Louisiana Research Activities

Research at the Louisiana Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit largely revolves around wetlands and wetland-dependent wildlife. We work across the U.S., with occassional international research, in coastal marshes, riverine systems, and other inland freshwater wetlands. We study the biotic and abiotic processes that structure wetlands, including hydrology, soils, and geomorphology. In addition, waterfowl, other waterbirds,fish, oysters, crabs, aquatic invertebrates, and plants are often studied.
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Yurek S, Eaton MJ, Lavaud R, Laney RW, DeAngelis D, Pine III, WE, La Peyre MK, Martin J, Frederick P, Wang H, Lowe MR, Johnson F, Camp EV, Mordecai R. 2021 Modeling structural mechanics of oyster reef self-organization including environmental constraints and community interactions. Ecological Modelling 440:109389 | Abstract | Download | January 2021 |
Wohner, PJ, SA Laymon, JE Stanek, SL King, RJ Cooper. 2021. Challenging our understanding of western Yellow-billed Cuckoo habitat needs and accepted management practices. Restoration Ecology 29(3): e13331. https://doi.org/10.1111/rec.13331 | Abstract | March 2021 |
Winstead, N. A., and S. L. King. 2006. Secretive marsh bird distribution among structurally different vegetation types in managed wetlands of northwest Tennessee. Wetlands 26:619-623. | June 2006 |
Winstead, N. A., and S. L. King. 2006. Least Bittern nesting sites at Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee. Southeastern Naturalist 5(2):317-320. | June 2006 |
Winstead, N. A., and S. L. King. 2005. A Pied-billed Grebe nest and Common Moorhen brood platform near Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee. The Migrant 76(3):85-88. | September 2006 |
Wilhide, J. D., S. M. Cochran, V. E. Hoffman, S. L. King, and V. R. McDaniel. 2005. Roost and habitat use by bats in a southern bottomland hardwood forest. Pages 397-402 in L. H. Fredrickson, S. L. King, and R. M. Kaminski, eds. Ecology and management of bottomland hardwood systems: the state of our understanding. University of Missouri-Columbia. Gaylord Memorial Laboratory Special Publication No. 10. Puxico, MO. | August 2005 |
Westbrook, P., Heffner, L., La Peyre, MK. 2019. Oyster-mediated nutrient bioassimilation, burial and denitrification: effects of timing and location. Marine Biology 166:4. | Abstract | December 2018 |
Weckstein, J. D., A. D. Afton, R. M. Zink, and R. T. Alisauskas. 2002. Hybridization and population subdivision within and between Ross's geese and lesser snow geese: a molecular perspective. Condor 104:432-436 | June 2002 |
Watson, A., Reece, J., Tirpak, B.E., Edwards, C.K., Geselbracht, L., Woodrey, M., La Peyre, M.K., and Dalyander, P.S., 2017, The Gulf Coast Vulnerability Assessment: Mangrove, Tidal Emergent Marsh, Barrier Islands, and Oyster Reef: Forest and Wildlife Research Center, Research Bulletin WFA421, Mississippi State University, 100 p., http://www.fwrc.msstate.edu/pubs/Gulf_Coast_Vulnerability_Assessment.pdf. | Abstract | Publisher Website | June 2017 |
Watson, A., J. Reece, B.E. Tirpak, C. K. Edwards, L. Geselbracht, M. Woodrey, M. LaPeyre, and P. S. Dalyander. 2015. The Gulf Coast Vulnerability Assessment: Mangrove, Tidal Emergent Marsh, Barrier Islands, and Oyster Reef. |
October 2015 |
Wang, H., Q. Chen, M.K. La Peyre, K. Hu, J.F. La Peyre. 2017. Predicting the impacts of Mississippi River Diversions and Sea-Level Rise on spatial patterns of eastern oyster growth rate and production. Ecological Modelling. 352:40-53. | January 2017 |
Wang, H., Q Chen, K Hu and M. La Peyre. 2016. A modeling study of the impacts of MIssissippi River diversion and sea-level rise on water quality of a deltaic estuary. Estuaries and Coasts. Estuaries and Coasts. DOI 10.1007/s12237-016-0197-7 | December 2016 |
Vest, J. L., R. M. Kaminski, A. D. Afton, and F. J. Vilella. 2006. Body mass of lesser scaup during fall and winter in the Mississippi flyway. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:1789-1795. | February 2007 |
Valente, J. J., S. L. King, and R. Wilson. 2011. Distribution and habitat associations of breeding secretive marsh birds in Louisiana's Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Wetlands 31(1): 1-10. | February 2011 |
Valente, J. J., S. L. King, and R. R. Wilson. 2012. Summer use of rice fields by secretive marsh birds in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley of northeast Louisiana. Southeastern Naturalist 11(3):423-436. | September 2012 |
Toft, JD, Bilkovic, DM, M. Mitchell and M. La Peyre. 2017. Chapter 24: A Synthesis of Living Shoreline Perspectives. In: Bilkovic, DM, M. Mitchell, MK La Peyre, JD Toft. eds. Living shorelines: the science and management of nature-based coastal protection. CRC Press. Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL. | February 2017 |
Taylor, C., La Peyre MK, Sable S., Kiskadon E, Baustian M. 2020. Gear Comparison Study for Sampling Nekton in Barataria Basin Marshes. 66 pp. https://thewaterinstitute.org/reports | June 2020 |
Taylor CB, Nyman JA, La Peyre MK. 2022. Effects of freshwater inflow on nekton assemblages and blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, populations in southeastern Louisiana. Aquatic Biology DOI: https://doi.org/10.3354/ab00748 | Abstract | January 2022 |
Szymanski, M. L., and A. D. Afton. 2008. New duck hunting technologies: hunter perceptions contradict data on effectiveness. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 13:299-300. | July 2008 |
Szymanski, M. L., and A. D. Afton. 2005. Effects of spinning-wing decoys on flock behavior and hunting vulnerability of mallards in Minnesota. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33:993-1001. | February 2006 |
Szymanski, M. L., A. D. Afton, and K. A. Hobson. 2007. Use of stable isotope methodology to determine natal origins of mallards at a fine scale within the Upper-Midwest. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:1317-1324 | June 2007 |
Szymanski, M. L., A. D. Afton, and K. A. Hobson. 2007. Erratum. Journal of Wildlife Management 71:2118. | August 2007 |
Swam LM, La Peyre MK, Couvillion B, Callam B, La Peyre JF. 2022 Defining oyster resource zones across coastal Louisiana for restoration and aquaculture. Ocean and Coastal Management | Abstract | April 2022 |
Swam L, Marshall D, La Peyre MK. 2022. Five years of monitoring of bio-engineered living shoreline oyster reef development. Cooperator Science Series 139-2022. | February 2022 |
Swam L, La Peyre MK, Callam B, La Peyre JF. 2022 Local populations of eastern oyster from Louisiana differ in their tolerance to low salinity. North American Journal of Aquaculture. | Abstract | July 2022 |
Soniat et al.2012 A Shell-neutral modeling approach yields sustainable oyster harvest estimates: a retrospective analysis of the Louisiana state primary seed grounds. Journal of Shellfish Research 31:1101-1112. Dec 2012. | December 2012 |
Sehlinger, T, Lowe MR, La Peyre MK, Soniat TM. Differential effects of temperature and salinity on growth and mortality of oysters (Crassostrea virginica) in Barataria Bay and Breton Sound, Louisiana. 2019. Journal of Shellfish Research 38:317-326. https://doi.org/10.2983/035.038.0212. | August 2019 |
Schwarting Miller, L, J. La Peyre, M. La Peyre. 2017. Suitability of oyster restoration sites along the Louisiana coast: important biotic and abiotic factors influencing oyster population dynamics and reef-building. Journal of Shellfish Research 36:341-351. https://doi.org/10.2983/035.036.0206 URL: http://www.bioone.org/doi/full/ | Abstract | August 2017 |
Rybovich, M., La Peyre, M., Hall, S., La Peyre, J. 2016. Growth and mortality of spat, seed, and market-sized oyster at low salinities and high temperatures. Journal of Shellfish Research. | Abstract | October 2016 |
Rotella, J. J., R. G. Clark, and A. D. Afton. 2003. Survival of female lesser scaup: effects of body size, age, and reproductive effort. Condor 105:336-347. | May 2003 |
Ritenour, K., S.L.King, S. Collins, and M. D. Kaller. 2022. FACTORS AFFECTING NEST SUCCESS OF COLONIAL NESTING WATERBIRDS IN SOUTHWEST LOUISIANA. Estuaries and Coasts. 45:897-912. | Publisher Website | August 2021 |
Reece JS, Watson A, Dalyander PS, Edwards CK, Geselbracht L, La Peyre MK, Tirpak BE, Tirpak JM Woodrey, M. 2018. A multiscale natural community and species-level vulnerability assessment of the Gulf Coast, USA. | July 2018 |
Plunket J and M. L. La Peyre. 2005. Cultched oyster beds as fish adn macroinvertebrate habitat in Barataria Bay, LA. Bulletin of Marine Science 77(1):155-164. | July 2005 |
Pillatzki, A. E., R. D. Neiger, S. R. Chipps, K. F. Higgins, N. Thiex, and A. D. Afton. 2011. Hepatic element concentrations of lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) during spring migration in the upper Midwest. Archives of Environmental Contaminants and Toxicology 61:144-150. | January 2011 |
Pierluissi, S., and S. L. King. 2008. Relative Nest Density, Nest Success, and Site Occupancy of King Rails in Southwestern Louisiana Rice Fields. Waterbirds 31:530-540. | December 2008 |
Pierluissi, S., S. L. King, and M. D. Kaller. 2010. Waterbird Nest Density and Nest Survival in Rice Fields of Southwestern Louisiana. Waterbirds 33(3): 323-330. | September 2010 |
Pierce, A.R., and S.L. King. 2017. Hydrological responses to channelization and the formation of valley plugs and shoals. Wetlands 37:513-523. | February 2017 |
Pierce, A. R., and S. L. King. 2008. Spatial dynamics of overbank sedimentation in alluvial floodplain systems. Geomorphology 100:256-268. | August 2008 |
Pierce, A. R., and S. L. King. 2007. The influence of valley plugs in channelized streams on floodplain sedimentation dynamics over the last century. Wetlands 27:631-643. | September 2007 |
Pierce, A. R., and S. L. King. 2007. The effects of flooding and sedimentation on seed germination of two bottomland hardwood tree species. Wetlands 27:588-594. | September 2007 |
Pierce, A. R., and S. L. King. 2013. Valley plugs, land use, and phytogeomorphic response.In: John F. Shroder (ed.) Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 12, pp. 221-235. San Diego: Academic Press. | March 2013 |
Pierce, A. R. and S. L. King. 2011. A comparison of avian communities and habitat characteristics in floodplain forests along channelized and unchannelized streams. River Research and Applications 27(10):1315-1324. | Publisher Website | October 2011 |
Pickens, B.A., S.L. King, P. Vasseur, S. Zimorski, and W. Selman. 2017. Seasonal movements and multiscale habitat selection of Whooping Crane (Grus americana) in natural and agricultural wetlands. Waterbirds 40:322-333. | December 2017 |
Pickens, B. A., and S. L. King. 2014. Multi-Scale Habitat Selection of Wetland Birds in the Northern Gulf Coast. Estuaries and Coasts 37(5):1301-1311. | September 2014 |
Pickens, B. A., and S. L. King. 2014. Linking Multi-Temporal Satellite Imagery to Coastal Wetland Dynamics and Bird Distribution Ecological Modelling 285:1-12. | August 2014 |
Pickens, B. A., and S. L. King. 2013. Microhabitat selection, demography, and correlates of home range size for the King Rail (Rallus elegans). Waterbirds 36:319-329. | September 2013 |
Pickens, B. A., and S. L. King. 2012. Predicting the spatial distribution of King Rails in an agricultural landscape. Condor 114(1):113-122. | February 2012 |
Piazza, BP and MK La Peyre. 2011. Nekton community response to a large-scale Mississippi River discharge: examining immediate and lagged effects to managed freshwater flow. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. | Download | Publisher Website | January 2011 |
Piazza, B.P., M.K. La Peyre. 2012. Measuring changes in consumer resource availability to riverine pulsing in Breton Sound, Louisiana, USA. PLoS ONE 7(5):e37536. | October 2012 |
Piazza, B.P. M.K. La Peyre and B.D. Keim. 2010. Relating large-scale climate variability to local species abundance: ENSO forcing and brown shrimp(Farfantepenaeus aztecus) in Breton Sound, Louisiana USA. Climate Research 42:195-207 | Download | August 2010 |
Piazza, B., and M. K. La Peyre. 2007. Restoration of the annual flood pulse in Breton Sound, Louisiana, USA: habitat change and nekton community response. Aquatic Biology 1:109-119 | Download | November 2007 |
Piazza, B., P. D. Banks and M. K. LA Peyre. 2005. The potential for created oyster reefs as a sustainable shoreline protection strategy in Louisiana. Restoration Ecology 13:1-8. | Download | September 2005 |
Piazza, B. and M La Peyre. 2010. Using Gambusia affinis growth and condition to assess estuarine habitat quality: a comparison of indices. Marine Ecology Progress Series 412:231-245. | Download | June 2010 |
Piazza, B. P., and M. K. La Peyre. 2009. The effect of Hurricane Katrina on nektkon communities in the tidal freshwater marshes of Breton Sound, Louiaiana, USA. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 12/31/08 | Download | May 2009 |
Piazza BP, MK Piehler, B Gossman, MK La Peyre and JF La Peyre. Oyster recruitment and growth on an artificial reef structure in Grand Isle, LA. Bulletin of Marine Science 84:59-66. | Download | December 2008 |
Perkins, M., S. L. King, and J. Linscombe. 2010. Effectiveness of capture techniques for rails in emergent marsh and agricultural wetlands. Waterbirds 33 (3):376-380. | September 2010 |
Perkins, M., S. L. King, S. E. Travis, and J. Linscombe. 2009. The use of morphometric measurements to differentiate between species and sex of king and clapper rails. Waterbirds 32:579-584 | October 2009 |
Pell, C.J., King, S.L., Hawkins, T. and Symmank, M. (2024). Determining the effects of reduced water availability on seed germination of five bottomland hardwood tree species. Forest Ecology and Management, 577, pp.122410–122410. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2024.122410. |
November 2024 |
Patton, BA, Nyman JA, La Peyre MK. 2020. Living on the edge: Multi-scale analyses of waterbird habitat use in coastal wetlands of Barataria Basin, Louisiana, USA. Wetlands doi: 10.1007/s13157-020-01324-2, | July 2020 |
Pace, R. M., III., and A. D. Afton. 1999. Direct recovery rates of lesser scaup banded in northwest Minnesota: sources of heterogeneity. Journal of Wildlife Management 63:389-395. | November 1999 |
Oswalt, S., and S. L. King. 2005. Channelization and floodplain forests: impacts of accelerated sedimentation and valley plug formation on floodplain forests of the Middle Fork Forked Deer River, Tennessee, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 215:69-83. | September 2005 |
Olsen, R. E., and A. D. Afton. 2000. Vulnerability of lesser snow geese to hunting with electronic calling devices. Journal of Wildlife Management 64:983-993. | December 2000 |
Olsen, R. E., and A. D. Afton. 1999. Goose hunter opinions concerning proposed management actions to reduce the mid-continent population of lesser snow geese. Wildlife Society Bulletin 27:107-113. | November 1999 |
Olsen, R. E., R. R. Cox, Jr., A. D. Afton, and C. D. Ankney. 2011. Diet and gut morphology of male mallards during winter in North Dakota. Waterbirds 34:59-69. | March 2011 |
Nyman, JA, MK La Peyre, A Caldwll, S. Piazza, C Thom and C Winslow. 2009. Defining restoration targets for water depth and salinity in wind-dominated Spartina patens (Ait. ) Muhl. coastal marshes. Journal of Hydrology 376:327-336. | Download | October 2009 |
Nyman, J. A., and M. K. La Peyre. 2002. High hopes for marsh terraces as a small scale wetland restoration tool in coastal Louisiana. The Wildlife Society Bulletin. Fall 2002:8-11. | November 2002 |
Newell, P., S. L. King, and M. Kaller. 2009 Foraging behavior of pileated woodpeckers in partial cut and uncut bottomland hardwood forest. Forest Ecology and Management 258:1456-1464. | September 2009 |
Newell, P. and S. L. King. 2009. Relative abundance and species richness of Cerambycid beetles in partial cut and uncut bottomland hardwood forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39 (11):2100-2108. | November 2009 |
Morris RL, La Peyre MK, Webb BM, Marshall DA, Bilkovic DM, Cebrian J, McClenachan G, Kibler KM, Walters LJ, Bushek D, Sparks EL, Temple NA, Moddy J, Angstadt K, Goff J, Boswell M, Sacks P, Swearer SE. 2021. Large-scale variation in wave attenuation of oyster reef living shorelines and the influence of inundation duration. Ecological Applications. doi:10.1002/eap.2382. | Abstract | January 2021 |
Morris RL, Bilkovic DM, Boswell MK, Bushek D, Cebrian J, Goff J Kibler KM, La Peyre MK, McClenachan G, Moody J, Sacks P, Shinn JP, Sparks EL, Temple NA, Walters LJ, Webb BM, Swearer BM. 2019. Oysters reefs in shoreline protection: are we over-engineering for an ecosystem engineer? Journal of Applied Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13390 | April 2019 |
McCracken, K. G., J. Hemmings, D. C. Paton, and A. D. Afton. 2004. Capture methods for musk ducks. Wildfowl 54:209-212. | September 2004 |
McCracken, K. G., J. Harshman, D. A. McClellan, and A. D. Afton. 1999. Data set incongruence and correlated character evolution: an example of functional convergence in the hind-limbs of stifftail diving ducks. Systematic Biology 48:683-714. | November 1999 |
McCracken, K. G., D. C. Paton, and A. D. Afton. 2002. Advertising displays of male musk ducks indicate population subdivision across the Nullarbor Plain of Australia. Wildfowl 53:137-154. | April 2003 |
McCracken, K. G., D. C. Paton, and A. D. Afton. 2000. Sexual size dimorphism of the musk duck. Wilson Bulletin 112:457-466 | December 2000 |
McCracken, K. G., A. D. Afton, and M. S. Peters. 2000. Condition bias of hunter-shot ring-necked ducks exposed to lead. Journal of Wildlife Management 64:584-590. | January 2000 |
McCracken, K. G., A. D. Afton, and D. C. Paton. 2000. Nests and eggs of musk ducks Biziura lobata at Murray Lagoon, Cape Gantheaume Conservation Park, Kangaroo Island, South Australia. South Australian Ornithologist 33:65-70. | June 2000 |
McCoy E, Borrett SR, La Peyre MK, Peterson BJ. 2017. Estimating the impact of oyster restoration scenarios on transient fish production. Restoration Ecology. doi: 10.1111/rec.12498 | Abstract | January 2017 |
Marshall, DA, La Peyre MK. 2020. Effects of inundation duration on oyster reefs in southeastern Louisiana. Experimental Results. 1, e30, 1-8; doi:10.1017/exp.2020.35. | Abstract | July 2020 |
Marshall, D.A., Sutor, M., La Peyre, J.F., La Peyre M.K. 2020. Using reproductive potential to assess Louisiana oyster population sustainability. Restoration Ecology doi:10.1111/rec.13225. | Abstract | July 2020 |
Marshall, D., M.K. La Peyre, T.A. Palmer, G. Guillou, B.D. Sterba-Boatwright, J. Beseres-Pollack, B. Lebreton. 2021. Freshwater inflow and responses from estuaries across an extensive gradient: an assessment of northwestern Gulf of Mexico estuaries based on stable isotopes. Limnology and Oceanography. doi: 10.1002/lno.11899 | Abstract | June 2021 |
Marshall DA, La Peyre MK. 2020 Project and programmatic level assessment of oyster restoration type projects. Extended Abstract. Report to Monitoring and Adaptive Management Trustee Implementation Group. NRDA. | October 2020 |
Marshall DA, Coxe NC, La Peyre MK, Walton W, Beseres Pollack J, Kelly M, La Peyre JF. 2021. Tolerance of northern Gulf of Mexico eastern oysters to chronic warming at extreme salinities. Journal of Thermal Biology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j/jtherbio.2021 | August 2021 |
Marshall DA, Casas SM, Walton WC, Rikard FS, Palmer TA, Breaux N, La Peyre MK, Pollack JB, Kelly M, La Peyre JF. 2021. Divergence in salinity tolerance of northern Gulf of Mexico oysters under field and laboratory exposure. Conservation Physiology 9:10.1093/conjphys/coab065. | Abstract | May 2021 |
M. K. La Peyre and T. Birdsong. 2008. Physical variation of non-vegetated marsh edge habitats and nekton habitat use patterns in Barataria Bay, LA, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series 356:51-61. | Download | March 2008 |
Lowe, M.R., T. Sehlinger, T.M. Soniat and M.K. La Peyre. 2017. Interactive effects of water temperature and salinity on growth and mortality of eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica: a meta-analysis using 40 years of monitoring data. Journal of Shellfish Research 36:1-15. | Abstract | October 2017 |
Llewellyn, C. and M. La Peyre. 2010 Evaluating ecological equivalence of created marshes: comparing structural indicators with stable isotope indicators of blue crab trophic support; Estuaries; DOI 10.1007a/s12237-010-9297-y | Download | September 2010 |
Link, P. T., A. D. Afton, R. R. Cox, Jr., and B. E. Davis. 2011. Use of habitats by female mallards wintering in southwestern Louisiana. Waterbirds 34:429-438. | January 2012 |
Link, P. T., A. D. Afton, R. R. Cox, Jr., and B. E. Davis. 2011. Daily movements of female mallards wintering in southwestern Louisiana. Waterbirds 34:422-428 | January 2012 |
Lichtenberg, J. S., S. L. King, J. B. Grace, and S. C. Walls. 2006. Habitat associations of chorusing anurans in the Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley. Wetlands 26:736-744. | September 2006 |
Lemon, MGT., Richard F. Keim, Scott T. Allen, Brandon L. Edwards, and Sammy L. King. 2016. Satellite derived temperature for monitoring water status in a floodplain forests of the upper Sabine River, Texas. Southeastern Naturalist 15 (SI9):90-102. | December 2016 |
Lavaud R., La Peyre MK, Casas S, Bacher C, La Peyre JF. 2017. Integrating the effects of salinity on the physiology of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in the northern Gulf of Mexico through a Dynamic Energy Budget model. Ecological Modelling 363:221-233. | Abstract | September 2017 |
Lavaud R, La Peyre MK, Justic D, La Peyre JF. 2021. Dynamic Energy Budget modelling to predict eastern oyster growth, reproduction, and mortality under river management and climate change scenarios. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. | Abstract | January 2021 |
Lavaud R, La Peyre MK, Couvillion B, Beseres Pollack J, Brown V, Palmer T, Keim B. 2024. Predicting restoration and aquaculture potential of an ecological engineer through an eco-physiological mechanistic model. Ecological Modeling 489:110603. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2023.110603 | Abstract | December 2023 |
Lavaud R, La Peyre MK et al. 2023. Final Project Report: A roadmap for developing resilient coastal shellfish populations: using spatial and process-based modeling for restoration under current and predicted future water quality conditions. DOI Climate Adaptation Center FInal Report. | Abstract | August 2024 |
Lavaud R, Archer SK, La Peyre MK, Campanino FM, Casas SM, La Peyre JF. 2024. In situ valve opening response of eastern oysters to estuarine conditions. Marine Biology 171:174; https://doi.org/10.1007/s00227-024-04488-1. | Abstract | June 2024 |
Laughban, M. K., S. L. King, and L. H. Fredrickson. 2012. Managing wetlands for wildlife. Pages 95-132 in N. Silvy, ed. The Wildlife Techniques Manual/Management. 7th edition, Vol. 2. The John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. | April 2012 |
Laubhan, M. K., S. L. King, and L. H. Fredrickson. 2005. Managing wetlands for wildlife. Pages 797-838 in C. E. Braun, ed. Techniques for Wildlife Investigation and Management. 6th Edition. The Wildlife Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | May 2005 |
Latuso, KD, RF Keim, SL King, DC Weindorf, and RD DeLaune. 2017. Sediment deposition and sources into a Mississippi River floodplain lake; Catahoula Lake, Louisiana. Catena 156:290-297. | September 2017 |
La Peyre, MK. 2015. Final Summary to the South Central Climate Science Center for Occurrence and variation in submersed aquatic vegetation along the northern Gulf of Mexico: a hierarchical approach to assess impacts of environmental change on SAV resources. 2012-2015. | December 2015 |
La Peyre, MK, Serra, K., Joyner, A, Humphries. AH. 2015, Assessing shoreline exposure and oyster habitat suitability maximizes potential success for restored oyster reefs. PeerJ 10.7717.peerj.1317. | Abstract | Download | October 2015 |
La Peyre, MK, Nix, EA, Laborde, L, Piazza, BP. 2012. Gauging state-level and user group views of oyster ref restoration activities in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Ocean and Coastal Management 67:1-8. | Publisher Website | April 2012 |
La Peyre, MK, L. Miller, S. Miller, E. Melancon. 2017. Chapter 18: Comparison of oyster populations, shoreline protection service and site characteristics at seven created fringing oyster reefs in Louisiana: key parameters and responses to consider. In: Bilkovic, DM, M. Mitchell, MK La Peyre, JD Toft. eds. Living shorelines: the science and management of nature-based coastal protection. CRC Press. Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL. | February 2017 |
La Peyre, MK, Eberline, BS, Soniat, TS, La Peyre, JL. 2013. Differences in extreme low salinity timing and duration differentially affect eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) recruitment, size class growth and mortality in Breton Sound, LA Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 135:146-157. | Abstract | Download | October 2013 |
