Utah Technical Assistance Activities

Description and Agency | Provider(s) | Date |
Utah State University High Performance Computing Faculty Leadership Team Utah State University |
Stuber | May 2021 |
Scientific Expert, Lake trout Suppression Workshop II. “The Yellowstone Lake Crisis: Confrontong a Lake Trout Invasion. An Interim Scientific Assessment. Chico Hot Spring Resort, MT, June 14-16, 2011 . National Park Service- Yellowstone |
Budy | May 2011 |
Science Panel Member and Invited Presenter, Comparative Survival Study (Columbia River Salmon - Hydrosystem) Workshop, Silverton, OR, July 26-28, 2011. Comparative Survival Study |
Budy | June 2011 |
Provided input on Utah WAP Revision regarding species of greatest conservation need Utah Division of Wildlife Resources |
Stuber | January 2022 |
Provided input on Utah WAP Revision regarding how to incorporate plants and insects into conservation and management planning Utah Division of Wildlife Resources |
Stuber | January 2022 |
Provided input on Utah WAP Revision regarding how to incorporate large scale perspectives and approaches in conservation and management planning Utah Division of Wildlife Resources |
Stuber | January 2022 |
Provided input on Utah WAP Revision regarding how to define and identify spatial conservation opportunity areas statewide Utah Division of Wildlife Resources |
Stuber | January 2022 |
Provided input on Utah WAP Revision regarding habitat and landscape connectivity Utah Division of Wildlife Resources |
Stuber | January 2024 |
Provided advice and technical assistance to the Director, FWS R1, on whether the marbled murrelett should be de-listed. |
Edwards | March 2004 |
Member, USGS Alaska Science Climate Change Program Review Team, 2009-2010
Team reviewed and prioritized proposals for climate change research efforts to be directed out of the Alaska Science Center.
Alaska Science Center |
Edwards | November 2009 |
Member, Steering Committee USGS Biology Wildlife Review Team, 2009-2010
Team organized and ran the 2009-2010 review of the USGS Biology program.
Biology |
Edwards | March 2009 |
Member, Pioneering Performance Measures for Wildlife Conservation – State Wildlife Action Plans, Bureau of Land Management and The Heinz Center
This workshop is intended to inform the continued development of the State Wildlife Action Plans and enhance the management of important wildlife habitats on BLM lands.
Utah Division of Wildlife Resources |
Edwards | July 2010 |
Lead, USGS Biology Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellows Program, 2009-2010
Directed the effort led to the integration of USGS Biology into the USGS Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellows Program. Also organized the proposal submission and review process for the 2009-2010 competition.
Biology |
Edwards | May 2009 |
Lead, Subject Matter Expert Reviewer for Landscape Ecologist position, USGS Southwest Biological Science Center, 2010
Subject matter expert Lead Reviewer for Landscape Ecologist position at the USGS Southwest Biological Science Center.
Southwest Biological Science Cente |
Edwards | September 2010 |
Lead advisor for 3-5 Master of Natural Resources (MNR) degree candidates at any given time. The MNR is designed specifically for natural resource working professionals who are returning to school to advance their career, and many are being sponsored by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. US. Forest Service |
Budy | January 2012 |
Invited Scientific Expert (interviewed and vetted). 2023. Assessing the state of science for the topics as they relate to long-term operations of the Central Valley Project and where applicable the State Water Project {Phase 1). Facilitated by ‘The National Academies’ at the request of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. The National Academies |
Budy | December 2023 |
Invited Expert External Review. NFWF Stream Restoration Review of “Promoting Successful Restoration through Effective Monitoring in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Draft Report prepared for National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. May 15 – June 1, 2011. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation |
Budy | May 2011 |
I have been assisting with the development of a collaborative agreement between Utah State University and Loveland Aquarium. This has included designing an aquarium research and teaching room to be used by USU faculty and Loveland staff. Loveland Aquarium |
Teal | January 2024 |
Consulting on the use of eBird relative abundance to predict the number of nesting eagles in Florida Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Committee |
Stuber | September 2021 |
Consulting on the use of eBird relative abundance products to produce spatially-explicit predictions of where bald eagle individuals are located. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Raptor Program |
Stuber | February 2021 |
Consulting on the use of FWS aerial surveys to ground-truth eBird golden eagle estimates, to predict populations in unsurveyed areas. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Raptor Program |
Stuber | February 2021 |
Co-Lead, USGS Colorado Plateau BLM Regional Ecosystem Assessment Team, 2010-current
Co-lead of effort that is reviewing the Colorado Plateau BLM Regional Ecosystem Assessment plan. Review coordinated out of the USGS Southwest Biological Science Center.
