Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Maine
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Maine Staff Member

Joseph Zydlewski

Sampling American shad on the Penobscot River.

Unit Leader
Phone: (207) 581 - 2853
Faculty Email:


  • Ph D University of Massachusetts 1997
  • BS Bates College 1990


Joe joined the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit in 2004 as Assistant Unit Leader, coming from the USFWS Columbia River Fisheries Program Office. He is a Professor of Fisheries Science in the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries at the University of Maine, Orono. Joe's work centers on the study of fish movements and migrations. Many vital fisheries issues in the northeast United States are dependent upon a rigorous understanding of life history expression. He has effectively addressed both basic and complex management questions in innovative ways, developing a program that includes three main themes: i) Connectivity and River Restoration ii) Physiology and Behavior of Migration, and iii) Species Interactions. As a critical part of his position, Joe's work is responsive to the requests of MCFWRU cooperators (e.g., Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, the University of Maine's Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology and US Fish and Wildlife Service). As part of his appointment to the graduate faculty at the University of Maine through the MCFWRU, Joe provides graduate instruction in the form of formal courses (e.g. "Movements and Migration", directing independent studies of selected topics (fisheries science, migration biology), and interacting with graduate students. Joe serves on numerous committees as degree program advisor, co-advisor, or committee member.

Areas of Expertise

Adaptive Management, Anthropogenic Impacts, Aquatic Ecology, Behavioral Ecology, Biodiversity, Decision Support/Analysis, Evolutionary Ecology, Fisheries Management, Human Dimensions, Movement Ecology, Physiology, Policy, Population Dynamics, Population and Community Ecology, Predator-Prey Dynamics, Species Management, T&E Species Management, eDNA

Taxon Groups Studied

Anadromous Fishes, Freshwater Fishes, Gamebirds, Gamefish, Marine Mammals, Nongame Fish/Wildlife, Salmonids

