Colorado Project
Burrowing Owl population assessment on Colorado's black tailed prairie dog colonies
July 2022 - December 2024
Participating Agencies
- Colorado Division of Parks and Wildlife
Burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia, hereafter BUOW) are classified as a Tier 1 species of greatest conservation need in Colorado’s State Wildlife Action Plan, and are associated with prairie dog colonies. However, there is little information on population status or trends for this species, with the last previous assessment conducted 18 years ago. A current assessment of BUOW distribution, reproductive success, and abundance, and how these relate to prairie dog colony attributes is needed. The project is a collaboration with Colorado Parks and Wildlife, with the cooperation of numerous private landowners. The models for species distribution, abundance, and reproductive success, and their relationship with prairie dog colony attributes, will be useful to managers for assessing the status of BUOW in Colorado, and will inform their interactions with landowners in managing prairie dogs.