Dietl GP et al. 2024. Integrating information from the past into oyster restoration. International Conference on Shellfish Restoration, Jekyll Island GA, Sept2024.
September 2024
This work represents a collaboration of researchers, managers who explore oyster resources and management from different temporal periods.
zu Ermgassen et al. 2019. Estimating fish and invertebrate production from seagrass, saltmarsh and oyster reef in the Gulf of Mexico. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, Mobile, LA, Nov 3-8, 2019.
November 2019
Seagrass, saltmarsh and oyster reefs are recognized as Essential Fish Habitats in coastal waters of the U.S. because they support high densities of juvenile fish and invertebrates. Yet the degree to which this juvenile enhancement results in increased fish biomass at a landscape scale remains poorly quantified. Here we present results from an analysis of a large database of habitat specific juvenile densities, collated from the published literature as well as coastal state fisheries independent
de Leija, A.C., J.P. Donnelly, S.L. King. 2022. Surface water dynamics of Chihuahuan Desert wetlands: implications for migratory waterbird habitat conservation. Annual Meeting of the Waterbird Society, Corpus Christi, TX.
November 2022
@e evaluated surface water dynamics of 29 historically important wetlands in the Chihuahuan Desert of Mexico to migratory waterbirds by reconstructing a 36-year (1984-2019) time series of seasonal (October-March) surface water extent via remote sensing. Our results provide quantitative insight into patterns and trends in surface water availability and inform where restoration and protection efforts may be most beneficial.
Zang Z, Xue ZG, Sable SE, La Peyre MK, Lindquist DC, Rose KA, Ou Y. 2023. A numerical study of eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) larvae growth and dispersal in Barataria Bay, Louisiana. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, Portland OR Nov 12-16, 2023.
November 2023
This is the first work to develop a larval dispersal and settlement model to link to oyster survival and growth models. This work will be tied into state of Louisiana management decision making, and set up to be adapted to other state estuaries.
Zang Z, Stephens T, Lavaud R, Xue Z, Sable S, La Peyre M, Rose K, Carter B. 2025. Oyster metapopulation modeling for Calcasieu Lake. State of the Coast, May 20-22, 2025, New Orleans, LA.
May 2025
Oyster metapopulation modeling identifies potential hotspots for investment in and protection of oyster spawning reefs. We present the next steps in building useable metapopulation models to inform management.
Zang J, Xue ZG, Sable SE, La Peyre MK, Stephens TA, Lindquist DC, Rose KA, Ou Y. 2024. A numerical study of eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) larvae growth and dispersal in Barataria Bay, Louisiana. Unifying Innovations in Forecasting Capabilities Workshop, Jackson MS.
July 2024
The Eastern Oyster is an important bivalve species in coastal Louisiana due to its role as an ecosystem engineer and its high commercial value. Managers seek to identify ideal environments for larval growth, settlement and growth to adulthood but often lack the integrated tools. Here, we couple hydrodynamic and water quality models with larval growth simulation to predict larval survival and growth under different environmental conditions.
Yurek S, Lavaud R., La Peyre MK, Wang H. 2023. Modeling oyster reef population dynamics: from individual bioenergetics to structural mechanics. State of the Coast, New Orleans, LA. 2023
May 2023
This reports on a three dimensional model of oyster reef mechanics. This model provides a means to model not just oyster growth, but reef growth and sustainability.
Yongue S, Lavaud R, Archer SK, La Peyre JF, La Peyre MK, Robinson E. Quantifying eastern oyster valve opening behavior under concomitant environmental stressors. Restore Americas Estuarines, October 14-18 2024.
October 2024
Oysters respond behaviorally to different stressors. How they respond may determine their growth and survival. Here we explore their behavior to multi-stressors in a controlled lab in order to identify key thresholds for oyster survival. THe work can inform modeling of oyster growth and production and site selection.
Yongue S, Lavaud R, Archer SK, La Peyre JF, La Peyre MK, Robinson E. Long-term valve opening behavior of Crassostrea virginica in a low salinity estuary. National Shellfisheries Association Meeting, March 17-20, Charlotte NC.
March 2024
Understanding how oysters respond to stressors helps to predict the impact of changing conditions from climate change and other activities. This work explores oyster behavior that helps to measure the physiological responses.
Yongue S, Lavaud R, Archer SK, La Peyre J, La Peyre MK, Robinson E. Characterizing the long-term valve opening behavior of Crassostrea virginica in a low salinity estuary. GERS, Dec 1-5 2024.
October 2024
This work is exploring how oysters respond to multi stressors by assessing their valve opening. This work builds on the use hall sensors to assess oyster behavior which is being used in some species to detect toxins, or stressors to aquaculture species.
Wohner, P.J., S.A. Laymon, J.E. Stanek, S.L. King, and R.J. Cooper. 2021. Challenging Our Understanding of Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo Habitat Needs and Accepted Management Practices. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual (Virtual) Meeting.
June 2021
Yellow-billed cuckoos are a federally threatened species that uses riparian forest in California and the southwest. In this study, we evaluate habitat characteristics for this species and identify potential habitat management strategies to improve habitat quality.
Winstead, N. A., and S. L. King. 2004. Secretive marsh bird and vegetation communities of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee. Society of Wetland Scientists 25th Anniversary Meeting. Charting the Future: a quarter century of lessons learned. Seattle, Washington. July 18-23, 2004.
July 2004
Winstead, N. A., and S. L. King. 2004. Breeding bird and vegetation communities of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee and Kentucky. Annual Meeting of the Tennessee Chapter of The Wildlife Society.
March 2004
Winstead, N. A., and S. L. King. 2003. Seventy-five years of plant community changes at Reelfoot Lake. Annual Meeting of Tennessee Academy of Sciences.
November 2003
Winstead, N. A., and S. L. King 2003. Breeding bird and vegetative communities of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee and Kentucky. Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, New Orleans, Louisiana
June 2003
Winiarksi, J. M., D.N. Fowler, M.D. Palumbo, and J.N. Straub. 2022. Comparing expert and data-driven seasonal waterfowl distributions to inform conservation strategies: a case study in Wisconsin. Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society, Spokane, Washington, 6-10 November 2022.
November 2022
This research evaluates the implications of using empirically derived seasonal species distribution and relative abundance models using citizen science, specifically the eBird Status and Trends products, in place of expert-opinion habitat distributions in a statewide decision support tool for waterfowl conservation. In our analysis, the degree of parity between the two data sources was species and season dependent, revealing the importance of integrating empirically derived species distribution
Wiebe, J.J., R. Dobbs, J. Hemming, D. Hewitt, J.S. Gleason, S. King, K. Freer-Leonards, T. Baker, D. Lee, J.A. Nyman, T. Carruthers, E.Windhoffer, J. Henkel, and J. Bienn. 2024. Louisiana Coastwide Avian Restoration, Monitoring and Adaptive Management Session Category: Deepwater Horizon Science Coordination: Restoration, Co-Production, and Synthesis. Gulf of Mexico Conference, Tampa, FL.
February 2024
This paper synthesizes the work of several studies focused on recovery following the BP Oil Spill.
Whittington, M. S., and S. L. King. 2004. Evaluation of aquatic macroinvertebrates available to wintering waterfowl in managed and natural wetlands in West Tennessee. Society of Wetland Scientists 25th Anniversary Meeting. Charting the Future: a quarter century of lessons learned. Seattle, Washington. July 18-23, 2004.
July 2004
Westbrook, P., Heffner, L., and M. La Peyre. Nutrient mitigation provided by oyster reefs in coastal Louisiana. State of the Coast, Louisiana, June 2016.
June 2016
We quantified the contribution of oyster reefs to nitrogen denitrification and long-term burial in coastal Louisiana.
Westbrook, P., Heffner, L., La Peyre. M. 2016. Nutrient mitigation provided by oyster reefs in coastal Louisiana. LDWF Research Symposium. May 31, 2016. Baton Rouge, LA.
May 2016
Documents and compares denitrification and nitrogen and carbon sequestration rates of oyster reefs in coastal Louisiana. This project indicates that DNF rates in coastal Louisiana are highest reported for oyster reefs, where we previously only had estimates from the east coast.
Westbrook, P, Heffner, L, La Peyre. M. 2017. Oysters help maintain water quality. Louisiana Agriculture Magazine. Louisiana Agriculture Magazine. WInter 2017.
October 2017
This is a short summary of recent work quantifying oyster bioassimilation of carbon and nitrogen, and measuring dentrification rates of oyster reefs. THis work quantifies the potential role of oysters in mitigating estuarine eutrophication.
Westbrook, P and M La Peyre. 2016. Water quality benefits provided by oyster reefs in coastal Louisiana. Louisiana Fisheries Summit. New Orleans, LA.
March 2016
This presents some basic information on the role of oysters in nitrogen sequestration in coastal estuaries.
Wang, H.., Chen, J., La Peyre, M., Lu, K., La Peyre, J., Anderson, J. Modeling Eastern Oyster Growth and Production under Scenarios of River Diversion and Sea-level Rise. State of the Coast, Louisiana, June 2016.
June 2016
This presents a final coupled hydrodynamic oyster model for Breton Sound, LA.
Wang, H, CHen Q, La Peyre MK, Hu K, La Peyre JF 2018. Predicting the impacts of Mississippi River diversions and sea-level rise on spatial patterns of eastern oyster growth rate and production. State of the Coast, New Orleans, LA, May 30-June 1, 2018.
May 2018
This is a model that examines how oyster production may shift across Louisiana's most productive oyster estuary under different management and future climate scenarios.
Wang H., Q. Chen, M. La Peyre, K. Hu, J. La Peyre and J. Anderson Lively. 2015. Predicting the responses of eastern oyster population to river diversion and sea-level rise. Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Meeting. April 23-26, 2015.
April 2015
Presents work coupling a hydrodynamic and oyster model in Breton Sound estuary. This is the first time this has been done for this area, and provides a tool for managers to predict management impacts on oysters.
Wang H, Chen Q, La Peyre M, Capurso W., Zhu L. 2024. Ecological and engineering benefits of oyster reef-based living shorelines. ASBPA National Coastal Conference, Galveston Texas
August 2024
This work is a meta analysis exploring potential co-benefits of living shorelines in the Atlantic and Gulf coasts.
Villani, R., S. L. King, and B. A. Pickens. 2010. Multi-scale habitat characteristics of shorebirds during spring migration in southwestern Louisiana. 128th Annual Meeting of the American Ornithological Union, San Diego, CA.
February 2010
Villani, R. and S. L. King. 08/2008. Integrated waterbird use of moist soil units. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists Meeting, Lafayette, LA.
August 2008
Vest, J.L., R. M. Kaminski, L. M. Pote, A. D. Afton, and F. J. Vilella. 2002. Parasites in lesser scaup in the Mississippi Flyway. Ninth Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Bismarck, ND.
September 2002
Vest, J. L., R. M. Kaminski, A. D. Afton, L. M. Pote, and F. J. Vilella. 2003. Body mass and gastrointestinal helminths of lesser scaup during fall and winter in the Mississippi Flyway. Third North American Duck Symposium, Sacramento, CA; 5-9 November 2003.
November 2003
Vest, J. L., R. M. Kaminski, A. D. Afton, L. M. Pote, and F. J. Vilella. 2000. Parasites and declining populations of lesser scaup in the Mississippi flyway. Second North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, 11-15 October 2000.
October 2000
Vasseur, PL, SL King, and MD Kaller. 2020. Diurnal time-activity budgets and habitat use of Whooping Cranes in the reintroduced Louisiana nonmigratory population. North American Crane Workshop, Lubbock, Texas.
January 2020
We examined behaviors of the reintroduced Louisiana Nonmigratory Population to determine how time-activity budgets change relative to crane age, habitat type, and season. The information from this study provides insights into key habitats and will help guide conservation efforts for this species.
Vasseur, P.L, S.L. King, M.D. Kaller, and S. E. Zimorski. 2020. Behavior analysis and long-term survival of captive-reared juvenile whooping cranes in the reintroduced Louisiana nonmigratory population. North American Crane Workshop, Lubbock, Texas.
January 2019
Costume-reared Whooping Cranes have been used in reintroduction efforts for nearly 2 decades but no studies have evaluated links between pen behaviors and future survival. In this study, we evaluate these relationships and determine that for the cohorts in this study there was no obvious behavior and survival linkage.
Valente, J.J., and S.L. King. 2008. Habitat characteristics associated with breeding secretive marsh birds in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley of Louisiana. The Waterbird Society 32nd Annual Meeting. South Padre Island, Texas.
November 2008
Valente, J., and S. L. King. 2008. Habitat Characteristics associated with breeding secretive marsh birds in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. American Ornithological Union, Annual Meeting. Portland, OR. (contributed; poster)
August 2008
Tirpak JM + 12 authors. 2016. Gulf Coast Vulnerability Assessment: Mangrove, Tidal Emergent Marsh, Barrier Islands, and Oyster Reef. LDWF 2015 Research, Management and Wildlife Education Symposium. Baton Rouge, LA. May 31, 2016
May 2016
THis presents a vulnerability assessment of four key habitats and dependent species across the northern Gulf of Mexico. This work helps identify the most vulnerable species and habitats for managers to focus on.
Theresa M. Davenport, Devin A. Comba, Soupy Dalyander, Nicholas Enwright, Jon Hemming, Jonathan Kleinman, Meg Palmsten, Greg Steyer, Hana Thurman, Megan K. La Peyre 2022. Designing a conceptual model to facilitate the assessment of the cumulative effects of Deepwater Horizon (DWH) restoration projects on barrier island/barrier shoreline ecosystem resilience in the north-central Gulf of Mexico. GERS 2022 Biennial Meeting, Gulfport MS
October 2022
This work presents a conceptual model designed to guide a project assessing the cumulative effects of Deepwater Horizon restoration projects on barrier island/barrier shoreline ecosystem resilience.
Taylor, C, Nyman JA, Faldyn MJ, MK La Peyre. 2019. Effects of freshwater inflow on blue crab Callinectes sapidus populations in Louisiana. Louisiana Association of Professional BIologists Meeting, Lafayette, LA.
August 2019
This study examines blue crab abundance and distribution in response to changing freshwater inflow in Louisiana estuaries. As an economically important species, understanding how freshwater inflow impacts blue crab distribution provides input into management.
Taylor, C, Coxe, M., Baustian, M, Sable, S. 2019. Seines, electrofishing, throwtraps: a comparison of three gear types in Barataria Bay, LA. Louisiana Association of Professional BIologists. Lafayette, LA
August 2019
This work compares gear types sampling across an estuarine gradient, for efficiency in capturing key species, and total abundances. This work is to assist state managers in updating their sampling protocols, while ensuring that long-term trends may be analyzed in the face of changing estuarine conditions and possible gear types.
Taylor C, Nyman JA, La Peyre MK. 2019. Effects of freshwater inflow on blue crab Callinectes sapidus populations in Louisiana. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, Mobile, AL. Nov 2-8, 2019.
November 2019
Understanding how blue crab populations and nekton assemblages may differ in estuaries with differing freshwater inflow may critically inform managers.
Szymanski, M. L., and A. D. Afton. 2005. Effects of spinning-wing decoys on flock behavior and hunting vulnerability of mallards in Minnesota. Annual conference of the North Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Mandan, ND
February 2005
Szymanski, M. L., and A. D. Afton. 2004. Effects of spinning-wing decoys on flock behavior and hunting vulnerability of mallards in Minnesota. Winter meeting of the Central Flyway Waterfowl Technical Committee, Amarillo, TX.
December 2004
Szymanski, M. L., and A. D. Afton. 2004. Effects of spinning-wing decoys on flock behavior and hunting vulnerability of mallards in Minnesota. Mississippi Flyway Technical Section, Jackson, MS; 14-19 February 2004.
February 2004
Szymanski, M. L., and A. D. Afton. 2004. Effects of spinning-wing decoys on flock behavior and hunting vulnerability of mallards in Minnesota. Annual waterfowl committee meeting, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, St. Paul, MN; 21-22 January 2004.
January 2004
Szymanski, M. L., and A. D. Afton. 2003. Effects of spinning-wing decoys on flock behavior and hunting vulnerability of mallards in Minnesota. 64th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO; 7-10 December 2003.
December 2003
Szymanski, M. L., P. R. Garrettson, and A. D. Afton. 2013. Assessment of band wear by lesser scaup and redheads and effects of double banding on reporting probability. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Memphis, TN.
January 2013
This study examined wear and potential loss of aluminum bands on 2 diving duck species that frequent salt water habitats in winter. It will assist wildlife managers in adjusting survival rates for band loss bias in old banding data sets and provide guidance for considerations of requiring the use of hard metal bands on these species in the future.
Szymanski, M. L., P. Garrettson, and A. D. Afton. 2010. Band retention probabilities for Redheads and Lesser Scaup. Central Flyway Technical Section, Tulsa, OK.
March 2010
Sweet J, Casas S, La Peyre J, La Peyre M, Stauffer B. 2023. The effects of Microcystis aeruginosa on the selective feeding of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. State of the Coast. New Orleans, LA
June 2023
This is laboratory work examining the impacts of potentially harmful cyanobacteria that may be becoming more prevalent in Louisiana estuaries may have on oysters.
Swam L, La Peyre MK, Couvillion B, Callam B, La Peyre JF. 2020. Oyster resource zones in coastal Louisiana: Defining oyster resource zones for restoration, fisheries and aquaculture. Gulf Estuarine Research Society Virtual Meeting, Nov. 16-19, 2020.
November 2020
Using continuous water quality data across the coast of Louisiana, oyster resource zones were defined to guide restoration and aquaculture planning. Zones for spawning sanctuaries, off-bottom aquaculture development, and restoration areas were identified.
Swam L, La Peyre MK, Callam B, La Peyre JF. 2020. Low salinity tolerance in oyster populations: Assessing effects of salinity on growth and survival of Crassostrea virginica. Bays and Bayous Symposium, December 1-3, 2020. Virtual.
