Wood, W.T., M.W. Rogers. 2019. Abundance and population controls of bigheaded carp in a productive southeastern reservoir. Southeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.
October 2019
Ecosystem modeling of Asian Carp on southeast reservoir food webs.
Wood WT, MW Rogers. 2019. Abundance and population controls of bigheaded carp in a productive southeastern reservoir. 2019 Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Galveston, Texas.
January 2019
Describes modeling approaches for predicting Asian carp biomass in southeastern reservoirs and predicting fishing effects on the population.
Womble, K.I., Rosenberger, A.E., and G.R. Dinkins. 2023. A Comprehensive Freshwater Mussel Database for the Duck River Drainage, Tennessee: The History of Mussels in a Priority Watershed. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium: Portland, OR. April 2023.
February 2023
Womble, K.I., Rosenberger, A.E., and G.R. Dinkins. 2023. A Comprehensive Freshwater Mussel Database for the Duck River Drainage, Tennessee: The History of Mussels in a Priority Watershed. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium: Portland, OR. April 2023.
Womble, K.I., A.E. Rosenberger, and R.T.R. Paine. 2025. Working toward the recovery of the Pale Lilliput (Toxolasma cylindrellus). Oral Presentation for the Tennessee Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting. Counce, TN. February 2025.
February 2025
The endangered Pale Lilliput mussel exists in two Tennessee River populations. Previous surveys likely missed habitats due to limited understanding of its behavior. This study combined habitat modeling, field surveys, and eDNA analysis to assess status. Though no mussels were found in 22 sites, two creeks were identified for potential reintroduction.
Womble, K.I., A.E. Rosenberger, and K.Key. 2024. Expansion of a comprehensive freshwater mussel database for Tennessee: Compiling mussel assemblage information for West Tennessee drainages. West Tennessee River Basin Authority Water Resource Symposium. Jackson, TN. February 2024.
February 2024
This database is a valuable asset for agencies and stakeholders responsible for managing and conserving West Tennessee's biota, enhancing the efficiency of their efforts. Furthermore, it can serve as the foundation for future research and conservation initiatives for freshwater mussels in West Tennessee.
Womble, K.I. and A.E. Rosenberger. 2022. A habitat suitability model for the Tennessee Heelsplitter (Lasmigona holstonia). Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI. May, 2022.
May 2022
The Tennessee Heelsplitter (<i>Lasmigona holstonia</i>) is a rare, small-shelled mussel restricted to the Tennessee and New River drainages. It is currently petitioned for listing by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). This project narrows the search scope for future surveys targeting this species and informs its listing decision under the ESA.
Womble, K.I. and A.E. Rosenberger. 2019. A habitat suitability model for the Tennessee Heelsplitter (Lasmigona holstonia). Oral presentation. Tennessee Endangered Mollusk Meeting, Crossville, TN. December 2019.
December 2019
Presentation was to alert local biologists that we were initiating work on the Tennessee Heelsplitter and a close relative.
Womble, K.I. and A.E. Rosenberger. 2021. A habitat suitability model for the Tennessee Heelsplitter (Lasmigona holstonia). Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Annual Meeting. April, 2021.
April 2021
Summarizes broad habitat use pattern of a species in need of assessment, the Tennessee Heelsplitter.
Womble, K.I. and A. Rosenberger. 2022. A habitat suitability model for the Tennessee Heelsplitter (Lasmigona holstonia). Tennessee Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Gaitlinburg, TN. March 2022.
March 2022
Describes broad landscape patterns of a species up for assessment, the TN heelsplitter.
Wisniewski, J.M. and J.B. Layzer. 2004. Survival and growth of juvenile freshwater mussels cultured in conditioned sediment. Tennessee Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Fall Creek Falls, TN. March 2-3.
March 2004
Wisniewski, J. and J.B. Layzer. 2004. Effects of conditioning sediment on growth and survival of juvenile freshwater mussels in an indoor culture facility. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Spring Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK. February 26-29.
February 2004
Williams, J. and P.W. Bettoli. March 2001. Economic value of trout fishing opportunities in Tennessee Rivers. Annual Meeting, Tennessee Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Paris, TN
March 2001
Williams, J. and P.W. Bettoli. 2002. Net value of trout fishing opportunities in the Clinch River, Tennessee. Tennessee Chapter, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Fall Creek Falls
March 2002
Williams, J. and P.W. Bettoli. 2002. Net value of trout fishing opportunities in Tennessee. Mid-Year Meeting, Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, AR
February 2002
Wesley, V.P., M.W. Rogers. 2021. Age and growth of three important commercially harvested fishes in Tennessee: Skipjack Herring, Silver Carp, and Smallmouth Buffalo. Tennessee Chapter of the American Fisheries Society.
February 2021
Student Masters thesis proposal presentation on estimating age and growth of three commercial fishes in Tennessee.
Welte, N.T. and J.B. Layzer. 2005. Recent recruitment and distribution of mussels in the upper Green River, Kentucky. Annual Meeting, Tennessee Chapter American Fisheries Society. Fall Creek Falls, TN.
March 2005
Weber, A.S. and J.B. Layzer. 2007. An evaluation of sampling methods for determining species composition and relative abundance of turtles in a small lake. Annual meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, St. Louis, MO.
July 2007
Weber, A.S. and J.B. Layzer. 2006. Differences in capture rates and species composition of turtles between basking traps and baited hoop nets. 12th Annual Tennessee Herpetological Conference, Martin, TN.
April 2006
Warren, L.E., and P.W. Bettoli. 2013. Adult Spawning Habitat and Survival, Movement, and Nursery Habitat of Stocked Juvenile Muskellunge in Middle Tennessee Streams. Spring Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Nashville, Tennessee.
February 2013
No information exists on the extent of natural reproduction of native muskellunge in Tennessee or the efficiacy of a stocking program.
Warren, L., P.W. Bettoli, and A. Cole. Muskellunge in Tennessee: A Historic Overview and Recent Research. Muskellunge and Northern Pike Symposium, Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas.
September 2013
Scant research has been done on populations of muskellunge at the southernmost extent of their native range. Assessments of stocking progams and extent of natural reproduction in different systems are presented.
Vandergoot, C., P.W. Bettoli, and T.N. Churchill. 2004. Stocking contribution and population dynamics of walleye in Tennessee reservoirs. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Madison, WI. August 23-27.
August 2004
Toala-Hidalgo, E., T. Kumetis, R. T. R. Paine, K. Wheeler, and A. E. Rosenberger. 2024. Comparing aqueous environmental DNA metabarcoding to sediment-bound environmental DNA metabarcoding in sand-dominated freshwater systems. Poster presented at the Southeastern Fishes Council Annual Meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas.
November 2024
This study compares aqueous and sediment-bound environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding in Cub Creek, a sand-dominated headwater of the Hatchie River in west Tennessee. The research aims to assess the effectiveness of these two eDNA sampling methods for evaluating fish assemblages in historically degraded headwater systems. Results may inform future sampling designs for monitoring headwater fish populations, crucial for understanding ecosystem health and biodiversity in these important habitats.
Swain-Menzell, R.T.R. Paine, and A.E. Rosenberger. 2024. Detection and Modeling of Darters and Madtoms: eDNA Surveillance of Imperiled Southeastern US Fishes. Poster presentation for the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Chatanooga, TN. January 2024.
January 2024
Illustrates how a combination of habitat modeling and sensitive environmental DNA surveillance can be used to verify the status of critically imperiled, cryptic fishes.
Surgenor, S.L. and J.B. Layzer. 2002. Survival and growth of juvenile Actinonaias pectorosa, cultured in an indoor recirculating system. Tennessee Chapter, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Fall Creek Falls
March 2002
Stewart, T.R., T.L. Cox, M.E. Colvin, C.G. Dunn, M.W. Rogers, and L.E. Miranda. 2022. Simulation tools for estimating statistical power to monitor invasive carps. 152nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Spokane, Washington.
August 2022
Simulations revealed that newly-established invasive carp populations may require large and unrealistic amounts of sampling effort to detect a change with sufficient statistical power. This simulation effort highlighted the need to use statistical power analyses when evaluating monitoring programs for invasive carps.
Stewart, T.R., M.E. Colvin, C.G. Dunn, M.W. Rogers, and L.E. Miranda. 2022. Teamwork makes the dream work: an app to standardize inter-agency invasive carps surveillance. 152nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Spokane, Washington.
August 2022
We developed a web-based application to standardize data integration and analyses for invasive carps within the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers. Integrating standardized datasets and analyses across jurisdictions can promote collaborative actions and increase the efficacy and efficiency of invasive carps management programs.
Spaulding, J., and P.W. Bettoli. 2013. Behavioral Thermoregulation of Fishes in Relation to Heated Effluent from a Power Plant on the Cumberland River, Tennessee. Spring Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Nashville, Tennessee.
February 2013
The behavior and movements of fishes in and around a thermal plume produced by a coal-fried steam plant is being studied using a sophisticated hydroacoustic listening array.
Spaulding, J., P.W. Bettoli, and M. Bevelhimer. 2014. Continuous telemetry of fishes near the heated effluent from a power plant on the Cumberland River, Tennessee. Spring Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Charleston, South Carolina.
January 2014
New techology has allowed for vast amount of data to be collected on thermal ecology of fishes in and around power plants.
Spaulding, J., P.W. Bettoli, and M. Bevelhimer. 2014. Temperature selection of fishes near a power plant thermal plume. Joint Annual Meeting of the Tennessee and Mississippi Chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Pickwick Landing, Tennessee.
March 2014
New technologies now allow for the continuous monitoring of the temperatures selected by tagged fishes interacting with the heated discharge of a power plant.
Spaulding, J., P. Bettoli., and M. Bevelhimer. 2013. Behavioral thermoregulation of fishes in relation to heated effluent from a power plant on the Cumberland River, Tennessee. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas.
September 2013
New technologies are permitting the acquisiton of vast amounts of fine-scale data associated with the thermo-regulatory behavior of fishes in and around heated power plant effluent.