La Peyre, MK, B. Gossman and JF La Peyre. Defining optimal freshwater flow for oyster production: effects of freshet rate and magnitude of change and duration on eastern oysters and Perkinsus marinus infection. Ecological Applications | January 2009 |
La Peyre, MK, A. D. Nickens, G. Tolley, A. Volety and J. F. La Peyre. 2003. Environmental significance of freshets in reducing Perkinsus marinus infection in eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica): Potential management applications. Marine Ecology Progress Series 248:165-176. | January 2003 |
La Peyre, MK and S. Rowe. 2003. Effects of salinity changes on growth of Ruppia maritima L. Aquatic Botany 77(3)0:235-241. | June 2003 |
La Peyre, MK and J Gordon. 2012. Nekton density patterns and hurricane recovery in submerged aquatic vegetation, and along non-vegetated natural and created edge habitats. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 98:108-118 | January 2012 |
La Peyre, M.K., Marshall, D.A., and Sable, S.E., 2021, Oyster model inventory: Identifying critical data and modeling approaches to support restoration of oyster reefs in coastal U.S. Gulf of Mexico waters: U.S. Geological SurveyOpen-File Report 2021–1063, 40 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/ofr20211063. | August 2021 |
La Peyre, M.K., J. Geaghan, G. Decossas, J. F. La Peyre. 2015. Analysis of environmental factors influencing salinity patterns, oyster growth and mortality in lower Breton Sound Estuary, Louisiana using 20 years of data | January 2016 |
La Peyre, M.K., B. Gossman and B.P. Piazza. 2009. Short and long-term response of deteriorating brackish marshes and open-water ponds to sediment enhancement by thin-layer dredge disposal. Estuaries and Coasts 32:390-402. | March 2009 |
La Peyre, M.K., A. Humphries, S. Casas, J. La Peyre. 2014. Temporal variation in development of oyster reef functional services. Ecological Engineering 63:34-44. | Abstract | Download | January 2014 |
La Peyre, M., S. Casas, W. Gayle and J. La Peyre. 2010. The combined influence of sub-optimal temperature and salinity on the in vitro viability of Perkinsus marinus, a protistan parasite of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology doi:10.1016/j.jip.2010.6.010 | Download | August 2010 |
La Peyre, M., S. Casas and J. La Peyre. 2006. Salinity effects on viability, metabolic activity and proliferation of three Perkinsus species. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 71:59-74. (January 2006) | Download | January 2007 |
La Peyre, M., Furlong, J., Brown, L.A., Piazza, B.P., Brown, K. 2014. Oyster reef restoration in the northern Gulf of Mexico: extent, methods and outcomes. Ocean and Coastal Management 89:20-28. | Abstract | Download | January 2014 |
La Peyre, M. K., S. M. Casas, A. Villalba and J. F. La Peyre. 2008. Temperature effects of two Perkinsus species viability, metabolic activity and prliferation, and its significance to understanding seasonal cycles of perkinsosis. Parasitology 135:505-519 | April 2008 |
La Peyre, M. K., Reams, M. A., and Mendelssohn, I. A. 2001. Linking actions to outcomes in wetland management: an overview of state wetland management. Wetlands 21(1):66-74. | September 2001 |
La Peyre, M. K., M. A. Reams, P. H. Templet, J. B. Grace and I. A. Mendelssohn. 2001. Identifying determinants of nations' wetland management programs using structural equation modeling: an exploratory analysis. Environmental Management 27(6):859-868. | September 2001 |
La Peyre, M. K., Bush, C. B., C. Winslow, A. Caldwell, J. A. Nyman. 2005. Potential for seed bank recruitment in restored and managed marshes of southwest Louisiana. Southeast Naturalist 4(2):273-286. | July 2005 |
La Peyre, M. K., B. Gossman and J. A. Nyman. 2007. Assessing functional equivalency of nekton habitat in enhanced habitats: comparison of terraced and unterraced marsh ponds. Estuaries and Coasts 30:526-536. | June 2007 |
La Peyre, M. K. G., C. Bush Thom, C. Winslow, A. Caldwell, and J. A. Nyman. 2005. Potential seed bank recruitment from restored and managed coastal marshes in southwest Louisiana. Southeastern Naturalist 4(2):273-286. | November 2005 |
La Peyre, M. . K., M. A. Reams and I. A. Mendelssohn. 2000. State wetland protection: a matter of context? Coastal Management. 28:287-302. | September 2001 |
La Peyre MK, Wang H, Sable S, Wu W, Li B, Comba D, Perez C, Bates M, Swam L. 2024 Multiple dimensions define thresholds for population resilience of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. Ecology and Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.70759 | Abstract | December 2024 |
La Peyre MK, Sable S., Taylor C, Watkins KS, Kiskaddon E, Baustian M. 2021. Effects of sample gear on estuarine fish assemblage assessments and food web models. Ecological Indicators 133:108404 https://doi.org/10.106.j.ecolind.2021.108404. | Abstract | December 2021 |
La Peyre MK, Sable S, Marshall DA, Irwin E, Hanson C. 2024. The use of conceptual ecological models to identify critical data and uncertainties to support numerical modeling:The northern Gulf of Mexico eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) example. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science. 204;16:e10297 https://doi.org/10.1002/mcf2.10297. | Abstract | May 2024 |
La Peyre MK, Marshall DA, Miller LS, Humphries A. 2019. Oyster reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico estuaries support unique fish and decapod crustacean use. Frontiers in Marine Ecology, Special Issue: Gulf of Mexico Reefs, Past, Present and Future v.6:666; doi:103389/fmars.2019.00666 | Abstract | Download | October 2019 |
La Peyre MK, Marshall DA, Buie SCL, Hijuelos A, Steyer GD. 2022. Are we falling short on restoring oysters at a regional scale? Environmental Managementhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-022-01691-y | Abstract | April 2022 |
La Peyre MK, Buie SCL, Rossi R, Roberts BJ. 2022. Long-term assessments are critical to determining persistence and shoreline protection from oyster reef nature-based coastal defense. Ecological Engineering https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2022.106603 | Abstract | March 2022 |
La Peyre MK, Bernasconi SB, Lavaud R, Casas SM, La Peyre JF. 2019. Eastern oyster clearance and respiration rates in response to acute and chronic exposure to suspended sediment loads. Journal of Sea Research. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.seares.2019.101831 | Abstract | November 2019 |
LMVJV Forest Resource Conservation Working Group. 2007. Restoration, Management, and Monitoring of Forest Resources in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley: Recommendations for Enhancing Wildlife Habitat. Edited by R. Wilson, K. Ribbeck, S. King, and D. Twedt. | September 2007 |
Kroschel, W.A., and S.L. King. 2021. Floodplain forest tree seedling response to variation in flood timing and duration. Forest Ecology and Management 502:119660. . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119660 | December 2021 |
Kroschel, W.A., S.L., King and R. F. Keim.2016. Tree Regeneration in Bottomland Hardwood Forests: A Review. Southeastern Naturalist 15 (SI 9):42-60. | December 2016 |
King, S.L., and R.F. Keim. 2019. Hydrologic issues challenge bottomland hardwood forest management. Journal of Forestry 117(5):504-514. https://doi-org.libezp.lib.lsu.edu/10.1093/jofore/fvz025 | September 2019 |
King, S.L., W. Selman, P. Vasseur, and S. Zimorski. 2018. Louisiana Non-migratory Whooping Crane Reintroduction. Pages 469-484 in S. Converse, J. French, and F. Chavez, eds. The Whooping Crane. Elsevier | September 2018 |
King, S.L., M. Laubhan, P. Tashjian, J. Vradenburg, and L.H. Fredrickson. 2021. Wetland conservation: challenges related to water law and farm policy. Wetlands 41:54 https://doi.org/10.1007/s13157-021-01449-y | Publisher Website | May 2021 |
King, S. L., and T. Perkins. 2013. Reintroduction of Whooping Cranes to Southwest Louisiana: History, Habitat Conditions, and Initial Reintroduction Efforts. Proceedings of the Louisiana Natural Resources Symposium 4:94-99 | December 2013 |
King, S. L., and T. J. Antrobus. 2005. Gapmaker-Gapfiller Relationships in an Arkansas Floodplain Forest. Journal of Vegetation Science 16:471-480 | August 2005 |
King, S. L., and J. Vradenburg. 2016. Considerations for Wetland Conservation and Management at Momege Nature Reserve. | March 2016 |
King, S. L., R. R. Sharitz, J. W. Groninger, and L. L. Battaglia. (2009 invited). The ecology, restoration, and management of southeastern floodplain ecosystems: A synthesis. Wetlands 29:624-634 | June 2009 |
King, S. L., R. F. Keim, C. R. Hupp, B. L. Edwards, W. A. Kroschel, E. L. Johnson, and J. W. Cochran. 2016. Evaluation of the effects of hydrologic and geomorphic processes and bottomland hardwood plant communities of the ower White River Basin. U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2016-1113. | August 2016 |
King, S. L., R. F. Keim, C. R. Hupp, B. L. Edwards, W. A. Kroschel, E. L. Johnson, and J. W. Cochran. 2016. Altered hydrologic and geomorphic processes and bottomland hardwood plant communities of the lower White River Basin. USGS Open File Report 2016-1113. https://doi.org/10.3133/ofr20161113 |
July 2016 |
King, S. L., L. L. Battaglia, C. R. Hupp, R. F. Keim, and B. G. Lockaby. 2012. Floodplain wetlands of the southeastern coastal plain. Wetland habitats of North America: ecology and conservation concerns. Pages 253-266 in D. Batzer and A. H. Baldwin, eds. University of California Press, Berkeley. | May 2012 |
King, S. L., J. P. Shepard, K. Ouchley, J. A. Neal, and K. Ouchley. 2005. Bottomland hardwood forests: past, present, and future. Pages 1-17 in L. H. Fredrickson, S. L. King, and R. M. Kaminski, eds. Ecology and management of bottomland hardwood systems: the state of our understanding. University of Missouri-Columbia. Gaylord Memorial Laboratory Special Publication No. 10. Puxico, MO. | August 2005 |
King, S. L., D. J. Twedt, and R. Wilson. 2006 (invited). The Role of the Wetland Reserve Program in Conservation Efforts in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34(4):914-920. | December 2006 |
King, S. L., C. S. Elphick, D. Guadagnin, and O. Taft. 2010 (invited). Effects of landscape features on waterbird use of rice fields. Waterbirds 33 (Special Publication 1):151-159. | October 2010 |
King, S. L., A. R. Pierce, K. Hersey, and N. Winstead. 2011. Migration patterns and movements of sandhill cranes wintering in central and southwestern Louisiana, USA. Proceedings of the North American Crane Workshop, Dells, Wisconsin. 11:57-61. | October 2010 |
King, S. L. 2013. Watershed planning in eastern Russia. International Crane Foundation Bugle. | October 2013 |
King, S. L. 2013. Climate change, cranes, and temperate floodplain ecoysystems. Pages 28-34 in J. H. Harris, ed. Proceedings of the 2010 International Crane Workshop, Muraviovoka Park, Russia. | October 2012 |
Keim, R.F., L. Dugue, K.D. Latuso, S. Joshi, S.L. King, and F.L. Willis. 2022. Influences of floodplain modification on expansion of woody vegetation into Catahoula Lake, Louisiana, USA. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.5328 | January 2022 |
Keim, R.., S. L. King, D. Scott, and F. M. Wilhelm (authors alphabetical). 2019. Klamath Trip Report. Results of May 2019 Technical Assistance Visit to Lower Klamath Lake. | July 2019 |
Kanouse, S., M. K. La Peyre and J. A. Nyman. 2006. Nekton use of submerged aquatic vegetation and nonvegetated bottom microhabitats within brackish marsh ponds. Marine Ecology Progress Series 327:61-69 | December 2006 |
Kang, S. R., and S. L. King. 2014. Suitability of Coastal Marshes as Whooping Crane Foraging Habitat in Southwest Louisiana, USA. Waterbirds 37 (3):254-263. | August 2014 |
Kang, S. R., and S. L. King. 2013. Influence of Hydrologic Connectivity on Pond Environmental Characteristics in a Coastal Marsh System. Southeastern Naturalist 12:568-578. | September 2013 |
Kang, S. R., and S. L. King. 2013. Effects of hydrologic connectivity and environmental variables on nekton assemblage in a coastal marsh system.Wetlands 33:321-334. | April 2013 |
Kang, S. R., and S. L. King. 2013. Effects of Hydrologic Connectivity and Environmental Variables on Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in Different Marsh Types. Aquatic Biology 18:149-160. | January 2013 |
Kang, S. R., and S. L. King. 2012. Influence of salinity and prey presence on the survival of aquatic macroinvertebrates of a freshwater marsh. Aquatic Ecology (http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&id=doi:10.1007/s10452-012-9410-3) | August 2012 |
Kang, S. R. and S. L. King. 2013 (May 7). Seasonal Comparison of Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in a Flooded Coastal Freshwater Marsh. Open Journal of Ecology DOI: 10.4236/oje.2013.32014 | May 2013 |
Kang, S. R. and S. L. King. 2013. Seasonal nekton assemblages in a flooded coastal freshwater marsh, Southwest Louisiana, USA. Open Journal of Ecology 116-121. DOI: 10.4236/oje.2013.32014 | April 2013 |
Jonsson, J. E., and A. D. Afton. 2009. Time budgets of snow geese Chen caerulescens and Ross's geese C. rossi in mixed flocks: implications of body size, ambient temperature and family associations. Ibis 151:134-144. | January 2009 |
Jonsson, J. E., and A. D. Afton. 2008. Lesser snow geese and Ross's geese form mixed flocks during winter but differ in family maintenance and social status. Journal of Wilson Ornithology 120:725-731. | December 2008 |
Jonsson, J. E., and A. D. Afton. 2006. Different time and energy budgets of lesser snow geese in rice-prairies and coastal marshes in southwest Louisiana. Waterbirds 29:451-458. | April 2007 |
Jonsson, J. E., A. D. Afton, and R. T. Alisauskas. 2007. Does body size influence nest attendance? A comparison of Ross?s geese (Chen rossii) and the larger, sympatric lesser snow geese (C. caerulescens caerulescens). Journal of Ornithology 148:549-555. | July 2007 |
Jonsson, J. E., A. D. Afton, R. T. Alisauskas, C. K. Bluhm, and M. E. El Halawani. 2006. Ecological and physiological factors affecting brood patch area and prolactin levels in arctic-nesting geese. Auk 123:405-418. | May 2006 |
Jonsson, J. E., A. D. Afton, D. G. Homberger, W. G. Henk, and R. T. Alisauskas. 2006. Do geese fully develop brood patches? A histological analysis of lesser snow geese (Chen caerulescens caerulescens) and Ross's geese (C. rossii). Journal of Comparative Physiology B. 176:453-462. | June 2006 |
Johnston, J.B., D.R. Cahoon and M.K. La Peyre. 2009. Outer continental shelf (OCS)-related pipelines and navigation canals in the Western and Central Gulf of Mexico: Relative impacts on wetland habitats and effectiveness of mitigation. U.S. Dept of the INterior,Minerals Managemetn SErvice, BUlf of MExico OCS Region, New Orleans, LA. OCS Study MMS 2009-048. 200 p. | October 2009 |
Ilyashenko, E., and S. L. King. 2018. Crane responses to changes in agriculture. Pages 55 to 71 in J.E. Austin, K.L. Morrison, and J.T. Harris, eds. Cranes and Agriculture: a global guide to sharing the landscape. International Crane Foundation. | October 2018 |
Humphries, E. M., J. L. Peters, J. E. Jonsson, R. Stone, A. D. Afton, and K. E. Omland. 2009. Genetic differentiation between sympatric and allopatric wintering populations of snow geese. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121:730-738. | December 2009 |
Humphries, AT, MK La Peyre, ME Kimball, LP Rozas. 2011. Testing the effect of habitat structure and complexity on nekton assemblages using experimental oyster reefs. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. doi: 10.1016/j.jembe.2011.08.017 | Download | August 2011 |
Humphries, AT, MK La Peyre, GA Decossas. 2011. Effect of structural complexity, prey density, and predator-free space on prey survivoship at created oyster reef mesocosms. PLOSOne: 6(12):e28339. | December 2011 |
Humphries AT, La Peyre MK. 2016. Oyster reef restoration supports increased biomass and potential commercial fishery value. PeerJ 3:e1111; DOI 10.7717/peerj.1111 | Download | October 2016 |
Humphries A, Josephs L, La Peyre M, Hall S, Dowty Beech, R. 2019. Vulnerability of resource users in Louisiana's oyster fishery to environmental change. Ecology and Society 24:37: https://doi.org/10.5751/ES11101-240337 | Abstract | September 2019 |
Honig, A, M La Peyre, J. Supan. 2014. Seasonal gametogenesis of the ribbed mussel, Geukensia Granossissima, in southeastern Louisiana. Sexuality and Early Development in Aquatic Organisms 1:75-82. | Abstract | Download | October 2014 |
Honig, A, J. Supan, M. La Peyre. 2015. Population ecology of the gulf ribbed mussel across a salinity gradient: recruitment, growth and density within a Louisiana estuary. Ecosphere 6:1-13. | Abstract | November 2015 |
Hollweg, T.A., K. Sauby, M.C. Christman, J. Cebrian, and M. La Peyre. 2019. Understanding Nekton Use of Shallow Estuarine Habitats in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Guidebook for Resource Managers and Restoration Practitioners. Abt Associates, Boulder, CO. June. https://www.abtassociates.com/files/insights/reports/2020/2020.01.23.goma_nekton_guidebook_low_res.pdf | March 2020 |
Hillmann, ER, Rivera-Monroy, VH, Nyman, JA La Peyre MK. 2020. Estuarine submerged aquatic vegetation habitat provides organic carbon storage across a shifting landscape Science of the Total Environment 717:137217. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137217 | Abstract | January 2020 |
Hillmann, ER, DeMarco KD, La Peyre MK. 2019 Salinity and season dictate submerged aquatic vegetation variability in Barataria Basin, Louisiana, USA. Aquatic Biology. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3354/ab00719 | Abstract | September 2019 |
Hillmann, E., K.E. DeMarco and M La Peyre. 2016. Establishing a baseline of estuarine submerged aquatic vegetation resources across salinity zones within coastal areas of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. 3:25-32. | Abstract | Publisher Website | August 2016 |
Hillmann ER, La Peyre MK. 2019. Effects of salinity and light on growth and interspecific interactions between Myriophyllum spicatum L. and Ruppia maritima L. Aquatic Botany 28:175-186. https://doi.org/10.3354/ab00719 | Download | October 2019 |
Hamilton, S., S.L. King, G. Dello Russo, and M. Kaller. 2019. Effect of hydrologic, geomorphic, and vegetative conditions on avian communities in the Middle Rio Grande of New Mexico. Wetlands 39:1029-1042. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13157-019-01156-9 | May 2019 |
Gurney, K. E. B., R. G. Clark, S. M. Slattery, N. V. Smith-Downey, J. Walker, L. M. Armstrong, S. E. Stephens, M. Petrula, R. M. Corcoran, K. H. Martin, K. A. DeGroot, R. W. Brook, A. D. Afton, K. Cutting, J. M. Warren, M. Fournier, and D. N. Koons. 2011. Time constraints in temperate-breeding species: influence of growing season length on reproductive strategies. Ecography 34:628-636. | August 2011 |
Guay, P.-J., R. T. Chesser, R. A. Mulder, A. D. Afton, D. C. Paton, and K. G. McCracken. 2010. East-west genetic differentiation in musk ducks (Bizura lobata) of Australia suggests late Pleistocene divergence at the Nullarbor Plain. Conservation Genetics 11:2105-2120. | December 2010 |
Greiner La Peyre, M. K., J. B. Grace, E. Hahn and I. A. Mendelssohn. 2001. The importance of competition in regulating species abundance along a salinity gradient. Ecology. 82(1):62-69. | September 2001 |
Gloutney, M. L., R. T. Alisauskas, K. A. Hobson, and A. D. Afton. 1999. Use of supplemental food by breeding Ross's and lesser snow geese: evidence for variable anorexia. Auk 116:97-108. | November 1999 |
Gloutney, M. L., R. T. Alisauskas, A. D. Afton, and S. M. Slattery. 2001. Foraging time and dietary intake by breeding Ross's and lesser snow geese. Oecologia 127:78-86. | January 2001 |
Gee, H.K.W., S. L. King, and R. Keim. 2015. Influence of Hydrologic Modifications on Fraxinus pennsylvanica in the Mississippi River Alluvial Valley, USA. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45:1397-1406. | October 2015 |
Gee, H.K.W., S. L. King, and R. F. Keim. 2014. Stand development of a leveed floodplain forest in the Mississippi River Alluvial Valley, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 334:85-95. 334:85-95. | December 2014 |
Gagnon, P., L. Battaglia, B. Hanberry, W. Conner, and S.L. King. 2021. Chapter 6. Fire in floodplain forests of the southeastern United States. Pages 201-242 In: B Collins and C.H. Greenberg, eds. Fire Ecology and Management: Past, Present, and Future of US Forested Ecosystems. Vol. 39. Springer/Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-73267-7_6 | June 2021 |
Gabrey, S. W., and A. D. Afton. 2004. Composition of breeding bird communities in Gulf Coast Chenier Plain marshes: effects of winter burning. Southeastern Naturalist 3:173-185. | April 2004 |
Gabrey, S. W., and A. D. Afton. 2001. Plant community composition and biomass in Gulf Coast Chenier Plain marshes: responses to winter burning and structural marsh management. Environmental Management 27:281-293. | February 2001 |
Gabrey, S. W., and A. D. Afton. 2000. Effects of winter marsh burning on abundance and nesting activity of Louisiana Seaside Sparrows in the Gulf Coast Chenier Plain. Wilson Bulletin 112:365-372. | January 2000 |
Gabrey, S. W., B. C. Wilson, and A. D. Afton. 2002. Success of artificial bird nests in burned Gulf Coast Chenier Plain marshes. Southwestern Naturalist 47:532-538. | January 2003 |
Gabrey, S. W., A. D. Afton, and B. C. Wilson. 2001. Effects of structural marsh management and winter burning on plant and bird communities during summer in the Gulf Coast Chenier Plain. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29:218-231. | March 2001 |
Gabrey, S. W., A. D. Afton, and B. C. Wilson. 1999. Effects of winter burning and structural marsh management on vegetation and winter bird abundance in the Gulf Coast Chenier Plain, USA. Wetlands 19:594-606. | November 1999 |
Fredrickson, L. H., S. L. King, and R. M. Kaminski, eds. 2005. Ecology and management of bottomland hardwood systems: the state of our understanding. University of Missouri-Columbia. Gaylord Memorial Laboratory Special Publication No. 10. Puxico, MO. | August 2005 |
Fowler, D. N. S.L. King, and D. C. Weindorf. 2014. Evaluating Abiotic Influences on Soil Salinity of Inland Managed Wetlands and Agricultural Croplands in a Semi-Arid Environment. Wetlands 34:1229-1239. | June 2014 |
Fowler, D,N, Winiarksi, J,M, Pollentier, C,D, and R.C. Gatti. 2023. The influence of landscape composition and configuration on breeding pair abundance of blue-winged teal and mallards in Wisconsin. Wildlife Society Bulletin. | Abstract | January 2024 |
Fournier, A.M.V, A.R. Sullivan, J.K. Bump, M. Perkins, M.C. Shieldcastle, and S.L. King. 2016. Combining citizen science derived species distribution models and stable isotope analysis reveals migratory connectivity in a secretive species, the Virginia rail (Rallus limicola). Journal of Applied Ecology 54(2):618-627. | June 2016 |
Faulkner, S. P., J. L. Chambers, W. H. Conner, R. F. Keim, J. W. Day, E. S. Gardiner, M. S. Hughes, S. L. King, K. W. McLeod, C. A. Miller, J. A. Nyman, and G. P. Shaffer. 2007. Conservation and Use of Coastal Wetland Forests in Louisiana. Pages 447-460 in Conner, W. H., T. W. Doyle, and K. W. Krauss, eds. Ecology of Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands of the Southeastern United States. Springer, The Netherlands. | December 2007 |
Esler, D., J. B. Grand, and A. D. Afton. 2001. Intraspecific variation in nutrient reserve use during clutch formation by female lesser scaup. Condor 103:810-820 | December 2001 |
Edwards, B.L., R. F. Keim, E. L. Johnson, C. R. Hupp, S. Marre, and S. L. King. 2016. Geomorphic adjustment to hydrologic modifications along a meandering river: implications for surface flooding on a floodplain. Geomorphology 269:149-159. | September 2016 |
Durham, R. S., and A. D. Afton. 2006. Breeding biology of mottled ducks on agricultural lands in southwestern Louisiana. Southeastern Naturalist 5:311-316. | November 2006 |
Durham, R. S., and A. D. Afton. 2003. Nest-site selection and success of mottled ducks on agricultural lands in southwest Louisiana. Wildlife Society Bulletin 31:433-442. | July 2003 |
Dunn, P. O., A. D. Afton, M. L. Gloutney and R. T. Alisauskas. 1999. Forced copulation results in few extrapair fertilizations in Ross's and lesser snow geese. Animal Behaviour 57:1071-1081. | November 1999 |
Donnelly, JP, SL King, NL Silverman, DP Collins, EM Carrera-Gonzales, A Lafon-Terrazas, and JN Moore. 2020. Climate and human water use diminish wetland networks supporting continental waterbird migration. Submitted to Global Change Biology. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15010 | January 2020 |
