Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Louisiana
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Louisiana Research Activities

The Louisiana Unit studies wetlands and wetland-dependent wildlife to enhance their conservation and management. Shown from left to right: blue crab, dead trees from salt water intrusion, students in airboat in the marsh, snow geese arising at dawn from a wetland at Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge, and a student examining a massive baldcypress tree at Cache River National Wildlife Refuge.

Research at the Louisiana Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit largely revolves around wetlands and wetland-dependent wildlife. We work across the U.S., with occassional international research, in coastal marshes, riverine systems, and other inland freshwater wetlands. We study the biotic and abiotic processes that structure wetlands, including hydrology, soils, and geomorphology. In addition, waterfowl, other waterbirds,fish, oysters, crabs, aquatic invertebrates, and plants are often studied.

Type Citation Publication Date
Data Release Davenport, T.M., Comba, D.A., La Peyre, M.K., Enwright, N.M., Dalyander, P.S., Palmsten, M.L., Han, M., Williams, S.C., Kleinman, J.S., Steyer, G.D., and Hemming, J.M., 2024, Information supporting a cumulative effects assessment of restoration in barrier island and shoreline systems of the north central Gulf of Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey data release, September 2023
Data Release Davenport, T.M., Comba, D.A., La Peyre, M.K., Enwright, N.M., Dalyander, P.S., Palmsten, M.L., Han, M., Williams, S.C., Kleinman, J.S., Steyer, G.D., and Hemming, J.M., 2024, Information supporting a cumulative effects assessment of restoration in barrier island and shoreline systems of the north central Gulf of Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey data release, July 2023
Data Release Davenport, T.M., Comba, D.A., La Peyre, M.K., Enwright, N.M., Dalyander, P.S., Palmsten, M.L., Han, M., Williams, S.C., Kleinman, J.S., Steyer, G.D., and Hemming, J.M., 2024, Information supporting a cumulative effects assessment of restoration in barrier island and shoreline systems of the north central Gulf of Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey data release, April 2024
Data Release Cantu, A., and King, S., 2022, Seed germination requirements and seed responses to salinity for three rare wetland plants of spring-fed arid systems at Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge near Roswell, New Mexico 2018-2020: U.S. Geological Survey data release, April 2024
Data Release Cantu, A and King, S. L. 2023. Effects of Wetland Management and Associated Abiotic Processes on Rare Plant Communities of Spring-fed Arid Wetlands at Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge 2019-2020: U. S. Geological Survey data release, January 2022