December 2020
Unique oyster populations, located in estuarine areas heavily influenced by large river flows, thrive in low salinity waters. This project quantifies oyster performance to help identify unique populations that could be used to develop low salinity tolerant broodstock to support restoration and production.
Stuht C, Han M, Enwright NM, Dalyander PS, Palmsten ML, Steyer GS, Davenport TM, La Peyre MK. 2023. Quantifying ecogeomorphic change and resilience along barrier island shorelines and barrier islands. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation. Portland OR, Nov 12-16, 2023.
November 2023
This work examines geomorphorphic resilience of barrier islands/barrier island shorelines in the Gulf of Mexico coast, and explores whether cumulative effects of restoration activities can be assessed.
Stephens T, Zang J, Sable S, Rose, K, Xu G, La Peyre M, Carter B 2023. Simulating oyster larval transport to support ecosystem restoration. National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration. April 14-18, Albuquerque NM
April 2024
This presents initial work on developing oyster larval modeling framework to apply to Gulf of Mexico estuaries to support oyster restoration.
Stephens T, Zang J, Sable S, Rose K, Xue G., La Peyre M, Carter B. 2024. Simulating oyster larval transport to support ecosystem restoration. International Conference on Shellfish Restoration, Jekyll Island, GA.
September 2024
We couple hydrodynamic and larval transport models together to inform and feed into an oyster metapopulation model to support state management of oysters.
Stephens T, Zang J, Sable S, Lavaud R, Rose K, Xue G, La Peyre M, Carter B. 2025. Modeling larval transport to support oyster reef restoration. State of the Coast, May 20-22, 2025, New Orleans, LA.
May 2025
We present results from a large collaborative team building oyster metapopulation models for Louisiana coastal basins. These models are used to inform restoration and production management.
Stephens T, Diaz O, Messina F, Georgiou I, Lavaud R, Sable S, La Peyre M, Rose, K, Carter B. .2025. Oyster metapopulation modeling of North Pontchartrain Basin. State of the Coast, May 20-22, 2025, New Orleans, LA.
May 2025
We present results from a large collaborative team building oyster metapopulation models for Louisiana coastal basins. These models are used to inform restoration and production management.
Stemaly, S, Hobson, K, Ringelman, K, and D.N. Fowler. 2024. Breeding origins of waterfowl harvested in Louisiana derived from band recoveries and stable isotope (δ2H) measurements of feathers. 9th North American Duck Symposium. Portland OR, 5 -9 February 2024.
February 2024
This work compares two techniques to assess breeding origins of harvested waterfowl. Results from this research can be used to inform implications of using different harvest derivations of waterfowl origin.
Stanek, J.E., P. J. Wohner, S. A. Laymon, S.L. King, and R.J. Cooper. 2021. Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo Nesting Habitat Restoration. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Virtual Meeting.
June 2021
Yellow-billed cuckoos are a federally threatened species that uses riparian forest in California and the southwest. In this study, we identify habitat characteristics affecting forest use for nesting and discuss potential strategies to improve nesting habitat for this species.
Sower JR, Dunning KH, Grice R, La Peyre MK, Anderson C. 2024. Examining oyster production resiliency in the Alabama and Mississippi Oyster industries. Alabama Water Resources Conference 2024, Tuscaloosa AL.
April 2024
The oyster industry has long been culturally and economically important across the northern Gulf of Mexico. Understanding the resilience of this industry as a socio-ecological system is important to managing it sustainably. This work explored different stakeholder perspectives, identifying vulnerability to future disasters, and identifying potential actions to improve resiliency.
Sower JR, Dunning KH, Grice R, La Peyre MK, Anderson C. Examining oyster production resiliency in the Alabama and Mississippi Oyster industries. GOMCON 2024- Gulf of Mexico Alliance Meeting. Feb 19-22, 2024.
February 2022
The oyster industry has long been culturally and economically important across the northern Gulf of Mexico. Understanding the resilience of this industry as a socio-ecological system is important to managing it sustainably. This work explored different stakeholder perspectives, identifying vulnerability to future disasters, and identifying potential actions to improve resiliency.
Soniat, Thomas M., Mahdi Abdelguerfi, Eric N. Powell, John M. Klinck, Eileen E. Hofmann, Shengru Tu, Fareed Qaddoura, Janak Dahal, Paul Danos, Shashikiran Korepuri, Benjamin S. Eberline, Jerome F. La Peyre, Megan K. La Peyre, Keith B. Ibos, and Patrick Banks. 2011. Is Harvest from the Louisiana State Primary Seed Grounds Sustainable? What Numerical Modeling Might Resolve. Journal of Shellfish Research 30:554.
March 2011
Smith, N. R., A. D. Afton, and T. J. Hess, Jr. 2014. Morphometric sex determination of bald eagles from Louisiana. Louisiana Professional Biologists Fall Symposium, Baton Rouge, LA.
August 2014
We evaluated the accuracy of Bortolloti’s formula on 28 post-fledging Bald Eagles from Louisiana, and upon documenting numerous misclassifications (21.4%), used discriminant analysis to develop a new formula applicable to Louisiana and other southern Bald Eagles. Using beak depth and hallux length, we were able to provide 100% correct classification as confirmed by DNA analysis. Our formula should be applicable for accurately determining the sex of post-fledging southern Bald Eagles.
Smith, N. R., A. D. Afton and T. J. Hess, Jr. 2012. Migration of bald eagles from Louisiana. Fall Symposium of LAPB/TWS, Lafayette, LA.
August 2012
This study was first to document summer ranges of Louisiana Bald Eagles. All eagles spent the summer in Canada.
Smith, B. J., and A. D. Afton. 2000. Avian lethality study. Mississippi Flyway Council Technical Section meeting, Little Rock, AR.
February 2000
Slattery, S. M., A. D. Afton, M. G. Anderson, J. E. Austin, R. G. Clark, P. L. Flint, and M. C. MacCluskie. 2002. Scaup: status, research directions, and conservation challenges. Science Forum of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, Lafayette, LA.
January 2002
Sehlinger, T, Lowe, M, Soniat, T, La Peyre, M. 2016. Synthesis of LDWF datasets for improved management of the Louisiana oyster fishery. LDWF Symposium. Baton Rouge, LA May 31, 2016.
May 2016
Sets out an approach to using 20 years of state data to help in informing future management goals by incorporating local oyster population dynamics.
Sehlinger, T, Lowe MR, La Peyre MK, Soniat TM. 2019. DIfferential effects of temperature and salinity on growth and mortality of eastern oysters Crassostrea virginica in Barataria Bay and Breton Sound, Louisiana. National Shellfisheries Association 111th Meeting, New Orleans, LA. March 7-11, 2019.
March 2019
We present analyses of long term data comparing growth and mortality of adult oysters from two bays, but experiencing similar salinity and temperature. Growth and mortality differed between the two populations suggesting other unmeasured influences on growth or mortality such as water quality, or genetics.
Sehlinger, T, Lowe M, Soniat TM, La Peyre MK, Beck S. 2016. Combined effects of temperature and salinity on eastern oyster population dynamics in the Barataria Estuary, Louisiana. SEAFWA, Baton Rouge, LA
October 2016
This work uses large historic datasets to develop models between oyster growth and mortality and water quality within one of Louisiana's major oyster producing estuaries. These relationships will be used to inform a sustainable harvest model and guide management decisions.
Sehlinger T, M. Lowe, T.M. Soniat, M.K. La Peyre. Using Long-term Monitoring Data to Derive Regionally Specific Growth and Mortality Relationships for Louisiana Oysters. National Shellfisheries Assocation. Knoxville, TN. March 2017
March 2017
This work is analyzing 20 years of the state's monitoring data on two important oyster reefs. The analyses are being used to generate regionally accurate parameters to use in the shellfish harvest model being developed for LDWF.
Schwartz LC, Plough LV, Lavaud R, La Peyre MK, Pandelides AF, Comba D, Stauffer BA. 2023. Improving low salinity tolerance in Louisiana populations of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica using genomic selection. Aquaculture America. New Orleans, LA 2023.
February 2023
The use of genomic selection in aquaculture remains relatively novel for bivalves. This work reports on the identification and selection of oysters tolerant of freshet events for use in selective breeding for oyster aquaculture in the Gulf of Mexico.
Schwarting, L, M La Peyre, S. Casas, J. La peyre. Suitability of living oyster reef sites along the Louisiana Gulf coast with respect to oyster recruitment, growth and mortality. Benthic Ecology Meeting 42nd
March 2013
Selection of sites for restoration of oyster reefs is critical in determining restoration success. We examine both caged oyster growth data combined with on-reef recruitment and survival data to identify good locations for r
Schummer, M. L., A. D. Afton, S. S. Badzinski, S. A. Petrie, G. Olsen, K. Jacobs, M. Mitchel., and S. Jenkins. 2013. Using satellite telemetry to evaluate the effectiveness of the waterfowl breeding population and habitat survey for counting lesser and greater scaup in North America. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Memphis, TN.
January 2013
This study examined the effectiveness of the annual waterfowl population and habitat survey for scaup, using known locations of migrating radio-marked ducks within the surveyed areas. The results should help improve survey techniques and reduce potential bias in population estimates for these species.
Schummer, M. L., A. D. Afton, S. Badzinski, S. A. Petrie, G. Olsen, K. Jacobs, M. Mitchell, and S, Jenkins. 2012. Using satellite telemetry to evaluate the effectiveness of the waterfowl breeding population and habitat survey for counting lesser scaup in North America. National Fish & Wildlife Conservation Congress, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
May 2012
Results of the study will be useful to waterfowl managers involved in population and harvest management.
Schartz L, Plough L, Lavaud R, Comba D, Pandelides AF, Stauffer B, La Peyre MK. Genome enabled breeding of oysters for more consistent production in low salinity waters. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, Portland OR, Nov 12-16, 2023.
November 2023
The application of genomic selection to aquaculture breeding programs is relatively novel. This explores the use of genomic selection on oysters from the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the US to identify markers for breeding of more low salinity oysters.
Sable S, Stephens T, Lavaud R, La Peyre M, Rose K, Wang H, Yurek S, Diaz O, Georgiou I, Zang J, XUe G, Carter B. Metapopulation modeling to inform restoration and sustainability in Louisiana estuaries. National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration, Arpil 14-19, 2024. Albuquerque NM
September 2023
This work supports the state of Louisiana's oyster restoration and production goals by developing a metapopulation model for oysters in three key estuaries.
Sable S, La Peyre M, Rose, K, Carter B. 2025. Session: Modeling and monitoring to inform sustainable oyster populations in Louisiana. State of the Coast, May 20-22, 2025, New Orleans, LA.
May 2025
We present results from a large collaborative team building oyster metapopulation models for Louisiana coastal basins. These models are used to inform restoration and production management.
Sable S, La Peyre M, Rose K, Lavaud R., Stevens T., Zang J., Xue G, Georgiou I, Diaz O, Wang H., Yurek S., Carter B. 2024. Oyster metapopulation modeling for Louisiana coastal basins. International conference on Shellfish Restoration, Jekyll Island, Georgia.
September 2024
A metapopulation model combining hydrodynamics, larval transport, reef population dynamics developed for the state oyster program to inform their site selection for oyster farming and restoration.
Sable S, La Peyre M, Lavaud R, Stephens T, Rose K, Zang Z, Diaz O, Georgiou I, Xue Z, Carter B, Lindquist D, Yurek S, Wang H.2025. Oyster metapopulation model overview for restoration and adaptive management. State of the Coast, May 20-22, 2025, New Orleans, LA.
May 2025
We present results from a large collaborative team building oyster metapopulation models for Louisiana coastal basins. These models are used to inform restoration and production management.
Sabin C, Liu B, Rankin L, Lin C, Buffington K, Thorne K, La Peyre MK. Use of habitat suitability modeling to identify restoration sites for Enhalus acoroides under current and future conditions. Gulf Estuarine Research Society, Dec 1-5, 2024
December 2024
Seagrass promote coastal resilience, but are declining globally. We develop a suitability model for the dominant species on Guam, an island in the Pacific vulnerable to climate change. The model can help identify suitable areas for restoration, and can identify how changing climate will affect the distribution of enhalus.
Rybovich, M., M. La Peyre, S. Hall, J. La Peyre. Effects of low salinity and high temperature on spat, seed, and market-sized oyster (Crassostrea virginica) growth and mortality. NSA 2014
March 2014
This work documents growth and mortality of eastern oysters in low salinity, high temperature conditions common in coastal Louisiana. This work is important to better parameterize models and to understand how climate change, and management activities may affect oyster population dynamics.
Rowe, S. and M.K. La Peyre. 2001. Effects of salinity changes on growth and distribution of Ruppia maritima: implications for management. 16th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation. St. Petersburg, FL. Nov. 4-8, 2001.
November 2001
Rotella, J. J., R. G. Clark, and A. D. Afton. 2001. Size-related reproductive and survival patterns in lesser scaup. 119th Stated Meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union, Seattle, Washington, 16-18 August 2001.
August 2001
Ritenour, K., S. Collins, and S.L. King. 2019. Flooding and Nest Success of Colonial Nesting Waterbirds in Coastal Louisiana, USA. Society of Wetland Scientists Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland.
May 2019
Restoration of breeding islands for colonial nesting waterbirds is extremely expensive, thus data are needed to assist in determining minimum elevations necessary to sustain nesting success. In this study, we evaluate nesting success of four colonial nesting waterbird species as it relates to flood probabilities in coastal Louisiana.
Ritenour, K., S. Collins, and S.L. King. 2019. Flooding and Nest Success of Colonial Nesting Waterbirds in Coastal Louisiana, USA. Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Baltimore, MD.
May 2019
Colonial nesting waterbirds often use low-lying coastal islands for nesting and overwash events can cause substantial mortality. In this study, we determine the effects of elevation on several colonial nesting waterbird species to assist in the identification of target elevations for island restoration.
Riley, S., M. La Peyre, J. La Peyre, M. Kelly. 2017. Using Next Generation Sequencing to Identify Local Adaptation to Salinity in the American Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in the Louisiana Gulf Coast. Society for Comparative and Integrative Biology Meeting, January 2017, New Orleans, LA.
January 2017
This work is investigating the use of next gen sequencing tools to identify possible local adaptations to salinity by the eastern oyster.
Pollack, J., M. La Peyre, J. Grabowski, D. Yoskowitz. Evaluating restoration success: ecology, economy, and society. CERF 2015 Session Proposal. Nov 8-12, Portland OR
November 2015
This is a session proposal for the CERF meeting in 2015. The idea is to focus on evaluation of restoration, and to identify important lessons that can be learned by monitoring.
Plunket, John and M. La Peyre. 2003. A comparison of finfish assemblages on subtidal oyster shell (cultched oyster lease) and mud bottom in Barataria Bay, Louisiana. National Shellfisheries Association 95th Annual Meeting. April 13-17, 2003, New Orleans, LA.
April 2003
Pierlussi, S. and S. L. King. 2003. Amphibian use of created wetlands. 24th Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, New Orleans, Louisiana.
June 2003
Pierluissi, S. and S. L. King. 2005. Waterbird use of rice fields in southwestern Louisiana. The Wildlife Society 12th Annual Conference, Madison, Wisconsin.
September 2005
Pierluissi, S. and S. L. King. 2005. Waterbird use of rice fields in southwestern Louisiana. Society of Wetland Scientists 26th Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina.
June 2005
Pierluissi, S. and S. L. King. 2005. Waterbird use of rice fields in southwestern Louisiana. Annual Meeting of the Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists, Lafayette, LA.
August 2005
Pierluissi, S. and S. L. King. 2004. Census and evaluation of waterbirds in Southwestern Louisiana ricefields. Society of Wetland Scientists 25th Anniversary Meeting. Charting the Future: a quarter century of lessons learned. Seattle, Washington. July 18-23, 2004.
July 2004
Pierluisii, S., and S. L. King. 2006 (invited). King rail use of rice fields in southwestern Louisiana. USFWS King Rail Focal Species Workshop. Memphis, TN.
November 2006
Pierce, A., and S. L. King. 2004. A comparison of sediment deposition rates and types in bottomland hardwood forests along altered and unaltered tributaries of the Hatchie River, Tennessee. Society of Wetland Scientists 25th Anniversary Meeting. Charting the Future: a quarter century of lessons learned. Seattle, Washington. July 18-23, 2004.
July 2004
Pierce, A. R., and S. L. King. 2006. The influence of channelization on overbank sedimentation dynamics in bottomland hardwood forest of the Hatchie River. 91st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Memphis, TN. (contributed)
August 2006
Pierce, A. R., S. L. King, K. Hersey, and N. A. Winstead. 2006. Sandhill crane migration patterns and winter movements in southwestern and central Louisiana. North American Crane Conference, Zacatecas, Mexico. (poster; contributed)
February 2006
Pierce, A. R. and S. L. King. 2003. Effects of valley plugs on succession of bottomland hardwoods in the Hatchie River watershed, Tennessee
June 2003
Pierce, A. P. and S. L. King. 2005. Overbank sedimentation dynamics in bottomland hardwood forests of the Hatchie River watershed, Tennessee. Society of Wetland Scientists 26th Annual Meeting. Charleston, South Carolina.
June 2005
Piehler, M., M. La Peyre, B. Gossman, B. Piazza and J. La Peyre. Oyster recruitment and growth on an artificial reef structure in Grand Isle, LA. American Fisheries Society, Louisiana Mtg. Jan 31-Feb. 1, 2008
January 2008
Pickens, B.A., and S.L. King. 2016. Multi-scale habitat associations of King Rails in coastal marshes of Southwest Louisiana and Southeast Texas. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas.
