Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Virginia
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Virginia Staff Member

Dr. William Mark Ford

Overlooking New River Valley in Virginia

Unit Leader
Phone: (540) 231 - 5927
Faculty Email:
Faculty Website



  • Ph D University of Georgia 1994
  • MS Mississippi State University 1989
  • BS University of Tennessee 1987


Dr. Ford received graduate degrees from Mississippi State University and the University of Georgia. Prior to the U.S. Geological Survey, he was a wildlife biologist for the Westvaco Corporation Appalachian Division, a research wildlife biologist for the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station and a research wildlife biologist for the U.S. Army Engineer Research Development Center. He conducts research on distribution, habitat associations and sampling methodologies for threatened, endangered and sensitive species, primarily bats (Indiana bat and northern long-eared bat), the Appalachian northern flying squirrel subspecies, and Allegheny woodrats, Cervids (white-tailed deer and elk)-habitat relationships in managed forest systems, prescribed fire and wildlife, energy production (wind, coal, and natural gas) and wildlife, and high elevation spruce-fir restoration ecology. He serves as a member of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Indiana and northern long-eared bat monitoring guidance development team assisting with survey level of effort determinations for acoustic and mist-net sampling and automated bat identification software use. His work spans many eco-regions: the Atlantic Coastal Plain, Piedmont, Appalachians and Interior Low Plateau. Dr. Ford teaches a course on Wildlife Habitat Relationships in the Appalachians and Piedmont at Virginia Tech and he co-teaches Evaluating Acoustic Bat Surveys for ESA Compliance through the National Conservation Training Center.

Areas of Expertise

Biodiversity, Climate Change, Energy: Development/Alternative, Fire Ecology, Forest Ecology, Habitat Management, Species Distribution Modeling, Species Management, T&E Species Management, Urban Ecology, Wildlife Management

Taxon Groups Studied

Amphibians, Bats, Furbearers, Nongame Fish/Wildlife, Small Mammals, Species of Greatest Conservation Need, Ungulates

Research Publications Publication Date
Warrington, B.M., W.M.l Aust, S. M. Barrett, W. M. Ford, M.C. Bolding, C.A.. Dolloff and E. B. Schillingd. 2017, Forestry Best Management Practices for Roads, Stream Crossings, and Streamside Management Zones May Reduce Effects of Forest Operations on Aquatic and Riparian Fauna: A Review. Forests 8(9), 331; doi:10.3390/f8090331 September 2017
W. Mark Ford , Andrew M. Evans, Richard H. Odom, Jane L. Rodrigue, Christine A. Kelly, Nicole Abaid, Corinne A. Diggins and Douglas Newcomb. 2015. Predictive Habitat Models Derived from Nest-box Occupancy for the Endangered Carolina Northern Flying Squirrel in the Southern Appalachians. Endangered Species Research 27:131-140 March 2015
True, M.C., R.W. Perry and W.M. Ford. 2021. Forecasting the Distribution of a Range-Expanding Bat Reveals Future Response to Climate Change and Habitat. Acta Chiropterlogica 23(1) : 139-152 July 2021
True, M.C., R.J. Reynolds and W.M. Ford. 2021. Monitoring and Modeling Tree Bat (Genera: Lasiurus, Lasionycteris) Occurrence Using Acoustics on Structures Off the Mid-Atlantic Coast—Implications for Offshore Wind Development. Animals 11(11), 3146; November 2021
True, M.C., K.M. Gorman, H. Taylor, R.J. Reynolds and W.M. Ford. 2023. Fall migration, oceanic movement, and site residency patterns of the eastern red bats (Lasiurus borealis) on the mid-Atlantic Coast. Movement Ecology 2023) 11:35 June 2023
Thorne, E.D., M.L. Fies and W.M. Ford. 2024. Home-Range Size and Resource Use by Eastern Spotted Skunks in Virginia. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 11:206–214 May 2024
Thorne, E.D., K.E. Powers, R.J. Reynolds, M.E. Beckner, K.A. Ellis and W.M. Ford. 2022. Comparison of survey methods to maximize detection of a declining rodent, the Allegheny woodrat Neotoma magister, in Virginia. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management.13:396-406 June 2022
Thorne, E.D., C. Waggy, M. J. Kelly, D.S. Jachowski and W.M. Ford. 2017. Habitat Associations of Eastern Spotted Skunks in the Central and Southern Appalachians. Journal of Wildlife Management 81:1042–1050 July 2017
Thorne, E.D. and W.M. Ford. 2021. Contemporary Distribution of the Eastern Spotted Skunk (Spilogale putorius) in Virginia . Southeastern Naturalist 20:39-51 July 2021
Thorne, E.D. and Ford, W.M. (2022). Redundancy analysis reveals complex den use patterns by eastern spotted skunks, a conditional specialist. Ecosphere, 13(1). doi:

September 2021
Taylor, H., Powers, K., Reynolds, R., Hallerman, E. and Ford, W. (n.d.). Sources of Yearly Variation in Gray Bat Activity in the Clinch River Watershed, Virginia. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, [online] 10, pp.107–113. Available at:
March 2023
Taylor, D.A.R., R.W. Perry, W.M. Ford and D.A. Miller. 2020. Bats and forest management. Bat Conservation International, Austin, TX and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service White-nose Syndrome Program, Hadley, MA. 25 p. November 2020
Sweeten, S.E., and W.M. Ford. 2015. Effects of Microhabitat and Land Use on Stream Salamander Abundance in the Southwest Virginia Coalfields. 2nd Proceedings of Environmental Considerations in Energy Production. Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc, Englewood, Colorado, USA. 19 p.Considerations in Energy Production (in review). | Abstract September 2015
Sweeten, S.E., A. Silvis, and W.M. Ford. 2015. Seasonal Variability in Benthic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in the Southwest Virginia Coalfields. In the 2nd Proceedings of Environmental Considerations in Energy Production. Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc, Englewood, Colorado, USA. 9 p. September 2015
Sweeten, S.E. and W.M. Ford. Effects of microhabitat and large-scale land use on stream salamander occupancy in the coalfields of Central Appalachia. Journal of Ecology and Natural Environment 8:129-141 September 2016
Sweeten, S.E. and W.M. Ford. 2016. Validation of a stream and riparian habitat assessment protocol using stream salamanders in the southwest Virginia coalfields. Journal of The American Society of Mining and Reclamation 5:45-46 | Abstract | Publisher Website June 2016
St. Germain, M.J., A.B. Kniowski, A. Silvis and W.M. Ford. 2017. Who Knew? First Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalis) Maternity Colony in the Coastal Plain of Virginia. Northeastern Naturalist 24:N5-N10. March 2017
Silvis, A., W.M. Ford, E.R. Britzke, and J.B. Johnson. 2013. Association, roost and social networks of Myotis septentrionalis maternity colonies. Behavioral Processes 103:283-290. | Abstract February 2014
Silvis, A., W.M. Ford, E.R. Britzke, N.R. Beane, and J.B. Johnson. 2012 Forest succession and maternity day roost selection by Myotis septentrionalis in a mesophytic hardwood forest. International Journal of Forestry of Forestry Research. 2012:148106. 8 p. September 2012
Silvis, A., W.M. Ford and E.R. Britzke. 2015. Day-roost tree selection by northern long-eared bats– What do random tree comparisons and one year of data really tell us? Global Ecology and Conservation 3:756-763 | Abstract April 2015
Silvis, A., R. W. Perry and W.M. Ford. 2016. Relationships of Three Species of White-nose Syndrome-Impacted Bats to Forest Condition and Management. US Forest Service Southern Research Station General Technical Report. SRS–214, Ashville, NC. 57p August 2016
Silvis, A., N. Abaid, W.M. Ford and E.R. Britzke. 2016. Responses of bat social groups to roost loss: More questions than answers. pages 261-280 in: Sociality in Bats. Jorge Ortega (ed). Springer International. 301 p. | Download June 2016
Silvis, A., A.B. Kniowski, S.D. Ghert, and W.M. Ford. 2014. Roosting and foraging social structure of the endangered Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) . PLos ONE 9(5):1-12 (e9637) | Abstract May 2014
Schuler, T.M.; Thomas-Van Gundy, M.; Adams, M.B; Ford, W.M. 2013. Analysis of two pre-shelterwood prescribed fires in a mesic mixed-oak forest in West Virginia. In: G.W. Miller, T.M. Schuler, K.W. Gottschalk, J.R. Brooks, S.T. Grushecky, B.D. Spong and J. Rentch, eds) Proceedings of the 18th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; 2012 March 26-28; Morgantown, WV; General Technical Report NRS-P-117. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station: 430-446. July 2013
SIlvis, A., W.M. Ford, and E.R. Britzke. 2014. Effects of hierarchical roost removal on northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) maternity colonies. PLOS ONE DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0116356. 17 p. December 2014
Riedel, B.L., K.R. Russell and W.M. Ford. 2012. Physical condition, sex, and age-class of eastern red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus) in forested and open habitats of West Virginia. International Journal of Zoology. doi:10.1155/2012/623730. 8 p. | Publisher Website July 2012
Reynolds, R., K.E. Powers, W. Orndorff, W.M. Ford and C. Hobson. 2016, Changes in Myotis septentrionalis (Northern Long-eared Bat) Capture Rates and Demographics in Western Virginia; Pre and Post White-nose Syndrome. Northeastern Naturalist 15(1):127-137 May 2016
Rentch, J.S., T.M. Schuler, G.J. Nowacki, N.R. Beane and W.M. Ford. 2010. Canopy Gap Dynamics of Second-Growth Red Spruce-Northern Hardwood Stands in West Virginia. Forest Ecology and Management 260:1921-1929. October 2010
Rentch, J.A., W.M. Ford, T.S. Schuler, J. Palmer and C.A. Diggins. 2014. Release of suppressed red spruce using canopy gap creation – testing applicability for ecological restoration in the Central Appalachians. Natural Areas Journal 36:29-37. January 2016
Quinlan, B.A., Rosenberger, J.P., Kalb, D.M., Abernathy, H.N., Thorne, E.D., Ford, W.M. and Cherry, M.J. (2022). Drivers of habitat quality for a reintroduced elk herd. Scientific Reports, [online] 12(1), p.20960. doi:
December 2022
Quinlan, B., Rosenberger, J., Kalb, D., Thorne, E., Ford, W. and Cherry, M. (n.d.). Estimating Elk Abundance Using the Lincoln-Petersen Method. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, [online] 10, pp.135–141. Available at:
March 2023
Powers, K.E.., R.J. Reynolds , W. Orndorff, B. A. Hyzy, C. S. Hobson, and W. M. Ford. 2016. Monitoring the status of Gray Bats (Myotis grisescens) in Virginia, 2009-2014, and potential impacts of White-nose Syndrome. Southeastern Naturalist 15:127-137 April 2016
Powers, K.E., M.T. Mengak, R.R. Sherry, W.M. Ford and R.J. Reynolds. 2020. Bot Fly Parasitism of Allegheny Woodrats (Neotoma magister) in Virginia. American Midland Naturalist 184:62-72. August 2020
Powers, K.E., E.D. Thorne, L.R. Platt, K.M. Nelson, L. Van MEter, C.M. Wozniak, R.J. Reynolds and W.M. Ford. 2023. Activity patterns of Allegheny woodrats (Neotoma magister) and two potential competitors in Virginia. Northeastern Naturalist 30(1):41-58 February 2023
Powers, K., Ford, W., Reynolds, R., Orndorff, W., Yates, D. and Malabad, T. (2024). Reproductive Trends in Little Brown Bats Before and After the Onset of White-nose Syndrome in Virginia. Journal of North American Bat Research, [online] 2(6). Available at: September 2024
Patriquin, K.J.,M.L. Leonard, H.G. Broders, W.M.Ford, E.R. Britzke, and A. Silvis 2016. Weather as a proximate explanation for fission-fusion dynamics in female northern long-eared bats. Animal Behaviour 122:47-57 November 2016
Owen, S.F., J.W. Edwards, W.M. Ford, P.B Wood, and J.L. Berl. 2015. Raccoon (Procyon lotor) diurnal den use within an intensively managed forest in central West Virginia. Northeastern Naturalist 22:41-52 June 2015
Owen, S.F., J.L. Berl, J.W. Edwards, W.M. Ford, and P.B. Wood. 2014. Raccoon ( Procyon lotor) Diurnal Den Use within an Intensively Managed Forest in Central West Virginia. Northeastern Naturalist 22:41-52 October 2014
Owen, S.F., J.L. Berl, J.W. Edwards, W.M. Ford and P.B. Wood. 2015. Raccoon Spatial Requirements and Multi-Scale Habitat Selection within Intensively Managed Central Appalachian Forests. American Midland Naturalist 174:87-95. July 2015
Oliphant, A.J., R.H. Wynne, C.E. Zipper, W.M. Ford, P.F. Donovan and J. Li. 2016. Autumn Olive (Elaeagnus umbellata) Presence and Proliferation on Former Surface Coal Mines in Eastern USA. Biological Invasions DOI 10.1007/s10530-016-1271-6 17p. September 2016
Odom, R.H. and W.M. Ford. 2021. Developing species-age cohorts from forest inventory and analysis data to parameterize a forest landscape model. International Journal of Forestry Research 6650821(2021) 16 p March 2021
Odom, R.H. and W.M. Ford. 2020. Assessing the vulnerability of military installations in the coterminous United States to potential biome shifts resulting from rapid climate change. Environmental Management 27 p.
July 2020
Nocera, T., W.M. Ford, A. Silvis and C.A. Dobony. 2020. Temporal and spatial changes in Myotis lucifugus acoustic activity before and after white-nose syndrome on Fort Drum Army Installation, New York, USA. Acta Chiropterlogica 22:135-146 July 2020
Nocera, T., W.M. Ford, A. Silvis and C.A. Dobony. 2019. Patterns of acoustical activity of bats prior to and 10 years after WNS. Global Ecology and Conservation. 18: May 2019
Nocera, T., W.M. Ford, A. Silvis and C.A. Dobony. 2019. Let’s Agree To Disagree: Comparing Auto-Acoustic Identification Programs for Northeastern Bats. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 10:346-361. December 2019
Nareff, G.E., P.B. Wood, D.J. Brown, T. Fearer, J.L. Larkin, and W.M. Ford. Cerulean Warbler (Setophaga cerulea) response to operational silviculture in the central Appalachian region. Forest Ecology and Management 448:409-423, June 2019
Muthersbaugh, M.S., W.M. Ford, A. Silvis and K.E. Powers. 2019. Activity patterns of cave-dwelling bat species during pre-hibernation swarming and post-hibernation emergence in the central Appalachians. Diversity 2019, 11, 159; doi:10.3390/d11090159 September 2019
Muthersbaugh, M.S., Johnson, J.B., Silvis, A. and Ford, W.M. (2022). Northern Long-eared Bats in the Central Appalachians Following White-nose Syndrome: Failed Maternity Colonies? [online] Available at: ​
March 2022
Muthersbaugh MS, Ford WM, Powers KE, Silvis A. 2019. Activity patterns of bats during the fall and spring
along ridgelines in the central Appalachians. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 10(1):180–195; e1944-687X.
June 2019
Moser, A., C.A. Diggins, and W.M. Ford. 2017. High-elevation Observations of Long-tailed Weasel and Eastern Chipmunk in North Carolina. Southeastern Naturalist 16(2):N40-N42 October 2017
Moran, M.L., W. Boyd, J.L. De La Cruz, A.S. Bertke and W.M. Ford. 2023. Oral Sampling of Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus) Maternity Colonies for SARS-CoV-2 in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, USA. Animals 2023, 13, 550. February 2023
Maynard, L.D., W. Mark Ford, Parker, J.D. and Whitehead, S.R. (2023). Biotic and abiotic factors shaping bat activity in Maryland soybean fields. Ecosphere 14(7). doi: April 2023
Lituma, C.M, J.J. Cox, S. Spears, J.W. Edwards, J. De La Cruz, L.I. Mueller and W.M Ford. 2020. Terrestrial wildlife in the post-mined landscape: status and opportunities. Pages 135-166 in: C. Zipper and J. Skousen (eds). Ecology and Management of Appalachian Coal-Mined Landscapes. Springer Publishing. | Abstract December 2020
Lane, V.R., R.P. Simmons, K.J. Brunjes, J.C. Kilgo, T.B. Harrington, R.F. Daniels, W.M. Ford and K.V. Miller. 2013. Effects of precommercial thinning and midstory control on avian and small mammal communities during longleaf pine savanna restoration. Pages 478-488 in A.G. Kelly, K.F. Conner and J.D Haywood (Eds). Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Southern Silviculture Research Conference. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report SRS-203. Asheville NC. 551 p. | Abstract | Publisher Website October 2013
Kolodzinski, J.J., L.V. Tannebaum, D.A. Osborn, M.C. Conner, W.M. Ford and K.V. Miller. 2010. Effects of GPS sampling intensity on home range analyses. Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 64:13-17. October 2010