Donnelly, J.P., King, S.L., Knetter, J., Gammonley, J.H., Dreitz, V.J., Grisham, B.A., Nowak, M.C. and Collins, D.P. (2021). Migration efficiency sustains connectivity across agroecological networks supporting sandhill crane migration. Ecosphere, 12(6). doi:https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.3543. | Abstract | Publisher Website |
June 2021 |
DeMarco, K, E. Hillmann, M. Brasher, M. La Peyre. 2016. Brackish marsh zones as a waterfowl habitat resource in submerged aquatic vegetation beds in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 3:261-269. | Abstract | Publisher Website | March 2016 |
DeMarco K, Hillman E, Couvillion B, Nyman JA, La Peyre MK. 2021.Defining aquatic habitat zones across northern Gulf of Mexico estuarine gradients through submerged aquatic vegetation species assemblage and biomass data | Abstract | September 2021 |
De Marco, KD, Couvillion, B, Brown S., La Peyre, MK. 2018. Submerged aquatic vegetation mapping in coastal Louisiana through development of a spatial likelihood occurrence (SLOO) model. Aquatic Botany 151:87-97. | September 2018 |
Davis, B. E., and A. D. Afton. 2010. Movement distances and habitat switching by female mallards wintering in the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Waterbirds 33:349-356. | September 2010 |
Davis, B. E., A. D. Afton, and R. R. Cox, Jr. 2009. Habitat use of female mallards in the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Journal of Wildlife Management 73:701-709 | July 2009 |
Davis, B. E., A. D. Afton, R. R. Cox, Jr. 2011. Factors affecting winter survival of female mallards in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Waterbirds 34:186-194. | June 2011 |
Custer, C. M., T. W. Custer, M. J. Anteau, A. D. Afton, and D. E. Wooten. 2003. Trace elements in lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) from the Mississippi Flyway. Ecotoxicology 12:47-54. | April 2003 |
Coxe N, Mize G, Casas S, La Peyre MK, Lavaud R, Callam B, Rikard S, JF La Peyre. 2023. Hypoxia and anoxia tolerance in diploid and triploid eastern oysters at high temperature. Journal of Shellfish Research | January 2023 |
Coxe N, Casas SM, Marshall DA, La Peyre MK, Kelly MW, Pollack J, La Peyre JF. 2023 Differential hypoxia tolerance of eastern oysters from the northern Gulf of Mexico at elevated temperature. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 559:151840. | Abstract | January 2023 |
Cox, R. R., Jr., and A. D. Afton. 2000. Predictable interregional movements by female northern pintails during winter. Waterbirds 23:258-269. | January 2000 |
Cox, R. R., Jr., and A. D. Afton. 1998. Use of mini-refuges by female northern pintails wintering in southwestern Louisiana. Wildlife Society Bulletin 26:130-137. | March 1998 |
Cox, R. R., Jr., and A. D. Afton. 1998. Effects of capture and handling on survival of female northern pintails. Journal of Field Ornithology 69:276-287 | June 1998 |
Cox, R. R., Jr., A. D. Afton, and R. M. Pace, III. 1998. Survival of female northern pintails wintering in southwestern Louisiana. Journal of Wildlife Management 62:1512-1521. | November 1998 |
Cox, Jr., R. R., and A. D. Afton. 1999. Do mini-refuges supply wintering northern pintails with important diurnal roost sites? Response to Rave. Wildlife Society Bulletin 27:901-903. | November 1999 |
Cochran, W., R. F. Keim, S. L. King, L.L.Battaglia, and F. L. Willis. 2013. Hydrologic Changes and Floodplain Forests in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Proceedings of the LSU Natural Resources Symposium 4:1-8. | June 2013 |
Chowdhury MSN, La Peyre MK, Coen LD, Morris RL, Luckenbach MW, Ysebaert T, Walles B, Smaal AC. 2021. Ecological engineering with oysters enhances coastal resilience efforts. Ecological Engineering 169:106320 | Abstract | June 2021 |
Chambers, J. L., W. H. Conner, R. F. Keim, S. P. Faulkner, J. W. Day, E. S. Gardiner, M. S. Hughes, S. L. King, K. W. McLeod, C. A. Miller, J. A. Nyman, and G. P. Shaffer. 2006. Towards sustainable management of Louisiana's coastal wetland forests: Problems, constraints, and a new beginning. Pages 383-395 in Coastal Environment and Water Quality. Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydrology and Management of Forested Wetlands. Keim, R. F., J. L. Chambers, M. S. Hughes, J. A. Nyman, C. A. Miller, J. B. Amos, W. H. Conner, J. W. Day Jr., S. P. Faulkner, E. S. Gardiner, S. L. King, K. W. McLeod, and G. P. Shaffer. 2006. Ecological consequences of changing hydrological conditions in wetland forests of coastal Louisiana. P. 383-395 in: Coastal Environment and Water Quality, Y. J. Xu and V. P. Singh, eds. Challenges in Coastal Hydrology and Water Quality, Water Resource Publications, Highlands Ranch, Colo. 534pp. | February 2006 |
Caswell, J. H., A. D. Afton, and F. D. Caswell. 2003. Vulnerability of nontarget goose species to hunting with electronic snow goose calls. Wildlife Society Bulletin 31:1117-1125. | January 2004 |
Casas SM, Lavaud R, La Peyre MK, Comeau LA, Filgueira R, La Peyre JF. 2018. Quantifying salinity and season relationships on eastern oyster clearance and oxygen consumption rates. Marine Biology 165:90-101. | Abstract | April 2018 |
Casas SM, La Peyre JL, La Peyre MK Evaluating variability and success in oyster reef restoration within an estuarine lake using two endpoints: Crassostrea virginica population dynamics and shell resources accretion. MEPS 524: 171-184 | Abstract | Download | January 2015 |
Casas SM, Comba D, La Peyre MK, Rikard S, La Peyre JF. 2023. Triploid eastern oysters are slower to osmoconform than their diploid half-siblings. Aquaculture. | Abstract | October 2023 |
Casas S. M., Filgueira R, Lavaud R., Comeau L. A., La Peyre M. K., La Peyre J. F.. 2018. COMBINED EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY ON THE PHYSIOLOGY OF TWO GEOGRAPHICALLY-DISTANT EASTERN OYSTER POPULATIONS. Journal of Experimental Biology 506:82-90. | Abstract | June 2018 |
Cantu de Leija, A., and S.L. King. 2023. Relationships among rare plant communities and abiotic conditions in managed spring-fed arid wetlands. Restoration Ecologydoi: 10.1111/rec.14011. | September 2023 |
Cantu de Leija, A., S.L.King, and T.S. Hawkins. 2022. Seed germination requirements and responses to salinity for three rare wetland plants of spring-fed arid systems. Journal of Arid Environments 199. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2021.104705 | April 2022 |
Bush, C. S., M. K. La Peyre and J. A. Nyman. 2004. Nekton use of restored habitat in a southwest Louisiana marsh. Ecological Engineering 23:63-75. | October 2004 |
Burke, M. K., S. L. King, D. Gartner, and M. H. Eisenbies. 2003. Vegetation, soil and flooding relationships in a blackwater floodplain forest. Wetlands 23:988-1002. | December 2003 |
Brown, L, J. Furlong, K. Brown, M. LaPeyre. 2013. Oyster Reef Restoration in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Effect of Artificial Substrate and Age on Nekton and Commensal Community Use. Restoration Ecology 1-9. | Abstract | Download | December 2013 |
Bolduc, F., and A. D. Afton. 2008. Monitoring waterbird abundance in wetlands: the importance of controlling results for variation in water depth. Ecological Modelling 216:402-408. | June 2008 |
Bolduc, F., and A. D. Afton. 2005. Sediments in marsh ponds of the Gulf Coast Chenier Plain: effects of structural marsh management and salinity. Wetlands Ecology and Management 13:395-404. | August 2005 |
Bolduc, F., and A. D. Afton. 2004. Relationships between wintering waterbirds and invertebrates, sediments and hydrology of coastal marsh ponds. Waterbirds 27:333-341. | October 2004 |
Bolduc, F., and A. D. Afton. 2004. Hydrologic aspects of marsh ponds during winter on the Gulf Coast Chenier Plain, USA: effects of structural marsh management. Marine Ecology Progress Series 266:35-42. | January 2004 |
Bolduc, F., and A. D. Afton. 2003. Effects of structural marsh management and salinity on invertebrate prey of waterbirds in marsh ponds during winter on the Gulf Coast Chenier Plain. Wetlands 23:897-910. | January 2004 |
Bolduc, F., and A. D. Afton. 2012. Interactions of structural marsh management, salinity, and water depth on wintering waterbird communities. Pages 109-128 in Wetlands: Ecology, Management and Conservation (A. Baranyai and D. Benko, eds.). Nova Scientific Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge, NY. | December 2012 |
Bilkovic, DM, Mitchell, MM, La Peyre MK, Toft, JD. editors. 2017. Living shorelines: the science and management of nature-based coastal protection. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL | March 2017 |
Bilkovic, DM, M. Mitchell, J. Toft and M. La Peyre. 2017. Chapter 1: Introduction: A Primer to Living Shorelines. In: Bilkovic, DM, M. Mitchell, MK La Peyre, JD Toft. eds. Living shorelines: the science and management of nature-based coastal protection. CRC Press. Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL. | February 2017 |
Beck, S., and M.K. La Peyre. 2015. Oyster harvest in coastal Louisian: reef habitat alteration and the resident community response. Fishery Bulletin 113:327-340; doi: 10.7755/FB.113.3.8 | Download | June 2015 |
Balint, S., M. Schwartz, D. N. Fowler, S. Linnekogel, C. Cromratie, and L Burkemper. 2024. Experimental assessment of elemental analyzer isotope ratio mass spectrometry normalization methodologies for environmental stable isotopes. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. Volume 38, Issue 17 https://doi.org/10.1002/rcm.9837 | Abstract | June 2024 |
Bagget, L.P, Powers, S.P. + 14 others. 2015. Setting guidelines for monitoring and evaluating the performance of oyster habitat restoration projects. Restoration Ecology | Abstract | Download | September 2015 |
Austin, J. E., C. M. Custer, and A. D. Afton. 2005. Lesser scaup. Pages 679-685 in Bird Families of the World: Ducks, Geese and Swans (J. Kear, Ed. ). Oxford University Press, Oxford, England. | March 2005 |
Austin, J. E., C. M. Custer, and A. D. Afton. 1998. Lesser scaup (Aythya affinis). In The Birds of North America, No. 338 (A. Poole and F. Gill, Eds. ). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA. | July 1998 |
Austin, J. E., A. D. Afton, M. G. Anderson, R. G. Clark, C. M. Custer, J. S. Lawrence, J. B. Pollard, and J. K. Ringleman. 1999. Declines of greater and lesser scaup populations: issues, hypotheses, and research directions. USDI, U. S. Geological Survey Report, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, Jamestown, ND. (www. npwrc. usgs. gov/resource/1999/blubill/blubill. htm). | November 1999 |
Austin, J. E., A. D. Afton, M. G. Anderson, R. G. Clark, C. M. Custer, J. S. Lawrence, J. B. Pollard, and J. K. Ringelman. 2000. Declining scaup populations: issues, hypotheses, and research needs. Wildlife Society Bulletin 28:254-263. | January 2000 |
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2009. Lipid reserves of lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) migrating across a large landscape are consistent with the "spring condition" hypothesis. Auk 126:873-883. | October 2009 |
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2008. Using plasma-lipid metabolites to index changes in lipid reserves of free-living lesser scaup (Aythya affinis). Auk 125:354-357. | April 2008 |
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2008. Diets of lesser scaup during spring migration throughout the Upper-Midwest are consistent with the spring condition hypothesis. Waterbirds 31:97-106. | March 2008 |
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2008. Amphipod densities and indices of wetland quality across the Upper-Midwest, USA. Wetlands 28:184-196. | March 2008 |
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2006. Diet shifts of lesser scaup are consistent with the spring condition hypothesis. Canadian Journal of Zoology 84:779-786. | July 2006 |
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2004. Nutrient reserves of lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) during spring migration in the Mississippi Flyway: a test of the spring condition hypothesis. Auk 121:917-929. | August 2004 |
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2011. Lipid catabolism of invertebrate predator indicates widespread wetland ecosystem degradation. PLoS ONE 6(1):e16029. | January 2011 |
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2009. Wetland use and feeding by lesser scaup during spring migration across the upper Midwest, USA. Wetlands 29:704-712. | June 2009 |
Anteau, M. J., A. D. Afton, C. M. Custer, and T. W. Custer. 2007. Relationships of cadmium, mercury, and selenium with nutrient reserves of female Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis) during winter and spring migration. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26:515-520 | February 2007 |
Anteau, M. J., A. D. Afton, A. C. E. Anteau, E. B. Moser. 2011. Fish and land use influence Gammarus lacustris and Hyalella azteca (Amphipoda) densities in large wetlands across the upper Midwest. Hydrobologia 664:69-80. | April 2011 |
Anteau, M. J., A. C. E. Anteau, and A. D. Afton. 2011. Testing competing hypotheses for chronology and intensity of lesser scaup molt during winter and spring migration. The Condor 113:298-305. | May 2011 |
Anonymous. 2014. Whooping Cranes and Crawfish Farming. Factsheet. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Baton Rouge, LA. | June 2014 |
Allen, ST, K.W. Krauss, JW Cochran, SL King, and RF Keim. 2016. Wetland tree transpiration modified by river-floodplain connectivity. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences 121(3):753-766. | March 2016 |
Allen, S.T., J. W. Cochran, K.W. Krauss, R.F. Keim, and S.L. King. 2016. HYDROLOGIC EFFECTS ON DIAMETER GROWTH PHENOLOGY FOR CELTIS LAEVIGATA AND QUERCUS LYRATA IN THE FLOODPLAIN OF THE LOWER WHITE RIVER, ARKANSAS. Proceedings of the Southern Silvicultural Conference 18:273-279. | June 2016 |
Alisauskas, R. T., S. M. Slattery, J. P. Ryder, M. L. Gloutney, A. D. Afton, R. H. Kerbes, and M. R. McLandress. 1998. Discrimination of Ross's and lesser snow goose eggs. Journal of Field Ornithology 69:647-653. | December 1998 |
Afton, A. D., and M. G. Anderson. 2001. Declining scaup populations: a retrospective analysis of long-term population and harvest survey data. Journal of Wildlife Management 65:781-796. | December 2001 |
Ackerman, J. T., J. M. Eadie, M. L. Szymanski, J. H. Caswell, M. P. Vrtiska, A. H. Raedeke, J. M. Checkett, A. D. Afton, T. G. Moore, F. D. Caswell, R. A. Walters, D. D. Humburg, J. L. Yee. 2006. Effectiveness of spinning-wing decoys varies among dabbling duck species and locations. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:799-804. | July 2006 |
Wohner, P.J., S.A. Laymon, J.E. Stanek, S.L. King, and R.J. Cooper. 2021. Early successional riparian vegetation is important for Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo nesting habitat. Restoration Ecology 29(5):e13376. doi: 10.1111/rec.13376 | March 2021 |
Fournier, A.M.V, Sullivan, A., Bump, J., Perkins, M., Shieldcastle, M.C., King, S. 2016 Combining citizen science species distribution models and stable isotopes reveals migratory connectivity in the secretive Virginia rail Journal of Applied Ecology doi:10.1111/1365-2664.12723 | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | June 2016 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Dietl GP et al. 2024. Integrating information from the past into oyster restoration. International Conference on Shellfish Restoration, Jekyll Island GA, Sept2024. | September 2024 |
zu Ermgassen et al. 2019. Estimating fish and invertebrate production from seagrass, saltmarsh and oyster reef in the Gulf of Mexico. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, Mobile, LA, Nov 3-8, 2019. | November 2019 |
de Leija, A.C., J.P. Donnelly, S.L. King. 2022. Surface water dynamics of Chihuahuan Desert wetlands: implications for migratory waterbird habitat conservation. Annual Meeting of the Waterbird Society, Corpus Christi, TX. | November 2022 |
Zang Z, Xue ZG, Sable SE, La Peyre MK, Lindquist DC, Rose KA, Ou Y. 2023. A numerical study of eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) larvae growth and dispersal in Barataria Bay, Louisiana. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, Portland OR Nov 12-16, 2023. | November 2023 |
Zang Z, Stephens T, Lavaud R, Xue Z, Sable S, La Peyre M, Rose K, Carter B. 2025. Oyster metapopulation modeling for Calcasieu Lake. State of the Coast, May 20-22, 2025, New Orleans, LA. | May 2025 |
Zang J, Xue ZG, Sable SE, La Peyre MK, Stephens TA, Lindquist DC, Rose KA, Ou Y. 2024. A numerical study of eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) larvae growth and dispersal in Barataria Bay, Louisiana. Unifying Innovations in Forecasting Capabilities Workshop, Jackson MS. | July 2024 |
Yurek S, Lavaud R., La Peyre MK, Wang H. 2023. Modeling oyster reef population dynamics: from individual bioenergetics to structural mechanics. State of the Coast, New Orleans, LA. 2023 | May 2023 |
Yongue S, Lavaud R, Archer SK, La Peyre JF, La Peyre MK, Robinson E. Quantifying eastern oyster valve opening behavior under concomitant environmental stressors. Restore Americas Estuarines, October 14-18 2024. | October 2024 |
Yongue S, Lavaud R, Archer SK, La Peyre JF, La Peyre MK, Robinson E. Long-term valve opening behavior of Crassostrea virginica in a low salinity estuary. National Shellfisheries Association Meeting, March 17-20, Charlotte NC. | March 2024 |
Yongue S, Lavaud R, Archer SK, La Peyre J, La Peyre MK, Robinson E. Characterizing the long-term valve opening behavior of Crassostrea virginica in a low salinity estuary. GERS, Dec 1-5 2024. | October 2024 |
Wohner, P.J., S.A. Laymon, J.E. Stanek, S.L. King, and R.J. Cooper. 2021. Challenging Our Understanding of Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo Habitat Needs and Accepted Management Practices. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual (Virtual) Meeting. |
June 2021 |
Winstead, N. A., and S. L. King. 2004. Secretive marsh bird and vegetation communities of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee. Society of Wetland Scientists 25th Anniversary Meeting. Charting the Future: a quarter century of lessons learned. Seattle, Washington. July 18-23, 2004. | July 2004 |
Winstead, N. A., and S. L. King. 2004. Breeding bird and vegetation communities of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee and Kentucky. Annual Meeting of the Tennessee Chapter of The Wildlife Society. | March 2004 |
Winstead, N. A., and S. L. King. 2003. Seventy-five years of plant community changes at Reelfoot Lake. Annual Meeting of Tennessee Academy of Sciences. | November 2003 |
Winstead, N. A., and S. L. King 2003. Breeding bird and vegetative communities of Reelfoot Lake, Tennessee and Kentucky. Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, New Orleans, Louisiana | June 2003 |
Winiarksi, J. M., D.N. Fowler, M.D. Palumbo, and J.N. Straub. 2022. Comparing expert and data-driven seasonal waterfowl distributions to inform conservation strategies: a case study in Wisconsin. Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society, Spokane, Washington, 6-10 November 2022. | November 2022 |
Wiebe, J.J., R. Dobbs, J. Hemming, D. Hewitt, J.S. Gleason, S. King, K. Freer-Leonards, T. Baker, D. Lee, J.A. Nyman, T. Carruthers, E.Windhoffer, J. Henkel, and J. Bienn. 2024. Louisiana Coastwide Avian Restoration, Monitoring and Adaptive Management Session Category: Deepwater Horizon Science Coordination: Restoration, Co-Production, and Synthesis. Gulf of Mexico Conference, Tampa, FL. | February 2024 |
Whittington, M. S., and S. L. King. 2004. Evaluation of aquatic macroinvertebrates available to wintering waterfowl in managed and natural wetlands in West Tennessee. Society of Wetland Scientists 25th Anniversary Meeting. Charting the Future: a quarter century of lessons learned. Seattle, Washington. July 18-23, 2004. | July 2004 |
Westbrook, P., Heffner, L., and M. La Peyre. Nutrient mitigation provided by oyster reefs in coastal Louisiana. State of the Coast, Louisiana, June 2016. | June 2016 |
Westbrook, P., Heffner, L., La Peyre. M. 2016. Nutrient mitigation provided by oyster reefs in coastal Louisiana. LDWF Research Symposium. May 31, 2016. Baton Rouge, LA. | May 2016 |
Westbrook, P, Heffner, L, La Peyre. M. 2017. Oysters help maintain water quality. Louisiana Agriculture Magazine. Louisiana Agriculture Magazine. WInter 2017. | October 2017 |
Westbrook, P and M La Peyre. 2016. Water quality benefits provided by oyster reefs in coastal Louisiana. Louisiana Fisheries Summit. New Orleans, LA. | March 2016 |
Wang, H.., Chen, J., La Peyre, M., Lu, K., La Peyre, J., Anderson, J. Modeling Eastern Oyster Growth and Production under Scenarios of River Diversion and Sea-level Rise. State of the Coast, Louisiana, June 2016. | June 2016 |
Wang, H, CHen Q, La Peyre MK, Hu K, La Peyre JF 2018. Predicting the impacts of Mississippi River diversions and sea-level rise on spatial patterns of eastern oyster growth rate and production. State of the Coast, New Orleans, LA, May 30-June 1, 2018. | May 2018 |
Wang H., Q. Chen, M. La Peyre, K. Hu, J. La Peyre and J. Anderson Lively. 2015. Predicting the responses of eastern oyster population to river diversion and sea-level rise. Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Meeting. April 23-26, 2015. | April 2015 |
Wang H, Chen Q, La Peyre M, Capurso W., Zhu L. 2024. Ecological and engineering benefits of oyster reef-based living shorelines. ASBPA National Coastal Conference, Galveston Texas | August 2024 |
Villani, R., S. L. King, and B. A. Pickens. 2010. Multi-scale habitat characteristics of shorebirds during spring migration in southwestern Louisiana. 128th Annual Meeting of the American Ornithological Union, San Diego, CA. | February 2010 |
Villani, R. and S. L. King. 08/2008. Integrated waterbird use of moist soil units. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists Meeting, Lafayette, LA. | August 2008 |
Vest, J.L., R. M. Kaminski, L. M. Pote, A. D. Afton, and F. J. Vilella. 2002. Parasites in lesser scaup in the Mississippi Flyway. Ninth Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Bismarck, ND. | September 2002 |
Vest, J. L., R. M. Kaminski, A. D. Afton, L. M. Pote, and F. J. Vilella. 2003. Body mass and gastrointestinal helminths of lesser scaup during fall and winter in the Mississippi Flyway. Third North American Duck Symposium, Sacramento, CA; 5-9 November 2003. | November 2003 |
Vest, J. L., R. M. Kaminski, A. D. Afton, L. M. Pote, and F. J. Vilella. 2000. Parasites and declining populations of lesser scaup in the Mississippi flyway. Second North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, 11-15 October 2000. | October 2000 |
Vasseur, PL, SL King, and MD Kaller. 2020. Diurnal time-activity budgets and habitat use of Whooping Cranes in the reintroduced Louisiana nonmigratory population. North American Crane Workshop, Lubbock, Texas. | January 2020 |
Vasseur, P.L, S.L. King, M.D. Kaller, and S. E. Zimorski. 2020. Behavior analysis and long-term survival of captive-reared juvenile whooping cranes in the reintroduced Louisiana nonmigratory population. North American Crane Workshop, Lubbock, Texas. | January 2019 |
Valente, J.J., and S.L. King. 2008. Habitat characteristics associated with breeding secretive marsh birds in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley of Louisiana. The Waterbird Society 32nd Annual Meeting. South Padre Island, Texas. | November 2008 |
Valente, J., and S. L. King. 2008. Habitat Characteristics associated with breeding secretive marsh birds in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. American Ornithological Union, Annual Meeting. Portland, OR. (contributed; poster) | August 2008 |
Tirpak JM + 12 authors. 2016. Gulf Coast Vulnerability Assessment: Mangrove, Tidal Emergent Marsh, Barrier Islands, and Oyster Reef. LDWF 2015 Research, Management and Wildlife Education Symposium. Baton Rouge, LA. May 31, 2016 | May 2016 |
Theresa M. Davenport, Devin A. Comba, Soupy Dalyander, Nicholas Enwright, Jon Hemming, Jonathan Kleinman, Meg Palmsten, Greg Steyer, Hana Thurman, Megan K. La Peyre 2022. Designing a conceptual model to facilitate the assessment of the cumulative effects of Deepwater Horizon (DWH) restoration projects on barrier island/barrier shoreline ecosystem resilience in the north-central Gulf of Mexico. GERS 2022 Biennial Meeting, Gulfport MS | October 2022 |
Taylor, C, Nyman JA, Faldyn MJ, MK La Peyre. 2019. Effects of freshwater inflow on blue crab Callinectes sapidus populations in Louisiana. Louisiana Association of Professional BIologists Meeting, Lafayette, LA. | August 2019 |
Taylor, C, Coxe, M., Baustian, M, Sable, S. 2019. Seines, electrofishing, throwtraps: a comparison of three gear types in Barataria Bay, LA. Louisiana Association of Professional BIologists. Lafayette, LA | August 2019 |
Taylor C, Nyman JA, La Peyre MK. 2019. Effects of freshwater inflow on blue crab Callinectes sapidus populations in Louisiana. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, Mobile, AL. Nov 2-8, 2019. | November 2019 |
