Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Tennessee
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Tennessee About Us

Silver Carp below Barkley Dam on the Cumberland River

Cooperative Research Units have three facets to their mission: (1) Education, (2) Research, and (3) Technical Assistance.

The Tennessee Unit currently consists of two federal scientists and 1 administrative specialist. The Unit Leader, Dr. Mark Rogers, provides administrative oversight to all Unit activities in addition to carrying out the standard roles of a Unit scientist. The Assistant Unit Leader, Dr. Amanda Rosenberger, teaches graduate courses, mentors graduate students, and conducts research on a variety of aquatic biology topics. These research projects, funded by various federal and state agencies, typically support graduate students and post-docs. Dr. Phil Bettoli and Dr. Jim Layzer are retired, but hold Emeritus status in the Biology Department and remain active in Unit activities.

We are housed within the Department of Biology at Tennessee Tech University in Pennebaker Hall.