W. B. Krohn, and Ph.D. student Erin Simons, quoted in an article in The Boston Globe
entitled “Lynx and logging share interests: natural habitat is at risk as clear-cutting fades,
“ by Murray Carpenter. Page 5 of the Business Section.
Krohn, Simons
April 2009
W. B. Krohn was interviewed about his book on Manly Hardy on Maine Outdoors, a weekly radio program. Topics discussed included the reasons for writing the book, content and organization of the book, and the relevancy of the information published to on-going wildlife conservation issues.
August 2005
The State of Maine's "Beginning With Habitat" Program, which grew out of the Maine Gap Analysis Project, was featured in an article in the MAINE SUNDAY TELEGRAM. The article, entitled "Wildlife Report - Map project aids land use planning, conservation, " appearded in the papers Outdoor Section of this newspaper which is published in Portland, Me.. December 22, 2002.
December 2002
Non-native fish predation of salmon fry in reservoirs. Media coverage of Ecosphere paper, based on OSU press release.
September 2021
Krohn, W. B. “Manly Hardy (1832-1910): Early Maine Naturalists and Wildlife Writer.”
Invited presentation to the Bangor Nature Club, First Congregational Church, Brewer,
April 2009
Krohn, W. B. Current research activities of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Talk presented at the annual meeting of the Wildlife Divison, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Bangor, Maine. October 23, 2001. [invited].
October 2002
Krohn, W. B. "Return of the Canada Lynx to Maine: Why?." Invited presentation to the
Sportsman’s Show of the Penobscot County Conservation Association, University of
Maine, Orono.
March 2009
Krohn, W. B. "Come Back of the Snowshoe Cat: The Story of Canada Lynx in Maine." Invited presentation to Rangeley Region Guides and Sportsmen’s Association. Oquossoc, ME.
May 2009
Krohn was interviewed for an article on Canada lynx research. The article, entitled "Researchers hope for snow to aid in tracing study of lynx," appeared on pages 1 and 2 of the Maine/New England Section of the MAINE TELEGRAM SUNDAY (Portland, Me.). November 24, 2002.
November 2002
Fifteen years ago, the first class of Hollings scholars set off on their NOAA internships, ready for a summer full of hands-on learning in science and policy. The scholars and Hollings program team expected the internships to provide new skills and knowledge, but the richness of the scholars' experiences surprised everyone. They learned about the true nature of science — including how to carry on when a moose, fire, storm, or bear gets in the way. They formed mentorships and friendships that are still strong today. And they clarified their career goals, confirming that they were on the right track or ready to take a fork in their path.
July 2021
Dr. Krohn was interviewed, along with Dr. P. MacDougall of the University of Maine Folklife Center, on the radio program "Maine Outdoors" (103.9FM). Topics discussed included the Maine naturalist Manly Hardy and the early Maine game laws. March 24, 2002.
March 2002
Cross-system subsidies in Acadia National Park: Importance of invasive fishes on aquatic food webs
April 2021