Colorado Research Activities

The Unit works toward three basic objectives: research, education, and technical assistance. The Unit emphasizes research related to specific management problems where results have a high probability of being applied. The program remains flexible to reflect changing cooperators' needs. The long-term fishery effort emphasizes a diversity of applied management projects having broad statewide and regional applicability. The wildlife component of the Unit emphasizes sampling and analysis of quantitative methodologies for management. The fisheries and wildlife activities are diverse and integrated with Unit cooperators. The results of research are transferred through formal graduate teaching and technical extension.
Overall Unit direction is provided by a Coordinating Committee with representatives from the cooperators (USGS, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Colorado State University, USFWS and the Wildlife Management Institute.) Day to day operation of the Unit is provided by Dana Winkelman, Unit Leader and two Assistant Unit Leaders: William Kendall and Mevin Hooten. These individuals are employees of USGS and have faculty appointments, teach formal graduate courses, and advise and direct graduate students and their research. Research programs are the result of efforts by Unit people in obtaining contracts or grants from federal, state, or private organizations. Most frequently, the research is done by graduate students while earning advanced degrees. Their degrees, Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy, are granted through the Department of Fish,Wildlife and Conservation Biology (formerly Fishery and Wildlife Biology).
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Zimmerman, G. S., B. A. Milsap, F. Abadi, J. V. Gedir, W. L. Kendall, and J. R. Sauer. 2022. An integrated population model to inform exploitation management for bald eagles. Journal of Wildlife Management 86:e22158, | Abstract | January 2022 |
Zhao, Q*., G. Scott Boomer, and W. L. Kendall. 2018. The non-linear, interactive effects of population density and climate drive the geographical patterns of waterfowl survival. Biological Conservation 221:1-9. | May 2018 |
Zendt, J. S., and E. P. Bergersen. 2000. Distribution and abundance of the aquatic oligochaete host Tubifex tubifex for the salmonid whirling disease parasite Myxobolus cerebralis in the Upper Colorado River Basin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20:502-512. | January 2000 |
Xiao X., E.P. White, M.B. Hooten, and S.L. Durham. (2011). On the use of log-transformation vs. nonlinear regression for analyzing biological power-laws. Ecology, 92: 1887-1894. | December 2011 |
Wolfe, L. L., Conner, M. M., Baker, T. H., Dreitz, V. J., Burnham, K. P., Williams, E. S., Hobbs, N. T., and Miller, M. W. 2002. Evaluation of antermortem sampling to estimate chronic wasting disease prevalence in free-ranging mule deer. Journal of Wildlife Management 66:564-573. | August 2002 |
Wolfe, B.A., B.M. Johnson, A.R. Breton, P.J. Martinez, and D.L. Winkelman. In press. Origins and movements of invasive piscivores determined from the strontium isotope (87Sr/86Sr) ratio of otoliths. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. | Download | April 2012 |
Winkelman, D.L. and A.R. Schwindt. A common wastewater contaminant can disrupt fish survival, reproduction, and population dynamics. Colorado Water Newsletter | August 2014 |
Winkelman, D.L. 2011. Evaluation of the Flathead Catfish Population and Fishery on Lake Carl Blackwell, OK, with emphasis on the effects of Noodling. Pages 209-218 in P.H. Michaletz and V.H. Travniceck, editors. Conservation, ecology, & management of catfish: the second international symposium. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 77, Bethesda, MD. | August 2011 |
Winkelman, D. L., and C. Sager. Managing Hybrid Bluegill Fisheries: estimating and predicting the effects of young anglers. Pages 207-214 in M. J. Nickum, P. M. Mazik, J. G. Nickum and D. D. MacKinlay, editors. Propagated fish in resource management. American Fisheries Society Symposia 44, American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | July 2004 |
Williams, P.J., M.B. Hooten, J.N. Womble, G.G. Esslinger, and M.R. Bower. (2018). Monitoring dynamic spatio-temporal ecological processes optimally. Ecology, 99: 524-535. | May 2018 |
Williams, P.J., M.B. Hooten, J.N. Womble, G.G. Esslinger, M.R. Bower, and T.J. Hefley. (2017). Estimating occupancy and abundance using aerial images with imperfect detection. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8: 1679-1689. | July 2017 |
Williams, P.J., M.B. Hooten, J.N. Womble, G.G. Esslinger, M.R. Bower, and T.J. Hefley. (2017). An integrated data model to estimate spatio-temporal occupancy, abundance, and colonization dynamics. Ecology, 98: 328-336. | March 2017 |
Williams, P.J., M.B. Hooten, G.G. Esslinger, J.N. Womble, J. Bodkin, and M.R. Bower. (2019). The rise of an apex predator following deglaciation. Diversity and Distributions, 25: 895-908. | May 2019 |
Williams, P.J. and M.B. Hooten. (2016). Combining statistical inference and decisions in ecology. Ecological Applications, 26: 1930-1942. | December 2016 |
Williams, P. J., and W. L. Kendall. A guide to multi-objective optimization for ecological problems with an application to cackling goose management. Ecological Modelling, in press. | October 2016 |
Williams, P. J., W. L. Kendall, and M. B. Hooten. 2019. Choosing ecological models using multi-objective optimization. Ecological Modelling 404:21-26. | July 2019 |
Wikle, C.K., W.B. Leeds, and M.B. Hooten. (2016). Models for ecological models: Ocean primary productivity. Chance, 29 (2): 23. | December 2016 |
White, G. C., and Burnham, K. P., 1999. Program MARK: Survival estimation from populations of marked animals. Bird Study 46 (Supplement):S120-139. | May 1999 |
White, G. C., K. P. Burnham, and R. J. Barker. 2009. Evaluation of a Bayesian MCMC random effects inference methodoly for capture-mark-recapture date, pp 1119-1127 in Modeling Demographic Processes in Marked Populations, Environmental and Ecological Statistics 3. Thomson, D. L., E. G. Cooch, and M. J. Conroy (Eds. ). Springer, New York, NY. | December 2008 |
Wampole, E.M., Farris, Z.J., Razafy, P. and Gerber, B.D. (2023), Forest carnivores living on the edge with invasive predators. Animal Conservation. | Download | December 2023 |
Walsh, M. G., and D. L. Winkelman. 2004. Short-term retention of floy anchor tags by stream-dwelling smallmouth bass. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 58:38-43. | May 2004 |
Walsh, M. G., and D. L. Winkelman. 2004. Fish assemblage structure in an Oklahoma Ozark stream before and after rainbow trout introduction. Pages 413-426 in M. J. Nickum, P. M. Mazik, J. G. Nickum, and D. D. MacKinlay, editors. Propagated fish in resource management. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 44, American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | October 2004 |
Walsh, M. G., and D. L. Winkelman. 2004. Anchor and Visible Implant Elastomer Tag Retention by Hatchery Rainbow Trout Stocked into an Ozark Stream. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:1425-1429. | February 2004 |
Walsh, M. G., D. L. Winkelman, and R. J. Bahr. 2004. Short-term mortality and electrofishing injury in hatchery-reared rainbow trout stocked into an Ozark stream. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:316-321. | January 2004 |
W. D. Walter, D.P. Walsh, M.L. Farnsworth, D.L. Winkelman, and M.W. Miller. 2011. Soil clay content underlies prion infection odds. Nature Communications:2:200 doi: 10.1038 / ncomms1203 | January 2011 |
Ver Hoef, J.M., E.M. Hanks, and M.B. Hooten. (2018). On the relationship between conditional (CAR) and simultaneous (SAR) autoregressive models. Spatial Statistics, 25: 68-85. | July 2018 |
Ver Hoef, J.M., E.E. Peterson, M.B. Hooten, E.M. Hanks, and M-J. Fortin. (2018). Spatial autoregressive models for statistical inference from ecological data. Ecological Monographs, 88: 36-59. | March 2018 |
Vanausdall, R. A., W. L. Kendall, D. P. Collins, and Q. R. Hays. 2024. Time of year and weather influence departure decisions of sandhill cranes at a primary stopover. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 12:1279279, doi: 10.3389/fevo.2024.1279279. | March 2024 |
Twining, JP, Zalewski, A, Cove, MV, Birks, J, Wearn, O, Haysom, J, Wereszczuk, A,Manzo, E, Bartolommei, P, Mortelli, A, Evans, B, Gerber, BD, McGreevy, TJ,Ganoe, L, Masseloux, J, Mayer, A, Wierzbowska, I, Akins, J, Drummey, D, McShea,W, Kays, R, Schuttler, S, Pardo, L, Boyce, A, Trujillo, AJV, L´opez-Gonz´alez, C, Lara-D´ıaz, NE, Sukmasuang, R, Whatton, M, Cosby, O, Giman, B, Ragai, RB, Li, S, Bu,H, Wang, D, Wang, F, Waggershauser, C, Bamber, J, Stewart, F, Fisher, J, Fuller,A, Perkins, K, Sutherland, C, and Powell, RA. In Press. Sociality in unexpected places: Using global remote camera data to evaluate the drivers of social complexity.Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 121, e2312252121. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | March 2024 |
Tredennick, A.T., M.B. Hooten, and P.B. Adler. (2017). Do we need demographic data to forecast the state of plant populations? Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8: 541-551. | June 2017 |
Tredennick, A.T., M.B. Hooten, C.L. Aldridge, C.G. Homer, A. Kleinhesselink, and P.B. Adler. (2016). Forecasting climate change impacts on plant populations over large spatial extents. Ecosphere,7: e01525. | December 2016 |
Tipton, J.R., M.B. Hooten, C. Nolan, R.K. Booth, and J. McLachlan. (2019). Predicting paleoclimate from compositional data using multivariate Gaussian process inverse prediction. Annals of Applied Statistics, 13: 2363-2388. | February 2019 |
Tipton, J., M.B. Hooten, and S. Goring. (2017). Reconstruction of spatio-temporal temperature from sparse historical records using robust probabilistic principal component regression. Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography, 3: 1-16. | January 2017 |
Tipton, J., M.B. Hooten, N. Pederson, M. Tingley, and D. Bishop. (2016). Reconstruction of late Holocene climate based on tree growth and mechanistic hierarchical models. Environmetrics, 27: 42-54. | December 2016 |
Thomas, L., Laake, J. L., Strindberg, S., Marques, F. F. C., Buckland, S. T., Borchers, D. L., Anderson, D. R., Burnham, K. P., Hedley, S. L., and Pollard, J. H. 2002. Distance 5. 0. Release 2. Research Unit for Wildlife Population Assessment, University of St. Andrews, UK. http://www. ruwpa. st-and. ac. uk/distance/ | November 2002 |
Thomas, L., Burnham, K. P. Buckland, S. T. 2004. Temporal inferences from distance sampling surveys, pp 71-107 (Chapter 5) in Advanced Distance Sampling (Buckland et al. editors), Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. | April 2005 |
Thomas, L, Buckland, S. T., Burnham, K. P., Anderson, D. R., Laake, J. L., Borchers, D. L., Strindberg, S. 2002. Distance sampling. Pp 544-552. Volume 1, in Encyclopedia of Environmetrics, El-Shaarawi, A. H., Piegorsh, W. W., Wiley, John and Sons Ltd. Chichester. | October 2002 |
Tatarenkov, A., F. Barreto, D. L. Winkelman, and J. C. Avise. 2006. Genetic monogamy in the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, a species with uniparental nest guarding. Copeia 2006:735-741. | November 2006 |
Stoelting, R. E., R. J. Gutiérrez, W. L. Kendall, and M. Z. Peery. 2015. Life history trade-offs and reproductive cycles in Spotted Owls? The Auk: Ornitholigical Advances 132:46-64. | October 2014 |
Steger, C., B. Butt, and M.B. Hooten. (2017). Safari Science: Assessing the reliability of citizen science data for wildlife surveys. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54: 2053-2062. | October 2017 |
Stauffer, G. E., J. J. Rotella, R. A. Garrott, and W. L. Kendall. 2014. Environmental correlates of temporary emigration for female Weddell seals and consequences for recruitment. Ecology 95:2526-2536. | October 2014 |
Stanley, T. R., and Burnham, K. P. 1999. A goodness-of-fit test for capture-recapture model Mt under closure. Biometrics 55:366-375. | August 1999 |
Stanley, T. R., and Burnham, K. P. 1999. A closure test for time-specific closed-population capture-recapture data. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 6:197-209. | September 1999 |
Smith, D. R., K. P. Burnham, D. M. Kahn, X. He, C. J. Goshorn, K. A. Hattala, and A. Kahnle. 2000. Bias in survival estimates from tag-recovery models where catch-and-release is common, with an example from Atlantic striped bass (Morone Saxatilis). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 57:886-897. | January 2000 |
Small, R.J., B.M. Brost, M.B. Hooten, M. Castellote, and J. Mondragon. (2017). Anthropogenic noise in Cook Inlet beluga critical habitat: Potential for spatial displacement. Endangered Species Research, 32: 43-57. | February 2017 |
Shamon, Hila, Roi Maor, Michael V. Cove, Roland Kays, Jessie Adley, Peter D. Alexander, David N. Allen, et al. 2024. “ SNAPSHOT USA 2021: A Third Coordinated National Camera Trap Survey of the United States.” Ecology e4318. | May 2024 |
Setash, C. M., W. L. Kendall, and D. Olson. 2020. Nest site selection influences cinnamon teal nest survival in Colorado. Journal of Wildlife Management 84:542-552. | January 2020 |
Setash, C. M., W. L. Kendall, and D. Olson. 2020. Nest attendance patterns during incubation influence reproductive success of a ground-nesting bird. Ibis DOI: 10.1111/ibi.12838. | March 2020 |
Schwindt, AR and DL Winkelman, K Keteles, M. Murphy, A.M. Vajda. 2014. An Environmental oestrogen disrupts fish population dynamics through direct and transgenerational effects on survival and fecundity. Journal of Applied Ecology 51:582-591. | Download | May 2014 |
Schwindt, A.R. and D.L. Winkelman. Stochastic population growth rate is reduced by an environmental estrogen and is highly sensitive to fecundity and juvenile survival of a short-lived fish | June 2016 |
Schmelter, M.L., P. Wilcock, M.B. Hooten, and D.K. Stevens. (2015). Multi-fraction Bayesian sediment transport model. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 3: 1066-1092. | September 2015 |
Schmelter, M.L., M.B. Hooten, and D.K. Stevens. (2011). Bayesian sediment transport model for uni-size bedload. Water Resources Research, 47: W11514. | December 2011 |
Schisler, G. J., and E. P. Bergersen. 2002. Evaluation of risk of high elevation Colorado waters to the establishment of M. cerebralis. Pages 33-42 in Whirling Disease: reviews and current topics, J. L. Bartholomew and J. C. Wilson (Eds. ). American Fisheries Society Symposium 29, Bethesda, Maryland. | July 2002 |
Schisler, G. J., E. P. Bergersen, P. G. Walker, J. Wood and J. K. Epp. 2001. Comparison of single-round polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and pepsin-trypsin digest (PTD) methods for detection of Myxobolus cerebralis. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 45:109-114. | June 2001 |
Schisler, G. J., E. P. Bergersen and P. G. Walker. 2000. Effects of multiple stressors on morbidity and mortality of fingerling rainbow trout infected with Myxobolus cerebralis. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 129:859-865. | January 2000 |
Schaub, M. and W. L. Kendall (eds.). 2012. Proceedings "Euring Analytical Conference 2009". Journal of Ornithology 152 (Supplement 2). | February 2012 |
Scharf, H.R., M.B. Hooten, and D.S. Johnson. (2017). Imputation approaches for animal movement modeling. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 22: 335-352. | June 2017 |
Scharf, H.R., M.B. Hooten, R.R. Wilson, G.M. Durner, T.C. Atwood (2019). Accounting for phenology in the analysis of animal movement. Biometrics, 75: 810-820. | September 2019 |
Scharf, H.R., M.B. Hooten, D.S. Johnson, and J. Durban. (2018). Process convolution approaches for modeling interacting trajectories. Environmetrics, 29: e2487. | February 2018 |
Scharf, H.R., M.B. Hooten, B.K. Fosdick, D.S. Johnson, J.M. London, and J.W. Durban. (2016). Dynamic social networks based on movement. Annals of Applied Statistics,10: 2182-2202. | December 2016 |
Schaffler, J. J., and D. L. Winkelman. 2008. Temporal and spatial variability in trace element signatures of juvenile striped bass from two spawning locations in Lake Texoma, Oklahoma-Texas. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 137:818-829. | August 2008 |
Sauer, J. R., W. A. Link, W. L. Kendall, D. D. Dolton, and D. K. Niven. 2010. Mourning dove population change in North America, 1966-2007: indexes based on doves seen and heard can tell different stories. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:1059-1069. | July 2010 |
Sauer, J. R., M. Otto, W. L. Kendall, and G. S. Zimmerman. 2011. Monitoring bald eagles using lists of nests: a response to Watts and Duerr. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:509-512. | June 2011 |
Sagar, C. R., and D. L. Winkelman. 2006. Effects of increased feeding frequency on growth of hybrid bluegill in ponds. North American Journal of Aquaculture 68:313-316. | October 2006 |
Ruzicka, R. E., D. Rollins, W. L. Kendall, and P. F. Doherty, Jr. 2024. Effects of release strategy, source population, and age on reintroduced scaled quail reproduction. Journal of Wildlife Management, DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.22660. | August 2024 |
Ruzicka, R. E., D. Rollins, P. F. Doherty, Jr., and W. L. Kendall. 2023. Longer holding times decrease dispersal bur increase mortality of translocated scaled quail. Journal of Wildlife Management 2023;e22498, DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.22498. | September 2023 |
Ruiz-Gutierrez, V., W. L. Kendall, J. F. Saracco, and G. C. White. 2016. Modeling dynamics for resident and transient individuals: a case study using uncertain state models for migratory birds. Journal of Applied Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12655 | April 2016 |