Edwards | April 2010 |
Bull Trout Recovery Monitoring and Evaluation Group. |
Budy | April 2003 |
Assisted in structured decision making exercise to prioritize Rosy Finch research directions Sageland Collaborative |
Stuber | January 2022 |
Assisted in research, and monitoring design for Rosy Finch in Utah and West Sageland Collaborative |
Stuber | January 2022 |
Role - Description | Provider | Start Date | End Date |
Utah State University, Undergraduate Research Advisory Board. 2019-present. | Budy | October 2019 | November 2021 |
USU, Watershed Sciences, Watershed Scientist Faculty Search Committee (2009). - Department of Watershed Sciences Representative, College of Natural Resources New Faculty Search Committee (Wetland Scientist), Utah State University | Budy | July 2007 | December 2007 |
USU, Watershed Sciences, Spatial Ecologist Faculty Search Committee (2008). - USU, Watershed Sciences, Spatial Ecologist Faculty Search Committee (2008). | Budy | January 2008 | June 2008 |
USU, Watershed Sciences, Ecohydrologist Faculty Search Committee (2009). - USU, Watershed Sciences, Ecohydrologist Faculty Search Committee (2009). | Budy | January 2009 | May 2009 |
USU, Watershed Sciences, Aquatic Geographer Faculty Search Committee (2010). | Budy | February 2010 | Present |
USU, QCNR Faculty & Staff Academic Awards Committee - Review and help select annual awards. | Budy | January 2011 | Present |
USU, New Faculty Teaching Academy, Teaching Mentor for: Karin Kettering, 2008. | Budy | September 2008 | August 2009 |
USU, New Faculty Teaching Academy, Teaching Mentor for: Joeseph Wheaton, 2009. | Budy | September 2009 | August 2010 |
USU, New Faculty Teaching Academy, Teaching Mentor for: Patrick Belmont, 2010. | Budy | September 2010 | Present |
USU, Dept of Watershed Sciences, Undergraduate Degree and Curriculum Revision Committee | Budy | September 2015 | May 2016 |
USU Quinney College of Natural Resources, Undergraduate Scholarship Commitee - Review and select those who have applied for undergraduate scholarships. | Budy | January 2015 | Present |
USU Honors Application Review Committee - Reviewing student applications for the Honors Program. | Budy | January 2015 | Present |
USU Honors Application Review Committee | Budy | September 2015 | Present |
USU Chemical Hygiene Committee - Serve on the Chemical Hygiene Committee for USU | Budy | June 2017 | Present |
USGS, CRU 2009 Award Nominating Committee (2010). | Budy | January 2010 | February 2010 |
Search Committee, Assistant Professor Wildlife Ecology, Department of Wildland Resurces, Utah State Univerity | Edwards | September 2010 | April 2011 |
Panel Member, USU, Office of Equity Panel in a University-Driven Grievance Process | Budy | May 2021 | Present |
Member, USU, Water Initiative Seminar Series Committee (2003-2005). | Budy | January 2003 | January 2005 |
Member, USU, Department of Aquatic, Watershed, and Earth Resources, Search Committee for GIS/Ecologist faculty position in AWER (2004) | Budy | January 2004 | January 2005 |
Member, USU, Department of Aquatic, Watershed, and Earth Resources, Graduate Academic Review Committee (2001-2004) | Budy | January 2001 | January 2004 |
Member, USU, College of Natural Resources, Search Committee for new Dean of Natural Resources (2005) | Budy | January 2004 | January 2005 |
Member, USU, College of Natural Resources, Graduate Fellowship Advisory Committee (2002-2004) | Budy | January 2002 | January 2004 |
Member, Quantitative Population Ecology Assistant Professor Search Committee, Department of Wildland Resources, Utah State University | Stuber | September 2022 | April 2023 |
Member, HPC Faculty Leadership Team, Inter-Departmental, Utah State University | Stuber | March 2021 | Present |
Member, Ecological Informatics Certificate Committee, Department of Wildland Resources, Utah State University | Stuber | August 2023 | Present |
