Headquarters Staff Member
Dr. Elisabeth Webb

Phone: (573) 540 - 0634
Email: ewebb@usgs.gov
Faculty Email: webbli@missouri.edu
Faculty Website
- Ph D Texas Tech University 2006
- MS Southern Illinois University - Carbondale 2002
- BA Washington and Lee University 1999
Originally from upstate New York, Dr. Webb is currently the Assistant Unit Leader of the Missouri Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and Cooperative Associate Professor in the School of Natural Resources at the University of Missouri. Prior to joining the Missouri Unit in 2011, Dr. Webb received her undergraduate degree from Washington and Lee University and graduate degrees from Southern Illinois University – Carbondale and Texas Tech University. Lisa is an applied waterbird and wetland ecologist with a research program focused on understanding the interactions among species life history strategies, spatial ecology and distributions of wetland-dependent organisms. Her research expertise includes quantifying the role of spatial habitat configuration and composition in influencing distributions, behaviors, movements and fitness of wetland-dependent taxa. Lisa is particularly interested in investigating the mechanistic relationships and spatial processes of animal distributions, with an emphasis on understanding how these relationships are altered by management practices, anthropogenic activities and land use change. Her research incorporates field and lab experiments with remote-sensing tools, simulation modeling and quantitative methods to answer novel, applied wildlife research questions from local to continental scales. Lisa teaches graduate-level classes in Wetland Ecology and Waterfowl Ecology and Management at the University of Missouri.
Areas of Expertise
Behavioral Ecology, Habitat Management, Landscape Ecology, Movement Ecology, Species Management, Toxicology, UAVs, Wetland Ecology, Wildlife Management
Taxon Groups Studied
Invertebrates/Insects, Nongame Fish/Wildlife, Pollinators, Waterfowl
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Zhang, Y., Y. Feng, S. Wang, Z. Tang, Z. Zhai, R. Viegut, E. Webb, A. Raedeke and Y. Shang. Deep Learning Models for Waterfowl Detection and Classification in Aerial Images. Information | Abstract | March 2024 |
Williams, C.K., B.D. Dugger, M.G. Brasher, J.M. Coluccy, D.M. Cramer, J.M. Eadie,M.J. Gray. H.H. Hagy, M. Livolsi, S.R. McWilliams, M. Petrie, G.J. Soulliere, J.M. Tirpak and E.B. Webb. 2014. Estimating energetic carrying capacity for migrating and wintering waterfowl: Considerations, pitfalls and improvements. Wildfowl 4:407-435. | October 2014 |
Weller, F.W., W.S. Beatty, E.B. Webb, D.C. Kesler, D.G. Krementz, K. Asante, L.W. Naylor. Environmental drivers of autumn migration departure decisions in midcontinental mallards. Movement Ecology | Abstract | January 2022 |
Weller, F.G., E.B. Webb, W.S. Beatty and D.C. Kesler. Agent-based modeling of movements and habitat selection of mid-continent mallards. Final report | September 2022 |
Weller, F.G., E.B. Webb, S. Fogenburg, W. S. Beatty, D. Kesler, R.H. Blenk, K.M. Ringelman, M.L. Miller and J.M. Eadie. An agent-based model to quantify energetics, movements and habitat selection of mid-continent mallards in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Ecological Modeling | Abstract | September 2023 |
Webb, E.B., L.M. Smith, M. Vrtiska, and T.G. LaGrange. 2010. Effects of Local and Landscape Variables on Wetland Bird Habitat Use During Migration Through the Rainwater Basin. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:109-119. | January 2010 |
Webb, E.B., L.M. Smith, M. Vrtiska, and T.G. LaGrange. 2010. Community Structure of Wetland Birds During Spring Migration Through the Rainwater Basin. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:765-777. | May 2010 |
Webb, E.B., L.M. Smith, M. Vrtiska, and T.G. LaGrange. 2011. Factors Influencing Behavior of Wetland Birds During Spring Migration in the Rainwater Basin. Waterbirds 34:457-467 | December 2011 |
Webb, E.B., E.B. Hill, K.M. Malone and D. Mengel. Use of a dynamic occupancy model to evaluate secretive marsh bird habitat associations at spring migration stopover sites. Journal of Wildlife Management | Abstract | March 2022 |
Webb, E.B. and R.W. Johnson. 2010. Effects of Mechanical Manipulation and Time on Lead Pellet Distribution in Wetlands. Proc. Annu. Conf. S. E. Assoc. Fish & Wildlife Agencies 64:101-105 | December 2010 |
Webb, E. B. and M. Brasher. 2021. Changing Distributions of Migrating and Wintering Waterfowl? Studies contribute to a growing understanding of changes in waterfowl patterns during fall and winter. Ducks Unlimited Magazine | December 2021 |
Viegut, R.A., E.B. Webb, A.H. Raedeke, Z. Tang, Y.Zhang and Y. Shang. Nonbreeding waterfowl behavioral response to crewed and uncrewed aerial surveys on conservation areas in Missouri. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies | Abstract | June 2024 |
Viegut, R.A., E.B. Webb, A.H. Raedeke, Z. Tang, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhai, Z Liu, S. Wang J. Zheng and Y. Shang. Detection probability and bias in machine-learning-based unoccupied aerial system non-breeding waterfowl surveys. Drones | Abstract | February 2024 |
Verheijen, B.H.F., E.B. Webb, M.G. Brasher and H.M. Hagy. 2024. Spatiotemporal dynamics of waterfowl harvest distributions in the Central and Mississippi Flyways from 1960–2019. The Journal of Wildlife Management | February 2024 |
Verheijen, B.H.F., E.B. Webb, M.G. Brasher and H.M. Hagy. 2024. Long-term changes in autumn-winter harvest distributions vary among duck species, months, and subpopulations. Ecology and Evolution | June 2024 |
Toby, De, A., Armas‐Quiñonez, G., Ascher, J.S., Ávila‐Gómez, E.S., András Báldi, Ballare, K.M., Balzan, M.V., Weronika Banaszak‐Cibicka, Svenja Bänsch, Basset, Y., Bates, A.J., Baumann, J.M., Beal‐Neves, M., Bennett, A., Diego, A., Betina Blochtein, Riccardo Bommarco, Brosi, B. and Burkle, L.A. (2025). Land Use Change Consistently Reduces α‐ But Not β‐ and γ‐Diversity of Bees. Global Change Biology, 31(1). doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.70006. | Abstract |
January 2025 |
Tidwell, P.R., E.B. Webb, M.P. Vrtiska, and A.A. Bishop. 2013. Diet and food selection of female mallards and blue-winged teal during spring migration. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 4:63-74. | June 2013 |
Tapp, J.L., M.M. Weegman, E.B. Webb, R.M. Kaminski and J.B. Davis. 2018. Waterbird communities and seed biomass in managed and non-managed restored wetlands in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Restoration Ecology | May 2018 |
Tapp, J.L. and E.B. Webb. 2015. Aquatic invertebrate response to habitat management at Wetland Reserve Program easements in the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Wetlands 35:183-192. | January 2015 |
Tang, Z., Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y. Shang, R. Viegut, E. Webb, A. Raedeke and J. Sartwell. Drones and Machine Learning Integration in Waterfowl Population Surveys. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Tools With Artificial Intelligence | Abstract | December 2021 |
Stafford, J. D., A. K. Janke, E. B. Webb, and S. R. Chipps. 2016. Invertebrates in Managed Waterfowl Marshes. Pages 565-600 in D. Batzer and D. Boix, editors. Invertebrates in Freshwater Wetlands: An international perspective on their ecology. Springer. | April 2016 |
Schulz, J.H., A.C. Totoni, S.A. Wilhelm Stanis, C.J. Li, M. Morgan, D.M. Hall and E.B. Webb. In review. Policy comparison of lead hunting ammunition bans and voluntary nonlead programs for California condors. Wildlife Society Bulletin | Abstract | June 2023 |
Schultz, J.H., S.A. Wilhelm Stanis, and E.B. Webb. Reducing Lead Poisoning in Wildlife and Associated Human Health Risks. | January 2019 |
Schultz, J.H., S.A. Wilhelm Stanis, M. Morgan, C.J. Lie, D.M. Hall and E.B. Webb. 2021. Perspectives from natural resource professionals: Attitudes of natural resource professionals about voluntary use of nonlead hunting ammunition. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 33:100341 | March 2021 |
Schultz, J.H., S.A. Wilhelm Stanis, D.M. Hall and E.B. Webb. 2021. Until it's a regulation, it's just not my fight: Complexities of a voluntary nonlead hunting ammunition program. Journal of Environmental Management 277:111438 | Abstract | January 2021 |
Schultz, J.H., S.A. Wilhelm Stanis, C.J. Lie, M. Morgan and E.B. Webb. Exploring factors affecting staff support of a voluntary, nonlead ammunition outreach program. Applied Environmental Education and Communication | Abstract | June 2021 |