Simmons, J.W. and J.B. Layzer. 2003. Spawning habitat and behavior of the endangered bluemask darter, Etheostoma (Doration) sp. Arkansas/Tennessee Joint Chapter American Fisheries Society meeting. Jackson, TN.
March 2003
Simmons, J.W. and J.B. Layzer 2003. Reproductive ecology of the endangered bluemask darter, Etheostoma (Doration) sp. Annual Meeting, Southern Division, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Arlington, VA.
April 2003
Simmons, J. and J.B. Layzer. 2002. Selected ecological aspects of the endangered bluemask darter, Etheostoma (Doration) sp. Tennessee Chapter, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Fall Creek Falls
March 2002
Sievert, N., A. J. Lynch, H. S. Embke, A. Robertson, B. J. E. Myers, M. S. Allen, Z. S. Feiner, F. Hoogakker, S. Knoche, S. R. Midway, C. L. Nieman, C. P. Paukert, K. L. Pope, M W. Rogers, L. Wszola, T. D. Beard, Jr. November 2021. The U.S. Inland Creel and Angler Survey Catalog (CreelCat): A database and interactive tool for inland fisheries management and research. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD
November 2021
This study creates a publicly accessible database of creel survey data nationwide so managers can access angler data to determine how the environment and management actions may affect angler catch and harvest.
Shea, C.P., K. Potoka, P.W. Bettoli, C.F. Saylor, and P.W. Schute. 2013. Use of dynamic occupancy models to assess the response of darters (Teleostei: Percidae) to varying hydrological and hydrothermal conditions in the Elk River, Tennessee.Spring Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Nashville, Tennessee.
February 2013
This work reports on a critical component of a Structured Decision Making model that is being developed to balance the recovery of endangered species below a hydroelectric dam with the competing interrests of flood control, power production, and recreational fishing.
Shea, C.P. P.W. Bettoli, and K. Potoka. 2012. A multi-species occupancy approach to assessing the stream status of stream fishes in the Elk River following operational changes at Tims Ford Dam. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Biloxi, MS.
January 2012
Shea, C., P. Bettoli, K. Potoka, C. Saylor, and P. Shute. 2013. Development of a decision support tool for determining optimal hydropower dam operations in the Southeastern United States tailwater. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas.
September 2013
The competiting interests of three agencies in how a dam is operated to provide sportfishing opportunities, hydropower, flood control, and conserve endangered species are being addressed via a structured decision making model.
Schrum, M., A.E. Rosenberger, and S. McMurray. 2018. Identification of the cause of mussel population collapse, and current water quality and habitat suitability assessment in the Little Black River system, Carter, Ripley, and Butler Counties, Missouri. Oral Presentation to the Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. February, 2018.
February 2018
Our goal is to identify likely sources of ongoing water quality issues to determine if sites in the Little Black River are presently suitable for reintroduction efforts and, potentially, narrow down the causes of the precipitous decline in mussel assemblages in the river. The results of this study will inform future potential mussel reintroduction efforts in the Little Black River.
Schrum, M., A. Rosenberger, and S. McMurray. 2018. Linking mussel population collapse to current and historic conditions and threats in the Little Black River system, Missouri. Oral Presentation for the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, NJ. August, 2018.
August 2018
Describes mussel population collapse in an important Missouri system to current and historic conditions and threats in the Little Black River, Missouri
Scholten, G.M., P.W. Bettoli, and G. Moyers. 2014. Stocking efficacy and catch-and-release mortality of Saugers in the Cumberland River,
Tennessee. Joint Annual Meeting of the Tennessee and Mississippi Chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Pickwick Landing, Tennessee.
March 2014
This study represents the first use of genetic markers to evaluate the efficacy of a stocking program in Tennessee waters and instantaneous rates of catch-and-release mortality have rarely been estimated for any species, including Sauger.
Scholten, G.D., P.W. Bettoli, and M.E. Sandrene. 2004. Effects of commercial fishing on paddlefish stocks in Kentucky Lake. Tennessee Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Fall Creek Falls, TN. March 2-3.
March 2004
Scholten, G.D., M. Sandrene, and P.W. Bettoli. 2003. Population dynamics of paddlefish in Kentucky Lake on the Tennessee River. Joint Annual Meeting of the Arkansas and Tennessee Chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Jackson, TN.
March 2003
Scholten, G.D. and P.W. Bettoli. 2005. Assessment of overfishing in a paddlefish fishery. Midyear meeting, Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, Virginia Beach, VA.
February 2005
Scholten, G., P.W. Bettoli, and M. Sandrene. 2004. Discharge as a predictor of paddlefish harvest in Kentucky Lake on the Tennessee River. Southern Division American Fishery Society Spring Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK. February 26-29.
February 2004
Scholten, G., P.W. Bettoli, and G. Moyer. 2014. Assessing stocking efficacy of Sauger using genetic markers and evaluating their movement and mortality in the Cumberland River in Tennessee. Spring Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Charleston, South Carolina.
January 2014
This study represents the first use of genetic markers to evaluate the efficacy of a stocking program in Tennessee waters and instantaneous rates of catch-and-release mortlaity have rarely been estimated for any species, including Sauger.
Sallack, K., Key, K.N., Irwin Womble, K., and A.E. Rosenberger. 2023. Initiating Freshwater Mussel Research in the Hatchie River. West Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Jackson, TN. March 2023 (abstract not published)
March 2023
Sallack, K., Key, K.N., Irwin Womble, K., and A.E. Rosenberger. 2023. Initiating Freshwater Mussel Research in the Hatchie River. West Tennessee Water Resources Symposium, Jackson, TN. March 2023 (abstract not published)
Sallack, K., Key, K.N., Irwin Womble, K., and A.E. Rosenberger. 2023. Initiating Freshwater Mussel Research in the Hatchie River. Tennessee Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Chapel Hill, TN. March 2023 (Abstract not published)
March 2023
Sallack, K., Key, K.N., Irwin Womble, K., and A.E. Rosenberger. 2023. Initiating Freshwater Mussel Research in the Hatchie River. Tennessee Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Chapel Hill, TN. March 2023 (Abstract not published)
Sallack, K., K.N. Key, K.I. Womble, and A.E. Rosenberger. 2024. Freshwater mussels of the Hatchie River: distribution, composition, and abundance. Poster Presentation for the West Tennessee River Basin Authority Water Resource Symposium. Jackson, TN. February 2024. (Abstract not published)
February 2024
Updated known information about the most important drainage in West Tennessee for freshwater mussel diversity.
Saha, S. and J.B. Layzer. 2006. Evaluation of a nonlethal technique for determining gender of freshwater mussels. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
February 2006
Saha, S. and J.B. Layzer. 2005. Non-lethal sex determination of freshwater mussels. Annual Meeting, Tennessee Chapter American Fisheries Society. Fall Creek Falls, TN. BEST STUDENT PAPER
March 2005
Russell, D. and P.W. Bettoli. 2010. Age and growth of lake trout in two Tennessee Reservoirs. Annual Meeting of the Tennessee Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Spencer, TN. (Best Student Paper)
May 2010
Rosenberger, A.E., and K.I. Womble. Freshwater mussels of Tennessee: Future Directions for the Cumberland River Basin. Invited Presentation for the Sustainable Rivers Program FY24 Cumberland river Workshop, External PDT Meeting. Lebanon, TN. June, 2024.
June 2024
In this presentation, we introduced the biology and ecology of freshwater mussels, provided some ideas of the history of Cumberland river mussels, provided specific history of freshwater mussels in the Cumberland River basin, and outlined future research directions that may assist with the conservation of the species in the region specifically related to dam operations under the Sustainable Rivers Program.
Rosenberger, A.E., S. McMurray, K. Bouska, G. Lindner, K.Key, M. Schrum, and L. Lueckenhoff. 2018. Towards a Statewide, Strategic, and Spatially-Explicit Mussel Conservation Assessment and Monitoring Program – our vision. Oral Presentation to Tennessee Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN.
January 2018
Describes the component of my research program intended to provide information that allows for a statewide conservation assessment for Missouri's exciting and rare mussel fauna- a plan that could potentially transfer to Tennessee.
Rosenberger, A.E., S. McMurray, K. Bouska, G. Lindner, K. Key, J. Holtswarth, K. Womble, M. Schrum, and L. Lueckenhoff. 2020. Towards a statewide, strategic, and spatially-explicit mussel conservation assessment and monitoring program - our vision. Virtual Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, September.
September 2020
For threatened assemblages, the rarity of that resource and its isolation in the landscape play a role in the approach that mangers take in decision making. A strategic approach to management based on ecological and physical processes important for overall ecological health of a system is required for cost-effective and concrete recovery of threatened and endangered species.
Rosenberger, A.E., S. McMurray, K. Bouska, G. Lindner, K. Key, J. Holtswarth, K. Womble, M. Schrum, and L. Lueckenhoff. 2020. Towards a statewide, strategic, and spatially-explicit mussel conservation assessment and monitoring program - our vision. Virtual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, September, 2020.
September 2020
For threatened assemblages, the rarity of that resource and its isolation in the landscape play a role in the approach that mangers take in decision making. Without a strategic framework for decision making, identification of risks and threats to widespread assemblages can be subjective.
Rosenberger, A.E., K.I. Womble, M. Schrum, K. Key, J. Holtsworth, B.Bajo, J.Fetters, K. Sallack. 2024. TN Cooperative Research Unit mussel program update. Tennessee Endangered Mussels Conference; Cumberland Mountain State Park, TN. January, 2024.
January 2024
Met with researchers and managers working on TN endangered mussels to update them on my overarching program goals, research themes, and recent projects and outcomes.
Rosenberger, A.E., K.I. Womble, K. Sallack, J. Fetters, K. Key, G. Dinkins, D. Hua. 2023. Current Status of Mussel Research in the Rosenberger Lab at TN Tech. Tennessee Endangered Mollusk Committee Meeting: Crossville, TN. February 2023. (Abstract not published)
February 2023
I used this meeting of close colleagues to update them on all research endeavors I am presently undertaking with my lab in TN related to freshwater mussels.