Szymanski, M. L., and A. D. Afton. 2005. Effects of spinning-wing decoys on flock behavior and hunting vulnerability of mallards in Minnesota. Annual conference of the North Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Mandan, ND | February 2005 |
Szymanski, M. L., and A. D. Afton. 2004. Effects of spinning-wing decoys on flock behavior and hunting vulnerability of mallards in Minnesota. Winter meeting of the Central Flyway Waterfowl Technical Committee, Amarillo, TX. | December 2004 |
Szymanski, M. L., and A. D. Afton. 2004. Effects of spinning-wing decoys on flock behavior and hunting vulnerability of mallards in Minnesota. Mississippi Flyway Technical Section, Jackson, MS; 14-19 February 2004. | February 2004 |
Szymanski, M. L., and A. D. Afton. 2004. Effects of spinning-wing decoys on flock behavior and hunting vulnerability of mallards in Minnesota. Annual waterfowl committee meeting, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, St. Paul, MN; 21-22 January 2004. | January 2004 |
Szymanski, M. L., and A. D. Afton. 2003. Effects of spinning-wing decoys on flock behavior and hunting vulnerability of mallards in Minnesota. 64th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO; 7-10 December 2003. | December 2003 |
Szymanski, M. L., P. R. Garrettson, and A. D. Afton. 2013. Assessment of band wear by lesser scaup and redheads and effects of double banding on reporting probability. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Memphis, TN. | January 2013 |
Szymanski, M. L., P. Garrettson, and A. D. Afton. 2010. Band retention probabilities for Redheads and Lesser Scaup. Central Flyway Technical Section, Tulsa, OK. | March 2010 |
Sweet J, Casas S, La Peyre J, La Peyre M, Stauffer B. 2023. The effects of Microcystis aeruginosa on the selective feeding of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. State of the Coast. New Orleans, LA | June 2023 |
Swam L, La Peyre MK, Couvillion B, Callam B, La Peyre JF. 2020. Oyster resource zones in coastal Louisiana: Defining oyster resource zones for restoration, fisheries and aquaculture. Gulf Estuarine Research Society Virtual Meeting, Nov. 16-19, 2020. | November 2020 |
Swam L, La Peyre MK, Callam B, La Peyre JF. 2020. Low salinity tolerance in oyster populations: Assessing effects of salinity on growth and survival of Crassostrea virginica. Bays and Bayous Symposium, December 1-3, 2020. Virtual. | December 2020 |
Stuht C, Han M, Enwright NM, Dalyander PS, Palmsten ML, Steyer GS, Davenport TM, La Peyre MK. 2023. Quantifying ecogeomorphic change and resilience along barrier island shorelines and barrier islands. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation. Portland OR, Nov 12-16, 2023. | November 2023 |
Stephens T, Zang J, Sable S, Rose, K, Xu G, La Peyre M, Carter B 2023. Simulating oyster larval transport to support ecosystem restoration. National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration. April 14-18, Albuquerque NM | April 2024 |
Stephens T, Zang J, Sable S, Rose K, Xue G., La Peyre M, Carter B. 2024. Simulating oyster larval transport to support ecosystem restoration. International Conference on Shellfish Restoration, Jekyll Island, GA. | September 2024 |
Stephens T, Zang J, Sable S, Lavaud R, Rose K, Xue G, La Peyre M, Carter B. 2025. Modeling larval transport to support oyster reef restoration. State of the Coast, May 20-22, 2025, New Orleans, LA. | May 2025 |
Stephens T, Diaz O, Messina F, Georgiou I, Lavaud R, Sable S, La Peyre M, Rose, K, Carter B. .2025. Oyster metapopulation modeling of North Pontchartrain Basin. State of the Coast, May 20-22, 2025, New Orleans, LA. | May 2025 |
Stemaly, S, Hobson, K, Ringelman, K, and D.N. Fowler. 2024. Breeding origins of waterfowl harvested in Louisiana derived from band recoveries and stable isotope (δ2H) measurements of feathers. 9th North American Duck Symposium. Portland OR, 5 -9 February 2024. | February 2024 |
Stanek, J.E., P. J. Wohner, S. A. Laymon, S.L. King, and R.J. Cooper. 2021. Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo Nesting Habitat Restoration. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Virtual Meeting. | June 2021 |
Sower JR, Dunning KH, Grice R, La Peyre MK, Anderson C. 2024. Examining oyster production resiliency in the Alabama and Mississippi Oyster industries. Alabama Water Resources Conference 2024, Tuscaloosa AL. | April 2024 |
Sower JR, Dunning KH, Grice R, La Peyre MK, Anderson C. Examining oyster production resiliency in the Alabama and Mississippi Oyster industries. GOMCON 2024- Gulf of Mexico Alliance Meeting. Feb 19-22, 2024. | February 2022 |
Soniat, Thomas M., Mahdi Abdelguerfi, Eric N. Powell, John M. Klinck, Eileen E. Hofmann, Shengru Tu, Fareed Qaddoura, Janak Dahal, Paul Danos, Shashikiran Korepuri, Benjamin S. Eberline, Jerome F. La Peyre, Megan K. La Peyre, Keith B. Ibos, and Patrick Banks. 2011. Is Harvest from the Louisiana State Primary Seed Grounds Sustainable? What Numerical Modeling Might Resolve. Journal of Shellfish Research 30:554. | March 2011 |
Smith, N. R., A. D. Afton, and T. J. Hess, Jr. 2014. Morphometric sex determination of bald eagles from Louisiana. Louisiana Professional Biologists Fall Symposium, Baton Rouge, LA. | August 2014 |
Smith, N. R., A. D. Afton and T. J. Hess, Jr. 2012. Migration of bald eagles from Louisiana. Fall Symposium of LAPB/TWS, Lafayette, LA. | August 2012 |
Smith, B. J., and A. D. Afton. 2000. Avian lethality study. Mississippi Flyway Council Technical Section meeting, Little Rock, AR. | February 2000 |
Slattery, S. M., A. D. Afton, M. G. Anderson, J. E. Austin, R. G. Clark, P. L. Flint, and M. C. MacCluskie. 2002. Scaup: status, research directions, and conservation challenges. Science Forum of the North American Waterfowl Management Plan, Lafayette, LA. | January 2002 |
Sehlinger, T, Lowe, M, Soniat, T, La Peyre, M. 2016. Synthesis of LDWF datasets for improved management of the Louisiana oyster fishery. LDWF Symposium. Baton Rouge, LA May 31, 2016. | May 2016 |
Sehlinger, T, Lowe MR, La Peyre MK, Soniat TM. 2019. DIfferential effects of temperature and salinity on growth and mortality of eastern oysters Crassostrea virginica in Barataria Bay and Breton Sound, Louisiana. National Shellfisheries Association 111th Meeting, New Orleans, LA. March 7-11, 2019. | March 2019 |
Sehlinger, T, Lowe M, Soniat TM, La Peyre MK, Beck S. 2016. Combined effects of temperature and salinity on eastern oyster population dynamics in the Barataria Estuary, Louisiana. SEAFWA, Baton Rouge, LA | October 2016 |
Sehlinger T, M. Lowe, T.M. Soniat, M.K. La Peyre. Using Long-term Monitoring Data to Derive Regionally Specific Growth and Mortality Relationships for Louisiana Oysters. National Shellfisheries Assocation. Knoxville, TN. March 2017 | March 2017 |
Schwartz LC, Plough LV, Lavaud R, La Peyre MK, Pandelides AF, Comba D, Stauffer BA. 2023. Improving low salinity tolerance in Louisiana populations of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica using genomic selection. Aquaculture America. New Orleans, LA 2023. | February 2023 |
Schwarting, L, M La Peyre, S. Casas, J. La peyre. Suitability of living oyster reef sites along the Louisiana Gulf coast with respect to oyster recruitment, growth and mortality. Benthic Ecology Meeting 42nd | March 2013 |
Schummer, M. L., A. D. Afton, S. S. Badzinski, S. A. Petrie, G. Olsen, K. Jacobs, M. Mitchel., and S. Jenkins. 2013. Using satellite telemetry to evaluate the effectiveness of the waterfowl breeding population and habitat survey for counting lesser and greater scaup in North America. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Memphis, TN. | January 2013 |
Schummer, M. L., A. D. Afton, S. Badzinski, S. A. Petrie, G. Olsen, K. Jacobs, M. Mitchell, and S, Jenkins. 2012. Using satellite telemetry to evaluate the effectiveness of the waterfowl breeding population and habitat survey for counting lesser scaup in North America. National Fish & Wildlife Conservation Congress, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. | May 2012 |
Schartz L, Plough L, Lavaud R, Comba D, Pandelides AF, Stauffer B, La Peyre MK. Genome enabled breeding of oysters for more consistent production in low salinity waters. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, Portland OR, Nov 12-16, 2023. | November 2023 |
Sable S, Stephens T, Lavaud R, La Peyre M, Rose K, Wang H, Yurek S, Diaz O, Georgiou I, Zang J, XUe G, Carter B. Metapopulation modeling to inform restoration and sustainability in Louisiana estuaries. National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration, Arpil 14-19, 2024. Albuquerque NM | September 2023 |
Sable S, La Peyre M, Rose, K, Carter B. 2025. Session: Modeling and monitoring to inform sustainable oyster populations in Louisiana. State of the Coast, May 20-22, 2025, New Orleans, LA. | May 2025 |
Sable S, La Peyre M, Rose K, Lavaud R., Stevens T., Zang J., Xue G, Georgiou I, Diaz O, Wang H., Yurek S., Carter B. 2024. Oyster metapopulation modeling for Louisiana coastal basins. International conference on Shellfish Restoration, Jekyll Island, Georgia. | September 2024 |
Sable S, La Peyre M, Lavaud R, Stephens T, Rose K, Zang Z, Diaz O, Georgiou I, Xue Z, Carter B, Lindquist D, Yurek S, Wang H.2025. Oyster metapopulation model overview for restoration and adaptive management. State of the Coast, May 20-22, 2025, New Orleans, LA. | May 2025 |
Sabin C, Liu B, Rankin L, Lin C, Buffington K, Thorne K, La Peyre MK. Use of habitat suitability modeling to identify restoration sites for Enhalus acoroides under current and future conditions. Gulf Estuarine Research Society, Dec 1-5, 2024 | December 2024 |
Rybovich, M., M. La Peyre, S. Hall, J. La Peyre. Effects of low salinity and high temperature on spat, seed, and market-sized oyster (Crassostrea virginica) growth and mortality. NSA 2014 | March 2014 |
Rowe, S. and M.K. La Peyre. 2001. Effects of salinity changes on growth and distribution of Ruppia maritima: implications for management. 16th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation. St. Petersburg, FL. Nov. 4-8, 2001. | November 2001 |
Rotella, J. J., R. G. Clark, and A. D. Afton. 2001. Size-related reproductive and survival patterns in lesser scaup. 119th Stated Meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union, Seattle, Washington, 16-18 August 2001. | August 2001 |
Ritenour, K., S. Collins, and S.L. King. 2019. Flooding and Nest Success of Colonial Nesting Waterbirds in Coastal Louisiana, USA. Society of Wetland Scientists Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland. | May 2019 |
Ritenour, K., S. Collins, and S.L. King. 2019. Flooding and Nest Success of Colonial Nesting Waterbirds in Coastal Louisiana, USA. Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Baltimore, MD. | May 2019 |
Riley, S., M. La Peyre, J. La Peyre, M. Kelly. 2017. Using Next Generation Sequencing to Identify Local Adaptation to Salinity in the American Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in the Louisiana Gulf Coast. Society for Comparative and Integrative Biology Meeting, January 2017, New Orleans, LA. | January 2017 |
Pollack, J., M. La Peyre, J. Grabowski, D. Yoskowitz. Evaluating restoration success: ecology, economy, and society. CERF 2015 Session Proposal. Nov 8-12, Portland OR | November 2015 |
Plunket, John and M. La Peyre. 2003. A comparison of finfish assemblages on subtidal oyster shell (cultched oyster lease) and mud bottom in Barataria Bay, Louisiana. National Shellfisheries Association 95th Annual Meeting. April 13-17, 2003, New Orleans, LA. | April 2003 |
Pierlussi, S. and S. L. King. 2003. Amphibian use of created wetlands. 24th Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, New Orleans, Louisiana. | June 2003 |
Pierluissi, S. and S. L. King. 2005. Waterbird use of rice fields in southwestern Louisiana. The Wildlife Society 12th Annual Conference, Madison, Wisconsin. | September 2005 |
Pierluissi, S. and S. L. King. 2005. Waterbird use of rice fields in southwestern Louisiana. Society of Wetland Scientists 26th Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina. | June 2005 |
Pierluissi, S. and S. L. King. 2005. Waterbird use of rice fields in southwestern Louisiana. Annual Meeting of the Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists, Lafayette, LA. | August 2005 |
Pierluissi, S. and S. L. King. 2004. Census and evaluation of waterbirds in Southwestern Louisiana ricefields. Society of Wetland Scientists 25th Anniversary Meeting. Charting the Future: a quarter century of lessons learned. Seattle, Washington. July 18-23, 2004. | July 2004 |
Pierluisii, S., and S. L. King. 2006 (invited). King rail use of rice fields in southwestern Louisiana. USFWS King Rail Focal Species Workshop. Memphis, TN. | November 2006 |
Pierce, A., and S. L. King. 2004. A comparison of sediment deposition rates and types in bottomland hardwood forests along altered and unaltered tributaries of the Hatchie River, Tennessee. Society of Wetland Scientists 25th Anniversary Meeting. Charting the Future: a quarter century of lessons learned. Seattle, Washington. July 18-23, 2004. | July 2004 |
Pierce, A. R., and S. L. King. 2006. The influence of channelization on overbank sedimentation dynamics in bottomland hardwood forest of the Hatchie River. 91st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Memphis, TN. (contributed) | August 2006 |
Pierce, A. R., S. L. King, K. Hersey, and N. A. Winstead. 2006. Sandhill crane migration patterns and winter movements in southwestern and central Louisiana. North American Crane Conference, Zacatecas, Mexico. (poster; contributed) | February 2006 |
Pierce, A. R. and S. L. King. 2003. Effects of valley plugs on succession of bottomland hardwoods in the Hatchie River watershed, Tennessee | June 2003 |
Pierce, A. P. and S. L. King. 2005. Overbank sedimentation dynamics in bottomland hardwood forests of the Hatchie River watershed, Tennessee. Society of Wetland Scientists 26th Annual Meeting. Charleston, South Carolina. | June 2005 |
Piehler, M., M. La Peyre, B. Gossman, B. Piazza and J. La Peyre. Oyster recruitment and growth on an artificial reef structure in Grand Isle, LA. American Fisheries Society, Louisiana Mtg. Jan 31-Feb. 1, 2008 | January 2008 |
Pickens, B.A., and S.L. King. 2016. Multi-scale habitat associations of King Rails in coastal marshes of Southwest Louisiana and Southeast Texas. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas. | June 2016 |
Pickens, B. A., and S. L. King. 2010. A spatially explicit habitat model for the king rail, Rallus elegans, in agricultural wetlands. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Pittsburgh, PA. | August 2010 |
Pickens, B. A. and S. L. King. 2011 (August). A Remote Sensing Approach to Assessing King Rail Habitat. American Ornithologist Union, Jacksonville, FL. | August 2011 |
Piazza, B.P., Banks, P., Supan, J. and M. La Peyre. 2003. Use of created oyster reefs as a sustainable shoreline protection tool in Louisiana. Estuarine Research Federation. SEattle, WA | September 2003 |
Piazza, B., and M. La Peyre. 2005. Impacts of freshwater diversion pulsed events on nekton assemblages in Breton Sound, LA. Coastal Zone 2002, July 15-22, New Orleans, LA. | July 2005 |
Piazza, B., P. Banks, J. Supan and M. La Peyre. 2003. Created oyster reefs for shoreline protection in Louisiana. Louisiana Oystermen's Convention. Kenner, LA. | August 2004 |
Piazza, B., M.K. La Peyre and B. Keim. 2009. Relating large-scale climate variability to local species abundance: ENSO forcing and brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) in Breton Sound, Louisiana, USA. Estuarine Research Federation Meeting. Portland, OR, Nov 1-5. | November 2009 |
Piazza, B. and M.K. La Peyre. 2006. Pulsed freshwater effects on nekton communities in Breton Sound, LA. Restore AMerica's Estuaries 3rd National Conference on Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration. Dec. 10-13, 2006 New Orleans, LA. | December 2006 |
Piazza, B. and M. La Peyre. 2007. Managing Freshwater inputs: effects on nekton productivity, diversity and community assembly in Breton SOund, LA. American Fisheries Society Japanese Society of Fisheries Science Joint Session, San Francisco, CA. Sept. 4-8, 2007. | September 2007 |
Piazza, B and M. La Peyre. 2007. Measuring nekton to assess effects of the restoration of the annual flood pulse. Estuarine Research Federation Meeting. Providence RI Oct. 8-12 2007 | October 2007 |
Perkins, T.L. and S. L. King. Behavior Ecology of Pen-Reared, Reintroduced Whooping Cranes within the Louisiana Landscape. 13th North American Crane Working Group Workshop, Lafayette, LA. | April 2014 |
Perkins, T., V. Dinets, and S. L. King. 2013.Restoring A Part of Our Natural Heritage: The Return of the Whooping Crane to Louisiana. Louisiana Natural Resources Symposium. | August 2013 |
Perkins, T. L. and S. L. King. The Spatial and Temporal Use of Habitats by a Reintroduced Population of Whooping Cranes in Louisiana. 13th North American Crane Working Group Workshop, Lafayette, LA. | April 2014 |
Perkins, M. and S. L. King. 2006 (invited). Linking breeding and wintering grounds of King Rails with stable isotopes. USFWS King Rail Focal Species Workshop. Memphis, TN. | November 2006 |
Perkins, M. M., and S. L. King. 2005. The use of stable isotopes to determine the ratio of resident to migrating king rails in southwestern Louisiana. Poster Presentation at: 12th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Madison, Wisconsin. | September 2005 |
Perkins, M. M., and S. L. King. 2005 (poster). The use of stable isotopes to determine the ratio of resident to migrant king rails in southwestern Louisiana. Society of Wetland Scientists 26th Annual Meeting. Charleston, South Carolina. | June 2005 |
Perkins, M. M., and S. L. King. 2006. Use of stable isotopes to determine the ratio of resident to migrant King Rails in southwestern Louisiana. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists Annual Meeting. Lafayette, LA. (contributed) | August 2006 |
Perkins, M. M., and S. L. King. 2006. Use of stable isotopes to determine the ratio of resident to migrant King Rails in southwestern Louisiana. IV North American Ornithological Conference. Vera Cruz, Mexico. (contributed) | October 2006 |
PIazza, B.P. and M.K. La Peyre. 2006. Pulsed freshwater effects on nekton communities in Breton Sound, LA. American Fisheries Society, Lake Placid, NY. | September 2006 |
Oswalt, S. N. and S. L. King. 2004. Channelization and Floodplain Forests: Impacts of Accelerated Sedimentation and Valley Plug Formation on the Middle Fork Forked Deer River, Tennessee, USA. Society of Wetland Scientists 25th Anniversary Meeting: Charting the Future, A Quarter Century of Lessons Learned. Seattle, Washington, July 18-23, 2004. | July 2004 |
Oswalt, S. N. and S. L. King. 2003. Evaluation and Description of a Floodplain Forest: The Middle Fork Forked Deer River, West Tennessee. [Poster with Abstract]. Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Division of Water Pollution Control Association Meeting. | October 2003 |
Oswalt, S. (presenter), and S. L. King. 2003. Evaluation and description of a floodplain system: Middle Fork Forked Deer River, West Tennessee | June 2003 |
Olsen, R.E., and A.D. Afton. 1999. Vulnerability of lesser snow geese to electronic calling devices. Mississippi Flyway Council Technical Section Meeting. Radisson Hotel, Mobile, Alabama, 22 February 1999. | February 1999 |
Olsen, R.E., and A.D. Afton. 1999. Vulnerability of lesser snow geese to electronic calling devices. Central Flyway Waterfowl Technical Committee meeting, Holiday Inn, Lawton, Oklahoma, 5 March 1999. | March 1999 |
Olsen, R.E., and A.D. Afton. 1998. Vulnerability of snow geese to electronic calling devices, 60th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Cincinnati, OH, 6-9 December 1998. | December 1998 |
Nyman, J.A., M.K. La Peyre, S. C. Piazza, C. Winslow. 2010. Defining Restoration Targets for Flooding and Salinity in Louisiana’s Intermediate and Brackish Marshes. Society for Wetland Scientists, June 2010. | June 2010 |
Nyman, J.A. and M.K. La Peyre. 2005. A Review of the brief history of terraces. June 21, Sea Grant Extension Meeting, Louisiana Sea Grant, Baton Rouge, LA. | June 2005 |
Nyman, J.A. and M. La Peyre. 2005. SAV and seeds for waterfowl and restoration. Symposium for researchers for Southwest Louisiana National Wildlife Refuge Complex. Lake Charles, LA. | March 2005 |
Nyman, J.A. and M. La Peyre. 2005. A review of the brief history of terraces. CREST Symposium: a review of the Alton Jones Foundation Report. April 13, 2005, Lafayette, LA | April 2005 |
Nyman, J. A., Megan K. La Peyre. 2009. Defining restoration targets for flooding and salinity in Louisiana's intermediate and brackish marshes. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists; August 13-14, Lafayette, LA. | January 2009 |
Nyman, J. A., M. La peyre. 2009. Defining restoration targets for water depth and salinity in wind-dominated Spartina paten (ait.) Muhl. Coastal marshes. Society for Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting June Madison WI. | January 2009 |
Nicolai, C. A., J. S. Sedinger, A. D. Afton, and C. D. Ankney. 2006. Analysis of 53 years of Lesser Scaup banding data in North America: attempting to deal with sparse banding data. Joint Meeting of the Mississippi and Atlantic Flyway Council Technical Sections, Louisville, Kentucky, USA. | February 2006 |
Nicolai, C. A., J. S. Sedinger, A. D. Afton, and C. D. Ankney. 2006. Using banding data to control for assumption violations associated with direct recovery rate estimation: an example using five decades of lesser scaup banding data. 4th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Bismarck, ND. | August 2006 |
Newell, P. and S. L. King. 08/2008. Nesting, roosting, and foraging of pileated woodpeckers in managed bottomland hardwood forests. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists Meeting, Lafayette, LA. | August 2008 |
Newell, P. J., and S. L. King. 06/2008. Pileated Woodpeckers (Dryocopus pileatus) and saproxylic beetles in partial cut and uncut bottomland hardwood forests. Ivory Billed Woodpecker Research Symposium, Lafayette, LA. | June 2008 |
Morris, R.L., + 11. 2018. Oysters on the front line: nature-based solutions for coastal defence. ECSA 57: Changing estuaries, coasts and shelf systems. Perth, Australia, 3-6 September 2018. | September 2018 |
Moran, L.L.K., A. Lipford, S.L. King, and J.A. Nyman. 2024. Characterizing trends of secretive marshbird distributions across the Deltaic Plain of Louisiana. Gulf of Mexico Conference, Tampa, Florida. | February 2024 |
Moran, L.L.K., A. Lipford, S.L. King, and J.A. Nyman. 2023. Characterizing trends of secretive marshbird distributions across the Deltaic Plain of Louisiana. Waterbird Society Annual Conference, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. | October 2023 |
Moran, L.L.K., A. Lipford, S.L. King, and J.A. Nyman. 2023. Characterizing Ecological Drivers of Secretive Marshbird Distribution Across Southeastern Louisiana. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA. | June 2023 |
Moran, L.L.K., A. Lipford, D.N. Fowler, J.A. Nyman, and S.L. King. 2025.Water level dynamics affect displacement and home ranges of secretive marshbirds among seasons. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, San Jose, Costa Rica. | January 2024 |
Moran, L., A. Lipford, S.L. King, and J.A. Nyman. 2022. Characterizing Ecological Drivers of Secretive Marshbird Distribution Across Southeastern Louisiana. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, TX. | November 2022 |
Moran, L., A. Lipford, S.L. King, and J. Nyman. 2024. Characterizing ecological drivers of secretive marshbird distribution across southeastern Louisiana. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan. | November 2024 |
Moore S, Marshall DA, Sutor M, La Peyre M. 2019. Quantifying reproductive output in the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. CERF Meeting, Nov 8-12, Mobile AL. | November 2019 |
Mize G, Coxe N, La Peyre MK, La Peyre JF. 2022. Effects of hypoxia and ploidy on mortality of eastern oysters. Benthic Ecology Meeting, Delaware March 29-April 2 2022. | March 2022 |
Mendoza-Jones, F. and M.K. La Peyre. 2006. The effect of sediment addition from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita on Louisiana's wetland benthos. Ecological Society of America: Ecology in an Era of Globalization. Jan. 8-12, 2006. Merida Mexico | January 2006 |
Mendoza-Jones, F. and M.K. La Peyre. 2006. Response of the benthic salt marsh community to sediment addition. Restore AMerica's Estuaries 3rd National Conference on Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration. Dec. 10-13, 2006, New Orleans, LA. | December 2006 |
Megan K La Peyre, E.R. Hillmann, K.E. DeMarco*, B. Couvillion, S. Brown, J.A. Nyman. 2016. Potential impacts of changing environmental conditions on overall submerged aquatic vegetation resources: food and habitat availability for dependent fish and wildlife. SEAFWA Meeting. Oct. 16-18, Baton Rouge, LA | October 2016 |