Research Publications Publication Date
Zydlewski,G., J. Zydlewski, J. Johnson (2009) Patterns of migration and residency in coastal cutthroat trout. Journal of Fish Biology. 75(1) 203-222. | Download January 2009
Zydlewski, J. (2021). Book Review: “From catastrophe to recovery: stories of fisheries management successes” edited by Krueger, Taylor and Youn. Fisheries. DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10604 | Download June 2021
Zydlewski, J., and S. D. McCormick. 2001. Changes in chloride cells corresponding to the natural development of osmotic tolerances in American shad (Alosa sapidissima). Journal of Experimental Zoology. 290(2): 73-87. | Download January 2001
Zydlewski, J., and S. D. McCormick. 1997. The ontogeny of salinity tolerance in American shad (Alosa sapidissima). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54: 182-189. | Download January 1997
Zydlewski, J., and S. D. McCormick. 1997. Loss of hyperosmoregulatory ability in migrating juvenile American shad (Alosa sapidissima). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:2377-2387. | Download January 1997
Zydlewski, J., Stich, D.S., Roy, S., Bailey, M., Sheehan, T. and Sprankle, K. (2021). What Have We Lost? Modeling Dam Impacts on American Shad Populations Through Their Native Range. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8. doi:
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October 2021
Zydlewski, J., S. D. McCormick and J. G. Kunkel. 2003. Early migration is physiologically advantageous in juvenile American shad (Alosa sapidissima). Journal of Fish Biology. 63:1521-37. | Download January 2003
Zydlewski, J., J. Johnson, J. Brunzell and J. Hogle, M. Karnowski, S. Clements, C. Shreck (2008) Rapid seaward migration of coastal cutthroat trout in the Columbia River. Proceedings of the 2005 Coastal Cutthroat Trout Symposium | Download January 2008
Zydlewski, J., Cox, O., O’Malley, A., Ruksznis, P., and Trial, J. (2014) Growth and smolting in lower mode Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, stocked into the Penobscot River, Maine North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34:147-158. | Download February 2014
Zydlewski, J. and Wilkie, M. (2013) Freshwater-seawater transitions in juvenile euryhaline fish. In: Euryhaline Fishes Fish Physiology, Volume 32, Editors: McCormick, S.D., Farrell A.P. and Brauner, C.J., Elsevier Science Publishers.pp 253-326. | Download January 2013
Zydlewski, J. Zydlewski, G., Kennedy, B., and Gale, W. (2014) Smolting in coastal cutthroat trout, Onchorhynchus clarkii clarkii. Journal of Fish Biology. 85:1111-1130. | Download September 2014
Zydlewski, J. 2008. Salmonid Field Protocols Handbook - Book Review. Fisheries. | Download September 2008
Zydlewski, G., Kinnison, M., Dionne, P., Zydlewski, J., and Wippelhauser, G. (2011) Understanding habitat connectivity for shortnose sturgeon: the importance of small coastal rivers. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 47 (Suppl. 1): 1-4. | Download October 2011
Zydlewski, G. and Zydlewski, J. (2012) Long-term Seawater performance of Atlantic salmon smolts. Aquaculture. 362-363:121-126. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2011.03.024 | Download October 2011
Zydlewski, G. B., S. Foott, K. Nichols, S. Hamelberg, J. Zydlewski and B. T. Bj�rnsson. 2003. Enhanced smolt characteristics of steelhead trout exposed to alternative hatchery conditions during the final months of rearing. Aquaculture 222:107-117. | Download January 2003
Zydlewski J., Stich, D.S., and Sigourney, D. (2016) Hard choices in assessing survival past dams; a comparison of single and paired release strategies. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. (999) 1-13. DOI:10.1139/cjfas-2015-0480 | Download July 2016
Zydlewki, J. (2023) American Eel. Chapter (Species Essay) in “Our Maine”, edited by Aram Calhoun, Mac Hunter and Kent Redford. | Download July 2023
Whittum, K.A. 1, Zydlewski, J.D. 2, Coghlan, S.M., Hayes, D.B. 3, Watson, J. 4, Kiraly, I. 5 1 D. of W., Conservation Biology, U. of M., Conservation Biology, U. of M., U. S. Geological Survey, M.C.F., Wildlife Research Unit, Department of Wildlife, F., Conservation Biology, U. of M., Wildlife, M.S.U., Atmospheric Administration, F.S. and Sullivan Engineers, D.P.C. (2023). Fish Assemblages in the Penobscot River: A Decade after Dam Removal. ProQuest. [online] doi: | Download January 2023
Weaver, D.M., Sigourney, D.B., Delucia, M. and Zydlewski, J.D. (2021). Characterizing Downstream Migration Timing of American Eels Using Commercial Catch Data in the Penobscot and Delaware Rivers. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 13(5), pp.534–547. doi:
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August 2021
Weaver, D., Ratten, S., Coghlan, Jr., S., and Sherwood, G., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) Age and growth of a native, lightly exploited, population of lake whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis in a small natural lake in Maine, USA. Northeastern Naturalist 25(4):599-610. DOI: 10.1656/045.025.0406 | Download November 2018
Weaver, D., Coghlan, S., and Zydlewski, J. (2016) Sea Lamprey Carcasses Exert Local and Variable Food Web Effects in a Nutrient-limited Atlantic Coastal Stream. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.(online) DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2015-0506 | Download July 2016
Weaver, D., Coghlan, S., and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Decomposition of Sea Lamprey Carcasses: Temperature Effects, Nutrient Dynamics, and Implications for Stream Food Webs. Hydrobiologia. On line - DOI 10.1007/s10750-015-2302-5. | Download April 2015
Weaver, D., Coghlan Jr., S., Greig, H., Klemmer, A., Perkins, L., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) Subsidies from anadromous sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) carcasses function as a reciprocal nutrient exchange between marine and freshwaters. River Research and Applications. DOI: 10.1002/rra.3291 | Download May 2018
Weaver, D., Coghlan Jr., S. and Zydlewski, J. (2018) The influence of nutrients from carcasses of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) on larval growth and spawner abundance. Fisheries Bulletin. 116:142–152, DOI: 10.7755/FB.116.2.3 | Download January 2018
Weaver, D., Coghlan Jr., S. and Zydlewski, J. (2018) Effects of sea lamprey substrate modification and carcass nutrients on macroinvertebrate assemblages in a small Atlantic coastal stream. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 33:1, 19-30, DOI: 10.1080/02705060.2017.1417168 | Download January 2018
Weaver, D., Brown, M., and Zydlewski, J. (2019) Observations of American Shad Approaching and Using a Vertical Slot Fishway at the Brunswick Head-of-Tide Dam on the Androscoggin River, Maine. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. DOI: /10.1002/nafm.10330 | Download July 2019
Watson, J. Coghlan, Jr., S., Zydlewski, J., Hayes, D., and Stich, D. (2019) Implications of Recovering River Herring Alosa spp. Populations on Smallmouth Bass, Micropterus dolomieu, Diet and Growth. “Managing Centrarchids in Rivers and Streams" symposium proceedings of the American Fisheries Society. | Download June 2019
Watson, J. Coghlan, Jr., S., Zydlewski, J., Hayes, D., and Kiraly, I. (2018) Dam Removal and fish passage improvement influence fish assemblages in the Penobscot River, Maine. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10053 | Download May 2018
Wathen, G., Coghlan, S., Zydlewski, J., and Trial, J. (2012) Effects of smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomeiu) on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) habitat use and diel movements in an artificial stream. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. | Download January 2012
Wathen, G., Coghlan, S., Zydlewski, J., and Joan Trial, J. 2011. Habitat Selection and Overlap of Atlantic Salmon and Smallmouth Bass Juveniles in Nursery Streams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140(5): 1145-1157. | Download September 2011
Vogel, S., Jansujwicz, J., Sponarski, C and Zydlewski, J. (2020) Science in action or science inaction? Evaluating the implementation of "best available science" in hydropower relicensing. Energy Policy 143:1-10. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111457 | Download August 2020
Stich, D.S., Zydlewski, G.B., and Zydlewski J. (2015) Physiological preparedness and performance of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts in relation to behavioural salinity preferences and thresholds. Journal of Fish Biology. doi:10.1111/jfb.12853 | Download December 2015
Stich, D.S., Zydlewski, G.B., Kocik, J. and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Linking behavior, physiology, and survival of Atlantic Salmon smolts during estuary migration. Marine and Coastal Fisheries. 7(1) 68-86. | Download April 2015
Stich, D.S., Kinnison, M., Kocik, J. and Zydlewski J. (2015) Initiation of migration and movement rates of Atlantic Salmon smolt migration in fresh water. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 72(9): 1339-1351. | Download May 2015
Stich, D.S., Bailey, M.M. and Zydlewski J. (2014) Survival of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts through a hydropower complex in the lower Penobscot River, Maine USA. Journal of Fish Biology. 85:1074-1096 | Download September 2014
Stich, D.S., Bailey, M., Holbrook, C., Kinnison, and Zydlewski J. (2015). Catchment-wide survival of wild- and hatchery-reared Atlantic Salmon smolts in a changing system. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2:1–14, | Download August 2015
Stich, D., Sheehan, T., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) A Dam Passage Performance Standard Model for American Shad. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. DOI:10.1139/cjfas-2018-0008 | Download February 2019
Spencer, R.C., J. Zydlewski and G. Zydlewski. (2010) Migratory urge and gill Na+, K+ -ATPase activity of hatchery Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts from Dennys and Penobscot River stocks in Maine. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 139:947-956. | Download July 2010
Song, C., O’Malley, A., Roy, S., Zydlewski, J., Barber, B., and Mo, W. (2019) Managing dams for energy and fish tradeoffs: What does a win-win solution take? Science of the Total Environment 669:833-843. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.03.042 | Download February 2019
Song, C, O’Malley, A., Zydlewski,J., and Mo, W (2020) Balancing fish-energy-cost tradeoffs through strategic basin-wide dam management. Resources, Conservation & Recycling.Resources, Conservation & Recycling 161:1-12. DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.104990 | Download April 2020
Snook, E., Letcher, B., Dubreuil, T., Zydlewski, J., Whiteley, A., Hurley,S., and Danylchuk, A. (2015) Movement patterns of brook trout in a restored coastal stream system in southern Massachusetts. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. DOI: 10.1111/eff.12216 | Download July 2015
Sigourney, D., Zydlewski, J., Hughes, E., Cox, O. (2015) Transport, dam passage and size selection of adult Atlantic Salmon in the Penobscot River, Maine. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 35:1164-1176 | Download January 2015
Shrimpton, M, Zydlewski, J, and Heath W (2007) Effects of sediment load on the smolt physiology in ocean type Chinook salmon. Aquaculture. | Download January 2005
Shrimpton, J. M, J. Zydlewski and S. D. McCormick (2001). The stress response of juvenile American shad to handling and confinement is greater during migration in freshwater than in seawater. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 130(6):1203-1210. | Download January 2001
Sarah Rose Rubenstein, Peterson, E., Christman, P.M. and Zydlewski, J.D. (2023). Adult Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) delayed below dams rapidly deplete energy stores. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 80(1), pp.170–182. doi:
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October 2022
Ryan, K., Zydlewski, J., and Calhoun, A. (2014) Using passive integrated transponder (PIT) systems for terrestrial detection of blue-spotted salamanders in situ. Journal of Herpetology 9(1):97−105 | Download January 2014
Ryan, K., Calhoun, A., Timm, B. and Zydlewski, J. (2014) Monitoring Eastern Spadefoot (Scaphiopus holbrookii) activity using a passive integrated transponder (PIT) system and the effects of selected meteorological variables on burrow emergence. Journal of Herpetology (on line ahead of print). September 2014
Roy, S., Uchida, E., Souza, S., Blachly, B., Fox, E., Gardner, K., Gold, A., Jansujwicz, J., Klein, S., McGreavy, B., Mo, W., Smith, S., Vogler, E., Wilson, K., Zydlewski, J., and Hart, D. (2018) Damming decisions: a multi-scale approach to balance trade-offs among dam infrastructure, river restoration, and cost. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 115(47): 12069-12074. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1807437115 | Download December 2018
Roy, S., Daignault, A, Zydlewski, J., Truhlar, A., Smith, S., Jain, S., and Hart, D. (2020) Coordinated river infrastructure decisions enhance social-ecological resilience. Environmental Research Letters. On Line Aug 7. September 2020
Risley, C.A.L. and J. Zydlewski (2010) Assessing the effects of catch and release regulations on a brook trout population using and age-structured model. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:1434-1444. | Download December 2010
Ramberg‐Pihl, N.C., Klemmer, A.J., Zydlewski, J., Coghlan, S.M. and Greig, H.S. (2023). Smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) suppress Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) feeding activity and increase aggressive behaviours at warmer temperatures. Ecology Of Freshwater Fish, 32(3), pp.606–617. doi:
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February 2023
Poulet, C., Lassalle, G., Jordaan, A., Limburg, K., Nack, C., Nye, J., O’Malley, A., O’Malley-Barber, B., Stich,D., Waldman, J., Zydlewski, J. and Lambert, P. (2023) Effect of dispersal capacities and reproductive strategies/tactics on the structure of American shad populations across the species native range: an exploration based on a mechanistic species distribution model. Ecosphere 14(12): 1-21. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.4712 | Download October 2023
Popescu, V., Brodie, B.S., Hunter, M., and Zydlewski, J. (2012) Use of olfactory cues by newly metamorphosed wood frogs (L. sylvaticus) during emigration. Copeia.2012(3):424-431. | Download July 2012
Peterson, E., Thors, R., Frechette, D. and Zydlewski, J.D. (2023). Adult Sea Lamprey approach and passage at the Milford Dam fishway, Penobscot River, Maine, United States. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 43(4), pp.1052–1065. doi: | Download May 2023
Peterson, E., Sheehan, T.F., and Zydlewski, J.D. 2021. Scale growth rates and scale circulus deposition rates of marine-stage Atlantic salmon Salmo salar raised under semi-natural conditions. J. Northw. Atl. Fish. Sci., 52: 19–27. | Download September 2021
Pelis, R. M., J. Zydlewski and S. D. McCormick (2001). Gill Na+, K+, Cl- cotransporter localization and abundance in Atlantic salmon during seawater acclimation and smolting. American Journal of Physiology. 280(6):R1844-52. | Download January 2001
O’Malley, A., Enterline, C., and Zydlewski, J. (2017) Comparison of size, growth and age structure among anadromous and landlocked populations of rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax). North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 37:2, 326-336. DOI: 10.1080/02755947.2016.1264508 | Download April 2017
Ostrand, K., G. Zydlewski, W. Gale, J. Zydlewski (2011) Long Term Retention, Survival, Growth, and Physiological Indicators of Salmonids Marked with Passive Integrated Transponder Tags.In J. McKenzie, Q. Phelps, R. Kopf, M. Mesa, B. Parsons, and A. Seitz, editors. Advances in fish tagging and marking technology. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 76, Bethesda, Maryland. | Download August 2011
Oberst, M. D., T. J. Gollan, M. Gupta, S. R. Peura, J. D. Zydlewski, P. Sudarsanan, T. G. Lawson (1993). The encephalomyocarditis virus 3C protease is rapidly degraded by an ATP-dependent proteolytic system in reticulocyte lysate. Virology. 193(1):28-40. | Download January 1993
Molina-Moctezuma, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2020) A decision making tool for evaluating biological and statistical thresholds for survival analysis. River Research and Applications 2020:1–9. DOI: 10.1002/rra.3616 | Download February 2020
Molina-Moctezuma, A., Stich, D.S. and Zydlewski, J.D. (2022). Effects of dam-induced delays on system-wide survival of Atlantic salmon smolts during high-flow, high-survival years in the Penobscot River, Maine, USA. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 79(12), pp.2237–2250. doi:
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November 2022
Molina-Moctezuma, A., Peterson, E., and Zydlewski, J. (2021) Movement, Survival, and Delays of Atlantic Salmon Smolts in the Piscataquis River, Maine, USA. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 150(3), 345-360. DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10289 | Download May 2021
Midway, S. R., T. Wagner, J. D. Zydlewski, B. J. Irwin, and C. P. Paukert. 2016. Transboundary Fisheries Science: Meeting the Challenges of Inland Fisheries Management in the 21st Century. Fisheries 41:537-546. | Download September 2016