Kniowski, A.B. and W.M. Ford. 2018. Spatial Patterns of White-tailed Deer Herbivory in the Central Appalachian Mountains. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.190:248*
June 2018
Kniowski, A.B. and W.M. Ford. 2017. Predicting intensity of white-tailed deer herbivory in the central Appalachian Mountains. Journal of Forestry Research DOI 10.1007/s11676-017-0476-6. 10 p. May 2017
Karen E. Powers , Richard J. Reynolds , Wil Orndorff, W. Mark Ford. 2015. Post-White-nose Syndrome Trends in Virginia’s Cave Bats, 2008-2013 Journal of Ecology and Natural Environment 6:56-64 | Abstract April 2015
K, R. Mahoney, K. R. Russell, W. M.Ford , J.L. Rodrigue, J.D. Riddle, T.M. Schuler and M.B. Adams. 2015. Woodland salamander responses to a shelterwood harvest-prescribed burn silvicultural treatment within Appalachian mixed-oak forests. Forest Ecology and Management. 359:277-285 | Abstract January 2016
Jorge, M.H., W.M. Ford, S.E. Sweeten, S.R. Freeze, M.C. True, M. J. St. Germain, H.Taylor, K.M. Gorman1, M. J. Cherry, and E.P. Garrison. 2021. Winter Roost Selection of Lasiurine Tree Bats in a Pyric Landscape. PLoS ONE 16(2): e0245695. February 2021
Jorge, M.H., S.E. Sweeten, M.C. True, S.R. Freeze, M.J. Cherry, E.P. Garrison, H. Taylor, K.M. Gorman and W.M. Ford. 2021. Fire, land cover and temperature drivers of bat activity in the winter. International Journal of Fire Ecology. (2021) 17:19 /
June 2021
Johnson, J.B., W.M. Ford, J.W. Edwards, J.L. Rodrigue and C.L. Johnson. 2010. Indiana bat day-roosts in burned areas in the central Appalachians. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 1:111-121. October 2010
Johnson, J.B., W.M. Ford, J.W. Edwards and M.A. Menzel. 2010. Bat community structures within riparian areas of northwestern Georgia, USA. Folia Zoologica 59:192-202. July 2010
Johnson, J.B., W.M. Ford and J.W. Edwards. 2012. Roost networks of northern myotis (Myotis septentrionalis) in a managed landscape. Forest Ecology and Management January 2012
Johnson, J.B., W.M. Ford and J.L. Rodrigue. 2012. Effects of acoustical deterrents on foraging bats. USDA Forest USDA Forest Service Research Note NRS-129. 5 p. March 2012
Johnson, J.B., M.A. Menzel, J.W. Edwards, W.M. Ford and J.T. Petty 2010. Spatial and predictive foraging models for gray bats in northwest Georgia. Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 64:61-67. October 2010
Johnson, J.B., J.W. Edwards and W.M. Ford. 2012. Nocturnal activity patterns of northern myotis (Myotis septentrionalis) druing the maternity season in West Virginia (USA). Acta Chiropterologica 13:391-397 January 2012
Johnson, J.B., J.L. Rodgrigue and W.M. Ford. 2013. Nightly and yearly bat activity before and after white-nose syndrome on the Fernow Experimental Forest in West Virginia, Tucker County, USA. USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station Research Paper NRS-Res Pap 24. 17 p. | Abstract November 2013
Johnson, J.B., J.H. Roberts, T.L. King, J.W. Edwards, W.M. Ford and D.A. Ray. 2013. Genetic Structuring of Northern Myotis (Myotis septentrionalis) at Multiple Spatial Scales. ActaTherologica. 59:223-231 April 2014
Jachowski, D.S., J.B. Johnson, C.A. Dobony, J.W. Edwards and W.M. Ford. 2014. Space Use and Resource Selection by Foraging Indiana Bats at Their Northern Distribution. Endangered Species Research 24:149-157 June 2014
Jachowski, D.S., C.T. Rota, C. Dobony, W.M. Ford and J.W. Edwards. 2016. Seeing the Forest through the Trees:
Considering Roost-Site Selection at Multiple
Spatial Scales.PLoS ONE 11(3): e0150011.
March 2016
Jachowski, D.S., C.M.B. Jachowski, and W.M. Ford 2014. Is white-nose syndrome causing insectivory release and altering ecosystem function in the eastern US? Bat Research News 55:21-24 October 2014
Jachowski, D.S., C.A. Dobony, L.S. Coleman, W.M. Ford, E.R. Britzke, and J.L. Rodrigue. 2014. Disease and community assemblage: white-nose syndrome alters spatial and temporal niche partitioning in sympatric bat species. Diversity and Distributions 20:1002- 1015 | Abstract April 2014
Jachowski, D,S. T. Katzner, J.L. Rodrigue and W.M. Ford. 2014 Citizen science camera trap networks as a tool to monitor landscape-level distribution and phenology of migratory raptors. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 1-11; DOI:10.1002/wsb.571. August 2015
Irvine, K.M., K.M. Baner, C. Stratton , W.M. Ford and B.E. Reichert. 2022. Statistical assessment on determining localized bat species presence for rare species. Ecosphere. . June 2022
Hzyz, B., R.E. Russell, A. Silvis, W.M. Ford, J. Riddle and K. Russell. 2020. Occupancy of Northern long-eared bats in the Lake States Region. Wildlife Society Bulletin December 2020
Hyzy, B., R.E. Russell, A. Silvis, W.M. Ford, J. Riddle, and K. Russell. 2020. Investigating maternity roost selection of Northern long-eared bats at three sites in Wisconsin. Endangered Species Research. 41:55-65. January 2020
Hyde, O., A. Silvis, E. Hallerman, W.M. Ford and E.R. Britzke. 2016. Relatedness within and among Myotis septentrionalis colonies at a local scale. Canadian Journal of Zoology 97:724-735 July 2019
Huth, John K.; Silvis, Alexander; Moosman, Paul R. Jr.; Ford, W. Mark; and Sweeten, Sara. 2017. "A Comparison of Survey Methods for Documenting Presence of Myotis leibii (Eastern Small-Footed Bats) at Roosting Areas in Western Virginia," Virginia Journal of Science: Vol. 66 : No. 4 , Article 3. June 2017
Higdon, S.D., C.A. Diggins, M.J. Cherry and W.M. Ford. 2019. Proactive anti-predator behavior of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) during fawning season in the Southern Appalachians. Journal of Ethology May 2019
Harper, C.A., W.M. Ford, M.A. Lashley, C.E. Moorman, and M. Stanbaugh. 2016. Fire effects on wildlife in Central Hardwoods and Appalachian regions. Fire Ecology. 12:127-159 June 2016
Guill, M. J.L. De La Cruz, Puckett, M., Klopfer, S.D., Martin, B. and Ford, W.M. (2024). Southern Fox Squirrel and Eastern Gray Squirrel Interactions in a Fire-maintained Ecosystem. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, [online] 11, pp.215–222. Available at:
‌ | Download
May 2024
Grimshaw, J.R., D. Donner, R. Perry, W.M. Ford, A. Silvis, C.J. Garcia, R.D. Stevns and D.A. Ray. 2024. Disentangling genetic diversity of Myotis septentrionalis: population structure, demographic history, and effective population size. Journal of Mammalogy 105: 854–864 | Download July 2024
Gorman, K.M., E.L. Barr, T. Nocera and W.M. Ford. 2023. Network analysis of northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) maternity colony in a suburban forest patch. Journal of Urban Ecology 2023, 9(1), juad005. | Download May 2023
Gorman, K.M., Barr, E.L., Nocera, T. and W. Mark Ford (2022). Characteristics of Day-Roosts Used by Northern Long-Eared Bats (Myotis septentrionalis) in Coastal New York. Northeastern Naturalist, 29(2). doi: May 2022
Gorman, K., Deeley, S., Barr, E., Freeze, S., Kalen, N., Muthersbaugh, M. and Ford, W. (2022). Broad-scale geographic and temporal assessment of northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) maternity colony-landscape association. Endangered Species Research, 47, pp.119–130. doi: February 2022
Gorman, K, W.M. Ford, E.L. Barr and L. Ries. 2021. Bat Activity Patterns Relative to Temporal and Weather Correlates in a Temperate Coastal Environment. Global Ecology and Conservation 30: 13 p. October 2021
Freeze, S.R., M. Shirazi, N. Abaid, W.M. Ford, A. Silvis and D. Hakkenberg. 2021. Effects of Environmental Clutter on Synthesized Chiropteran Echolocation Signals in an Anechoic Chamber. Acoustics. 3:391–410 June 2021
Francl, K.E., W.M. Ford, D.W. Sparks and V. Brack. 2012. Capture and reproductive trends of summer bat communities in West Virginia: assessing the impacts of white-nose syndrome. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 3:33-42 June 2012
Ford. W.M., A. Silvis, J.L. Rodrigue, A. Kniowski and J.B. Johnson. 2016. Deriving habitat models for northern bats (Myotis septentrionalis) from historical detection data: A case study using long-term research on the Fernow Experimental Forest, West Virginia, USA. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 7(1): 86-98 | Abstract June 2016
Ford, W.M., Jones, S., Johnson, J.B. and Silvis, A. (2023). Distribution of Northern Long-eared Bat Summer Habitat on the Monongahela National Forest, West Virginia. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, [online] 10, pp.114–124. Available at:
March 2023
Ford, W.M., J. De La Cruz, E.D. Thorne, A. Silvis, M.P. Armstrong, and R. Andrew King. 2024. Second guessing the maximum likelihood estimator values for bat surveys. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 11:177–184. | Download May 2024
Ford, W.M., E.R. Britzke, C.A. Dobony, J.L. Rodrigue and J.B. Johnson. 2012. Patterns of acoustical activity of bats prior to and following White-nose Syndrome occurrence. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 2:125-134 December 2011
Ford, W.M., C.A. Dobony, D.S. Jachowski, L.S. Coleman, T. Nocera and E.R. Britzke. 2020. Case Study One: Acoustic Surveys at Fort Drum Military Installation – the Value of Long-term Monitoring. Pages 78-81in: E.E. Fraser, A. Silvis, R.M. Brigham and Z. Czenze (eds). Bat Echolocation Research: a Handbool for Planning Acoustics Studies. Bat Conservation International, Austin TX. 116 p. May 2020
Ford, W.M., A. Silvis, J.B. Johnson, J.W. Edwards and M. Karp. 2016. Northern long-eared bat day-roosting and prescribed fire in the central Appalachians. Fire Ecology 12:13-27 June 2016
Ford, W., Thorne, E., Silvis, A., Barr, E., Armstrong, M. and King, R. 2023. Maximum Likelihood Estimator and Nightly Acoustic Count Values as Weight of Evidence of Bat Maternity Activity. [online] Available at: March 2023
Ford WM, Kelly CA, Rodrigue JL, Odom RH, Newcomb D, Gilley LM, and Diggins CA 2014. Late winter and early spring home range and habitat use of the endangered Carolina northern flying squirrel in western North Carolina. Endangered Species Research. 23:73-82. | Abstract January 2014
Evans, A.N., R.H. Odom, L. Resler, W.M. Ford and S. Prisley. 2014. Developing a topographic model to predict the northern hardwood forest type within Carolina Northern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus coloratus) recovery areas of the Southern Appalachians. International Journal of Forestry Article ID 179415, doi:10.1155/2014/179415). 11p. | Abstract | Publisher Website October 2014
Diggins. C.A. and W.M. Ford. 2021. Spatial Behavior of Northern Flying Squirrels in the Same Social Network. Ethology DOI: 10.1111/eth.13130 18 p. April 2021
Diggins, C.A., M.A. Castellano and W.M. Ford. 2020. Hypogeous, sequestrate Fungi (Genus Elaphomyces) found at small-mammal foraging sites in High-elevation conifer forests of West Virginia. Northeastern Naturalist 27:N40-N47 July 2020
Diggins, C.A., L.M. Gilley, C. Kelly and W.M. Ford. 2016. Comparison of survey techniques on detection of northern flying squirrels. Wildlife Society Bulletin 40:654-662 August 2016
Diggins, C.A., G.G. Turner, L.M. Gilley, and W.M. Ford. 2020. Ultrasonic acoustic surveys of state endangered northern flying squirrels in the Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 11(2):644-653. November 2020
Diggins, C.A., De, J.L. and Silvis, A. (2022). Distribution Probability of the Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel in the High Allegheny Mountains. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, [online] 9, pp.168–175. Available at: March 2022