McGraw KA, La Peyre ML. 2019. Mollusk restoration - an overview and introduction to the session. National Shellfisheries Association Meeting, New Orleans, LA. March 7-11, 2019. | March 2019 |
McCracken, K. G., J. Harshman, D. A. McClellan, and A. D. Afton. 1999. Data set incongruence and correlated character evolution in stifftail ducks and other diving ducks. Guest Lecture, Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. | July 1999 |
Marshall DA, Moore S, Perez A, Sutor M, La Peyre J, La Peyre M. 2019. Using oyster fecundity and reproductive capacity to assess individual and metapopulation sustainability and restoration success. CERF Meeting, Nov 8-12, 2019, Mobile, AL. | November 2019 |
MacCluskie, M.C., A.D. Afton, and M.G. Anderson. 1999. The decline of breeding scaup: analysis of survey transects in the boreal forest and similar species. 117th Meeting of the American Ornithologists Union, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 8-14 August, 1999. | August 1999 |
M.K. La Peyre and B. Piazza. 2009. Development of nekton indicators for evaluating the effects of coastal restoration on nekton communities. Estuarine Research Federation Meeting. Portland, OR, Nov 1-5. | January 2009 |
Luukkonen, B, Winterstein, S, Hayes, J, Coluccy, D, Fowler, P, Lavretsky, B, O’Neal, A, Shipley, and J Simpson. 2024. Great Lakes mallard movements and population dynamics. 9th North American Duck Symposium. Portland OR, 5 -9 February 2024. | February 2024 |
Luukkonen, B, Winterstein, S, Hayes, D, Fowler, D, and P. Lavretsky. 2023. Great Lakes mallard genetics and movement ecology. Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society, Louisville KY 5 – 9 November 2023. | November 2023 |
Lowe, M, Sehlinger, T, La Peyre, M, Soniat, T. 2016 Environmental Drivers of Eastern Oyster Population Dynamics in Louisiana: what can “biggish” data tell us? Restore America's Estuaries. New Orleans, LA. Dec 2016. | December 2016 |
Loh, Ai Ning, La Peyre, M.K. submitted as session topic. Ocean Pollution: The Gulf of Mexico as a case study. ASLO, 2014. | April 2014 |
Logarbo JR, Rossi R, La Peyre MK, Roberts BJ. 2020. Examining potential drivers of gulf ribbed mussel distribution in southeast Louisiana. Gulf Estuarine Research Society Meeting, Nov 16-18, 2020. | November 2020 |
Logarbo J, Rossi R, La Peyre MK, Roberts BJ. 2019. Enhancing living shoreline restoration practices using native ecosystem engineers: Geukensia granosissima and Spartina alterniflora. CERF Meeting, Nov 8-12, 2019, Mobile, AL. | November 2019 |
Llewellyn, C and MK La Peyre. 2008. Examining blue crab stable-isotope signatures as indicators of marsh equivalence in created and reference marshes. Society for Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Washington DC. May 29-June3, 2008. | May 2008 |
Llewellyn, C and M. La Peyre. 2008. Examinign blue crab stable-isotope signatures as indicators of marsh equivalence in created and reference marshes. American Fisheries Society, Lousiana Mtg. Jan. 31-Feb. 1, 2008. | January 2008 |
Llewellyn, C and M La Peyre. 2008. Examining blue crab stable-isotope signatures as indicators of marsh equivalence in created and reference marshes. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists. Lafayette Louisiana, Aug. 14-15, 2008. | August 2008 |
Lipford, A., Moran, L., J.A. Nyman, and S.L. King. 2022. Assessing the value of created marshes for wetland birds in southeast Louisiana. Gulf Estuarine Research Society Annual Meeting, Ocean Springs, MS. | October 2022 |
Lipford, A., L.L.K. Moran, J.A. Nyman, and S.L. King. 2023. If you build it, will they come? Assessing habitat quality for birds at created marshes in southeastern Louisiana. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA. | June 2023 |
Lipford, A., L. Moran, J.A. Nyman, and S.L. King. 2022. If you build it, will they come? Assessing habitat quality for birds at created marshes in southeastern Louisiana. Waterbirds Society Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, TX. | November 2022 |
Lipford, A., J. Youtz, L. Moran, J.A. Nyman, and S.L. King. 2021. Assessing the value of created marshes for wetland birds in southeast Louisiana. Abstract for annual meeting of The Waterbird Society (virtual). | November 2021 |
Link, P. T., and A. D. Afton. 2006. Habitat use, movements, and survival of female mallards in southwestern Louisiana. Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission meeting, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA. | December 2006 |
Link, P. T., and A. D. Afton. 2009. Use of habitats by female mallards wintering in southwestern Louisiana. 5th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Toronto, ON, Canada. | August 2009 |
Link, P. T., and A. D. Afton. 2009. Use of habitats by female mallards wintering in southwestern Louisiana. 2009 Fall Symposium, Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists, Lafayette, LA | August 2009 |
Link, P. T., and A. D. Afton. 2009. Survival and cause-specific mortality of female mallards in southwestern Louisiana. 5th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Toronto, ON, Canada. | August 2009 |
Link, P. T., and A. D. Afton. 2009. Survival and cause-specific mortality of female mallards in southwestern Louisiana. 2009 Fall Symposium, Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists, Lafayette, LA | August 2009 |
Link, P. T., and A. D. Afton. 2006. Habitat use and survival of female mallards in southwestern Louisiana: preliminary results. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologist, Fall Symposiu, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. | August 2006 |
Link, P. T., A. D. Afton, and R. R. Cox, Jr. 2007. Habitat use, movements, and survival of female mallards in southwestern Louisiana. Fourth Ark-La-Miss Wildlife Management Symposium, Ruston, Louisiana, USA. | February 2007 |
Link, P. T. and A. D. Afton. 2012. Use of habitats by female mallards wintering in southwestern Louisiana. 2012 State of the Coast Conference, New Orleans, LA. | June 2012 |
Link, P. T. and A. D. Afton. 2012. Daily movements of female mallards wintering in southwestern Louisiana. 2012 State of the Coast Conference, New Orleans, LA. | June 2012 |
Liner S., Roberts B., La Peyre M. 2023. Can gulf ribbed mussels augment coastal restoration project sin a world of climate change? State of the Coast. June 2023. New Orleans, LA. ORAL | June 2023 |
Liner S, Lavaud R, La Peyre J, La Peyre MK, Roberts B. Tolerance of the gulf ribbed mussel to chronic and acute thermal stress. GERS 2022 Biennial Meeting, Gulfport MS | October 2022 |
LeBlanc, SC, Rossi R, Roberts BJ, La Peyre MK. 2020. Development and sustainability of ecosystem services for restored oyster reefs in Louisiana. Gulf Estuarine Research Society Meeting, Nov 16-18, 2020. | November 2020 |
Lavaud, R., M. La Peyre, C. Bacher, s. Casas Liste, J. La Peyre. 2015 Quantifying physiological response of eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, to regional environmental variability using the Dynamic Energy Budget Theory . National Shellfisheries Association 103rd Annual Meeting. Monterey CA | March 2015 |
Lavaud, R., M. La Peyre, C. Bacher, J. La Peyre. 2015. How to include the effect of salinity on the physiological response of eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in a Dynamic Energy Budget Model? 2015 Dynamic Energy Budget Symposium, April 26-28, Marseille, France | April 2015 |
Lavaud, R., La Peyre, M., Justic, D., Wang, L., Bacher, C., La Peyre, J. Predicting potential growth of oysters in the Barataria Bay (Louisiana, USA) through a Dynamic Energy Budget model under scenarios of climate change and river management. State of the Coast, Louisiana, June 2016. | June 2016 |
Lavaud, R., La Peyre, M, Justic, D., Wang, L, Bacher, C and La Peyre J. Predicting potential growth of oysters in the Barataria Bay (Louisiana, USA) using outputs from a hydrodynamic model under scenarios of climate change and river management. Abstract for International Society of Ecological Modeling Meeting, May 2016. | May 2016 |
Lavaud R, Zang Z, Stephens T, La Peyre M, Rose K, Sable S, Xue Z, Carter B. 2025. Oyster metapopulation modeling for Barataria Basin. State of the Coast, May 20-22, 2025, New Orleans, LA. | May 2025 |
Lavaud R, Sable S, Stephens T, La Peyre M, Rose, K, Zang Z, Xue Z, Diaz O, Georgiou I, Yurek S, Wang H, Carter B, Lindquist D. 2025. Using metapopulation modeling to support oyster restoration and aquaculture in Louisiana’s coastal basins. Aquaculture 2025, March 6-10, 2025, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. | March 2025 |
Lavaud R, Sable S, Stephens T, La Peyre M, Rose K, Zanb Z, Xue Z, Diaz O, Georgiou I, Yurek S., Wang H, Carter B, Lindquist D. 2024. Oyster metapopulation modeling: linking water quality, hydrodynamics, spatial connectivity, individual bioenergetics and structural mechanics to support restoration in Louisiana's coastal basins. National Shellfisheries Association Annual Meeting. Baltimore MD, March 17-21, 2024 | March 2024 |
Lavaud R, La Peyre MK, Couvillion B, Beseres Pollack J, Brown V, Palmer TA, Keim B. 2024. predicting restoration and aquaculture potential of eastern oysters through an eco-physiological mechanistic model. National Shellfisheries Association Annual Meeting. Baltimore MD March 17-21, 2024 | March 2024 |
Lancaster, J. D., J. B. Davis, R. M. Kaminski, A. D. Afton, and E. Penny. 2011. WMA use, habitat use, and survival of radio-marked mallards in the Mississippi Delta. Mississippi Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, MS. | October 2011 |
Lancaster, J. D., J. B. Davis, R. M. Kaminski, A. D. Afton, and E. Penny. 2011. Habitat selection and survival of radio-marked mallards on hunted and sanctuary wetlands in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley, Southeastern Natural Resources Graduate Student Symposium, Starkville, MS. | March 2011 |
Lancaster, J. D., J. B. Davis, R. M. Kaminski, A. D. Afton, and E. J. Penny. 2013. Survival and habitat selection of female mallards in Mississippi. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Memphis, TN. | January 2013 |
Lancaster, J. D., J. B. Davis, R. M. Kaminski, A. D. Afton, and E. J. Penny. 2013. Habitat use and habitat specific survival of female mallards in the Mississippi Delta. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Jackson, MS. | September 2013 |
Lancaster J.D., J. B. Davis, R. M. Kaminski, A. D. Afton, and E. J. Penny. 2013. Winter survival, habitat selection, and patterns of WMA use by female mallards in Mississippi. Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks, Annual Research Summit, Mississippi State, MS. | February 2013 |
La Peyre, Megan K. September 2001. Exploring integrated models of wetland management. Coastal Ecology Institute Seminar Series, Louisiana State University. | September 2001 |
La Peyre, MK. 2016. Session Moderator. Abundance, distribution and ecosystem functions of submerged aquatic vegetation in coastal Louisiana. State of the Coast, June 2016, New Orleans, LA. | June 2016 |
La Peyre, MK, Lowe, M., Hanke, M., Pollack, J. Understanding eastern oyster reef dynamics for improved restoration and management. Restore America's Estuaries. Dec. 12-16, New Orleans, LA. | December 2016 |
La Peyre, MK, L. Schwarting. Spatial and temporal development of living shoreline oyster reefs in coastal Louisiana. National Shellfisheries Association Mtg. 2014 | March 2014 |
La Peyre, MK, Hillmann ER, DeMarco, KE, Couvillion B, Brown S, Nyman JA. 2016. Potential impacts of changing environmental conditions on overall submerged aquatic vegetation resources: food and habitat availability for dependent fish and wildlife. SEAFWA, Baton Rouge, LA | October 2016 |
La Peyre, MK, B Gossman, C. Llewellyn, B. Piazza and J. Gordon. 2008. Determining coastal restoration success: indicators of nekton functional support. AMerican Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Ottawa Canada Oct. 19-21 2008. | August 2008 |
La Peyre, M.K., T. Birdsong, S. Kanouse, C. Thom and B. Gossman. 2005. Essential fish habitats: re-defining habitat types. Coastal Zone 2005, July 15-22, New Orelands, LA | July 2005 |
La Peyre, M.K., T. Birdsong, C. Bush, S. Kanouse, and B. Piazza. 2004. Conserving and Protecting Coastal Habitats: Evaluation of Potential Management Strategies. Next steps in the Gulf of Mexico; Response of U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy Recommendations. July 7-8, College Station, TX. | July 2004 |
La Peyre, M.K., D.Cahoon, R.Greco, S.Hartley, and J. Johnston. 2001. OCS-related pipelines and canals in the northern Gulf of Mexico: impacts and mitigation effectiveness. Coastal Zone 2001, Cleveland, OH. July 16-20. | July 2001 |
La Peyre, M.K., A. Volety, A. Nickens and J. La Peyre. 2001. Potential for freshets to eliminate the protozoan pathogen Perkinsus marinus in eastern oysters: an initial laboratory experiment. 16th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation. St. Petersburg, FL. Nov. 4-8, 2001. | November 2001 |
La Peyre, M.K., A. Huprhies, S. Casas Liste and J. La Peyre. Temporal variation in development of ecological services in response to oyster reef restoration in Louisiana Benthic Ecology Meeting 42nd | March 2013 |
La Peyre, M.K. and J.A. Nyman. 2005. Effects of terraces on nekton and SAV. Symposium for reserachers for Southwest Louisiana National Wildlife REfuge Complex. Lake Charles, LA March 30. | March 2005 |
La Peyre, M.K. and A. Humphries. 2010. Effects of shoreline reef creation on edge erosion, marsh resilience and nekton community assemblages in Louisiana. International Conference on Shellfish Restoration, Charleston, SC. Nov 2010 | November 2010 |
La Peyre, M.K. 2006. Finding meaningful biological metrics for fishery habitat: interpreting restoration success in coastal Louisiana. Monitoring Estuarine Restoration Workshop. Restore America's Estuaries 3rd Naitonal COnference on Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration. Dec. 10-13, 2006, New Orleans, LA | December 2006 |
La Peyre, M.K. 2005. Wetland restoration: consideration of habitat structure for nekton. Society for WEtland Scientists Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC June 5-10. | June 2005 |
La Peyre, M.K. 2001. Shell reef restoration: opportunities for estuarine restoration. Coastal and Estuarine Wetland Restoration in the New Millenium: Improving Effectiveness. National Symposium and Workshop. Institute for Wetland Science and Public Policy, Association of State Wetland Managers. Baton Rouge, LA. June 19-21. | June 2001 |
La Peyre, M.K. 2001. Fishing for habitat links: an overview of fish habitat literature. Women in Natural Resources, Baton Rouge Group. Baton Rouge, LA, March 7, 2001. | March 2001 |
La Peyre, M.K. 2001. Fisheries and habitat research: setting a joint research and management agenda. Louisiana Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA February 8-9, 2001. | February 2001 |
La Peyre, M.K. 2001. Essential fish habitat: building evidence for the value of diverse coastal habitats. Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. May 4, 2001 | May 2001 |
La Peyre, M., Schwarting-Miller, L. and Miller., S. 2015. Suitability of oyster restoration reefs sites along the Louisiana Gulf coast: importance of multi-year and site data to understand factors affecting reef sustainability | November 2015 |
La Peyre, M., S. Casas and J. La Peyre. 2005. Salinity effects on three Perkinsus spps viability, metabolic activity adn cellular proliferation. National Shellfisheries Association Annual Meeting, April 10-14, 2005. PHiladelphia, PA. | April 2005 |
La Peyre, M., B. Gossman and J. La Peyre. 2008. Effects of freshwater diversions: an experimental determination of the effects of freshets on the oyster parasite, Perkinsus marinus, and its host, Crassostrea virginica. National Shellfisheries Association Mtg, Providence RI, April 6-10 2008 | April 2008 |
La Peyre, M, B. Gossman and B. Piazza. 2007. Effects of thin-layer sediment addition on marsh restoration. Estuarine Research Federation Meeting. Providence Rhode Island, Oct 8-12, 2007. | October 2007 |
La Peyre MK. 2019. Using conservation and restoration activities to understand foundation species - a tale of two biogenic habitats. CERF Meeting. Nov 8-12, 2019, Mobile, AL. | November 2019 |
La Peyre MK, Wang H. Swam, L., Perez C., Sable S., Carter B. 2023. Evaluation and models for representing habitat and oysters in Louisiana. State of the Coast. June, New Orleans, LA. | June 2023 |
La Peyre MK, Wang H, Sable S, Li B., Wu W., Bates M, Swam, L, Perez C, Couvillion B. 2023. Determining low salinity zones of intolerance based on salinity intensity and continuity thresholds for the easter oyster, Crassostrea virginica. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, Portland OR, Nov 12-16, 2023. | November 2023 |
La Peyre MK, Schwarting Miller LS, Miller S., Melancon, E. 2016. Comparison of oyster populations, shoreline protection service and site characteristics at seven created fringing reefs in Louisiana: key parameters and responses to consider. Restore America's Estuaries. Dec 2016, New Orleans, LA | December 2016 |
La Peyre MK, Aguilar D, Smith-Kyle, A. 2018. Filling a knowledge gap: using oyster ladders to understand the importance of inundation duration in successful living shorelines. State of the Coast, New Orleans, LA. May 30-June 1, 2018. | May 2018 |
La Peyre MK, 2017. It all goes downstream: effects of altered riverine flow on an estuarine foundation species. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. September 2017 | September 2017 |
La Peyre M, Carter B, Sable S, Lavaud R, Rose K, Stephens T, Lindquist D. 2025. Future oyster modeling and monitoring to support oyster restoration and adaptive management. State of the Coast, May 20-22, 2025, New Orleans, LA. | May 2025 |
Kroschel, and S.L. King. 2016. Bottomland hardwood tree species regeneration: seedling response to flood timing. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, TX. | June 2016 |
Kroschel, W.A., and S.L. King. 2019. AN ANALYSIS OF SEEDLING DYNAMICS IN FLOODPLAINS OF THE LOWER MISSISSIPPI ALLUVIAL VALLEY. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. | May 2019 |
Kroschel, W.A., and S.L. King. 2018. Bottomland hardwood tree species regeneration: seedling response to flood timing. Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Denver, Colorado. | May 2018 |
Kroschel, W.A. and S.L. King. 2018. Bottomland hardwood tree species regeneration: seedling response to flood timing. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. | August 2018 |
Kroschel, W.A. and S. L. King. AN ANLYSIS OF SEEDLING DYNAMICS IN TWO HYDROLOGICALLY ALTERED LOUISIANA FLOODPLAINS. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico. | June 2017 |
King, SL and RF Keim. 2017. Draining the Swamp: water and the future of floodplain forests of the southeastern U.S. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM. | September 2016 |
King, S.L., W. Harrell, E. Smith, and J.A. Nyman. 2017. The role of fire in the management of Whooping Crane habitats. 7th International Fire Ecology and Management Congress, Orlando, FL. | November 2017 |
King, S.L., M. Laubhan, P. Tashjian, J. Vradenburg, and L.H. Fredrickson. 2021. Opportunities and Constraints for Wetland Conservation in an Irrigated World. Society of Wetland Scientists 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting. | June 2021 |
King, S.L., M. Laubhan, J. Vradenburg, and L.H. Fredrickson. 2020. Rethinking wetland conservation in a water-scarce future. 2020 North American Crane Workshop, Lubbock, Texas. | January 2020 |
King, S.L., M. Laubhan, J. Vradenburg, and L.H. Fredrickson. 2019. Rethinking Wetland Conservation in a Water-Starved Future. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. | May 2019 |
King, S.L., M. Laubhan, J. Vradenburg, and L.H. Fredrickson. 2019. Rethinking Wetland Conservation in a Water-Starved Future. Presentation at the joint meeting of The Wildlife Society and the American Fisheries Society. Reno, NV. | October 2019 |
King, S.L., M. Laubhan, J. Vradenburg, and A. Henry. 2018. Arid Wetlands: Challenges and Opportunities. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado. | May 2018 |
King, S.L., M. Laubhan, J. Vradenburg, P. Tashjian, and L. Fredrickson. 2025. Waterbird Conservation in a Water Limited World: An Overview. Waterbirds Annual Meeting, San Jose, Costa Rica. | January 2025 |
King, S.L. 2020. Rice and waterbirds. Invited presentation virtual Sustainable Agriculture Summit. | November 2020 |
King, S.L. 2019. Climatic, geomorphic, and hydrologic variability in wetlands. The Wildlife Society Workshop entitled "A Process-Based Approach to Wetland Management", Reno, Nevada. | September 2019 |
King, S.L. 2015 (invited). Whooping Cranes and the Endangered Species Act. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists Annual Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA. | August 2015 |
King, S. L., and S. Linscombe. 2006 (invited). Changes in rice agriculture in southwestern Louisiana. USFWS King Rail Focal Species Workshop. Memphis, TN. | November 2006 |
King, S. L., and R. Keim. 2011. Catahoula Lake Wetland Issues. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Public Hearing, Invited speaker. Jena, Louisiana. | August 2011 |
King, S. L., and J. A. Nyman. 2007 (invited). Integrating wildlife ecology into wetlands ecology courses. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Sacramento, California. | June 2007 |
King, S. L., J. Linscombe, and P. Bowman. 2007 (invited). Reintroduction of Whooping Cranes to Louisiana: habitat evaluation of White Lake and Marsh Island. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists Meeting, Lafayette, Louisiana. | August 2007 |
King, S. L., J. Linscombe, and P. Bowman. 2007 (invited). Reintroduction of Whooping Cranes to Louisiana. | August 2007 |
King, S. L., J. A. Nyman, and A. R. Pierce. 2006. Assessment of Whooping Crane habitat needs at White Lake, Louisiana: historic conditions and current questions. North American Crane Conference, Zacatecas, Mexico. (poster; contributed) | February 2006 |
King, S. L., C. S. Elphick, D. Guadagnin, and O. Taft. 2007 (invited). Effects of landscape management on waterbird use of rice fields. Annual meeting of the Waterbird Society. Barcelona, Spain | November 2007 |
King, S. L., B. Strader, D. Twedt, and R. Wilson. 2006 (invited by session chair). Development of restoration guidelines for floodplain forests of the Mississippi River Valley. 91st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Memphis, TN. (invited; by session chair) | August 2006 |
King, S. L., A. Pierce, K. Hersey, and N. Winstead. 2008. Migration patterns of sandhill cranes wintering in central and southwestern Louisiana. North American Crane Conference, Wisconsin Dells, WI. | September 2008 |
King, S. L. and K. Ribbeck. 2006 (invited). Restoration and Management Recommendations for Bottomland Hardwoods in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Lower Mississippi River Valley Ecosystem Team Meeting, Lafayette, Louisiana. (invited) | August 2006 |
King, S. L. and A. P. Pierce. 2005 (Invited). Effects of hydrologic and geomorphic alterations on bottomland hardwood forests. USFWS Lower Mississippi River Valley Ecosystem Team Meeting, Stuttgart, Arkansas. | August 2005 |
King, S. L. 2012. Restoration of Whooping Cranes to Southwestern Louisiana. Louisiana State University, Department of Coastal Studies, Wetland Restoration Class Lecture. | October 2012 |
King, S. L. 2012. Reintroduction of Whooping Cranes to southwestern Louisiana. Port Aransas Whooping Crane Festival, Port Aransas, Texas. | February 2012 |
King, S. L. 2012. Ecology and management of floodplain ecosystems. Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University, Blagoveshchensk, Russia | June 2012 |
King, S. L. 2012. Restoration of Whooping Cranes to Southwestern Louisiana. LSU Agricultural Center, Rice Experiment Station Field Day. | June 2012 |
King, S. L. 2012. Reintroduction of Whooping Cranes to Southwestern Louisiana. Port Aransas Whooping Crane Festival, Port Aransas, Texas. | February 2012 |
King, S. L. 2006 (invited). King Rail Research in the Mississippi River Alluvial Valley. Lower Mississipppi River Valley Ecosystem Team Meeting, Lafayette, Louisiana. | August 2006 |
King, S. L. 2005 (Invited; plenary). Bottomland hardwood forests of the Southeastern United States. Society of Wetland Scientists 26th Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina. | June 2005 |
King, S. L. 2005 (Invited). Black Swamp Case Study. USGS Cooperative Research Units, All Hands Meeting. Jacksonville, Florida. | February 2005 |
King, S. L. 2004. Micro- and Macrotopography of Bottomland Hardwood Forests and the Response of Wetland Wildlife to Restoration. Society of Wetland Scientists 25th Anniversary Meeting. Charting the Future: a quarter century of lessons learned. Seattle, Washington. July 18-23, 2004. | July 2004 |
