Oklahoma Staff Member
Dr. James Long

Unit Leader
Phone: (405) 744 - 6342
Email: jmlong@usgs.gov
Faculty Email: longjm@okstate.edu
- Ph D Oklahoma State University 2000
- MS Missouri State University 1995
- BS Missouri State University 1992
Dr. Long grew up in the Ozarks of southwest Missouri and received a PhD from Oklahoma State University in 2000. Afterward, he went to South Carolina as a Fisheries Research Biologist investigating fish community structure in tidal freshwater wetlands. From 2002 to 2009, Dr. Long worked with the National Park Service as the Fishery Biologist for the southeast region. In 2009, Dr. Long moved back to Oklahoma as an Assistant Unit Leader and become Unit Leader in 2016. Dr. Long's research focuses on management-driven questions related to the process of fisheries management, social dimensions, early-life history of fishes, and effects of invasive species on aquatic communities. Over the past decade, Dr. Long has been particularly engaged in issues related to black bass diversity, highlighting the conservation needs of these endemic and iconic species. Dr. Long uses Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and side-scan sonar technology to address research needs in a wide variety of aquatic ecosystems. Dr. Long is also actively engaged in applying novel tools to better understand otolith morphology and composition to elucidate age, growth, and development in fishes. Dr. Long teaches a graduate level course in Social Dimensions in Aquatic Ecology.
Areas of Expertise
Aquatic Ecology, Biodiversity, Fisheries Management, GIS/Spatial Analysis, Human Dimensions, Invasive Species, Policy, Population Dynamics, Population and Community Ecology, Species Management, Stream Ecology, T&E Species Management
Taxon Groups Studied
Anadromous Fishes, Freshwater Fishes, Gamefish, Invertebrates/Insects, Mussels, Nongame Fish/Wildlife, Species of Greatest Conservation Need
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Wolfenkoehler, W., J.M. Long, R. Gary, R.A. Snow, J.D. Schooley, L. A. Bruckerhoff, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2023. Viability of side-scan sonar to enumerate Paddlefish, a large pelagic freshwater fish, in rivers and reservoirs. Fisheries Research 261:106639. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2023.106639 | January 2023 |
Whitledge, G.W., R.L. Lance, J.M. Long, B. Neely, and J.D. Schooley. 2019. Applications of emerging fisheries techniques for paddlefish. Pages 127-150 in J.D. Schooley and D. Scharnecchia, editors. Paddlefish: Ecological, Aquacultural, and Regulatory Challenges of Managing a Global Resource. American Fisheries Society Symposium 88, Bethesda, MD. | Abstract | July 2019 |
Tringali, M.D., J.M. Long, T.W. Birdsong, and M.S. Allen, editors. 2015. Black bass diversity: multidisciplinary science for conservation. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 82, Bethesda, Maryland. | February 2015 |
Torolski, H.M., J.M. Long, R.C. Lonsinger, and L.A. Bruckerhoff. 2025. New distributional record of the federally threatened Rabbitsfoot mussel (Theliderma cylindrica cylindrica) in Oklahoma. Southeastern Naturalist 24:N1-N8. | January 2025 |
Torolski, H.M., J.M. Long, R.C. Lonsinger, and L.A. Bruckerhoff. 2024. Updated distribution for two freshwater mussel species of conservation concern in Oklahoma. Southeastern Naturalist 23:N44-N49. | September 2024 |
Taylor, AT, MR Bangs, and JM. Long. 2021. Sibship reconstruction from single-nucleotide polymorphisms illuminates the scope of a cryptic aquatic species invasion. Biological Invasions 23:569-580. doi:10.1007/s10530-020-02384-5 | November 2020 |
Taylor, A.T., T. Hafen, C.T. Holley, A. Gonzalez, and J.M. Long. 2020. Spatial sampling bias and model complexity in stream-based species distribution models: a case study of Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) in the Arkansas River basin, U.S.A. Ecology and Evolution 10:705-717. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.5913 | January 2020 |
Taylor, A.T., M.D. Tringali, and J.M. Long. In Review. Impoundments facilitate invasion, introgression, and fragmentation: case studies of black basses (Micropterus spp.) in southeastern U.S. streams. PLoS ONE 20(2): e0315620. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0315620. | Download |
February 2025 |
Taylor, A.T., M.D. Tringali, S.M. Sammons, T.R. Ingram, P.M. O'Rouke, D.L. Peterson, and J.M. Long. 2018. Genetic population structure of Shoal Bass within their native range. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38:549-564. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10048 | Abstract |
June 2018 |
Taylor, A.T., M.D. Tringali, P.M. O'Rouke, and J.M. Long. 2018. Shoal Bass hybridization in the Chattahoochee River Basin near Atlanta, Georgia. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 5:1-9. | Abstract | Publisher Website | April 2018 |
Taylor, A.T., M. Papes, and J.M. Long. 2018. Incorporating fragmentation and non-native species into distribution models to inform fluvial fish conservation. Conservation Biology 32:171-182. doi.org/10.1111/cobi.13024 | Publisher Website | January 2018 |
Taylor, A.T., J.M. Long, R.A. Snow, and M.J. Porta. 2020. Hybridization and population genetics of Alligator Gar in Lake Texoma. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:544-554. | June 2020 |
Taylor, A.T., J.M. Long, M.T. Tringali, and B.L Barthel. 2019. Conservation of black bass diversity: an emerging management paradigm. Fisheries 44:20-36. DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10187 | January 2019 |
Taylor, A.T., J.M. Long, M.R. Schwemm, and S.K. Brewer. 2018. Hybridization and Genetic Structure of Neosho Smallmouth Bass in the Ozark Highlands. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38:1226-1240 DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10225 | October 2018 |
Taylor, A.T., H. von Schmeling, and J.M. Long. 2018. Photographs of Wading Bird Depredation Update Invasion Extent of Asian Swamp Eel (Monopterus albus). Southeastern Naturalist 17:N72-N76. | November 2018 |
Taylor, A.T., A.M. Peeper, B. Chapagain, O. Joshi, and J.M. Long. 2022. Modern reporting methods for angler tag-return studies: trends in data quality, choice of method, and future consideration. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42:189-199. DOI: 10.1002/nafj.10738 | January 2022 |
Taylor, A.T. and J.M. Long. 2018. Genetic Integrity, Population Status, and Long-Term Viability of Isolated Populations of Shoal Bass in the Upper Chattahoochee River Basin, Georgia. Natural Resource Report NPS/CRNA/NRR--2018/1620. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24645.55528 | Publisher Website | July 2018 |
Taylor, A., J.M. Long, M.R. Schwemm, M.D. Tringali, and S.K. Brewer. 2016. Identification of Neosho Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu velox) Stocks for Possible Introduction into Grand Lake, Oklahoma. Final Report to Environmental Department, The Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series 121-2016. | Publisher Website | September 2016 |
Taylor, A. T., and J. M. Long. 2022. Assessment of invasion extent of Asian Swamp Eels in ponds and backwater marshes adjacent to the Chattahoochee River, with consideration of management and control strategies. Natural Resource Report NPS/CHAT/NRR—2022/2357. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. | February 2022 |
Stewart, DR, JM Long, and DE Shoup. 2016. Simulation Modeling to Explore the Effects of Length-Based Harvest Regulations for Ictalurus Fisheries. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36:1190-1204. DOI: 10.1080/02755947.2016.1204391 | Abstract | Publisher Website | September 2016 |
Stewart, DR, JM Long, and DE Shoup. 2015. Spatial structuring within a reservoir fish population: implications for management. Marine and Freshwater Research 66:202-212. | Abstract | October 2014 |
Stewart, D.R., T. Hafen, D.A. Hendrickson, A.T. Taylor, A. Varela-Romero, D.H. Mason, J.C. Dysthe, T.W. Franklin, M.K. Young, K.S. McKelvey, M.K. Schwartz, and J.M. Long. 2024. Development and application of environmental DNA (eDNA) markers to assess factors affecting occupancy of the endangered Yaqui Catfish and non-native Channel Catfish in the Yaqui River basin, Mexico. Endangered Species Research 53:569-586. https://doi.org/10.3354/esr01320 | April 2024 |
Stewart, D.R. and J.M. Long. 2016. Using an experimental manipulation to determine the effectiveness of a stock enhancement program. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 31:37-52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02705060.2015.1021715 | Abstract | March 2015 |
Stewart, D.R. and J.M. Long. 2012. Precision of channel catfish catch estimates using hoop nets in larger Oklahoma reservoirs. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:1108-1112. | Abstract | October 2012 |