June 2016
King rails are a species of conservation concern and factors affecting distribution and abundance in gulf coastal marshes are poorly understood. In this study, we used novel remote sensing approaches combined with more traditional local habitat studies to determine the major factors affecting and abundance and distribution of king rails in the region.
Pickens, B. A., and S. L. King. 2010. A spatially explicit habitat model for the king rail, Rallus elegans, in agricultural wetlands. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Pittsburgh, PA.
August 2010
Pickens, B. A. and S. L. King. 2011 (August). A Remote Sensing Approach to Assessing King Rail Habitat. American Ornithologist Union, Jacksonville, FL.
August 2011
Piazza, B.P., Banks, P., Supan, J. and M. La Peyre. 2003. Use of created oyster reefs as a sustainable shoreline protection tool in Louisiana. Estuarine Research Federation. SEattle, WA
September 2003
Piazza, B., and M. La Peyre. 2005. Impacts of freshwater diversion pulsed events on nekton assemblages in Breton Sound, LA. Coastal Zone 2002, July 15-22, New Orleans, LA.
July 2005
Piazza, B., P. Banks, J. Supan and M. La Peyre. 2003. Created oyster reefs for shoreline protection in Louisiana. Louisiana Oystermen's Convention. Kenner, LA.
August 2004
Piazza, B., M.K. La Peyre and B. Keim. 2009. Relating large-scale climate variability to local species abundance: ENSO forcing and brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) in Breton Sound, Louisiana, USA. Estuarine Research Federation Meeting. Portland, OR, Nov 1-5.
November 2009
Piazza, B. and M.K. La Peyre. 2006. Pulsed freshwater effects on nekton communities in Breton Sound, LA. Restore AMerica's Estuaries 3rd National Conference on Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration. Dec. 10-13, 2006 New Orleans, LA.
December 2006
Piazza, B. and M. La Peyre. 2007. Managing Freshwater inputs: effects on nekton productivity, diversity and community assembly in Breton SOund, LA. American Fisheries Society Japanese Society of Fisheries Science Joint Session, San Francisco, CA. Sept. 4-8, 2007.
September 2007
Piazza, B and M. La Peyre. 2007. Measuring nekton to assess effects of the restoration of the annual flood pulse. Estuarine Research Federation Meeting. Providence RI Oct. 8-12 2007
October 2007
Perkins, T.L. and S. L. King. Behavior Ecology of Pen-Reared, Reintroduced Whooping Cranes within the Louisiana Landscape. 13th North American Crane Working Group Workshop, Lafayette, LA.
April 2014
This study provides novel quantitative information on behaviors exhibited by a pen-reared, reintroduced Whooping Crane population in the wild and provides a strong foundation for the effects of habitat quality, captive rearing methods, disturbance rates and types, and other environmental factors on Whooping Crane behaviors.
Perkins, T., V. Dinets, and S. L. King. 2013.Restoring A Part of Our Natural Heritage: The Return of the Whooping Crane to Louisiana. Louisiana Natural Resources Symposium.
August 2013
Louisiana once supported more Whooping Cranes than anywhere in North America, including migrant and resident populations. This study summarizes the rationale for a reintroduction effort of a resident population of Whooping Cranes in Louisiana, and the success to date.
Perkins, T. L. and S. L. King. The Spatial and Temporal Use of Habitats by a Reintroduced Population of Whooping Cranes in Louisiana. 13th North American Crane Working Group Workshop, Lafayette, LA.
April 2014
This work provides novel information on habitat use of reintroduced Whooping Crane in southwestern Louisiana.
Perkins, M. and S. L. King. 2006 (invited). Linking breeding and wintering grounds of King Rails with stable isotopes. USFWS King Rail Focal Species Workshop. Memphis, TN.
November 2006
Perkins, M. M., and S. L. King. 2005. The use of stable isotopes to determine the ratio of resident to migrating king rails in southwestern Louisiana. Poster Presentation at: 12th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Madison, Wisconsin.
September 2005
Perkins, M. M., and S. L. King. 2005 (poster). The use of stable isotopes to determine the ratio of resident to migrant king rails in southwestern Louisiana. Society of Wetland Scientists 26th Annual Meeting. Charleston, South Carolina.
June 2005
Perkins, M. M., and S. L. King. 2006. Use of stable isotopes to determine the ratio of resident to migrant King Rails in southwestern Louisiana. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists Annual Meeting. Lafayette, LA. (contributed)
August 2006
Perkins, M. M., and S. L. King. 2006. Use of stable isotopes to determine the ratio of resident to migrant King Rails in southwestern Louisiana. IV North American Ornithological Conference. Vera Cruz, Mexico. (contributed)
October 2006
PIazza, B.P. and M.K. La Peyre. 2006. Pulsed freshwater effects on nekton communities in Breton Sound, LA. American Fisheries Society, Lake Placid, NY.
September 2006
Oswalt, S. N. and S. L. King. 2004. Channelization and Floodplain Forests: Impacts of Accelerated Sedimentation and Valley Plug Formation on the Middle Fork Forked Deer River, Tennessee, USA. Society of Wetland Scientists 25th Anniversary Meeting: Charting the Future, A Quarter Century of Lessons Learned. Seattle, Washington, July 18-23, 2004.
July 2004
Oswalt, S. N. and S. L. King. 2003. Evaluation and Description of a Floodplain Forest: The Middle Fork Forked Deer River, West Tennessee. [Poster with Abstract]. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Division of Water Pollution Control Association Meeting.
October 2003
Oswalt, S. (presenter), and S. L. King. 2003. Evaluation and description of a floodplain system: Middle Fork Forked Deer River, West Tennessee
June 2003
Olsen, R.E., and A.D. Afton. 1999. Vulnerability of lesser snow geese to electronic calling devices. Mississippi Flyway Council Technical Section Meeting. Radisson Hotel, Mobile, Alabama, 22 February 1999.
February 1999
Olsen, R.E., and A.D. Afton. 1999. Vulnerability of lesser snow geese to electronic calling devices. Central Flyway Waterfowl Technical Committee meeting, Holiday Inn, Lawton, Oklahoma, 5 March 1999.
March 1999
Olsen, R.E., and A.D. Afton. 1998. Vulnerability of snow geese to electronic calling devices, 60th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Cincinnati, OH, 6-9 December 1998.
December 1998
Nyman, J.A., M.K. La Peyre, S. C. Piazza, C. Winslow. 2010. Defining Restoration Targets for Flooding and Salinity in Louisiana’s Intermediate and Brackish Marshes. Society for Wetland Scientists, June 2010.
June 2010
Nyman, J.A. and M.K. La Peyre. 2005. A Review of the brief history of terraces. June 21, Sea Grant Extension Meeting, Louisiana Sea Grant, Baton Rouge, LA.
June 2005
Nyman, J.A. and M. La Peyre. 2005. SAV and seeds for waterfowl and restoration. Symposium for researchers for Southwest Louisiana National Wildlife Refuge Complex. Lake Charles, LA.
March 2005
Nyman, J.A. and M. La Peyre. 2005. A review of the brief history of terraces. CREST Symposium: a review of the Alton Jones Foundation Report. April 13, 2005, Lafayette, LA
April 2005
Nyman, J. A., Megan K. La Peyre. 2009. Defining restoration targets for flooding and salinity in Louisiana's intermediate and brackish marshes. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists; August 13-14, Lafayette, LA.
January 2009
Defining restoration targets for flooding and salinity in Louisiana's intermediate and brackish marshes.
Nyman, J. A., M. La peyre. 2009. Defining restoration targets for water depth and salinity in wind-dominated Spartina paten (ait.) Muhl. Coastal marshes. Society for Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting June Madison WI.
January 2009
Defining restoration targets for water depth and salinity in wind-dominated Spartina paten (ait.) Muhl. Coastal marshes.
Nicolai, C. A., J. S. Sedinger, A. D. Afton, and C. D. Ankney. 2006. Analysis of 53 years of Lesser Scaup banding data in North America: attempting to deal with sparse banding data. Joint Meeting of the Mississippi and Atlantic Flyway Council Technical Sections, Louisville, Kentucky, USA.
February 2006
Nicolai, C. A., J. S. Sedinger, A. D. Afton, and C. D. Ankney. 2006. Using banding data to control for assumption violations associated with direct recovery rate estimation: an example using five decades of lesser scaup banding data. 4th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Bismarck, ND.
August 2006
Newell, P. and S. L. King. 08/2008. Nesting, roosting, and foraging of pileated woodpeckers in managed bottomland hardwood forests. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists Meeting, Lafayette, LA.
August 2008
Newell, P. J., and S. L. King. 06/2008. Pileated Woodpeckers (Dryocopus pileatus) and saproxylic beetles in partial cut and uncut bottomland hardwood forests. Ivory Billed Woodpecker Research Symposium, Lafayette, LA.
June 2008
Morris, R.L., + 11. 2018. Oysters on the front line: nature-based solutions for coastal defence. ECSA 57: Changing estuaries, coasts and shelf systems. Perth, Australia, 3-6 September 2018.
September 2018
This presents a large- scale analysis of the effectiveness of oyster reefs in attenuating waves along vulnerable shorelines. The work combines data from sites along the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Coast of the U.S.
Moran, L.L.K., A. Lipford, S.L. King, and J.A. Nyman. 2024. Characterizing trends of secretive marshbird distributions across the Deltaic Plain of Louisiana. Gulf of Mexico Conference, Tampa, Florida.
February 2024
We conducted extensive surveys of secretive marshbirds in the Deltaic Plain of Louisiana from 2021-2023. Our results will assist in the development of coastal marsh restoration techniques that benefit secretive marshbirds and assist in determining oil spill impacts to these species.
Moran, L.L.K., A. Lipford, S.L. King, and J.A. Nyman. 2023. Characterizing trends of secretive marshbird distributions across the Deltaic Plain of Louisiana. Waterbird Society Annual Conference, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
October 2023
The lack of information regarding SMB distributions complicates planning, implementation of management and restoration to help SMBs in coastal Louisiana. We conducted three years of secretive marshbird surveys in coastal Louisiana to determine species abundance and habitat characteristics. This information will be used to provide information to ongoing restoration efforts.
Moran, L.L.K., A. Lipford, S.L. King, and J.A. Nyman. 2023. Characterizing Ecological Drivers of Secretive Marshbird Distribution Across Southeastern Louisiana. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA.
June 2023
Coastal wetland loss in Louisiana impacts both people and wildlife, including secretive marshbirds. In this study, we evaluate the effects of a variety of coastal marsh habitat characteristics to inform coastal restoration projects to improve habitat for secretive marshbirds.
Moran, L.L.K., A. Lipford, D.N. Fowler, J.A. Nyman, and S.L. King. 2025.Water level dynamics affect displacement and home ranges of secretive marshbirds among seasons. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, San Jose, Costa Rica.
January 2024
Natural subsidence and sea level rise are impacting flooding regimes in coastal marshes. This study determines the effects of flooding dynamics on movements of King Rails, Clapper Rails, Common and Purple Gallinules in coastal Louisiana.
Moran, L., A. Lipford, S.L. King, and J.A. Nyman. 2022. Characterizing Ecological Drivers of Secretive Marshbird Distribution Across Southeastern Louisiana. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, TX.
November 2022
Louisiana is expected to spend $50 billion on coastal restoration. In this study, we identify key habitat factors driving secretive marshbird relative abundance with the broader goal of improving coastal restoration for secretive marshbirds.
Moran, L., A. Lipford, S.L. King, and J. Nyman. 2024. Characterizing ecological drivers of secretive marshbird distribution across southeastern Louisiana. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan.
November 2024
Louisiana's coastal marshes are important habitat for secretive marshbirds, but coastal wetland loss threatens the quality of their habitats. In this study, we quantify secretive marshbird distribution and movements as they relate to habitat structure and hydrologic variability and discuss implications to coastal restoration efforts targeting these species.
Moore S, Marshall DA, Sutor M, La Peyre M. 2019. Quantifying reproductive output in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. CERF Meeting, Nov 8-12, Mobile AL.
November 2019
Eastern oysters form a vital part of east coast and Gulf of Mexico estuarine ecosystems. In Louisiana, where oysters support a large commercial industry, and form the basis of extensive coastal restoration projects, declining production trends have resulted in concerns about population sustainability. Oyster demography (i.e., how many large oysters) and environmental conditions influence reproductive capacity, which is essential for sustainable oyster populations. This study aims to examine the
Mize G, Coxe N, La Peyre MK, La Peyre JF. 2022. Effects of hypoxia and ploidy on mortality of eastern oysters. Benthic Ecology Meeting, Delaware March 29-April 2 2022.
March 2022
As hypoxic events become more frequent in our coastal areas and estuaries, understanding effects on ecosystem engineers, such as the eastern oyster is critical. This study examined mortality of oysters when exposed to hypoxia, compared to normoxia, with greater than 50% mortality under hypoxia occurring in loess than 9 days.
Mendoza-Jones, F. and M.K. La Peyre. 2006. The effect of sediment addition from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on Louisiana's wetland benthos. Ecological Society of America: Ecology in an Era of Globalization. Jan. 8-12, 2006. Merida Mexico
January 2006
Mendoza-Jones, F. and M.K. La Peyre. 2006. Response of the benthic salt marsh community to sediment addition. Restore AMerica's Estuaries 3rd National Conference on Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration. Dec. 10-13, 2006, New Orleans, LA.
December 2006
Megan K La Peyre, E.R. Hillmann, K.E. DeMarco*, B. Couvillion, S. Brown, J.A. Nyman. 2016. Potential impacts of changing environmental conditions on overall submerged aquatic vegetation resources: food and habitat availability for dependent fish and wildlife. SEAFWA Meeting. Oct. 16-18, Baton Rouge, LA
October 2016
This work summarizes 4 years of data collection on a large scale study of SAV distribution across coastal marshes in the northern Gulf of Mexico. These data are being used to build carrying capacity models for waterfowl, and to map SAV distribution within coastal marsh.
McGraw KA, La Peyre ML. 2019. Mollusk restoration - an overview and introduction to the session. National Shellfisheries Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA. March 7-11, 2019.
March 2019
This presentation provides an overview of the current state of mollusk restoration around the globe.
McCracken, K. G., J. Harshman, D. A. McClellan, and A. D. Afton. 1999. Data set incongruence and correlated character evolution in stifftail ducks and other diving ducks. Guest Lecture, Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.
July 1999
Marshall DA, Moore S, Perez A, Sutor M, La Peyre J, La Peyre M. 2019. Using oyster fecundity and reproductive capacity to assess individual and metapopulation sustainability and restoration success. CERF Meeting, Nov 8-12, 2019, Mobile, AL.
November 2019
Information on the relationships between oyster density, sex ratio, and reproductive capacity may be a useful measure to assess individual project restoration success, to identify system-wide reproductive capacity, to inform broodstock reef placement, or used in cost-benefit analyses using reproductive capacity as a function of dollars spent on restoration.
MacCluskie, M.C., A.D. Afton, and M.G. Anderson. 1999. The decline of breeding scaup: analysis of survey transects in the boreal forest and similar species. 117th Meeting of the American Ornithologists Union, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 8-14 August, 1999.
August 1999
M.K. La Peyre and B. Piazza. 2009. Development of nekton indicators for evaluating the effects of coastal restoration on nekton communities. Estuarine Research Federation Meeting. Portland, OR, Nov 1-5.
January 2009
Development of nekton indicators for evaluating the effects of coastal restoration on nekton communities.
Luukkonen, B, Winterstein, S, Hayes, J, Coluccy, D, Fowler, P, Lavretsky, B, O’Neal, A, Shipley, and J Simpson. 2024. Great Lakes mallard movements and population dynamics. 9th North American Duck Symposium. Portland OR, 5 -9 February 2024.
February 2024
This research evaluates factors influencing season movements and population change in mallards with the Great Lake States. Results from this research can inform regional habitat management, conservation planning, and harvest management.
Luukkonen, B, Winterstein, S, Hayes, D, Fowler, D, and P. Lavretsky. 2023. Great Lakes mallard genetics and movement ecology. Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society, Louisville KY 5 – 9 November 2023.
November 2023
This research evaluates the influence of differential genotypes on movement, habitat selection, and population demography of Great Lakes mallards. Data suggest that approximately half of sampled Great Lakes mallards had hybridized genotypes.
Lowe, M, Sehlinger, T, La Peyre, M, Soniat, T. 2016 Environmental Drivers of Eastern Oyster Population Dynamics in Louisiana: what can “biggish” data tell us? Restore America's Estuaries. New Orleans, LA. Dec 2016.
December 2016
This work is using over 20 years of data collected by the state wildlife and fish agency to develop growth and mortality parameters for local oyster populations. This region has never had accurate oyster growth models because models have always been based on east coast and northern populations.
Loh, Ai Ning, La Peyre, M.K. submitted as session topic. Ocean Pollution: The Gulf of Mexico as a case study. ASLO, 2014.
April 2014
This is a proposal to jointly chair a session at the upcoming ASLO meeting. The session would focus on Gulf of Mexico pollution, and restoration techniques.
Logarbo JR, Rossi R, La Peyre MK, Roberts BJ. 2020. Examining potential drivers of gulf ribbed mussel distribution in southeast Louisiana. Gulf Estuarine Research Society Meeting, Nov 16-18, 2020.
November 2020
This presents research exploring the distribution and environmental associations of the gulf ribbed mussel. This species occurs southeast marshes and associated in a mutually beneficial interaction with coastal marsh vegetation productivity.
Logarbo J, Rossi R, La Peyre MK, Roberts BJ. 2019. Enhancing living shoreline restoration practices using native ecosystem engineers: Geukensia granosissima and Spartina alterniflora. CERF Meeting, Nov 8-12, 2019, Mobile, AL.