Schepker, T.J., T. LaGrange and E.B. Webb. In review. Are waterfowl food resources limited during spring migration? An energetic assessment of playas in Nebraska's Rainwater Basin | June 2018 |
Schepker, T.J., E. B. Webb, D. Tillitt and T. LaGrange . 2020. Neonicotinoid insecticides in agricultural wetlands and associations with aquatic invertebrate communities. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 287:106678 | January 2020 |
Satowski, L.E., K.W. Goyne, S.H. Anderson, R.L. Lerch, E.B. Webb and D.D. Snow. In review. Imidacloprid sorption and transport in cropland, grass buffer and riparian buffer soils. Vadose Zone Journal | January 2018 |
Rogosch, J.S., H.I.A. Boehm, R.W. Tingley, K.D. Wright, E.B. Webb, C.P. Paukert. 2024. Evaluating effectiveness of restoration to address current stressors to riverine fish. Freshwater Biology, 69, 607-622. https://doi.org/10.1111/fwb.14232 | Abstract | May 2024 |
Paukert, C., E. Webb, D. Fowler, and C. Hilling. 2021. Harvest as a Tool to Manage Populations of Undesirable or Overabundant Fish and Wildlife Species. Pages 249 to 262 in: L. Powell and K. Pope, editors. Harvest of Fish and Wildlife: New Paradigms for Sustainable Management. CRC Press. | June 2021 |
O’Daniels, S.D., D.C. Kesler, J.D. Mihail, E.B. Webb and S.J. Werner. 2018. Light reflectance of decayed wood varies by decay fungi: implications for woodpecker visual cues. | April 2018 |
O’Daniels, S.D., D.C. Kesler, J.D. Mihail, E.B. Webb and S.J. Werner. 2017. Functional visual sensitivity to ultraviolet wavelengths in the Pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus) and its influence on foraging substrate. Physiology & Behavior 174:144-154. | June 2017 |
Owen, R.K., E.B. Webb. K.W. Goyne, B.M. Svoma and S. Guatam. 2019. Using climate model output data in ecological experiments: a Great Plains case study. Ecosphere | September 2019 |
Owen, R.K., E.B. Webb, D.A. Haukos, and K.W. Goyne. 2020. Projected climate and land use changes drive plant community composition in agricultural wetlands. Environmental and Experimental Botany 175 (2020) 104039. | April 2020 |
Owen, R.K., E.B. Webb, D.A. Haukos, F.B. Fritschi and K.W. Goyne. 2020. Barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crusgalli) emergence and growth in a changing climate in Great Plains wetlands. Wetlands Ecology and Management https://doi.org/10.1007/s11273-019-09693-0 | January 2020 |
Olmstead, V.G., E.B. Webb, and R.W. Johnson. 2013. Moist-soil seed biomass and species richness on Wetland reserve Program easements in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Wetlands 33:197-206. | January 2013 |
Malone, K.M., E.B. Webb, D.C. Mengel, L. Kearns, A.E. McKellar, S.W. Matteson and B.R. Williams. Wetland management practices and secretive marsh bird habitat in the Mississippi Flyway: a review. The Journal of Wildlife Management | September 2023 |
Malone, K.M., E.B. Webb, D. Mengel, L. Kearns, S. Matteson, A.E. McKellar. In review. Secretive marsh bird habitat associations in the Mississippi Flyway: a meta-analysis. Avian Conservation and Ecology | August 2021 |
Main, A.R., Webb, E.B., Goyne, K.W., and D. Mengel. 2020. Reduced species richness of native bees in field margins associated with neonicotinoid concentrations in non-target soils. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 287:106693 | January 2020 |
Main, A.R., Webb, E.B., Goyne, K.W., and D. Mengel. 2019. Field-level characteristics influence wild bee functional guilds on public lands managed for conservation. | March 2019 |
Main, A.R., M.L. Hladik, E.B. Webb, K.W. Goyne and D. Mengel. 2020. Beyond pesticides - wild pollinators are exposed to a range of pesticides while foraging in agroecosystems. Science of the Total Environment | November 2020 |
Main, A.R., E.B. Webb, K.W. Goyne, R. Abney and D. Mengel. 2021. Wild bee communities are negatively affected by neonicotinoids in field soils: a two year field experiment. Science of the Total Environment 786:147299 | October 2021 |
Main, A.R., E.B. Webb, K.W. Goyne and D. Mengel. 2018. Neonicotinoid insecticides negatively affect performance measures of non-target terrestrial arthropods: a meta-analysis. Ecological Applications 28:1232-1244. | July 2018 |
MacPherson, M.P., E.B. Webb. A. Raedeke, D. Mengel and F. Nelson. A review of Bayesian belief networks as a decision-support tool for wetland conservation: investigating the potential for water birds as umbrella taxa | August 2018 |
LaRose, J., E.B. Webb, and D. Finke. 2020. Comparing native bee communities on reconstrcuted and remnant prairie in Missouri. The Prairie Naturalist | December 2020 |
LaRose, J., E.B. Webb, and D. Finke. 2019. Comparing grasshopper communities on tallgrass prairie reconstructions and remnants in Missouri. Insect Conservation and Diversity | August 2019 |
Kuechle, K.J., E.B. Webb, D. Mengel and A.R. Main. 2019. Factors influencing neonicotinoid insecticide concentrations in floodplain wetlands sediments across Missouri. Environmental Science and Technology | August 2019 |
Kuechle, K. J., E. B. Webb, D Mengel and A.R. Main. 2022. Seed-treatments containing neonicotinoids reduce aquatic insect abundance in managed floodplain wetlands. | Abstract | February 2022 |
Kesler, D.C., A.H Raedeke, J.R. Foggia, W.S. Beatty, E.B. Webb, D.D. Humburg, and LW. Naylor. 2014. Effects of satellite transmitters on captive and free-ranging mallards. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38:557-565. | September 2014 |
Kesler, D.C, E.B. Webb, and J.R. Walters. Conservation Tools and Strategies, Chapter 27 in Ornithology: Foundation, Critique and Application. | August 2018 |
Holtswarth, J.N., F.E. Rowland, H.J. Puglisc, M.L. Hladik, and E.B. Webb. 2019. Effects of the neonicotinoid pesticide clothianidin on southern leopard frog (Lithobates sphenocephalus) tadpole behavior. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 103:717-712. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00128-019-02703-0 | November 2019 |
Fowler, D.N., Webb, E.B., Baldwin, F.B., Vrtiska, M.P. and Hobson, K.A. (2018). A multi-isotope (δ13C, δ15N, δ34S, δ2H) approach to establishing migratory connectivity in lesser snow geese: Tracking an overabundant species. PLOS ONE, 13(8), p.e0203077. doi:https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0203077. | Abstract | Publisher Website |
August 2018 |
Fowler, D.N., K.J. Kuechle, B.A. Woodall, M.P. Vrtiska and E.B. Webb. 2018. Evaluating indices of lipid and protein contentin lesser snow and Ross' geese during spring migration. Wildlife Society Bulletin 42: 295-303. | June 2018 |
Fowler, D.N., E.B. Webb, and M.P. Vrtiska. 2020. Condition Bias of Decoy-Harvested Light Geese During the Conservation Order. The Journal of Wildlife Management 84:33-44. | January 2020 |
Fowler, D.N., E.B. Webb, M.P. Vrtiska and K.A. Hobson. 2020. Winter carry over effects on spring body condition in a long distant migrant and implications for survival: a test using lesser snow geese. Avian Conservation and Ecology | December 2020 |
Farmer, J. A., E.B. Webb, R.A. Pierce and K.W. Bradley. 2017. Influence of waterfowl migration on weed seed distribution. Pest Management Science | December 2017 |
Dinges, A.J., E.B. Webb, M.P. Vrtiska, C.H. Nilon, and S.A. Wilhelm Stanis. 2014. Migratory bird hunter opinions regarding future management strategies for controlling light goose populations. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38:728-733. | December 2014 |
Dinges, A.J., E.B. Webb and M.P. Vrtiska. Effects of the Light Goose Conservation Order on waterfowl behavior and energy expenditure during spring migration. Wildlife Society Bulletin 40:694-704 | December 2016 |
Dinges, A.J., E.B. Webb and M.P. Vrtiska. 2015. Effects of the Light Goose Conservation Order on non-target waterfowl distribution during spring migration. Wildlife Biology 21:88-97. | January 2015 |
Davis, J.B., L. Webb, R.M. Kaminski, P.J. Barbour, and F.J. Vilella. 2014. Comprehensive Framework for Ecological assessment of the Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Southeastern Naturalist 13(4): G66-G81. https://doi.org/10.1656/058.013.0419 | Abstract | December 2014 |
Brennan, E.K., L.M. Smith, D.A. Haukos, and T.G. LaGrange. 2005. Short-term Response of Wetland Birds to Prescribed Burning in Rainwater Basin Wetlands. Wetlands 25:667-674. | September 2005 |
Blakey, R.V., R.B. Siegel, E.B. Webb, C.P. Dillingham, R.L. Bauer, J.M. Johnson, and D.C. Kesler. 2019. Space use, forays and habitat selection in California Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis occidentalis): new insights from high resolution GPS tracking. Forest Ecology and Management | Abstract | April 2019 |