Stewart, D.R. and J.M. Long. 2016. Using hierarchical Bayesian multi-species mixture models to estimate tandem hoop-net based habitat associations and detection probabilities of fishes in reservoirs. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 145:450-461. DOI: 10.1080/00028487.2016.1143395 | Abstract | April 2016 |
Stewart, D.R. and J.M. Long. 2015. Growth and contribution of stocked channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818); the importance of measuring post-stocking performance. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 31:695-703. doi:10.1111/jai.12797. | Abstract | May 2015 |
Stewart, D.R. and J.M. Long. 2011. Mass-marking Channel Catfish Fingerlings by Immersion in Oxytetracycline. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 91, 31-36. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | September 2012 |
Starks, T.A., M.L. Miller, and J.M. Long. 2016. Early Life History of Three Pelagic-Spawning Minnows (Macrhybopsis Spp.) in the Lower Missouri River. Journal of Fish Biology 88:1335-1349. doi:10.1111/jfb.12892 | February 2016 |
Starks, T.A., J.M. Long, and A.R. Dzialowski. 2016. Community structure of age-0 fishes in paired mainstem and created shallow-water habitats in the lower Missouri River. River Research and Applications 32:753-762. doi:10.1002/rra.2891 | January 2015 |
Starks, T.A. and J.M. Long. 2017. Trophic responses of age-0 fishes in created habitats of the lower Missouri River. American Midland Naturalist 178:112-122. | July 2017 |
Snow, RA, JM Long, and BD Frenette. 2017. Validation of daily increments periodicity in otoliths ofSpotted Gar. Journal of the Southeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 4:60-65. | Abstract | June 2017 |
Snow, RA and JM Long. 2015. Estimating spawning times of Alligator Gar (Atractosteus spatula) in Lake Texoma, Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 95:46-53. | June 2016 |
Snow, R.A., M.J. Porta, and J.M. Long. 2018. Precision of four otolith techniques for estimating age of white perch from a thermally altered reservoir. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38:725-733. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10069 | June 2018 |
Snow, R.A., J.M. Long, and M.J. Porta. 2020. Marking otoliths of Alligator Gar by immersion in oxytetracycline. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:669-674. | June 2020 |
Snow, R.A., J.M. Long, and C.P. Patterson. 2016. A comparison of lead lengths for mini-fyke nets to sample age-0 gar species in Lake Texoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 96:28-35. | January 2017 |
Snow, R.A., D.R. Stewart, M.J. Porta, and J.M. Long. 2020. Feeding ecology of age-0 gar at Lake Texoma inferred from analysis of stable isotopes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:638-650. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10436 | June 2020 |
Snow, R.A. and J.M. Long. 2017. Otolith marking of juvenile Shortnose Gar by immersion in oxytetracycline. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37:724-728. | June 2017 |
Snow, R.A. and J.M. Long. 2016. Effects of a Growth Check on Daily Age Estimates of Age-0 Alligator Gar. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 3:6-10. | March 2016 |
Seguy, L. and J.M. Long. 2021. Perceived ecological threats and economic benefits of non-native black bass in the United States. Fisheries 46:56-65. DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10520 | November 2020 |
Reed, M.L., W.W. Hoback, and J.M. Long. 2018. Diet of the orangebelly darter, Etheostoma radiosum, among tributaries of the lower Mountain Fork River. Southwestern Naturalist 63:146-148. doi: 10.1894/0038-4909-63-2-146 | September 2018 |
Powers, J., S.K. Brewer, J.M. Long, and T. Campbell.2014. Evaluating the use of side-scan sonar for detecting freshwater mussel beds in turbid river environments. Hydrobiologia 743:127-137. DOI 10.1007/s10750-014-2017-z | September 2014 |
Porta, M.J. and J.M. Long. 2015. Evaluation of a five-year shoal bass conservation-stocking program in the upper Chattahoochee River, Georgia. Pages 169-180 in Tringali, M.D., J.M. Long, T.W. Birdsong, and M.S. Allen, editors. Black bass diversity: multidisciplinary science for conservation. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 82, Bethesda, Maryland. | Abstract | February 2015 |
Paukert, C.P. and J.M. Long. 2004. Geographic information systems applications in reservoir fisheries. Pages 85-111 in W.L. Fisher and F.J. Rahel, editors. Geographic information systems in fisheries. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD. | April 2004 |
Paukert, C.P. and J.M. Long. 1999. New maximum age of bigmouth buffalo Ictiobus cyprinellus. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science. 79:85-86. | February 1999 |
Milardi, M., D. Chapman, M. Lanzoni, J.M. Long, and G. Castaldelli. 2017. First evidence of bighead carp wild recruitment in Western Europe, and its relation to hydrology and temperature. PLoS ONE 12(12): e0189517. | Publisher Website | December 2017 |
McKenna, J.R., A. Bowen, J.R. Farver, J.M. Long, J.G. Miner, N.D. Stott, and P.M. Kocovsky. 2023. Hypothesized spawning locations of Silver Chub in Lake Erie. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43:1166-1179. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10870 | October 2023 |
Long, JM, CT Holley and AT Taylor. 2018. Evaluation of ageing accuracy with complementary non- lethal methods for slow- growing, northern populations of shoal bass. Fisheries Management and Ecology 25:150-157. DOI: 10.1111/fme.12274 | Abstract | March 2018 |
Long, JM and RA Snow. 2016. Ontogenetic development of otoliths in a living fossil fish species, the Alligator Gar (Atractosteus spatula). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 145: 537-544. DOI:10.1080/00028487.2015.1135189 | Abstract | April 2016 |
Long, J.M., Y. Liang, D..E Shoup, A..R Dzialwoski, and J.R. Bidwell. 2014. GIS-based rapid-assessment of bighead carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis (Richardson, 1845) suitability in reservoirs. Management of Biological Invasions 5:363-370. | November 2014 |
Long, J.M., W.W. Hoback, M. Reed, and T. Farling. 2018. Assessing wild juvenile trout ecology in the lower Mountain Fork. Report provided by the Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Program under agreement with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS-133-2018, National Conservation Training Center. | Publisher Website | September 2018 |
Long, J.M., T.A. Starks, T. Farling, and R. Bastarache. 2016. Assessing the potential for Rainbow Trout reproduction in tributaries of the Mountain Fork River below Broken Bow Dam, southeastern Oklahoma. e-Research Paper SRS-58, U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 15 p. | Abstract | Publisher Website | September 2016 |
Long, J.M., R.G. Hyler, and W.L. Fisher. 2012. Response by anglers to a differential harvest regulation on three black bass species at Skiatook Lake, Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 92:9-20. | Abstract | November 2012 |
Long, J.M., R.A. Snow, and M.J. Porta. 2020. Effects of temperature on hatching and early development of Alligator Gar and Spotted Gar in a laboratory setting. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:661-668. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10397 | June 2020 |
Long, J.M., R.A. Snow, D.E. Shoup, and J.B. Bartnicki. 2023. Validation and comparison of age estimates for Smallmouth Buffalo (Ictiobus bubalus) in Oklahoma based on otoliths, pectoral spines, and opercula. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.108651 | June 2023 |
Long, J.M., R.A. Snow, B.M. Pracheil, and B.C. Chakoumakos. 2021. Morphology and composition of Goldeye (Hiodontidae; Hiodon alosoides) otoliths. Journal of Morphology 282:511-519. DOI: 10.1002/jm or.21324 | February 2021 |
Long, J.M., P. Joyce, L.A. Bruckerhoff, R.C. Lonsinger, and W. Wolfenkoehler. 2024. Using down-scan capabilities from recreational -grade side-scan sonar systems to sample Paddlefish and evaluate depth use in a reservoir. Fisheries Research 269:106872. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2023.106872 | September 2023 |
Long, J.M., N.P. Nibbelink, K.T. McAbee, and J.W. Stahli. 2012. Assessment of freshwater fish assemblages and their habitats in the National Park Service system of the southeastern United States. Fisheries 37:212-225. | May 2012 |
Long, J.M., M.S. Allen, W.F. Porak, and C.D. Suski. 2015. An historical perspective of black bass management in the United States. Pages 99-122 in Tringali, M.D., J.M. Long, T.W. Birdsong, and M.S. Allen, editors. Black bass diversity: multidisciplinary science for conservation. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 82, Bethesda, Maryland. | February 2015 |
Long, J.M., M.G. McManus, and J.S. Bulak. 2004. Temporal and Spatial Trends In Fish Communities Inhabiting Two Freshwater Tidal Wetlands of the Cooper River, South Carolina. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Southeastern Fish and Wildlife Agencies. 58:174-186. | October 2005 |
