West Virginia Technical Assistance Activities

As part of our mission, each of the Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit scientists routinely provides technical assistance ranging from data analysis support, GIS mapping, workshops, and consultations on a variety of natural resource issues.
The West Virginia Unit scientists serve as advisors on the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Striped Bass Tagging Committee, the Cerulean Warbler Technical Group and the Eastern Brooktrout Joint Venture.
Description and Agency | Provider(s) | Date |
terrestrial impacts of mountaintop mining US EPA |
Wood | February 2011 |
scholarship evaluation for an ornithologist faculty member at a University Virginia Commonwealth University |
Wood | October 2019 |
reviewed the Golden-winged Warbler Conservation Plan, a GWWA habitat management guide, and the GWWA status assessment Appal Mtns Joint Venture and USFWS |
Wood | October 2011 |
reviewed multiple scientific manuscripts for journals and for colleagues scientific journals |
Wood | October 2019 |
reviewed 6 manuscripts for 6 different scientific journals wildlife and avian journals |
Wood | October 2011 |
reviewed 5 manuscripts for 5 different scientific journals; 4 documents for colleagues; and 2 proposals for agencies wildlife and avian journals |
Wood | October 2012 |
reviewed 4 scientific manuscripts for journals and 3 management documents scientific journals |
Wood | August 2015 |
review of research proposal National Fish and Wildlife Foundation |
Wood | March 2015 |
review of an assistant professors research program for P&T
Boise State University |
Wood | August 2015 |
provided cerulean warbler data to USFWS and to USFS for their status reviews and to Cornell Univ for the Cerulean Warbler Atlas Project, 2001 and 2003 |
Wood | December 2003 |
provide information on edge ecology Appalachian Headwaters |
Wood | October 2020 |
provide guidance to private land managers for cerulean warbler habitat management private lands managers |
Wood | October 2014 |
presented research results on effects of mining on avian populations in a webinar to National Audubon Society staff and researchers; provided additional information in subsequent phone calls and emails relative to mining and marcellus shale development National Audubon Society |
Wood | July 2011 |
planning for and development of an avian habitat management workshop US Forest Service and Appalachian Mtns Joint Venture |
Wood | June 2015 |
moderator of wildlife session at 68th Annual Northeat Fish and Wildlife Conference WV Division of Natural Resources |
Wood | April 2012 |
met with FWS biologists in a workshop to discuss a central Appalachian conservation initiative and to present data from studies on cerulean warblers |
Wood | June 2004 |
development and review of screening and ranking documents for cerulean warbler habitat management Natural Resource Conservation Service |
Wood | September 2014 |
consulted with USGS staff member re mountaintop mining EIS |
Wood | December 2003 |
Worked with FWS biologists and other members of the Cerulean Warbler Technical Group steering committee to develop draft conservation action plan for ceruleans and to set-up a working meeting (29-30 Mar 2006) with coal and timber industry to discuss cerulean conservation. Jan-Mar 2006 |
Wood | March 2006 |
WVU chpts of TWS and AFS hosted a Student Colloquium at NEAFWA in Charleston, WV. I was the primary faculty advisor. The WVDNR supported and requested this Colloquium to be attached to NEAFWA. WVDNR |
Mazik | April 2012 |
Provided review of avian species descriptions and other information used in the West Virginia Breeding Bird Atlas West Virginia Division of Natural Resources |
Wood | October 2016 |
Provided data from our studies to the USFS Fernow Experimental Forest for use in their EIS and to Monongahela National Forest for use in their forest plan revision. |
Wood | January 2004 |
Provide information on cerulean warbler conservation planning as a case study for an MS student thesis. Harvard University |
Wood | September 2020 |
Participated in the Appalachian Interagency Workshop, May 9-11, 2005 Herndon, VA |
Wood | May 2005 |
Participated in cerulean warbler summit to identify threats, research gaps, conservation needs. We established the Cerulean Warbler Technical Group (CWTG); I was appointed to the coordinating committee of this group. |
Wood | June 2001 |
Participated in a cerulean warbler summit to identify threats, research gaps, conservation needs. We established the Cerulean Warbler Technical Group (CWTG); I was appointed to the steering committee of this group. |
Wood | June 2001 |
Met with WVDNR and USGS biologists to assess potential effects of supersaturation of oxygen on fish kills USGS |
Mazik | May 2011 |
Judged the International Science and Engineering Fair in the Animal Sciences Dvision Society for Science and the Public |
Mazik | May 2012 |
I analyzed striped bass tagging data for the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, compiled technical reports, and presented information to the ASMFC Striped Bass Management Board |
Welsh | June 2004 |
I analyzed striped bass tagging data for the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, compiled technical reports, and presented information to the ASMFC Striped Bass Management Board |
Welsh | June 2003 |
I analyzed striped bass tagging data for the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, compiled technical reports, and presented information to the ASMFC Striped Bass Management Board |
Welsh | June 2002 |
I analyzed striped bass tagging data for the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, attended committee meetings, and contributed to technical reports |