Rosenberger, A.E., D.B. Fitzgerald, K.I. Womble, and D.R. Smith. 2022. Making your survey effort count for the USFWS species status assessment process. Invited Workshop Presentation for the Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society, Henry Horton State Park, TN. August, 2022.
August 2022
Allocating sampling effort accross multiple mussel species for the SSA process and the SSA process overall is discussed.
Rosenberger, A.E. and Womble, K.I. 2023. The history of freshwater mussels in the Duck River, Tennessee. Presentation to the Duck River Agency Annual Meeting, Henry Horton State Park, TN. December.
December 2023
The USGS Tennessee Cooperative Research Unit at Tennessee Tech University has created a drainage-wide freshwater mussel database that enables us to highlight core areas of diversity and abundance, explore changes in mussel populations over time, and prioritize areas for future research. The database allows us to describe the history of freshwater mussel populations in the river and highlights the uniqueness and importance of the Duck River fauna.
Rosenberger, A.E. 2023. Direction of mussel research in Tennessee: A strategic approach and instream flow. Tennessee River Basin Network Annual Meeting, Florence, Alabama. August 2023.
August 2023
Rosenberger, A.E. 2023. Direction of mussel research in Tennessee: A strategic approach and instream flow. Tennessee River Basin Network Annual Meeting, Florence, Alabama. August 2023.
Rosenberger, A.E. 2022. Development and implementation of instream flow requirements to preserve the biotic integrity and resilience of the Duck River. Duck River Agency Annual Meeting, December 2022.
December 2022
Rosenberger, A.E. 2022. Development and implementation of instream flow requirements to preserve the biotic integrity and resilience of the Duck River. Duck River Agency Annual Meeting, December 2022.
Rogers, MW. 2019. Congratulations on your new project; uhhh, what now? Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Hilton Head, SC.
October 2019
Invited contribution to a symposium for new supervisors.
Rogers, M.W., W.T. Wood, Y-C Kao. 2019. An ecosystem model for population controls and ecological effects of bigheaded carp in a productive southeastern reservoir. Ecopath 25, St. Petersburg, Florida.
December 2019
Predicted effects of Asian carp in southeast US reservoirs from a foodweb based ecosystem model.
Rogers, M.W., J. Murdock. 2018. Influences of Asian Carp invasion on a native mussel biodiversity hotspot in Tennessee. Southern Division of American Fisheries Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
March 2018
We explored potential for food web overlap between invasive fish and native mussels.
Rogers, M.W., J. Murdock, D. Hubbs. 2018. Implications of Silver Carp invasion on the Food Web of a Freshwater Mussel Biodiversity Hotspot. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Mobile, Alabama.
October 2018
Invasive asian carp effects on native species and biodiversity.
Rogers, M.W., A. Deines, D.B. Bunnell, D. Bennion, A.J. Lynch, S.J. Cooke, and T.D. Beard, Jr. North American Inland Fisheries: Knowns, Unknowns, and Management Challenges. May 2016. World Fisheries Congress. Busan, South Korea.
May 2016
Status of North American inland fisheries and data gaps.
Rogers, M.W., A. Deines, D.B. Bunnell, D. Bennion, A.J. Lynch, S.J. Cooke, and T.D. Beard, Jr. North American Inland Fisheries: Knowns, Unknowns, and Management Challenges. February 2017. Southern Division of American Fisheries Society, Oklahoma City.
February 2017
Current understanding of North American inland fisheries production and data gaps.
Rogers, M.W. 2020. Asian Carp status and research efforts for informing TVA environmental assessment in the Tennessee River. TVA Environmental Assessment webinar series.
May 2020
Asian carp research updates for assisting the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) with an environmental assessment for potential movement barrier siting in the Tennessee River. Biological information is one of many data needs for TVA efforts.
Roberts, A., J. Hundley, A. Rosenberger, K.L. Bouska, D. Mosby, B. Simmons, and G. Lindner. 2017. Quantitative Survey of Freshwater Mussels (Unionoidea) and Assessment of Sediment Contamination in the Big River, Missouri. Poster Presentation for the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting, November, 2017.
November 2017
This work describes the effect of widespread lead contamination on freshwater mussel communities in the Big River, Missouri.
Ridgway, J., and P.W. Bettoli. 2016. Gear efficacy and population characteristics of Bigheaded Carp on the southeastern leading edge of their North American invasion.
Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, Missouri.
August 2016
This study represents the first investigation into the biology and distribution of invasive Bigheaded Carps in Tennessee waters.
Rahm, E. and J.B. Layzer. 2007. Spatial distribution and microhabitat of adult and juvenile mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae) within a bed. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Habitat Restoration Workshop. Little Rock, AR.
March 2007
Ragland, D.L. and J.B. Layzer. 2004. The clash of the abrupta. Combining indoor and outdoor culture faciltiies for long-term culture of the endangered pink mucket. Tennessee Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Fall Creek Falls, TN. March 2-3.
March 2004
Ragland, D. and J.B. Layzer. 2004. Long-term growth and survival of cultured Lampsilis abrupta. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Spring Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK. February 26-29.
February 2004
Potoka, K., P.W. Bettoli, and C.P. Shea. 2012. Distribution and ecology of the endandgered boulder darter in the Elk River, Tennessee. Annual meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Biloxi, MS.
January 2012
Potoka, C., C.P. Shea, and P.W. Bettoli. 2013.
Occupancy modeling as a tool for evaluating the status and distribution of darters in the Elk River, Tennessee. Spring Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Nashville, Tennessee.
February 2013
This work reports on the use of state-of-the-art modling techniques to monitor the distribution of an endangered darter in a regulated river below a hydroelectric dam. Results will guide current efforts to modify dam operations to balance the the need to recover the species against other uses of the dam (i.e., flood control, power production, water supply).
Petersen, M.J., and P.W. Bettoli. 2012. Hooking mortality of hybrid striped bass in a Tennessee lake. Annual meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Biloxi, MS.
January 2012
Paine, R.T.R., M.W. Rogers, and A.E. Rosenberger. 2024. Environmental DNA surveillance of a Clarias catfish in southeastern Puerto Rico. September, 2024. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting.
September 2024
Environmental DNA surveillance indicated that this <i>Clarias</i> catfish invasion is more widespread than expected, and more extensive survey efforts are needed to delineate the true leading edge and confirm the species of this cryptic genus. While the leading edge is still currently unknown, eDNA surveillance was useful to identify areas where targeted capture and removal efforts could be focused to control population abundance.
Paine, R.T.R., M.W. Rogers, C.R. Harty, and T. J. Flanagan. 2024.Molecular surveillance of invasive carp reproduction in Tennessee reservoirs. September, 2024. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting.
September 2024
The presence of carp larvae and eggs were detected in several locations of both reservoirs. Evidence of successful spawning of silver carp in Tennessee reservoirs was observed, however there has been no indication of recruitment to the existing population. Results from this study will be used to assist agencies with developing more efficient monitoring approaches for larval carps as well as a need for rapid response to limit potential further population expansion.
Paine, R.T.R., M.W. Rogers, C. Hurt. 2018. Environmental DNA (eDNA) tracking of the invasive Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) in the Duck River, Tennessee. Southeastern Fishers Council Annual Meeting, South Carolina.
November 2018
Testing and validation of qPCR techniques for eDNA detection of Silver Carp in Tennessee.
Paine, R.T., M.W. Rogers., and A.E. Rosenberger. 2024. Looking for Lazarus: Environmental DNA (eDNA) surveillance of the federally threatened Slender Chub (Erimystax cahni) in the Clinch River and Powell Rivers. Poster Presentation submitted to the American Fisheries Society. Chatanooga, TN.
February 2024
Our results do indicate the presence of slender chub DNA perseveres in the systems and can inform resource agencies of localities to pursue more intensive survey efforts with conventional methods (e.g., snorkeling, seining) and potential restoration and recovery sites.
Padgett, A., M.W. Rogers. 2021. Lower food web selectivity by bigheaded carps in southeastern reservoirs. Tennessee Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting.
February 2021
Food web evaluation of feeding patterns in bigheaded carps versus gizzard shad.
Neuswanger, J, M Wipfli, A Rosenberger. Feeding Ecology of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Chena River, Interior Alaska. Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, Alaska, May 2018.
May 2018
Work shows how Juvenile Chinook Salmon compete for food resources, and how food is allocated among these young fish through their behavioral interactions.
Mott, R. and A.E. Rosenberger. 2017. Effects of sublethal stressors on Topeka Shiner (Notropis Topeka) physiology. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, FL. August, 2017.
August 2017
Summarizes M.S. work on Topeka shiner showing water quality requirements and preferences using nonlethal methods. Water quality measurements include temperature, ammonia and ammonia byproducts, and salt.
Moles, K.R. and J.B . Layzer. Reintroduction of the rayed bean, Villosa fabalis, into the Duck River. Annual Meeting, Tennessee Chapter American Fisheries Society. Montgomery Bell, TN. 2009.
May 2009
Moles, K.R. and J.B. Layzer. Spawning, propagation and culture of Green River mussels. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium, Baltimore, MD. 2009.
July 2009
Moles, K. and J.B. Layzer. 2005. Gametogensis and fertilization of Actinonaias ligamentina in relation to distance from the Green River Dam, Kentucky. Annual Meeting, Tennessee Chapter American Fisheries Society. Fall Creek Falls, TN.
March 2005
Moles, K. and J.B. Layzer. Declining mussel populations in a regulated river - a result of serial discontinuity? First Triennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science, St. Pete Beach, FL. 12-17 July. 2009.
July 2009
Moles, K. R., and J. B. layzer. 2011. Mussel restoration: augmentation, reintroductions and habitat restoration. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Tampa, FL.
January 2011
Moles, K. R. and J. B. Layzer. 2011. Population Demographics of Three Endangered and Five Imperiled Mussel Species In The Duck River. Rare Mollusk Meeting, December 6-7, Tennessee.