Blakey, R.V., R.B. Siegel, E.B. Webb, C.P. Dillingham, J.M. Johnson, and D.C. Kesler. Multi-scale habitat selection by Northern Goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) in a fire-prone forest. Biological Conservation 241:108348 | January 2020 |
Blakey, R.V., R.B. Siegel, E.B. Webb, C.P. Dillingham, J.M. Johnson, and D.C. Kesler. 2020. Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) home range, movement and forays revealed by GPS-tracking. Journal of Raptor Research | December 2020 |
Blakey, R.V., E.B. Webb, D.C. Kesler, R.B. Siegel, D. Corcoran Barrios, and J.M. Johnson. 2019. Bats in a changing landscape: linking occupancy and traits of a diverse montane bat community to fire regime. Ecology and Evolution | May 2019 |
Blakey, R.V., E.B. Webb, D.C. Kesler, R.B. Siegel, D. Corcoran Barrios, J.S. Cole and J.M. Johnson. 2021. Scale dependent influences of forest cover and fire on bat richness in a fire-maintained coniferous forest. Landscape Ecology | January 2021 |
Beringer, C.J., K.W. Goyne, R.L. Lerch, E.B. Webb and D. Mengel. 2020. Clothianidin decomposition in Missouri wetland soils. Journal of Environmental Quality | Abstract | November 2020 |
Beatty, W.S., E.B. Webb, D.C. Kesler, A.H. Raedeke, L.W. Naylor, and D.D. Humburg. 2014. Landscape effects on mallard habitat selection at multiple scales during the non-breeding season. Landscape Ecology 29:989-1000. | April 2014 |
Beatty, W.S., D.C. Kesler, E.B. Webb, A.H. Raedeke, L.W. Naylor, and D.D. Humburg. 2014. The role of protected area wetlands in waterfowl habitat conservation: implications for protected area network design. Biological Conservation 176:144-152. | June 2014 |
Beatty, W.S., D.C. Kesler, E.B. Webb, A.H. Raedeke, L.W. Naylor, and D.D. Humburg. 2013. Quantitative and qualitative approaches to identifying migration chronology in a continental migrant. PLoS ONE 8(10):e75673. | October 2013 |
Beatty, W. S., E. B. Webb, D. C. Kesler, L. W. Naylor, A. H. Raedeke, D. D. Humburg, J.M Coluccy, and G.J. Soulliere. 2015. An empirical test of a continental management strategy: do landscape energetic models predict waterfowl space use during the non-breeding period? Journal of Wildlife Management | September 2015 |
Beatty, W. S., D. C. Kesler, E. B. Webb, L. W. Naylor, A. H. Raedeke, D. D. Humburg, J.M Coluccy, and G.J. Soulliere. How will predicted land use change affect waterfowl spring stopover ecology? Inferences from an agent-based model | September 2017 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Zhang, Y., Zhai, Z., Wang, S., Liu, Z., Tang, Z., Viegut, R., Raedeke, A., Webb, E., and Shang, Y. 2023. Unoccupied Aerial Systems and Deep Learning Models for Monitoring Wetland Conditions on Wetland Reserve Easements in Missouri. Oral presentation at the 2023 Missouri GIS Conference. | April 2023 |
Wright, K., J. Rogosch, H. Boehm, K. Ivey, C. Paukert, E. Webb, and R. Tingley III. 2022. Assessing river restoration: are we effectively addressing contemporary challenges facing inland freshwater fish? Joint Aquatic Sciences Annual Meeting, 14–20 May 2022. Grand Rapids, MI. | May 2022 |
Wright, K., H. Boehm, A. Lynch, C. Paukert, J. Rogosch, R. Tingley III, E. Webb. Fishing for complements: A review of restoration effectiveness and opportunities for climate change adaptation for inland fish. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Overland Park, KS. 14 February 2023 | February 2023 |
Williams, J., L. Webb, and J. Spurgeon. River-Floodplain Connectivity: Effects on Ecological Communities in Restored Wetlands along the Lower Missouri River. Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, January 2025. | January 2025 |
Williams, J., L. Webb and J. Spurgeon. Impacts of River-Floodplain Connectivity on Biotic Communities in Restored Wetlands within the Missouri River Floodplain. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, February 2024 | February 2024 |
William S. Beatty, Dylan C. Kesler, Elisabeth B. Webb, Andrew H. Raedeke, Luke W. Naylor, Dale D. Humburg. Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches to Identifying Migration Chronology in a Continental Migrant. Presented at the American Ornothologist's Union meeting, Chicago, IL 2013 | August 2013 |
Weller, F.W., W.S. Beatty, E.B. Webb, D.C. Kesler, D.G. Krementz, K. Asante, L.W. Naylor. Where are the ducks? Quantifying environmental drivers of autumn migration departure decisions in midcontinental mallards. LMVJV Waterfowl Symposium | October 2022 |
Weller, F., E.B. Webb, W. Beatty, S. Fogenburg, D Kesler, R. Blenk, K. Ringelman, M. Miller and J. Eadie. Use of an agent-based model to inform waterfowl conservation planning in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley: quantifying mallard response to wetland composition and configuration. LMVJV Waterfowl Symposium | October 2022 |
Weller, F., E.B. Webb, W. Beatty, S. Fogenburg, D Kesler, R. Blenk, K. Ringelman, M. Miller and J. Eadie. Informing waterfowl conservation planning in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley with an agent-based model: quantifying mallard response to a restored wetland composition and configuration. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Conference | October 2023 |
Weller, F., E.B. Webb, W. Beatty, S. Fogenburg, D Kesler, R. Blenk, K. Ringelman, M. Miller and J. Eadie. Evaluation of conservation planning for waterfowl in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley: where and how to restore wetlands to benefit mallard populations. The Wildlife Society Conference | November 2022 |
Weller, F., E.B. Webb, W. Beatty, S. Fogenburg, D Kesler, R. Blenk, K. Ringelman, M. Miller and J. Eadie. 2024. Informing waterfowl conservation planning with an agent-based model: quantifying mallard response to wetland composition and configuration. 9th North America Duck Symposium, Portland Oregon. | February 2024 |
Weller et al. 2020. Using an agent-based model to understand the role of landscape composition on wintering mallard body condition, movements and survival. The Wildlife Society Conference | September 2020 |
Weller et al. 2020. Agent-based modeling of wintering mallards in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley | January 2020 |
Webb, EB and D.C. Kesler. Using agent-based waterfowl movements to identify conervation solutions to environmental varaitation and land-use change. Mississippi Flyway COuncil Meeting, July 2013 | July 2013 |
Webb, E.B., D. Mengel, A. Raedeke, F. Nelson, M. MacPherson and E. Hill. 2019. Incorporating avian species of conservation concern into wetland management practices: tradeoffs and opportunities. Society of Wetland Scientists Conference | June 2019 |
Webb, E.B., A. Fournier and D.C. Mengel. Marvelous Marshbirds. The Conservationist Magazine (published by Missouri Department of Conservation) | October 2017 |
W. Beatty, E. Webb, D. Kesler, A. Raedeke, L. Naylor, G. Soulliere, and J. Coluccy. Modeling mallard and American black duck movement as a function of energetic surfaces. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, Missouri. | January 2014 |
W. Beatty, E. Webb, D. Kesler, A. Raedeke, L. Naylor, D. Humburg, G. Soulliere, and J. Coluccy. How will predicted land use change affect mallard spring migration stopover ecology? Inferences from an agent-based model | February 2016 |
W. Beatty, E. Webb, D. Kesler, A. Raedeke, L. Naylor, D. Humburg, G. Soulliere, and J. Coluccy. Effects of landscpae energetics on mallard and American black duck movement | October 2014 |
W. Beatty, E. Webb, D. Kesler, A. Raedeke, L. Naylor, D. Humburg, G. Soulliere, and J. Coluccy. Effects of landscpae energetics on mallard and American black duck movement | February 2016 |
Viegut. R.A.,<b> </b>L. Webb, A. Raedeke, Z. Tang, Yang Zhang, Yi Shang, Joel Sartwell. Detection Probability and Bias in Machine Learning-Based Winter Waterfowl Population Estimates from Uncrewed Aerial Systems. Oral presentation at annual conference of The Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture Waterfowl Symposium. | October 2022 |
Viegut. R.A.,<b> </b>L. Webb, A. Raedeke, Z. Tang, Yang Zhang, Yi Shang, Joel Sartwell. Behavioral Responses of Waterfowl to Manned and Unmanned Aerial Systems for Conducting Winter Surveys on Conservation Areas in Missouri. Oral presentation at 29th annual conference of The Wildlife Society | November 2022 |
Viegut. R.A.,<b> </b>L. Webb, A. Raedeke, Z. Tang, Yang Zhang, Yi Shang, Joel Sartwell. Assessing Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems and Artificial Intelligence for Monitoring Non-Breeding Waterfowl Abundance in Missouri. Poster presentation at 28th annual conference of The Wildlife Society | November 2021 |