Mensinger, M., Hawkes, J., Goulette, G., Mortelliti, A., Blomberg, E., and Zydlewski, J. (2024) Dams facilitate predation during Atlantic salmon smolt migration. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 81 (1): 38-51. DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2023-0175 | Download January 2024
Mensinger, M., Brehm, A., Mortelliti, A., Blomberg, E., Zydlewski, J. (2021) Eel personality and body length influence passage success in experimental fishway. Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.14009 | Download August 2021
Mensinger, M., Blomberg, E., and Zydlewski, J. (2021) The consequences of dam passage for migrating American eel in the Penobscot River, Maine. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 78(8):1181-1192. | Download June 2021
McCormick, S. D., J. M. Shrimpton, and J. D. Zydlewski (1997). Temperature effects on osmoregulatory physiology of anadromous fish. In Global Warming Implications for Freshwater and marine fish. Society for Experimental Biology, Seminar Series: 61. Edited by C. M. Wood and D. G. McDonald. University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom. | Download January 1997
Maynard, G.A., Kinnison, M.T., and Zydlewski, J. (2017) Size Selection from Fishways and Potential Evolutionary Responses in a Threatened Atlantic Salmon Population. River Research and Applications. 2017;1–12 DOI: 10.1002/rra.3155 | Download March 2017
Maynard, G., Izzo, L., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) The fate of hatchery-spawned Atlantic Salmon kelts released into the Penobscot River, Maine. Fishery Bulletin 116:281-290. DOI: 10.7755/FB.116.3-4.6 | Download October 2018
Kiraly, I., Coghlan, S., Zydlewski, J., and Hayes, D. (2014) An assessment of fish assemblage structure in a large river prior to dam removal. River Research and Applications. DOI: 10.1002/rra.2738 | Download February 2014
Kiraly, I., Coghlan, S., Zydlewski, J., and Hayes, D. (2014) A comparison of two sampling designs for fish assemblage assessment in a large river. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 143(2), 508-518. | Download March 2014
Kazyak, D., Letcher, B.H., and Zydlewski, J. (2013) Growth variability of brook char (Salvelinus fontinalis) in Coastal Maine. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. doi: 10.1111/eff.12105 | Download September 2013
Kazyak, D. and Zydlewski, J. (2012) High-Density Polyethylene Pipe: A New Material for Pass-By Passive Integrated Transponder Antennas. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32(1):49-52. | Download January 2012
Katz, L.S., Coghlan, S.M., Blomberg, E.J., Kinnison, M.T., York, G. and Zydlewski, J.D. (2024). An integrative approach to assessing bridle shiner (Notropis bifrenatus) distribution using environmental DNA and traditional techniques. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 81(9), pp.1217–1237. doi: | Download September 2024
Johnston, C., Zydlewski, G., Smith, S., Zydlewski, J., and Kinnison, M. (2018) River reach restored by dam removal offers suitable spawning habitat for endangered shortnose sturgeon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. DOI:10.1002/tafs.10126 | Download October 2018
Johnson, J., Baumsteiger, J., Zydlewski, J., Hudson, M. and W. Ardren (2010) Evidence of Panmixia between Sympatric Life History Forms of Coastal Cutthroat Trout in Two Lower Columbia River Tributaries. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:691–701. | Download May 2010
Jackson, C. and J. Zydlewski (2009) Summer movements of sub-adult brook trout, landlocked Atlantic salmon and smallmouth bass in the Rapid River, Maine. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 24(4) 567-580. | Download December 2009
J. Zydlewski, G. Zydlewski, and R. Danner. (2009) Descaling impairs the osmoregulatory ability of Atlantic salmon smolts. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 138:129–136. | Download November 2009
J. Kurth, C. Loftin, J. Zydlewski and J. Rhymer. 2007. PIT tag effectiveness for freshwater mussel recaptures. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 26:253-260. April 2007
J. Kurth, C. Loftin, J. Zydlewski and J. Rhymer (2007) PIT tag effectiveness for freshwater mussel recaptures. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 26(2):253?260 | Download April 2007
Izzo, L., and Zydlewski, J. (2017) Retrospective analysis of seasonal ocean growth rates of 2SW Atlantic Salmon in Downeast Maine using historic scales. Marine and Coastal Fisheries. 9:1, 357-372, DOI: 10.1080/19425120.2017.1334723 | Download July 2017
Izzo, L., Maynard, G.A., and Zydlewski, J. (2016) Upstream movements of Atlantic Salmon in the lower Penobscot River, Maine following two dam removals and fish passage modifications. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 8(1): 448-461. DOI: 10.1080/19425120.2016.1185063 | Download July 2016
Hudson, J., J. Johnson, J. Hogle., J Brunzell and J. Zydlewski (2008) Rapid seaward migration of Coastal cutthroat trout in the Columbia River. Proceedings of the 2005 Coastal Cutthroat Trout Symposium. | Download April 2008
Holbrook, C., M. Kinnison and J. Zydlewski. 2011 Survival of migrating Atlantic salmon smolts through the Penobscot River, Maine, USA: A pre-restoration assessment. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140(5): 1255-1268. | Download September 2011
Holbrook, C., J. Zydlewski, M. Kinnison, Gorsky, D., and S. Shephard (2009) Movements of pre-spawn adult Atlantic salmon near hydroelectric dams in the lower Penobscot River, Maine. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. April 2009
Hogg, R., Coghlan., Jr., Zydlewski, J. and Simon, K. (2014) Anadromous sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus serve as ecosystem engineers in a coastal spawning tributary. Freshwater Biology. Freshwater Biology, 59(6), 1294-1307. | Download April 2014
Hogg, R., Coghlan Jr., S. and Zydlewski, J. (2013) Anadromous sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) recolonize a coastal river tributary after dam removal. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 142(5):1381-1394. | Download September 2013
Hogg, R., Coghlan Jr., S. Zydlewski, J., and Gardner, C. (2015) Fish Community Response to a Small-Stream Dam Removal in a Maine Coastal River Tributary. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144(3), 467-479. | Download May 2015
Hill, M., G. Zydlewski, J. Zydlewski, J. Gasvoda (2006) Development and evaluation of portable PIT tag detection units: PITpacks. Fisheries Research. 77:102-109. | Download January 2006
Guyette, M.Q., C.S. Loftin, and J. Zydlewski. (2013) Carcass analog addition enhances juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) growth and condition.Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70:860-870. | Download June 2013
Guyette, M.Q., C.S. Loftin, J. Zydlewski, and R.Cunjak. 2014. Carcass analogues provide marine subsidies for macroinvertebrates and juvenile Atlantic salmon in temperate oligotrophic streams. Freshwater Biology 59:392-406. | Download March 2014
Grote, A., Bailey, M., and Zydlewski, J. (2014) Migration and spawning behavior of American shad in the Penobscot River Maine. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143:552-563. | Download March 2014
Grote, A., Bailey, M., Zydlewski, J., Hightower, J. 2014 Multibeam sonar (DIDSON) assessment of American shad (Alosa sapidissima) approaching a hydroelectric dam. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71:545-558. | Download November 2013
Gorsky, D., Zydlewski, J. and Basely, D. (2012) Characterizing seasonal and diel vertical movement and habitat use of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) in Clear Lake, Maine. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. | Download May 2012
Gorsky, D., J. Trial, J. Zydlewski, J. McCleave (2009) The Effects of Smolt Stocking Strategies on Migratory Path Selection of Adult Atlantic Salmon in the Penobscot River, Maine. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:949-957. | Download June 2009
Gilligan, E., Stich, D., Mills, K., Bailey, M., Mills, K., and Zydlewski, J. (accepted) Climate change may cause shifts in growth and instantaneous natural mortality of American Shad throughout their native range. | Download May 2021
Gardner, C. Coghlan, S., Zydlewski, J., and Saunders, R. (2011) Distribution and abundance of stream fishes in relation to barriers: Implications for monitoring stream recovery after barrier removal. River Research and Applications. DOI: 10.1002/rra.1572 | Download June 2011
Gardner, C. Coghlan, S., Zydlewski, J. (2012) Distribution and Abundance of Anadromous Sea Lamprey Spawners in a Fragmented Stream: Current Status and Potential Range Expansion Following Barrier Removal. Northeastern Naturalist 19(X):00-00. | Download January 2012
G. Zydlewski, G. Horton, T. Dubreuil, B. Letcher, J. Zydlewski, S. Casey. (2006) Monitoring of fish in small streams: A unified approach using PIT tags. Fisheries 31(10):492-502 | Download October 2006
Flye, M.E., Sponarski, C.C. and Zydlewski, J. (2024). Local perceptions of marine conservation aquaculture for the restoration of native Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Downeast, Maine. Marine Policy, 171, pp.106424–106424. doi: | Download January 2025
Flye, M., Sponarski, C., McGreavy, B., and Zydlewski, J. (2023) Leading the charge: A qualitative case-study of leadership conditions in collaborative environmental governance structures. Journal of Environmental Management, 348, 119203. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119203 | Download July 2024
Flye, M., Sponarski, C., Zydlewski, J. and McGreavy, B. (2021) Understanding collaborative governance from a communication network perspective: A case study of the Atlantic salmon recovery framework. Environmental Science and Policy. 115 (2021): 79-90. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2020.10.001 | Abstract January 2021
Figueroa-Muñoz, G., Murphy, C.A., Whittum, K. and Zydlewski, J. (2024). Cleaner cuts: Farmed fish and skin-off fillets are lower in per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The Science of The Total Environment, 959, pp.178266–178266. doi: December 2024
Fernandes, S.J., G.B. Zydlewski, M.T. Kinnison, J.D. Zydlewski, G.S. Wippelhauser. (2010). Seasonal Distribution and Movements of Atlantic and Shortnose Sturgeon in the Penobscot River Estuary, Maine. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:1436-1449. | Download September 2010
Evans, T.M. and Zydlewski, J. (2024). Peering into the eye of the sea lamprey: what can stable isotopes in lamprey eye lenses reveal about their life history? Environmental Biology of Fishes, 107(10), pp.1155–1169. doi: | Download October 2024
Dionne, P., Zydlewski, G., Kinnison, M., Zydlewski, J., and Wippelhauser, G. (2013) Reconsidering residency: Characterization and conservation implications of complex migratory patterns of shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 70: 119–127. | Download January 2013
Brehm, A., Mortelliti, A., Maynard, G., and Zydlewski, J. (2019) Land-use change and the ecological consequences of personality in small mammals. Ecology Letters. DOI: 10.1111/ele.13324 | Download January 2019
Blomquist, S., Zydlewski, J., Hunter Jr., M. (2008) Efficacy of PIT tags for tracking the terrestrial anurans Rana pipiens and Rana sylvatica. Herpetological Review September 2008
Begley, M., Coghlan, Jr., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) Sensitivity of white sucker (Catostomus commersonii) age-structure to commercial harvest. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 33:1, 413-428, DOI: 10.1080/02705060.2018.1496951 | Download November 2018
Begley, M., Coghlan, Jr., and Zydlewski, J. (2017) A comparison of age, size, and fecundity of harvested and intact White Sucker (Catostomus commersoni) populations in Maine. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 37:510–523. DOI: 10.1080/02755947.2017.1290719 | Download April 2017
Barber, B., Gibson. J., O’Malley, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) Does what go up also come down? Balancing recruitment with nutrient budget for alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus). Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 10:236–254, DOI: 10.1002/mcf2.10021 | Download May 2018
Bailey, M. and Zydlewski, J. (2013) Assessing restoration of an extant population of American shad with supplemental stocking. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:459-467 | Download January 2013
Altenritter, M., Kinnison, M., Zydlewski, G., Wippelhauser, G. and Zydlewski, J. (2017). Movements and demography of shortnose sturgeon in the Kennebec and Penobscot Rivers, Maine. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Published on the web 9 May 2017, May 2017
Altenritter, M., Kinnison, M., Zydlewski, G., Secor, D., and Zydlewski, J. (2015). Dorsal scute microchemistry: a new tool for reconstructing habitat use of shortnose sturgeon. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 98(12):2321-2335 | Download August 2015
Zydlewski, J., Coghlan. Jr., S., Dillingham, C., Figueroa-Muñoz, G., Merriam, C., Smith, S., Smith, R., Stich, D., Vogel, S., Wilson, K., and Zydlewski, G. (2023) Seven dam challenges for migratory fish: insights from the Penobscot River. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 11, 1253657. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2023.1253657 | Download October 2023
Gorsky, D. and Zydlewski, J. (2013) Evaluation of size dependant predation rates and efficiency of adult post-spawned rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) on larval lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) in a laboratory setting. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 33(1):163-169. | Download January 2013
Project Completion Date
Commercial harvest influence on white sucker demographics August 2016
Understanding the St Croix River Food Web January 2018
Modeling migration of silver eels to forecast critical intervals of risk at hydrofacilities July 2014
Trans-boundary management and conservation: linking large-scale dynamics to ecological monitoring and management September 2014
Interactions between invasive smallmouth bass and stream salmonines January 2012
Striped bass movements in the Penobscot River Maine. January 2012
Life history variation in brook trout January 2015
Sea lamprey biology and interaction with Atlantic salmon in Maine rivers January 2017
Regional effects of acid and aluminum exposure on Atlantic salmon juvenile development January 2016
Penobscot River American shad; status and recovery October 2013
Salinity tolerance and the physiology of seawater entry in downstream migrating Atlantic salmon smolts January 2016
Ecology and movements of Lake whitefish in Maine October 2013
Understanding downstream migratory survival of Atlantic salmon smolts in the Penobscot River Maine; effects of dams and restoration September 2020
Dam removals in Sedgeunkedunk Stream and the Penobscot River– changes in resident and migratory communities January 2017
Passage of adult Atlantic salmon in the Penobscot River before and after dam removal January 2022
Examination of mercury contamination in water striders and minows inhabiting watersheds in coastal Maine December 2007
Using dendrochronology and stable isotopes to document the presence of marine derived nutrients deposited historically in the Penobscot River Basin. Collaborators:J.Zydlewski, G. Zydlewski (UMaine), R. Cunjak (UNew Brunswick), C. Fay (Penobscot Indian Nation) December 2006
Atlantic salmon adult passage December 2027
Building international capacity for thermal mapping of rivers in a changing climate July 2028
Optimizing Sampling of PFAS in Maine Fishes by Improving our Understanding of Variability December 2027
MDIFW Lake Whitefish August 2027
MDIFW Arctic Charr August 2029
Ecosystem responses to the interacting forces of bridge improvements and beavers August 2027
Lamprey recolonization of the Penobscot River. December 2024
Alewife passage in the St Croix River. December 2023
Understanding Atlantic salmon kelt behavior and survival December 2024
Wild Turkey Population and Harvest Management in Maine. December 2026
Beyond Recovery: Enhancing Agency Preparedness for Ecological and Societal Challenges with Increasing Protected Species Populations. December 2025
Range wide, river-specific dam impacts on Blueback Herring, Alewife and American Eel. December 2025
Understanding the perceptions and potential of aquaculture as a tool for Atlantic salmon restoration in Maine. December 2025
The role of marine derived nutrients delivered by anadromous fish in the restoration of freshwater ecosystems in the Penobscot River watershed, Maine September 2012
Effects of Alewife Reintroductions December 2023
A collaborative organizational network analysis of the Cooperative Research Units program August 2024
Lake food webs in Acadia National Park May 2024
Marine use of Atlantic sturgeon in the Gulf of Maine September 2021
Does predation limit Atlantic salmon recovery? December 2025
Early Life History Metabolism in AtlanticS almon December 2022
Changing Fish Communities in the Penobscot River After Dam Removal. December 2022
Phenology and survival of migrating American eel December 2021
Changed in patterns of estuarine use by diadromous fishes such as American shad and American Eel December 2019
Energetic impacts of passage delays in migrating adult Atlantic salmon June 2021
Understanding decision-making behavior regarding fish passage and management in New England. December 2019
Optimizing strategies to hydraulically plant Atlantic salmon eggs based on fry dispersal patterns December 2021
Elliott, Sander