Diggins, C.A., D. Jachowski, J. Martin and W.M. Ford. 2015. Incidental captures of Eastern Spotted Skunk in a high-elevation spruce forest in Virginia. Northeastern Naturalist 22:N6-N10. April 2015
Diggins, C.A., A. Silvis, C.A. Kelly and W.M. Ford. 2016. Home range, den selection, and habitat use of Carolina northern flying squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus coloratus). Wildlife Research 44:427-437 October 2017
Diggins, C.A. and W.M. Ford. 2021. Effects of surveying for the federally endangered Spruce-fir Moss Spider (Microhexura montivaga Crosby & Bishop) on its bryophyte habitat. Southeastern Naturalist 20(1):77-91 January 2021
Diggins, C.A. and W.M. Ford. 2016. Microhabitat selection of the Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus fuscus Miller) Northeastern Naturalist 24(2):173-190 June 2017
Diggins, C.A. and Ford, W.M. (2022). Seasonal Activity Patterns of Bats in High-Elevation Conifer Sky Islands. Acta Chiropterologica, 24(1). doi: February 2022
Diggins, C.A. L.M. Gilley, C.A. Kelly and W.M. Ford. 2020. Using Ultrasonic Acoustics to Detect Cryptic Flying Squirrels: Seasonality and Survey Length. Wildlife Society Bulletin 44:300-308. June 2020
Deeley, S.M., N.J. Kalen, S.R. Freeze, E.L. Barr and W.M. Ford. 2021. Post-white-nose syndrome passive acoustic sampling effort for determining bat species occupancy within the mid-Atlantic region. Ecological Indicators 125 (2021) 107489 February 2021
Deeley, S., Kang, L., Michalak, P., Hallerman, E. and Ford, W.M. (2023). DNA Metabarcoding-Based Evaluation of the Diet of Big Brown Bats (Eptesicus fuscus) in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Northeastern Naturalist, 29(4). doi:
December 2022
Deeley, S., J.B. Johnson, W.M. Ford and J.E. Gates. 2021. White-nose syndrome-related changes to Mid-Atlantic bat communities across an urban-to-rural gradient. BMC Zoology (2021) 6:12 May 2021
Deeley, S., Ford, W.M., Kalen, N.J., Freeze, S.R., Germain, M.S., Muthersbaugh, M., Barr, E., Kniowski, A., Silvis, A. and De, J. (2022). Mid-Atlantic Big Brown and Eastern Red Bats: Relationships between Acoustic Activity and Reproductive Phenology. Diversity, [online] 14(5), pp.319–319. doi:
April 2022
De, L., Cruz, De, J., Cruz, L., Ford, W., Jones, S., Johnson, J. and Silvis, A. (n.d.). Indiana Bat Habitat Distribution Distribution of Summer Habitat for the Indiana Bat on the Monongahela National Forest, West Virginia. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, [online] 10, pp.125–134. Available at:
March 2023
De La Cruz, J.L., True, M.C., Taylor, H., Brown, D.C. and Ford, W.M. (2022). Unique Land Cover Classification to Assess Day-Roost Habitat Selection of Northern Long-Eared Bats on the Coastal Plain of North Carolina, USA. Forests, 13(5), p.792. doi:
May 2022
De La Cruz, J., R.J. Reynolds, W. Orndorff, T. Malabad, K.K. Ficco, K.E. Powers and W.M. Ford. 2024. Seasonal Drivers of Activity in the Endangered Northern Long-eared Bat in Western Virginia. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 11:196–205 | Download May 2024
Crimmins, S.M., J.W. Edwards, W.M. Ford, P.D. Keyser and J.M. Crum 2010. Browsing patterns of white-tailed deer following increased timber harvest and a decline in population density. International Journal of Forestry Research . doi:10.1155/2010/592034 7 p. October 2010
Crimmins, S.M., J.W. Edwards, T.A. Campbell, W.M. Ford, P.D. Keyser, J.D. Crum, B.A. Miller and K.V. Miller. 2015. Effects of population reduction on white-tailed deer home-range dynamics. Northeastern Naturalist. 22:403-412 June 2015
Crimmins, S.M., J.W. Edwards, P.D. Keyser, J.M. Crum, W.M. Ford, B.F. Miller, T.A. Campbell, and K.V. Miller. 2013. Survival patterns of female white-tailed deer on an industrial forest following a decline in population density. In: G.W. Miller, T.M. Schuler, K.W. Gottschalk, J.R. Brooks, S.T. Grushecky, B.D. Spong and J. Rentch, eds) Proceedings of the 18th Central Hardwood Forest Conference; 2012 March 26-28; Morgantown, WV; General Technical Report NRS-P-117. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station: 487–496. July 2013
Coleman, L.S., W.M. Ford, C.A. Dobony and E.R. Britzke. 2014. Effect of passive acoustic sampling methodology on detecting bats after declines from white nose syndrome. Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment 6:56-64 | Abstract January 2014
Coleman, L.C., W.M. Ford, C.A. Dobony, and E.R. Britzke. 2014 A comparison of passive and active acoustic sampling for monitoring a bat community impacted by white-nose syndrome. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 5:217-226 December 2014
Colelman, L.S., W.M. Ford, C.A. Dobony, and E.R. Britzke. 2013. Comparison of radio-telemetric home range analysis and acoustic detection for little brown bat habitat evaluation in northwestern New York, USA. Northeastern Naturalist 21:431-435 May 2014
Coates, T.A. and Ford, W.M. (2022). Fuel and vegetation changes in southwestern, unburned portions of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA, 2003–2019. Journal of Forestry Research, 33(5), pp.1459–1470. doi: July 2022
C.A. Diggins, C.A. Kelly and W.M. Ford. 2016. Aberrant den use of Carolina Northern Flying Squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus coloratus) in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Southeastern Naturalist 14:44-49 January 2016
Bombaci, S.P., M.J. St. Germain, W.M. Ford, S.C. Loeb, R.E. Russell, C.A. Dobony and D.J. Jachowski. 2021. Pathogen-mediated competition explains remnant bat community responses to white-nose syndrome. Ecosphere 12(11) | Download November 2021
Barr, E.L., A. Silvis, M.P. Armstrong and W.M. Ford. 2021. White-nose syndrome and environmental correlates to landscape-scale bat presence. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 1–12; 2021; doi: 10.1002/wsb.1215 October 2021
Austin, L.V., A.S. Silvis, M.S. Muthersbaugh, K.E. Powers and W.M. Ford. 2018. Bat Activity Following Repeated Prescribed Fire in the Central Appalachians. Fire Ecology 14:10*
December 2018
Austin, L., A. Silvis, W.M. Ford, K.E. Powers and M. Muthersbaugh. 2017. Bat Activity Following Restoration Prescribed Burning in the Central Appalachian Upland and Riparian Habitats. Natural Areas Journal 38:183-195 April 2018
Austin, L., A. Silvis, W.M. Ford and K.E. Powers. 2019. Effects of historic wildfire and prescribed fire on site occupancy of bats in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, USA. Journal of Forestry Research April 2019
Aubin, G.R., Nye, C.C., Rohm, J.H., Stamps, R.T., Ford, W. Mark and Cherry, M.J. (2022). Survival of white‐tailed deer fawns on Marine Corps Base Quantico. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 86(3). doi:
November 2021
Adams, M.B., P.J. Edwards, W.M. Ford, T.M. Schuler, J.B. Johnson, M. Thomas-Van Gundy. 2011. Effects of development of a natural gas well and associated pipeline on the natural and scientific resources of the Fernow Experimental Forest. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report NRS-76. 24 p. May 2011
Adams, M.B. W.M. Ford, T.M. Schuler and M. Thomas-Van Gundy. 2011. Effects of natural gas development on forest ecosystesm. Pages 219-226 in L. Songlin, J.M. Lhotka, J.W. Stringer, K.W. Gottschalk, and G.W. Miller (eds). Proceedings of the 17th Central Hardwood Conference. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report NRS-P-78. October 2011
A. Silvis, E.R. Thomas, W. M. Ford,E. R. Britzke and M. J. Friedrich. 2014. Internal Cavity Characteristics of Northern Long-eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis) Maternity Day-roosts. USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station Research Note NRS-27. 7p July 2014
Guill, M.H., J. De La Cruz, K.M. Puckett and W.M. Ford. 2024. Resource selection of the Southern Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger niger) in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain of Virginia. Virginia Journal of Science. Volume 75, Issue 3 & 4 doi: 10.25778/ P 2 AD J 877. February 2025
Ford, W.M., J.B. Johnson, and M. Thomas-Van Gundy. 2021. Northern Long-Eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis) Day-Roost Loss in the Central Appalachian Mountains Following Prescribed Burning. International Journal of Forestry Research 6p. June 2021
De La Cruz, J.L., N.J. Kalen, E.L. Barr, E.D. Thorne, R.J. Reynolds and W. M Ford. 2024. Seasonal Drivers of Activity in the Endangered Northern Long-eared Bat in Eastern North Carolina and Virginia. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. 11:185–195 | Download May 2024
Clevinger, G.B., W.M. Ford, M.J. Kelly ,R. Alonso, R. W. DeYoung, N.W. LaFon and M.J. Cherry. 2023. Survival, Cause-specific Mortality, and Population Growth of White-tailed Deer in Western Virginia. Journal of Wildlife Management. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.22528 November 2023
Butler, AR., A. Edelman, R. Eng, S. N. Harris, E.D. Thorne, W.M. Ford, and David S. Jachowski. 2021. Demography of the Appalachian Spotted Skunk (Spilogale putorius putorius). Southeastern Naturalist 20:95-109 August 2021
Project Completion Date
Indices of Biological Integrity - Efficacy of Salamanders in Mined Landscapes of Appalachia May 2014
Allegheny Woodrat: Identifying Strategies to Conserve a Declining Species September 2014
Micro-habitat Characteristics of Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus fuscus) Foraging Sites: Relating Structure, Composition and Soils to Habitat Identification, Conservation and Restoration Needs December 2015
Cerulean Warbler Response to Variable Density Thinning and Other Silvicultural Prescriptions – A Multi-state Adaptive Management Project December 2014
White-tailed Deer Impact and Vegetative Response in the Blue Ridge, Ridge and Valley and Appalachian Plateau of Virginia in Relation to Landscape and Land Ownership Characteristics December 2015
Analysis of historic Carolina northern flying squirrel monitoring data and assessment of acoustical monitoring techniques September 2013
Acoustical Sampling Following White-nose Syndrome at Fort Drum, New York: Pilot Test to Determine Efficacious Techniques to Address Surveillance Needs December 2013
Effects of a hierarchal and spatially differential disruption of roosts and roost areas on non-random assorting (social) dynamic in bats using ephemeral forest conditions December 2014
Biome Shifts for CONUS Department of Defense Lands December 2014
Demonstrating technologies to monitor sublethal responses of eagles to military activities on Department of Defense Installations December 2027
Using the Sentinel Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel to Guide Red Spruce Restoration in the Central Appalachians December 2026
Assessing Population Viability and WNS-exposure of Northern Long-eared Bats along the I-95 Corridor June 2026
Post delisting Surveys of Virginia northern flying squirrels and spruce restoration December 2022
Estimating Elk Abundance and Herd Demographics June 2025
Refining Survey Efforts and Distributional Modeling for the Endangered Carolina Northern Flying Squirrel to Inform Management December 2022
Coastal Bat Migration June 2021
Wood Turtle Ecology on Army Installations December 2020
Fox Squirrel Presence and Distribution in Eastern Virginia December 2022
Effects of Surveying and Habitat Characteristics of the Endangered Spruce-Fir Moss Spider December 2018
Distribution and Ecology of the Eastern Spotted Skunk December 2019
Cerulean Warbler and Associated Species Response to Silvicultural Prescriptions in the Central Appalachian Region December 2018
Post WNS bat ecology in the eastern United States December 2028
Blume, Chris