December 2011
Mengel, V.M. and J.B. Layzer. Fish hosts and other life history aspects of the fluted kidneyshell, Ptychobranchus subtentum (Bivalvia: Unionidae). 55th Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society, Columbia, SC.
June 2007
Mengel, V.M. and J.B. Layzer. 2007. Life history and population demographics of the fluted kidneyshell (Ptychobranchus subtentum) (Bivalvia: Unionidae). Spring meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. Memphis, TN. (Best Student Poster Award)
February 2007
Meerbeek, J.R. and P.W. Bettoli. 2004. Diet and performance of stocked brown trout in five Tennessee tailwaters. Tennessee Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Fall Creek Falls, TN. March 2-3.
March 2004
Meerbeek, J. and P.W. Bettoli. 2004. Diet and performance of stocked brown trout in five Tennessee tailwaters. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Spring Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK. February 26-29.
February 2004
M.W. Rogers, Wood, W.T., Koa, Y-C. 2020. An Ecosystem Model for Population Controls and Ecological Effects of Bigheaded Carp in a Productive Southeastern Reservoir. Southern Division of American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas.
February 2020
Bighead Carp <i>Hypophthalmichthys nobilis</i> and Silver Carp <i>H. molitrix</i> (collectively referred to as bigheaded carp) are established in lower portions of the Tennessee River and Cumberland River. Multi-agency efforts to delineate the leading edge of invasion, population monitoring, and potential control measures are ongoing. A major concern regarding established populations is potential ecological effects on native aquatic communities and how fisheries could mitigate as a populatio
M.W. Rogers, C.R. Harty, P.W. Bettoli. 2020. Investigation of Channel Catfish and Blue Catfish Population Dynamics in Three Tennessee River Reservoirs. Southern Division of American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas.
February 2020
Monitoring and population modeling for two commercial and recreational catfish species in Tennessee.
Lynch, A.J., Z. Basher, Y.-C. Kao, T.D. Beard, Jr., D.B. Bunnell, M.W. Rogers, and W.W. Taylor. Estimating inland fisheries harvest potential with global change. May 2016. World Fisheries Congress. Busan, South Korea.
May 2016
Using GIS, remote sensed data, and models to quantify climate change effects on inland fisheries.
Lynch, A.J., S.J. Cooke, A. Deines, S. Bower, D.B. Bunnell, I.G. Cowx, V.M. Nguyen, J. Nohner, K. Phouthavong, B. Riley, M.W. Rogers, W.W. Taylor, W.M. Woelmer, S.J. Youn. T.D. Beard, Jr. 2016 The social, economical, and ecological importance of inland fishes and fisheries. International Union for the Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress. Honolulu, Hawaii.
September 2016
Ecological, social, and economic importance of inland fisheries.
Life History of the Cumberland Papershell Anodontoides denigrata. Tyler R. Hern and James B. Layzer. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium. Guntersville, Alabama.
March 2013
The Cumberland Papershell Anodontoides denigrata is a poorly known species endemic to the upper Cumberland River. We monitored two populations from October 2011 to October 2012, and determined spawning and brooding period, fecundity, age and growth, size and age at maturity, suitable host(s) in the laboratory and verify their use as hosts in the field, and natural glochidial infestation rates.
Layzer, J.B. and K.R. Moles. Ongoing mussel and fish studies in the upper Green River. 4th Annual Upper Green River Aquatic Fauna Symposium, Campbellsville University, Campbellsville, KY. 2009.
May 2009
Layzer, J.B. and K.R. Moles. 2010. Fish and mussels within the Green River Glenview Nature Preserve. 6th Annual Upper Green River Symposium, Campbellsville University, Campbellsville, KY.
April 2010
Layzer, J.B. and E.M. Scott. 2003. Restoration and colonization of freshwater mussels and fish in a southeastern United States tailwater. Ninth International Conference on River Research and Applications. Albury, New South Wales, Australia.
August 2003
Layzer, J.B. and E. Scott. 2004. Restoring biodiversity in an east Tennessee tailwater. Southern Division American Fishery Society Spring Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK. February 26-29
February 2004
Layzer, J.B. March 2000. Restoration of aquatic fauna in the lower French Broad River - an overview of ongoing research. Tennessee Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Fall Creek Falls State Park, TN
March 2000
Layzer, J.B. July 2000. Modeling flow requirements for freshwater mussels: Unresolved issues. Eighth International Symposium on Regulated Streams. Toulouse, France
July 2000
Layzer, J.B. August 2001. Propagation and culture of Unionidae in fish hatcheries. World Congress of Malacology, Vienna, Austria
January 2001
Layzer, J.B. 2007. Instream flow requirements of mussels. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Habitat Restoration Workshop. Little Rock, AR.
March 2007
Layzer, J.B. 2006. Variation in recruitment of mussels in the Green River. 1st Upper Green River Aquatic Fauna Symposium. Campblesville, KY.
April 2006
Layzer, J.B. 2006. Nonannual reproduction of female muckets Actinonaias ligamentina. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
February 2006
Layzer, J.B. 2006. Assessing the success of a mussel-stocking program. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society: Propagation and Captive Care of Freshwater Molluscs Workshop, Columbus, OH.
March 2006
Layzer, J.B. 2005. Tennessee's vanishing aquatic flora and fauna. EPSCoR Environmental Summit. Cookeville, TN.
February 2005
Layzer, J.B. 2002. Propagation and culture of unionidae in fish hatcheries. Freshwater Mussel Propagation Workshop. Shepherdstown, WV
March 2002
Layzer, J.B. 2001. Modeling flow requirements of freshwater mussels: Unresolved issues. Defining Ecological Flow Requirements Workshop. New Paltz, NY
December 2001
Layzer, J.B. The influence of a conservation flow regime on mussel recruitment in the Green River, Kentucky, USA. International Conference on Implementing Environmental Water Allocations. Port Elizabeth, South Africa. 2009.
May 2009
Layzer, J.B. 2010. Dams and mussels - the challenge of coexistence. International Conference on the Conservation and Management of Rivers: 20 years on. York, UK.
September 2010
Layzer, J.B. 2010. Assessment of the mussel fauna in the area of the Green River Ferry, Mammoth Cave National Park. 6th Annual Upper Green River Symposium, Campbellsville University, Campbellsville, KY.
April 2010
Layzer, J.B. 2006. Nonsynchronous recruitment among mussel species in a regulated river: Implications for prescribing flow releases. Tenth International Symposium on Regulated Streams. University of Stirling. Stirling, Scotland.
August 2006
Layzer, J.B. 2005. Stream Regulation and Mussel Populations. ESPCoR Environmental Summit 2005. Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN.
February 2005
Layzer, J. B. 2010. Factors affecting populations of the Cumberland elktoe Alasmidonta atropurpurea (Rafinesque, 1831) and the Cumberland papershell Anodontoides denigrata (Lea, 1852). The Cumberland HCP Science Advisory Committee Meeting. October 27, 2010. Cumberland Mountain State Park, TN.
October 2010
Kumetis, T., K. Wheeler, R. Paine, and A. Rosenberger. 2024. A quantitative synthesis comparing eDNA metabarcoding and conventional sampling of freshwater fish assemblages. Oral Presentation for the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Fisheries Council. Little Rock, Arkansas. November, 2024.
November 2024
This study compares eDNA metabarcoding with conventional sampling for freshwater fish assemblages. It's crucial for biodiversity conservation, evaluating new techniques, and detecting rare or invasive species. eDNA often detects more species and better captures complete species pools. By examining environmental factors' effects on results, this research guides managers in selecting optimal sampling methods, enhancing our understanding and management of aquatic ecosystems.
Kumetis, T., K. Wheeler, R. Paine, K. Key, and A. Rosenberger. 2024. New Vs. Old: Comparing eDNA metabarcoding with conventional electrofishing sampling to monitor fishes in headwaters of Western Tennessee. West Tennessee River Basin Authority Water Resource Symposium. Jackson, Tennessee. February 2024.
February 2024
Results from our study can be used to inform sampling plans designed to evaluate status and trends in stream fish assemblages using eDNA, a critical component of effective freshwater resource management and conservation.
Kumetis, T., K. Wheeler, R. Paine, K. Key, and A. Rosenberger. 2024. New Vs. Old: Comparing eDNA metabarcoding with conventional electrofishing sampling to monitor fishes in headwaters of Western Tennessee. Poster Presentation for the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Chattanooga, Tennessee. February 2024.
February 2024
Results from our study can be used to inform sampling plans designed to evaluate status and trends in stream fish assemblages using eDNA, a critical component of effective freshwater resource management and conservation.
Kumetis, T., K. Wheeler, R. Paine, K. Key, and A. Rosenberger. 2023. New Vs. Old: Comparing eDNA metabarcoding with conventional electrofishing sampling to monitor fishes in headwaters of Western Tennessee. SEAFWA Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. October 2023.
October 2023
Kumetis, T., K. Wheeler, R. Paine, K. Key, and A. Rosenberger. 2023. New Vs. Old: Comparing eDNA metabarcoding with conventional electrofishing sampling to monitor fishes in headwaters of Western Tennessee. SEAFWA Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. October 2023.<br>https://seafwa.org/conference
Kumetis, T., K. Wheeler, R. Paine, K. Key, and A. Rosenberger. 2023. New Vs. Old: Comparing eDNA metabarcoding with conventional electrofishing sampling to monitor fishes in headwaters of Western Tennessee. Poster presentation for the Southeastern Fisheries Council Annual Meeting, Chattanooga, Tennessee. November 2023.
November 2023
Results from our study can be used to inform sampling plans designed to evaluate status and trends in stream fish assemblages using eDNA.
Kitterman, C.L. and P.W. Bettoli. 2009. An evaluation of the influence of barotrauma on sauger survival in Kentucky Lake, Tennessee. Spring Meeting, Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, New Orleans, LA.