Ruiz-Gutierrez, V., M.B. Hooten, and E.H. Campbell Grant. (2016). Uncertainty in biological monitoring: a framework for data collection and analysis to account for multiple sources of sampling bias. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7: 900-909. | August 2016 |
Ross, B.E., M.B. Hooten, and D.N. Koons. (2012). An accessible method for implementing hierarchical models with spatio-temporal abundance data. PLoS One, 7: e49395. | November 2012 |
Ross, B.E., M.B. Hooten, J-M. DeVink, and D.N. Koons. (2015). Combined effects of climate, predation, and density dependence on Greater and Lesser Scaup population dynamics. Ecological Applications, 25: 1606-1617. | September 2015 |
Rosenstock, S. S., D. R. Anderson, K. G. Kiesen, T. Leukering, and M. F. Carter. 2002. Landbird counting techniques: current practices and an alternative. The Auk 119:46-53. | January 2002 |
Rooney, B., Kays, R., Cove, M.V., Jensen, A., Goldstein, B.R., Pate, C., Castiblanco, P., Abell, M.E., Adley, J., Agenbroad, B., Ahlers, A.A., Alexander, P.D., Allen, D., Allen, M.L., Alston, J.M., Alyetama, M., Anderson, T.L., Andrade, R., Anhalt-Depies, C., Appel, C.L., Armendariz, L., Ayers, C.R., Baird, A.B., Bak, C., Bandler, G., Barding, E.E., Barr, E.G., Baruzzi, C., Bashaw, K., Beers, S.C., Belant, J.L., Bell, E., Benson, J.F., Berg, A., Bergman, D.L., Bernhardt, B.M., Bethel, M.A., Bird, T., Bishop, A.B., Bogan, D.A., Brandt, L., Brandt, L.C., Branney, A.B., Bratton, C., Bresnan, C.E., Brooke, J.M., Buchholtz, E.K., Buderman, F., Burnett, A.D., Burns, E.E., Byrd, D.A., Cannella, S.A., Carey, K.A., Carlile, W.A., Carter, K.L., Cassidy, B.J., Castro-Arellano, I., Cendejas-Zarelli, S., Chatterjee, N., Cheeseman, A.E., Chevalier, C., Chitwood, M.C., Chrysafis, P., Collier, B.A., Collins, D.P., Compton, J.A., Cone, R., Conner, L.M., Cook, B.L., Cosby, O.G., Coster, S.S., Crupi, A.P., Darracq, A.K., Davenport, J.M., Davis, D., Davis, D.R., Davis, M.L., Davis, R.J., DeGregorio, B.A., Deshwal, A., Dougherty, K.D., Drauglis, A., Durbin, C.J., Edelman, A.J., Elder, V., Eller, B., Ellington, E.H., Ellis-Felege, S.N., Ellison, C.N., Fantle-Lepczyk, J.E., Farr, J.J., Farris, Z.J., Finnegan, S.P., Fisher-Reid, M.C., Flaherty, E.A., Franzoi Dri, G., Fritts, S., Fuller, J., Gallo, T., Ganoe, L.S., Ganong, C.N., Garibay, R., Gerber, B.D., Gerraty, F.D., Giery, S.T., Gilyot, S.M., Glasscock, J.L., Goldfarb, B., Good, L.E., Granados, G., Green, A.M., Grewal, J.K., Grusenmeyer, A., Guthrie, J.M., Hallett, M.T., Hansen, C., Hansen, L.P., Hanson, C., Harrity, E.J., Hasstedt, S.C.M., Hebblewhite, M., Herrera, D.J., Holland, A., Humphreys, B.R., Island, H.D., Jack, A.R., Johansson, E.P., Johnson, A.M., Johnson, L., Johnstone-Yellin, T.L., Jorge, M.L.S.P., Kahano, W., Kinsey, M.A., Klossing, B.E., Knowles, T.W., Koeck, M.M., Koprowski, J.L., Kuhn, K.M., Kuprewicz, E.K., Lafferty, D.J.R., Lamberton-Moreno, J.A., Land, T.J., Langston, A.M., LaPoint, S., Largent, E.N., Lashley, M.A., Lathrop, R.G., Lee, T.E., Jr, Lepczyk, C.A., Lesmeister, D.B., Leung, C., Lombardi, J.V., Long, R., Lonsinger, R.C., Lord, I., Madere, S.S., Maher, S.P., Mallinoff, J.A., Martinez, A., Mason, D.S., Mathewson, H.A., Mayer, A.E., McCarthy, K.P., McCracken, S.F., McDonald, B., McGarry, B., McMurry, S.T., McTigue, L.E., Mena, B.M., Mercer, M., Merz, M.R., Millar, S., Miller, G.D., Millspaugh, J.J., Moll, R.J., Mong, T.W., Monzón, J.D., Moore, J.C., Mortelliti, A., Mote, K.W., Mullen, K., Mychajliw, A., Nagy, C., Neiswenter, S.A., Neyland, D.R., Nicholson, L.P., O'Mara, M.T., O'Neill, B.J., Olson, E.A., Orgill, M.J., Palomo-Munoz, G., Parsons, S.M., Patrick, L.E., Patterson, J.R., Pearce, D.L., Pendergast, M.E., Perla, B.S., Petroelje, T.R., Pliske, H., Poisson, M.K.P., Price, M.R., Proctor, M.D., Proudman, N.J., Rachlow, J.L., Ramos, R.E., Reabold, M., Redinger, J., Reed, A.E., Rega-Brodsky, C.C., Rehm, E., Remine, K.R., Rentz, M.S., Ridder, E., Risch, D.R., Robbins, L.L., Roemer, J.P., Romero, A., Rota, C., Schalk, C.M., Scholten, B.D., Scott, C.L., Scurlock, B.M., Sergeyev, M., Severud, W.J., Sevin, J., Shamon, H., Sharp, C., Shaw, M., Siverls-Dunham, V., Smith, A.B., Smith, D.S., Snider, M.H., Sossover, D.A., Sovie, A.R., Sparks, J.A., Speiser, J., Springer, M.T., Spurlin, J.L., Steinkamp, E.A., Stenglein, J.L., Stewart Kloker, J., Stitzman, C.M., Stokes, M., Stringer, K., Stutzman, J., Sullins, D.S., Sullivan, C., Sullivan, N.B., Tanner, E.P., Tanner, A.M., Thornock, E.B., Titus, J., Tleimat, J.M., Toomey, K., Toussaint, L.T., Uribe, M., Van der Merwe, M., Van Parys, D.J., Vanek, J.P., Varner, J., Walker, B.V., Wallace, C., Ward, D., Warner, B.H., Warren, D.T., Wasdin, J.R., Webb, S.L., Wehr, K.L., Wehr, N.H., Weigel, E.G., Werdel, T.J., Whipple, L.S., Whittier, C.A., Wiersema, C., Wilson, A.M., Wilson, M.F.H., Wolf, A.J., Wolford, J.P., Wolfson, D.W., Woolsey, D.J., Wuensch, M.A., Xu, G., Yurewicz, K.L., Zancho, V., Zimova, M., Zorn, A. and McShea, W.J. (2025), SNAPSHOT USA 2019–2023: The First Five Years of Data From a Coordinated Camera Trap Survey of the United States. Global Ecol Biogeogr, 34: e13941. | Download | February 2025 |
Rogers, K. B., and E. P. Bergersen. 1999. Utility of synthetic structures for concentrating adult northern pike and largemouth bass. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 19:1054-1065. | November 1999 |
Rockweit, JT, JM Jenkins, JE Hines, JD Nichols, KM Dugger, AB Franklin, PC Carlson, WL Kendall, DB Lesmeister, C McCafferty, SH Ackers, LS Andrews, LL Bailey, JB, KP Burnham, T Chestnut, MM Conner, KE Dilione, RJ Davis, ED Forsman, EM Glenn, SA Gremel, KA Hamm, DR Herter, JM Higley, RB Horn, DW Lamphear, TL McDonald, JA Reid, CJ Schwarz, DC Simon, SG Sovern, JK Swingle, JD Wiens, H Wise, and CB Yackulic. 2022. Range-wide Sources of Variation in Reproductive Rates of Northern Spotted Owls. Ecological Applications 000:000-000, doi:10.1002/eap.2726. | August 2022 |
Roberts, J.J., K.D. Fausch, D.P. Peterson, and M.B. Hooten. (2013). Fragmentation and thermal risks from climate change interact to affect persistence of native trout in the Colorado River basin. Global Change Biology, 19: 1383-1398. | March 2013 |
Rivera, K., Garcia-Quijano, C., Sonnet, V., & Gerber, B. D. (2024). Applying a hierarchical Bayesian framework to reveal how fear and animal ownership drive human's valuation of and interactions with coyotes. Conservation Science and Practice, e13177. | Download | August 2024 |
Riepe, T.B., V. Vincent, Vicki Milano, E.R. Fetherman, and D.L. Winkelman. Evidence for the use of mucus swabs to detect Renibacterium salmoninarum in Brook Trout. Pathogens 10, 460. pathogens10040460 | Download | April 2021 |
Riepe, T.B., E.R. Fetherman, B. Neuschwanger, T. Davis, A. Perkins, and D.L. Winkelman. 2023. Vertical Transmission of Renibacterium salmoninarum in Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii). Journal of Fish Diseases DOI:10.1111/jfd13745 | Download | December 2022 |
Riepe, T.B., B.W. Avila, and D.L. Winkelman. 2022. Effects of 17a-ethinylestradiol and Density on Juvenile Fathead Minnow Growth and Survival. Journal of Aquatic Pollution and Toxicology 6:60 DOI:10.21767/2581-804X.22.6.60 | Download | October 2022 |
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Péron, G., J. E. Hines, J. D. Nichols, W. L. Kendall, K. A. Peters, and D. S. Mezrahi. 2013. Age-specific superpopulation capture-recapture models for the estimation of the number of bird and bat fatalities at wind-power plants. Journal of Applied Ecology 50:902-911. | August 2013 |
Peñaloza, C. L., W. L. Kendall, and C. A. Langtimm. Reducing bias in survival under non-random temporary emigration. Ecological Applications 24:1155-1166. | July 2014 |
Peterson, E.E., E.M. Hanks, M.B. Hooten, J.M. Ver Hoef, and M.-J. Fortin. (2019). Spatially structured statistical network models for landscape genetics. Ecological Monographs, 89: e01355. | April 2019 |
Pepin, K. M., T. J. Smyser, A. J. Davis, R. S. Miller, K. C. VerCauteren, W. L. Kendall, and C Slootmaker. 2020. Optimal spatial prioritization of control resources for elimination of invasive species under demographic uncertainty. Ecological Applications, in review. | March 2020 |
Pepin, K. M., A. J. Davis, R. S. Epanchin-Niell, A. M. Gormley, J. L. Moore, T. J. Smyser, B. Shaffer, W. L. Kendall, K. Shea, M. C. Runge, and S. McKee. 2022. Optimizing management of invasions in an uncertain world using dyamic spatial models. Ecological Applications 32:e2628. | April 2022 |
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Pearson, K. N., W. L. Kendall, D. L. Winkelman, and W. R. Persons. Tradeoffs between physical captures and PIT tag antenna array detections: a case study for the Lower Colorado River Basin population of humpback chub (Gila cypha). Fisheries Research 183:263-274.. | November 2016 |
Pearson, K. N., W. L. Kendall, D. L. Winkelman, and W. R. Persons. 2015. Evidence for skipped spawning in the endangered humpback chub (Gila cypha) with implications for demographic parameter estimates. Fisheries Research 170:50-59 | October 2015 |
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Northrup, J.M., M.B. Hooten, C.R. Anderson, and G. Wittemyer. (2013). Practical guidance on characterizing availability in resource selection functions under a use-availability design. Ecology, 94: 1456-1463. Ecology, In Press. | July 2013 |
Northrup, J.M., C.R. Anderson, M.B. Hooten, and G. Wittemyer. (2016). Movement reveals scale-dependence in habitat selection of a large ungulate. Ecological Applications, 26: 2746-2757. | January 2016 |
Nichols, J. D., W. L. Kendall, and G. S. Boomer. 2019. Accumulating evidence in ecology: once is not enough. Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.5836 | November 2019 |
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February 2021 |
Nehring, B.R., B. Hancock, M. Catanese, M.E.T. Stinson, D. Winkelman, J. Wood, and J. Epp. 2013. Reduced Myxobolus cerebralis actinospore production in a Colorado reservior may be linked to changes in Tubifex tubifex population structure. | August 2013 |
Milsap, B. A., G. S. Zimmerman, W. L. Kendall, ,J. G. Barnes, M. A. Braham, B. E. Bedrosian, D. A. Bell, P. H. Bloom, R. H. Crandall, R. Domenech, D. Driscoll, A. E. Duerr, R. Gerhardt, S. E. J. Gibbs, A. R. Harmata, K. Jacobson, T. E. Katzner, R. N. Knight, J. M. Lockhart, C. McIntyre, R. K. Murphy, S. J. Slater, B. W. Smith, J. P. Smith, D. W. Stahlecker, and J. W. Watson. 2022. Age-specific survival rates, causes of death, and allowable take of golden eagles in the western United States. Ecological Applications 32:e2544, | April 2022 |
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Meredith, C.S., P. Budy, and M. Hooten, and M. O. Prates. 2016. Assessing abiotic conditions influencing the longitudinal distribution of exotic brown trout in a mountain stream: a spatially-explicit modeling approach. Biological Invasions. DOI 10.1007/s10530-016-1322-z. USGS IP-069503 | Abstract | November 2016 |
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Martin, J. M., A. F. O’Connell, W. L. Kendall, M. C. Runge, T. R. Simons, A. H. Waldstein, S. A. Schulte, S. J. Converse, G. W. Smith, M. Rikard, and E. F. Zipkin. 2010. Optimal control of native predators. Biological Conservation 143:1751-1758. | July 2010 |
Lyons, J. E., W. L. Kendall, J. A. Royle, S. J. Converse, B. A. Andres, and J. B. Buchanan. 2015. Population size and stopover duration estimation using mark-resight data and Bayesian analysis of a superpopulation model. Biometrics DOI: 10.1111/biom.12393. | December 2015 |
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Lukacs, P. M., W. L. Thompson, W. L. Kendall, W. R. Gould, P. F. Doherty, K. P. Burnham, D. R. Anderson. 2007. Concerns regarding a call for pluralism. Journal of Applied Ecology 44:456-460 | March 2007 |
Lukacs, P. M., L. S. Eggert, K. P. Burnham. 2007. Estimating population size from dung-based DNA capture-recapture data. Wildlife Biology in Practice 3:83-92. A web publication http://www. socpvs. org/journals/index. php/wbp | August 2007 |
Lukacs, P. M., K. P. Burnham, B. P. Dreher, K. T. Scribner, S. R. Winterstein. 2009. Extending the robust design for DNA-based capture-recapture date incorporating genotyping error and laboratory date, pp 711-726 in Modeling Demographic Processes in Marked Populations, Environmental and Ecological Statistics 3. Thomson, D. L., E. G. Cooch, and M. J. Conroy (Eds. ). Springer, New York, NY. | December 2008 |
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Lukacs, P. M., D. R. Anderson, K. P. Burnham. 2005. Evaluation of trapping-web designs. Wildlife Research 32:103-110. | April 2005 |
Lu, X., P.J. Williams, M.B. Hooten, J.A. Powell, J.N. Womble, and M.R. Bower. (2020). Nonlinear reaction-diffusion process models improve inference for population dynamics. Environmetrics, 31: e2604. | February 2020 |
Lepak, J.M., M.B. Hooten, and B.M. Johnson. (2012). The influence of marine subsidies on diet, growth, and Hg concentrations of freshwater sport fish: tertiary impacts on fisheries and human health. Ecotoxicology, 21: 1878-1888. | October 2012 |
Lepak, J.M., M.B. Hooten, C.A. Eagles-Smith, M.A. Lutz, M.T. Tate, J.T. Ackerman, J.J. Willacker Jr., D.C. Evers, J. Davis, C.F. Pritz, J.G. Wiener. (2016). Assessing mercury concentrations in fish across western Canada and the United States: potential health risks to fish and humans. Science of the Total Environment, 571: 342-354. | December 2016 |
Lepak, J.M., C.N. Cathcart, and M.B. Hooten. (2012). Otolith weight as a predictor of age in kokanee salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) from four Colorado reservoirs. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 69: 1569-1575. | October 2012 |
Krzystan, A. M., T. A. Gowan, W. L. Kendall, J. Martin, J. G. Ortega-Ortiz, K. Jackson, A. R. Knowlton, P. Naessig, M. Zani, D. W. Schulte, and C. R. Taylor. 2018. Characterizing residence patterns of North Atlantic right whales in the southeastern U.S. with a multistate open robust design model. Endangered Species Research 36:279-295 DOI: | May 2018 |
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Khalighifar, A., B. S. Gotthold, E. Adams, J. Barnett, L. O. Beard, E. R. Britzke, P. A. Burger, K. Chase, Z. Cordes, P. M. Cryan, E. Ferrall, C. T. Fill, S. E. Gibson, G. Scott Haulton, K. M. Irvine, L. S. Katz, W. L. Kendall, C. A. Long, O. M. Aodha, T. McBurney, S. McCarthy, M. W. McKown, J. O'Keefe, L. D. Patterson, K. A. Pitcher, M. Rustand, J. L. Segers, K. Seppanen, J. L. Siemers, C. Stratton, B. R. Straw, T. J. Weller, and B. E. Reichert. 2022. NABat ML: Utilizing deep learning to enable crowdsourced development of automated, scalable solutions for documenting North American bat populations. Journal of Applied Ecology 59:2849-2862, doi:10.1111/1365-2664.14280. |
November 2022 |
Ketz, A.C., T.L. Johnson, R.J. Monello, J. Mack, J.L. George, B.R. Kraft, M.A. Wild, M.B. Hooten, and N.T. Hobbs. (2018). Estimating abundance of an open population with an N-mixture model using auxiliary data on animal movements. Ecological Applications, 28: 816-825. | January 2018 |
Ketz, A.C., T.L. Johnson, M.B. Hooten, and N.T. Hobbs. (2019). A hierarchical Bayesian approach for handling missing classification data. Ecology and Evolution, 9: 3130-3140. | January 2019 |
Kendall, W. L., S. Stapleton, G. C. White, J. I. Richardson, K. N. Pearson, and P. Mason. 2019. A multistate open robust design: population dynamics, reproductive effort, and phenology of sea turtles from tagging data. Ecological Monographs 89: e01329. | January 2019 |
Kendall, W. L., R. J. Barker, G. C. White, M.S. Lindberg, C. A. Langtimm, and C. L. Peñaloza. 2013. Combining tag recovery, auxiliary observations, and robust design data to estimate demographic parameters from marked individuals. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4:828-835. | Abstract | September 2013 |
Kendall, W. L., J. E. Hines, J. D. Nichols, and E. H. Grant. 2013. Relaxing the closure assumption in single-season occupancy models: staggered arrival and departure times. Ecology 94(3):610-617. | March 2013 |
Kendall, W. L., G. C. White, J. E. Hines, C. A. Langtimm, and J. Yoshizaki. 2012. Estimating parameters of hidden Markov models based on marked individuals: use of robust design data. Ecology 93:913-920. | April 2012 |
Kendall, W. L. and C. T. Moore. 2012. Maximizing the utility of monitoring to the adaptive management of natural resources. Pages 74-98 in R. A. Gitzen, J. J. Millspaugh, A. B. Cooper, and D. S. Licht, editors. Design and analysis of long-term ecological monitoring studies. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. | July 2012 |