Carey, Caitlin

De La Cruz, Jesse

Gorman, Katie
Post Doc

Green, Rachel

Hudson, Thomas

Isenhour, Zackary

King, Amanda

Moran, Megan

Quinlan, Braiden

Reachmack, Anna

St. Germain, Michael

Sweeten, Sara
Post Doc

Taylor, Hila

Presentations Presentation Date
W.M. Ford, C.A. Kelly, J.L. Rodrigue, R.H. Odom, L.M. Gilley and C.A. Diggins., 2013. Spring break 2012: where the Carolina northern flying squirrels were. 2013 Southeastern Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals. Pikeville, Tennessee. February 14-15. February 2013
True, M.C., W.M. Ford, E. Barr, S. Sweeten and R. Reynolds. 2020. Using the Motus wildlife tracking system. 2020 Northeastern Bat Working Group, Saratoga Springs, NY. January 15-18. January 2020
True, M.C., R.J. Reynolds, and W.M. Ford. 2022. Activity patterns and fall migration of migratory bats on the mid-Atlantic Coast. Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Long Branch, NJ. April 3-5. April 2022
True, M.C., R.J. Reynolds and W.M. Ford. 2022. Fall migration, oceanic movement and site residency patterns of migratory bats on the mid-Atlantic Coast with emphasis on eastern red bats (Lasiurus borealis). January 2022
True, M.C., R. Reynolds and W.M. Ford. 2020. <b>Long term acoustic monitoring of migratory tree bats on Virginia’s Atlantic Coast barrier islands – implications for offshore wind development. 27th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society. Sept 28-Oct 1.</b> September 2020
Thorne, E.D., M.P. Armstrong, A. Kind, J.S. Ultrup and W.M. Ford. 2022. An update on acoustic sampling level of effort for the Indiana, northern long-eared, little brown and tri-colored bats. 2022 Northeast Bat Working Group. Manchester, NH. Jan. 12-14/ January 2022
Thorne, E.D., C.D. Waggy, D.S. Jachowski, M.J. Kelly and W.M. Ford. 2016. Co-Existence and Temporal Overlap of Mesocarnivores in Central and Southern Appalachia. 23rd Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Raleigh, NC. October 15-19. October 2016
Thorne, E.D., C. Waggy, D. Jachowski, M. Kelly, and W. M. Ford. 2016. Habitat associations of the eastern spotted skunk in western Virginia. 26th Annual Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern United States. Feb. 18-19, Guntersville, AL. February 2016
Thorne, E.D. and W.M. Ford. 2019. Crowd-sourcing spotted skunks: citizen science improves efforts to identify contemporary range boundary of a rare and elusive species in Virginia. Combined 24th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Bat Diversity Network and 29th Annual Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern U.S., Jacksonville, FL., February 21-22. February 2019
Thorne, E.D. and W.M. Ford. 2018. A MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS OF COMPLEX RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN DEN SELECTION BY EASTERN SPOTTED SKUNKS (SPILOGALE PUTORIUS) AND ENVIRONMENTAL VARIATION. 28th Annual Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern U.S. Roanoke, VA, March 27-29. March 2018
Thorne, E.D. and W.M. Ford. 2017. Temporal avoidance and activity shifts of sympatric mesocarnivores in the central Appalachians. 2017 Southeastern Bat Diversity Network and Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals. Asheville, NC .Feb 16-17. February 2017
Thorne, E., R. Eng, C. Waggy, D. Jachowski and W.M. Ford. 2018. Large- and Fine-scale Habitat Associations of Eastern Spotted Skunks (Spilogale putorius) in the Central and Southern Appalachian Mountains. 2018 The Wildlife Society Meeting, Cleveland OH, October 7-11. October 2018
Teets, K.D., S. Loeb, J. Kilgo, D. Jachowski, and W. M. Ford. 2017. A changing community? The effects of White-nose Syndrome on bat community structure in the southeastern United States. 2017 Southeastern Bat Diversity Network and Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals. Asheville, NC. Feb. 16-17. February 2017
Teets, K.D., D.S. jachowski, S.C. Loeb, J.C. Kilgo and W.M. Ford. 2017. The Effects of White-nose Syndrome on Bat Community Structure in South Carolina. 2017 North American Society for Bat Research Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN, October 18-21. October 2017
Taylor, H., K.E. Powers, W.D. Orndorff, R.J. Reynolds, and W.M. Ford. 2024. Tracking gray bat (Myotis grisescens) movement using Motus towers in southwest Virginia and northeast Tennessee. 34th Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the Southeast. Hilton Head, SC. Feb 16. February 2024
Sweeten, S., W.M. Ford and J. Craynon. 2014. The effects of land use and microhabitat on stream salamander occupancy in the southwest Virginia Coalfields. Mid-Atlantic Regional Water Conference. Sheppardstown WV. September 2014
Sweeten, S. and W.M. Ford. 2015. Validation of a stream and riparian habitat assessment protocol using stream salamanders in the southwest Virginia coalfields. American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Lexington KY. June 2015
Sweeten, S. and W.M. Ford. 2015. The effects of land use and microhabitat on stream salamander occupancy in the southwest Virginia Coalfields. Virginia Wildlife Society, Natural Bridge, VA. February 2015
Sweeten, S and W.M. Ford. 2015. Validation of a stream and riparian habitat assessment protocol using stream salamanders in the southwest Virginia coalfields. 2015 JOINT NATIONAL CONFERENCE of ASMR and ARRI, Lexington KY. June 16, 2015.I June 2015
St. Germain, M.J. S.P. Bombaci, D.S. Jachowski, W.M. Ford, R.E. Russell, and S.C. Loeb. 2019. I shall be released! Clemency from the WNS parole board. Combined 24th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Bat Diversity Network and 29th Annual Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern U.S., Jacksonville, FL., February 21-22. February 2019
St. Germain, M., C.A. Diggins. M.H. Jorge, E.M. Johnston and W.M. Ford. 2024. Operation desert bat: examining distribution and environmental impacts on bat populations in the southern Colorado Plateau region. 34th Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the Southeast. Hilton Head, SC. Feb. 16. February 2024
St. Germain, M., A. Silvis, A. Kniowski and W.M. Ford. 2016. Dynamic landscape change detection of ephemeral habitats for the endangered Indiana bat in mid-Atlantic landscapes. 23rd Annual Wildlife Society Conference, Raleigh NC. October 15-19. October 2016
St. Germain, M, A. Silvis, W.M. Ford and A. Kniowski. 2016. WHO KNEW? INDIANA BAT MATERNITY COLONIES IN OLD VIRGINIA. 2016 Northeast Bat Working Group, Baltimore MD. January 12-13 January 2016
Silvis, A., W.M. Ford, and E.R. Britzke.2014. EFFECTS OF HIERARCHICAL ROOST REMOVAL ON NORTHERN BAT ROOSTING ECOLOGY 2014 Colloquium of Conservation of Mammals in the South. Nacogdoches, TX. February 2014
Silvis, A., W.M. Ford, and E.R. Britzke. 2014. Roost Tree Selection by Bats - What Do Random Trees and One Year of Data Really Tell Us? 2014 North American Society for Bat Research. Oct. 22-25, Albany NY. October 2014
Silvis, A., W.M. Ford, E.R. Britzke. Northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) management: Insights from a multi-year study at Fort Knox, Kentucky. 2015 JOINT NATIONAL CONFERENCE of ASMR and ARRI, Lexington KY. June 16, 2015.I June 2015
Silvis, A., W.M. Ford, E.R. Britzke, and J.B. Johnson. 2013. Northern bat maternity colony networks. Abstracts of the 2013 Wildlife Society Meeting. Milwaukee, WI. October 5-8. October 2013
Silvis, A., W.M. Ford, E.R. Britzke, N. Beane, and J.B. Johnson. Day-roost ecology of the northern bat (Myotis septentrionalis) in a mesophytic hardwood forest. 9th North American Forest Ecology Workshop. Bloomington, Indiana. June 16-20. June 2013
Silvis, A., W.M. Ford, E.R. Britzke and J.B. Johnson. 2013. Identification and delineation of Myotis septentrionalis day-roost networks. 2013 Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the South. Pikeville, Tennessee. February 14-15. February 2013
Silvis, A., W.M. Ford and E.R. Britzke. 2015. Northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) management: Insights from a multi-year study at Fort Knox, Kentucky. American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Lexington, KY. June 2015
Silvis, A., S. Sweeten, W.M. Ford and A. Kniowski. 2016. POST WHITE-NOSE SYNDROME DISTRIBUTION OF NORTHERN LONG-EARED AND INDIANA BATS IN VIRGINIA. 2016 Northeast Bat Working Group, Baltimore MD. January 12-13. January 2016
Silvis, A., M. Hyde, E.M. Hallerman and W.M. Ford. 2016. Effects Of Roost Removal On Social And Genetic Aspects Of Northern Long-eared Bat Maternity Colony Dynamics. 23rd Annual Wildlife Society Conference, Raleigh, NC. October 15-19. October 2016
Silvis, A., J. Hall, S. Deeley, M. Mutherspaugh, L. Austin, N. Kalen, M. St. Germain and W.M. Ford. 2017. Level of effort required for northern long-eared bat surveys and colony status assessment in the mid-Atlantic region. 2017 Northeast Bat Working Group. January 11-12, Amherst MA. January 2017
Silvis, A., A.B. Kniowski, J.L. Rodrigue, and W.M. Ford. 2014. FOREST HABITAT RELATIONSHIPS OF THE NORTHERN BAT DERIVED FROM LONG-TERM RESEARCH ON THE FERNOW EXPERIMENTAL FOREST, WV. 2014 Colloquium on fhe Conservation of Mammals in the South, Nacogdoches, TX. February 2014
Silvis, A. and W.M. Ford 2017. Thoughts on uncertainty in bat acoustics. 2017 Southeastern Bat Diversity Network and Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals, Asheville NC. Feb. 16-17. February 2017
Silivis, A., W.M. Ford and E.R. Britzke. 2015. Insights for conservation of northern long-eared bats (Myotis septentrionalis) derived from a multi-year study at Fort Knox, Kentucky. North American Joint Bat Working Group Meeting, St. Louis, MO. March 2015
Shirazi, M.J.., D. Hakkenberg, N. Abaid, W. M.Ford, and A Silvis. 2017. Relationships of environmental structure to echolocation pulse quality. 2017 Southeastern Bat Diversity Network and Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals. Asheville, NC. Feb. 16-17. February 2017
Santiago, M., M. Armstong, W.M. Ford and T.L. Derring. 2014. BAT SURVEYS IN THE KENTUCKY PURCHASE: WHAT DOES ACOUSTICS AND NETTING BUY PRE-WNS? 2014 Colloquium of Conservation of Mammals in the South. Nacogdoches, TX. February 2014
Robyn A. Niver, Mike Armstrong, Andrew King, and W. Mark Ford. 2014. The 2014 Indiana bat summer survey guidance. 2014 Northeastern Bat Working Group. Jan 8-10, Clinton NJ. January 2014
Reynolds, R., K.E. Francl, W. Orndorff, and W.M. Ford. 2013. Assessing population and demographic trends in Virginia's cave bats, 2008-2012. 2013 Virginia Chapter of the Wildlife Society Meeting. Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia. February 12-13. February 2013
Reynolds, R., K. Powers, W. Orndorff, C. Hobson and W.M. Ford. 2016. CHANGES IN NORTHERN LONG-EARED BAT CAPTURE RATES AND DEMOGRAPHICS IN WESTERN VIRGINIA: PRE AND POST WHITE-NOSE SYNDROME. 2016 Northeast Bat Working Group, Baltimore, MD, January 11-13. January 2016
Quinlan, B.A., H.N. Abernathy, J.P. Rosenberger, D.M. Kalb, E.D. Thorne, W.M. Ford and M.J. Cherry. 2024. Exploratory ecology of reintroduced elk. 34th Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals of the Southeast. February 2024
Quinlan, B.A., B.R. Jesmer, J.P. Rosenberger, W.M. Ford and M.J. Cherry. 2023. Resource selection during the calf-rearing season for restored elk in southwestern Virginia. 30th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Louisville, KY. November 4-9. November 2023
Quinlan, B., H. Abernathy, D. Kalb, E.D. Thorne, W.M. Ford and M.J. Cherry. 2020. Elk in the Old Dominion: preliminary assessment of habitat assessment. 27th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society. Sept 28-Oct 1. September 2020
Quinlan, B., B. Jesmer, J. Rosenberger, W.M. Ford and M.J. Cherry. 2023. <b>Resource selection during the calf-rearing season for restored elk in southwestern Virginia. Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Corpus Christi, TX. October 18. </b> October 2023
Powers, K.E., W. Orndorff, R. J. Reynolds, M. Short, T. Malabad, W.M. Ford, K. Kosič-Ficco and S. Sweeten. 2019. Gray bat activity in southwest Virginia. 2019 Northeast Bat Working Group Meeting, State College PA, January 16-18. January 2019
Powers, K., R. Reynolds, W. Orndorff, W.M. Ford and C. Hobson. 2015. Update on hibernacula trends in Virginia's cave bats, 2009-2015. Virginia Wildlife Society, Natural Bridge, VA. February 2015
Powers, K., B. Hzyz, R. Reynolds, W. Orndorff and W.M. Ford. 2016. MONITORING THE STATUS OF GRAY BATS (MYOTIS GRISESCENS) IN VIRGINIA AND POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF WHITE-NOSE SYNDROME. 2016 Northeast Bat Working Group, Baltimore, MD. January 11-13. January 2016
Power, K., R. Reynolds, and W.M. Ford. 2023. Management Tools and Knowledge Gaps in Managing for Allegheny Woodrats. <b>78th Annual Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference, Hershey, PA. April 30-May 2. </b> May 2023
Peterson, A.R., A.O. Mangan, W.M. Ford, K.G. Pfaff, M.J. Joyce, and R. Moen. 2025. Acoustic Detectors and Flying Squirrels: Building a Framework for Minnesota. Annual Meeting the Minnesota Chapter of the Wildlife Society, St Cloud, MN. Feb. 18-20. February 2025
Odom, R.H.,S.P. Prisl ey, W.M. Ford, N.M. Beane, S.R. Brasfield, and E.R. Britzke. 2013. Using Holdridge Life Zones to characterize potential impacts of climate. Poster Presentation. 2013 Society of American Foresters Annual Conference. Charleston, SC. change on forest ecoregions in the eastern United States. October 2013