December 2009
Kitterman, C.L. and P.W. Bettoli. 2009. An evaluation of the influence of barotrauma on sauger survival in Kentucky Lake, Tennessee. Annual Meeting, Tennessee Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Montgomery Bell, TN.
March 2009
Key, K., A. Rosenberger, and C. Krause. 2017. A user-friendly tool to identify potential threats to species on a landscape level. Oral presentation at 2017 Organization of Fisheries and Wildlife Information Managers Conference, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Invited.
October 2017
This work was presented in previous conference, and Kayla was invited to re-present as part of being an award recipient.
Key, K., A. Rosenberger, G. Lindner, and K. Bouska. 2017. Hierarchical approach to mussel conservation: from niche modeling to field monitoring. Oral presentation, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, August 2017.
August 2017
Pinpointing causes of these declines and where threats cause the most risk to populations is an ongoing challenge for management. We aim to develop a spatial assessment of the status and risks to species-rich concentrations of mussel assemblages in the Meramec River Drainage.
Key, K. and A.E. Rosenberger. A strategic, efficient, and spatially-explicit monitoring program for freshwater mussel communities: a case study in the Meramec Basin in Missouri. Oral Presentation for the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas. February, 2020.
February 2020
The results of this project will improve our basic understanding of the habitat needs of freshwater mussels and the mechanisms leading to their decline, providing key information to guide state-wide mussel conservation.
Key, K. and A.E. Rosenberger. 2019. Spatial variation in composition of mussel communities in relation to modeled habitat suitability. Annual meeting of the Tennessee Chapter of AFS, Chatanooga, TN, March, 2019.
March 2019
We found that species richness was a useful, representative metric for modeling mussel bed distributions. Community composition of mussel beds act in an additive manner making beds with the most species effective in identifying areas that also can only support lower species beds. We present comparisons made among rivers, species-richness classifications, and habitat suitability. The information provided by this study will help to further support management and monitoring of mussels on a communi
Key, K. and A.E. Rosenberger. 2019. Spatial variation in composition of mussel communities in relation to modeled habitat suitability in the Meramec Drainage of Missouri. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX. March, 2019.
March 2019
We found that species richness was a useful, representative metric for modeling mussel bed distributions. Community composition of mussel beds act in an additive manner making beds with the most species effective in identifying areas that also can only support lower species beds. We present comparisons made among rivers, species-richness classifications, and habitat suitability. The information provided by this study will help to further support management and monitoring of mussels on a communi
Key, K. and A.E. Rosenberger. 2019. Spatial variation in composition of mussel communities in relation to modeled habitat suitability in the Meramec Drainage of Missouri. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO.
February 2019
We found that species richness was a useful, representative metric for modeling mussel bed distributions. Community composition of mussel beds act in an additive manner making beds with the most species effective in identifying areas that also can only support lower species beds. We present comparisons made among rivers, species-richness classifications, and habitat suitability. The information provided by this study will help to further support management and monitoring of mussels on a communi
Key, K. and A. Rosenberger. 2018. Spatial variation in composition of mussel communities in relation to modeled habitat suitability in the Meramec Drainage of Missouri. Oral presentation to the American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City, NJ, August 2018.
August 2018
We ask the following questions: 1) Does not only richness, but species composition of mussel beds vary with projected habitat suitability, 2) do we find specific community groupings in areas across the spectrum of suitability, and 3) what stream characteristics are community groups selecting? We compared mussel assemblages from three subwatersheds in the Meramec Drainage in Missouri: mainstem Meramec, Bourbeuse River, and Big River. We will present comparisons made among rivers, species-richnes
Kerns, J. and P.W. Bettoli. 2006. Delayed mortality of paddlefish released as bycatch. Spring Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, San Antonio, TX.
February 2006
Kerns, J. and P.W. Bettoli. 2006. Delayed mortality of paddlefish released as bycatch in the lower Tenhnessee River. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Lake Placid, NY.
September 2006
Kendall R.Moles and James B. Layzer. Reintroduction of mussels into the Calderwood bypass of the Little Tennessee River. A case of fraternizing with the enemy? . Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium. Guntersville, Alabama.
March 2013
When we assessed the long-term survival and condition of the translocated mussels we found dissimilar results among species. Our findings suggest different environmental requirements among mussel species
Kelley, L., K.N. Key, and A.E. Rosenberger. 2018. Life history strategies for freshwater mussels along longitudinal gradients in the Meramec River, Missouri. Poster presentation at 2018 Southeastern Fishes Council, McCormick, South Carolina.
November 2018
Undergraduate project highlighting strategies for freshwater mussels along longitudinal gradients in the Meramec River, Missouri
Kao,Y-C., Rogers, M.W., Bunnell, D.B. 2016. How will salmonine stocking levels, nutrient inputs, and mussel trajectories influence the Lake Michigan food web? International Association of Great Lakes Research Annual Meeting.
June 2016
An ecosystem-based food web model will be presented to demonstrate ecological responses to alternative management scenarios.
Kao, Y.C., M.W. Rogers, D.B. Bunnell, and others. Effects of climate change and land use on large lake fisheries around the world. Raleigh, NC. 2017 Society of Freshwater Science Annual Meeting.
June 2017
Modeling effects of climate and land use on large lakes.
Kao, Y.C., D.B. Bunnell, M.W. Rogers. The relative importance between round goby and alewife effects on Lake Michigan salmonines. International Association of Great Lakes Research.
May 2017
Ecosystem model of invasive species effects
Kao, Y.C., D.B. Bunnell, M.W. Rogers. Not all great lake fisheries are equally great in response to climate and land use change. International Association of Great Lakes Research.
May 2017
Time series analysis of fishery responses to climate and land use change across multiple large global lakes.
Kao Y-C, Rogers MW, Bunnell DB, Lynch AJ, and others. GLFI: A global initiative for lake fisheries. 2018. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society: Atlantic City, New Jersey.
August 2018
Collaborative global partnerships for inland fisheries work.
Kao Y-C, Rogers MW, Bunnell DB, Lynch AJ, and others. 2018. Effects of extreme rainfalls on global lake fisheries: Could they be positive? 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
August 2018
Climate change induced rainfall extremities and fisheries.
Kaintz, M.A. and P.W. Bettoli. 2005. Smallmouth bass tournament mortality on middle Tennessee reservoirs. Mid year meeting, Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, Virginia Beach, VA.
February 2005
Kacmar, P.T., M.W. Rogers. 2018. Influences of sampling method and season on assessments of Florida largemouth bass (Micropterus floridanus) genetic introgression at Chickamauga Reservoir, Tennessee. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
August 2018
Evaluation of bass stocking management success and sampling biases.
Kacmar P, MW Rogers. 2019. Influences of Sampling Method and Season on Florida Largemouth Bass Genetic Introgression at Chickamauga Reservoir, Tennessee. Southern Division AFS, Galveston, TX
January 2019
Use of cutting edge tools to evaluate genetic contributions of stocking in a Tennessee reservoir.
K. Torrance, M. Rogers, C. Hurt, and J. Hammonds. 2023. Genetic Contributions of Hatchery-Stocked Walleye to Douglas Reservoir. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Norfolk, Virginia.
February 2023
Using molecular techniques to assess hatchery gene introgression into the walleye population and parentage assessment.
K. Mosel, W. Budnick, J. Vallazza, D. K. Gibson-Reinemer, J. Tompkins, T. Spier, M. Rogers, C. Harty, D. Appel, M. K. Brey, A. Fritts. 2024. Assessing Silver Carp passage at three locks and dams on the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Chattanooga, Tennessee.
February 2024
Collaborative acoustic telemetry work to monitor lock and dam passage of invasive Silver Carp in the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers.
Johnson, A.B. and P.W. Bettoli. 2002. Reintroduction of the Barrens Topminnow, Fundulus julisia. Tennessee Chapter, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Fall Creek Falls
March 2002
Johnson, A. and P.W. Bettoli. 2003. Monitoring the reintroductions of the Barrens topminnow. Joint Annual Meeting of the Arkansas and Tennessee Chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Jackson, TN.
March 2003
Jamison, N.D. and P.W. Bettoli. 2007. Physiology, survival and dispersal of tournament caught largemouth bass. Spring Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Memphis, TN.
February 2007
Ivasuaskas, T., and P.W. Bettoli. 2013. The biotic integrity of fish assemblages in a
highly altered tailwater system. Spring Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Nashville, Tennessee.
February 2013
Longitudinal changes in the riverine fish community below a peaking hydropower dam are described using a suite of metrics developed specifically for this cold tailwater.
Ivasauskas. T. and P.W. Bettoli. 2010. Fate and dispersal of rainbow trout in Tennessee reservoirs. Annual Meeting of the Tennessee Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Spencer, TN.
May 2010
Ivasauskas, T.I., and P.W. Bettoli. 2011. A synopsis of research being conducted on the Caney Fork River below Center Hill Dam, with a focus on assessing its biotic integrity. Annual meeting of the Tennessee chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Montgomery Bell State Park, TN.
March 2011
Ivasauskas, T.I., P.W. Bettoli, and T. Holt. 2009. Effects of suture material and acoustic tag size on survival, growth, tag expulsion, and wound healing in rainbow trout. Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Nashville, TN. September 3, 2009.
September 2009
Ivasauskas, T.I. and P.W. Bettoli. 2009. Effects of suture material and acoustic tag size on survival, tag expulsion, and wound healing in rainbow trout. Srping Meeting, Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, New Orleans, LA. January 17, 2009.
January 2009
Ivasauskas, T., and P.W. Bettoli. 2012. Indentifying metrics that respond to stressors in a regulated river using a traditional reference site approach and a novel multivariate approach. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Biloxi, MS.
January 2012
Irwin, K.L., A.E. Rosenberger, G.R. Dinkins, S.A. Ahlstedt, and J.B. Alford. 2019. Freshwater mussel and habitat assessment of the Duck River System, TN. Annual Conference of the Freshwater Mussel Conservation Society, San Antonio, TX. April, 2019.