November 2019
Louisiana's coast is rapidly eroding due to multiple natural and anthropogenic stressors. To slow land loss, restoration efforts such as living shorelines have shown value in efforts to maintain marsh health. Our results provide insight into the direct effect of the mussels on shoreline strength and stability and if these effects are density dependent. Understanding the dynamic relationship between G. granosissima and S. alterniflora is a critical precursor to the use of ribbed mussels for shor
Llewellyn, C and MK La Peyre. 2008. Examining blue crab stable-isotope signatures as indicators of marsh equivalence in created and reference marshes. Society for Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Washington DC. May 29-June3, 2008.
May 2008
Llewellyn, C and M. La Peyre. 2008. Examinign blue crab stable-isotope signatures as indicators of marsh equivalence in created and reference marshes. American Fisheries Society, Lousiana Mtg. Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 2008.
January 2008
Llewellyn, C and M La Peyre. 2008. Examining blue crab stable-isotope signatures as indicators of marsh equivalence in created and reference marshes. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists. Lafayette Louisiana, Aug. 14-15, 2008.
August 2008
Lipford, A., Moran, L., J.A. Nyman, and S.L. King. 2022. Assessing the value of created marshes for wetland birds in southeast Louisiana. Gulf Estuarine Research Society Annual Meeting, Ocean Springs, MS.
October 2022
Louisiana is spending about $50 billion to restore their coasts. This study evaluates the suitability of restored coastal marshes for secretive marshbirds.
Lipford, A., L.L.K. Moran, J.A. Nyman, and S.L. King. 2023. If you build it, will they come? Assessing habitat quality for birds at created marshes in southeastern Louisiana. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA.
June 2023
Louisiana is projected to spend up to $50 billion on coastal restoration in the coming years. This study evaluates the effects of coastal restoration efforts on the presence and abundance of secretive marshbirds within five hydrologic basins in coastal Louisiana.
Lipford, A., L. Moran, J.A. Nyman, and S.L. King. 2022. If you build it, will they come? Assessing habitat quality for birds at created marshes in southeastern Louisiana. Waterbirds Society Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, TX.
November 2022
Over $50 billion is planned on being spent for restoration of Louisiana's coastal marshes. In this study, we compare secretive marshbird numbers, hydrology, and vegetation among restored and natural marshes to identify key factors to improve coastal restoration for secretive marshbirds.
Lipford, A., J. Youtz, L. Moran, J.A. Nyman, and S.L. King. 2021. Assessing the value of created marshes for wetland birds in southeast Louisiana. Abstract for annual meeting of The Waterbird Society (virtual).
November 2021
Marsh creation is an expensive and widespread strategy to improve coastal habitat for waterbirds. Our research provides an assessment of avian species richness in created versus natural marshes in coastal Louisiana.
Link, P. T., and A. D. Afton. 2006. Habitat use, movements, and survival of female mallards in southwestern Louisiana. Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission meeting, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA.
December 2006
Link, P. T., and A. D. Afton. 2009. Use of habitats by female mallards wintering in southwestern Louisiana. 5th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Toronto, ON, Canada.
August 2009
Link, P. T., and A. D. Afton. 2009. Use of habitats by female mallards wintering in southwestern Louisiana. 2009 Fall Symposium, Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists, Lafayette, LA
August 2009
Link, P. T., and A. D. Afton. 2009. Survival and cause-specific mortality of female mallards in southwestern Louisiana. 5th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Toronto, ON, Canada.
August 2009
Link, P. T., and A. D. Afton. 2009. Survival and cause-specific mortality of female mallards in southwestern Louisiana. 2009 Fall Symposium, Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists, Lafayette, LA
August 2009
Link, P. T., and A. D. Afton. 2006. Habitat use and survival of female mallards in southwestern Louisiana: preliminary results. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologist, Fall Symposiu, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA.
August 2006
Link, P. T., A. D. Afton, and R. R. Cox, Jr. 2007. Habitat use, movements, and survival of female mallards in southwestern Louisiana. Fourth Ark-La-Miss Wildlife Management Symposium, Ruston, Louisiana, USA.
February 2007
Link, P. T. and A. D. Afton. 2012. Use of habitats by female mallards wintering in southwestern Louisiana. 2012 State of the Coast Conference, New Orleans, LA.
June 2012
The results suggest that freshwater marsh is important to Mallards, and waterfowl managers may want to consider this marsh type in their restoration and management efforts.
Link, P. T. and A. D. Afton. 2012. Daily movements of female mallards wintering in southwestern Louisiana. 2012 State of the Coast Conference, New Orleans, LA.
June 2012
Female Mallards moved short distances between diurnal and nocturnal sites (ranging from 3.1 to 15.0 km by land management category), suggesting that they are able to meet their daily energy requirements within a smaller area than Northern Pintails (Anas acuta), and thus minimize transit energy costs.
Liner S., Roberts B., La Peyre M. 2023. Can gulf ribbed mussels augment coastal restoration project sin a world of climate change? State of the Coast. June 2023. New Orleans, LA. ORAL
June 2023
This experimental field project examined the effects of sea level rise on the interaction of ribbed mussels and marsh productivity. Ribbed mussels are hypothesized to enhance nutrients to enhance marsh productivity, but it is not clear at what point sea level rise may negate any of these effects.
Liner S, Lavaud R, La Peyre J, La Peyre MK, Roberts B. Tolerance of the gulf ribbed mussel to chronic and acute thermal stress. GERS 2022 Biennial Meeting, Gulfport MS
October 2022
We test the effects of thermal stress on mortality of a key saltmarsh species, the gulf ribbed mussel.
LeBlanc, SC, Rossi R, Roberts BJ, La Peyre MK. 2020. Development and sustainability of ecosystem services for restored oyster reefs in Louisiana. Gulf Estuarine Research Society Meeting, Nov 16-18, 2020.
November 2020
This research examines the 11 year trajectory of restored oyster reefs, and quantifies their water filtration capacity, and impact on adjacent shoreline erosion. The work is one of the few studies to examine long-term impacts and sustainability of a restoration project.
Lavaud, R., M. La Peyre, C. Bacher, s. Casas Liste, J. La Peyre. 2015 Quantifying physiological response of eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, to regional environmental variability using the Dynamic Energy Budget Theory . National Shellfisheries Association 103rd Annual Meeting. Monterey CA
March 2015
This work describes a set of physiological experiments with the eastern oyster to derive parameters necessary for developing energy budgets.
Lavaud, R., M. La Peyre, C. Bacher, J. La Peyre. 2015. How to include the effect of salinity on the physiological response of eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in a Dynamic Energy Budget Model? 2015 Dynamic Energy Budget Symposium, April 26-28, Marseille, France
April 2015
This work examines two possible ways to incorporate salinity into dynamic energy budget models. This is important and novel for DEB theory development, and would provide a means to account for variation in salinity from climate change to be accounted for in species models.
Lavaud, R., La Peyre, M., Justic, D., Wang, L., Bacher, C., La Peyre, J. Predicting potential growth of oysters in the Barataria Bay (Louisiana, USA) through a Dynamic Energy Budget model under scenarios of climate change and river management. State of the Coast, Louisiana, June 2016.
June 2016
A dynamic energy budget model of the eastern oyster is coupled with a hydrodynamic model for Barataria Bay, LA to examine oyster production under scenarios of wet, dry and average years.
Lavaud, R., La Peyre, M, Justic, D., Wang, L, Bacher, C and La Peyre J. Predicting potential growth of oysters in the Barataria Bay (Louisiana, USA) using outputs from a hydrodynamic model under scenarios of climate change and river management. Abstract for International Society of Ecological Modeling Meeting, May 2016.
May 2016
This work uses a DEB oyster model with salinity included, couples it to outputs from a hydrodynamic water model to test various scenarios of climate change and water management on oyster production through one of Louisiana's important oyster areas.
Lavaud R, Zang Z, Stephens T, La Peyre M, Rose K, Sable S, Xue Z, Carter B. 2025. Oyster metapopulation modeling for Barataria Basin. State of the Coast, May 20-22, 2025, New Orleans, LA.
May 2025
We present results from a large collaborative team building oyster metapopulation models for Louisiana coastal basins. These models are used to inform restoration and production management.
Lavaud R, Sable S, Stephens T, La Peyre M, Rose, K, Zang Z, Xue Z, Diaz O, Georgiou I, Yurek S, Wang H, Carter B, Lindquist D. 2025. Using metapopulation modeling to support oyster restoration and aquaculture in Louisiana’s coastal basins. Aquaculture 2025, March 6-10, 2025, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
March 2025
We present results from a large collaborative team building oyster metapopulation models for Louisiana coastal basins. These models are used to inform restoration and production management.
Lavaud R, Sable S, Stephens T, La Peyre M, Rose K, Zanb Z, Xue Z, Diaz O, Georgiou I, Yurek S., Wang H, Carter B, Lindquist D. 2024. Oyster metapopulation modeling: linking water quality, hydrodynamics, spatial connectivity, individual bioenergetics and structural mechanics to support restoration in Louisiana's coastal basins. National Shellfisheries Association Annual Meeting. Baltimore MD, March 17-21, 2024
March 2024
This presentation summarizes development of a metapopulation modeling for oysters to assist managers in selection of sites for broodstock reefs to help restore the oyster populations in coastal Louisiana.
Lavaud R, La Peyre MK, Couvillion B, Beseres Pollack J, Brown V, Palmer TA, Keim B. 2024. predicting restoration and aquaculture potential of eastern oysters through an eco-physiological mechanistic model. National Shellfisheries Association Annual Meeting. Baltimore MD March 17-21, 2024
March 2024
On-going and predicted changes in precipitation and river flow impact key coastal species such as the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. Identifying suitable locations to ensure resilient oyster populations and to support future production remains a challenge for managers. This project compares current and future conditions to inform managers of suitable locations for aquaculture or for restoration.
Lancaster, J. D., J. B. Davis, R. M. Kaminski, A. D. Afton, and E. Penny. 2011. WMA use, habitat use, and survival of radio-marked mallards in the Mississippi Delta. Mississippi Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, MS.
October 2011
Lancaster, J. D., J. B. Davis, R. M. Kaminski, A. D. Afton, and E. Penny. 2011. Habitat selection and survival of radio-marked mallards on hunted and sanctuary wetlands in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley, Southeastern Natural Resources Graduate Student Symposium, Starkville, MS.
March 2011
Lancaster, J. D., J. B. Davis, R. M. Kaminski, A. D. Afton, and E. J. Penny. 2013. Survival and habitat selection of female mallards in Mississippi. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Memphis, TN.
January 2013
This study estimates survial and evaluates factors affecting survival and habitat use of radio-marked female mallards in the Mississippi River Delta. Results will enhance understanding of mallard winter ecology and identify selected habitats that may promote survival of mallards in Mississippi.
Lancaster, J. D., J. B. Davis, R. M. Kaminski, A. D. Afton, and E. J. Penny. 2013. Habitat use and habitat specific survival of female mallards in the Mississippi Delta. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Jackson, MS.
September 2013
The study provides information on habitat use and survial of female mallards in the Mississippi Delta region. The information will be useful in helping wildlife managers provide optimal habitat for wintering ducks in the region.
Lancaster J.D., J. B. Davis, R. M. Kaminski, A. D. Afton, and E. J. Penny. 2013. Winter survival, habitat selection, and patterns of WMA use by female mallards in Mississippi. Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks, Annual Research Summit, Mississippi State, MS.
February 2013
Research results were reported to cooperating agency to assist their management of WMAs.
La Peyre, Megan K. September 2001. Exploring integrated models of wetland management. Coastal Ecology Institute Seminar Series, Louisiana State University.
September 2001
La Peyre, MK. 2016. Session Moderator. Abundance, distribution and ecosystem functions of submerged aquatic vegetation in coastal Louisiana. State of the Coast, June 2016, New Orleans, LA.
June 2016
This abstract is to moderate a session that includes presentations on the latest research on submerged aquatic vegetation resources in coastal Louisiana. A previously un examined habitat type, this information is critical to Louisiana master plan for coastal restoration.
La Peyre, MK, Lowe, M., Hanke, M., Pollack, J. Understanding eastern oyster reef dynamics for improved restoration and management. Restore America's Estuaries. Dec. 12-16, New Orleans, LA.
December 2016
This brings together east and gulf coast researchers to discuss work related to recent oyster population modeling, impacts of climate change on oysters, and associated fisheries.
La Peyre, MK, L. Schwarting. Spatial and temporal development of living shoreline oyster reefs in coastal Louisiana. National Shellfisheries Association Mtg. 2014
March 2014
This work provides data from 4 years of work tracking development of reef sustainability and associated services at 3 separate living shoreline projects.
La Peyre, MK, Hillmann ER, DeMarco, KE, Couvillion B, Brown S, Nyman JA. 2016. Potential impacts of changing environmental conditions on overall submerged aquatic vegetation resources: food and habitat availability for dependent fish and wildlife. SEAFWA, Baton Rouge, LA
October 2016
This presents a broad overview of SAV resources across the gulf coast and discusses implications in changing environmental drivers for fish and wildlife dependent on these SAV resources.
La Peyre, MK, B Gossman, C. Llewellyn, B. Piazza and J. Gordon. 2008. Determining coastal restoration success: indicators of nekton functional support. AMerican Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Ottawa Canada Oct. 19-21 2008.
August 2008
La Peyre, M.K., T. Birdsong, S. Kanouse, C. Thom and B. Gossman. 2005. Essential fish habitats: re-defining habitat types. Coastal Zone 2005, July 15-22, New Orelands, LA
July 2005
La Peyre, M.K., T. Birdsong, C. Bush, S. Kanouse, and B. Piazza. 2004. Conserving and Protecting Coastal Habitats: Evaluation of Potential Management Strategies. Next steps in the Gulf of Mexico; Response of U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy Recommendations. July 7-8, College Station, TX.
July 2004
La Peyre, M.K., D.Cahoon, R.Greco, S.Hartley, and J. Johnston. 2001. OCS-related pipelines and canals in the northern Gulf of Mexico: impacts and mitigation effectiveness. Coastal Zone 2001, Cleveland, OH. July 16-20.
July 2001
La Peyre, M.K., A. Volety, A. Nickens and J. La Peyre. 2001. Potential for freshets to eliminate the protozoan pathogen Perkinsus marinus in eastern oysters: an initial laboratory experiment. 16th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation. St. Petersburg, FL. Nov. 4-8, 2001.
November 2001
La Peyre, M.K., A. Huprhies, S. Casas Liste and J. La Peyre. Temporal variation in development of ecological services in response to oyster reef restoration in Louisiana Benthic Ecology Meeting 42nd
March 2013
Restoration ecology generally assumes creation of fully functioning systems, but rarely pays attention to the timeframe. This discusses three key services expected from oyster reef restorations and using field data demonstrates the different time periods over which services may be expected.
La Peyre, M.K. and J.A. Nyman. 2005. Effects of terraces on nekton and SAV. Symposium for reserachers for Southwest Louisiana National Wildlife REfuge Complex. Lake Charles, LA March 30.
March 2005
La Peyre, M.K. and A. Humphries. 2010. Effects of shoreline reef creation on edge erosion, marsh resilience and nekton community assemblages in Louisiana. International Conference on Shellfish Restoration, Charleston, SC. Nov 2010
November 2010
La Peyre, M.K. 2006. Finding meaningful biological metrics for fishery habitat: interpreting restoration success in coastal Louisiana. Monitoring Estuarine Restoration Workshop. Restore America's Estuaries 3rd Naitonal COnference on Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration. Dec. 10-13, 2006, New Orleans, LA
December 2006
La Peyre, M.K. 2005. Wetland restoration: consideration of habitat structure for nekton. Society for WEtland Scientists Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC June 5-10.
June 2005
La Peyre, M.K. 2001. Shell reef restoration: opportunities for estuarine restoration. Coastal and Estuarine Wetland Restoration in the New Millenium: Improving Effectiveness. National Symposium and Workshop. Institute for Wetland Science and Public Policy, Association of State Wetland Managers. Baton Rouge, LA. June 19-21.
June 2001
La Peyre, M.K. 2001. Fishing for habitat links: an overview of fish habitat literature. Women in Natural Resources, Baton Rouge Group. Baton Rouge, LA, March 7, 2001.
March 2001
La Peyre, M.K. 2001. Fisheries and habitat research: setting a joint research and management agenda. Louisiana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA February 8-9, 2001.
February 2001
La Peyre, M.K. 2001. Essential fish habitat: building evidence for the value of diverse coastal habitats. Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. May 4, 2001
May 2001
La Peyre, M., Schwarting-Miller, L. and Miller., S. 2015. Suitability of oyster restoration reefs sites along the Louisiana Gulf coast: importance of multi-year and site data to understand factors affecting reef sustainability
November 2015
This pulls data from multiple projects over a 6 year time frame to identify environmental and location specific factors that are related to reef sustainability and provision of ecosystem services.
La Peyre, M., S. Casas and J. La Peyre. 2005. Salinity effects on three Perkinsus spps viability, metabolic activity adn cellular proliferation. National Shellfisheries Association Annual Meeting, April 10-14, 2005. PHiladelphia, PA.
April 2005
La Peyre, M., B. Gossman and J. La Peyre. 2008. Effects of freshwater diversions: an experimental determination of the effects of freshets on the oyster parasite, Perkinsus marinus, and its host, Crassostrea virginica. National Shellfisheries Association Mtg, Providence RI, April 6-10 2008
April 2008
La Peyre, M, B. Gossman and B. Piazza. 2007. Effects of thin-layer sediment addition on marsh restoration. Estuarine Research Federation Meeting. Providence Rhode Island, Oct 8-12, 2007.
October 2007
La Peyre MK. 2019. Using conservation and restoration activities to understand foundation species - a tale of two biogenic habitats. CERF Meeting. Nov 8-12, 2019, Mobile, AL.
November 2019
Distribution and sustainability of biogenic habitat relies on population success of its foundation species. Understanding these species population dynamics remains fundamental to conservation, restoration and management. This work ultimately contribute to improved species understanding, and enabled the development of models to assist in restoration, conservation and management of these biogenic habitats, and predict impacts of changing conditions.