Figueroa, Guillermo

Flye, Melissa

Hannon, Rory

Hickox, Emilie

Hubbard, Kyle

Katz, Lara

Kelly, Jay

Smith, Rylee

Vogel, Sarah

Presentations Presentation Date
Zydlewski, J., and Zydlewski, G. (2021) Where do Maine Atlantic Sturgeon go in the winter? 151<sup>st</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, MD. November 6. November 2021
Zydlewski, J., and Zydlewski, G. (2012) Understanding the migratory fish species of Maine-visions of recovery. Penobscot Fly Fishing Club, Bangor, ME. February 1. INVITED, PRESENTED. February 2012
Zydlewski, J., and Stich, D. (2014) Hard choices in assessing survival past dams using telemetry. 2014 Atlantic Salmon and Their Ecosystems Forum, University of Maine, Orono. January 8. PRESENTED. January 2014
Zydlewski, J., Zydlewski, G., Gale, W., and Kennedy, B. (2013) Smolting in Coastal Cutthroat Trout. 9th International Smolt Symposium, University of Holar, Iceland. August 15. July 2013
Zydlewski, J., Vogel, S., and Stich, D. (2021) Scaling fish passage assessment; it’s not just a local matter. 151<sup>st</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, MD. November 6. November 2021
Zydlewski, J., Stich, D., and Sigourney, D. (2013) Making the connection between freshwater production and the black box. Meeting of the Marine Estuary Action Team Atlantic salmon framework meeting. Augusta Maine. July 17. July 2013
Zydlewski, J., Stich, D., and Sigourney, D. (2013) Understanding the impacts of dams on up and downstream passage - lessons from Atlantic salmon in the Penobscot River. Oral presentation to the USFWS Craig Brook Fisheries Complex Seminar Series. INVITED, PRESENTED. January 15. January 2013
Zydlewski, J., Stich, D., Roy, S., Sheehan, T., Sprankle, K., Bailey, M. (2022) What have we lost? American shad’s impounded history. 2022 Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 58th Annual Meeting. March 2. Virtual. March 2022
Zydlewski, J., Schaffler, J., O’Donnell, M., Dubreuil, T., and Letcher, B. (2015) Linking brook trout movement and otolith microchemistry in a coastal Maine system 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland Oregon. August 16-20 INVITED, PRESENTED. August 2015
Zydlewski, J., Molina-Moctezuma (2018) Understanding fish passage in a changing system- lessons from restoration efforts in the Penobscot River. 2018 Maine Sustainability & Water Conference. March 29. Augusta Civic Center, Augusta, Maine. March 2018
Zydlewski, J., Mensinger, M., Molina-Moctezuma, A., Murphy, J., Payne Wynne, M., Peterson, E., Rubenstein, S., and Vogel, S. Fish Passage in a Changing System - How Bioengineering and Policy Are Shaping the Ecology of the Penobscot River. 149th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Reno Nevada. September 29. September 2019
Zydlewski, J., Maynard, G., Molina-Moctezuma, A., Stich, D., and Zydlewski, G. (2018) Understanding fish passage in a changing system- lessons from restoration efforts in the Penobscot River. 74th Annual Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference. April 15. Burlington, Vermont. April 2018
Zydlewski, J., Izzo, L., and Maynard, G. (2016) The fate of hatchery-spawned Atlantic Salmon released into the Penobscot River, ME. Maine146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, MO. August 23. August 2016
Zydlewski, J., Heres, B., Maynard, G., Molina-Moctezuma, A., Stich, D., and Zydlewski, G. (2017) Understanding fish passage in a changing system- lessons from restoration efforts in the Penobscot River. 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Tampa, FL. August 20. August 2017
Zydlewski, J., Grote,A., Bailey,M., and Hightower, J. (2013) Penobscot River American shad; who’s here and who cares? Poster presentation to DSSRN, January 10. January 2013
Zydlewski, J., Blomberg, E., and Job, K. (2018) Dam influences on habitat use and migratory survival of American Eel in the Penobscot River, Maine. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Atlantic City, New Jersey. August 20. August 2018
Zydlewski, J., Bailey, M., Roy, S. Sheehan, T. Sprankle, K., Stich, D. (2020) What have we lost? American shad’s impounded history. 150th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Columbus, Ohio. August 30. August 2020
Zydlewski, J., Bailey, M. Roy, S., Sheehan, T., Sprankle, K., and Stich, D. (2019) What have we lost? American shad’s impounded history. 149th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Reno Nevada. September 29. September 2019
Zydlewski, J., Bailey, M. Roy, S., Sheehan, T., Sprankle, K., and Stich, D. (2019) Influence of Impoundments on American shad recovery. Atlantic States Marine Fishery Commission (webinar). March 24. March 2020
Zydlewski, J. and Stich, D. (2014) Hard Choices in Assessing Survival Past Dams Using Telemetry. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Québec City, Canada. August 17-21. August 2014
Zydlewski, J. Sigourney, D and Stich, D. (2014) Hard Choices in Assessing Survival Past Dams Using Telemetry. NOAA National Hydropower Program Meeting. Gloucester, MA. July 9. INVITED, PRESENTED. July 2015
Zydlewski, J. (2020) The state of passage for Atlantic salmon in the Penobscot River., Penobscot River Salmon Habitat Recovery Unit Meeting. Mitchell Center, University of Maine. Orono, ME. March 12. March 2020
Zydlewski, J. (2020) Science for comfort or conservation- how do we inform and avoid action on fish passage? 2019 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 14. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2020
Zydlewski, J. (2017) Track-2 NEST and Dams: Overview of the New England Sustainability Consortium (NEST) and its Safe Beaches and Shellfish project and the new Future of Dams project. 2017 Maine EPSCoR State Conference, University of Maine, Orono May 23. PRESENTED. May 2017
Zydlewski, J. (2017) Fish and Dams. USFWS Craig Brook Seminar Series. May 25. INVITED, PRESENTED. May 2017
Zydlewski, J. (2017) Fish and Dams. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, Great Lakes Management Unit Conference, Geneva Park Ramara, Ontario Canada. April 5. INVITED, PRESENTED. April 2017
Zydlewski, J. (2017) Fish and Dams. Maine Association of Wetland Scientists (MAWS) Annual Winter Conference, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine. March 23. INVITED, PRESENTED. March 2017
Zydlewski, J. (2017) Fish and Dams. Bristol Mills Town Meeting, Maine. May 9. INVITED, PRESENTED. May 2017
Zydlewski, J. (2017) Fish and Dams- Understanding our impounded legacy. Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions Lecture Series, University of Maine, Orono Maine. April 3. INVITED, PRESENTED. April 2017
Zydlewski, J. (2016) Restoration of Migratory Fish to the Penobscot River Maine Chapter of the Appalachian Mountain Club Seminar Series, Fields Pond Audubon Center, Orrington ME, April 14. April 2016
Zydlewski, J. (2016) Fish and Dams. UNH American Fisheries Society Seminar Series. University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH. November 28. INVITED, PRESENTED November 2016
Zydlewski, J. (2016) Fish and Dams. St. John River Watershed International Cross-Boundary Riverside Resort and Conference Centre, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada (via webinar). November 1. INVITED, PRESENTED. November 2016
Zydlewski, J. (2015) Structured Decision Making – applications and for management. University of Maine American Fisheries Society Sub-Unit, University of Maine, Orono. January 27. INVITED January 2015
Zydlewski, J. (2013) Restoration of the Penobscot River- facts, fish and fantasy. University of New Brunswick Biology Seminar Series. INVITED, PRESENTED. November 22. November 2013
Zydlewski, J and Coghlan, S (2012) Fisheries Science at the University of Maine. Oral presentation to Maine Department of Inland Fisheries Commissioner. INVITED, PRESENTED, December 3. December 2012
Zydlewski , J. and Barber, B. (2016) Connectivity, aquatic communities and climate change . International St. Croix River Watershed Board Meeting, Public Meeting. Calais, Maine June 14. June 2016
Zenga, A., Peterson, E., and Zydlewski, J. (2020) Alewife Energetics and its Possible Implications on Fitness2019 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 14. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2020
Wilson, C., Kocik, J., and Zydlewski, J. (2021) Assessing the Ability of ARC800 Sensor Fish to Describe Physical Stressors Experienced by Migrating Fish. 151<sup>st</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, MD. November 6.<b> </b> November 2021
Wilbur, L., Coghlan, Jr., S. and Zydlewski, J. (2021) Assessing the distribution and abundance of Bridle Shiners in Maine. 151<sup>st</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, MD. November 6. November 2021
Whittum, K., Zydlewski, J., Coghlan Jr., S., Cruz-Uribe, A. (2021) An assessment of age, growth, and otolith chemistry for White Catfish in the Penobscot River, Maine. 151<sup>st</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, MD. November 6. November 2021
Whittum, K., Coghlan, Jr., S., Hayes, D., <b>Zydlewski, J.</b>, Kiraly, I., Watson, J. (2020) Fish assemblage response to Dam removal on the Penobscot River, Maine. Atlantic International Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Virtual Meeting. August 25. August 2020
Whittum, K., Coghlan Jr., S., Zydlewski, J<b>.</b>, Hayes, D., Kiraly, I., and Watson, J. (2020) Changes in fish assemblages following main stem dam removals in the Penobscot River, Maine. 150th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Columbus, Ohio. August 30. August 2020
Whittum, K., Coghlan Jr., S., Zydlewski, J., and Hayes, D. (2020) Fish community assessment six years following dam removal in the Penobscot River, Maine. 2019 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 14. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2020
Whittum, K., Coghlan Jr., S., <b>Zydlewski, J.</b>, Hayes, D. (2020) White catfish are accessing new habitat in the Penobscot River, Maine, following dam removals. 150th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Columbus, Ohio. August 30. August 2020
Whittum, K., <b>Zydlewski, J.</b>, Coghlan Jr., S., and Hayes, D. (2022) Long term biomonitoring of fish assemblages following large scale habitat restoration efforts in the Penobscot River, Maine. 2022 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 11. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2022
Whitaker, D., Hawkes, J., Zydlewski, J., and Sheehan, T. (2016) Do we hit to the target? Evaluation of thermal exposure of river- and hatchery-reared juvenile Atlantic salmon prior to migration on the Narraguagus River, Maine U.S.A. 2016 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 6-7. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2016
Weaver, D.M., Coghlan Jr., S.M, and Zydlewski, J. (2018) “Closing the Loop”: Anadromous sea lamprey carcasses influence larval conspecifics2017 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 17. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2018
Weaver, D.M., Coghlan Jr., S.M, and Zydlewski, J. (2018) “Closing the Loop”: Anadromous sea lamprey carcasses influence larval conspecifics. New York Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. February 7. Cooperstown, New York at the Otesaga Resort Hotel. February 2018
Weaver, D., Sigourney, D., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2020) Forecasting the upstream movement of adult Atlantic salmon. Atlantic International Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Virtual Meeting. August 25. August 2020
Weaver, D., Sigourney, D., Vallee, D., and Zydlewski, J. (2020) A forecasting tool for downstream migrating adult American Eels. 150th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Columbus, Ohio. August 30. August 2020
Weaver, D., Sigourney, D., Delucia, M., and Zydlewski, J. (2020) Forecasting the downstream migration of adult silver phase American eels. 2019 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum.January 14. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2020
Weaver, D., Sigourney, D., Delucia, M., and Zydlewski, J. (2019) Forecasting the downstream migration of adult silver phase American eels. 149th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Reno Nevada. September 29. September 2019
Weaver, D., Coghlan, S., and Zydlewski, J. (2014) Anadromous sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) as vectors of marine-derived nutrients: implications for dam removal and Atlantic salmon restoration. 2014 Atlantic Salmon and Their Ecosystems Forum, University of Maine, Orono. January 8. January 2014
Weaver, D., Coghlan, Jr., S., and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Anadromous Sea Lamprey Influence Stream Food Webs in an Atlantic Coastal Stream145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland Oregon. August 16-20 INVITED. August 2015
Weaver, D., Coghlan, Jr., S. and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Anadromous sea lamprey influence stream nutrients and primary productivity. 1st Annual University of Maine Freshwater Science Symposium, University of Maine, Orono. January 29. January 2015
Weaver, D., Coghlan Jr., S., and Zydlewski, J. (2017)Sea Lamprey as a Functional Link between Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 22. March 2017
Weaver, D., Coghlan Jr., S., and Zydlewski, J. (2017) “Closing the Loop”: Anadromous sea lamprey carcasses influence larval conspecifics. 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Tampa, FL. August 20. August 2017
Weaver, D., Coghlan Jr., S., and Zydlewski, J. (2016) Sea Lamprey Carcasses Influence Food Webs in an Atlantic Coastal Stream. Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 23. March 2016
Weaver, D., Coghlan Jr., S., and Zydlewski, J. (2016) Sea Lamprey Carcasses Influence Food Webs in an Atlantic Coastal Stream. 2016 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 6-7. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2016
Weaver, D., Coghlan Jr., S., Perkins, B., and Zydlewski, J. (2016) Anadromous Sea Lamprey Influence Food Web Pathways in an Atlantic Coastal Stream Maine146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, MO. August 23. August 2016
Weaver, D., Brown, M., and Zydlewski, J. (2019) Where there’s a Will, but not a Way: Behavior of American Shad Approaching the Brunswick Dam Fishway on the Androscoggin River, Maine. 2019 Maine Sustainability and Water Conference, Augusta, Maine. March 28. March 2019
Weaver, D., Brown, M., and Zydlewski, J. (2019) Where there’s a Will, but not a Way: Behavior of American Shad Approaching the Brunswick Dam Fishway on the Androscoggin River, Maine. 2019 Coordinating Committee Meeting of the U.S. Geological Survey, Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Orono, ME. March 26. (Poster) March 2019
Weaver, D., Brown, M., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) Behavior of American Shad Approaching the Brunswick Dam Fishway on the Androscoggin River, Maine. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Atlantic City, New Jersey. August 20. August 2018
Weaver, D. Coghlan, S., and Zydlewski, J. (2014) Effects of anadromous Sea Lamprey as vectors of marine-derived nutrients in freshwater ecosystems. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Québec City, Canada. August 17-21. August 2014
Watson, J., Coghlan, Jr.,S., Zydlewski, J., Hayes, D., and Kiraly, I. (2015) Fish Community Changes Associated With Dam Removal in the Penobscot River, Maine. Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 25. March 2015
Watson, J., Coghlan, Jr., S., Zydlewski, J., and Hayes, D. (2016) Recovery of river herring Alosa spp. influences smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu diet and growth in the Penobscot River, Maine. Maine146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, MO. August 23. August 2016
Watson, J., Coghlan, Jr., S., Zydlewski, J., Hayes, D., and Kiraly, I. (2015) Fish Community Changes Associated With Dam Removal in the Penobscot River, Maine. The University of Maine Graduate Research Exposition. Orono, ME. April 2015
Watson, J., Coghlan, Jr., S., Zydlewski, J., Hayes, D., and Kiraly, I. (2015) Fish Community Changes Associated With Dam Removal in the Penobscot River, Maine. 1st Annual University of Maine Freshwater Science Symposium, University of Maine, Orono. January 29. January 2015
Watson, J., Coghlan, Jr., S., Zydlewski, J., Hayes, D., and Kiraly, I. (2015) Dam removal and fish passage improvement influence fish assemblages in the Penobscot River, Maine 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland Oregon. August 16-20 INVITED. August 2015
Watson, J., Coghlan, Jr., S., Zydlewski, J., Hayes, D. and Kiraly, I. (2016) Dam removal and fish passage improvement influence fish assemblages in the Penobscot River, Maine. Penobscot Watershed Conference, Northport, Maine. April 8. April 2016
Watson, J., Coghlan, Jr., S., Zydlewski, J., Hayes, D. and Kiraly, I. (2016) Dam removal and fish passage improvement influence fish assemblages in the Penobscot River, Maine. Maine146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, MO. August 23. August 2016
Watson, J., Coghlan, Jr., S., Zydlewski, J., Hayes, D. and Kiraly, I. (2016) Dam removal and fish passage improvement influence fish assemblages in the Penobscot River, Maine. Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 23. March 2016
Watson, J., Coghlan, Jr., S., Zydlewski, J., Hayes, D. and Kiraly, I. (2016) Dam removal and fish passage improvement influence fish assemblages in the Penobscot River, Maine. 2016 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 6-7. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2016
Watson, J. , Coghlan Jr., S.,Hayes, D., Kiraly, I., and Zydlewski, J. (2017)Dam Removal and Fish Passage Improvement Influence Fish Assemblages in the Penobscot River, Maine Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 22. March 2017
Vogel, S.K., Loftin, C., Zydlewski, J.D. Investigating the scientific networks of the Maine CRU. [poster] Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Annual Meeting. July 12, 2022. Orono, ME. July 2023
Vogel, S.K., Loftin, C., Zydlewski, J.D. A (very) brief history of the Cooperative Research Units Program. [oral, invited keynote] Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Annual Meeting. July 12, 2022. Orono, ME. July 2023
Vogel, S., Smith, S., and Zydlewski, J.<b> </b>(2020) Does habitat go with the flow? Sea-run fish habitat in the Penobscot River over the last century. 150th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Columbus, Ohio. August 30. August 2020
Vogel, S., Smith, S., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2020) Modeling flow in Penobscot River pre and post dam removal. Atlantic International Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Virtual Meeting. August 25. August 2020
Vogel, S., Loftin, C., and Zydlewski, J. 2021 A collaborative organizational network analysis of the Cooperative Research Units program. 151st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, MD. November 6. November 2021
Vogel, S., Loftin, C., and Zydlewski, J. (2022) Collaboration networks within the CRU program. 152<sup>st </sup>Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Spokane, WA. August 2022
Vogel, S., Loftin, C., and Zydlewski, J. (2022) A Collaborative Organizational Network Analysis of the Cooperative Research Units Program. 2022 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 11. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2022