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Kadambari Devarajan, Mason Fidino, Zach J. Farris, Solny A. Adalsteinsson, Gabriel Andrade-Ponce, Julia L. Angstmann, Whitney Anthonysamy, Jesica Aquino, Addisa Asefu, Belen Avila, Larissa L. Bailey, Lyandra Maria de Sousa, Barbosa Marcela de Frias Barreto, Owain Barton, Chloe E. Bates, Mayara Guimarães Beltrão, Tori Bird, Elizabeth G. Biro, Francesco Bisi, Daniel Bohórquez, Mark Boyce, Justin S. Brashares, Grace Bullington, Phoebe Burns, Jessica Burr, Andrew R. Butler, Kendall L. Calhoun, Tien Trung Cao, Natalia Casado, Juan Camilo Cepeda-Duque, Jonathon D. Cepek, Adriano Garcia Chiarello, Merri Collins, Pedro Cordeiro-Estrela, Sebastian Costa, Giacomo Cremonesi, Bogdan Cristescu, Paula Cruz, Anna Carolina Figueiredo de Albuquerque, Carlos De Angelo, Cláudia Bueno de Campos, Liana Mara Mendes de Sena, Mario Di Bitetti, Douglas de Matos Dias, Duane Diefenbach, Tim S. Doherty, Thais P. dos Santos, Gabriela Teixeira Duarte, Timothy M. Eppley, John Erb, Carolina Franco Esteves, Bryn Evans, Maria L. M. Falcão, Hugo Fernandes-Ferreira, John R. Fieberg, Luiz Carlos Firmino de Souza Filho, Jason Fisher, Marie-Josee Fortin, George A. Gale, Travis Gallo, Laken S. Ganoe, Rony Garcia-Anleu, Kaitlyn M. Gaynor,Tiziana A. Gelmi-Candusso, Phillys N. Gichuru, Quimey Gomez, Austin M. Green, Luiza Neves Guimarães, Jeffrey D. Haight, Lavendar R. Harris, Zachary D. Hawn, Jordan Heiman, Huy Quoc Hoang, Sarah Huebner, Fabiola Iannarilli, María Eugenia Iezzi, Jacob S. Ivan, Kodi J. Jaspers, Mark J. Jordan, Jason Kamilar, Mamadou Kane, Mohammad Hosein Karimi, Marcella Kelly, Michel T. Kohl, William P., Jr. Kuvlesky, Andrew Ladle, Rachel N. Larson, Quy Tan Le, Duy Le, Van Son Le, Elizabeth W. Lehrer, Patrick E. Lendrum, Jesse Lewis, Andrés Link, Diego J. Lizcano, Jason V. Lombardi, Robert Long, Eva López-Tello, Camile Lugarini, David Lugo, Paula MacKay, Maria Madadi, Rodolfo Assis Magalhães, Seth B. Magle, Ludmila Hufnagel Regis Diniz Maia, Salvador Mandujano, Taisiia Marchenkova, Paulo Henrique Marinho, Laurie Marker, Julia Martinez Pardo, Adriano Martinoli, Rodrigo Lima Massara, Juliana Masseloux, Dina Matiukhina, Amy Mayer, Luis Mazariegos, Maureen R. McClung, Alex McInturff, Darby McPhail, Amy Mertl, Christopher R. Middaugh, David Miller, David Mills, Dale Miquelle, Vivianna Miritis, Remington J. Moll, Péter Molnár, Robert A. Montgomery, Toni Lyn Morelli, Allesio Mortelliti, Rachael I. Muelle, Anna S. Mukhacheva, Kayleigh Mullen, Asia Murphy, Vance Nepomuceno, Dusit Ngoprasert, An Nguyen, Thanh Van Nguyen, Van Thai Nguyen, Hoa Anh Nguyen Quang, Rob Nipko, Ana Clarissa Costa Nobre, Joseph Northrup, Megan A. Owen, Adriano Pereira Paglia, Meredith S. Palmer, Gabriela Palomo-Munoz, Lain E. Pardo, Chrystina Parks, Ana Maria de Oliveira Paschoal, Brent Patterson, Agustin Paviolo, Liba Pejchar, Mary E. Pendergast, Humberto L. Perotto-Baldivieso, Timofei Petrov, Mairi K. P. Poisson, Daiana Jeronimo Polli, Morteza Pourmirzai, Alexander Reebin, Katie R. Remine, Lindsey Rich, Christopher S. Richardson, Facundo Robino, Daniel G. Rocha, Fabiana Lopes Rocha, Flávio Henrique Guimarães Rodrigues, Adam T. Rohnke, Travis J. Ryan, Carmen M. Salsbury, Heather A. Sander, Nadia Maria da Cruz Santos-Cavalcante, Cagan H. Sekercioglu, Ivan Seryodkin, Dede Hendra Setiawan, Shabnam Shadloo, Mahsa Shahhosseini, Graeme Shannon, Catherine J. Shier, G. Bradley Smith, Tom Snyder, Rahel Sollmann, Kimberly L. Sparks, Kriangsak Sribuarod, Colleen C. St. Clair, Theodore Stankowich, Robert Steinmetz, Cassondra J. Stevenson, Sunarto, Thilina D. Surasinghe, Svetlana V. Sutyrina, Ronald R. Swaisgood, Atie Taktehrani, Kanchan Thapa, Matthew Thorton, Andrew Tilker, Mathias W. Tobler, Van Bang Tran, Jody Tucker, Russell C. Van Horn, Juan S. Vargas-Soto, Karen L. Velásquez-C, Jan Venter, Eduardo M. Venticinque, Stijn Verschueren, Erin Wampole, Darcy J Watchorn, Oliver R. Wearn, Katherine C.B. Weiss, Alejandro Welschen, Febri Anggriawan Widodo, Jacque Williamson, Andreas Wilting, George Wittemeyer, Arturo Zavaleta, Amanda J. Zellmer, and Brian D. Gerber. When the Wild Things Are: Defining Mammalian Diel Activity and Plasticity. Science Advances, 11,eado3843(2025). DOI:10.1126/sciadv.ado3843 | Abstract | March 2025 |
Johnson, D.S., P.B. Conn, M.B. Hooten, J. Ray, and B. Pond. (2013). Spatial occupancy models for large data sets. Ecology, 94: 801-808. | April 2013 |
Johnson, D.S., M.B. Hooten, and C.E. Kuhn. (2013). Estimating animal resource selection from telemetry data using point process models. Journal of Animal Ecology, 82: 1155-1164. | November 2013 |
Itter, M.S., A.O. Finley, M.B. Hooten, P.E. Higuera, J.R. Marlon, R. Kelly, and J.S. McLachlan. (2018). A model-based approach to wildland fire reconstruction using sediment charcoal records. Environmetrics, 22: e2450. | April 2018 |
Iannarilli, F., Gerber, B. D., Erb, J., & Fieberg, J. R. (2024). A ‘how-to’ guide for estimating animal diel activity using hierarchical models. Journal of Animal Ecology, 00, 1–13. | Abstract | Download | November 2024 |
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Horton, G. E., B. H. Letcher, and W. L. Kendall. 2011. A multi-state capture-recapture modeling strategy to separate true survival from permanent emigration for a passive integrated transponder tagged population of stream fish. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140:320-333. | April 2011 |
Hooten, M.B., X. Lu, M.J. Garlick, and J.A. Powell. (2020). Animal movement models with mechanistic selection functions. Spatial Statistics, 37: 100406. | February 2020 |
Hooten, M.B., W.B. Leeds, J. Fiechter, and C.K. Wikle. (2011). Assessing first-order emulator inference for physical parameters in nonlinear mechanistic models. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 16: 475-494. | December 2011 |
Hooten, M.B., M.J. Garlick, and J.A. Powell. (2013). Computationally efficient statistical differential equation modeling using homogenization. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics, 18: 405-428. | September 2013 |
Hooten, M.B., J.M. Ver Hoef, and E.M. Hanks. (2019). Simultaneous autoregressive (SAR) model. Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online. | September 2019 |
Hooten, M.B., H.R. Scharf, and J.M. Morales. (2019). Running on empty: Recharge dynamics from animal movement data. Ecology Letters, 22: 377-389. | January 2019 |
Hooten, M.B., H.R. Scharf, T.J. Hefley, A. Pearse, and M. Weegman. (2018). Animal movement models for migratory individuals and groups. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9: 1692-1705. | January 2018 |
Hooten, M.B., F.E. Buderman, B.M. Brost, E.M. Hanks, and J.S. Ivan. (2016). Hierarchical animal movement models for population-level inference. Environmetrics, 27: 322-333. | December 2016 |
Hooten, M.B., E.M. Hanks, D.S. Johnson, and M.W. Alldredge. (2014). Temporal variation and scale in movement-based resource selection functions. Statistical Methodology, 17: 82-98. | March 2014 |
Hooten, M.B., E.M. Hanks, D.S. Johnson, and M.W. Alldredge. (2013). Reconciling resource utilization and resource selection functions. Journal of Animal Ecology, 82: 1146-1154. | April 2013 |
Hooten, M.B., D.S. Johnson, B.T. McClintock, and J.M. Morales. (2017). Animal Movement: Statistical Models for Telemetry Data. Chapman and Hall\CRC. | February 2017 |
Hooten, M.B., B.E. Ross, and C.K. Wikle. (2012). Optimal spatio-temporal monitoring designs for characterizing population trends. Gitzen, R.A., J.J. Millspaugh, A.B. Cooper, and D.S. Licht (eds). In: Design and Analysis of Long-Term Ecological Monitoring Studies. Cambridge University Press. | May 2012 |
Hooten, M.B. and T.J. Hefley. (2019). Bringing Bayesian Models to Life. Chapman & Hall/CRC. | June 2019 |
Hooten, M.B. and N.T. Hobbs. (2015). A guide to Bayesian model selection for ecologists. Ecological Monographs. 85: 3-28. | February 2015 |
Hooten, M.B. and E. Cooch. (2019). Comparing ecological models. Marcot, B., A. Tri, and L. Brennan (eds). In: Quantitative Analysis in Wildlife Science. Johns Hopkins University Press. | August 2019 |
Hooten, M.B. and D.S. Johnson. (2019). Modeling Animal Movement. Gelfand, A.E., M. Fuentes, and J.A. Hoeting (eds). In Handbook of Environmental and Ecological Statistics. Chapman & Hall/CRC. | January 2019 |
Hooten, M.B. and D.S. Johnson. (2017). Basis function models for animal movement. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 112: 578-589. | October 2017 |
Hooten, M.B. (2011). The State of Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Statistical Modeling. In: Predictive Modeling in Landscape Ecology. Drew A., F. Huettman, and Y. Wiersma (eds). In: Predictive Modeling in Landscape Ecology. | December 2011 |
Hobbs, N.T., C. Geremia, J. Treanor, R. Wallen, P.J. White, M.B. Hooten, and J.C. Rhyan. (2015). State-space modeling to support adaptive management of brucellosis in the Yellowstone bison population. Ecological Monographs, 85: 525-556. | November 2015 |
Hobbs, N.T. and M.B. Hooten. (2015). Bayesian Models: A Statistical Primer for Ecologists. Princeton University Press. | December 2015 |
Herdrich, A.T., D.L. Winkelman, M.P. Venarsky, D.M. Walters, and E. Wohl. 2018. The Loss of Large Wood Affects Rocky Mountain Trout Populations. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2018;00:1-14 | Abstract | March 2018 |
Hefley, T.J., M.B. Hooten, R.E. Russell, D.P. Walsh, and J. Powell. (2017). When mechanism matters: Forecasting the spread of disease using ecological diffusion. Ecology Letters, 20: 640-650. | September 2017 |
Hefley, T.J., M.B. Hooten, J.M. Drake, R.E. Russell, and D.P. Walsh. (2016). When can the cause of a population decline be determined? Ecology Letters, 19: 1353-1362. | December 2016 |
Hefley, T.J., M.B. Hooten, E.M. Hanks, R.E. Russell, and D.P. Walsh. (2017). Dynamic spatio-temporal models for spatial data. Spatial Statistics, 20: 206-220. | March 2017 |
Hefley, T.J., M.B. Hooten, E.M. Hanks, R.E. Russell, and D.P. Walsh. (2017). The Bayesian spatial group lasso. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 22: 42-59. | February 2017 |
Hefley, T.J., K.M. Broms, B.M. Brost, F.E. Buderman, S.L. Kay, H.R. Scharf, J.R. Tipton, P.J. Williams, and M.B. Hooten. (2017). The basis function approach to modeling dependent ecological data. Ecology, 98: 632-646. | March 2017 |
Hefley, T.J., B.M. Brost, and M.B. Hooten. (2017). Bias correction of bounded location errors in presence-only data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8: 1566-1573. | January 2017 |
Hefley, T.J. and M.B. Hooten. (2016). Hierarchical species distribution models. Current Landscape Ecology Reports, 1: 87-97. | December 2016 |
Hefley, T.J. and M.B. Hooten. (2015). On the existence of maximum likelihood estimates for presence-only data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 6: 648-655. | December 2015 |
Harris, R. B., and K. P. Burnham. 2002. On estimating wildlife densities from line transect data. Acta Zoologica Sinica [Dongwu Xuebao] 48:812-818 (in Chinese. ) (This journal is sometimes referred to as The Chinese Journal of Zoology. ) | March 2002 |
Hanks, E.M., M.B. Hooten, and M. Alldredge. (2015). Continuous-time discrete-space models for animal movement. Annals of Applied Statistics, 9: 145-165. | March 2015 |
Hanks, E.M., M.B. Hooten, and F.A. Baker. (2011). Reconciling multiple data sources to improve accuracy of large-scale prediction of forest disease incidence. Ecological Applications, 24: 1173-1188. | December 2011 |
Hanks, E.M., M.B. Hooten, S.A. Knick, S.J. Oyler-McCance, J.A. Ficke, T.B. Cross, and M.K. Schwartz. (2016). Latent spatial models and sampling design for landscape genetics. Annals of Applied Statistics, 10: 1041-1062. | June 2016 |
Hanks, E.M., M.B. Hooten, D.S. Johnson, and J. Sterling. (2011). A velocity-based approach for linking animal telemetry data to environmental drivers of movement. PLoS One, 6(8), e22795. | December 2011 |
Hanks, E.M., E. Schliep, M.B. Hooten, and J.A. Hoeting. (2015). Restricted spatial regression in practice: Geostatistical models, confounding, and robustness under model misspecification. Environmetrics. 26: 243-254. | December 2015 |
Hanks, E.M., D.S. Johnson, and M.B. Hooten. (2017). Reflected stochastic differential equation models for constrained animal movement. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 22: 353-372. | September 2017 |
Hanks, E.M. and M.B. Hooten. (2013). Circuit theory and model-based inference for landscape connectivity. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 108: 22-33. | March 2013 |
Haas, S.E., M.B. Hooten, D. Rizzo, and R.K. Meentemeyer. (2011). Forest species diversity reduces disease risk in a generalist plant pathogen invasion. Ecology Letters, 14: 1108-1116. | December 2011 |
Green, A.W., M.B. Hooten, E.H.C. Grant, and L.L. Bailey. (2013). Evaluating breeding and metamorph occupancy and vernal pool management effects for wood frogs using a hierarchical model. Journal of Applied Ecology, 50: 1116-1123. | February 2013 |
Gibson-Reinemer, D. K., B. M. Johnson, P. J. Martinez, D. L. Winkelman, A. E. Koenig, and J. D. Woodhead. 2009. Elemental signatures in otoliths of hatchery trout: distinctiveness and utility for detecting origins and movement. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66:513-524. | March 2009 |
Gerber, B.D., M.B. Hooten, C.P. Peck, M.B. Rice, J.H. Gammonley, A.D. Apa, and A.J. Davis. (2019). Extreme site fidelity as an optimal strategy in an unpredictable and homogeneous environment. Functional Ecology, 33: 1695-1707. | Download | August 2019 |
Gerber, B.D., M.B. Hooten, C.P. Peck, M.B. Rice, J.H. Gammonley, A.D. Apa, and A.J. Davis. (2018). Accounting for location uncertainty in azimuthal telemetry data improves ecological inference. Movement Ecology, 6: 14. | January 2018 |
Gerber, B. D., and W. L. Kendall. Adaptive management of animal populations with significant unknowns and uncertainties: a case study. Ecological Applications 28:1325-1341, | Download | April 2018 |
Gerber, B. D., and W. L. Kendall. 2017. Evaluating and improving count-based population inference: A case study from 31 years of monitoring sandhill cranes. The Condor: Ornithological Applications 119:191-206 | January 2017 |
Gerber, B. D., and W. L. Kendall. 2016. Considering transient population dynamics in the conservation of slow life-history species: An application to the sandhill crane. Biological Conservation 200:228-239. | Download | August 2016 |
Gerber, B. D., W. L. Kendall, M. B. Hooten, J. A. Dubovsky, and R. C. Drewien. 2015. Optimal population prediction of sandhill crane recruitment based on climate-mediated habitat limitations. Journal of Animal Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.12370 | May 2015 |
Gerber, B. D., Devarajan, K., Farris, Z. J., & Fidino, M. (2024). A model-based hypothesis framework to define and estimate the diel niche via the ‘Diel.Niche’ R package. Journal of Animal Ecology, 00, 1–15. | Abstract | Download | January 2024 |
Garlick, M.J., J.A. Powell, M.B. Hooten, and L. McFarlane. (2011). Homogenization of large-scale movement models in ecology. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 73: 2088-2108. | December 2011 |
Garcia-Cruz, M. A., M. Lampo, C. L. Penaloza, W. L. Kendall, G. Sole, and K. M. Rodriguez-Clark. 2015.Population trends and survival of nesting green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) on Aves Island, Venezuela. Endangered Species Research 29:101-116. | December 2015 |
Ganoe, L. S., Mayer, A. E., Brown, C., & Gerber, B. D. (2024). Mesocarnivore sensitivity to natural and anthropogenic disturbance leads to declines in occurrence and concern for species persistence. Ecology and Evolution, 14, e70043. | Download | July 2024 |
Ganoe, L, Mayer, AE, Brown, C, and Gerber, BD. 2024. Fisher activity patterns show potential for behavioral adaptations to human modified landscapes. Global Ecology and Conservation, e03225, | Abstract | Download | October 2024 |
Freilich, J., K. P. Burnham, C. M. Collins, and C. A. Garry. 2000. Factors affecting population assessments of desert tortoises. Conservation Biology 14:1479-1489. | October 2000 |
Freilich, J., Burnham, K. P., Collins, C. M., and Garry, C. A. 2000. Factors affecting population assessments of desert tortoises. Conservation Biology 14:1479-1489. | August 1999 |
Fraser, G.S., K.R. Bestgen, D.L. Winkelman, and K.G. Thompson. Temperature-not flow-predicts native fish reproduction with implications for climate change. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 148:509-527. DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10151 | Download | January 2019 |
Fraser, G.S., D.L. Winkelman, K.R. Bestgen, and K.G. Thompson. Submitted. Tributary Use by Flannelmouth and Bluehead Suckers in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society | September 2017 |
Franklin, A. B., T. M. Shenk, D. R. Anderson, and K. P. Burnham. 2001. Statistical model selection: the alternative to null hypothesis testing. Pp. 75-90 in T. M. Shenk and A. B. Franklin, editors. Modeling in Natural Resource Management: Development, Interpretation, and Application. Island Press, Washington, D. C. | May 2001 |
Franklin, A. B., D. R. Anderson, and K. P. Burnham. 2002. Estimation of long-term trends and variation in avian survival probabilities using random effects models. Pp. 267-287 in Statistical Analysis of Data from Marked Bird Populations, Morgan, B. J. T., and Thomson, D. L. (Eds). Journal of Applied Statistics 29, numbers 1-4. | February 2002 |
Franklin, A. B., D. R. Anderson, R. J. Gutierrez, and K. P. Burnham. 2000. Climate, habitat quality, and fitness in Northern Spotted Owl populations in northwest California. Ecological Monographs 70:539-590. | November 2000 |
Franklin, A. B., D. R. Anderson, E. D. Forsman, K. P. Burnham, and F. F. Wagner. 1996. Methods for collecting and analyzing demographic data on the northern spotted owl. Studies in Avian Biology 17:12-20. | September 1996 |
Francis, C. M., Bart, J., E. H. Dunn, K. P. Burnham, and C. J. Ralph. 2005. Enhancing the value of the breeding bird survey: Reply to Sauer et. al. 2005. Journal of Wildlife Management 69:1327-1332 | November 2005 |
Fitzpatrick, R.M., D.L. Winkelman, and B.M. Johnson. Using isotopic data to evaluate Esox lucius (Linnaeus, 1758) natal origins in a hydrologically complex river basin. 2021. Fishes 2021, 6, 67. | Abstract | Download | November 2021 |
Fetherman, E.R., D.L. Winkelman, M.R. Baerwald, and G.J. Schisler. 2014. Survival and reproduction of Myxobolus cerebralis-resistant rainbow trout introduced to the Colorado River and increased resistance of age-0 progeny. PLoS ONE 9(5):e96954. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0096954. | Download | May 2014 |