East Gateway Districk Plan Faculty Committee - Assist with the East Gateway District Planning | Budy | June 2017 | Present |
Chair, Graduate Studies Committee, Department of Wildland Ressources, Utah State University | Edwards | July 2007 | August 2012 |
Chair, Admissions committee, Forest, Range, and Wildlife Sciences Department | Bissonette | September 2004 | May 2008 |
Asst. Director, Intermountain Center for River Rehabilitation and Restoration, Utah State University - Asst. Director, Intermountain Center for River Rehabilitation and Restoration, Utah State University | Budy | September 2006 | Present |
Assistant Director, Intermountain Center for River Rehabilitation and Restoration, Utah State University, Logan, UT, 2006 – 2011. | Budy | January 2006 | Present |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
Utah Fish Health Policy Board | Teal | June 2024 | June 2029 |
USU Chemical Hygiene Committee | Budy | January 2017 | Present |
UDOT Utah Transportation Research Committee | Bissonette | April 2008 | Present |
National Science Foundation, Research Experience for Undergraduates | Budy | January 2016 | Present |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration ROSES Ecological Conservation Applications – Panel Reviewer | Stuber | June 2023 | June 2023 |
Member, Wildlife Action Plan Revision team Species of Greatest Conservation Need committee, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources | Stuber | September 2022 | Present |
Member, Wildlife Action Plan Revision team Plant & Insect Integration committee, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources | Stuber | September 2022 | Present |
Member, USGS Saline Lakes Working Group, USGS | Stuber | September 2022 | Present |
Member, Rosy Finch Working Group, Sageland Collaborative | Stuber | January 2022 | Present |
Member, Newfoundland Marten Recovery Team | Bissonette | January 1990 | December 2002 |
Outreach Activity | Provider(s) | Date |
‘Evaluating the effectiveness of stream bank and riparian protection in restoring the water quality, stream habitat, and fish community of an important trout, spawning stream: Spawn Creek, Utah’. Presentation to: Public as invited and coordinated by the Utah Watershed Coordinating Council. Phaedra Budy, Eriek Hansen, and Gary Thiede, March 19, 2008. | Budy | March 2008 |
Trout Unlimited- Cache Anglers. Annual presentation on the ecology of Logan River native trout, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007. | Budy | February 2007 |
The Native American Summer Mentorship Program- 25 Undergraduates from the Navajo Tribe. Field Trip to USU. Lab visit to Budy Fish Ecology Lab: 1) explained the lab and structure: what do we do, fish and ecology research studies, 2) described some projects in Utah: some hands on items (pelican puke, PIT tags), and 3) described undergrad opportunities in detail: technician work, undergraduate research. 9 May, 2016. | Budy | May 2016 |
Testing the Waters. The Herald Journal, Logan, Utah. Friday, 15 August 2008 | Budy | August 2008 |
Shocking (for) Results. The Herald Journal. Logan, Utah. Friday August 17, 2007. | Budy | August 2007 |
Research Brief – Utah: USGS Coop Catch-Up Newsletter: “Curbing the chub: usu aquatic ecologist works to restore balance” Issue 68 | Budy | March 2015 |
Research Brief – Utah: USGS Coop Catch-Up Newsletter: “The Twitchell Canyon Fire”. November, 2014. | Budy | November 2014 |
Pechacek, P., Ph.D. 2005. External Reviewer to the Evaluation Committee for the Postdoctoral Habilitation Thesis: How do animals use their habitat. Behavioral studies as the basis for conservation biology. Albert Ludwigs Universität (Universität Freiburg), Freiburg Germany (Supervisor: I. Storch). | Bissonette | November 2005 |