Vogel, S., Loftin, C., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2024) Charting collaborative waters: Network dynamics of the USGS CRU program. Charting collaborative waters: Network dynamics of the USGS CRU program. 154th Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawai’i. September 15. September 2024
Vogel, S., Loftin, C., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2022) Collaboration networks within the CRU program. The Atlantic International Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Newry, Maine. September 18. September 2022
Vogel, S., Jansujwicz, J., and Zydlewski, J. (2020) Fish passage decision-making during hydropower relicensing in the Kennebec and Penobscot Rivers, Maine2019 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 14. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2020
Vogel, S., Jansujwicz, J., and Zydlewski, J. (2019) What does “best available science” mean in the FERC hydropower relicensing process? 2019 Maine Sustainability and Water Conference, Augusta, Maine. March 28. March 2019
Vogel, S., Jansujwicz, J., and Zydlewski, J. (2019) What does “best available science” mean in the FERC hydropower relicensing process? 2019 Coordinating Committee Meeting of the U.S. Geological Survey, Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Orono, ME. March 26. (Poster) March 2019
Vogel, S., Jansujwicz, J., and Zydlewski, J. (2019) Science in Action or Science Inaction: The Use of Best Available Science in The FERC Hydropower Relicensing Process 149th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Reno Nevada. September 29. September 2019
Vogel, S., Jansujwicz, J., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) Unraveling the FERC eLibrary: fish passage and hydro relicensing. Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Cooperator’s Meeting, March 22. University of Maine, Orono. March 2018
Vogel, S., Jansujwicz, J., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) The role of science in hydropower licensing: Lessons from the Kennebec and Penobscot Rivers, Maine. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Atlantic City, New Jersey. August 20. August 2018
Vogel, S., Jansujwicz, J., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) Fish Passage at Hydropower Dams on the Penobscot and Kennebec Rivers: A Content Analysis of the FERC eLibrary Database. 2018 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 17. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2018
Vogel, S., Jansujwicz, J., and Zydlewski, J. (2017) Hydropower and Fisheries: Agency Decision Making in the FERC Relicensing Process. 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Tampa, FL. August 20. August 2017
Vogel, S., Jansujwicz, J., and Zydlewski, J. (2017) How Regulatory Agencies Weigh Energy and Environmental Tradeoffs in Dam Relicensing Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 22. March 2017
Vogel, S., C.S. Loftin, and J. Zydlewski. 2021. A Collaborative Organizational Network Analysis of the Cooperative Research Units Program. the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, 1-5 November, virtual format. November 2021
Thornton, E. and Zydlewski, J. (2016) American eel survival through Milford Dam on the Penobscot River, Maine. 2016 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 6-7. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2016
Stich, D., and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Modeling effects of dam passage performance standards on American shad populations. NOAA National Hydropower Program Meeting. Gloucester, MA. July 9. INVITED July 2015
Stich, D., and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Modeling effects of dam passage performance standards on American shad populations. Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 25. March 2015
Stich, D., and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Modeling effects of dam passage performance standards on American shad populations. 1st Annual University of Maine Freshwater Science Symposium, University of Maine, Orono. January 29. January 2015
Stich, D., and Zydlewski, J. (2011). Atlantic salmon smolt movements and survival in the Penobscot River. The Nature Conservancy, September 15, 2011. INVITED September 2011
Stich, D., and Zydlewski, J. (2011). Atlantic salmon smolt behavior and survival 2010 and 2011. Penobscot River Restoration Trust, November 15, 2011. November 2011
Stich, D., Zydlewski, J., Bailey, M., Kinnison, M., Kocik, J., and Zydlewski G. (2013) Atlantic salmon smolt survival through dams in the Penobscot River. Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Annual Meeting, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. INVITED. March 21. March 2013
Stich, D., Sheehan, T., and Zydlewski, J. Effects of Dam Passage Performance Standards on American Shad Population Demographics and Abundance. SUNY Faculty Research Day. November 13. INVITED. November 2015
Stich, D., Sheehan, T., and Zydlewski, J. (2016) Quantitative decision-support tools for dam passage performance standards in the Northeast US. Maine146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, MO. August 23. August 2016
Stich, D., Sheehan, T., and Zydlewski, J. (2016) Projected tradeoffs in population abundance of American shad (Alosa sapidissima) in relation to upstream and downstream passage at dams. 2016 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 6-7. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2016
Stich, D., Sheehan, T., and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Performance standards modeling for alosines in the Northeast U.S. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland Oregon. August 16-20 INVITED. August 2015
Stich, D., Bailey, M., and Zydlewski, J. (2014) Survival of Atlantic salmon smolts through a hydropower complex in the lower Penobscot River, Maine USA. 2014 Atlantic Salmon and Their Ecosystems Forum, University of Maine, Orono. January 8. January 2014
Stich, D., Bailey, M., Kinnison, M., Kocik, J., Zydlewski, G., and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Atlantic salmon smolt survival during freshwater and estuary migrations. Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 25. March 2015
Stich, D., Bailey, M. and Zydlewski, J. (2014) Expecting the Unexpected: Combined Effects of Dam Removal and Re-allocation of Hydropower on Atlantic Salmon Smolt Migrations. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Québec City, Canada. August 17-21. August 2014
Stich, D., Bailey,M., Holbrook, C., Kinnison, M., Kocik,J., Zydlewski,G., and Zydlewski, J. (2013) Path choice and survival of Atlantic salmon smolts in the Penobscot River, ME. Poster presentation to DSSRN, January 10. January 2013
Song, C., Mo, W., Zydlewski, J., and O’Malley, A. (2018) System dynamics modeling of energy and fish tradeoffs under various dam decision scenarios. International Symposium for Sustainable Systems and Technology. June 25. Buffalo, New York. June 2018
Song, C., Mo, W., Zydlewski, J., O’Malley, A. (2020) Balancing fish-energy-cost tradeoffs through strategic basin-wide dam management. International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST). June 8. Pittsburgh PA June 2020
Song, C., Mo, W., O’Malley, A., Roy, S., Zydlewski, J., and Barber, B. (2019) Managing dams for energy and fish biodiversity tradeoffs: What does a win-win solution take? AEESP Research and Education Conference. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, May 14. May 2019
Snyder, S., Stich, D., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2024) Impacts of dams on river herring populations through their native range: what’s left? The Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 9. January 2023
Snyder, S., Stich, D., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2024) Impacts of dams on river herring populations through their native range: what’s left? 154th Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawai’i. September 15. September 2024
Smith, R., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2022) Motive, means and opportunity: Could smallmouth bass be a major predator of Atlantic salmon? 2022 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 11. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2022
Smith, R., Murphy, C., and Zydlewski, J. (2023) Bioenergetics model to estimate predation risk of juvenile Atlantic Salmon by Smallmouth Bass in the Weldon Headpond, Maine. 153rd Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society, Grand Rapids, Michigan. August 20. August 2023
Smith, R., Murphy, C., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2024) Survival of the smallest. Predation on Atlantic Salmon smolts by Smallmouth Bass in the Weldon Headpond. 154th Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawai’i. September 15. September 2024
Smith, R., Murphy, C. and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2024) Migration Risk: How many Atlantic salmon smolts could smallmouth bass eat during smolt seaward migration in the Weldon headpond? The Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 9. January 2023
Smith, R. and Zydlewski, J. (2022) Are smallmouth bass a major threat to juvenile Atlantic salmon? A habitat suitability model approach. 152<sup>st </sup>Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Spokane, WA. August 2022
Smith, R. and Zydlewski, J. (2021) Motive, means and opportunity: Could smallmouth bass be a major predator of Atlantic salmon? 151<sup>st</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, MD. November 6<b>.</b> November 2021
Smith, R. and <b>Zydlewski, J. </b>(2022) Are smallmouth bass a major threat to juvenile Atlantic salmon? A habitat suitability model approach. The Atlantic International Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Newry, Maine. September 18. September 2022
Sloane, K., Zydlewski, J., Jayasundara, N. (2021) Phenotypic level changes caused by thermal stress during early development in zebrafish (<i>Danio rerio</i>). 151<sup>st</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, MD. November 6. November 2021
Sloane, K., Westbrook, M., Jayasundara, N., and Zydlewski, J. (2020) Using micro-respirometry to measure temperature effects on the metabolism of Atlantic Salmon (<i>Salmo salar</i>) during embryonic development. 150th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Columbus, Ohio. August 30. August 2020
Sloane, K., Jayasundara, N., Westbrook, M., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2020) Using micro-respirometry to measure mitochondrial function throughout early development in Atlantic Salmon embryos. Atlantic International Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Virtual Meeting. August 25. August 2020
Sigourney, D., and Zydlewski, J. (2016) Modeling Migration of Silver Eels to Forecast Critical Intervals of Risk 2016 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 6-7. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2016
Sigourney, D. and Zydlewski, J.(2013) Modeling the downstream migration of silver American eel . The Nature Conservancy, Brunswick Maine. September 17. INVITED. September 2013
Sigourney, D. and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Modeling Migration of Silver Eels to Forecast Critical Intervals of Risk 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland Oregon. August 16-20 INVITED, PRESENTED. August 2015
Sigourney, B. and Zydlewski, J. (2014) Modeling Migration of Silver Eels to Forecast Critical Intervals of Risk. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Québec City, Canada. August 17-21. August 2014
Sigourney D. and Zydlewski, J. (2012) Passage at West Enfield Dam. Oral presentation at the Atlantic salmon passage working group, INVITED October 5. October 2012
Sigourney D. and Zydlewski, J. (2012) Passage at West Enfield Dam 2002-2004 and 2010-2012. Oral presentation at the Atlantic salmon passage working group. INVITED, PRESENTED, October 8. October 2012
Rubenstein, S., and Zydlewski, J. (2022) Dams may force semelparity in Atlantic salmon. 152<sup>st </sup>Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Spokane, WA. August 2022
Rubenstein, S., Zydlewski, J., Peterson, E., Jayasundara, N., and Christman, P. (2020) Energetic impacts of passage delays in migrating adult Atlantic salmon2019 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 14. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2020
Rubenstein, S., Zydlewski, J., Jayasundara, N., and Christman, P. (2019) Energetic impacts of passage delays in migrating adult Atlantic salmon. 2019 Maine Sustainability and Water Conference, Augusta, Maine. March 28. March 2019
Rubenstein, S., Zydlewski, J., Jayasundara, N., and Christman, P. (2019) Energetic impacts of passage delays in migrating adult Atlantic salmon. 2019 Coordinating Committee Meeting of the U.S. Geological Survey, Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Orono, ME. March 26. (Poster) March 2019
Rubenstein, S., Peterson, E., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2020) The impact of dams on Migrating adult Atlantic Salmon. Penobscot County Conservation Association. Brewer, ME. January 9. January 2020
Rubenstein, S., Peterson, E., Jayasundara, N., Christman, P., and Zydlewski, J. (2020) Energetic and spawning consequences to upstream migrating Atlantic salmon delayed below dams. 150th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Columbus, Ohio. August 30. August 2020
Rubenstein, S., Peterson, E., Christman, P., Jayasundara, N., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2021) Dams may force semelparity in Atlantic salmon. 151<sup>st</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, MD. November 6. November 2021
Rubenstein, S., Jayasundara, N., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) Energetic impacts of passage delays in migrating adult Atlantic salmon. Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Cooperator’s Meeting, March 22. University of Maine, Orono. March 2018
Rubenstein, S., Jayasundara, N., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) Energetic impacts of passage delays in migrating adult Atlantic salmon. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Atlantic City, New Jersey. August 20. August 2018
Rubenstein, S., Jayasundara, N., Christman, P., Peterson, E., and Zydlewski, J. (2019) Energetic impacts of passage delays in migrating adult Atlantic salmon 149th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Reno Nevada. September 29. September 2019
Roy, S., Uchida, E., Wilson, K., Neptune, S., Gold, A., Gardner, K., Klein, S., Fox, E., Smith, S., Zydlewski, J., and Hart, D. (2018) How interdisciplinary approaches to big data analytics can strengthen the role of science in dam decisions. Society for Freshwater Science. May 20. Detroit, Michigan. May 2018
Ratten, S., and Zydlewski, J. (2013) An evaluation of reintroduced lake whitefish in St. Froid Lake. Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Annual Meeting, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. INVITED. March 21. March 2013
Ramberg-Pihl, N., Greig, H., Coghlan, Jr., S. and Zydlewski, J. (2016). Unraveling the Impacts of Temperature, Flow, Prey Availability, and Competition on Juvenile Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Performance in a Rapidly Changing Climate 2016 Harold W. Borns, Jr. Symposium April 14. April 2016
Ramberg-Pihl, N., Coghlan, C., and Zydlewski, J. (2019) Unraveling the impacts of competition and warming on juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) performance in Maine streams. The 2019 Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 19. May 2019
Peterson, E., and Zydlewski, J. (2020) Do they need to know to go? Motivation for dam passage in American shad from the Penobscot River, Maine. 150th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Columbus, Ohio. August 30. August 2020
Peterson, E., and Zydlewski, J. (2019) American Shad demography and motivation: a re-evaluation of Penobscot River American Shad post dam removal. 2019 Maine Sustainability and Water Conference, Augusta, Maine. March 28. March 2019
Peterson, E., and Zydlewski, J. (2019) American Shad demography and motivation: a re-evaluation of Penobscot River American Shad post dam removal. 2019 Coordinating Committee Meeting of the U.S. Geological Survey, Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Orono, ME. March 26. (Poster) March 2019
Peterson, E., Sheehan, T.F., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) Verification of circulus deposition rates in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar smolts from three Maine rivers. 2018 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 17. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2018
Peterson, E., Sheehan, T. and Zydlewski, J. (2018) Verification of circulus deposition rates in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, smolts from three Maine rivers. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Atlantic City, New Jersey. August 20. August 2018
Peterson, E., Rubenstein, S., and Zydlewski, J.<b> </b>(2020) Adult Atlantic Salmon passage at Milford Dam in a changed Penobscot River, Maine. 150th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Columbus, Ohio. August 30. August 2020
Peterson, E., Rubenstein, S., and Zydlewski, J. (2020) Movements of radio-tagged Atlantic salmon (<i>Salmo salar</i>) in the Penobscot River, Maine. 2019 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum.January 14. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2020
Peterson, E., Rubenstein, S., Maynard, G., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2022)System-wide migratory delays of Atlantic Salmon <i>Salmo salar</i> in the Penobscot River, Maine. 2022 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 11. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2022
Peterson, E., Maynard, G. and Zydlewski, J. (2018) Penobscot River Restoration Project, Upstream migrations on the Penobscot River, Maine. Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Cooperator’s Meeting, March 22. University of Maine, Orono. March 2018
Peterson, E., Frechette, D., Thors, R., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2022) Sea Lamprey Migration and Passage at Milford Dam. 2022 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 11. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2022
Peterson, E., Frechette, D., Thors, R., <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2021) Migration of adult sea lamprey in the vicinity of the Milford Dam, Penobscot River, ME. 151<sup>st</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, MD. November 6. November 2021
Peterson, E., <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2020) Movement behavior of American shad five years after dam removal in the Penobscot River, Maine. Penobscot County Conservation Association. Brewer, ME. January 9. January 2020
Peterson, E. and Zydlewski, J. (2019) Movement Behavior of American Shad Five Years After Dam Removal in the Penobscot River, Maine 149th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Reno Nevada. September 29. September 2019
Peterson, E. and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2020) American shad movements in the Penobscot River. Atlantic International Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Virtual Meeting. August 25. August 2020