Fetherman, E.R., D.L. Winkelman, L.L. Bailey, G.J Schisler, and K. Davies. Brown Trout removal effects on short-term survival and movement of Myxobolus cerebralis-resistant rainbow trout. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144:610-626. doi=10.1080/00028487.2015.1007166 | Download | Publisher Website | April 2015 |
Fetherman, E.R., B.W. Avila, and D.L. Winkelman. Raft and Floating RFID Antenna Systems for Detecting PIT-tagged Fish in Rivers. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34:1065-1077. | Download | Publisher Website | October 2014 |
Fetherman, E. R., D. L. Winkelman, G. J. Schisler, and M.F. Antolin. 2012. Genetic basis of differences in myxospore count between whirling disease resistant and susceptible strains of rainbow trout. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 102:97-106 | December 2012 |
Fetherman, E. R., D. L. Winkelman, G. J. Schisler, and C. A. Myrick. In press. The effects of Myxobolus cerebralis on the physiological performance of whirling disease resistant and susceptible strains of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Journal of Aquatic Animal Health. | Download | November 2011 |
Farnsworth, M. L., Wolfe, L. L., Hobbs, N. T., Burnham, K. P., and Miller, M. W. (2004). Communication: Human land use influences chronic wasting disease prevalence in mule deer. Ecological Applications 14. | July 2005 |
Farnsworth, M. L., W. L. Kendall, P. F. Doherty, Jr., R. S. Miller, G. C. White, J. D. Nichols, and A. B. Franklin. 2011. Targeted surveillance for highly pathogenic avian influenza in migratory waterfowl and geese across the United States. Pages 143-155 in Pandemic Influenza Viruses: Sceience, Surveillance and Public Health. S. K. Majumdar et al., eds, The Pennsylvania Academy of Science. | July 2011 |
Farnsworth, M. L., L. L. Wolfe, N. T. Hobbs, K. P. Burnham, E. S. Williams, D. M. Theobald, M. M. Conner, and M. W. Miller. 2005. Human land use influences chronic wasting disease prevalence in mule deer. Ecological Applications 15:119-126. | March 2005 |
Farnsworth, M. L., J. A. Hoeting, N. T. Hobbs, M. M. Conner, K. P. Burnham, L. L. Wolfe, E. S. Williams, D. M. Theobold, and M. W. Miller. 2007. The role of geographic information systems in wildlife landscape epidemiology: models of chronic wasting disease in Colorado mule deer. Veterinaria Italiana 43:581-593. | November 2007 |
Ekman, D.R., K. Keteles, J. Beihoffer, J.E. Cavallin, K. Dahlin, J.M. Davis, A. Jastrow, J.M. Lazorchak, M. Mills, M. Murphy, D. Nguyen, A.M. Vajda, D.L. Villeneuve, D.L. Winkelman, And T.W. Collette. Evaluation of Targeted and untargeted effects-based monitoring tools to assess contaminants of emerging concern on fish in the South Platte River, CO. Environmental Pollution 239:706-713. | Download | April 2018 |
Dzul, Maria Christina, William Louis Kendall, Charles Brandon Yackulic, Dana L. Winkelman, David Randall Haverbeke, and Michael Yard. 2021. Partial migration and spawning movements of humpback chub in the Little Colorado River are better understood using data from autonomous PIT tag antennas. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 78:1057-1072. | Download | February 2021 |
Dzul, M. C., W. L. Kendall, C.B. Yackulic, D.R. Van Haverbeke, P. Mackinnon, K. Young, M. Pillow, P. Rinker, and J. Thomas. 2024. Estimating migration timing and abundance of both residents and migrants in partial migratory systems by integrating continuous antenna detections with physical captures. Journal of Animal Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.14076. | April 2024 |
Dzul, M. C., C. B. Yackulic, W. L. Kendall, D. L. Winkelman, M. Connor, and M. Yard. 2021. Incorporating antenna detections into abundance estimates of fish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, | August 2021 |
Devineaux, O., W. L. Kendall, P. F. Doherty, Jr., T. M. Shenk, G. C. White, P. M. Lukacs, and K. P. Burnham. 2014. Increased flexibility for modeling telemetry and nest-survival data using the multistate framework. Journal of Wildlife Management 78:224-230. | February 2014 |
Davis, A.J., M.B. Hooten, R.S. Miller, M. Farnsworth, J. Lewis, M. Moxcey, and K.M. Pepin. (2016) Inferring invasive species abundance using removal data from management actions. Ecological Applications, 26: 2339-2346. | January 2016 |
Davis, A.J., M.B. Hooten, M.L. Phillips, and P.F. Doherty. (2014). An integrated modeling approach to estimating Gunnison sage-grouse population dynamics: Combining index and demographic data. Ecology and Evolution, 4: 4247-4257. | October 2014 |
Dalgleish, H.J., D.N. Koons, M.B. Hooten, C.A. Moffet, and P.B. Adler. (2011). The influence of climate on the demography of three dominant sagebrush steppe plants. Ecology, 92: 75-85. | January 2011 |
D. B. Fenner, D. L. Winkelman and M. G. Walsh. 2004. Diet overlap of introduced rainbow trout and three native fishes in an Ozark stream. Pages 475-482 in M. J. Nickum, P. M. Mazik, J. G. Nickum and D. D. MacKinlay, editors. Propagated fish in resource management. American Fisheries Society Symposia 44, American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | July 2004 |
D'Amico, T.W., D.L. Winkelman, T.R. Swarr, and C.A. Myrick. Retention of Passive Integrated Transponder tags in a small-bodied catfish. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 41:187-195. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10550 | Download | January 2021 |
Cruz, S.M., M.B. Hooten, K.P. Huyvaert, C. Proano, D.J. Anderson, J. Fox, and M. Wikelski. (2013). At–sea behavior varies with lunar phase in a nocturnal pelagic seabird, the swallow-tailed gull. PLoS One, 8: e56889. | February 2013 |
Crockett, J. G., C. Brown, and B. D. Gerber. 2024. Muskrat occurrence in Rhode Island shows little evidence of land use change driving declines. Journal of Wildlife Management e22668. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | October 2024 |
Conner, M. M, M. W. Miller, M. R. Ebinger, K. P. Burnham. 2007. A spatial, meta-BACI approach for evaluating effects of chronic wasting disease in free-ranging mule deel. Ecological Applications 17:140-153 | April 2007 |
Conn, P.B., Johnson, D.S., J.M. Ver Hoef, M.B. Hooten, J.M. London, and P.L. Boveng. (2015). Using spatio-temporal models to estimate animal abundance and infer ecological dynamics from survey counts. Ecological Monographs. 85: 235-252. | December 2015 |
Conn, P.B., D.S. Johnson, P.J. Williams, S. Melin, and M.B. Hooten. (2018). A guide to Bayesian model checking for ecologists. Ecological Monographs, 88: 526-542. | January 2018 |
Collins, D. P., G. S. Zimmerman, S. A. Carleton, W. L. Kendall, and C. L. Coxen. 2023. Survival rates of band-tailed pigeon in New Mexico estimated using passive integrated transponder tags. Journal of Wildlife Management 87:e22385, | February 2023 |
Christianson, K.R., B.M. Johnson, M.B. Hooten, and J.J. Roberts. (2019). Estimating lake-climate responses from sparse data: An application to high elevation lakes. Limnology and Oceanography, 64: 1371-1385. | April 2019 |
Christianson, K.R., B.M. Johnson, M.B. Hooten, and A.S. Denning. (2020). Compound effects of water clarity, inflow, wind, and climate warming on mountain lake thermal regimes. Aquatic Sciences, 82: 6. | February 2020 |
Chambert, T., W. L. Kendall, J. E. Hines, J. D. Nichols, P. Pedrini, J. H. Waddle, G. Tavecchia, S. C. Walls, and S. Tenan. 2015. An open dynamic occupancy model to estimate shifts in the distribution and phenology of imperfectly detectable species. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6:638-647 | June 2015 |
Cavallin, J.E., W.A. Battaglin, J. Beihoffer, B.R. Blackwell, P.M. Bradley, A.R. Cole, D.R. Ekman, R. Hofer, J. Kinsey, K. Keteles, R. Weissinger, D.L. Winkelman, D.L. Villeneuve. Effects-Based Monitoring of Bioactive Chemicals Discharged to the Colorado River Before and After a Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Replacement. Environmental Science and Technology 55:974-984. | Publisher Website | January 2021 |
Cavallin, J.E., J. Beihoffer, B.R. Blackwell, A.R. Cole, D.R. Ekman, R. Hofer, A. Jastrow, J. Kinsey, K. Keteles, E.M. Maloney, J. Parman, D.L. Winkelman, D.L. Villeneuve. In review. Effects-Based Monitoring of Bioactive Compounds Associated with Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluent Discharge to the South Platte River, Colorado, USA. Environmental Pollution. | Abstract | August 2021 |
Cannell, B. L., W. L. Kendall, J. Tyne, M. Bunce, Y. Hetzel, D. Murray, and B. Radford. 2023. Marine heatwaves affect breeding, diet and population size but not body condition of a range-edge Little Penguin colony. Marine Ecology Progress Series DOI: | November 2023 |
Burton, A.C., Beirne, C., Gaynor, K.M. et al. Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape. Nat Ecol Evol (2024). | Download | March 2024 |
Burnham, K. P., and G. C. White. 2002. Evaluation of some random effects methodology applicable to bird ringing data. Pp. 245-264 in Statistical Analysis of Data from Marked Bird Populations, Morgan, B. J. T., Thomson, D. L. (Eds). Journal of Applied Statistics 29, numbers 1-4. | April 2002 |
Burnham, K. P., and G. C. White. 2002. Evaluation of some random effects methodology applicable to bird ringing data. Journal of Applied Statistics 29(1-4):245-264. | February 2002 |
Burnham, K. P., and D. R. Anderson. 2004. Multimodel inference: understanding AIC and BIC in model selection. Sociological Methods and Research 33:261-305. | June 2005 |
Burnham, K. P., and D. R. Anderson. 2002. Model selection and multimodel inference: A practical information-theoretical approach (2nd Edition). Springer-Verlag, New York, NY. 488pp. | October 2002 |
Burnham, K. P., and D. R. Anderson. 2001. Kullback-Leibler information as a basis for strong inference in ecological studies. Wildlife Research 28:111-119. | May 2001 |
Burnham, K. P., Buckland, S. T., Laake, J. L., Borchers, D. L., Barques, T. A. 2004. Further topics pp 307-392 (Chapter 11) in Advance Distance Sampling (Buckland et al., editors) Oxford University Press, UK | February 2005 |
Burnham, K. P. 2004. Foreword (invited), in the book, "Sampling Rare or Elusive Species: Concepts, Designs and Techniques for Estimating Population Parameters. Thompson, W. L. (Editor). Island Press, Washington, D. C. | November 2004 |
Burnham, K. P. 2002. Invited discussion comments on the paper "Bayesian measures of model complexity and fit, " Spiegelhalter et al. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 64:1-629. | November 2002 |
Buderman, F.E., M.B. Hooten, M.W. Alldredge, E.M. Hanks, and J.S. Ivan. (2018). Time-varying predatory behavior is primary predictor of fine-scale movement of wildland-urban cougars. Movement Ecology, 6: 22. | January 2018 |
Buderman, F.E., M.B. Hooten, J.S. Ivan, and T.M. Shenk. 2016. A functional model for characterizing long distance movement behavior. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7(3): 264–273. | March 2016 |
Buderman, F.E., M.B. Hooten, J. Ivan, and T. Shenk. (2018). Large-scale movement behavior in a reintroduced predator population. Ecography, 41: 126-139. | January 2018 |
Buckland, S. T., D. R. Anderson, K. P. Burnham, J. L. Laake, D. L. Borchers, and L. J. Thomas. 2001. An introduction to distance sampling: estimation abundance of biological populations. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. 448pp. | August 2001 |
Buckland, S. T., Anderson, D. R., Burnham, K. P. Laake, J. L. Borches, D. L., Thomas, L. J. (Editors). 2004. Advanced Distance Sampling - Estimating Abundance of Biological Populations. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. | September 2005 |
Brost, B.M., M.B. Hooten, and R.J. Small. (2020). Model-based clustering reveals patterns in central place use of a marine top predator. Ecosphere, 11: e03123. | May 2020 |
Brost, B.M., M.B. Hooten, and R.J. Small. (2017). Leveraging constraints and biotelemetry data to pinpoint repetitively used spatial features. Ecology, 98: 12-20. | January 2017 |
Brost, B.M., M.B. Hooten, E.M. Hanks, and R.J. Small. (2015). Animal movement constraints improve resource selection inference in the presence of telemetry error. Ecology, 96: 2590-2597. | December 2015 |
Broms, K.M., M.B. Hooten, and R.M. Fitzpatrick. (2016). Model selection and assessment for multispecies occupancy models. Ecology, 97: 1759-1770. | December 2016 |
Broms, K.M., M.B. Hooten, and R. Fitzpatrick. (2015). Accounting for imperfect detection in Hill numbers for biodiversity studies. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 6: 99-108. | December 2015 |
Broms, K.M., M.B. Hooten, D.S. Johnson, L.L. Conquest, and R. Altwegg. (2016). Dynamic occupancy models for explicit colonization processes. Ecology, 97: 194-204. | January 2016 |
Breton, A.R., D.L. Winkelman, J.A. Hawkins, and K.R. Bestgen. Population trends of smallmouth bass in the upper Colorado River basin with an evaluation of removal effects. | August 2014 |
Breton, A., J. Hawkins, and D.L. Winkelman. 2013. Correcting length-frequency distributions for imperfect detection. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:1156-1165. | Download | November 2013 |
Borchers, D. L., Burnham, K. P. 2004. General formulation for distance sampling, pp 6-30 (Chapter 2) in Advanced Distance Sampling (Buckland et al. editors), Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. | September 2005 |
Bergstedt, R. A., McDonald, R. B., Mullett, K. M., Wright, G. M., Swink, W. D., Burnham, K. P. 2003. Mark-recapture population estimates of parasitic sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) in Lake Huron. Journal of Great Lakes Research 29 (sup1):226-239. | July 2003 |
Bergersen, E. P., and P. J. Martinez. 2003. The use of a pattern recognition model to assess fish habitat in two Colorado reservoirs. Lake and Reservoir Management 19(1):55-63. | April 2003 |
Bergersen, E. P. 2001. Colorado's experience with Northern Pike. Lake Line 21(3):33-36. | September 2001 |
Bellier, Edwige, Dylan C. Ferreira, David M. Kalb, Laken S. Ganoe, Amy E. Mayer, and Brian D. Gerber. 2024. A Statistical Population Reconstruction Model for Wildlife Populations: A Case Study with White-Tailed Deer and Fisher. Ecosphere 15(6): e4878. | Download | July 2024 |
Baum, C.M., D.L. Winkelman, and R.M. Fitzpatrick. 2023. Temperature and winter duration requirements for reproductive success in johnny darter Etheostoma nigrum in the South Platte River Basin, Colorado. Freshwater Biology DOI: 10.1111/fwb.14100 | May 2023 |
Bart, J., Burham, K. P., Dunn, E. H., Francis, C., Ralph, C. J. 2004. Goals and strategies for estimating trends in landbird abundance. Journal of Wildlife Management 68: 611-623. | March 2005 |
Barker, R. J., Burnham, K. P., White, G. C. 2004. Encounter history modeling of joint mark-recapture, tag-resighting and tag-recovery data under temporary migration. Statistica Sinica 14:1037-1055. | September 2004 |
Baker, D., W. F. Andelt, K. P. Burnham and W. D. Shepperd. 1999. Effectiveness of hot sauce and deer away repellents for deterring elk browsing of aspen sprouts. Journal of Wildlife Management 63:1327-1336. | November 1999 |
Bailey, L. L., S. J. Converse, and W. L. Kendall. 2010. Bias, precision, and parameter redundancy in complex multistate models with unobservable states. Ecology 91:1598-1604 | October 2010 |
Avila, B.W., K.P. Huyvaert, D.L. Winkelman, and E.R. Fetherman. Factors affecting post-challenge survival of Flavobacterium psychrophilum in susceptible Rainbow Trout. Pathogens 2022, 11, 1318 DOI:10.3390/pathogens11111318 | Download | August 2022 |
Avila, B.W., D.L. Winkelman, and E.R. Fetherman. Survival of Whirling Disease Resistant Rainbow Trout Fry in the Wild: A Comparison of Two Strains. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 30:280-290. DOI: 10.1002/aah.10040 | Download | November 2018 |
Avila, B.W., D.L. Winkelman, and E.R. Fetherman. Biotic and abiotic factors affecting survival of two Rainbow Trout strains. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43:786-793. DOI:10.1002/nafm.10895 | Download | March 2023 |
Avila B.W., D.L. Winkelman, and E.R. Fetherman. 2022. Dual Resistance to Flavobacterium psychrophilum and Myxobolus cerebralis in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum) . Journal of Fish Diseases DOI:10.1111/jfd.13605 | Abstract | Download | February 2022 |
Anthony, R. G., E. D. Forsman, A. B. Franklin, D. R. Anderson, K. P. Burnham, G. C. White, C. J. Schwarz, J. D. Nichols, J. E. Hines, G. S. Olson, S. H. Ackers, S. L. Andrews, B. L. Biswell, P. C. Carlson, L. V. Diller, K. M. Dugger, K. E. Fehring, T. L. Fleming, R. P. Gerhardt, S. A. Gremel, R. J. Gutierrez, P. J. Happe, D. R. Herter, J. M. Higley, R. B. Horn, L. L. Irwin, P. J. Loschl, J. A. Reid, S. G. Sovern. 2006. Status and trends in demography of northern spotted owls, 1985-2003. Wildlife Monographs 163:1-47. | September 2006 |
Anderson, J.R. and D.L. Winkelman. 2018. Differences in vitellogenin production between laboratory-raised and wild fathead minnows: potential consequences for understanding estrogenic exposure in wild populations. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 2018:418-423 DOI:10.1002/ieam.4047 | Download | April 2018 |
Anderson, D. R., and K. P. Burnham. 2002. Avoiding pitfalls when using information-theoretic methods. Journal of Wildlife Management 66:912-918. | October 2002 |
Anderson, D. R., and K. P. Burnham. 2001. Commentary on models in ecology. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 82:160-161. | November 2001 |
Anderson, D. R., and K. P. Burnham. 1999. Understanding information criteria for selection among capture-recapture or ring recovery models. Bird Study 46 (Supplement):S14-21. | November 1999 |
Anderson, D. R., and K. P. Burnham. 1999. General strategies for the analysis of ringing data. Bird Study 46 (Supplement): S261-270. | November 1999 |
Anderson, D. R., W. A. Link, D. H. Johnson, and K. P. Burnham. 2001. Suggestions for presenting the results of data analyses. Journal of Wildlife Management 65:373-378. | August 2001 |