Nocera, T.A., C.A. Dobony, A. Silvis and W.M. Ford. 2018. WNS-INDUCED TEMPORAL AND SPATIAL CHANGES IN LITTLE BROWN BAT ACTIVTY. 28th Annual Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern U.S. Roanoke, VA, March 27-29. March 2018
Nocera, T., C.A. Dobony, A. Silvis and W.M. Ford. 2018. WNS-induced temporal and spatial changes in little brown bat activity. 2018 The Wildlife Society Meeting. Cleveland, OH. October 7-11. October 2018
Nocera, T., C.A. Dobony, A. Silvis and W.M. Ford. 2018. LET’S JUST AGREE TO DISAGREE: COMPARING AUTO-ACOUSTIC IDENTIFICATION PROGRAMS. 28th Annual Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern U.S. Roanoke, VA, March 27-29. March 2018
Nareff, G.E., P.B. Wood, T. Fearer, K. Parker, W.M. Ford, J. Larkin, S. Stoleson. Cerulean Warbler and Associated Species Response to Silvicultural Prescriptions in the Central Appalachian Region. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. Oct 2014 October 2014
Nareff, G.E., P.B. Wood, T. Fearer, K. Parker, W.M. Ford, J. Larkin, S. Stoleson. Cerulean Warbler and Associated Species Response to Silvicultural Prescriptions in the Central Appalachian Region. NE-SE Partners in Flight. Virginia Beach, VA. Oct 2014 October 2014
Nareff, G.E., P.B. Wood, T. Fearer, J. Larkin, W.M. Ford, S. Stoleson. Cerulean Warbler and Associated Species Response to Silvicultural Prescriptions in the Central Appalachian Region. North American Ornithological Conference. Washington D.C. August 2016
Muthersbaugh, M.S., A. Silvis, S.E. Sweeten, and W.M. Ford. 2017. Fall and spring activity of bat species in the central Appalachians around hibernacula. 2017 Southeastern Bat Diversity Network and Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals. Asheville, NC. Feb 16-17. February 2017
Muthersbaugh, M.A., S.E. Sweeten, A. Silvis, W.M. Ford and L.V. Austin. 2016. Fall activity patterns of migratory and cave dwelling bats species in the central Appalachians. 23rd Annual Wildlife Society Conference, Raleigh, NC. October 15-19. October 2016
Muthersbaugh, M., S. Sweeten, A. Silvis, W.M. Ford and L. Austin. 2016. FALL ACTIVITY PATTERNS OF MIGRATORY AND CAVE DWELLING BAT SPECIES IN THE CENTRAL APPALACHIANS. 2016 Northeast Bat Working Group, Baltimore MD. January 12-13. January 2016
Muthersbaugh, M, A. Silvis and W.M. Ford. 2018. DRIVERS OF FALL AND SPRING HOURLY ACTIVITY PATTERNS OF MIGRATORY BAT SPECIES IN THE CENTRAL APPALACHIANS. 28th Annual Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern U.S. Roanoke, VA, March 27-29. March 2018
Moran, M.L., A.S. Litterer, J.L. De La Cruz, and W.M. Ford. 2024. Relative activity of little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) along the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. 34th Colloquium of Conservation of Mammals in the Southeast. Hilton Head, SC. Feb. 16. February 2024
Moran, M.L., A. Litterer, J.L. De La Cruz and W.M. Ford. 2025. Abundance of Three Bat Species Impacted by White-nose Syndrome on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park. 2025 Northeastern Bat Working Group, Harrisburg PA. Jan. 15-17. January 2025
Meyers, R.B., S. Klopfer, T. Schenk, W.M. Ford and T. Clements. 2021. Advancing a framework in increase community support for utility-scale solar photovoltaics. Solar Power and Wildlife/Natural Resources Symposium (virtual). Dec 1-3. December 2021
Litterer, A.S., H. Taylor, M.C. True, and W.M. Ford. 2022. With apologies to Marie Antoinette "let them eat cicadas" 2022 Northeast Bat Working Group, Manchester, NH. Jan. 12-14. January 2022
Litterer, A. and W.M. Ford. 2024. <b>A Comparison of Estimates of Foraging Space Use of A Little Brown Bat Maternity Colony Using An Azimuthal Telemetry Model and Traditional Bi-angulation and Triangulation. 34th Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the Southeast. Hilton Head, SC. Feb. 16.</b> February 2024
Lipford, K.A., C.A. Diggins and W.M. Ford. 2016. SUMMER OCCUPANCY RATES OF SCIURID POPULATIONS USING CAMERA TRAPS. 26th Annual Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern United States. Guntersville, AL. February 18-19. February 2016
Lipford, K.A., C.A. Diggins and W.M. Ford. 2016. Summer habitat occupancy of sciurid populations using camera traps. 23rd Annual Wildlife Society Conference, Raleigh NC. Oct 15-19. October 2016
Lauren V. Austin, Alexander Silvis, Michael S. Muthersbaugh, Karen E. Powers2, W. Mark Ford, and Michael S. Muthersbaugh. 2018. BAT ACTIVITY FOLLOWING REPEATED PRESCRIBED FIRE IN THE CENTRAL APPALACHIANS. 28th Annual Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern U.S. Roanoke, VA, March 27-29. March 2018
Kniowski, A.B., M.J. Cherry, N.W. Lafon, D.E. Steffen, W.M. Knox and W.M. Ford. 2017. Effects of mast, landscape composition and herd density on nutritional condition of white-tailed deer in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia. 2017 Southeast Deer Study Group, St. Louis, MO. February 27-March 1. March 2017
Kniowski, A.B., A. Silvis, S.D. Gehrt and W.M. Ford. 2013. Network structure and social assortment by the Indiana bat at an Ohio maternity site. 2013 Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the South. Pikeville, Tennessee. February 14-15. February 2013
Kniowski, A.B. and W.M. Ford. 2016. Spatial patterns of white-tailed deer herbivory in the central Appalachian Mountains. 23rd Annual Wildlife Society Conference, Raleigh, NC. October 15-19. October 2016
King, A.J., J.L. De La Cruz, Z. Isenhour, and W.M. Ford. 2025. Preliminary Assessment of Northern Long-eared Bat (<i>Myotis septentrionalis</i>) Summer Occupancy Following White-nose Syndrome in the Southern Coastal Plain of New Jersey. 2025 Northeastern Bat Working Group, Harrisburg PA. Jan. 15-17. January 2025
Kelly, C.M., W.M. Ford, L.M. Gilley, C.A. Diggins, and A.M. Evans/ 2013. Toward a better understanding of the distribution and monitoring needs of the Carolina northern flying squirrel. 2013 Southeastern Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals. Pikeville, Tennessee, February 14-15. February 2013
Kalen, N.J., A.S. Foy, P.R. Moosman and W.M. Ford. 2020. Eastern small-footed bat ecology at Shenandoah National Park. 27th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society. Sept 28-Oct 1. September 2020
Kalen, N.J., A.S. Foy and W.M. Ford. 2025. Talus Habitat and Abundance Modeling of Eastern Small-footed Bats at Shenandoah National Park. 2025 Northeastern Bat Working Group, Harrisburg PA. Jan. 15-17 January 2025
Kalen, N.J., A.S. Foy and W.M. Ford. 2024. Talus habitat and abundance modeling of eastern small-footed bats at Shenandoah National Park. 34th Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the Southeast. Hilton Head, SC. Feb. 16. February 2024
Kalen, N.J., M. S. Mutherspaugh, S.M. Deeley, A. Silvis, and W.M. Ford. 2017. Vampire coffins and northern long-eared bat day-roosts: widely known but rarely observed haunts of the living dead.. 2017 Southeastern Bat Diversity Network and Colloquium of Conservation of Mammals. Asheville, NC. Feb. 16-17. February 2017
Kalen, N., M. Muthersbaugh, J.B Johnson, A. Silvis and W.M. Ford. 2019. Maternity roosting of northern long-eared bats (Myotis septentrionalis) following white-nose syndrome in the central Appalachians. 2019 Northeast Bat Working Group Meeting, State College PA, January 16-18. January 2019
Kalen, N, M.A. Mutherbaugh, A. Silvis and W.M. Ford. Activity patterns of bats at Shenandoah National Park. 28th Annual Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern U.S. Roanoke, VA, March 27-29. March 2018
K.M. Gorman, S. Hoff, A.M. Sandercock, J. De La Cruz, S.R. Freeze, S.M. Deeley, N.J. Kalen, L. Johnson, L. Olson, D. O'Dell and W.M. Ford. 2022. Northern long-eared bat roosts and population structure along the Eastern Seaboard. 101st Annual Meeting of the Society of American Mammalogists, Tuscon, AZ. June 17-21. June 2022
Jorge, M., S.R. Freeze, K. Gorman, H. Taylor, M. True, S. Sweeten, M.J. Cherry and W.M. Ford. Bat winter day-roost site and foraging activity on a pyric landscape in northern Florida. 27th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society. Sept 28- Oct 1. September 2020
Jones, S.C., W.M. Ford, J. Rentch, G. Nowacki and M. Thomas-Van Gundy. 2018. Spruce-fir in the Central and Southern Appalachians – Endemic Oddity or Conservation Opportunity? 2018 The Wildlife Society Meeting, Cleveland OH, October 7-11. October 2018
Jones, M.D., W.M. Ford, and E.A. Hunter. 2024. Assessing at-risk turtles on mid-Atlantic National Park Service lands to inform conservation and management. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 78th Annual Conference, Augusta, Georgia, October 2024. October 2024
Johnston, E.M., M. St. Germain, C.A. Diggins and W.M. Ford. 2024. On the front: tracking white-nose syndrome and bat distributions on the southern Colorado Plateau. 34th Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the Southeast. Hilton Head, SC. Feb. 16. February 2024
Jesse L. Delacruz, J.L. R. L. Ward, E.S. Schroder, W. M. Ford, E. Barr and T. Nocera. 2018. Post-WNS Northern Long-eared Bat Day-roosts in a Residual Population.28th Annual Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern U.S. Roanoke, VA, March 27-29. March 2018
Isenhour, Z.W., K.M. Gorman, J.L. De La Cruz, M.L. Moran, H. Taylor and W.M. Ford. 2025. Activity trends of Northeastern bats, post-white-nose syndrome. 2025 Northeastern Bat Working Group, Harrisburg PA. Jan. 15-17. January 2025
Huth, J., A. Silvis, P. Moosman and W.M. Ford. 2015. Detection and characterization of Myotis leibii summer roosts in Virginia. March 2015
Huth, J., A. Silvis, P. Moosman and W.M. Ford. 2015. A preliminary assessment of survey methods for Myotis leibii. Virginia Wildlife Society Meeting, Natural Bridge VA February 2015
Huth, J, A. Silvis, W.M. Ford and P. Moosman. 2016. Micro- and macro-habitat characteristics of eastern small-footed bats (Myotis leibii) in Virginia. 2016 Northeast Bat Working Group, Baltimore MD. January 12-13. January 2016
Humbert, T.R., D.R. Carter, P.C. Green, J.L. De La Cruz, A. Silvis and W.M. Ford. 2024. <b>Forest Stand Structure and Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel Presence. 78th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Augusta, GA. Dec. 9-13.</b> December 2024
Holcombe, B., K.R. Bayne, R.S. Alonso, D.C. McNitt, W.M. Ford and M.J. Kelly. 2024. Using Video Camera Collars to Investigate Free-Living American Black Bear (<i>Ursus americanus</i>) Diet Composition. 28th International Bear Conference, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Sept. 15-21. September 2024
Hoff, S., K.M. Gorman, A.M. Sandercock, J.A. Holliday, E.M. Hallerman, K.L. Parise, J.T. Foster, N. Kalen, J. De La Cruz, S.R. Freeze, S.M. Deeley, L. Johnson, E. Olson, C.J. Herzog, D. Brown, P. Roby and W.M. Ford. 2022. Post-white nose syndrome population structure of northern long-eared bats in the eastern United States. 2022 Northeast Bat Working Group, Manchester NH, January 12-14. January 2022
Higdon, S.D., C.A. Diggins. and W.M. Ford. 2016. Summer occupancy of white-tailed deer on southern Appalachian grassy balds. 23rd Annual Wildlife Society Conference, Raleigh, NC. October 15-19. October 2016
Hakkenberg, D., M.J. Shirazi. N. Abaid, W.M. Ford and A. Silvis. 2017. Experimental testing of the impacts of environmental clutter on the acoustic detection of bats. 2017 Southeastern Bat Diversity Network and Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals. Asheville, NC. Feb. 16-17. February 2017
Gorman, K.M., S.M. Deeley, E.L. Barr, S.R. Freeze, N. Kalen, M.S. Muthersbaugh, W.M. Ford. 2022. Broad-scale geographic and temporal assessment of northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) maternity colony-landscape association. 2022 Northeast Bat Working Group, Manchester NH, January 12-14. January 2022
Gorman, K.M., S.M. Deeley, E.L. Barr, N. Kalen, S.R. Freeze, M.S. Muthersbaugh, and <b>W.M. Ford.</b> 2021. Broad-scale geographic and temporal assessment of northern long-eared bat (<i>Myotis septentrionalis</i>) maternity colony landscape association. 2021 Virtual Conference of the Northeast Bat Working Group. March 10. March 2021
Gorman, K.M., S. Hoff, A.M. Sandercock, J. De La Cruz, S.R. Freeze, D. O'Dell, L. Olsen, S.M. Deeley, N. Kalen, L. Johnson and W.M. Ford. 2022. Northern long-eared bats along the Eastern Seaboard. Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Long Branch, NJ. April 3-5. April 2022
Gorman, K.M., H. Taylor, C.A. Diggins, C.A. Kelly and W.M. Ford. 2024. Bat species on spruce-fir sky islands. 52nd North American Society for Bat Research, Guadalajara, Mexico. October 26. October 2024
Gorman, K.M., C.A. Diggins, C.A. Kelly, R.H. Odom, L.M. Gilley and W.M. Ford. 2024. Endangered Carolina northern flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus coloratus) resource selection in high elevation red spruce (Picea rubens) forests. 34th Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the Southeast. Hilton Head, SC. Feb 16. February 2024
Gorman, K.G., C.A. Diggins, C.A. Kelly, R.H. Odom, L.M. Gilley and W.M. Ford. 2023. Endangered Carolina northern flying squirrel (<i>Glaucomys sabrinus coloratus</i>) resource selection in high elevation red spruce (<i>Picea rubens</i>) forests. <b>102nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists. July 14-20, Anchorage, AK.</b> July 2023