Viegut. R.A.,<b> </b>L. Webb, A. Raedeke, Z. Tang, Y. Zhang, Y. Shang, J. Sartwell. Incorporating Detection Probability and Bias into Uncrewed Aerial System Machine Learning-Based Winter Waterfowl Population Surveys. Oral presentation at the 2023 Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. | February 2023 |
Viegut, R.A.,<b> </b>L. Webb, Z. Tang, Yang Zhang, A. Raedeke, J. Sartwell, Yi Shang. Drones and Ducks: Integration of Unmanned Aerial Systems and Artificial Intelligence for Monitoring Waterfowl Abundance on Conservation Areas in Missouri. Poster presentation at 29th Annual OFWIM Conference. | October 2021 |
Viegut, R., Webb, E., Raedeke, A., Zhang, Y.,Tang, Z., Zhai, Z., Wang, S., Liu, Z., and Shang, Y. 2023. Counting Ducks from Drones: An Integrated System of Unoccupied Aerial Systems and Artificial Intelligence for Estimating Populations of Non-Breeding Waterfowl Abundance. Oral presentation at the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Corpus Christi Texas. | October 2023 |
Viegut, R., Webb, E., Raedeke, A., Zhang, Y.,Tang, Z., Zhai, Z., Wang, S., Liu, Z., and Shang, Y. 2023. An Integrated System of Drones and Artificial Intelligence for Estimating Non-Breeding Waterfowl Abundance. Oral presentation at the North American Duck Symposium, Portland Oregon. | February 2024 |
Verheijen, Bram H.F., Lisa B. Webb, Michael G. Brasher, and Heath M. Hagy. Spatiotemporal dynamics of duck harvest distributions in the Central and Mississippi flyways from 1960–2019. The 2022 Wildlife Society Conference. | November 2022 |
Verheijen, Bram H.F., Lisa B. Webb, Michael G. Brasher, and Heath M. Hagy. Spatiotemporal dynamics of duck harvest distributions in the Central and Mississippi flyways from 1960–2019. The 2022 LMVJV Waterfowl Symposium. | October 2022 |
Verheijen, Bram H.F., Lisa B. Webb, Heath M. Hagy, and Michael G. Brasher. Dynamics of waterfowl harvest distributions in the Central and Mississippi flyways from 1980–2019. Missouri Natural Resources Conference. | February 2022 |
Verheijen, Bram H.F., Lisa B. Webb, Heath M. Hagy, and Michael G. Brasher. Dynamics of duck harvest distributions in the Central and Mississippi flyways from 1980–2019. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference | February 2022 |
Verheijen, B.H.F., E.B. Webb, M.G. Brasher, and H.M. Hagy. 2024. Factors driving longterm changes in duck harvest distributions in the Central and Mississippi Flyways. The 85th Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. St. Louis, Missouri, 19-22 January 2025. | January 2025 |
Verheijen, B.H.F., E.B. Webb, M.G. Brasher, and H.M. Hagy. 2024. Factors driving long-term changes in duck harvest distributions in the Central and Mississippi Flyways. The 9th North American Duck Symposium. Portland, Oregon, 5-9 February 2024. | February 2024 |
Verheijen, B.H.F., E.B. Webb, M.G. Brasher, and H.M. Hagy. 2023. Long-term changes in the hunting landscape and resulting harvest distributions of ducks in the Central and Mississippi Flyways of North America. The Wildlife Society’s 30th Annual Conference. Louisville, Kentucky, 5-9 November 2023. | November 2023 |
Verheijen, B.H.F., E.B. Webb, H.M. Hagy, and M.G. Brasher. 2023. Spatiotemporal dynamics of the waterfowl hunting landscape and resulting harvest distributions in the Central and Mississippi flyways from 1960–2019. 83rd Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Overland Park, Kansas, 12-15 February 2023. | February 2023 |
Verheijen, B.H.F., E.B. Webb, H.M. Hagy, and M.G. Brasher. 2023. Spatiotemporal dynamics of the waterfowl harvest distributions in the Central and Mississippi flyways from 1960–2019. 2023 Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Margaritaville MO, 7-9 February 2023. | February 2023 |
Tidwell, P.R., E.B. Webb, M. Vrtiska, and A. Bishop. 2013. Diet and Food Selection of Female Mallards and Blue-winged Teal During Spring Migration. North American Duck Symposium, Memphis, Tennessee. | January 2013 |
Tapp, J. and E.Webb. Effects of Management on Aquatic Invertebrate Biomass, Production, and Community Composition at Wetland Reserve Program Sites in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley | June 2013 |
Tapp, J. L. and E.B. Webb. 2013. Waterfowl and Shorebird Use of Wetland Reserve Program Sites in Arkansas and Missouri. North American Duck Symposium, Memphis, Tennessee. | January 2013 |
Tapp, J. L. and E.B. Webb. 2013. Dynamics of Waterfowl Food Availability at Wetland Reserve Program Sites in Arkansas and Missouri. North American Duck Symposium, Memphis, Tennessee. | January 2013 |
Tapp, J. L. and E.B. Webb. 2012. Dynamics of Waterbird Use and Food Availability at Wetland Reserve Program Sites in Arkansas and Missouri. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Wichita, Kansas. | December 2012 |
Sweeney, C., E. Webb, J. Steevens, A. Messerman, R. Dorman, and D. Soucek. Establishing Conservative Neonicotinoid Sediment Toxicity Thresholds For Aquatic Insects Through a Combination of Field and Laboratory Studies. Society of Ecotoxicology and Chemistry North America 44th Annual Meeting. | November 2023 |
Sweeney, C., E. Webb, J. Steevens and A. Messerman. Quantifying neonicotinoid concentrations and toxicity thresholds in aquatic macroinvertebrates: implications for wetland-dependent wildlife. Poster presentation at the 9th North American Duck Symposium. Portland Oregon, February 5-9, 2024 | February 2024 |
Sweeney, C., E. Webb, J. Steevens and A. Messerman. Quantifying Clothianidin Persistence and Stability in Missouri Freshwater Sediments. Presentation at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Conference, Oct 23, 2024 | October 2024 |
Sweeney, C., E. Webb, J. Steevens and A. Messerman. Evaluating toxicity implications of neonicotinoid concentrations in sediment on benthic aquatic insects in Missouri wetlands and streams. Ozark Prairie Regional Chapter of Society of Ecotoxicology and Chemistry. | May 2023 |
Smith, D., E.B. Webb, S. Amelon, and S. Marquardt. Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) maternity roost site selection at national wildlife refuges in northern Missouri. Missouri Natural Resources Conference | February 2019 |
Schultz, J.H., S.A. Wilhelm Stanis, M. Morgan, C.J. Lie, D.M. Hall and E.B. Webb. Attitudes of natural resource professionals about voluntary use of nonlead hunting ammunition. | January 2020 |
Schultz, J.H., S.A. Wilhelm Stanis, E.B. Webb, C.J. Li and D.M. Hall. Communication strategies for reducing lead poisoning risks in wildlife and humans. Raptor Research Foundation Annual Conference | October 2021 |
Schultz, J.H., S.A. Wilhelm Stanis, D.M. Hall and E.B. Webb. Staff Perceptions of Factors Influencing a Program Encouraging Voluntary Use of Nonlead Deer Hunting Ammunition | April 2020 |
Schultz, J.H., S.A. Wilhelm Stanis, C.J. Li, M. Morgan, E.B. Webb and D.M. Hall. Assessment of a voluntary nonlead ammunition outreach program on midwestern National Wildlife Refuges. Raptor Research Foundation Annual Conference | October 2021 |
Schultz, J.H., S.A. Wilhelm Stanis, C.J. Li and E.B. Webb. Encouraging Voluntary Use of Nonlead Ammunition on National Wildlife Refuges: Factors Influencing Program Support by Field Staff | April 2020 |
Schepker, T.S., and E. Webb. 2014. Neonicotinoid Insecticides and Wetland Bird Ecology. Semi Annual Missouri Audubon Society Meeting, Lake Ozark, Missouri, USA. | September 2014 |
Schepker, T.S., T. LaGrange, J. Tapp, E. Webb. 2016. Are local site conditions or landscape structure more important in predicting waterbird distribution? Testing competing hypotheses across the non-breeding season | August 2016 |
Schepker, T.S., T. LaGrange, E. Webb. 2017. Is Food Availability a Limited Resource for Waterfowl During Spring Migration? An Energetic Assessment of Playas in Nebraska’s Rainwater Basin. 77th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. | February 2017 |
Schepker, T.S., T. LaGrange, E. Webb. 2016. Evaluating the relationship between local food availability and wetland landscape structure in determining dabbling duck habitat use during migration. North American Duck Symposium 7, Annapolis, Maryland, USA. | February 2016 |
Schepker, T.S., T. LaGrange, E. Webb. 2016. Evaluating the Relationship between Food Availability and Landscape Structure in Determining Waterfowl Habitat use during Spring Migration. The Wildlife Society, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. | October 2016 |
Schepker, T.S., T. LaGrange, E. Webb. 2016. Evaluating Spring Food Resource Phenology For Dabbling Ducks In the Nebraska Rainwater Basin, USA. North American Duck Symposium 7. Annapolis, Maryland, USA | February 2016 |
Schepker, T.S., T. LaGrange, E. Webb. 2015. Waterbird Response to Spring Food Availability on Mid-Latitudinal Wetlands during Migration. 2015 Rainwater Basin Joint Venture Information Seminar, Grand Island, Nebraska, USA. | February 2015 |