Long, J.M., L.A. Klein, and A.C. Mauldin. 2004. Length, weight, age, and growth of young-of-year shoal bass raised in a southwest Georgia hatchery pond. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Southeastern Fish and Wildlife Agencies. 58:40-46. | October 2005 |
Long, J.M., J.D. Schooley, and C.P. Paukert. 2017. Long-term movement and age potential of a paddlefish in the Arkansas River basin of Oklahoma. The Southwestern Naturalist 62: 212-215. doi.org/10.1894/0038-4909-62.3.212 | September 2017 |
Long, J.M., J.A. Tupy, and J. Scales. 2008. Chronology of rainbow trout reproduction in a warmwater tributary of the Chattahoochee River: using an invasive species as an indicator of watershed integrity. River Research and Applications 24:1035-1044 (DOI 10.1002/rra.1119). | October 2008 |
Long, J.M., D.R. Stewart, J. Shiflet, D. Balsman, and D.E. Shoup. 2017. Bait type influences catch and bycatch in tandem hoop nets set in reservoirs. Fisheries Research 186:102-108. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2016.08.014 | Abstract | Publisher Website | January 2017 |
Long, J.M., D. Lairson, C. Martin, and B. Couch. 2007. Evidence of rainbow trout spawning in small, warmwater tributaries of the Chattahoochee River. Proceedings of the 2007 Georgia Water Resources Conference, Paper 4.1.5. | March 2007 |
Long, J.M., B.L. Barthel, W.F. Porak, M.S. Allen, T.W. Birdsong, J.E. Slaughter, and M.D. Tringali. 2015. Black bass diversity: bringing rare species into conservation focus. Pages xi-xiv in Tringali, M.D., J.M. Long, T.W. Birdsong, and M.S. Allen, editors. Black bass diversity: multidisciplinary science for conservation. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 82, Bethesda, Maryland. | February 2015 |
Long, J.M., A.T. Taylor, and V. Buonaccorsi. 2021. A conservation-oriented SNP panel for Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu), with emphasis on Interior Highlands lineages. Conservation Genetics Resources 13:47-59. DOI:10.1007/s12686-020-01170-8 | September 2020 |
Long, J.M. and W.L. Fisher. 2006. Analysis of environmental variation in a Great Plains reservoir using principal components analysis and geographic information systems. Lake and Reservoir Management 22:132-140. | Abstract | June 2006 |
Long, J.M. and W.L. Fisher. 2005. Distribution and abundance of black bass in Skiatook Lake, Oklahoma after introduction of smallmouth bass and a liberalized harvest regulation on spotted bass. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 25:49-56. | February 2005 |
Long, J.M. and W.L. Fisher. 2001. Precision and bias of largemouth, smallmouth, and spotted bass ages estimated from scales, whole otoliths, and sectioned otoliths. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 21:636-645. | August 2001 |
Long, J.M. and W.L. Fisher. 2001. Environmental influences on largemouth bass recruitment in a southern Great Plains reservoir. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Southeastern Fish and Wildlife Agencies. 55:146-155 | December 2002 |
Long, J.M. and W.L. Fisher. 2000. Differences in diet between two size classes of largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, and spotted bass in an Oklahoma reservoir. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 15: 465-474. | December 2000 |
Long, J.M. and T.B. Grabowski. 2017. Otoliths. Pages 189-219 in M.C. Quist and D. Isermann, editors. Age and growth of fishes: principles and techniques. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | November 2017 |
Long, J.M. and R.T. Melstron. 2016. Measuring the relationship between sportfishing trip expenditures and anglers' species preferences. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 36:731-737. DOI: 10.1080/02755947.2016.1167142 | June 2016 |
Long, J.M. and R.A. Snow. 2018. Post-hatch development of otoliths and daily ring genesis in age-0 Spotted Gar. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:1146-1152. DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10108 | Abstract | November 2018 |
Long, J.M. and M.J. Porta. 2019. Age and growth of stocked juvenile Shoal Bass in a tailwater: environmental variation and accuracy of daily age estimates. PLoS ONE 14(10): e0224018. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0224018 | October 2019 |
Long, J.M. and L.B. Seguy. 2024. Global status of non-native Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides, Centrachidae) and Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu, Centrarchidae): disparate views as beloved sportfish and feared invader. Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 32:81-98. DOI: 10.1080/23308249.2023.2244078 | August 2023 |
Long, J.M. and J.J. Schaffler. 2013. Documenting utility of paddlefish otoliths for quantification of metals using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 27: 2188-2194. DOI: 10.1002/rcm.6681. | August 2013 |
Long, J.M. and C. Martin. 2008. The evolution of fisheries management of the upper Chattahoochee River in response to changing water management. Pages 21-36 in M.S. Allen, S. Sammons, and M.J. Maceina, editors. Balancing fisheries management and water uses for impounded river systems. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 62, Bethesda, Maryland. | Abstract | October 2008 |
Long, J.M. and A.A. Nealis. 2017. Comparative precision of age estimates from two southern reservoir populations of Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula (Walbaum, 1792)). Journal of Applied Ichthyology 33:819-820. DOI: 10.1111/jai.13394 | Abstract | February 2017 |
Long, J.M. and A. Nealis. 2011. Age estimation of a large bighead carp from Grand Lake, Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 91, 15-18. | Abstract | September 2012 |
Long, J.M. 2014. Spotted bass. Pages 383-384 in Kansas Fishes Committee, editor. Kansas Fishes, University Press of Kansas, Lawrence. 496 pg. | July 2014 |
Long, J.M. 2013. Book review: Conservation, ecology, and management of catfish: the second international symposium. Fisheries 38:462. | October 2013 |
Long, J.M. 2011. Assessment of tailwater fishery conditions in Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 65:119-124. | Abstract | October 2013 |
Long, J.M. 2010. Inventory of fishes at a small national park in North Carolina: Guilford Courthouse National Military Park. Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Science 126: 77-83. | Abstract | August 2010 |
Long, J. M. and D. R. Stewart. 2010. Verification of otolith identity used by fisheries scientists for aging channel catfish. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:1775-1779. | Abstract | November 2010 |
Long, J. M. and C. LaFleur. 2011. Estimation of daily age and timing of hatching of exotic Asian swamp eels Monopterus albus (Zuiew, 1793) in a backwater marsh of the Chattahoochee River, Georgia, USA. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 27: 1019-1022. | Abstract | Download | April 2011 |
Lee, D.N., J.B. Lack, R.A. Van Den Bussche, and J.M. Long. 2011. Importance of tributary streams for rainbow trout reproduction: insights from a small stream and a bi-genomic approach. River Research and Applications 28:1587-1593. | Abstract | July 2011 |
Joshi, O., B. Chapagain, J.M. Long, B. York, and A.T. Taylor. 2021. A revealed preference and contingent behavior approach to estimate potential effect of fish quantity and size on economic value of fishing in Ozark Highland streams. Fisheries Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2021.106116 | September 2021 |
Johnson, J.R., A.T. Taylor, and J.M. Long. 2020. Estimating the invasion extent of Asian Swamp Eel (Monopterus: Synbranchidae) in an altered river of the southeastern United States. Marine and Freshwater Research. DOI: 10.1071/MF20257 | December 2020 |
Jennings, C. A., M. Allen, C. Belcher, R. Bringolf, D. Dennerline, T. Goar, K. Kuklinski, J. Long, P. Mazik, D. Riecke, and M. Rogers. Congratulations on Your Promotion to Management: Considerations for New Supervisory Biologists. 2020. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 7:103-113. | Abstract | Publisher Website | March 2020 |
Holley, C.T. and J.M. Long. 2018. Potential Longnose Darter Population in the Kiamichi River of Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 98:14-17. | December 2018 |
Hafen, T., A.T. Taylor, D.A. Hendrickson, D.R. Stewart, and J.M. Long. 2021. Environmental conditions associated with occurrences of the threatened Yaqui Catfish in the Yaqui River basin, Mexico. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 41(S1): S54-S63. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10653 | July 2021 |
Gunn, J.C., L.K. Berkman, J. Koppelman, A.T. Taylor, S. Brewer, J.M. Long, and L.S. Eggert. 2022. Genomic divergence, local directional selection, and complex demographic history may inform management of a popular sportfish species complex. Ecology and Evolution 12:e9370. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.9370. | October 2022 |