O’Malley,A., Zydlewski,J., Coghlan, S., Parrish, D. (2013) Assessing a Hatchery Based Rainbow Smelt (Osmerus mordax) Supplementation Effort. Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Annual Meeting, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. INVITED. March 21. March 2013
O’Malley, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Forage Fish Research and Management Across North America: Parallels and novelties from coast to coast. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland Oregon. August 16-20 INVITED. August 2015
O’Malley, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Distribution and Abundance of Zooplankton and Larval Fish in Several Small Maine Lakes. Maine Fisheries and Wildlife Cooperative Research Unit, Annual Cooperators Meeting, University of Maine, Orono ME. March 25. March 2015
O’Malley, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Distribution and Abundance of Zooplankton and Larval Fish in Several Small Maine Lakes. 1st Annual University of Maine Maine Freshwater Science Symposium, University of Maine, Orono ME. January 29. January 2015
O’Malley, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Assessment of a Hatchery Based Rainbow Smelt Supplementation Effort. Maine Department of Inland Fish and Wildlife Baitfish Working Group, Bangor ME. April 15. INVITED. March 2015
O’Malley, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Assessment of a Hatchery Based Rainbow Smelt Supplementation Effort. Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 25. March 2015
O’Malley, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2014) Assessment of a Hatchery Based Rainbow Smelt Supplementation Effort. Maine Department of Inland Fish and Wildlife Divisional Meeting, Bangor ME. INVITED. December 1. December 2014
O’Malley, A., Zydlewski, J., and Enterline, C. (2016) Size, age, and longevity of seven populations of landlocked and anadromous rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax). Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 23. March 2016
O’Malley, A., Zydlewski, J., and Enterline, C. (2016) Size, age, and longevity of seven populations of landlocked and anadromous rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax). 2016 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 6-7. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2016
O’Malley, A., Zydlewski, J. and DeGraaf, D. (2014). Assessment of a hatchery based rainbow smelt, Osmerus mordax, and supplementation effort. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Québec City, Canada. August 17-21. August 2014
Ouimet, A., Vogel, S.K., Loftin, C., Zydlewski, J.D. Investigating collaborative networks: A Maine Co-op case study. [poster] Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Annual Meeting. July 12, 2022. Orono, ME. July 2023
Murphy, C.A., Zydlewski, J. Gill maggots: helpful or headache? Presentation to the Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 2023. Orono, Maine. January 2023
Murphy, C.A., Weedop, D., Schumacher, G., Zydlewski, J., Jackson. A. 2025. Breaking the glass ceiling: Evidence for American Eel elvers as an abundant seasonal resource pulse. Presentation at the Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, May 18-22, San Juan, Puerto Rico. May 2025
Molina-Moctezuma, M., and Zydlewski, J. (2020) System-wide survival and movement of Atlantic salmon <i>Salmo salar</i> in the Penobscot River. 150th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Columbus, Ohio. August 30. August 2020
Molina-Moctezuma, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2019) Phenology and energetic effects on Individual physiological response to salinity in Salmo salar juveniles 149th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Reno Nevada. September 29. September 2019
Molina-Moctezuma, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2019) Historical movement and survival of Atlantic salmon smolts in the Piscataquis River from 2009-2018. 2019 Maine Sustainability and Water Conference, Augusta, Maine. March 28. March 2019
Molina-Moctezuma, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2019) Historical movement and survival of Atlantic salmon smolts in the Piscataquis River from 2009-2018. 2019 Coordinating Committee Meeting of the U.S. Geological Survey, Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Orono, ME. March 26. (Poster) March 2019
Molina-Moctezuma, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2019) A decision-making tool for evaluating biological and statistical thresholds for survival analysis of migrating fishes 149th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Reno Nevada. September 29. September 2019
Molina-Moctezuma, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) System-wide survival of downstream-migrating Atlantic salmon smolts in the Penobscot River, Maine. 2018 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 17. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2018
Molina-Moctezuma, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) A decision-making tool for evaluating biological and statistical thresholds for survival analysis. 74th Annual Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference. April 15. Burlington, Vermont. April 2018
Molina-Moctezuma, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2017)Assessing Atlantic salmon downstream migration in a changing system (Penobscot River, Maine) Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 22. March 2017
Molina-Moctezuma, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2017) A decision making tool for evaluating biological and statistical thresholds for survival analysis. 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Tampa, FL. August 20. August 2017
Molina-Moctezuma, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2016) Behavioral characterization of downstream-migrating Atlantic salmon smolts in the estuary of the Penobscot River, Maine. Maine146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, MO. August 23. August 2016
Molina-Moctezuma, A., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2022) Effects of flow on system-wide survival and movement of Atlantic salmon, <i>Salmo salar</i>, in the Penobscot River. 2022 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 11. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2022
Molina-Moctezuma, A., Stich, D., and Zydlewski, J. (2016)Post-restoration assessment of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) survival during their downstream migration in the Penobscot River, Maine. Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 23. March 2016
Molina-Moctezuma, A., Stich, D., and Zydlewski, J. (2016)Post-restoration assessment of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) survival during their downstream migration in the Penobscot River, Maine. 2016 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 6-7. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2016
Molina-Moctezuma, A., Peterson, E., and Zydlewski, J. (2020) Movement and survival of Atlantic salmon, <i>Salmo salar</i>, in the Piscataquis River. 2019 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 14. University of Maine, Orono, Maine.<br>​ January 2020
Molina Moctezuma, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) System-wide survival of downstream-migrating Atlantic salmon smolts in the Penobscot River, Maine in 2017. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Atlantic City, New Jersey. August 20. August 2018
Molina Moctezuma, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) Assessing Atlantic salmon downstream migration in a changing system (Penobscot River, Maine). Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Cooperator’s Meeting, March 22. University of Maine, Orono. 22. University of Maine, Orono. March 2018
Merriam, C., Frechette, D., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2024) Reinstating Atlantic salmon's natural spawning and life cycle: Movement and survival of Atlantic salmon in Maine. The Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 9. January 2023
Merriam, C., Frechette, D., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2024) Navigating Barriers: The Continuing Impact of Dams on Atlantic Salmon in Maine. 154th Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawai’i. September 15. September 2024
Merriam, C., Frechette, D., Gardner, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2023) Adult Atlantic Salmon Movements and Survival in the Penobscot and Machias Rivers. 153rd Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society, Grand Rapids, Michigan. August 20. August 2023
Merriam, C., <b>Zydlewski, J.</b>, and Frechette, D. (2022) Survival and Behavior of Downstream Migrating Post-Spawn Atlantic Salmon. The Atlantic International Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Newry, Maine. September 18. September 2022
Mensinger, M., Zydlewski, J., and Blomberg, E. (2019) Does American Eel Personality Explain Variation in Juvenile Dispersal? 149th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Reno Nevada. September 29. September 2019
Mensinger, M., Zydlewski, J., and Blomberg, E. (2019) American eels incur high mortality at dams during seaward migration in the Penobscot River. 2019 Maine Sustainability and Water Conference, Augusta, Maine. March 28. March 2019
Mensinger, M., Zydlewski, J., and Blomberg, E. (2019) American eels incur high mortality at dams during seaward migration in the Penobscot River. 2019 Coordinating Committee Meeting of the U.S. Geological Survey, Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Orono, ME. March 26. (Poster) March 2019
Mensinger, M., Zydlewski, J., and Blomberg, E. (2019) American Eels Incur Mortality and Delay at Hydroelectric Dams During Seaward Migration in the Penobscot River, Maine. 149th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Reno Nevada. September 29. September 2019
Mensinger, M., Zydlewski, J., Blomberg, E., and Mortelliti, A. (2020) Evidence of personality in juvenile American eels and implications for upstream movement. 150th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Columbus, Ohio. August 30. August 2020
Mensinger, M., Mortelliti, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2023) How does Atlantic salmon smolt size influence predation risk. 153rd Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society, Grand Rapids, Michigan. August 20. August 2023
Mensinger, M., Hawkes, J., Goulette, G., Mortelliti, A., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2024) To catch a predator – Using telemetry and tethering to characterize smolt predation in the Penobscot River. The Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 9. January 2023
Mensinger, M., Hawkes, J., Goulette, G., Mortelliti, A., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2024) Changes in Atlantic salmon smolt survival following large-scale river restoration in the Penobscot River, Maine. 154th Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawai’i. September 15. September 2024
Mensinger, M., Hawkes, J., Goulette, G., Mortelliti, A., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2022) Using acoustic predator tags to characterize predation on Atlantic salmon smolts. 2022 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 11. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2022
Mensinger, M., Hawkes, J., Goulette, G., Mortelliti, A., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2021) Using acoustic telemetry to characterize predation on Atlantic salmon smolts. 151st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, MD. November 6. November 2021
Mensinger, M., Casey, A., Mortelliti, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2022) Using Predation Event Recorders to directly observe predation on Atlantic salmon smolts. 2022 Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 58th Annual Meeting. March 2. Virtual. March 2022
Mensinger, M., Casey, A., Mortelliti, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2022) Direct observation of Atlantic salmon smolt predation during reservoir migration in the Penobscot River, Maine, USA. 152<sup>st</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Spokane, WA. August 2022
Mensinger, M., Casey, A., Mortelliti, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2021) Using Predation Event Recorders to directly observe predation on Atlantic salmon smolts. 151<sup>st</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, MD. November 6. November 2021
Mensinger, M., Casey, A., Mortelliti, A., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2022) Water temperature and smolt size influence predation risk during reservoir migration. The Atlantic International Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Newry, Maine. September 18. September 2022
Mensinger, M., Brehm, A., Mortelliti, A., Blomberg, E., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2022) American eel personality and body size influence passage success in an experimental fishway. 2022 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 11. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2022
Mensinger, M., Blomberg, E., and Zydlewski, J. (2020) Dams, death, and delay in the Penobscot River - the complex and cumulative influence of hydropower dams on migrating American eels 2019 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 14. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2020
Mensinger, M., Blomberg, E., and Zydlewski, J. (2020) American eel survival in an impounded river system. Atlantic International Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Virtual Meeting. August 25. August 2020
Mensinger, Blomberg, E. and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2020) Understanding the influence of dams on migrating eels in the Penobscot River. Penobscot County Conservation Association. Brewer, ME. January 9. January 2020
Maynard,G., Kinnison, M., and Zydlewski, J. (2016) Size Matters: Fishways can exert size selection in Atlantic salmon migrating in the Penobscot River. Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 23. March 2016
Maynard,G., Dill, R., Kinnison, M., Halteman, W., and Zydlewski, J. (2016) Size Matters: Fishways can exert size selection in Atlantic salmon migrating in the Penobscot River. 2016 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 6-7. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2016
Maynard, J. and Zydlewski, J. (2014) Size selection of adult Atlantic salmon at fish passage facilities on the Penobscot River, Maine. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Québec City, Canada. August 17-21. August 2014
Maynard, G., and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Size selection of adult Atlantic salmon at fish passage facilities. Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 25. March 2015
Maynard, G., and Zydlewski, J. (2014) Size selection of adult Atlantic salmon at fish passage facilities on the Penobscot River, Maine. 2014 Atlantic Salmon and Their Ecosystems Forum, University of Maine, Orono. January 8. January 2014
Maynard, G., Zydlewski, J., and Blomberg, E. (2016) Simulated demographic and evolutionary impacts of size-selective passage at dams on Atlantic salmon body size. Maine146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, MO. August 23. August 2016
Maynard, G., Zydlewski, J., Halteman, W., and Blomberg, E. (2015) University Bayesian Analysis of Size-Selective Pressure Exerted on In-Migrating Atlantic Salmon by Fish Passage Facilities on the Penobscot River, Maine. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland Oregon. August 16-20 INVITED. August 2015
Maynard, G., <b>Zydlewski, J.</b>, and Kinnison,M. (2022) Demographic and Evolutionary Impacts of Size Selection at Fish ways on Atlantic Salmon. 2022 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 11. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2022
Maynard, G., Kinnison, M., and Zydlewski, J. (2017) Demographic and evolutionary impacts of size selection at fishways on Atlantic Salmon. 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Tampa, FL. August 20. August 2017
Maynard, G., Kinnison, M., and Zydlewski, J. (2017) Assessing Anadromous Fish Migrations and Habitat Connectivity Following a Major Restoration Effort in the Penobscot River, Maine Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 22. March 2017
Maynard, G. and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Size selection of adult Atlantic salmon at fish passage facilities. NOAA National Hydropower Program Meeting. Gloucester, MA. July 9. INVITED July 2015
Maynard, G. and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Size selection of adult Atlantic salmon at fish passage facilities. 1st Annual University of Maine Freshwater Science Symposium, University of Maine, Orono. January 29. January 2015
Maynard, G. ., Zydlewski, G., and Zydlewski, J. (2017) Use of Newly Available Habitat Following Dam Removal: Tracking American Shad in the Penobscot River. 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Tampa, FL. August 20. August 2017
Kocik, J.F., Cieri, M., Goulette, G., Manning, J., Renkawitz, M., Sheehan, T., Tierney, D., Welch, L., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) Partitioning the Big Blue Box: A Synthesis of Marine and Estuary Action Team Science. 2018 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 17. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2018
Kocik, J., Hawkes, J., Stich, D., Zydlewski, J., Dever, M., and Byron, C. (2014) Migration Timing of Atlantic Salmon Smolts from Penobscot Bay to the Scotian Shelf. 2014 Atlantic Salmon and Their Ecosystems Forum, University of Maine, Orono. January 8. January 2014
Kiraly, I.A., Coghlan, S.M.C., Zydlewski, J., and D. Hayes. 2011. Annual update: Quantifying the effects of dam removal on the structure and function of fish assemblages in the Penobscot River. Penobscot River Restoration Trust Annual Meeting, Orono, ME. November 15, 2011. November 2011
Kiraly, I.A., Coghlan, S.M.C., Zydlewski, J., and D. Hayes. (2012) The structure of fish assemblages in the Penobscot River prior to dam removal. Veazie Salmon Club Meeting: The State of the River, Veazie, ME. January 18. INVITED. January 2012
Katz, L., Coghlan, Jr., S., Kinnison, M., York, G., and Zydlewski, J. (2023) Bridle shiner distribution and habitat in Maine: A multi-method approach. 153rd Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society, Grand Rapids, Michigan. August 20. August 2023
Katz, L., Coghlan, Jr., S., Kinnison, M., York, G., and Zydlewski, J. (2022) Assessing the Distribution and Abundance of Bridle Shiners in Maine. 152<sup>st </sup>Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Spokane, WA. August 2022
Katz, L., Coghlan, Jr., S., Kinnison, M., York, G., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2022) Assessing the Distribution and Abundance of Bridle Shiners in Maine. The Atlantic International Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Newry, Maine. September 18. September 2022
Johnston, C., Zydlewski, G., Zydlewski,J., Kinnison, M., and Smith, S. (2016) Shortnose sturgeon spawning potential in the Penobscot River after dam removals. Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 23. March 2016
Johnston, C., Zydlewski, G., Zydlewski,J., Kinnison, M., and Smith, S. (2016) Shortnose sturgeon spawning potential in the Penobscot River after dam removals. 2016 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 6-7. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2016