Schepker, T.S., T. LaGrange, D. Tillitt, E. Webb. 2016. Neonicotinoids; An Emerging Threat to Wetland-Dependent Wildlife? The Wildlife Society, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. | October 2016 |
Schepker, T.J., E.B. Webb, D. Tillitt and T. LaGrange. Neonicotinoid insecticide concentrations in playas and associations with aquatic macroinvertebrate communities. Playa Wetlands Research Symposium. October 26 & 27, 2022. Kearney, NE. | October 2022 |
Satowski, L., K.W. Goyne, E.B. Webb and D.C. Mengel. Conservation practices for reducing neonicotinoids in aquatic resources: transport and sorption of imidacloprid within vegetated buffer strips and agricultural fields in Missouri | March 2019 |
Ruso, G., K. Martin, E. Meyer, T. Edwards, C. Paukert, and E. Webb. 2023. Passive data loggers reveal stochastic water quality events in remote alpine lakes of the southern Sierra Nevada mountains, California. Ozark-Prairie SETAC Annual Meeting, 15-17 May, 2023. Columbia, MO. | May 2023 |
Ruso, G., K. Martin, E. Meyer, T. Edwards, C. Paukert, and E. Webb. 2022. The Silver Lining: Passive Data Loggers Reveal Effects of Wildfire on Alpine Lakes in the Southern Sierra Nevada, CA. Joint Aquatic Society Annual Meeting, 14-20 May, 2022. Grand Rapids, MI. | May 2022 |
Ruso, G., K. Martin, E. Meyer, D. Cleveland, J. Back, T. Edwards, C. Paukert, and E. Webb. 2023. Potential synergistic effects of nitrogen and copper on algae growth and community structure in an alpine lake of the Sierra Nevada mountains, California. North America SETAC Annual Meeting, 12-16 November, 2023. Louisville, KY. | November 2023 |
Rogosch, J.S., H.I.A Boehm, R.W. Tingley III, K.D. Wright, E.B. Webb, and C.P. Paukert. 2024. Are river restoration projects designed and evaluated to address current stressors to inland fishes? World Fisheries Congress, Seattle WA. Mar 3 - 7, 2024 | March 2024 |
Rogosch, J.S., H.I.A Boehm, K. Ivey, R.W. Tingley III, E.B. Webb, K.D. Wright, and C.P. Paukert. 2021. Assessing restoration effectiveness: a review of river restoration. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Virtual Meeting. February 2-4, 2021. | February 2021 |
Rogosch, J. H. Boehm, R. Tingley, K. Wright, E. Webb, and C. Paukert. 2024. Are river restoration projects designed and evaluated to address current stressors to inland fishes? American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI. | September 2024 |
Podoliak, J., Hicks, D., Womble, S., Brown, R., Webb, L., and Murdock J. Evaluating capacity of restored bottomland hardwood forests to provide multiple ecosystem functions. 2023. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Overland Park, Kansas. | February 2023 |
Podoliak, J., Hicks, D., Womble, S., Brown, R., Webb, L., and Murdock J. Evaluating capability for Wetland Reserve Program easements in the Mississippi Alluvial to support multiple ecosystem functions. 2022. Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley Joint Venture Conference, Memphis TN. | October 2022 |
Podoliak, J., Hicks, D., Womble, S., Brown, R., Webb, L. and Murdock, J. 2022. Evaluating the potential for Wetland Reserve Program easements to provide multiple ecosystem functions. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids Michigan. | May 2022 |
Podoliak, J., D. Hicks and E. Webb. The role of habitat diversity in structuring biotic communities on Wetland Reserve Program Easements in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Quebec RE3 Conference | June 2020 |
Podoliak, J., D. Hicks and E. Webb. The role of habitat diversity in structuring avian communities on Wetland Reserve Program Easements in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. | September 2020 |
Podoliak, J., D. Hicks and E. Webb. Assessing biotic communities on Wetland Reserve Program Easements in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. West Tennessee Water Resources Conference | February 2020 |
Podoliak, J. , D. Hicks, and E. Webb. Habitat diversity on Wetland Reserve Program easements can increase avian species richness. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Associations Annual Conference. October 26, 2020. | October 2020 |
Podoliak, J, Hicks D, and Webb L. Habitat factors influencing avian community richness on Wetland Reserve Program easements vary across seasons. AOS & SCO-SOC 2021 Virtual Meeting.<br><br><b> </b> | August 2021 |
Podoliak, J, Hicks D, and Webb L. Habitat factors influencing avian community composition on restored Wetland Reserve Program easements vary across season. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Associations annual conference. | October 2021 |
Pierce, R.A., F. Nelson and E. Webb. 2017. Biology and Management of Wood Ducks in Missouri. University of Missouri Extension. | April 2017 |
Paukert, C. P. and E. B. Webb. 2019. Harvest as a tool to manage undesirable or overabundant species. American Fisheries Society/The Wildlife Society Joint Annual Meeting, Reno, NV | April 2019 |
Owen, RK, C. Li, EB Webb and KW Goyne. Playa Ecosystem Vulnerability in Future Climates: Stakeholder Perceptions in the Great Plains. Society & Natural Resources Conference | June 2018 |
Owen, R.K., K.W. Goyne and E.B Webb. Predicting playa vulnerability to future climate conditions through a greenhouse experiment. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Conference. June 5-8, 2017. Lincoln, NE. | June 2017 |
Owen, R.K., K.W. Goyne and E.B Webb. Playa Wetlands: Ecosystem Functions and Potential Risks in a Changing Climate. Soil Science of America Meeting Nov. 6-9, 2016. Phoenix, AZ. | November 2016 |
Owen, R.K., K.W. Goyne and E.B Webb. How will playa plant communities respond to a changing climate? Inferences from a greenhouse experiment . Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference Feb. 5-8, 2017. Lincoln, NE. | February 2017 |
Owen, R.K., E.B. Webb, D. A Haukos and K. W. Goyne. Projected climate and land use changes drive wetland plant community composition in playas. Playa Wetlands Research Symposium. October 26 & 27, 2022. Kearney, NE. | October 2022 |
Owen, R.K., D. Fowler, E.B. Webb, K.W. Goyne, and D. Haukos. Playas to Potholes: How will climate change impact soil biogeochemistry in Great Plains prairie wetlands? | January 2019 |
Oldenburger, S.L., M Brasher, J. Brice, E. Carrera, J.M. Eadie, D. Eggeman, J. Foth, M. Gloutney, A. Janke, R. Kaminski, K. Ringelman, C. Roy and E.B. Webb. The North American Waterfowl Professional Educational Plan Objectives, accomplishments, and opportunities in training the next generation of waterfowl conservationists. North American Arctic Goose Conference | December 2022 |
O'Daniels, S.T., D.C. Kesler, J.D. Mihail, E.B. Webb, and S.J. Werner. 2016. Ultraviolet condition of wood may influence foraging substrate selection by Pileated Woodpeckers (Dryocopus pileatus). 53rd Annual Animal Behavior Society Conference. Columbia, MO. | August 2016 |
O'Daniels, S.T., D.C. Kesler, J.D. Mihail, E.B Webb, and S.J. Werner. 2016. On the visual ecology of woodpeckers. 6th North American Ornithological Conference. Washington, D.C. | August 2016 |
O'Daniels, S.T., D.C. Kesler, E.B. Webb, S.J. Werner, J.D. Mihail. 2016. Could spectral characteristics of decayed wood signal woodpeckers? 27th Vertebrate Pest Conference, Newport Beach, CA, 7-10 March, 2016. | March 2016 |
O'Daniels, S., D. Kesler, E. Webb, and S. Werner. Behavioral Evidence for Functionally Significant Sensitivity to Ultraviolet Wavelengths in a Woodpecker, Dryocopus pileatus. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, IN | February 2015 |
O'Daniels, S., D. Kesler, E. Webb, S. Werner, and J. Mihail. Functionally Significant Sensitivity to Ultraviolet Wavelengths in the Pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus): Implications for Woodpecker Interactions with Wood Decay Fungi and Anthropogenic Structures. American Ornithologists' Union and Cooper's Ornithological Society Joint Meeting. Norman, Oklahoma. | July 2015 |
Mengel, D., F. Nelson, A. Raedeke, and E. Webb. 2013. First Steps in Wetland Management ARM: Developing a Decision-Support Tool. North American Duck Symposium, Memphis, Tennessee. | January 2013 |
Mcculloch-Huseby, E.C., Webb, E.B., McKenna, O.P., 2023. Use of a mechanistic hydrology model to identify shifts in wet-season initiation and duration in response to climate change in a prairie pothole wetland complex | February 2023 |
Malone, K.M., E.B. Webb and D. Mengel. A meta-analysis to quantify secretive marshbird habitat use across the full annual cycle in the Mississippi Flyway | October 2020 |
Malone, K.M., E.B. Webb and D. Mengel. Quantifying secretive marshbird habitat use across the full annual cycle in theMississippi Flyway: a meta-analysis | September 2020 |