La Peyre MK, Wang H. Swam, L., Perez C., Sable S., Carter B. 2023. Evaluation and models for representing habitat and oysters in Louisiana. State of the Coast. June, New Orleans, LA.
June 2023
This talk summarizes the current state of models available for oyster reef restoration and management, and identifies future needs. This work is being used to identify and fund key projects from RESTORE and NRDA funding targeted at oyster restoration.
La Peyre MK, Wang H, Sable S, Li B., Wu W., Bates M, Swam, L, Perez C, Couvillion B. 2023. Determining low salinity zones of intolerance based on salinity intensity and continuity thresholds for the easter oyster, Crassostrea virginica. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, Portland OR, Nov 12-16, 2023.
November 2023
This work uses machine learning on fishery independent monitoring data and satellite environmental data to explore low salinity intensity and duration thresholds impacting eastern oyster abundances in Louisiana estuaries.
La Peyre MK, Schwarting Miller LS, Miller S., Melancon, E. 2016. Comparison of oyster populations, shoreline protection service and site characteristics at seven created fringing reefs in Louisiana: key parameters and responses to consider. Restore America's Estuaries. Dec 2016, New Orleans, LA
December 2016
We provide results and analyses of 7 restoration projects involving living shorelines in order to identify key factors to consider for future project success.
La Peyre MK, Aguilar D, Smith-Kyle, A. 2018. Filling a knowledge gap: using oyster ladders to understand the importance of inundation duration in successful living shorelines. State of the Coast, New Orleans, LA. May 30-June 1, 2018.
May 2018
This work seeks to identify how inundation time period affects both the development of living oyster communities, and protection of adjacent shoreline. Important in informing restoration efforts based on this approach, and predicting how sustainable these approaches will be under anticipated water level changes.
La Peyre MK, 2017. It all goes downstream: effects of altered riverine flow on an estuarine foundation species. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. September 2017
September 2017
This work ties into a special session considering the importance of water and water quality to wildlife, and their habitats. This provides a summary of work examining how altered flow upstream can affect a critical down estuary species.
La Peyre M, Carter B, Sable S, Lavaud R, Rose K, Stephens T, Lindquist D. 2025. Future oyster modeling and monitoring to support oyster restoration and adaptive management. State of the Coast, May 20-22, 2025, New Orleans, LA.
May 2025
Oyster metapopulation modeling identifies potential hotspots for investment in and protection of oyster spawning reefs. We present the next steps in building useable metapopulation models to inform management.
Kroschel, and S.L. King. 2016. Bottomland hardwood tree species regeneration: seedling response to flood timing. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, TX.
June 2016
Species composition changes in bottomland hardwood forests from more desirable and more water tolerant tree species to less desirable and less water tolerant tree species are common place. This study is focused on understanding the potential role of regeneration processes in these changes.
Kroschel, W.A., and S.L. King. 2019. AN ANALYSIS OF SEEDLING DYNAMICS IN FLOODPLAINS OF THE LOWER MISSISSIPPI ALLUVIAL VALLEY. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
May 2019
A greater understanding of bottomland hardwood regeneration dynamics is needed to understand how floodping patterns influence species composition in bottomland hardwood forests. We found that seeds of tree species germinate at different times, thus timing of floods can differentially affect seedling survival and may alter tree species composition through impacts on regeneration.
Kroschel, W.A., and S.L. King. 2018. Bottomland hardwood tree species regeneration: seedling response to flood timing. Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Denver, Colorado.
May 2018
Bottomland hardwoods, located along rivers and streams in the southern United States, are a key habitat for conservation of many species of wildlife. In this study, we evaluate the effects of hydrologic alterations on regeneration of bottomland hardwood trees.
Kroschel, W.A. and S.L. King. 2018. Bottomland hardwood tree species regeneration: seedling response to flood timing. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.
August 2018
Hydrologic alterations of rivers have affected species composition in bottomland hardwood forests but the mechanisms of change are poorly understood. In this study, we evaluate the effects of timing of flooding on the species composition of tree seedlings.
Kroschel, W.A. and S. L. King. AN ANLYSIS OF SEEDLING DYNAMICS IN TWO HYDROLOGICALLY ALTERED LOUISIANA FLOODPLAINS. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
June 2017
Broad scale hydrologic alterations are common throughout the Mississippi River Alluvial Valley. This research evaluates the effects of these alterations on bottomland hardwood forests.
King, SL and RF Keim. 2017. Draining the Swamp: water and the future of floodplain forests of the southeastern U.S. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.
September 2016
Bottomland hardwoods are key focal habitat for the conservation of numerous wildlife species, however, flood control and groundwater declines are affecting forest compostion and tree growth. This paper identifies key research needs and strategies to address water issues in the southeastern U.S.
King, S.L., W. Harrell, E. Smith, and J.A. Nyman. 2017. The role of fire in the management of Whooping Crane habitats. 7th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress, Orlando, FL.
November 2017
Whooping Cranes are federally endangered species that utilize a variety of habitats for breeding, wintering, and stopover. Fire is an important management strategy for sustaining these habitats and this paper summarizes what is known about fire and Whooping Cranes and identifies priority research needs.
King, S.L., M. Laubhan, P. Tashjian, J. Vradenburg, and L.H. Fredrickson. 2021. Opportunities and Constraints for Wetland Conservation in an Irrigated World. Society of Wetland Scientists 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting.
June 2021
We review the effects of water law, agricultural economics, and farm policies on water use and wetland availability in the U.S. Our results identify numerous findings that may assist in the formulation of more effective farm and water policies.
King, S.L., M. Laubhan, J. Vradenburg, and L.H. Fredrickson. 2020. Rethinking wetland conservation in a water-scarce future. 2020 North American Crane Workshop, Lubbock, Texas.
January 2020
Sandhill Cranes and Whooping Cranes utilize wetland habitats in many areas where water availbility is becoming limited. This study highlights this issue and provides suggestions on how to increase water security for key wetlands.
King, S.L., M. Laubhan, J. Vradenburg, and L.H. Fredrickson. 2019. Rethinking Wetland Conservation in a Water-Starved Future. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
May 2019
Wetlands and wetland-dependent wildlife are being stressed in many regions due to water conflicts. A greater understanding of economic incentives of water use is needed to guide wetland conservation efforts in the future.
King, S.L., M. Laubhan, J. Vradenburg, and L.H. Fredrickson. 2019. Rethinking Wetland Conservation in a Water-Starved Future. Presentation at the joint meeting of The Wildlife Society and the American Fisheries Society. Reno, NV.
October 2019
Wetlands and wetland-dependent wildlife, including many migratory waterbirds and endangered species, are core management targets for natural resource agencies. In this presentation, we explain how the future of these habitats and species are threatened by current water use and identify new approaches that need to be considered to sustain these systems and the species dependent upon them.
King, S.L., M. Laubhan, J. Vradenburg, and A. Henry. 2018. Arid Wetlands: Challenges and Opportunities. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado.
May 2018
Arid wetlands are dynamic and productive systems that provide habitat to many species, including numerous rare and endangered species. In this paper, we synthesize global challenges and opportunities for sustaining arid wetland systems.
King, S.L., M. Laubhan, J. Vradenburg, P. Tashjian, and L. Fredrickson. 2025. Waterbird Conservation in a Water Limited World: An Overview. Waterbirds Annual Meeting, San Jose, Costa Rica.
January 2025
This paper will summarize the impacts of declines in water availability on waterbird habitats in North America. We will also summarize some potential positive conservation approaches to improve wetland habitats during a period of water scarcity.
King, S.L. 2020. Rice and waterbirds. Invited presentation virtual Sustainable Agriculture Summit.
November 2020
Rice is the most important agricultural crop for waterbirds globally, however, field and landscape habitat characteristics can affect use. In this presentation, we provide a synthesis of local and landscape management considerations to enhance waterbird use of rice fields.
King, S.L. 2019. Climatic, geomorphic, and hydrologic variability in wetlands. The Wildlife Society Workshop entitled "A Process-Based Approach to Wetland Management", Reno, Nevada.
September 2019
This workshop provided training for students, researchers, and resource management practitioners on how to manage wetlands. This presentation provided foundational hydrologic, climatic, and geomorphic principles that drive wetland ecosystem responses.
King, S.L. 2015 (invited). Whooping Cranes and the Endangered Species Act. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists Annual Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA.
August 2015
This review provides a summary of the role of the endangered species act in habitat conservation and management.
King, S. L., and S. Linscombe. 2006 (invited). Changes in rice agriculture in southwestern Louisiana. USFWS King Rail Focal Species Workshop. Memphis, TN.
November 2006
King, S. L., and R. Keim. 2011. Catahoula Lake Wetland Issues. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Public Hearing, Invited speaker. Jena, Louisiana.
August 2011
King, S. L., and J. A. Nyman. 2007 (invited). Integrating wildlife ecology into wetlands ecology courses. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Sacramento, California.
June 2007
King, S. L., J. Linscombe, and P. Bowman. 2007 (invited). Reintroduction of Whooping Cranes to Louisiana: habitat evaluation of White Lake and Marsh Island. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists Meeting, Lafayette, Louisiana.
August 2007
King, S. L., J. Linscombe, and P. Bowman. 2007 (invited). Reintroduction of Whooping Cranes to Louisiana.
August 2007
King, S. L., J. A. Nyman, and A. R. Pierce. 2006. Assessment of Whooping Crane habitat needs at White Lake, Louisiana: historic conditions and current questions. North American Crane Conference, Zacatecas, Mexico. (poster; contributed)
February 2006
King, S. L., C. S. Elphick, D. Guadagnin, and O. Taft. 2007 (invited). Effects of landscape management on waterbird use of rice fields. Annual meeting of the Waterbird Society. Barcelona, Spain
November 2007
King, S. L., B. Strader, D. Twedt, and R. Wilson. 2006 (invited by session chair). Development of restoration guidelines for floodplain forests of the Mississippi River Valley. 91st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Memphis, TN. (invited; by session chair)
August 2006
King, S. L., A. Pierce, K. Hersey, and N. Winstead. 2008. Migration patterns of sandhill cranes wintering in central and southwestern Louisiana. North American Crane Conference, Wisconsin Dells, WI.
September 2008
King, S. L. and K. Ribbeck. 2006 (invited). Restoration and Management Recommendations for Bottomland Hardwoods in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Lower Mississippi River Valley Ecosystem Team Meeting, Lafayette, Louisiana. (invited)
August 2006
King, S. L. and A. P. Pierce. 2005 (Invited). Effects of hydrologic and geomorphic alterations on bottomland hardwood forests. USFWS Lower Mississippi River Valley Ecosystem Team Meeting, Stuttgart, Arkansas.
August 2005
King, S. L. 2012. Restoration of Whooping Cranes to Southwestern Louisiana. Louisiana State University, Department of Coastal Studies, Wetland Restoration Class Lecture.
October 2012
King, S. L. 2012. Reintroduction of Whooping Cranes to southwestern Louisiana. Port Aransas Whooping Crane Festival, Port Aransas, Texas.
February 2012
King, S. L. 2012. Ecology and management of floodplain ecosystems. Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University, Blagoveshchensk, Russia
June 2012
King, S. L. 2012. Restoration of Whooping Cranes to Southwestern Louisiana. LSU Agricultural Center, Rice Experiment Station Field Day.
June 2012
King, S. L. 2012. Reintroduction of Whooping Cranes to Southwestern Louisiana. Port Aransas Whooping Crane Festival, Port Aransas, Texas.
February 2012
King, S. L. 2006 (invited). King Rail Research in the Mississippi River Alluvial Valley. Lower Mississipppi River Valley Ecosystem Team Meeting, Lafayette, Louisiana.
August 2006
King, S. L. 2005 (Invited; plenary). Bottomland hardwood forests of the Southeastern United States. Society of Wetland Scientists 26th Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina.
June 2005
King, S. L. 2005 (Invited). Black Swamp Case Study. USGS Cooperative Research Units, All Hands Meeting. Jacksonville, Florida.
February 2005
King, S. L. 2004. Micro- and Macrotopography of Bottomland Hardwood Forests and the Response of Wetland Wildlife to Restoration. Society of Wetland Scientists 25th Anniversary Meeting. Charting the Future: a quarter century of lessons learned. Seattle, Washington. July 18-23, 2004.
July 2004
King, S. L. 2010. Climate Change, cranes, and temperate floodplain ecosystems. 2010 International Crane Workshop, Muraviovoka Park, Russia.
May 2010
King, S. L. 2009. Rice, crawfish, and waterbirds: The annual cycle. Working Wetland Initiative Meeting, LSU AgCenter Rice Experiment Station, Crowley, Louisiana.
July 2009
Rice is an important agricultural crop in southwestern Louisiana and is heavily utilized by waterbirds. This paper explains the types of rice management practices that best benefit waterbirds.
King, S. L. 2009. Potential reintroduction of Whooping Cranes in Louisiana: Issues and opportunities. Rivers and Wildlife Celebration, Kearney, Nebraska.
September 2008
King, S. L, and S. Linscombe. 2006 (invited). Future of rice production in Southwestern Louisiana. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists Meeting. Lafayette, Louisiana.
August 2006
Kim J, Casas S., La Peyre MK, La Peyre JF. Differential effects of low salinity and high temperature on diploid and triploid eastern oysters. Oyster South Symposium, New Orleans, Louisiana.
February 2024
The oyster industry is increasingly relying on triploid oysters to boost production. Despite their growth advantage, reports of elevated triploid mortality compared to diploids cause significant concern to oyster growers. Here, we test the effects of extreme salinity and temperature on diploid and triploid survival rates in the lab, to explore potential differences in responses by ploidy.
Keim R.F., J.L. Chambers, W.H. Conner, J.W. Day Jr., S.P. Faulkner, E.S. Gardiner, M.S. Hughes, S.L. King, K.W. McLeod, C.A. Miller, J.A. Nyman, and G.P. Shaffer. 2006. Ecological consequences of changing hydrological conditions in wetland forests of coastal Louisiana. American Institute of Hydrology. International Conference on Challenges in Coastal Hydrology and Water Quality. May 21?24, 2006. Baton Rouge. (invited)
May 2006
Kassuba ZJ, Plumlee MA, Dance MA, La Peyre MK. 2024. Assessing oyster density on submerged structures using high-resolution acoustic imagery. Gulf Estuarine Research Society, Dec 1-5.
December 2024
Estimating and monitoring oyster density in turbid waters remains challenging using standard visual census techniques. This project explores the use of accoustic imagery to monitoring and track oyster density and reef complexity.
Kanouse, S.C., J.A. Nyman and M.K. La Peyre. 2003. Fish growth and habitat importance. 2003 Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, Seattle, WA. Sept. 15-19, 2003.
September 2003
Kanouse, S., La Peyre, M. and Nyman, J.A. 2003. Nekton use and growth in brackish marsh habitats. Estuarine Research FEderation Intl meeting. SEattle, WA.
September 2003
Kang, S.R., and S.L. King. 2014. Whooping Crane prey assemblage in a coastal marsh system: Implications for wetland wildlife management. The 6th East Asian Federation of Ecological Societies International Congress,Haikou, China.
April 2014
South Korea, and Asia in general, have little background in applied wetland concepts. This study provides information on the effects of hydrology, vegetation, and season on food availability for waterbirds and can serve as a foundation for the development of coastal marsh management and restoration concepts in this region.
Kang, S. R., and S. L. King. 2008. Whooping Crane food availability in different marsh types. The 32nd Annual Waterbirds Society Meeting. South Padre Island, Texas.
November 2008
Identified important food resources for Whooping Cranes
Kang, S. R., and S. L. King. 2011 (October). Effects of hydrological connectivity and environmental variables on nekton community structure of a coastal marsh system. Society of Wetland Scientists (South Central Chapter), Lafayette, LA.
October 2011
Kang, S. R., and S. L. King. 08/2008. Whooping Crane food availability in different marsh types. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists Meeting, Lafayette, LA. (poster)
August 2008
Kang, S. R., S. L. King, and J. Linscombe. 2010. Effects of salinity on survival rate of
aquatic macroinvertebrates of a Louisiana freshwater marsh. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists Annual Meeting, Lafayette, LA.
August 2010
Jonsson, J. E., and A. D. Afton. 2005. Snow geese wintering in southwest Louisiana use two distinct habitats: is there evidence for separate populations? 11th North American Arctic Goose Conference, Reno, NV.
January 2005
Jonsson, J. E., and A. D. Afton. 2003. Behavior of snow and Ross's geese wintering in southwest Louisiana. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists Fall Symposium, Lafayette, Louisiana, 21-22 August 2003.
August 2003
Johnston, James, Cahoon, D., Hartley, L., M. La Peyre and J. Barras. 2003. Coastal Wetland Impacts - OCS Canal Widening Rates and Effectiveness of OCS Pipeline Canal Mitigation. Minerals Management Service Information Transfer Meeting. January 14-16, 2003. Kenner, LA.
January 2003
Johnston, J., D. Cahoon, M. La Peyre, P. Hensel and T. McGinnis. 2005. OUter Continental Shelf Pipeline and Navigation Canal Impacts and Mitigation Effects on Wetland Habitats of Coastal Western adn Central Gulf of Mexico. MMS 23rd Interagency Technical Meeting, Kenner, LA
January 2005
Jiang, H., J. H. Harris, S.L.King, and J.N. Vradenburg. 2018. Managing wetlands in the West Songnen Plain of northeast China: Challenges and Opportunities. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting.
May 2018
Wetlands of northeast China provide critical habitat for numerous endangered waterbirds, but are under severe developmental pressure compounded by a highly variable climate. Our work describes collaborative international efforts to improve wetland management capacity and the evaluation of wetland management techniques to improve habitat conditions.