Gunn, J.C., L.K. Berkman, J. Koppelman, A.T. Taylor, S. Brewer, J.M. Long, and L.S. Eggert. 2020. Complex Patterns of Genetic and Morphological Differentiation in the Smallmouth Bass subspecies (Micropterus dolomieu dolomieu and M. d. velox) of the Central Interior Highlands. Conservation Genetics 21:897-904. | August 2020 |
Gunn, J.C., A.T. Taylor, J.J. Buckingham, A.I. Kern, and J.M. Long. 2023. Limited hybridisation and introgression despite stocking among endemic Interior Highlands black basses (Centrarchidae: Micropterus). Diversity and Distributions 29:1205-1320. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.13759 | August 2023 |
Gosch, N.J.C., M.L. Miller, T.R. Gemeinhardt, T.A. Starks, A.P. Civiello, J.M. Long, and J.L. Bonneau. 2016. Prey consumption and preference of age-0 sturgeon in the lower Missouri River. River Research and Applications 32:1819-1823. DOI: 10.1002/rra.3003USERDEF_rfCreateCorres> | February 2016 |
Gosch, N.J.C., A.P. Civiello, T.R. Gemeinhardt, J.L. Bonneau, and J.M. Long. 2018. Are shovelnose sturgeon a valid diet surrogate for endangered pallid sturgeon during the first year of life? Journal of Applied Ichthyology 34:39-41. DOI: 10.1111/jai.13512 | January 2018 |
Gonzalez, A., J.M. Long, N.J.C. Gosch, A.P. Civiello, and T.R. Gemeinhardt. 2022. Factors affecting interannual variation in diet and body lipid content of age-0 Scaphirhynchus sturgeon in the lower Missouri River, USA. River Research and Management 38:1167-1178. DOI: 10.1002/rra.3984 | May 2022 |
Gonzalez, A., J.M. Long, N.J.C. Gosch, A.P. Civiello, T.R. Gemeinhardt, and J. Hall. 2021. Spatial and temporal variation in length-weight relationships of age-0 Scaphirhynchus sturgeon in the lower Missouri River. American Midland Naturalist 186: 106-121. DOI: 10.1674/0003-0031-186.1.106 | July 2021 |
Gonzalez, A., J.M. Long, N.J.C. Gosch, A.P. Civiello, T.R. Gemeinhardt, J. Hall, and P.J. Braaten. 2023. Dietary comparison of age-0 sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus sp.) between upper and lower Missouri River basins. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 38:1, 2219689, DOI: 10.1080/02705060.2023.2219689 | June 2023 |
Gonzalez, A., C.L. Barnes, S.M. Wilder, and J.M. Long. 2020. Macronutrient content of common aquatic macroinvertebrates available as prey for juvenile fishes in the lower Missouri River. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 35:191-202. DOI: 10.1080/02705060.2020.1767705 | May 2020 |
Gemeinhardt, T.R., N.J.C. Gosch, A.P. Civiello, N. Chrisman, H. Shaughnessy, T.L. Brown, J.M. Long, and J.L. Bonneau. 2019. Evaluating age-0 Shovelnose Sturgeon foraging efficiency at multiple spatial scales: the influence of depth and velocity. River Research and Applications 35:205-215. DOI: 10.1002/rra.3395 | March 2019 |
Gatlin, MR, JM Long, and DJ Turton. 2015. Observational changes to the natural flow regime in Lee Creek in relation to altered precipitation patterns and its implications for fishes. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 95:135-146. | June 2016 |
Gatlin, M.R., D.E. Shoup, and J.M. Long. 2012. Invasive zebra mussels (Driessena polymorpha) and Asian clams (Corbicula fluminea) survive gut passage of migratory fish species: implications for dispersal. Biological Invasions. DOI 10.1007/s10530-012-0372-0. | November 2012 |
Gatlin, M.R. and. J.M. Long. 2011. Persistence of longnose darter (P. nasuta) in Lee Creek, Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 91:11-14. | September 2012 |
Gary, R.A., J.M. Long, B.T. Eachus, A.R. Dzialowski, and J.D. Schooley. 2024. Factors associated with Paddlefish restoration success in Oklahoma. Fisheries Management and Ecology 31:e12677. https://doi.org/10.1111/fme.12677 | December 2023 |
Dale, J, C.B. Zou, W.J. Andrews, J.M. Long, Y. Liang, and L. Qiao. 2015. Climate, water use, and land surface transformation in an irrigation intensive watershed - streamflow responses from 1950 through 2010. Agricultural Water Management 160:144-152. | August 2015 |
Dakin, E.E., B.A. Porter, B.J. Freeman, and J.M. Long. 2015. Hybridization threatens Shoal Bass populations in the upper Chattahoochee River basin. Pages 491-502 in Tringali, M.D., J.M. Long, T.W. Birdsong, and M.S. Allen, editors. Black bass diversity: multidisciplinary science for conservation. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 82, Bethesda, Maryland. | Abstract | February 2015 |
Dakin, E.E., B.A. Porter, B.J. Freeman, and J.M. Long. 2007. Genetic integrity of an isolated population of shoal bass (Micropterus cataractae) in the upper Chattahoochee River basin. National Park Service, Natural Resources Report NPS/NRWRD/NRTR—2007/366, Ft. Collins, CO. | Abstract | Publisher Website | July 2007 |
Civiello, A.P., N.J.C. Gosch, T.R. Gemeinhardt, M.L. Miller, J.L. Bonneau, K.A. Chojnacki, A.J. DeLonay, and J.M. Long. 2018. Reach-scale assessment of age-0 shovelnose sturgeon diet and condition: implications for shallow water habitat restoration. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38:1324-1338. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10236 | Publisher Website | December 2018 |
Chapagain, B., J.M. Long, A.T. Taylor, and O. Joshi. 2021. Variation in black bass angler characteristics by stream size and accessibility in Oklahoma's Ozark Highland streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 41:585-599. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10565 | March 2021 |
Cartabiano, E.C., D.R. Stewart, and J.M. Long. 2015. Effect of bait and gear type on turtle bycatch and Channel Catfish population parameter estimates in a reservoir. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 30:407-415. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02705060.2014.966165 | Abstract | October 2014 |
Brewer, S.K. and J.M. Long. 2015. Biology and ecology of genetically distinct Neosho and Ouachita smallmouth bass. Pages 281-296 in Tringali, M.D., J.M. Long, T.W. Birdsong, and M.S. Allen, editors. Black bass diversity: multidisciplinary science for conservation. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 82, Bethesda, Maryland. | Abstract | February 2015 |
Brandt, D., J.D. Wormington, J.M. Long, W.W. Hoback, and B.H. Noden. 2019. Differences in mosquito communities in six cities in Oklahoma. Journal of Medical Entomology. doi: 10.1093/jme/tjz039 | April 2019 |
Birdsong, T.W. and 19 co-authors. 2015. Native Black Bass Initiative: Implementing Watershed-Scale Approaches to Conservation of Endemic Black Bass and Other Native Fishes in the Southern United States. Pages 363-378 in Tringali, M.D., J.M. Long, T.W. Birdsong, and M.S. Allen, editors. Black bass diversity: multidisciplinary science for conservation. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 82, Bethesda, Maryland. | Abstract | February 2015 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Wolfenkoehler, W., J.M. Long, R. Gary, R. Snow, J. Schooley, R.C. Lonsinger, and L.A. Bruckerhoff. 2024. Utility of side-scan and down-scan sonar for monitoring a spawning population of Paddlefish in a riverine environment. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watershed-Oklahoma Chapter American Fisheries Society joint annual meeting, Stillwater, Oklahoma. | April 2024 |
Wolfenkoehler, W., J.M. Long, R. Gary, R. Snow, J. Schooley, R. Lonsinger, and L. Bruckerhoff. 2024 Utility of side-scan and down-scan sonar for monitoring Paddlefish. North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society annual meeting, Mobile, AL. | October 2024 |
Wolfenkoehler, W. and J.M. Long. 2025. Side scan sonar: past, present, and future uses for data collection in the aquatic environment. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watershed Annual Conference, Stillwater. | April 2025 |
Whitledge, G., W. Doyle, J. Long, B.C. Neely, and J.D. Schooley. 2017. Applications of emerging fisheries techniques for paddlefish. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City. | February 2017 |
White, K., S.M. Laverty, M. Parks, J.M. Long, and A.T. Taylor. 2022. Hybridization of Neosho Bass in the upper Illinois River Basin: a genetic status update and implications for individual growth. Annual meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Lake Murray State Park, Oklahoma. | August 2022 |
White, K., S.M. Laverty, M. Parks, J.M. Long, and A.T. Taylor. 2022. Hybrid swarming of Neosho Bass with non-native Smallmouth Bass in the upper Illinois River Basin, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Academy of Science Annual Technical Meeting, Tulsa, Oklahoma. | November 2022 |
White, K., S. Laverty, M. Parks, J. Long, and A.T. Taylor. 2023. Hybrid swarming of Neosho Bass with non-native Smallmouth Bass in the upper Illinois River basin and implications for individual growth. Southern Division American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Norfolk, Virginia. | February 2023 |
White, K., J.M. Long, and A.T. Taylor. 2021. Linking Smallmouth Bass genetics to individual growth in the upper Illinois River, Oklahoma. Annual meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Sequoyah State Park, Hulbert, OK. | September 2021 |