Anderson, D. R., K. P. Burnham, and W. L. Thompson. 2000. Null hypothesis testing: problems, prevalence, and an alternative. Journal of Wildlife Management 64:912-923. | October 2000 |
Anderson, D. R., K. P. Burnham, G. W. Gould, and S. Cherry. 2001. Concerns about finding effects that are actually spurious. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29:311-316. | April 2001 |
Anderson, D. R., K. P. Burnham, B. C. Lubow, L. Thomas, P. S. Corn, P. A. Medica, and R. W. Marlow. 2001. Field trials of line transect methods applied to estimation of desert tortoise abundance. Journal of Wildlife Management 65:583-597. | August 2001 |
Anderson, D. R., K. P. Burnham, A. B. Franklin, R. J. Guti�rrez, E. D. Forsman, R. J. Anthony, G. C. White, and T. M. Shenk. 1999. A protocol for conflict resolution in analyzing empirical data related to natural resource controversies. Wildlife Society Bulletin 27:1050-1058. | September 1999 |
Anderson, D. R., Burnham, K. P., Lubow, B. C., Thomas, L., Corn, P. S., Medica, P. A., Marlow, R. W. 2001. Field trials of line transect methods applied to estimation of desert tortoise abundance. Journal or Wildlife Management 65:583-597. | August 2001 |
Anderson, D. R. 2001. The need to get the basics right in wildlife field studies. Wildlife Society Bulletin 29:1294-1297. | December 2001 |
Allen, M. B. and E. P. Bergersen. 2002. Factors influencing the distribution of Myxobolus cerebralis, the causative agent of whirling disease, in the Cache la Poudre River, Colorado. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 49:51–60. | April 2002 |
Adams, C.M., D.L. Winkelman, and R.M. Fitzpatrick. 2023. Impact of wastewater treatment plant effluent on the winter thermal regime of two urban Colorado South Platte tributaries. Frontiers in Environmental Science 11:1120412. DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2023.1120412. | Download | March 2023 |
Adams, C.M., D.L. Winkelman, P.A. Schaffer, D.L. Villeneuve, J.E. Cavallin, M. Ellman, K.S. Rodriguez, and R.M. Fitzpatrick. 2022. Elevated winter stream temperatures below wastewater treatment plants shift reproductive development of female Johnny Darter Etheostoma nigrum: A field and histological approach. Fishes:7-361 DOI: 10.3390/fishes7060361. | Download | November 2022 |
A.B. Franklin, K.M. Dugger, D.B. Lesmeister, R.J. Davis, J.D. Wiens, G.C. White, J.D. Nichols, J.E. Hines, C.B. Yackulic, C.J. Schwarz, S.H. Ackers, L.S. Andrews, L.L. Bailey, R. Bown, J. Burgher, K.P. Burnham, P.C. Carlson, T. Chestnut, M.M. Conner, K.E. Dilione, E.D. Forsman, E.M. Glenn, S.A. Gremel, K.A. Hamm, D.R. Herter, J.M. Higley, Rob B. Horn, J.M. Jenkins, W.L. Kendall, D.W. Lamphear, C. McCafferty, T.L. McDonald, J.A. Reid, J.T. Rockweit, D.C. Simon, S.G. Sovern, J.K. Swingle, and H. Wise. 2021. Range-wide declines of Northern Spotted Owls populations in the Pacific Northwest: a meta-analysis. Biological Conservation Volume 259, DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109168. | May 2021 |
A. Jastrow, D.A. Gordon, K.M. Auger, E.C. Punska, K.F. Arcaro, K. Keteles, D.L. Winkelman, D. Lattier, A. Biales, J.L. Lazorchak. Tools to Minimize Inter-Laboratory Variability in Vitellogenin Gene Expression Monitoring Programs | August 2017 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Winkelman, D.L., C.M. Adams, C.M. Baum, and R.M. Fitzpatrick. An overview of elevated winter water temperature effects on fish reproduction. 154th annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Honolulu, HI. | September 2024 |
Stack, T., A. Harris, S. Oyler-McCance, J. Fike, M. Fairchild, C. Kennedy, D. Preston, D. Winkeman, and Y. Kanno. Influences of wildfire on trout abundance and genetic diversity in Rocky Mountain headwater streams. 154th Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, HI. September 23. | September 2024 |
Zhao, Q., G. S. Boomer, and W. L. Kendall. 2016. Partitioning the effects of hunting and climate on waterfowl survival. North American Ornithological Conference, Washington, DC. | August 2016 |
Womble, J.N., P.J. Williams, M.B. Hooten, G.G. Esslinger, L. Taylor-Thomas, M.R. Bower, and H. Coletti. (2017). Combining Contemporary Spatiotemporal Models and Aerial Photographic Techniques to Estimate Sea Otter Colonization and Abundance in Glacier Bay, Alaska. Society for Marine Mammalogy Meetings, Halifax, Nova Scotia. | October 2017 |
Womble, J.N., P.J. Williams, M.B. Hooten, G.G. Esslinger, M.R. Bower, and H. Colletti. National Park Service Centennial Science and Stewardship Symposium. 2016. Fairbanks, AK (contrib. talk). Title: Contemporary models and aerial photographic monitoring methods for a new vital sign: Sea otters in Glacier Bay National Park. | October 2016 |
Winkelman, D.L., M.M. McGree, A.R. Schwindt, and J. Anderson. Estrogenic exposure: Reproduction, survival, and the future of eastern plains native fishes. Regional Aquatic Days February 11, 2016. Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Denver, CO | February 2016 |
Winkelman, D.L., K. Thompson, and J. Terrell. 2006. The role of sediment size and other habitat factors in the abundance and relative dominance of Tubifex tubifex lineages. 12th annual Whirling Disease Symposium. Denver, CO. | February 2006 |
Winkelman, D.L., K. Thompson, and C. Clapp. 2008. Investigating the introduction of resistant lineage T. tubifex as a potential biological control of whirling disease. 14th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium: Solving the Puzzle. Denver, CO. | February 2008 |
Winkelman, D.L., K. Thompson, C. Clapp, A. Gigliotti. 2010. Investigating the introduction of resistant lineage T. tubifex as a potential biological control of whirling disease. Annual meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. Salt Lake City, UT. | April 2010 |
Winkelman, D.L., Jordan Anderson, Alan Vajda, and Aaron Jastrow. Evaluating wastewater effluent exposure in wild fishes using insights from laboratory and wild populations. Society of Ecological Toxicology and Chemistry North America 39th annual meeting. November 7, 2018 | November 2018 |
Winkelman, D.L., B. Johnson, J. Schafler, R. Fitzpatrick, D. Gibson-Reinemer. 2006. Temporal variation in otolith elemental signatures: limitations for using otolith microchemistry to identify recruitment sources. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society Western Division. Bozeman, MT. | May 2006 |
Winkelman, D.L., A.R. Schwindt, K. Keteles, and M. McGree. Waste water effluent, estrogenic exposure, and the future of eastern plains native fishes. 2014 Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 4-6, Laramie, WY. | March 2014 |
Winkelman, D.L. and R. Fitzpatrick. 2006. Estimating sources of northern pike (Esox lucius) recruitment in the Yampa River, using otolith microchemistry. Upper Colorado River Researchers annual meeting. Moab, UT. | February 2006 |
Winkelman, D.L. and R. Fitzpatrick 2005. Estimating sources of northern pike (Esox lucius) recruitment in the Yampa River, using otolith microchemistry. Upper Colorado River Working Group annual meeting. Grand Junction, CO. | February 2005 |
Winkelman, D.L. and D. Walters. Rocky Mountain Streams Past and Present: The Influence of Forest Stand Age and Wood Deposition on Trout and Insect Biomass. Colorado Water Center. April 20, 2015. Fort Collins, CO | April 2015 |
Winkelman, D.L. and A.R. Schwindt. Using stochastic stage-structured models to evaluate the effects of estrogenic exposure on population growth rate in a short-lived fish. | November 2014 |
Winkelman, D.L. and A. Schwindt. 21 August, 2012. Understanding population level responses to EDC exposure on fish population dynamics. 142nd annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN. | August 2012 |
Winkelman, D.L. Overview of Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit Aquatic Research Projects. Annual Researchers Meeting of the Colorado Division of Wildlife. December 16, 2015. Fort Collins, CO | December 2015 |
Winkelman, D.L. 2016, K. Keteles , A.R. Schwindt, and J. Anderson. Estrogenic exposure: Reproduction, Survival, and the future of eastern plains native fishes. Annual meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. May 24, 2018. Anchorage, AK | May 2018 |
Winkelman, D.L. 2016, K. Keteles , A.R. Schwindt, and J. Anderson. Estrogenic exposure: Reproduction, Survival, and the future of eastern plains native fishes. 41st Annual meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. April 22, 2016. Reno, NV. | March 2016 |
Winkelman, D.L. 2010. Evaluation of the Flathead Catfish Population and Fishery on Lake Carl Blackwell, OK, with emphasis on the effects of Noodling. Conservation, Ecology, and Management of Catfish: The Second International Symposium | June 2010 |
Winkelman, D. L., W. L. Kendall, and M. C. Dzul. 2019. Introduction to the symposium on the use of autonomous PIT tag antennas for modeling vital rates and movement. American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference, Reno, Nevada, 29 Sep - 3 Oct 2019. | October 2019 |
Winkelman D.L., C. Clapp, and K. Thompson. 2006. Investigating competition among lineages of T. tubifex and the potential for biological control of whirling disease in natural streams. 12th annual whirling disease symposium. Denver, CO. | February 2006 |
Winkelman D.L. 26 February, 2004. Age and growth of flathead catfish in relation to exploitation in Oklahoma reservoirs. The American Fisheries Society Southern Division annual mid-year meeting. Oklahoma City, OK. | February 2004 |
Windell, B, Gerber, BD, Titcomb, G, Malmberg, J, Parrie, L, Nordeen, T, and Bailey, L. March 2025. Assigning probability of infection for ecological studies of chronic wasting disease. Colorado Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Fort Collins, CO. | March 2025 |
Williams, P.J., M.B. Hooten, J.N. Womble, G.G. Esslinger, and M.R. Bower. Joint Statistical Meetings: ASA. Baltimore, MD (contrib. talk, 2nd author), 2017, Title: Optimal dynamic sampling of a spreading population. | August 2017 |
Williams, P.J., M.B. Hooten, J.N. Womble, G.G. Esslinger, and M.R. Bower. (2016). Contributed talk, Joint Statistical Meetings, Chicago, IL. Title: A spatio-temporal model for ecological colonizations. | August 2016 |
Williams, P., M.B. Hooten, J.N. Womble, G.G. Esslinger, and M.R. Bower. International Statistical Ecology Conference. 2016. Seattle, WA. Contributed talk: A Spatio-Temporal Model to Infer Colonization Dynamics of Sea Otters in Glacier Bay, Alaska. | June 2016 |
Williams, P. J., C. R. Ely, W. L. Kendall, M. B. Hooten, and J. A. Schmutz. 2014. Population dynamics and management of Cackling Geese. 21st Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Pittsburgh, PA. | October 2014 |
White, G. C., and D. R. Anderson. September 2000. Advanced statistical principles for wildlife graduate students: Web-based learning approaches. 7th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Nashville, TN. | September 2000 |
Vigil, E., J. Lepak, and D.L. Winkelman. Status and Life History Traits of Gill Lice Salmincola californiensis in Colorado | August 2015 |
Vigil, E., J. Lepak, and D.L. Winkelman. Distribution, Prevalence and Intensity of Gill Lice Salmincola Californiensis in Colorado | August 2015 |
Vigil, E., J. Lepak, D. Dreiling, D.L. Winkelman. Distribution and Life History Traits of Gill Lice Salmincola californiensis in Colorado | February 2015 |
Vigil, E., D.L. Winkelman, and G. Schisler. Interactions of the parasitic Gill Louse, Salmincola californiensis and salmonids in Colorado. 41st Annual meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. April 23, 2016. Reno, NV. | April 2016 |
Victoria J. Dreitz, N. Thompson Hobbs, Thomas H. Baker, Lisa L. Wolfe, Kenneth P. Burnham, Mary M. Conner, and Michael W. Miller. July 2002. Land-use impacts on the prevalence of chronic wasting disease in Colorado mule deer populations. Preparing for Emerging Diseases, 51st Annual Meeting of the Wildlife Diseases Association, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California. | July 2002 |
Vanausdall, R. A., W. L. Kendall, and D. P. Collins. 2023. Time of year and weather influence departure decisions of sandhill cranes at a stopover area in south-central Colorado. 30th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Louisville, KY, 5-9 November 2023. | November 2023 |
Vanausdall, R. A., W. L. Kendall, D. P. Collins, and Q. R. Hays. 2022. Greater sandhill crane roost selection and distribution during stopover in Colorado: implications for management in an arid system. 29th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Spokane, WA, 6-10 November, 2022. | November 2022 |
Vanausdall, R. A. and W. L. Kendall. 2025. Energy availability for sandhill cranes during spring and autumn migration in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. 2025 Annual Meeting of the Colorado and Wyoming Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Fort Collins, CO, 4-6 March, 2025 | March 2025 |
Tipton, J., M.B. Hooten, and S. Goring. Joint Statistical Meetings: ASA. Baltimore, MD (contrib. talk, 2nd author), 2017, Title: Reconstruction of Spatio-Temporal Temperature from Sparse Historical Records Using Robust Probabilistic Principal Component Regression. | August 2017 |
Tipton, J., M.B. Hooten, R. Booth, C. Nolan. Joint Statistical Meetings, Chicago, IL (2016). Multivariate Bayesian networks for modelling multispecies ecological communities and paleoclimate reconstruction. Contributed Talk. | August 2016 |
Terrell, J. W., and E. P. Bergersen. 2003. Predicting streambed particle size distributions that limit oligochaete densities. 9th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium, Managing the Risk, Seattle, Washington. | February 2003 |
Sipher, C. and E. Bergersen. March 2001. The effects of whirling disease on growth and survival of Snake River cutthroat and Colorado River rainbow trout fingerlings. Annual American Fisheries Society, Colorado/Wyoming Chapter Meeting, Cheyenne, WY. | March 2001 |
Sipher, C. R., and E. P. Bergersen. March 2001. The effects of whirling disease on growth and survival of Snake River cutthroat and Colorado River rainbow trout fingerlings. Front Range Student Ecology Symposium, Fort Collins, CO. | March 2001 |
Sipher, C. R., and E. P. Bergersen. March 2001. The effects of whirling disease on growth and survival of Snake River cutthroat and Colorado River rainbow trout fingerlings. Annual American Fisheries Society, Colorado/Wyoming Chapter Meeting, Cheyenne, WY. | March 2001 |
Sipher, C. R., and E. P. Bergersen. February 2002. The effects of whirling disease on growth and survival of Snake River cutthroat and Colorado River rainbow trout fingerlings. 8th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium, Putting a Fresh Spin on Whirling Disease, Denver, Colorado. | February 2002 |
Sipher, C. R., and E. P. Bergersen. February 2001. The effects of whirling disease on growth and survival of Snake River cutthroat and Colorado River rainbow trout fingerlings. 7th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT. | February 2001 |
Sipher, C. R., and E. P. Bergersen. April 2001. The effects of whirling disease on growth and survival of Snake River cutthroat and Colorado River rainbow trout fingerlings. Colorado Division of Wildlife Aquatics Section Meeting, Montrose, CO. | April 2001 |
Shaffler, J. J., and D. L. Winkelman. 23 February 2005. Temporal and spatial variability in trace element signatures of juvenile striped bass otoliths. 16th Graduate Research Symposium, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. | February 2005 |
Shaffler, J. J., and D. L. Winkelman. 25 February 2005. Temporal and spatial variability in trace element signatures of juvenile striped bass. Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Broken Bow, OK. | February 2005 |
Setash, C.M., W. L. Kendall, and D. Olson. 2017. Adaptive nest site selection influences Cinnamon Teal nest survival in Colorado. 24th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, NM. | September 2017 |
Setash, C., W. L. Kendall, and D. Olson. 2018. Cinnamon teal nest attendance influences nest survival during incubation. 25th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Cleveland, OH. | October 2018 |
Setash, C., W. L. Kendall, and D. Olson. 2016. Cinnamon teal breeding ecology in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. Annual Meeting of the Colorado Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Fort Collins, CO. | February 2017 |
Setash, C., W. L. Kendall, and D. Olson. 2016. Cinnamon teal breeding ecology in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. 23rd Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Raleigh, NC. | October 2016 |
Schisler, G., P. Walker, E. P. Bergersen, T. James, and C. Smith. 2003. Evaluation of oxytetracycline, dimilin, malarone and quinine for control of Myxobolus cerebralis. 9th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium, Managing the Risk, Seattle, Washington. | February 2003 |
Schisler, G. J., and E. P. Bergersen. February 2001. Evaluation of risk of high elevation waters to the establishment of Myxobolus cerebralis, the causative agent of whirling disease. 7th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT. | February 2001 |
Schisler, G. J. and E. P. Bergersen. February 2000. Evaluation of single round polymerase chain reaction and pepsin-trypsin digest methods for the detection of Myxobolus cerebralis. 6th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium, Coeur d' Alene, ID. | February 2000 |
Scharf, H.R., M.B. Hooten, B.K. Fosdick, D.S. Johnson, J.M. London, and J.W. Durbin. (2016). ISEC, Seattle, WA. Dynamic social networks based on movement. | June 2016 |
Scharf, H.R., M.B. Hooten, B.K. Fosdick, D.S. Johnson, J.M. London, and J.W. Durban. (2016). Joint Statistical Meetings, Chicago, IL. Title: Dynamic social networks based on movement. | August 2016 |