McCallum, I. 1993. M.Sc.F. Long-term Effects of Timber Management on Marten Habitat Potential in an Ontario Boreal Forest. MScF thesis, Faculty of Forestry, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay Ontario (supervisor: Peter Duinker). | Bissonette | July 1993 |
Lead a field trip and presented field stream-side presentation to the Spawn Creek Passive Restoration and Research Study Site located in Logan Canyon,UT for the Trout Unlimited (TU) national convention, held at Snowbird, UT (September 11-14, 2008). | Budy | September 2008 |
Kaufmann, Cynthia K. 2000. M.Sc. F. Analysis of Spatial Harvest Constraints on Ecological (Wildlife Habitat) versus Economic (Timber Harvest) Objectives. M.Sc.F. Thesis, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay Ontario Canada (Supervisor: Rob Remple). | Bissonette | June 2000 |
Jansson, G. 1999. Ph.D. External opponent to conduct defense of Ph.D. dissertation "Landscape composition and birds in managed boreal forest. Ph.D. Dissertation, Swedish Agricultural University, Upsalla Sweden (supervisor: Hendrik Andren). | Bissonette | December 1999 |
Invited Presentation, Cache Anglers Chapter of Trout Unlimited. 2011. Saunders, W.C., P. Budy, G. Thiede. Brown trout demographics in the Logan River: effects of mechanical removal and potential for biotic resistance limit brown trout expansion. Logan, UT. January 19, 2011. | Budy | January 2011 |
Invited Presentation to UDWR –Three Species Annual Conservation Team. 2010. “Four Years of Study on the San Rafael: where have we come and where are we going?” Budy. P. , G.P. Thiede, and A. Dean. UDWR, Salt Lake City, UT. October 27, 2010. | Budy | October 2010 |
Invited Presentation to UDWR –Bonneville Cutthroat Trout Range-Wide Coordination Group. 2010. Saunders, W.C., P. Budy, and G. Thiede. 2010. Bonneville Cutthroat Trout Restoration in the Logan River. Invited Presentation, Bonneville Cutthroat Trout Recovery Team, Salt Lake City, UT, November 3, 2010. | Budy | November 2010 |
Invited Presentation to UDWR –Bonneville Cutthroat Trout Range-Wide Coordination Group. 2010. Budy. P. , G.P. Thiede, and A. Dean. “An evaluation of the relative performance of diploid and triploid trout with consideration of the effects of lake morphology and fish density” UDWR, Salt Lake City, UT. November 3, 2010. | Budy | November 2010 |
Invited Presentation to UDWR --Blue Ribbon Fisheries Advisory Council. 2011. “Long term monitoring of trout on the Logan River: why is monitoring important?” UDWR, Salt Lake City, UT. March 10, 2011. | Budy | March 2011 |
Invited Presentation to NGO as part of an environmental film series. “Challenges for conserving and protecting Utah’s fishes”. Presented at SwanerEco Center, Park City, UT, July 15, 2009. | Budy | July 2009 |
Invited Presentation to Cache Anglers, Local Chapter of Trout Unlimited. “Eight years of trout research on the Logan River: what have we learned? Options for BCT restoration” Presented in Logan, UT, June 10, 2009. | Budy | June 2009 |
Interview for 'Scientific American' article: Ecologists Saved Bald Eagles with Helicopter Parenting | Stuber | April 2021 |
Gilbert, L. 2022. New Research Advocates Basic Strategy for Native Fish Recovery: Access to Water. Utah State University, Utah State Today, Land & Environment. Based on Pennock et al. 2022. | Budy | January 2022 |
Four years ago a group set out to protect a local stream... The Herald Journal, Logan, Utah, Friday, 11 July 2008. | Budy | July 2008 |
Forsey, E. S. 1998. M.S. A study of mammalian activity in riparian habitats prior to and immediately following forest harvesting in the Copper Lake Watershed, Newfoundland. M.S. Thesis, Memorial University, St. John's Newfoundland Canada (supervisor: Bill Montevecchi). | Bissonette | June 1998 |
Field Museum Press Release based on interviews with team. June 2021. | Stuber | June 2021 |
Featured on UDWR Facebook/Blog: “Trout vs. chub”. | Budy | July 2015 |
Featured on UDWR Facebook/Blog: “The Twitchell Canyon Fire” | Budy | November 2014 |
