Headquarters Technical Assistance Activities

As part of our mission, each of the Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit scientists routinely provides technical assistance ranging from data analysis support, GIS mapping, workshops, and consultations on a variety of natural resource issues.
Examples of technical assistance recently provided to state, federal and university cooperators are provided below.
Description and Agency | Provider(s) | Date |
USGS Cooperative Research Unit Corner; Wildlife Management Institute Outdoor News Bulletin. Featured Story, September 2020. Incorporating “Big Hairy Audacious Goals” into Natural Resource Research, Management, and Conservation https://wildlifemanagement.institute/outdoor-news-bulletin/september-2020/incorporating-big-hairy-audacious-goals-natural-resource<br><br><br> Wildlife Management Institute |
Mather, Childs | July 2020 |
Co-led 4 day workshop applying SDM to communications strategies for the CRU nationally. USGS |
Robinson, McGowan, Sells, Irwin | October 2024 |
Outreach Activity | Provider(s) | Date |
This report highlights the activities and accomplishments of the program and its cooperators for calendar year 2020. | Childs | March 2021 |
This ESRI geo-narrative story map accompanies the 2019 Program Annual Report. | Childs | March 2019 |
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) serves as the research arm of the U.S. Department of the Interior and has established a series of strategic goals that focus its efforts on serving the American people. Within the USGS, the Ecosystems Mission Area is responsible for conducting and sponsoring research that addresses the following thematic objectives under the overarching strategic goal of “Science that Supports Our Resources in Wild and Urban Spaces, and the Landscapes In-Between | Childs | March 2021 |
Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit blog platform is featured on TUMBLR. | Childs | January 2018 |
2020 Cooperative Research Units Program geo-narrative story map is a companion outreach platform and accompanies the 2020 Program annual report. | Childs | March 2021 |