Main, Anson R., Webb, Elisabeth B., Kuechle, K., and D. Mengel. Response of benthic invertebrates to experimental manipulation of neonicotinoid insecticides in Missouri wetlands. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Puerto Rico, 5-8 June 2017. | June 2017 |
Main, A.R., Webb, E.B., Kuechle, K., and Mengel, D. 2017. Response of benthic invertebrates to experimental manipulation of neonicotinoid insecticides in Missouri wetlands. Ecological Society of America, Portland, Oregon, 6-11 August 2017. | August 2017 |
Main, A.R., Webb, E.B., Goyne, K.W., and Mengel, D. 2017. Impacts of neonicotinoid seed-treatment use on non-target native pollinator abundance and diversity in Missouri agroecosystems. 38th Annual Meeting, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC),Minneapolis, MN, 12-16 November, 2017. | November 2017 |
Main, A.R., Webb, E.B., Goyne, K.W., and Mengel, D. 2017. Effects of neonicotinoid seed-treatment use on non-target native pollinator communities in Missouri agricultural fields and field margins. Ecological Society of America, Portland, Oregon, 6-11 August 2017. | August 2017 |
Main, A.R., Webb, E.B., Goyne, K.W., and Mengel, D. 2016. Effects of neonicotinoid seed-treatment use on non-target native pollinator communities in Missouri field margins and agricultural fields. | November 2016 |
Main, A.R., Webb, E.B., Goyne, K.W., and D. Mengel. 2018. Impacts of neonicotinoid seed-treatment use on native pollinator abundance and diversity in Missouri agroecosystems. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage, MO, 31 January - 2 February, 2018. | February 2018 |
Main, A.R., Webb, E.B., Goyne, K.W., and D. Mengel. 2018. Impacts of neonicotinoid seed-treatment use on native pollinator abundance and diversity in Missouri agroecosystems. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, WI, 28-31 January, 2018. | January 2018 |
Main, A.R., Webb, E.B., Goyne, K.W., and D. Mengel. 2018. Assessing native bee abundance and species richness in imidacloprid-treated soybean fields and surrounding field-margins | November 2018 |
Main, A.R., Webb, E.B., Goyne, K.W., Abney, R., and D. Mengel. 2019. Impacts of neonicotinoids on native pollinators: Evaluating wild bee guilds in field-margins surrounding imidacloprid-treated soybean fields. 79th Annual Meeting, Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Cleveland, OH, 27-30 January, 2019. | January 2019 |
Main, A.R., E.B. Webb, K.W. Goyne, R. Abney and D. Mengel. 2020. A multi-year field experiment testing effects of imidacloprid-seed treatment use on wild bee functional guilds of Midwestern agroecosystems. American Chemical Society Conference, San Francisco, CA, 16-20 August, 2020. | August 2020 |
Main, A.R., Abney, R., Webb, E.B., Mengel, D., and K.W. Goyne. 2019. Impacts of neonicotinoids on native pollinators: Evaluating wild bee guilds in field margins surrounding imidacloprid-treated soybean fields. Ozark-Prairie and MidSouth Regional Chapters of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Joint Meeting. St. Louis, MO, 13-15 May, 2019. | May 2019 |
Main, A., Webb, E.B., Hladik, M. 2017. Neonicotinoid Insecticides: Potential impacts on non-target organisms and ecosystems. 38th Annual Meeting, SETAC North America, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 12-17 November, 2017. | November 2017 |
MacPherson, M., E. Webb, A. Raedeke, D. Mengel and F. Nelson. 2018. Waterfowl as umbrella taxa for wetland management decisions: using Bayesian belief networks to evaluate potential for other taxa under the umbrella. Society of Wetland Scientists Conference | June 2018 |
Leach, B.A., E.B. Webb, D.C. Carter and P. Link. Identifying spring migration routes and phenology for blue-winged teal using GSM satellite transmitters. North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, MB, August 26-30. | August 2019 |
Leach, B., E. Webb, W. Beatty and P. Link. 2024. Non-breeding habitat selection of Blue-winged teal throughout the Central and Mississippi Flyways. 9th North American Duck Symposium, Portland Oregon, February 5-9, 2024. | February 2024 |
Leach, B., E. Webb, W. Beatty and P. Link. 2022. Quantifying Migration Chronology and Habitat Selection of Blue-winged Teal throughout the Central and Mississippi Flyways. The Wildlife Society Conference. | November 2022 |
Leach, B., E. Webb, W. Beatty and P. Link. 2022. Migration Phenology and Habitat Selection of Adult Female Blue-winged Teal throughout the Central and Mississippi Flyways. Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture Symposium. | October 2022 |
Leach, B., E. Webb, W. Beatty and P. Link. 2022. Migration Phenology and Habitat Selection Patterns of Blue-winged Teal in the Central and Mississippi Flyways. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. | February 2022 |
Leach, B., E. Webb, W. Beatty and P. Link. 2021. Quantifying migration phenology of adult female Blue-winged Teal (Spatula discors) throughout the Central and Mississippi Flyway using GPS/GSM transmitters. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Conference | October 2021 |
LaRose, J., D. Finke and E. Webb. Comparing bee and grasshopper communities in Missouri's reconstructed and remnant prairies. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference | January 2018 |
LaRose, J., D. Finke and E. Webb. Are prairie reconstructions working for invertebrates? Grasshopper and bee communities in remnant vs, restored prairies. Ecological Society of America | August 2017 |
Kuechle, K.., E.B. Webb, D.C. Mengel and A. Main. Occurrence and drivers of neonicotinoid concentrations in Missouri floodplain wetlands. North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, MB, August 26-30. | August 2019 |
Kuechle, K.., E.B. Webb and D.C. Mengel. Factors influencing neonicotinoid insecticide occurrence and concentration in Missouri floodplain wetlands | March 2019 |
Kuechle, K, E. B. Webb, D. Mengel, and A. Main. 2019. Impacts of neonicotinoid treated corn to aquatic invertebrates in floodplain wetlands. North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, MB, August 26-30. | August 2019 |
Kuechle, K, E. B. Webb, D. Mengel, and A. Main. 2019. A field study assessing effects of neonicotinoid insecticides to aquatic invertebrates: implications for wetland-dependent taxa. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, May 28-31. | May 2019 |
Kuechle, K, E. B. Webb, D. Mengel, and A. Main. 2019. A field study assessing effects of neonicotinoid insecticides to aquatic invertebrates: implications for wetland-dependent taxa. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, January 27-30. | January 2019 |
Kuechle, K, E. B. Webb, D. Mengel, A. Main, and D. Tillitt. 2018. A field study assessing direct application of neonicotinoid seed treatment in wetlands: implications for aquatic invertebrate communities. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting, Sacramento California, November 4-8. | November 2018 |
Kuechle, K, E. B. Webb, D. Mengel and A. Main. 2017. Wetland sediment contamination by neonicotinoid insecticides: a study of Missouri land practices. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Annual Meeting, Minneapolis Minnesota, 12-16 November 2017. | November 2017 |
Kuechle, K, E. B. Webb, D. Mengel and A. Main. 2017. Spatial and temporal heterogeneity of neonicotinoid concentrations in Missouri public wetlands. 2017. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach MO, 1 - 3 February 2017 | February 2017 |
Kuechle, K, E. B. Webb, D. Mengel and A. Main. 2017. Response of wetland food webs to neonicotinoid insecticide contamination. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee Wisconsin, 28-31 January 2018. | January 2018 |
Kuechle, K, E. B. Webb, D. Mengel and A. Main. 2017. Quantifying neonicotinoid concentrations in Missouri public wetlands: the relationship to agricultural land use. 77th Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Lincoln NE, 5 - 8 February 2017 | February 2017 |
Kuechle, K, E. B. Webb, D. Mengel and A. Main. 2017. Patterns of neonicotinoid concentrations in Missouri public wetlands: implications for wetland-dependent organisms. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, San Juan Puerto Rico, 5 - 8 June 2017. | June 2017 |
Kuechle, K, E. B. Webb, D. Mengel and A. Main. 2017. Neonicotinoids in Missouri public wetlands: a summary of preliminary results and future research. USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center seminar series, Columbia Missouri, 4 October 2017. | October 2017 |
