Virginia Technical Assistance Activities

For assistance, contact:
Emily Simpson
Virginia Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit Administrative Assistant (DOI/USGS)
106 Cheatham Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0321
Phone: (540) 231-4934
Description and Agency | Provider(s) | Date |
provided technical assistance to H. Bell (USFWS) regarding the status of American eel |
Angermeier | July 2005 |
participated via telephone in a CALFED ERP Science Board meeting |
Angermeier | March 2005 |
assistance to J. Echols (Clean Streams) regarding stream fish responses to metal pollution |
Angermeier | June 2005 |
USFWS bat automated identification software testing. USFWS Region 3,4,5 |
Ford, Silvis, Thorne | May 2014 |
USFWS Myotis septentrionalis threats assessment team Chicago Field Office |
Ford | August 2014 |
Technical assistance to Snowshoe Mountain Resort/Intrawest on endangered Virginia northern flying squirrel monitoring. Snowshoe Mountain Resort |
Ford | November 2011 |
Study design for collection of hair for DNA sampling, provided to Pocosin Lakes and Alligator River NWRs |
Vaughan | June 2004 |
Provided technical assistant to Dr. Debra Bourne of the Royal Veterinary College of London on bear reproductive biology/ physiology. |
Vaughan | June 2007 |
Provided technical assistance to W. Hester (USFWS) regarding impacts of major dams on Roanoke logperch. |
Angermeier | February 2005 |
Provided technical assistance to R. Slusser (Va DCR) regarding stream restoration. |
Angermeier | June 2007 |
Provided technical assistance to R. Abell (WWF) regarding landscape-scale models to predict aquatic species occurance. |
Angermeier | June 2007 |
Provided technical assistance to Hank Hristienko, Manitoba Conservation, Wildlife Branch concerning black bear attacks. |
Vaughan | September 2005 |
Provided technical assistance to Hank Hristienko with the Manitoba Department of Natural Resouces on cannibalsim in black bears. |
Vaughan | October 2002 |
Provided technical assistance to Felipe Cano, USFS, regarding development of IBIs for streams in Puerto Rico. |
Angermeier | February 2005 |
Provided technical assistance to FWS/ACJV/DWR for Saltmarsh Sparrow marsh conservation prioritization plan for Virginia Atlantic Coast Joint Venture |
Hunter | May 2021 |
Provided technical assistance to Dr. Jim Miller (Mississippi State) on the issue of baiting bears. |
Vaughan | November 2004 |
Provided technical assistance to Dave Telesco with the Black Bear Conservation Committee on the process of organizing a Scientific Review Committee. |
Vaughan | January 2005 |
Provided technical assistance to Cindy Kane (USFWS) regarding effects of eutrophication on Roanoke logperch. |
Angermeier | February 2005 |
Provided technical assistance to Bill Stiver, Smoky Mountains National Park, about radio collars and spacers for yearling black bears. |
Vaughan | June 2007 |
Provided rechnical assistance to Harry Reynolds, AK Fish and Game, about cryptorchidism in black bears. |
Vaughan | June 2007 |
Provided instruction on using and classifying northern flying squirrel vocalizations for Pennsylvania Gam Commission Pennsylvania Game Commission |
Ford | November 2021 |
Provided information to W. Hester (USFWS) regarding distribution of Roanoke logperch USFWS |
Angermeier | March 2011 |
Provided information and advice on revocery of Roanoke logperch |
Angermeier | January 2003 |
Provided data and advice on assessing biotic integrity of low-gradient streams for the MA Division of Fish and Wildlife. |
Angermeier | July 2003 |
Provided assistance to the Lincoln Zoo on caring for bears over winter |
Vaughan | June 2003 |
Provided assistance to the Florida Fish and Game Department on black bear cub survival. |
Vaughan | September 2003 |
Provided assistance to W. Lellis (USGS) regarding river monitoring. |
Angermeier | May 2005 |
Provided assistance to VDOT regarding surveys for Roanoke logperch |
Angermeier | May 2005 |