Welsh | June 2001 |
I analyzed striped bass tagging data for the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and presented information to the ASMFC Striped Bass Tagging Committee Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission |
Welsh | August 2013 |
I analyzed striped bass tagging data for the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and presented information to the ASMFC Striped Bass Tagging Committee Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission |
Welsh | August 2011 |
I analyzed striped bass tagging data for the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and presented information to the ASMFC Striped Bass Tagging Committee Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission |
Welsh | August 2009 |
I analyzed striped bass tagging data for the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and presented information to the ASMFC Striped Bass Tagging Committee Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission |
Welsh | August 2008 |
I analyzed striped bass tagging data for the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and presented information to the ASMFC Striped Bass Tagging Committee Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission |
Welsh | August 2007 |
I analyzed striped bass tagging data for the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and presented information to the ASMFC Striped Bass Tagging Committee |
Welsh | August 2006 |
I analyzed striped bass tagging data for the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and presented information to the ASMFC Striped Bass Tagging Committee |
Welsh | August 2005 |
Hosted the annual technical committee meeting of the Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture |
Wood | August 2012 |
Have worked with over 20 graduate and undergraduate students on cover letters, resumes and job applications WVU |
Mazik | October 2010 |
Chair of student affairs committee for NE Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies meeting. Hosted by WVDNR. We had a workshop, student/mentor lunch and shortcourses. WVDNR |
Mazik | October 2010 |
Cerulean warbler workshop that brought together 65 researchers and managers from the breeding and wintering range of the cerulean warbler. This workshop, planned and implemented by the CWTG steering committee, developed a broad-based, pro-active strategy for cerulean warbler conservation. The Breeding Season Research Group, of which I am a member, developed a research design for a range-wide study that addressed the majority of the research needs identified by the CWTG. We are now implementing that study. |
Wood | December 2002 |
Aug 17-18, 2004. Charleston, WV. Participated in selenium integrated project workshop to develop priority research needs and mechanisms to accomplish this research. |
Wood | August 2005 |
Assisted with National Hunting and Fishing Day in the Fish ID booth.... West Virginia DNR |
Mazik | September 2014 |
Assisted with National Hunting and Fishing Day in the Fish ID booth West Virginia DNR |
Mazik | September 2013 |
Assisted with National Hunting and Fishing Day WVDNR |
Mazik | September 2015 |
Assisted the Wildlife Diversity Program (WDP) of West Virginia Division of Natural Resources (WVDNR)with development of the fish section of the State Wildlife Grant (SWG) |
Welsh | July 2005 |
Role - Description | Provider | Start Date | End Date |
member new faculty mentorship - Provide mentorship to 3 new wildlife faculty in the department by providing advice, guidance, and contacts for being a successful assistant professor and securing research grants. | Wood | August 2016 | Present |
West Virginia University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) - I serve as a member of this committee overseeing the entire animal care program at WVU, insuring the health and well-being of all animals being used for research, testing, and education. I review all proposals for animal use and assist in monitoring animal activities to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and established standards. | Welsh | January 2020 | Present |
Member, Faculty Search Committee Wetlands Ecologist, Division of Forestry and Natural Resources, West Virginia University | Gigliotti | September 2022 | March 2023 |
Member, Faculty Search Committe Ornithologist, School of Natural Resources, West Virginia University | Wood | January 2015 | July 2015 |
Member, Faculty Search Committe Avian Ecologist, School of Natural Resources, West Virginia University | Wood | July 2015 | November 2015 |
Member, College Graduate Council | Wood | August 2005 | August 2008 |
Member, Boat and Watercraft Committee | Welsh | January 2001 | Present |
Co-Coordinator, Departmental GIS Research Lab | Wood | August 1998 | December 2009 |
Chair, Research Assistant Professor Search Committe, School of Natural Resources, West Virginia University | Wood | January 2015 | July 2015 |
Chair, Departmental Hoyt Fellowship Committee | Wood | January 1998 | December 2013 |
Chair, Asst. Professor in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Search Committee - Chair of Committee. Call meetings, review 55 candidates with committee, organize candidates visit, schedule, meetings with Dean, Chair, faculty, seminars etc. Coordinated meeting to vote on candidate to hire. | Mazik | August 2016 | November 2016 |
Advisor, Division of Forestry and Natural Resources Graduate Student Association, West Virginia University | Gigliotti | September 2023 | Present |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
Vice-chair, Striped Bass Tagging Committee, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission | Welsh | May 2001 | May 2002 |