James B. Johnston, Lawrence Handley, Donald R. Cahoon, and Megan K. La Peyre. 2002. Coastal Wetland Impacts: OCS Canal Widening Rates and Effectiveness of OCS Pipeline Mitigation. Minerals Management Service, Information Transfer Meeting. New Orleans, LA. Jan. 8-10, 2002.
January 2002
Jaegge A, La Peyre MK, Casas S, La Peyre J, Stauffer B. 2019. Restoration induced changes to phytoplankton communities: do cyanobacteria affect oyster feeding and selectivity? Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, Mobile AL Nov 2-8, 2019.
November 2019
Phytoplankton serve as vital components of Louisiana's aquatic ecosystems. We investigated trophic impacts of a shift to cyanobacteria using a non-toxic strain of the primarily freshwater cyanobacterium, Microcystis aeruginosa, and the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica).
J. Gordon and M.K. La Peyre. Habitat measures associated with fish species assemblages and non-game fish species of conservation concern in natural and managed submerged aquatic vegetation and marsh edge habitats in coastal Louisiana. Estuarine Research Federation Meeting. Portland, OR, Nov 1-5.
November 2009
Humphries, E. M., J. L. Peters, K. E. Omland, J. E. Jonsson, and A. D. Afton. 2005. Phylogenetics and phylogeography of the white goose complex, Genus Chen: is mother goose spinning a new tale? Joint meeting of the Wilson Ornithological Society and Association of Field Ornithologists, Beltsville, MD.
April 2005
Humphries, E. M., J. L. Peters, J. E. Jonsson, A. D. Afton, and K. E. Omland. 2004. Phylogenetics and phylogeography of the white goose complex, Genus Chen: is mother goose spinning a new tale? Annual meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union and Society of Canadian Ornithologists, Sainte-Foy, Quebec, Canada; 16-21 August 2004.
August 2004
Humphries, A. and M.K. La Peyre. 2010. Habitat structural complexity alters the refuge value of created eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) reefs. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. Jan 3-7, 2010.
January 2010
Humphrey ML, Comba D, Baustian MM, Tarnecki A, Rikard S, Sanderson MP, Smith JL, La Peyre MK. 2024. Examining the effects of environmental conditions and phycotoxins on Crassostrea virginica within a northern Gulf of Mexico estuary. Gulf Estuarine Research Society Dec 1-5, 2024
December 2024
Unexplained mortality events hamper the oyster aquaculture industry in coastal Gulf of Mexico waters. We explore phycotoxin concentrations in oysters held in a research farm in Alabama to identify whether the presence of any potential toxins may explain these mortalities.
March 2014
This work documents the distribution and population density of the gulf ribbed mussel in the gulf coast. As bivalves are important to water quality enhancement and shoreline integrity, understanding their basic ecology is important.
March 2014
This work documents the reproductive cycle of the gulf ribbed mussel along a salinity gradient for the first time. THis is important basic information regarding life history of a key bivalve species.
Honig A, J. Supan, M. La Peyre. Recruitment, growth, mortality and density of the ribbed mussel in relation to salinity, vegetation density and flooding rate in southeastern Louisiana. Benthic Ecology 42nd Mtg.
March 2013
This work examines recruitment, growth, mortality and density of ribbed mussels in relation to salinity and vegetation in Louisiana. Since the mussel is not economically important, it is being considered as a potential tool to aid in shoreline stabilization, understanding where it is distributed is important.
Hongqing Wang1, Jim Chen2, Megan La Peyre1, 3, Jerome La Peyre3, Julie Anderson3, Kelin Hu2, Gary Decossas3, and Lindsay Schwarting3. 2014 Predicting the Impacts of River Diversion and Sea-level Rise on Eastern Oyster Growth and Production State of the Coast Conference, New Orleans, LA March 2014.
March 2014
This work involves a coupled hydrodynamic and oyster population model that will enable managers to predict the effects of different management scenarios on oyster grounds.
Hillmann, ER, V. Rivera-Monroy, MK La Peyre. 2016. Long-term carbon storage of submerged aquatic vegetation beds across the salinity zone within deltaic estuaries of the northern Gulf of Mexico. State of the Coast, June 1-3, 2016, New Orleans, LA.
June 2016
This work quantifies blue carbon within submerged aquatic beds across the salinity gradient. Given increased focus on the ability of natural environments to sequester carbon, this research fills a huge gap in our understanding of how all coastal aquatic vegetation contribute to this storage capacity.
Hillmann, ER, Rivera-Monroy, VH, La Peyre MK. 2016. Carbon sotrage in submerged aquatic vegetation beds across salinity gradients within coastal Louisiana deltaic estuaries. RAE Dec. 12-16, 2016. New Orleans, LA
December 2016
This is the first work to compare carbon sequestration rates of aquatic vegetation along an estuarine salinity gradient.
Hillmann, E.R., V. Rivera Monroy, M.K. La Peyre. 2017. Estuarine submerged aquatic vegetation beds provide significant carbon storage in deltaic environments Coastal Estuarine Research Federation Meeting. Rhode Island.
November 2017
We quantify blue carbon storage in submerged aquatic vegetation beds. This work documents significant blue carbon storage in non-seagrass aquatic vegetation areas, suggesting the need to expand estimates beyond seagrass beds.
Hillmann, E., Rivera-Monroy, V., La Peyre. M. 2017. Submerged aquatic vegetation habitat sequesters organic carbon. Louisiana Agriculture Magazine. Winter 2017.
October 2017
This presents a summary of our work quantifying organic carbon stock held within submerged aquatic vegetation habitat within Louisiana. These estimates are the first to contribute blue carbon numbers accounting for SAV habitats.
Hillmann, E, DeMarco, K, La Peyre, M. 2015. Environmental drivers of seasonal variability in coastal marsh pond SAV communities along a salinity gradient in Barataria basin, Louisiana, U.S.A.
State of the Coast, Louisiana. June 2016
June 2016
This work examines intraannual variability of SAV resources in Barataria Bay , LA. The SAV data are examined in relation to variation in daily salinity, temperature and water level data.
Hillmann, E, DeMarco, K, La Peyre, M. 2015. Predicted effects of climate change will change the spatial distribution of dominant SAV biomass resources in shallow, estuarine waters along the northern Gulf of Mexico. 6th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, November 1-4, 2015
November 2015
This work presents preliminary data on SAV distribution across coastal marsh communities in the nGoM. This is the first week to quantify SAV biomass in coastal marsh ponds, and to analyze environmental drivers of biomass.
Henderson O, Robicheaux E, Kassuba Z, Plumlee JF, La Peyre MK. 2024. Tracking the co-benefits of oyster restoration and fisheries support at the largest estuarine living shoreline in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf Estuarine Research Society Meeting, Dec 1-5, 2024.
December 2024
This poster presentation will present the design and initial data from a 10 year monitoring program on the world's largest oyster based living shoreline. T
Hamilton, S.G., S. L. King, and Russo, G D. 2014. Effect of hydrologic, geomorphic, and vegetative conditions on avian
communities in the Middle Rio Grande. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon.
May 2014
Water shortages due to irrigation and urban withdrawals result in significant conflicts among endangered species and water users in the Middle Rio Grande. This study examines the relationships among hydrology, geomorphology, vegetation, and avian communities and will inform a decision support tool designed to improve water allocation decisions in the region.
Guo, Z., S.L. King, and R.F. Keim. 2023. The Effects of Woody Plant Encroachment on Precipitation Interception in Coastal Prairie of Texas. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA.
June 2023
Woody encroachment into grasslands is a global issue, including into tallgrass prairie in coastal Texas. In this study, we compare hydrologic processes within sites with woody vegetation and those without to better understand ecohydrological impacts of encroachment on water availability.
Guay, P.-J., T. Chesser, D. C. Paton, A. D. Afton, R. Mulder, and K. G. McCracken. 2006. Phylogeography of the musk duck (Bizura lobata). 24th International Ornithological Congress, Hamburg, Germany.
August 2006
Greenawalt, A.,T, Riecke, D.N. Fowler, and B. Sedinger. Do harvest regulations, wood duck abundance, and hunter effort affect wood duck hunting mortality in the Great Lakes states? Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society, Spokane, Washington, 6-10 November 2022.
November 2022
This research estimates regional wood duck abundance in the Great Lakes states using band-recovery and harvest data and relates survival and harvest rates to abundance and hunting regulations. This work improves understanding of regional abundance and the relationship between harvest, abundance, and survival.
Gray, J. M., and A. D. Afton. 2008. Update on gadwall telemtry research in Louisiana. Annual state meeting of Ducks Unlimited, Inc., Lafayette, LA.
July 2008
Gray, J. M., and A. D. Afton. 2009. Habitat use of female gadwall that winter along the Gulf Coast. 5th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Toronto, ON, Canada.
August 2009
Gray, J. M., and A. D. Afton. 2009. Habitat use of female gadwall that winter along the Gulf Coast. 2009 Fall Symposium, Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists, Lafayette, LA
August 2009
Graham, S.P., S.L.King, and J.A. Nyman. 2019. Managing coastal marsh impoundments for vertical accretion in the face of sea level rise. Coastal Estuarine and Research Federation Annual Meeting, Mobile, AL.
November 2019
Waterfowl management in coastal systems frequently involves impounding, flooding, and drying marshes which can lead to oxidation of organic carbon and loss of elevation. This study will quantify the long-term effects of marsh management on marsh elevation changes at Rockefeller Refuge in Louisiana.
Gossman, B.< M. La Peyre and J.A. Nyman. 2005. Nekton use of terraced and unterraced marsh habitats in coastal Louisiana. Coastal Zone 2005, July 15-22, New Orleans, LA.
July 2005
Gossman, B., M. La Peyre, and J.A. Nyman. 2005. Effect of terraces on nekton habitat. SWS/ERF REgional MEeting, March 31-April 2, 2005, Pensacola, FL
April 2005
Gossman, B., M. La Peyre and B. Piazza. 2006. Thin layer deposition of dredged material in coastal Louisiana: a survey and case study in brackish marsh. Restore AMerica's Estuaires 3rd National Conference on Coastal and Estuarine Habiatat Restoration. Dec. 10-13, 2006. New Orleans, LA.
December 2006
Goodenough, K and D, Fowler. 2024. Spatiotemporal variation in space-use of mallard and northern pintails wintering in southwest Louisiana. 9th North American Duck Symposium. Portland OR, 5 -9 February 2024.
February 2024
This research evaluates factors that influence home-range size of wintering dabbling ducks in a highly modified coastal and agricultural system. Results from this study can be used to inform management strategies that may attempt to account for differences in energetic expenditure across different habitat use.
Gehrke, A, Ringelman, K. M., and D.N. Fowler. 2024. Factors influencing field selection by mallards and northern pintails within rice-crawfish dominated agriculture in southwest Louisiana. 9th North American Duck Symposium. Portland OR, 5 -9 February 2024.
February 2024
This research investigates factors that influence use and selection of diverse habitat types by dabbling ducks during winter within an agricultural landscape. Results from this study can be used to inform the nuanced conservation value of rice and crawfish production for overwintering waterfowl.
Gee, H. K. W., and S. L. King. 2010. The effects of hydrologic connectivity and topographic position on floodplain forest tree establishment
July 2010
Gee, H. K. W., and S. L. King. 08/2008. Tree establishment and growth patterns in a hydrologically disconnected floodplain. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists Meeting, Lafayette, LA.
August 2008
Gee, H. K. W. and S. L. King. 2009. The effect of climate and river stage on tree growth in a hydrologically disconnected floodplain. The Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, 22-29 June, 2009, Madison, WI.
June 2009
Gee, H. K. W. and S. L. King. 2008 . Spatial and temporal dynamics of tree growth in two floodplain forests. Ivory Billed Woodpecker Research Symposium, Lafayette, LA. (contributed)
June 2008
Gayle, W., S. Casas, M. La Peyre and J. La Peyre. 2009. The combined effects of sub-optimal temperature and salinity on the viability of Perkinsus marinus, a protistan parasite of the eastern oyster Crassotrea virginica. National Shellfisheries Association Meeting, 101st Annual Meeting, March 19-25, Savannah, GA.
January 2009
suboptimal effects
From Physics to Oysters: An Integrated Modeling Huang H, D Justic, K Xu, J La Peyre, M La Peyre. Study of the Potential Impacts of Future Large Sediment Diversions on Louisiana Eastern Oyster. Louisiana Fisheries Summit. New Orleans, LA
March 2016
This work presents the plan for a study to couple hydrodynamic, sediment, water quality and oyster models. This model, which is a first for this region, will enable predictive modeling related to the impacts of restoration and climate change on oyster resources.
Fredrickson, L.H., M. K. Laubhan, K. Higgins, and S. L. King. 2016. A century of land management evolution: From guess work to complex decision-making in highly modified landscapes exhibiting extreme variability. 7th North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland.
February 2016
This paper is part of a plenary that will discuss the evolution of waterfowl and wetlands research. We will also discuss important concepts that need to be addressed to insure maximum impact of future wetland and waterfowl research.
Fowler, D.N., S.L. King, D.C. Weindorf, and J. Vradenburg. 2018. Evaluating Abiotic Influences on Soil Salinity of Inland Managed Wetlands and Agricultural Croplands in a Semi-Arid Environment. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado
May 2018
In this study, we evaluated the effects of two common wildlife management practices, moist-soil management and agricultural crop production, on soil salinity processes at arid wetlands at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge. Our results indicated that both activities influenced salt concentrations, albeit in different ways, and combinations of treatments may be necessary to sustain high production over long periods.
Fowler, D. N., J. M. Winiarski, and K. A. Hobson. Evaluating natal / molt origins of non-banded ducks harvested in the northern Mississippi Flyway using stable isotope techniques. Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture Waterfowl Symposium, Memphis, Tennessee, 4-6 October 2022.
October 2022
This research investigates differences in natal / molt origins of unmarked harvested waterfowl and compares harvest derivation to long-term band recovery data. Results from this research will improve understanding of waterfowl summer origins inform waterfowl conservation and management.
Fowler, D, N. and S. L. King. 2024. Levers and switches that influence the conservation value of rice agriculture for waterfowl and other wetland dependent birds. 9th North American Duck Symposium. Portland OR, 5 -9 February 2024.
February 2024
This research identifies diverse rice agricultural practices that result in variable conservation value for wetland dependent birds and explores drivers for management decisions. The results provide a nuanced understanding of the role of rice agriculture for wetland dependent birds.
Fowler, D, N. and S. L. King. 2023. Levers and switches that influence the conservation value of rice agriculture for wetland dependent birds. Annual Meeting, The Waterbird Society, Ft. Lauderdale FL, 9 - 13 October 2023.
October 2023
This research identifies diverse rice agricultural practices that result in variable conservation value for wetland dependent birds and explores drivers for management decisions. The results provide a nuanced understanding of the role of rice agriculture for wetland dependent birds.
Fowler, D, N. and S. L. King. 2023. A changing system: levers and switches that influence the role of rice agriculture for wetland dependent birds. Annual Meeting, Society of Wetland Scientists, Spokane WA, 27 - 30 June 2023.
June 2023
This presentation examines systematic changes to rice agricultural production along the Gulf Coastal plains, explores drivers for these changes, and assess how these changes may impact wetland-dependent birds. This review will help practitioners anticipate current and future challenges associated with bird conservation initiatives in an agricultural system.
Fowler, D, N, Masto, S Stemaly, A Keever, M Schummer, P Lavretsky, A Blake-Bradshaw, C, Highway, J, Feddersen, H, Hagy and B, Cohen. 2024. Integrating GPS telemetry and δ2H isoscapes to identify breeding ground fidelity and dispersal by mallards. 9th North American Duck Symposium. Portland OR, 5 -9 February 2024.
February 2024
This research evaluates new ways to assess breeding fidelity in migratory waterfowl by integrating satellite telemetry and stable isotopes. Results from this study could be used to identify broader breeding season behaviors across regions that may optimize banding and survey efforts by informing site and breeding fidelity and thus breeding season distributions.
Finger, T. A., M. L. Schummer, S. A. Petrie, A. D. Afton, M. L. Szymanski, and M. A. Johnson. 2013. Factors influencing spring migration chronology of lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) and mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). 6th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Memphis, TN.
January 2013
This study examined and compared the influence of environmental variables on spring migration chronology of lesser scaup and mallards, species that differ markedly in timing of migration. The results may help improve breeding population survey techniques by developing correction factors to reduce potential bias in population estimates for late-migrating scaup.
Ferraro, E, Ringelman, K. M., and D.N. Fowler. 2024. Effects of Auditory Disturbance on Mallard and Northern Pintail Behavior in Southwest Louisiana. 9th North American Duck Symposium. Portland OR, 5 -9 February 2024.
February 2024
This research quantifies spatial and temporal variation in auditory disturbances on ducks marked with satellite telemetry devices in an agricultural landscape. Results from this research can inform decisions regarding the use and distribution of waterfowl sanctuary.
Fara, L, Beatty, W, Koneff, M, Fowler, D, Finger, T, Landolt, K, Finley, B, Ruhser, J, Gray, B, Houdek, S, Wright, A, and G, Marchel. 2024. Visibility correction factors for multiple species of waterfowl using an aerial remote sensing approach. 9th North American Duck Symposium. Portland OR, 5 -9 February 2024.
February 2024
This research uses remote sensing to derive visibility correction factors for waterfowl counted via ocular surveys over water. Results from this research can be used to improve seasonal counts of migratory waterfowl that are difficult to quantify while in large groups over water.
Edwards, J.W., E.B. Webb, D.N. Fowler, P. Link and B. Leach. Environmental factors influencing blue-winged teal spring migration initiation and subsequent migratory movements. 9th North American Duck Symposium, Portland, Oregon. February 2024
February 2024
Spring migrations are an integral part of the annual cycle for most waterfowl species, thus we investigated the potential effects of several environmental factors on blue-winged teal (<i>Spatula discors</i>) spring migration phenology during 2020 – 2023. We hypothesize that photoperiod will explain the greatest variation in migration initiation date, but there is limited research on other factors that may influence initiation from wintering grounds and subsequent migratory movements.