Provided assistance to R. Marks (American Rivers) regarding American eel population dynamics. |
Angermeier | June 2005 |
Provided assistance to Manitoba Wildlife Department on bear behavior and physiology in relation to a bear attack there. |
Vaughan | June 2003 |
Provided assistance to Leo Snead (VDOT) regarding the need for a fish survey in Elliott Creek. |
Angermeier, Neves | November 2004 |
Provided assistance to J. Knight (FL Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission) regarding use of electric seines |
Angermeier | April 2005 |
Provided advice on surveying and monitoring rare aquatic species. |
Angermeier | March 2003 |
Provided Technical Assistance to the Virginia Department of Transportation on requirements and specifications for black bear highway underpass crossings. |
Vaughan | March 2005 |
Provided Bob Graham- Virginia Electric Power Company- with information on the James spinymussel and how the comoany could support restoration of the species. |
Neves | August 2003 |
North American Bat Monitoring Program - consultation for multi-species status assessment U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Deeley, Ford | March 2020 |
National Park Service T&E Consultation Committee - Assessment of Myotis septentrionalis National Park Service |
Ford | May 2020 |
Membership in and technical assistance provided to USFWS Regions 3,4, and 5 Indiana bat monitoring protocol revisions team. Providing guidance on acoustics, roost-tree monitoring and detection prob. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Ford | May 2011 |
Membership and technical assistance to Appalachian Landscape Conservation Cooperative on science advisory team and terrestrial ecology working group. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Ford | August 2011 |
Little brown bat ecology review team. This work is to assess ecology and science for the species to begin possible listing as threatened or endangered. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Ford | August 2012 |
Information on techniques to determine food preferences of bears, provided to Dr. Mel Hsiu Hwang of Taiwan, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology. |
Vaughan | July 2004 |
Information on black bear population dynamics, provided to VDGIF on a continuing basis |
Vaughan | May 2004 |
Information on bear physiology, provided to Dr. Steven Caldwell, University of Virginia |
Vaughan | June 2004 |
Hank Hristienko of the Manitoba Wildlife Branch on (1)incidence of Chronic Wasting Disease in carnivores that feed on infected carcasses and (2)the use of hunting to solve bear-human conflicts. |
Neves, Vaughan | October 2004 |
Expert review of the Homosassa shrew status report and management plan Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission |
Ford | March 2012 |
Developed and helped US Forest Service implement long-term bat monitoring for project clearance on the Monongahela National Forest US Forest Service Monongahela National Forest |
De La Cruz, Ford | October 2019 |
Determining black bear habitat requirments, assistance provided to Hank Hristinko, Manitoba Department of Conservation. |
Vaughan | April 2004 |
Coordinated the collection of mussels from the Middle Fork Holston River, VA and Kentucky Lake, TN for CLiff Starliper at the National Fish Health Lab. |
Neves | October 2002 |
Conducted assessment of habitat suitability for Roanoke logperch at three road crossings in Fort Pickett. |
Angermeier | June 2003 |
Assisted the US Air Force in developing a biomonitoring program for aquatic systems in Ft. Eglin, FL. |
Angermeier | November 2003 |
Assisted VDGIF in ranking fish species with respect to conservation need. |
Angermeier | November 2003 |
Assisted USFWS in ranking threats to Roanoke logperch. |
Angermeier | August 2004 |
Assisted USFWS and various New England state agencies with predictive mapping for threatened northern long-eared bat for use in consultation efforts US FIsh and Wildlife Service New England FO |