Tringali, M.D., S.M. Sammons, J.M. Long, N. Van Bibber, K. Panzner, and A.T. Taylor. 2017. A range-wide threat assessment for Shoal Bass from introgressive hybridization. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, Florida. | August 2017 |
Torolski, H.M., J.M. Long, R.C. Lonsinger, and L.A. Bruckerhoff. 2024. A comparison of freshwater mussel density and richness across different mesohabitats. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watershed-Oklahoma Chapter American Fisheries Society joint annual meeting, Stillwater, Oklahoma. | April 2024 |
Torolski, H.M., J.M. Long, R. Lonsinger, and L. Bruckerhoff. 2024. Patterns in mussel density and diversity among mesohabitat types in a Great Plains river. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii. | September 2024 |
Torolski, H., J.M. Long, R.C. Lonsinger, and L.A. Bruckerhoff. 2024. A Comparison of Freshwater Mussel Species Detection and Abundance Across Different Survey Methods. Southern Division American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Chattanooga, Tennessee. | February 2024 |
Torolski, H., J.M. Long, R.C. Lonsinger, and L.A. Bruckerhoff. 2023. Freshwater mussel abundance and composition in the Verdigris River. Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting. Grand Lake, Oklahoma. | August 2023 |
Torolski, H., J.M. Long, R.C. Lonsinger, and L.A. Bruckerhoff. 2023. A Comparison of Freshwater Mussel Species Detection and Abundance Across Different Survey Methods. Canadian Freshwater Mollusc Research Meeting, Burlington, Canada. | November 2023 |
Taylor, AT, MD Tringali, and JM Long. 2017. Shoal Bass Hybridization in the Chattahoochee River below Morgan Falls Dam, Georgia. 71st annual meeting of the Southeastern Fish and Wildlife Agencies held in Louisville, Ky. | October 2017 |
Taylor, A.T., and J.M. Long. 2018. Genetic Integrity and Population Status of Shoal Bass in the Upper Chattahoochee River Basin, Georgia. The Biennial CESU Network National Meeting, Shepherdstown, WV. | June 2018 |
Taylor, A.T., and J.M. Long. 2016. Using species distribution models to infer potential and restricted ranges of a fluvial-specialist black bass species. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, MO. | August 2016 |
Taylor, A.T., and J.M. Long. 2015. Factors Influencing the Decline of Fluvial Fishes: Insights from Historic and Current Species Distribution Models. Student Water Conference, Stillwater, OK. | March 2015 |
Taylor, A.T., P. O'Rouke, and J.M. Long. 2014. Black bass (genus Micropterus) community composition upstream of impoundment in two southeastern rivers. Annual Meeting of the Georgia State Chapter of the American Fisheries Society held in Athens, GA. | February 2014 |
Taylor, A.T., P. O'Rouke, and J.M. Long. 2014. Black bass (genus Micropterus) community composition in the river-reservoir interface of two southeastern rivers. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC. | January 2014 |
Taylor, A.T., P. O'Rouke, M.D. Tringali, and J.M. Long. 2014. Development of assessment protocols for Shoal Bass (Micropterus cataractae) populations in headwater rivers of the upper Chattahoochee River Basin. Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Destin, FL. | October 2014 |
Taylor, A.T., M.R. Bangs, B.J. Freeman, and J.M. Long. 2019. A Cryptic Invader: SNPs Inform Asian Swamp Eel Management. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Galveston Island, TX. | January 2019 |
Taylor, A.T., M.D. Tringali, and J.M. Long. 2025. Making sense of black bass introgression within impounded riverscapes of the southeast. Georgia Chapter American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Augusta. | January 2025 |
Taylor, A.T., M.D. Tringali, and J.M. Long. 2017. A Collaborative, Range-wide Genetic Structure Survey to Inform Management and Conservation of the Shoal Bass. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, Florida. | August 2017 |
Taylor, A.T., M.D. Tringali, S.M. Sammons, D.L. Peterson, T. Ingram, P. O'Rouke, and J.M. Long. 2015. Genetic Substructure within the Native Range of the Shoal Bass. Annual meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society held in Savannah, GA. | January 2015 |
Taylor, A.T., M. Papes, and J.M. Long. 2017. Informing Conservation of Fluvial Black Bass Species with Range-wide Species Distribution Models. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, Florida. | August 2017 |
Taylor, A.T., K.J. White, D. Kim, T.J. Near, J.C. Gunn, and J.M. Long. 2022. Molecular status assessment of the Smallmouth Bass complex in the Central Interior Highlands. Southeastern Fishes Council annual meeting, Athens, Georgia. | November 2022 |
Taylor, A.T., J.M. Long, S.K. Brewer, J.C. Gunn, V.P. Buonaccorsi, and J. Stannard. 2020. Exploring the genetic diversity of smallmouth bass within the Interior Highlands. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Norman, Oklahoma. | February 2020 |
Taylor, A.T., J.M. Long, S.K. Brewer, J.C. Gunn, V.P. Buonaccorsi, and J. Stannard. 2020. Conservation Genetics Of The Smallmouth Bass Lineages In The Interior Highlands . Southern Division American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas. | February 2020 |
Taylor, A.T., J.M. Long, B. Chapagain, and O. Joshi. 2019. Angler catch and attitudes toward black bass in Ozark streams. Oklahoma Academy of Science, Edmond. | November 2019 |
Taylor, A.T. and J.M. Long. 2021. Population genetic investigations of Neosho Smallmouth Bass Line. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Virtual Meeting. | April 2021 |
Taylor, A. T., and J. M. Long. 2016. The Decline of a Fluvial Fish: Species Distribution Models in a Fragmented Riverscape. Annual meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Wheeling, WV. | February 2016 |
Taylor, A. T., J. M. Long, M. R. Schwemm, and S. K. Brewer. 2018. A genetic status assessment of the Neosho Smallmouth Bass: hybridization, diversity, and population structure. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa, OK. | February 2018 |
Stewart, DR, JM Long, and DE Shoup. 2014. Spatial structuring within a reservoir fish population by an unintended protected area: implications for management. Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Laramie, WY. | March 2014 |
Stewart, D.R., J.M. Long, and D.E. Shoup. 2016. Effect of length-based harvest regulations for trophy and recreational Ictalurus fisheries. Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society and the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society. Flagstaff, AZ. | February 2016 |
Stewart, D.R. and J.M. Long. 2016. Growth and contribution of stocked channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque, 1818): the importance of measuring post-stocking performance. Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society and the Arizona/New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society. Flagstaff, AZ. | February 2016 |
Stewart, D.R. and J.M. Long. 2013. The use of Side-Scan sonar as a tool to map habitat in Oklahoma reservoirs. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds Association Annual Conference, Stillwater, OK. | April 2013 |
Stewart, D.R. and J.M. Long. 2013. Influence of stocking and competing species on the trophic ecology of channel catfish in Oklahoma reservoirs. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Nashville. | February 2013 |
Stewart, D.R. and J.M. Long. 2013. Density dependence affects growth of stocked channel catfish as revealed by stable isotope analysis. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, AR. | September 2013 |
Stewart, D.R. and J.M. Long. 2012. Influence of stocking and competing species on the trophic ecology of channel catfish in Oklahoma reservoirs. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter American Fisheries Society, Stillwater, OK. | October 2012 |
Starks, TA and JM Long. 2015. Early life history of three pelagic-spawning minnows (Macrhybopsis spp.) in the Lower Missouri River. Oklahoma Natural Resources Convention,Tulsa, Oklahoma. | February 2015 |
Starks, TA and JM Long. 2015. Community responses of larval and juvenile fishes to created shallow-water habitats in the Missouri River. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Savannah, Georgia. | February 2015 |
Starks, TA and JM Long. 2014. Community responses of larval and juvenile fishes to created shallow-water habitats in the Missouri River. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. | August 2014 |
Starks, T.A., and J.M. Long. 2014. Community responses of larval fishes to created shallow-water habitats in the Missouri River. 3rd annual student water conference Stillwater, OK. | April 2014 |
Smith, L., K. White, S.M. Laverty, M. Parks, J.M. Long, and A.T. Taylor. 2022. Investigating abiotic and biotic drivers of Neosho Bass annual growth variation in a hybrid zone. Annual meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Lake Murray State Park, Oklahoma. | August 2022 |