King, S. L. 2010. Climate Change, cranes, and temperate floodplain ecosystems. 2010 International Crane Workshop, Muraviovoka Park, Russia. | May 2010 |
King, S. L. 2009. Rice, crawfish, and waterbirds: The annual cycle. Working Wetland Initiative Meeting, LSU AgCenter Rice Experiment Station, Crowley, Louisiana. | July 2009 |
King, S. L. 2009. Potential reintroduction of Whooping Cranes in Louisiana: Issues and opportunities. Rivers and Wildlife Celebration, Kearney, Nebraska. | September 2008 |
King, S. L, and S. Linscombe. 2006 (invited). Future of rice production in Southwestern Louisiana. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists Meeting. Lafayette, Louisiana. | August 2006 |
Kim J, Casas S., La Peyre MK, La Peyre JF. Differential effects of low salinity and high temperature on diploid and triploid eastern oysters. Oyster South Symposium, New Orleans, Louisiana. | February 2024 |
Keim R.F., J.L. Chambers, W.H. Conner, J.W. Day Jr., S.P. Faulkner, E.S. Gardiner, M.S. Hughes, S.L. King, K.W. McLeod, C.A. Miller, J.A. Nyman, and G.P. Shaffer. 2006. Ecological consequences of changing hydrological conditions in wetland forests of coastal Louisiana. American Institute of Hydrology. International Conference on Challenges in Coastal Hydrology and Water Quality. May 21?24, 2006. Baton Rouge. (invited) | May 2006 |
Kassuba ZJ, Plumlee MA, Dance MA, La Peyre MK. 2024. Assessing oyster density on submerged structures using high-resolution acoustic imagery. Gulf Estuarine Research Society, Dec 1-5. | December 2024 |
Kanouse, S.C., J.A. Nyman and M.K. La Peyre. 2003. Fish growth and habitat importance. 2003 Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, Seattle, WA. Sept. 15-19, 2003. | September 2003 |
Kanouse, S., La Peyre, M. and Nyman, J.A. 2003. Nekton use and growth in brackish marsh habitats. Estuarine Research FEderation Intl meeting. SEattle, WA. | September 2003 |
Kang, S.R., and S.L. King. 2014. Whooping Crane prey assemblage in a coastal marsh system: Implications for wetland wildlife management. The 6th East Asian Federation of Ecological Societies International Congress,Haikou, China. | April 2014 |
Kang, S. R., and S. L. King. 2008. Whooping Crane food availability in different marsh types. The 32nd Annual Waterbirds Society Meeting. South Padre Island, Texas. | November 2008 |
Kang, S. R., and S. L. King. 2011 (October). Effects of hydrological connectivity and environmental variables on nekton community structure of a coastal marsh system. Society of Wetland Scientists (South Central Chapter), Lafayette, LA. | October 2011 |
Kang, S. R., and S. L. King. 08/2008. Whooping Crane food availability in different marsh types. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists Meeting, Lafayette, LA. (poster) | August 2008 |
Kang, S. R., S. L. King, and J. Linscombe. 2010. Effects of salinity on survival rate of aquatic macroinvertebrates of a Louisiana freshwater marsh. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists Annual Meeting, Lafayette, LA. | August 2010 |
Jonsson, J. E., and A. D. Afton. 2005. Snow geese wintering in southwest Louisiana use two distinct habitats: is there evidence for separate populations? 11th North American Arctic Goose Conference, Reno, NV. | January 2005 |
Jonsson, J. E., and A. D. Afton. 2003. Behavior of snow and Ross's geese wintering in southwest Louisiana. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists Fall Symposium, Lafayette, Louisiana, 21-22 August 2003. | August 2003 |
Johnston, James, Cahoon, D., Hartley, L., M. La Peyre and J. Barras. 2003. Coastal Wetland Impacts - OCS Canal Widening Rates and Effectiveness of OCS Pipeline Canal Mitigation. Minerals Management Service Information Transfer Meeting. January 14-16, 2003. Kenner, LA. | January 2003 |
Johnston, J., D. Cahoon, M. La Peyre, P. Hensel and T. McGinnis. 2005. OUter Continental Shelf Pipeline and Navigation Canal Impacts and Mitigation Effects on Wetland Habitats of Coastal Western adn Central Gulf of Mexico. MMS 23rd Interagency Technical Meeting, Kenner, LA | January 2005 |
Jiang, H., J. H. Harris, S.L.King, and J.N. Vradenburg. 2018. Managing wetlands in the West Songnen Plain of northeast China: Challenges and Opportunities. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting. | May 2018 |
James B. Johnston, Lawrence Handley, Donald R. Cahoon, and Megan K. La Peyre. 2002. Coastal Wetland Impacts: OCS Canal Widening Rates and Effectiveness of OCS Pipeline Mitigation. Minerals Management Service, Information Transfer Meeting. New Orleans, LA. Jan. 8-10, 2002. | January 2002 |
Jaegge A, La Peyre MK, Casas S, La Peyre J, Stauffer B. 2019. Restoration induced changes to phytoplankton communities: do cyanobacteria affect oyster feeding and selectivity? Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, Mobile AL Nov 2-8, 2019. | November 2019 |
J. Gordon and M.K. La Peyre. Habitat measures associated with fish species assemblages and non-game fish species of conservation concern in natural and managed submerged aquatic vegetation and marsh edge habitats in coastal Louisiana. Estuarine Research Federation Meeting. Portland, OR, Nov 1-5. | November 2009 |
Humphries, E. M., J. L. Peters, K. E. Omland, J. E. Jonsson, and A. D. Afton. 2005. Phylogenetics and phylogeography of the white goose complex, Genus Chen: is mother goose spinning a new tale? Joint meeting of the Wilson Ornithological Society and Association of Field Ornithologists, Beltsville, MD. | April 2005 |
Humphries, E. M., J. L. Peters, J. E. Jonsson, A. D. Afton, and K. E. Omland. 2004. Phylogenetics and phylogeography of the white goose complex, Genus Chen: is mother goose spinning a new tale? Annual meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union and Society of Canadian Ornithologists, Sainte-Foy, Quebec, Canada; 16-21 August 2004. | August 2004 |
Humphries, A. and M.K. La Peyre. 2010. Habitat structural complexity alters the refuge value of created eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) reefs. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. Jan 3-7, 2010. | January 2010 |
Humphrey ML, Comba D, Baustian MM, Tarnecki A, Rikard S, Sanderson MP, Smith JL, La Peyre MK. 2024. Examining the effects of environmental conditions and phycotoxins on Crassostrea virginica within a northern Gulf of Mexico estuary. Gulf Estuarine Research Society Dec 1-5, 2024 | December 2024 |
Honig A, J. Supan, M. La Peyre. Recruitment, growth, mortality and density of the ribbed mussel in relation to salinity, vegetation density and flooding rate in southeastern Louisiana. Benthic Ecology 42nd Mtg. | March 2013 |
Hongqing Wang1, Jim Chen2, Megan La Peyre1, 3, Jerome La Peyre3, Julie Anderson3, Kelin Hu2, Gary Decossas3, and Lindsay Schwarting3. 2014 Predicting the Impacts of River Diversion and Sea-level Rise on Eastern Oyster Growth and Production State of the Coast Conference, New Orleans, LA March 2014. | March 2014 |
Hillmann, ER, V. Rivera-Monroy, MK La Peyre. 2016. Long-term carbon storage of submerged aquatic vegetation beds across the salinity zone within deltaic estuaries of the northern Gulf of Mexico. State of the Coast, June 1-3, 2016, New Orleans, LA. | June 2016 |
Hillmann, ER, Rivera-Monroy, VH, La Peyre MK. 2016. Carbon sotrage in submerged aquatic vegetation beds across salinity gradients within coastal Louisiana deltaic estuaries. RAE Dec. 12-16, 2016. New Orleans, LA | December 2016 |
Hillmann, E.R., V. Rivera Monroy, M.K. La Peyre. 2017. Estuarine submerged aquatic vegetation beds provide significant carbon storage in deltaic environments Coastal Estuarine Research Federation Meeting. Rhode Island. | November 2017 |
Hillmann, E., Rivera-Monroy, V., La Peyre. M. 2017. Submerged aquatic vegetation habitat sequesters organic carbon. Louisiana Agriculture Magazine. Winter 2017. | October 2017 |
Hillmann, E, DeMarco, K, La Peyre, M. 2015. Environmental drivers of seasonal variability in coastal marsh pond SAV communities along a salinity gradient in Barataria basin, Louisiana, U.S.A. State of the Coast, Louisiana. June 2016 | June 2016 |
Hillmann, E, DeMarco, K, La Peyre, M. 2015. Predicted effects of climate change will change the spatial distribution of dominant SAV biomass resources in shallow, estuarine waters along the northern Gulf of Mexico. 6th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, November 1-4, 2015 | November 2015 |
Henderson O, Robicheaux E, Kassuba Z, Plumlee JF, La Peyre MK. 2024. Tracking the co-benefits of oyster restoration and fisheries support at the largest estuarine living shoreline in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf Estuarine Research Society Meeting, Dec 1-5, 2024. | December 2024 |
Hamilton, S.G., S. L. King, and Russo, G D. 2014. Effect of hydrologic, geomorphic, and vegetative conditions on avian communities in the Middle Rio Grande. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon. | May 2014 |
Guo, Z., S.L. King, and R.F. Keim. 2023. The Effects of Woody Plant Encroachment on Precipitation Interception in Coastal Prairie of Texas. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA. | June 2023 |
Guay, P.-J., T. Chesser, D. C. Paton, A. D. Afton, R. Mulder, and K. G. McCracken. 2006. Phylogeography of the musk duck (Bizura lobata). 24th International Ornithological Congress, Hamburg, Germany. | August 2006 |
Greenawalt, A.,T, Riecke, D.N. Fowler, and B. Sedinger. Do harvest regulations, wood duck abundance, and hunter effort affect wood duck hunting mortality in the Great Lakes states? Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society, Spokane, Washington, 6-10 November 2022. | November 2022 |
Gray, J. M., and A. D. Afton. 2008. Update on gadwall telemtry research in Louisiana. Annual state meeting of Ducks Unlimited, Inc., Lafayette, LA. | July 2008 |
Gray, J. M., and A. D. Afton. 2009. Habitat use of female gadwall that winter along the Gulf Coast. 5th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Toronto, ON, Canada. | August 2009 |
Gray, J. M., and A. D. Afton. 2009. Habitat use of female gadwall that winter along the Gulf Coast. 2009 Fall Symposium, Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists, Lafayette, LA | August 2009 |
Graham, S.P., S.L.King, and J.A. Nyman. 2019. Managing coastal marsh impoundments for vertical accretion in the face of sea level rise. Coastal Estuarine and Research Federation Annual Meeting, Mobile, AL. | November 2019 |
Gossman, B.< M. La Peyre and J.A. Nyman. 2005. Nekton use of terraced and unterraced marsh habitats in coastal Louisiana. Coastal Zone 2005, July 15-22, New Orleans, LA. | July 2005 |
Gossman, B., M. La Peyre, and J.A. Nyman. 2005. Effect of terraces on nekton habitat. SWS/ERF REgional MEeting, March 31-April 2, 2005, Pensacola, FL | April 2005 |
Gossman, B., M. La Peyre and B. Piazza. 2006. Thin layer deposition of dredged material in coastal Louisiana: a survey and case study in brackish marsh. Restore AMerica's Estuaires 3rd National Conference on Coastal and Estuarine Habiatat Restoration. Dec. 10-13, 2006. New Orleans, LA. | December 2006 |
Goodenough, K and D, Fowler. 2024. Spatiotemporal variation in space-use of mallard and northern pintails wintering in southwest Louisiana. 9th North American Duck Symposium. Portland OR, 5 -9 February 2024. | February 2024 |
Gehrke, A, Ringelman, K. M., and D.N. Fowler. 2024. Factors influencing field selection by mallards and northern pintails within rice-crawfish dominated agriculture in southwest Louisiana. 9th North American Duck Symposium. Portland OR, 5 -9 February 2024. | February 2024 |
Gee, H. K. W., and S. L. King. 2010. The effects of hydrologic connectivity and topographic position on floodplain forest tree establishment | July 2010 |
Gee, H. K. W., and S. L. King. 08/2008. Tree establishment and growth patterns in a hydrologically disconnected floodplain. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists Meeting, Lafayette, LA. | August 2008 |
Gee, H. K. W. and S. L. King. 2009. The effect of climate and river stage on tree growth in a hydrologically disconnected floodplain. The Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, 22-29 June, 2009, Madison, WI. | June 2009 |
Gee, H. K. W. and S. L. King. 2008 . Spatial and temporal dynamics of tree growth in two floodplain forests. Ivory Billed Woodpecker Research Symposium, Lafayette, LA. (contributed) | June 2008 |
Gayle, W., S. Casas, M. La Peyre and J. La Peyre. 2009. The combined effects of sub-optimal temperature and salinity on the viability of Perkinsus marinus, a protistan parasite of the eastern oyster Crassotrea virginica. National Shellfisheries Association Meeting, 101st Annual Meeting, March 19-25, Savannah, GA. | January 2009 |
From Physics to Oysters: An Integrated Modeling Huang H, D Justic, K Xu, J La Peyre, M La Peyre. Study of the Potential Impacts of Future Large Sediment Diversions on Louisiana Eastern Oyster. Louisiana Fisheries Summit. New Orleans, LA | March 2016 |
Fredrickson, L.H., M. K. Laubhan, K. Higgins, and S. L. King. 2016. A century of land management evolution: From guess work to complex decision-making in highly modified landscapes exhibiting extreme variability. 7th North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland. | February 2016 |
Fowler, D.N., S.L. King, D.C. Weindorf, and J. Vradenburg. 2018. Evaluating Abiotic Influences on Soil Salinity of Inland Managed Wetlands and Agricultural Croplands in a Semi-Arid Environment. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado | May 2018 |
Fowler, D. N., J. M. Winiarski, and K. A. Hobson. Evaluating natal / molt origins of non-banded ducks harvested in the northern Mississippi Flyway using stable isotope techniques. Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture Waterfowl Symposium, Memphis, Tennessee, 4-6 October 2022. | October 2022 |
Fowler, D, N. and S. L. King. 2024. Levers and switches that influence the conservation value of rice agriculture for waterfowl and other wetland dependent birds. 9th North American Duck Symposium. Portland OR, 5 -9 February 2024. | February 2024 |
Fowler, D, N. and S. L. King. 2023. Levers and switches that influence the conservation value of rice agriculture for wetland dependent birds. Annual Meeting, The Waterbird Society, Ft. Lauderdale FL, 9 - 13 October 2023. | October 2023 |
Fowler, D, N. and S. L. King. 2023. A changing system: levers and switches that influence the role of rice agriculture for wetland dependent birds. Annual Meeting, Society of Wetland Scientists, Spokane WA, 27 - 30 June 2023. | June 2023 |
Fowler, D, N, Masto, S Stemaly, A Keever, M Schummer, P Lavretsky, A Blake-Bradshaw, C, Highway, J, Feddersen, H, Hagy and B, Cohen. 2024. Integrating GPS telemetry and δ2H isoscapes to identify breeding ground fidelity and dispersal by mallards. 9th North American Duck Symposium. Portland OR, 5 -9 February 2024. | February 2024 |
Finger, T. A., M. L. Schummer, S. A. Petrie, A. D. Afton, M. L. Szymanski, and M. A. Johnson. 2013. Factors influencing spring migration chronology of lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) and mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). 6th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Memphis, TN. | January 2013 |
Ferraro, E, Ringelman, K. M., and D.N. Fowler. 2024. Effects of Auditory Disturbance on Mallard and Northern Pintail Behavior in Southwest Louisiana. 9th North American Duck Symposium. Portland OR, 5 -9 February 2024. | February 2024 |
Fara, L, Beatty, W, Koneff, M, Fowler, D, Finger, T, Landolt, K, Finley, B, Ruhser, J, Gray, B, Houdek, S, Wright, A, and G, Marchel. 2024. Visibility correction factors for multiple species of waterfowl using an aerial remote sensing approach. 9th North American Duck Symposium. Portland OR, 5 -9 February 2024. | February 2024 |
Edwards, J.W., E.B. Webb, D.N. Fowler, P. Link and B. Leach. Environmental factors influencing blue-winged teal spring migration initiation and subsequent migratory movements. 9th North American Duck Symposium, Portland, Oregon. February 2024 | February 2024 |
Edwards, J.W., E. B. Webb, D. N. Fowler, P. T. Link, and C. Nicolai. 2025. Surfing the 'Mucky' Blue Wave: Is blue-winged teal nonbreeding season resource selection influenced by fine-scale variation in wetland availability? Annual conference of the Waterbird Society. January 6 -9, 2025. San Juan, Costa Rica. | January 2025 |
Edwards, J. W., E. B. Webb, D. N. Fowler, P. T. Link, and C. Nicolai. 2025. Surfing the Blue Wave: Is blue-winged teal resource selection influenced by fine-scale variation in wetland availability?. 2025 Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, January 19-22, 2025. St. Louis, Missouri. | January 2025 |
Eberline, Ben, M.K. La Peyre, J.F. la Peyre and T. Soniat. 2010. Populationdynamics of the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. International Conference on Shellfish Restoration. Charleston, SC NOv 2010 | November 2010 |
Eberline, B., J.F. La Peyre, T.M. Soniat, M.K. La Peyre. 2011. Prolonged freshwater exposure and its immediate and long-term effects on eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) populations in Breton Sound, Louisiana. American Fisheries Society Meeting, Sept. 6, 2011. | September 2011 |
Eberline, B., J.F. La Peyre, T.M. Soniat and M.K. La Peyre 2011. Effects of prolonged freshwater exposure on eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) populations in a northern Gulf of Mexico estuary. National Shellfisheries Meeting, Baltimore, MD March 23-27. | March 2011 |
Durham, R. S., and A. D. Afton. 2000. Nesting ecology of mottled ducks on agricultural lands in southwestern Louisiana. Mottled Duck Banding, Management, and Research Workshop, Port Arthur, TX. | May 2000 |
Drake, V. L ., K. M. Ringelman, and D. N. Fowler. Development of an aerial waterfowl survey for northeastern Louisiana. Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture Waterfowl Symposium, Memphis, Tennessee, 4-6 October 2022. | October 2022 |
Dietl GP et al (28 authors). 2024. Integrating information from the past into oyster restoration. National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration. 2024. | March 2024 |
Decossas, G., M. La Peyre. Influence of ENSO on Oyster Mortality in Selected Breton Sound Sites (1988-2011). NSA March 2014 | March 2014 |
DeMarco, KE, Hillmann, E, Nyman JA, La Peyre MK. 2016. Changing coastal salinities will affect submerged aquatic vegetation resources in the northern Gulf of Mexico. LDWF Research Symposium. May 31, 2016. | May 2016 |
DeMarco, KE, Hillmann, E and M La Peyre 2015. Changing coastal salinities will affect submerged aquatic vegetation resources in the northern Gulf of Mexico. CERF, Nov 8-12, 2015, Portland OR | November 2015 |
DeMarco, KE, Hillmann ER, MK La Peyre. 2018. Submerged aquatic vegetation in Barataria Bay, Louisiana: seasonal and spatial patterns. State of the Coast, New Orleans, LA. May 30-June 1, 2018. | May 2018 |
DeMarco, KE, Hillmann E, Brasher, M, La Peyre, M. 2015. Changes in coastal salinities will affect seed availability for waterfowl in submerged aquatic vegetation beds and coastal marshes in the northern Gulf of Mexico 6th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. November 1-4, 2015 | November 2015 |
DeMarco, KE, Brown, S, Couvillion, B, La Peyre. MK. 2016. Drawing the map of submerged aquatic vegetation in the northern Gulf of Mexico: distribution patterns across salinity zones. Restore Americas Estuaries, New Orleans, LA Dec 12-16, 2016 | December 2016 |
DeMarco, K., Hillmann, E., Brasher MG, and MK La Peyre. 2016. Variation in submerged aquatic vegetation and waterfowl food resources across a coastal salinity gradient in the northern Gulf of Mexico - impacts on habitat value. SWS international Meeting, Corpus Christ, Texas | June 2016 |
DeMarco, K., Brown, S., Couvillion, B. and M La Peyre. 2017. How do you map what you can’t see? Submerged aquatic vegetation occurrence modeling in Louisiana. Coastal Estuarine Research Federation Meeting. November, Rhode Island | November 2017 |
DeMarco, K, Osland, M., Couvillion, B. M. La Peyre. 2015. Drawing the map of submerged aquatic vegetation in the northern Gulf of Mexico: distribution and patterns of abundance across salinity zones State of the Coast Abstract. June 2016 | June 2016 |
Davis, B. E., and A. D. Afton. 2006. Winter habitat use, survival, cause-specific mortality, and emigration of female mallards in the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission meeting, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA. | December 2006 |
Davis, B. E., P. T. Link, and A. D. Afton. 2005. Update on mallard research in Louisiana. Annual state meeting of Ducks Unlimited, Inc., New Orleans, LA. | July 2005 |
Davis, B. E., A. D. Afton. 2009. Habitat use and diel movements by female mallards in the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. 5th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Toronto, ON, Canada. | August 2009 |
Davis, B. E., A. D. Afton, and R. R. Cox, Jr. 2006. Winter survival, cause-specific mortality, and emigration of female mallards in the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Soceity of Wetland Scientists, South Central Cahpter meeting, Vicksburg, Mississippi, USA. | October 2006 |
Davis, B. E., A. D. Afton, and R. R. Cox, Jr. 2007. Winter habitat use, survival, cause-specific mortality, and emigration of female mallards in the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Fourth Ark-La-Miss Wildlife Management Symposium, Ruston, Louisiana, USA. | February 2007 |
Davis, B. E., A. D. Afton, and R. R. Cox, Jr. 2006. Winter survival, cause-specific mortality, and emigration of female mallards in the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologist, Fall Symposiu, Lafayette, Louisiana, USA. | August 2006 |
Davis, B. E., A. D. Afton, and R. R. Cox, Jr. 2006. Winter survival of female mallards in the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. 4th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Bismarck, ND. | August 2006 |
Davenport TM, DeMarco KE, La Peyre MK. Understanding the role of habitat distribution on the biodiversity of nekton. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Meeting, Portland OR, Nov 12-16, 2023. | November 2023 |
Davenport TM, DeMarco KE, Enwright NM, Midway SR, La Peyre MK. 2024. Structured habitat spatial distribution influences nekton species richness in two Louisiana coastal basins. American Fisheries Society Louisiana Chapter Meeting May 23-24, 2024. | April 2024 |
Darnell, K., Carruthers, T., Biber, P., La Peyre, M, DeMarco, K and Hillmann, E. 2016. The nutrient status of submerged aquatic vegetation along a salinity gradient in Louisiana. State of the Coast, June 2016 | June 2016 |
D.N. Fowler, E.I. Johnson, O. Best, R. Temple, and J. Olszak. 2025. High frequency, high resolution movement data of the Limpkin (Aramus guarauna) in Southwest Louisiana. Annual conference of the Waterbird Society. January 6 -9, 2025. San Juan, Costa Rica. | January 2025 |
Custer, C. M., T. W. Custer, M. J. Anteau, A. D. Afton, and D. E. Wooten. 2001. Trace element concentrations in lesser scaup from the Mississippi Flyway. 25th Meeting of the Waterbird Society, Niagara Falls, Ontario. | November 2001 |
Coxe N, Casas S, La Peyre M, Kelly M, La Peyre J. 2022. Differential hypoxia tolerance in four Gulf of Mexico oyster populations. Benthic Ecology Meeting, Connecticut March 30-APril 2, 2022. | March 2022 |
Comba D, Lavaud R, Casas S, La Peyre M, La Peyre J. 2022 How costly is it for oysters to osmoconform in constantly changing salinity? GERS 2022 Biennial Meeting. Gulfport, MS | October 2022 |
Comba D, La Peyre M, Baustian M, Raabe J, Stauffer B, Rock T, Inselman R, Robinson E, Roberts B, Plaisance S, Morrison W. 2023. A multi-factor approach to understanding oyster success in Louisiana estuaries. Louisiana Fisheries Forward Summit. POSTER. New Orleans, LA | March 2023 |
Comba D, La Peyre M, Baustian M, Raabe J, Stauffer B, Rock T, Inselman R, Robinson E, Roberts B, Plaisance S, Morrision W. 2023. A multi-factor approach to understanding oyster success in Louisiana etuaries. State of the Coast. New Orleans LA 2023. | June 2023 |
Comba D, Baustian M, Capps M, Casas S, Inselmann R, Morrison W, Plaisance S, Rikard S, Roberts B, Robinson E, Stauffer B, Tarnecki A, La Peyre J, La Peyre MK. 2023. Effects of interactions between phytoplankton, salinity and temperature on oysters in three Gulf of Mexico estuaries. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation. Portland OR, Nov 12-16, 2023. | November 2023 |
Cochran, J. W., and S. L. King. 2005 (poster). The effect of species composition and stand development on coarse woody debris characteristics in southeastern bottomland hardwood forests. Society of Wetland Scientists 26th Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina. | June 2005 |