De La Cruz, Ford | January 2022 |
Assisted USFWS VA FO with evaluating abandoned coal mines as possible bat hibernacula US Fish and Wildlife Service |
St. Germain, Freeze, Ford | September 2021 |
Assisted TNC in ranking threats to aquatic biota in the Roanoke and Chowan river drainages of VA. |
Angermeier | October 2003 |
Assisted M. Marshall (NPS) regarding monitoring river-fish communities. |
Angermeier | April 2005 |
Assisted J. Schmerfeld (USFWS) regarding distribution of Roanoke logperch relative to a fish kill |
Angermeier | April 2005 |
Assisted Heather Bell (USFWS) regarding status of American eel |
Angermeier | April 2005 |
Assisted Department of Justice with the Ohio River mussel kill at Marietta, OH. |
Neves | April 2003 |
Assisted A. Ernst (USGS) regarding distribution/biology of American eel |
Angermeier | April 2005 |
Assistance provided to the USFWS Virginia FO to interpret bat survey and monitoring projects associated with ESA Compliance US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Ford | January 2024 |
Assist FWS Regions 3, 4 , and 5 with mussel related questions. |
Neves | June 2004 |
Assist Department of Justice with NRDA cases on mussels. |
Neves | November 2003 |
6 Sep, Staunton, Va – Jamie Roberts and Paul Angermeier met with 15 USFWS staff to brief them on current understanding of Roanoke logperch ecology and conservation. USFWS, VA staff |
Roberts, Angermeier | September 2012 |
Role - Description | Provider | Start Date | End Date |
member of FWC search committee for infectious disease ecologist | Angermeier | January 2017 | April 2017 |
chaired search committee for Unit Leader | Angermeier | October 2009 | April 2010 |
a. Member of FWC search committee to fill Applied Fish Ecologist faculty position | Angermeier | September 2012 | Present |
Wildlife Ecologist faculty search, Virginia Tech | Hunter | August 2021 | December 2021 |
Urban Ecology Program Development - Assist Virginia Tech College of Natural Resources with the creation of an Urban Ecology major | Ford | January 2019 | Present |
Search committee member, interim mammalogy position, Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation, Virginia Tech - Assisted department head in interviewing and selecting interim mammalogist for the fall 2011 semester | Ford | June 2011 | August 2011 |
Search committee Mammalogy Instructor, 2012 | Ford | April 2012 | May 2012 |
Member, University Advisory Council for Environmental Sustainability | Angermeier | October 2004 | September 2008 |
Member, Seminar and Orientation Committee | Vaughan | August 2004 | Present |
Member, Research Extension and International Affairs Committee | Vaughan | August 2004 | Present |
Member, Outreach and Honorifics Committee | Neves | August 2005 | August 2006 |
Member, FiW Faculty Search Committee | Angermeier | October 2004 | March 2005 |
Member, Facilities Committee | Neves | August 2005 | August 2006 |
Member, Facilities Committee | Vaughan | August 2004 | Present |
FiW search committee - participated in initial meeting of FiW search committee to fill new fisheries ecology position | Angermeier | October 2010 | October 2010 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
Mineland Stewardship Initiative | Ford | January 2012 | Present |
Member, Zebra Mussel Advisory Team | Neves | January 2003 | December 2004 |
Member, Virginia's Mollusk Recovery Group | Neves | September 1985 | Present |
Member, Virginia Bear Hunters Association | Vaughan | January 1994 | Present |
Member, Tennessee's Rare Mollusk Recovery Committee | Neves | June 1988 | Present |
Member, Steering Committee, National Conservation Plan for Freshwater Mussels | Neves | April 1993 | Present |
Member, Science Advisory Board, CALFED's Restoration of the San Francisco Bay-Delta Ecosystem | Angermeier | January 2002 | May 2005 |
Member, Sand County Foundation's Quality Hunting Ecology Program. | Angermeier | May 1999 | December 2003 |
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Vaughan | June 2003 | June 2003 |