Shiflet, J., D. Balsman, D.R. Stewart, D.E. Shoup, and J.M. Long. 2015. Influence of bait type on catch and bycatch in tandem hoop nets set in Kentucky small impoundments. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Savannah, Georgia. | February 2015 |
Sequy, L. and J.M. Long. 2019. Evaluating the Divergent Qualities of Non-Native Black Bass: Economic Advantages versus Ecological Repercussions. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Galveston Island, Texas. | January 2019 |
Schwemm MR, JM Long, AA Echelle, and JD Schooley. 2015. Fine-scale Genetic Structuring of American Paddlefish Populations in Oklahoma. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa. | February 2015 |
Schooley, J.D., A. Nealis, J.M. Long, and C.P. Paukert. 2020. World Record Paddlefish in Keystone Lake, Oklahoma – Hypothetical Causes, New Technologies, and Management Response. North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society. | October 2020 |
Reed, M.L., W.W. Hoback, and J.M. Long. 2018. Seasonal and longitudinal variability of benthic macroinvertebrates in a southeastern Oklahoma cold water tailrace. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa. | February 2018 |
Reed, M.L., W.W. Hoback, and J.M. Long. 2018. Aquatic macroinvertebrates differ in time and space downstream of a Southeast Oklahoma reservoir. ntomological Society of America, Southwestern Branch Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM. | March 2018 |
Reed, M.L., W.W. Hoback, J.M. Long, and T. Farling. 2016. Diet of Etheostoma radiosum Among Tributaries of the Lower Mountain Fork. Oklahoma Governor's Water Conference and Research Symposium. Norman, OK. | October 2016 |
Reed, M., W. Woback, J. Long, and A. Dzialowski. 2017.A Darter’s Diet: Macroinvertebrate Diet of the Orangebelly darter. SW Branch of the Entomological Society of America, Austin, TX. | April 2017 |
Porta, M.J. and J.M. Long. 2013. Evaluation of a Five-Year Shoal Bass Micropterus cataractae Conservation-Stocking Program in the Upper Chattahoochee River, Georgia. Black Bass Diversity Symposium, Southern Division Society American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Nashville. | February 2013 |
Porak, W., J.M. Long, H. Schramm, and T. Birdsong. 2017. Black bass diversity: a paradigm shift for fisheries managers. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL. | August 2017 |
Park, C., J.M. Long, A.R. Dzialowski, and A. Nealis. 2013. Consumption of an invasive zooplankton species, Daphnia lumholtzi, by reservoir populations of paddlefish. Great Plains Fisheries Student Colloquium, Lake Texoma, OK. | February 2013 |
Mouser J., N. Farless, J. Long, and S.K. Brewer. 2015. The influence of temperature regimes on otolith daily ring deposition in smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu). Student Research Conference, Oklahoma State University | February 2015 |
Melstrom, RT and JM Long. 2016. Measuring the Relationship between Sportfishing Trip Expenditures and Anglers’ Species Preferences. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI. | January 2016 |
McKenna, J., P.M. Kocovsky, J. Long, J. Farver, and J. Miner. 2020. Identifying spawning locations of Silver Chub in Lake Erie. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Columbus, Ohio. | September 2020 |
M. Lanzoni, D. Chapman, G. Castaldelli, J. Long, and M. Milardi. 2016. First reproduction of Asian carps revealed in an artificial canal network of Western Europe. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO. | August 2016 |
Long, James M., J.D. Schooley, A.R. Dzialowski, R. Gary, and B. Eachus. 2021. An adaptive management approach to restoring paddlefish in Oklahoma reservoirs. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. | November 2021 |
Long, J.M., W. Wolfenkoehler, P. Joyce, R. Gary, J. Schooley, R. Snow, R. Lonsinger, and L. Bruckerhoff. 2024. Utility of side-scan and down-scan sonar for monitoring Paddlefish. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Chattanooga, Tennessee. | February 2024 |
Long, J.M., W. Wolfenkoehler, P. Joyce, R. Gary, J. Schooley, R. Snow, R. Lonsinger, and L. Bruckerhoff. 2023. Utility of side-scan and down-scan sonar for monitoring Paddlefish. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan. | August 2023 |
Long, J.M., M.Allen, W. Porak, and C. Suski. 2013. History of black bass management in the United States. Black Bass Diversity Symposium, Southern Division Society American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Nashville. | February 2013 |
Long, J.M., D.E. Shoup, Y. Lian, A.R. Dzialowski, and J.R. Bidwell. 2013. Geospatial assessment of invasive bighead carp establishment in Oklahoma reservoirs. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds Association Annual Conference, Stillwater, OK. | April 2013 |
Long, J.M., A.T. Taylor, B. Chapagain, and O. Joshi. 2020. Stream size affects angler catch and attitudes toward black bass in Ozark streams. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas. | February 2020 |
Long, J.M., A.T. Taylor, B. Chapagain and O. Joshi. 2020. Angler catch and attitudes toward black bass in Oklahoma Ozark streams. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Norman, Oklahoma. | February 2020 |
Long, J.M. and C. Tanner. 2013. Effects of water quantity on fish communities in the upper Cimarron River. Oklahoma Water Research Symposium, Midwest City, Oklahoma. | October 2013 |
Long, J.M. and A.T. Taylor. 2022. Managing for black bass diversity in the southeast: a linchpin connecting people to natural resources. Southeastern Fishes Council annual meeting, Athens, Georgia. | November 2022 |
Long, J.M. and A.T. Taylor. 2020. Black bass diversity: conserving native species in their native habitats with a focus on endemic species in the southeast. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Columbus, Ohio. | September 2020 |
Long, J.M. 2025. Neosho Bass: a new species on the block and an Ozark status symbol. Ozark Studies Association annual meeting, Cane Hill, Arkansas. | April 2025 |
Long, J.M. 2017. The role of taxonomy in black bass diversity and implications for management and conservation. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL. | August 2017 |
Joyce, P., J.M. Long, R.C. Lonsinger, and L.A. Bruckerhoff. 2023. Utility of Down-Scan Sonar for Identifying and Counting Paddlefish in a Large Reservoir. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watershed annual meeting. Stillwater, Oklahoma. | April 2023 |
Jones, G.E., W.W. Hoback, and J.M. Long. 2024. Farm ponds without fish have higher macroinvertebrate diversity at the Osage Nation Ranch, Oklahoma. Southwestern Branch Entomological Society annual meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico. | April 2024 |
Jones, G.E., W.W. Hoback, and J.M. Long. 2023. Macroinvertebrate Diversity and the Effect of Fish in Farm Ponds on the Osage Nation Ranch. American Indian Science and Engineering Society Conference, Spokane, WA. | October 2023 |
Jones, G.E., W.W. Hoback, and J.M. Long. 2023. Fish alter macroinvertebrate communities in recently flooded ponds. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watershed annual meeting. Stillwater, Oklahoma. | April 2023 |
Jones, G.E., W.W. Hoback, and J.M. Long. 2023. Fish alter macroinvertebrate communities in recently flooded ponds. Joint Northcentral and Southwestern Branch Meeting, Entomological Society of America. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. | April 2023 |
Jones, G.E., W.W. Hoback, and J.M. Long. 2022. Fish impact macroinvertebrate communities in recently flooded ponds. Oklahoma Governor's Water Conference, Midwest City. | December 2022 |
Jolley, J., B. Gray, A. Herndon, J. Oliver, D. Chapman, M.J. Weber, and J.M. Long. 2022. Silver Carp age estimation: the pursuit of a gold standard. American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Spokane, Washington. | August 2022 |
J.R. Johnson and J.M. Long. 2016. OCCUPANCY MODELING AS A TOOL TO DELINEATE INVASIVE SPECIES DISTRIBUTION IN RESERVOIR RIPARIAN AREAS. Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds Association Annual Meeting, Stillwater, OK. | March 2016 |
J.R. Johnson and J.M. Long 2017. Hydrologic factors associated with detection and occupancy of riparian areas by Asian Swamp Eel in the Chattahoochee River system, Georgia. The Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Spring Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK. | February 2017 |
J.R. Johnson and J.M. Long 2016. Hydrologic factors associated with detection and occupancy of riparian areas by Asian Swamp Eel in the Chattahoochee River system, Georgia. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Mo. | August 2016 |
J.J. Powers, S.K. Brewer, J.M. Long, and T. Campbell. 2013. Locating freshwater mussel beds in turbid prairie rivers using sidescan sonar. 7th Annual Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Conference. October 13. | October 2013 |