Cochran, J. W. and S. L. King. 2004. The effect of forest management on salamander species richness and relative abundance in a southeastern bottomland hardwood forest. Society of Wetland Scientists 25th Anniversary Meeting. Charting the Future: a quarter century of lessons learned. Seattle, Washington. July 18-23, 2004. | July 2004 |
Caswell, J. H., and A. D. Afton. 2000. Effects of electronic snow goose calls on non-target goose species. Mississippi Flyway Council Technical Section meeting, Little Rock, AR. | February 2000 |
Casas, S., J. La Peyre, M. La Peyre. 2010. Oyster Reefs as a Restoration Tool: Do Reef Structure, Physicochemical Conditions, and Wave Energy Environment Affect Reef Sustainability? International Conference on Shellfish Restoration. Charleston, SC Nov 2010 | November 2010 |
Casas, S., J. La Peyre and M. La Peyre. 2010. Oyster Reefs as a Restoration Tool: Do Reef Structure, Physicochemical Conditions, and Wave Energy Environment Affect Reef Sustainability? State of the Coast meeting. BAton Rouge, LA June 2010 | June 2010 |
Carruthers, T., M. La Peyre, K. Darnell, M. Baustian. 2015. Understanding Gulf Coast estuarine and deltaic benthic ecology for restoration. Session Proposal, CERF Conference, Portland, OR. | November 2015 |
Carruthers, T, +12. 2018. Potential benefits to wave attenuation, sediment processes, and SAV habitat from terrace restoration (SHREDS). National Conference for Ecosystem Restoration, New Orleans, LA. Aug 26-30, 2018. | August 2018 |
Cantu, A., S.L. King, and J.P. Donnelly. 2021. Interior Wetlands of Mexico: Status and Issues of Waterbird Habitats. Society of Wetland Scientists 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting. | June 2021 |
Cantu, A., J. Beauchamp, and S.L. King. 2021. Effects of Wetland Management and Associated Abiotic Factors to Rare Plant Communities in a Managed Arid Wetland. Society of Wetland Scientists Virtual Annual Meeting. | June 2021 |
Cantu, A., E. Carerra, and S.L. King. 2019. Status and Challenges of Wetland Habitats for Migratory Birds in Mexico’s Highlands. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Reno, NV. | October 2019 |
Cantu, A, and SL King. 2020. Sandhill Cranes in Mexico: status of historical habitats and conservation challenges. North American Crane Working Group Workshop, Lubbock, Texas. | January 2020 |
Campanino FM, La Peyre MK, Archer SK, Glaspie CN, Tupitza, JC. 2022. Are biodiversity and functional groups of oyster reef-associated benthic organisms sampled equally with habitat trays and suction sampling? | October 2022 |
Bush, C.B. and M. La Peyre. 2003. Nekton use of restored habitat in southwest Louisiana marshes. CREST Symposium, July 1-2, 2003, Thibodaux, LA | July 2003 |
Bush, C., A. Nyman and M.K. La Peyre. 2002. Can fish habitat be restored using terraces and coconut mats in Louisiana marshes? Society of Wetland Scientists 23rd Annual Conference, Lake Placid NY June 2-7, 2002. | June 2002 |
Booth, A.R., S.L. King, and J.A. Nyman. 2018. Understanding mechanisms for coastal marsh sustainability in the face of sea level rise. 12th International Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands, Coral Springs, Florida. | April 2018 |
Boos, B., and S.L. King. 2023. Evaluating abiotic and biotic factors affecting plant succession processes at Malheur Lake. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting. | June 2023 |
Bolduc, F., and A. D. Afton. 2000. Effects of marsh impoundment on density of wintering waterbirds in the Louisiana Gulf Coast Chenier Plain. Quebec 2000: Millennium Wetland Event, Quebec City, QC, Canada. | August 2000 |
Bolduc, F., and A. D. Afton. 1999. Effects of structural marsh management on invertebrates and waterbirds on the Gulf Coast Chenier Plain during winter: some preliminary results. Annual Fall Meeting, South Central Chapter of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Lafayette, LA. | October 1999 |
Birdsong, T., and M.K. La Peyre. 2004. The importance of habitat heterogeneity of marsh edge to nekton use. American Fisheries Society, Louisiana Chapter Annual Meeting. Baton Rouge, LA. February 4-5, 2004. | February 2004 |
Birdsong, T., and M.K. La Peyre. 2004. Habitat structure and nekton use of salt marsh edge in Barataria Bay estuary, Louisiana. SWS 25th Anniversary Meeting, Seattle, WA July 18-23, 2004 | July 2004 |
Birdsong, T. and M.K. La Peyre. 2005. Marsh edge habitat complexity and nekton use. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Anchorage AK | September 2005 |
Bernasconi, S., Lavaud, R., La Peyre, M., La Peyre, J. 2016. Eastern oysters’ physiological responses to acute and chronic exposure to suspended sediments. State of the Coast, Louisiana, June 2016. | June 2016 |
Bernasconi, S, Lavaud R, La Peyre M, La Peyre J. 2016 Eastern oysters’ physiological responses to acute and chronic exposure to suspended sediments. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Research Symposium. Baton Rouge, LA. May 31, 2016. | May 2016 |
Beck, S. and M.K. La Peyre. 2010. Effects of Oyster harvest on trophodynamics and resident nekton habitat quality of oyster reefs in coastal Louisiana. Restore America's Estuaries. Galveston TX. November 2010. | November 2010 |
Beck, S. and M.K. La Peyre 2010. The Effects of Oyster Harvest on the Trophic Dynamics and Habitat Quality of Oyster Reefs in Southern Louisiana. International Conference on Shellfish Restoration Charleston SC, November 20-23, 2010. | November 2010 |
Bates M, Kinney S, Midway S, La Peyre M. 2023. Benthic tray sampling and electrofishing capture different nekton assemblages at an estuarine oyster reef. Southern Division American FIsheries Society Meeting. February 2023. POSTER | February 2023 |
Bates M, Kinney S, La Peyre MK. 2022. Benthic trays and electrofisher capture different changes in nekton assemblages as restored reef complexity changes. GERS 2022 Biennial Meeting. Gulfport MS | October 2022 |
Barlow, S. J., and S. L. King. 2005. Monitoring anuran richness and relative abundance in created and restored wetlands of central Louisiana. Society of Wetland Scientists 26th Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina. | June 2005 |
Barlow, S. J., and S. L. King. 2004. Monitoring anuran richness and relative abundance in reforested wetlands of central Louisiana. Society of Wetland Scientists 25th Anniversary Meeting. Charting the Future: a quarter century of lessons learned. Seattle, Washinton. July 18-24, 2004. | July 2004 |
Barger, C. P., A. D. Afton, M. J. Anteau, and K. G. McCracken. 2003. Hybridization between lesser and greater scaup. Third North American Duck Symposium, Sacramento, CA; 5-9 November 2003. | November 2003 |
Bacher, C., M. La Peyre, J. La Peyre ORAL National Shellfisheries Association Meeting 2014 Assessing the effect of environmental drivers on the oyster Crassostrea virginica using a Dynamic Energy Budget model. National Shellfisheries Association mtg March 2014 | March 2014 |
Austin, J.E., and A.D. Afton, and M.G. Anderson. 1998. Population declines inNorth American scaup: hypotheses and research directions. 60th MidwestFish and Wildlife Conference, Cincinnati, OH, 6-9 December 1998. | December 1998 |
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2006. The spring condition hypothesis: scope, mechanisms, and implications for conservation of Lesser Scaup migration habitat in the upper-Midwest. Declining Scaup Populations II, Scaup Workshop, Bismarck, North Dakota, USA. | January 2006 |
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2006. Spring migration of Lesser Scaup. Winterfest 2006, Iowa Association of County Conservation Board Employees, Waterloo, Iowa, USA. | February 2006 |
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2006. Nutritional ecology of Lesser Scaup during migration and the role of wetlands in Iowa. 6th Annual Water Monitoring Conference, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Ames, Iowa, USA. | March 2006 |
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2003. Nutrient reserves of female lesser scaup during spring migration in the upper-Midwest: has there been a decrease in female body condition? Are there implications for wetland quality? 24th Annual meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, New Orleans, Louisiana, 8-13 June 2003 | June 2003 |
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2002. Nutrient reserves of lesser scaup during spring migration in the Mississippi Flyway: a test of the spring condition hypothesis. Third North American Ornithological Conference, New Orleans, LA. | September 2002 |
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2002. Nutrient reserves of lesser scaup during spring migration in the Mississippi Flyway: a test of the Spring Condition Hypothesis. Mississippi Flyway Council Technical Section meeting, Baton Rouge, LA | July 2002 |
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2002. Nutrient reserves of lesser scaup during spring migration in the Mississippi Flyway: a test of the Spring Condition Hypothesis. Annual Ducks Unlimited Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana | August 2002 |
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2002. Diets of lesser scaup during spring migration: has there been a decline in preferred forage in the Mississippi Flyway? Third North American Ornithological Conference, New Orleans, LA. | September 2002 |
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2000. Nutrient-reserve dynamics of lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) during spring migration in the Mississippi Flyway: a test of the spring condition hypothesis. Second North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, 11-15 October 2000. | October 2000 |
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2007. Factors influencing food resources, use of wetlands, and foraging behavior of lesser scaup migrating through the Upper-Midwest during spring. The Wildlife Society 14th Annual Conference, Tucson, Arizona, USA. | September 2007 |
Anteau, M. J., K. F. Abraham, and A. D. Afton. 2009. Cross-continental connections among migratory bird populations, agriculture, and wetland quality. Annual meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Madison, WI. | June 2009 |
Anteau, M. J., A. D. Afton, M. A. Johnson, J. S. Lawrence, and J. K. Ringelman. 2003. Nutrient reserves of lesser scaup during spring migration: a multi-study test of the spring condition hypothesis. Louisiana Association of Professional Biologists, Lafayette, Louisiana, 21-22 August 2003. | August 2003 |
Anteau, M. J., A. D. Afton, J. S. Lawrence, M. A. Johnson, and J. K. Ringelman. 2004. Nutrient reserves of lesser scaup during spring migration: a multi-study test of the spring condition hypothesis. Mississippi Flyway Council Technical Section, Jackson, MS: 14-19 February 2004. | February 2004 |
Anteau, M. J., A. D. Afton, J. S. Lawrence, M. A. Johnson, and J. K. Ringelman. 2004. Nutrient reserves of lesser scaup during spring migration: a multi-study test of the spring condition hypothesis. Annual Conference of the North Dakota Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Fargo, ND; 11-13 February 2004. | February 2004 |
Anteau, M. J., A. D. Afton, J. S. Lawrence, M. A. Johnson, and J. K. Ringelman. 2004. Nutrient reserves of lesser scaup during spring migration: a multi-study test of the spring condition hypothesis. Annual Conference of the Minnesota Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Brainerd, MN; 9-10 February 2004. | February 2004 |
Anteau, M. J., A. D. Afton, J. S. Lawrence, M. A. Johnson, and J. K. Ringelman. 2003. Nutrient reserves of lesser scaup during spring migration: a multi-study test of the spring condition hypothesis. Third North American Duck Symposium, Sacramento, CA; 5-9 November 2003. | November 2003 |
Anteau, M. J. and A. D. Afton. 2004. Nutritional ecology of lesser scaup during spring migration in the Upper-Midwest: mechanisms and scope of the spring condition hypothesis. Scaup research review meeting of Ducks Unlimited Inc., Bismarck, ND. | October 2004 |
Anteau, M. J. and A. D. Afton. 2004. Nutritional ecology of lesser scaup during spring migration in the Upper-Midwest: mechanisms and scope of the spring condition hypothesis. Annual meeting of the Upper Mississippi River and Great Lakes Joint Venture, Manhattan, KS. | September 2004 |
Anteau, M. J. and A. D. Afton. 2008. Wetland and water quality in the upper-Midwest: A story told by bluebills and scuds. Annual IA DNR Wildlife Bureau State-Wide Meeting, Spring Brook, IA. | June 2008 |
Anteau, M. J. and A. D. Afton. 2006. The spring condition hypothesis: scope, mechanisms, and implications of conservation of lesser scaup migration habitat in the Upper-Midwest. 4th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Bismarck, ND. | August 2006 |
Angelle Anderson and M. La Peyre. 2009. Evaluating the use of 13C and 15N to detect differences in habitat specific trophic support of estuarine-dependent nekton in southwest Louisiana. Estuarine Research Federation Meeting. Portland, OR, Nov 1-5 | November 2009 |
Allen, S.T., J.W. Cochran, R.F. Keim, and S.L. King. 2015. A comparison of intra-annual radial growth of two dominant bottomland hardwood species across a hydrologic gradient. 18th Biennial Southern Silvicultural Conference, Knoxville, TN. | March 2015 |
Aguilar, D., Pollack, J., MK La Peyre, B. Lebreton. 2018. A meta-analysis of oysters and organic matter sources in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico using stable isotopes. GERS meeting. Nov. 2018. Galveston, TX | November 2018 |
Afton, A. D., and M. L. Szymanski. 2004. Spinning wing decoys in Minnesota. Minnesota Waterfowl Symposium, Willmar, MN; 2-3 April 2004. | April 2004 |
Afton, A. D., and M. J Anteau. 2004. Scaup - what we know, what we suspect, what's next? Minnesota Waterfowl Symposium, Willmar, MN; 2-3 April 2004. | April 2004 |
Afton, A. D., T. W. Arnold, and M. J. Anteau. 2013. Survival and recovery rates of lesser scaup: no evidence for additive harvest mortality. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Memphis, TN. | January 2013 |
Afton, A. D., M. Mitchell, and S. Jenkins. 2012. Spring migration corridors, flight parameters, and inferred breeding sites of female lesser scaup using Pool 19 of the Mississippi River: the importance of Minnesota and North Dakota habitats. Joint Annual Meeting of the Minnesota and North Dakota Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Fargo, ND. | February 2012 |
Afton, A. D., M. J. Anteau, M. A. Johnson, J. S. Lawrence, and J. K. Ringelman. 2003. Scaup - population status and research needs update. Sixth Annual Minnesota Waterfowl Symposium, Thief River Falls, Minnesota, 11-13 April 2003 | April 2003 |
Afton, A. D., M. A. Mitchell, and S. E. Jenkins. 2013. Migration corridors, flight parameters, and breeding and wintering areas of female lesser scaup. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Memphis, TN. | January 2013 |
Afton, A. D., M. A. Mitchell, and S. E. Jenkins. 2012. Movements, stopover locations, and body condition of lesser scaup during spring migration. 19th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Portland, OR. | October 2012 |
Afton, A. D., M. A. Mitchell, and S. E. Jenkins. 2010. Migratory flight parameters of female Lesser Scaup are consistent with the Spring Condition Hypothesis. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, MN. | December 2010 |
Afton, A. D. and collaborators. 2008. Lesser scaup banding and migration study at Pool 19 of the Mississippi River. 1st Scaup Action Team meeting and Diving Duck Committee meeting, Mississippi Flyway Council Technical Section, Baton Rouge, LA. | February 2008 |
Afton, A. D. 2004. Waterfowl research summary and capabilities. Resources and Research Symposium, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. | August 2004 |
Afton, A. D. 2002. The population explosion of mid-continent lesser snow geese: causes, problems and solutions. Saturday Science Seminars, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. | March 2002 |
Afton, A. D. 2000. What is happening to Scaup? Minnesota Waterfowl Symposium, LaCrosse, WI. [Invited]. | April 2000 |
Afton, A. D. 2012. Migration and affiliations of breeding and wintering areas for female lesser scaup using Pool 19 of the Mississippi River. 2012 Wildlife Division Conference of the Missouri Department of Conservation, Lake of the Ozarks, MO. | January 2012 |
Afton, A. D. 2007. Update on banding and satellite radio-marking of lesser scaup during spring migration on Pool 19 of the Mississippi River. Diving Duck Committee, Mississippi Flyway Council Technical Section meeting, Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA. | February 2007 |
Afton, A. D. 2000. Progress report on the California motion-decoy study. Mississippi Flyway Council Technical Section meeting, Little Rock, AR. | February 2000 |
Afton, A. D. 1999. The status of the snow goose. Annual Meeting of the International Wild Waterfowl Association, New Orleans, LA. [Invited Plenary Speaker] | September 1999 |
Afton, A. D. 1999. Development of a Canada goose tissue database for avian lethality modeling: methods and a preliminary report. Avian Lethality Meeting, U.S. Army, Redstone Arsenal, AL. | April 1999 |
Ackerman, J. T., J. M. Eadie, M. L. Szymanski, J. H. Caswell, M. P. Vrtiska, A. H. Raedeke, J. M. Checkett, A. D. Afton, T. G. Moore, F. D. Caswell, R. A. Walters, D. D. Humburg, and J. L. Yee. 2006. Effectiveness of spinning-wing decoys varies among dabbling duck species and locations. 4th North American Duck Symposium and Workshop, Bismarck, ND. | August 2006 |
A. Humphries and M.K. La Peyre. 2009. Linking structural complexity in created oyster reefs to nekton use and provision of refuge. Estuarine Research Federation Meeting. Portland, OR, Nov 1-5. | November 2009 |
Booth, A.R., S.L. King, and J. A. Nyman. 2023. Elevation change and mechanisms for sustainability in Chenier Plain marsh impoundments. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA. | June 2023 |
Pell, C.J., S.L. King, and R. F. Keim. 2020. The effects of drought and shade on bottomland hardwood regeneration. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Quebec. | June 2020 |
Lipford, A., Moran, L,L.K., Nyman, J.A., and S.L. King. 2023. If you build it, will they come? Assessing habitat quality for birds at created marshes in southeastern Louisiana. State of the Coast 2023. New Orleans, LA. | June 2023 |
Cantu de Leija, A. , J. Beauchamp, and S. L. King. 2020. Germination requirements of rare wetland plants in managed arid wetlands. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Quebec. | June 2020 |
La Peyre, M., J. Furlong, L. Brown, B. Piazza, K. Brown. Oyster reef restoration in the northern Gulf of Mexico: extent, methods and outcomes. CERF Meeting 2013. | November 2013 |
Brown, L., Furlong, J., K. Brown, M. La peyreOyster reef restoration in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: effect of material and age on nekton and benthic marcoinvertebrate assemblages. ABSTRACT. CERF Meeting NOv 2013 | November 2015 |
Theses and Dissertations | Publication Date |
Winstead, N.A. 2004. Breeding Bird and Vegetation Communities of Reelfoot Lake. M.S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. | May 2004 |
Whittington, M. S. 2005. Aquatic macroinvertebrates available to wintering waterfowl in managed and natural wetlands in west Tennessee. M.S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. | May 2005 |
Westbrook, P. 2016. Bioassimilation, burial and sediment denitrification at shallow-water and deep water oyster reefs in two Louisiana estuaries. MS Thesis. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. | December 2016 |
Villani, R. K. 2010. Multi-scale habitat association of shorebirds during spring migration in southwestern Louisiana rice fields. M.S. Thesis, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. | May 2010 |
Valente, J. A. 2009. Distribution and habitat associations of breeding secretive marsh birds in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley of Northeast Louisiana. M.S. Thesis, Louisiana State University. | May 2009 |
Taylor C. 2020. Effects of freshwater inflow on nekton assemblages and blue crab populations in southeast Louisiana. MS Thesis. Louisiana State University. Baton Rouge, LA. | July 2020 |
Swam L. 2021. Effects of salinity on eastern oysters: locating lower salinity tolerant populations and defining resource zones suitable to restoration, fisheries, and aquaculture. LSU MS Thesis. https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_theses/5378/ | August 2021 |
Smith, N. R. 2014. History, Nesting Population, Migration, Home Range and Habitats Used by Louisiana Bald Eagles. M.S. Thesis, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. 122pp. | August 2014 |
Rybovich, M.M. 2014. Effects of low salinity and high temperature on oyster survival, growth. MS Thesis. LSU, Baton Rouge, LA | May 2014 |
Ritenour, K.A. 2019. Factors affecting nest success of colonial nesting waterbirds in Southwest Louisiana. M.S. Thesis. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. | July 2019 |
Plunket, John Thompson, IV. 2003. A comparison of finfish assemblages on subtidal oyster shell (cultched oyster lease) and mud bottom in Barataria Bay, Louisiana. M.S. Thesis in Oceanography. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. | July 2003 |
Pierluissi, S. 2006. Breeding waterbird use of rice fields in southwestern Louisiana. M.S. Thesis, Louisiana State University. | May 2006 |
Pierce, A.R. 2005. Sedimentation, Hydrology, and Bottomland Hardwood Forest Succession in Altered and Unaltered Tributaries of the Hatchie River, TN. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. | August 2005 |
Pickens, B. A. 2012. Modeling the spatial and temporal dynamics of coastal marsh birds. Ph.D. Dissertation, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. | August 2012 |
Piazza, B. P. 2009. The role of climate variability and riverine pulsing in the community dynamics of estuarine nekton in Breton Sound, Louisiana. PhD dissertation in Oceanography. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. | May 2009 |
Perkins, M. M.S. Candidate. 2007. Use of stable isotopes to distinguish resident and migrant rails in coastal Louisiana and Texas. M.S. Thesis, Louisiana State University. | May 2007 |
Pell, C.J. 2022. The effects of drought and shade on bottomland hardwood regeneration. Ph.D. dissertation. Louisiana State University. | December 2022 |
Oswalt, S. N. 2003. Evaluation and description of a floodplain system: the Middle Fork Forked Deer River, West Tennessee. M.S. Thesis, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. | May 2003 |
Newell, P. 2008. Pileated woodpeckers (Dryocopus pileatus) and saproxylic beetles in partial cut and uncut bottomland hardwood forests. M. S. Thesis, Louisiana State University. | May 2008 |
Miller, Shea. 2014. Is Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis reproducible for small fast growing fish? LSU MS Thesis, Baton Rouge, LA | July 2014 |
Logarbo, Jordan. 2021. Incorporating life into living shorelines: can gulf ribbed mussels reduce shoreline erosion and enhance restoration practices? LSU Master's Thesis. https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_theses/5334/ | August 2021 |
Llewellyn, C. B. 2008. Evaluating ecological equivalence in created marshes. M.S. thesis in Fisheries. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. | December 2008 |
Lipford, K.A. 2024.If You Build It, Will They Come? Assessing Habitat Quality for Marsh Birds at Created Marshes in Southeastern Louisiana. M.S. Thesis. Louisiana State University. https://repository.lsu.edu/gradschool_theses/5891/ | May 2024 |
Liner S. 2023. Can gulf ribbed mussels enhance coastal restoration projects in a future with climate change? LSU Master's Thesis. https://repository.lsu.edu/gradschool_theses/5833/ | August 2023 |
Leblanc, S.C. 2021. Examining the sustainability of restored sub-tidal oyster reefs in coastal Louisiana. LSU Master's Thesis. https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_theses/5340/ | May 2021 |
Kroschel, W.A. 2020. Floodplain Forest Regeneration Dynamics in the Lower Mississippi River Alluvial Valley. Ph.D. Dissertation, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. | August 2020 |
Kim, J. 2024. A comparison of diploid and triploid eastern oysters for aquaculture production under extreme temperatures and salinities. LSU Master's Thesis. | August 2024 |
Kanouse, S. C. 2003. Nekton use and growth in three brackish marsh pond microhabitats. M.S. thesis in Fisheries. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. | December 2003 |
Kang, S. R. 2011. Aquatic macroinvertebrate and nekton community structure in a Chenier marsh ecosystem: implications for whooping crane prey availability. Ph.D. Dissertation. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. | December 2011 |
