R. Chaston. 2010. Logan River whirling disease study: factors affecting trout population dynamics, abundance, and distribution in the Logan River, Utah. 2008 Annual Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Sport Fish Restoration, Grant number XIII. Project F-47-R. UTCFWRU 2010(2):1-55. | August 2010 |
Budy, P., G.P. Thiede , E.A. de la Hoz Franco, and S. Vatland. 2003. Logan River whirling disease study: factors affecting trout population dynamics, abundance, and distribution in the Logan River, Utah. Project XIII, Annual Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. 50 pages. | March 2004 |
Budy, P., E. Hansen, and G.P. Thiede. 2008. Spawn Creek whirling disease study: understanding the effectiveness of passive stream bank and riparian protection in restoring the water quality, stream habitat, and fish community of and important trout stream. 2007 Final Report to Utah Division of Water Quality (Non-point Source 319[h] Project, Environmental Protection Agency 310[h], Grant Number 061139) and to Utah Division of Willdife Resources, Sport Fish Restoration. Grant number XIII. Project F-46-R. UCFWRU 2008(5):1-21. | May 2009 |
Budy, P., E. Hansen, and G.P. Thiede. 2006. Spawn Creek whirling disease study: evaluating the effectiveness of passive stream restoration for improving native fish health and reducing the impact of whirling disease. Grant Number XIII. Project F-47-R. 2005 Annual Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. UCFWRU 2006(3):1-32. | June 2006 |
Budy, P., E. A. de la Hoz Franco, and G.P. Thiede. 2002. Logan River whirling disease study: factors affecting trout population dynamics, abundance, and distribution in the Logan River, Utah. Project XIII, Annual Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. 67 pages. | March 2003 |
Budy, P., D. Epstein, T. Bowerman, and G.P. Thiede. 2012. Bull trout population assessment in northeastern Oregon: a template for recovery planning. 2011 Progress Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service. UTCFWRU 2012(2):1-80. | April 2012 |
Budy, P., B. Nadolski, and G.P. Thiede. 2010. Mill Creek trout study: factors affecting trout population dynamics, abundance, and distribution in the Mill Creek Basin, Utah. Project Completion Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Sport Fish Restoration. Grant Number XIII. Project F-47-R. UTCFWRU 2010(5):1-34. | May 2010 |
Budy, P., B. Nadolski, and G.P. Thiede. 2007. Factors affecting trout population dynamics, abundance, and distribution in the Mill Creek drainage, Utah. Grant Number XV. Project F-47-R. 2005 Annual Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. UCFWRU 2007(4):1-39. | June 2007 |
Budy, P., A. Dean, and G.P. Thiede. 2009. Triploid trout in high Uinta lakes: a comparative evaluation of relative performance of triploid versus diploid brook trout. 2008 Annual Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Sport Fish Restoration, Grant number XIII. Project F-47-R. UTCFWRU 2009(3):1-45. | September 2009 |
Budy, P., A. Dean, G.P. Thiede, D. Olsen, and G. Rowley. 2010. Triploid trout in high Uinta lakes: a comparative evaluation of relative performance of triploid versus diploid brook trout. 2009 Annual Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Sport Fish Restoration, Grant number XIII. Project F-47-R. UTCFWRU 2010(4):1-65. | June 2010 |
Budy, P. and Walsworth, T.E. 2019. Review of the “Analytical framework for evaluating the proposed water management and maintenance actions on Rio Grande silvery minnow, southwestern willow flycatcher, and yellow-billed cuckoo and their critical habitats” with recommendations for future analytical considerations. USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Report UCFWRU(1) 2019: 1-38. | February 2019 |
Budy, P. and N.L. Salant. 2011. Native fish status and trends and opportunities for improvement on the Lower Dolores River: Phase I. Report submitted to the Dolores River Dialogue Steering Committee. ICRRR 2011(1): 1-48. | February 2011 |
Budy, P. 2016. Understanding the effects of increased drying on desert rivers and fishes: how can we avert the "perfect storm"? Honorary Speaker for 2016: Portneuf Subunit of the Idaho Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Idaho State University, April 28, 2016, Pocatello, ID | April 2016 |
Budy, P. 2001. Analytical approaches to assessing recovery options for Snake River chinook salmon. Project Report No. 1. Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan Utah. UTCFWRU 2001(1):1-86. | January 2001 |
Budy, P. S.K. Dahle, and G.P. Thiede. 2006. An evaluation of the fish community of Cutler Reservoir and the Bear River above Cutler with consider of the potential for future fisheries enhancement. 2005 Annual Report to Utah Division of Water Quality. 22 May 2006. 58 pages. | May 2006 |
Budy, P. E. Hansen, and G.P. Thiede. 2006. Spawn Creek whirling disease study: evaluating the effectiveness of passive stream restoration for improving native fish health and reducing the impact of whirling disease. Grant XIII, 2005 Annual Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. UCFWRU 2006(3):1-32. | March 2006 |
Budy, P. 2016. Arctic Lakes: Where are we in the current project? Where are we going? Arctic LTER Annual Meeting 2016, Woods Hole Marine Biological Station, April 6, 2016, Woods Hole, MA. | April 2016 |
Budy, P. 2016. Annual Research Productivity Update: Highlights and Management Implications of 21 Different Research Projects in 2015 in QCNR. Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Annual Cooperator Coordinating Meeting, Utah State University, April 27, 2016, Logan, UT. | April 2016 |
Bjurlin, C. D., and J. A. Bissonette. 2001. The impact of predator communities on early life history stage survival of the desert tortoise at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, California. Project Report No. 2. USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan Utah. 2001(2):1-81. | October 2001 |