April 2019
The Duck River in Tennessee is one of the most biologically diverse rivers in North America, and is a crucial locality for ongoing persistence of critically endangered freshwater mussel species. Although the main channel is regularly monitored, the tributaries have been neglected as a research focus.
Hutt, C.P. and P.W. Bettoli. March 2001. Recreational specialization, preferences, and management attitudes of Tennessee tailwater trout anglers. Annual Meeting, Tennessee Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Paris, TN
March 2001
Hutt, C.P. and P.W. Bettoli. 2002. Recreational specialization, preferences, and management attitudes of Tennessee Tailwater Trout Anglers. Tennessee Chapter, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Fall Creek Falls
March 2002
Hutt, C. and P.W. Bettoli. 2002. Recreational specialization, preferences, and management attitudes of tailwater trout anglers in Tennessee. Mid-Year Meeting, Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, AR
February 2002
Howard, J.M. and J.B. Layzer. February 2000. Temporal and spatial characteristics of the fish assemblages in a large regulated river. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Mid-Year meeting. Savannah, GA
February 2000
Hoogaker, F.J., M.W. Rogers. 2021. Exploring synchrony in black bass angler activity and management actions across Tennessee reservoirs. Tennessee Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting.
February 2021
Modeling using historical creel data to evaluate trends in angler patterns through time.
Holtswarth, J.N., A.E. Rosenberger, K.N. Key, and G. Lindner. 2019. Assessing the transferability of a freshwater mussel fundamental niche model within the Ozark Ecoregion, Missouri. Oral presentation (invited), Organization of Fisheries and Wildlife Information Managers Annual Meeting, West Virginia. October, 2019.
October 2019
Assessing the transferability of a freshwater mussel fundamental niche model within the Ozark Ecoregion
Holtswarth, J.N., A.E. Rosenberger, K.N. Key, and G. Lindner. 2018. Do freshwater mussel beds associate with lateral channel stability and channel controls? Oral presentation (invited). Organization of Fish and Wildlife Information Managers Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon. October, 2018.
October 2018
Do freshwater mussel beds associate with lateral channel stability and channel controls?
Holtswarth, J.N., A.E. Rosenberger, G. Lindner, and K. Key. 2019. Assessing the transferability of a freshwater mussel fundamental niche model within the Ozark Ecoregion, Missouri. Tennessee American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN.
March 2019
It is important to understand what factors allow riverine freshwater mussels to persist to inform successful conservation efforts, yet challenging because of their unique life cycle, benthic habitat preferences, and sensitivity to disturbance across spatial and temporal scales.
Holtswarth, J.N., A.E. Rosenberger, K.N. Key, G. Lindner. 2019. Assessing the transferability of a freshwater mussel fundamental niche model within the Ozark Ecoregion, Missouri. Master’s Seminar to the Deparment of Biology, Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville, TN. July, 2019
July 2019
It is important to understand what factors allow riverine freshwater mussels to persist yet, challenging because of their unique life cycle, benthic habitat preferences, and sensitivity to disturbance across spatial and temporal scales. Habitat suitability modeling using hydrogeomorphic variables as corelates to instream features deemed important to freshwater mussel establishment and persistence, has been successful in the Meramec River of Missouri. However, while the creation of habitat suita
Holtswarth, J.N., A.E. Rosenberger, K.N. Key, G. Lindner. 2019. Assessing the transferability of a freshwater mussel fundamental niche model within the Ozark Ecoregion, Missouri. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, April, 2019.
April 2019
It is important to understand what factors allow riverine freshwater mussels to persist to inform successful conservation efforts, yet challenging because of their unique life cycle, benthic habitat preferences, and sensitivity to disturbance across spatial and temporal scales.
Holtswarth, J., K. Key, G. Lindner, and A. Rosenberger. 2018. Assessing the transferability of a freshwater habitat suitability model to Ozark River drainages. Poster presented to the Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City, NJ, 2018.
August 2018
We apply existing knowledge of habitat requirements of rich mussel beds in the Meramec River Basin to other Ozark rivers. Five GIS layers representing lateral channel stability, stream power, proximity to persistent gravel bars, the presence of channel controls, and areas of low water will be applied to selected study rivers. Using existing information supplied by the Missouri Department of Conservation, we will determine correspondence between species-rich beds and these variables to evaluate
Holbrook, C. and P.W. Bettoli. 2006. Assessment of potential spawning habitat and length at maturity of brown trout in Tennessee tailwaters. Spring Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, San Antonio, TX.
February 2006
Hoffman, K. and P.W. Bettoli. 2003. Efficacy of stocking largemouth bass using oxytetracycline marking techniques. Joint Annual Meeting of the Arkansas and Tennessee Chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Jackson, TN.
March 2003
Helton, J.S. and J.B. Layzer. Predicting the unseen: estimating mussel species richness in the upper Green River. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium, Baltimore, MD. 2009.
December 2009
Helton, J.S. and J.B. Layzer. Estimating the presence of undetected mussels. Annual Meeting, Tennessee Chapter American Fisheries Society. Montgomery Bell, TN. 2009.
April 2009
Heitman, E. and J.B. Layzer. 2002. Horse Lick Creek sediment bioassay using juvenile mussels. Tennessee Chapter, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Fall Creek Falls, TN
March 2002
Harty, C.R., and P.W. Bettoli. 2016. Assessment of Channel Catfish population dynamics and tandem hoop nets as a standard sampling method in Tennessee reservoirs. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, Missouri.
August 2016
The research represents the first fisheries-independent assessment of catfish populations in Tennessee reservoirs since they were listed as a sport fish species in 2007.
Hargrove, J.S., M.W. Rogers. 2018. Rethinking Florida Bass stocking as a fishery management tool. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Mobile, Alabama.
October 2018
New hypotheses and data review on bass stocking practices.
Hargrove, J.S., M.W. Rogers, and P. Black. 2018. Genetic composition of largemouth bass populations stocked with Florida bass in Tennessee. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
March 2018
Evaluation of stocking impacts on largemouth bass sport fisheries.
Hargrove, J.S., M.W. Rogers, P.T. Kacmar, P. Black. 2018. A Statewide Evaluation of Florida Bass Introgression Across a Gradient of Stocking Rates and Reservoirs in Tennessee. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
August 2018
Statewide evaluation of effectiveness of stocking bass to enhance fisheries.
Gore, J.A., J.B. Layzer, and J. Mead. July 2000. Macroinvertebrate instream flow studies after 20 years: a role in stream management and restoration. Eighth International Symposium on Regulated Streams, Toulouse, France
July 2000
Goldsworthy, C.A. and P.W. Bettoli. 2005. Population dynamics of reintroduced Barrens topminnows. Mid year meeting, Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, Virginia Beach, VA.
February 2005
Goldsworthy, C.A. and P.W. Bettoli. 2004. Population dynamics of the barrens topminnow. Tennessee Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Fall Creek Falls, TN. March 2-3.
March 2004
Garrison, E.K., J.H. Gunderson, and J.B. Layzer. 2005. Gene flow among seemingly isolated populations of the endangered bluemask darter, Etheostoma (Doration) sp. Annual Meeting, Tennessee Chapter American Fisheries Society, Fall Creek Falls, TN
March 2005
Fraley, S.J., J.B. Layzer, and E.M. Scott. 2005. The mighty Holston: a decimated fauna reinvigorated? 4th Biennial Symposium Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society, St. Paul, MN
May 2005
Ford, A. and J.B. Layzer. 2003. Seasonal variation in glochidial infestation rates of fishes in the upper Green River, Kentucky. Arkansas/Tennessee Joint Chapter American Fisheries Society Meeting, Jackson, TN
March 2003
Foley, R. P. and J. B. Layzer. 2013. ANNULUS DEPOSITION AND INTRA-ANNULAR GROWTH OF Epioblasma ahlstedti AND Lemiox rimosus IN THE DUCK RIVER, TENNESSEE. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium. Guntersville, Alabama.
March 2013
We found that annulus formation occurs earlier that previously suspected. Although growth occurs from spring through fall, growth rates are greatest in the spring
Flanagan, T.J., M.W. Rogers. 2021. Recruitment, Survival, and Growth of Rainbow Trout in Two Tennessee Tailwaters. Tennessee Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting.
February 2021
Evaluating stocked versus naturally reproduced rainbow trout to support Tennessee fisheries.
Flanagan, T., M.W. Rogers. Evaluating Asian Carp Movement in the Tennessee River with Focus on Prohibiting Lock and Dam Passage. 2019 Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Galveston, TX
January 2019
Detecting increasing invasion of Asian Carps in the Tennessee River for informing control efforts
Fitzgerald, D.B., D.R. Smith, K.O. Maloney, J.A. Young, M.C. Freeman, A.E. Rosenberger, and D.C. Kazyak. 2019. Multispecies approaches to status assessments to inform endangered species determinations. AFS Annual Meeting, Reno, NV.
September 2019
The detailed description of species' ecology, distribution, and population structure required to accurately estimate current and future conditions for species status assessments are time consuming and often data limited. One option for improving efficiency and accuracy may be multispecies assessments, in which several species with similar ecology, distribution, and threats are assessed simultaneously. While multispecies status assessments in support of endangered species determinations are alre
Fetters, J.G., A.E. Rosenberger, and A. Ford. 2022. Mussels of the Wolf River, TN: A resurvey of unionids in an inundated Cumberland tributary. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society. Henry Horton State Park, TN. Poster Presentation.
August 2022
Represents a resurvey of an important mussel fauna and stronghold of a federally listed species, the Fluted Kidneyshell.
Fetters, J., A.E. Rosenberger, and A. Ford. 2022. Mussels of the Wolf: A resurvey of Unionids in an inundated Cumberland tributary. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Grand Rapids, MI. May, 2022.
May 2022
Mussels in the Wolf represent a stronghold of the Obey River fauna, including a listed species, the Fluted Kidneyshell.