Joshi, S. 2012. Evaluation of growth rates and establishment patterns of waterelm (Planera aquatica) and baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) in response to hydrologic and climatic conditions at Catahula Lake, Louisiana. M.S. Thesis, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. | December 2012 |
Humphries, Austin T. 2010. Effects of habitat structural complexity on nekton assemblages: lab and field observations in southern Louisiana. Louisiana State University, MS Thesis. 70pp. | July 2010 |
Honig, Aaron. 2013. Population ecology of the ribbed mussel in southeastern Louisiana marshes. LSU Master's thesis. | May 2013 |
Hillmann, ER. 2018. Analysis of submerged aquatic vegetation across the northern Gulf of Mexico: Communities and Biomass. PhD Dissertation, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA | May 2018 |
Hamilton, S. G. 2014. Effect of hydrologic, geomorphic, and vegetative conditions on avian communities in the middle Rio Grande of New Mexico. M.S. Thesis, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. | August 2014 |
Guo, Z. 2024. The hydrological impacts of woody plant encroachment on coastal tallgrass prairie of Texas. M.S. Thesis. Louisiana State University. https://repository.lsu.edu/gradschool_theses/6010/ | August 2024 |
Gray, J. M. 2010. Habitat Use, Movements, and Spring Migration Chronology and Corridors of Female Gadwalls that Winter along the Louisiana Gulf Coast. M.S. Thesis, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. 63pp. | May 2010 |
Graham, S. 2021. Effects of Marsh Management in Coastal Marsh Impoundments on Marsh Vertical Accretion in the Face of Sea Level Rise. MS Thesis, Louisiana State University. | May 2021 |
Gossman, B. P. 2005. Use of terraced marsh habitats by estuarine nekton in southwestern Louisiana. M.S. thesis in Fisheries. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. | December 2005 |
Gordon, J. 2010. Effects of fragmentation on nekton use of marshes in SW LA. MS Thesis. Louisiana State University. Baton Rouge, LA | May 2010 |
Gee, H. K. W. 2012. The effect of hydrologic modifications on floodplain forest tree recruitment and growth. Ph.D. dissertation, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. | May 2012 |
Fowler, D. N. 2013. Evaluating abiotic influences on soil salinity of inland managed wetlands and agricultural fields in a semi-arid environment. M.S. Thesis, Louisiana State University. | August 2013 |
Foley, C.C. 2015. Wading bird food availability in rice fields and crawfish ponds of the Chenier Plain of southwest Louisiana and southeast Texas. M.S. Thesis. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. | June 2015 |
DeMarco, KD. 2018. Shifting ecological niche across coastal landscapes: spatial and temporal ecological patterns driving submerged aquatic vegetation habitat distribution across the northern Gulf of Mexico. PhD Dissertation. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. | August 2018 |
Coxe, Nicholas. 2022. Effects of hypoxia and high temperature on eastern oysters: investigating differential tolerance in populations and ploidies. LSU Master's Thesis. https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_theses/5603/ | August 2022 |
Cochran, J. W. 2008. Coarse woody debris characteristics of managed and unmanaged bottomland hardwood forests. M.S. Thesis, Louisiana State University. | August 2008 |
Cantu, A. 2021. Effects of Wetland Management and Associated Abiotic Factors on Rare Plant Communities of Spring-fed Arid Wetlands. M.S. Thesis. Louisiana State University. | August 2021 |
Campanino F. 2023. Assessing the effects of live oysters and sampling gear on biodiversity metrics of reef-associated benthic and nekton assemblages. LSU Masters Thesis. https://repository.lsu.edu/gradschool_theses/5831/ | August 2023 |
Bush, C. 2003. Nekton utilization of restored habitat in a Louisiana marsh. M.S. thesis in Fisheries. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. | May 2003 |
Boos, B. 2023. Evaluating Abiotic and Biotic Factors Affecting Plant Succession Processes at Malheur Lake. M.S. Thesis, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. | May 2023 |
Birdsong, T. W. 2004. Complexity and nekton use of marsh edge habitats in Barataria Bay, Louisiana. M.S. thesis in Fisheries. Louisiana State Univeristy, Baton Rouge, LA. | December 2004 |
Bernasconi, S. 2016. Eastern oyster physiological responses to acute and chronic exposure to suspended sediments. MS Thesis. Louisiana State University. | January 2017 |
Barlow, S. 2007. M.S. Candidate. Monitoring anuran richness and relative abundance in created wetlands of central Louisiana. M.S. Thesis, Louisiana State University. | May 2007 |
Anteau, M. 2006. Ecology of Lesser Scaup and Amphipods in the Upper-Midwest: Scope and Mechanisms of the Spring Condition Hypothesis and Implications for Migration Habitat Conservation. Dissertation, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. May 2006. | May 2006 |
Anteau, M. 2002. Nutrient reserves of lesser scaup during spring migration in the Mississipp Flyway: a test of the spring condition hypothesis. M.S. thesis, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. 44pp. | August 2002 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
Watson, Amanda, Reece, Joshua, Tirpak, B.E., Edwards, C.K., Geselbracht, Laura, Woodrey, Mark, La Peyre, M.K., and Dalyander, P.S., 2017, Data for Gulf Coast Vulnerability Assessment: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/F7BC3WR8. | January 2017 |
Watson, A., J. Reece, B.E. Tirpak, C.K. Edwards, L. Geselbracht, M. Woodrey, M. LaPeyre, and P.S. Dalyander. 2015. The Gulf Coast Vulnerability Assessment: Mangrove, Tidal Emergent Marsh, Barrier Islands, and Oyster Reef. 132 p. Available from: http://gulfcoastprairielcc.org/science/science-projects/gulf-coast-vulnerability-assessment/ | December 2016 |
Wang H, Enwright NM, Soniat M, Hermann JE, La PEyre MK, Kim SC, Bunch B, Stelly SJ, Dalyander PS, Mickey RC. 2020. Chapter B. Oyster Habitat Suitability Modeling for the Alabama Barrier Island Restoration Assessment at Dauphin Island. IP-113347 | January 2020 |
Wang H, Enwright NM, Darnell KM, La Peyre MK, Cebrian J, Kim SC, Bunch B, Stelly SJ, Couvillion BR, Dalyander PS, MIckey RC, Segura M. 2020. Chapter C. Seagrass Habitat Suitability Modeling for the Alabama Barrier Island Restoration Assessment at Dauphin Island. IP-113355 | January 2020 |
Villani, R., and S. L. King. 2010. Integrated waterbird use of moist soil units at six wildlife management areasin the Mississippi Alluvial Valley, Louisiana: Final Report. Louisiana State University Agricultural Center and the Louisiana Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Report No. 1-2010. Baton Rouge, LA. | July 2010 |
Vest, J. L., R. M. Kaminski, A. D. Afton, L. M. Pote, and F. J. Vilella. 2001. Parasites in lesser scaup in the Mississippi flyway. Progress Report. 8pp. | October 2000 |
Vest, J. L., R. M. Kaminski, A. D. Afton, L. M. Pote, and F. J. Vilella. 2001. Parasites in lesser scaup in the Mississippi flyway. Progress Report. 7pp. | March 2001 |
Taylor, C., La Peyre MK, Sable S, Kiskaddon E, Baustian M. 2020. Gear Comparison Study for sampling nekton in Barataria Basin Marshes. Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority Report. 61 pp. Coastal Inventory and Monitoring System, Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana. https://cims.coastal.louisiana.gov/DocLibrary/DocumentSearch.aspx?Root=0&Folder=0 | April 2020 |
Szymanski, M. L. and A. D. Afton. 2003. Use of stable isotope methodology to determine natal origins of hatch-year mallards harvested during fall in Minnesota. Second Progress Report. 27pp. | July 2003 |
Szymanski, M. L. and A. D. Afton. 2003. Summary of use and opinions of spinning-wing decoys by duck hunters participating in the Minnesota study. First Progress Report. 10pp. | July 2003 |
Szymanski, M. L. and A. D. Afton. 2003. Effects of spinning-wing decoys on flock behavior and hunting vulnerability of mallards and other ducks in Minnesota. Second Progress Report. 25pp. | July 2003 |
Pickens, B. A., S. L. King, B. Vermilion, L. Smith, and L. Allain. 2009. Conservation Planning for the Coastal Prairie Region of Louisiana. A final report from Louisiana State University to the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in fulfillment of Agreement Nos. #644821/513-700205 (LDWF) and #201816N759 (USFWS). | March 2009 |
Piazza, B.P. and M.K. La Peyre. 2009. The impacts of freshwater diversion projects on non-fishery aquatic organisms: development of nekton indicators. Report submitted to the US FWS, adminstered by LDWF for the State wildlife Grant Program,.. 180pp. | May 2009 |
Perkins, M., S. L. King, and D. Krementz. 2009. Stopover habitat use by king rails: evaluation and habitat management implications. Final Report to US Fish & Wildlife Service. | July 2009 |
Olsen, R. E., and A. D. Afton. 1999. Goose hunter opinions and vulnerability of lesser snow geese to electronic calling devices. Final Report (submitted 15 May 1999). (lesser snow geese, electronic calling devices) | January 2000 |
Nyman, J.A., C. Bush, A. Caldwell and M. K. La Peyre. 2002. Effectiveness of terraces in restoring marsh at Sabine National Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana. Sabine National Wildlife Refuge, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. August 2002. | August 2002 |
Link, P. T. and A. D. Afton. 2006. Local and long-range movements, habitat-use, and survival of female mallards along the Gulf Coast Chenier Plain. Quarterly Progress Report, 1 October 2006. 42pp. | October 2006 |
Link, P. T. and A. D. Afton. 2006. Local and long-range movements, habitat-use, and survival of female mallards along the Gulf Coast Chenier Plain. Quarterly Progress Report, 1 April 2006. 22pp. | April 2006 |
Link, P. T. and A. D. Afton. 2005. Local and long-range movements, habitat-use and survival of female mallards along the Gulf Coast Chenier Plain. Quarterly Progress Report. 18pp. | September 2005 |
Link, P. T. and A. D. Afton. 2005. Local and long-range movements, habitat-use and survival of female mallards along the Gulf Coast Chenier Plain. First Progress Report. 15pp. | May 2005 |
Lavaud R, La Peyre MK, Couvillion B, Brown V, Pollack JB, Palmer T, Keim B. 2023. Eastern oyster Dynamic Energy Budget model outputs under current (2014-2020) and projected (2041-2050) temperature and salinity conditions in Texas and Louisiana estuaries and along northern GUlf of Mexico coast: U.S. Geological Survey data releases, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9YS78DY. | September 2023 |
La Peyre, MK. 2015. Final Summary to the South Central Climate Science Center for Occurrence and variation in submersed aquatic vegetation along the northern Gulf of Mexico: a hierarchical approach to assess impacts of environmental change on SAV resources. 2012-2015. | November 2015 |
La Peyre, M.K., Schwarting, Lindsay, and Miller, Shea, 2013, Preliminary assessment of bioengineered fringing shoreline reefs in Grand Isle and Breton Sound, Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013–1040, 34 p. | December 2012 |
La Peyre, M.K., Schwarting, Lindsay, and Miller, Shea, 2013, Baseline data for evaluating development trajectory and provision of ecosystem services of created fringing oyster reefs in Vermilion Bay, Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013–1053, 43 p. | December 2012 |
La Peyre, M.K. and B.P. Piazza. 2005. Impact and magnitude and timing of freshwater flow on nekton productivity, diversity, and community assemblage downstream of the Caernarvon freshwater diversion structure, Breton Sound, Louisiana - Year Two Report. Louisiana Governor's Applied Coastal Research and Development Program. | October 2006 |
La Peyre, M.K. and B.P. Piazza. 2005. Impact and magnitude and timing of freshwater flow on nekton productivity, diversity, and community assemblage downstream of the Caernarvon freshwater diversion structure, Breton Sound, Louisiana - Year One Report. Louisiana Governor's Applied Coastal Research and Development Program. | September 2005 |
La Peyre, M., DeMarco, K., and Hillmann, E., 2017, Submerged aquatic vegetation and environmental data for coastal areas from Texas through Alabama, 2013-2015: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/F7GH9G44. | May 2017 |
La Peyre, M., B. Gossman and B. Piazza. 2006. Short and long-term effects of thin layer deposition of dredged material on marsh health (marsh accretion and vegetation health): Year 1 Report submitted to National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Habitat Restoration. 67 pp. | July 2006 |
La Peyre MK, Marshall DA, Sable S. 2020. Oyster model inventory: identifying critical data and modeling approaches to support restoration of oyster reefs in U.S. coastal Gulf of Mexico waters. Excel tables, gis maps, report | November 2020 |
Jonsson, J. E., and A. D. Afton. 2003. Effects of body size and habitat on goose behavior: lesser snow geese and Ross's geese (Fieldwork in Louisiana 2001-2002 and 2002-2003). Annual Progress Report. 45pp. | August 2003 |
Jonsson, J. E., and A. D. Afton. 2002. Effects of body size and habitat on goose behavior: lesser snow geese and Ross's goose (winter study). Annual Progress Report. 32pp. | September 2002 |
Hillmann, E., and La Peyre, M., 2017, Sediment carbon, submerged aquatic vegetation and environmental variables in deltaic southeast Louisiana (2015-2016): U.S. Geological Survey data release,https://doi.org/10.5066/F7QZ2853. | May 2017 |
Hillmann, E., DeMarco, K., and La Peyre, M., 2017, Submerged aquatic vegetation and environmental data along a salinity gradient in Barataria Bay, Louisiana (2015): U.S. Geological Survey Data Release, https://doi.org/10.5066/F7M61HG4. | May 2017 |
Gabrey, S. W., and A. D. Afton. 1999. Effects of fall and winter burning oncomponents of the marsh ecosystem at Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana. Quarterly Progress Report (submitted 1 January 1999). (marsh management, burning) | January 2000 |
Gabrey, S. W., and A. D. Afton. 1999. Effects of fall and winter burning oncomponents of the marsh ecosystem at Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana. Final Report (submitted 29 June 1999). (marsh management, burning) | January 2000 |
Gabrey, S. W., and A. D. Afton. 1999. Effects of fall and winter burning on components of the marsh ecosystem at Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana. Quarterly Progress Report (submitted 1 April 1999). (marsh management, burning) | January 2000 |
Fox, David M., Philip C. Stouffer, D. Allen RUtherford, W.E. Kelso, Megan La Peyre and Raynie Bambarger. 2007. Impacts of a freshwater diversion on wildlife and fishes in the Maurepas Swamp. Prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6; Agreement #DW-14-95045601-1; Work Order 79. 152 pp. | April 2007 |
Durham, S., and A. D. Afton. 2001. Nesting ecology of mottled ducks on agricultural lands in southwest Louisiana. Annual Progress Report. 26pp. | February 2001 |
Durham, R. S., and A. D. Afton. 1999. Nesting ecology of mottled ducks on agricultural lands in southwestern Louisiana. Annual Progress Report (submitted 30 September 1999). (mottled ducks, nesting) | January 2000 |
DeMarco, KD, Couvillion B, La Peyre MK. 2019. Modeling Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) likelihood of occurrence in Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve under present conditions and proposed restoration. doi:10.5066/P9ICTL2V (IP: 108722) | May 2019 |
DeMarco, K., Hillmann, E., and La Peyre, M., 2017, Seed biomass from shallow coastal water areas from Texas through Alabama, 2013-2015: U.S. Geological Survey data release,https://doi.org/10.5066/F7Z899WV. | May 2017 |
DeMarco, K., Hillmann, E., and La Peyre, M., 2017, Seed biomass from shallow coastal water areas along a salinity gradient in Barataria Bay, Louisiana (2015): U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/F7TH8K5J. | May 2017 |
Davis, B. E., and A. D. Afton. 2007. Survival, habitat use, and movements of female mallards in northeast Louisiana. Progress Report, 1 January 2007. 35pp. | January 2007 |
Davis, B. E. and A. D. Afton. 2005. Survival, habitat use, and movements of female mallards in northeast Louisiana. Progress Report. 20pp. | July 2005 |
Davis, B. E. and A. D. Afton. 2005. Survival, habitat use, and movements of female mallards in northeast Louisiana. First Progress Report. 17pp. | May 2005 |
Davis, B. E. and A. D. Afton. 2006. Survival, habitat use, and movements of female mallards in northeast Louisiana. Quarterly Progress Report, 1 July 2006. 26pp. | July 2006 |
Davis, B. E. and A. D. Afton. 2005. Survival, habitat use, and movements of female mallards in northeast Louisiana. Progress Report, 31 December 2005. 22pp. | December 2005 |
Davenport TM, Comba DA, Dalyander PS, Enwright NM, Palmsten ML, Steyer GD, La Peyre MK. In Review. Cumulative effects assessment on restoration programs: a framework to assess achievement of regional and programmatic goals. Cooperator Science Series Report. | July 2024 |
Chambers, J.L., W.H. Conner, J.W. Day, S.P. Faulkner, E.S. Gardiner, M.S. Hughes, R.F. Keim, S.L. King, K.W. McLeod, C.A. Miller, J.A. Nyman, and G.P. Shaffer. 2005. Conservation, Protection and Utilization of Louisiana's Coastal Wetland Forests, Final Report to the Governor of Louisiana from the Science Working Group on Coastal Wetland Forest Conservation and Use. 102 pp. | April 2005 |
Bolduc, F., and A. D. Afton. 2001. Effects of structural marsh management on invertebrate and waterbird communities on Rockefeller State Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana. Quarterly Progress Report. 4pp. | January 2001 |
Bolduc, F., and A. D. Afton. 2001. Effects of structural marsh management on invertebrate and waterbird communities on Rockefeller State Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana. Quarterly Progress Report. 4pp. | April 2001 |
Bolduc, F., and A. D. Afton. 2001. Effects of structural marsh management on invertebrate and waterbird communities on Rockefeller State Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana. Quarterly Progress Report. 30pp. | October 2001 |
Bolduc, F., and A. D. Afton. 2000. Effects of structural marsh management on invertebrate and waterbird communities on Rockefeller State Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana. Quarterly Progress Report. 15pp. | October 2000 |
Bolduc, F., and A. D. Afton. 1999. Effects of marsh management on invertebrate abundance and waterfowl on Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana. Quarterly Progress Report (submitted 1 July 1999). (marsh management, invertebrate abundance, waterfowl) | January 2000 |
Bolduc, F., and A. D. Afton. 1999. Effects of marsh management on invertebrate abundance and waterfowl on Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana. Quarterly Progress Report (submitted 1 January 1999). (marsh management, invertebrate abundance, waterfowl) | January 2000 |
Bolduc, F., and A. D. Afton. 1999. Effects of marsh management on invertebrate abundance and waterfowl on Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana. Quarterly Progress Report (submitted 1 April 1999). (marsh management, invertebrate abundance, waterfowl) | January 2000 |
Bolduc, F., and A. D. Afton. 1999. Effects of marsh management on invertebrate abundance and waterfowl on Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana. Final 2-Year Report (submitted 16 July 1999). (marsh management, invertebrate abundance, waterfowl) | January 2000 |
Bolduc, F. and A. D. Afton. 2001. Effects of structural marsh management on invertebrate and waterbird communities on Rockefeller State Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana. Quarterly Progress Report. 4pp. | July 2001 |
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2005. Nutritional ecology of lesser scaup during spring migration in the Upper-Midwest: mechanisms and scope of the spring condition hypothesis. Mid-year Progress Report. 41pp. | July 2005 |
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2004. Nutritional ecology of lesser scaup during spring migration in the Upper-Midwest: mechanisms and scope of the spring condition hypothesis. Mid-year Progress Report. 22pp. | July 2004 |
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2004. Nutritional ecology of lesser scaup during spring migration in the Upper-Midwest: mechanisms and scope of the spring condition hypothesis. Annual Progress Report. 41pp. | December 2004 |
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2001. Nutrient-reserve dynamics of lesser scaup during spring migration in the Mississippi flyway. Annual Progress Report. 12pp. | September 2001 |
Anteau, M. J., and A. D. Afton. 2000. Nutrient-reserve dynamics of lesser scaup during spring migration in the Mississippi flyway. Annual Progress Report. 11pp. | December 2000 |
Anteau, M. J., A. D. Afton, M. A. Johnson, J. S. Lawrence, and J. K. Ringelman. 2003. Spring migration ecology of lesser scaup: a landscape-level assessment of female body condition and diets in the upper-Midwest. Annual Progress Report. 20pp. | June 2003 |
Allen, S. T., J.W. Cochran, R. Keim, and S. L. King. 2015. A comparison of intra-annual radial growth of two dominant bottomland hardwood species across a hydrologic gradient.18th Southern Silvicultural Conference, Knoxville, TN. | March 2015 |
Afton, A. D. 2010. Chronology and Rates of Migratory Movements, Migration Corridors, and Habitats Used throughout the Annual Cycle by Female Lesser Scaup Radio-marked on Pool 19 of the Mississippi River. Semi-Annual Progress Report to Ducks Unlimited SRO, 1 July 2010. 11pp. | July 2010 |
Afton, A. D. 2010. Chronology and Rates of Migratory Movements, Migration Corridors, and Habitats Used throughout the Annual Cycle by Female Lesser Scaup Radio-marked on Pool 19 of the Mississippi River. Report for LSU Grant #940-40-6128 to Ducks Unlimited SRO, 27 December 2010. 15pp. | December 2010 |
Afton, A. D. 2009. Chronology and Rates of Migratory Movements, Migration Corridors, and Habitats Used throughout the Annual Cycle by Female Lesser Scaup Radio-marked on Pool 19 of the Mississippi River. Report to Ducks Unlimited GPRO, 9 December 2009. 30pp. | December 2009 |
Afton, A. D. 2009. Chronology and Rates of Migratory Movements, Migration Corridors, and Habitats Used throughout the Annual Cycle by Female Lesser Scaup Radio-marked on Pool 19 of the Mississippi River. Annual Progress Report to All Cooperators, 30 November 2009. 30pp. | November 2009 |
Afton, A. D. 2008. Chronology and Rates of Migratory Movements, Migration Corridors, and Habitats Used throughout the Annul Cycle by Female Lesser Scaup Radio-marked on Pool 19 of the Mississippi River. Annual Progress Report to All Cooperators, 10 November 2008. 35pp. | November 2008 |
Afton, A. D. 2007. Chronology and rates of migratory movements, migration corridors and habitats used, and breeding and wintering area affiliations of female lesser scaup captured during spring stop-over on Pool 19 of the Mississippi River: a pilot study. Annual Progress Report to All Cooperators, 21 September 2007. 27pp. | September 2007 |
Type | Citation | Publication Date |
Data Release | Davenport, T.M., Comba, D.A., La Peyre, M.K., Enwright, N.M., Dalyander, P.S., Palmsten, M.L., Han, M., Williams, S.C., Kleinman, J.S., Steyer, G.D., and Hemming, J.M., 2024, Information supporting a cumulative effects assessment of restoration in barrier island and shoreline systems of the north central Gulf of Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9JQ07OH. | September 2023 |
Data Release | Davenport, T.M., Comba, D.A., La Peyre, M.K., Enwright, N.M., Dalyander, P.S., Palmsten, M.L., Han, M., Williams, S.C., Kleinman, J.S., Steyer, G.D., and Hemming, J.M., 2024, Information supporting a cumulative effects assessment of restoration in barrier island and shoreline systems of the north central Gulf of Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9JQ07OH. | July 2023 |
Data Release | Davenport, T.M., Comba, D.A., La Peyre, M.K., Enwright, N.M., Dalyander, P.S., Palmsten, M.L., Han, M., Williams, S.C., Kleinman, J.S., Steyer, G.D., and Hemming, J.M., 2024, Information supporting a cumulative effects assessment of restoration in barrier island and shoreline systems of the north central Gulf of Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9JQ07OH. | April 2024 |
Data Release | Cantu, A., and King, S., 2022, Seed germination requirements and seed responses to salinity for three rare wetland plants of spring-fed arid systems at Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge near Roswell, New Mexico 2018-2020: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9SHGSOB | April 2024 |
Data Release | Cantu, A and King, S. L. 2023. Effects of Wetland Management and Associated Abiotic Processes on Rare Plant Communities of Spring-fed Arid Wetlands at Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge 2019-2020: U. S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P9IYMEI2. | January 2022 |