Bissonette, J. A., and P. Cramer. 2005. Evaluation of the use and effectiveness of wildlife crossings. Interim Report prepared for the National Academy of Sciences (Transportation Research Board-National Cooperative Highway Research Program. 50 pages with 10 Appendices. | December 2004 |
Bissonette, J. A., and P. C. Cramer. 2008. Evaluation of the use and effectiveness of wildlife crossings. NCHRP Report 615, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, National Academy of Science, 161 pages. URL: http://www.trb.org/news/blurb_detail.asp?id=9369. | August 2008 |
Bissonette, J. A., and M. Hammer. 2000. Effectiveness of earthen return ramps in reducing big game highway mortality in Utah. Project Report No. 1. USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan Utah. 2000:1-29. | January 2000 |
Bissonette, J. A., M. E. Lehnert, and M. Harrison. 2000. Lanes of destruction: effectiveness of highway right-of-way escape structures for mule deer. Abstract P. 124. In Wildlife and Highways: Seeking solutions to an ecological and socio-economic dilemma. (Proceedings of the symposium). 7th Ann. Meeting of the Wildlife Society, 12-16 September, Nashville TX. | January 2000 |
Bissonette, J. A., M. E. Lehnert, and J. W. Haefner. 2000. Dead on the road: mitigative models to address deer highway mortality. Abstract P. 52. In Wildlife and Highways: Seeking solutions to an ecological and socio-economic dilemma. (Proceedings of the symposium). 7th Ann. Meeting of the Wildlife Society, 12-16 September, Nashville TX. | January 2000 |
Bissonette, J. A., G. C. White, and P. R. Krausman. 2010. Review of Mule Deer Monitoring Plan, Pinedale (WY) Anticline. Submitted to the Mule Deer Monitoring Plan Review Committee, Wyoming Game and Fish Department and the Wyoming BLM. 11 Pages. | May 2010 |
Bissonette, J. A., E. Johnson, and T. L. Wilson. 2006. Sagebrush-Dominated Mountain Meadows Bird and Small Mammal Community Dynamics. Project Report No. 4. USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan Utah. 2006(4):1-166 (theses numbered independently within report) | May 2006 |
Bissonette, J. A., 2008. Evaluation of the use and effectiveness of wildlife crossings. NCHRP Report 615, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, National Academy of Science, 161 pages. URL: http://environment.transportation.org/environmental_issues/wildlife_roads/decision_guide/manual | March 2008 |
Bingham, R. J., R. T. Larsen, J. A. Bissonette, and J. T. Flinders. 2009. Causes and consequences of ingested lead pellets in Chukars. Extended abstract Pages 190-193 in R. T. Watson, M. Fuller, M. Pokras, and W. G. Hunt, (Eds.). Ingestion of Lead from Spent Ammunition: Implications for Wildlife and Humans. The Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho, USA. DOI 10.4080/ilsa.2009.0204 | August 2009 |
Bestgen, K. R., Budy, P. and W. J. Miller. 2011. Status and trends of flannelmouth sucker Catostomus latipinnis, bluehead sucker Catostomus discobolus, and roundtail chub Gila robusta, in the Dolores River, Colorado, and opportunities for population improvement: Phase II Report. Final report submitted to the Lower Dolores Plan Working Group-Legislative Committee. Larval Fish Laboratory Contribution 166 and Intermountain Center for River Rehabilitation and Restoration 2011(2): 1-55, + appendices. | May 2011 |
Adair, W. A., and J. A. Bissonette. 2004. Vegetation exclosures: What can they tell us about long-term range trends. Final Report to Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, U.S. Forest Service, and Bureau of Land Management. 176 pages including 4 Appendicies and 18 CDs (~7.5 Gb of ~14k scanned documents. | September 2004 |
Adair, W. A., J. A. Bissonette, and B. Hearn. 2001. American marten resting-site characteristics in western Newfoundland. Pages --------- in Harrison, D. J. & B. Hearn, eds. Proceedings Third International Martes Symposium. In Press | January 2000 |
Type | Citation | Publication Date |
Software Release | Van Tatenhove, A.M., Stuber, E., Neill, J., Norvell, R., and Rushing, C., 2024, Colony counts and environmental covariates of the American white pelican colony on Gunnison Island, UT, USA: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9T41I3X. | June 2024 |
Data Release | Van Tatenhove, A., Neill, J., Norvell, R.E., Stuber, E.F., and Rushing, C.S. Code for Scale-dependent population drivers inform avian management in a declining saline lake ecosystem. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. https://doi.org/10.5066/P92IQ9BV | October 2023 |
Data Release | Van Tatenhove, A., Neill, J., Norvell, R.E., Stuber, E.F., and Rushing, C.S. Code for Scale-dependent population drivers inform avian management in a declining saline lake ecosystem. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. https://doi.org/10.5066/P92IQ9BV | December 2021 |
Data Release | Stuber, Erica; Carlson, Ben; Jesmer, Brett (2021), Spatial personalities: a meta-analysis of consistent individual differences in spatial behavior, Dryad, Dataset, https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.pc866t1pw | 2021 |
Software Release | Stillman, Andrew et al. (2023). Leveraging the strengths of citizen science and structured surveys to achieve scalable inference on population size [Dataset]. Dryad. https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.dfn2z357x | October 2023 |
Software Release | Stillman, A., et al. 2023. Leveraging the strengths of citizen science and structured surveys to achieve scalable inference on population size. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. https://doi.org/10.5066/P9LY5F6R | August 2023 |
Software Release | Mirochnitchenko, N, E.F. Stuber, and J Fontaine. (2021) Data from: Biodiversity scale-dependence and opposing multi-level correlations underlie differences among taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional diversity, Dryad, Dataset, DOI: 10.5061/dryad.bg79cnpbb | August 2023 |