Hood, E., J. Schooley, A. Dzialowski, C. Pennock, D.E. Shoup, and J.M. Long. 2024. Evaluating the effect of turbidity on foraging by post-larval Paddlefish. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Chattanooga, Tennessee. | February 2024 |
Hood, E., J. Schooley, A. Dzialowski, C. Pennock, D.E. Shoup, and J.M. Long. 2023. Evaluating the effect of turbidity on foraging by post-larval Paddlefish. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan. | August 2023 |
Holley, C.T., and J.M. Long. 2018. Evaluating the success of translocation efforts for a rare darter species in Oklahoma. Annual Meeting for the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Puerto Rico, US. | March 2018 |
Holley, C.T., Feng, X., Papes, M., Taylor, A.T., and J.M. Long. 2017. Range-wide ecological niche model for the state-endangered Longnose Darter. Poster presented at: Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa, OK. | February 2017 |
Holley, C.T., A.T. Taylor, and J.M. Long. 2017. Resample, recapture, and re-analyze: Using the 3 R’s to resurrect the scale method of estimating fish age. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Oklahoma City, OK. | February 2017 |
Holley, C.T., A.T. Taylor, and J.M. Long. 2016. Resample, recapture, and re-analyze: Using the 3 R’s to resurrect the scale method of estimating fish age. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, MO. | August 2016 |
Holley, C. T., J. M. Long, and M. Papes. 2018. A multi-scale evaluation of darter community habitat associations to aid conservation of species of conservation concern. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa, OK. | February 2018 |
Holley, C. T., J. M. Long, and M. Papes. 2017. Evaluation of the translocation success of a rare darter species in Oklahoma. Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Fishes Council, Chattanooga, TN. | November 2017 |
Hafen, T., A.T. Taylor, D. Hendrickson, D.R. Stewart, J.M. Long. 2019. Landscape modeling of threatened Yaqui Catfish in a data limited environment. Desert Fishes Council, Alpine, Texas. | November 2019 |
Hafen, T., A.T. Taylor, D. Hendrickson, D.R. Stewart, J.M. Long. 2019. Landscape modeling of threatened Yaqui Catfish in a data limited environment. Catfish 2020, Little Rock, Arkansas | February 2020 |
Hafen, T. A. Taylor, D. A. Hendrickson, D. R. Stewart and J. M. Long. 2020. Environmental DNA (eDNA) to assess the distribution of Yaqui Catfish (<i>Ictalurus pricei</i>) in the Yaqui River basin of Mexico. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Columbus, Ohio. | September 2020 |
Gunn, J.C., L.K. Berkman, S. Brewer, J.M. Long, A.T. Taylor, and L.S. Eggert. 2020. Harnessing genomics for conservation of the endemic Neosho Smallmouth Bass in the central Interior Highlands. Ecological Society of American annual meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah. | August 2020 |
Gunn, J.C., L.K. Berkman, S. Brewer, J.M. Long, A.T. Taylor, and L.S. Eggert. 2020. Genomic Divergence, Admixture, and Signatures of Local Adaptation in the Subspecies of Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu velox). Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, Missouri. | February 2020 |
Gunn, J.C., L.K. Berkman, A.T. Taylor, J.B. Koppelman, S.K. Brewer, J.M. Long, T.N. Volkers, E. Sterling, M. Moore, and L.S. Eggert. 2022. Divergence, admixture, and fitness in the Smallmouth Bass (<i>Micropterus dolomieu</i>). American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Spokane, Washington. | August 2022 |
Gunn, J.C., L.K. Berkman, A.T. Taylor, J.B. Koppelman, S. Brewer, J.M. Long, T.N. Volkers, E. Sterling, M. Moore. and L.S. Eggert. 2022. Divergence, admixture, and fitness in the Smallmouth Bass (<i>Micropterus dolomieu</i>). Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Lake of the Ozarks. | February 2022 |
Gonzalez, A. and J.M. Long. 2020. Longitudinal trends in prey use and condition of age-0 shovelnose sturgeon in the lower Missouri River. North American Sturgeon & Paddlefish Society Annual Meeting, Folsom, CA | October 2020 |
Gonzalez, A. and J.M. Long. 2020. Longitudinal trends in prey use and condition of age-0 shovelnose sturgeon in the lower Missouri River. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, Nebraska. | June 2020 |
Gonzalez, A. and J.M. Long. 2020. Longitudinal trends in prey use and condition of age-0 shovelnose sturgeon in the lower Missouri River. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Columbus, Ohio. | September 2020 |
Gonzalez, A. and J.M. Long. 2019. Longitudinal trends in prey use and condition of age-0 sturgeon in the Lower Missouri River. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Galveston Island, Texas. | January 2019 |
Gonzalez, A. and J.M. Long. 2018. Longitudinal trends in prey use and condition of juvenile shovelnose sturgeon in the lower Missouri River. MRRP 2018 Fall Science Meeting - Pallid Webinar | November 2018 |
Gonzalez, A. and J.M. Long. 2018. Longitudinal trends in prey use and condition of age-0 shovelnose sturgeon in the Lower Missouri River. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE. | March 2018 |
Gonzalez, A. and J.M. Long. 2018. Longitudinal trends in prey use and condition of age-0 shovelnose sturgeon in an altered river system. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa. | February 2018 |
Gary, R.A., J.M. Long, and G. Whitledge. 2021. Factors leading to differences in recruitment potential of American Paddlefish among two reservoir tributaries of Keystone Lake, Oklahoma. North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society Annual Meeting, Virtual. | October 2021 |
Gary, R.A., J.M. Long, J.D. Schooley, and W. Wolfenkoehler. 2021. Anatomy of a successful Paddlefish restoration effort: a case study of Oolagah Lake and the Verdigris River. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. | November 2021 |
Gary, R. and J. Long. 2020. Spawning Habitat Availability at Variable Flows for Paddlefish in the Verdigris River. Southern Division of American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas. | February 2020 |
Gary, R. and J. Long. 2020. Identifying potential spawning habitat for Paddlefish in the Verdigris River. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Norman, Oklahoma. | February 2020 |
Farling, T., W.W. Hoback, and J.M. Long. 2017. Wild juvenile trout nursery habitat in an intermittent tributary and second order stream of a southeastern US tailwater . Oklahoma Clean Lakes and Watersheds Association Conference, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 2017 | April 2017 |
Farling, T., W.W. Hoback, and J.M. Long. 2017. Wild juvenile trout nursery habitat in an intermittent tributary and second order stream of a southeastern US tailwater . American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL. | August 2017 |
Duck, J.L., R.A. Snow, and J.M. Long. 2020. Evaluating the effectiveness of a statewide trophy length limit (762 mm) for Blue Catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) in Oklahoma. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas. | February 2020 |
Duck, J.L., D.R. Stewart, D.E. Shoup, and J.M. Long. 2012. White crappie population characteristics at Lake McMurtry: “a tale of two sides”. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter American Fisheries Society. Stillwater, OK. | October 2012 |
Dakin, B., B. Porter, B. Freeman, and J.M. Long. 2013. Hybridization threatens shoal bass populations in the upper Chattahoochee River basin. Black Bass Diversity Symposium, Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Nashville. | February 2013 |
Civiello, A.P., J.M. Long, N.J. Gosch, T.R. Gemeinhardt, K. Chojnacki, and A.J. DeLonay. 2017. The influence of shallow-water habitat on age-0 shovelnose sturgeon diet and condition. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE. | March 2017 |
Civiello, A.P. and J.M. Long. 2016. Effects of shallow-water habitat quantity on young-of-year Shovelnose Sturgeon prey use along a longitudinal gradient. Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee Annual Forum Webinar. | April 2016 |
Civiello, A.P. and J.M. Long. 2016. Effects of shallow-water habitat quantity on young-of-year Shovelnose Sturgeon prey use along a longitudinal gradient. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Great Falls, Montana. | March 2016 |
Civiello, A.P. and J.M. Long. 2016. Effect of shallow-water habitat quantity on young-of-year Sturgeon prey use and condition along a longitudinal gradient. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri. | August 2016 |
Civiello, A.P. and J.M. Long. 2015. Influence of habitat on young-of-year shovelnose sturgeon prey use. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon. | August 2015 |
Chapagain, B., O. Joshi, J.Long, and A. Taylor. 2020. An application of revealed preference and contingent valuation approach to estimate demand and economic value of recreational fishing in Oklahoma rivers and streams. International Society of Forest Resource Economics, Gulfport, Mississippi. | May 2020 |