Scharf, H.J., M.B. Hooten, R.R. Wilson, G.M. Durner, and T.C. Atwood. (2018). Accounting for phenology in the analysis of animal movement. International Statistical Ecology Conference. | July 2018 |
Scharf, H., M.B. Hooten, D.S. Johnson, and J. Durban. Joint Statistical Meetings: ASA. Baltimore, MD (topic contrib. talk, 2nd author), 2017, Title: Process convolution approaches for modeling interacting trajectories. | August 2017 |
Schaffler, J.J. 15 March 2004. Do fish use discharge as a cue for spawning? Larval fish abundance in the Red and Washita rivers. 15th Graduate Research Symposium, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK. | March 2004 |
Schaffler, J. J., and D. L. Winkelman. 7 November 2003. Larval striped bass distribution and abundance in Lake Texoma. 92nd annual meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science, Chickasha, OK. | November 2003 |
Schaffler, J. J., and D. L. Winkelman. 27 February 2004. Larval striped bass distribution and abundance in Lake Texoma, Oklahoma-Texas. 12th annual spring meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Oklahoma City, OK. | February 2004 |
Ruzicka, R. E., B. L. Walker, and W. L. Kendall. 2025. Addressing uncertainty in daily lek attendance and inter-lek movement of male greater sage-grouse. 2025 Annual Meeting of the Colorado and Wyoming Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Fort Collins, Colorado, 4-6 March, 2025. | March 2025 |
Ruzicka, R. E., B. L. Walker, and W. L. Kendall. 2024. Addressing uncertainty in greater sage-grouse daily lek attendance and inter-lek movement. Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 34th Biennial Sage and Columbian Sharp-Tailed Grouse Workshop, Wenatchee, Washington, 5-8 August 2024. | August 2024 |
Ruiz-Gutierrez, V., W. L. Kendall, and J. Saracco. 2014. Overwintering dynamics of migratory birds: how to infer movement patterns using open multi-state models. 2014 Joint Meeting of the American Ornithologists Union, the Cooper Ornithological Society, and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists, Estes Park, CO. | September 2014 |
Ruiz-Gutierrez, V., W. L. Kendall, G. C. White, and J. Saracco. 2013. On the use of multistate open robust design state uncertainty models to account for and directly estimate transience under various definitions. Euring 2013 Analytical Conference. | May 2013 |
Ross, B.E., M.B. Hooten, and D.N. Koons. 2017. Evaluating the inference from dynamic occupancy models relative to population abundance. American Ornithology 2017, Michigan. | July 2017 |
Rohwer, K., A.T. Herdrich, D.L. Winkelman. The Effects of Land Use, In-stream Wood and Insect Populations on Salvelinus fontinalis Density, Growth and Diet | February 2015 |
Response of fathead minnow populations to an exogenous estrogen used in human birth control. | May 2011 |
Response of fathead minnow populations to an exogenous estrogen used in human birth control. | February 2011 |
Presented, Burnham and White, Evaluation of some Bayesian MCMC random effects inference applicable to bird ringing data, and Burnham, 'Computing issues concerning hierarchical models.' Presented a poster, "Profile likelihood intervals: a new feature of program MARK to solve a problem of 'standard theory'." | October 2003 |
Pettigrew, E.J., D.L. Winkelman, D. Walters, M. Venarsky, A. Herdrich. Effects of in-stream large wood on fish diets. | February 2015 |
Peck, C., B.D. Gerber, and M.B. Hooten. Joint Statistical Meetings: ASA. Baltimore, MD (contrib. talk, 3rd author), 2017, Title: Hierarchical Bayesian models for azimuthal telemetry data. | August 2017 |
Pearson, K., W. Kendall, D.L. Winkelman, and W Persons. Spawning probability of humpback chub, Gila cypha, in the Little Colorado River, Arizona. 2014 Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 4-6, Laramie, WY. | March 2014 |
Pearson, K., W. Kendall, D. Winkelman, and W. Persons. 2014. Spawning strategy of the endangered humpback chub in the Little Colorado River with implications for estimability of demographic parameters necessary for species recovery. Society for Conservation Biology Conference, Missoula, MT. | July 2014 |
Participated in the technical meeting EURING 2003, Oct. 6-10, 2003 in Radolfzell, Germany. The Quantitative Study of Marked Individuals in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology. | October 2003 |
Orabutt, D., and E. Bergersen. 2003. Northern pike and trout interactions in high elevation trout reservoirs in Colorado. American Fisheries Society Esocids Technical Committee Meeting, Minaqua, Minnesota. | July 2003 |
Orabutt, D., Jr., and E. P. Bergersen. Northern pike in high elevation reservoir trout fisheries. American Fisheries Society Student Chapter Meeting, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. | January 2003 |
Nambiar, R., D. L. Winkelman, D. M. Leslie, Jr., and T. Boyer. 7 November 2003. Zooplankton community structure in ephemeral wetlands on the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, Pawhuska, Oklahoma. 92nd annual meeting of Oklahoma Academy of Science, Chickasha, OK. | November 2003 |
Multimodel inference: Understanding AIC and BIC in model selection. Conference on New Developments of Statistical Analysis in Wildlife, Fisheries and Ecological Research (The Fifth Winemiller Symposium), October 13-16, 2004 at the University of Missouri. Sponsored by NSF and the University of Missouri and hosted by the University of Missouri Department of Statistics. | October 2004 |
Millsap, B., G. S. Zimmerman, W. L. Kendall, F. Abadi, and J. V. Gedir. 2020. An integrated population model to inform management of permitted take of bald eagles in the United States. Ecological Society of America Annual Conference, Salt Lake City Utah, 2 August to 7 August, 2020. | August 2020 |
Milhous, R. T., J. W. Terrell, and E. P. Bergersen. 2002. Sediment as habitat for worms associated with whirling disease. Annual Meeting of Rocky Mountain Hydrologic Research Center, Denver, Colorado. | December 2002 |
Mezebish Quinn, T, Paton, P, Gerber, BD, Kilburn, J, and McWilliams Scott. Habitat selection of American black ducks wintering in an urban estuary with increasing shellfish aquaculture. North American Duck Symposium; Feb 2024; Oregon | February 2024 |
McGree, Michelle, D.L. Winkelman, and N. Viera. 2008. An estrogenic endocrine disruptor alters reproductive behaviors and fecundity of the red shiner. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of AFS. Portland, OR. | May 2008 |
McGree, M.M., D.L. Winkelman, and N. Vieira. 2009. Exposure to 17β-estradiol reduces reproductive success of the Adult Red Shiner (Cyprinella lutrensis). 2nd International Conference on Occurrence, Fate, Effects, and Analysis of Emerging Contaminants in the Environment. Fort Collins, CO. | August 2009 |
McGree, M., D.L. Winkelman, and N. Viera. 2008. An estrogenic endocrine disruptor alters reproductive behaviors and fecundity of the red shiner. Annual Meeting of CO-WY Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Cheyenne, WY. | February 2008 |
McGree, M. M., D. L. Winkelman, and N. K. Vieira. 2007. The effects of an estrogenic endocrine disruptor on male red shiner reproduction: behavior, secondary sexual traits, and development. Rocky Mountain Society of Toxicology and Chemistry, Golden, CO (April). | April 2007 |
McGree, M. M., D. L. Winkelman, and N. K. Vieira. 2007. The effects of an estrogenic endocrine disruptor on male red shiner reproduction: behavior, secondary sexual traits, and development. Colorado/Wyoming Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Fort Collins, CO (March). | March 2007 |
McGree, M. M., D. L. Winkelman, and N. K. Vieira. 2007. The effects of an estrogenic endocrine disruptor on male red shiner (Cyprinella lutrensis) reproduction: behavior, secondary sexual traits, development, and productivity. National Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, CA (September). | September 2007 |
McGree, M. M., D. L. Winkelman, and N. K. M. Vieira. 2008. An estrogenic endocrine disruptor alters the reproductive behaviors and fecundity of the red shiner. Colorado State University Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology Departmental Seminar, Fort Collins, CO (March). | March 2008 |
Mayer, AE, Carroll, K, Kalb, DM, Ferreira, D, Parent, J, and Gerber, BD. White-tailed deer population estimation in Rhode Island via aerial infrared sensors. 2025. The 80th Annual Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference. Bretton Woods, NH. | April 2025 |
Mauck, M., and D. L. Winkelman. 7 November 2003. Survival and condition of age-0 striped bass in Lake Texoma. 92nd annual meeting of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Chickasha, OK. | November 2003 |
Mauck, M., and D. L. Winkelman. 27 February 2004. Factors influencing first year recruitment of striped bass in Lake Texoma. 12th annual spring meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Oklahoma City, OK. | February 2004 |
Mauck M. and D.L. Winkelman. 2005. Factors Influencing First Year Recruitment of Striped Bass in Lake Texoma. 59th annual meeting of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. St. Louis, MO. | October 2005 |
Malachowski, C., W. L. Kendall, R. Swift, E. Flint, J. L. McKay, M. Rogosky, M. Naughton, M. Romano, J. Yoshizaki, and P. F. Doherty, Jr. 2023. Trade-offs between survival and reproduction in two species of North Pacific albatrosses. 50th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group, 15-17 February 2023, Lajolla, CA. | February 2023 |
Malachowski, C., W. L. Kendall, D. Collins, K. Kraii, J. Olszak, and L. Reynolds. 2022. Survival, recovery, and post-breeding movements in the Western Gulf Coast Population of mottled ducks. 29th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Spokane, WA, 6-10 November, 2022. | November 2022 |
Malachowski, C. M., W. L. Kendall, J. Plissner, R. Swift, and E. Flint. 2025. An integrated population model for Black-footed and Laysan albatrosses in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. 2025 Joint Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group and The Waterbird Society, La Ribera de Belen Heredia, Costa Rica, 6-9 January, 2025. | January 2025 |
Lukacs, P.M., and K. P. Burnham. Statistical aspects of using genetic markers for individual identification in capture-recapture studies. 10th Annual Wildlife Society Conference, Burlington, Vermont. | September 2003 |
Lukacs, P.M. and Burnham, K.P. 2003. Statistical aspects of using genetic markers for individual identification in capture-recapture studies. 3rd International Wildlife Management Congress, Christchurch, New Zealand. | September 2003 |
Lukacs, P.M. and Burnham, K.P. 2003 Statistical aspects of using genetic markers for individual identification in capture-recapture studies. EURING Technical Meeting, Radolfzell, Germany. | September 2003 |
Lisa L. Wolfe, Mary M. Conner, Thomas H. Baker, Victoria J. Dreitz, Kenneth P. Burnham, Elizabeth S. Williams, N. Thompson Hobbs, and Michael W. Miller. July 2002. Evaluation of tonsillar biopsy data for estimating chronic wasting disease prevalence in free-ranging mule deer. Preparing for Emerging Diseases, 51st Annual Meeting of the Wildlife Diseases Association, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California. | July 2002 |
Larkin, K and D.L. Winkelman. 2009. Colorado River cutthroat trout restoration: conservation planning and watershed prioritization tools for today’s managers. Annual meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Fort Collins, CO. | February 2009 |
Lambert, S. M., P. Ersts, M. Alldredge, W. L. Kendall, and R. Beveridge. 2021. Methods and applications for integrating A.I. photo-filtering software into camera surveys. 2021 Annual Meeting of the Colorado Chapter of The Wildlife Society (virtual). | February 2021 |
Kowalski, D., and E. P. Bergersen. February 2002. Toxicity of bayluscide and TFM to different lineages of Tubifex Tubifex: implications for the chemical control of oligochaetes. 8th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium, Putting a Fresh Spin on whirling Disease, Denver, Colorado. | February 2002 |
Kowalski, D. and E. Bergersen. March 2001. Preliminary investigations on the efficacy of chemical control of Tubifex tubifex on the incidence of whirling disease in Colorado hatcheries. Annual American Fisheries Society, Colorado/Wyoming Chapter Meeting, Cheyenne, WY. | March 2001 |
Kowalski, D. and E. Bergersen. February 2001. Preliminary investigations on the efficacy of chemical control of Tubifex tubifex on the incidence of whirling disease in Colorado hatcheries. 7th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT. | February 2001 |
Kowalski, D. and E. Bergersen. April 2001. Preliminary investigations on the efficacy of chemical control of Tubifex tubifex on the incidence of whirling disease in Colorado hatcheries. Colorado Division of Wildlife Aquatic Section Meeting, Montrose, CO. | April 2001 |
Keteles, K., D.L. Winkelman, J. Lazorchak, D. Villeneuve, D. Ekman, A. Vajda, and T. Collette. Use of bioactivity tools to measure estrogenic mixtures below WWTPs with differing treatment technologies. SETAC North America 36th annual meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. | November 2015 |
Kendall, W. L., R. Y. Conrey, and J. H. Gammonley. 2020. Multistage nest survival: a hidden Markov model approach when nest age or stage is uncertain. The Wildlife Society 2020 Annual Conference, 28 Sep - 2 Oct 2020. | September 2020 |
Kendall, W. L., R. C. Drewien, W. Brown, and B. D. Gerber. 2014. Pre- and post-harvest mortality sources and survival of the Rocky Mountain Sandhill Crane. 21st Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Pittsburgh, PA. | October 2014 |
Kendall, W. L., M. C. Dzul, D. L. Winkelman, L. L. Bailey, and M. M. Conner. 2024. Modeling survival and movement of stream fishes using autonomous PIT tag antennas. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, 15-19 September 2024. | September 2024 |
Kendall, W. L., K. N. Pearson, P. H. Dutton, K. R. Stewart, and C. Lombard. 2018. Life history and demography of a nesting population of leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) at St. Croix, U. S. Virgin Islands, 1992-2013. 25th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Cleveland, OH. | October 2018 |
Kendall, W. L., K. N. Pearson, P. H. Dutton, K. R. Stewart, and C. Lombard. 2017. Life history and demography of a nesting population of leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea), U. S. Virgin Islands, 1992-2013. 37th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Las Vegas, NV. | April 2017 |
Kendall, W. L., G. C. White, and C. B. Yackulic. 2023. A multistate Jolly-Seber mark-recapture model for population dynamics or stopover phenology. 30th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Louisville, KY, 5-9 November 2023. | November 2023 |
Kendall, W. L., G. C. White, L. Cordes, and B. W. Meixell. 2013. Estimating parameters under state uncertainty when events are seasonal. Euring 2013 Analytical Conference, Athens, Georgia. | May 2013 |
Kendall, W. L., D. L. Winkelman, M. C. Dzul, and C. B. Yackulic. 2019. Estimating vital rates and movement using autonomous PIT tag antennas: a design and analysis framework. American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference, Reno, NV. | October 2019 |
Kendall, W. L., C. Malachowski, R. Swift, E. Flint, J. L. McKay, and M. Rogosky. 2024. Trade-offs between survival and reproduction in two species of North Pacific albatrosses. 31st Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Baltimore, MD, 19-23 October 2024. | October 2024 |
Kendall, W. L., C. A. Langtimm, M. M. Lamont, M. Randall, R. S. Wells, K. M. Hart, C. A. Beck, and A. L. Teague. 2016. Assessing the potential of a monitoring network for the Gulf of Mexico based on large vertebrate species. 2016 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, Tampa, FL. | February 2016 |
Kendall, W. L., C. A. Langtimm, C. A. Beck, K. A. Rood, S. L. Barton, and A. L. Teague. 2016. Using continuous-time resighting data to improve inference from multistate mark-recapture studies. | October 2016 |
Kendall, W. L. Robust demographic studies of sea turtles from an ensemble of data sources. 34th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. New Orleans, LA, USA. | April 2014 |
Kendall, W. L. 2020. Contributions of banding data to the development of avian demography and capture-recapture modeling. North American Ornithological Conference 2020, 11-16 August 2020. | August 2020 |
Kendall, W. L. 2017. The multistate model as an omnibus framework for robust inference from mark-recapture studies. 24th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, NM. | September 2017 |
Kendall, W. L. 2015. Robust inference from seabird demographic studies through a synergy among hypotheses, design, and analytical tools. 2nd World Seabird Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, October 26-30, 2015. | October 2015 |
James W. Rivers, Lindsay J. Adrean, Jennifer A. Bailey Guerrero, Jonathan Dachenhaus, Jennifer L. Fisher, Cecelia Frisinger, Marie-Sophie Garcia-Heras, Brian D. Gerber, Carolyn B. Meyer, S. Kim Nelson, Joseph M. Northrup, Daniel D. Roby, Jonathon Valente, Christopher Wolf, Ethan Woodis, Zhiqiang Yang, and Matthew G. Betts. Warming ocean conditions curtail breeding activity of the Marbled Murrelet, a most unusual forest-nesting bird. Oregon chapter of The Wildlife Society, February 2024. | February 2024 |
J.E. Cavallin, W.A Battaglin, J. Beihoffer, B.R. Blackwell, P.M. Bradley, D.R. Eckman, J. Kinsey, K. Keteles, E.Lai, R. Weissinger, D.L. Winkelman, and D.L. Villeneuve. Effects-based monitoring of bioactive contaminants associated with exposure to a wastewater treatment plant discharge on the Colorado River. Society of Ecological Toxicology and Chemistry North America 39th annual meeting. November 6, 2018 | November 2018 |
