Headquarters News and Information Activities

News Item | Date |
Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program - 2020 Research Abstracts - This report provides abstracts of most of the ongoing and recently completed research investigations of the USGS Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units program. The report is organized by the following major science themes that contribute to the objectives of the USGS: Advanced Technologies - Climate Science - Decision Science - Ecological Flows - Ecosystem Services - Energy - Fish and Wildlife Health and Disease - Human Dimensions - Invasive Species - Landscape Ecology - Species and Habitat Management - Species of Greatest Conservation Need - Threatened and Endangered Species |
July 2021 |
Other Documents |
At-A-Glance - Summary of the 2023 CRU Year in Review - Murphy, C.E., Irwin, E.R., Childs, D.E., Dennerline, D.E., and Mawdsley, J.R. 2024. At-a-Glance - Summary of the 2023 U.S. Geological Survey Cooperative Research Unit Program Year in Review: US Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2024-3006, 4 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/fs20243006 |
CRU Expertise Directory (12/21/2022) - Directory of Expertise for CRU scientists - Document contains an overview of the CRU program, an explanation of the process to identify and fund needed research and a page for each scientist (by Unit) to convey their research expertise, the taxon groups they’ve studied, a short biography and their recent projects and publications. |
Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program - 2020 Research Abstracts - This report provides abstracts of most of the ongoing and recently completed research investigations of the USGS Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units program. The report is organized by the following major science themes that contribute to the objectives of the USGS: Advanced Technologies - Climate Science - Decision Science - Ecological Flows - Ecosystem Services - Energy - Fish and Wildlife Health and Disease - Human Dimensions - Invasive Species - Landscape Ecology - Species and Habitat Management - Species of Greatest Conservation Need - Threatened and Endangered Species |
Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program - 2020 Year in Review - Thompson, J.D., Dennerline, D.E., Childs, D.E., and Jodice, P.G.R., 2021, Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units program—2020 Year in review (ver. 1.1, March 2021): U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1478, 22 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/cir1478. |
Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program - 2021 Year in Review - Childs, D.E., 2022, Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units program — 2021 year in review: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1491, 25 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/cir1491. |
Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program - 2022 Year in Review - Irwin, E.R., Dennerline, D.E., Grand, J.B., and Mawdsley, J. 2023. Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program - 2022 year in review: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1505, 44 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/cir1505. |
The Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program - Second edition of the book written by former Chief Reid Goforth. This book is about the Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program; how it operates, how it originated and how it has evolved through the years. |
WAFWA Directory of CRU Science Expertise - Directory of CRU Science Expertise for Units in the WAFWA member states |