Fetters, J., A. Rosenberger, A. Ford. 2021. The Distribution and Habitat Status of Freshwater Mussels in the Wolf River, TN. Poster Pesentation to the Southeastern Fisheries Council, Columbus, Georgia.
November 2021
The Wolf River, the largest tributary of the Obey River, remains a critically important stronghold of the Cumberland River mussel fauna. This project updates its status.
Fernholz, S.R., M.W. Rogers. 2018. Relative Densities and Population Characteristics of Bighead and Silver Carp in Reservoirs of the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
August 2018
Asian carp invasion in Tennessee, tributaries to the Ohio River.
Farmer, J.K. and J.B. Layzer. March 2001. Scarcity of larval fish in the French Broad River below Douglas Dam. Annual Meeting, Tennessee Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Paris, TN
January 2001
Farmer, J.K. and J.B. Layzer. February 2001. Abundance and distribution of larval fish in a hydroelectric-peaking project tailwater. Southern Division, American Fisheries Society 9th Mid-Year Meeting, Jacksonville, FL
January 2001
Falke, J.A., Dunham, J.B., Rosenberger, A.E., Thurow, R.F., Dolloff, A., Howell, P.J., and W.C. Saunders. 2024. Standardized Sampling of Coldwater Fish in Wadeable Streams in North America. World Fisheries Congress, Seattle, WA. 3-9 March, 2024.
March 2024
In this presentation we describe our textbook chapter on standardized techniques for quantitative sampling of fishes in North American coldwater streams focused on backpack electrofishing, snorkeling, and redd count methods. We emphasize training, method validation, and obtaining unbiased measurements and estimates within sampling units as critical components of any coldwater stream standardized sampling program.
Falke, J.A., Dunham, J.B., Rosenberger, A.E., Thurow, R.F., Dolloff, A., Howell, P.J., and W.C. Saunders. 2024. Standardized Sampling of Coldwater Fish in Wadeable Streams in North America. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawai’i, 15 – 19, September 2024.
September 2024
quantitative sampling of fishes in North American coldwater streams focused on backpack electrofishing, snorkeling, and redd count methods. We emphasize training, method validation, and obtaining unbiased measurements and estimates within sampling units as critical components of any coldwater stream standardized sampling program.
Ehlo, C. and J. B. Layzer. 2011. Population characteristics of an expanding population of the round hickorynut, Obovaria subrotunda (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in the Duck River, Tennessee. 7th biennial Symposium of the Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society, Louisville, KY.
April 2011
Ehlo, C. and J. B. Layzer 2011. Reproductive characteristics of the Round Hickorynut, Obovaria subrotunda (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in the Duck River. Annual meeting of the TN Chapter Am. Fish. Soc., Montgomery Bell State Park. March 1-2, 2011.
March 2011
Eads, C.B. and J.B. Layzer. March 2000. An indoor recirculating system for culturing juvenile freshwater mussels. Tennessee Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Fall Creek Falls State Park, TN
March 2000
Eads, C. and J.B. Layzer. May 2000. Chemical marking of juvenile freshwater mussels. 48th Annual Meeting North American Benthological Society, Keystone, CO
May 2000
Davis, B.F., K.R. Moles, and J.B. Layzer. Reintroduction of mussels into the Little Tennessee River below Calderwood Dam. Annual Meeting, Tennessee Chapter American Fisheries Society. Montgomery Bell, TN. 2009.
December 2009
Davis, B.F., J.B. Layzer, and K.R. Moles. Determining length at age for young mussels in the Green River, Kentucky. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium, Blatimore, MD. 2009.
January 2009
Damer, J.D. and P.W. Bettoli. 2007. Fate of brook tourt stocked into the Watauga River below Wilbur Dam. Spring Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Memphis, TN.
February 2007
Coons, A., A.E. Rosenberger, and J.T. Westhoff. 2019. Distribution and Habitat Use of Longnose Darters (Percina nasuta) in Missouri. Poster Presentation at the Southeastern Fishes Council Annual Meeting. November, 2019.
November 2020
In an effort to aid managers in conservation, this work provides MDC with the most complete and applicable habitat use data available for Longnose Darter in Missouri.
Coons, A., A.E. Rosenberger, and J.T. Westhoff. 2020. Multi-scale habitat associations of Longnose Darter (Percina nasuta). Tennessee Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Virtual.
March 2020
Multi-scale habitat associations of Longnose Darter (<i>Percina nasuta</i>)
Coons, A., A.E. Rosenberger, and J.T. Westhoff. 2020. Distribution and habitat use of Longnose Darter (Percina nasuta) in Missouri. Tennessee Rare Fishes Meeting. Cookeville, TN.
March 2020
In an effort to aid managers in conservation, this work provides MDC with the most complete and applicable habitat use data available for Longnose Darter in Missouri.
Coons, A., A.E. Rosenberger, and J. Westhoff. 2020. Habitat use of longnose darters (Percina nasuta) in Missouri. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. Little Rock, Arkansas, February, 2020.
February 2020
The longnose darter (<i>Percina nasuta</i>) is threatened throughout its range and designated as endangered in the state of Missouri. Poster summarizes an ongoing multi-scale habitat assessment and life history investigation on this species in the St. Francis River being conducted to aid managers in the conservation of this imperiled species.
Coons, A., A.E. Rosenberger, and J. Westhoff. 2020. Habitat associations of longnose darters (Percina nasuta) in the St. Francis River, Missouri. Virtual Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Won Best Student Paper Award.
September 2020
In an effort to aid managers in conservation, this work provides MDC with the most complete and applicable habitat use data available for Longnose Darter in Missouri.
Collier, W.R. and P.W. Bettoli. Monitoring dam passage of sonic-tagged sturgeon in the upper Tennessee River. Annual Meeting, Tennessee Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Montgomery Bell, TN. March 5, 2009
March 2009
Collier, W., and P.W. Bettoli. 2011. Dispersal and dam passage of sonic-tagged juvenile lake sturgeon in the upper Tennessee River. Annual Proceedings of the Southeast Assocaition of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Nashville, Tennessee.
October 2011
Collier, W., and P.W. Bettoli. 2011. A comparison of sampling gears targeting lake sturgeon in the upper Tennessee River. Annual meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, FL.
January 2011
Collier, W., P.W. Bettoli, T.N. Churchill, and G.D. Scholten. Regulation of striped bass and hybrid bass fisheries in the US. Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Nashville, TN. September 1, 2009.
September 2009
Collier, W. and P.W. Bettoli. 2010. A comparison of sampling gears targeting lake sturgeon in the upper Tennessee River. Annual Meeting of the Tennessee Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Spencer, TN.
May 2010
Cole, A.J., and P.W. Bettoli. 2011. Seasonal distribution and thermal ecology of muskellunge in Melton Hill Lake. Annual meeting of the Tennessee chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Montgomery Bell State Park, TN.
March 2011
Cole, A.J., and P.W. Bettoli. 2011. Seasonal distribution and thermal ecology of muskellunge in Melton Hill Lake. Annual meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, FL.
January 2011
Chilton, J., Rosenberger, A.E., & DiStefano, R.J. 2018. Habitat associations of endemic crayfishes in the Meramec River drainage: the Freckled Crayfish (Cambarus maculatus) and Belted Crayfish (Faxonius harrisonii). International Association of Astacology, Pittsburgh, PA.
July 2018
Understanding the habitat associations of rare species is important to make informed management and policy decisions. The Freckled Crayfish (Cambarus maculatus) and Belted Crayfish (Faxonius harrisonii) are two of Missouri’s rare and endemic crayfish species. Both species are listed as vulnerable on Missouri’s list of species and communities of conservation concern due to their limited range.
Chilton, J., A.E. Rosenberger, and R.J. DiStefano. 2018. Habitat associations of endemic crayfishes in the Meramec River drainage: the Freckled Crayfish (Cambarus maculatus) and Belted Crayfish (Faxonius harrisonii). Poster presentation at the American Fisheries Society Annual Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, 2018.
August 2018
Habitat associations of endemic crayfishes in the Meramec River drainage: the Freckled Crayfish (Cambarus maculatus) and Belted Crayfish (Faxonius harrisonii).
Chilton, J., A.E. Rosenberger, and R. DiStefano. 2019. Habitat associations and distributions of endemic crayfishes in the Meramec River Drainage. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. February, 2019.
February 2019
The Freckled Crayfish (Cambarus maculatus) and Belted Crayfish (Faxonius harrisonii) are two of Missouri's rare and endemic crayfish species. We found benthic habitat factors, such as large substrate size and aquatic vegetation were associated with the presence of these two crayfish species. In addition, we discovered that both species inhabited a larger range within the Meramec River drainage than previously documented. This information will guide conservation managers in future projects and p
Chilton, J. and A.E. Rosenberger. 2018. Habitat associations of endemic crayfishes in the Meramec River drainage: the Freckled Crayfish (Cambarus maculatus) and Belted Crayfish (Faxonius harrisonii). Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, Missouri, February 2018.
February 2018
Understanding the habitat associations of rare species is important to make informed management and policy decisions. The Freckled Crayfish (Cambarus maculatus) and Belted Crayfish (Faxonius harrisonii) are two of Missouri’s rare and endemic crayfish species. Both species are listed as “vulnerable” on Missouri’s list of species and communities of conservation concern due to their limited range.
Chilton, J. and A.E. Rosenberger, 2017. The Detectability of Two Rare Crayfish Species in the Meramec River Drainage: the “Vulnerable” Freckled Crayfish and Belted Crayfish. Poster Presentation for the Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, FL.
August 2017
The results of this project will improve our basic understanding of the detectability of two rare crayfish.
Casto-Yerty, M. and P.W. Bettoli. Assessment of bridge-mounted hydroacoustic telemetry arrays. Annual Meeting, Tennessee Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Montgomery Bell, TN.
March 2009
Casto-Yerty, M. and P.W. Bettoli. 2009. Assessment of bridge-mounted hydroacoustic telemetry arrays. Spring Meeting, Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, New Orleans, LA.