Itter, M., A. Finley, M.B. Hooten, P. Higuera, J. Marlon, and J. McLachlan. (2016) American Geophysical Union Annual Mtg. San Francisco, CA (contrib. talk, 3rd author). Title: A Model-Based Approach to Infer Shifts in Regional Fire Regimes Over Time Using Sediment Charcoal Records. | December 2016 |
Iannarilli, F, Gerber, BD, Erb, J, Wikelski, M, Fieberg, JR. A hierarchical modeling framework for estimating animal activity patterns: the effect of human presence on diel activity. The International Statistical Ecology Conference, Swansea, United Kingdom. 15-19, July 2024. | July 2024 |
Hu, D, S. Gaughan, P.M. Kocovsky, M.E. Mather, K. Mayes, J. Perkin, J.S. Rogosch, D. Winkelman, M. Wuellner. 2022. AFS 151 Symposia Summaries. "Creating and implementing an ecosystem-wide integrated research agenda and conservation plan for prairie streams: A shared vision, next generation synthesis, and future action plan." Fisheries 47: 30. | November 2021 |
Hooten, M.B., H.R. Scharf, T.J. Hefley, A.T. Pearse, M.D. Weegman. (2018). Animal movement models for migratory individuals and groups. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH. Invited Talk. | October 2018 |
Hooten, M.B. and J.M. Morales. (2018). Animal movement models for recharge dynamics. International Statistical Ecology Conference. | July 2018 |
Hooten, M.B. and D.S. Johnson. Joint Statistical Meetings, Chicago, IL. (2016). Basis function approaches for continuous-time Lagrangian movement modeling. Invited Talk. | August 2016 |
Hooten, M.B. (2015) IALE World Congress, Portland, OR. Invited Talk: Statistical dimension reduction and computation in spatial ecology. | July 2015 |
Hooten, M.B. (2014). Linking long-distance animal movement behavior and landscapes using multiscale functional models. Invited Presentation. Graybill Conference. Fort Collins, CO. | September 2014 |
Hooten, M.B. The International Environmetrics Society Meeting. (2016). A progression in G: time series, spatial statistics, and the trajectories of ecological particles. Invited Plenary Seminar. | July 2016 |
Hooten, M.B. (2018). Optimal adaptive monitoring: Past, present, and future. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH. Invited Talk. | October 2018 |
Hooten, M.B. (2015) Joint Statistical Meetings, Seattle, WA. Invited Talk. Title: Linking Long-Distance Animal Movement Behavior and Landscapes Using Multiscale Functional Models. | August 2015 |
Hooten, M.B. (2014). Fringe Benefits: The hidden utility of movement constraints in telemetry studies. Invited Presentation. International Statistical Ecology Conference. Montpellier, France. | July 2014 |
Herdrich, A.T., D.L. Winkelman, and D. Walters. Effects of large wood and log jams on eastern slope Rocky Mountain trout populations. 41st Annual meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. April 23, 2016. Reno, NV. | August 2016 |
Herdrich, A.T., D.L. Winkelman, and D. Walters. Effects of large wood and log jams on eastern slope Rocky Mountain trout populations. 41st Annual meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. April 23, 2016. Reno, NV. | April 2016 |
Herdrich, A.T., D.L. Winkelman, and D. Walters. Effects of Large Wood and Log Jams on Eastern Slope Rocky Mountain Trout Populations. | August 2015 |
Herdrich, A.T., D.L. Winkelman, D. Walters. Effects of Large Wood and Log Jams on Eastern Slope Rocky Mountain Trout Populations | February 2015 |
Herdrich, A.T., D. Walters, and D.L. Winkelman. Effects of Large Woody Debris and Log Jams on Eastern Slope Rocky Mountain Trout Populations. 2014 Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 4-6, Laramie, WY. | March 2014 |
Hefley, T.J., M.B. Hooten, E.M. Hanks, D.P. Walsh, and R.E. Russell. International Statistical Ecology Conference. 2016. Seattle, WA. (contributed talk) Title: Confounding in dynamic ecological processes. | June 2016 |
Hefley, T., M.B. Hooten, E.M. Hanks, D. Walsh, R. Russell. (2016). Contributed talk. Joint Statistical Meetings, Chicago, IL. Title: Dynamically induced spatial confounding. | August 2016 |
Hefley, T., M.B. Hooten, D. Walsh, and R. Russell. (2017) Expansion and Growth of Chronic Wasting Disease in Wisconsin. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Lincoln, NE. | February 2017 |
Hart, A., W. L. Kendall, and M. Alldredge. 2024. Survival trade-offs of migratory and resident behavior in mule deer. 2024 Annual Meeting of the Colorado Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Pueblo, Colorado, 31 January – 2 February, 2024. | February 2024 |
Hart, A., G. Wittemyer, W. L. Kendall, and M. W. Alldredge. 2023. Influence of irrigated agriculture on mule deer movements in partially migratory herds. 30th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Louisville, KY, 5-9 November 2023. | November 2023 |
Grider, J. F., B. J. Udell, B. E. Reichert, W. F. Frick, T. L. Cheng, and W. L. Kendall. 2023. A novel method for estimating pathogen presence, prevalence, load, and dynamics at multiple scales during a disease outbreak. Euring Analytical Conference and Workshop, Montpellier, France, 17-21 April 2023. |
April 2023 |
Gibson-Reeinemer, D., B. Johnson, D.L. Winkelman. 2006. Use of otolith microchemistry to identify origin of hatchery-reared rainbow trout. . Annual meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Cheyenne WY. | January 2006 |
Gerber, BD, Devarajan, K, Farris, ZJ, and Fidino, M. A framework to define and estimate animal diel activity. The 103rd Annual American Society of Mammalogists Meeting. June 7-11, 2024. Boulder, CO, USA. | June 2024 |
Gerber, BD, Devarajan, K, Farris, ZJ, and Fidino, M. A conceptual and statistical framework to define animal diel activity patterns and investigate species plasticity. The 31st Annual Wildlife Society Conference. October 19-23, 2024. Baltimore, MD, USA. | October 2024 |
Gerber, B. Kendall, W. Hooten, M., Dubovsky, J., Drewien, R. Predicting Juvenile Sandhill Crane Production From Ecologically-Driven Hypotheses Using Statistical Regularization | October 2014 |
Gerber, B. D., W. L. Kendall, J. A. Dubovsky, R. C. Drewien, and M. B. Hooten. Annual variation of young of the year in the Rocky Mountain Population of Sandhill Cranes. 13th North American Crane Workshop. Lafayette, LA, USA. | April 2014 |
Gerber BD, BA Mosher, LL Bailey, E Muths, HJ Crockett, and SJ Converse. 2023. Optimal management decisions are robust to unknown dynamics in an amphibian metapopulation plagued by disease. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, USA. 5-9 November. | November 2023 |
Gaulke, S., R. Schorr, J. Siemers, B. Reichert, and W. L. Kendall. 2025. Estimating parturition from PIT tag detections for Myotis lucifugus in Colorado. 2025 Annual Meeting of the Colorado and Wyoming Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Fort Collins, Colorado, 4-6 March, 2025. | March 2025 |
Ganoe, L, Mayer, AE, Brown, C, Lucot, M, Kalb, DM, Gerber, BD, and Carroll, K. Mesocarnivore occurrence declines lead to a long-term monitoring program in Rhode Island, USA. 2025. The 80th Annual Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference. Bretton Woods, NH. | April 2025 |
Fraser, G., K.R. Bestgen, D.L. Winkelman. 2014. Use of Coal Creek,White River drainage by flannelmouth and bluehead sucker. 2014 Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 4-6, Laramie, WY. | March 2014 |
Fraser, G., K.R. Besten, D.L. Winkelman, and K. Thompson. Flannelmouth and bluehead sucker tributary use in Coal Creek, CO. | January 2014 |
Franklin, A.B., Lukacs, P.M., Anderson, D.R. 2003. A new design to estimate density of trappable organisms: the trapping line transect. 3rd International Wildlife Management Congress, Christchurch, New Zealand. | April 2003 |
Franklin, A. B., K. P. Burnham, G. C. White, R. J. Anthony, E. D. Forsman, C. Schwarz, J. D. Nichols and J. Hines. November 1999. Range-wide status and trends in northern spotted owl populations. 1999 Raptor Research Foundation Annual Meeting, La Paz, Mexico. | November 1999 |
Franklin, A. B., D. R. Anderson, and K. P. Burnham. October 2000. Estimation of long-term trends and variation in avian survival probabilities using random effects models. EURING 2000, Marshal, CA. | October 2000 |
Fitzpatrick, R. and D.L. Winkelman. 2006. Identifying sources of northern pike recruitment in the Yampa River using otolith elemental signatures. 136th annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Lake Placid, NY. | September 2006 |
Fitzpatrick, R. and D.L. Winkelman. 2006. Identifying sources of northern pike (Esox lucius) recruitment in the Yampa River, using otolith microchemistry. Annual meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting. Cheyenne WY. | January 2006 |
Fitzpatrick, R. M and D. L. Winkelman. September 2006. Estimation of recruitment sources and movement of northern pike (Esox lucius) using otolith microchemistry. American Fisheries Society National Meeting. Lake Placid, NY. | September 2006 |
Fitzpatrick, R. M and D. L. Winkelman. 27 February 2007. Estimation of recruitment sources and movement of northern pike (Esox lucius) using otolith microchemistry. Colorado/Wyoming meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Fort Collins, CO. | February 2007 |
Fitzpatrick, R. M and D. L. Winkelman. 15 February 2006. Estimation of recruitment sources and movement of northern pike (Esox lucius) using otolith microchemistry. Colorado/Wyoming meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Cheyenne, WY. | February 2006 |
Fitzpatrick, R. M and D. L. Winkelman. 15 February 2005. Estimation of recruitment sources and movement of northern pike (Esox lucius) using otolith microchemistry. Colorado/Wyoming meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Fort Collins, CO. | February 2005 |
Fetherman, E. and G. Schisler. 13 February 2007 Inheritance of Myxobolus cerebralis resistance among second generation crosses between the Hofer and Colorado River Rainbow trout strains. 13th annual Whirling Disease Symposium. Denver, CO. | February 2007 |
Fetherman, E. R., K. Davies, G. J. Schisler, K. Kehmeier, and D. L. Winkelman. 2011. Demented fish racists: Analyzing rainbow trout introductions in brown trout dominated streams. Great Plains Fishery Workers Association Meeting. Sidney, Nebraska. February 2, 2011. | February 2011 |
Fetherman, E. R., G. J. Schisler, and D. L. Winkelman. 2008. Whirling disease and the Colorado River. Special Meeting of the Chimney Rock Ranch Fishing Club. Denver, Colorado. | July 2008 |
Fetherman, E. R., G. J. Schisler, and D. L. Winkelman. 2007. Inheritance of Myxobolus cerebralis resistance among second generation crosses between the Hofer and Colorado River Rainbow trout strains. Annual meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Fort Collins, CO. | February 2007 |
Fetherman, E. R., D. L. Winkelman, and G. J. Schisler. 2011. Whirling disease resistant rainbow trout in Colorado: Introductions, monitoring, and brown trout removal. Annual Meeting of the Colorado Aquaculture Association. Mt. Princeton Hot Springs, Colorado. | January 2011 |
Fetherman, E. R., D. L. Winkelman, and G. J. Schisler. 2011. Brown trout removal in the Cache la Poudre River, Colorado: Managing whirling disease resistant rainbow trout introductions in brown trout dominated streams. National American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Seattle, Washington. | September 2011 |
Fetherman, E. R., D. L. Winkelman, and G. J. Schisler. 2010. Whirling disease resistant rainbow trout 2009 project update. Whirling Disease Symposium. 2010 Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. Salt Lake City, Utah. | April 2010 |
Fetherman, E. R., D. L. Winkelman, and G. J. Schisler. 2010. Whirling disease resistant rainbow trout 2009 project update. 2010 Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Laramie, Wyoming. | March 2010 |
Fetherman, E. R., D. L. Winkelman, and G. J. Schisler. 2009. Physiological effects of whirling disease and heritability of myxospore count in susceptible and resistant strains of rainbow trout. Annual Meeting of the Colorado Aquaculture Association. Mt. Princeton Hot Springs, Colorado. | January 2009 |
Fetherman, E. R., D. L. Winkelman, and G. J. Schisler. 2009. Physiological effects of whirling disease and heritability of myxospore count in susceptible and resistant strains of rainbow trout. 15th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium: Conserving Coldwater Fisheries. Denver, Colorado. | February 2009 |
Fetherman, E. R., D. L. Winkelman, and G. J. Schisler. 2009. Heritability of myxospore count and genetic correlations in whirling disease resistant and susceptible strains of rainbow trout. 2009 Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. Albuquerque, New Mexico. | May 2009 |
Fetherman, E. R., D. L. Winkelman, and G. J. Schisler. 2009. Heritability of myxospore count and genetic correlations in whirling disease resistant and susceptible strains of rainbow trout. 2009 Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Loveland, Colorado. | February 2009 |
Fetherman, E. R., D. L. Winkelman, and G. J. Schisler. 2008. The physiological effects of whirling disease in resistant and susceptible crosses of rainbow trout. 2008 Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. Portland, Oregon. | May 2008 |
Fetherman, E. R., D. L. Winkelman, and G. J. Schisler. 2008. The physiological effects of whirling disease in resistant and susceptible crosses of rainbow trout. 2008 Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Cheyenne, Wyoming. | March 2008 |
Fetherman, E. R., D. L. Winkelman, and G. J. Schisler. 2008. The physiological effects of whirling disease in resistant and susceptible crosses of rainbow trout. 14th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium: Solving the Puzzle. Denver, Colorado. | February 2008 |
Fetherman, E. R., D. L. Winkelman, and G. J. Schisler. 2008. The Physiological Effects of Whirling Disease in Resistant and Susceptible Crosses of Rainbow Trout. Annual Meeting of the Colorado Aquaculture Association. Mt. Princeton Hot Springs, CO. | January 2008 |
Fetherman, E. R., D. L. Winkelman, G. J. Schisler, L. Bailey, and W. L. Kendall. 2011. Multistate modeling approach for analyzing survival and movement of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) PIT tagged trout in rivers. National American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Seattle, Washington. | September 2011 |
Fetherman, E. R., D. L. Winkelman, G. J. Schisler, K. Davies, and K. Kehmeier. 2011. Brown trout removal in the Cache la Poudre River: The next step in whirling disease resistant rainbow trout management. 2011 Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society and the Colorado Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Fort Collins, Colorado. | February 2011 |
Fetherman, E. R. 2008. The physiological effects of whirling disease in resistant and susceptible crosses of rainbow trout. Departmental Seminar for the Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Biology, Colorado State University. Fort Collins, Colorado. | September 2008 |
Drewien, R. C., W. L. Kendall, W. Brown, and B. D. Gerber. Survival of the Rocky Mountain Sandhill Crane. 13th North American Crane Workshop. Lafayette, LA. | April 2014 |
DeCoste, J, R. Y. Conrey, W. L. Kendall, and J. Gammonley. 2017. Nest survival of bald eagles in Colorado. Annual Meeting of the Colorado Chapter of the The Wildlife Society, Fort Collins, CO. | February 2017 |
D'Amico, T.W., T. Swarr, D.L. Winkelman, and C.M. Myrick. PIT tag retention in a small-bodied native catfish. 2018 Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. Laramie, WY. | May 2018 |
D'Amico, T.W., T. Swarr, D.L. Winkelman, and C.M. Myrick. PIT tag retention in a small-bodied native catfish. 2018 Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, AK | February 2018 |
D'Amico, T.W., T. Swarr, D.L. Winkelman, and C.M. Myrick. PIT tag retention in a small-bodied native catfish. 2018 Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Laramie, WY. | February 2018 |
D'Amico, T.W., D.L. Winkelman, and F.B. Wright. Habitat selection and movement of stonecat in St. Vrain Creek, CO. 2018 Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. Laramie, WY. | May 2018 |
D'Amico, T.W., D.L. Winkelman, and F.B. Wright. Habitat selection and movement of stonecat in St. Vrain Creek, CO. 2018 Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Laramie, WY. | February 2018 |
D'Amico, T. and D.L. Winkelman. Stone Cat Ecology in St. Vrain Creek. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Western Division the American Fisheries Society. Missoula, FT. | May 2017 |
D'Amico, T. and D.L. Winkelman. Stone Cat Ecology in St. Vrain Creek. 2017 Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Grand Junction, CO. | February 2017 |
D'Amico, T, D.L. Winkelman, T. Swarr, and C. Myrick. PIT tag retention in a small-bodied native catfish (Noturus flavus). 42nd Annual Meeting of the Western Division the American Fisheries Society. Missoula, MT | May 2017 |
D'Amico, T, D.L. Winkelman, T. Swarr, and C. Myrick. PIT tag retention in a small-bodied native catfish (Noturus flavus). 2017 Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Grand Junction, CO. | February 2017 |
Conrey, R. Y., J. DeCoste, W. L. Kendall, and J. H. Gammonley. 2019. Developing methods for nesting success of bald eagles in Colorado. Raptor Research Foundation Annual Conference, Fort Collins, CO, Nov 5-10, 2019. | November 2019 |