Featured on UDWR Facebook/Blog: “Mapping the Tushar mountain streams from above” | Budy | February 2015 |
Featured on UDWR Facebook/Blog: Pelican predation on cutthroat trout research at Strawberry Reservoir: | Budy | July 2014 |
Featured in USU Magazine: Arctic Research and Lab undergraduate researcher: | Budy | February 2016 |
Exhibited native fishes of southern Utah and talked about conservation and management of aquatic resources in the face of climate change and fire. Discussed sampling methods and future research goals, as well as restoration of a blue-ribbon trout fishery. | Finch, Budy | July 2015 |
Earth Day Environmental Explorations. On the Watershed Sciences Department at Utah State University conducted an Earth Day activity involving environmental explorations for two Cache Valley high schools. As part of the Earth Day event, the Fish Ecology Lab of the Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit, demonstrated fish sampling techniques including electrofishing, stomach pumping for stomach content analysis and fish tagging. We then discussed the information we gained from sampling, answered questions, and discussed a few bigger picture issues about the environment in general. We interacted with seven groups of between 5-8 students (April 22, 2008). | Budy | April 2008 |
Doden, E., Budy, P., and Young, J.K. 2020. Beavers in the desert? The potential for translocated beavers to serve as restoration tools in desert rivers. Wildlife Management Institute Outdoor News Bulletin: USGS Cooperative Research Unit Corner, 74:10 | Budy | January 2020 |
Devine, D. 1998. Ph.D. Habitat Patch Dynamics of Desert Bighorn Sheep Ovis canadensis nelsoni in the Eastern Mojave Desert. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Nevada, Las Vegas NV (Supervisor: Charles Douglas). | Bissonette | June 1998 |
Common Ground Outdoor Adventures. Took disabled people to view spawning kokanee salmon and provided interpretive natural history information. | Budy | September 2002 |
Common Ground Outdoor Adventures. Assisted in fish print making for mentally and physically disabled persons | Budy | October 2002 |
By Morgan Greene. Newspaper article based on interviews with team. In: the Chicago Tribune. | Stuber | June 2021 |
By Lael Gilbert - regarding my work on Bald Eagles and eBird | Stuber | May 2022 |
By Gustave Axelson - regarding my work on Bald Eagles and eBird | Stuber | March 2021 |
By Gustave Axelson - regarding my work on Bald Eagles and eBird | Stuber | June 2021 |
By Daniel Carolan - based on my group's work led by my PhD student Aimee Van Tatenhove | Stuber | July 2022 |
Bonneville cutthroat trout conservation video. Produced by the Quinney College of Natural Resources and also showed on UDWR Facebook page, where it reached >20,000 people on May 9 | Budy | May 2016 |
Bonneville cutthroat flourish in the Right-Hand Fork of the Logan River | Budy | August 2018 |
Bluehead Suckers & Bonneville Cutthroat Trout This video describes the work being done for the Weber River Bluehead Suckers and Bonneville Cutthroat Trout fish populations, which Utah Coop Unit (Phaedra Budy's lab) helped with. | Budy | June 2017 |
Bissonette, J. A. Utah Unit, Leader. External Examiner for M.Sc. F. Analysis of Spatial Harvest Constraints on Ecological (Wildlife Habitat) versus Economic (Timber Harvest) Objectives. | Bissonette | January 2000 |
Bear River Watershed Festival, American West Heritage Center, April, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2007. Booth with a live exhibit of native and introduced fishes of the Bear River, undergraduate poster presentation of the fishes of the Bear River and Fish Jeopardy Games for children. | Budy | April 2007 |
Bear River Watershed Celebration. Exposed children to native fishes of the Bear River Basin through the use of live specimens and games. | Budy | March 2002 |