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Neves | January 2003 | April 2003 |
Member, Ohio River Ecosystem Team; Mussel Subcommittee | Neves | January 1996 | Present |
Member, National Wild Turkey Federation | Vaughan | January 1982 | Present |
Member, Mollusk Recovery Group, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Neves | January 2002 | Present |
Member, Florida Panther Science Review Team, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Vaughan | April 2002 | November 2003 |
Member, Endangered Species Committee | Neves | May 2001 | December 2001 |
Member, Ecosystem Team for Southern Appalachians | Neves | July 1998 | Present |
Member, Dwarf Wedgemussel Recovery Team | Neves | August 2001 | Present |
Member, Board of Trustees, Virginia Museum of Natural History. Five year appointment. | Neves | March 2001 | March 2005 |
Member, Advisory Committee for Virginia's Invasive Species Council | Neves | December 2003 | Present |
Member, Advisory Board for ORSANCO's Development of a Fish-Based index to assess biotic integrity of Ohio River | Angermeier | February 2002 | December 2004 |
Member, Peer Review Committee, Mussel Mitigation Trust Fund | Neves | March 1997 | Present |
Council Member, Important Bird Areas, Audubon Society | Neves | January 2000 | Present |
Outreach Activity | Provider(s) | Date |
traveled to Roanoke, VA to give presentation to Garden City Elementary School on water quality and fishes in Roanoke River | Angermeier | May 2011 |
traveled to Roanoke Rapids, NC to discuss ongoing research on aquatic ecosystem services with the Roanoke River Basin Association | Angermeier | March 2011 |
traveled to Durham, NC to co-facilitate workshop on aquatic ecosystem services in Albemarle-Pamlico basin for >20 stakeholder groups | Angermeier | March 2011 |
interviewed by Dan Sweeney of Channel 7 News, Roanoke, VA regarding Roanoke logperch | Angermeier | July 2011 |
contributed to a televised news story (Channel 7, Roanoke, VA) on Roanoke River and Roanoke logperch | Angermeier | July 2011 |
assisted Friends of the New River with hosting a luncheon for paddlers participating in the annual New River Expedition | Angermeier | July 2011 |
Was interviewed by Christy Straight of Upper Roanoke River Roundtable regarding current research on aquatic ecosystem services. | Angermeier | November 2010 |
University Outreach, Co-advised undergraduate female in summer minority program. | Neves | July 2001 |
Title- Tech's Neves worls to save endangered freahwater mussels. Spectrum Newspaper 4/15/02 | Neves | April 2002 |
Scheduled visits to the captive bear facility by school classes and citizen groups. Five groups attended between March 1, 2001 and April 15, 2001. | Vaughan | April 2001 |
Recorded a radio spot on his bear research for the CBS radio program "The Osgood Files". | Vaughan | October 2004 |
Recorded a 30-minute TV spot on his bear research for the Virginia Tech Discovery series hosted by Paul Lancaster. | Vaughan | October 2004 |
Quoted in recent articles on the mussel restoration program of the Clinch River; Richlands News-Press and Bristol Herald Courier. | Neves | November 2004 |
Quoted by Richland News and Bristol Press covering the VDGIF mussel release in Cedar Bluff. | Neves | October 2004 |
Quoted In People Magazine (Vol 58: No 4, July 2002) regarding rehabilitation of orphaned black bear cubs. | Vaughan | July 2002 |
Provided information to Shery Bithel (Virginia Tech Magazine) for an article on his captive bear research. The article appeared in the Strategist, a Virginia Tech peridodical that goes to alumni. | Vaughan | June 2005 |
Provided information on pearls to a reporter for Earth and Sky Radio Program. | Neves | February 2004 |
Participated in an interview and site visit of the Center for Bear Research for the Roanoke Times. | Vaughan | February 2005 |
Meeting on water issues. | Angermeier | August 2001 |