Edwards, J.W., E. B. Webb, D. N. Fowler, P. T. Link, and C. Nicolai. 2025. Surfing the 'Mucky' Blue Wave: Is blue-winged teal nonbreeding season resource selection influenced by fine-scale variation in wetland availability? Annual conference of the Waterbird Society. January 6 -9, 2025. San Juan, Costa Rica.
January 2025
Migratory events are an integral part of the annual cycle for most waterfowl species, thus we investigated the potential influence of dynamic wetland availability on blue-winged teal (<i>Spatula discors</i>) resource selection from 2019-2024. We hypothesized that blue-winged teal would specifically move to and select for proximal areas with greater wetland availability during both spring and autumn migration. This research can inform wetland management and conservation in support of blue-winged teal.
Edwards, J. W., E. B. Webb, D. N. Fowler, P. T. Link, and C. Nicolai. 2025. Surfing the Blue Wave: Is blue-winged teal resource selection influenced by fine-scale variation in wetland availability?. 2025 Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, January 19-22, 2025. St. Louis, Missouri.
January 2025
Migratory events are an integral part of the annual cycle for most waterfowl species, thus we investigated the potential influence of dynamic wetland availability on blue-winged teal (<i>Spatula discors</i>) resource selection from 2019-2024. We hypothesized that blue-winged teal would specifically move to and select for proximal areas with greater wetland availability during both spring and autumn migration. This research can inform wetland management and conservation in support of blue-winged teal.
Eberline, Ben, M.K. La Peyre, J.F. la Peyre and T. Soniat. 2010. Populationdynamics of the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. International Conference on Shellfish Restoration. Charleston, SC NOv 2010
November 2010
Eberline, B., J.F. La Peyre, T.M. Soniat, M.K. La Peyre. 2011. Prolonged freshwater exposure and its immediate and long-term effects on eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) populations in Breton Sound, Louisiana. American Fisheries Society Meeting, Sept. 6, 2011.
September 2011
Eberline, B., J.F. La Peyre, T.M. Soniat and M.K. La Peyre 2011. Effects of prolonged freshwater exposure on eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) populations in a northern Gulf of Mexico estuary. National Shellfisheries Meeting, Baltimore, MD March 23-27.
March 2011
Durham, R. S., and A. D. Afton. 2000. Nesting ecology of mottled ducks on agricultural lands in southwestern Louisiana. Mottled Duck Banding, Management, and Research Workshop, Port Arthur, TX.
May 2000
Drake, V. L ., K. M. Ringelman, and D. N. Fowler. Development of an aerial waterfowl survey for northeastern Louisiana. Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture Waterfowl Symposium, Memphis, Tennessee, 4-6 October 2022.
October 2022
This research evaluates optimal survey techniques to quantify wintering waterfowl in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley of Louisiana. This work will develop analytical tools to facilitate transect selection and population data summaries for use in future years by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF).
Dietl GP et al (28 authors). 2024. Integrating information from the past into oyster restoration. National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration. 2024.
March 2024
This reports on a large team effort involving managers, biologists, paleoecologists, archaeologists and historical ecologists assessing a range of data to assess eastern oyster long term trends.
Decossas, G., M. La Peyre. Influence of ENSO on Oyster Mortality in Selected Breton Sound Sites (1988-2011). NSA March 2014
March 2014
This work uses a 20 year dataset of oyster mortality and relates patterns of mortality to ENSO through its effects on salinity. The work highlights the need to incorporate climate into management models and planning.
DeMarco, KE, Hillmann, E, Nyman JA, La Peyre MK. 2016. Changing coastal salinities will affect submerged aquatic vegetation resources in the northern Gulf of Mexico. LDWF Research Symposium. May 31, 2016.
May 2016
This work presents two years of SAV and coastal seed data from Texas through MS. These data provide a critical baseline of data to understand what SAV resources exist, and what factors control their biomass and community.
DeMarco, KE, Hillmann, E and M La Peyre 2015. Changing coastal salinities will affect submerged aquatic vegetation resources in the northern Gulf of Mexico. CERF, Nov 8-12, 2015, Portland OR
November 2015
THis work examines SAV resources in coastal marshes across the northern Gulf of Mexico. It is the first such dataset, and can be incorporated into climate change models, and used to examine ecosystem vulnerability.
DeMarco, KE, Hillmann ER, MK La Peyre. 2018. Submerged aquatic vegetation in Barataria Bay, Louisiana: seasonal and spatial patterns. State of the Coast, New Orleans, LA. May 30-June 1, 2018.
May 2018
Identifies seasonal changes and drivers in SAV biomass and community. Important in examining how to extrapolate and interpret monitoring data that may not be seasonal but annual.
DeMarco, KE, Hillmann E, Brasher, M, La Peyre, M. 2015. Changes in coastal salinities will affect seed availability for waterfowl in submerged aquatic vegetation beds and coastal marshes in the northern Gulf of Mexico 6th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. November 1-4, 2015
November 2015
This work examines SAV seed abundances across coastal marsh communities of the nGoM. This is the first work to quantify biomass across the coastal zone, and provides critical data for waterfowl carrying capacity models and predictive models of climate change.
DeMarco, KE, Brown, S, Couvillion, B, La Peyre. MK. 2016. Drawing the map of submerged aquatic vegetation in the northern Gulf of Mexico: distribution patterns across salinity zones. Restore Americas Estuaries, New Orleans, LA Dec 12-16, 2016
December 2016
Using 3 years of coast wide SAV field data, we develop algorithms to build a predictive map of SAV distribution across the coast. The model can be used to assess future distribution patterns by linking with climate change models.
DeMarco, K., Hillmann, E., Brasher MG, and MK La Peyre. 2016. Variation in submerged aquatic vegetation and waterfowl food resources across a coastal salinity gradient in the northern Gulf of Mexico - impacts on habitat value. SWS international Meeting, Corpus Christ, Texas
June 2016
This work examines availability of SAV and seed resources as waterfowl food, across the NGOM, and across the coastal salinity gradient. THis work is critical in informing carrying capacity models for wintering waterfowl along the northern GUlf of Mexico coast.
DeMarco, K., Brown, S., Couvillion, B. and M La Peyre. 2017. How do you map what you can’t see? Submerged aquatic vegetation occurrence modeling in Louisiana. Coastal Estuarine Research Federation Meeting. November, Rhode Island
November 2017
We develop a model of submerged aquatic vegetation occurrence in coastal Louisiana to provide base information for coastal habitats. The resulting model generates spatial likelihood estimates of SAV occurrence across the coastal landscape, presented as a probability map. These predictive models and maps are useful to multiple management agencies and researchers interested in restoring or protecting SAV habitats across the coast and can be used to predict SAV habitats with changing physical an
DeMarco, K, Osland, M., Couvillion, B. M. La Peyre. 2015. Drawing the map of submerged aquatic vegetation in the northern Gulf of Mexico: distribution and patterns of abundance across salinity zones
State of the Coast Abstract. June 2016
June 2016
This work will generate maps of a critical coastal habitat, submerged aquatic vegetation, based on three years of coast-wide sampling. The predictors of SAV will be generated and changes in maps predicted using sea level rise models.
Davis, B. E., and A. D. Afton. 2006. Winter habitat use, survival, cause-specific mortality, and emigration of female mallards in the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission meeting, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA.
December 2006
Davis, B. E., P. T. Link, and A. D. Afton. 2005. Update on mallard research in Louisiana. Annual state meeting of Ducks Unlimited, Inc., New Orleans, LA.
July 2005
Davis, B. E., A. D. Afton. 2009. Habitat use and diel movements by female mallards in the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. 5th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Toronto, ON, Canada.
August 2009
Davis, B. E., A. D. Afton, and R. R. Cox, Jr. 2006. Winter survival, cause-specific mortality, and emigration of female mallards in the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Soceity of Wetland Scientists, South Central Cahpter meeting, Vicksburg, Mississippi, USA.
October 2006
Davis, B. E., A. D. Afton, and R. R. Cox, Jr. 2007. Winter habitat use, survival, cause-specific mortality, and emigration of female mallards in the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Fourth Ark-La-Miss Wildlife Management Symposium, Ruston, Louisiana, USA.
February 2007
Davis, B. E., A. D. Afton, and R. R. Cox, Jr. 2006. Winter survival, cause-specific mortality, and emigration of female mallards in the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologist, Fall Symposiu, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA.
August 2006
Davis, B. E., A. D. Afton, and R. R. Cox, Jr. 2006. Winter survival of female mallards in the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. 4th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Bismarck, ND.
August 2006
Davenport TM, DeMarco KE, La Peyre MK. Understanding the role of habitat distribution on the biodiversity of nekton. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, Portland OR, Nov 12-16, 2023.
November 2023
This is the first work to explore long term fishery monitoring data from within Louisiana estuaries and examine how submerged habitat types, configuration and amount are related to nekton biodiversity.
Davenport TM, DeMarco KE, Enwright NM, Midway SR, La Peyre MK. 2024. Structured habitat spatial distribution influences nekton species richness in two Louisiana coastal basins. American Fisheries Society Louisiana Chapter Meeting May 23-24, 2024.
April 2024
This abstract presents recent work exploring nekton biodiversity and submerged structured habitat at a landscape scale. This work helps inform restoration of estuarine habitats.
Darnell, K., Carruthers, T., Biber, P., La Peyre, M, DeMarco, K and Hillmann, E. 2016. The nutrient status of submerged aquatic vegetation along a salinity gradient in Louisiana. State of the Coast, June 2016
June 2016
This work examines the nutrient status of different species of submerged aquatic vegetation along a geographic and salinity gradient of the northern Gulf of Mexico coast.
D.N. Fowler, E.I. Johnson, O. Best, R. Temple, and J. Olszak. 2025. High frequency, high resolution movement data of the Limpkin (Aramus guarauna) in Southwest Louisiana. Annual conference of the Waterbird Society. January 6 -9, 2025. San Juan, Costa Rica.
January 2025
As Limpkin (<i>Aramus guarauna</i>) appear to expand their distribution, little to no data are available on mechanisms or timing of dispersal, seasonal movements, or changes in seasonal habitat use. Using pilot data, we describe variation in daily movement distances, the frequency of exploratory flights and relocations, and identify proportional habitat use.
Custer, C. M., T. W. Custer, M. J. Anteau, A. D. Afton, and D. E. Wooten. 2001. Trace element concentrations in lesser scaup from the Mississippi Flyway. 25th Meeting of the Waterbird Society, Niagara Falls, Ontario.
November 2001
Coxe N, Casas S, La Peyre M, Kelly M, La Peyre J. 2022. Differential hypoxia tolerance in four Gulf of Mexico oyster populations. Benthic Ecology Meeting, Connecticut March 30-APril 2, 2022.
March 2022
We identify differences in lethal mortality time between four populations of oysters exposed to hypoxia in the lab. This has implications for improving population models, and selecting broodstock for breeding programs.
Comba D, Lavaud R, Casas S, La Peyre M, La Peyre J. 2022 How costly is it for oysters to osmoconform in constantly changing salinity? GERS 2022 Biennial Meeting. Gulfport, MS
October 2022
We quantify the energetic cost of osmoregulation in diploid and triploid oysters. This work helps predict the impact of extreme variations and estuarine variability on oyster production.
Comba D, La Peyre M, Baustian M, Raabe J, Stauffer B, Rock T, Inselman R, Robinson E, Roberts B, Plaisance S, Morrison W. 2023. A multi-factor approach to understanding oyster success in Louisiana estuaries. Louisiana Fisheries Forward Summit. POSTER. New Orleans, LA
March 2023
This will be an inforgraphic poster describing a new project aimed at identifying potential multi stressor impacts, including emerging threats such as harmful algal, on oyster growth, mortality and fecundity. The intent is to provide this information to the fishery community at this Sea Grant sponsored information event.
Comba D, La Peyre M, Baustian M, Raabe J, Stauffer B, Rock T, Inselman R, Robinson E, Roberts B, Plaisance S, Morrision W. 2023. A multi-factor approach to understanding oyster success in Louisiana etuaries. State of the Coast. New Orleans LA 2023.
June 2023
This work details a multi-investigator project examining oyster and potential harmful algae bloom interactions and impacts in coastal Louisiana.
Comba D, Baustian M, Capps M, Casas S, Inselmann R, Morrison W, Plaisance S, Rikard S, Roberts B, Robinson E, Stauffer B, Tarnecki A, La Peyre J, La Peyre MK. 2023. Effects of interactions between phytoplankton, salinity and temperature on oysters in three Gulf of Mexico estuaries. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation. Portland OR, Nov 12-16, 2023.
November 2023
Increasing changes in estuarine conditions include more frequent algal blooms, and more extreme salinity and temperature conditions. Here, we explore how changing phytoplankton communities, salinity and temperature may impact oyster growth, reproduction and survival in three key oyster growing estuaries in the Gulf of Mexico.
Cochran, J. W., and S. L. King. 2005 (poster). The effect of species composition and stand development on coarse woody debris characteristics in southeastern bottomland hardwood forests. Society of Wetland Scientists 26th Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina.
June 2005
Cochran, J. W. and S. L. King. 2004. The effect of forest management on salamander species richness and relative abundance in a southeastern bottomland hardwood forest. Society of Wetland Scientists 25th Anniversary Meeting. Charting the Future: a quarter century of lessons learned. Seattle, Washington. July 18-23, 2004.
July 2004
Caswell, J. H., and A. D. Afton. 2000. Effects of electronic snow goose calls on non-target goose species. Mississippi Flyway Council Technical Section meeting, Little Rock, AR.
February 2000
Casas, S., J. La Peyre, M. La Peyre. 2010. Oyster Reefs as a Restoration Tool: Do Reef Structure, Physicochemical Conditions, and Wave Energy Environment Affect Reef Sustainability? International Conference on Shellfish Restoration. Charleston, SC Nov 2010
November 2010
Casas, S., J. La Peyre and M. La Peyre. 2010. Oyster Reefs as a Restoration Tool: Do Reef Structure, Physicochemical Conditions, and Wave Energy Environment Affect Reef Sustainability? State of the Coast meeting. BAton Rouge, LA June 2010
June 2010
Carruthers, T., M. La Peyre, K. Darnell, M. Baustian. 2015. Understanding Gulf Coast estuarine and deltaic benthic ecology for restoration. Session Proposal, CERF Conference, Portland, OR.
November 2015
This is a session proposal to bring together researchers focused on estuarine deltaic restoration processes. The goal is to identify what we know, and where there are knowledge gaps.
Carruthers, T, +12. 2018. Potential benefits to wave attenuation, sediment processes, and SAV habitat from terrace restoration (SHREDS). National Conference for Ecosystem Restoration, New Orleans, LA. Aug 26-30, 2018.
August 2018
This work outlines collaborative work involved in developing a predictive model to inform future restoration efforts involving a commonly used method i Louisiana, marsh terraces.
Cantu, A., S.L. King, and J.P. Donnelly. 2021. Interior Wetlands of Mexico: Status and Issues of Waterbird Habitats. Society of Wetland Scientists 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting.
June 2021
Wetlands in the highlands of Mexico are critically important for numerous species of migratory waterbirds. We synthesize the general environmental stressors of wetlands in this region and also identify issues that are impeding effective wetland conservation in the region.
Cantu, A., J. Beauchamp, and S.L. King. 2021. Effects of Wetland Management and Associated Abiotic Factors to Rare Plant Communities in a Managed Arid Wetland. Society of Wetland Scientists Virtual Annual Meeting.
June 2021
In this study, we evaluate the effects of salinity and soil moisture on germination and establishment of three rare (and one endangered) plant species at Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge near Roswell, NM. The life-history and abiotic information gathered from this study will facilitate management for these species.
Cantu, A., E. Carerra, and S.L. King. 2019. Status and Challenges of Wetland Habitats for Migratory Birds in Mexico’s Highlands. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Reno, NV.
October 2019
The wetlands of Mexico's highlands are important for North American waterbird populations, but little current information exists on the status and condition of these sites. In this paper, we provide an assessment of selected wetlands from the highlands of Mexico and discuss factors limiting restoration in the region.
Cantu, A, and SL King. 2020. Sandhill Cranes in Mexico: status of historical habitats and conservation challenges. North American Crane Working Group Workshop, Lubbock, Texas.
January 2020
Wetlands in the highlands of Mexico are important for North America's sandhill cranes and waterfowl. This study reports on current conditions of these important habitats.
Campanino FM, La Peyre MK, Archer SK, Glaspie CN, Tupitza, JC. 2022. Are biodiversity and functional groups of oyster reef-associated benthic organisms sampled equally with habitat trays and suction sampling?
October 2022
This work compares two techniques to sample complex shallow water habitat- a notoriously difficulty, but highly valued habitat to sample.
Bush, C.B. and M. La Peyre. 2003. Nekton use of restored habitat in southwest Louisiana marshes. CREST Symposium, July 1-2, 2003, Thibodaux, LA
July 2003
Bush, C., A. Nyman and M.K. La Peyre. 2002. Can fish habitat be restored using terraces and coconut mats in Louisiana marshes? Society of Wetland Scientists 23rd Annual Conference, Lake Placid NY June 2-7, 2002.
June 2002
Booth, A.R., S.L. King, and J.A. Nyman. 2018. Understanding mechanisms for coastal marsh sustainability in the face of sea level rise. 12th International Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands, Coral Springs, Florida.
April 2018
Many marshes have been able to keep up with historical sea level rise because organic and mineral accretion processes exceed subsidence and decomposition. This study will evaluate how common marsh management practices, such as fire and drawdowns, affect these processes and discuss the implications for long-term marsh sustainability.