Freeze, S.R., W.M. Ford, V.R. Emrick and A. Silvis. 2018. EVALUATING PATTERNS IN BAT OCCUPANCY AND RELATIVE ACTIVITY ACROSS TOPOGRAPHIC CLASSES AT MARINE CORPS BASE QUANTICO AND PRINCE WILLIAM FOREST PARK 28th Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the South. Roanoke, VA. March 27-29. March 2018
Freeze, S.R., W.M. Ford and V. Emrick. 2019. Evaluating an acoustic lure to increase captures of imperiled bat species at Marine Corps Base Quantico and Prince William Forest Park. Combined 24th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Bat Diversity Network and 29th Annual Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern U.S., Jacksonville, FL., February 21-22. February 2019
Freeze, S.R., S.M. Deeley, and W.M. Ford. 2025. Roost Tree and Landscape Conditions of the Endangered Northern Long-eared Bat (<i>Myotis septentrionalis</i>) in the mid-Atlantic. 2025 Northeastern Bat Working Group, Harrisburg PA. Jan. 15-17. January 2025
Freeze, S.R., S.M. Deeley, and W.M. Ford. 2021. The bat signal: use of an ultraviolet lure to increase acoustic detection of bats. 2021 Virtual Conference of the Northeast Bat Working Group. March 10. March 2021
Freeze, S.R., S.M Deeley, and W.M. Ford. 2022. The bat-signal: use of an ultraviolet lure to increase acoustic detection of bats. 2022 Annual Meeting of the Virginia Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Charlottesville, VA. March 14-15. March 2022
Ford, W.M., Silvis, A., Muthersbaugh, M., Austin, L. Johnson, N. Kalen, J.W. Edwards and S. Owen. 2018. Twenty Years of Central Appalachian Bat Research – What Have We Learned and Where Are We Going? 2018 The Wildlife Society Meeting, October 7-11, Cleveland OH. October 2018
Ford, W.M., E.D. Thorne, J.L. De La Cruz, A. Silvis, V. Kuczynska, M.P. Armstrong and R.A. King. 2024. Acoustic monitoring considerations for the tricolored bat. 78th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Augusta, GA. Oct. 12-16th. October 2024
Ford, W.M., E.D. Thorne, H.N. Custer, M.P. Armstrong, R.A. King, J.S. Ultrup and A. Silvis. 2022. An update on acoustic sampling level of effort and automated software testing for the Indiana bat and northern long-eared bat. Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Long Branch, NJ. April 3-5. April 2022
Ford, W.M., A. Silvis, E.R. Britzke, C.A. Dobony and M.St. Germain. 2017. Military Lands Lead Bat Conservation and Research Efforts in the East. 2017 National Military Fish and Wildlife Association Meeting. Spokane, WA March 6-9. March 2017
Ford, W.M., A. Evans, R.H. Odom, J.L. Rodrigue, C.A. Kelly, N. Abaid and C. Diggins. 2014. MODELING ENDANGERED CAROLINA NORTHERN FLYING SQUIRREL OCCUPANCY. 2014 Colloquium on fhe Conservation of Mammals in the South, Nacogdoches, TX. February 2014
Ford, W.M. and C.A. Diggins. 2017. Seasonal Occupancy and Activity Patterns of Appalachian Spruce-Fir Forests by Tree Bats. 2017 Southern and Central Appalachian High Elevation Restoration Workshop, Gatlinburg, TN. November 14-16. November 2017
Diggins, C.A., W.M. Ford, J.M. Menzel, C. Stihler, C.A. Kelly and A. Evans. 2015. Distribution and Habitat Use of Appalachian Flying Squirrels. International Colloquium on Arboreal Squirrels. Helskink, Finland June1-5. June 2015
Diggins, C.A., W.M. Ford and C.A. Kelly. 2015. Nest box occupancy of the endangered Carolina northern flying squirrel in high-elevation habitats in the southern Appalachian Mountains. 2015 North American Joint Bat Working Group. St. Louis, MO. March 3-7. March 2015
Diggins, C.A., M. Gilley, C. Kelly and W.M. Ford. 2015. Use of Ultrasonic Acoustics as a Monitoring Technique for Endangered Carolina Northern Flying Squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus coloratus) in the Appalachian Mountains. International Colloquium on Arboreal Squirrels. Helsinki Finland. June 1-5. June 2015
Diggins, C.A., L.M. Gilley, C.A. Kelly, and W.M. Ford. 2019. Ultrasonic Acoustic Survey Seasonality and Survey Length to Detect Cryptic Flying Squirrels. 2019 Wildlife Society, Reno, Nevada. Sept 29-Oct. 3. October 2019
Diggins, C.A., L.M. Gilley, C.A. Kelly and W.M. Ford. 2016. USE OF ULTRASONIC ACOUSTICS AS A MONITORING TECHNIQUE FOR ENDANGERED FLYING SQUIRRELS IN THE APPALACHIAN MOUNTIANS. 26th Annual Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern United States. Guntersville, AL. February 18-19. February 2016
Diggins, C.A., L.M. Gilley and W.M. Ford. 2018. Can Automated Software Tell Bats from Flying Squirrels? 28th Annual Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern U.S. Roanoke, VA, March 27-29. March 2018
Diggins, C.A., D.M. Jachhowski, J. Martin and W.M. Ford. 2015. Incidental captures of eastern spotted skunks in a high-elevation red spruce forest in the southern Appalachians. 2015 North American Joint Bat Working Group. St. Louis, MO. March 3-7 March 2015
Diggins, C.A., D. Jachowski, J. Martin and W.M. Ford. 2015. Incidental Captures of Eastern Spotted Skunk in a High-elevation Red Spruce Forest in the Southern Appalachians. Virginia Wildlife Society, Natural Bridge VA February 2015
Diggins, C.A., C.A. Kelly, L.M. Gilley and W.M. Ford. 2016. Comparison of survey techniques on detection of Northern Flying Squirrels: Live traps, camera traps, and ultrasonic acoustics. 23rd Annual Wildlife Society Conference, Raleigh, NC. October 15-19. October 2016
Diggins, C.A., A. Silvis, A. Kniowski, W.M. Ford, G. J. Graete and L.S. Coleman. 2014. ASSESSING WINTER ACTIVITY OF HIBERNATING BATS: LESSONS LEARNED. 2014 Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the South. Nacogdoches, TX . February 2014
Diggins, C.A. and W.M. Ford. 2017. Rare and Endangered Wildlife of Appalachian Spruce-fir Forests: Considerations for Ecological Restoration. 2017 Southern and Central Appalachian High Elevation Restoration Workshop, Gatlinburg, TN. November 14-16. November 2017
Diggins, C.A. and W.M. Ford. 2015. Microhabitat Selection of Virginia Northern Flying Squirrels in West Virginia. Virginia Wildlife Society, Natural Bridge, VA February 2015
Diggins, C,A,, A. Silvis, A. Kniowski, W.M. Ford, G.J. Graeter, and L. Coleman. 2016. ASSESSING WINTER ACTIVITY OF HIBERNATING BATS USING ULTRASONIC ACOUSTICS: LESSONS LEARNED. 26th Annual Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern United States. Guntersville, AL. February 18-19 February 2016
Deeley, S., J.B. Johnson, and W.M. Ford. 2019. WHITE-NOSE SYNDROME IMPACTS TO BAT COMMUNITIES ALONG A RURAL-URBAN GRADIENT. International Urban Wildlife Conference. Portland OR, June 2-5. June 2019
Deeley, S., J.B. Johnson and W.M. Ford. 2019. Beltway bats: assessing WNS change in the National Capital Region. 2019 Northeast Bat Working Group Meeting, State College PA, January 16-18. January 2019
De La Cruz, J.L., E.S. Schroder, R.L. Ward, S.C. Jones and W.M. Ford. 2025. Multi-method Assessment of Northern Long-eared Bat (<i>Myotis septentrionalis</i>) Occupancy and Detection Trends Following White-nose Syndrome in Central Appalachia. 2025 Northeastern Bat Working Group, Harrisburg PA. Jan. 15-17. January 2025
De La Cruz, J.L., C.R. Stearns, S.M. Webb, S.M. Deeley and W.M. Ford. An update on mid-Atlantic/Northeast Hub activities and estimates of species occupancy, detection and survey effort requirements with recommendations to support the North American Bat Monitoring Program from Maine. 2022 Northeast Bat Working Group. Manchester, NH. Jan. 12-14. January 2022
De La Cruz, J.L., C.R. Stearns, S.M. Webb, S.M. Deeley and W.M. Ford. 2022. Estimates of species occupancy, detection and resultant survey effort requirements from Maine. Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Long Branch, NJ. April 3-5. April 2022
De La Cruz, J.L. and W.M. Ford.2023. Occupancy and Detection Estimates for the Endangered Northern long-eared bat in New England. 2023 Northeast Bat Working Group, Burlington, VT. Jan. 19. January 2023
De La Cruz, J., R.L. Ward, E.S. Schroder, S. Deeley, E. Barr, S.R. Freeze, N. Kalen, M. Muthersbaugh, T. Nocera, W.M. Ford and J. Sheets. 2018. Post-WNS Northern Long-eared Bat Day-roost Use in the Upper Ohio River and Mid-Atlantic. 2018 Wildlife Society Meeting, Cleveland OH. Oct 7-11. October 2018
De La Cruz, J., N. Kalen, E. Barr and W.M. Ford. 2020. Northern long-eared bats on the mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain of North Carolina and Virginia. 27th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society. Sept 28-Oct 1. September 2020
De La Cruz, J. and W.M. Ford. 2019. Comparison of acoustic detection probability rates and capture records of northern long-eared bats in the northeastern United States. 2019 Northeast Bat Working Group Meeting, State College PA, January 16-18. January 2019
David S. Jachowski, Chris A. Dobony, Laci. S. Coleman, W. Mark Ford, Eric R. Britzke and Jane L. Rodrigue. 2014. DISEASE AND COMMUNITY ASSEMBLAGE: WHITE-NOSE SYNDROME ALTERS SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL NICHE PARTITIONING IN SYMPATRIC BAT SPECIES. 2014 Northeast Bat Working Group, Port Clinton, NJ. January 2014
David Jachowski, Chris Dobony, Eric Britzke, John Edwards, Joshua Johnson, Laci Coleman, W. Mark Ford, and Jane Rodrigue. 2014. You don’t know what you got till it’s gone: 10 years of bat research at Fort Drum, New York. 2014 The Wildlife Society Meeting, Pittsburg, PA, Oct 25-29. October 2014
Coleman, L.S., W.M. Ford, C.A. Dobony, and E.R. Britzke. 2013. Doubting Thomas probably did not own an Anabat. 2013 Northeast Bat Working Group Annual Meeting. Albany, New York, January 9-11. January 2013
Coleman, L.S., W.M. Ford, C.A. Dobony, and E.R. Britzke. 2013. A comparison of mist netting and acoustic sampling for detecting bat species in the post-white nose syndrome world. Virginia Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Smith Mountain Lake, Virginia. February 12-13. February 2013
Coleman, L.S., W.M. Ford, C.A. Dobony and E.R. Britzke. 2014. EFFECT OF PASSIVE ACOUSTIC SAMPLING METHODOLOGY ON DETECTING BATS AFTER DECLINES FROM WHITE-NOSE SYNDROME. 2014 Northeastern Bat Working Group, Port Clinton, NJ. January 2014
Coleman, L.S., C.A. Dobony, W.M. Ford and E.R. Britzke. 2013. On overview of little brown bat habitat preferences at the Fort Drum Military Installation. 2013 Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the South. Pikeville, Tennessee. February 14-15. February 2013
Coleman, L.S., C.A. Dobony, W.M. Ford and E.R. Britzke. 2013. A comparison of passive and active acoustic sampling for monitoring a bat community impacted by white-nose syndrome. Abstracts of the 2013 Wildlife Society Meeting. Milwaukee, WI. October 5-8 October 2013
Coleman, L.S., C.A. Dobony, W.M. Ford and E.R. Britzke. 2013. Uncertainty in home range estimates of little brown bats at Fort Drum Military Installation. 2013 Northeast Bat Working Group Meeting. Albany, New York. January 9-11. January 2013
Coleman, L.A., C.A. Dobony, W.M. Ford and E.R. Britzke. 2013. A Comparison of Passive and Active Acoustic Sampling for Monitoring a Bat Community Impacted by White-nose Syndrome. Abstracts of the 2013 Wildlife Society, Milwaukee, WI. Oct 5-9. October 2012
Clevinger, G., R.W. DeYoung, W.M. Ford, M.J. Kelly, N.W. Lafon and M.J. Cherry.2023. Influence of Landscape Characteristics on Survival, Cause-specific Mortality, and Population Growth of White-tailed Deer in Western Virginia. 46th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Deer Study Group, Baton Rouge, LA. Feb 26-28. February 2023
Butler, A.R., A.J. Edelman, R.Y.Y. Eng, S.N. Harris, C. Olfenbuttel, E.D. Thorne, W.M. Ford and D.S. Jachowski. 2021. Predation and disease limit population recovery of a cryptic small carnivore, the Appalachian Spotted Skunk. 100th Annual Conference of the American Society of Mammalogists, June 14-18 (virtual). June 2021
Butler, A., A. Edleman, R. Eng, S. Harris, C. Offenbuttel, E. Thorne, M. Ford and D. Jachowski. 2021. Predation and disease limit population recovery of a cryptic small carnivore, the Appalachian spotted skunk. 28th Annual Meeting of the Wildlife Society. Nov. 1-5 (virtual). November 2021
Brtizke, E.R., A .Silvis and W.M. Ford. 2014. Effects of Hierarchical Roost Removal on Northern Long-eared Bat Maternity Colonies. 2014 North American Society for Bat Research. Oct. 22-24. Albany NY. October 2014
Bombaci, S.P., M.J. St. Germain, W.M. Ford, S.C. Loeb, R.E. Russell, C.A. Dobony, and D.S. Jachowski. 2020. <b>Pathogen-mediated competition explains remnant bat assemblage responses to white-nose syndrome. Abstracts of the 2020 North American Congress on Conservation Biology. Denver, Co., July 29. </b> July 2020
Bombaci, S.P., M. St. Germain, W.M. Ford, S. Loeb, D. Jachowski, C.A. Dobony and R.E. Russell. 2019. Direct and indirect effects of white nose syndrome and wind energy development on bat community structure. 2019 Wildlife Society Meeting, Reno NV. Sept 29-Oct. 3. October 2019
Blume, C., A. Litterer and W.M. Ford. 2025. Changes in the Nightly Activity of Northern Long-eared Bats (<i>Myotis septentrionalis</i>) Due to Increased Urban Light Intensity in Rock Creek Park, Washington, D.C. 2025 Northeastern Bat Working Group, Harrisburg PA. Jan. 15-17. January 2025
Blume, C., A. LItterer, and W.M. Ford. 2024. Changes in the nightly activity of northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) due to increased urban light intensity in Rock Creek Park, Washington D.C. 34th Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the Southeast. Hilton Head, SC. Feb. 16. February 2024