Cole, A.R., J. Beihoffer, B.R. Blackwell, J.E. Cavallin, D.R. Eckman, A. Jastrow, J. Kinsey, K. Keteles, J. Parman, D.L. Winkelman, and D.L. Villeneuve. Evaluating effects of bioactive contaminants related to waste water treatment plant effluent on the South Platte River. Society of Ecological Toxicology and Chemistry North America 39th annual meeting. November 6, 2018 | November 2018 |
Clapp C.M., D.L. Winkelman, K. Thompson. 2008. Investigating competition among lineages of Tubifex tubifex and the potential for biological control of whirling disease. Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology Departmental Seminar. | January 2008 |
Clapp C, D.L. Winkelman, and K. Thompson. 2006. Investigating competition among lineages of T. tubifex and the potential for biological control of whirling disease in natural streams. Annual meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Cheyenne WY. | January 2006 |
Cannell, B., W. L. Kendall, J. Tyne, M. Bunce, Y. Hetzel, D. O. Muiri, and B. Radford. 2023. Marine heatwaves in Western Australia affect breeding, diet and population size but not body condition of a range-edge Little Penguin colony. 11th International Penguin Conference, Vina del Mar, Chile, 4 - 9 September 2023. | September 2023 |
Cannell, B., W. L. Kendall, J. Tyne, M. Bunce, Y. Hetzel, D. Muiri, and B. Radford. 2023. Marine heatwaves in Western Australia affect breeding, diet and population size but not body condition of a range-edge Little Penguin colony. 11th International Penguin Congress, Viña del Mar, Chile, 4-9 September 2023. | September 2023 |
Cannell, B., J. Sinclair, S. Vardeh, W. L. Kendall, J. Tyne, and B. Sherwin. 2019. Is climate change to blame for the halving of a high conservation value Little Penguin colony over a mere 10 years? 10th International Penguin Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand, 24-28 August 2019. | August 2019 |
Cannell, B. L., J. Tyne, J. J. K. Sinclair, W. B. Sherwin, and W. L. Kendall. 2021. Can a range edge colony of Little Penguins in Western Australia recover from an unprecedented marine heatwave followed by several years of warmer than average SST? 3rd Word Seabird Conference (virtual). | October 2021 |
Burnham, K. P. and G. C. White. October 2000. Evaluation of some random effects methodology applicable to bird ringing data. EURING 2000, Marshal, CA. | October 2000 |
Burnham, K. P. March 2000. Model testing and selection in wildlife data analysis. Wisconsin Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, Madison, WI. | March 2000 |
Burnham, K. P. December 1999. A random effects model for band recovery and capture-recapture data. Estimating Animal Abundance and Related Parameters, Third Conference on Statistics in Ecology and Environmental Monitoring, Dunedin, New Zealand. (Keynote speaker) | December 1999 |
Buderman, Hooten, Ivan, Shenk (2015). The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, Canada. Contributed talk. Spatial ecology and movement of reintroduced Canada lynx. | October 2015 |
Buderman, F.E., M.B. Hooten, and M. Alldredge. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. (2016). Mountain lion movement dynamics in the wildland-urban interface. Contributed Talk. | October 2016 |
Buderman, F.E., M.B. Hooten, and M. Alldredge. The Wildlife Society - CMPS meeting. (2016). Drivers of mountain lion movement in the Colorado Front Range. Contributed Talk. | August 2016 |
Buderman, F.E. and M.B. Hooten. (2018). Basis functions for continuous-time models of animal movement. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH. Invited Talk. | October 2018 |
Brost, Hooten, Hanks, Small. (2015). The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, Canada. Invited Talk: Animal movement constraints improve resource selection inference in the presence of telemetry error. | October 2015 |
Brost, B.M., M.B. Hooten, and R.J. Small. (2016). International Statistical Ecology Conference. Seattle, WA. Invited Talk. Title: Locating harbor seal haul-out sites from Argos satellite telemetry data using a Dirichlet process. | June 2016 |
Broms, K.M., M.B. Hooten, and R.M. Fitzpatrick. (2016). International Statistical Ecology Conference, Seattle, WA. Optimal adaptive sampling design for occupancy monitoring. | June 2016 |
Broms, K.M., M.B. Hooten, and R.M. Fitzpatrick. (2016). Ecological Society of America, Annual Meeting. Contributed talk. Title: Model selection and assessment for multi-species occupancy models. | August 2016 |
Broms, K.M., M.B. Hooten, and R.M. Fitzpatrick. (2016). AFS Colorado/Wyoming Chapter Annual Meeting, Laramie, WY. Spatial monitoring design for plains fishes in the South Platte River Basin. | March 2016 |
Broms, K.M., M.B. Hooten, R. Fitzpatrick, and J.M. Ver Hoef. Joint Statistical Meetings: ASA. Baltimore, MD (contrib. talk, 2nd author), 2017, Title: Bayesian spatial stream network models. | August 2017 |
Breton, A.R., D.L. Winkelman, K.R. Bestgen, and J.A. Hawkins. Population dynamics modeling of introduced smallmouth bass in the upper Colorado River basin. 2014 Upper Colorado River Basin Endangered Fish Recovery Program's Annual Researchers Meeting, Grand Junction, Colorado, January 14-15. | January 2014 |
Breton, A.R., D.L. Winkelman, J.A. Hawkins, and K.R. Bestgen. Population trends of smallmouth bass in the upper Colorado River basin wit an evaluation of removal effects. 2014 Upper Colorado River Basin Endangered Fish Recovery Program's Annual Researchers Meeting, Grand Junction, Colorado, January 14-15. | January 2014 |
Breton, A.R., D.L. Winkelman, J.A. Hawkins, K.R. Bestgen. Population trends of smallmouth bass in the upper Colorado River basin with an evaluation of removal effects. | February 2015 |
Betts, MG, Frey, SJK,Gerber, BD. Bird interspecific colonization and extinction dynamics are mediated by microclimate. Annual meeting of the American Ornithological Society. Estes Park, Colorado. October 1-5, 2024. | October 2024 |
Bergersen, E. P. and K. B. Rogers. August 2000. Rocky Mountain Arsenal bass habitat use. American Fisheries Society Black Bass 2000 Symposium, St. Louis, MO. | August 2000 |
Belotti, MCTD, Gerber, B, Deng, Y, Zhao, W, Simmons, VF, Cheng, Z, Perez, G, Tielens, E, Maji, S, Sheldon, D, Kelly, JF, and Horton, KG. Comparison of swallow and martin trends from three large-scale data sources. Annual meeting of the American Ornithological Society. October 1 - 5, 2024. | October 2024 |
Bellier, E., McGreevy Jr., T.J., Petrullo, A. and Gerber. B.D. Evaluating the spatial count model to monitor the population dynamics of unmarked small mammals. Annual meeting of the Ecological society of America. August 4 - 9, 2024. | August 2024 |
Avila, B.W., E.R. Fetherman, D.L. Winkelman. Raft and floating antenna systems for detecting PIT-tagged fish in rivers. 2014 Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 4-6, Laramie, WY. | March 2014 |
Avila, B.W., D.L. Winkelman, and E.R. Fetherman. Whirling disease resistant Rainbow Trout fry survival: a comparison of two strains. 2018 Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. Anchorage, AK. | May 2018 |
Avila, B.W., D.L. Winkelman, and E.R. Fetherman. Quality vs. quantity: manipulating rearing density as a strategy for increasing survival of Rainbow Trout fry pre- and post-stocking. 2018 Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. Anchorage, AK. | May 2018 |
Avila, B.W., D.L. Winkelman, and E.R. Fetherman. Quality vs. quantity: manipulating rearing density as a strategy for increasing survival of Rainbow Trout fry pre- and post-stocking. 2018 Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Laramie, WY. | March 2018 |
Avila, B.W., D.L. Winkelman, E.R. Fetherman. Evaluation of resistant rainbow trout fry stocking in Colorado. 41st Annual meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. April 22, 2016. Reno, NV. | April 2016 |
Avila, B.W., D.L. Winkelman, E.R. Fetherman. Evaluation of resistant rainbow trout fry stocking in Colorado. 2016 Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 1-4, Laramie, WY. | March 2016 |
Avila, B.W., D.L. Winkelman, E.R. Fetherman. Evaluation of resistant Rainbow Trout fry stocking in Colorado | February 2015 |
Avila, B. W., W. L. Kendall, C. B. Yackulic, and J. Korman. 2024. Sharing abundance: integrating count data with capture-recapture data in a marginalized, multistate Jolly-Seber framework. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, 15-19 September 2024. | September 2024 |
Anderson, J.R., D.L. Winkelman, and A. Jastrow. Evaluating the distribution of estrogenic effects below wastewater treatment plants: estrogen persistence and fish movement. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. Missoula, MT. | May 2017 |
Anderson, J.R., D.L. Winkelman, and A. Jastrow. Evaluating the distribution of estrogenic effects below wastewater treatment plants: estrogen persistence and fish movement. 2017 Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Grand Junction, CO. | February 2017 |
Anderson, J.R., D.L. Winkelman, A.M. Vajda, and A. Jastrow. Evaluating wastewater effluent exposure in wild fishes using insights from laboratory and wild populations. 2018 Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Laramie, WY. | February 2018 |
Anderson, J and D.L. Winkelman. Evidence of estrogenic endocrine disruption at several municipal wastewater treatment plants within the South Platte watershed, Colorado. Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Society for Ecological Toxicology and Chemistry April 8, 2016, Fort Collins, CO. | April 2016 |
Anderson, J and D.L. Winkelman. Evidence of estrogenic endocrine disruption at several municipal wastewater treatment plants within the South Platte watershed, Colorado. 2016 Annual Meeting of the Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 1-4, Laramie, WY. | March 2016 |
Albright, S., W. L. Kendall, and R. Conrey. 2024. Occupancy, abundance, and productivity of burrowing owls nesting in eastern Colorado. 2024 Annual Meeting of the Colorado Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Pueblo, Colorado, 31 January – 2 February, 2024. |
February 2024 |
Albright, S., W. L. Kendall, and R. Conrey. 2022. Occupancy, abundance, and productivity of burrowing owls nesting in eastern Colorado. 29th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Spokane, WA, 6-10 November 2022. | November 2022 |
D.L. Winkelman, and E.R. Fetherman. Introduction to the symposium on Fishing for solutions to economically and ecologically important salmonid diseases. 2018 Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. Anchorage, AK. | May 2018 |
Theses and Dissertations | Publication Date |
Tipton, J.R. (2016). Improved estimation and prediction for computationally expensive ecological and paleoclimate models. PhD Dissertation. Colorado State University. Fort Collins, CO. | August 2016 |
Schwindt, A.R. 2013. The population ecology of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) in estrogen contaminated environments. PhD Dissertation. Colorado State University. Fort Collins, CO. | November 2013 |
Ross, B.E. (2014). Assessing changes in waterfowl population and community dynamics. PhD Dissertation. Utah State University. Logan, UT. | May 2014 |
McGree, M. 2008. Exposure to 17beta-estradiol alters reproduction of the adult red shiner (cyprinella lutrensis). Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, Master of Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado | May 2008 |
Herdrich, A.T. 2016. Effects of habitat complexity on eastern slope rocky mountain brook trout populations. | June 2016 |
Hanks, E.M. (2013). Statistical models for animal movement and landscape connectivity. PhD Dissertation. Colorado State University. Fort Collins, CO. | May 2013 |
Gerber, B., 2015. Sandhill Crane Population Monitoring, Modeling, and Harvest Decision Making. PhD Dissertation. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA. | August 2015 |
Garlick, M.J. (2012). Homogenization of large-scale movement models in ecology with application to the spread of chronic wasting disease in mule deer. PhD Dissertation. Utah State University. Logan, UT. | May 2012 |
Fraser, G.S. 2015. Movement patterns, reproduction, and potential impacts of climate change on three native fishes in the upper White River drainage, CO. | March 2015 |
Fitzpatrick, Ryan M. 2008. Use of otolith elemental signatures in estimating sources of northern pike recruitment in the Yampa River, Colorado. Master's Thesis. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. | December 2008 |
Fetherman, Eric R. 2008. Heritability of myxospore count and the effects of Myxobolus cerebralis exposure on the physiological performance of whirling disease resistant and susceptible strains of rainbow trout. Master's Thesis. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO | December 2008 |
Fetherman, E.R. 2013. Introduction and management of Myxobolus cerebralis-resistant rainbow trout in Colorado. PhD Dissertation. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO | December 2013 |
D'Amico, T.W. Stonecat ecology in St. Vrain Creek, CO. Master's Thesis (88 pp), Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO | August 2018 |
Clapp, Christine. 2009. Investigating competition among Myxobolus cerebralis resistant and susceptible mitochondrial lineages of Tubifex tubifex and the potential for biological control of whirling disease. Master's Thesis. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. | May 2009 |
Buderman, F.E. (2017). Statistical methods for modeling the movement and space use of carnivores. PhD Dissertation. Colorado State University. Fort Collins, CO. | August 2017 |
Brost, B.M. (2016). Statistical models for animal telemetry data with applications to harbor seals in the Gulf of Alaska. PhD Dissertation. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. | December 2017 |
Baum, C.M. Temperature and winter duration requirements for reproductive success in Johnny Darter Etheostoma nigrum in the South Platte River basin, CO. Master's Thesis (47 pp), Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO | July 2021 |
Avila, Brian. 2016. Survival of rainbow trout in the wild: a comparison of two whirling disease resistant strains. Master's Thesis, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. | October 2016 |
Avila, B.W. Bacterial Coldwater Disease Investigations. PhD Dissertation (1 33 pp), Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO | July 2021 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
Winkelman, D.L., Kevin Thompson, and James Terrell. 2005. The role of sediment size distribution and other microhabitat factors in the abundance and relative dominance of various T. tubifex lineages. Final Report to the Montana Water Center, Whirling Disease Initiative. | December 2005 |
Sipher, C., and E. Bergersen. 2001. The effects of whirling disease on growth and survival of Snake River cutthroat and Colorado River rainbow trout fingerlings. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium, a Decade of Discovery: | February 2001 |
Miller, R.S., M. Farnsworth, W. Kendall, P. Doherty, J.D. Nichols, G.C. White, K.P. Burnham, A.B. Franklin, J. Freier. 2007. Risk-based Targeted Surveillance: Identifying Areas and Populations of Importance for Surviellance of High Path Avian Influenza in the United States. GisVet2007 Conference, held August 20-24,2007, in Copenhagen, Denmark. This is an accepted "Regular" paper; access at: | August 2007 |
Kowalski, D. and E. Bergersen. 2001. Preliminary investigations on the efficacy of chemical control of Tubifex tubifex on the incidence of whirling disease in Colorado hatcheries. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Whirling Disease Symposium, a Decade of Discovery: 71-72. | February 2001 |
Franklin, A. B., D. R. Anderson, and K. P. Burnham. 1998. Study of long-term trends in the annual probability of survival in North American birds. U. S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division Research Work Order 53, Denver, Colorado. 24pp. | September 1998 |
Farnsworth, M., W. Kendall, R. Miller, P. Doherty, J.D. Nichols, G.C. White, K.P. Burnham and A.B. Franklin. 2007. A preliminary sampling protocol for early detection of highly pathogenic avain influenza in environmental samples from migratory waterfowl in the United States for 2007. USDA-APHIS-WS National Wildlife Research Center, Colorado State University and USGS. (A report from the Sampling Design Committee for Detecting Avian Influenza in Environmental Samples, USDA, USGS and CSU). | April 2007 |
Brehme, C.S., K.P. Burnham, D.A. Kelt, A.R. Olsen, S.J. Montgomery, S.A. Hathaway, and R.N. Fisher. 2006. Stephen's Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys stephensi) Monitoring Protocol for MCB Camp Pendleton (final report). Prepared for AC/S Environmental Security, Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton. DOI-USGS Western Ecological Research Center, San Diego, CA. | December 2006 |
Bergersen, E. P. 2001. Colorado's experience with Northern Pike. Lake Line 21(3):33-36. | October 2001 |
Anthony, R. G., E. D. Forsman, A. B. Franklin, D. R. Anderson, K. P. Burnham, G. C. White, C. J. Schwarz, J. Nichols, J. Hines, G. S. Olson, S. H. Ackers, S. Andrews, B. L. Biswell, P. C. Carlson, L. V. Diller, K. M. Dugger, K. E. Fehring, T. L. Fleming, R. P. Gerhardt, S. A. Gremel, R. J. Guti�rrez, P. Happe, D. R. Herter, J. M. Higley, R. B. Horn, L. L. Irwin, P. J. Loschl, J. A. Redi, and S. G. Sovern. 2004. Status and trends in demography of northern spotted owls. Report to Interagency Regional Monitori | September 2004 |
Type | Citation | Publication Date |
Software Release | Iannarilli, F, Gerber, B. D., Erb, J, and Fieberg, J. R. A ‘How-to’ Guide for Estimating Animal Diel Activity Using Hierarchical Models. 2024. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. | May 2024 |
Software Release | Gerber, B., Guidance for modeling animal habitat-selection. 2025. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. | October 2024 |