Boos, B., and S.L. King. 2023. Evaluating abiotic and biotic factors affecting plant succession processes at Malheur Lake. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting.
June 2023
Malheur Lake in eastern Oregon provides critical habitat for numerous waterbird species. In this study, we use a process-based approach to understand why vegetation has not become reestablished in the lake following floods in the 1980s.
Bolduc, F., and A. D. Afton. 2000. Effects of marsh impoundment on density of wintering waterbirds in the Louisiana Gulf Coast Chenier Plain. Quebec 2000: Millennium Wetland Event, Quebec City, QC, Canada.
August 2000
Bolduc, F., and A. D. Afton. 1999. Effects of structural marsh management on invertebrates and waterbirds on the Gulf Coast Chenier Plain during winter: some preliminary results. Annual Fall Meeting, South Central Chapter of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Lafayette, LA.
October 1999
Birdsong, T., and M.K. La Peyre. 2004. The importance of habitat heterogeneity of marsh edge to nekton use. American Fisheries Society, Louisiana Chapter Annual Meeting. Baton Rouge, LA. February 4-5, 2004.
February 2004
Birdsong, T., and M.K. La Peyre. 2004. Habitat structure and nekton use of salt marsh edge in Barataria Bay estuary, Louisiana. SWS 25th Anniversary Meeting, Seattle, WA July 18-23, 2004
July 2004
Birdsong, T. and M.K. La Peyre. 2005. Marsh edge habitat complexity and nekton use. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Anchorage AK
September 2005
Bernasconi, S., Lavaud, R., La Peyre, M., La Peyre, J. 2016. Eastern oysters’ physiological responses to acute and chronic exposure to suspended sediments. State of the Coast, Louisiana, June 2016.
June 2016
Eastern oyster metabolic rates are quantified when exposed to a range of total suspended solids. These data are critical for understanding the impacts of proposed river diversions on eastern oyster populations.
Bernasconi, S, Lavaud R, La Peyre M, La Peyre J. 2016 Eastern oysters’ physiological responses to acute and chronic exposure to suspended sediments. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Research Symposium. Baton Rouge, LA. May 31, 2016.
May 2016
This work presents a study examining how oysters respond to increased suspended sediments in the water. Information from this project will be valuable in assessing the impacts of proposed sediment diversions on oyster populations.
Beck, S. and M.K. La Peyre. 2010. Effects of Oyster harvest on trophodynamics and resident nekton habitat quality of oyster reefs in coastal Louisiana. Restore America's Estuaries. Galveston TX. November 2010.
November 2010
Beck, S. and M.K. La Peyre 2010. The Effects of Oyster Harvest on the Trophic Dynamics and Habitat Quality of Oyster Reefs in Southern Louisiana. International Conference on Shellfish Restoration Charleston SC, November 20-23, 2010.
November 2010
Bates M, Kinney S, Midway S, La Peyre M. 2023. Benthic tray sampling and electrofishing capture different nekton assemblages at an estuarine oyster reef. Southern Division American FIsheries Society Meeting. February 2023. POSTER
February 2023
This work explores the novel use of electrofishing to sample complex oyster reef habitats in mid salinity environments.
Bates M, Kinney S, La Peyre MK. 2022. Benthic trays and electrofisher capture different changes in nekton assemblages as restored reef complexity changes. GERS 2022 Biennial Meeting. Gulfport MS
October 2022
We explore the use of new sampling technology in salty environments to assess how well it may be used to sample complex hard habitats. This work also examines changes in habitat provision of restored oyster reefs as they develop.
Barlow, S. J., and S. L. King. 2005. Monitoring anuran richness and relative abundance in created and restored wetlands of central Louisiana. Society of Wetland Scientists 26th Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina.
June 2005
Barlow, S. J., and S. L. King. 2004. Monitoring anuran richness and relative abundance in reforested wetlands of central Louisiana. Society of Wetland Scientists 25th Anniversary Meeting. Charting the Future: a quarter century of lessons learned. Seattle, Washinton. July 18-24, 2004.
July 2004
Barger, C. P., A. D. Afton, M. J. Anteau, and K. G. McCracken. 2003. Hybridization between lesser and greater scaup. Third North American Duck Symposium, Sacramento, CA; 5-9 November 2003.
November 2003
Bacher, C., M. La Peyre, J. La Peyre ORAL National Shellfisheries Association Meeting 2014
Assessing the effect of environmental drivers on the oyster Crassostrea virginica using a Dynamic Energy Budget model. National Shellfisheries Association mtg March 2014
March 2014
This is the first work to develop a DEB model for the eastern oyster, an economically important species in the U.S., Furthermore, the model is parameterized for the Gulf coast, and incorporates salinity effects.
Austin, J.E., and A.D. Afton, and M.G. Anderson. 1998. Population declines inNorth American scaup: hypotheses and research directions. 60th MidwestFish and Wildlife Conference, Cincinnati, OH, 6-9 December 1998.
December 1998
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2006. The spring condition hypothesis: scope, mechanisms, and implications for conservation of Lesser Scaup migration habitat in the upper-Midwest. Declining Scaup Populations II, Scaup Workshop, Bismarck, North Dakota, USA.
January 2006
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2006. Spring migration of Lesser Scaup. Winterfest 2006, Iowa Association of County Conservation Board Employees, Waterloo, Iowa, USA.
February 2006
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2006. Nutritional ecology of Lesser Scaup during migration and the role of wetlands in Iowa. 6th Annual Water Monitoring Conference, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Ames, Iowa, USA.
March 2006
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2003. Nutrient reserves of female lesser scaup during spring migration in the upper-Midwest: has there been a decrease in female body condition? Are there implications for wetland quality? 24th Annual meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, New Orleans, Louisiana, 8-13 June 2003
June 2003
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2002. Nutrient reserves of lesser scaup during spring migration in the Mississippi Flyway: a test of the spring condition hypothesis. Third North American Ornithological Conference, New Orleans, LA.
September 2002
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2002. Nutrient reserves of lesser scaup during spring migration in the Mississippi Flyway: a test of the Spring Condition Hypothesis. Mississippi Flyway Council Technical Section meeting, Baton Rouge, LA
July 2002
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2002. Nutrient reserves of lesser scaup during spring migration in the Mississippi Flyway: a test of the Spring Condition Hypothesis. Annual Ducks Unlimited Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana
August 2002
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2002. Diets of lesser scaup during spring migration: has there been a decline in preferred forage in the Mississippi Flyway? Third North American Ornithological Conference, New Orleans, LA.
September 2002
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2000. Nutrient-reserve dynamics of lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) during spring migration in the Mississippi Flyway: a test of the spring condition hypothesis. Second North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, 11-15 October 2000.
October 2000
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2007. Factors influencing food resources, use of wetlands, and foraging behavior of lesser scaup migrating through the Upper-Midwest during spring. The Wildlife Society 14th Annual Conference, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
September 2007
Anteau, M. J., K. F. Abraham, and A. D. Afton. 2009. Cross-continental connections among migratory bird populations, agriculture, and wetland quality. Annual meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Madison, WI.
June 2009
Anteau, M. J., A. D. Afton, M. A. Johnson, J. S. Lawrence, and J. K. Ringelman. 2003. Nutrient reserves of lesser scaup during spring migration: a multi-study test of the spring condition hypothesis. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists, Lafayette, Louisiana, 21-22 August 2003.
August 2003
Anteau, M. J., A. D. Afton, J. S. Lawrence, M. A. Johnson, and J. K. Ringelman. 2004. Nutrient reserves of lesser scaup during spring migration: a multi-study test of the spring condition hypothesis. Mississippi Flyway Council Technical Section, Jackson, MS: 14-19 February 2004.
February 2004
Anteau, M. J., A. D. Afton, J. S. Lawrence, M. A. Johnson, and J. K. Ringelman. 2004. Nutrient reserves of lesser scaup during spring migration: a multi-study test of the spring condition hypothesis. Annual Conference of the North Dakota Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Fargo, ND; 11-13 February 2004.
February 2004
Anteau, M. J., A. D. Afton, J. S. Lawrence, M. A. Johnson, and J. K. Ringelman. 2004. Nutrient reserves of lesser scaup during spring migration: a multi-study test of the spring condition hypothesis. Annual Conference of the Minnesota Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Brainerd, MN; 9-10 February 2004.
February 2004
Anteau, M. J., A. D. Afton, J. S. Lawrence, M. A. Johnson, and J. K. Ringelman. 2003. Nutrient reserves of lesser scaup during spring migration: a multi-study test of the spring condition hypothesis. Third North American Duck Symposium, Sacramento, CA; 5-9 November 2003.
November 2003
Anteau, M. J. and A. D. Afton. 2004. Nutritional ecology of lesser scaup during spring migration in the Upper-Midwest: mechanisms and scope of the spring condition hypothesis. Scaup research review meeting of Ducks Unlimited Inc., Bismarck, ND.
October 2004
Anteau, M. J. and A. D. Afton. 2004. Nutritional ecology of lesser scaup during spring migration in the Upper-Midwest: mechanisms and scope of the spring condition hypothesis. Annual meeting of the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Joint Venture, Manhattan, KS.
September 2004
Anteau, M. J. and A. D. Afton. 2008. Wetland and water quality in the upper-Midwest: A story told by bluebills and scuds. Annual IA DNR Wildlife Bureau State-Wide Meeting, Spring Brook, IA.
June 2008
Anteau, M. J. and A. D. Afton. 2006. The spring condition hypothesis: scope, mechanisms, and implications of conservation of lesser scaup migration habitat in the Upper-Midwest. 4th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Bismarck, ND.
August 2006
Angelle Anderson and M. La Peyre. 2009. Evaluating the use of 13C and 15N to detect differences in habitat specific trophic support of estuarine-dependent nekton in southwest Louisiana. Estuarine Research Federation Meeting. Portland, OR, Nov 1-5
November 2009
this is so old
Allen, S.T., J.W. Cochran, R.F. Keim, and S.L. King. 2015. A comparison of intra-annual radial growth of two dominant bottomland hardwood species across a hydrologic gradient. 18th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Conference, Knoxville, TN.
March 2015
Sugarberry (Celtis laevigata) is replacing overcup oak (Quercus lyrata) in many floodplain forests because of hydrologic alterations. We quantified differences in growth patterns among these two species at White River, Arkansas.
Aguilar, D., Pollack, J., MK La Peyre, B. Lebreton. 2018. A meta-analysis of oysters and organic matter sources in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico using stable isotopes. GERS meeting. Nov. 2018. Galveston, TX
November 2018
This provides a meta analysis of food sources for oysters examining how variation in riverine inflow and salinity may affect food quality. This is important to consider as we alter river flows into our estuaries.
Afton, A. D., and M. L. Szymanski. 2004. Spinning wing decoys in Minnesota. Minnesota Waterfowl Symposium, Willmar, MN; 2-3 April 2004.
April 2004
Afton, A. D., and M. J Anteau. 2004. Scaup - what we know, what we suspect, what's next? Minnesota Waterfowl Symposium, Willmar, MN; 2-3 April 2004.
April 2004
Afton, A. D., T. W. Arnold, and M. J. Anteau. 2013. Survival and recovery rates of lesser scaup: no evidence for additive harvest mortality. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Memphis, TN.
January 2013
This study used band recovery data to esitmate annual survival,recovery rates, and the process correlation between to assess whether hunting mortality was additive to other mortality factors. The results will provide useful information for waterfowl managers concerned with population modelling of lesser scaup and other ducks.
Afton, A. D., M. Mitchell, and S. Jenkins. 2012. Spring migration corridors, flight parameters, and inferred breeding sites of female lesser scaup using Pool 19 of the Mississippi River: the importance of Minnesota and North Dakota habitats. Joint Annual Meeting of the Minnesota and North Dakota Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Fargo, ND.
February 2012
Afton, A. D., M. J. Anteau, M. A. Johnson, J. S. Lawrence, and J. K. Ringelman. 2003. Scaup - population status and research needs update. Sixth Annual Minnesota Waterfowl Symposium, Thief River Falls, Minnesota, 11-13 April 2003
April 2003
Afton, A. D., M. A. Mitchell, and S. E. Jenkins. 2013. Migration corridors, flight parameters, and breeding and wintering areas of female lesser scaup. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Memphis, TN.
January 2013
This study examined spring migration flight parameters and habitats used throughout the annual cycle of radio-marked female lesser scaup. It will assist wildlife managers with identification of important areas for habitat management and conservation.
Afton, A. D., M. A. Mitchell, and S. E. Jenkins. 2012. Movements, stopover locations, and body condition of lesser scaup during spring migration. 19th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Portland, OR.
October 2012
This study examined flight parameters of radio-marked female lesser scaup during spring migration. It will assist wildlife managers with identification of important areas for habitat management and conservation.
Afton, A. D., M. A. Mitchell, and S. E. Jenkins. 2010. Migratory flight parameters of female Lesser Scaup are consistent with the Spring Condition Hypothesis. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
December 2010
Afton, A. D. and collaborators. 2008. Lesser scaup banding and migration study at Pool 19 of the Mississippi River. 1st Scaup Action Team meeting and Diving Duck Committee meeting, Mississippi Flyway Council Technical Section, Baton Rouge, LA.
February 2008
Afton, A. D. 2004. Waterfowl research summary and capabilities. Resources and Research Symposium, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
August 2004
Afton, A. D. 2002. The population explosion of mid-continent lesser snow geese: causes, problems and solutions. Saturday Science Seminars, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA.
March 2002
Afton, A. D. 2000. What is happening to Scaup? Minnesota Waterfowl Symposium, LaCrosse, WI. [Invited].
April 2000
Afton, A. D. 2012. Migration and affiliations of breeding and wintering areas for female lesser scaup using Pool 19 of the Mississippi River. 2012 Wildlife Division Conference of the Missouri Department of Conservation, Lake of the Ozarks, MO.
January 2012
Afton, A. D. 2007. Update on banding and satellite radio-marking of lesser scaup during spring migration on Pool 19 of the Mississippi River. Diving Duck Committee, Mississippi Flyway Council Technical Section meeting, Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA.
February 2007
Afton, A. D. 2000. Progress report on the California motion-decoy study. Mississippi Flyway Council Technical Section meeting, Little Rock, AR.
February 2000
Afton, A. D. 1999. The status of the snow goose. Annual Meeting of the International Wild Waterfowl Association, New Orleans, LA. [Invited Plenary Speaker]
September 1999
Afton, A. D. 1999. Development of a Canada goose tissue database for avian lethality modeling: methods and a preliminary report. Avian Lethality Meeting, U.S. Army, Redstone Arsenal, AL.
April 1999
Ackerman, J. T., J. M. Eadie, M. L. Szymanski, J. H. Caswell, M. P. Vrtiska, A. H. Raedeke, J. M. Checkett, A. D. Afton, T. G. Moore, F. D. Caswell, R. A. Walters, D. D. Humburg, and J. L. Yee. 2006. Effectiveness of spinning-wing decoys varies among dabbling duck species and locations. 4th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Bismarck, ND.
August 2006
A. Humphries and M.K. La Peyre. 2009. Linking structural complexity in created oyster reefs to nekton use and provision of refuge. Estuarine Research Federation Meeting. Portland, OR, Nov 1-5.
November 2009
Booth, A.R., S.L. King, and J. A. Nyman. 2023. Elevation change and mechanisms for sustainability in Chenier Plain marsh impoundments. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA.
June 2023
Impoundments are a common tool for waterfowl management in coastal systems, but on organic soils, drawdowns associated with the management can lead to loss of elevation and make the impoundments susceptible to sea level rise. In this study, we evaluate accretion and decomposition mechanisms and their effects on elevation gain and loss in coastal impoundments.
Pell, C.J., S.L. King, and R. F. Keim. 2020. The effects of drought and shade on bottomland hardwood regeneration. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Quebec.
June 2020
Hydrologic modifications of floodplain forests in the southeast have intensified drought conditions, thus making drought tolerance of increased significance in regeneration of these forests. In this study, we evaluate biomass allocation patterns in seedlings of several bottomland hardwood species to infer interspecific drought tolerances.
Lipford, A., Moran, L,L.K., Nyman, J.A., and S.L. King. 2023. If you build it, will they come? Assessing habitat quality for birds at created marshes in southeastern Louisiana. State of the Coast 2023. New Orleans, LA.
June 2023
Coasal loss in Louisiana has significantly impacted secretive marshbird populations. This study evaluates local and landscape habitat conditions affecting secretive marshbirds in coastal Louisiana and will inform restoration activities to improve coastal restoration activities to enhance secretive marshbird populations.
Cantu de Leija, A. , J. Beauchamp, and S. L. King. 2020. Germination requirements of rare wetland plants in managed arid wetlands. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Quebec.
June 2020
Pecos sunflower (<i>Helianthus paradoxus,</i> federally Endangered), Leoncita false-foxglove (<i>Agalinis calycina</i>, Candidate species), and Wright's marsh thistle (<i>Cirsium wrightii</i>, Candidate species) are rare plant species that occur in managed wetland units at Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge near Roswell, New Mexico. This study will determine germination requirements of these species to facilitate the use of wetland management techniques to increase the population numbers of t
La Peyre, M., J. Furlong, L. Brown, B. Piazza, K. Brown. Oyster reef restoration in the northern Gulf of Mexico: extent, methods and outcomes. CERF Meeting 2013.
November 2013
This work examined the extent and outcomes of oyster reef restoration across the nGoM. This work is important because no one has ever reviewed this restoration practice.
Brown, L., Furlong, J., K. Brown, M. La peyreOyster reef restoration in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: effect of material and age on nekton and benthic marcoinvertebrate assemblages. ABSTRACT. CERF Meeting NOv 2013
November 2015
This work examined fish and crustacean use of restored reefs, based on restoration material. This work provides data on which organisms use which type of restoration material.