Kuechle, K, E. B. Webb, D. Mengel and A. Main. 2017. Neonicotinoid concentrations in Missouri wetland sediments: the relationship to watershed and wetland land practices. Ozark-Prairie Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Annual Meeting, Columbia Missouri, 15-17 May 2017. | May 2017 |
Kuechle, K, E. B. Webb, D. Mengel and A. Main. 2017. Landscape drivers of wetland sediment neonicotinoid concentrations in Missouri public wetlands. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, January 31-February 2 2018. | February 2018 |
Kuechle, K, E. B. Webb, D. Mengel and A. Main. 2017. Impacts of neonicotinoid seed-treatments on aquatic invertebrates in Missouri wetland ecosystems. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Annual Meeting, Minneapolis Minnesota, 12-16 November 2017. | November 2017 |
Kuechle, K, E. B. Webb, D. Mengel and A. Main. 2017. Do neonicotinoid insecticides cause trophic cascades between aquatic and terrestrial systems? A test using emerging aquatic invertebrates and tree swallows as model organisms. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Annual Meeting, Minneapolis Minnesota, 12-16 November 2017. | November 2017 |
Kuechle, K, E. B. Webb, D. Mengel and A. Main. 2017. Aquatic invertebrate response to neonicotinoid insecticide contamination of Missouri wetlands. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, January 31-February 2 2018. | February 2018 |
Kemink, K., L. Webb and B. Ross. Why we need more women in STEM leadership roles: innovations to overcome obstacles and identify solutions. North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, MB, August 26-30, 2019. | August 2019 |
Kamps, J., C. Paukert, E. Webb and F. Nelson. Sampling method considerations for surveying fish and amphibians in Missouri wetlands | April 2019 |
Kamps, J., C. Paukert, E. Webb and F. Nelson. A comparison of sampling methods for surveying fish and amphibians in Missouri wetlands. | April 2019 |
Johnson, M., J. Arroyo, R. Bauer, R. Blakey, C. Brown, J. Cole, C. Dillingham, D. Kesler, K. Roby, J. Seymour, R. Siegel, A. Stillman, M. Tinley and E. Webb. 2020. <b>Coordinated regulatory compliance activities increased knowledge acquisition and reduced latency to management application. </b>North American Congress for Conservation Biology | July 2020 |
Hill, E.B., E.B. Webb and D.C. Mengel. Linking Wetland Management Decisions to Secretive Marsh Bird Habitat Use During Spring Migration on Public Wetlands in Missouri. | October 2017 |
Hill, E.B., E.B. Webb and D.C. Mengel. Linking Wetland Management Decisions to Least Bittern Nest Selection and Breeding Success. | October 2017 |
Hill, E., E. Webb. and D. Mengel. Nesting habitat characteristics and nest success of secretive marsh birds on public wetlands in Missouri. Midwest Bird Conservation and Monitoring Workshop, Port Washington, Wisconsin | August 2014 |
Hill, E., E. Webb. and D. Mengel. Linking Wetland Management to the Distribution, Habitat Use and Nesting Effort of Secretive Marhs Birds on Missouri Public Wetlands. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, Missouri | January 2014 |
Hill, E., E. Webb. and D. Mengel. Linking Wetland Management to the Distribution and Habitat Use Secretive Marsh Birds in Missouri | October 2014 |
Hill, E., E. Webb. and D. Mengel. How wetland management strategies affect the habitat associations of secretive marsh birds on public wetlands in Missouri. | February 2015 |
Hill, E., E. Webb. and D. Mengel. Effect of wetland management strategies on the distribution and habitat associations of secretive marsh birds on public wetlands in Missouri. Midwest Bird Conservation and Monitoring Workshop, Port Washington, Wisconsin. | August 2014 |
Hill, E., E. Webb. and D. Mengel. Connecting wetland management strategies to the habitat relationships of secretive marsh birds on public wetlands in Missouri. | February 2015 |
Hidden, B., P. Marley, E. Webb., A. Raedeke, S. Gao. Modeling inundation probability for Missouri wetlands within the Grand and Missouri River Ecoregion. Missouri GIS Conference, 2015 meeting, Springfield, Missouri. | February 2015 |
Hidden, B., E. Webb., and A. Raedeke. Modeling Inundation of Missouri’s National Wetland Inventory Wetlands in Autumn. North American Duck Symposium, Annual meeting 2016, Annapolis Maryland | February 2016 |
Hidden, B., E. Webb., and A. Raedeke. Modeling Inundation Probability of Missouri Wetlands During Fall Waterfowl Migration. The Wildlife Society, Annual meeting 2015, Winnipeg Manitoba. | October 2015 |
Hidden, B., E. Webb., A. Raedeke, and S. Gao. How Many Birds Are We Missing? Assessing Waterfowl Distribution and Abundance in Missouri Using an Aerial Strip-transect Survey. North American Duck Symposium, Annual meeting 2016, Annapolis Maryland | February 2016 |
Hidden, B., E. Webb. and A. Raedeke. Modeling probability of wetland inundation for the Grand and Missouri River Ecoregion in autumn. Society of Wetland Scientists, 2015 Annual Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island | June 2015 |
Hidden, B., E. Webb. and A. Raedeke. Modeling probability of wetland inundation for Missouri wetlands in autumn . Missouri Natural Resource Conference, Osage Beach Missouri. | February 2015 |
Hidden, B., E. Webb. and A. Raedeke. Modeling inundation probability for Missouri wetlands within the Grand and Missouri River Ecoregion. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, In | February 2015 |
Hidden, B., E. Webb, A. Raedeke, and S. Gao. An Aerial Strip-transect Survey to Assess Autumn Waterfowl Distribution and Abundance in Missouri. The Wildlife Society, Annual meeting 2016, Raleigh, North Carolina. Oral. October 15, 2016. | October 2016 |
Hicks, D., Podoliak, J., Webb, E. 2022. Quantifying Conservation Return on Investment for Restored Bottomland Hardwood Wetlands. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids Michigan, May 14-20, 2022. | February 2022 |
Hicks, D., Podoliak, J., Webb, E. 2022. Quantifying Conservation Return on Investment for Restored Bottomland Hardwood Wetlands. 82nd Annual Meeting, Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines Iowa, February 13-16, 2022. | February 2022 |
Hicks, D., J. Podoliak, and E. Webb. Wetland bird respond to habitat variables associated with wetland restoration: an evaluation of Wetland Reserve Program easements in western Kentucky and Tennessee. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference | February 2021 |
Hicks, D., J. Podoliak, and E. Webb. Quantifying Conservation Return on Investment for Restored Bottomland Hardwood Wetlands. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Conference | October 2021 |
Hicks, D., J. Podoliak, and E. Webb. How do wetland birds respond to habitat variables associated with wetland restoration? An evaluation of Wetland Reserve Program easements in western Kentucky and Tennessee. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Associations Annual Conference. October 26, 2020. | October 2020 |
Hicks, D., J. Podoliak, and E. Webb. How do wetland birds respond to habitat variables associated with wetland restoration? An evaluation of Wetland Reserve Program easements in western Kentucky and Tennessee. | September 2020 |
Haverly, Z., J. Tapp, and E. Webb. Effects of Inundation Patterns and Vegetation on Macroinvertebrate Biomass and Richness in Seasonal Wetlands. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, Missouri | January 2014 |
Guyton, J. E. Webb, C. Paukert, and F. Nelson. Nothing but net: Developing a rapid assessment protocol to monitor fish in Missouri wetlands. Missouri Natural Resources Conference. Osage Beach, MO | February 2016 |
Guyton, J. E. Webb, C. Paukert, and F. Nelson. Developing a rapid assessment protocol to monitor fish in Missouri wetlands. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI | January 2016 |
Guyton, J. E. Webb, C. Paukert, and F. Nelson. 2017. Integrating less visible taxa into wetland management: methods for surveying fish and amphibians. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico | June 2017 |
Guyton, J. E. Webb, C. Paukert, and F. Nelson. 2017. Influence of wetland design and hydrologic connectivity on fish and amphibian species richness in managed floodplain wetlands. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico | June 2017 |
Guyton, J. E. Webb, C. Paukert, and F. Nelson. 2016. What lies beneath? Identifying the most effective method to sample fish and amphibian communities in Missouri wetlands. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2017 |
Guyton, J. E. Webb, C. Paukert, and F. Nelson. 2016. What Lies beneath? Identifying the most effective method to sample fish and amphibian communities in Missouri wetlands. The Wildlife Society Conference, Raleigh, NC. | October 2016 |
