Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Maine
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Maine Project

Salinity tolerance and the physiology of seawater entry in downstream migrating Atlantic salmon smolts

January 2005 - January 2016


Participating Agencies

  • University of Maine
  • CRU
  • ASC

The transition from fresh water to seawater is a critical developmental stage called "smolting". Understanding the physiological and behavioral mechanisms is a central to this project.

Research Publications Publication Date
Zydlewski, G. and Zydlewski, J. (2012) Long-term Seawater performance of Atlantic salmon smolts. Aquaculture. 362-363:121-126. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2011.03.024 | Download October 2011
Spencer, R.C., J. Zydlewski and G. Zydlewski. (2010) Migratory urge and gill Na+, K+ -ATPase activity of hatchery Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts from Dennys and Penobscot River stocks in Maine. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 139:947-956. | Download July 2010
J. Zydlewski, G. Zydlewski, and R. Danner. (2009) Descaling impairs the osmoregulatory ability of Atlantic salmon smolts. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 138:129–136. | Download November 2009
Theses and Dissertations Publication Date
Spencer, R. 2009. MS Thesis: Migratory Urge and Gill Na+,K+-ATPase Activity of Hatchery Reared Atlantic Salmon Smolts from Dennys and Penobscot River Stocks, Maine and a Review of Enhancement Programs. October 2009