Vice Chair, Striped Bass Tagging Committee, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission | Welsh | August 2011 | August 2013 |
Member, Wildlife Diversity Advisory Council, West Virginia Department of Natural Resources | Wood | December 1996 | Present |
Member, Steering Committee, Cerulean Warbler Technical Group | Wood | December 2002 | Present |
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Wood | November 2003 | November 2003 |
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Welsh | May 2002 | August 2002 |
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Wood | May 1995 | May 1995 |
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Welsh | June 2006 | September 2006 |
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Wood | June 1998 | June 1998 |
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Wood | April 2001 | April 2001 |
Member, Organizational Committee, 2nd Cerulean Warbler Summit, Cerulean Warbler Technical Group Meeting | Wood | August 2006 | February 2007 |
Member, NPS New River Gorge natural resource assessment review panel | Wood | May 2003 | February 2004 |
Member, Brooks Bird Club | Wood | January 1993 | December 2000 |
Golden-winged warbler working group | Wood | January 2008 | Present |
Chair, Striped Bass Tagging Committee, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission | Welsh | May 2002 | December 2004 |
Chair, Striped Bass Tagging Committee, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission | Welsh | August 2013 | August 2015 |
Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative Science Team | Wood | December 2008 | Present |
Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture Technical Committee | Wood | February 2007 | Present |
Outreach Activity | Provider(s) | Date |
press release by WVU on our golden-winged warbler study. The press release was picked up by AP so ran in several newspapers including in WV and Indiana | Wood | November 2011 |
press release by USGS on our mountaintop mining study | Wood | February 2015 |
popular article on salamanders and mountaintop mining for "salamander news" newsletter for Partners in Amphibian Conservation (PARC) | Wood | November 2014 |
popular article on early successional habitat management research for WMI Outdoor News Bulletin newsletter | Wood | August 2020 |
popular article on early successional habitat management research for Appalachian Mountains Joint Venture year in review report | Wood | August 2020 |
popular article on cerulean warbler partnerships and management activities for WMI newsletter | Wood | June 2015 |
participated in meetings for development of a West Virginia natural history center | Wood | July 2004 |
newspaper article in the State Journal discussing golden-winged warblers and the current review for ESA listing | Wood | June 2011 |
interviewed for Earth and Sky radio program re mountaintop removal mining and songbirds | Wood | August 2004 |
interview by German Public Radio with 2 of my students working on shale gas effects on wildlife by German Public Radio | Wood | August 2015 |
assisted National Geographic Magazine with design for graphic for a mountaintop mining article | Wood | September 2005 |
Worked with WVU graduate students to develop posters and demo materials for USGS open house in Reston | Wood | November 2008 |
Wood, P.B. 2008. The Sky Blue Bird of the Forest. West Virginia Wildlife 8(1):14-16. | Wood | May 2008 |
Welsh, S.A. 2006. The incredible journey of the American eel. West Virginia Wildlife Magazine, quarterly publication by West Virginia Division of Natural Resources. | Welsh | August 2007 |
Fishes of the Week podcast by USFWS | Welsh | March 2022 |
Distributional database of West Virginia fishes | Welsh | December 2002 |
Cincotta, D.A. and S.A. Welsh. 2005. The moundbuilders. West Virginia Wildlife Volume 5, Number 2 (magazine article on moundbuilding fishes) | Welsh | June 2005 |
Aquatic Ecology workshop, Wilderness Rangers Boy Scout Camp (student ages 13-17) | Welsh | July 2017 |
Aquatic Ecology workshop, Wilderness Rangers Boy Scout Camp (student ages 13-17) | Welsh | July 2015 |
Aquatic Ecology workshop, Wilderness Rangers Boy Scout Camp (student ages 13-17) | Welsh | July 2014 |
Aquatic Ecology workshop, Wilderness Rangers Boy Scout Camp (student ages 13-17) | Welsh | July 2013 |
Aquatic Ecology workshop, Wilderness Rangers Boy Scout Camp (student ages 13-17) | Welsh | July 2012 |
Aquatic Ecology workshop, Wilderness Rangers Boy Scout Camp (student ages 13-17) | Welsh | August 2022 |
Aquatic Ecology workshop, Wilderness Rangers Boy Scout Camp (student ages 12-16) | Welsh | July 2011 |
Aquatic Ecology workshop, Wilderness Rangers Boy Scout Camp (student ages 12-16) | Welsh | July 2009 |
Aquatic Ecology workshop, Wilderness Rangers Boy Scout Camp (student ages 12-16) | Welsh | July 2008 |
Aquatic Ecology workshop, Wilderness Rangers Boy Scout Camp (student ages 12-16) | Welsh | July 2007 |
Aquatic Ecology workshop, Wilderness Rangers Boy Scout Camp (student ages 12-16) | Welsh | July 2006 |
Aquatic Ecology workshop, Wilderness Rangers Boy Scout Camp (student ages 12-16) | Welsh | July 2005 |
Aquatic Ecology workshop, Wilderness Rangers Boy Scout Camp (student ages 12-16) | Welsh | July 2004 |
Aquatic Ecology workshop, Wilderness Rangers Boy Scout Camp (student ages 12-16) | Welsh | July 2003 |
Aquatic Ecology workshop, Wilderness Rangers Boy Scout Camp (student ages 12-16) | Welsh | July 2002 |
Aquatic Ecology workshop, Wilderness Rangers Boy Scout Camp (student ages 12-16) | Welsh | July 2001 |
Aquatic Ecology workshop, Wilderness Rangers Boy Scout Camp (student ages 12-16) | Welsh | July 2000 |
American eel workshop, Hampshire County 4-H Camp (students in grades 3 - 5), 25 July 2007. | Welsh | July 2007 |