Guyton, J. E. Webb, C. Paukert, and F. Nelson. 2016. What Lies beneath? Identifying the most effective method to sample fish and amphibian communities in Missouri wetlands. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. | February 2017 |
Guyton, J. E. Webb, C. Paukert, and F. Nelson. 2016. Don’t put a fish out of water: developing sampling protocols to integrate fish into wetland management decisions. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO. | August 2016 |
Gray, M.J, H.M. Hagy, and E.B. Webb. 2013. Obtaining Reliable Estimates of Food Availability in Moist-soil Wetlands for Dabbling Ducks. North American Duck Symposium, Memphis, Tennessee. | January 2013 |
Fowler, D.N, M.P. Vrtiska, and E.B. Webb. 2018. Selective harvest: evaluating differences in body condition of lesser snow and Ross's Geese during spring migration by harvest technique during the Light Goose Conservation Order. 14th North American Arctic Goose Conference. Lincoln, NE. 14 - 17 March, 2018. | March 2018 |
Fowler, D.N, K.A. Hobson, M.P. Vrtiska, and E.B. Webb. 2018. Do nutrient acquisition strategies differ among spring migrants depending on breeding area destination? A test using lesser snow geese. 14th North American Arctic Goose Conference. Lincoln, NE. 14 - 17 March, 2018. | March 2018 |
Fowler, D.N, J.L. Dooley, M.D. Weegman, R.F. Rockwell, M.P. Vrtiska, and E.B. Webb. 2018. Evaluating heterogeneous adult survival among subpopulations in midcontinent lesser snow geese. 14th North American Arctic Goose Conference. Lincoln, NE. 14 - 17 March, 2018. | March 2018 |
Fowler, D. N., M. P. Vrtiska, and E. B. Webb. 2017. Selective harvest: evaluating differences in body condition of lesser snow and Ross’s Geese by harvest technique during the Light Goose Conservation Order. 2017 Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska. February 5-8. | February 2017 |
Fowler, D. N., M. P. Vrtiska, and E. B. Webb. 2016. Does body condition of lesser snow and Ross’s Geese harvested during the Light Goose Conservation Order differ from the general population? Oral presentation. 2016 Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Raleigh, North Carolina. October 15-19. | October 2016 |
Fowler, D. N., E. B. Webb, K. A. Hobson, and M. P. Vrtiska. 2016. Using Isotopic Signatures of Arctic and Sub-arctic Nesting Colonies to Determine Breeding Origin of Harvested Lesser Snow Geese. 7th North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland, 1-5 February 2016. | February 2016 |
Fowler, D. N, Webb, E. B., Hobson, K. A., and M. P. Vrtiska. 2018. Shifting regional habitat use improves body lipid content: Winter carry over effects on spring body condition in a long distant migrant . North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, MB, August 26-30. | August 2019 |
Fowler, D. N, Webb, E. B., Hobson, K. A., and M. P. Vrtiska. 2018. Ghosts of habitat past or future? The role of wintering and breeding locations on spring body condition in a long distant migrant. Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society, Cleveland, Ohio, 7-11 October 2018. | October 2018 |
Fowler, D, N., M. P. Vrtiska, K. A. Hobson and E. B. Webb. 2017. Do nutrient acquisition strategies among spring migrants differ depending on breeding area destination? A test using lesser snow geese. Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society , Albuquerque, NM, 23-27, 2017. | September 2017 |
Fowler, D, M. P. Vrtiska and E. B. Webb. 2015. Which geese are being harvested? Body condition of lesser snow (Chen caerulescens caerulescens) and Ross’s Geese (C. rossii) harvested by different methods during the Light Goose Conservation Order. North American Arctic Goose Conference, Winnipeg, MB, CA, 15-17 April 2015. | April 2015 |
Edwards, J.W., E.B. Webb, D.N. Fowler, P. Link and B. Leach. Environmental factors influencing blue-winged teal spring migration initiation and subsequent migratory movements. 9th North American Duck Symposium, Portland, Oregon. February 2024 | February 2024 |
Edwards, J.W., E. B. Webb, D. N. Fowler, P. T. Link, and C. Nicolai. 2025. Surfing the 'Mucky' Blue Wave: Is blue-winged teal nonbreeding season resource selection influenced by fine-scale variation in wetland availability? Annual conference of the Waterbird Society. January 6 -9, 2025. San Juan, Costa Rica. | January 2025 |
Edwards, J. W., E. B. Webb, D. N. Fowler, P. T. Link, and C. Nicolai. 2025. Surfing the Blue Wave: Is blue-winged teal resource selection influenced by fine-scale variation in wetland availability?. 2025 Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, January 19-22, 2025. St. Louis, Missouri. | January 2025 |
Dinges, A. E.B. Webb, and M.P. Vrtiska. 2013. Migratory Bird Hunter Opinions on Future Control Options for Light Goose Populations. North American Duck Symposium, Memphis, Tennessee. | January 2013 |
Dinges, A. E.B. Webb, and M.P. Vrtiska. 2013. Hunting Disturbance and its Effects on Dabbling Ducks During the Light Goose Conservation Order in the Rainwater Basin of Nebraska. North American Duck Symposium, Memphis, Tennessee. | January 2013 |
Dinges, A. E.B. Webb, and M.P. Vrtiska. 2012. Behavior and Distribution of Dabbling Ducks During the Light Goose Conservation Order in the Rainwater Basin of Nebraska. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Wichita, Kansas. | December 2012 |
Derek Corcoran, Dylan C. Kesler, Elisabeth Webb and Matthew Johnson. 2016. Burn, Baby, Burn: Effects of Wildfire on Bat Species Occupancy Probability in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. San Antonio, TX. NASBR | October 2016 |
Dearborn, J., E. Webb. S. Amelon and S. Marquardt. Roost site habitat selection by maternity colonies of federally endangered Myotis sodalis in bottomland hardwood forests Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. 2017. | February 2017 |
Dearborn, J., E. Webb. S. Amelon and S. Marquardt. Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) maternity colony roost site habitat selection in bottomland hardwood forests. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI | January 2016 |
Davis, J.B., R.M. Kaminski, F.J. Vilella, P.J. Barbour, and E. Webb. 2017. Evaluations of NRCS’s Migratory Bird Habitat Initiative (MBHI). Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference. New Orleans, LA. | February 2017 |
Brewer, D>E>, E.B. Webb, A.E, Mini and S.K. McKnight. Using Bayesian Network Analysis to identify habitat distribution for a secretive marsh bird of conservation concern. American Ornithological Society Conference, Estes Park, CO, October 2024. | October 2024 |
Boehm, H., C. Paukert, and E. Webb. 2020. A review of fish-based metrics used to evaluate floodplain restoration objectives World Fisheries Congress, Adelaide, Australia. | October 2020 |
Beatty, B., E. Webb, D. Kesler, D. Humburg, L. Naylor, A. Raedeke, and S. Schaeffer. Mid-continent Mallard Habitat Use and Selection of Wetland Reserve Program Easements During Migration and Winter. North American Duck Symposium, Memphis, Tennessee. | January 2013 |
Beatty, B. E. Webb, D. Kesler, D. Humburg, L. Naylor, A. Raedeke, and S. Schaeffer. Mallard Selection of Private Lands Enrolled in Conservation Easement Programs. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Wichita, Kansas. | December 2012 |
Amelon, S., D. Barrios, J. Dearborn, S. Marquardt and E. Webb. Habitat Characteristics Influencing Summer Occupancy of Myotis Species in Bottomland Hardwood Ecosystems. San Antonio, TX. NASBR October 2016. | October 2016 |
Amelon, S., D. Barrios, J. Dearborn, S. Marquardt and E. Webb. Habitat Characteristics Influencing Summer Occupancy of Myotis Species in Bottomland Hardwood Ecosystems. Lincoln, NB. Midwest F&W Conference. February 2017. | February 2017 |
Abney, R., E.B. Webb, D. Mengel, and A. Main. 2020. Sub-lethal Effects of Neonicotinoids on Native Bees: Evaluating Cavity-nesting Wild Bee Reproduction in Missouri Agroecosystems | February 2020 |
Abney, R., E.B. Webb, D. Mengel, and A. Main. 2020. Impacts of neonicotinoids on native bees: evaluating cavity-nesting wild bee reproduction in field-margins surrounding Imidacloprid-treated soybean fields | January 2020 |
Tidwell, P.R., E.B. Webb, M. Vrtiska, and A. Bishop. 2013. Effects of Wetland Density on Lipid and Triglyceride Levels in Spring Migrating Mallards and Blue-winged Teal. North American Duck Symposium, Memphis, Tennessee. | January 2013 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
The Wildlife Society - Vice-Chair of the Wildlife Working Group | Webb | September 2013 | September 2016 |
The Wildlife Society - Society | Webb | January 2011 | Present |
Society for Wetland Scientists - Member | Webb | Present | |
Ecological Society of America - Society | Webb | March 2017 | Present |