Utah News and Information Activities

News Item | Date |
UT CFWRU AUL Fish Biologist Position Description – PRE-ANNOUNCEMENT - The US Geological Survey, Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, located in Logan, UT will soon be officially inviting applications (via USA jobs) for an applied Fish Biologist. We seek an individual who will build a research program with a focus on fish environmental physiology, reproductive and growth physiology, and/or disease, with strong implications for fisheries management in the wild and with the potential to inform aquaculture. Research interests may include: physiological and behavioral adaptations to environmental stressors, fish environmental genomics, physiology of growth and reproduction, environmental stressors, fish disease and immunology, and/or phenotypic or physiological responses to the environment. Qualifications: The successful candidate must have a PhD degree in a relevant field such as (but not limited to) biological sciences, physiology, zoology, fish biology, or fisheries. The Ph.D. or equivalent is required by the date of hire; postdoctoral experience is not required but is preferred. We seek a candidate with a strong background in fish physiology who can conduct innovative applied research in fish biology and management, and can communicate their work effectively to unit cooperators and the broader public. Desirable candidates will possess the following: 1) ability to collaborate effectively with existing faculty at USU (e.g. aquatic and fish ecologists, population and quantitative ecologists, watershed scientists, climate scientists), and with biologists and managers at the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and other state and federal partners, 2) excellent interpersonal communication and collaboration skills, 3) ability to train future practitioners and leaders (e.g. students and fisheries managers), and 4) an understanding of policies related to fish and fisheries management, and an ability to effectively communicate scientific findings, predictions, and recommendations to policymakers. Interested individuals will ultimately need to apply through the USA jobs website (position not yet open online). Questions and preliminary CV’s can be directed to Phaedra Budy, Unit Leader (phaedra.budy@usu.edu) |
August 2021 |
Meeting Item | Date |
2017 Utah Coordinating Committee Meetings - 2017 Utah Coordinating Committee Meetings Location: Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Building Salt Lake City, Utah Contact: Shauna Leavitt 435-797-7565 | April 2017 |
2016 UT CFWRU Annual Coordinating Committee Meeting - The annual meeting of Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and cooperators to present ongoing research and discuss information needs. | April 2016 |
Utah Unit Annual CC Meeting - Annual review of Unit activities. This year to be held at the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources building in Salt Lake City (1594 West North Temple, Suite 2110) | October 2014 |
Utah Annual Coordinating Committee Meeting - Annual Meeting with Cooperators of the Utah Unit. Wednesday, April 3, 2013 | April 2013 |
Utah Annual Coordinating Committee Meeting - Utah Annual Coordinating Committee Meeting Wednesday, May 2, 2012 | May 2012 |
Utah Annual Coordinating Committee Meeting - This is the annual meeting of the cooperators of the Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit | April 2011 |
Utah Unit Annual CC Meeting - Annual review of Unit activities. This year to be held at the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources building in Salt Lake City (1594 West North Temple, Suite 2110) | April 2010 |
Other Documents |
2002 Annual Report |
2003 Annual Report |
2004 Annual Report |
2005 Annual Report |
2006 Annual Report |
2007 Annual Report |
2008 Annual Report |
2009 Annual Report |
2010 Annual Report |
2011 Annual Report |
2012 Annual Report |
2013 Annual Report |
2014 & 2015 Annual Report - The Annual Meeting was not held in 2014. |
2016 Annual Report |
2017 Annual Report |
2018 Annual Report - 2018 Annual Report |