January 2009
Cary, J.B., and A.E. Rosenberger. 2022. Habitat associations of the Blotchside Logperch (Percina burtoni) in the Little River, Tennessee and the suitability of Abrams Creek for reintroduction. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Meeting: Charleston, SC. January 2022.
January 2022
Habitat associations of the Blotchside Logperch (<i>Percina burtoni</i>) in the Little River, Tennessee and the suitability of Abrams Creek for reintroduction.
Cary, J.B. and A.E. Rosenberger. 2021. Habitat associations of Blotchside Logperch (Percina burtoni) and the availability of habitat for a reintroduced population in Abrams Creek, Tennessee. Tennessee Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Virtual, March, 2021.
March 2021
Habitat associations of Blotchside Logperch (<i>Percina burtoni</i>) in the Little River, Tennessee, and the habitat suitability for a reintroduced population in Abrams Creek.
Cary, J. and A.E. Rosenberger. 2021. Habitat associations of Blotchside Logperch (Percina burtoni) in the Little River, Tennessee, and the habitat suitability for a reintroduced population in Abrams Creek, Tennessee. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore MD. November, 2021.
November 2021
Habitat associations of Blotchside Logperch (<i>Percina burtoni</i>) in the Little River, Tennessee, and the habitat suitability for a reintroduced population in Abrams Creek, Tennessee.
Cary, J. and A.E. Rosenberger. 2022. Habitat associations of Blotchside Logperch (Percina burtoni) in the Little River, Tennessee and the suitability of Abrams Creek for reintroduction. Tennessee Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Gatlinburg, TN. March, 2022.
March 2022
Blotchside logperch are slated to be reintroduced to Abrams Creek and this study examines the suitablity of that habitat for the reintroduction program to streamline reintroduction efforts.
Brooke, C.A., and P.W. Bettoli. 2011. Species richness in three tributaries of the Caney Fork River below Center Hill Dam. Annual meeting of the Tennessee chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Montgomery Bell State Park, TN.
March 2011
Brittle, E.M. and P.W. Bettoli. 2005. Mortality and mark efficacy of brown trout and rainbow trout marked with OxyMarine and calcein. Mid year meeting, Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, Virginia Beach, VA.
February 2005
Brady, T.R., J.B. Layzer, and A.L. Currie. November 1999. Mussels and trout culture; an unusual combination. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Greensboro, NC
November 1999
Brady, T.R., J.B. Layzer, and A.L. Currie. March 2000. Culture of juvenile mussels at the Dale Hollow Fish Hatchery. Tennessee Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Fall Creek Falls State Park, TN
March 2000
Brady, T.R. and J.B. Layzer. May 2000. Culture of freshwater mussels. Effects of sediment particle-size. 48th Annual Meeting North American Benthological Society, Keystone, CO
May 2000
Brady, T.R. and J.B. Layzer. March 2001. Substrate compaction and particle size affect long-term culture of juvenile freshwater mussels. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium, Pittsburg, PA
January 2001
Brady, T.R. and J.B. Layzer. March 2001. Microhabitat use by the endangered bluemask darter (Etheostoma sp.). Annual Meeting, Tennessee Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Paris, TN
January 2001
Bouska, K., A.E. Rosenberger, K. Key, J. Holtswarth, G. Lindner, and S. McMurray. 2020. Development and implementation of a strategic mussel conservation assessment in Missouri. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Resources Conference, Springfield Illinois. January, 2020.
January 2020
Work summarizing conservation assessments for freshwater mussels in missouri.
Bevelhimer, M., J. Spaulding, P.W. Bettoli, and C. Scherelis. 2014. Not all challenges are natural: Collecting telemetry and hydroacoustics data in a heavy-traffic semi-industrial waterway. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
August 2014
New field data collection technologies and innovative statistical analyses of fish behavior in and around a power plant's heated effluent will be presented.
Bettoli, P.W., M. Casto-Yerty, and G.D. Scholten. 2008. Wrong place at the wrong time: incidental take of endangered pallid sturgeon in a commercial caviar fishery. Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, Canada.
December 2008
Bettoli, P.W., M. Casto-Yerty, and G.D. Scholten. 2008. Wrong place at the wrong time: incidental take of endangered pallid sturgeon in a commercial caviar fishery. Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Fishes Council, Chattanooga, TN.
December 2008
Bettoli, P.W., M. Casto-Yerty, and G.D. Scholten. 2008. Incidental take of endangered pallid sturgeon in a commercial caviar fishery. Annual Meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology, Chattanooga, TN.
December 2008
Bettoli, P.W., C. Hutt, and J. Williams. 2002. Attitudes and economics associated with managing for quality versus quantity in Tennessee tailwater trout fisheries. Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Baltimore, MD
August 2002
Bettoli, P.W. and M.A. Kaintz. 2004. Livewell or deathtrap: the influence of confinement and livewell conditions on tournament mortality. Annual Meeting American Fisheries Society, Madison, WI. August 23-27.
August 2004
Bettoli, P.W. and G.D. Scholten. 2005. Bycatch mortality and gillnet size selectivity in a paddlefish fishery. Mid year, Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, Virginia Beach, VA.
February 2005
Bettoli, P.W. 2005. Recommendations for the conservation of paddlefish stocks in the Tennessee River. Public meeting, Nashville, TN.
June 2005
Bettoli, P.W. 2005. Recommendations for the conservation of paddlefish stocks in the Tennessee River. Public meeting, Jackson, TN.
June 2005
Bettoli, P.W. 2005. Recommendations for the conservation of paddlefish stocks in the Tennessee River. Public meeting, Chattanooga, TN.
June 2005
Bettoli, P.W. 2004. The fundamental thermal niche of adult landlocked striped bass. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Spring Meeting, Oklahoma City, OK. February 26-29.
February 2004
Bettoli, P.W. Challenges and opportunities in studying and managing striped bass and their hybrids in the 21st century. Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Nashville, TN. August 31, 2009.
August 2009
Bettoli, P.W. 2011. The recreational snag fishery for paddlefish in Cherokee Lake, Tennessee. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Nashville, Tennessee.
October 2011
Bettoli, P.W. 2009. Challenges and opportunities in studying and managing striped bass and their hybrids in the 21st century. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Nashville, TN.
September 2009
Bettoli, P.W. 2007. Growth, dispersal, mortality, and contribution of largemouth bass stocked into Chickamauga Lake, Tennessee. Black Bass Stocking Symposium, Osage Beach, MO.
February 2006
Bettoli, P.W. 2007. Conflict resolution in Tennessee fisheries disputes. Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, St. Cloud, MN.
March 2007
Barton, S. D. and J. B. Layzer. 2011. Gravidity, fecundity, and host fishes of the Barrens Heelsplitter (Lasmigona sp.). 7th Biennial Symposium of the Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society, Louisville, KY.
April 2011
Barton, S. D. and J. B. Layzer 2011. Age, growth and sexual characteristics of the Barrens Heelsplitter (lasmigona sp). Annual meeting of the TN Chapter Am. Fish. Soc., Montgomery Bell State Park. March 1-2, 2011.
March 2011
Ballard, C.E., M.W. Rogers. 2023. Contributions of Stocked and Naturally Reproduced Rainbow Trout to Two Tennessee Trout Fisheries. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Norfolk, Virginia.
February 2023
Evaluating survival and growth of stocked rainbow trout in Tennessee tailwaters.
Bajo, B., and A.E. Rosenberger. 2019. Modeling fundamentally suitable freshwater mussel habitat in the Duck River Drainage, Tennessee. Oral presentation (invited), Organization of Fisheries and Wildlife Information Managers Annual Meeting, West Virginia. October, 2019.
October 2019
This work will inform conservation efforts by identifying the strongest areas for reestablishment, growth, and reintroduction of native mussel species.
Bajo, B., J. Holtswarth, and A.E. Rosenberger. 2020. Field validating a suitable habitat model for the Gasconade River. Organization of Fish and Wildlife Information Managers Annual Meeting. October, 2020.
October 2020
Providing an update on fundamental niche modeling efforts taking place in Missouri to better understand factors limiting endangered freshwater mussel distributions.
Bajo, B., J. Hartman, and A.E. Rosenberger. 2021. Freshwater mussel status assessment using a suitable habitat model for the Gasconade River, Missouri. Poster Presentation for the Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Virtual. February, 2021.
February 2021
Provides new information on habitat selection for freshwater mussel concentrations and indicates the status of Gasconade River mussel populations.<br><br>While conservation efforts have dramatically grown over the last few years, freshwater mussels remain one of the most imperiled groups of aquatic organisms. Our understanding of a mussel's sessile tendencies, clustered distribution in high density beds, benthic habitat preference, and sensitivity to temporal and spatial disturbances allows us
Bajo, B. and A.E. Rosenberger. 2021. Freshwater mussel status assessment using a suitable habitat model for the Gasconade River, Missouri. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Annual Meeting. Virtual, April 2021.
April 2021
Freshwater mussel status assessment using a suitable habitat model for the Gasconade River, Missouri.
Ashton, M.J. and J.B. Layzer. 2007. Microhabitat use of snail darters (Percina tanasi) in the French Broad and Holston rivers. Spring meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society. Memphis, TN.
February 2007
Ashton, M. and J.B. Layzer. 2006. Present distribution of the threatened snail darter (Percina tanasi). Joint Meeting of the Tennessee and Kentucky Chapters of the American Fisheries Society. Paris Landing, TN.
March 2006
Adair, B.D. and J.B. Layzer. 2006. Factors associated with the localized distribution of adult and juvenile freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoidea). Annual Meeting of the Association for Southeastern Biologists.
April 2006
Adair, B.D. and J.B. Layzer. 2004. Factors affecting the distribution of juvenile freshwater mussels (bivalvia: unionoidea). Tennessee Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Fall Creek Falls, TN. March 2-3.
March 2004
Mork, M.D., and P.W. Bettoli. 2011. Behavior and thermal ecology of adult brown trout in Boone Lake and its headwater rivers. Annual meeting of the Tennessee chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Montgomery Bell State Park, TN.
March 2011