Johnston, C., Zydlewski, G., Zydlewski, J., Kinnison, M., Lachapelle, K. and Ames, C. (2017) Shortnose Sturgeon use of the Penobscot River in the first years after dam removal. 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Tampa, FL. August 20. August 2017
Johnston, C., Zydlewski, G., Kinnison, M., Smith, S., and Zydlewski, J. (2015) What is the spawning potential for shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum) in the Penobscot River after dam removal? An acoustic telemetry and habitat suitability study. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland Oregon. August 16-20 INVITED. August 2015
Job, K., and Zydlewski, J. (2016) Using otolith microchemistry to infer life history and habitat use of American shad in the Penobscot River, Maine. Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 23. March 2016
Job, K., Zydlewski, J., and Schaffler, J. (2018) Using otolith microchemistry to infer habitat use of American shad prior to dam removal in the Penobscot River, Maine. 2018 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 17. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2018
Job, K., Schaffler, J., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) Using otolith microchemistry to infer habitat use of American shad, Atlantic tomcod, and American eel prior to and following dam removals in the Penobscot River, Maine. Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Cooperator’s Meeting, March 22. University of Maine, Orono. March 2018
Job, K., Schaffler, J., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) Estuarine habitat use and spawning demographics of American Shad in the Penobscot River before dam removal. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Atlantic City, New Jersey. August 20. August 2018
Job, K., Schaffler, J., and Zydlewski, J. (2017) Using Otolith Microchemistry to Infer Habitat Use of American Shad and American Eel Prior to Dam Removal in the Penobscot River, Maine Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 22. March 2017
Job, K., Schaffler, J., and Zydlewski, J. (2017) Using Otolith Microchemistry to Infer Habitat Use of American Shad Prior to Dam Removal in the Penobscot River, Maine. 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Tampa, FL. August 20. August 2017
Job, K., Schaffler, J., and Zydlewski, J. (2016) Using otolith microchemistry to infer life histories and American shad habitat use in the Penobscot River, Maine. Maine146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, MO. August 23. August 2016
Izzo, L., and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Growth of Atlantic Salmon in Downeast Maine: Using Historic Scales to Examine Trends Over 68 Years 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland Oregon. August 16-20 INVITED. August 2015
Izzo, L., and Zydewski, J. (2015). Post-restoration movements of upstream migrating adult Atlantic salmon in the lower Penobscot River. University of Maine Graduate Research Exposition, University of Maine, Orono. April 2. April 2015
Izzo, L., Maynard, G., and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Post-Dam Removal Movements of Upstream Migrating Adult Atlantic Salmon in the Lower Penobscot River, ME. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland Oregon. August 16-20 INVITED. August 2015
Izzo, L., Maynard, G., and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Movements of adult Atlantic salmon in the lower Penobscot River after dam removal and fish passage upgrades. NOAA National Hydropower Program Meeting. Gloucester, MA. July 9. INVITED. July 2015
Izzo, L., Maynard, G., and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Movements of adult Atlantic salmon in the lower Penobscot River after dam removal and fish passage upgrades. 1st Annual University of Maine Freshwater Science Symposium, University of Maine, Orono. January 29. January 2015
Izzo, L., Maynard, G., and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Adult Atlantic salmon telemetry study, 2014. Atlantic Salmon Recovery Working Group, NOAA Maine Field Station, Orono, ME. February 13. INVITED. March 2015
Izzo, L., Maynard, G. and Zydlewski, J. (2016) Behavior and Upstream Passage of Atlantic Salmon at the New Milford Fish Lift on the Penobscot River, ME. Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 23. March 2016
Izzo, L. and Zydlewski, J. (2016) Growth Trends in Two Sea Winter Atlantic Salmon in Maine's Downeast Rivers Over 50 Years. Maine146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, MO. August 23. August 2016
Izzo, L. and Zydlewski, J. (2014) Upstream passage of anadromous species in the lower Penobscot River, ME; assessing the Milford fish lift using Dual Frequency Identification Sonar (DIDSON). 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Québec City, Canada. August 17-21. August 2014
Izzo, L. and Zydlewski, J. (2014) Upstream passage of anadromous species in the lower Penobscot River; assessing the Milford fish lift using Dual Frequency Identification Sonar (DIDSON). 2014 Atlantic Salmon and Their Ecosystems Forum, University of Maine, Orono. January 8. January 2014
Irish, B., and Zydlewski,J. (2015) Marine-derived nutrient cycling in the St.Croix River, Maine. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland Oregon. August 16-20 INVITED. August 2015
Irish, B., Zydlewski, J., and Cunjak, R. (2014) Marine-derived nutrient cycling in the St. Croix River, Maine. 2014 Atlantic Salmon and Their Ecosystems Forum, University of Maine, Orono. January 8. January 2014
Irish, B., Zydlewski, J., and Cunjak R. (2013) Trophic and Marine Interactions in the St Croix River, Maine. Meeting of the International Joint Commission of the St. Croix Waterway, Calais Maine. INVITED June 24. June 2013
Irish, B., Zydlewski J., and Cunjak, R. (2014) Marine-derived nutrient cycling in the St. Croix River, Maine. Presented at: Sustaining the St. Croix Watershed: Research, Partnership and Action. St. Andrews, NB. November 20-21. INVITED. November 2014
Irish, B., Zydlewski, J. and Cunjak, R. (2014) Marine-derived nutrient cycling in the St. Croix River, Maine. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Québec City, Canada. August 17-21. August 2014
Irish B, and Zydlewski, J. Marine-derived nutrient cycling in the St. Croix River, Maine. Annual Meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. 2015. March 25; Orono, ME. March 2015
Irish B, Zydlewski, J., Cunjak, R. (2015) Marine-derived nutrient cycling in the St. Croix River, Maine. 1st Annual University of Maine Freshwater Science Symposium, University of Maine, Orono. January 29. January 2015
Hugo, D., Zydlewski, J., and Kocik, J. (2021) Using Sensor Fish Transmitters as Proxies for Documenting Downstream Fish Passage Conditions at Low-head Dams. 151st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, MD. November 6. November 2021
Hogg, R., Coghlan Jr., S., Zydlewski, J., and Simon, K. (2015) Fish Community Response to a Small-Stream Dam Removal in a Maine Coastal River Tributary. Guest Lecture: Principles of Fish and Wildlife Conservation (FW 251), Eastern Oregon University, La Grande, OR. February 23. INVITED. February 2015
Hogg, R., Coghlan Jr., S., Zydlewski, J., and Simon, K. (2014) Anadromous Sea Lampreys Recolonize a Maine Coastal River Tributary After Dam Removal: Ecosystem Engineers? Oregon Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Eugene, OR. February 27. February 2014
Hogg, R., Coghlan Jr., S., Zydlewski, J. and Simon, K. (2015) Anadromous Sea Lampreys Recolonize a Maine Coastal River Tributary After Dam Removal: Ecosystem Engineers? 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland Oregon. August 16-20. August 2015
Hickox, E., Frechette, D., and Zydlewski, J. (2023) Upstream and downstream dam passage of adult Alewife on the St. Croix River. 153rd Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society, Grand Rapids, Michigan. August 20. August 2023
Hickox, E., Frechette, D., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2024) Approach and passage of adult alewife at two dams on the St. Croix River. 154th Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawai’i. September 15. September 2024
Hickox, E., Frechette, D., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2022) Alewife approach and passage at Woodland and Grand Falls dams on the St.Croix River. The Atlantic International Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Newry, Maine. September 18. September 2022
Hickox, E., <b>J. Zydlewski</b>, D. Frechette. 2022. Alewife approach and passage at Woodland & Grand Falls Dams. International St. Croix River Watershed Board and Partners Meeting. St. Andrews, New Brunswick. October 27. October 2023
Heres, B., Zydlewski, J., and Blomberg, E. (2018) Survival and delay of American eel (Anguilla rostrata) through two hydroelectric dams on the Penobscot River, Maine. 2018 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 17. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2018
Heres, B., Blomberg, E., and Zydlewski, J. (2017) Survival of Downstream Migrating Adult American Eel through the Penobscot River, Maine. 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Tampa, FL. August 20. August 2017
Heres, B., Blomberg, E., and Zydlewski, J. (2017) Forecasting Downstream Migration of American Eel Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 22. March 2017
Hawkes, J., Kocik, J., Zydlewski, J., Stich, D., Sheehan,T., Goulette, G., and Renkawitz, M. (2018) Atlantic salmon: Assessments through the estuary and beyond. Salmon Ocean Ecology Meeting. February 27., Newport, Oregon. February 2018
Guy, H., Vogel, S.K., Loftin, C., Zydlewski, J.D. Do state natural resource agencies prioritize DEI messaging? [poster] Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Annual Meeting. July 12, 2022. Orono, ME. July 2023
Grote, A., Zydlewski, J., and Bailey, M. (2013) Demography and movements of spawning American shad (Alosa sapidissima) in the Penobscot River, Maine, prior to dam removal. Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Annual Meeting, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. INVITED. March 21. March 2013
Goulette, G., Hawkes, J., and Zydlewski J. (2014) When is a smolt not a smolt? Identifying predation in the Penobscot River estuary using acoustic telemetry. Penobscot Watershed Conference, Northport, Maine April 8. April 2016
Goulette, G., Hawkes, J., and Zydlewski J. (2014) When is a smolt not a smolt? Identifying predation in the Penobscot River estuary using acoustic telemetry. 2014 Atlantic Salmon and Their Ecosystems Forum, University of Maine, Orono. January 8. January 2014
Gardner, C. and Zydlewski, J. (2016) Assessing the influence of imprinting and stocking timing on Atlantic salmon smolt to adult return. Maine146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, MO. August 23. August 2016
Gardner, C. and Zydlewski, J. (2014) Assessing the influence of stocking location and salinity acclimation in the Penobscot River on smolt to adult returns. 2014 Atlantic Salmon and Their Ecosystems Forum, University of Maine, Orono. January 8. January 2014
Gahagan, B., Bailey, M., Jordaan, A., Nelson, G., Stich, D., and Zydlewski,J. (2022) Build to scale: restoration of alosines hinges on recognizing the obvious. 152<sup>st</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Spokane, WA. August 2022
Flye, M.E., Sponarski, C.C., McGreavy, B., Strong, A.L. and Zydlewski, J. (2018) Getting Over the Dam: Overcoming institutional barriers to the recovery of Atlantic salmon by navigating the social-science/policy interface. 2018 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 17. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2018
Flye, M., Sponarsky, C., Zydlewski, J., McGreavy, B., and Strong, A. (2018) Getting over the dam: Overcoming the barriers to Atlantic salmon recovery by navigating the social science/policy interface. Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Cooperator’s Meeting, March 22. University of Maine, Orono. March 2018
Flye, M., Sponarski, C., and Zydlewski, J. (2024) Beyond Recovery: Assessing human-marine mammal interactions and agency response across the United States. International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR), Cairns, Australia, June 23. June 2024
Flye, M., Sponarski, C., and Zydlewski, J. (2020) Homeward Bound: Returning Atlantic Salmon to Maine rivers using aquaculture. 150th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Columbus, Ohio. August 30. August 2020
Flye, M., Sponarski, C., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2023) Did changing the collaborative governance structure of Atlantic salmon in Maine work? The International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR), Portland, Maine. June 11. June 2023
Flye, M., Sponarski, C., Zydlewski, J., and McGreavy, B. (2020) Does leadership have a role in collaborative environmental governance? 2019 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 14. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2020
Flye, M., Sponarski, C., Zydlewski, J., and McGreavy, B. (2019) Communication and Collaboration within the Atlantic Salmon Governance Structure of Maine. 2019 Maine Sustainability and Water Conference, Augusta, Maine. March 28. March 2019
Flye, M., Sponarski, C., Zydlewski, J., and McGreavy, B. (2019) Communication and Collaboration within the Atlantic Salmon Governance Structure of Maine. 2019 Coordinating Committee Meeting of the U.S. Geological Survey, Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Orono, ME. March 26. (Poster) March 2019
Flye, M., Sponarski, C., Zydlewski, J., and McGreavy, B. (2019) Communication and Collaboration within the Atlantic Salmon Governance Structure of Maine 149th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Reno Nevada. September 29. September 2019
Flye, M., Sponarski, C., Zlatich, A., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2024) Did changing the governance structure of Atlantic salmon in Maine improve collaborative efficacy? The Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 9. January 2023
Flye, M., Sponarski, C., Frechette, D., and Zydlewski, J. (2022) Local perceptions of Atlantic salmon conservation and management in Downeast Maine. 152<sup>st </sup>Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Spokane, WA. August 2022
Flye, M., Sponarski, C., Frechette, D., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2021) Returning Atlantic Salmon to Maine rivers using aquaculture. 151st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, MD. November 6. November 2021
Flye, M., Sponarski, C., Frechette, D. and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2023) Local perceptions of Atlantic salmon conservation and management in Downeast Maine. The International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR), Portland, Maine. June 11. June 2023
Flye, M., Sponarski, C., <b>Zydlewski, J</b>. and Frechette, D. (2022) Public perceptions of Atlantic salmon conservation. 2022 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 11. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2022
Figueroa-Muñoz, G., Murphy, C.A., Zydlewski, J. 2025. Effects of composite sample size on perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) quantification in fish fillets. Presentation at the Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, May 18-22, San Juan, Puerto Rico. May 2025
Figueroa-Muñoz, G., Murphy, C., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2024) Contrasting anadromous and landlocked Alewife interactions with lake food webs. The Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 9. January 2023
Figueroa, G., Murphy, C.A., Zydlewski, J. 2024. Understanding PFAS variability in fishes. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. June 2024
Dillingham, C., and Zydlewski, J. (2022) Using time-to-event models to characterize the impacts of a pool-and-weir fishway on upstream Alewife passage at a recently constructed fishway in Chelsea, ME, USA. 152<sup>st </sup>Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Spokane, WA. August 2022
Dillingham, C., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2022) Movement of Alewife around a hydroelectric dam on the Passadumkeag River. 2022 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 11. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2022
Dillingham, C., Zydlewski, J., Peterson, E., and Lasley-Rasher, R. (2020) Distribution and abundance of zooplankton in the Penobscot River estuary. 2019 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 14. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2020
Dillingham, C., Peterson, E., Zydlewski, J<b>.</b>, and Lasley-Rasher, R. (2020) Food for Famished Fish – The Zooplankton of the Penobscot River Estuary. 150th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Columbus, Ohio. August 30. August 2020
Dillingham, C., Katz, L., York, G., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2024) Using multiple methods to assess the response of Sea Lamprey distribution to a major river restoration project in Maine. 154th Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawai’i. September 15. September 2024
Dillingham, C., Katz, L., York, G., Kinnison, M., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2024) Using eDNA surveys to describe sea lamprey and American eel distribution following the Penobscot River Restoration Project. The Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 9. January 2023
Dillingham, C., Frechette, D., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2022) The Return of Native Sea Lampreys to the Penobscot River, Maine, USA. The Atlantic International Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Newry, Maine. September 18. September 2022
Dillingham, C., Blomberg, E., Frechette, D., and Zydlewski, J. (2023) Assessing passage efficacy for Alewife at a state-of-the-art fishway. 153rd Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society, Grand Rapids, Michigan. August 20. August 2023
Dever, M., Kocik, J., Zydlewski, J., Hebert, D., and Stich, D. (2016) Linkage between coastal conditions and migratory patterns and behavior of Atlantic Salmon smolts along the Halifax Line. 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting. February 21-26. New Orleans, Louisiana. February 2016
Dever, M., Kocik, J., Zydlewski, J., Hebert, D., and Greenan, B. (2014) Linkage Between coastal conditions and migration of Atlantic Salmon smolts along the Halifax Line. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Québec City, Canada. August 17-21. August 2014
Cory, G. and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Assessing the influence of imprinting and stocking timing in the Penobscot River on smolt to adult returns. Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 25. March 2015
Cory, G. and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Assessing the influence of imprinting and stocking timing in the Penobscot River on smolt to adult returns. 1st Annual University of Maine Freshwater Science Symposium, University of Maine, Orono. January 29. January 2015
Casey, A., Mensinger, M., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2022) Characterizing White Catfish Movements in the Penobscot River. The Atlantic International Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Newry, Maine. September 18. September 2022
Boyd, K., Barber, B., and Zydlewski, J. (2016) Relative abundance and size of zooplankton within the St. Croix Watershed prior to alewife recolonization 72nd Annual Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference. April 3, 2016. Annapolis, Maryland. April 2016
