Colorado Technical Assistance Activities

Description and Agency | Provider(s) | Date |
Workshop on the comprehensive analysis of northern spotted owl demography data ("Northern Spotted Owl Demography Workshop".) Second workshop dealt with capture-recapture and fecundity and some covariates and habitat data.) |
Burnham | January 2004 |
USFWS Wetlands and Trends project at the USFWS offices in LaCrosse, WI on the current update of the national monitoring plots that provided a status and trends reports to Congress for the period of 1997-2004. |
Burnham | June 2005 |
Traveled to Oregon Wildlife Research Unit to discuss technical issues about statistical analysis of northern spotted owl data at their request. |
Burnham | August 2002 |
Toured Horsetooth Reservoir near Ft. Collins, CO with CDOW biologist to evaluate ridges built by crews from Northern CO Water Conservancy District as part of first phase of habitat restoration project for reservoir. Bergersen is technical coordinator for project. |
Bergersen | September 2002 |
Stephen's kangaroo rat monitoring workshop for MCB Camp Pendleton. |
Burnham | July 2004 |
San Clemente Island Fox Monitoring Planning Workshop |
Burnham | January 2006 |
Mathematical Biosciences Institute Workshop 5: Uncertainty in Ecological Analysis (Ohio State University) |
Burnham | April 2006 |
Invited participant on the six-member Scientific Peer Review Panel as part of the Pacific Pocket Mouse (PPM) Monitoring Worshop for Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton (MCBCP). |
Burnham | September 2007 |
Invited participant in an international workshop "Protecting Apes from Eboloa" organized by the Max-Planck Institute for Anthropology (Germany)held at FWS HQ, Arlington,VA. |
Burnham | March 2005 |
Invited expert, Technical Team for In-Water Monitoring of Loggerhead Sea Turtles, NOAA/National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA / National Marine Fisheries Service |
Moore, Kendall | November 2016 |
I was one of the organizers of the 5th Northern Spotted Owl Demography Workshop held at Oregon State University, January 9-18, 2009. I also participated as a senior analyst and helped draft the Studies in Avian Biology volume that resulted from this effort. Northern Spotted Owl Effectiveness Monitoring Program |
Anderson, Anthony, Burnham | January 2008 |
I was one of the organizers of the 4th Northern Spotted Owl Demography Workshop held at Oregon State University, January 4-11, 2004. I also participated as a junior analyst and helped draft the technical report and Wildlife Monograph that resulted from this effort. Northern Spotted Owl Effectiveness Monitoring Program |
Anthony, Anderson, Burnham | June 2003 |
Consulted with Colorado Parks and Wildlife on stream temperature standards Colorado Parks and Wildlife |
Winkelman | February 2020 |
Consulted with Colorado Parks and Wildlife on Hydroacoustics assessment of pelagic fishes in Colorado Colorado Parks and Wildlife |
Winkelman | July 2020 |
Consulted with Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment on ongoing management and implementation of temperature standards in Colorado Streams and Rivers Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment |
Winkelman | February 2020 |
CITES/MIKE "Mike Dung Count Task Force Meeting" held at USFWS HQ (Arlington, VA) sponsored by Division of International Conservation. This meeting initiated the formal establishment of standards (for MIKE sites that will use) for population surveys based on elephant dung count (line transects) surveys combined with decay rate studies and defecation studies. The ultimate result will be guidelines and protocols for design, implementation and field conduct of such studies in Central adn Western Africa, India and Southeast Asia. |
Burnham | October 2003 |
CITES-MIKE TAG meeting. A variety of technical issues were dealt with for example how to interpret data, on illegal activities recorded by the enforcement patrols. Some sort of catch-per-unit-effort approach is needed, but what to use for "effort." |
Burnham | April 2003 |
Avian Influenza Monitoring Committee met with scientists from Colorado State University, USDA-APHIS-NWRC,SMR (Surveillance, Monitoring and Research project), and Wildlife Services. |
Burnham | July 2006 |
Attended a MIKE TAG meeting at the Frendham Ponds Hotel(near Farnham, England). |
Burnham | May 2002 |
Attended TAG meeting in Windhoek, Namibia |
Burnham | December 2003 |
Assisted Colorado Division of Wildlife biologist in drafting habitat restoration plan for Fort Collins City Park Lake. |
Bergersen | December 2002 |
Anthony, R., D. Anderson, K. Burnham, G. C. White, A. B. Franklin, and J. Nichols. Workshop on Analysis of Demographic Rates of Northern Spotted Owls. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Corvallis, Oregon (6-11 January 2004). |
Burnham | January 2004 |
Role - Description | Provider | Start Date | End Date |
Warner College of Natural Resources Administrative Council - Administrative guidance and assistance to Dean John Hayes, Warner College of Natural Resources | Winkelman | August 2014 | Present |
Graduate Degree Program in Ecology (GDPE)/Colorado State University - I am the elected government representative on the on the GDPE Executive Committee that helps govern the program at Colorado State University. | Winkelman | August 2017 | Present |
Chair/Graduate Admissions Committee/ Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology/ Colorado State University - Responsible for admitting MS and PhD students into the department graduate program | Winkelman | August 2012 | Present |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
Technical Advisor, Wind River Alliance, Ethete, WY | Bergersen | December 2001 | December 2003 |
Technical Advisor, Colorado 4-H Sportfishing Program. | Bergersen | September 2001 | February 2002 |
Member, interview panel for Fisheries Chief, Colorado Division of Wildlife | Bergersen | December 2002 | December 2002 |
Member, interview panel for Fish Researcher Position, Colorado Division of Wildlife | Bergersen | November 2002 | November 2002 |
Member, interview panel for Fish Health Biologist, Colorado Division of Wildlife | Bergersen | October 2001 | October 2001 |
Member, interview panel for Aquatic Research Leader, Colorado Division of Wildlife, Denver, CO | Bergersen | December 2001 | December 2001 |
Member, interview board for west region Senior Aquatic Biologist, Colorado Division of Wildlife | Bergersen | December 2002 | December 2002 |
Member, interview board for Fish Pathologist, Aquatic Animal Health Laboratory, Colorado Division of Wildlife | Bergersen | December 2001 | December 2001 |
Member, Great Plains Fishery Workers | Bergersen | March 2002 | February 2003 |
Adhoc Member, Scientific Committee, International Whaling Commission | Burnham | July 2001 | July 2001 |
Outreach Activity | Provider(s) | Date |
Volunteer host boater in C.A.S.T. (Cast a Special Thrill) Program for handicapped anglers at Horsetooth Reservoir, Fort Collins, CO. Sponsored the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. | Bergersen | July 2001 |
Presented fish habitat management and whirling disease session at CSU Annual Wildlife Short Course | Bergersen | March 2002 |
Ken Burnham hosted Elliott Sober, Hans Reichenbach Professor and William F. Vilas Research Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, at the Unit. He was invited to discuss his two areas of particular interest with students and faculty: (1) evolution and cladistics, and (2) the role of likelihood theory and AICA model selection in inference. | Burnham | February 2003 |
Hosted Dr. Tom Siks, Leslie Ries and James Battin, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, for discussions on statistical issues on bird and butterfly research | Burnham | November 2001 |
Fish Tracking and Underwater Sounds presented to Denver Chapter, Muskie, Inc. | Bergersen | June 2002 |
Eric Bergersen participated in the Horsetooth Reservoir Fish Habitat Enhancement Project Work Day and coordinated volunteer efforts to construct tree, rock and brush shelters. | Bergersen | March 2003 |