Made by VDGIF of captive bear research for use in Virginia's Standards of Learning (SOL) Program. Distributed to the Virginia Department of Education. | Vaughan | March 2002 |
Interviwed by P. Lancaster (Va Tech) for a radio news release about American eel. | Angermeier | March 2005 |
Interviewed to discuss the release of mussels in 2005 and recovery of mussels killed in 1998 at Cedar Bluff, VA . | Neves | June 2005 |
Interviewed by Trina Shultz about his black bear research for an article in the Virginia Tech magazine. | Vaughan | October 2004 |
Interviewed by Roanoke Times to discuss the release of mussels in 2005 and recovery of mussels killed in 1998 at Cedar Bluff, VA | Neves | June 2005 |
Interviewed by Liza Cross of the Public Library of Science in CA for an article on Florida panthers. | Vaughan | May 2005 |
Interviewed by J. Cramer (Roanoke Times) for an article about American eel. | Angermeier | March 2005 |
Interviewed by F. Hardy (Virginia Sportsman) for an article about American eel. | Angermeier | March 2005 |
Interviewed by Channel 10 News about recent bear poaching arrests in Virginia. | Vaughan | September 2005 |
Interviewed by Bristol Herald Courier to discuss the release of mussels in 2005 and recovery of mussels killed in 1998 at Cedar Bluff, VA . | Neves | June 2005 |
Interview on biological effects of zebra mussels. Heraldo News, Madrid, Spain. 1/12/02. | Neves | January 2002 |
Interview on asphalt spill into Nottoway River. WVTF 7/14/02. | Neves | July 2002 |
Interview for Sierra Club video. | Neves | July 2001 |
Front page article on mussel restoration in Virginia. Richmond Times-Dispatch 7/13/02. | Neves | July 2002 |
Exhibit on mussel conservation at Virginia Tech's Farm and Family Showcase. | Neves | September 2003 |
Exhibit at Virginia Tech's Farm and Family Showcase titled "Virginia's Dazzling Darters". | Angermeier | September 2003 |
Congressional Natural Resource Committee Staff briefing and tour of bat project at NPS Rock Creek Park in Washington DC. Co-hosted with NPS NCR, USFWS Region 5, USFWS WO and USGS CRU Reston staff. | Ford, Freeze | July 2019 |
Congressional Natural Resource Committee Staff briefing and tour of bat project at NPS Rock Creek Park in Washington DC. Co-hosted with NPS NCR, USFWS Region 5, USFWS WO and USGS CRU Reston staff. | Ford, Freeze, Deeley, Barr | July 2018 |
Congressional Natural Resource Committee Staff briefing and tour of bat project at NPS Rock Creek Park in Washington DC. Co-hosted with NPS NCR, USFWS Region 5, USFWS WO and USGS CRU Reston staff. | Ford, Deeley, Barr | January 2017 |
Congressional Natural Resource Committee Staff briefing and tour of bat project at NPS Rock Creek Park in Washington DC. Co-hosted with NPS NCR, USFWS Region 5, USFWS WO and USGS CRU Reston staff. | Ford, Deeley, Silvis | July 2016 |
Blue Ridge Country Magazine (Vol XV, No 7/8, July/August 2002:31-35) on bear research | Vaughan | July 2002 |
Article on use of DNA analysis of hair for wildlife research; Science News (Vol 161:250-252) | Vaughan | May 2002 |
Article on bear research; Virginia Tech Yearbook | Vaughan | August 2002 |
Article on bear research; Harrisonburg Times | Vaughan | December 2001 |
Angermeier, P. L. 2001. Tech should be an environmental leader, not laggard. Roanoke Times, 16 September. | Angermeier | September 2001 |
An article titled "Why not the best? How science failed the Florida panther", which drew heavily on the Florida panther Science Review Team's report to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, and quoted members of the team, including Mike Vaughan, appeared in the September 2005 issue of Public Library of Science (PLOS) Biology | Vaughan | September 2005 |
A Children's Book titled "Russell the Mussel".Conover, A., R. Biggins, and R. Neves. 2002. Russell the Mussel. Virginia Tech Press, Blacksburg, VA | Neves | October 2002 |
2 Dec: traveled to Roanoke, VA to give presentation to Upper Roanoke River Roundtable regarding current research on aquatic ecosystem services. | Angermeier | December 2010 |