Begley, M., Coghlan, Jr., S., and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Understanding Commercial Harvest Impacts on White Suckers in Maine. Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 25. March 2015
Begley, M., Coghlan, Jr., S., and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Understanding Commercial Harvest Impacts on White Suckers in Maine. 1st Annual University of Maine Freshwater Science Symposium, University of Maine, Orono. January 29. January 2015
Begley, M., Coghlan, Jr., S., and Zydlewski, J. (2014) Impacts of Commercial Harvest on White Suckers. Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. Bangor, ME. , November 15. INVITED. November 2014
Begley, M., Coghlan, Jr., S., Zydlewski, J. (2015) Understanding commercial harvest impacts on white suckers in Maine. University of Maine Graduate Research Exposition, University of Maine, Orono. April 2. April 2015
Begley, M., Coghlan, Jr., S. and Zydlewski, J. (2016) Understanding and Predicting Impacts of Commercial Harvest on White Suckers in Maine. Maine146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, MO. August 23. August 2016
Begley, M., Coghlan, S.,and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Understanding Commercial Harvest Impacts on White Suckers in Maine. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland Oregon. August 16-20 INVITED. August 2015
Barrie, A., Loftin, C. and Zydlewski, J. 2016. Changes in fish assemblages and chimpanzee communities after completion of the Bumbuna hydroelectric dam, northern Sierra Leone, West Africa. Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 25. March 2016
Barrie, A., Loftin, C. and Zydlewski, J. 2016. Changes in fish assemblages after completion of the Bumbuna hydroelectric dam, northern Sierra Leone, West Africa. Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 25. March 2016
Barrie, A., Loftin, C. and Zydlewski, J. (2015). Influence of dam construction on chimpanzee distribution, abundance, and nest characteristics in the Bumbuna Hydroelectric Project, Northern Sierra Leone, West Africa. Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 25. March 2015
Barrie, A., Loftin, C. and Zydlewski, J. (2015) Changes in fish assemblages after completion of the Bumbuna hydroelectric dam, northern Sierra Leone, West Africa. Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 25. March 2015
Barrie, A., Loftin, C. and Zydlewski, J. (2014) Changes in fish assemblages after completion of the Bumbuna hydroelectric dam on the Seli –Rokel River in Sierra Leone, West Africa. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Québec City, Canada. August 17-21. August 2014
Barrie, A., C.S. Loftin, and J. Zydlewski. 2015. Conservation status of western chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus) in the Bumbuna hydroelectric project, northern Sierra Leone, following impoundment by the dam. 6th annual SCCS-NY meeting of the American Museum of Natural History's Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, New York, NY, 7-9 October. October 2015
Barber, B., and Zydlewski, J. (2016) Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) as Marine-Derived Nutrient Subsidies in Two Northeast Maine Rivers. Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 23. March 2016
Barber, B., and Zydlewski, J. (2016) Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) as Marine-Derived Nutrient Subsidies in Two Northeast Maine Rivers. 2016 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 6-7. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2016
Barber, B., Gibson, J., and Zydlewski, J. (2017) Marine-Derived Nutrient Cycling in the St. Croix River, Maine Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 22. March 2017
Barber, B., Gibson, J., and Zydlewski, J. (2017) Does what go up also come down? Balancing recruitment with nutrient budget for alewife. 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Tampa, FL. August 20. August 2017
Barber, B., Gibson, J., O’Malley, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2019) Exploring how a range of management objectives could affect alewife population recovery. 2019 Maine Sustainability and Water Conference, Augusta, Maine. March 28. March 2019
Barber, B., Gibson, J., O’Malley, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2019) Exploring how a range of management objectives could affect alewife population recovery. 2019 Coordinating Committee Meeting of the U.S. Geological Survey, Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Orono, ME. March 26. (Poster) March 2019
Barber, B., Gibson, J., O’Malley, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) Marine-Derived Nutrient Cycling in the St. Croix River, Maine. Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Cooperator’s Meeting, March 22. University of Maine, Orono. March 2018
Barber, B., Gibson, J., O’Malley, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) Exploring how a range of management objectives could affect alewife population recovery. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Atlantic City, New Jersey. August 20. August 2018
Barber, B., Gibson, J., Molina Moctezuma, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2019) A tool for understanding likely fish passage and harvest management outcomes for alewife on the St. Croix River, Maine. IJC St. Croix Board & Partners Meeting. St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada. June 4. June 2019
Barber, B., Gibson, J., Molina Moctezuma, A., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) A tool for understanding likely fish passage and harvest management outcomes for alewife on the St. Croix River, Maine. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Atlantic City, New Jersey. August 20. August 2018
Barber, B. and Zydlewski, J. (2016) How changes in passage efficiency of alewife at main stem dams can influence nutrient dynamics in the St. Croix River, ME. Maine146th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, MO. August 23. August 2016
Barber, B. and Zydlewski , J. (2016) Marine-Derived Nutrient Cycling in the St. Croix River, Maine. International St. Croix River Watershed Board Meeting Calais, Maine June 14 June 2016
Bailey, M., Zydlewski, J., Grote, A. (2012) DIDSON Assessment of Fish Approaching an Hydroelectric Dam. Oral presentation at the Atlantic International Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Averill, VT. September 23, 2012. September 2012
Atkinson, E., and Zydlewski, J. (2022) Applying Dispersal Patterns to Identify Optimal Egg Planting Locations for Atlantic Salmon in Eastern Maine, USA. 152<sup>st </sup>Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Spokane, WA. August 2022
Atkinson, E., and Zydlewski, J. (2020) Examining dispersal of point stocked Atlantic salmon (<i>Salmo salar</i>) fry relative to habitat qualities in streams in eastern Maine, USA. 2019 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 14. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2020
Atkinson, E., and Zydlewski, J. (2020) A tool to optimize egg planting of Atlantic salmon using habitat quality and dispersal patterns. 150th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Columbus, Ohio. August 30. August 2020
Atkinson, E., and Zydlewski, J. (2019) Examining dispersal of point stocked Atlantic salmon fry relative to habitat qualities in streams in eastern Maine, USA.149th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Reno Nevada. September 29. September 2019
Atkinson, E. and Zydlewski, J. (2021) Using dispersal data to optimize egg planting strategies for Atlantic Salmon. 151<sup>st</sup> Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, MD. November 6. November 2021
Atkinson, E. and Zydlewski, J. (2019) Optimizing strategies to hydraulically plant Atlantic salmon eggs based on fry dispersal patterns. 2019 Maine Sustainability and Water Conference, Augusta, Maine. March 28. March 2019
Atkinson, E. and Zydlewski, J. (2019) Optimizing strategies to hydraulically plant Atlantic salmon eggs based on fry dispersal patterns. 2019 Coordinating Committee Meeting of the U.S. Geological Survey, Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Orono, ME. March 26. (Poster) March 2019
Atkinson, E. and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2024) Identifying Optimal Egg Planting Scenarios for Atlantic Salmon (<i>Salmo salar</i>) in Eastern Maine, USA. The Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 9. January 2024
Atkinson, E. and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2022) Using dispersal data to optimize egg planting strategies for Atlantic Salmon. 2022 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 11. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2022
Ames, C., Zydlewski, G.,Kinnison, M., <b>Zydlewski, J.</b>, and Stewart, N. 2020. Atlantic and Shortnose Sturgeon population age structure and growth in the Gulf of Maine. North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society. Remote presentation. October 26. October 2020
Ames, C., Zydlewski, G., Kinnison,M., and Zydlewski, J. (2020) Age structure of non-reproductive, partial migratory populations of sturgeon species in the Penobscot River, Maine. 2019 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 14. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2020
Ames, C., Zydlewski, G., Kinnison, M., and Zydlewski, J. (2020) Age structure of recovering populations of sturgeon species in the Penobscot River, Maine. 150th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Columbus, Ohio. August 30 August 2020
Ames, C., Zydlewski, G., Kinnison, M., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) Population-level responses of sturgeon to dam removals in Maine. 74th Annual Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference. April 15. Burlington, Vermont. April 2018
Ames, C., Zydlewski, G., Kinnison, M., and Zydlewski, J. (2018) Population characteristics of sub-adult Atlantic Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrhynchus) in the Penobscot River, Maine. 2018 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 17. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2018
Ames, C., Zydlewski, G., Kinnison, M., and Zydlewski, J. (2017) Road to Success: Determining the status and responses of Gulf of Maine sturgeon to management. Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 22. March 2017
Ames, C., Zydlewski, G., Kinnison, M., and Zydlewski, J. (2017) Population-level responses of sturgeon to dam removals in Maine. 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Tampa, FL. August 20. August 2017
Ames, C., Neary, M., Pettigrew, N., Kinnison, M., Zydlewski, J., and Zydlewski, G. (2018) Population characteristics of sub-adult Atlantic Sturgeon in the Penobscot River, Maine. Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Cooperator’s Meeting, March 22. University of Maine, Orono. March 2018
Ames, C., Neary, M., Pettigrew, N., Kinnison, M., Zydlewski, J., Zydlewski, G. (2018) Use of a slocum glider for active tracking and winter habitat description of Atlantic Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus) in mid-coast Maine. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Atlantic City, New Jersey. August 20. August 2018
Ames, C., Kinnison, M., Zydlewski, J., and Zydlewski, G. (2019) Recovery of shortnose and Atlantic sturgeon in the Penobscot River, Maine. 2019 Maine Sustainability and Water Conference, Augusta, Maine. March 28. March 2019
Ames, C., Kinnison, M., Zydlewski, J., and Zydlewski, G. (2019) Recovery of shortnose and Atlantic sturgeon in the Penobscot River, Maine. 2019 Coordinating Committee Meeting of the U.S. Geological Survey, Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Orono, ME. March 26. (Poster) March 2019
Ames, C., Kinnison, M., Zydlewski, J., and Zydlewski, G. (2019) Foraging ecology and prey availability of Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon populations in Maine. 149th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Reno Nevada. September 29. September 2019
Altenritter,M., Kinnison, M., Zydlewski, G., Zydlewski, J., and Secor, D. (2015) Dorsal scutes: an otolith alternative to infer the origins and life histories of shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum). 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Portland Oregon. August 16-20 INVITED. August 2015
Altenritter, M., Zydlewski, G., Kinnison, M., Zydlewski, J., Secor, D., and Sigourney, D. (2015) Shortnose sturgeon population dynamics in the Gulf of Maine. Annual meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono. March 25. March 2015
Altenritter, M., Kinnison, M., Zydlewski, G., Zydlewski, J., and Yates, M. (2014) Microchemical analysis of dorsal scutes to infer the origins and life histories of shortnose sturgeon. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Québec City, Canada. August 17-21. August 2014
Altenritter, M., Kinnison, M., Zydlewski, G., Zydlewski, J., and Yates, M. (2014) Assessing microchemical analysis of dorsal scutes to infer the origins and life histories shortnose sturgeon. 2014 Atlantic Salmon and Their Ecosystems Forum, University of Maine, Orono. January 8. January 2014
Altenritter, M., Dzaugis,M., Zydlewski,G., Kinnison,M., Zydlewski, J., and Wippelhauser, G.(2013) Shortnose sturgeon of the Penobscot: local residency and regional connections Poster presentation to DSSRN, January 10. January 2013
Altenritter, M., Zydlewski, G., Kinnison, M., Dzaugis, M., Zydlewski, J., Altenritter M. (2014) Atlantic sturgeon movements and habitat use in the Penobscot River, with implications of dam removal. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Québec City, Canada. August 17-21. August 2014
Altenritter, M. Zydlewski, G., Altenritter, M., Kinnison, M., and Zydlewski, J. (2014) Demographics and movement patterns of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus) in the Penobscot River, Maine. 2014 Atlantic Salmon and Their Ecosystems Forum, University of Maine, Orono. January 8. January 2014
<b>Zydlewski, J</b>. (2023) Are there too many alewife? Augusta DEP Water Conference, Invited Plenary, Brunswick Maine, April 19 April 2023
<b>Zydlewski, J.</b>, Stich, D., Roy, S., Sheehan, T., Sprankle, K., Bailey, M. (2022) What have we lost? American shad’s impounded history. 2022 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 11. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2022
<b>Zydlewski, J.</b>, Coghlan.Jr., S., Dillingham, C., Figueroa-Muñoz, G., Merriam, C., Smith, S., Smith, R., Stich, D., Vogel, S., Wilson, K., and Zydlewski, G. (2024) Seven dam challenges for migratory fish: insights from the Penobscot River. The Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 9. January 2023
<b>Zydlewski, J.</b>, Carr, T., Flye, M., Frechette, D., Kircheis, D., Loring, Jr., C., McCaw, D., Merriam, C., Sponarski, C. Restoring migratory fish and their cultural connection in the Penobscot River. 154th Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawai’i. September 15. September 2024
<b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2023) Aquaculture and fish conservation. Down East Salmon Federation, Machias Maine, April 6. April 2023
<b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2023) Aquaculture and fish conservation. Council of the Atlantic Salmon Federation, Brewer, Maine, April 22. April 2023
<b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2020) The lovable lamprey. Penobscot County Conservation Association. Brewer, ME. January 9. January 2020
<b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2020) Diadromous fish research in the Penobscot River. Atlantic International Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Virtual Meeting. August 25. August 2020
298. Greig, H. S., Ramberg-Pihl, N., Coghlan, Jr., S. and Zydlewski, J. (2016). Improving assessment of critical habitat for Atlantic salmon in a rapidly-changing climate. Maine Sea Grant Research Symposium. University of Maine, Orono. April 15. April 2016
2022 Vogel, S.K., Loftin, C., Zydlewski, J.D. Collaborative networks within the CRU program. [oral, invited] Atlantic International Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Conference. September 18, 2022. Newry, ME.<br><b> </b> September 2022
2022 Vogel, S.K., Loftin, C., Zydlewski, J.D. Collaborative networks within the CRU program. [oral, invited] Atlantic International Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Conference. September 18, 2022. Newry, ME. September 2022
Izzo, L., Maynard, G. and Zydlewski, J. (2016) Behavior and Upstream Passage of Atlantic Salmon at the New Milford Fish Lift on the Penobscot River, ME. 2016 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 6-7. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 2016
Technical Publications Publication Date
Zydlewski, J. and C.S. Loftin. 2008. Using dendrochonology and stable isotopes to document historical deposition of marine derived nutrients in the Penobscot River Basin, Maine, Report to Penobscot Indian Nation, 4 pp. March 2008
Zydlewski, G. , Zydlewski, J. (2006) Final Report: Does descaling impair osmoregulatory ability in seawater challenged Atlantic salmon smolts. University of Maine Faculty Research Funds Report. December 2006
Studies on Lake Whitefish in Maine. (2006) Annual Report to the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. September 2006
Studies on Lake Whitefish in Maine. (2006) Annual Report to the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. October 2007
Studies on Lake Whitefish in Maine. (2006) Annual Report to the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. December 2006
Spencer, R. , Zydlewski, J., Zydlewski, G. (2006) Comparing the migratory behavior and physiology of Atlantic salmon smolts from Dennys and Penobscot River Stocks. NOAA Annual Report. December 2006
Loftin, C.S., J. Zydlewski, and A.Elskus. 2008. Examination of mercury contamination in northern two-lined salamanders and slimy sculpin inhabiting watersheds in coastal Maine, Report to Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund, 15 pp March 2008
Jackson, C. and Zydlewski, J. (2007) Summer movements of sub-adult brook trout, landlocked Atlantic salmon and smallmouth bass in the Rapid River, Maine September 2007
Holbrook, C., Zydlewski, J., Kinnison, M. (2007) Migration of Adult Atlantic salmon. Final Report to the West Enfield Fund. January 2007
Holbrook, C., Zydlewski, J., Kinnison, M. (2006) Migration of Penobscot River Salmon Smolts: Ultrasonic Telemetry Studies. Final Report to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. December 2006
Holbrook, C., Zydlewski, J., Kinnison, M. (2006) Migration of Adult Atlantic salmon. Final Report to the West Enfield Fund. December 2006
Holbrook, C., Zydlewski, J., Kinnison, M. (2005) Assessment of downstream smolt passage in the Penobscot River. U.S. Atlantic Salmon Assessment Committee Report, 2005. July 2005
Carey, R. and J. Zydlewski. 2024. The Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and University of Maine Department of Wildlife Ecology 2023 Annual Report to Cooperators. 70 pp. September 2024
Carey, R. and J. Zydlewski. 2024. The Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and University of Maine Department of Wildlife Ecology 2022 Report to Cooperators. 80 pp. July 2024
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists - none Zydlewski January 2017 Present
American Fisheries Society - Member, Atlantic International Chapter Zydlewski Present