Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Utah
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Utah Project

BoR: Understanding and Quantifying Fish Movement, Habitat Use, and Survival Through Innovative PIT Tag Technology

September 2019 - December 2024


Participating Agencies

  • Bureau of Recalmation

Beginning in the 1990’s recovery programs throughout the Colorado River Basin have relied on PIT-tagging (Passive Integrated Transponder) as a way to individually mark fish and allows researchers to track fish over time and eventually provide population estimates. These population estimates are critical to determining the effects of management actions and ultimately lead to decisions on whether the fish populations can recover and be delisted. The goal of this project is to assist Reclamation in the continued technological development of fish-detection systems, specifically those related to PIT Tags and to assist in the analyses and storage of the data that is derived from these systems and how it relates to management of Reclamation facilities and waters.

Presentations Presentation Date
Speas, D, P.MacKinnon.2020. Entrainment of endangered fish in the Green River Canal, Utah, 2013-2019. 40th annual Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program Researcher's Meeting, Durango CO, 14-15 January 2020. January 2020
Theses and Dissertations Publication Date
Stout, Benjamin. 2020. Improving our ability to estimate vital rates of endangered fishes on the San Juan River using novel applications of PIT tag technology. MS Thesis. Ecology. Utah State University. April 2020