Chapagain, B., O. Joshi, J.Long, and A. Taylor. 2019. Influence of Place Attachment and Motivation on Bass Fishing Demand in Oklahoma Streams. Society of American Foresters Annual Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky. | November 2019 |
Chapagain, B., O. Joshi, J. Long, and A. Taylor. 2021. Estimating the effects of fish quality and size on the economic value of fishing in Oklahoma streams and rivers: a revealed preference and contingent behavior approach. International Society of Forest Resource Economics Annual Meeting, Mississippi State University, Starkville. | May 2021 |
Chapagain, B., O. Joshi, J. Long, and A. Taylor. 2020. The effects of social-psychological factors on black bass fishing demand in Oklahoma Ozark streams. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Norman, Oklahoma. | February 2020 |
Chapagain, B., O. Joshi, J. Long, and A. Taylor. 2020. Examining Social-Psychological Factors within a Black Bass Fishing Demand Model: A Travel Cost Approach. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas. | February 2020 |
Cavett, A., J.M. Long, and W.W. Hoback. 2024. Quantifying the effect of farm ponds on biodiversity. Oklahoma Governor's Water Conference and Research Symposium, Norman. | November 2024 |
Cartabiano, E.C. and J.M. Long. 2014. Fish community responses to drought in an aging Great Plains reservoir. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma-Texas Chapter American Fisheries Society, Tanglewood Resort, Pottsboro, Texas. | February 2014 |
Cartabiano, E.C. and J.M. Long. 2013. Fish community response to drought at a shallow Great Plains reservoir. Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Oklahoma City, OK. | October 2013 |
Cartabiano, E., D.R. Stewart, and J.M. Long. 2014. Comparison of methods and bait-type to minimize by-catch when sampling for channel catfish in reservoirs. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC. | January 2014 |
Brewer, S.K. and J.M. Long. 2013. Biology and ecology of genetically distinct Neosho and Ouachita smallmouth bass. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society. Nashville. | February 2013 |
Birdsong, T., D. Krause, J. Leitner, J.M. Long, S. Sammons, and J. Slaughter. 2013. Native Black Bass Initiative: Implementing Watershed-Scale Conservation of Native Fish Populations in Southern US Rivers and Streams. Black Bass Diversity Symposium, Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Nashville. | February 2013 |
A.T. Taylor, J.M. Long, M.D. Tringali, M.R. Schwemm, and S.K. Brewer. 2016. Introgression and Population Structure of Neosho Smallmouth Bass. Oklahoma Natural Resources Conference, Oklahoma City. | February 2016 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
National Park Service, Southeast Region. 2010. Coastal and ocean park strategy: research and monitoring priorities. Atlanta, Georgia. | May 2010 |
Long, J.M., J.S. Bulak, and J. T. Morris. 2002. Structure and functions of tidal freshwater wetlands on the Cooper River, SC: Effects of water management on succession, nutrient cycling, and fish habitat. South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium, Final Report R/ER-16, Charleston. | January 2002 |
Long, J.M. 2006. The role of Mississippi River flooding on fish presence in Mint Springs Creek. National Park Service, Technical Assistance Report, Atlanta, GA. | January 2006 |
Long, J.M. 2006. Fish passage needs at Dill Branch: Shiloh National Military Park. National Park Service, Southeast Region, Technical Assistance Report, Atlanta, GA. | January 2006 |
Long, J.M. 2006. Evidence of rainbow trout spawning in small, warmwater tributaries of the Chattahoochee River, Georgia; Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area. National Park Service, Technical Report, Atlanta, GA. | January 2006 |
Long, J.M. 2006. Assessment of fish health in Front Lake: Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site. National Park Service, Southeast Region, Technical Assistance Report, Atlanta, GA. | January 2006 |
Long, J.M. 2005. Inventory of fishes at Guilford Courthouse National Military Park. National Park Service, Cumberland Piedmont Inventory and Monitoring Network, Final Report, Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. | January 2005 |
Long, J.M. 2004. Management plan for Side Lake Creek riparian vegetation at Carl Sandburg Home National Historic Site: balancing natural and cultural values. National Park Service, Technical Assistance Report, Atlanta, Georgia. | January 2004 |
Long, J.M. 2004. Analysis of long-term benthic invertebrate sampling data: Sisters Creek, Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve. National Park Service, Technical Assistance Report, Atlanta, Georgia. | January 2004 |
Long, J.M. 2002. Assessment of modeling the effects of discharge on abandoned rice field structure and function in the Cooper River, South Carolina. American Rivers and South Carolina Coastal Conservation League, Final Report, Columbia, South Carolina. | January 2002 |
Long, J. and K. Foote. 2006. Mint Springs Creek invasive fish species eradication. Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), Vicksburg National Military Park, MS. | January 2006 |
Long, J. 2015. Atractosteus spatula (on-line). Digital Morphology. Available http://digimorph.org/specimens/Atractosteus_spatula/ | July 2015 |
Fisher, W.L., Long, J.M., and R.G. Hyler. 2000. Evaluation of a differential harvest regulation on black bass populations in Skiatook Lake, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Final Report F-41-R, Job 20, Oklahoma City. | December 2000 |
Type | Citation | Publication Date |
Data Release | Gonzalez, A., and Long, J. M., 2023, Stomach contents and consumption percentage from age-0 Scaphirhynchus sturgeon in the Missouri River, 2016: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9KWJ8W7. | November 2022 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
Southwestern Association of Naturalists - Member | Long | July 1997 | June 2000 |
Southeastern Fishes Council - Member | Long | January 2001 | Present |
Oklahoma Academy of Science - Member | Long | July 1999 | June 2000 |
American Fisheries Society - President-elect, Oklahoma Chapter | Long | February 2012 | October 2012 |
American Fisheries Society - President, Oklahoma Chapter | Long | October 2012 | February 2014 |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Warmwater Streams Committee, Southern Division | Long | January 2003 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Southern Division | Long | July 1996 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Member, South Carolina Chapter | Long | July 2000 | December 2006 |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Reservoir Committee, Southern Division | Long | January 1998 | December 2002 |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Oklahoma Student Chapter | Long | July 1996 | July 2000 |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Oklahoma Chapter | Long | June 1996 | July 2000 |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Missouri Chapter | Long | August 1995 | June 1996 |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Membership Concerns Committee | Long | December 2009 | August 2011 |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Membership Committee | Long | May 2014 | December 2016 |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Introduced Fish Section | Long | February 2011 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Fisheries Professionals Salary Survey Special Committee | Long | March 2012 | December 2012 |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Fisheries Management Section | Long | January 2000 | February 2011 |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Estuaries Section | Long | September 2001 | August 2002 |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Education Section | Long | September 1997 | August 2000 |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Education Section | Long | February 2011 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Continuing Education Committee | Long | January 2000 | December 2008 |
American Fisheries Society - Member | Long | August 1995 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Chair, Program Committee, Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City | Long | January 2016 | February 2017 |
American Fisheries Society - Chair, Membership Concerns Committee | Long | August 2011 | August 2013 |
American Fisheries Society - Chair, Continuing Education Committee | Long | September 2003 | August 2006 |
American Fisheries Society - Chair, Communications Committee, Oklahoma Chapter American Fisheries Society | Long | March 2019 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Chair, Best Student Poster presentation at annual meeting | Long | September 2009 | September 2010 |
American Fisheries Society - Advisor, Oklahoma Student Chapter | Long | July 2009 | Present |