Oklahoma Project
Resilience of fish communities to extreme drought
June 2012 - December 2014
Participating Agencies
- Oklahoma Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Our goal is to provide relevant information to refuge managers regarding recovery of the fish population as a consequence of drought, which is anticipated to increase in frequency in the future due to climate change. The objectives of this study are to: 1. Provide an updated comprehensive survey of fish communities in major waterbodies of the refuge, including the reservoir, post-drought, 2. Compare post-drought fish community data (proportional abundance according to species) to pre-drought levels (i.e., Ashbaugh et al. 1996), 3. Estimate the proportion of fishes available as forage to endangered interior least terns during their breeding season (May-August) at the refuge by quantifying monthly fish body size (total length and depth) according to species.