Beckner, M.E., E.D. Thorne, K.E. Powers, R.J. Reynolds and W.M. Ford. 2018. Detection efficiency of the Allegheny woodrat (Neotoma magister) in Virginia, 2017. 28th Annual Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern U.S. Roanoke, VA, March 27-29. March 2018
Barr, E.L., D.F. Stauffer, A. Silvis and W.M. Ford. 2019. Lost in translation? Differences in bat acoustic detectors. Combined 24th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Bat Diversity Network and 29th Annual Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern U.S., Jacksonville, FL., February 21-22. February 2019
Barr, E., A. Silvis, W.M. Ford. 2018. Who, when, where: year-round bat activity patterns along the mid-Atlantic Coast. 2018 Wildlife Society Meeting, Cleveland OH. Oct 7-11. October 2018
Barr, E., A. Silvis and W.M. Ford. 2020. Seasonal Activity Patterns of Virginia’s Coastal Bats. 2020 Northeastern Bat Working Group, Saratoga Springs, NY. January 15-18. January 2020
Barr, E., A. Silvis and W.M. Ford. 2018. BATS ACROSS THE SPACE-TIME CONTINUUM – A THEORY OF RELATIVE ACTIVITY. 28th Annual Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern U.S. Roanoke, VA, March 27-29. March 2018
Austin, L., A. Silvis, and W.M. Ford. 2015. Conservation of Myotis septentrionalis in Virginia: A preliminary outlook. 2015 Virginia Wildlife Society Meeting, Natural Bridge VA. February 2015
Austin, L., A. Silvis, M. Mutherbaugh and W.M. Ford. 2016. A PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT OF THE POST-WNS IMPACTS OF FIRE ON BAT OCCUPANCY IN SHENANDOAH NATIONAL PARK. 2016 Northeast Bat Working Group, Baltimore MD. Jan 12-13. January 2015
Austin, L., A. Silvis and W.M. Ford. 2017. Impacts of prescribed fire and riparian areas on bat activity in Warm Spring Mountain, Virginia. 2017 Southeastern Bat Diversity Network and Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals. Asheville, NC. Feb. 16-17. February 2017
Austin, L., A. Silvis and W.M. Ford. 2015. A preliminary assessment of the current distribution of three white-nose syndrome impacted bat species in Virginia. 2015 North American Joint Bat Working Group. St. Louis, MO, March 3-7. March 2015
Aubin, G.R., C.C. Nye, J.H. Rohm, W.M. Ford and M.J. Cherry. 2020. White-tailed deer fawn survival and factors affecting recruitment on Marine Corps Base Quantico. 27th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society. Sept. 28-Oct 1. September 2020
Abernathy, H.N., D.M. Kalb, B. Quinland, E.D. Thorne, W.M. Ford and M.J. Cherry. 2020. Spatial ecology of reintroduced elk in Virginia. 27th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Sept. 28-Oct 1. September 2020
<u>Green, R.E.</u>, M.P. Armstrong, V. Kuczynska, M. Fullerton, K.M. Gorman, Z.W. Isenhour, C.P. Blume, A. King, A. Reachmack, and W. M. Ford. 2025. <b>DETERMINING NECESSARY LEVEL OF ACOUSTIC SURVEY EFFORT FOR NORTHERN LONG-EARED, LITTLE BROWN, AND TRICOLORED BATS. 35<sup>th</sup> Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammalsin the Southeastern United States. Lexington, KY. Feb 13-14.</b> February 2025
<i>Fischer, R., T. Katzner, M. Ford, T. Hudson, V. Slabe, P. Cutler, D. Raybuck, R. Lance, and Al. Kennedy. 2024. Demonstrating technologies to monitor sublethal responses of eagles to military activities on Department of Defense Installations. [Poster Presentation]. DoD Energy and Environment Innovation Symposium. Washington, D.C., December 3-5.</i> December 2024
<b>True, M.C., W.M. Ford and R. Reynolds. 2020. Long-term, multi-season bat monitoring on the Eastern Shore of Virginia's barrier islands - implications for future wind energy development. Abstracts of the 30th Annual Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern United States. Athens, GA. February 15</b> February 2020
<b>Thorne, E.D., and W.M. Ford. Home range is where the habitat is: forest fragmentation may restrict spotted skunk movements in Appalachian Virginia. 2020. Abstracts of the 30th Annual Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern United States. Athens, GA. February 15</b> February 2020
<b>Thorne, E.D., E.M. Hallerman and W.M. Ford. 2020. Genetic diversity and population structure of eastern spotted skunks (Spilogale putorius) in Virginia. Abstracts of the 30th Annual Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern United States. Athens, GA. February 15</b> February 2020
<b>Taylor, H., W. Orndorff, R.J. Reynolds, M. Short, K.E. Powers and W.M. Ford. 2020. Gray bat (<i>Myotis Grisescens</i>) activity levels in southwest Virginia. 27th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society. Sept 28-Oct 1. </b> September 2020
<b>Taylor, H., K.M. Gorman, M.C. True, K.E. Powers and W.M. Ford. 2020. Gray bat (Myotis grisescens) activity levels across southwest Virginia. Abstracts of the 30th Annual Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern United States. Athens, GA. February 15</b> February 2020
<b>Moran, M.L.,W. Boyd, J.L. De La Cruz, A.S. Berke and W.M. Ford. 2023. ORAL SAMPLING OF NORTHEASTERN UNITED STATES LITTLE BROWN BAT (MYOTIS LUCIFUGUS) FOR SARS-COV-2 BY PCR. 2023 Northeast Bat Working Group, Burlington, VT. Jan. 19, 2023</b> January 2023
<b>Kalen, N.J., A.S. Foy, P.R Moosman and W.M. Ford. 2020. Talus habitat modeling for eastern small-footed bats in Shenandoah National Park. 2020. Abstracts of the 30th Annual Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern United States. Athens, GA. February 15</b> February 2020
<b>Jorge, M.J., M. True, S. Freeze, S. Sweeten, M.J. Cherry and W.M. Ford. 2020. Winter-day roosts of Seminole bats in north-cenral Florida: a burning question. Abstracts of the 30th Annual Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern United States. Athens, GA. February 15</b> February 2020
<b>Holcombe, B., R.S. Alonso, D.C. McNitt, W.M. Ford and M.J. Kelly. 2024 Diet Composition and Foraging Behavior Analysis of Wild American Black Bears (<i>Ursus americanus</i>) via Video Camera Collars. 31st Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Baltimore, MD, October 19-23.</b> October 2024
<b>Guill, M.H., J. De La Cruz, S Klopfer and W.M. Ford. 2020. Southeastern fox squirrel occupancy and habitat associations of the Piedmont and Coastal Plain regions of Virginia. 27th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society. Sept 28-Oct 1. </b> September 2020
<b>Gorman, K.M., S.M. Deeley, S.R. Freeze, N. Kalen, E.L. Barr, M. Muthersbaugh, and W.M. Ford. 2021. Broad-scale geographic and temporal assessment of northern long-eared bat (<i>Myotis septentrionalis</i>) maternity colony landscape association. 2021 Virtual Conference Northeast Bat Working Group. March 10. </b> March 2020
<b>Gorman, K.M., S.L. Hoff, A.M. Sandercock, J. De La Cruz, S.R. Freeze, S.M. Deeley, N. Kalen, L. Joh</b><b>nson, and W.M. Ford. 2022.<b> Northern long-eared bat roosts and population structure along the Eastern Seaboard.</b></b> <b>101st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Tucson, AZ. June 17-21.</b> June 2022
<b>Gorman, K.G., H. Taylor, T.S. McCay, T.M. Carter and W.M. Ford. 2024. Seasonal changes in shrew morphology. 103rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Boulder, CO. July 7-11.</b> July 2024
<b>Gorman, K., T. Nocera, E. Barr, W.M. Ford and L. Ries. 2020. Year-round northern long-eared bat acoustic activity at Fire Island National Seashore 27th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society. Sept 28-Oct 1.</b> September 2020
<b>Gorman, K., T. Nocera, E. Barr and W.M. Ford. 2020. ROOST NETWORK DYNAMICS OF A NORTHERN LONG-EARED BAT </b><br><b>(<i>MYOTIS SEPTENTRIONALIS</i>) MATERNITY COLONY </b><br><b>AT THE WILLIAM FLOYD ESTATE, NEW YORK. 2020 Northeastern Bat Working Group, Saratoga Springs, NY. January 15-18. </b> January 2020
<b>Freeze, S.R., S.M. Deeley and W.M. Ford. 2024. Roost Tree and Stand Conditions of the Endangered Northern Long-eared Bat (<i>Myotis Septentrionalis</i>) in the Mid-Atlantic with a Comparison between Marine Corps Base Quantico, VA, Prince William Forest Park, VA, and Rock Creek Park, D.C. 34th Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeast. Hilton Head, SC. Feb 16. </b> February 2024
<b>Diggins, C.A. and W.M. Ford. 2020. Seasonal bat activity in high elevation montane conifer sky-islands. Abstracts of the 30th Annual Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern United States. Athens, GA. February 15</b> February 2020
<b>Deeley, S., W.M. Ford, N. Kalen, S.R. Freeze, M. St. Germain, M. Muthersbaugh, E. Barr, A.B. Kniowski, A. Silvis and J. De La Cruz. 2020. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ACOUSTIC ECHOLOCATION AND REPRODUCTION DATA IN MID-ATLANTIC BATS. 2020 Northeastern Bat Working Group, Saratoga Springs, NY. January 14-18. </b> January 2020
<b>Deeley, S., W.M. Ford, N. Kalen, S.R. Freeze and E. Barr. 2020. ACOUSTIC SAMPLING FOR BAT PRESENCE IN URBAN ENVIRONMENTS: APPLICABILITY OF NABAT AND USFWS METHODS. 2020 Northeastern Bat Working Group, Saratoga Springs, NY. January 14-18. </b> January 2020
<b>De La Cruz, J., S. Jones and W.M. Ford. 2024. Occupancy and relative abundance estimates of the endangered northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) on the Monongahela National Forest . 34th Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the Southeast. Hilton Head, SC. Feb. 16.</b> February 2024
<b>De La Cruz, J., M. True, H. Taylor, D. Brown, G. Jordan, C. Manley, and W.M. Ford. 2020. MULTI-SCALE HABITAT SELECTION BY NORTHERN LONG-EARED BATS ON THE COASTAL PLAIN OF NORTH CAROLINA. Abstracts of the 30th Annual Colloquium on Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern United States. Athens, GA. February 15. </b> February 2020
<b>Bombaci, S.P., M. J. St. Germain, W.M. Ford, S. Loeb, R.E. Russell, C.A. Dobony and D.S. Jachowski. 2020. Pathogen-mediated competition explains remnant bat assemblage responses to white-nose syndrome/ 100th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists. Boulder, CO., June 7.</b> June 2020
<b>Aubin, Gisele R., W. Matt Knox, Nelson W. Lafon, W. Mark Ford, Marcella J. Kelly and Michael J. Cherry. 2020. <b>Drivers of White-tailed Deer Recruitment in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Southeast Deer Study Group. Auburn, AL. Feb. 22-24.</b><br></b> February 2020
<b><u>Gorman</u>, Katherine, Bryan McLean, Helen Plylar, Zackary Isenhour, Timothy C. Carter, Timothy McCay, Anna Reachmack, and W. Mark Ford. <b>SEASONAL CHANGES IN SHREW MORPHOLOGY: </b> <b>EXPLORATIONS OF SOFT TISSUE AND BRAINCASES</b> 35<sup>th</sup> Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern United States. Lexington, KY. Feb 13-14.</b> February 2025
<b><b>Quinlan, B.A., H.N. Abernathy, J.P. Rosenberger, D.M. Kalb, E.D. Thorne, W.M Ford and M.J. Cherry, 2024. Exploratory ecology of reintroduced elk. </b>103rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Boulder, CO. July 7-11.</b> July 2024
<b><b>Litterer, A.S., S.R. Freeze, M.L. Moran, R.E. Green and W.M. Ford. 2023. ACOUSTIC ACTIVITY OF LITTLE BROWN BATS (<i>MYOTIS LUCIFUGUS</i>) WITHIN AND OUTSIDE OF THE ESTIMATED SPACE USE OF A MATERNITY COLONY. </b>2023 Northeast Bat Working Group, Burlington, VT. Jan. 19, 2023</b> January 2023
S. M. Deeley, W.M. Ford, E. Barr, and M. St. Germain. 2018. I REALLY CAN’T STAY – BUT BAT IT’S COLD OUTSIDE. 28th Annual Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern U.S. Roanoke, VA, March 27-29. March 2018
Technical Publications Publication Date
Krause, J.F. and W.M. Ford. 2010. Guidelines for assessing the condition of lands and waters managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. ERDC EMRRP Technical Note. 6 p April 2011
Deeley, S.M., and W.M. Ford. 2022. Summary Assessment of USFWS Capture Data for Little Brown, Northern Long-eared, and Tricolored Bat Species Status Assessment. Chapter A in Straw, B.R, J. A. Martin, J.D Reichard, and B.E Reichert, editors. Analytical Assessments in Support of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 3-Bat Species Status Assessment. Cooperator Report prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, United States Fish and Wildlife Service and Bat Conservation International. January 2022
Adams, M.B., P.J. Edwards, W.M. Ford, T.M. Schuler, M. Thomas-Van Gundy and F. Wood. 2012. Fernow Experimental Forest: Research History and Opportunities. USDA Forest Service EFR-2. 26 p. June 2012
Type Citation Publication Date
Data Release True, M. C., Ford, W. M., Gorman, K. M., Taylor, H., and Reynolds, R. J., 2023, Mid-Atlantic Coast, Lasiurus borealis Movement and Migration: U. S. Geological Survey data release, January 2023
Data Release Ford, W.M., Barr, E., Kalen, N., and De La Cruz, J. 2023. Point Location of Myotis septentrionalis Echolocation Passes in Eastern North Carolina and Virginia: U.S. Geological Survey data release, March 2023
Data Release De La Cruz, J, and Ford, M., 2024, Spatial Occupancy Patterns of the Endangered Northern Long-eared Bat in New England: U.S. Geological Survey Data Release, July 2023
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
The Wildlife Society - Southeastern Section Virginia Chapter Mississippi Chapter Ford June 1987 Present
The Wildlife Society - Comittee member, Conservation Committee of the Virginia TWS Chapter Ford February 2011 Present
The Wildlife Society - Co-Chair Nongame Committee, Southeastern Section Ford August 2009 June 2017
Society of American Foresters - NA Ford June 2009 Present
Natural Areas Association - NA Ford Present
American Society of Mammalogists - NA Ford Present